Classroom Observation Project: Circle One Age Group/grade: 4-5
Classroom Observation Project: Circle One Age Group/grade: 4-5
Classroom Observation Project: Circle One Age Group/grade: 4-5
Centers materials:
Roleplay Area:
1. dress up clothes
2. kitchen
3. dolls
4. table
5. pillows
6. accessories
Reading center:
1. a table
2. journals
3. books
4. pillows
5. beanbag chairs
Art Center/math center:
1. scissors
2. pencils
3. paint
4. paper
5. containers
6. things for sorting
7. a table and chair
8. easel
Circle Time:
1. Lily pads for children to sit in
2. A couch for the teacher to sit on
1. Books
2. Table
3. Shelves
4. More blocks
Classroom rules (specific objective observations of posted rules as and/or how children are
reminded of rules)
Classroom rules: Be respectful, helpful, kind, sitting, listening, looking.
1. After the children had came from outside they were asked to sit in circle time, and each
kid sat in circle time and she reminded them about listening and they all became quiet
and they began circle time .
Teacher Interactions (Specific objective observations of how teacher interacts with children
during regular activities/lessons)
1. During circle time the teacher sang a song with the students and had each student say each
others name which seemed like a form of roll call, during this time she noticed a student
was absent and said they would wait while they sang the song for him to come in, and then
after they were finished he came into the classroom.
2. During the center times there was a teacher who was rolling these toy cars down these
blocks with the student and he told them lets see which car can go faster.
Guidance Techniques (Specific objective observations of the teacher utilizing guidance)
1. There was a little boy who was playing with a ball and he started to throw the ball
inside the classroom and the teacher told him to roll the balls instead and then we can
throw them outside.
2. There was also a child who was playing with different colored bears and one of the
teachers was helping her sort them out by color.
*E. EVALUATION (15 points)
1. I think this is appropriate because in the DAP book it says that “teachers are warm, caring and
responsive, they make it a priority to know every child and family well and build a relationship
with each of them.”page: 150 And this would work for how the teacher waited a little while
during the roll call for that student that was late.
2. Also according to the DAP book “Teachers talk often and warmly with every child, getting to
know children, building positive relationships with them and gathering information about them”
page:156 I believe this works because the teacher redirected the child without yelling at him,
instead she was warm and calm with him.
3. I think that engaging with the students was also appropriate because according to DAP on
page 150 “Teachers actively seek to ensure that all children, including children with special
needs are included in the social relationships. Play, and learning experiences of the classroom.: