Book of Space
Book of Space
Book of Space
View meteor
power Unmanned
2015 Rockets
of the
rings of
we live in
Inside the
Ariane 5
pa Planet
nst killers
Welcome to
Space has fascinated mankind from the earliest days of
civilization, and as we keep scratching the surface of the
vast universe in which we live, our sense of awe and wonder
continues to grow unabated. Now, with the technological
advancements being made by the world’s space agencies,
we understand more than ever about the things that are
happening beyond our own planet. This new revised edition
of the How It Works Book of Space has been updated with
more of latest astronomical advancements, stunning space
photography from the most advanced telescopes on the
planet, and tantalising glimpses at what the future of space
exploration holds. Taking you from the heart of our Solar
System and out into deep space, we will show you incredible
solar tornadoes, supernovae, moonbows, black holes and
much more besides. Get ready for lift off.
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How It Works Book of Space Volume 1 Fourth Revised Edition © 2015 Imagine Publishing Ltd
ISBN 978-1910439845
Part of the
bookazine series
Magnetic stars Solar System
010 Journey through the solar system 052 Europa
014 Inside the Sun 054 Rings of Saturn
016 Mercury Mercury 056 Dwarf planets
018 Venus 016 058 Solar system’s outer edge
020 Earth 058 Planet temperatures
024 Mars 059 Oort Cloud
026 Jupiter 060 Planet killers
028 Saturn
030 Uranus 154
032 Neptune
034 Pluto
036 Solar tornadoes
038 Our amazing Sun
Solar eclipse
Halley’s Comet
Kármán line
041 Gravity-neutral space
042 Exploring the Moon
Solar 046 First Moon landing
eclipse 048 Solar tsunamis
048 Moonbows
Life in 048 Moonlight
space 049 Mercury’s orbit
070 049 Neptune’s
boomerang moon
050 Secrets of transits
051 Weather on Jupiter
All Images © NASA
Dwarf planets
Exploration Universe
066 Astronaut training 110 10 secrets of space
068 Inside a space suit 114 The Big Bang
069 Space diving 118 A star is born
070 Life in space 120 Mystery of dark matter
074 International Space Station 126 White dwarf
078 Galileo probe 126 Space dust secrets
079 Mars Hopper 127 Light years
080 Space balloons 127 Hidden planets
128 Search for a new Earth
084 Rocket science
132 Galaxy classification
088 Mega rockets
133 Galaxy collisions
092 Orion
134 Supernovas
094 Spacecraft re-entry
138 Neutron stars
096 European Space Agency
140 Mysterious magnetic stars
100 ELS launch site
142 Quark stars
102 Space travel 142 Neutrinos
104 Voyager probes 143 Nova
106 Herschel crater 143 Infant stars
107 Pioneer anomaly 144 Black holes
107 Space tethers 148 Search for extraterrestrial life
Supernovas 020
134 Earth
154 Telescopes
156 Seeing stars
158 Radio telescopes
160 James Webb Space Telescope
161 European Extremely
Large Telescope
162 ALMA telescope
163 Measuring stars
163 Star clusters
028 164
Meteor showers
Saturn 166 Wildest weather in space
170 Listening in to space
171 Spitzer Space Telescope
172 Hubble telescope
173 Solar Dynamics Observatory
174 Large Synoptic
Survey Telescope
010 Journey through the 036 Solar tornadoes 049 Mercury’s orbit
Solar System Huge explosions from the Sun The solar system’s eccentric orbit
Find out what’s orbiting the Sun
038 Our amazing Sun 049 Neptune’s boomerang moon
014 Inside the Sun The Sun, but not as we know it A satellite with an odd trajectory
The giant star that keeps us alive
039 Solar eclipse 050 Secrets of transits
016 Mercury When the Moon obscures the Sun Sizing up our Solar System
The smallest planet
040 Halley’s Comet 051 Weather on Jupiter
018 Venus First recorded in 240BC Raging storms and swirling winds
Earth’s sister planet
040 Kármán line 052 Europa
020 Earth Separating Earth and space Hidden life under the ice?
Phenomenal views of home
041 Gravity-neutral space 054 Rings of Saturn
024 Mars Manipulating Lagrangian points Saturn’s stellar crown
The red planet
042 Exploring the Moon 056 Dwarf planets
026 Jupiter Discovering lunar secrets In orbit but undersized
The most massive planet
046 First Moon landing 058 Solar System’s outer edge
028 Saturn One small step for man... The final frontier
Famous for its rings
048 Solar tsunamis 058 Planet temperatures
030 Uranus Moreton waves on the Sun Using infrared telescopes
First to be seen by telescope
048 Moonbows 059 Oort Cloud
032 Neptune Viewing the spectrum at night The home of comets
The windiest planet
048 Moonlight 060 Planet killers
034 Pluto The eerie lunar glow Asteroids on the loose
The ex-planet
the Moon
Journey through
the Solar System
Our Solar System
Earth to Saturn
Can’t afford that ticket on the next spaceship out of
town? Well, fear not, for if you are the patient type and
hold an interplanetary driving licence then you can
in a Mini Metro!
How long would it take to reach the
drive to that Earth colony orbiting Saturn in next to no
time… well, relatively speaking. In our souped-up Mini
Metro, travelling at an average speed of 120mph, any
traveller can reach Saturn in only 842 years. Better
planets in a moderately priced car? stock up on travel sweets then…
2 BIG 1. Uranus
Diameter at equator: 25,559km
Average distance from Sun:
2.88 billion km (19 AU)
Orbital period: 84.02 years
Mass (Earth=1): 14.37
Earth masses
BIGGER 2. Saturn
Diameter at equator:
Average distance from Sun:
1.4 billion km (9.4 AU)
Orbital period: 29.5 years
Mass (Earth=1): 95 Earth masses
BIGGEST 3. Jupiter
Diameter at equator:
Average distance from Sun:
778 million km (5.2 AU)
Orbital period: 11.86 years
Mass (Earth=1): 318 Earth masses
DID YOU KNOW? Astronomers estimate there may be billions of solar systems in our galaxy. About 70 have been discovered
Bound together between the satellite and the object and then
use trigonometry to convert that angular
separation into distance. Astronomers can then
by gravity use Kepler’s third law to determine total mass.
planet is able to resist compressive forces in space to hold
together and stay rounded in shape.
Planets also “clear the neighbourhood” around their
orbits. This means that there are no other bodies of the
same size in its orbit. The Sun has a strong enough pull to
keep the planets and other bodies orbiting around it.
A map of Earth’s
Our Solar System
8. Neptune 5. Jupiter
Neptune was imaged for the first The largest and most
time in 1989, discovering an massive of all planets in the
encircling set of rings and six of its Solar System, Jupiter has
13 moons. Neptune’s structure is almost 2.5 times the mass of
very similar to that of Uranus, with the other eight planets
no solid surface and central layers combined and over 1,300
of water, methane and ammonia Earths could fit inside it.
ices as well as a possible rock/ice- Jupiter is also the first of the
based core. gas giants and is largely not
solid in composition,
consisting of an outer layer of
The Statistics gaseous hydrogen and
helium, an outer layer of
Neptune liquid hydrogen and helium
and an inner layer of metallic
hydrogen. However, deep in
7. Uranus its body (roughly 37,000
The first planet to be discovered by telescope, miles in) there is a solid core
Uranus appears to the eye as a pale blue, made up of rock, metal and
characterless disk, encircled by a thin system of 11 hydrogen compounds.
rings and 27 tiny moons. Its blue colour is a result of
the absorption of the sunlight’s red wavelengths by
methane-ice clouds within the planet’s cold
atmosphere – a process which also renders its 6. Saturn
Type: Gas giant atmosphere calm and inert thanks to the creation of A massive ball of gas and liquid, Saturn is the least dense of all the
Rotation (Equatorial): haze particles. In reality, however, Uranus’s planets in the Solar System. Circled by a spectacular system of
atmosphere is active and consistently changing with rings, which are composed of stellar dust, boulders and gases,
60,179 days
huge winds driving systems of ammonia and water Saturn has a hazy appearance and due to its rapid spin is a
Rotation (Polar): 16.11 hours massive ten per cent larger at its equator than at its pole.
over its surface.
Volume: (Earth = 1) 57.74 Interestingly, Saturn is so light – thanks to its
Average distance from Sun: composition from the lightest elements – that if it
2.8 billion miles
Number of moons: 13
The Statistics could be hypothetically placed in a galactic-sized
ocean of water it would float. As with Jupiter,
Speed: 5.43km/s
Uranus Saturn is a gas giant with a tiny solid core
Surface temp: -220°C composed of rock and ice.
Comets are small,
fragile, irregularly
The Statistics
shaped bodies Saturn
composed of a
mixture of non-
volatile grains and
frozen gases The Sun
Type: Gas giant 4.6 billions years old and
Rotation (Equatorial): currently in its main-sequence
9. Pluto 30,799 days stage, our Sun is a huge
sphere of exceedingly hot
Often mistaken as the last planet in our Solar System, Rotation (Polar): 17.24 hours
Pluto is actually not one but instead a dwarf planet. plasma containing 750 times
Volume: (Earth = 1) 63.1
Dwarf planets are bodies that orbit the Sun and have the mass of all the solar
Average distance from Sun: system’s planets put together.
enough mass and gravity to be spherical, but ones that Type: Gas giant
1.78 billion miles Deep in its core nuclear fusion
have not cleared the region around its orbit. Pluto is such Rotation (Equatorial):
Number of moons: 27 of hydrogen produces
a dwarf planet and is one of the furthest circling bodies 10,759 days
of our solar system. Pluto’s atmosphere is 99.97 per cent Speed: 6.81km/s massive energy that is
Rotation (Polar): 10.66 hours
nitrogen and it is astronomically cold, with an average Surface temp: -214°C gradually carried outwards
Volume: (Earth = 1) 763.59 through convection before
temperature of -230 degrees Celsius. Average distance from Sun: escaping into space.
888 million miles
Type: Dwarf
Rotation (Equatorial): Type: Star
90,613 days Rotation (Equatorial): 25 days
Rotation (Polar): N/A
Main belt Rotation (Polar): 34 days
Often referred to as the
Volume: (Earth = 1) 0.0059 Mass: (Earth= 1) 333,000
asteroid belt, the Main belt
Average distance from Sun: is an encircling ring of Surface temperature: 5,500°C
3.7 billion miles meteors, asteroids, dwarf Core temperature:
Number of moons: 3 planets and dust particles 15 million °C
Speed: 4.666km/s that sits between the Diameter (Equatorial):
Surface temp: -230°C terrestrial planets and the 864,900 miles
gas giants.
5 TOP 1
Hypothetically speaking,
2 Due to the size and short
Dust bowl
3 Mars, often referred to as
Big boy
Jupiter is so large that over
During the day on Mercury,
Saturn is so light that if it were
placed in a galactic sized
swimming pool it would float.
Hard experiment to carry
orbital distance between Pluto
and its largest moon Charon, it
is often treated as a binary
system as its centre of mass
the ‘red planet’, is actually
red thanks to its coating of
iron dust, which prevails in
its carbon dioxide-rich
1,300 Earths could fit inside it
and it has a mass which is 2.5
times larger than the total of
all other eight planets
the closest planet to our
Sun in the solar system, the
temperature reaches up to a
positively scorching 430
SYSTEM out though! lies with neither. atmosphere. combined. degrees Celsius.
DID YOU KNOW? Our solar system is nearly five billion years old and is made up of eight planets and 170 moons
3. Earth 4. Mars
The Statistics The Statistics While similar in internal
composition to its
Known as the red planet thanks to its rust-red colouring, and
named after the Roman god of war, Mars is home to the highest
Jupiter Earth neighbouring planets – volcanoes (albeit dry and inactive) of any planet in the Solar
composed of three distinct System. Current research and evidence suggests that while Mars is
layers made up mainly of iron, an inert planet now, in the past it was very much active, with
magnesium and silicates volcanic activity and water existing over large parts of it. Mars is
respectively – Earth differs on the outermost of the four terrestrial ‘rocky’ planets and its internal
its surface thanks to an structure is rich in sulphur, iron sulphide and silicate rock.
abundance of liquid water and
an oxygen-rich atmosphere.
Due to Earth’s rotation the
planet bulges at its equator by
The Statistics
13 miles when compared to Mars
Type: Gas giant Type: Terrestrial both its poles and its spin axis
Rotation (Equatorial): Rotation (Equatorial): is tilted at an angle of 23.5
4,331 days 365.26 days degrees, one of the factors
Rotation (Polar): 9.93 hours Rotation (Polar): 23.93 hours that gives rise to its seasons.
Volume: (Earth = 1) 1,321 Mass: (Earth = 1) 1
Average distance from Sun: Average distance from Sun:
483.6 million miles 93 million miles
Number of moons: 63 Number of moons: 1
Speed: 13.07km/s Speed: 29.783km/s
Surface temp: -110°C Surface temp: 15°C Type: Terrestrial
Rotation (Equatorial):
687 days
Rotation (Polar): 24.63 days
Mass: (Earth = 1) 0.15
Average distance from Sun:
141.6 million miles
Number of moons: 2
Speed: 24.007km/s
Map of the
Surface temp: -125°C – 25°C
Solar System
Discover the star, planets
and space phenomena that
make up our Solar System
2. Venus
The hottest of all planets, Venus –
thanks to its permanent
atmospheric blanket of dense
gaseous clouds – has an average
temperature of 464 degrees
Celsius. The surface is dry, lifeless, Type: Terrestrial
Type: Terrestrial scorching hot and littered with Rotation (Equatorial):
Rotation (Equatorial): 88 days 1. Mercury volcanoes and dust storms. 224.7 days
Rotation (Polar): 59 days Iron-rich Mercury is the smallest of the main planets in the Named after the Roman goddess
Rotation (Polar): 243 days
Mass: (Earth = 1) 0.056 Solar System and the closest to the Sun. There is almost no of love and beauty due to its
protective atmosphere surrounding Mercury and, because of beautiful, sun-reflecting, cloud- Mass: (Earth = 1) 0.86
Average distance from Sun: Average distance from Sun:
this, temperatures on the planet fluctuate massively from based atmosphere, in reality
All images © NASA
36 million miles 427 degrees Celsius during the day to -187 degrees Celsius Venus holds one of the most 67.2 million miles
Number of moons: 0 during the night. Worryingly, if an observer were able to hostile environments of any Number of moons: 0
Speed: 47.87km/s stand on the planet they would experience a period of 176 planet. Interestingly, Venus spins Speed: 35.02km/s
Surface temp: -187°c – 427 °C Earth days between one sunrise and the next. Better stock in the opposite direction from Surface temp: 464°C
up on suntan lotion and woolly socks then… most other planets.
Dissecting the Sun
Radiative zone
The first 500,000k of the Sun is a radioactive layer
that transfers energy from the core, mostly toward
the outer layers, passed from atom to atom
Beneath the
surface of
Sun’s core
The core of a Sun is
a dense, extremely
hot region – about
the Sun
What is the Sun
15 million degrees
– that produces a
nuclear fusion and
made of?
emits heat through
the layers of the
Sun to the surface Convective zone
The top 30 per cent of
the Sun is a layer of hot
plasma that is
constantly in motion,
heated from below
The Statistics
The Sun
All images courtesy of NASA
Magnetic influence
How the Sun affects the
Earth’s magnetic field
Solar wind
Solar wind shapes the
Earth’s magnetosphere and
magnetic storms are
illustrated here as
approaching Earth
What is a sunspot?
Signifying cooler areas, sunspots show up as dark dots on the
photosphere (the visible layer of plasma across the Sun’s
surface). These ‘cool’ regions – about 1,000 degrees cooler than
the surface temperature – are associated with strong magnetic
fields. Criss-crossing magnetic-field lines can disturb the flow
of heat from the core, creating pockets of intense activity. The
build up of heat around a sunspot can be released as a solar
flare or coronal mass ejection, which is separate to but often If the Sun were the size of a
accompanies larger flares. Plasma from a CME ejects from the basketball, Earth would be a little
Sun at over 1 million miles per hour. dot no more than 2.2 mm
Compared to the other planets, we know
relatively little about the smallest
planet in our Solar System
Although we’ve been observing Mercury from
Earth for thousands of years, its close proximity to
the Sun – about 58 million kilometres, on average –
has made it difficult for astronomers to learn
much about the planet. The Hubble Space Telescope
cannot observe it, because turning that close towards
the Sun would damage the telescope’s instruments.
Most of what we know came from the 1975
Mariner 10 space probe’s fly-by.
With the naked eye, Mercury can only be
seen at dawn or dusk, depending on the
time of year (unless there is a solar eclipse).
This is due to the Sun’s glare. Mercury can
also be seen as a small black spot
moving across the Sun at intervals of Surface
seven, 13 and 33 years. This is known as Mercury’s surface is
a transit of Mercury across the Sun covered in tiny minerals
and occurs when the planet comes called silicates
between the Earth and the Sun.
Mercury has the shortest year
of any planet at 88 Earth days. It
also orbits around the Sun faster
than any other planet, which is
Outer core
why it was named after the speedy It’s hypothesised that
Roman messenger god. Conversely, Mercury has a liquid
Mercury has the longest day of any iron outer core
planet due to its slow rotation.
Because it revolves so quickly
around the Sun, yet only rotates on
its axis once every 59 Earth days,
the time between sunrises on
Mercury lasts 176 Earth days. Mercury
also has the most eccentric, or
stretched-out, elliptical orbit. Like our
moon, Mercury can be observed going
through apparent changes in its shape
and size called phases.
Atmosphere Inside
Mercury has a very thin, almost airless atmosphere.
At one time it was believed that the planet didn’t have
an atmosphere at all, but it does contain small
A cross-section of
concentrations of the gases helium, hydrogen and oxygen
as well as calcium, potassium and sodium. Because of the smallest planet in
Mercury’s size, it does not have a strong enough gravitational pull our Solar System
to keep a stable atmosphere. It is constantly being lost and
replenished via solar wind, impacts and radioactive decay of
elements in the crust.
5 TOP 1
Heavily cratered surface
Although telescopes had
Lobate scarps
Mariner 10’s images showed
Ultraviolet radiation
3 Mariner 10 recorded large
Magnetic field
DID YOU KNOW? Ancient Greeks believed that Mercury was two planets: one called Hermes and one called Apollo
Terrestrial planet
Like Earth, Mercury is a rocky planet. It comprises about 70 per cent metal
and 30 per cent silicate materials. Because Mercury is so dense – almost as
Moon-like surface
The surface of Mercury looks much like plains. The smooth plains were likely
the surface of our moon. The largest crater formed by lava flows, while inter-crater
dense as Earth, although it’s much smaller – it probably has a very large,
on Mercury is the Caloris Basin at 1,300 plains may have been formed by lava or by
iron-rich core. Scientists believe that Mercury’s core makes up almost half
kilometres across. The impact caused lava impacts. The most unusual features are
of the planet’s total volume and three-fourths of its total radius. It also
eruptions and shockwaves that formed the wrinkles and folds across its plains
contains more molten iron than any other major planet in the solar system.
hills and furrows around the basin. and craters, caused by the cooling and
The core is estimated to have a radius of about 1,800 kilometres, with a
Mercury also has two different types of contraction of the planet’s core.
mantle about 600 kilometres thick and a crust about 300 kilometres thick.
There are a few potential explanations for this large core. Mercury may
have had a more substantial crust and mantle that were stripped away by 4. Shockwaves 1. Meteorite impact
Impacts with large meteorites actually send
high temperatures and solar wind from the Sun, or it could have been hit Mercury has been continually hit
shockwaves through the core of the planet
by a still-forming planet called a planetesimal. with comets and meteorites. The
and around its perimeter
largest of these impacts have
effects across the planet
The Statistics
Mercury 2. Crater
Some craters are
relatively shallow
and narrow, but
© Science Photo Library
impacts with
meteorites leave
large craters
Montes. This is a series of circular mountain ranges The transit of Mercury
up to three kilometres in height located on the rim 4,879km 12,756.3km Every seven, 13 and 33 years,
A huge iron core of the huge Caloris Basin. The Caloris Montes are Mercury can be seen as a black
sits at the heart of massifs, formed when Mercury’s crust flexed and spot moving across the Sun
the planet fractured due to impact
Temperature extremes
While Mercury has an average surface temperature of around 179°C,
temperatures on the planet fluctuate wildly depending on the location on
the planet, the time of day and how close it is to the Sun in its orbit. At night,
surface temperatures can go down to -170°C. During the day, they can reach
450°C. Some scientists believe that ice may exist under the surface of deep
craters at Mercury’s poles. Here temperatures are below average because
sunlight cannot penetrate
Discovering just how similar this
planet actually is to Earth… False colour Photographic
Venus has often been called Earth’s sister planet because of their view of Venus view of Venus
similarities. Both planets are terrestrial (meaning that they
are made up of silicate rocks) and close in size, mass and
gravity. Venus probably has a similar structure to
Earth, with a crust, mantle and core. It has a diameter of around
12,000 kilometres, 650 kilometres smaller than Earth. Its
mass is about 80 per cent of Earth’s mass, and
its gravity 90 per cent of Earth’s gravity.
However, there are also many differences
between Venus and Earth. Venus is about 108
million kilometres from the Sun and has an
almost perfectly circular orbit, while all of
the other planets have elliptical orbits.
Venus completes one orbit every 225 days
and has one of the slowest rotations of
any planet, with one every 243 days.
Venus’s consistently high temperature
means that it has no surface water.
The planet also has more than 1,500
volcanoes, many of which are more
than 100 kilometres across. Most of
the volcanoes are extinct, but some
believe that there has been recent
volcanic activity. Because Venus
doesn’t have rainfall, lightning could
have been caused by ashy fallout from a
volcanic eruption. These eruptions have
created a rocky, barren surface of plains,
mountains and valleys.
Venus is also covered with more
than 1,000 impact craters. While Earth
and other planets also have craters,
Venus’ are unusual because most of
them are in perfect condition. They haven’t
degraded from erosion or other impacts.
Venus may have experienced a massive event
as much as 500 million years ago that
resurfaced the planet and changed its
atmosphere completely. Now bodies entering its
atmosphere either burn up or are slowed down
enough to avoid making a crater.
It has proven difficult to learn more about Venus, in
part due to its dense atmosphere. Although probes first visited
the planet in the early Sixties, it was not fully mapped
by radar until the 1989 NASA Magellan probe. The Venus Express,
launched by the European Space Agency in 2005, is a long-term
exploration probe currently orbiting the planet and sending back
data about its atmosphere.
5 TOP Venus has phases like
a moon
Venus rotates
Venus was the first
‘probed’ planet
Venus has
no moons
Venus is brighter than
the stars
FACTS 1 2 3 5
When closest to the Earth, Venus has a retrograde, or NASA’s Mariner 2 probe was Venus is brighter than any
Venus appears bright and
crescent-shaped. When it is
west to east, rotation. This
is actually the opposite
launched in 1962. It passed
within 30,000 kilometres of
4 Venus probably had a
moon billions of years ago,
but it was destroyed when the
star and can be easily seen
in the middle of the day,
further away, the planet is dim direction of its revolution Venus and took microwave planet’s rotation direction especially when the Sun is
VENUS and round. around the Sun. and infrared readings. was reversed. low in the horizon.
DID YOU KNOW? Because Venus shines so brightly, it has often been misreported as a UFO
© DK Images
across the entire planet, while Mercury highly basaltic, rocky
(the closest planet to the Sun) heats up to crust about 100
The NASA Magellan 426 Celsius only on the side facing the Sun. kilometres thick
2. Maxwell Montes
Located on the north edge of Ishtar
Terra, Maxwell Montes is the largest
mountain range on Venus at nearly 11
Venus and Earth are very similar in
kilometres high size. Venus’s diameter is only 650km less
than that of Earth, and the mass
3. Lakshmi Planum is 81.5 per cent of Earth’s.
This plateau in western Ishtar Terra rises about
3.5 kilometres above the surface of Venus. It is
covered with lava flows
4. Guinevere Planitia
Venus is covered with regions of lowland plains
such as Guinevere Planitia, which contains several
Images courtesy of NASA
5. Beta Regio
Beta Regio is one of several volcanic rises on Venus’
surface, more than 1,000 kilometres wide
12,103.6km 12,756.3km
From astronaut snaps taken with handheld cameras to
advanced satellite imagery that enables us to predict natural
disasters, discover the planet as you’ve never seen it before
5 TOP First
1 Explorer VII was the first
The ESA’s environmental
Worldwide terrain map
3 1.3 million images from the
4 The Landsat satellites
5 Most Earth observation
Earth observation satellite.
It was launched on 13
October 1959 and measured
thermal energy that was
satellite Envisat is the
world’s largest operational
non-military Earth observation
satellite. It is the size of a
Terra satellite’s telescopes,
covering 99% of the Earth’s
surface, have created the
most complete terrain map of
discovered that maps of small
islands in the Pacific Ocean
were indicated as much as
16km (10 miles) from their
satellites travel in polar orbits
that go over the North and
South Poles, and are able to
view the whole of the globe as
OBSERVATION reflected by the Earth. double-decker bus. our planet. true position. it turns beneath it.
DID YOU KNOW? ISS astronauts spend ten mins each day taking photos of Earth with digital and 35mm and 70mm film cameras
Aurora australis
taken from the ISS
ESA’s Envisat
The European Space Agency’s environmental satellite (Envisat)
was launched into a polar orbit on 1 March 2002. Its instruments
Radar Altimeter 2 (RA-2), The Laser Retro-Reflector (LRR) is
working on the 13.575GHz positioned on the Earth-facing side of
(Ku-band) and 3.2GHz the Envisat, close to the RA-2 antenna.
(S-band) frequencies, It’s a passive device that allows
bounces the two-way high-power pulsed ground-based
radar echo off the Earth’s lasers to accurately determine the
The Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
surface in less than a position of the satellite to calibrate the
(GOMOS) is the first instrument to use the occultation
nanosecond. The power RA-2 and DORIS instruments
of stars to measure trace gases and aerosols from
and shape of these pulses
15-100km (9-62mi) above the Earth. In each orbit, it can
enables it to define land
check 40 stars and determine the presence of
and ocean topography
atmospheric chemistry by the depletion of their light
and monitor snow and
ice fields
An Advanced Synthetic The MEdium Resolution Imaging
Aperture Radar (ASAR) Spectrometer (MERIS) consists of five
monitors ocean wave and cameras that are each linked to
land heights within fractions spectrometers to measure the
of a millimetre. It works in the reflectance levels emitted from the Earth.
microwave C-band (5.3GHz) These determine the amount of
range of the electromagnetic chlorophyll and sediments in oceans and
spectrum and can operate in coastal waters, and can examine the
a variety of different modes, effectiveness of plant photosynthesis
coverage ranges and angles
DORIS The Michelson Interferometer for
The Doppler Orbitography Passive Atmospheric Sounding
and Radiopositioning (MIPAS) spectrometer works in the
Integrated by Satellite near to mid-infrared wavelengths to
(DORIS) instrument is measure nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
concerned with the accurate nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3),
tracking of Envisat, which it nitric acid (HNO3), ozone (O3) and
achieves by measuring water (H2O) in the stratosphere
microwave radio signals
transmitted by 50 ground AATSR
beacons that cover 75% of The Advanced Along Track Scanning
its orbit. By determining its MWR Radiometer (AATSR) is a passive
orbit within ten centimetres The MicroWave Radiometer operates at SCIAMACHY radiometer with a wide-angle lens
(four inches), with an frequencies of 23.8GHz and 36.5GHz. It’s a Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric that measures visible and infrared
error of one centimetre, it is nadir-pointing instrument (faces down at CartograpHY measures solar radiation primarily transmitted, emissions from land and ocean
used for navigating the the Earth) that can measure vapour backscattered and reflected in the stratosphere and surfaces. Its measurements of
satellite and calibrating its content of clouds and the atmosphere, as troposphere. By examining UV, visible and near-infrared thermal brightness are accurate to
on-board instruments well as moisture levels of landscapes wavelengths, it detects low concentrations of gases and aerosols at least 0.05°C
The crew of Apollo 8 were launched to look at the hard facts sensors to monitor the position of which proved to be a rich source of
the first people to see and about the state of our global clouds for weather forecasting. Later, new data for cartography, geology,
photograph our planet as a environment, as it is assaulted by microwave sensors were introduced regional planning, forestry,
globe in its entirety. extremes of natural events and the to improve these forecasts by agriculture, climate studies and
During the fourth orbit around the impact of human activities. obtaining measurements of the educational purposes.
Moon, Lunar module commander Observations from space can study temperature, pressure and humidity In the Seventies, Landsat data about
William Anders took a series of large patterns of change throughout in different layers of the atmosphere. the worldwide state of wheat crop
photographs of the Earth that became the Earth’s surface and in the The success of such satellites led growth was used to forecast yield
known as ‘Earthrise’. They revealed atmosphere, and can be used to NASA to launch the Landsat series of rates and stabilise the market for this
the true splendour of our planet supplement information gained by observation satellites in July 1972. crop, which led to more stable prices
suspended in stark contrast with the ground or ocean-going instruments. Using multi-spectral scanner for consumers. Using data from
barren lunar surface, and became an The additional benefit of satellites is instrumentation, Landsats were able Landsat images, researchers recently
icon for showing that our home is a they can transmit data continuously, to produce images of the Earth’s discovered 650 previously unknown
fertile and fragile dot of life in an and cover areas of the Earth that are surface gained from up to eight barrier islands, including a chain of 54
immense and deadly universe. inaccessible or too hostile for any different wavelengths, showing the islands that stretch 563km (350mi)
From the Sixties onwards an other methods of gaining information. distribution of snow and ice cover, from the mouth of the Amazon River.
enormous number of Earth At first, Earth observation satellites vegetation, landscapes, coastal Satellites save lives and reduce
observation satellites have been simply used visible light and infrared regions and human settlements, property damage by tracking and
warning of the arrival of hurricanes, longer wavelength of the spectrum
tornadoes, floods and other extremes coming from the Earth’s surface, or
of weather or natural disaster. For active microwave sensors can send
example, in August 2005 satellites microwaves to the Earth and observe
provided an accurate early warning of their reflections.
the approach of Hurricane Katrina Civilian Earth observation satellite
and, a month later, Hurricane Rita. surveillance is co-ordinated by the
Unfortunately, responses to these committee on Earth observation
warnings were slow, resulting in satellites (CEOS), which is currently
extensive damage and loss of life. affiliated to agencies that are
Afterwards, satellites (NASA’s TRMM operating 116 active satellites. These
and NOAA’s GOES and POES) provided broadly study the long-term and
imagery of the damaged areas to help changing global environment from
in the reconstruction of the areas the atmosphere, land, ice and snow,
affected. This helped bring about the oceans, gravity and magnetic fields to
pledge by nations that operate the oceans. In the next 15 years, CEOS
satellites to provide imagery to any agencies are planning 260 satellites,
nation affected by a major disaster which will carry 400 instruments to
under the terms of the International develop better weather forecasting NASA’s range of satellites in their Earth observing system (EOS) program includes Terra and
Disaster Charter. and knowledge of climate changes. a planned launch of Aquarius in June 2011, to measure the salt levels of our oceans. Overall,
The sensing technologies used by Since the Nineties, NASA has run they cover every aspect of surface and atmospheric environmental conditions
satellites consist of optical sensors the Earth observing system (EOS)
that can detect the strength of program that co-ordinates the glaciers, sea ice and ice sheets; ozone also plans several ‘Earth explorer’
reflections from the Earth in the activities of its polar-orbiting satellites and stratospheric chemistry and missions, which includes the launch
visible/near infrared spectrum and to study “radiation, clouds, water natural and anthropogenic aerosols.” of three satellites in 2013 to study the
thermal infrared rays that are vapour and precipitation; the oceans; To further this research, it plans to Earth’s magnetic field (‘Swarm’)
radiated from the surface. Microwave greenhouse gases; land-surface launch 15 Earth observation satellites and one to profile global winds
sensors can detect radiation in this hydrology and ecosystem processes; by 2020. The European Space Agency (ADM-Aeolus).
The MODerate-resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer gathers data from
36 bands of the electromagnetic
NASA’s Terra satellite
Launched on 18 December 1999, Terra (EOS AM-1) investigates the
spectrum. Its twin-mirror 17.78cm impact of natural and man-made climate changes. It travels in a
(7in) telescope gains data on the
distribution and temperature of
north-to-south, near-polar orbit at an altitude of 705km (438mi),
clouds and water vapour, and marine viewing the entire surface of the Earth every two days
and lower-atmosphere processes as
it passes over the equator at 10.30am ASTER
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection radiometer (ASTER) consists of three
telescopes that during eight minutes of every orbit
acquire high-resolution images of land heights, surface
temperatures, emissions and reflections. They are able
to detect changes in land surfaces and are used to
calibrate data gained by the other Terra instruments
The Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-
Radiometer (MISR) uses nine digital
cameras pointing at different angles
to obtain images in the blue, green,
red and near-infrared wavelengths
of the electromagnetic spectrum.
They are able to provide monthly
trends in the distribution of aerosol
particles, cloud formations and
seasonal vegetation changes
The Measurements Of Pollution In The
Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument
package measures the amount of carbon
monoxide (CO) in the troposphere by
CERES analysing infrared radiation vertically
The Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) radiating from the Earth. These
uses two identical instruments to determine how clouds measurements enable the production of
influence the flux of thermal radiation from the Earth’s surface to models of the composition and
the top of the atmosphere. One radiometer instrument scans the distribution of fossil fuel consumption
Earth across the track of the satellite and the other scans along it and biomass burning on a global scale
ASHES 3. Icelandic
volcanic eruption
tsunami on 11 March 2011, Buncefield oil depot fire in MERIS on Envisat recorded
Space Center
Images captured Terra and Aqua satellites 2005 and the decline of composition and distribution
transmitted images. Arctic sea ice during 2007. of the volcanic ash.
DID YOU KNOW? Only 24 astronauts have seen the entire Earth from space while on their Apollo missions to the Moon
Gulf oil spill creeps towards the
atmosphere. They obtain
temperature measurements by Oceans
analysing infrared radiation (IR) on In the Seventies the USA and USSR ran ocean observation
wavelengths linked with oxygen or satellite programmes, which carried synthetic aperture radar
carbon dioxide. IR or microwave (SAR) equipment. A number of radar images are taken by SARs
sounders identify water vapour in and combined to produce a single detailed image. This is able
the atmosphere to measure to determine the height of sea levels, waves, currents and their
humidity. Microwave sounders distribution and can detect oil slicks and shipping movements.
have a lower resolution, but can be The Jason 1 and 2 spacecraft currently use these techniques to
used in all weather conditions as study the topography and characteristics of the oceans, to give
they can sound through clouds. a better warning of floods or climate changes.
US reveals the highest ground disasters such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires designed for its mission to
levels of ultraviolet radiation study the thickness and
and earthquakes.
distribution of ice in the
Perspective view of Santa Barbara, View of Antarctica, showing ice
Radiation generated using data from the shuttle
radar topography mission
sheet elevation and cloud data
polar oceans. NASA’s ICESat
(2004) carried a Geoscience
Visible blue, green and red
Laser Altimeter System
light only provides a limited
(GLAS), which used pulses of
amount of information about
laser light to measure the
the Earth’s surface, so
height and characteristics of
satellites use spectrometers to
Greenland and Antarctic ice
study the invisible near-
fields. These satellites have
infrared and infrared parts of
indicated the role of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
greenhouse gases in the
They can identify and track
polar atmosphere and that
the growth of plant species, as
Olympus Mons
Ascraeus Mons
Other than the fact that it’s a
planet in our Solar System, what
do we really know about Mars?
