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Client Name - : Axelia Solutions PVT LTD - PP0564

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ID : 148428 Collection : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name _ : Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -

Name Received : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564

Age : 29 years Reported —: 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai

Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

Complete Blood Count; CBC

Erythrocytes (Whole Blood

Hemoglobin (Hb) 12.4 gm/d 12.0 - 15.0
Erythrocyte (RBC) Count 4.46 mil/cu.mm 3.8-4.8
PackedCell Volume (PCV) 38.1 % 36 - 46
MeanCell Volume (MCV)* 85.6 fl 83-101
Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH) 27.9 pg 27 - 32
Mean Corpuscular Hb Concn. (MCHC) 32.6 gm/dL 31.5 - 34.5
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) 13.9 % 11.6 - 14.0

RBC Morphology

Leucocytes (whole, Blood)

Total Leucocytes (WBC) Count 6400 cell/cu.mm 4000-10000
Neutrophils 60 % 40 - 80
Lymphocytes 29 % 20-40
Monocytes 4 % 2-10
Eosinophils 6 % 1-6
Basophils 1 % 1-2

Absolute Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count 3.8 * 1049/L, 2.0-7.0
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 1.8 * 10°9/L 1-3
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.3 * 1049/L 0.2-1.0
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.4 * 1049/L 0.0-0.5
Absolute Basophils Count 0.1 * 1049/L, 1-2
WBC Within normal limits

Platelets (Whole, Blood

Platelet Count 244 10*3/ul 150 - 410
MeanPlatelet Volume (MPV) 99 fl 7.2-11.7
Platelet Morphology Adequate on smear
PCT 0.242 % 0.2-0.5
PDW 16.9 % 9.0 - 17.0

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ID : 148428 Collection : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -
Name Received: 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564
Age :29 years Reported : 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai
Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF Ill IU0 | Ill

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

Tests done on Automated Five Part Cell Counter. (WBC, RBC,Platelet count by impedance method, colorimetric method for Hemoglobin, WBCdifferentialby flow cytometry using laser
technologyother parameters are calculated). All Abnormal Haemogramsare reviewedconfirmed microscopically.

HbA1c (Glycosylated Haemoglobin)

Glyco Hb (HbA1C) 5.6 % Non-Diabetic: <=5.6

(HPLC) Pre Diabetic:5.7-6.4
Diabetic: >=6.5
Estimated Average Glucose: 114.02 mg/dL. -
1. HbA1C has beenendorsedbyclinical groups and American Diabetes Association guidelines 2017 for diagnosing diabetes using a cut
off point of 6.5%
Low glycated haemoglobinin a nondiabetic individual are often associated with systemicinflammatory diseases, chronic anaemia

(especially severe irondeficiency and haemolytic), chronic renalfailure andliver diseases. Clinical correlation suggested.
In knowndiabetic patients, following values can be considered as a toolfor monitoring the glycemic control.

Excellent control-6-7 %
Fair to Goodcontrol — 7-8 %
Unsatisfactory control — 8 to 10 %
Poor Control — More than 10 %

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ID : 148428 Collection : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name _ : Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -
Name Received: 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564
Age :29 years Reported : 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai
Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF Ill IU0 | Ill

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range


Creatinine, Serum

Creatinine 0.67 mg/dL. 0.51 - 0.95

(Alkaline Picrarate-Kinetic)

Triglycerides, Serum

Triglycerides 104.90 mg/dL Normal: < 150

(Serum, Enzymatic, endpoint) Borderline High: 150-199
High: 200-499
Very High: >= 500

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ID : 148428 Collection: 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name _: Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -
Name Received: 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564
Age : 29 years Reported —: 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai
Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF
Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Ultrasensitive

TSH Ultra 4.678 plU/mL 0.34 - 5.6

(CLIA) 1sttrimester - 0.1-2.5yIU/mL
2nd trimester - 0.2-3y1U/mL
3rd trimester - 0.3-3yIU/mL.

1. Serum TSH concentrations exhibit a diurnal variation with the peak occurring during the night.

2. Useful for:Screeningforthyroid dysfunction and detecting mild (subclinical), as well as overt, primary hypo- or hyperthyroidism in
ambulatory patients.
3. Monitoring patients on thyroid replacementtherapy.
4. Confirmationof thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)suppressionin thyroid cancerpatients on thyroxine suppression therapy.
5.Predictionof thyrotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated TSH response.

