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RRL Organic and Mineral Pigment PDF

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Dec. 16, 1969 S. A.

FUNK ET Al 3,483,664

Filed April 19, 1967 2. Sheets-Sheet, l

: BY

(24.1/ OAFA/AY
Dec. 16, 1969 S. A FUNK. ET AL- 3,483,664
Filed April 19, 1967 2. Sheets-Sheet 2

2 SO

O /8 A4 3/8 I/2 5/8 3/4 .O


FIG 5 f40 s222222

22. 3.
5:23: 26.2
2. , t , . . . . .
5, 22 7 FF.
24 ZS

f IC 23 44-w2. 77A/Way
United States Patent Office Patented Dec. 16, 1969
1. 2
number of materials have been proposed. Sheet metal
3,483,664 Such as copper, galvanized iron, aluminum, and lead have
ROOFING SYSTEM been used in the past in large quantities as flashing. It has
Smith A. Funk, Convent Station, Charles J. Klasen, also been proposed to use filled plastic sheet compositions
Dover, and James J. Malone, Jr., Wayne, N.J., as as flashing to overcome difficulties encountered with the
signors, by mesne assignments, to The Celotex
Corporation, a corporation of Delaware use of sheet metals. Such compositions generally are com
Continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 547,205, posed of a resin base combined with plasticizers and fillers
May 3, 1966. This application Apr. 19, 1967, Ser. and have been designed to be relatively easy to form to the
No. 632,080 more complex shapes required in certain applications.The
Int. C. E04c 2/02; E04d 1/30, 3/40 formulation of these flashing compositions has not been a
U.S. C. 52-309 8 Claims O Simple matter because of the properties which the com
positions should have. Such properties include hardness,
high tensile strength, low modulus, high elongation, low
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE brittle temperature, low shrinkage, low volatility, the re
A novel roofing System is provided which consists es 5 tention of properties on aging, and processability. The
Sentially of (1) a roofing sheet which is eXposed to mois compositions must be compatible with commonly em
ture at its Surface but is substantially impermeable to the ployed bonding agents such as pitch and asphalt, must be,
passage of moisture through it, and (2) a porous underlay heat-formable at moderate temperatures, and capable of
which has Substantial resiliency, is non-matting and allows withstanding exposure to the elements for indefinitely
vapors forming below the roofing sheet to be vented. A 20 long periods of time without cracking or deterioration.
preferred System comprises a reinforced plastic roofing Cracking, of course, destroys the integrity of the roof and
sheet with an underlay of open cell plastic foam. leaking results.
It has therefore been suggested that a one-ply roofing
System be substituted for the mlti-component built-up
25 roofing System; however, because of the demanding re
This application is a continuation-in-part of our applica quirements for a one-ply roof, which must have the same
filed on May 3, 1966, Ser. No. 547,205, now aban 15 to 25 year life as the built-up roof, it has been extremely
difficult to find a one-ply system or membrane which will
This invention relates to a novel roofing System, and be comparable to or better than the multi-ply built-up roof.
more particularly to a new and improved composite roof 30 The difficulty can be traced largely to the tremendous
which essentially comprises (1) amoisture impermeable forces set up by the volatilization of moisture trapped un
Surface sheet and (2) a porous underlay which permits der the roofing sheet. As the vapor forms, there is great
vapors formed underneath the impermeable surface sheet expansion often forming large blisters, and as it condenses
to be vented by passing through the underlay to the atmos the blisters contract. This repeated flexing of the roofing
phere. As a specific preferred embodiment, a single ply sheet as the vapor expands and contracts Soon produces
roofing which combines a plastic sheet material with an cracks.
underlay of open cell plastic foam into a unitary structure, Recently there have been various proposals relating to
is provided. The invention also relates to roof construction the use of polymeric materials in roofing applications in
incorporating Such single ply roofing material and to meth an effort to reduce the number of plies or layers required
ods of installing such roofs. 4) to meet standard specifications. Such polymeric sheet ma
Built-up roof construction conventionally consists of terials have been proposed for use as flashing while cer
the application to a suitable roof deck of bituminous ce tain of these have been suggested as a useful roofing
ment, bituminous Saturated felts, top pouring materials, sheet perse or both as flashing material and roofing sheet,
and gravel or slag surfacing. The components of the built. the latter combination being especially desirable to permit
up roof System are waterproofing agents, e.g. saturants, the finishing of a roof with only a single material. Be
adhesives, or top pouring materials, reinforcing agents, e.g. cause of the rigid specifications for roofing materials the
rag, asbestos, or glass felts, and weather resistant protective polymeric materials have had varying degrees of success
Surfacings such as slag, gravel, or crushed stone. Specifica although such polymeric sheets have reduced the time
tions for a roof over a wood deck typically require one ply and materials required in roof construction. Generally,
sheathing paper, two nailed fifteen pound safurated felts, 50
the polymeric roofing sheets are of very reduced thickness
and three cemented fifteen pound saturated felts all bond. compared to the conventional multi-component built-up
ed together and topped by pitch or asphalt and a sur roof. Such reduced thickness is the basis for a number of
face covering of loose slag or gravel to protect against potential advantages in roofing applications but has also
ultraviolet light and permit foot traffic. The many steps created certain disadvantages or limitations with respect
inherent in this multi-component built-up roofing system to the use of polymeric materials as a truly single-sheet
contribute to high labor costs, primarily because of manual roofing. One such limitation has been with respect to
material handling and lengthy application times. vapor formation within the roof causing blistering or dis
Further, protective sheeting materials are commonly em tortion of the roof surface. One approach to reducing the
ployed to form waterproof seals between different parts of destructive vapor forces is the application of a vapor im
the roofing structure. Such protective sheeting materials pervious roofing sheet between the roof base and poly
are commonly known as flashing and are applied by cutting 60
meric roofing sheet. However, the requirement for such
and heat forming to the desired shape as may be required an impervious sheet material increases the number of
by the particular application. For example, the sheet may sheet layers and adhesive applications in completing the
be cut and formed about the base of a chimney, vent stack, roof and accordingly reduces the advantages and effect
roof ventilator, etc., to prevent seepage through the roof. of the polymeric sheet as a truly one-ply or single sheet
It is similarly used at the junction of the roof deck and roofing. In short, such problems have left much room
main walls. Within the structure, flashing is commonly for desired improvement in single-sheet roofing despite
used as a base mat for flooring such as ceramic tiles, etc., many various attempts at Solutions.
