This document outlines the job hazard analysis for the fabrication, installation, and painting of a support. It identifies 6 key job steps and their associated potential hazards and control measures. The steps include pre-task planning, tool and material preparation, fabrication, erection, installation, and housekeeping. Potential hazards addressed are miscommunication, ergonomic injuries, lacerations, hand injuries, falls from heights, slips, trips, and being struck by objects. Control measures specified are conducting toolbox talks, proper lifting techniques, use of gloves and other PPE, fall protection equipment, scaffold securing, hazard training, and supervision.
This document outlines the job hazard analysis for the fabrication, installation, and painting of a support. It identifies 6 key job steps and their associated potential hazards and control measures. The steps include pre-task planning, tool and material preparation, fabrication, erection, installation, and housekeeping. Potential hazards addressed are miscommunication, ergonomic injuries, lacerations, hand injuries, falls from heights, slips, trips, and being struck by objects. Control measures specified are conducting toolbox talks, proper lifting techniques, use of gloves and other PPE, fall protection equipment, scaffold securing, hazard training, and supervision.
This document outlines the job hazard analysis for the fabrication, installation, and painting of a support. It identifies 6 key job steps and their associated potential hazards and control measures. The steps include pre-task planning, tool and material preparation, fabrication, erection, installation, and housekeeping. Potential hazards addressed are miscommunication, ergonomic injuries, lacerations, hand injuries, falls from heights, slips, trips, and being struck by objects. Control measures specified are conducting toolbox talks, proper lifting techniques, use of gloves and other PPE, fall protection equipment, scaffold securing, hazard training, and supervision.
This document outlines the job hazard analysis for the fabrication, installation, and painting of a support. It identifies 6 key job steps and their associated potential hazards and control measures. The steps include pre-task planning, tool and material preparation, fabrication, erection, installation, and housekeeping. Potential hazards addressed are miscommunication, ergonomic injuries, lacerations, hand injuries, falls from heights, slips, trips, and being struck by objects. Control measures specified are conducting toolbox talks, proper lifting techniques, use of gloves and other PPE, fall protection equipment, scaffold securing, hazard training, and supervision.
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Fabrication/Installation/Painting of Support.
1. Pre task planning / TBM Miscommunication Conduct tool box meeting prior to start the work activities 2. Preparation of tools Ergonomics / improper Observe and implement materials to be use hand lifting ,caught-in proper hand lifting hazards, and laceration Body body system 3. Fabrication of support Hand injury/Laceration Employees to wear working gloves Hazard awareness training by means of toolbox talk 3. Erection/Installation of Hand injury Employees to wear scaffolding at working area working gloves Fall from heights Must provide life line Ensure skilled and competent personnel to perform this job Proper usage of appropriate PPE’s such as Full Body harness Hazard awareness training by means of tool box talk 4. Installation of support Fall from heights, Secured scaffolds Wear full body harness Provide lifeline if necessary 5. Painting of support Fall from heights, Wear full body harness Provide lifeline if necessary 6. House keeping Fall , slip , trip Apply 5’s program Struck by Remove tools equipment and rubbish from work site and maintain a clean work environment To wear hand gloves and safety glass and appropriate PPE’s Safety awareness training by means tool box talk Supervision by Supervisor
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International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology