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1.1 Introduction

Mental health issues in students have consistently increased over

time (Eisenberg, Gollust, Golberstein, & Hefner, 2007; Gallagher 2014)

and these challenges and stressors pose a major problem for many

Senior High School Students with both their health (Allison et al., 2009;

Cranford, Eisenberg & Serras, 2009; Schry & White, 2013; VanKim &

Nelson, 2013) and academic experience affected negatively (Eisenberg et

al., 2007; Hysenbegasi, Hass, & Rowland, 2005). Mental Health, by its

definition according to Merriam Webster, it is the condition of being

sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of

mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in

feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the

ability to meet the demands of daily life. Mental Health includes our

emotional, thinking capabilities, learning/ analyzing, behaviour, and

social-well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. As it also helps to

handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

Education is the act of learning things around us. It helps us to

easily understand and deal with any problem and makes balance

throughout the whole life in every aspect. Education is the first and

foremost rights of every human being. Without education we are


incomplete as an individual. Education helps us to set a goal and go

ahead by working on that throughout the life.

Performance Task is a learning activity that requires students to

demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency, as it serves

as the evidence of learning. Performance Task enables teachers to

determine students understanding and abilities with complex processes,

not just to measure individual knowledge. As it let students developed

their critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and

technology use. Performance tasks in which the students of St. Michael‘s

College experience involves the making of 3D Models, Miniatures, Video

Presentations, Declamations, Moving exams, Procedural tasks and Oral


In St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department, the teachers

are using performance task to improve student‘s capabilities and abilities

in performing such tasks. The school provide settings where people from

different backgrounds, classes, gender, ethnicities, and achievement

levels can learn to work together in a mutually beneficial environment.

Even though it is difficult to suggest that mental health is

measurable; it would be useful to know the association between mental

health problem and academic performance as this provide information

about the importance of mental health to students‘ performance. Hence,

the researchers chose this study in order to know the impact of excessive

performance task to the mental health of the Senior High School


students as background distressors and minor problems can be just as

important as major crisis in negative stress consequences and the

researchers may be able to prevent such problems from pervading to the

next generation of students.

1.2 Theoretical Framework

In competence-based education, authentic learning tasks based on

real-life problems are the driving force behind training, simultaneously

encouraging the development of professional skills and more general

competences like being self-directed.

1. Analytical/ Developmental theories: "Theories of development

provide a framework for thinking about human growth,

development, and learning. If you have ever wondered about what

motivates human thought and behavior, understanding these

theories can provide useful insight into individuals and

society." (Cherry, 2014) Theorists: Freud, Jung, Eriksson,


2. Behavioral theories: "Behavioral psychology, also known as

behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all

behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Advocated by famous

psychologists such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner,

behavioral theories dominated psychology during the early half of

the twentieth century. Today, behavioral techniques are still widely


used in therapeutic settings to help clients learn new skills and

behaviors." (Cherry, 2014) Theorists: Watson, Skinner, Pavlov

3. Cognitive theories: "Cognitive psychology is the branch of

psychology that studies mental processes including how people

think, perceive, remember, and learn. As part of the larger field of

cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other

disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics.."

(Cherry, 2014) Theorists: Tolman, Piaget, Chomsky

4. Social theories: "Social psychology looks at a wide range of social

topics, including group behavior, social perception, leadership,

nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression, and prejudice. It is

important to note that social psychology is not just about looking

at social influences. Social perception and social interaction are

also vital to understanding social behavior." (Cherry, 2014)

Theorists: Bandura, Lewin, Festinger

. task Thinking

Academic Learning
Performance/ Mental Health Capabilities
Achievement Problems Social Well-
Track- Strand
Grade level Emotions

Figure 1.1 Schematic Diagram


1.3 Conceptual Framework

The diagram below shows the flow of the concept of the study.

Respondents Impact of Excessive

Demographic Profile: Performance Task Conclusions,
1. Name to the: Summary, and
(optional) 1. Thinking Recommendations
2. Age 2. Learning
3. Gender Capabilities
4. Grade Level 3. Social Well-
5. Track- Strand Being
4. Behaviour
5. Emotion

Figure 1.2 Research Paradigm

1.4 Statement of the Problem

A student may experience mental health problem due to academic

related demands such as transitions to the next grade level, demands of

various tasks by lecturers, getting essential skills and, most commonly,

performance tasks with its upcoming deadlines; the student may not be

able to handle the pressures of these expectations resulting to mental

health problems. That is why the study aims to determine the Impact of

Excessive Performance to the Mental Health of the Senior High School

Students of St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department SY 2018-


Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:


1. How does the excessive performance task affect the mental

health of the Senior High School Students?

2. How does excessive performance task cause the senior high

school student to excel in academic arena?

3. How does performance task causes the learners to lose focus in

their extra- curricular activities?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Even though it is difficult to suggest that mental health is

measurable; it would be useful to know the association between mental

health problem and academic performance as this provide information

about the importance of mental health to students‘ performance. The

purpose of this research is to determine the mental health among the

Grade 11 Senior High School students in every strand and examine the

relationship of mental health and academic achievements with the

students‘ academic performance.

This study aims to know the feedbacks of the Senior High School

and as a guide to the future researchers who will conduct the same topic.

To the:

To the administrators, that they may be able to know how senior

high school students feels towards excessive performance task and find

out other solutions to improve students‘ academically.


To the parents, that they may be able to share their thoughts

about the excessive performance task and talk to their child to find out

what they feel.

To the researchers, that they may be able to see the reactions and

sights of the senior high school students about the matter and come up

with conclusions and recommendations.

To the students, that they may be able to express their thoughts

and feelings about the benefits and problems of excessive performance


To the teachers and staff, that they may be able to come up with

different teaching styles and try to change for the betterment of the

student and the institution.

To the future researchers, so that they will have their own guide

if they will make a study of the same topic.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation

This study courses to know the impact of Excessive Performance to

the Mental Health of the Senior High School Students of St. Michael‘s

College Basic Education Department, Iligan City S.Y. 2018-2019.

This study is limited only among the Grades 11 Academic- ABM,

STEM, and HUMMS strand learners in St. Michael‘s College. The

researchers will only conduct their study within St. Michael‘s College

Basic Education Department, located in Miguel Sheker Avenue, Brgy.

San Miguel, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines and does not go

beyond other places. The researchers will have a number of 60

respondents and will only be distributed to the Grade 11 Senior High

School students of STEM, ABM, and HUMSS.

1.7 Definition of Terms

These terms will serve as a guide to understand important words

used in the research. These words are defined conceptually for better


Excessive. According to the vocabulary.com ,excessive meansgoing

beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree. Excessive refers

to something that is extra — usually in a negative way. In this study,

putting too much heavy performance task for each quarter.

Mental Health. According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary,

"Emotional, behavioral, and social maturity or normality; the absence of

a mental or behavioral disorder; In this study, mental health is a state of

psychological well-being in which one has achieved a satisfactory

integration of one's instinctual drives acceptable to both oneself and

one's social milieu; an appropriate balance of love, work, and leisure


Stress. According to the medicinenet.com, Stress: In a medical or

biological context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that


causes bodily or mental tension. In this study, stresses can be external

(from the environment, psychological, or social situations) that causes

strain to the learners. According to Lazarus and Folkman they define

stress as a real or perceived imbalance between environmental demands

required for survival and an individual‘s capacity to adapt to these


Anxiety. According to the book of Alexander Morisons in 1843 intitled

The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases it states that anxiety is an emotion

characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied

by nervous behaviour such as pacing back and forth, somatic

complaints, and rumination. In this study, anxiety is the subjectively

unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events.

Emotional. According to the book "Discovering Psychology" by Don

Hockenbury and Sandra E. Hockenbury, an emotion is a complex

psychological state that involves three distinct components. In this

study, emotional is a subjective experience, a physiological response, and

a behavioral or expressive response.

Psychological. According to Merriam Webster, a state of well-being in

which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with

the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is

able to make a contribution to her or his community.


Performance task. According to the blog of Jay McTighe he states that

performance task is a learning activity or assessment that asks students

to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and

proficiency. Performance task yields a tangible product and/or

performance that serve as evidence of learning. According to the study of

Kansas State Department of Education Performance tasks ask students

to create products or perform tasks to show their mastery of particular

skills. Teachers at all grade levels use performance tasks to measure




This chapter contains the gathered researches from different

sources which include the information from articles, books, internet, and

theses which will be used as supplemental details and information that

are relevant for the study. These studies will be used as a guide and

support to the researchers.

2.1 Related Literature

Academic Stress and Mental Health among high school students

(May 2017). According to this book conducted by Chelamuthu

Subramani and Dr. S. Kadhiravan (May, 2017); that stress becomes an

integral part of human life. Stress is experienced in everything that are

challenging in our lives or threat to our comfort is a Stress. Stress is

unavoidable but not all kinds of stress is considered to be bad because it

helps people to present their activities well. The purpose of this study is

to explore the academic stress and its relationship with mental health

among high school students.

2.2 Related Study

According to the study conducted by Eisenberg, D., Downs, M. F.,

Golberstein, E., & Zivin, K. (2009), most people who developed mental

health problems or issues usually does not ask for immediate help and

doesn‘t comply to any medications or such which ends up in the

worsening cases of the student‘s mental health status, also they stated

that early intervention of mental health issues may offer substantial

long- term benefits to the person;

“The majority of adults with mental disorders in the United

States do not receive mental health care despite the availability of

evidence-based treatment. Those who do receive services often

delay seeking help or do not adhere to recommended treatment.

These low rates of treatment for mental disorders are evident in all

age groups.

Mental health problems early in life are associated with

adverse academic, occupational, health, and social outcomes,

suggesting that timely and effective treatment may offer substantial

long-term benefits.”

According to the study conducted by Van Kim, N.A., & Nelson, T.F.

(2013), in which they examined the association between vigorous

physical activity, mental health, perceived stress, and socializing. In

their study they discovered that performing actively in any Physical

Activities (PA) can help improve the mental health of a person. In this

study, the authors ‗partly‘ proves that maintaining a healthy and


productive lifestyle can reduce mental health issues or problems and can

help in maintaining homeostasis.

“Existing evidence examining the relationship between PA and

mental health has suggested that increased PA is associated with

better mental health outcomes, such as mood, self-esteem, and

anxiety.Some studies have shown that PA reduces stress, anxiety,

and depression among adults; however, few studies have examined

the influence of PA on stress or mental health among college

students. A study by Nguyen-Michel and colleagues examined

college students in three settings (private university, state university,

and community college) and found a moderate inverse association

between PA and perceived hassles in daily life, but no association

with perceived stress. Another study of college students found that

vigorous PA was inversely associated with “feeling down hearted

and blue.” One of the weaknesses of existing research on the

relationship between PA and mental health has been the lack of

concurrently collected data to facilitate adjustment for covariates

such as social interactions. There is little evidence to explain how

much, if any, of the positive benefits of PA are due to socializing.

Among young adults attending college, for whom literature is

lacking, socializing may be a particularly salient variable in

understanding the relationship between PA and mental health.”


In this study, Stress is the catalyst of some various mental health

issues. Bernstein(2008) viewed stress as ‗‘a negative, emotional,

cognitive, behavioral, and physiological process that occurs as a person

tries to adjust to or deal with stressors‘‘ The effect of stress is known

diversely of the population among the students.

The effect of excessive school works was also pointed in this

study by Kaur(2014); pointed out that ‗‘The rising expectation of parents

in terms of scores and academic performance sometimes puts an extra

burden on children, which may sometimes cause many physical or

mental ailments‘‘. These corresponds that mental health and academic

stress is correlated to each other.




This research uses primary data as the source, with questionnaire

distribution as the data collection method. This is a survey where the

selected Senior High School Students as respondents will be given

questionnaire. Survey method used in the research study. Moreover, the

survey is to draw together the data and information concerned to such

topic. In this regard, questionnaires were produced in order to gather

more data and information for the pursuit of specific purposes of the


3.1 Research Design

This research is a Correlational or Prospective study as it

determines whether or not the performance task affects the mental

health of the students; the sample comprised of sixty (60) students,

selected through Purposive sampling— Academic track students from

Grade 11 Senior High School.

3.2 Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at St. Michael‘s College – Basic

Education Department located at Miguel Sheker Avenue corner Vicentina

Sheker St., Brgy. San Miguel, Iligan City. St. Michael‘s College a private

institution of Learning administered by the Religious of the Virgin Mary


(RVM). The school is now offering the K-12 Curriculum of the

Department of Education (DepEd). It also offers College level. Even as a

catholic school; it caters non-Catholic and Muslim learners. It is

accredited by the PAASCU and is also known for its three core values

which are Faith, Excellence and Service.

Fig 2.1 Shows the map of St. Michael‘s College, BED.


3.3 The Respondents

Grade 11 STEM students

20 students from 20 students from 20 students from


 St. Francis of
 St. Elizabeth
Assisi  St. Dominic
 St. Therese of
 St. Thomas of  St. Ignatius of Loyola
Child Jesus
Aqiunas  St. Augustine
 St. Clare of
 St. Frances  St. John Vianney

Total Respondents: 60

The respondents of this study are the Senior High School Students

of St. Michael‘s College – Basic Education Department, Iligan City S.Y.

