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a. A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that you can add only at the beginning of a word.

prefix has a particular meaning associated with it. Note: Recognizing each of the parts that
compose words can help you understand their meanings. For example:  Nano- is related to things
that are very small, for example: Nanotechnology. Prefixes can also be used to form an antonym,
or negative form of a word. For example:  Wanted ≠ unwanted.  Relevant ≠ irrelevant. b. A suffix
can be a letter or group of letters that you can add only at the end of a word. Suffixes change the
part of speech (type of word, i.e. from noun to adverb) and also changes their meanings. Here are
some common suffixes: 1. To form nouns: -tion, -ance, - ness, -ment. As in: Addition, acceptance,
sadness and movement. polynano- antesubmulti- unbio- -ance -tion -ness -al -ly -ic -ent 2. To form
adjectives: -ant, -ive, -able, -ic, -al, -ent. As in: Ambulant, active, drinkable, alcoholic, recreational
and absorbent. 3. To form adverbs: -ly, -ily. As in: Clearly and daily. 4. People: -ist, -yst, -or, -er. As
in: Chemist, analyst, actor and reader. 4. Vocabulary and contexts about leadership and
responsibility Being a leader implies having the capacity to organize a group of people to achieve a
common goal. Leadership involves making decisions about different things. It is said that people
are born to be either leaders or followers; however, it is believed that leadership is a skill we can
learn. Now, let’s have a look at some vocabulary related to being a leader: Word Meaning Leader
(noun) A person who manages or controls other people, because of his or her ability or position.
Service (noun) Work done or help provided, especially for the public or for a person or an
organization. Passion (noun) A powerful emotion or its expression, example: the emotion of love,
anger, or hate. Decision-making (noun) The process of making choices, especially, important
choices. Manager (noun) Someone whose job is to control or organize someone or something,
especially, a business. Leadership (noun) The quality or ability that makes a person a leader, or the
position of being a leader: Note: You can find a list of the most common prefixes and suffixes in
English, and their meanings, as a supplement in the glossary of this learning activity.
Communication (noun) The process by which messages or information is sent from one place or
person to another, or the message itself. Relationships (noun) The way in which things are
connected or work together. Role (noun) The duty or use that someone or something usually has
or is expected to have. Objective (noun) Something that you aim to do or achieve. Competent
(adjective) Having the skills or knowledge to do something well enough to meet a basic standard.
Consistent (adjective) Always happening or behaving in a similar way. Decisive (adjective) Making
choices quickly and surely, without having any doubts. Responsible (adjective) Having the duty of
taking care of something. Disciplined (adjective) Able to carefully control the way that you work,
live, or behave, especially to achieve a goal. Cautious (adjective) Not acting quickly in order to
avoid risks; careful. Persuasive (adjective) To cause people to do or believe something by
explaining why they should do. Charismatic (adjective) The ability to attract the attention and
admiration of others, and to be seen as a leader. Aggressive (adjective) Using strong, forceful
methods. To lead (verb) To be the person who makes decisions that other people choose to follow
or obey. To trust (verb) To have confidence in something, or to believe in someone. To encourage
(verb) To help someone to feel confident and able to do something, or to give advice to someone
to do something. To inspire (verb) To fill someone with confidence and desire to do something. To
communicate (verb) To give messages or information to others through speech, writing, body
movements, or signals. To enforce (verb) To cause a law or rule to be obeyed. To obey (verb) To do
what you are told or expected to do according to someone in authority or a rule or law. To criticize
(verb) To express disapproval of someone or something.

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