Insulin, Fasting

Insulin-Fasting * ulU/ml 1.9 - 23.0

(Serum-F, CLIA)
Increased Insulin Level Decreased Insulin Level

Conditions associated with beta-cell destruction: Post

Increased insulin resistance: Obesity, Steroid administration,
pancreatectomy,Chronic pancreatitis, Autoimmune destruction,
Acromegaly, Cushing syndrome, Insulin receptor mutation, Type 2
Type1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes(late stage). Beta cells
diabetes (early
fail to secrete insulin for maintainingthe bloodglucoselevel, owing
to insulin resistance & Genetic defects.
Increasedinsulin secretion: insulinoma,
Administration of insulin secretagogues.
Decreasedinsulin excretion: Severe liver
disease, Severe heart failure, Autoimmunityto insulin or insulin

Vitamin B12; Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin B12-Cyanocobalamin 158 pg/ml Normal 180 - 914

(Serum, CLIA) Indeterminate 145 -180
Deficient < =145

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ID : 148428 Collection : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -
Name Received: 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564
Age :29 years Reported : 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai
Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF Ill IU0 | Ill

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

Vitamin B12 is a coenzymethatis involved in very important metabolic functionsvital to normalcell growth and DNA synthesis. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to megaloblastic.
anemia and ultimately to severe neurological problems. The most commoncauseis a defect in the secretion ofintrinsic factor, resulting in inadequate vitamin B12 absorptionfrom foods
This condition is called pernicious anemia and is most commonin people over age 50. Other causes ofvitamin B12 deficiency are gastrectomy, malabsorption dueto surgical resections,
and a variety of bacterial orinflammatory diseasesaffecting the smallintestine. Elevated levels of vitamin B12 have been associated with pregnancy, the use oforal contraceptives and
multivitamins, andin myeloproliferative diseases such as chronic granulocytic leukemia and myelomonocytic leukemia. Anelevated vitamin B12 levelinitself has not been knownto
cause clinical problems.

Vitamin D, 25 - Hydroxy

Vitamin D (25 - Hydroxy) 13.00 ng/mL. Deficiency: < 20

(Serum, CLIA) Insufficiency: 20 - 30
Sufficiency: 30 100
1. Vitamin is a fat soluble vitamin and exists in two main forms cholecalciferol "(vitamin D3)" which is synthesized in skin from
7-dehydrocholesterol in responseto sunlight exposure & Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) present mainlyin dietary sources. Both
cholecalciferol & Ergocalciferol are converted to 25(OH) vitamin D in liver.
2. Testing for 25(OH) vitamin D is recommended as it is the bestindicatorof vitamin D nutritional status as obtained from sunlight
exposure & dietray"intake". "Diagnosisof vitamin D deficiency hasclinical correlation with serum 25(OH) vitamin D, serum calcium,
serum PTH, and serum alkaline phosphatase.”

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ID : 148428 : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM Client Name _ : Axelia Solutions Pvt Ltd -
Name : 14/06/19, 07:11 PM PP0564
Age : 29 years : 14/06/19, 08:40 PM Client Address : Mumbai

Gender : Female Ref. Doctor : SELF

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

Urine Examination-Routine

Urine Examination-Routine

General Examination (Urine

Volume 50 mi
Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow
Transparency(Appearance) Slightly Hazy Clear
Deposit Absent Absent
Reaction(pH) 6.0 45-8
Specific Gravity 1.030 1.010 - 1.030

Chemical Examination (Automated Di k Method) Urine

Urine Glucose (sugar) Absent Absent
Urine Protein (Albumin) Absent Absent
Urine Ketones (Acetone) Absent Absent
Blood Absent Absent
Bile salts Absent Absent
Bile pigments Absent Absent
Nitrite Positive Negative
Urobilinogen Normal Normal
Microscopic ExaminationUrine
Pus Cells (WBCs) 3-4 Inpf 0-5
Epithelial Cells 4-6 Inpf 0-4
RedbloodCells Absent Inpf Absent
Crystals Absent Absent
Cast Absent Absent
Trichomonas Vaginalis Absent Absent
YeastCells Absent Absent
Amorphous deposits Absent Absent
Bacteria Present(++) Absent


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