2018-2019. The researchers will get a sample sixty (60) from the Grade

11 Senior High School Academic track.

3.4 Sampling Procedure

The researchers will choose Senior High School Students from all

the ACADEMIC - STEM, ABM and HUMSS strand through a non-

probability sampling procedure called Purposive sampling, a technique in

which the researchers relies on their personal judgment in choosing for

the respondents to participate in the said study, in this study the


researchers choose all Grade 11 students of SMC under the academic

track as there respondents. By then the researchers select 20 Grade 11

students from all the academic strands, and obtained 60 respondents in


3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will make a permission letter intended for the 11

advisers of the Grade 11 Senior High School Academic track- ABM,

STEM, HUMMS strands, for the School Principal, Senior High School

Coordinator, and the respondents to allow the researchers to conduct

their study at St. Michael‘s College- Basic Education Department and for

them to be informed about the purpose and significance of the study not

only for the students but also for the teachers. When the approval is

granted, the researchers will then distribute the modified questionnaires

to the respondents. Then they will gather the respondents‘ demographic

profile namely their name (optional), age, grade level. Then the

researchers will segregate the questionnaires that will be given each

classroom. In each class, selected learners will be given a questionnaire

to be answered. After answering, the researchers will then collect the

questionnaires from the learners and will tally all the data. After the

researchers do the tallying of the results, the researchers will then

interpret the given results.


3.6 Research Instrument

The main instrument used in data gathering will be the

questionnaires made by the researchers. It will be distributed to the

respondents, the Grades 11 Senior High School Students of St. Michael‘s

College, and tabulation will be done. The things needed are the pens of

the respondents. The survey questionnaires were constructed with five

questions (5) in which the respondents must respond honestly. The

method shows how many learners were responsive to each question. The

survey to be made and the information that the researchers gathered

from the questionnaires will be the proof of its study.

This screening tool evaluates whether the respondents show

symptoms of mental health problems. For the most part, the criteria

used to determine whether the respondents might be diagnosed with a

problem are taken from the Questionnaires made by the researchers,

which is formulated and based from the standard text used by mental

health professionals. Please note that this screening does not cover all

mental health problems, only the following conditions are assessed:

Emotional, Thinking, Learning, Social Well- Being, and Behaviour.




This chapter will present the answer and findings of the

problem in this research on the Impact of the Excessive Performance

task to the Mental Health of the Senior High School Students of St.

Michael‘s College.

The objective of this study is to determine the Impact of

Excessive Performance task to the Mental Health of the Grade 11

Senior High School Students‘

 Thinking  Behavior

 Learning Issue  Emotion

 Social Interaction


Table 4.1 Distribution of Respondents’ Profile in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 24 40%

Male 28 47%

Unknown 8 13%

40% of the respondents are female while 47% are male. However

13% of the respondents did not put their sex. Most of the respondents

in Senior High School are male.

Table 4.2 Distribution of Respondents’ Profile in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

16 9 15%

17 34 57%

18 17 28%

15% of the respondents from the Senior High School Students

have the age of 16, 57% have the age of 17 years old and, lastly, 28%

of the respondents have the age of 18 years old. Most of the

respondents of the Grade 11 Senior High School students have the age

of 17 years old.

Table 4.3 Distribution of Respondents’ Profile in terms of Strand

Section Frequency Percentage

STEM 20 33.33%

ABM 20 33.33%

HUMSS 20 33.33%

The respondents are equally distributed to each strand in Senior

High School Grade 11 students.

Table 4.4 THINKING: Do you have any problems with concentrations,

memory or logical thought and speech that are hard to explain? If yes,

how can say so?

Answer Frequency Percentage

Yes 39 65%

No 21 35%

- I easily forget especially during exams

- Because sometimes I lost confidence
Reasons - Because sometimes my mind is pre-
occupied of something.
- Whenever I am speaking to public, I

always stutter with the reason that I

don‘t know what to say because of
mental block
- Sometimes loss of concentrations
- Because lack sleep, food, parent
support and time management
- I get too pre-occupied that I can‘t
focus on other important things
- I am having a hard time in
memorization, especially if there‘s a
lot of things that are need to
- There are times that my though is
jumbled and hard to explain and to
express to everyone
- I tend to easily forget the things that
were discussed. I can‘t concentrate
with my studies as there‘s always
bothering with me
- I experienced this kind of
circumstances as a student. I have
difficulties in understanding such
problems and lack of concentrations
when the place is too noisy or rowdy
- Because sometimes I can‘t
concentrate to listen any discussions
- Especially if I am experiencing
different problems
- I am very forgetful and I easily lack
focus on things
- I can‘t concentrate especially if I have
a lot of things/work to do
- It takes me days to memorize
speeches and terms. Explaining is
easy for me but memorization for me
is difficult
- My memory skills is different than
- I often forget things

- It‘s hard to memorize

- Because there are things that hard
for me to absorb
- I mainly don‘t know
- I cannot concentrate

65% of the respondents answered ―Yes‖ and here is one of the

answers of the respondents. While 35% of the respondent answered

―No‖. Base on the data that the researchers had gathered. The

researchers thoroughly analyzed and interpreted the results, the

researchers concluded that Performance Task is really one of the factors

of students having difficulty maintaining focus in discussion as to which

they are concerned with their Performance Tasks given to them.

According to the data collected by the researchers, 65% of

the respondents they experience problems with concentrations, memory

or logical thought and speech due to the excessive performance task. In

the combined Analytical/ Developmental theories of Freud, Jung,

Eriksson, and Kohlberg, the research indicates that due to the impact of

excessive performance task to the SHS students, they were not able to

utilize their critical thinking skills to make appropriate decisions and

that the effect of excessive performance task caused them to become

mentally preoccupied which then removes access to the information that

forces a student to act on personal bias and experience resulting to

inappropriate decision-making of the student.


Table 4.5 LEARNING ISSUE: Do you experience any unusual drop in

functioning at school chores or social activities; such as quitting sports,

failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks? If yes, how can

you say so?

Answer Frequency Percentage

Yes 21 35%

No 35 65%

- Because of the performance task and

it‘s hard sometimes to reach the
- Because there are times I feel that I
cannot accomplish a particular thing,
doubting my capabilities to be exact
- I have observed that I am not
passionate about the things that I
love doing before
- Because some PT‘s just hard to
- Mostly I experienced this kind of
situation. For example for this
accounting, I have a hard time
analyzing and concentrating in the
- There‘s a lot of performance tasks
piling up making it for me difficult to
keep up and pass on time
- When I feel that I am already stressed
out, I lose interest in activities I like
and quit
- Kind of having difficulty in

performing PT‘s because sometimes

the teachers of all subjects kind of
give PT‘s at once that I don‘t know
what to do first anymore

35% of the respondents answered ―Yes‖. While 65% of the

respondents answered ―No‖. As the researchers thoroughly analyzed and

interpreted the results that they have gathered, the researchers

concluded that 65% or the majority of the students from all strands does

not have that much learning issues but although majority does not have

learning issues, but still 35% of the students do have. The respondents

who answered the questionnaire do not have problems in adapting to the

learning techniques of the teachers in St. Michael‘s College.

According to the data gathered by the researchers, 35% of the

respondents experiences unusual drop in functioning at school activities

or social activities due to the excessive performance task. In the

Cognitive theories of Tolman, Piaget and Chomsky, the research

indicates that due to the impact of excessive performance task to the

SHS students, they were unable to complete tasks that require high -

motor and cognitive skills. The students then felt confused,

overwhelmed and easily frustrated to an even basic everyday task such

as sports, school activities and familiar tasks. This research proves

that the mental health problem in the learning issue of a student


interferes with the healthy thought processes and impacts a person‘s

ability to concentrate and make decisions.

Table 4.6 SOCIAL INTERACTION: Do you experience any social

withdrawal and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed? If yes,

how can you say so?

Answer Frequency Percentage

Yes 22 37%

No 38 63%

- When I am so tired
- Because I get stressed that I don‘t
kind of feel being in the state of
enjoying something
- Because I rarther do my performance
Reasons task than having some chitchat with
my friends
- I am becoming lazy and tired
- Especially when the people with me
are not performing to what I want to
see on them
- I‘ve lost interest to the things I
previously enjoyed

- I would not enjoy things that I do

over and over again
- Because sometimes I‘m drained and
out of energy
- Maybe because I‘ve been busy doing
and finishing PT‘s

37% of the respondents answered ―Yes‖. While 63% of the

respondents answered ―No‖. As the researchers thoroughly interpreted

the results, the researchers concluded that the respondents who

answered the questionnaire are not experiencing social withdrawal or

loss of interest in activities they enjoyed. As to which majority of the

students does not have that much problem in social interaction.

According to the data collected by the researchers, 65% of the

respondents experience social withdrawal and loss of interest in

activities previously enjoyed due to the excessive performance task. In

the Social theory of Bandura, Lewin, and Festinger, this research

indicates that the 37% respondents would rather sacrifice their time in

interacting with other people, may it be a friend, classmates or even a

family member in order to finish their performance tasks.

Table 4.7 BEHAVIOR: Do you experience any vague feeling of being

disconnected from oneself or one‘s surrounding; a sense of unreality? If

yes, how can you say so?

Answer Frequency Percentage

Yes 18 30%

No 42 70%

- I am an introvert so I always imagine

unreal things
- I always wanna be alone and self-

meditate with a feeling that I don‘t

wanna be visible anymore
- Because I think that our interest
doesn‘t fit for each other, making me
disconnected with them.
- I feel very tired so sometimes I isolate
or distance myself
- Sometimes during I am not in the
mood or when I feel so down
- I‘m quite a reader for a long time.
When there is a time that I‘m bored
or loss of interest of something, I
daydream a lot and sometimes I also
feel worthless to someone or to
- Having self-pity and having anxiety
- I often stare on the wall thinking
about what to do first
- I hate being ignored
- My classmates are ―bisaya”
- There are a lot of times actually,
because I cannot focus anymore
because of the excessive task that I
have to do

70% of the respondents disagreed that Excessive Performance

Task affects their behavior. While 30% agreed. As the researchers

analyzed the data that they had gather, the researchers concluded that

Performance Task does not really affect the students on how they

behave. The respondents who answered the questionnaire are not

affected by the excessive performance task given to them.


According to the data collected by the researchers, 30% of the

respondents experience vague feeling of being disconnected from oneself

or one‘s surrounding due to the excessive performance task. In the

Behavioral theory of Watson, Skinner, and Pavlov, this research

indicates that the respondents feel as if the world around them is unreal.

Feelings of unreality are often linked to feeling alienated from the world,

and this can lead to feelings of further detachment. Quite often, unreality

feelings may be linked to depressed moods. The high number of

percentage dictates that the respondents of, the higher risk of having

mental health problem in the aspects of behaviour.

Table 4.8 EMOTION: Do you experience any rapid or dramatic shifts in

emotions or depressed feelings? If yes, how can you say so?

Answer Frequency Percentage

Yes 35 58%

No 25 42%

- I actually get annoyed then sad then

the feeling of just wanting to
disappear even if everyone around
you has this happy aura. Like you
can‘t relate on what they feel.
- I‘ve always experience emotional
breakdown. I am always moody and I

don‘t understand my feelings

- I usually notice this when I am
having troubles with persons that are
close to me, a blend of sensitivity I
- Because of the things that are
happening now
- I am awake even though it‘s midnight
- Because sometimes I overthink about
my performance task as it affects my
- Because of PT‘s
- Because of my grades and PT‘s, I feel
depressed because of stress
- Sometimes when problems are too
- I would depend on the situation
- I tend to feel down sometimes
because of academics
- I suddenly cry for no reason and it
happens almost everyday
- Sometimes when I think I can‘t
handle my problem
- When there was a time that I was
rejected from my dream which is the
Radio Broadcasting. Those times, I
feel so down and I was a so
disappointed to myself that I didn‘t
gave all my best just for that
- I always think negative and always
have the thought of suicide
- I experience those of dramatic
emotions and depressed to anyone
- One moment I was so happy then for
some reasons sadness enveloped me
- I am a very moody person and PT‘s
are making it worse

58% of the respondents answered ―Yes‖ that they have a problem

with their emotions. While 42% disagreed that performance task is one

of factors of having problems with their emotions. As the researchers

thoroughly analyzed and interpreted the results that they have gathered,

the researchers concluded that Performance Task is one of the reasons

on why students are being stress. Although Performance Task has

negative impacts to the emotion of the students, performance task also is

one of the ways of teachers to enhance the student abilities to their

maximum capacity, and preparing them for brighter future roles.

According to the data collected by the researchers, 58% of the

respondents experience any rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or

depressed feelings due to the excessive performance task. In the Social

theories of Bandura, Lewin, and Festinger, this research indicates that

the emotional standability of the respondents are very low due to having

a very high number of percentage, which is 58%. This suggests that a

mental health problem in the emotional aspect could contribute to

trouble learning. The stress and frustrations of living with a learning

disability impact personal well- being.





An interview type of survey was used to evaluate the data gathered

from the respondents. The researchers used the purposive sampling

technique and selected sixty (60) Grade 11 learners coming from the

three academic strands who respond well to our research study. The

researchers conducted the survey by randomly selecting the respondents

and distributed interview type of questionnaire which the gathered data

are analyzed by getting the percentage in every question given.


 Based on the findings, majority of the respondents (65%) are

having difficulty maintaining focus in discussion as because

they are concerned with the Performance Tasks given to


 Majority of the respondents (65%) do not have problems in

adapting to the learning techniques of the teachers in St.

Michael‘s College.

 Sixty-three (63%) are not experiencing social withdrawal or

loss of interest in activities they enjoyed. As to which


majority of the students does not have that much problem in

social interaction.

 Majority of the respondents (70%) of the respondents

disagreed that Excessive Performance Task affects their


 Most of the respondents (58%), agreed that Performance

Task has negative impacts to the emotion of the students.


Based on the data where the researchers have compiled and

studied on, the researchers concluded that Excessive Performance Task

has its own positive and negative effects mentally to the learners of St.

Michael‘s College Basic Education Department.

THINKING, learners are having difficulty maintaining focus as

they are pre-occupied of the performance task that are given to them.