and also in conjunction with piping to prevent water An object of the present invention is to provide a new
Seepage through the floors and frame. Such sheet material and improved composite roofing system which consists
may also be shaped to form expansion joints between vari essentially of a porous vapor venting underlay applied be
OLIS Sections of a structure. With respect to flashing, a low the moisture impermeable roofing sheet.
3 4
Another object of the invention is to provide a roofing transmitting layer are the sole roofing material, thus elim
sheet which may be applied as a single entity and con inating the requirement for the use of various convention
sisting essentially of a water impermeable sheet and a all layers and coatings such as a vapor impervious base
porous open cell underlay. sheet between the roof base and roofing.
Another object of the invention is to provide a new The plastic sheet and open cell plastic foam underlay
and improved factory-made composite plastic sheet ma composite which comprises a preferred embodiment pro
terial adhered in combination with an open cell underlay vides a single sheet roofing material which may be em
having particularly advantageous utility as a single-ply ployed both as a single sheet roofing and a Selvage por
roofing which meets the stringent technical and economi tion thereof may be used as a flashing.
cal requirements of multi-ply built-up roof construction. O The present invention, as is apparent from the descrip
Another object is to provide a composite plastic sheet tion taken as a whole, provides a novel roofing System,
material with a layer of open cell foam adhered thereto an essential feature of which resides in the vapor venting
which composite is useful as the sole roofing membrance underlay which precludes heaving and other stresses re
over a roof deck. sulting when trapped moisture vaporizes. While the under
A further object is to provide a composite plastic sheet 5 lay described in paramount detail in the present applica
material including an open cell porous substrate which is tion comprises a flexible open cell plastic foam, it will be
useful as a single-ply roofing and which affords self apparent that any material which is open cell and permits
venting properties for moisture vapors generated between vapor pass-through and which has substantial resistance to
the roof and said composite. rotting, generally, for example materials which do not
A still further object is to provide new and improved 20 absorb moisture, may also be used, e.g. polypropylene or
roof construction based on this composite single-ply plas nylon mats or rugs.
tic roofing sheet. The plastic membrane which comprises the moisture
Other objects and advantages of the present invention impermeable roofing sheet may be compounded from
will be evident from the following description and accom any suitable synthetic plastic material suitable for use in
panying drawing in which: sheet form in roof surfacing applications Examples of
FIG. 1A is a vertical section through a roof showing such polymeric materials include chlorinated polyethylene,
applied thereon the preferred composite of plastic roofing polyvinyl chloride, chloro sulfonated polyethylene, poly
sheet in combination with an open cell plastic foam. chloroprene, polyisobutene, and polyvinyl fluoride. The
FIG. 1B depicts an alternate embodiment wherein a especially preferred polymeric material is an elastomeric
porous open cell underlay other than open cell plastic 30 chlorinated or chlorosulfonated polyethylene having
foam is utilized. chlorine content between about 25-40% by weight as
FIG. 2A and FIG. 2B are perspective views showing described in greater detail in the pending U.S. Patent Ap
preferred roof constructions at the junction of a roof base plication filed on Apr. 6, 1965, Ser. No. 446,091 having
and wall when employing the preferred composite plastic been assigned to the present assignee of record, and now
foam sheet material of the invention. 35 abandoned. The foam layer through which formed vapors
FIG. 3 is a vertical section view showing a preliminary are vented may also be prepared from any suitable Syn
stage in roof end construction when employing the roofing thetic plastic flexible foam-forming material including
system of the invention. polyurethane, chlorinated polyethylene, and polyvinyl
FIG. 4 is a vertical sectional view showing a preferred 40 chloride, preferably a polyurethane. While some advantage
roof end or eave construction upon completion of the is derived from the foam structure as such, it is im
preliminary stage shown in FIG. 3. portant that the foam joined to membrane is an open
FIG. 5 is a comparative diagram depicting the improved intercommunicating cell foam. Such open cell foam has
Crack absorption tolerance of a roofing system employing been found to provide a self-venting roof structure from a
a porous resilient underlay according to the invention. single layer roofing sheet. The roofing of the pres
ent invention, when manufactured as a prepared com
In accordance with the present invention it has been 45 posite
found that substantially increased life to roofing is pro rather than applying the membrane and underlay
vided by a composite roofing which comprises an underlay Separately on the roof, provides numerous additional fea
below the moisture impermeable surface sheet which has tures and advantages including: (1) complete factory
an open cell structure and which has substantial resil prepared-ready-to-install roofing; (2) exceptional light
iency, i.e. which resists cracking. The underlay permits 50 costweight; (3) rapid and one-step installation at substantial
vapors which are formed from moisture to permeate savings; (4) can be applied over a wide temperature
through and obviate heaving which normally occurs when need range and thus cold adhesives may be used eliminating
moisture which is trapped is vaporized. A particularly variousforroof hot asphalt, and (5) excellent conformity with
designs and slopes.