Valles Marineris
Claritas Rupes
To date there have been almost 50 missions to
Mars, with around half of those being complete
failures. Other than the Earth it is the most studied
planet in the Solar System, and for centuries it has
been at the heart of wild speculation and groundbreaking
scientific discoveries. Observations of Mars have not only
revealed otherwise unknown secrets but also posed new and
exciting questions, and it is for these reasons that it has
become the most intriguing planetary body of our time.
Named after the Roman god of war, Mars has fascinated
astronomers since Nicolaus Copernicus first realised Mars was
another planet orbiting the Sun in 1543. Its notable features
such as huge impact craters, gullies and dormant volcanoes
suggest it was once more geologically active than it is now,
leading scientists to speculate on whether it supported water
and life in the past, or indeed if it still does today. Astronomers
in the 19th Century falsely believed they could see large
oceans, and there were several reports of people receiving Like all the planets in our Solar System, it is believed Mars
‘communications’ from Martians in the form of bursts of light formed about 4.5 billion years ago inside a solar nebula, when
when they observed the planet through a telescope. Of course, dust particles clumped together to form the planet. At just
we now have a better understanding of the planet, but we are under half the size of Earth it’s quite a small planet, which is
still yet to unlock some of its most puzzling mysteries. accredited to Jupiter forming first. The gravitational forces of
Mars sits 141 million miles (227 million km) from the Sun this gas giant consumed available material that would have
and takes 687 Earth days to orbit. As its orbital path is not otherwise contributed to Mars’s growth, while Jupiter’s gravity
in sync with Earth’s it goes through a 26-month cycle of prevented another planet forming between Mars and Jupiter
being closest (known as ‘opposition’) and furthest and instead left the asteroid belt. The northern hemisphere of
(‘conjunction’) from us, located at a distance of 35 million miles Mars is significantly younger and lower in elevation than the
(56 million km) and 249 million miles (401 million km) southern hemisphere, suggesting the planet was struck by a
respectively. This change in distance means spacecraft Pluto-sized object early in its lifetime.
destined for Mars are sent in a launch window every 26 Mars is often referred to as something of a ‘dead’ planet.
months, when Mars is closest to Earth. In November 2011, Indeed, its lack of folded mountains like those on Earth show
when NASA launched its new Mars rover, named ‘Curiosity’. that it has no currently active plate tectonics, meaning carbon
The journey time was upwards of six months, so Mars was dioxide cannot be recycled into the atmosphere to create a
actually closest on 3 March 2012. greenhouse effect. For this reason Mars is unable to retain
5 TOP 1,500BC
1 Egyptians refer to Mars as
2 Aristotle first proposes
3 Galileo Galilei uses a telescope
Astronomer Giovanni Cassini
Astronomers Wilhelm Beer
‘Horus of the Hawk’, a god with
the head of a hawk. They note
its retrograde motion, when it
moves backwards in its orbit
that Mars orbits at a further
distance than the Moon
when he notes that the Moon
passes in front of Mars in
to become the first person to
observe Mars, but is later
vilified by the Vatican for
asserting that the planets
calculates the length of a
Martian day, notes the polar
ice caps and even calculates
its distance from Earth in his
and Johann Heinrich Mädler
study Mars through a
3.75-inch telescope and
produce the first sketched
OF MARS relative to Earth. his observations. orbit the Sun and not Earth. telescopic observations. map of its surface.
DID YOU KNOW? Of the nine 21st Century missions to Mars only Beagle 2 has failed
The core of Mars is about
920 miles (1,480km) in
diameter, composed mostly
of iron with 17% sulphur
suggested that a the feature-rich crust, which is
Pluto-sized body once about 31 miles (50km) thick
crashed into Mars
The structure of Mars
The soft mantle made of silicates
is less dense than the core and is
suggests that it was once thought to have once been
active, much like that of Earth
much more geologically active
than it is now, and the
presence of huge craters also Lacking
point to large-scale impacts in The absence of a magnetic field,
its early formation. and its low density suggest Mars
lacks a metallic core like that of
Earth, although the Mars Global
Surveyor has detected traof an
ancient magnetic field
Size comparison
Mars is approximately half the
size of Earth, although both have
roughly the same surface area of
land (Mars has no oceans)
There is a large amount of water
ice at the poles of Mars, in
addition to a sizeable amount of
frozen carbon dioxide, or dry ice
much heat, with a surface temperature as low as tornadoes, ten times larger than anything similar on In 1877 the American astronomer Asaph Hall,
-133°C at the poles in the winter, rising to 27°C on the Earth, can be several miles high and hundreds of urged on by his wife, discovered that Mars had two
day side of the planet during the summer. metres wide, creating miniature lightning bolts as the moons orbiting so close that they were within the
Despite this, the atmosphere of Mars offers dust and sand within become electrically charged. glare of the planet. They were named Phobos and
conclusive evidence that it was once geographically The wind inside one of these, though, is almost Deimos, after the attendants of Ares in the Iliad.
active. The outer planets in the Solar System have unnoticeable, as the atmospheric pressure on Mars is Interestingly, the moons are not spherical like most
atmospheres composed of predominantly hydrogen so low. Interestingly, one of the reasons for the long other moons; they are almost potato-shaped and
and helium, but that of Mars contains 95.3% carbon survival rate of NASA’s Mars rovers is that these dust only about ten miles wide at their longest axis,
dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen and 1.6% argon, with minimal devils have been cleaning their solar panels, allowing indicating that they are the fragments of the collision
traces of oxygen and water. This strongly suggests them to absorb more sunlight. of larger objects near Mars billions of years ago.
that volcanoes once erupted across its surface and Mars’s gravity is about 38% that of Earth, with just Phobos orbits Mars more than three times a day,
spewed out carbon dioxide, further evidenced by 10% of the mass. The surface pressure is just over 100 while Deimos takes 30 hours. Phobos is gradually
giant mountains such as Olympus Mons that appear times weaker than ours at sea level, meaning that a moving closer to Mars and will crash into the planet
to be dormant volcanoes. human standing on the surface would see their blood within 50 million years, a blink of an eye in
It might not be geologically active, but Mars does instantly boil. The red colour on Mars’s surface is the astronomical terms. The moons have both been
play host to some extreme weather conditions, most result of rusting, due to iron present in the rocks and touted as a possible base, from which humans could
notably the appearance of dust devils. These soil reacting with oxygen to produce an iron oxide. observe and travel to Mars.
When Galileo Galilei discovered
Jupiter in 1610, it is doubtful that
he was aware of the impact this
giant planet had on the
surrounding Solar System. From altering the
evolution of Mars to preventing the
formation of a ninth planet, the size and
mass of Jupiter has seen it exert an influence
on its neighbours second only to the Sun.
Jupiter’s mass and composition almost
more closely resemble a star than a planet,
and in fact if it was 80 times more massive it We take a look inside
would be classified as the former. It can
virtually be regarded as being the centre of the most massive planet
its own miniature Solar System; 50 moons to
date are known to orbit the gas giant, with
in our Solar System
the four largest (Io, Europa, Ganymede and
Callisto, the Galilean satellites) each
surpassing Pluto in size.
The comparison of Jupiter to a star owes a
lot to the fact that it is composed almost
entirely of gas. It has a large number of
ammonia-based clouds floating above water
vapour, with strong east-west winds in the
upper atmosphere pulling these climate
features into dark and light stripes. The
majority of its atmosphere, however, is made
up of hydrogen and helium.
The strength of Jupiter’s gravity is such
that it is held responsible for much of the
development of nearby celestial bodies. The
gravitational force of the gas giant is believed
to have stunted the growth of Mars,
consuming material that would have
contributed to its size. It also prevented a
new planet forming between these two and
instead gave rise to the asteroid belt.
Much of our knowledge of Jupiter comes
from seven spacecraft missions to visit the
planet, starting with NASA’s Pioneer 10 in
1973. The only man-made object to orbit the
planet is the Galileo spacecraft, which
studied the planet from 1995 until 2003, when
it was sent crashing into Jupiter so as not to
contaminate its moons with the debris.
All Images © NASA
RADIUS778,340,821km RADIUS 69,911km ONEYEAR 11.86yrs
GRAVITY24.79m/s VELOCITY 214,200km/h DAY 9.92hrs
DID YOU KNOW? The Greeks and later the Romans named the gas giant after their most important deities – Zeus and Jupiter
Magnetic field
Jupiter’s The magnetic field of Jupiter is
20,000 times stronger than Earth’s,
Moons of
anatomy containing a huge number of charged
particles that contribute to giant
auroras at its north and south poles Jupiter’s four
Metallic hydrogen largest moons
A third of the way into the planet are known as
can be found hydrogen gas that the Galilean
has been compressed into a satellites, named Io
metallic and electrically after their
conducting liquid discoverer
Galileo Galilei
Atmosphere Magnetosphere
The tail of Jupiter’s
The large majority of the
magnetosphere (the
atmosphere is composed of
influence of its magnetic
hydrogen and helium gas,
directly observed by the Galileo
field) stretches more Europa
than 1 billion kilometres
space probe that pierced its
(600 million miles) away
atmosphere in 1995
from the Sun, out to the
orbit of Saturn
At the core of Jupiter
is an Earth-sized
rock, although this
has not been directly
observed as it is
almost impossible to
see through the
thick atmosphere Ring structure
The rings consist of a main, flat ring
and an inner cloud-like ring, known as a This photograph of Jupiter, with the Red
halo, with both made from small, dark Spot visible at the centre, was taken by
Aurora particles kicked up by meteorites NASA’s Voyager 2 on 29 June 1979, as it
An intense radiation flew past at a distance of almost
hitting Jupiter’s moons
belt of electrons and 9 million kilometres (6 million miles)
ions are trapped by
Jupiter’s magnetic field, Rings
influencing Jupiter’s
rings and its
NASA’s deep-space Voyager 1 spacecraft surprised
astronomers in 1979 when it found rings encircling The Great
surrounding moons Jupiter. The rings are only visible in sunlight
Red Spot
One of Jupiter’s most iconic features is the
Great Red Spot, a storm more than twice the
size of Earth that has been raging for
hundreds of years. The redness is believed to
be the result of compounds being brought up
from deeper inside Jupiter, which turn brown
and red upon exposure to the Sun. Although
once highly elliptical in shape, it has become
squashed in recent years for unknown
reasons and is expected to become circular
other the next few decades, although this
anti-cyclonic storm shows no sign of dying out
The auroras at Jupiter’s poles Jupiter’s faint ring system was the third
any time soon.
are bigger than Earth to be discovered in the solar system
Inside Saturn
Saturn is believed to have a small rocky core, with a
temperature of more than 11,000°C. It is surrounded by a layer
of gases and water, followed by a metallic liquid hydrogen
and a viscous layer of liquid helium and hydrogen.
Near the surface, the hydrogen and helium
become gaseous. Saturn
has no solid surface.
Inner layer
This thickest layer
surrounding the core
is liquid hydrogen
and helium
Wave-like structures in
the clouds can be seen
in Saturn’s atmosphere
Only Jupiter is larger than this gas
giant, best known for its ring system
We’ve been viewing Saturn with compression. Saturn takes about 29.5 years to
the naked eye since prehistoric revolve around the Sun, and its rotation is a
times, but the planet’s most bit more complex – different probes have
unique feature – its ring system – estimated different times, the latest estimate
wasn’t discovered until 1610. Each ring is ten hours, 32 minutes and 35 seconds. The
contains billions of chunks of dust and water- variations probably have something to do
ice. Saturn has about 14 major ring divisions, with irregularities in the planet’s radio
but there are also satellites and other waves, due to the similarities between its
structures within some of the rings and gaps. magnetic axis and its rotational axis. Outer layer
Saturn’s rings are believed to have come from Saturn has a cold atmosphere comprising The outer layer is
gaseous hydrogen and
the remains of moons, comets or other bodies layered clouds of both water-ice and
helium, blending with
that broke up in the planet’s atmosphere. ammonia-ice. It also has winds of up to 1,800 its atmosphere
The rings aren’t the only fascinating thing kilometres per second. Occasionally Saturn
about Saturn, however. This gas giant is less has storms on its surface, similar to those of
dense than any other planet in our solar Jupiter. One such storm is the Great White
system and has a mostly fluid structure. It Spot, a massive storm in the planet’s northern
radiates a massive amount of energy, thought hemisphere that has been observed about
to be the result of slow gravitational once every Saturnian year since 1876.
Discovering the rings
Galileo thought that he was seeing moons orbiting Saturn instead of rings
DID YOU because his telescope was not powerful enough. Astronomer Christiaan
KNOW? Huygens observed the rings in 1655, but thought they were a single ring.
DID YOU KNOW? Images from the Cassini probe show that Saturn has a bright blue northern atmosphere
Diameter: 120,535 km
Mass: 5.6851 x 1026 kg
Density: 0.687 grams per cm3
Average surface
temperature: -139°C
Core temperature: 11,000°C
Moons: 62
Average distance from the
Sun: 1,426,725,400km
Surface gravity: 10.44 metres
per second squared
Cassini probe
The first spacecraft to ever orbit Saturn,
the Cassini probe has provided incredible
images of the planet and its ring system
Inner core
The inner core is likely
very small and contains
silicate rock, much like
Jupiter’s core Float that planet
If we had a big enough pond, we could float Saturn on its surface. Although
Saturn is the second-largest planet as well as the second-most massive, it’s
the least-dense planet in our solar system. Its density is just 0.687 grams per
cubic centimetre, about one-tenth as dense as our planet and two-thirds as
dense as water.
southern storm
In 2004, the Cassini space probe discovered a
Outer core
Saturn’s outer core is massive, oddly shaped convective
much thicker than its thunderstorm in Saturn’s southern
inner core, containing atmosphere. Dubbed the Dragon Storm, this
metallic liquid hydrogen weather feature emitted strong radio waves.
Like storms on Earth, the Dragon Storm emits
flashes of lightning that appear as white
plumes. Scientists believe it exists deep in the
atmosphere and can occasionally flare up.
An artist’s impression of
Saturn’s ring particles
Saturn’s rings comprise particles
of ice and dust that range from
microscopic to several thousand
kilometres in diameter
All Images © NASA
© DK Images
Seventh planet from the Sun, third-
largest and fourth most massive in the
Solar System. Uranus was the first
planet to be discovered by telescope
Four times the size of Earth and capable of containing 63 Earths inside it (it
is only 14.5 times as dense however, as it is a gas giant), Uranus is the third
largest and forth most massive planet in our Solar System. Appearing
calm and pale blue when imaged, Uranus has a complex ring system and a
total of 27 moons orbiting its gaseous, cloudy main body. Due to its distance from the
Sun the temperature at the cloud-top layer of the planet drops to -214°C and because of
its massive distance from Earth it appears incredibly dim when viewed, a factor that
led to it not being recognised as a planet until 1781 by astronomer William Herschel.
cloud tops
Made up of
1. Atmosphere 2. Rings rock and ice
Uranus’s blue colour is caused by the Uranus’s 11 rings are tilted on their side, as
absorption of the incoming sunlight’s red viewed from Earth, and extend from 12,500
wavelengths by methane-ice clouds. The action to 25,600km from the planet. They are widely
of the ultraviolet sunlight on the methane separated and incredibly narrow too, meaning
produces haze particles, and these hide the that the system has more gap than ring. All but
lower atmosphere, giving the planet its calm the inner and outer rings are between 1km and
appearance. However, beneath this calm 13km wide, and all are less than 15km in height.
façade the planet is constantly changing with The rings consist of a mixture of dust particles,
huge ammonia and water clouds carried rocks and charcoal-dark pieces of carbon-rich
around the planet by its high winds (up to
560mph) and the planet’s rotation. Uranus
radiates what little heat it absorbs from the Sun
material. The Kuiper Airborne Observatory
discovered the first five of these rings in 1977
and has an unusually cold core
The first Uranian moon
to be discovered
Umbriel A cross-section of
The darkest of the major
moons, reflecting only
the blue planet
16 per cent of light
Uranus’ largest moon appears
grey with an icy surface
Ariel Miranda
The brightest and with Features a scarred, © DK Images
the youngest surface of piecemeal structure
the major moons
5 TOP Old man Passing wind Bonus Elementary Lone ranger
FACTS 1 2 3 5
Uranus is named after the Uranus is one of the solar Upon discovering Uranus, The only space probe to
Greek deity of the same name
who, in Greek mythology, was
system’s most windy planets,
with speeds that can reach up
William Herschel was gifted an
annual stipend of £200 by King
4 The element uranium was
named in dedication to the
discovery of Uranus eight
examine Uranus to date was
the Voyager 2 in 1986, when it
Zeus’s grandfather and the to a monumental 250 metres George III, on the condition he years prior to the element’s passed with 82,000km of the
URANUS father of Cronus. per second. moved to Windsor. discovery in 1789. planet’s cloud-tops.
DID YOU KNOW? Many of Uranus’ moons are named after characters from the plays of Shakespeare
The smallest and innermost of Uranus’s
five major moons, Miranda is like no
other moon in our Solar System
When the Voyager 2 passed by Uranus in 1986 it not only observed the
planet but also many of its moons, coming close to its innermost
Miranda at a distance of 32,000km. However, the images it recorded
were not what were expected as on closer inspection it showed the
satellite’s surface consisted of a series of incongruous surface features
that seemed to have been crushed together and butted up unnaturally.
Miranda was an ancient terrain that seemed to have been constructed
from various smaller segments from different time periods, instead
of forming as one distinct whole at one time. Scientists have
theorised that this was probably caused by a
catastrophic collision in the moon’s past that caused it
to shatter into various pieces before then being
reassembled in this disjointed way.
Verona Rupes
Found on Uranus’ moon Miranda, this cliff face is
estimated to be ten kilometres deep, almost ten times
the depth of the Grand Canyon. This makes it the tallest
Atmosphere known cliff in the entire Solar System
Consists of
hydrogen, helium
and other gasses
A large layer of water,
methane and
ammonia ices
4. Orbit
Uranus takes 84 Earth years to complete a single orbit around the
Sun, through which it is permanently tilted on its side by 98°
– a factor probably caused by a planetary-sized collision
while it was still young. Due to its sideways tilt, each of
the planet’s poles points to the Sun for 21 years at a
time, meaning that while one pole receives
continuous sunlight, the other receives
continuous darkness. The strength of the
sunlight that Uranus receives on its orbit is
0.25 per cent of that which is received on
Earth. There is a difference of 186 million
kilometres between Uranus’s aphelion
(furthest point on an orbit from the Sun)
and perihelion (closest point on an orbit)
3. Structure
Uranus consists of three distinct sections,
an atmosphere of hydrogen, helium and
other gases, an inner layer of water,
methane and ammonia ices, and a small
The smallest and coldest of
the four gas giants, as well as
the most distant from the
Sun, Neptune is the
windiest planet in our
Solar System
Over 4.5 billion kilometres
from Earth and with an
average temperature of -220°C,
Neptune is the furthest planet
from the Sun and the coldest in our Solar
System, excluding the dwarf planet Pluto.
It is a massive (49,532km in diameter)
sphere of hydrogen, helium and methane
gas, formed around a small but mass-
heavy core of rock and ice that, despite its
similar size and structure to its inner
neighbour Uranus, differs in appearance
dramatically, presenting its turbulent,
violently windy atmosphere on its surface.
Find out what makes Neptune so unique
and volatile right here.
A cross-section of
A gigantic storm the
the smallest gas giant
size of Earth
5. Dark spot
The Great Dark Spot, a gigantic, dark storm the size of Earth,
was captured on film by the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it passed
by Neptune in 1989. Storms of this size and magnitude are
believed by scientists to be relatively common on this volatile,
windy planet. However, when the Hubble Space Telescope
tried to image the Great Dark Spot in 1996 it had disappeared
5 TOP True blue Gale force Belt buster Son of god The four seasons
FACTS 1 2 3 5
Neptune’s eye-catching deep Around its equatorial region Due to the fast nature of Neptune undergoes seasons
blue colouring is caused by the
methane gas in its atmosphere,
Neptune is privy to winds
in excess of 1,340 miles per
Neptune’s spin around its axis,
its equatorial region is 527
4 Neptune’s one major moon
is actually named, funnily
enough, after his Greek
just like here on Earth.
However, they last 40 years
absorbing red light and hour as well as extremely miles larger in diameter than counterpart Poseidon’s each instead of just the three
NEPTUNE reflecting blue. violent storms. at its poles. son, Triton. months we’re used to.
DID YOU KNOW? Neptune is not visible to the naked eye, with a small telescope necessary to discern it as a star-like point of light
1. Atmosphere
Despite its massive Dark carbonaceous dust
distance from the Sun litters Triton’s south pole
(the Sun is over 900
times weaker on
Neptune compared to
on Earth), Neptune is
host to a complex and
active weather system
driven by its internal
heat source. Clouds,
storms and high winds
are common, made up
of the hydrogen, helium
and methane gases in
its atmosphere
2. Rings
Although not shown here, Neptune is actually a ring Learning more about
system, and is host to a series of six rings encircling
the planet. The rings are made from tiny pieces of
Neptune’s massive moon
Upper yet-to-be determined materials (probably rocks, While Neptune has 13 moons in total (four in its ring system and nine out), it
atmosphere, stellar dust and numerous gases), which were has only one major moon – Triton. Triton was the first of Neptune’s moons
cloud tops gathered from nearby moons and phenomena and to be discovered, just 17 days after the discovery of the planet was
stretch a few kilometres across in width announced in 1846, and it is bigger than the dwarf planet Pluto. It follows a
circular orbit around Neptune and exhibits a synchronous rotation,
3. Structure meaning that the same side always faces inwards. At both of its poles
Neptune is very similar in size and bands of nitrogen frost and snow are projected and redistributed by solar
composition to Uranus. Indeed, only 15 per
winds over its atmosphere and into space.
cent of the planet’s mass is hydrogen –
contained within its shallow outer layer – with Triton is retrograde in motion, travelling in the opposite direction to
Atmosphere its main layer consisting of a mix of water, Neptune’s spin, and this scientists believe is evidence to its captured origin
(hydrogen, helium,
methane gas) methane ice and ammonia, and its tiny from elsewhere in the Solar System, rather than formation in line with its
central core postulated to be constructed planetary centre. Geologically young, Triton is two parts rock to one part
purely out of rock. As with the other gas
giants, the boundaries between layers are
ice and has a liquid mantle
not clearly defined and change consistently core and crusty, icy, craterous
surface. At its southern pole
lies a region of dark patches
4. Orbit caused by the heating of sub-
Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years to orbit surface nitrogen ice into gas
the Sun and it is tilted to its orbital plane that erupts through surface
by 28.3 degrees, allowing its northern and
vents in geyser-like plumes,
southern poles to face the Sun in turn.
Mantle The planet is also 30 times further from depositing carbonaceous
(water, ammonia,
the Sun than Earth and presents the solar dust over its surface.
methane ices)
system’s second most circular orbit, only
beaten by Venus in the parity between its An image showing Triton’s
aphelion and perihelion distances polar projection
(rock, ice) Triton’s icy,
scarred surface
Neptune’s diameter is
nearly five times that
of Earth, with a mass
that is the equivalent
of 17 Earths.
Images courtesy of NASA
12,756.3km 49,532km
The elusive Planet X that became an
ex-planet and still has many X factors
Surface details
Using observations by the Hubble Space Telescope, and maps produced
since the Eighties, it has been found that the surface of Pluto undergoes
many large variations in brightness and colour.
From 1994 to 2003, the southern hemisphere darkened, while the
northern hemisphere got brighter. It has a slightly less red colour than
Mars, with an orange cast similar to Jupiter’s moon Io. It got redder from
2000 to 2002, and other colour variations of dark orange, charcoal black
and white have been observed. These seasonal variations are regarded as
being due to the orbital eccentricity and axial tilt of Pluto that are
reflecting topographic features and the flux of the frozen surface of the
planet with its rarefied atmosphere.
The astronomer Percival Lowell predicted the
existence of a ninth planet in our solar system,
beyond the orbit of Neptune. Lowell failed to find This is about 1,700 kilometres in
Planet X in his lifetime, but Clyde Tombaugh – using diameter. It is mainly composed
the Lowell Observatory in Arizona – confirmed his calculations. of iron-nickel alloy and rock. At
Shortly after Planet X’s discovery back in January 1930 it was its centre might be hot
radioactive material or ice
named Pluto. In 1978, however, it was determined that Lowell’s
theory based on the mass of Pluto and its effects on Uranus and
Neptune were incorrect. Tombaugh’s discovery was just a Mantel 1
very lucky coincidence. Composed of rock
The dwarf planet Pluto takes a leisurely 248 years to and water ice
orbit the Sun. Its highly elliptical orbit takes it to a
maximum of 7.4 billion kilometres from the sun (at
aphelion, or farthest from the Sun) to as close as 4.5
billion kilometres (at perihelion, or closest to the
Sun). Twice in this orbit it is actually closer to
the Sun than Neptune, as was the case from
January 1979 to February 1999.
All the other planets orbit on the plane of
the ecliptic, but Pluto’s orbit is at an
inclination of 17 degrees to this plane.
Pluto is also unusual because it rotates at
an angle of 122 degrees to its own axis, in
a clockwise direction. This retrograde
motion means it is spinning in an
opposite direction to its counter-
clockwise orbit around the Sun.
So far, even the Hubble Space
Telescope has only obtained grainy
pictures of its surface, and it is not until
the arrival of the New Horizons
spacecraft in 2015 that we should know
more about this small, distant and very
cold body.
A rocky surface covered by frozen nitrogen,
methane and carbon monoxide
Mantel 2
If Pluto has a hot radioactive core, then there
could be a 180-kilometre thick liquid water
ocean between the core and the outer mantel
Inside Pluto
So far, we know little about the composition of
Pluto. Ice beneath Pluto’s surface might cause
movement and changes on the surface, in the
same way glaciers do on Earth © DK Images
5 TOP 1
Finding Pluto
Clyde Tombaugh
Naming Pluto
2 Venetia Burney, an 11-year-old
Nix and Hydra
3 The Hubble Space Telescope
Kuiper Belt
4 Pluto is part of a cluster of
It was thought that Pluto was
DID YOU KNOW? Out of 1,000 names suggested for Planet X, three were shortlisted: Minerva, Cronus and Pluto
Surface gravity: 0.067g Sun, the gaseous atmosphere freezes and falls planet on the 24 August 2006.
Moons: 3 to the surface.
An image of Pluto,
Pluto’s closest moon is Charon, which was discovered in 1978. It
with Charon visible
to the bottom-left
is 19,640 kilometres from Pluto, so from Earth they look like one
planet. Charon has the same 6.4 day rate of rotation as Pluto so
they always present the same face to each other. On Pluto, the
surface facing Charon has more methane ice than the opposite
face, which has more carbon monoxide and nitrogen ice.
Charon has a diameter of 1,210 kilometres, and has a grey
surface with a bluer hue than Pluto. This indicates the surface
could be covered in water ice rather than nitrogen ice. It is also
speculated that methane has leaked from the grasp of its weak
gravity to Pluto.
Plutoids, as defined by the IAU,
are dwarf planets that orbit the
An artist’s Sun beyond Neptune, are
impression of the round, have not cleared the
New Horizons craft
Earth diameter:
neighbourhood of other similar
bodies, and are not satellites of
another planetary body. There
could be at least 70 trans-
8,000 miles Neptunian objects (TNOs) that
might be plutoids.
Pluto diameter: So far only a few have been
Fiery twisters
Solar tornadoes
The story behind twisters on the Sun, a thousand Fiery atmosphere
times larger than their Earthling counterparts In 2012, small-scale
magnetic tornadoes were
discovered in the corona
- where temperatures can
A gigantic sphere of hydrogen plasma poles, as this is where magnetism is most reach over a million degrees
(ionised gas), our Sun is by far the most prominent. They exist on other stars as well as the - as well as the photosphere
dominant body in the Solar System Sun, burn at over a million degrees Celsius (1.8
and one of its most visually intense million degrees Fahrenheit) and have swirling
events is the solar tornado. These twisting speeds of 10,000 kilometres (6,213 miles) per hour.
magnetic fields are between 100 to 1,000 times They appear in clusters and their main function
larger than their equivalents on Earth and have is to heat the star’s outer atmosphere by moving
been observed at a gigantic 70,000 kilometres energy from the surface to the uppermost layer,
(43,496 miles) tall. Over 11,000 of these phenomena the corona. They generate 100 to 300 watts per
are on the Sun’s surface at any time and they are square metre (10.8 square feet) and are believed to
believed to potentially be the source of heating for be the reason for the corona’s heat production,
the outer reaches of the Sun and could contribute which has puzzled scientists and astronomers for Gas twisters
to auroras on our planet. generations. Observations from the Swedish 1m The rotating magnetic
fields of the Sun
Solar tornadoes differ from Earth-based Solar Telescope in 2008 have increased our generate the ionised
twisters because they are comprised of a understanding of how nature heats magnetised gas twisters, creating
magnetic field of plasma. They are more plasma and how the ‘chromospheric swirls’ we its spiral shape
frequently spotted around the Sun’s equator and can see are the result of the tornadoes.
5 TOP Solar flare
1 A massive magnetic energy
Coronal mass ejection
2 An eruption of solar wind
3 A relatively dark and cool area
Geomagnetic storm
4 Caused by CMEs and solar
Solar prominence
5 Similar to a solar flare, solar
release on the Sun’s surface, a caused by magnetic of the photosphere, they have flares, radiation-charged prominences are loops of
solar flare shows sudden instabilities, CMEs can cause temperatures of around particles affect the Earth’s unstable plasma that extend
concentrated brightness and electrical problems to 3,500°C (6,330°F) and can magnetic field and cause from the surface to the
emits huge amounts of satellites and the Earth’s reach over 50,000km auroras in the North and corona, adding to the Sun’s
SUN PHENOMENA radiation into the Solar System. magnetosphere. (31,069mi) in diameter. South Polar regions. already vibrant appearance.
DID YOU KNOW? There are two types of solar tornado: giant and small-scale magnetic. Experts are unsure whether they are linked
Solar storm
Dr Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm from the Institute
of Theoretical Astrophysics explains more
How similar are solar tornadoes to
tornadoes on Earth?
Aside from the visible appearance, tornadoes
on Earth and on the Sun are very different
phenomena. In both cases, the tornado funnel
is narrow at the bottom and widens with
height in the atmosphere. Particles inside
tornadoes are forced to move in spirals.
Tornadoes on Earth occur as a result of
temperature and gas pressure differences and
strong shear winds. Solar tornadoes are
generated by rotating magnetic field
structures, which force the plasma, ie the
ionised gas, to move in spirals.
Our amazing Sun
Observatory (SDO). Taken on 30 March 2010, this false colour image traces the
different gas temperatures with reds relatively cool (about 60,000 Kelvin or
107,540 F), while blues and greens are hotter (1 million Kelvin or 1,799,540 F). The
SDO provides images with clarity ten times better than high-definition TV.
5 TOP Larger than it appears
1 In a total eclipse the Sun and
Don’t stare directly
2 Our retinas cannot sense any
’Tis the season
Eclipse season happens twice
A brief observation
4 Total eclipses generally
An indirect view
5 The best and safest way
the Moon appear to be the
same size, due to their
respective diameters and
distances. The size difference is
pain, so permanent vision loss
caused by staring at an eclipse
may not become evident until
hours later, so be sensible
a year (approximately every
173 days), when the Moon
crosses the orbital plane of the
Earth. Each season lasts
take a couple of hours from
start to finish, with the period
of totality lasting for a few
minutes and plunging an area
to view any kind of eclipse
is through a special solar
filter (such as eclipse
sunglasses) or possibly
ECLIPSES actually monumental. when viewing. between 24 and 37 days. into complete darkness. a pinhole camera.
DID YOU KNOW? Ancient cultures were often frightened by solar eclipses and attributed them to supernatural beings
Solar eclipse
Moon’s transit across the
Sun, taken from NASA’s
STEREO-B spacecraft
When the
Moon blocks
out the Sun
The relationship between
the Sun, Moon and Earth
during an eclipse is
Halley’s Comet
The Statistics
Halley’s Comet What is the
Kármán line?
Want to turn from an aeronaut
into an astronaut? Just cross
Closest approach to Sun: the Kármán line
88 million km (55 million miles)
Furthest distance from Sun: The Kármán line is an official boundary between the Earth’s
5.3 billion km (3.3 billion miles) atmosphere and space, lying 100km (62 miles) above sea level.
Orbital period: About 76 years Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the governing
First recorded: 240 BC body for air sports and aeronautical world records, recognises
Last recorded: 1986
it as the line where aeronautics ends and astronautics begins.
Next appearance: 2061
Diameter: 16 x 8 x 7km The line is named after aeronautical scientist Theodore von
Mass: 2.2 x 1014 kilograms Kármán. He calculated that approximately 100km above sea
level it was more efficient for vehicles to orbit than fly. The air
thins with increasing altitude and aircraft rely on air flowing
over their wings to keep them aloft, so must move faster. Above
100km they’d have to move faster than the velocity satellites
Halley’s Comet
orbit around the Earth. Thin air also explains why the Earth’s
sky looks blue and space is black. Atmospheric gases scatter
blue light more than other colours, turning the sky blue. At
higher altitudes, less air exists to scatter light.
What is this fiery ball and why does it
return to the night sky? The layers in Earth’s
Comets are dirty snowballs made of dust and ice left
behind when our solar system formed. Halley’s
Comet is the best-known short period comet – a
5 TOP Exosphere
Many satellites orbit in the exosphere –
comet that has orbited around the Sun more than
once in recorded history.
the highest atmospheric layer. It
extends to 10,000km above sea level
and gets thinner and thinner until it
Comets’ orbits can be tilted at a large angle relative to the becomes outer space
orbits of the planets. Halley’s Comet’s orbit is so tilted it looks to
orbit backwards compared to the planets. Its orbit is also very
elongated so the distance between Halley’s Comet and the Sun 1 Dinosaur extinction
A comet hitting the Earth 200
million years ago could have
‘Thermos’ means hot. Air molecules in
this layer can be heated to over
changes dramatically as it travels. cleared the way for dinosaurs 1,000°C by the Sun’s incoming energy,
When the comet is far from the Sun, it’s a frozen ball called a to rule the world until another but we would feel cold because there is
comet wiped them out 135 million so little air
nucleus. As it comes closer, it heats up and spews out dust and years later.
gas to form a glowing cloud – the coma – and long tail. Each time
Halley’s Comet returns towards the Sun, it loses more ice until,
eventually, there will be too little to form a tail. 2 Lightweight
A person weighing 45kg on
Earth would weigh 0.005kg on
Meteorites entering the Earth’s
atmosphere normally burn up in the
a comet and could jump off into mesosphere, the coldest layer in the
We’ll have to wait until 2061 to see space. A comet’s small size atmosphere that lies 50 to 80km
this sight again gives it little gravity to hold above sea level
objects down.
3 Gushing gas
Comet Hale-Bopp could have lost
250 tons of dust and gas every
The stratosphere stretches
from around 12km to 50km
second as it swung by the Sun in
above sea level. This layer contains
early 1997 – more than 50 times the ozone layer, which shields
greater than most comets. us from the Sun’s potentially
harmful ultraviolet radiation
4 Time capsule
Comets could hold a deep-
frozen record of the early solar
The atmosphere’s lowest layer
system. Scientists think they contains 75 per cent of its mass and
formed 5 billion years ago and
almost all its weather. It varies from
have remained almost
perpetually frozen since. around 8km high at the poles to
20km over the equator
5 Seeding life
Dust collected from comet
Wild 2 in 2004 contained a
The first man-made object to
Over the centuries, Halley’s Comet chemical, glycine, used by cross the Kármán line was a
has been blamed for earthquakes, living organisms. Scientists
think some building blocks for
DID YOU German V-2 rocket during a
the births of two-headed animals
and even the Black Death.
life could have arrived from
space on comets.
KNOW? 1944 test flight.
Gravity-neutral space
Learn how Lagrange points are able to perform a cosmic balancing act
Any two bodies that are gravitationally you travel away from Earth, the gravity of the diagram you are able to see the areas where these
bound, such as Earth and the Sun, have planet pulls you back. At the same time, however, points occur.
five regions of gravitational stability. In the gravity of the Sun pulls you inward into the The interesting thing about Lagrangian points
these regions, the forces of gravity from Solar System. Travel far enough from Earth in the is that an object placed on them will remain
the two bodies balance out, and anything located direction of the Sun, and you will be pulled into stationary, if it is not already moving, unless acted
at these regions, known as Lagrangian points (or the Sun. Conversely, if you travel only a short upon by something else. This makes Lagrangian
simply Lagrange points) will remain stationary. distance from Earth with a speed that is not great points crucial stopovers for many spacecraft (see
Lagrangian points are fascinating, and it just so enough to escape the planet’s gravity, you will be boxout below).
happens they are incredibly useful for space pulled backwards.
exploration. To understand how they occur, let’s However, there are points around the Earth-
examine the Earth-Sun system. Earth, as we Sun system, or indeed any such system, such as
know, is in a stable orbit around the Sun. Our
planet and the star are pulling on one another. As
Venus and the Sun, for example, where the gravity
of each body essentially ‘balances out’. In the
Making use of
Lagrange points
Over the past few decades many spacecraft have
made use of Lagrangian points in the Earth-Sun
Earth-Sun Lagrange points Learn more
To see where the
system, specifically L1 and L2, for a number of
different reasons.
Around Earth and the Sun are five regions of gravitational stability
Lagrangian orbits fit in L1 is an area of stability between Earth and
with Earth and the Sun, the Sun. It is a prime location for Sun-observing
check out the animated telescopes, as they can get full views of the
diagrams available at entire Sun over the course of a year without
L2 this useful ESA website:
1.5mn km (932mn mi) interference from Earth. In addition, the don’t
from Earth, L2 is a prime need to exhaust much fuel to remain in position.
location from which to L2, on the opposite side of Earth, is a good
L1 observe the universe location for space observatories as they can get
Sun-observing spacecraft views of the universe without any obstruction
are often placed at L1, as
from Earth. It has also been touted as a possible
Earth and the Sun hold L5
them in position location for a future space station that could be
L5 is identical to L4
used as a ‘pitstop’ for manned spacecraft
except that it lies 60
degrees behind the
venturing further into the Solar System.
Earth rather than Meanwhile, Lagrangian points L4 and L5 are
60° 60° known to play host to numerous asteroids and
ahead of it
could be a viable destination for future
asteroid-hunting spacecraft.
its orbit that remains on the other side of the Lagrange point (L1) in 1983
stable where asteroids Sun, where objects will
tend to accumulate remain in a stable orbit
Exploring the Moon
the Moon
We’ve visited the lunar body several times
but it still has many secrets to reveal…
The Moon has been shrouded in The Moon is the second-brightest object in
mystery since the dawn of time. For a our sky after the Sun and it has influenced life
start, where did it come from? The on Earth in countless ways. The gravitational
most popular current hypothesis is the giant interactions with our world and the Sun give us
impact theory. We’ve learned from dating ocean tides and lengthen our days by a tiny
lunar rocks that the Moon formed about 4.5 amount. We’ve also created calendars based
billion years ago, a good 30-50 million years on its phases. Until a Soviet spacecraft landed
after the Solar System. But while the Earth was on it in 1959, we’d only been able to study the
just finishing its formation, it was struck by a Moon from Earth. Then in 1969, humans visited
giant celestial body about the size of Mars, the Moon – and it remains the only other body
which has been christened Theia. This in the universe we’ve actually stood upon.
collision blasted material out into space near Thanks to decades of study, we’ve learned a
the Earth, which coalesced into the body that great deal about our satellite. For example, we
today we call the Moon. Whether the material know that the Moon has a differentiated
came from Earth or the planetoid that caused interior, just like Earth – it contains a core,
the impact (or both) is still a matter of debate. mantle and crust. The core is rich with iron
How many of
these objects
would fit into
1.5 22
DID YOU KNOW? Smoke and ash from volcanic eruptions on Earth, eg Krakatoa, have actually caused the Moon to appear blue
– solid in the centre and surrounded by a fluid seen on the Moon and subsequently found on compounds of argon, radon and polonium,
outer core. The core is small in comparison to Earth) fairly abundant as well. The top layer is while solar wind contributes helium-4. All of
the rest of the Moon, however – roughly 350 covered with dusty, broken rock that smells a these have been found in the atmosphere and
kilometres (217 miles) thick, about 20 per cent of bit like gunpowder and has a snowy texture, are continually replenished. Oxygen and other
the Moon’s total size. Surrounding the core is a called regolith. neutral elements found on Earth are present in
500-kilometre (311-mile), partially melted There’s a reason why astronauts had to wear the regolith, but they don’t exist in the
boundary layer. This is thought to have formed helmets on the Moon – there’s very little atmosphere – probably because the solar wind
when a magma ocean in the mantle cooled and atmosphere, and what there is doesn’t contain quickly sweeps them out into space.
crystallised shortly after the Moon’s formation. oxygen, nitrogen or hydrogen; indeed, the Our Moon is the second-densest to be found
The mantle is the next layer, a hard and rocky atmospheric mass is less than ten metric tons. in the Solar System, behind Jupiter’s Io. It’s also
area 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) thick. The Since there’s nothing to block the solar wind, it the fifth largest moon in diameter, only beaten,
Moon’s crust is also rocky, and about 60-100 bombards the surface and causes sputtering – in ascending order, by Io (Jupiter), Callisto
kilometres (37-62 miles) in thickness. Analysing sprays of particles into the air. The Moon’s (Jupiter), Titan (Saturn) and Ganymede
© NASA; Reisio
rocks has shown us that most of the lunar crust surface also experiences outgassing, when (Jupiter). The Moon’s diameter is about
comprises aluminium and titanium, with the volatile gases vent from the interior. These one-quarter that of Earth’s, but its mass
elements pyroxferroite and tranquillityite (first processes contribute sodium, potassium and is just under 0.0125 Earth masses.
Exploring the Moon
The lunar body has some unique
The Earth- Barycentre
This is the centre of mass
Plane of the Moon’s orbit gravitational properties too. Unlike Earth, the
Moon system at which the Earth and the
The Moon’s orbital plane is close to
the ecliptic plane – the path the Earth
Moon does not have a dipolar magnetic field,
A closer look at the relationship
Moon balance each other, takes as it orbits the Sun, or to be but it does have an external magnetic field that
located 1,710km (1,062mi) more specific, the barycentre of the
between our planet and the Moon below Earth’s surface results in a gravity of about a sixth of that here
Solar System
What many people don’t know is the on Earth. In addition, the Moon has ‘mascons’
Moon doesn’t just orbit the Earth, but (mass concentrations), which are large positive
Earth orbits the Moon too. While the gravitational anomalies mostly centred around
Moon is propelled around Earth in an
elliptical orbit, the pull of the Moon’s some of its largest basins. We aren’t sure what
own gravity causes our planet to causes them, although the ones in basins may
move slightly off its own centre and come from the extremely dense lava flows
around in a small circle. Think of it like
an Olympic hammer thrower filling them. We continue to search for water on
swinging the hammer around their the Moon, which can’t exist on its surface, but
body while holding onto the chain: might be lurking in some of the shadowy
even though the hammer is many
times smaller than the thrower, it’s basins, deposited by comets or formed by
enough to pull the thrower slightly off interactions between hydrogen from the solar
their mark. The barycentre marks the wind or oxygen from the regolith deposits.
centre of mass for this Earth-Moon
relationship. The forces involved in The Moon is in synchronous rotation with
Earth-Moon barycentre dynamics are our world. This means that its orbit and
very regular, but even so, tiny revolution periods are of equal length, so the
variances mean the Moon is gradually
moving away from our world. When same side of the Moon faces the Earth all of the
the Moon was first formed it was time. We call these the near side and the far
very close and had a powerful effect side, or the ‘dark side’, but the latter actually
on the development of the early
Earth. At first it moved away from us gets just as much sunlight as the former.
at a rate of ten kilometres (6.2 miles) Earth’s centre of mass The phases of the Moon describe how it
per year, slowing down over billions This is the average location of the appears to us, which changes over the course of
of years to its current rate of just 3.8 Earth’s weight distribution, also
centimetres (1.5 inches) per year. the Moon’s orbit around our planet and Earth’s
known as its centre of gravity
orbit around the Sun. When the Sun and Moon
1. Saturn V launch
The Saturn V was a
three-stage rocket that
carried the Apollo
2. Lunar orbit Command and Service
insertion Modules to the Moon
The spacecraft passed
behind the Moon, and the 4. Service
Service Module engine fired Module jettison
briefly to insert Apollo into Before re-entering Earth’s
the Moon’s orbit atmosphere, the Service
Module was jettisoned
5. Command
Module rotation
The Command Module 6. Command
rotated 180 degrees prior to Module splashdown
re-entry, turning its blunt Parachutes helped to slow
end towards the Earth down the Command Module
before it splashed down into
the ocean
STRANGE What a coincidence…
BUT TRUE Many have wondered why the Moon is just the right size and distance to cover
the Sun during an eclipse. The Sun is 400 times greater in diameter than the
THE PERFECT FIT Moon; the Sun just so happens to be 400 times farther away from Earth too.
DID YOU KNOW? In 1970, two Soviet researchers theorised that the Moon was actually a hollow alien spacecraft
are on the opposite sides of the Earth, the orbiter and later by man. The USSR got there
Moon appears full. When the Sun and Moon A focus on Apollo first, when the Luna 2 spacecraft smashed into
are on the same side of the Earth, the Moon On 25 May 1962, US President John F Kennedy the surface in 1959. It also completed the first
appears dark (known as a ‘new moon’). The proposed a goal of putting men on the Moon and soft landing and the first orbit of the Moon in
returning them back to Earth by the end of the
phases in between are the half and quarter- decade. It was a lofty ambition, but NASA 1966. However, the United States famously won
moons. Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon achieved it on 21 July 1969 with Apollo 11. NASA the race of getting a man on the Moon with the
and Earth all line up, also known as syzygy sent astronauts to the Moon a total six times. seminal Apollo 11 mission in 1969.
Budgetary cuts and a shift to planning for the
(pronounced siz-i-gee). A solar eclipse occurs Skylab and Space Shuttle programmes led to the It once seemed inevitable that we’d
when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, end of the Apollo programme after Apollo 17 eventually establish a base on the Moon – but it
while a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth returned to Earth in December 1972. No human hasn’t happened yet, and with the future of
has touched down on the Moon since.
is between the Sun and Moon. Variations in the NASA’s manned space programme in flux, it
orbits mean eclipses happen not with each may be up to another programme or even a
new and full moon but according to the Saros thought that the Moon was a smooth sphere. private enterprise. But NASA, the European
cycle – a period of 18 years first identified by Once the telescope was invented in 1608, we Space Agency, the China National Space
ancient Babylonian astronomers. soon set our sights on the satellite. Near the Administration, the Indian Space Research
Transport Communications
Could we ever
Pressurised rovers and
other vehicles can carry
A state-of-the-art
communications system
live on the Moon?
colonists across the will keep us in regular
We already have the technology to set up a
surface, so we won’t need contact with Earth
colony on the Moon, but a lack of finance and
to wear spacesuits when interest means it’s only a pipe dream – for now…
outside the pressurised
dome buildings
Power storage modules Biospheres
Power generated from solar cells must be We’d need to grow our
stored. Electricity might also come from a own food. This would
nuclear plant or fuel cells, using elements mean importing
found on the surface of the Moon chemicals that aren’t
available on the surface
or in the atmosphere
Solar cells
Solar panels are the most
likely way to obtain power,
Habitats but in most places on the
Initial shelters would Moon, the Sun only shines
likely be inflatable, but for part of the time, so
permanent ones will storage facilities and
subsequently be made other sources of power
of steel and ceramic would be needed too
From left to right: Commander
Neil A Armstrong; Command
Module pilot Michael Collins;
Lunar Module pilot Edwin
MOON LANDING ‘Buzz’ E Aldrin Jr. Collins
remained in orbit while
Over 40 years ago on 21 July 1969 Neil Armstrong and Aldrin
explored the surface.
Armstrong became the first person in
history to set foot on the surface of a
celestial body other than Earth, marking
the culmination of a decade of work Payload
In the Sixties the ‘Space Race’ between the USA and USSR was heating At almost
up. Russia had struck the initial blow by launching the first man-made 47,000kg,
satellite – Sputnik 1 – in 1957, and four years later they sent the first (103,600lbs)
the payload
human – Yuri Gagarin – into space. The Americans followed suit a few
weeks later but it was readily apparent they were playing catch-up to the Russians. of the
To reassure the American people, President Kennedy issued an impassioned speech Command,
to Congress in 1961 announcing the ambitious goal of placing a human on the Moon Service
before the end of the decade. As a result Project Apollo was born, and with it NASA and Lunar
Modules that
was tasked with fulfilling Kennedy’s lofty aim. An unprecedented technological
travelled to
marvel, the Apollo missions would come to define not only a generation, but also the Moon
the standard by which all future manned space missions would be compared.
The Lunar
JOURNEY Extravehicular
Visor Assembly
OF A (LEVA) contained
visors to protect
LIFETIME against the Sun
The Apollo 11
mission lasted 195
hours, 18 minutes
and 35 seconds
16 July PLSS
1332 GMT The Apollo Portable
Apollo 11 launches atop a Life Support System
Saturn V rocket from the (PLSS) contained the Third stage
Kennedy Space Center life-support apparatus
and enters Earth’s orbit. including cooling
water, oxygen tanks
The final rocket
stage contained just
The Eagle lander
The lander was a two-stage craft
and electrical power one J-2 engine and
19 July accelerated the
1721 GMT spacecraft towards
built to separate from the Command
After a three-day the Moon at about
journey across almost 39,400km/h
and Service Module then travel to
400,000km (250,000 (24,500mph) before
miles) Apollo 11 is detaching and being and from the Moon’s surface
placed into lunar orbit. left in space
Crew A plaque was left
20 July Lunar boots that read: ‘Here men
1811 GMT The slip-on boots compartment from the planet
Neil Armstrong and reduced the transfer of If the ascent stage
had failed the crew Earth first set foot
‘Buzz’ Aldrin enter the heat from the Moon’s
would have had no upon the Moon,
Lunar Module (LM) and surface and helped to
limit surface abrasion hope of rescue July 1969 AD.
separate from the
We came in
Command and Service
Ascent stage peace for all
Module (CSM).
© DK Images
later, and they begin 11 crew required liquid hydrogen
a controlled
deploying instruments engines of S-II
landing. It was
and taking photos. took Apollo 11
some practical left behind on
to an altitude
the Moon
of 185km (115
21 July ‘space clobber’ miles) before
they were
1754 GMT discarded
Having traversed a The Saturn V rocket was as tall as a
distance of about 250m 36-storey building and, fully loaded, it
(820ft) and collected 22kg weighed almost 3,000 tons
(48lb) of lunar rock and
soil, the two astronauts
return to the LM and
launch back into orbit.
21 July
2134 GMT
The LM docks with
the CSM and, once all
three astronauts are
safely in the CSM, the
LM is jettisoned into The Saturn V rocket used to take Apollo First stage
lunar orbit.
24 July
1650 GMT
After separating from the
Service Module, the
The rocket
into space still retains the record of being
the most powerful rocket of all time
S-IC contained
five F-1 engines
that used liquid
oxygen and
kerosene fuel.
Second-stage Third-stage
Command and
Service Module
docks with
They separated third stage
Command Module
at an altitude of
splashes down in the
61km (38 miles)
Pacific Ocean after
completing its 195-
hour mission.
Command and Service
Module remains in orbit
Lunar Module
separates and lands
on the Moon
2x © DK Images
The flight
Solar tsunamis / Moonlight / Moonbows
Solar tsunamis
The mega-waves of energy that tear across the Sun
Our moon reflects varying
amounts of the Sun’s light,
depending on its position,
hence why it changes shape
Solar tsunamis, also known as The tsunamis are formed when the Sun emits
Moreton waves or fast-mode a coronal mass ejection (CME), a massive burst of
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solar wind commonly associated with solar
waves, are surges of material sent flares. Around the ejection point a circular wave
crashing across the Sun as the result of a solar extends outwards in all directions travelling at a
flare being launched into space. They can travel super-fast rate.
up to an incredible 1.6 million kilometres (1 In February 2009, the two STEREO spacecraft
million miles) per hour. watched as a billion-ton cloud of gas was hurled
Solar tsunamis are made of hot plasma and off the surface of the Sun from a CME. The result
magnetic energy. The first was observed by Gail was a solar tsunami that towered 100,000
Moreton in 1959, and since then several more kilometres (60,000 miles) high speeding across
studies have been conducted on the the star’s surface at about 900,000 kilometres
phenomenon by the Solar and Heliospheric (560,000 miles) per hour. Estimates indicate it
Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial contained the same energy as 2.4 million
Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. megatons of TNT.
Where do moonbows come from? directly lined up with the Earth-moon line; when we see
a thin crescent, on the other hand, the Sun is
How these beautiful nocturnal rainbows differ from illuminating just the side.
However, the moon does not reflect light quite like a
their daytime cousins mirror, although it is similar. All objects in space have
For most people, a rainbow is an albedo, which is a measure of how well they reflect
an image exclusively light. To give you an idea of how this works, material
© Calvin Bradshaw (; DARPA
associated with daytime. It is like ice has a high albedo, whereas soil has a low
well known that rainbows albedo. However, the moon’s albedo is actually very
occur when sunlight refracts off moisture low – similar to that of coal. Its bright glow is instead
drops in the air, which is why they often the result of something called the opposition effect.
appear during and after rainstorms. The You may have come across this when seeing a car’s
change of angle when the light slows as it headlights shine on a dark road: the road appears
travels through the water droplets causes brighter than it would if light were
the full prism of light to appear, all the not incident upon it. The Sun
way from red to purple. plays the part of the
However, in certain places, moonbows headlight in this case,
can occur. This is where rainbows are directly shining on the
created by moonlight shining through moisture droplets in the atmosphere. As moonlight moon and leading to its
is much weaker than sunlight, the phenomenon is much fainter than rainbows, but bright glow. The large
nevertheless provide an incredible sight. amount of debris on
Some of the most vibrant and reliable moonbow sightings appear in Yosemite National the surface of the
Park, USA, during late-spring and early-summer, but they can appear anywhere that a moon also contributes
bright Moon catches moisture, such as after a rain shower or near a waterfall. to its reflectivity.
Neptune’s boomerang moon
Meet the natural satellite with the most eccentric orbit of any moon in the Solar System
Nereid is Neptune’s
third-largest moon
behind Triton and
Proteus. It has a
diameter of approximately 340
kilometres (210 miles) and its
most interesting characteristic Rotation of Triton
is that it has the most Neptune
fluctuating orbit of any moon in
the Solar System.
The second of the planet’s
moons to be discovered, its orbit
is so changeable it can vary
from 9.65 million kilometres (6
million miles) away from the
planet to just 1.37 million
kilometres (854,000 miles) at its
closest position. Nereid
Astronomers are divided
when it comes to the reason for
Nereid might be an
its eccentric trajectory but one asteroid which became
school of thought is that the caught in Neptune’s orbit
satellite was captured from the
Kuiper asteroid belt in the outer
Solar System, which explains its
unusual orbit. Three of Neptune’s less wayward moons
Further, Nereid, which has a Triton Proteus S/2004 N 1
surface composed primarily of The first to be discovered and by The second largest, Proteus also New moons are still being
ice and silicon, reflects only 14 far the largest, Triton is the king has the farthest orbit of any of spotted. The biggest cluster was
per cent of light that it receives of Neptune’s moons. Bigger than Neptune’s six inner moons. during Voyager’s visit in 1989
so human observation is Pluto, it orbits the planet in a Proteus is significantly smaller when almost half of the moons
retrograde motion, which is than Triton, with its diameter were found. The latest satellite –
problematic. It is so faint that
the opposite direction to being a measly 440km (273mi) s/2004 N 1 – was only discovered
Voyager 2 could only take a Neptune. It is made of compared to Triton’s in July 2013 by the Hubble
low-resolution image of it when rock and ice. 2,707km (1,681mi). Space Telescope.
it passed in 1989.
Mercury’s orbit
The Solar System’s innermost planet travels through a
curvature in the fabric of space-time
Of all the Solar System’s planets, This drifting is partially caused by the
Mercury has the most eccentric orbit. gravitational pull of local bodies; the Sun, of
Moving in an ellipse its distance from course, has the most influence, but other planets
the Sun varies from 46 million and asteroid belts can also have an effect, dictating
kilometres (28.6 million miles) to 70 million its path.
kilometres (43.5 million miles) across its entire However only part of Mercury’s drift is
orbital cycle. accounted for by the gravitational pull of the other
Not only does Mercury travel in an ellipse, but objects near Mercury. The orbit can only be fully
the planet’s closest approach to the Sun is not explained by Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
always in the same place. Mercury’s orbit drifts, The Sun’s gravitational field distorts the fabric of
with each ellipse around the Sun seeing it move space and time, forming a curvature. This
along slightly, tracing a shape similar to the petals distorted space geometry also affects the route
of a daisy (see picture). Mercury takes around the Sun.
Weather on Jupiter
The forecast is raging storms and swirling winds
If you’ve ever moaned about the Fahrenheit). And if that doesn’t sound quite bad can be more than 360 kilometres (224 miles) per
weather, then you can count yourself enough, then the weather conditions on the hour. For comparison, Earth has two prominent
lucky that you don’t live on Jupiter. The surface of the planet are almost guaranteed to eastward jets in each hemisphere and their
majority of the planet is formed of hydrogen and put you off. average speed is about 100 kilometres (62 miles)
helium gases. The clouds, however, are made up We spoke to expert Pedram Hassanzadeh, an per hour.”
of ammonia ice crystals. Environmental Fellow at Harvard University: If, having seen the wild temperature changes,
The temperature range on Jupiter is pretty “The atmosphere of Jupiter has two prominent the mind-boggling winds and dramatic
incredible. The clouds that hover above the visible features”, he explains. “These are strong tornadoes, you are still keen to visit Jupiter,
surface of the planet are a freezing -145 degrees winds that form multiple jets of alternating Hassanzadeh has one more word of advice for
Celsius (-229 degrees Fahrenheit), but as you direction between the equator and the poles, any potential tourists: “Jupiter does not have a
move closer to the core it reaches a scorching and hundreds of hurricane-like swirling winds solid surface, which would make life on the
35,000 degrees Celsius (63,000 degrees known as vortices. The average speed of the jets planet kind of hard.”
The Great Temperature
The winds swirling in
opposite directions
Red Spot The temperature of Jupiter
can range from a chilly
create vortices,
which are rapidly
One of the best-known features of -145°C (-229°F) to a rotating tornadoes
Jupiter, apart from its size, is the super-hot 35,000°C
Great Red Spot. First recorded in (63,000°F)
1831 and consistently observed for
more than 100 years, the weather
system measures about 16,500 x
14,000 kilometres (10,250 x 8,700 Composition
miles). Hassanzadeh explains what The majority of
the Great Red Spot actually is: “It Jupiter is made
consists of strong swirling winds up of hydrogen
with a maximum speed of 700 and helium gas
kilometres (435 miles) per hour. It’s
not clear how the Great Red Spot
was created, but vortices are
common in rapidly rotating
environments such as the
atmosphere of the gas giants.”
The Great Red Spot is notable as
it has been raging for centuries,
much longer than any other similar Ammonia crystals
space tornadoes. However, Above the surface of
Hassanzadeh has a theory as to Jupiter is a thick layer of
how it has kept going for so long: “It cloud made up of
has been speculated that the Great ammonia ice crystals
Red Spot has survived by extracting
potential energy from the Core Rotating jets
atmosphere and the kinetic energy It’s thought Jupiter Jets of wind move in
of the jets, along with absorbing could potentially alternating directions,
smaller vortices.” have a solid or whipping up storms such
molten core as the Great Red Spot
Winds on the planet can
reach up to 700km/h
© NASA; Corbis
The moon that may harbour life
Our greatest chance of finding life is
possibly on this moon of Jupiter
One of Jupiter’s four largest moons – the others being Io,
Ganymede and Callisto – Europa is notable for its icy surface
with a theorised ocean underneath. The moons all keep the
same face towards Jupiter as they orbit. The layer of ice that
encapsulates Europa’s entire surface is as little as 5-100 miles thick.
It has one of the smoothest surfaces in the solar system, with its
features such as valleys and hills no larger or deeper than a few
hundred metres. This suggests it is young and still actively
forming like Earth.
Most of Europa is made of rock, although its core has a large
iron content. Gravitational forces from Jupiter and its other
three largest moons have given Europa a hot interior in a
process known as tidal heating, similar to how tides are
created on Earth as our moon stretches and pulls the
oceans. Europa has a very thin atmosphere made of just
oxygen created by particles emitted from the radiation of
Jupiter striking the surface and producing water vapour.
Due to there being almost no atmosphere on Europa,
which is not much smaller than our moon, the
temperature on the surface drops to -162°C at the
equator and possibly as low as -220°C at the poles.
Absolute zero is not much colder at -273.15°C. A few miles
down into Europa’s ocean, the temperature could still
be as cold as -30°C or as high as 0°C, meaning that any
life would have to adapt to these freezing temperatures.
The large amount of radiation Jupiter exerts can
severely damage any probe attempting to reach Europa.
One of the only missions to study the moon was the
Galileo space probe, named after the astronomer Galileo
who discovered Jupiter’s four largest moons in one week in
1610. It journeyed between Jupiter and its moons from 1995
to 2003, providing much of the information we know about
Europa today.
the core
of N
Im of metal, specifically iron
and nickel
JUPITER 3.55 days FROM JUPITER 670,900km
1610 ORBIT
DIAMETER 3,122km VELOCITY 13.74km/second
DID YOU KNOW? The Galileo probe, which studied Europa, was sent crashing into Jupiter so it didn’t contaminate nearby moons
Life on Europa
The lack of impact craters on the surface of Europa but the
Visible cracks suggest
there is water beneath
the surface
Water in liquid
or ice form is
fed heat by the Volcanoes
rock, and may Rising heat The bed of the
harbour life The heat rises ocean may
up through the contain
oxygenated volcanoes, which
water, in which spurt out hot gas
organisms from the core of
could live the moon
Earth-like rock
A shell of rock
Thick ice sheet
surrounds the core, Tides Jupiter
much like on Earth Additional heat Europa’s ecliptic
is created by orbit of Jupiter
tidal heating, could be the
which forces the cause of tidal
lower layer of ice heating in its core,
into the surface moving the ocean
up and down and
Europa’s diameter is
thus releasing
water vapour
The rings of Saturn
What are
Saturn’s rings?
DID YOU KNOW? Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, has a diameter of 5,150 kilometres (3,200 miles)
The Cassini-Huygens mission has thrown
new light on the formation of Saturn’s
moons. Some of the smallest moonlets that
measure less than 50 kilometres (31 miles)
across should have been destroyed by
comets if they were captured by Saturn’s
gravity at the formation of the Solar
System, as per the old theory. Using data
collected by the Cassini probe, a computer
simulation suggests that the ice in the
rings can piece together into large enough
lumps to come under the influence of their
own gravity, then continue to grow as
Saturn pushes them out on a gravitational
tide. It also helps explain why the biggest
moons are farthest from the gas giant.
2x © NASA
Defining dwarf planets
Dwarf planets
What is a dwarf planet and
how is it distinguished from
Ceres has a diameter of 942km
(585mi), which is just over one
When is a planet not a planet? Well, it’s solar system, are being
not as simple as you might think. considered as candidates.
Defining a planet into a particular The five official dwarf
category isn’t easy, with the debate planets and their
continuing to rage as to how exactly planets should unofficial brothers
be classified. According to the International vary drastically in
Astronomical Union (IAU), dwarf planets are both composition and
spherical objects in orbit around the Sun that are appearance, just as the
not moons, but they share their orbits with other main eight planets of the
debris which they have not been able to clear. It was solar system do. Pluto is
the latter point that let Pluto down back in 2006, as the only one of the five
it has other bodies within its orbit that it has not known to have its own
gathered. In addition, many bodies were moon – Charon, while Eris is
discovered that were larger than Pluto, such as Eris, the coldest of the bunch (and,
ultimately leading to its reclassification. indeed, the coldest known
In simple terms, a dwarf planet can be regarded object in the solar system), with
as a spherical object in our solar system exhibiting its surface temperature reaching
all or some of the properties of a planet, but lacking as low as -250 degrees Celsius (-418
the necessary gravitational strength to have pulled degrees Fahrenheit). Also of note is the Mantle
It is estimated that Ceres’
other local objects into its influence. dwarf planet Ceres, once regarded as a large
100km (60mi)-thick mantle
There are currently five recognised dwarf spherical asteroid but recently promoted. Despite contains up to 200 million
planets in our solar system – these being Pluto, Eris, being the smallest dwarf planet, it is the largest cubic kilometres (48 million
Makemake, Haumea and Ceres – but dozens more object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter cubic miles) of water-ice –
in the Kuiper belt, a disc-shaped region beyond where it resides, accounting for about a quarter of one-seventh of the total
volume of water on Earth
Neptune, and the Oort cloud at the outer edge of the the entire belt’s mass.
1,436km (892mi)
Distance from Sun:
6.5 billion kilometres
(4 billion miles)
Orbital period: 283 years
2 CELEBRITY 1. Pluto
Once regarded as the ninth
planet of our solar system,
Pluto is now classified as a
dwarf planet because it
CHILLY 2. Eris
The coldest known planetary
object in the solar system,
the surface temperature on
Eris (also found in the Kuiper
CLOSEST 3. Ceres
Found in the asteroid belt
between Jupiter and Mars,
Ceres is the closest dwarf
planet to Earth but also the
© Lexicon
lives alongside similar-sized belt) can drop as low as smallest, just one-quarter
PLANETS entities in the Kuiper belt. -250°C (-418°F). the size of our moon.
DID YOU KNOW? In December 2011 the first planet smaller than Earth – Kepler-20e – was found outside the solar system
classified. You could
be a super-Earth, or
maybe you’re made
YES NO entirely of diamond.
Nobody knows; you’ll
just have to wait to be
found. Mysterious.
Solar System’s outer edge / Planet temperatures
Exploring the
Solar System’s
How hot is it on
outer edge other worlds?
How infrared telescopes enable us
A trip to the final frontier before to ‘see’ the temperatures of planets Fahrenheit Celsius
interstellar space 1,000o
-400o Neptune
THE 200 yrs TEMP -270° Celsius MASS 5 x Earth
DID YOU KNOW? The outer extent of the Oort Cloud is viewed as the edge of our solar system
Planet killers
Remnants of failed planets, asteroids are dry, dusty
and atmosphereless rocks drifting through space
Asteroids are the most numerous bodies in our trying to shed some light on what historically were written off
Solar System, with hundreds of thousands of them as simple floating rocks. However, asteroids are unique in the
orbiting around the Sun in both belts and as fact that they tell us much about the conditions of the universe
individuals. They far outnumber our well- post-big bang, how astrophysics effect space phenomena and
documented planets (and dwarf planets, to that matter) and are how planets are formed, granting the scientific community
being studied by space agencies world wide, each of which are great insight into our Solar System’s origins and workings.
1. Asteroid
The city of Dallas, Texas, is going to be
destroyed by an asteroid – the American
government fires huge lasers to destroy it
but only succeed in breaking it into small
pieces that still go on to destroy the city.
2. Armageddon
DID YOU KNOW? The first probe dedicated to studying asteroids was the NEAR Shoemaker, launched by NASA in 1997
Near-hits and
approaching terrors
Earth has and will be passed by many
potentially hazardous asteroids
40 Comet
Size: 4.2km
Distance from
There are three types of asteroid: carbonaceous (C-type), siliceous
(S-type) and metallic (M-type) variants, each corresponding to the
Size: 1.8km
Distance from
Earth: 1 LD
Date: 2027
Great daylight
Distance from fireball
and magnesium-silicates (S-class). Earth: 1km
Size: 3-14m
© Science Photo Library
Date: 1908
Distance from
The majority of asteroids in our Solar System are found in a concentration 0
Earth: 60km
Date: 1972
known as the main belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter. This belt
contains thousands of asteroids and takes roughly four and a half years to
orbit the Sun on a slightly elliptical course and low inclination. Despite the
fact that they all orbit in the same direction, collisions do occur at low
velocities (for such large objects) and these cause the asteroids to be
continuously broken up into smaller variants. Of this main belt,
certain groups have been captured into peculiar orbits, such
as the Trojan group of asteroids that follow Jupiter’s orbit, or
the Amor or Apollo groups, which cross the paths of Earth
and Mars respectively and the Aten group, which sits
inside Earth’s own orbit.
Planet killers
Mars’s orb
Dimension: 16.84km
Ceres as imaged by the
Aphelion: 266.762Gm (1.783 AU)
Hubble Space Telescope
Perihelion: 169.548Gm (1.133 AU)
Orbital period: 643.219 days
Escape velocity: 0.0103km/s
Temperature: ~227K
Spectral type: S
Ceres Icarus
Dimension: 590 miles Aphelion: 446,669,320km (2.9858 Dimension: 1.4km Aphelion: 294.590Gm (1.969 AU)
AU) Perihelion: 380,995,855km (2.5468 AU) Orbital Perihelion: 27.923Gm (0.187 AU) Orbital period: 408.778
period: 1,680.5 days Escape velocity: 0.51km/s days Escape velocity: 0.000 74 km/s
Temperature: ~167K Spectral type: C Temperature: ~242K Spectral type: U
Technically classed as a dwarf planet, Ceres – named after Icarus is from the Apollo asteroid sub-class of near-Earth
the Roman goddess of growing plants and the harvest – is asteroids and has the unusual characteristic that at its
by far the most massive body in the asteroid belt. Indeed, it perihelion it is closer to the Sun than Mercury. Named after
is so big compared to its neighbouring asteroids that it the Icarus of Greek mythology, the asteroid passes by Earth
contains 32 per cent of the belt’s total mass. at gaps of nine, 19 and 38 years.
Naked Coma Naming Photo New
5 TOP 1 The only asteroid in the main
belt visible to the naked eye is 2 The way comets and asteroids
are distinguished relies on 3 Once an asteroid has been
discovered it can only be named 4 The first true asteroids to be
photographed close up were 5 The latest asteroid to be
landed on is Itokawa, an S-
DID YOU KNOW? The asteroid Ida has its own moon, Dactyl, which orbits at a distance of 56 miles
K Degrees Kelvin Hidalgo
Astronomical unit Dimension: 38km Aphelion: 1427.003Gm (9.539 AU)
Perihelion: 291.846Gm (1.951 AU) Orbital period: 5,029.467
Orbital period
11.87 years
Kilometres per second
days Escape velocity: 0.011km/s
Temperature: ~116K Spectral type: D the gap
Franz Xaver von Zach
Hidalgo has the longest orbital period of any asteroid
outside of the traditional asteroid belt, with a full orbit (1754-1832), astronomer
taking over 13 years. Hidalgo grazes Saturn’s orbit at its and leader of the Seeberg
aphelion and its severe orbital inclination (43°) is thought to Observatory, Germany,
be the result of a close encounter with Jupiter.
believed that there was a
missing planet orbiting
the Sun between Mars
Apollo and Jupiter. To prove his
Dimension: 1.7km Aphelion: 343.216Gm (2.294 AU) theory von Zach
Perihelion: 96.850Gm (0.647 AU) Orbital period: 651.543 organised a group of 24
days Escape velocity: 0.0009km/s astronomers and gave
Temperature: ~222K Spectral type: Q
them each a part of the
Apollo is a Q-type (metal-rich) asteroid discovered in 1932 celestial zodiac to search
that was then lost until 1973. Named after the god of light in an attempt to track
and Sun in Greek mythology, Apollo shares its name with down his errant planet.
the Apollo sub-class of near-Earth asteroids. Apollo was the Unfortunately, despite
first asteroid recognised to cross Earth’s orbit.
such a large team, von
Zach was beaten to the
discovery by the Italian
Adonis Amor Catholic priest and
Dimension: 0.5-1.2km Dimension: 1.5km mathematician
Aphelion: 494.673Gm (3.307 AU) Aphelion: 412.011Gm (2.754 AU) Giuseppe Piazzi, who
Perihelion: 65.906Gm (0.441 AU) Perihelion: 162.403Gm (1.086 AU) accidentally discovered
Orbital period: 936.742 days Orbital period: 971.635 days
Escape velocity: Escape velocity: 0.000 79km/s the asteroid Ceres in 1801.
0.0003-0.0006km/s Temperature: ~198K
Temperature: 197-207K Spectral type: C/S
Spectral type: C
As with Apollo, Amor shares its
Adonis was the second name with the Amor sub-class
asteroid to be discovered in the of near-Earth asteroids, a
Apollo sub-class of asteroids, group that approach the orbit
found in 1936. It is named after of the Earth from beyond but
the Adonis of Greek mythology, never cross it. Eugéne Delporte
it closely passes Venus on its discovered the asteroid in 1932,
orbit. Adonis will make close when it was imaged as it
approaches to Earth six times approached Earth to within 16
during the 21st Century. million kilometres.
The asteroid
Giuseppe Piazzi
Photons 4. Solar sail Mass driver 5. Mass driver Painted surface 6. Paint
This method would A huge space drill By coating parts of the
involve attaching a would be fired into asteroid in paint, the
5,000km-wide sail to the asteroid, and drill amounts of thermal
an asteroid. The out the innards radiation emitted by
constant pressure of before firing them the asteroid’s Sun-
sunlight over a large into space, altering its facing side could be
Solar sail area would slowly mass and changing increased, altering
alter its course. the course. its path.
Astronaut training
Astronauts run the systems engineering Virtual reality programs let
to be an astronaut,
think again
training It’s been nearly half a century since Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first
man in space, but with the rare exception of a few billionaire civilians, space travel is
still a well-guarded privilege.
As NASA initiates a new long-term mission to return to the Moon and push on to
Mars, the space agency is looking for a few good men and women who contain the rare mix of
hyper-intelligence, marathon stamina and good old-fashioned guts to board the brand-new Ares
I-X rocket and blast off to the uncharted depths.
Applications at the ready!
DID YOU Becoming an astronaut isn’t easy. Firstly you’ll have to be selected
KNOW? from thousands of applicants, and if you’re successful train for two
years, after which you may be chosen for an astronaut programme.
1. Gherman
This huge centrifuge Stepanovich Titov
doesn’t test the g-force Age: 25
Facts: Only the second man
limits of astronauts, but
in space after Yuri Gagarin, this
replicates up to 3.5g for charismatic young Russian
flight simulation exercises cosmonaut was the first to make
multiple orbits (17, in fact) of the
Earth on 6 August 1961. He is
cramming for final exams at MIT while arms, even down to how to use the toilet. OLDEST
simultaneously enduring basic training for Every single astronaut candidate is trained
the Green Berets. Candidates begin their in every phase of space flight, ranging from
training in the classroom, taking advanced pre-launch diagnostics to emergency
courses in astronomy, physics, landing procedures.
mathematics, geology, meteorology and Candidates also train in the Johnson American and Russian
introductions to the Space Shuttle Space Center’s Neutral Buoyancy astronauts train for
spacewalks in the massive
guidance and navigation systems. Sorry, Laboratory, an immense pool that
Hydrolab at the Gagarin 2. John Glenn
no poetry electives. faithfully simulates near-weightlessness. Cosmonaut Training Center Age: 77
Both pilots and non-pilots are trained to Here, they prepare for both the Facts: On 20 February 1962, John
fly T-38 jets, highly acrobatic aircrafts that extraordinary and mundane aspects of Glenn piloted NASA’s very first
can reach 50,000ft. Pilots must log 15 hours space life. They conduct underwater ‘space So you want to manned orbital mission of the
Earth, whipping around the globe
of flight time a month, plus extra practice
landing the Shuttle Training Aircraft (100
walks’ in full space gear and practice
making freeze-dried snacks in the tiny be an astronaut? three times in under five hours.
Fast forward 36 years to 29
October 1998, when the retired
more hours). Non-pilots must log a Shuttle kitchen. In the late Fifties, when NASA US senator took his second space
minimum of four hours a month in the T-38. Finally comes the mission-specific began its internal search for the flight, a nine-day mission
But before astronaut candidates even training, where each member of the team first seven astronauts, it drew exploring – among other things
– the effects of space flight on the
step foot in a flight simulator, they need to runs countless simulations within his or from the ranks of the most aging process.
be trained in military water survival. That her area of expertise. Scientists conduct experienced Air Force pilots. A
means scuba certification and the proven their experiments over and over. Engineers lot has changed since the dawn MOST TIME IN SPACE
ability to swim three lengths of an Olympic do hundreds of mock space walks to make of space flight, and so have the
size pool in full flight gear and shoes. To repairs to space station components. And résumés of modern astronauts.
cover all contingencies, astronaut pilots pretty much live in the flight There are still some military
candidates are also trained in wilderness simulators. After two years of full-time pilots in the ranks, but they’re in
survival, learning how to navigate by the training, the candidates receive a silver the minority. Today’s astronauts
stars and to live on nuts and berries. lapel pin indicating they are officially are more likely to be academics,
The torture isn’t over yet. To weed out astronauts. After their first flight, it’s scientists and engineers of all
the weaklings, candidates are subjected to swapped for a gold one. stripes – particularly 3. Sergei
extremes of high and low pressure and astronautical engineers. Konstantinovich
trained to deal with the ‘consequences’.
Astronaut candidates are Total duration: 803 days
Then they’re taken for a joyride in the chosen through a rigorous Facts: Cosmonaut Krikalev
infamous KC-135, aka ‘the weightless crushes all competitors in the
application process and there is
category of most time spent in
wonder’, aka ‘the vomit comet’, to no career path that guarantees space. He flew six missions
experience 20-second shots of admission into the programme, between 1985 and 2005,
notching up over two years in
weightlessness. Some people love it, some although many current space, including the first joint
people are violently sick. astronauts work for years within Russia/US Space Shuttle flight in
All images © NASA
After that it’s time to brush up on a the NASA research and 1994. The uber-experienced
Krikalev now runs the Gagarin
couple dozen equipment manuals in development ranks before Cosmonaut Training Center in
preparation for intense training with full- This centrifuge is designed to test the effects of suiting up themselves. Star City, Russia.
size, fully functional simulators, linear acceleration on visual function in space
Inside a spacesuit
Inside a spacesuit
What’s so special about an astronaut’s outfit
Life support
The heavy backpack contains
power for the spacesuit, air and
a water tank for cooling
The Z-suit
NASA’s prototype Z-suit is a work in progress Apollo-era spacesuit isn’t capable of. It can be
on an update to the current incarnation of the quickly put on and taken off (current
spacesuit, whose basic structure has been spacesuits can take an hour or more to put on)
used for 30 years, ever since the and include a suitport dock, which replaces
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) was first the airlock on a spacecraft. This means the
made in 1981. At a glance, it doesn’t look spacecraft and space suit would be kept at the
radically different to contemporary space same pressure, so astronauts wouldn’t need to
© DK images; NASA
suits, but it’s been designed to include several pre-breathe oxygen for at least 30 minutes
key features that will allow it to be used in before an EVA as they do now to prevent
both the microgravity of space and for future decompression sickness. The Z-2 prototype is
missions to planets such as Mars, which the expected to undergo testing in 2015.
Space diving
There have been two successful jumps from the edge of
space, but how can anyone survive such a great fall?
Skydiving is a popular sport for thrill-
seekers, but how about diving from the
stratosphere? In 2012, Felix Baumgartner
set a record by freefalling from 39 kilometres (24
miles) above the Earth. This puts his dive as
coming from the stratosphere – not technically
outer space, which is usually defined as
beginning 100 kilometres (62 miles) above sea
level – but who’s quibbling? Baumgartner began
working with a sponsor in 2005 to plan the
mission, recruiting a team that included Joe
Kittinger, the first man to dive from the
stratosphere in 1960.
Baumgartner wore a modified version of the
pressurised suit donned by astronauts and pilots
that fly at high altitudes, and rode in a specially
built capsule lifted by a high-altitude helium
balloon. Pressure suits are necessary at heights
above 19 kilometres (12 miles) because the loss of
pressure can result in gas bubbles forming in
body fluids, leading to a potentially fatal
condition called ebullism.
The suit also protected Baumgartner from
extremes in temperature on the dive. During the
ascent, the capsule provided atmospheric
pressure so he didn’t get decompression sickness
and also shielded him from the extreme cold.
Once Baumgartner reached the right height he
inflated his suit, opened the capsule door and
made the leap. Not only did he break the altitude
record, but the sound barrier as well. At 1,524
metres (5,000 feet) above the ground, he deployed
his parachute – also designed for high altitudes –
after hitting a speed of 1,342 kilometres (834 miles)
during his four-minute, 19-second freefall.
Focus on Felix
Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian Petronas Towers, the tallest buildings
daredevil, skydiver and BASE (Building, in the world at that time at 451m (1,479ft).
Antenna, Span and Earth) jumper who In the same year he also set a world
has set records throughout his career. record for the lowest BASE jump, from
Baumgartner served in the Austrian the hand of the Christ the Redeemer
military and learned skydiving as part statue in Rio de Janeiro, which stands
of their demonstration and competition just 29m (95ft) tall. Having already
team before switching to BASE jumping. worked as a helicopter pilot in Europe,
In 1999, he set a record for the world’s his post-jump plans were to continue on
highest BASE jump, from the Malaysian that career path.
Living in space
Living in space is the ultimate Earth. So, how do astronauts cope, and packets and stay only briefly on
mental and physical test of what’s it like to actually live in space? the station in order to survive. Now,
the human body. On Earth, We’re about to find out. astronauts aboard the International
the experience of being in Since Yuri Gagarin became the first Space Station (ISS) can eat pizza and
space is almost impossible to replicate; man to leave the Earth in 1961, life in curry, reuse and recycle many of their
the closest astronauts can get is to train space has altered and improved utilities and can stay in orbit for
underwater but, even then, the dramatically. Gagarin spent the entirety hundreds of days.
experience is a world away from that first of his 108-minute flight encased in a Before the ISS there were many
journey into orbit or beyond. There’s no spacesuit, but nowadays astronauts can unknowns about living in space. Indeed,
‘up’ or ‘down’ in space, so many of their wear the same shorts and T-shirts they’d on the earlier space stations Mir and
sensory receptors are rendered useless, wear at home. The first space station, Skylab, procedures and equipment were
while materials such as water behave Russia’s Salyut (launched in 1971), saw much less advanced than they are now.
completely differently to how they do on astronauts eat food from freeze-dried For one thing, it was quickly realised that
2 CUMULATIVE 803 days
Russian Sergei Krikalev,
aged 53, has spent a
grand total of 803 days,
9 hours and 39 minutes
The record of longest single
spaceflight in history is
currently held by Russian
Valeri Polyakov, 69, who
CANINE 22 days
Veterok and Ugolyok
jointly hold the record of
longest canine
spaceflight, spending 22
in space across six spent 437 days and 18 hours days in orbit in 1966
RECORDS different missions. aboard the Mir space station. before returning to Earth.
DID YOU KNOW? You grow taller in space because your spine elongates – some reports suggest by an inch in just ten days
help us to balance and
days in space, and can lead to
coordinate ourselves
space sickness
Blood flow
In space bodily Mars
fluids are free of
Blood flow the effects of
On Earth, gravity pulls
gravity, known as
our bodily fluid
‘fluid shift’. They
downwards, making it
travel more easily How to mentally
pool in the lower part
of our body, but various
to all parts of the overcome a
mechanisms ensure
body, often
resulting in a stuffy
there is a sufficient
nose and puffy face mission
flow to the brain
In 50 years of space exploration, the furthest a human has
been from Earth is the far side of the Moon. While
SPACE astronauts have spent hundreds of days aboard the ISS,
Muscles the complexities of tackling a deep-space mission are
In weightlessness an
astronaut will have relatively unknown. As a result, projects such as the Mars
less need for their 500 mission have been given increasing precedence.
muscles as they can The Mars 500 mission was an important study to
move themselves
ascertain the mental and physical strain on humans in
and heavy objects
easily. Muscles will closed isolation on a long-haul trip. The mission was a
quickly weaken joint project between the ESA and Russian Institute for
without regular Biomedical Problems, which ran from 3 June 2010 to 4
EARTH exercise
Muscles November 2011. Six candidates were sealed in an isolation
Our muscles are in use chamber for 520 days, the approximate journey time for a
every day, moving our real trip to and from the Red Planet. The chamber
limbs and helping us pick
In a zero-gravity contained several modules designed to replicate a
up heavy objects, so they Martian spacecraft and the surface of Mars itself. The
do not deteriorate
phosphorous and bone volunteers were subjected to some of the conditions they
calcium are removed would experience, such as delayed communications and
from the body during
confined quarters. The results will be used to develop
excretion. After ten days
of weightlessness, 3.2 countermeasures to remedy potential problems.
per cent of each bone’s
Bones calcium is lost. This
The astronauts carried
Our bones support our out the same day-to-day
decrease in bone density routine they would on a
body on Earth, with an
can lead to fractures, so real-life mission to Mars
adult human body
exercise must be taken
containing 1,200g (42oz) of
regularly to maintain Space was very limited
calcium and up to 500g
their strength in the Mars 500 ‘shuttle’
(18oz) of phosphorous
astronauts must sleep near a ventilation fan. If either. Astronauts experience a sunrise and
they don’t they run the risk of suffocation. This sunset every 90 minutes as they fly at
is because, as they sleep, warm air does not 24,945km/h (15,500mph) around the Earth, so
rise in a weightless environment. In a badly clocks on the ISS are set to GMT and astronauts
ventilated area they would be surrounded by a live their days just as they would on Earth.
bubble of their own exhaled carbon dioxide. A They work for over eight hours on weekdays,
regular supply of air (oxygen) is needed to but on weekends they are given much more
allow for regulated breathing. leisure time, although work must still be done
Over the years sleeping methods have to keep the ISS safe and operational, in
changed, from slumbering in a sleeping bag addition to checking on experiments. Life in
attached to a wall, on NASA’s Space Shuttle, for space isn’t tough just for humans; animals
example, to having their own small have struggled as well. On NASA’s Skylab space 2 x images © ESA/IPMB
compartment on the ISS. Sleeping isn’t easy, station in the Seventies, spiders were taken up
Living in space
to see how they would cope in a
weightless environment. While
disoriented they still managed to spin a
web, even if it was a little wonky. More
famous was the first living animal to be
sent into space from Earth, Laika the dog Astronauts aboard the ISS experience 15 ‘dawns’ every day, but
from Russia. Sadly, she perished in orbit,
but she was said to cope well with the while they’re on board the station they operate according to GMT so
experience of weightlessness. At the very they can stay in direct contact with the ground at operational hours.
least, Laika proved that animals could
survive in space, providing the basis for
Here’s how a typical day pans out for an astronaut on the station
Gagarin’s later mission and all future
human missions into the cosmos.
Each human consumes 0.9kg (2lbs) of
oxygen daily, which is enough to fill a 3.5
Daily conference/work
cubic metre (123.6 cubic feet) room, and In the morning astronauts perform the first of their daily tasks
drinks 2.7kg (6lbs) of water. Therefore, assigned by ground control. They often have a daily conference
the life-support systems on board the ISS where they discuss their jobs for the day. Their work consists of
recycle as much waste as possible, supervising experiments that would not be possible on Earth
including that from urine and or performing routine maintenance on equipment to
condensed moisture in the air, both of ensure the survival of the crew. On some days they take
which are purified and reused, often video calls from Earth. These are often simply to friends
after being broken down by electrolysis and family but, on rare occasions, they may talk to
to provide fresh oxygen. However, not all schoolchildren, the US president or even the Pope.
water can be reused, and thus
astronauts must rely on regular
re-supply vehicles to bring cargo to the
station. These have been performed by
several spacecraft over the years, such as
NASA’s Space Shuttle until its retirement
in July 2011, but they are now largely
carried out by the ESA’s Automated
Transfer Vehicle (ATV). The ATV brings
fresh food, clothes, water and equipment
to the station. Once the cargo has been
delivered, astronauts fill the vehicle with
5,896kg (12,998lbs) of waste and it is sent
to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.
These are just some of the many ways
that astronauts have adapted to life in Breakfast/getting ready
space, and as more and more time is Astronauts eat their first meal of the day, which is nothing like the
spent on the International Space Station, freeze-dried food of the Apollo missions. Fresh fruit and produce
our capabilities to perform in a are stored on the ISS, while tea and coffee are available in packets.
weightless environment will no doubt Astronauts can wear anything from shorts and T-shirts to trousers
improve. The ultimate goal of sending and rugby shirts. However, there are no washing machines, so
humans to an asteroid and Mars in the clothes must be allocated for specific days (although in such a clean
2030s is looking like an increasingly environment they pick up very little dirt). Most clothes are disposed
achievable objective thanks to the of every three days, but socks can be worn for up to a month, while
tireless work of space agencies a pair of underwear must be taken for each day on the station.
worldwide over the last 50 years.
DID YOU KNOW? The record for the longest extra-vehicular activity (EVA) is 8 hours and 56 minutes
& 17:00
Physical exercise
Astronauts must exercise regularly, at least 2.5 hours
a day, to keep their body in optimum condition while
in space. As explained previously, bones and organs
can become frail and weak in a weightless
environment. Therefore astronauts on the ISS have a
variety of exercise machines, like treadmills and
cycling machines, to keep them strong.
13:00 Lunch
Prolonged microgravity dulls tastebuds, and the
white noise doesn’t help (like being on an aircraft),
so foods with strong flavours (such as spicy curries)
are often the preferred choice for meals.
Back to work
On rare occasions astronauts will
have to leave the station on an
extra-vehicular activity (EVA). For
this astronauts will don a spacesuit
and perform work outside the ISS.
Before they leave they must exercise
for several hours in a decompression
chamber to prevent suffering from
the ‘bends’ on entering space. Work
outside the station ranges from
maintenance to installing or
upgrading a component.
In the evening astronauts eat dinner in a communal area.
This is an important time for social interaction, as often
many hours are spent working alone on the station. Before
sleep, they also have a chance for a bit of entertainment,
which can range from watching a DVD to playing guitar.
21:30 Sleep
In space no one can hear you scream, right? Well, in an
orbiting craft, space is actually very loud, with a
multitude of fans and motors ensuring that the space
station remains in the correct operational capacity. At
21.30pm astronauts head off to their designated sleeping
compartments to grab some rest and, while reassuring,
these noises can take a while to get used to for
astronauts staying on the station for the first time, much
like living next to a busy main road on Earth.
The International Space Station
On board the
Space Station
What’s it like to live in space?
Man has had a continuous began negotiating with Russia, along with water. This includes beverages, which the
presence in space since 2000 on several other countries, to build a crew drinks with straws from plastic bags.
the International Space Station. In multinational space station. Exercise is a very important part of daily life
1998, the Zarya module was Until Expedition 20 in May 2009, crews on for the crew of the ISS because of
launched into orbit by the Russian Federal the International Space Station consisted of microgravity’s adverse effects on the body.
Space Agency. This was the first piece of the two-to-three astronauts and cosmonauts, The astronauts and cosmonauts may
ISS. Now that it is complete, the ISS is the who stayed for six months. Now the ISS is large experience muscle atrophy, bone loss, a
largest satellite to ever orbit the Earth. After enough to support a six-man crew, the stay weakened immune system and a slowed
being finished in 2012, the ISS is also arguably has been reduced to just three months. The cardiovascular system, among other
the most expensive single object to ever be current crew consists of: NASA commander problems. To help counteract this, the crew
constructed at more than $150 billion. Barry Wilmore and flight engineers Alexander exercises while strapped to treadmills and
The ISS wasn’t the first space station, Samokutyaev (RKA), Anton Shkatlerov (RKA ), exercise bicycles.
however; in 1971 the Soviet Union launched Terry Virts (NASA), Samantha Cristoforetti Research is the main reason for the station’s
the Salyut, which was the first in a series of (ESA) and Elena Serova (RKA). existence in low Earth orbit (about 330
space stations. Two years later, NASA The crew typically works for ten hours a day kilometres above the planet’s surface). Several
launched Skylab. However, both of these during the week and five hours on Saturdays. scientific experiments spanning fields
programmes were single modules with During their eight scheduled night hours, the including astronomy, physics, materials
limited life spans. In 1986, the Soviet Union crew sleeps in cabins while attached to bunk science, earth science and biology take place
launched the Mir, which was intended to be beds, or in sleeping bags that are secured to on the station simultaneously. Between
built upon and added to over time. The United the wall. They also have to wear sleep masks, September 2012 and March 2013, for example,
States planned to launch its own space as it would be difficult to sleep otherwise with the current expedition crew (33) and the next
station, Freedom, just a few years later, but a sunrise occurring every 90 minutes. expedition crew (34) will be working on over
budgetary restraints ended the project. After All food is processed so it is easy to reheat in 100 experiments in a wide range of fields,
the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States a special oven, usually with the addition of spanning biology and biotechnology, the
DID YOU KNOW? The ISS is powered by solar arrays that generate 110 kilowatts of power
ATV Dock
The Automated Transfer Vehicle
Propulsion module
The ESA’s ATV Control Centre plans
and monitors every movement of
the ATV until it gets within a few
(ATV) is an expendable hundred metres of the ISS
unmanned resupply vehicle
Image courtesy of NASA
developed by the ESA
Pressurised The ATV contains
Payload module computers that use
The ATV carries around seven Because the ATV tracking equipment to
Zvezda Service Module tons of payload, including cargo section is align and automatically
© ESA - D. Ducros
After docking, the station’s crew water, oxygen, nitrogen and pressurised, the ISS dock with the ISS.
enters the pressurised module to propellant. The latter is used crew can enter They also undock and
remove the payload and then fill the for orbit control, attitude, and without spacesuits send the ATV to burn
pressurised module with waste boosting the station to remove payload up in Earth orbit
compartment Transfer chamber
Two crew members This chamber contains
live, sleep, work and computers and docking
exercise in this equipment. It can be used to
compartment dock with spacecrafts
The Columbus is a research laboratory
designed by the ESA – its largest
contribution to the ISS
External payload
An external payload facility
houses three sets of
instruments and experiments,
with room for three more In the Space Station Processing Facility
at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in
Florida, a crane lowers the Multi-
Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo
toward the payload canister
Who built
the ISS?
The ISS currently comprises 15 pressurised modules
and an Integrated Truss Structure. The modules are
contributions from the Russian Federal Space
Agency (RKA), NASA, the Japanese Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Canadian Space
Agency (CSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA),
© ESA - D. Ducros
Payload racks
These racks hold science Anatomy of the
equipment and
experiments. Half of the
space is allotted to NASA
8 3
13 11
2 1
4 16
© ESA - D. Ducros
9 10
Harmony node module a docking station for other modules. outside the ISS that had previously required
3. Zvezda spacewalks to happen.
The RKA-built Zvezda launched in 2000. It made the 15. Tranquillity
ISS habitable by providing crew cabins and The Tranquillity is NASA’s third node module, and
environmental control as well as other systems. was successfully launched in February 2010. It
4. Destiny contains the ECLSS as well as berthing stations for
other modules.
The Destiny is a NASA laboratory. Launched back
in 2001, it also contains environmental controls 16. Cupola Mass: 419,455 kilograms
and works as a mounting point for the Integrated The seven windows of this observatory module, Volume of habitable space:
Truss Structure. launched with Tranquility in February 2010, make it 388 cubic metres
water in 5. Quest
The 2001 NASA-built Quest is an airlock used to
host spacewalks. The equipment lock is used for
the largest window ever used in space.
17. Rassvet
Launched in May 2010, this second RKA
Supplies: 2,722 kilograms per
Orbit: 402 to 426 kilometres
The ISS’s solar arrays and thermal radiators are 1 JAXA centre,
maintains cabin pressure and can mounted to this structure, which is more than 100 1 CSA centre
detect and suppress fires. metres long and has ten separate parts.
Galileo Space Probe
Heat shield
To allow the Probe to get as far into Jupiter as
possible, its heat shield was coated in a
heat-resistant, rigid resin
Into the fire
Cutting-edge technology and precise scientific
measurements allowed the Galileo Probe to penetrate
Jupiter’s atmosphere and become the first man-made
object to explore the interior of the gas giant
Drifter Angle
The Probe had no The Probe had to enter
propellant and could at a precise angle of
not manoeuvre itself. 8.3 degrees to the
Instead, it was released horizontal. 1.5 degrees
by the Galileo Orbiter higher or lower, and it
five months prior to would have been
arrival on a collision destroyed or bounced The Probe was designed to
course with Jupiter off respectively survive a 230 g-force
1. NEW Spirit
Both the Spirit and
Opportunity crafts have
found evidence of
hydrothermal vents,
ancient lakes of acid and
evidence of wind on Mars.
2. NEWER Curiosity
Locating ancient
waterbeds and digging
into the Martian surface
have helped the Curiosity
to reignite humanity’s
interest in the Red Planet.
3. NEWEST Hopper
Using legs to traverse the
rough environment
instead of slow-rolling
wheels, it is predicted the
Hopper will make new
discoveries at a rapid rate.
DID YOU KNOW? The first manned mission to Mars is planned to launch as early as 2030
The first craft to attempt to explore Mars was
launched way back in 1960 when the USSR’s 1M
spacecraft failed to leave Earth’s atmosphere.
© NASA; ESA, Airbus Defence and Space in Stevenage in cooperation with the University of Leicester
After various unsuccessful launches by the USA
and the Soviet Union, NASA’s Mariner 9 became
the first craft to orbit the planet in 1971. In 1975
the Viking 1 lander was the first to successfully
touch down on the surface. The USSR managed
to orbit Mars only weeks after the Mariner with
their Mars 2 spacecraft but have not yet landed
on the planet. The most recent lander is NASA’s
Curiosity, which was launched in 2011 and is
tracking the Martian surface as you read this.
The third organisation to get in on the act was
the ESA (European Space Agency) who launched
the Mars Express and Beagle 2 Lander in 2003.
The Express has successfully orbited the planet
but unfortunately communication was lost with
Beagle 2 after its deployment. The most recent
NASA craft is MAVEN, the Mars Atmospheric and
Volatile EvolutioN, which launched in 2013 and
entered Martian orbit in September 2014. Also in
2013, the Indian Space Research Organization
(ISRO) launched its Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)
in its bid to become the fourth space agency to
reach the red planet.
Space balloons
Space balloons
Could these high flyers be the future for space exploration?
For six decades, getting into space has balloon so it expands and becomes less dense
been a messy business – rocket than its surroundings and floats upward, but
launches may be spectacular, but they can only go so far because the atmosphere
they involve a lot of noise, expense and itself gets rapidly less dense with altitude.
pollution. But now, a new generation of So high-altitude balloons (HABs) have long
spacecraft are carrying amateur and depended on the properties of ‘lifting gases’
professional scientific instruments to the edge that naturally weigh less than air. The first to
of Earth’s atmosphere at a fraction of the cost of be discovered was hydrogen, the lightest
a rocket – and soon, paying passengers could element in the universe. Although it does not
be joining them. Welcome to the uplifting exist naturally in Earth’s atmosphere, it is
world of space balloons. relatively easy to manufacture and was
High-altitude ballooning hit the headlines used for test flights as early as 1783, the
around the world in October 2012, when same year as the first manned hot-air
Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner leapt balloon flight.
from the Red Bull Stratos capsule to At any given pressure, a volume of
accomplish a record-breaking free fall and hydrogen has just a fraction of the
parachute descent. Stratos was one of the weight of the same volume of oxygen
biggest balloons ever sent into the upper or nitrogen (the two major
atmosphere, but in order to lift its constituents of Earth’s atmosphere).
1,315-kilogram (2,900-pound) pressurised So a sealed balloon filled with
capsule, it had to be. The technology was hydrogen has a great deal of
evolutionary, not revolutionary, but the latest buoyancy or lifting power to carry
in a long line of balloons whose heritage any payload attached to it.
stretches back well before the space age. Unfortunately, hydrogen is highly
If you want to soar into the highest reaches of reactive and prone to catching fire
Earth’s atmosphere, a traditional hot-air and exploding, so many HABs –
balloon won’t be up to the job. These rely on especially those carrying valuable
the simple principle of heating the air in the equipment or human passengers –
use the much safer) inert gas helium.
However, this is rare and a lot more
expensive to use.
One major challenge faced by all
HABs is the problem of expansion. As
the balloon rises higher and the
surrounding air pressure decreases, the
lifting gas inside the balloon will
expand to fill a larger volume. This is
the reason why HABs usually look so
unwieldy near the ground: they are
launched with a relatively small
amount of gas in a huge, mostly
deflated envelope (usually made of a
thin but strong plastic membrane such
as polyethylene or neoprene). As the
balloon rises higher in the sky, the gas
This concept art for the sealed inside naturally expands, filling
World View balloon shows
the stunning view the the balloon out into a spherical shape
passengers would enjoy and stretching its material.
1. HIGH Boland Rover
David Hempleman-Adams
set a record for the highest
hot-air balloon ascent at
6,614m (21,700ft) in
December 2004.
2. HIGHER Red Bull
Felix Baumgartner’s
record-breaking ascent
took him to an altitude of
38,969m (127,851ft) in
October 2012.
This Japanese research
balloon reached a dizzying
altitude of 53,000m
(174,000ft) in May 2002,
with the help of a new
polyethylene film design.
DID YOU KNOW? The ‘UFO debris’ recovered at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is now acknowledged as a crashed US Air Force HAB
from space
Felix Baumgartner’s space jump took its
inspiration from earlier manned balloon
attempts to reach the edge of space, like
Project Manhigh and Project Excelsior in the
late-1950s. At a time when manned orbital flights
were still a dream, Manhigh used a pressurised
capsule to test spacecraft design and see how
pilots would perform in similar conditions to a true
space mission. Excelsior involved a pilot in a
pressure suit skydiving back to Earth. In 1960,
Joseph Kittinger set a record for manned ballooning
and the highest sky dive, reaching an altitude of
31,333m (102,800ft) aboard Excelsior III. The
record stood until 2012 when Baumgartner, with
Kittinger acting as his CAPCOM shattered it with a
leap from 38,969m (127,851ft).
The statistics…
World View balloon
30,480m (100,000ft):
Estimated cruising altitude
5,000m3 (176,573ft)3: Initial volume of
helium used to fill the balloon on the ground
20 microns (0.001in): Thickness of the
helium balloon’s polyethylene material
1,132,674m3 (40mn ft3): Volume of the
fully expanded helium balloon
5-6 hours: Estimated flight time, including
two hours at maximum altitude
£45,000 ($75,000): The cost of a ticket
Space balloons
Above a certain altitude, the pressure in the from day to night. This alters their density and uses are limited to Earth’s atmosphere. But the
balloon can be so much greater than the thin causes them to rise and sink instead of larger a balloon can get, and the lighter its
air surrounding it that the envelope may give retaining a steady altitude. A reflective coating lifting gas, the higher it can rise. What’s more,
way and rupture – an abrupt ending some on the envelope can reduce the effects of the the atmosphere goes a long way up – Stratos set
balloonists deliberately take advantage of to Sun’s heat to some extent, but another a manned altitude record of 38,969 metres
bring the balloon’s payload back to Earth. alternative is the ‘superpressure’ balloon – one (127,851 feet), but the highest altitude reached so
Balloons intended to maintain a stable altitude, with a rigid outer shell that does not expand or far reached by an unmanned balloon is around
or gently return to Earth with its payload intact, contract. Since the lifting gas in this type of 53,000 metres (174,000 feet), set by the Japanese
contain vent systems that can release small balloon has a constant density, it maintains a space agency’s BU60-1 mission in 2002.
amounts of lifting gas to reduce buoyancy. mostly constant height in Earth’s atmosphere. Such altitudes put balloons firmly in ‘near-
Another issue faced by most HABs is that they By their very nature, balloons need to rise space’, high above the influence of weather
expand and contract as temperatures change through denser surrounding gases, so their systems in the lower atmosphere. This opens
At about 15,240m
Three-part (50,000ft), the capsule
vehicle High altitude and parawing separate
World View consists The ascent comes to from the balloon, which
of a pressurised an end and the capsule is drained of gas and
capsule and a flexible, floats for about two floats back to Earth
inflatable ‘parawing’ hours above 31,500m
suspended beneath (100,000ft)
the lifting balloon
Depending on weather
conditions, the capsule
may land as far as
480km (300mi) from
its launch site
Going global
The Global Space Balloon Challenge (GSBC) is an Initiative, the first challenge event took place over the
education project that aims to recruit teams from Easter weekend in April 2014. Almost 100 teams from
around the world to launch their own HABs. The around the world aimed to launch balloons into the
revolution in small-scale manufacturing and the cheap upper atmosphere, from locations as far afield as Chile,
availability of GPS units for tracking a balloon’s position India, Hawaii and Moscow, carrying payloads ranging
and altitude has brought near-space ballooning within from cameras and weather stations to radio
reach of amateurs on a budget of a few hundred transmitters. Prizes were awarded for the highest
dollars, including enthusiasts and school and college altitude reached, the best photographs and the most
groups. As part of Stanford University’s Student Space innovative designs and successful experiments.
KEY 1783 1931 1960 2012 2016?