According to the data collected by the researchers, 65% of the

respondents they experience problems with concentrations, memory or

logical thought and speech due to the excessive performance task. In the

combined Analytical/ Developmental theories of Freud, Jung, Eriksson,

and Kohlberg, the research indicates that due to the impact of excessive

performance task to the SHS students, they were not able to utilize their

critical thinking skills to make appropriate decisions and that the effect

of excessive performance task caused them to become mentally

preoccupied which then removes access to the information that forces a

student to act on personal bias and experience resulting to inappropriate

decision-making of the student.

LEARNING ISSUE, learners are not having problems in adapting to the

learning techniques or strategies of the teachers in St. Michael‘s College.

35% of the respondents answered ―Yes‖. While 65% of the respondents

answered ―No‖. As the researchers thoroughly analyzed and interpreted

the results that they have gathered, the researchers concluded that 65%

or the majority of the students from all strands does not have that much

learning issues but although majority does not have learning issues, but

still 35% of the students do have. The respondents who answered the

questionnaire do not have problems in adapting to the learning

techniques of the teachers in St. Michael‘s College.

SOCIAL INTERACTION, learners are not experiencing social withdrawal

or loss of interest in activities they enjoyed. According to the data

collected by the researchers, 65% of the respondents experience social

withdrawal and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed due to the

excessive performance task. In the Social theory of Bandura, Lewin, and

Festinger, this research indicates that the 37% respondents would rather

sacrifice their time in interacting with other people, may it be a friend,


classmates or even a family member in order to finish their performance


BEHAVIOR, learner‘s behaviour are not affected by the excessive

performance task given to them. 70% of the respondents disagreed that

Excessive Performance Task affects their behavior. While 30% agreed.

As the researchers analyzed the data that they had gather, the

researchers concluded that Performance Task does not really affect the

students on how they behave. The respondents who answered the

questionnaire are not affected by the excessive performance task given to


EMOTION, performance task is one of the reasons why students are

being stressed. According to the data collected by the researchers, 58%

of the respondents experience any rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions

or depressed feelings due to the excessive performance task. In the

Social theories of Bandura, Lewin, and Festinger, this research indicates

that the emotional standability of the respondents are very low due to

having a very high number of percentage, which is 58%. This suggests

that a mental health problem in the emotional aspect could contribute to

trouble learning. The stress and frustrations of living with a learning

disability impact personal well- being.



Based on the findings, results, and implications of the study, the

following recommendations were drawn.

To the principal, is recommended to have quarterly evaluation of the

students in the institution on the Performance Task given to them.

To the teachers, are recommended to give Performance Tasks ahead of

time to avoid conflicts of other subject‘s Performance Task and give

students ample time in completing the task.

To the parents, are recommended to not to complain aggressively.

Teachers are doing their best to prepare students for the brighter future.

They should help their children by giving them advices and moral

support in the things they will do, so that they would not feel stressed

and alone.

To the students, are recommended to do their part and responsibilities.

The actions each students takes brings them a step closer to achieving

their dreams and goals in life that is why they should maintain their

dedication in learning and performing well in class.




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St. Michael’s College

Basic Education Department
Brgy. San Miguel, Iligan City

February 28, 2019

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

We, the Grade 11 learners are conducting a study “Impact of Excessive

Performance Task to the Mental Health of the Senior High School
Students.” In this esteem, we would like to ask permission from your
humble office to allow us to conduct the said study in this institution.
We are hoping for your kind consideration!

Respectfully yours,

Arboleda, Trisha Isobelle

Cabahug, Ryan Kent S.
De Luna, Janreeve
Macabago, Aljun
Pajo, Lesther Clark
Telmoso, John Lester

Noted by

Ms. Marie Fel A. Nasis

Thesis Adviser

Ms. Guadalupe T. Galabin

Academic Coordinator

Approved by

Estrella V. Layno, MAEd

School Principal


St. Michael’s College

Basic Education Department
Brgy. San Miguel, Iligan City

February 28, 2019

Dear Respondents:

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

We, the Grade 11 learners are conducting a study on “Impact of

Excessive Performance Task to the Mental Health of the Senior High
School Students.” In this esteem, we would like to ask a part of your
time to answer our questionnaire. Your answers will be kept in

We are hoping for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Arboleda, Trisha Isobelle

Cabahug, Ryan Kent S.
De Luna, Janreeve
Macabago, Aljun
Pajo, Lesther Clark
Telmoso, John Lester

Noted by

Ms. Marie Fel A. Nasis

Thesis Adviser

Ms. Guadalupe T. Galabin

Academic Coordinator

Approved by

Estrella V. Layno, MAEd

School Principal


St. Michael’s College

Basic Education Department
Brgy. San Miguel, Iligan City

NAME (optional) _________________________________ AGE: _____

GRADE LEVEL and SECTION: ________________________ SEX: _______
Instruction: The following questions are related to the Impact of Excessive Performance
Tasks to the Mental Health in every student. Please answer this test below as
honestly as you can to determine whether you have mental health issues due
to having Excessive Performance Task.