preferred composite according to the present invention is The present invention is applicable generally to built
a reinforced synthetic plastic membrane, preferably hav up roofing including non-insulated roof construction as
ing an intermediate reinforcing scrim, i.e. a reinforcing illustrated in FIGURES 1A and 1B, as well as to insulated
fabric of glass fiber, nylon or wire embedded therein, and
combined therewith a thin layer of synthetic open cell Structures illustrated in FIGURE 4. As used herein and
plastic foam or other open cell porous material joined roof base' shallclaims,
the appended the terms "roof base' and “built-up
be taken as including any portion of the
to one Surface of the reinforced plastic membrane. The 60 total built-up roof including the roof deck and lying be
composite sheeting of the invention may be no more than low the preformed plastic-foam sheet of the invention.
one-half inch in thickness and the flexible foam or other
material which is adhered thereto and which permits the The term "roof deck” as used herein and the appended
transmission of vapors is generally less than one-quarter claims shall mean for the supporting structure or founda
tion over which the total roof excluding the composite
inch in thickness, preferably as little as 0.03 to 0.15 inch but including insulation is built-up. The roof deck may
in thickness.
The roofing composite according to the invention of be any Suitable structure such as the concrete deck
impermeable Surface sheet and vapor penetrable porous shown in FIGURES 1-4, or may be of wood, e.g. ply
underlay is characterized by permitting the construction Wood, concrete, steel or other material conventionally
of roofing of markedly improved functionality and super 70 employed in the industry. In insulated structures, the roof
ior performance satisfying rigid roofing specifications. As base may also include a vapor impervious roofing sheet
a general proposition, the roofing of the invention has or barrier bonded between the insulation and roof deck
been found to offer the outstanding advantages of pro as conventional in insulated structures.
viding a less bulky yet far more effective roofing wherein Referring to FIGURE 1A of the drawing, a typical pre
only the moisture impermeable surface sheet and vapor 75 ferred roof in accordance with the invention is con
5 6
structed over a conventional concrete roof deck or foun seen that the foam portion of flashing 18 is that part only
dation 10. The composite plastic membrane-foam roofing of the flashing 18 which is vertical and begins at about
sheet 11 is bonded by a suitable adhesive 12 to the roof the intersection of the wall surface 21 and cant strip 17.
deck 10. The adhesive 12 is preferably a solvent based This arrangement prevents "wicking" or seepage of mois
synthetic plastic adhesive such as a polychloroprene resin. ture at the overlap or selvage seal at cant strip 17. The
Other suitable adhesives may be employed including bitu exposed foam surface of the flashing 18 is bonded directly
men-based cements and adhesives which may be both hot in contact with the wall surface 21 by a suitable adhesive
and cold applied. The foam surface of the composed plas layer 12. Cap flashing 22 overlaps the top of wall 16
tic membrane-foam preformed sheet, having the inter and extends over the upwardly exposed end of the con
mediate reinforcing scrim 13 which preferably is a woven O posite flashing sheet 18 in the conventional manner. The
commercial glass fabric, is laid down over the adhesive upwardly extended portion of the flashing 18 may also
layer 12 to complete the roof in a simple two-step opera be fixed to the wall 16 by suitably spaced fasteners.
tion involving the application of adhesive and a single In the embodiment shown in FIG. 2B, no separate flash
sheet of roofing. ing (corresponding to 18 in FIG. 2A) is employed; in
While the system depicted in FIG. 1A, wherein a roof stead, the composite sheet 11B is carried up over the cant
ing sheet of open pore flexible plastic foam 15 adhered strip 17B terminating in a vertical portion which is se
to a plastic membrane 11, which is manufactured as a cured as by adhesive 2B to the vertical face 21B of wall
preassembled composite, may be adhered at 12 to the 16B. FIG. 2B also depicts the use of the preferred con
roof and this offers a preferred embodiment, the invention posite sheet which comprises a glass mesh fabric 13B
also contemplates a built-up roof system. Illustrative of embedded in plastic to form the waterproof membrane
an alternate embodiment is the system shown in FIG. 1B 11B. As shown, one edge of the sheet 11B is provided
wherein a polypropylene fiber mat 15A, through which with a selvage portion 1C which omits the foam layer
moisture which may vaporize is vented, is Suitably secured 15B. This selvage portion is adhered directly to the mem
such as by nailing or by adhesive to a roof deck 10B. brane surface of the preceding composite sheet 11D, there
While a wooden deck 10B is shown, it will be apparent being no foam interposed in this joint. It is important in
that decks of other materials may likewise be used. Built applying the composite sheet that there be a membrane
up over the vapor venting layer 15A are alternate layers to membrane seal because otherwise the interposition of a
14B and 14C of a material such as felt or builders paper, porous layer (e.g. the foam) at the joint would result in
i.e. rosin paper, and layers 9 of pitch or asphalt to pro undesirable wicking or seepage of moisture (at the joint)
vide the necessary waterproof system. In this structure, ; to the roof deck through such porous layer. Also, it will
the venting layer 15A provides the necessary "outlet,” i.e. be noted that it is essential in order to have adequate
the means to vent vapors which form from moisture venting that the porous layer be substantially continuous,
present between the deck 16B and watertight layer placed i.e. so that vapors generated can be vented through the
over it, and thereby eliminates the heaving and flexing to porous layers 15 and escape such as at the places shown
this layer which would cause it to crack. Optionally, it 3 5 by the arrows and marked V.
may be desirable to add gravel on the uppermost layer of in the especially preferred embodiments of the inven
pitch or asphalt in conventional amounts. tion the foam of the composite roofing sheet 11 is an
FIGURES 2A and 2B of the drawing show typical open-communicating cell foam found to permit vapors
applications when using the roofing sheet in its preferred normally created within a roofing structure to be vented
embodiment in constructing roofs. In FIG. 2A, a junction 40 through sheet 15 (i5B in FIG. 2B) to the atmosphere
of the roof deck 10 and a wall 6 is depicted. The showing at the upwardly extending portion, i.e. the flashing 18
illustrates the dual utility of the composite sheet 1 as (FIG. 2A) and verticai terminal portion of composite
both a roofing sheet and where desired, a part of which sheet 11B in FIG. 2B. Thus, vapors generated within the
may be used as a flashing, in the manner described in roof can flow through the open cell foam structure of the
greater detail hereinafter. The sheet i is provided in main roofing sheet to the end thereof adjacent to the
rolls of suitable widths, preferably 36 inch or 48 inch wall surface. Vapors discharged from the end of the
widths, and include a selvage or border portion 1C (See sheet at the wall surface 2 (or 2B) rise upwardly into
FIG. 2B) which has no foam 15 adhered thereto and and through the open-communicating cells of the porous
which overlaps on the contiguous previously applied Strip underlay and are vented, as shows by arrows V, to the
11D. The underside of Selvage portion 11C is coated with 50 atmosphere inside surface of the cap flashing 22 (FIG.
a suitable lap adhesive so that a plastic to plastic Seal 2A) and 22B (FIG. 2B).
between membranes 14 directly, i.e. without foam inter FIGURES3 and 4 show preliminary and final stages in
mediate, is provided. A cant strip 17 is positioned in the construction of a non-walled roof end or eave when en
conventional manner between the roof deck and wall 16. ployed in the preformed plastic membrane-foam roof
In FIG. 2A, the composite roofing sheet 11 applied over 55 sheeting of the invention. For purposes of illustration, the
the roof deck 10 is continued up the cant strip 17 and insulated roof base is shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 to include
terminated at the wall 6, substantially as shown. A layer a roof deck 26 and layer of fiberboard insulation 27. As
of the adhesive 12 bonds the sheet 1 to the upper Sur shown in FIG. 3, the roof deck 26 supported on a beam
face of the cant strip 17. A strip of the composite roofing 28 and the construction includes a conventional roof end
sheet 11, which includes the Selvage portion 11C is cut to 60 piece beam 29 but having a curved outer portion 30 at the
Suitable dimensions to form the flashing 18. Flashing 18 top thereof. The preformed roofing sheet 11 is bonded to
has the selvage portion 11C of the fashing 18 bonded to the outer surface of the fiberboard 27 and roof end piece
the upper exposed surface 19 of plastic membrane of the 29 by the application of an adhesive 12. The preformed
composite sheeting 11 which lies on the canting strip 7 roofing sheet 11, whose cross-sectional structure is not
to produce a membrane to membrane bond free of foam depicted in detail but comprises a structure having a
intermediate. The selvage or foam-free portion 11C of porous underlay as described in connection with FIGS.
the flashing 18 may be bonded to the exposed membrane 1A and 1B, extends downwardly over the vertical side por
11 preferably using a suitable bonding agent such as, tion of the end piece 29 and preferably terminates at
preferably, by an adhesive. Optionally, a bonding Strip about the horizontal level of the beam 28, substantially
of a conventional bonding tape (not shown) of the kind illustrated. In the construction stage, illustrated in FIG. 4,
useful in roof construction such as mastic tape, may be the eave assembly is completed employing a conventional
used in lieu of adhesive at the selvage seal to give a mem wood nailer 31 and gravel stop 32 which are secured to
brane to membrane seal. The portion of flashing 18 which the end piece 29 and roof deck by a suitable fastener 33.