The first manned hot-air and Auguste Piccard and Paul
hydrogen balloon flights are Kipfer reach 15,781m (51,775ft)
made within months of each in a hydrogen balloon with a
Joe Kittinger sets altitude and
skydive records with an ascent
to 31,333m (102,800ft)
Felix Baumgartner sets new
records for manned balloon
flight and skydiving with a
World View plans to offer
pressurised balloon flights
to near-Earth space to
other in France. pressurised capsule. aboard Excelsior III. flight to 38,969m (127,851ft). paying passengers.
DID YOU KNOW? JP Aerospace hopes to combine low-thrust rockets with an airship design as a new way of reaching Earth orbit
the way for a variety of applications. As well as signals from the universe. BLAST (Balloon-born a relatively cheap human flight into near-space.
studying weather conditions at high altitudes, Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope) used Several companies are aiming to launch
these include aerial photography of wide areas, a two-metre (6.6-foot) mirror to study some of passenger services in the next few years,
and radio communications. Google, for the coolest objects in the universe from above including World View and the Spanish
instance, is developing Project Loon, which the fogging effects of atmospheric heat – it made zero2infinity. Critics argue that helium is such a
aims to provide high-speed internet to remote three successful flights between 2005 and 2011. limited and valuable resource that space
areas or disaster zones via HABs floating at an BOOMERanG, meanwhile, was a balloon-borne tourism is a rather trivial way to waste it, but
altitude of about 20 kilometres (12.4 miles). telescope used to investigate the cosmic some balloon promoters also aim to offer
Balloons also offer a cheap way of putting microwave background radiation left over from ‘atmospheric laboratory’ services that would
telescopes above the vast majority of the the Big Bang itself. offer space-station-like facilities at a fraction of
atmosphere – particularly valuable for But for many, the most enticing aspect of the cost. For the moment at least, it seems like
astronomers studying weak infrared and radio high-altitude balloons is their potential to offer the only way is up.
further electricity to
on-board equipment
Flight cameras
High-definition video Capsule doors
cameras photograph the Each door carries an OLED
capsule itself, the display showing thousands
portraits displayed of individual portraits
around its casing, and the
Earth below 100m (330ft)
Landing base
A support structure ensures the Saturn V rocket
capsule makes a cushioned landing
Modern rocket science was used in entertainment and
weaponry, long before the realms of space travel
Rocket science has been around since the 280s BCE, Typically they are tube-like, with stacks of components.
when ancient Chinese alchemists invented Rockets carry propellants (a fuel and an oxidiser), one or more
gunpowder. Initially used in fireworks, gunpowder engines, stabilisation devices, and a nozzle to accelerate and
was soon put to use in weaponry as fire-arrows, expand gases. However, there’s a lot of variation among those
bombs and more. Through the centuries, rockets continued to basic elements.
be used as weapons until the early-20th Century. In 1912, Robert There are two main types of rockets: solid-fuel and
Goddard built the first liquid-fuel rocket (previous rockets were liquid-fuel. The former have some similarities to those early
solid-fuel) and began the age of modern rocketry. To date, there gunpowder rockets. For space applications, solid-fuel rockets
have been about 500 rocket launches from NASA’s Cape are often used as boosters to lower the amount of needed liquid
Canaveral, and more than five thousand satellites launched by fuel and reduce the overall mass of the vehicle as a whole. A
rockets from spaceports around the world. common type of solid propellant, used in the solid rocket
While the term ‘rocket’ can be used to describe everything boosters on the NASA space shuttles, is a composite made of
from cars to jet packs, most of us think ‘space travel’ when we ammonium percholate, aluminium, iron oxide and a polymer
see ‘rocket’. Most rockets follow the same basic design. to bind it. The propellant is packed into a casing. Solid-fuel
5 TOP Liquid-fuel rocket
1 Robert Goddard built and
True rocket
2 In 1232 BC, the Chinese used
Launch into Earth orbit
3 On 4 Oct 1957, the R-7 ICBM
Launch into space
4 Germany launched the first
Private launch, Earth orbit
5 Space X, a company
launched the first liquid-fuel
rocket on 26 March 1926. It
was fuelled by gasoline and
liquid oxygen, the flight
rocket-arrows propelled by
burning gunpowder in their
war with the Mongols. While
not very effective, they were
was the first rocket to launch
an artificial satellite – Sputnik
1 – into orbit. This marked the
start of the Space Race
rocket capable of reaching
space, the V-2 rocket, in 1942.
The missile was launched at
sites in England and Belgium
pioneering commercial space
travel, launched Falcon 9 on 10
Dec 2010. With an unmanned
capsule, it orbited Earth twice
FIRSTS lasting 2.5 seconds. likely a frightening sight. between the US and the USSR. as part of the WWII effort. before landing in the Pacific.
DID YOU KNOW? Advances in gunnery left rockets forgotten until an Indian prince used them in the Mysore Wars (late 1700s)
rockets are used alone sometimes to because of the force exerted by the air consist of a fuel and an oxidiser in
launch lighter objects into low-Earth molecules escaping from it. This is separate tanks, mixed in a combustion Liquid-fuel
orbit, but they cannot provide the type
of overall thrust needed to propel a
Newton’s third law in action (see
boxout on the following page). But the
chamber. Guidance systems control
the amount of propellants that enter, rocket
very heavy object into Earth orbit or balloon is only propelling itself; depending on the amount of thrust The components
into space. They can also be difficult to rockets need to generate thrust greater needed. Liquid-fuel rockets can be of a liquid fuel
control and to stop once ignited. than their mass, which includes the stopped and started. rocket and how
The difficulty in getting off the weight of the fuel. For example, the Launch location can also help
ground is due to the strength of Earth’s space shuttle in total weighs about 4.4 rockets become more efficient.
they work
gravity. This is why thrust – a rocket’s million pounds, with a possible European Space Agency member
strength – is measured in pounds or payload of about 230,000 pounds. To country France chose to build a
Newtons. One pound of thrust is the lift this, rocket boosters provided 3.3 spaceport in French Guiana not only
amount of force that it takes to keep a million pounds of thrust each, while for its location near water, but also its Fuel
one-pound object at rest against three engines on the main tank each location near the equator. Launching a Common fuels used
Earth’s gravity. A rocket carries fuel provided 375,000 pounds of thrust. rocket near the equator, in an easterly today include
that weighs much more than the object Liquid-fuel rockets have the benefit direction, makes use of energy created kerosene (RP-1),
that it’s trying to move (its payload – a of losing mass over time as their by the Earth’s rotation speed of 465m liquid hydrogen
and hydrazine
spacecraft or satellite). To understand propellant is used up, which in turn per second. This also means that
why, think about what happens when increases the rate of acceleration. They putting a rocket into geosynchronous
you blow up a balloon and then release have a higher energy content than orbit is easier, because few corrections
it. The balloon flies around the room solid-fuel rockets. Typically they have to be made to its trajectory.
The oxidiser may be
liquid hydrogen, or in
will keep travelling away from that apple from a cannon at a speed force of gravity will never be stronger
planet Earth until gravity overcomes of 25,000mph (40,000kph) – that’s a than the force causing the apple to
the force of your throw. At this point nippy seven miles (11km) per second move away from Earth, and so the Pumps
the apple will fall back down to the – the apple will reach what’s known apple will escape Earth’s gravity. These pumps move
the fuel and oxidiser
into the combustion
Escaping 1. Gravity
An object fired from a cannon
Blast off explained
The third law states
that for every
action, there is an Mobile
equal and opposite Launcher
reaction. When a Platform
rocket launches, (MLP)
the action is the gas Crawler A three-story
expelling from its Transporter platform designed to
engine. The rocket This tracked vehicle support and launch
moves in the moved spacecraft the Saturn V (and
opposite direction, from the Assembly later, the space
which is the Building to the launch shuttle). Spacecraft
reaction. To lift off, complex along a path are built vertically, in
the thrust must be called the a ready-for-launch
greater than the Crawlerway, and then configuration, in the
rocket’s mass. moved the empty Vehicle Assembly
MLP back to the VAB Building (VAB)
DID YOU KNOW? In 100 BCE the Greek inventor Hero created the aeolipile, a rocket-like jet engine that ran on steam
5. Fairing © NASA
The fairing protects
NASA’s Space
the upper stages
and payload from
2. Solid rocket boosters Transportation
These solid rocket boosters provide System, which took
thermodynamic and 3. Main stage 110 tons of thrust. At an altitude of the shuttle into orbit,
acoustic pressure Ariane’s main, or second, stage
60km, about 130 seconds after was retired in July
during launch. It falls comprises two separate compartments,
liftoff, the boosters are spent and 2011 after a mighty
off about three containing liquid oxygen and liquid
detach from the main stage 135 missions.
minutes after liftoff, hydrogen. These power an engine that
at an altitude of burns for ten minutes until the stage
about 100km separates, at an altitude of 145km
Saturn V
The most powerful
space rocket to date,
Saturn V was taller than
a 36-story building and
launched every Apollo
Moon mission.
bombarded with electrons of positively charged ions for use at the end of
WWII, the V-2 was the
first rocket to achieve
sub-orbital spaceflight.
Both solid-fuel and liquid-
fuel rocket engines generate
thrust through chemical
reactions, but in the future,
The first
This series of grids rockets may be powered by modern rocket
extracts the positively ion engines while in space. American Robert
charged ions and Goddard built the first
electrically accelerates
An ion engine uses either
electromagnetic or successful liquid-
them into ion jets, propellant rocket. It
generating thrust electrostatic force to climbed 12.5 metres
accelerate ions, atoms with a before landing in a
net positive or negative nearby cabbage patch.
charge. While the amount of
thrust generated is
Cathode comparatively low, the
Magnetic field A hollow cathode injects negatively
engine is more efficient and
Magnetic rings generate a magnetic field charged electrons into the positively
that facilitates the ionisation process charged ion beam to render it neutral can last for a very long time.
Mega rockets
The Delta II
rocket launched
with the Dawn
spacecraft in
2007 to explore
asteroids Vesta
and Ceres
The hardest part of
exploring the final frontier is
actually getting there in the
first place. While mankind
has been undertaking space-faring
missions for over 50 years now, our
methods of propulsion to escape Earth’s
influence have barely changed at all,
and the fundamental problem of
overcoming our planet’s gravity is still
readily apparent. When, years ago,
people dreamed of regular space planes
flying every week or space elevators
lifting cargo into orbit, limitations and
complexities have seen our forays
beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) rely solely
on vertically launching rockets.
Unfortunately, these themselves bring
with them a number of limitations –
notably the amount of thrust that is
needed to transport cargo into orbit and
the cost considering that most rockets
are almost entirely non-reusable. And
so, as is the way with most things, the
solution to take more cargo into orbit
was relatively simple: make the rockets
The new breed of propulsion system bigger. Much bigger.
that will take us to Mars and beyond Giant rockets are used predominantly
to take loads such as satellites into orbit.
Different rockets can travel to differing
heights, with larger payloads unable to
be transported into further orbits, while
smaller payloads can be taken out to
geosynchronous orbits over 32,000
kilometres (20,000 miles) above the
surface of the Earth, and even beyond.
One of the major problems with
rocket-powered flight is the sheer cost
involved in taking even just a single
kilogram into orbit. Most rockets that fly
today are all but wholly non-reusable.
This means the boosters that are
2 BIG 1. Johannes
Kepler ATV
This unmanned ISS
resupply vehicle is Europe’s
heaviest ever space
payload, weighing almost
20,000kg (44,092lb).
BIGGER 2. Apollo 16
The penultimate manned
mission to the Moon was
also the heaviest, at
47,000kg (103,607lb),
owing to the lunar rover
and satellite it carried.
BIGGEST 3. Skylab
NASA’s first space station
weighed in at a mighty
77,100kg (169,976lb).
Incredibly, the entire thing
was launched in one go by a
Saturn V rocket in 1973.
DID YOU KNOW? The Delta IV Heavy holds 483,500 gallons of fuel but only does the equivalent of 0.00087mpg
heavy-lift rocket
Mega rockets
System to take astronauts first to the
Moon, then to an asteroid, and finally to
Mars by the 2030s. SpaceX aims to
challenge NASA’s deep-space
How man’s most powerful rocket
The modern workhorses that launch
exploration plans by launching its own
variant of the Falcon Heavy in the
took astronauts to the Moon satellites and resupply the ISS
coming years. Known as the Red Dragon
The Saturn V is the Russia’s heavy-lift Proton rocket is currently the
mission, this would see the soon-to-be
most powerful longest-serving rocket in activity, completing its first
completed Falcon Heavy taking a rocket of all time… flight in 1965. It has a formidable success rate: 88 per
specially designed Dragon for the time being
cent across over 300 launches. It has been one of the
capsule, SpaceX’s human
few successes of Russia’s Space Program, which has
transportation vehicle, to
otherwise been riddled with failures and a lack of
Mars by the 2020s. It all
advancement, particularly in missions beyond LEO.
depends who finishes their
Another hugely successful rocket has been Boeing’s
heavy-lift launch vehicle
Delta series. The largest of these, the Delta IV Heavy,
first, but its entirely
can take over 20 tons of cargo into orbit. The Delta IV
possible that the first
Heavy uses two strap-on
human on Mars will be flown The Delta IV rocket boosters to achieve
by a private technology can take
higher orbits and greater
company, which would be no 21,772kg
(48,000lb) of
payload capabilities. In
small feat, to put it mildly.
cargo into Europe, the ESA’s Ariane 5
Heavy-lift launch vehicles have a
Low Earth rocket continues to make
number of advantages over their smaller
Orbit (LEO) great strides to being the
brethren, not least their size. Were it not
most reliable heavy-lift
for NASA’s Space Transportation System
rocket around. It uses a
rocket, used to take the Space Shuttle
cryogenic main stage,
into orbit, the ISS would be some way
holding liquid oxygen and
from completion. It was thanks to the
hydrogen, to produce a
high operating capabilities of this
thrust of 115 ton-forces,
launch system that NASA was able to
while two solid rocket
contribute more than 90 per cent of the
boosters provide additional
orbiting outpost and ensure that it
thrust. These heavy-lift
reached completion this year.
vehicles have been
Heavy-lift rockets, like regular-sized
instrumental in the
rockets, have a number of stages to take
modern space era and will
the vehicle into orbit. The first stage gets
continue to launch
the rocket off the ground. This is usually
countless satellites and
composed of several booster rockets
To date there has been no rocket that has matched, let craft into the cosmos.
strapped together, like the Delta IV
Heavy which uses three of the boosters alone exceeded, the lifting capabilities of the Saturn V
Moon rocket. Of course, this will change in the future One of the huge boosters
seen on the smaller Delta III. used on the Delta rockets
The advancement of launch vehicles with the arrival of several new super-heavy-lift rockets,
promises to usher in an exciting era for but for now the Saturn V retains the title of most powerful
space exploration. Bigger, more rocket of all time. Capable of lifting 130 tons into orbit, the
powerful rockets will enable us to visit Saturn V was used to take Apollo astronauts to the Moon
once unreachable worlds. A human throughout the Sixties and Seventies.
mission to Mars looks more and more Undeniably the most well-known heavy-lift launch
likely, and as the rockets are developed vehicle of all time, though, is the Space Transportation
further, the goal of landing humans on System (STS), used to take the Space Shuttle into orbit. The
the Red Planet in the next decade or two Space Shuttle could take a payload weighing 30 tons into
might just be achievable. orbit, and it was pivotal in the construction of the ISS. Now
retired, the STS was one of the most powerful rockets of
the modern era. It used solid rocket propellant and its
NASA’s J-2X engine, being
tested here, will play a
initial rocket boosters were recoverable when they landed
key role in the Space in the ocean, allowing for up to 20 more uses before they
Launch System were deemed unsafe to fly.
Height (metres)
Delta IV Heavy Titan IV
Space Transportation Manufacturer: United Manufacturer:
Saturn V System Launch Alliance Lockheed Martin
Manufacturer: NASA Manufacturer: NASA Payload: 22,950kg Payload: 21,682kg
30 Payload: 118,000kg Payload: 24,400kg Operation: Operation:
Operation: 1967-1972 Operation: 1981-2011 2004-present 1989-2005
0 Launches: 13 Launches: 135 Launches: 4 Launches: 35
DID YOU KNOW? The longest-serving heavy-lift rocket is Russia’s Proton, with 46 years in service and counting
Ariane 5
Take a look at
Which rockets will take us to
of SpaceX’s
Falcon Heavy
the inner workings the Red Planet and beyond? mega rocket
The Ariane 5 rocket of this ESA rocket
is used to take up With NASA’s Space Shuttle retired in July
to ten tons of large 2011, the next step for the agency is to build
cargo into orbit, Stats a rocket comparable in size and power to
most often The Ariane 5 rocket the Saturn V. This comes in the form of the
satellites. Although weighs about 700 tons,
Space Launch System (SLS).
it is capable of one-tenth of the weight
carrying humans, it of the Eiffel Tower, is as One of the major advancements of
never has high as a 15-storey NASA’s new mega rocket is its shift to liquid
building and reaches propellants over solid ones. Liquid
8,047km/h (5,000mph) propellants, while more expensive, allow
in just 120 seconds
for a greater power yield. In addition, solid
propellants cannot be stopped burning
when lit, a potential problem if a disaster
Jettisoned were to occur, whereas liquid propellants
Two or three
minutes after can be throttled for the required speed.
launch the NASA is reusing old, tried-and-tested
boosters are components to keep costs down. For
jettisoned to example, the main booster core of the SLS
lighten the
will use five of the main engines that had
rocket and
allow it to reach been used to take the Space Shuttle into
© SpaceX
a high orbit orbit. This booster core uses a liquid
hydrogen/oxygen combination, a very
efficient way of getting to orbit with old Saturn V J-2 engine. At first the SLS will
minimal toxic waste produced. The second be able to carry 70 tons to orbit, but
stage of the SLS will use a modified version eventually it will be able to handle 130 tons.
Inside each of of the engine used to take astronauts to the American manufacturer SpaceX is also
the 30-metre Moon aboard the Saturn V rocket. This will making strides with heavy-lift rockets.
(98-foot)-tall be the J-2X engine, an advancement of the Having already successfully flown the
boosters is smaller Falcon 9 rocket, they plan to begin
230 tons of The predecessor to the flying their Falcon Heavy in the coming
solid rocket
Falcon Heavy, the Falcon 9 years. With twice the payload capability of
NASA’s Space Shuttle, the Falcon Heavy
promises trips to space at a fraction of the
cost of current rockets.
It will use three Merlin engines – the
Vulcan Falcon 9 rocket only uses one – and with 1.7
The central
Vulcan engine million kilograms (3.8 million pounds) of
takes liquid thrust it will be equivalent to 15,747 jumbo
propellant jets operating at full power. The ultimate
from the goal of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy is to make
the rocket fully reusable. The company’s
main stage to plan is to use rockets attached to each stage
propel the to carry out controlled ground landings
payload out and recover each component. If successful,
into space the Falcon Heavy will be one of the
© SpaceX
© DK Images
A visualisation of NASA’s
Space Launch System
Space Shuttle’s successor
The Orion
The first Orion missions
will see it dock with the
ISS to test its systems
How the replacement for NASA’s Space
Shuttle will take us to the Moon and beyond
The primary goals of the Orion solar panels that are deployed post-launch in
spacecraft, which has been contracted to addition to batteries to store power for times of
technology company Lockheed Martin darkness. Like the Orion crew module, the service
by NASA, are to deliver crew and cargo to module is also five metres in diameter to provide a
the International Space Shuttle and return clean fit between the two, and has a mass of about
astronauts to the Moon after almost a 50-year wait. 3,700kg in addition to 8,300kg of propellant.
Orion made its first test flight in 2014 and is on course Exerting 33,000 newtons (7,500 pounds) of thrust,
to complete a lunar mission by the early 2020s. the engine of the service module uses hypergolic
The Orion crew module is similar in design and fuels monomethyl hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide,
appearance to the Apollo Command Module that which are propellants that ignite on contact with
first took astronauts to the Moon. It is three times each other and require no ignition source. Another
the volume of the Apollo module with the same 70° benefit of these propellants is that they do not need
sloped top, deemed to be the safest and most reliable to be cooled like other fuels; they can be stored at
shape for re-entering Earth’s atmosphere at high room temperature. 24 thrusters around the service
velocity. The Orion module has a diameter of five module will also give it control to change its
metres and a total mass of about 9,000kg including orientation in all directions, but these are almost 30
the cargo and the crew, which increases or decreases times weaker than the main booster.
slightly for missions to the International Space Upon descent to Earth the Orion crew module will
Station and the Moon respectively. Unlike the use a combination of parachutes and air bags to
Apollo module, which had a crew capacity of three allow a cushioned touchdown on land or sea. The
people, the Orion module can carry between four service module will detach in space and disintegrate
and six astronauts. in the atmosphere. The entire Orion crew module
Attached to the crew module is the service will be reusable for at most ten missions except for its
module, responsible for propulsion, electrical ablative heat shield, which burns up on re-entry into
power, communications and water/air storage. The Earth’s atmosphere to protect the astronauts from
service module is equipped with a pair of extendable the extreme heat.
5 TOP Orion
1 Although Orion is currently
SpaceX Dragon
One of the competitors, the
Boeing CST-100
3 After losing the Orion contract
Dream Chaser
4 Under development by the
This US military space plane
still on schedule, there are
several other private
companies that are
clamouring to provide NASA’s
Dragon capsule is currently
undergoing advanced testing
and should be ready to
transport crew members to
to Lockheed Martin, Boeing’s
capsule (similar in design to
Orion) has been helped by
$18m of funding from NASA
Sierra Nevada Corporation,
this space plane won $20m
from a NASA competition. It
could land on almost any
returned from a seven-month
orbit in December 2010 and
made the first ever spacecraft
landing by autopilot, but its
SPACE RACE transportation to the ISS. the ISS within a few years. and could launch by 2015. runway in the world. intentions were unknown.
DID YOU KNOW? An Orion test module will use over 150,000 ping-pong balls to stop it sinking after splashing down in the ocean
Launch abort
In a launch pad emergency,
this rocket will lift the crew
module and allow it to
parachute safely to ground
Heat shield
The ablative (burns on re-entry)
heat shield protects the crew
module as it returns to Earth alone
before the parachutes deploy
The top of the crew module The Launch Abort System
allows docking with other will carry the crew module
rn ce: 3
Journey time: On
e yea
Distance: 54 m r
Cargo km
Inside the service
module, unpressurised cargo
for the ISS and science
equipment are stored
Surviving Earth’s atmosphere
How do spacecraft
survive the journey from
space to the ground?
While not all spacecraft are designed to
return home after completion of a
mission, those that do must overcome
intense heat and forces as the spacecraft
passes through our atmosphere. Almost all spacecraft
undergo a ballistic entry, travelling directly through
the atmosphere until parachutes slow their descent.
Only a few – NASA’s space shuttle and the US Air
Force’s secretive unmanned space plane X-37B – are
capable of performing a glide landing and touch
down on a runway like an aeroplane.
The dense gas in our atmosphere is useful for
5 TOP 1
Soyuz 1
Lone cosmonaut Vladimir
Soyuz 5
2 In 1969 when a module failed
Soyuz 11
3 In 1971 the Russian Soyuz 11
In 2003 a piece of foam
5 The sample return capsule of
Komarov perished in 1967
when the parachutes of
Soyuz 1 tangled during
re-entry following some
to separate, Boris Volynov’s
spacecraft re-entered in a ball
of fire until it righted itself and
crash landed, Volynov
spacecraft failed to
depressurise properly in orbit,
killing all three of the crew
prior to re-entry, the only
pierced the left wing of the
space shuttle Columbia
during launch. Atmospheric
gases tore it apart during re-
NASA’s unmanned Genesis
spacecraft failed to deploy
its parachutes during re-entry
in 2004, and crashed in the
problems in orbit. suffered only broken teeth. astronauts to die in space. entry, killing a crew of seven. Utah desert.
DID YOU KNOW? NASA’s Stardust capsule is the fastest man-made object to ever re-enter Earth, at 7.95 miles per sec, in 2006
© NASA x 4
heat and high
g-forces that will
disintegrate and
burn up the craft
Initial concept
Re-entry Needle
Early tests focused on needle designs, but
When a spacecraft re-enters
these burned up too quickly on re-entry as
too much heat was transferred.
Blunt Body
Deceleration too high concept 1953
If the angle of entry is too high, the Shockwave
spacecraft will hit the Earth’s Blunt-body designs allowed heat to be
Drag atmosphere almost head-on and deflected away, increasing its drag and
decelerate too fast
too low creating a shockwave.
A spacecraft
without enough
drag will follow a
trajectory past the Ballistic or glide
surface, and may Most re-entries are ballistic, where the
not have enough spacecraft falls directly into the atmosphere,
fuel for re-entry but some – like NASA’s space shuttle –
perform a glide re-entry at a shallower angle
European Space Agency
Radar dishes at the ESA’s ESAC headquarters
in Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain
Europe’s gateway to space, the European
Space Agency is revealing the wonders of our
Earth, solar system and the universe
The purpose of the European Space Agency The average investment per person per annum of an
(ESA) is to develop and advance Europe’s ESA member state is roughly ten pounds, which
space capability, while ensuring such collectively provides the yearly budget for space
research directly benefits those who fund it – expenditure. In 2012 the budget for the ESA was just over
the citizens of Europe. As such, the ESA is an £4 billion and it was spent across a wide gamut of
international organisation comprised of 19 member missions, divisions and departments, including: the
states, which collectively pool their resources, be that European Astronauts Centre, European Space
financial or intellectual, in order to draw up the Astronomy division, European Space Operations Centre,
European space programme and carry it through – the ESA Centre for Earth Observation, and the European
something that would be impossible to achieve if they Space Research and Technology Centre.
simply worked as singular nations. The majority of space launches occur at the ESA’s
The ESA draws up programmes designed to explore, launch base in French Guiana (a 96,000 hectare base
analyse and actuate information garnered from the employing 1,500 people), where probes, satellites and
Earth’s immediate space environment, our solar system rockets carry astronauts and equipment into space
and even further a field into distant galaxies, in addition either to dock with the International Space Station,
to developing satellite-based technologies and services orbit the Earth and collect and transmit data, or on a
constructed by European companies and industries. The far-off trajectory to monitor distant phenomena. Indeed,
size and financial/intellectual commitment a member the ESA boasts one of the most active and successful
state makes to the ESA is directly proportional to the mission profiles in the world and is currently embarking
amount of service contracts for technological on a host of cutting-edge programmes – including the
construction and mission funding it receives, ensuring notable launch of CryoSat-2, an orbiting satellite
that the money spent by the county’s government designed to monitor the effects of global warming on
directly benefits its citizens. Earth’s ice reserves.
Established: 1958
Budget: £11.4 billion /
$17.6 billion
Divisions: 15
Primary spaceport:
Kennedy Space Center
Established: 1975
Budget: £3.3 billion /
$5.4 billion
Divisions: 5
Primary spaceport:
Guiana Space Centre
Established: 1993
Budget: £850 million /
$1.3 billion
Divisions: 4
Primary spaceport: Jiuquan
Satellite Launch Center
DID YOU KNOW? ESA’s first mission was launched in 1975 and was a space probe designed to monitor gamma-ray emissions
Q ECS (European
Co-operating state)
GENERAL BUDGET – 6.67%, €239m
Q Signed Co-operation
Agreement countries
HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT – 10.77%, €386m
3. Cryogenic
main stage
This main, first
stage delivers
1,114kN of thrust © Ssolbergj
over 589 seconds
burning a mixture
The Statistics of liquid hydrogen
and oxygen
Ariane 5
Function: Heavy launch vehicle 1. Site 2. Access
Height: 46-52m (151-170ft) An Ariane 5 heavy The large approach
Mass: 777,000kg launch vehicle road is necessary
Stages: 2 stands on-site considering the size
Max payload: LEO – 21,000kg / of the equipment
All uncredited Images © ESA
European Space Agency
CryoSat-2 2. SAR/Interferometric
Radar Altimeter
The primary payload of the CryoSat-2 is
The ESA’s most recent designed to meet the nuanced
launch, CryoSat-2, is measurement requirements for ice-sheet
elevation and sea-ice freeboard data
imaging and analysing the acquisition. This highly advanced
effects of global warming approach works by sending thousands of An image showing the launch
cloud piercing radar pulses to the ground
like never before each second and then measuring the time
of CryoSat-2, which
successfully reached Earth
The ESA’s Earth Explorer CryoSat-2 it takes for their echoes to return to
orbit in early April 2010
mission, which was launched on 8 April CryoSat-2’s antennas
2010 on a Dnepr rocket, is concerned with The body-mounted
the precise monitoring of the changes in solar arrays of the
the thickness of marine ice floating in The Statistics CryoSat-2
polar oceans and variations in the CryoSat-2
thickness of Greenland’s ice sheets. This
Operator: ESA
is a highly important and timely mission
Launch vehicle: Kosmotras
as currently Earth’s ice fields are Dnepr rocket
diminishing at an expediential rate. Payload: SAR/Interferometric
The CryoSat-2 satellite – which boasts a Radar Altimeter
state-of-the-art SAR/Interferometric Orbit altitude: 717km (approx)
Mass: 720kg
Radar Altimeter, which measures ice by Power: 2 x GaAs body-mounted
sending a series of cloud-piercing radar solar arrays (1700 W)
pulses down to Earth – is orbiting Earth
from an altitude of just over 700km and
latitudes of up to 88 degrees, a record for
this type of platform. It is powered by two
angled sheets of solar panels, which each
contain hundreds of highly sensitive
gallium arsenide solar cells that supply
power for the batteries.
The CryoSat-2’s technique of
transmitting a series of radar pulses
works as when they reach Earth they are
scattered off the variable slopes of the ice
sheet margins and the returned echo
comes from the closest surface location
3. Solar A computer-
with respect to the satellite. These are
panels generated image
In order to power showing how
then received by the CryoSat-2’s the imaging and the CryoSat-2
antennas – which are wrapped in multi- data recording measures sea ice
layer insulation – and decoded. systems on the
CryoSat-2 satellite, it
is covered with two
The dedicated large sheets of solar
control room for cells, which produce
CryoSat-2 power for the
operations at on-board batteries.
ESOC, Darmstadt Unlike many other
satellites, these
panels are fixed and
however they are
positioned on
optimal angles for
the capturing of
solar energy
throughout an orbit
5 TOP 1
Out of 10,000 people who
2 Since 2005 the annual
3 Since 1 January 1971, Canada
4 There are currently 14
5 The European Space
DID YOU KNOW? The original CryoSat mission failed in 2005. The separation mechanism on its carrying rocket broke at launch
The mission that simulated humanity’s
journey to Mars
The Mars500 mission was an important study to the astronauts would travel to the surface and
ascertain the mental and physical strain on another to simulate the Martian surface, with a
humans in closed isolation on a long-haul trip to total combined area of 550m³ (19,423 ft³).
Mars. The mission was a joint project between To accurately simulate a mission to Mars, the
the ESA and Russian Institute for Biomedical volunteers were subjected to the same conditions
Problems, beginning on 3 June 2010 and that would be apparent for astronauts making
culminating on 4 November 2011. In it, six the trip for real. For example, all communications
candidates were sealed in an isolation chamber outside the pod were given a time delay, ranging
for 520 days, the approximate journey time for a from 1 minute when near “Earth” to 20 minutes at
real mission to and from the Red Planet. “Mars”, while the crew were also given a diet
An image The isolation facility in which they were held identical to that of astronauts on board the
showing the International Space Station.
multiple parts
was based in Moscow and consisted of five
of the Mars500 modules: three to replicate the spacecraft The volunteers carried out the same tasks that
simulated (where the volunteers spent the majority of their astronauts would in a real-life Mars trip,
The members of the including simulating a Martian landing and
spacecraft time), one to replicate the Mars-lander in which
2010 stage of the
performing experiments. The participants were
experiment prepare
to go into isolation Training facilities were able to talk to friends and family via video link at
included to help keep the various points in the mission, albeit with the
astronauts fit and healthy aforementioned time delay.
With the mission finished, future astronauts
making the long-haul trip will have useful
knowledge of the conditions they might expect
when being in isolation for such a long period of
time and at such a great distance from home.
The primary x-ray telescope of the ESA, the
XMM-Newton is increasing our knowledge radiators
of black holes, the formation of galaxies and Telescope
the origins of the universe tubes
Launched from the ESA’s Guiana by twin extendable solar arrays that The XMM-Newton’s name comes more sources in one small area than
spaceport in 1999 on an Ariane 5 rocket, give the XMM a span of 16 metres. In from the design of its mirrors, the lesser satellites managed in years.
the XMM-Newton is the ESA’s largest addition to its three x-ray telescopes, highly nested x-ray multi-mirrors, and Thanks to its orbit, the XMM-Newton
and most active x-ray observatory and the XMM also includes two reflection- in dedication to the great scientist Sir has been able to measure the influence
orbiting satellite. It orbits the Earth on a grating spectrometers (used to measure Isaac Newton. These mirrors are of the gravitational field of a neutron
highly eccentric and elliptical orbit of light intensity) and a 12-inch in enabling astronomers to discover more star on the light it emits. This was a first
40 degrees and boasts three x-ray diameter Ritchey-Chrétien optical/UV x-ray sources than with any of the in astronomical observation and
telescopes each containing 58 Wolter- telescope (a specialised telescope used previous space observatories. In one helped give a valuable insight into
type concentric mirrors. It is powered to mitigate aberration in images). day, for example, the XMM-Newton sees these super-dense objects.
ELS launch site
KEY 1964 1970 1986 2003 2011
France commissions the
building of Kourou.
Completed four years later,
The Diamant-B rocket is
launched, carrying the
DIAL satellite. It is Kourou’s
Ariane 3 is the first
rocket to set off from
ELA-2, the second
An agreement between
France and Russia paves
the way for Soyuz rockets
A Soyuz rocket is
successfully launched from
the site, with more launches
it costs 25 million francs. first rocket launch. launch pad at the site. to launch from Kourou. planned for the future.
DID YOU KNOW? French Guiana was the seventh country to launch a satellite after the USSR, USA, France, Japan, China and Britain
The development of space technology
We take a look at the ten most
important space missions of all time 1969
Since Russia’s Sputnik 1 satellite entered
space on 4 October 1957, thousands of Apollo 11
manned and unmanned spacecraft, Probably the most well-known space mission of all time,
including Earth satellites and deep-space Apollo 11 was launched atop the most powerful
probes, have launched into the cosmos. rocket to date, the Saturn V. The spacecraft
In those five decades, space travel has truly come on was composed of two sections – the
leaps and bounds, with the development of liquid and Lunar Module and the Command
solid fuels, as well as the use of solar panels and Module – the latter of which
radioactive power sources among many of the remained in orbit around the Moon
impressive innovations, allowing space agencies with Michael Collins on board
across the planet to undertake evermore ambitious while the former took astronauts
missions that would once have never been thought Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to
possible. Here, we’ve compiled ten of the most the surface. Apollo 11 paved the way
successful missions that have advanced the field of for a further five successful
space travel to a whole new level. missions to the Moon, each spending
several days on the lunar surface.
