Challenges in Scheduling in Operating System: February 2015
Challenges in Scheduling in Operating System: February 2015
Challenges in Scheduling in Operating System: February 2015
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All content following this page was uploaded by Aakash Goel on 14 April 2015.
fu/kkZj.k v‚ijsfVax flLVe dk lcls egRoiw.kZ dk;Z gSA lHkh lalk/kuksa dk lcls vPNk mi;ksx ds fy, mi;ksx
djus ls igys fu/kkZfjr fd;k tkuk pkfg,A ,d gh dke gS rks ge vuqlwpd dh t:jr ugha gS] ysfdu okLrfod
le; ifj–”; esa ;g laHko ugha gSA rks] vuqlwpd orZeku le; esa okaNuh; gSA fdlh Hkh vuqlwpd ds eq[; dk;Z
lcls dq”ky vkSj fo”oluh; lalk/ku ds fy, jkstxkj ds volj çLrqr djus ds fy, gSA ;g Hkh jkstxkj ds volj
vkSj lalk/kuksa ds çHkkoh :i ls fu/kkZfjr ugha dj jgs gSa rks ;g dkQh iwjs v‚ijsfVax flLVe n{krk uhpk fn[kkuk
gksxk fd rF;ksa esa ls ,d gSA bl i= esa ge fofHkUu le;c)u ,YxksfjFe dk v/;;u djus vkSj vHkh Hkh le;&
fu/kkZj.k esa ekStwn gSa] tks fofHkUu pqukSfr;ksa dk irk yxkukA
Scheduling is the most important function of operating system. All resources must be scheduled
before use for best utilization. If there is a single job then we don’t need scheduler but in real time
scenario it is not possible. So, scheduler is desirable in the present time. The main task of any scheduler
is to submit the jobs to most efficient and reliable resource. It is also one of the facts that if jobs and
resources are not scheduled effectively then it will degrade the whole operating system efficiency
drastically. In this paper are found the various scheduling algorithm have been studied and the various
challenges which still exist in scheduling.
Keywords: Scheduling, resources, jobs, scheduler
Goel & Sharma : Scheduling Challenges in Operating System
resource that produces minimum completion time. The scheduler selects the job from ready queue & finally
Min–min scheduling algorithm chooses the smaller jo b is given to CPU. But the current challenge is
task first. Min–min scheduling prefers the minimum that before entertaining to any job by scheduler,
completion time. Main drawback of this algorithm is it doesn’t look for the type of job it is. Basically,
unbalanced load. there are two types of job. One is computational
intensive and other is communication intensive. If
3.4 Max-Min the job is communication intensive then it would
The Max-min scheduling algorithm is similar to
require higher bandwidth for the transfer of data
Min-min scheduling algorithm but it schedules the
larger task first. Min-min and Max-min are used for
and if it is computation intensive then it would
small scale distributed system. Thus, Max-Min would require higher CPU speed. The computational jobs
try to schedule at the same time all the short jobs and are the jobs that require processing time more than
the longest ones while Min-Min would schedule first communication time. However, communicative jobs
the shortest jobs and after that the longest ones. are the jobs that require communication time more
than processing time. In computational intensive,
3.5 Min-Max job considers execution time for processing and
Min-max heuristic has two steps for assigning it also takes more power.
jobs to machines. In first step, similar to min-min
method, completion time of all unassigned tasks (1 4.2 Reliability
≤ j ≤ n) on all the available machines (1 ≤ i ≤ m) The primary concern in systems is of security
is used to calculate the minimum completion time and resources. A proper safety mechanism is
(MCTi) of task Ti on machine Mi*. In the second
required for grid resources, because if resource is
step for all tasks ratio of minimum execution time
affected by virus or some malicious code then it
(time to execute on fastest machine) to its execution
time on selected machine Mi* is computed and the
will not execute the application safely and degrades
task which has maximum value pf it is selected for the performance of the system 9. The reliability
assignment. factor (RF) value of each system is calculated
through its self-protection capability and reputation
3.6 Comparisons of Algorithms weightage obtained from user community on its
FCFS scheduling algorithm is very easy to understand past behaviour.
and it is particularly troublesome for time-sharing
systems, where each user get a share of CPU at 4.3 Location Dependency
regular intervals. So, it is very unfavorable to allow In our distributed operating system, communication
one process to keep the CPU for long period. The jobs should be submitted at nearby location. By this,
SJF scheduling algorithm is to serve all types of job there would be no network congestion problem and
with optimum scheduling criteria. The process with packet delay has dropped to considerable rate which
less execution time is served first and the process with results in low traffic. If communication jobs are to
highest execution time is not served at all which gives be submitted at very far location from system then
minimum average waiting time and average turnaround it would make network congestion problem. In this,
time. But, it cannot be implemented at the level of network problem increases and also increase the
short-term CPU scheduling. The Round Robin (RR) failure rates.
scheduling algorithm found as most widely adopted
algorithm which may sometimes go under severe 5. CONCLUSIONs
problems directly related to quantum size. The main In this paper, we have studied the Scheduling
point is that RR is more responsive than shortest job algorithms & find the challenges encountered during
first (SJF). So, for large number of jobs, SJF gives the scheduling of jobs. Scheduling is a major area
better average waiting time than other. For small no in the operating system. We determined that during
of jobs, there is race between FCFS & SJF but still scheduling, operating system doesn’t consider the types
SJF is better. of job it is. It simply applies the algorithm on the
basis of execution time, no of processes, etc. We can
4 CHALLENGES IN SCHEDULING minimize the average waiting time more effectively if
4.1 Type of Job we are known of the type of job, i.e.,communication
When the process is allocated to CPU, Scheduling or co mputational. Location dependency is also one of
of processes starts. At present, long term scheduler the major factors deciding the efficiency of scheduling
simply takes the job in ready queue & short term algorithms. The effective and efficient exploitation
managing information technology
of grid computing facilities needs highly advanced optimum multilevel CPU scheduling algorithm.
and protected resource management systems. Efficient IEEE, 2010. 978-0-7695- 058-0/10.
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assurance of high trustworthiness. (computing).
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