has a foam surface is disposed vertically and suitably A spacer 34 is preferably inserted between the end piece
adhered onto the surface 21 of the wall 16. It is thus 75 29 and nailer 31 to prevent nailer 31 from closing against
7 8
piece 29 and compressing the foam or other flexible and others. They may be used alone or in blends. Amounts
porous material, and thereby inhibiting the venting ability used can vary from about 2 parts to about 50 parts per
of the roofing sheet, i.e. so that the continuous passageway 100 parts by weight of the resin mixture. For black col
formed by the intercommunicating cells of the foam or ored membranes about 5 parts of carbon black is generally
other porous layer is closed. Thus, the spacer 34 assures satisfactory, while opaque membranes may be obtained
the movement around the spacers of vapors within the by use of preferably from about 28 to 38 parts by weight
foam cells downwardly in the downwardly directed verti of titanium dioxide. Small amounts of other pigments
cal portion of the roofing sheet and discharge of such may be combined with the titanium oxide to achieve pas
vapors to the atmosphere between the opposing inside sur tel shades. In addition to their primary function as color
faces of the nailer 31 and beam 28, as illustrated in FIG. O ants, pigments such as titanium oxide and carbon black
4. Similarly, the rounded portion 30 of the end piece 29 act as effective screening agents against the deteriorating
creates a space 36 thereby avoiding a pinching or cell influence of ultraviolet light and afford excellent protec
closing compression of the foam or assembly of the nailer tion for the resin. Carbon black is outstanding reinforce
31 and gravel stop 32. The roofing assembly may employ ment agent for chlorinated polyethylene resins. Pigments
a strip 37, e.g. a bonding or mastic edge, bonded to the 5 such as carbon black and iron oxide, can be used both as
upper Surface of the plastic membrane and abutting more filler and pigment where desired.
or less against the end of horizontal leg of the gravel stop The membranes employed in the roofing sheet of the
32. A layer 38 of adhesive is applied over the upper sur invention require a reinforcement or reinforcing layer
face of the horizontal leg of the gravel stop and bonding which may be provided by several suitable materials
strip 37, and a layer of flashing 39 bonded thereto. The 20 and various methods. Desirably, the reinforcement is en
flashing 39 may be any suitable or conventional flashing capsuled within the membrane plastic, preferably cen
adapted to form with the adhesive 38 and bonding strip trally thereof, such that the plastic of the membrane is
37 a waterproof construction resisting the passage of water contiguous despite the presence of the reinforcement.
between the upper surface of the roofing sheet 11 and Thus, thin separate plastic sheets are preferably used to
lower surface of the horizontal leg of the gravel stop 32. 25 form the membrane by sandwiching an intervening layer
In the plastic-foam roofing of the invention, the plastic of glass or other suitable scrim, e.g. an open weave glass
membrane may be produced from any suitable synthetic cloth supplied as “Victor S229,” using only heat and
plastic which can be compounded and combined with a pressure (laminating pressure about 80/p.s.i.; laminating
reinforcing scrim to provide a thin sheet meeting the temperature about 250 F.). Adhesives can be used as
requirements for roof surfacing application. Included 30 a sandwich if desired. Similarly, the membrane can be
among the synthetic thermoplastic materials which may used as a sandwich with a great variety of substrates,
be employed in producing the membrane are chlorinated such as asbestos felt impregnated with neoprene and
polyethylene, chlorosulfonated polyethylene, polyvinyl Masonite. The aforementioned glass scrim sandwich is
chloride, polychloroprene, polyisobutylene and polyvinyl not considered a true laminate because the fibers in the
fluoride. The membrane is highly flexible and readily open weave cloth are encapsulated by the chlorinated
passes on bending on a /8 inch mandrel. The synthetic polyethylene when heat and pressure are applied. If de
plastic membrane must have low temperature flexibility sired, the scrim may be laminated to only one sheet of
and desirably has a brittle point temperature less than plastic membrane rather than incorporating the scrim in
0° C., preferably less than minus 5° C. The more pre 40
a sandwich. The use of scrim in this manner produces
ferred synthetic plastic materials are those which can be laminates in which the plastic membrane serves as the
compounded into a sheet having such low temperature outer or upper surface of the laminate and the other
flexibility with the addition of no more than 15 parts of material serving as the under surface or backing for
plasticizer per 100 parts of resin, preferably between 0 the plastic membrane. However, in view of the encapsula
to 10 parts. Elastomeric polymers are the most preferred tion of the scrim, the demarcation of plastic membrane
resins for preparations of the membrane. Generally, the is not as distinct as, for example, when using an as
preferred membranes are further characterized by ulti bestos felt in such a lamination process.
