Insurance Services
Insurance Services
Insurance Services
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Understand basic concepts of Insurance, Principles and classification of Insurance
2. Enrich their knowledge on Insurance and develop their specialties in the field of
3. Develop a clear understanding and knowledge about of Life Insurance, General Insurance
and Marketing Channels.
Unit – I
Introduction to Insurance:
Introduction to Insurance: Definition, terminology of insurance: Bound, Insurer Insured,
Premium, Policy, and Exposure to loss. Functions of Insurance -Primary Functions and
Secondary Functions. Evolution of Insurance, Reforms in the Indian Insurance Sector. Role and
Importance of Insurance. Principles of Insurance. Benefits of Insurance.
Unit – II
Classification of Insurance:
Life Insurance - Classification: Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Aviation Insurance, Motor
Insurance. Reinsurance –Features, uses and advantages, Types of Reinsurance. Role of insurance
in financial System. Legal aspects of Insurance Contract, BANC -ASSURANCE
Unit – III
Regulatory Framework of Life Insurance
Functions of Insurers: pricing of insurance-pricing elements Production, Underwriting-process
methods of rate determination types of Underwriters, Rate Making-types of Rating methods,
calculation of premium and classification, Managing Claims and Losses, Types of Insurers, An
overview of IRDA.
Unit – IV
Life Insurance
The Concept of Life Insurance – Features, Classification of Life Insurance Policies based on
Duration, Premium Payment, Participation in profit, Number of Lives covered, Methods of
Payment of Claims amount and Non – conventional Policies. Life insurance products – Types,
Tax treatment of Life Insurance. Actuarial science - concept and Responsibilities, provisions of
life insurance.
Unit – V
General Insurance
General Insurance: Concept, Types - Health and accident, Automobile, Business, Credit,
Aviation, Causality, Travel and Crop Insurance. Marketing Channels - Agents and Brokers
Professionalism, Remuneration, Responsibilities, Classification, Criteria for Appointment and
Capital adequacy norms for broker.
Text Books:
1. Emmett J. Vaughan & Therese M. Vaughan, Fundamentals of Risk & Insurance, Wiley,
India Edition, 11th Edition 2013.
2. Mishra M.N., Life Insurance, Administration and Management, Sultan Chand & Co.,
New Delhi, 22nd Edition, 2016.
3. Jyotsna sethi, Nishant Bhatia Elements of Banking and Insurance, PHI second Edition
Suggested Readings:
1. H. Narayanan ,Indian Insurance – A Profile , Jaico Publishing House, 1st edition, 2008.
2. S. Arunajatesan, T.R. Viswanathan ,Risk Management & Insurance,MacMillan,2009
3. Mark. S.Dorfman, Introduction to Risk Management & Insurance, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited, 10th Edition 2012.