1961 1977-present
Vostok 1 Voyager 1 and 2
In 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first The Voyager programme was originally designed to
man to travel to space, and the spacecraft explore Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, but
that took him there for 68 minutes, was a the mission was extended to include the boundary
fairly rudimentary sphere known as into interstellar space, which they are currently
Vostok 1. As this was the first manned entering. The Voyager probes both receive power
craft to leave Earth orbit, lots of extra from three radioisotope thermoelectric
precautions were taken, eg Gagarin was generators, fed by plutonium-238. On
not able to freely move around the cabin, board each probe is a variety of
nor was he able to manually control the sounds and images known as the
spacecraft. Nonetheless, in the timeline Golden Record, which also
of space exploration, Vostok 1 is without contains instructions on how to
a doubt one of the most important find Earth for any passing aliens.
spacecraft of all time.
Venera probes Pioneer 10 and 11
The purpose of the Pioneer missions was to
The Venera missions have been Russia’s most learn about the outer reaches of the solar
successful space exploration missions to date. In system. These two spacecraft were, at the
total, 23 separate probes were launched to the time of their launch, the most advanced
hottest planet in our solar system, Venus, vehicles to venture into space. They
between 1961 and 1984, with ten of these contained a number of technical tools
landing on the surface. Each Venera lander never used before, including a charged
was a technical marvel, withstanding particle instrument to measure the extent
incredible temperatures of up to 462 degrees of the Sun’s influence. While comms were
Celsius (864 degrees Fahrenheit) to remain lost in 1995 (Pioneer 11) and 2003 (Pioneer 10),
operational for up to two hours. They returned key the probes continue to make their way out of
data about the surface of Venus, including detailed the solar system, with each possessing an
information on the planet’s atmospheric structure. on-board plaque detailing their origins.
Space Shuttles
NASA’s five cosmos-faring Space
Shuttles were the largest spacecraft of
all time, and each completed numerous 2003-2010
missions that defined them as some of
the most important vehicles to enter Hayabusa
Earth orbit. Their many accolades Japan’s Hayabusa probe was the first
include taking the Hubble Space spacecraft to return a sample from an
Telescope into orbit (and later repairing asteroid, but it wasn’t without its
it) and launching more than 80 per cent problems. A fuel leak rendered its
of the modules for the ISS. There were chemical engines unusable and,
135 missions in total, but two of these coupled with a variety of mechanical
ended in tragedy. The Challenger failures, the probe was forced to limp
spacecraft exploded 73 seconds after home on its weaker ion engines. It
launch in 1986, while in 2003 the eventually arrived three years behind
Columbia spacecraft was torn apart on schedule in 2010, but the mission was
re-entry. While the Shuttles are still a success. Ion engines on
remembered largely as a success, these spacecraft have become more and more
two disasters serve as a reminder of just popular due to their longevity, rather
how dangerous space travel is. than relying on an initial big ‘push’.
1990s 2000s
The Cassini-Huygens probe was a joint mission
between NASA, the ESA and ASI (Italian Space
Agency) and is often regarded as the most successful
Probing far from home
How the furthest man-made objects from Earth work Date reached: 25/8/89
On 20 August 1977 Voyager 2 After making so many groundbreaking
launched from Cape Canaveral in discoveries, both spacecraft are now on their
Florida aboard a Titan-Centaur way out of the solar system. They are both
rocket, heralding the start of one expected to pass out of the Sun’s influence
of the most ambitious deep space and into interstellar space in the coming
exploration missions of all time. Two weeks years, although it is not entirely clear when
later Voyager 1 was sent up in an identical this will happen as no machine has yet
launch, although its greater speed meant experienced the conditions that the Voyager
that it eventually overtook Voyager 2. The list probes are about to endure.
of accomplishments by the two probes is In 40,000 years, Voyager 1 should be
astounding. Between them they have within 1.6 light years (9.4 trillion miles) of a
studied all of the major planets of the solar star in the constellation of Camelopardalis
system past Mars, in addition to some moons thought to harbour a planetary system.
Voyager 2
of Jupiter and Saturn, making countless new 256,000 years later, Voyager 2 will be 4.3
launched atop a
discoveries in the process. Now, as the light years (25 trillion miles) from Sirius, Titan III-Centaur
furthest man-made objects from Earth, they which is the brightest star other than the rocket on
are on their way out of the solar system. Sun in our night sky. 20 August 1977
The launch of the mission coincided with a
favourable alignment of the planets in the
Seventies that would allow Voyager 2 to visit
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The
A single 8-track
digital tape recorder
On board both probes is a science Inside Voyager
list of achievements by the two Voyager (DTR) and Flight
payload with ten instruments,
including those to measure solar
What’s going on inside
spacecraft is extensive. The Voyager mission Data Subsystem
(FDS) handle data
wind and those that can detect the long-distance probes?
was only the second – after Pioneer 10 and 11 low-energy particles
and calibrate
in 1974 and 1975, respectively – to visit Jupiter
instruments too
and then Saturn, but it also discovered the
existence of rings around Jupiter, while Antenna Communication
Voyager 2 was the first mission to visit
Golden Record The high-gain It takes 16 hours for a message from the
The Golden Record is a antenna (HGA) Voyager probes to reach Earth. However,
Uranus and Neptune. collection of sounds transmits data they’re not in constant communication, and
The primary objective of the mission was and imagery from to Earth only periodically send data back to our planet
to study Jupiter and Saturn, but once it Earth, intended to
provide any passing
became apparent that the spacecraft could
extraterrestrial race
Phone home
continue working, the mission was extended with information about
Each of the identical Weight
to include Neptune and Uranus for Voyager 2. spacecraft use celestial or Each Voyager
our home planet
gyroscopic attitude control to probe weighs
Voyager 1 could have travelled to Pluto, but ensure that their high-gain 773kg (1,704lbs),
NASA decided to extend its mission to Saturn antennas are constantly with the science
and its moon Titan, leaving the dwarf planet Thrust pointed towards Earth for payload making
Pluto one of the largest bodies in the solar The probes manoeuvre communication up about 105kg
system yet to be explored. via Hydrazine thrusters, (231lbs) of this
although since leaving
The Voyager probes obtain power from
the planets they have
their radioactive generators, which have stopped doing so
kept them running even at such a great
distance from Earth and will continue to do Power down
so until about 2020, when they will no longer To conserve energy as
be able to power their instruments. Voyager 1 Power up the probes continue Magnetometer
is roughly now over 17 billion kilometres (10.6 Three radioisotope thermoelectric their journeys, many This instrument enables the probes
generators (RTGs) supply electrical instruments deemed to measure nearby magnetic field
billion miles) from the Sun, while Voyager 2 power , which will eventually diminish unnecessary have or intensities, which was used to study the
is at a distance of over 14 billion kilometres but currently supply about 315 watts will be switched off magnetospheres of the outer planets
(8.5 billion miles).
5 TOP Moons
1 Around the outer planets the
Interstellar medium
2 Both of the Voyager probes
3 Voyager probes 1 and 2 both
4 The probes discovered for the
5 Voyager 1 discovered the only
Voyager probes discovered
23 new moons, including
five around Saturn and 11
are now in a region where the
Sun’s influence is
increasingly waning, and
provided unprecedented
information about the
atmospheres of the following
first time a ring system
encircling Jupiter, and they
also observed hurricane-like
known body in the solar system
other than Earth to be
volcanically active: Jupiter’s
around Uranus, in addition to soon they will enter the planets: Jupiter, Saturn, storms in the planet’s moon Io. This moon also affects
DISCOVERIES imaging our own. interstellar medium. Uranus and Neptune. atmosphere. the surrounding Jovian system.
DID YOU KNOW? Voyager 1 is now travelling at 38,000mph, while Voyager 2 is slightly slower at 35,000mph
On 16 November 1980,
Voyager 1 looked back at
Saturn and snapped this
picture four days after it
had passed the planet
Our solar system is contained
What lies
All images © NASA
Ellipsoid moon
The Herschel Due to the forces acting upon it.
Mimas is not perfectly spherical.
The Pioneer The Gemini 12 spacecraft conducted
early tether experiments. It was
connected to a target vehicle by Buzz
Aldrin during a two-hour spacewalk
Why did the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft
unexpectedly start to slow down?
Pioneer 10 and 11 were difference is sufficient to alter the
robotic space probes sent craft’s trajectory.
into the cosmos in the Due to the design of the Pioneer
Seventies on missions to spacecraft, more radiation was
Jupiter and Saturn. They were released from the front end than the
designed to fly by the gas giants before back, hampering their escape from
venturing out of the Solar System. the Solar System.
It was always assumed that the craft
would slow down as they travelled
through the Solar System because of So where is
the pull of gravity from the Sun. Pioneer 10 now?
However, their radio signals showed In September 2012, Pioneer 10 was
that they were instead thousands of around 16 billion kilometres (10
kilometres behind their expected billion miles) from Earth and
position; in other words, they were heading in the direction of the
slowing down at a much faster rate constellation Taurus, 68 light years
than NASA’s Pioneer operators had away. It is travelling at about 45,000
initially anticipated. kilometres (28,000 miles) per hour.
The anomaly was the result of Pioneer 10 was the first man-made
thermal recoil force. In the vacuum of object to pass the main planets of
space, where there are no atoms to the Solar System, but the Voyager 1
transfer energy to, the only way that spacecraft has since overtaken it to
excess heat can be dissipated is by become the most distant man-
radiation. Electromagnetic radiation made object in space; it is currently
Tethers in space
exerts pressure and, if there is uneven on the verge of crossing into
release of radiation from different interstellar space.
sides of the probe, then the pressure
110 110 10 secrets of space
Uncovering cosmic mysteries
10 secrets of space
10 secrets of space
Our universe is full of odd phenomena to which we don’t have all
the answers – here we look at the science of the most intriguing
Answering questions and solving Of course, we can’t be sure until these particular mysteries of the Sun’s corona have had to await the
puzzles has been the driving force enigmas are resolved, but often the solution to development of new techniques for studying it. And
behind astronomy for thousands of puzzles like this is just a matter of time; once a the ins and outs of ‘dark matter’ that permeates the
years, even if it often seems that for mystery object such as the ‘impossible star’ SDSS entire cosmos still remain frustratingly elusive.
every mystery solved, a new one springs up. Today, J102915+172927 or the rectangular galaxy LEDA But perhaps the most exciting mysteries of all are
astronomers like to think they have a fairly good 074886 is announced to the world, scientists can those that come completely out of the blue, such as
understanding of the way our universe works, and turn their collective efforts and a huge array of the dark energy accelerating the expansion of the
processes from the life cycle of stars to the evolution observational techniques to learning more about it universe. Two decades ago, astronomers didn’t even
of galaxies, and it’s certainly true that we know a lot and understanding why it defies convention. know there was a puzzle to be solved, yet now dark
more than we did a century ago. But there are still Others require more patience – for instance, new energy is one of the hottest topics in the field. It’s
plenty of loose ends and new ones are still images of Uranus’s satellite Miranda would discoveries like this and ‘unknown unknowns’ that
constantly emerging. certainly reveal more about its turbulent history, will doubtless be discovered in the future that help
Some of these mysteries are recent discoveries but we’re sadly unlikely to be sending another drive forward our understanding of not just space,
that may seem at first to break the established rules. probe that way any time soon. The long-standing but also our place within it.
1. FAST Solar particles
Particles blown from the
Sun take approximately
two to three days to reach
us here on Earth, moving
at hundreds of kilometres
per second.
2. FASTER Galactic
cosmic rays
Accelerated by the energy
released in massive
supernova explosions,
these rays can travel at
over half the speed of light.
3. FASTEST Ultra-high-
energy rays
The fastest rays of all,
with speeds of up to 99
per cent of light, have
probably been ejected
from active galaxies.
1. Most of the universe is missing 3. Impossible stars Occasionally, astronomers come across a star that
For the past decade, astronomers have been getting we would expect if we relied on previous models of
seems to break all the rules and forces them to
to grips with a mystery that has undermined a lot of cosmic expansion. rethink long-cherished theories. In 2011, scientists
what we previously thought we knew about the The phenomenon responsible is called ‘dark at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) made
cosmos. We once thought the universe was energy’ and seems to account for a staggering 70 per one such discovery in the form of SDSS
dominated by two substances: normal, or cent of the universe. Nobody knows exactly what J102915+172927 (Caffau’s star) – a star roughly 4,000
‘baryonic’, matter (matter that interacts with light dark energy is, but perhaps the most intriguing – light years from Earth in the constellation of Leo.
and other forms of radiation), and invisible ‘dark’ and even alarming – aspect to the discovery is that it This star has about four-fifths the mass of our
Sun, and is composed mainly of hydrogen and
matter that is transparent to light and only makes seems to be increasing. Until around 7.5 billion years
helium, the two lightest elements in the universe.
its presence felt through gravity (see Mystery 8). ago, expansion was slowing; then the strength of Together, they make up around 99.99993 per cent of
But in the late-Nineties, cosmologists found an dark energy overcame gravity and the expansion its entire composition, with heavier elements –
unexpected twist: the expansion of the universe picked up again. known as metals – almost entirely absent.
(which should be slowing down due to the If the growth of dark energy continues, some Such a pure lightweight star must have formed
gravitational drag of the matter within it) is predict that the universe might end in a ‘Big Rip’ more than 13 billion years ago from the raw cosmic
speeding up. The evidence for this comes from many billions of years from now, when it becomes so materials remaining after the Big Bang, but the
problem is that according to accepted models of
distant supernova explosions in galaxies billions of powerful that galaxies, stars and even individual
star formation it shouldn’t have ever been born.
light years from Earth, which appear fainter than particles of matter are torn apart. In order to produce enough gravity to collapse
and form a star, astronomers believe a protostellar
cloud needs either to have a significant amount of
Centres of mass Energy field heavier metals or a larger overall mass – small,
Normal and dark matter Dark energy seems to be low-density stars simply shouldn’t exist.
tend to concentrate in and a force field of some sort
around galaxies, holding that extends across the
them together despite universe, driving the
cosmic expansion expansion of spacetime
The four dimensions of space
and time can be represented
as a sheet that can be
Dark energy is pulling the universe distorted by concentrations
apart in unexpected ways, but will of mass and gravity
its influence continue to grow? 4. The moon that
shouldn’t exist
2. The origin of When Voyager 2 flew past Uranus in 1986, its
close-up views of the ringed planet’s inner satellite
cosmic rays Miranda surprised everyone. This small
470-kilometre (292-mile)-diameter moon shows a
Cosmic rays are high-speed, high-energy huge variety of different surface features that seem
particles from space, which we usually detect via to break the rule that smaller worlds don’t show
the less energetic particles they produce as they geological activity. Astronomers soon nicknamed it
enter Earth’s upper atmosphere. Astronomers the ‘Frankenstein moon’, since it looks like it has
divide them into several classes depending on been broken up and reassembled, perhaps in some
their speed and energy, and most seem to ancient interplanetary impact. But there’s a
originate from distant supernovas. Perhaps the problem with this theory: Miranda’s orbit is too
most troublesome, however, are the ultra-high- close to Uranus for it to have pulled itself together
energy rays – tiny subatomic particles that can again after breaking up. Instead, some scientists
carry the same amount of energy as a baseball think it was reshaped by extreme tides.
travelling at 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour.
For some years, the likeliest origin for Miranda’s patchwork appearance is
ultra-high-energy particles seemed to be evidence of a turbulent past, but did it
gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) – enormous blasts of really break apart and reform?
energy linked to dying stars or merging black
holes. But recent studies using the IceCube
Neutrino Observatory, a particle detector buried
beneath Antarctica, failed to find the predicted
neutrino particles that would indicate this If exploding stars or colliding black holes
origin. Astronomers are now revisiting the idea can’t create high-energy cosmic rays,
that they are formed by natural particle astronomers need to find something even
accelerators around supermassive black holes in more powerful…
the heart of distant active galaxies.
10 secrets of space
Nicknamed the ‘Emerald-cut Galaxy’,
LEDA 074886 is a rare star cloud
6. The rogue planet
that appears to be rectangular According to the standard definition, a planet is a substantial
object in orbit around a star, formed from the debris left behind
in the aftermath of starbirth. So how do some planets end up
floating alone through the galaxy, far from any stars?
Astronomers have discovered several of these, of which the
closest and most intriguing goes by the catalogue name of
CFBDSIR J214947.2-040308.9. First spotted in 2012, this rogue
planet sits about 100 light years away in the AB Doradus Moving
Group – a cluster of young stars. With a surface temperature of
around 400 degrees Celsius (752 degrees Fahrenheit), it is
probably a gas giant much heavier than Jupiter, either still warm
from the events of its formation, or perhaps with its own internal
energy source driven by gravitational contraction. Too far from a
star to shine by reflected light, the planet was only detected due
to the infrared glow from its surface. As with all rogue planets,
astronomers aren’t sure if it started life orbiting a star before
being flung off into space (perhaps in a close encounter with
another star), or if it formed independently from the same nebula
as the surrounding cluster, making it a ‘sub-brown dwarf star’.
5. Rectangular galaxies
The laws of orbital mechanics mean that stars always follow elliptical (stretched circular)
orbits when influenced by gravity, so in large groups they form either flattened disc-like
spirals or ball-shaped ellipticals. The corners of a rectangle should be impossible, but
astronomers have found several galaxies with apparently rectangular features. For
example, LEDA 074886 in the constellation of Eridanus is a compact, rectangular galaxy
within a nearby galaxy cluster. The big question is whether its shape is a long-lived
structure or brief coincidence. Astronomers who studied it with the giant Japanese Subaru
telescope think the latter is more likely, and a collision and merger between two could have
scattered outlying stars into the box-like distribution, triggering starbirth at the new centre.
MASSES) 1x109
STATS AZIMUTH 03H 40M 43.2S DECLINATION -18˚ 38˚ 43˚
LEDA 074886
DID YOU KNOW? Using the SWIFT satellite, astronomers traced bursts of radiation to collisions of black holes and neutron stars
Distant quasar
Rays of light leave a distant
but bright galaxy such as a
8. The quest to find
quasar and spread out in
all directions dark matter
Since the Thirties, astronomers have understood that there’s a
lot more to the universe than just the material we can see.
Dark matter at work Normal – or baryonic – matter can’t help but interact with light
The concentration of dark
and other forms of electromagnetic radiation – stars emit
matter around an intervening
galaxy warps spacetime and
visible light, hot gas emits X-rays, and even the coldest
deflects diverging light rays material in the universe emits radio waves and infrared, and
clouds made up of this type of matter also absorb radiation
that passes through them.
But there’s another class of matter that ignores light
Mapping technique
The shape and brightness completely – so-called ‘dark matter’ that is not just dark but
of the lensed images allow entirely transparent to all types of radiation. It gives itself
astronomers to map the away only through its gravitational influence on visible
dark matter in and around objects around it – for example, affecting the orbits of stars
the intervening galaxy within galaxies and galaxies within galaxy clusters. More
recently, astronomers have also developed techniques to map
Brought together the distribution of dark matter through ‘gravitational lensing’
The previously diverging
light rays passing either side
– the way in which large concentrations of matter deflect the
of the galaxy now converge passage of nearby light waves.
on their way to Earth Evidence suggests that dark matter outweighs visible
matter by roughly six to one. But what is it made of?
Astronomers used to think that ‘massive compact halo
objects’, or MACHOs – normal matter in forms too dark and
faint to detect, such as lone planets and black holes – might
Lensed galaxy make a contribution, but as our telescopes have improved, it’s
An observer on Earth
sees the central galaxy become clear that these objects don’t exist in sufficient
with warped images of quantities. Instead, cosmologists now believe dark matter
the background quasar consists largely of ‘weakly interactive massive particles’, or
on either side WIMPs – exotic subatomic particles that don’t interact with
radiation or normal matter, but possess considerable mass.
But what exactly WIMPs are is still to be worked out.
The Big Bang theory
As an elegant The Planck era Time: Zero to 10-43 seconds
explanation of the The Planck era describes the impossibly short
passage of time between the absolute
something called Planck density (1093g/cm3),
the equivalent of 100 billion galaxies squeezed
origins of both atoms beginning of the universe (zero) and 10-43
seconds (10 trillionths of a yoctosecond, if
into the nucleus of an atom. Beyond the Planck
density, rules of General Relativity don’t apply,
on the surface, solving
one of the early problems
with Big Bang theory.
Particle soup
If you turn the heat up high enough, everything melts. When the universe
was 10-32 seconds old, it burned at a magnificent 1,000 trillion trillion
degrees Celsius. At this remarkable temperature, the tiniest building blocks
of matter – quarks and anti-quarks, leptons and anti-leptons – swirled freely
in a particle soup called the quark-gluon plasma. Gluon is the invisible ‘glue’
that carries the strong force, binding quarks into protons and neutrons.
3 TOP 1
Background radiation
Cosmic microwave background
Expanding universe
2 Galaxies outside of the Milky
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Big Bang theory predicts that the earliest atoms to
radiation (CMB) – which fills the
universe uniformly – is well
explained as the super-cooled
afterglow from the original
Way move away from us at a
rate that is proportional to their
distance from us, pointing to a
continual expansion from a
emerge from the dense particle soup were hydrogen
and helium in a 3:1 ratio. Using powerful telescopes
and spectrometers, cosmologists confirm that the
observed universe is 74 per cent hydrogen, 25 per
THE BIG BANG Big Bang. single source. cent helium and one per cent heavier elements.
DID YOU KNOW? None of the essential elements of human life (carbon and oxygen) were created during the Big Bang
110-9 to 10-62
forming and
W-boson X-boson
hypothetical) Antiquark pair
X-boson decay
(particles and Antineutrino
The Big Bang theory
Hadron era
When the expanding universe cooled to
1,013K (ten quadrillion degrees Celsius), Lepton era
quarks became stable enough to bond During this comparatively ‘long’ Nucleosynthesis era
together through the strong force. When era, the rapidly expanding For 17 glorious minutes, the universe
three quarks clump together in the right universe cools to 109K, allowing reached the ideal temperature to
formation, they form hadrons, a type of for the formation of a new kind of support nuclear fusion, the process by
particle that includes protons and particle called a lepton. Leptons, which protons and neutrons bond
neutrons. Miraculously, every single like quarks, are the near mass- together to form atomic nuclei. Only the
proton and neutron in the known less building blocks of matter. lightest elements have time to form – 75
universe was created during this Electrons are a ‘flavour’ of lepton, per cent hydrogen, 25 per cent helium –
millisecond of time. as are neutrinos. before fusion winds down.
Free quark
Helium-3 Helium-4
nucleus nucleus
formed Neutron,
from quarks formed
and gluons from quarks
and gluons
2 MOST FAMOUS 1. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein’s revolutionary
Theory of General Relativity
paved the way for the idea that
all matter in the universe was
uniformly distributed from a
common source.
LESS FAMOUS 2. Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble calculated that
galaxies moved away from
one another at a rate relative
to the distance between them,
first proving that the universe
was expanding.
LEAST FAMOUS 3. Gamow, Alpher
& Herman
In the Forties, these three analysed the
creation of elements from the Big
Bang’s fallout, discovering that only
hydrogen and helium could’ve been
produced in large quantities.
DID YOU KNOW? If there were more matter in the universe, its mass would be too great and it would collapse on itself
Cosmic microwave As the universe expands, it also cools. The inconceivable heat released during the Big Bang has been
slowly dissipating as the universe continues its 14 billion-year expansion. Using sensitive satellite
background radiation equipment, cosmologists can measure the residual heat from the Big Bang, which exists as cosmic
microwave background radiation (CMBR). CMBR is everywhere in the known universe and its
temperature is nearly constant (a nippy 2.725K over absolute zero), further proof that the radiation
The residual heat from the big bang can
emanated from a single, ancient source.
give us a clue to the origin of the universe
Minute differences in
microwave background
radiation levels (+/- 0.0002K)
reveal fluctuations in the
density of matter in the
primitive universe
Free photon
Hydrogen atom
The ‘God’ particle
We take for granted the idea that if something is made of protons,
(single proton neutrons and electrons, then it inherently has mass. But
Electron and single
cosmologists now believe that no particle has mass simply by merit
of its existence. Instead, mass is bestowed on particles as they pass
through a Higgs field, a theoretical quantum field named after
British physicist Peter Higgs. Imagine the Higgs field as a bowl of
honey and quantum particles as a string of pearls. As you drag the
pearls through the honey, they are imbued with mass. Every
quantum field has a fundamental particle, and the particle
associated with Higgs field is the Higgs boson. One of the goals of the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN is to prove the existence of the elusive
Higgs boson once and for all.
A star is born
A star is born
There may be as many as 10
billion trillion stars in the 100
billion galaxies throughout the
universe, but “only” about 100
billion in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Most stars
comprise plasma, helium and hydrogen. They
form when giant molecular clouds (GMCs), also
known as star nurseries, experience a
gravitational collapse. This increase in pressure
and temperature forces fragments into a body
known as a protostar. Over the course of its life, a
typical star goes through continuous nuclear fusion
in its core. The energy released by this fusion makes
the star glow.
Stars are classified according to the Hertzsprung- dwarf
Russell Diagram, which lists their colour, temperature,
mass, radius, luminosity and spectra (which elements
they absorb). There are three main types of star: those
above, below and on the main sequence. Within these
types, there are seven different classifications. We’re most
familiar with the main sequence star that we call the Sun, a
The cool star
Red dwarfs are small and relatively cool stars, which while being large in
type G yellow-white star with a radius of 700,000 kilometres number tend to have a mass of less than one-half that of our Sun. The heat
and a temperature of 6,000 kelvin. However, some stars above generated by a red dwarf occurs at a slow rate through the nuclear fusion of
the main sequence are more than a thousand times larger than hydrogen into helium within its core, before being transported via convection
the Sun, while those below the main sequence can have a radius to its surface. In addition, due to their low mass red dwarfs tend to have
elongated life spans, exceeding that of stars like our Sun by billions of years.
of just a few kilometres.
A star explodes
If a star has enough mass to become a supergiant, it will
supernova instead of becoming a white dwarf. As
nuclear fusion ends in the core of a supergiant, the loss
of energy can trigger a sudden gravitational collapse.
Dust and gas from the star’s outer layers hurtle
through space at up to 30,000 kilometres per second
Almost a star
A protostar is a ball-shaped mass in the early stages of
becoming a star. It’s irregularly shaped and contains dust
as well as gas, formed during the collapse of a giant
molecular cloud. The protostar stage in a star’s life cycle
can last for a hundred thousand years as it continues to
heat and become denser
2 NEAREST 1. Proxima
Other than our Sun, the
closest star to Earth is
Proxima Centauri. It is
about four light-years
from the Sun.
The largest known star,
VY Canis Majoris, has a
radius of between 1,800
and 2,100 times that of
the Sun.
OLDEST 3. HE0107-5240
HE0107-5240, a giant star
in the Milky Way, may be
nearly as old as our universe
at about 13.2 billion years
old. It could’ve once been
part of a binary star system.
DID YOU KNOW? A star may have a life cycle of millions to trillions of years. The larger the star is, the shorter its life cycle
Star starts to collapse as Star continues to Small, dim star
hydrogen is used up collapse as no helium gradually fades
burning occurs
White Black
dwarf dwarf
Hypernovae hole
The mystery of dark matter
STRANGE What is VIRGOHI21? VIRGOHI21 is a galaxy made almost entirely out of
DID YOU KNOW? New research from 2014 suggests that dark matter might be hiding in microscopic black holes
Out there in the universe, more than even the galaxies. But there is a “Little is known about it and all that the
something is going on that we’re not completely invisible component – dark matter numerous searches for dark matter particles
able to fully explain. Over three – yet its presence is perhaps the most crucial. have done is rule out various hypotheses, but
billion light years away from Earth, Dark matter’s name implies that this there have never been any ‘positive’ results”,
two great clusters of galaxies are colliding. mysterious substance is dark, but it is more says astrophysicist Maxim Markevitch, who
The stars in both are relatively unaffected in than that – it is invisible, refusing to emit or has carefully studied the Bullet Cluster for the
the melee, but clouds of hot, X-ray emitting gas absorb any forms of light or radiation that effects of dark matter using NASA’s Chandra
are crashing into one another, stitching the could reveal its existence. It passes straight X-ray Observatory.
two galaxy clusters into one new one: meet through ordinary matter. We cannot smell, However, there is one way in which it grabs
the Bullet Cluster, one of the most energetic taste, touch or see it. What we do know is that our attention, which is through the force of
events in the cosmos. Yet amid the epic it accounts for 27 per cent of all the mass and gravity. One of the effects of this is clearly
confrontation of the clusters, something energy within the universe (normal matter is played out in the Bullet Cluster. It is this that
mysterious lurks, something for which the only five per cent and dark energy, the allows astronomers to work out where the
only name we have is ‘dark matter’. mysterious force accelerating the expansion of dark matter in the Bullet Cluster is located,
Within the Bullet Cluster we can see the the universe, makes up the remaining 68 per even though we cannot even see it. Albert
galaxies. We can see the gas, which actually cent) and it’s likely to be made of some form of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity
makes up most of the mass that emits light, undiscovered subatomic particle. described how mass can bend space. Some
The mystery of dark matter
people like to use the analogy of a cannonball
on a sheet of rubber - the cannonball causes Cosmic lenses
the sheet to sag. If you imagine the ball is an The huge amounts of dark matter
object like a galaxy or a star and the rubber in clusters create powerful
gravitational telescopes
sheet as space, you can see how mass bends
space. However, light prefers to take straight
paths through the universe, so what happens Background object
when it arrives at a region of space that has Astronomers use gravitational
lenses as natural telescopes,
been warped in this manner? The light will which magnify the light of
follow the path of curved space, bending its distant galaxies and quasars
trajectory. In this way a massive object in too faint to otherwise be seen
space can act like a lens, bending and and which tell us about the
magnifying light. This effect was predicted early universe
by Einstein nearly 100 years ago and we call Light path
Light travels straight until
these gravitational lenses. it reaches the cluster
Because galaxy clusters are so huge, they
create formidable gravitational lenses. They
can magnify the light of even more distant
galaxies, but it is not a clear image, rather
distorted arcs or smudges of light and
occasionally a complete ring. We can see
gravitational lensing by the Bullet Cluster,
magnifying the light of distant galaxies. But
when scientists analysed the gravitational
lens, they found something stunning – the
lensing effect was too strong to be accounted Great distance
for by the mass of only the galaxies and the Billions of light years
gas. There must be some other type of mass are between the
background object and
there, hidden. This is dark matter. From the the lensing cluster
pattern of the lensing, it is possible to work
out where the dark matter in the cluster is,
which has lead to another remarkable
discovery. As the clusters collided, the
galaxies and the gas have begun to merge,
but the dark matter surrounding each cluster Dark matter
has slid silently through, not interacting with Over 80 per cent of
the matter in a galaxy
anything at all. cluster is dark matter
The Bullet Cluster was not the first time we
saw the effects of dark matter. That discovery
goes all the way back to 1933 when famous
astronomer Fritz Zwicky at the California
How a lens works
These are formed when large
Institute of Technology (Caltech) noticed that structures like clusters of
galaxies orbiting around the edge of galaxy galaxies bend space with their
clusters were moving faster than they should. mass, creating a natural lens
Why should they be moving at a particular that can bend and magnify light
speed? In the 17th century, Johannes Kepler of more distant objects
devised his laws of orbital motion, the third
one being that “the square of the orbital
period of a planet is directly proportional to
the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.” In The ingredients of the universe
other words, the farther from the Sun, and
therefore the centre of mass of the Solar
System, the slower a planet orbits. This 68%
should also be the case for galaxies orbiting DARK ENERGY
galaxy clusters, but Zwicky found that
galaxies on the edges of clusters were
orbiting just as fast as those closer in. This
implied there must be some unseen mass in
the cluster helping things along with its
gravity. He called this dark matter, but his
idea was generally ignored. It was only in the
1970s when astronomer Vera Rubin of the
Carnegie Institution for Science noticed the 27% 5%
KEY 1930s 1970s 2003 2006 2013
Fritz Zwicky postulates the
existence of dark matter
to explain the motion of
Astronomer Vera Rubin finds
evidence for the existence of
dark matter by studying the
NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe reveals 24
per cent of the universe is
Studies of the Bullet Cluster
reveal the first evidence for
how dark matter causes a
ESA’s Planck mission
refines the amount of
dark matter as 26.8 per
galaxies in clusters. motion of stars in galaxies. made from dark matter. gravitational lens. cent of the universe.
DID YOU KNOW? Dark matter exists in our Milky Way galaxy, forming a giant halo inside which our galaxy is embedded
Magnifying lens
Space is curved by the Expanding
cluster, so light follows
a curved path universe
Gravity and dark
energy are engaged
in a war for the
universe. Gravity,
primarily from dark
matter but also
ordinary matter and
Galaxies black holes, is trying
Galaxy clusters can to slow and reverse
contain hundreds or the expansion of the
thousands of galaxies universe.
Meanwhile, dark
energy is trying to
accelerate it and
push the many
galaxies that occupy
it, away from us.
Until eight billion
years ago gravity
was winning, but
now dark energy is
in ascendancy,
permeating its
every pore.
Multiple images
The light can take
many paths, resulting
in multiple images
The mystery of dark matter
Galactic centre Counter
Although the ISS orbits Spitting out about 80%
370km (230mi) above our of the particles that pass
heads, the positrons are through it, the counter
believed to come from only holds onto particles
dark matter particles in deemed useful.
the galactic centre
Electronics System
Signals detected by the Acting as the AMS’s
AMS’s many particle stopwatch, this
detectors are instrument is able to
converted into digital measure the time it
Space station so they can be analysed takes for a particle to
The AMS was delivered by computers pass through,
to the International calculating its velocity
Space Station in 2011 by
Space Shuttle Endeavour
and is mounted on the
station’s exterior
same problem with the orbits of stars and gas on this substance are building new an abbreviation that stands for Weakly
near the edges of galaxies. This time the experiments to try to catch dark matter so Interacting Massive Particles.
problem was noticed and today dark matter that we can finally fi nd out what it is. In order to trap a dark matter particle in
is one of the biggest puzzles of cosmology. Although evidence from space suggests that the act, most experiments take place far
Dark matter now forms an integral part of our dark matter does not interact with ordinary underground, away from any cosmic ray
models of how galaxies grow – we envisage matter on large scales, physicists suspect radiation on the surface that could
galaxies in halos of dark matter, which is that on the scale of individual particles, dark potentially interfere with and contaminate
spread across the universe in a great cosmic matter sometimes does interact. There must the results. Experiments such as the
web, pulling matter toward it and making be trillions of these particles passing Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, located in a
galaxies and clusters expand. through us at any given moment, but the mine in Minnesota in the United States, have
The Bullet Cluster might hold the best interactions are so rare that scientists may freezing cold detectors, cooled to fractions of
evidence for dark matter, but astronomers have to wait years in order to observe one. a degree above absolute zero, in order to help
and particle physicists seeking to shed light Physicists describe these particles as WIMPs, them search for the heat produced when a
DID YOU KNOW? Scientists believe dark matter particles are likely so light that the LHC would be able to produce them
6 6
WIMP collides with an atom of a substance known as a positron (the anti-particle to the matter theory adds more complexity to the
such as germanium. Another experiment, negatively charged electron), but because universe than is necessary, they argue that
© HST; NASA; ESA; Peters & Zabransky; Lux Dark Matter
the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark there is so much dark matter in space, the gravitational effects we infer as being
matter detector, is located 1.6 kilometres (one particularly in dense clusters close to the down to dark matter suggest that we simply
mile) under the Black Hills of South Dakota, centre of the galaxy, there should in theory need to tweak the laws of gravity instead. As
USA. It contains tanks of liquid xenon for be a steady stream of positrons being a result, dark matter now has a theoretical
WIMPS to interact with, the interaction produced. Now an experiment on the rival called Modified Newtonian Dynamics,
producing signature radiation that can then International Space Station, the Alpha or MOND. Will the theory of dark matter be
be detected. Magnetic Spectrometer, may have detected usurped or vindicated? As time goes on, the
The hunt for dark matter also takes place some of these positrons. chances of experiments detecting dark
in space, however. On rare occasions dark Some astronomers think we shouldn’t be matter will increase, so the answers for
matter particles could collide and annihilate searching for dark matter at all, as they don’t which we’ve been searching may soon come
each other, releasing an antimatter particle believe it even exists. Concerned that dark into the light.