mate elongation of at least 100%, ultimate tensile strength The foam employed in the preformed roofing sheet of
of at least 800 p.s. i., tear resistance (ASTMD 1004) of the invention may be produced from any suitable syn
at least 100 p.s. i., low water vapor transmission, and high thetic thermoplastic resin which can produce a flexible
solvent and chemical resistance. Thickness of the mem 50 foam. Examples of suitable thermoplastic materials in
brane can vary between about 4 to 75 mils, and is pref clude polyurethane, polyethylene, chlorinated polyethyl
erably 15 to 60 mils. ene, and polyvinyl chloride. The foam must be a highly
In preparation of the plastic membrane various addi flexible material readily passing on bending on a 5/8 inch
tives such as fillers, pigments, stabilizers, etc. may be em 55
mandrel. On combination with the plastic membrane, the
ployed. Fillers are generally judiciously added depending outer exposed surface of the foam is free of skin com
upon the final desired properties of membrane such as monly formed during preparation so that the foam cells
elongation, stiffness, brittle temperature, etc. Amounts of at Such surface are exposed. Thickness of the foam may
total filler and pigments may range up to as much as range generally between about 0.02 to 0.5 inch, and is
300 parts per 100 parts of resin. As little as 20 parts or preferably between 0.03 to 0.15 inch. Foams of suitable
less may be suitable depending largely on the particular 60 thickness may be prepared directly, but are preferably
synthetic resin employed and properties desired. Prefer cut or sliced from thicker section therey assuring ex
ably, the total amount of filler and pigment ranges be posure of the Surface cells. Especially excellent results are
tween about 50 to 200 parts per 100 parts of resin. Ex obtained when the foam is an open communicating cell
amples of suitable fillers which can be used in producing foam found to provide a self-venting roof structure em
the membrane include silica or silica hydrates; silicates, 65 ploying only a single sheet roofing. The more preferred
e.g. calcium or alkaline earth silicates; materials contain foam material is polyurethane. The preparation of the
ing silicates, e.g. infusorial earths, pumice, or rock or as polyurethane foams is well known as described, for ex
bestos powder; silicon carbide; sulfates or alkaline earth ample, by Saunders and Frisch, "Polyurethanes: Chemis
metals; and other fillers such as coal, graphite, cryolithe, try and Technology," part II, 1964, pages 1-192. The
asbestos fiber, sand, kaolin, calcium carbonate, ash, and more preferred polyurethane foams are produced from
textile fiber. the diisocyanates and a polyether to assure the provision
Organic and mineral pigments can be incorporated into of a polyurethane foam having optimum aging properties
the membrane. Examples are titanium dioxide, carbon
including prolonged resistance to decay in the presence
black, antimony trioxide, iron oxides, phthaloxyanines of moisture. As noted hereinabove, a variety of other
porous layers, in lieu of open cell plastic foam, may be
employed to impart crack absorption tolerance to the separately followed by adhesion thereon of the mem
roof, i.e. to prevent a rupture of the Waterproof integrity brane. Like-wise, other suitable porous underlays, such
of the membrane or other water impermeable roofing as a non-matting fibrous rug, e.g. polypropylene, may be
sheets as the roof deck expands or otherwise moves, e.g. adhered to the roof deck followed by a layer of pitch,
settles. felt, etc. as described in conjunction with FIG. 1B.
The preformed composite roofing sheet of the invention The crack absorption tolerance of the sheeting material
is preferably formed by adhesive bonding of the plastic of the invention is demonstrated by the attached diagram
membrane and a sheet of the flexible foam or other por of FIG. 5.
ous layer. A solvent-based curable polychloroprene resin Referring to the diagram drawn to show tensile force
is an example of a suitable adhesive which may be uti IO versus crank opening at 75 F., the relative superiority
lized although various other high strength adhesives, pref of the sheet which contains a porous backing is demon
erably elastomeric adhesive, may be also employed. The strated; whereas the material, i.e. conventional roofing
adhesive is preferably coated on the membrane surface felt without a resilient porous underlay (curve A) has
and the porous sheet continuously pressed lightly into a tensile failure when a crack occurs below it of about
contact with the adhesive-coated membrane between a 15 Ag'. The plastic sheet of the kind described in Example
pair of rolls. In the case of plastic foam, the resulting and employed in the invention but without the porous
composite sheet is then subjected to elevated tempera backing, has a tensile failure when a crack occurs below
tures, preferably between 120 F. to 250 F. for about it of about 5A6'. The open pore plastic foam backed sheet
4 to 5 minutes to cure the adhesive. Alternately, the material, in accordance with the teaching of the invention,
composite roof sheet may be produced by high tempera 20 has a tensile failure only after a crack of greater than %'
ture thermal bonding without an adhesive to directly join has occurred.
the foam sheet to the membrane. The roofing sheet may The test used in the foregoing comprises laminated 20'
also be produced by direct expansion of a foam-forming length of test material to two separate piece of 58' ply
composition on the plastic membrane, felt paper, etc., or wood of about one foot length. The two pieces of ply
by forming a Sandwich of foamable material between two wood were butted together at their ends to form a con
such sheets and slitting the resulting foam Sandwich to tinuous length 24' long. Overlapping the butt joint
simultaneously produce two sheets of the preformed roof were the test strips of material 20' long by 2' wide lami
19. nated to the plywood thereby leaving a 2' length at each
The thermoplastic resin which we especially prefer in end of the butted pieces serving as gripping surface. (See
forming the membrane is an elastomeric chlorinated lin 30 the schematic inset illustration on the diagram.)
ear polyethylene having chlorine content between about This assembly is pulled apart lengthwise So as to cause
25-40% by weight, a glass transition temperature of no a separation at the place where the two pieces of plywood
higher than 10 C., and a crystallinity of no greater than abut. The data at failure is recorded, i.e. the opening
10% as determined by the substantial absence of an where the pieces abutted and the point of failure under
endothermal differential thermal analysis peak at about load is recorded. Curve A uses two sheets of conventional
the melting point of the parent polyethylene. Such chlo asphalt impregnated and coated felt. Curve B uses a
Irinated polyethylene may be combined with fillers and chlorinated polyethylene laminate in which a glass fabric
stabilizers to produce particularly excellent roofing men is embedded and curve C comprises a chlorinated poly
branes which have an especially desired combination of ethylene laminate in which glass fabric is embedded and
roofing properties including weatherability, colorability, 40 upon which a thin layer of polyurethane foam underlay is
water and fire resistance, low temperature flexibility, heat, used.
