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Toc Important Questions

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Construct a Context free grammar for generating the language L ={anbn |n>=1}
(AU/NOV- DEC 2013)
2. State chomsky Normal Form and its Hierarchy of language .(AU/DEC-2018)
3. Show the following grammar into the equivalent one with no unit production and no
useless symbol
4. Define Turing Machine(AU/DEC 21017)
5. What are the different types of languages accepted by PDA and define them? (AU/NOV-
6. when PDA is said to be Deterministic?.(AU/MAY 2018)
7. What are the features of universal turing machine? (AU/ MAY-2004)
8. State pumping lemma for CFL. (AU/DEC-2017)
9. Define the term ambiguity in grammars. (AU/NOV-DEC2018)
10. List the additional features a PDA has when compared with NFA.(AU/NOV 2013)
11. Difference between turing machine and finite automata .(AU/NOV 2015)
12. Difference between PDA and Deterministic finite automata .(AU/NOV 2016)
Theory question
1. Explain about closure properties of Context free Language.(AU/DEC 2017)
2. Describe the relationship between Derivation and Derivation Tree. (AU/MAY-2014)
3. Explain the programming techniques for Turing Machine.(AU/DEC 2017)
4. Explain the Variants of Turing Machine in detail.(AU/MAY 2016)
5. If L isN(M) for some PDA M,then prove that L is Context Free Language.
1. Determine the language given by L={an2|n>=1} is context free or not. (AU/MAY-2016)
2. Convert the following CFG to PDA
EI|E*E|E+E|(E) (AU/MAY-2011)
3. Construct the transition table for PDA which accepts the language L={a nb2n |n>=1} by
empty stack.Trace the PDA for input n=3.(AU/DEC 2012)
4. Examine and Construct a CFG G which acceprsN(M),where M={(p,q),(0,1),(x,z), ᵟ,q,z)
where ᵟ is given by ᵟ(p, ε,z)=(p, ε) ,ᵟ(p, 1,x)=(p, xx),ᵟ(q,1,x)=(q, ε), ᵟ(p,0,x)=(q,x),
ᵟ(q,0,z)=(p, z)(AU/DEC 2015)
5. Construct the PDA for L={WWR|w is in (a+b)*}.(AU/MAY-2017)
6. Consider the grammar S iCts,SiCtSeS,Sa,Cb where i,t and e stand for if,then
and else in c and S for “conditional” and “Statement” respectively.
1. Construct leftmost derivation for the sentence W= libtibtaea.
2. Show the corresponding parse tree for above sentence.
3.Is the above grammar ambiguous? If so prove it. (AU/MAY-2010)
7. Define pumping lemma for context free language. Show that L= {aibjck | i<j<k } is
not context free language(AU/MAY 2016)
8. Convert the grammar SAB,ABS|b,BSA|a into Greibach normal form.(AU/DEC-
9. Describe the PDA that accept the given grammar
XaX|bX| ε
10. Examine and Construct a CFG G which acceprsN(M),where M={(q0,q1),(a,b),(z0,z),
ᵟ,q0,z0,ɸ) where ᵟ is given by ᵟ(q0,b,z0)=(q0,zz0) , ᵟ(q0, ε,z0)=(q0,ε),
ᵟ(q0,b,z)=(q0,zz),ᵟ(q0,a,z)=(q1,z),ᵟ(q1,b,z)=(q1, ε),ᵟ(q1,a,z0)=(q0,z0) (AU/MAY 2017)
11. Construct a TM for L={anbncn|n>=0}

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