White dwarfs / Space dust secrets
White dwarfs
With a mass comparable to the Sun, white A shot of white dwarf Sirius B from
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope
Edge of visible universe
– 14.5 billion light years
Light years
The distance light travels in a year
1 Voyager probes
In August 2010, the Voyager
The light year is a probes were at a distance from our
Sun of 17.1 and 13.9 billion km
convenient respectively. It’ll take them 18,000
measurement of Andromeda Galaxy – years to travel one light year.
distance used by 2.3 million light years
astronomers to describe the vast
distances of objects beyond our
Centre of Milky Way – 2 Milky Way
Our galaxy is approx. 100,000 to
150,000 light years across.
25,000 light years
solar system. This is easily
3 Close neighbours
Sun –
appreciated when even the 8.32 minutes There are only 12 stellar objects
nearest star beyond the Sun, up to a distance of ten light years
Proxima Centauri, is at a distance from the Sun.
of 40,000,000,000,000 kilometres.
Light travels at a speed of 300,000 4 Naked eye
The furthest stellar object you
kilometres per second in the can see with the naked eye is the
Sirius – Sombrero Galaxy, which is 28
vacuum of space, so one light year
x4 images © NASA \ Earth © iStock
4. Observed light
Image courtesy of NASA
The search for a new Earth
for a
Discover how new advances in
technology are revealing Hunting ground
Most of the new planets
HEAD This extrasolar planet was
detected in 1995 and
Discovered by the
UK’s super WASP (Wide
This hot Jupiter was the first
to be discovered in a system
light years away from us, in exoplanet is a gas giant discovered by the Keck
EXOPLANETS the Pegasus constellation. twice the size of Jupiter. observatory back in 2005.
DID YOU KNOW? The search for exoplanets requires measurements that are fractions of an arcsecond
Doppler shift
This is based on analysing the spectrum of the
light from a star. The spectrum of a star is as
individual to it as a fingerprint. When light is
refracted through a prism, it creates a spectrum
of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and
red light. A rainbow naturally produces this
effect. The invisible electromagnetic radiation at
either end of the spectrum, like x-rays and
infrared, can also be analysed by astronomers.
As a star moves towards us its light waves shift
towards the higher-frequency blue end of the
spectrum, and when it moves away they go to
the lower frequency red end of the spectrum.
This phenomenon is known as Doppler shift.
If a star has a nearby large planet, the two will
orbit around a common centre of mass. The star
The high frequency blue lines indicate will move faster around this centre of mass the
approach of the star and the lower frequency bigger and closer the planet. This radial velocity
Transit method
As a planet passes (transits) in front of its parent star, it will cause
1 2 3 Star
Planet path
Where are
3 Light curve measurement
we looking? The precise position of the star
is recorded and plotted by
The search for exoplanets is presently restricted to our Time telescope to detect the slight
own Milky Way spiral galaxy, which has a diameter of wobble of a star caused by
about 100,000 light years. This is mainly due to the
various limitations on the technology and techniques
Gravitational microlensing radial velocity, implying the
effects of a nearby planet.
This technique uses the lensing effect produced when one star
used to seek them out. Astrometry is the earliest
is in alignment with another star. The gravitational field of the
Using astrometric and Doppler shift methods, the method of searching for
star nearest the observer magnifies the light from the star
area of search is a range of from 100 to 300 light years. exoplanets that dates back to
behind it, and if the foreground star has a planet, it will cause
This can be extended by the transit method to 6,000 the use of hand-plotted stars in
detectable variations in this lensing effect. Huge numbers of
light years and using chronometry, as proposed for the the 18th Century.
stars have to be monitored to discover these alignments that
TPF-C spacecraft, to 12,000 light years. Gravitational
last only a few days or weeks.
lensing can find extrasolar planets 25,000 light years
away. As these techniques are refined, the search range
is constantly being extended.
Milky Way and Sun © NASA
The search for a new Earth
Zone conditions Habitable zone
The Goldilocks Zone explains 2
2 BIGGEST TWIN 1. W. M. Keck
The Keck’s twin 10-metre
primary mirrors weigh 300
Telescope (LBT)
Located on Mount Graham,
Arizona, USA, it has twin
A FUTURE GIANT 3. European
Extremely Large
Telescope (E-ELT)
This will have a 42-metre mirror
tons each. It is located on and is planned to search for
FINDING the top of an extinct 8.4-metre (27.6-foot) © Swinburne Astronomy Productions/
European Southern Observatory, 2010
Earth-like exoplanets in the
TELESCOPES volcano on Hawai’i Island. primary mirrors. Goldilocks Zone in 2022.
tower. The light from this and the primary mirror is reflected are bright enough for us to measure, guess at heart I believe there are
down the tower to the coronagraph assembly but more distant ones are not. planets with life on them. I don’t know
about intelligent life. The usual
TPF Interferometer Q: Will you be able to find argument is that there are billions of
This TPF-I mission would employ a formation of five evidence of Earth-type and even stars out there, and today we think
spacecraft. Four would each be equipped with a four-metre life on these planets? the chances of planets being around
infrared telescope, and one spacecraft would receive the data WT: A visible spectroscopy mission is each one of them are pretty high,
from them and combine it. The interaction of the light waves needed to look for biomarkers in the which we didn’t used to think. And we
from the telescopes produces interference that can be used to visible wavelength range. For an think that life formed very quickly, as
eliminate the glare of a star by a factor of 1 million. This so-
Earth-like planet these biomarkers soon as it was possible on Earth. But
called nulling technique allows the detection of any infrared
include oxygen, ozone, water, an out of the billions of stars in our
emissions from planets near its parent star. The term
interferometer is explained by the fact that it can also be used atmosphere at least as thick as the galaxy, we only have a chance of
to measure the distance and angles of celestial objects. Earth’s (via the blue colour of a blue looking at about 200 stars that are
sky, like ours), and possibly the nearby. The chances of intelligent life
Stray light baffles Combiner enhanced reflection of red light from being there on one of those, right
Beams of light from the collector spacecraft telescopes travel vegetation (grass, trees and plants, all now, are pretty small.
along these 35-metre-long baffles to the combiner spacecraft spacecraft of which look green to us but also
It receives the light from
Collector spacecraft the collector craft and
reflect red light that we cannot see). Q: Will TPF-I, TPF-C or SIM Lite
For a planet like the early Earth, go ahead?
Once a week the craft will transmit the The images from the science and guide telescopes inside the are likely to sustain life, as we know it, so the Holy Grail of this
data it has collected back to Earth spacecraft are sent to central beam combiners and analysed work is to find life-supporting Earth-type planets.
by inferometric equipment
Galaxy classification
Edwin Hubble. From proving that other galaxies named in memory of his great work.
Hubble’s original sequence.
further the science – simply existed to giving evidence that galaxies move Today a great controversy rages on about the They have a bright central
go to apart from one another, Hubble’s work defined rate of the universe’s expansion, parameterised bulge like an elliptical galaxy,
and join in alongside 150,000 our place in the cosmos. Shown above posing by a quantity known as Hubble’s constant. but are surrounded by a
other volunteers. structure not unlike a disc
Galaxy collisions
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope took this
image of the Antennae galaxies, which began
colliding a few hundred million years ago Joining forces
What happens when
two galaxies collide?
1. First contact
The first signs of a galaxy collision
will be a bridge of matter
between the two, caused by
gravitational forces
2. Tidal tails
Long streams of gas and dust
known as tidal tails spiral out of
the collision as the material is
thrown out
What happens when two
3. Ripped apart
Gravitational forces pull the
matter in all directions, creating
galaxies collide? shock waves throughout the
When two galaxies become instrumental in the cloud of gas
cross paths, the formation of new stars.
chance of any stars Colliding galaxies usually take
colliding is almost millions or even billions of years
zero. In fact, if the Milky Way to merge. As they collide, tidal
collided with the nearby gravitational forces will rip the
© images x 4 ESA / NASA
birth to stars. Friction between some occasions the galaxies may gravitational forces, resulting in
the gases can cause numerous pass through each other and the formation of massive stars
shock waves, which would also emerge almost unharmed.
Stellar explosions
SUPERNOVAS With more energy than a billion suns, a size greater than our solar
system and the potential to destroy entire planets millions of
miles away, some stars certainly know how to go out with a bang.
Here we take a look at supernovas, some of the
most powerful explosions in the universe
When we delve into certain realms of however, that things really start to become years that confounded Earth dwellers who were
astronomy, the scale of events and unfathomable. In this article we’ll be taking a look unable to explain the sudden appearance of a bright
objects are often impossibly large to at one of these mammoth celestial events – new star in the sky.
imagine. If we think of planets like supernovas – and we’ll try to get our heads around One of the most notable supernova events likely
Earth and Mars we can at least get some sort of just how large, powerful and crucial they are. occurred about 340,000 years ago when a star
grasp as to their size, as we can consider them Supernovas have fascinated astronomers for known as Geminga went supernova. Although it
relative to other bodies. As we get to bigger objects, millennia, appearing out of nowhere in the night was unrecorded, astronomers have been able to
like Jupiter and the Sun, our understanding gets sky and outshining other stars with consummate discern the manner of its demise from the remnant
somewhat muddled, but we can still comprehend ease. The first recorded supernova, known today as neutron star it left behind. Geminga is the closest
how enormous they are by using Earth as a starting SN 185, was spotted by Chinese astronomers in 185 known supernova to have exploded near Earth, as
point (for example, the Sun is over 100 times the size AD and was apparently visible for almost a year. little as 290 light years away. Its proximity to Earth
of Earth). It’s when we get to the larger celestial While this is the first recorded sighting, there have meant that it might have lit up the night sky for
occurrences, like supergiant stars and black holes, doubtless been many supernovas in preceding many months, casting its own shadows and
2 CLOSEST 1. Betelgeuse
Expected to explode within
a million years, this star,
which is 18 times the mass
of the Sun, is just 640 light
years from Earth.
SOONEST 2. Eta Carinae
This giant star – which is
100 times the mass of our Sun
and over 8,000 light years
away – could go supernova
in just 10,000 years time.
BIGGEST 3. SN 2006gy
In 2006 this giant
supernova from a star 150
times the mass of our Sun
was discovered 238 million
light years away.
DID YOU KNOW? Supernova is derived from the Latin term nova, meaning new, to denote the next phase in a star’s life
Countdown to a supernova
What events lead up to the explosion of the two known types of supernova?
Now the gravitational forces become so
intense that the white dwarf can no longer
support itself. It collapses and the carbon at
its core ignites, releasing energy equivalent
Red giant Escape Another giant to 1029 megatons of TNT, which travels out
At the end of the star’s life, A billion years on, the companion star also
Start as it uses up its fuel, it
Over a billion years the outer
becomes a red giant, passing material
at three per cent the speed of light
A star similar in size to layers dissipate, a point known as
expands to form a red giant back to the white dwarf until it reaches a
our Sun enters into orbit
star, which is 200-800
the Roche lobe, leaving behind a
critical mass: the Chandrasekhar limit
around a companion star hot and dense white dwarf star Behind is left a nebula
times the size of our Sun
from which new stars
and planets can form
A Type II supernova
Stellar explosions
Only a Type II
supernova can
become a
black hole
Could a supernova
The universe is a dangerous place. Black holes, gamma-ray bursts and pulsars could all
seriously damage or even destroy our planet if they were close enough, but the fact of the
matter is that there is nothing in our vicinity that poses an immediate threat – at least for
the next few billion years. The nearest star that could go supernova is Betelgeuse, 640
light years away. In fact this star could be about to go supernova in a minute, a year
or a thousand years; all astronomers know is that it has reached its
Chandrasekhar limit and it could blow at any second, at which point it will
appear as one of the brightest stars (other than the Sun) in the sky. But just
how close would a star have to be to cause irreparable damage to Earth?
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
in the life cycle of stars and lead to the
creation of new stars as the old ones die
What is left behind once
out. This is because a star contains many a star goes supernova?
of the elements necessary for planetary Inside a massive star, before it goes supernova, the nuclei of
and stellar formation including large light elements like hydrogen and helium combine to form
amounts of helium, hydrogen, oxygen the basic constituents of other celestial bodies and even
and iron, all key components in the life (such as carbon and oxygen). Stars release these vital
structure of celestial bodies. On top of elements when they go supernova, providing the material
these, many other elements are thought for new stellar and planetary formation.
to form during the actual explosion itself. To date there are roughly 300 known supernova
There’s no doubt that supernovas are remnants in the universe. Depending on the type and
one of the most destructive forces of the mass of a supernova (see the diagram on the previous
universe, but at the same time they’re page), the remnants left behind can be one of several
one of the most essential to the life cycle things. In the vast majority of cases some form of nebula
of solar systems. As we develop more will be left behind. Inside this nebula will often be a
powerful telescopes over the coming spinning neutron star. The rate of spin of this neutron star,
years we will be able to observe and also known as a pulsar, depends on the original mass of
© XMM-Newton/Chandra/WISE/Spitzer
study supernovas in more detail, and the exploded star, with some pulsars rotating upwards of a
possibly discover some that do not fall thousand times per minute!
into our current classification of Type I or These highly dense stars contain the mass of the Sun
Type II. The study of supernovas alone packed into an area no bigger than the city of London. If the
can unlock countless secrets of the supernova remnant exceeds four solar masses (the mass of
universe, and as we further our our Sun), due to an extremely heavy initial star or by more
understanding of these colossal stellar material accumulating around the remnant from nearby
explosions we’ll be able to learn more objects, then the remnant will collapse to form a black hole
about the cosmos as a whole. instead of continuing to expand.
DID YOU One of the most famous supernova remnants in reasonably close
KNOW? proximity to Earth is the Crab Nebula, the remains of a star that went
supernova in 1054, about 6,000 light years away. A spinning neutron
star known as the Crab Pulsar is located at its centre.
DID YOU KNOW? The Chandrasekhar limit is named after Indian astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
RCW 86 is located 8,200 light
years from Earth in the Milky
Way galaxy and is estimated to
be 50 light years across
Inside a neutron star
A neutron star sits at the
centre of the Crab Nebula
These remnants of
supernovae are some
of the most massive
objects in the universe
A star with a mass of less than 1.5
solar masses (the mass of the Sun)
forms a white dwarf at the end of
its lifetime, owing to its gravity
being too weak to collapse it further. If the
mass of a star is greater than five solar masses,
the forces will be so intense that the star
collapses past the point of a neutron star
and becomes a black hole. However, between
these two extremes a neutron star will form
as the result of a supernova, although only
approximately one in a thousand stars will
become one.
As a star runs out of fuel it will eventually
collapse in upon itself. In the formation of a
neutron star, the protons and electrons within
every atom are forced together, forming
Supernovae can leave
neutrons. Material that is falling to the centre of
neutron stars as remnants
the star is then crushed by the intense
gravitational forces in the star and forms this
same neutron material.
Like the Earth, magnetic fields surround
neutron stars and are tipped at the axis of
rotation, namely the north and south poles.
However, the magnetic field of a neutron star
is more than a trillion times stronger than that
of the Earth’s magnetic field.
The gravitational forces in a neutron star are
also incredibly strong. The matter is so densely
packed together into a radius of 12 miles (20km)
that one teaspoon of mass would weigh up to a
billion tons, about the same as a mountain. They
also spin up to 600 times per second, gradually
slowing down as they age.
Oddly enough, as a neutron star gets heavier it
also gets smaller. This is because a greater mass
means a greater force of gravitational attraction,
and therefore the neutrons are squeezed more
densely together. In fact, if you were able to drop
an object from a height of one metre on the
DID YOU A neutron star with an extraordinarily large magnetic field is known as a
KNOW? magnetar. Small ‘glitches’ in the magnetic field of a magnetar can cause
giant stellar quakes, one of the largest known explosions in the universe.
DID YOU KNOW? The revolution of a neutron star can be so fast that its surface rotates at about 18,640 miles per second
Magnetic Surface Outer quark
field lines At more than core – 9km
The strongest 1,000,000,000°C, iron Here almost all the Up quark
magnetic fields in and lighter elements are neutrons begin to
the known universe present on the surface float out of the nuclei
surround a neutron but neutron formation of atoms due to the
star, partly has not yet begun very high density
responsible for
breaking up the
atoms in its interior Neutrons
Quarks are particles that combine
to form all matter such as neutrons
Confined quarks
neutrons leave atoms and move
freely without friction or
other interactions
A rapidly rotating neutron star that emits
Outer jets of particles and a large amount of
crust – 200m electromagnetic energy (such as x-rays
The gravity here is
and light) is known as a pulsar. All
approximately 1011
times that of Earth. neutron stars begin life as a pulsar, but
Coupled with the as they age and lose rotational energy
intense magnetic field, they are no longer considered a pulsar.
the structure of atoms The jets of electromagnetic radiation are
begins to break apart
fired out from the north and south poles
of the pulsar. The gravitational force of a
Inner core – 1km pulsar is so strong that apart from at the
The physics at the centre of a
poles, matter and even light are not able
neutron star remain largely
unknown, although several to escape from its surface.
theories exist predicting Pulsars can rotate up to 1,000 times
hypothetical particles such per second, although some spin much
as quarks and gluons faster. Their rate of rotation is so regular
that they are the most accurate record of
neutron star
The interior of a neutron star contains some very
pulsars as their emitted radiation
sweeps through our line of sight. Their
high rotation speeds are due to a
complex physics that scientists are only now beginning misalignment of their rotation and
to understand. The conditions are unlike anything magnetic axis, sending them into an
found elsewhere in the universe, making neutron stars uncontrollable but regular spin.
a unique and fascinating object to examine.
Mysterious magnetic stars
magnetic stars
Meet a star with a magnetic field
that’s quadrillions of times more
powerful than Earth’s
Dynamo power!
There are plenty of It’s thought an extremely
exotic objects in the turbulent, yet dense, fluid
universe and many provides the magnetar
with its incredibly
might agree that the
powerful magnetic field
magnetar fits neatly into this
category. Magnetars are exactly
what their name infers – they are
stars with a monstrous magnetic
field, quadrillions of times
stronger than any magnet humans
can build. It’s said the magnetar is
so powerful that if you placed one
at a distance halfway to the Moon,
it would have no trouble stripping
information from all the credit
cards in the world. But what
makes them so powerful?
Magnetars are rapidly spinning An explosive
neutron stars, made from the Magnetars are made
collapse of a massive star during a when, in a supernova, a
supernova explosion. However, star collapses to make a
the full details of how they are neutron star with its
made is still a mystery that magnetic field increasing
dramatically in strength
continues to baffle astronomers to
this day. It’s said that if you were to
scoop a teaspoon full of material
from this object’s surface, it would
weigh in at 1 billion tons. What’s
more, a magnetar can also shift its
bulk at alarming speeds,
completing one pirouette in no
more than ten seconds. It’s also
capable of spitting out very strong
bursts of X-rays and gamma rays –
the most penetrative of radiation
– which is truly characteristic of
the magnetar.
These bizarre objects don’t live
for very long in astronomical
terms. It’s believed they start to
A dying breed
feel their age and wind down after To date, just over 20
about 10,000 years and, as a result, active magnetars have
astronomers estimate there are at been found. Estimates
least 30 million inactive suggest there are likely
magnetars in the Milky Way to be over 30 million
’dead’ magnetars in the
galaxy compared to a very much
Milky Way alone
alive and confirmed 23.
DID YOU KNOW? Magnetars often have ‘starquakes’ on their surfaces, detected from Earth in the form of gamma rays!
Quark star debate / Origins of neutrinos
Neutron Strange
star quark star Candidate quarks
Statistically there can’t be many quark stars in our
galaxy, based on current theories about them. But we’ve
found a few potential contenders – mostly neutron stars
that appear to be overly dense. RX J1856.5-3754 was once
considered to be a possible quark star, based on
Confined quarks Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope
Neutrons observations, but it’s recently been excluded from the
list. One candidate still in the running is XTE J1739-285,
an incredibly fast-spinning star once considered a
Up quark Free neutron star. Others include PSR B0943+10, a relatively
About 10,000 light years away, the
Down quark quarks 3C58 possible quark star stands out
old pulsar with unusual changes in its X-ray emissions, due to its high rate of cooling
Strange quark and the 3C58 pulsar in the Milky Way.
Origins of neutrinos
These minuscule particles are prevalent throughout
the universe, but where do they come from?
Neutrinos are incredibly tiny, almost electron neutrinos: when two hydrogen atom
massless and carry no electrical charge. protons merge, they form deuterium. This process
They’re also everywhere in the releases both an anti-electron and an electron
universe, constantly passing through neutrino. Many believe that the majority of
atoms at nearly the speed of light. neutrinos were produced during the Big Bang;
Neutrinos are affected only by gravity – which is these neutrinos are mostly stationary, while the
very weak at subatomic levels – and weak nuclear ones produced as a result of supernovas are in fact
forces. There are three different types of neutrino, very active.
known as flavours – tau, muon and electron – and These particles are very difficult to detect, but do
each is associated with the charged particle that interact with atoms to generate energy. Neutrino
gives the flavour its name. detectors can comprise large pools of water or ice,
© SPL; NASA; Alamy
These particles are born of highly energetic with super-sensitive sensors to pick up radiation
events in the universe like a star going supernova, emitted by collisions.
A spherical halo of neutrinos
or from nuclear fusion. They may also be produced Hard as they may be to study, they can help us
around a spiral galaxy
by radioactive decay. Nuclear fusion produces better understand how the cosmos formed.
What is a nova? / Infant stars
What is a nova?
It might not be super, but
© NASA / JPL-Caltech
it’s still very impressive A nova occurs in a binary
system containing a red giant
and a white dwarf star
Novae are not to be confused with their more
explosive supernovae brothers. The latter are
the result of red supergiants (very large stars)
collapsing, or most of the mass of a white
dwarf exploding. A supernova will typically eject more
than 1.38 solar masses (the mass of our Sun) of material. A
nova, by comparison, ejects just 1/10,000th of a solar mass.
Novae occur in binary systems where two stars are
orbiting one another. One of these will typically be a small,
white dwarf star and the other a red giant. As the red giant
expands, it moves into the gravitational influence of its
small companion. A white dwarf has a very strong
gravitational field and therefore rips matter from the red
giant. Once the white dwarf has absorbed so much matter
that it can no longer support itself, it suddenly explodes as
© NASA/Lynn Barranger
a nova and ejects its hot surface gas. However, the central
white dwarf star survives, unlike in a type 1 supernova Explosion
where the majority of the white dwarf’s mass explodes. It The white dwarf accretes Growth
matter from the red giant until As the red giant grows, it
then immediately begins consuming matter from the red it can no longer support itself moves into the gravitational
giant again and the nova process will repeat within a and explodes as a nova influence of the white dwarf
period of 100,000 years.
Get to know the young
upstarts of the night sky
A ‘T Tauri’ is a type of star that is
still very much in its infancy.
Usually less than 10 million years
old, these stars are undergoing
constant gravitational contraction. Over a few
million years, this contraction will create
enough heat and pressure at the core to ignite
hydrogen fusion and turn the T Tauri into a
main-sequence star.
One of the most fascinating things about T
Tauri stars is the stellar winds and jets that
develop around them. These are thought to
occur when material floats into the
accretionary disc that forms around the star
and reacts with it, sending off shoots of gas.
As well as being visually interesting, T Tauri
stars – named after the first one discovered
– provide a snapshot into our own history.
Our own Sun and Solar System went through
T Tauri stars’ core
this process around 5 billion years ago, so
temperatures are still too
low for hydrogen fusion
studying T Tauri stars should provide us with
some great insight into our own origins.
Inside a black hole
Inside a
LARGE 1. Stellar-mass
black hole
Stellar-mass black holes have
masses up to 15-20 solar
masses. These mainly form
from stars going into core-
collapse supernova.
LARGER 2. Intermediate-
mass black hole
These type of black holes
contain thousands of solar
masses. These variants
mainly form from collisions
of smaller black holes.
LARGEST 3. Supermassive
black hole
The biggest black holes by
far, supermassive variants
can contain hundreds of
thousands to billions of
solar masses.
DID YOU KNOW? Sagittarius A* is a massive 26,000 light years from Earth
Sagittarius A*
Introducing the Milky Way’s very own
supermassive black hole
At the heart of almost every galaxy lies a from the coalescence of multiple smaller neighbouring stars, the mass collapse of
black hole, even our own the Milky Way, stellar-mass and intermediate mass black large stellar gas clouds into a relativistic star
which centres on a region of space called holes, which then form a supermassive (a rotating neutron star), or directly from
Sagittarius A* – at the middle of which lies a black hole such as Sagittarius A*. external pressure caused by the Big Bang.
An x-ray image of a supermassive black hole. Black holes like Supermassive black holes also often form While unimaginable due to its very
black hole with
these, however, do not form directly but from the slow accretion of matter from nature (it absorbs all light), its distance from
illustration Earth and the fact that the Sagittarius A*
Composite image of a black hole region is removed by 25 magnitudes of
extinction from Earth (blocked from optical
sight), our own supermassive black hole can
Centre only be observed by scientists through the
At the heart of the black hole actions of neighbouring cosmic
its huge extragalactic jet
phenomena. Indicating the presence of its
bursts forth
X-ray existence most notably is the movement of
star S2, which has been monitored by
scientists following a slow elliptical orbit
with a period of 15.2 years and a closest
The surrounding distance of less than 17 light hours from its
ergosphere and orbit centre. From the slow motion of S2,
stellar clouds from scientists have extrapolated that the object
which the black which it is orbiting around has a solar mass
hole accretes mass
of 4.1 million, which when taken with its
relatively small diameter, strongly affirms
that it is a black hole since no other known
object can have such a large mass at such a
small volume.
Event horizon Sagittarius A* is a relatively small
All Images © NASA
The event horizon of the black supermassive black hole when compared
hole, a one-way border in with others of its ilk, such as the black hole
spacetime from which nothing at the centre of the OJ 287 galaxy, which has
can escape Optical a mass of 18 billion solar masses.
Inside a black hole
and structure?
To understand our Sagittarius A*
black hole it is important to
understand how black holes in
general work. After any black hole
stabilises post formation, it has only
three possible independent
physical properties: charge, mass
and angular momentum. Now,
when an object is accreted
(swallowed) by a black hole its own
mass, charge and momentum is Microlensing
equalised with the black hole’s magnification region
An illustration depicting swirling
own, distributing the matter evenly clouds of stellar gas pouring into
along its event horizon (a one-way their a black hole
spacetime boundary), which then equator
oscillates like a stretchy membrane. under the
The course that this pattern follows, phenomenal velocity
however, depends on the individual of their spin (the quicker the
black hole’s properties and type. rotation the more deformed the
The simplest black holes have black hole will be) and instead of Black hole
mass but neither charge nor accreting matter to a point- The singularity at the centre of the
black hole. All mass that reaches this
angular momentum, accreting singularity do so to a smeared disc
point is crushed to infinite density
mass to a point-singularity centre, singularity. Eventually all black
however most types of black hole holes, however dependent on their
formed from the core-collapse charge or rotation, revert to a non-
Accretion disk
supernova of a star are thought to rotating, uncharged variant. The black hole’s accretion
retain the nearly neutral charge it Unfortunately, from the disk is formed from
once possessed. Other, and measurements taken from the stars diffuse material orbiting
surrounding our Sagittarius A* around its centre
theorised by scientists to be far
more common, types of black holes black hole, scientists have been left
– due to the spinning nature of stars unsure about its physical surrounding stars (a spinning black
– are rotating variants. These form properties. However, recent hole drags space with it, allowing
from the collapse of stars or stellar research from the University of atoms to orbit closer to one that is
gas with a total non-zero angular California, Berkeley, suggests that static), would seem to suggest that not
momentum and can be both A* rotates once every 11 minutes or only is the gravitational pull of
charged and uncharged. These at 30 per cent the speed of light. This Sagittarius A* mitigated to a degree by
black holes, unlike the totally information, when combined with its rotation but also that these
As mass is accreted by a black
round, static variants, bulge near the known close proximity of the measurements are accurate.
hole it is heated up under the
pressure of gravity
5 TOP Do the worm
1 Certain theories postulate
Despite their colossal size and
In the current epoch of the
4 Theoretically it is possible for
5 Any object that passes
DID YOU KNOW? The coinage of the phrase ‘black hole’ didn’t occur until 1967
As our theoretical astronaut
Correlating black hole mass approaches the singularity he
1 million
Globular cluster G1
Globular cluster M15
1 thousand
Frame dragging
EVENT HORIZON Once the event horizon is passed all paths EVENT HORIZON
bring particles closer to the black hole’s
singularity. Gravitational time dilation,
gravitational redshift and spaghettification
are now in effect and consistent
Is there anybody out there?
Searching for 2. Signal
If aliens create
alien messages technology like ours
they might strive to
contact other alien
civilisations, using
1. Vast potential radio signals in the
The Milky Way galaxy contains 500
million stars, which have exoplanets in
the habitable zone that are capable of
supporting intelligent life forms
3. Distance
Star systems with known
exoplanets are from 20 to
75,000 light years away.
Any message will already
be as old as the time it
takes to get here
4. Reception
Radio telescopes have to
filter out interference
from man-made and
natural radio emissions,
and target areas of the
galaxy and wavelengths
that are most likely to be
sending out signals
5. Message
What kind of message can
we expect? Will we be able
© Science Photo Library
to decode it if it contains
complex information?
Should we answer it?
DID YOU KNOW? Carl Friedrich Gauss suggested cutting a giant Pythagoras triangle in the Siberian forest to signal to ETs
systems living organisms into space planets in their respective habitable zone,
and radio telescopes concentrate on
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for
Network Computing version of SETI@
home harnesses your computer’s unused
power to analyse signal patterns
at the Messier 13 star cluster in the from the Arecibo telescope. The West Virginia, to study 800 stars
Hercules constellation, and will take network is linked to 456,922 active within a 200 light year range of
25,000 years to reach it. computers worldwide and is run Earth. No ET signals were found.
The Instructions
The plan and side
view shows how to These four diagrams
play the disc. Binary indicate how pictures
code indicates it can be decoded by
should be rotated using the signal from
The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft
once every 3.6 secs the disc
solar system in
the late astronomer Carl Sagan. relation to 14 pulsars. These circles represent
The period of their the hydrogen atom in
pulsations is given its two lowest states,
in binary code acting as a time
150 reference for the data
Pale blue dot
DID YOU The Earth is a mere 0.12 pixel-sized speck as viewed by the
DID YOU KNOW? Some SETI researchers believe we should look for alien space probes in our galactic neighbourhood
Life on Mars
Mars was regarded as the home of human-like Since their arrival on the Red Planet in INTERVIEW
life until the Sixties, when the Mariner space 2004, the two Mars Exploration rover craft
probes showed it was a cratered planet with
an atmosphere consisting of carbon dioxide
(CO2). The 1972 Mariner 9 mission did,
Spirit and Opportunity have all but confirmed
that liquid water did flow on the surface of
Mars several hundred million years ago. This
Philip Plait
however, show evidence of running water on indicates that life could have existed on Mars Dr Philip Plait is an
the surface of the planet in the past. and might still be hidden beneath its surface. astronomer, author and
In 1976, the Viking 1 and 2 spacecraft landed NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory, which blogger who covers all things
on Mars to put soil samples in a nutrient consists of the Curiosity rover, will analyse
labelled with radioactive carbon-14. If any samples of Martian soil in great detail to find
universe-related in the Bad
organism were present, it would digest the out for certain whether microbial life is Astronomy blog
nutrient and give off recognisable gasses. present or can live in this environment when Q: Have you personally taken there’s lots of life in the Milky
However, results gave no clear sign of life. it lands in mid-2012 as planned. part in any search for alien Way. But out of the 4.5 billion
life projects? years the Earth’s been around, it
Philip Plait: No, but some years had basically gloop living on it for
MastCam ChemCam ago, when I was working on more than half that time. So I
Mounted at human eye level, Uses a laser to zap rocks at a Hubble, I tried to get pictures of think if we ever travel to other
it provides hi-res colour, range of 1-9m (3.3-30 ft). An
extrasolar planets – which, planets, that’s what we’ll find
stereo images and video of on-board spectrograph can
the area. It can also analyse analyse the composition of Robotic hand unfortunately, didn’t work out. mostly. But open this up to the
light from other parts of the the rock from the spark The arm uses a Mars hand However, I’ve written numerous “whole universe”, and I’m
electromagnetic spectrum created by the laser lens imager (MHLI) to times on astrobiology topics, and thinking the answer leans
examine rocks and an alpha
it was the subject of an episode towards yes, there are other
particle x-ray spectrometer
(APXS) to determine their of a TV show I filmed. civilisations out there. The
chemical composition number of stars is in the
Q: What are our chances of quintillions. That’s a pretty good
finding aliens? number to start with.
PP: I know Seth Shostak of SETI
has said that if aliens are out Q: What is the current status
there and broadcasting using of ET searching?
radio, we’ll detect them in the PP: SETI’s Allen Telescope Array
next 25 years or so. There are a is currently mothballed due to
SAM lot of assumptions in there, but lack of funds, and that’s not
Sample analysis at Mars instrument
it’s an interesting calculation. I good. The technology is
(SAM) features a mass spectrometer, ChemMin
gas chromatograph and tuneable The robotic hand can deposit soil can’t say for sure when it will advancing rapidly, which is why
laser spectrometer to analyse soil and samples into the Chemistry and happen, of course, but I’d sure Seth gave that 25-year
the atmosphere, to determine Mineralogy instrument (ChemMin) like to be around if and when it timeframe. I’m hoping that they’ll
oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen on board the rover. It beams x-rays does. One way or the other, get the ATA running again soon.
through the sample to identify the
though, I doubt it’ll be via
soil structure
spaceships. It’s far more likely Q: What current or future
that it’ll be through some sort of mission most excites you
light-speed communication about the search for ET?
Life in the method, like radio. PP: Right now, Kepler is the best
thing going: it may very well
solar system
Q: Where do you think we detect planets the mass and size
should be looking? of Earth orbiting their stars at the
PP: Everywhere! It might make right distance to have liquid
sense to look at stars like the Sun water on their surface. That’s not
Several surprising places might harbour life beyond Mars. Hopes
to start with, since we know they finding life, but it would be a
that the brew of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water stirred
can have planets and live long major step in that direction. I
by lightning in Jupiter’s atmosphere would create life have been
lives, enough time for intelligent don’t think any astronomer
considered and dismissed. Now, as a result of two Voyager probes
life to develop. But one thing we would bet against it, but knowing
passing Jupiter in 1979, Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, is
know about nature is that it’s there’s another possible Earth
discovered to have an icy surface with a liquid water ocean
more clever than we are, so I out there would be motivating.
underneath it. If heat is being vented at the bottom of the ocean, it
wouldn’t limit the search at all.
could well promote the existence of microbial life.