light, abrasion, pressure, chemical and grease resistance, It will be apparent that in addition to this foam back
and low plasticizer requirements. A particularly preferred ing or underlay any backing material which is porous and
membrane has been found to be provided by employing preferably which resists rotting and having a character
a combination of such chlorinated polyethylenes in ac which in itself does not absorb moisture, may be substi
cordance with the hereinabove identified abandoned appli tuted for the open cell foam described hereinabove. Suit
cation of C. J. Klasen, J. J. Malone, Jr., and W. F. Chap able materials, for example, may be felted, matted, woven
man, Ser. No. 446,091, filed Apr. 6, 1965. According to or otherwise interlocking fibrous compositions. Specific
that application, the membrane is produced from a resin examples include the so-called "in-door out-door rugs
composed of a combination of a major portion, about 50 now commercially available, some of which are com
75% to 95% of a chlorinated linear polyethylene of 25 prised of polypropylene, as well as other fibers such as
40% chlorine content, a glass transition temperature of nylon, acrylic fibers and the like.
no higher than 10° C., a crystallinity of not more than Desirably, adhesives employed in the roofing system
10% as determined by differential thermal analysis, and should have a high initial tack, be quick-setting, resistant
an intrinsic viscosity between about 1.0 to 2.0 dl./gm. in to heat and moisture, have good aging characteristics, high
o-dichlorobenzene at 100° C., and a minor portion, about Solid content and be easy to apply. Three major types of
5% to 25%, of a chlorinated linear polyethylene of 30 adhesives can be employed, namely, the hot-melt type as
40% by weight chlorine content, glass transition ten exemplified by steep roofing asphalt; the water emulsion
perature no higher than 5 C., crystallinity of not more latex type; and solvent-based elastomeric compositions.
than 1%, and intrinsic viscosity between about 3.5 to 60 Examples of adhesives, by trade name and chemical com
about 4.8 dil./gm. in o-dichlorobenzene at 100 C. position are: flintkote No. 746 adhesive (rubberized
A typical construction of a single-sheet roofing System asphaltic water-based adhesive); Flintkote No. 231 ad
using for illustration the membrane-foam composite of hesive (white latex adhesive); Rubber-weld 3004 (rub
the invention, is as follows: ber-based contact adhesive); and 3M Adhesive EC 1828
An adhesive is applied over a clean dry roof deck such (a synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive in organic
as plywood, monolithic concrete, steel or other Sub Solvent). There are a vast number of various adhesives on
strates with a roller or other applicator. The membrane the market and many of them are suitable and may be
foam sheet is rolled out on the adhesive and then either chosen to meet different requirements. Asphaltic hot melts
broomed or rolled to secure proper contact, the joints can be used on all types of substrata, but for obvious
can be apped with adhesive and, if desired, sealed with reasons are suitably only for installation of black or very
tape. End portions of the preformed sheet may be dark colored membranes. Water-based adhesives require
prepared without foam for the overlapping joints. The absorbent substrata, such as wood and concrete. Contact
set-time depends on the adhesive used. Flashing is then adhesives are very satisfactory but quite difficult to handle
applied as required to finish the roof. because of the immediate strong bond which permits no
Obviously, the foam layer may be applied initially, sliding in place. The preferred adhesive is an elastomeric
solvent-based adhesive employing such as a neoprene or board of an insulated roof base employing a mopping of
chlorinated polyethylene containing curing agent, such as an adhesive composed of a 35% solids solution of 00
magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, and the like, along with parts polychloroprene, 4 parts magnesium oxide, 5 parts
antioxidant, such curing agents and antioxidants being Zinc oxide, 20 parts fibrous filler, 50 parts tackifier resins,
well-known materials. and 2 parts of an antioxidant obtained under the trade
The following example in which parts and percentages mark “Salba Special.” Observation of the installation
are by weight, is illustrative of the invention: over an extended term showed a substantial absence of
EXAMPLE 1. moisture vapor blistering which would have been nor
mally encountered in such an installation with a single
A plastic sheet was prepared in accordance with Ex v. sheet roofing not including the open cell foam.
ample 1 of copending application Ser. No. 446,091 hav Although certain preferred embodiments of the inven
ing been assigned to the present assignee of record, and tion have been disclosed for purpose of illustration; it will
now abandoned and had the following formulation: be evident that various changes and modifications may
Parts be made therein.