1. THINKING: Do you have any problems with concentrations, memory or logical

thought and speech that are hard to explain? If yes, how can say so?
a.) Yes b.) No
2. LEARNING ISSUE: Do you experience any unusual drop in functioning at
school chores or social activities; such as quitting sports, failing in school or
difficulty performing familiar tasks? If yes, how can you say so?
a.) Yes b.) No
3. SOCIAL INTERACTION: Do you experience any social withdrawal and loss of
interest in activities previously enjoyed? If yes, how can you say so?
a.) Yes b.) No
4. BEHAVIOR: Do you experience any vague feeling of being disconnected from
oneself or one’s surrounding; a sense of unreality? If yes, how can you say so?
a.) Yes b.) No
5. EMOTION: Do you experience any rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or
depressed feelings? If yes, how can you say so?
a.) Yes b.) No

Ms. Marie Fel Nasis Ms. Michelle Sencil Mr. Rhuniel Gellica Ms. Alber Agbalog
Research Adviser Panel Panel Panel


Full Name: Trisha Isobelle V. Arboleda

Home Address: 0042 Prk. Masidlakon Brgy.
Mahayahay, Iligan City
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Female
Birthdate: October 28, 2001
Age: 17 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: Visayan, Filipino, English
Email Address: thousand.star28@gmail.com
 Excellent in showing leadership skills.
 Works effectively and efficiently.
 Confident when working in groups.
 Proficient user of Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint
and Excel)

Educational Background

Elementary: Iligan City Central School, Iligan Capitol College

Junior High School: Iligan City National High School
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father‘s Name: Victor S. Arboleda Jr. OFW

Mother‘s Name: Lenny V. Arboleda Housewife

Insert photo he re

Full Name: Ryan Kent S. Cabahug

Home Address:
Brgy. Tubod, Iligan City
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 4, 2001
Age: 17 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: Visayan, Filipino, English
Email Address: grimchow@gmail.com
 Excellent in showing leadership skills.
 Works effectively and efficiently.
 Confident when working in groups.
 Proficient user of Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint
and Excel)

Elementary: St. Michael‘s College

Junior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father‘s Name: Government Employee

Mother‘s Name: Government Employee

Insert photo here


Full name: Alnor Natangcop Macabago

Home address: Tambo Bayug Iligan City
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Male
Birthdate: January 4 2001
Age: 18 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Islam
Language spoken: Maranao, Bisaya, Tagalog, English
Email.address: ajunaifa4@gmail.com
 playing basketball
 volleyball,
 Badminton

Educational Background

Elementary: MSU-ILS, Tambacan Elementary School, Moneerah

Integrated School
Junior High School: Moneerah Integrated School, MSU-ILS, Iligan
Capitol College
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father's Name: Alnor Sarip Macabago Businessman

Mother's Name: Hunaifah Mangarun Natangcop Physical

Insert photo here


Full Name: Lesther Clark C. Pajo

Home Address:
Tubod, Iligan City
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Male
Birthdate: August 18, 2001
Age: 17 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: Visayan, Filipino, English
Email Address: lesther8312@gmail.com
 Jack of all trades master of none

Educational Background

Elementary: Calaanan ( Cagayan De Oro ) Elemetary School

Junior High School: Iligan City National High School
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father‘s Name: Lecio C. Pajo N/A

Mother‘s Name: Nedilyn A. Cadorna Housewife

Insert photo here


Full name: John Lester C. Telmoso

Home address: Prk. Coca-Cola
Tubod Iligan City
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Male
Birthdate: April 27, 2002
Age:16 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Language Spoken: Cebuano
Email Address: jltelmoso@gmail.com

 Jack of all trades master of none

Educational Background

Elementary: Iligan City Central School

Junior High School: Iligan City National High School
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father's Name: Lito J. Telmoso Security

Mother's Name: Rizza C. Telmoso Housewife

Insert p hoto here


Full Name: Janreeve Z. De Luna

Home Address:
Zone2A, Brgy.San Miguel
Strand: Science Technology Engineering and
Gender: Male
Birthdate: January 23, 2002
Age: 17 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: Visayan, Filipino, English
Email Address: janreevezee@gmail.com
 Excellent in showing leadership skills.
 Works effectively and efficiently.
 Confident when working in groups.
 Proficient user of Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint
and Excel)

Elementary: Tambo Central School

Junior High School: Iligan City East National High School
Senior High School: St. Michael‘s College Basic Education Department

Family Background Occupation

Father‘s Name: Jeffrey Rubillar De Luna OFW

Mother‘s Name: Rozal Antonio Zalsos NGO

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