Q: Do you think aliens may
Two moons of Saturn are also regarded as having oceans of
Q: Do you think there’s have visited/communicated
water beneath their surface. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft found that
intelligent life out there, or is with us in the past?
the 505km (313mi) diameter Enceladus has potential for life, due to
it likely to be microbial? PP: In recent history, I doubt it –
water indicated by geysers of ice particles that jet from its surface.
PP: Given what we know now – the evidence simply isn’t there.
The 5,150km (3,200mi) diameter Titan has a smoggy atmosphere
there are billions of Sun-like stars But time is very long and deep;
and ethane/methane lakes that may contain primitive organisms Titan, whose Earth-like out there, and a good fraction of any civilisation may well have
and indicate similar conditions to those on Earth millions of years conditions could harbour them have planets – I suspect come here a long time ago…
ago. NASA is planning to send a Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) in 2015. primitive life
154 Telescopes
The evolution of the telescope,
from Dutch glass to Hubble
156 Seeing stars
How a telescope works
158 Radio telescopes
Measuring the frequency of a
quasar through radiowaves
160 James Webb Space Telescope
Successor to the distinguished Telescopes
Hubble Space telescope
166 Wildest weather in space
161 European Extremely The biggest storms in the universe
Large Telescope
Record-breaking observatory 170 Listening in to space
Is there anything to hear?
162 ALMA telescope
Developing the best view of the 171 Spitzer Space Telescope
universe possible from Earth Last of the great observatories
163 Measuring stars 172 Hubble telescope
Gauging stars through parallax The world’s most famous and
faithful telescope
163 Star clusters
Astral parties 173 Solar Dynamics Observatory
Unlocking the secrets of the Sun
164 Spectrography through high resolution images
Determining the composition of
distant stars 174 Large Synoptic
Survey Telescope
165 Meteor showers Exploring the largest digital
Observing celestial spectacles camera on Earth
Webb Space
in space
The evolution of telescopes
The telescope was the first step in really
opening up the universe for scrutiny…
Telescopes are all designed to do because it was simply better at observing In 1930, German optician Bernhard
the same thing: collect and deep-sky objects as well as distant terrestrial Schmidt sought to create a hybrid telescope
magnify light so that we can objects. Since the lens was the issue, British that took the best features of both refractive
examine it. Practically speaking, inventor Chester Moor Hall came up with the and reflective. The first compound, or
we most often use them to observe the achromatic lens in 1773. catadioptric, telescope, had a primary mirror
cosmos. There are three main types of scope: The Herschelian telescope (made by in the back of the telescope and a lens at the
refractive, reflective and compound. Hans William Herschel), a reflector built in 1778, did front. Later, a secondary mirror was added to
Lippershey is credited with inventing the first away with the secondary mirror by tilting the create the Schmidt-Cassegrain model, and
working telescope in 1608, which was a primary mirror slightly. Astronomers tried many variations followed. The compound
refracting type using lenses. Lippershey’s making more reflective mirrors to better telescope is the most popular design today.
invention was known as a Dutch perspective optimise light. Advancements such as Through the 20th century telescopes
glass and probably consisted of a convex lens coating mirrors with silver and, later on, began to be developed for other types of
at the end and a concave lens as an eyepiece. aluminium, allowed for reflective telescopes electromagnetic wavelengths, such as radio,
Numerous other astronomers worked to with ever-larger diameters to be built. gamma ray, X-ray and ultraviolet.
improve upon this initial design, including
Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler; Galileo’s
version of the refracting telescope was the
first to be called a ‘telescope’, with Greek poet
Giovanni Demisiani coining the name.
All refracting telescopes had one flaw,
however: the lenses created chromatic
aberration, resulting in a blurry image. To
combat this, astronomers made telescopes
with longer and longer tubes, among other
designs, but these were hard to manoeuvre.
In 1668, Isaac Newton created the first
reflecting telescope, which used mirrors to
focus the light and avoided chromatic
aberration. After Newton, Laurent Cassegrain
improved on the reflecting telescope by
adding a secondary mirror to reflect light The ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT)
actually comprises four main telescopes
1608 1668
Dutch perspective glass Newtonian telescope
He may not have been the first to build one, but The first reflecting telescope was honed by
German-born spectacle maker Hans Lippershey Isaac Newton, who created it to help prove
is credited with designing the first telescope, a his theory that white light actually consists
refracting one with 3x magnification; it was of a spectrum of colours. His telescope used
called the Dutch perspective glass. a concave primary mirror and a flat,
diagonal secondary mirror.
1600s 1700
1610 1672
Telescope timeline Galilean telescope Cassegrain telescope
Galileo Galilei perfected Lippershey’s Priest Laurent Cassegrain came up with a new
We reveal how this visual design, creating a telescope with a 33x design for reflecting telescopes, using a concave
amplification device has magnification. He used it to make some
significant discoveries, like the phases of
primary mirror and a convex secondary mirror.
This enabled light to bounce through a hole in
evolved century by century Venus and some of Jupiter’s moons. the primary mirror onto an eyepiece.
up the basic
telescope types
Maks-Cass telescope up close Your classic tube
telescope, these use a
The Meade ETX 125 combines quality and portability to make it large curved lens at one
end, which bends the
one of the most popular Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes around light that passes through
and focuses it at the
smaller lens, or eyepiece.
Lens Viewfinder
The Maksutov- It can be difficult to
Cassegrain is mainly a locate an object in a Reflective
reflecting telescope, telescope, so most These use a concave
but has a lens through come with a mirror to send light to a
which light passes viewfinder – a
flat mirror. Light is
before it reaches the small, wide-field
mirror to help scope that has reflected out one side to
counteract any crosshairs and an eyepiece that
aberrations. This helps you to centre magnifies and focuses to
corrector lens is a the telescope on a create an image.
negative meniscus, specific object. This
which has a concave model includes a
surface on one side dew shield Compound
and a convex surface Also called catadioptric,
on the other these use both lenses
and mirrors. They are an
all-round telescope for
Maks-Cass scopes have a short Eyepiece viewing both the planets
tube length relative to the distance Light ultimately reaches the and deep space.
that the light actually travels. back of the telescope, where
That’s because the mirror setup the eyepiece is located. This
telescope uses a Plössl, or Solar
‘folds’ light. Light reflects off the
primary mirror at the back of the symmetrical, eyepiece, These are designed solely
telescope, which is concave, back which comprises two lenses: to be used during the day
to the front. The secondary mirror, one concave and one convex. to observe the Sun, and
which is smaller and convex, It makes for a large apparent
often employ a cooling
reflects the light back through a field of view (the circle of
light seen by your eyes) mechanism as the heat
tiny hole in the primary mirror
can cause turbulence in
the telescope.
Computer controls Setting circles
Many telescopes can be The declination (on the side) and Astronomical
computer-controlled, which right ascension (on the bottom)
further simplifies locating setting circles are used to locate
celestial bodies. You plug in the stars and other celestial bodies Land-based ones may
controller, and you can use it to based on equatorial co-ordinates contain numerous
slew (move) the telescope in often found in sky maps. Many telescopes, and there are
any direction. You can also put telescopes have digital setting also observatories off our
in your location, and the device circles, which provide the viewer
will move and locate objects
planet, including the
with a database of objects and
in the sky for quick and make it simple to point your Hubble Space Telescope.
easy stargazing telescope in the right direction
3. Finderscope
1. Light shade A smaller telescope with a
Like a camera lens hood, wider field of view, designed
designed to block out to allow quicker spotting of
unwanted light sources the chosen target
The Coronet Cluster as
observed by the
Chandra X-ray
5. Eyepiece
The ‘optical out’ for the
chosen target’s light
source, designed to the
scale of the human eye
4. Finderscope
6. Focuser knobs The often detachable
Similar to an adjustable bracket holding the
camera lens, good for finderscope in place
making incremental
adjustments to provide
better image clarity
9. Latitude
Twin bolts used to
stabilise latitude
Found in an observatory
in the Canary Islands,
the Gran Telescopio
Canarias is the world’s
biggest single-aperture
optical telescope.
The Large Binocular
Telescope in the
mountains of southeast
Arizona is the world’s
largest optical telescope
on a single mount.
The Southern African
Large Telescope is a large
optical telescope capable
of recording stars a billion
times too faint to see with
the naked eye.
DID YOU KNOW? The original patents for the optical telescope were filed in 1608 and it was first unveiled in the Netherlands
Messier 82 is about 12
million light-years
away but the Hubble
telescope still TYPES
captured this
amazing image OF…
Learn all about the
types of optical
telescope used by
amateur and
astronomers alike
1 Reflecting
One of the most common types of
optical telescope, a reflector
utilises one curved mirror and one
flat mirror to directly reflect light
throughout its main body and
form an image. The reflecting
telescope was created in the 17th
Century as an alternative to the
refracting telescope, which at the
time suffered from severe
chromatic aberration (a failure
to focus all colours at the
same point).
2 Refracting
The first type of telescope to be
invented in 1608 was a refractor.
Utilising a partnership of a
convex objective lens and a
concave eyepiece lens to form
its image, refractors are still
used today. However, there are
numerous technical
considerations including lens
sagging, chromatic aberration
and spherical aberration that
have demeaned their
effectiveness in recent years.
Telescope classification
The Mount Pleasant
radio telescope in
Characterised usually by their large dishes,
radio telescopes allow us to receive signals
© Noodlesnacks
from the depths of space
The radio telescope works by antenna – the large visible dish – and
receiving and then amplifying operates in a similar manner to a television
radio signals produced from satellite dish, focusing incoming radiation
An image of
the naturally occurring onto a receiver for decoding. In this type of
Jupiter received
emissions of distant stars, galaxies and radio telescope, often the radio receiver/ through a radio
quasars. The two basic components of a solid-state amplifiers are cryogenically telescope
radio telescope are a large radio antenna cooled to reduce noise and interference, as
and a sensitive radiometer, which between well as having the parabolic surface of the
them reflect, direct and amplify incoming telescope equatorially mounted, with one
radio signals typically between axis parallel to the rotation axis of Earth. This
wavelengths of ten metres and one equatorial mounting allows the telescope to
millimetre to produce comprehensible follow a fixed position in the sky as the Earth
information at an optical wavelength. Due rotates, therefore allowing elongated periods
to the weak power of these cosmic radio of static, pinpoint observation.
signals, as well as the range in wavelength The largest filled-aperture telescope is A supernova remnant
imaged from signals
that they operate in, radio telescopes need the Arecibo radio telescope located in
to be large in construction, as the efficiency Puerto Rico, which boasts a 305-metre dish. received by a radio telescope
of the antenna is crucial and can easily be Contrary to other radio telescopes with
distorted by terrestrial radio interference. movable dishes however, the Arecibo’s
The most common radio telescope seen is dish is fixed, instead relying on a movable
the radio reflector; this consists of a parabolic antenna beam to alter its focus.
4. Receiver
3. Parabolic reflector Receivers need to be
Dishes need to be large as radio hyper-sensitive in order
waves are weak and sporadic to capture signals
5 TOP Famous Hubble
1 One of the most famous
Types of light
2 Using different types of light
Long story
3 Before reflecting telescopes
First radio telescope
The first radio antenna used
Do it yourself
5 Buying and using even a low
DID YOU KNOW? The world’s largest filled-aperture radio telescope based in Arecibo, Puerto Rico has a 305-metre dish
Telescope classification
Which telescopes are able to
see what in the universe
Infrared telescopes Atmospheric opacity
Because most of the infrared The measure of impenetrability to
High-energy particle telescopes spectrum is absorbed by Earth’s electromagnetic or other types of radiation. So
These need to be positioned in space as the
atmospheric gasses, these types if there is high-atmospheric opacity, radiation
gamma-rays, x-rays and ultraviolet light they
of telescopes also need to be is blocked, scattered or diffused, while if it’s
observe are blocked by Earth’s upper atmosphere
positioned in space low, then radiation can pass through it
Optical telescopes Radio waves are
The telescopes are positioned on Earth and observable from
Earth with little
At different points of the
electromagnetic spectrum
wavelengths vary
The Spitzer
being prepped
High-energy particle
before launch
James Webb Space Telescope
Space Telescope
The successor to Hubble will change the
way that we see the universe
© Drew Noel
The James Webb Space The secondary mirror on the JWST, which
Telescope (JWST), originally reflects the light from the primary mirror
known as the Next Generation into the instruments on board, can be moved
Space Telescope, employs to focus the telescope on an object. Each of
engineering techniques never used on a
space telescope before and will produce
unparalleled views of the universe. The
the 18 hexagonal segments can also be
individually adjusted and aligned to produce
the perfect picture. While Hubble’s primary
The telescope will sit almost a
JWST is scheduled for launch in 2018 in a joint mirror is just 2.4 metres in diameter, the
million miles from us in line
venture between the ESA, NASA and mirror on JWST is almost three times as big
with the Earth and the Sun.
Arianespace, the world’s first company to at 6.5 metres in diameter, allowing for much
offer commercial rocket launches. Primarily, more distant and accurate observations.
the JWST will observe infrared light from A box called the Integrated Science
distant objects. Instrument Module (ISIM) sits behind the
To gather light on the telescope the primary mirror to collect the light incident
primary mirror on the JWST is made of 18 on the telescope. The ISIM is attached to a
hexagonal beryllium segments, which are backplane, which also holds the telescope’s
much lighter than traditional glass and also mirrors and keeps them stable. A sunshield,
very strong. To roughly point the telescope in composed of five layers of Kapton with Lagrange point 2
the direction of its observations a star tracker aluminium and special silicon coatings to Its position will ensure it does
not receive unwanted light
is used, and a Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) is reflect sunlight, protects the incredibly
but enough for solar power
employed to fine-tune the viewings. sensitive instruments.
Primary mirror
18 beryllium hexagonal
segments collect the light
from a distant object
The James Webb Space Telescope contains some
revolutionary technology to provide unprecedented
views of the universe, and also builds on the success of
earlier telescopes. It operates at -223°C to prevent heat
radiation affecting the instruments on board.
Secondary mirror
This mirror reflects light
from the primary mirror and
can be moved to focus the
light into the ISIM
This structure holds the
18 mirror segments and
has the telescope’s
instruments on its back
Sunshield ISIM
The size of a tennis The Integrated Science
court, this protects Instrument Module
the telescope from collects the light from the
external light sources secondary mirror and
such as the Sun produces an image
JWST will use a star
tracker to point itself in
the direction of a star
for observation
European Extremely
Large Telescope
How will this record-breaking observatory hunt for Earth-like planets?
Since its invention over 400 years ago the operation on Earth is the Large Binocular Telescope technology known as adaptive optics. Disturbances in
humble telescope has come on leaps and in Arizona, USA, sporting an aperture that measures a the atmosphere can be accounted for by measuring
bounds. In the early-20th century ‘measly’ 11.9 metres (39 feet) in diameter. The aperture the air within the telescope’s view. Tiny magnets
astronomers relied on old single or of the E-ELT comes in at a mammoth 39.3 metres (129 move its 800 segmented mirrors about 2,000 times a
twin-mirror methods to produce images of distant feet), about half the size of a football pitch. second to adjust the view to avoid any turbulence.
galaxies and stars, but as the size of telescopes The telescope, expected to be finished within a The primary goal of the E-ELT is to observe
increased the quality of imagery reduced. It wasn’t decade, will be built on Cerro Armazones, a Earth-like planets in greater detail than ever before,
until the arrival of the Keck Observatories in Hawaii 3,000-metre (9,800-foot) mountain located in Chile’s but it will also be able to see much fainter objects
in the Eighties and Nineties, using 36 smaller mirror Atacama Desert where many other telescopes, – possibly even the primordial stars that formed soon
segments stitched together like a honeycomb, that including the recently activated Atacama Large after the Big Bang. Apart from the E-ELT there are two
telescopes were really able to view distant corners of Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), reside. The other extremely large telescopes under construction:
the universe in stunning detail. This segmented benefit of this location is obviously its altitude, the 24.5-metre (80-foot) Giant Magellan Telescope
design provides the basis for how the next generation allowing the cosmos to be viewed with less and the Thirty Meter
of super-powerful telescopes will work, such as the atmospheric interference than would be Telescope (which will
European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), which experienced at sea level, although some be 98 feet); both are
is being built by the European Southern Observatory. will still be present. also expected to be
What makes the E-ELT stand out from the crowd is To overcome remaining atmospheric completed within
its sheer size. Currently, the largest telescope in interference, the E-ELT will use a a decade.
The E-ELT will be able to
Lasers gather 100,000,000 times
Powerful lasers at the corners more light than the human
of the primary mirror will allow eye, or more than all of the
distant stars to be used as 10m (33ft) telescopes on
‘guide stars’ to help the E-ELT Earth combined
focus on celestial objects
The aperture of the E-ELT is 39.3m Image
(129ft) across, enabling it to Optical and infrared light is
collect an unprecedented amount reflected between the
of light from distant objects mirrors of the telescope
before being collected by
astronomical cameras
Primary mirror
The principal mirror of the
E-ELT is made up of 800
smaller hexagonal mirrors,
each 1.4m (4.6ft) across
On reflection
The mirror of the E-ELT will be larger
Of course, it won’t
All images © ESO
ALMA telescope
ALMA will be used to study
stars and galaxies that are
billions of years old
What’s the biggest star?
DID YOU The largest star in the universe that we know of is VY Canis Majoris, a red
KNOW? hypergiant star 5,000 light years from Earth. It is 2,100 times the size of
3x © NASA
our Sun and, if it were placed at the centre of our solar system, its surface
would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn.
3. Size
Stellar interferometry involves
routine measurements of
bright stars to just a few
The secret of
star-gauging Star
fractions of a degree, allowing
their diameters to be pinned
down in millions of kilometres clusters
What causes these
stellar parties?
A star cluster is a group of stars
brought together over millions or
billions of years that have grown
gravitationally bound to one
another. The two known types are globular
and open clusters. One of the most fascinating
2. Interferometry things about them is that all of the stars in
Once a star’s distance is known, its
such a group are centred around the same
diameter can be accurately
ascertained using a technique called gravitational point, despite also often being
stellar interferometry, which inside a galaxy.
measures electromagnetic waves Open clusters are much smaller than their
globular brothers, the former containing just a
dozen to a few hundred stars, and the latter
potentially encompassing hundreds of
thousands. Globular clusters tend to be more
uniform too, with the stars forming a sphere
around a common central point, while in an
open cluster stars are more scattered owing to
the weaker gravity. Globular clusters typically
have older stars that have been bound for
millions of years, whereas open clusters are
composed of newer stars that may come and
go over time.
1. Distance
The distance to the star is
usually calculated by using
parallax, measuring the
motion of the star across the
night sky over several
months or even years
Measuring stars
How do astronomers establish how big a star is?
To calculate the size of a star, properties possessing near-identical
astronomers need to initially compositions and temperatures.
establish several other factors. Stars behave like ‘black bodies’, objects
© NASA, JPL, Caltech, R Hurt
First, its brightness at Earth must in the universe that glow at a particular
be calculated, followed by a measure of its wavelength or colour, depending on their
distance from our home planet (which is also temperature. Thus, once a star’s temperature
known as parallax). Next, its surface and brightness have been gauged, its surface
temperature must be ascertained; this area and diameter can be deduced based on
calculation is made easier by stars of similar previously confirmed data.
Inside Hubble’s
The Space Telescope Imaging
Spectrograph (STIS) on the
Fingerprint Hubble Space Telescope is
By gathering light used to study ultraviolet,
from distant objects visible and near-infrared light
the STIS and COS can from distant celestial bodies
create wavelength
which contain
information on the
structure and
composition of
each object
Hubble also has a second
spectrograph called the
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
(COS), which sees only in
ultraviolet light. The STIS is
best for observing large
objects like galaxies, while the
COS is used to observe points
of light like stars and quasars
How can we determine the
composition of a distant star?
2x © SPL
The Leonids
While not the most consistent of
meteor showers, the Leonids can be
one of the most dynamic spectacles
in an astronomer’s calendar. They’re
a product of the comet Tempel-
Tuttle, which has a radius of around
1.8 kilometres (1.1 miles) and has a
33-year cycle. The comet itself is
fairly unremarkable compared to
the likes of Halley’s or Hale-Bopp,
however it leaves behind a dense
stream of debris that results in a
meteor shower rate that can reach
as many as 300 meteors an hour.
Meteor showers
Why the most famous of these celestial spectacles are an annual event
Meteors enter the Earth’s the cosmic calendar, the Perseids,
atmosphere all the time. they’re material stripped off the comet Is the Swift-Tuttle comet a threat?
Spend a little time looking Swift-Tuttle by solar radiation as it Swift-Tuttle has a 130-year orbit of the Sun and its first recorded
up at the sky at night in the passes the Sun. This debris then trails sighting was by astronomers Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle 150 years
country or a place with similarly low behind the comet, spreading out along ago in July 1862. Astrophysicist Brian Marsden’s calculations for the
light pollution and there’s a good chance its orbit and, if the Earth’s own orbit next perihelion (the name for any satellite’s closest approach to the
you’ll see a ‘shooting star’, the result of crosses its path, then a meteor shower Sun) in 1992 were off by 17 days, which put the comet on a potential
air friction burning the meteor up. At ensues. As it happens, both Earth and collision course with Earth in 2126. It panicked astronomers, as the
certain times of the year astronomers Swift-Tuttle follow very regular paths, comet is around 9.7 kilometres (six miles) wide, which is roughly the
can even forecast an increase in their which is why when Earth crosses same size as the Chicxulub asteroid that’s generally held to be the
frequency and luminosity as annual Swift-Tuttle’s orbit a predictable, major culprit in the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
meteor showers hit our planet. So why late-July event occurs that peaks in But having traced Swift-Tuttle’s orbit back 2,000 years, Marsden was
do these occur regularly and how are August at around 75 meteors an hour. able to refine his calculations to put the comet a comfortable 24
scientists able to predict them? Perhaps the most famous comet of million kilometres (15 million miles) away for its next appearance.
A meteor shower is a group of meteors them all, Halley’s, has its own regular However, if the calculations play out, there will be a real cosmic
that originate from the same source. In meteor shower called the Orionids that near-miss when 3044 rolls around, as Swift-Tuttle will pass within
the common case of one of the most appear in October, though at a much
Wildest weather in space
STORMY SATURN 2,000km In April 2013, the Cassini spacecraft imaged a storm on Saturn
unlike anything seen before. At 2,000km (1,240mi) across, it could
cover the UK over 12 times and had winds up to 530km/h (330mph).
DID YOU KNOW? In 1989, geomagnetic storms caused an electrical blackout in Québec, Canada, that lasted 12 hours
Weather on Earth can be our planetary neighbours, it’s actually beyond Pluto, about 19 billion magnetosphere. However, Venus has
extreme, but whatever’s rather mild. Plus, a lot of our weather kilometres (12 billion miles) from the no magnetosphere, so the explosions
happening outside right can be summed up in one word: water star. So Earth does have some weather can cover the entire planet. Not that it
now where you are, it’s a (albeit in various forms). Meanwhile, in common with other planets. In was particularly hospitable anyway.
safe bet that it’s better than the on planets lacking water, an February 2014, researchers at NASA’s That’s not even the strangest weather
weather in the rest of the Solar System. atmosphere or a magnetic field to Goddard Space Flight Center in the Solar System. While studying it
Earth has the nicest weather thanks to shield them from the worst of the discovered a phenomenon that is can be difficult, our history of flybys,
a number of features: its size, its Sun’s radiation, you have to wonder common and rather pedestrian on missions and probes are helping us to
distance from the Sun, its axial tilt, why we’re so keen to visit any of them! Earth has much greater repercussions create detailed models of climate on
orbital and rotational period, and its One factor all of the planets have in on Venus. A type of solar wind called a other planets like Mars. Learning
chemical composition. Although common is the Sun and its emissions. hot flow anomaly (HFA) causes about similar effects on other planets
Earth’s meteorology can be The heliosphere is considered a part of massive explosions of energy, but on is helping us to predict and prepare for
devastating, in comparison to some of the Sun’s atmosphere, but it extends Earth it’s deflected by the changes in weather on Earth.
STRANGE What would happen if you Although rain on Venus is corrosive sulphuric acid, the
BUT TRUE stood on Venus and it rained? surface heat is so intense (480°C/900°F) that the rain
evaporates before reaching it. Of course, acid would
be the last of your worries with that intense heat and a
RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY A You’d melt B You’d smell funny C Nothing surface pressure 90 times greater than Earth’s!
DID YOU KNOW? Solar flares can release energy equivalent to the explosion of millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs
Radio telescopes / Listening in to the universe
frequency is
a quasar?
Radio telescopes explained
Some objects in space are viewable with waves are not hindered by gas and dust between 2. Antenna 1. Incoming
An antenna collects
the naked eye. Other anomalies such as stars, so you can ‘look’ straight through a galaxy An antenna filters
incoming radio waves
waves from the tip
quasars (the most powerful source of to the other side. Quasars were found because of
energy in the universe – a kind of star galaxy) radio telescopes.”
and pulsars (spherical neutron stars) require the According to Dr Shostak, a radio telescope uses
use of a radio telescope. These telescopes receive a very low-noise amplifier that collects radio
and amplify frequencies from deep space using waves, themselves collected using massive
3. Receiver
antennas, and measures their intensity. antennas. The signal passes through the The receiver amplifies and
“By studying the intensity of radio antenna, spreads through a filtering system, and detects radio wave data
frequencies, astronomers can monitor the breaks into thousands of frequency channels – a
conditions of space,” says Dr Seth Shostak, a bit like a Doppler satellite that measures the
senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. “Radio speed of frequencies.
Stellar Birth
This image shows young
stars in a cosmic cloud in
the Cepheus constellation,
about 21,000 light years
away from Earth.
MOST UNUSUAL 2. Towering
Stars are born in these
‘mountains’ of gas and
dust, which are found in the
Cassiopeia constellation
7,000 light years away.
Blob Galaxies
This red hydrogen blob is 11
billion light years away and
contains three galaxies trillions
of times brighter than our Sun.
DID YOU KNOW? The Spitzer was formerly known as the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SITF)
Astronomers use Spitzer’s orbit
Spitzer Space
and parallaxing to determine
the distance of dark planets
and black holes
The last of NASA’s four great
1. Solar panels
The Spitzer’s two solar
panels convert solar
radiation into 427 watts
of electrical energy,
which powers
observatories, the Spitzer Space the telescope
Objects in space
radiate heat in the
form of infrared
energy, but ground-
based telescopes cannot detect it
due to the Earth’s atmosphere.
Because the Spitzer Space
Telescope orbits around the Sun,
it can record this energy in the
form of images. The telescope
ages NA
uses three highly sensitive
instruments – a camera, a
© All im
spectrograph and a photometer
– that operate on different
wavelengths and detect pixels to
form pictures.
Infrared telescopes have to be
kept very cold (-268ºC) in order to
function properly. The Spitzer
was launched with a liquid 7. Star trackers
helium supply to keep its and gyroscopes
instruments cold for a minimum The star trackers and
of 2.5 years. It is far enough away gyroscopes are 6. Antennae
mounted on the bus The high gain antenna is the
from the Earth so that it does not and allow the Spitzer main communication antenna
pick up infrared energy from our to orientate itself with Earth, with the low gain
planet, and was fitted with a solar properly in space as a backup
shield to protect it from the Sun’s
heat. The liquid helium supply 4. Outer shell 5. Spacecraft bus
The aluminium outer shell is The bus contains avionics and
was used up on 15 May 2009, but black on one side to radiate other instruments that control
the camera can still detect some heat and shiny on the other the telescope, store data and
infrared wavelengths. side to reflect the Sun’s heat communicate with NASA
The most famous space telescope
© DK Images
limitations, in space the required optics of a
telescope are smaller since the ‘seeing’ is
always perfect. Looking through Earth’s
atmosphere is not unlike trying to watch
television through a desert mirage – the Primary mirror
viewing is hindered by a constant shimmer The main light-collecting
produced by the atmosphere. In space, the mirror is positioned at
Hubble Space Telescope’s resolution is so great the rear of the assembly,
that it’s the equivalent of us being able to just in front of its main
systems and scientific Secondary mirror
distinguish a car’s two separate headlights instruments. The original Light is bounced off the
from 6,000 miles away. flaw in the design of this primary mirror onto this
Hubble didn’t have the smoothest of starts mirror was just two smaller, secondary mirror
however, and for the first three years of its life microns off – a fiftieth of before it passes through a
a human hair small hole in the centre of the
was partially sighted due to an error in the
larger mirror on its way
manufacture of its 2.4-metre primary mirror. towards Hubble’s various
Thankfully, upon its first servicing mission in scientific instruments
1993 its optics were corrected. Solar panels
It’s most recent scheduled servicing mission Hubble requires some 2,800 watts of electricity
to remain operational. It uses its large solar cells
took place in May 2009, allowing Hubble to
remain operational until about 2018 when it’s
to produce all of its power and surplus energy is The Statistics
stored in on-board batteries so it can operate Hubble telescope
successor - the James Webb Space Telescope - from inside the Earth’s shadow (around a third of
is due to launch. its complete orbit time)
control system
To accurately point this bus-sized piece of technology properly requires
Service: 22 years (and
Mass: 11,110kg
Orbital velocity: 7,500 metres
per second
gyroscopes. They sense its motion and help it to find its target by acting as a Orbit period: 97 minutes
All images © NASA
the first servicing mission maintenance routines, Hubble’s gyroscopes failed in 1999 1999 was carried out in this mission. Two new scientific
(SM1) was to correct the abilities were again upgraded Hubble was effectively put mission. A new solar panel instruments were installed and
lens abortion. New systems with a new spectrograph, offline. Luckily, what was array was fitted, and despite two previously failed
were also installed including which is able to collect 30 planned as a simple servicing being 1/3 of the size of the instruments were fixed. Hubble
the Wide Field Planetary times more data than its mission turned into a original provided 30 per cent is in the best shape it’s ever
Camera 2. predecessor was. successful rescue. more power. been in.
2 2D 1. SOHO
Launched in 1995, SOHO is
a Europe-led mission
designed to study the Sun.
Compared to both following
missions, the visual fidelity
of its findings were limited.
NASA’s next step was to
take the study of the Sun
into the third dimension.
Utilising two spacecraft its
mission was to study the
nature of CMEs.
The SDO’s visual capabilities
dwarf both previous
missions. Just three seconds
of HD video revealed more
detail about solar flares than
many scientists ever knew.
DID YOU KNOW? The total mass of the SDO spacecraft at launch was 3,100kg, yet the SDO itself weighs just 290kg
Ironically, the SDO is
subject to the very
same harsh conditions
it’s hoped it will one day
help us protect against.
As such it features NASA has always led
additional shielding technological revolutions
to mitigate the and super HD is unlikely to
effects of ionising be any kind of exception.
radiation exposure Even compared to full HD’s
1920x1080 resolution, the
scale of SDO’s 4096x4096
Solar array resolution images and video
The SDO’s solar array is a very are simply immense
important component since it
produces all the power the
observatory needs to work. The
panels themselves cover an area Learn more
of over six metres square and There’s plenty still to learn about
produces 1,450W of electricity this remarkable mission. The best
Helioseismic and Magnetic place for the most authoritative
Imager (HMI) look at the SDO is NASA’s main
Extreme Ultraviolet Variability The HMI uses acoustic waves and changes in the site
Experiment (EVE) magnetic field on the surface of the Sun to study NASA’s own TV channel NASA
EVE is designed to study the Sun’s brightness in the material and motions that occur under the TV, found at,
© All images NASA
the most variable part of the solar spectrum – surface. It does this by measuring the Doppler is also a very interesting resource.
the extreme ultraviolet. It achieves this by shift (a change of wavelength depending on There’s plenty to see, including
utilising the highest spectral resolution ever whether something is moving towards or away live feeds from this and other
missions currently in progress.
achieved by a space observatory from you) to calculate velocities of movement
Exploring the LSST
Earth’s largest
The telescope’s mount is a compact
and still structure that will reduce
image motion and blur
explained Platform
The LSST’s camera will be
accessible by a platform
running along the side
5 TOP Find dark matter
1 The Large Synoptic Survey
Track asteroids
2 In under a minute the LSST
Record movies
3 The rapid image-capturing
Map the Milky Way
4 The ability of this massive
Make new discoveries
5 The incredible imaging power
Telescope will detect will be able to find objects that and processing power of the telescope to capture the of this telescope and its wide
signatures of dark energy and are merely 140 metres (460 telescope will enable it to entire night sky in just three field of view mean that it is
dark matter by measuring feet) wide in the Asteroid Belt, watch superfast events in the days will be crucial in our highly expected to make
weak gravitational lensing helping us to chart potentially universe unfold, such as novas continued attempts to map numerous unprecedented
LSST GOALS present in deep space. dangerous near-Earth objects. and supernovas. out our galaxy. cosmic discoveries.
DID YOU KNOW? Software billionaire Bill Gates kick-started funding for the LSST by pledging $10m to the project in 2008
At the front is a top-end assembly Capturing an image
support structure to hold the
How will the LSST camera snap 3,200-megapixel shots?
mirrors and camera in place
Sensors Spectrum
21 grids of sensors, known The telescope is sensitive
as rafts, collect the light to wavelengths from 350
and make up the 3.2-billion- nanometres (ultraviolet) through
pixel focal plane to 1,040 nanometres (infrared)
The secondary mirror is
found near the top of the First lens Second lens
telescope, where the Incoming light is The light also passes
camera is also mounted captured by the first lens through a second lens
at the front of the camera before hitting the detector
The camera
You might be impressed
when you see a professional
photographer with a camera
the size of your arm, but
Weight imagine one that was the
The entire structure will weigh size of a car…
close to 300 tons and will be The largest digital camera
movable in a horizontal and
ever constructed, the LSST’s
vertical plane with a drive
power of 336kW (450hp) camera will measure about
1.6 x 3 metres (5.2 x 9.8 feet)
and weigh in at around 2,800
kilograms (6,200 pounds).
The data Inside, a variety of
16-megapixel silicon
There’s lots of revolutionary
tech inside the LSST, but one detectors will combine to
of the most important bits is produce a whopping image
the imaging sensors it will resolution of 3.2 gigapixels, or
use. Capable of capturing 3.2 billion of your regular
light from ultraviolet to pixels, across a 320-square-
The telescope infrared, these sensors will
produce 30 terabytes of data
metre (3,440-square-foot)
field of view.
Unlike most other giant telescopes, the the centre of the primary mirror. Both
every night. After a decade of The camera will sit in the
LSST will use three mirrors rather than the secondary and tertiary mirrors are
observations it will have middle of the telescope and
two to capture images. Light is first spherical, which allows the light to be
produced over 100 petabytes will operate at approximately
collected onto an 8.4-metre (27.6-foot) intensely focused. The arrangement of
(100 million gigabytes) of -100 degrees Celsius (-148
© LSST Corporation
primary mirror, before being reflected this trio gives the LSST an exceptionally
data, which will require 250 degrees Fahrenheit) to get
onto a 3.4-metre (11.2-foot) secondary wide field of view, enabling it to survey
teraflops of power to process the optimal performance
mirror. It is then reflected again onto a the entire southern sky in just three days
– about 100,000 home PCs! out of its detectors.
five-metre (16.4-foot) tertiary mirror in performing two observations a night.
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