Chlorinated polyethylene ---------------------- 90 5 We claim:
Chlorine contents 30% . . A composite assembly consisting essentially of a
Intrinsic Viscosity=1.5 flexible web underlayer whose cross-section is charac
Crystallinity = <1% terized by interconnected porosity through which vapors
Glass transition temperature= <-10 C. present there are freely vented and selected from the
Chlorinated polyethylene --------------------- O 20 group consisting of layers of synthetic plastic foam and
Chlorine content=40% pervious layers of fibrous fabrics whose fibers are sub
Intrinsic Viscosity=4.0 stantially resistant to water absorption, in combination
Crystallinity = <1% with
Glass transition temperature= <-10 C. a covering layer which is characterized by its im
Epoxide 2011 (3,4-epoxy-6-methylcylcyclomethyl 25 permeability to moisture adhered continuously on
3,4-epoxy-6-methylcyclohexane carboxylate) -- 3 the upper surface of said underlayer,
Ionol. 1 (2,6-Di-tertiary butyl-4-methylphenol) ---- said composite being laminated unto a unitary structure
Pentaerythritol ------------------------------ 1. which is handled as a single sheet and wherein the
Carbon black ------------------------------- 3 covering layer is a glass-reinforced chlorinated poly
Dioctyl phthalate ---------------------------- 6.4 30 ethylene membrane and wherein the underlayer is
Atomite (calcium carbonate) ------------------ 150 an open cell plastic foam comprising polyurethane
adhered to said membrane and
1 Registered Trademarks. wherein the unitary structure has a selvage edge portion
The above composition was formed into a sheet by on the membrane on which the underlayer is omitted,
first blending in a Henschel mixer, masticating in a Ban 35 said composite being in combination with a roof deck
bury at about 320 F. compound temperature, sheeting to which said underlayer is secured with the Selvage
on a Farrell rubber mill at 330–335 F. roll temperature edge overlapping and sealed to a contiguous strip of
and finally calendering on an inverted L four-roll unit membrane, said selvage edge extending only over
(manufactured by the Farrell Corporation of Ansonia, portions of said contiguous Strip having foan ad
Connecticut). Sheet thickness was 24 mils. 40 hered thereto, to provide a substantially uninter
An open weave glass scrim (Victor S229) was sand rupted foam layer between said roof deck and said
wiched between 2 layers of the chlorinated polyethylene membrane through which vapors generated between
membrane of Example 1 using a temperature of 150° C. said roof deck and said membrane are vented to
and a pressure of 80 pounds per square inch. The result the atmosphere at the peripheral ends of said foam
ing sandwich was 24 mils thick and was a truly single-ply layer.
membrane with the scrim completely encapsulated with 2. A composite assembly in the form of sheets lami
in the chlorinated polyethylene such that the resin was nated into a unitary structure consisting essentially of:
contiguous within the weave openings. an underlayer comprising an open-communicating cell
A sheet of flexible open-communicating cell poly flexible strata of synthetic plastic foam whose cross
urethane foam was prepared by expansion of a foam- : section is characterized by interconnected porosity
forming composition having the following formulation: through which vapors present therein are freely
44.6 parts toluene discoyanate; 100 parts of polyoxy vented, in combination with a covering layer of a
propylene triol obtained under the trademark designa flexible, synthetic plastic, glass fiber-reinforced sheet
tion “Actol' 31-56 Triol; 10 parts of fluorotrichloro membrane with a selvage edge portion on the mem
methane obtained under the trademark designation 5 5 brane on which the underlayer is omitted, said mem
“Genetron' 11; 1.5 parts of a silicone oil-glycol copoly brane being characterized by its impermeability to
mer as silicone emulsifier; 1.0 part of an amine catalyst moisture and being adhered continuously on the
contained under the trademark designation "Dabco' 33 upper surface of said underlayer.
LV; 0.3 part of stannous octoate as catalyst; and 3.5 3. A composite in accordance with claim 2 in which
parts of water. Sufficient foam-forming formulation was 60 the membrane is composed of an elastomeric thermo
laid down to produce a foam of substantial thickness plastic material.
from which there was cut with spaced hot wires a sheet 4. A composite in accordance with claim 2 in which
having a thickness of only about 0.10 inch. The thin foam the membrane is composed of chlorinated polyethylene.
sheet was then bonded to the scrim reinforced chio 5. A composite in accordance with claim 2 in which
rinated polyethylene membrane by coating one surface the plastic foam is polyurethane.
of the membrane with an aromatic solvent-based curable 6. A composite assembly which is handled as a single
butadiene-acrylonitrile adhesive obtained under the sheet laminated into a unitary structure consisting essen
designation 566-1 Heat Seal Adhesive from Clifton Ad tially of a flexible web underlayer, said underlayer being
hesive, Inc. and then pressing one surface of the thin an open cell plastic foam comprising polyurethane and
flexible polyurethane sheet in contact therewith. The as O being characterized by interconnected porosity through
sembly and bond between the membrane and foam were which vapors present therein are freely vented, in com
completed by curing of the adhesive at a temperature bination with
of 180° F. for 1 minute. a covering layer which is a glass-reinforced chlorinated
The preformed membrane-foam sheet was supplied in polyethylene membrane characterized by its in
a roof application being bonded directly to the fiber 75 permeability to moisture
3 4.
said covering layer being adhered continuously on 3,300,927 1/1967 Bettoli ----------- 52-309
the upper surface of said underlayer. 3,354,020 1 1/1967 Copeland ------- 161-160 XR
7. The composite of claim 6 wherein the unitary struc- FOREIGN PATENTS
ture has a selvage edge portion on the membrane on
which the underlayer is omitted. 5 712,301 6/1965 Canada.
8. The composite of claim 2 in combination with a OTHER REFERENCES
roof deck to which said underlayer is secured so that Ruberoid Advertisement: “American Roofer and
vapors generated between said roof deck and said com- Building Contractor,” October 1962, p. 14.
posite are vented freely through the open cell foam to
the atmosphere. l0 FRANK L. ABBOTT, Primary Examiner
References Cited PRICE C. FAW, JR., Assistant Examiner
3,002,868 10/1961 Boivin ----------- 161-160 X U.S. C. X.R.
3,094,447 6/1963 Chamberlain ------ 52-309 X lis 52-58, 96, 273; 156-71; 161-160

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