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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering

Volume 1 Issue 2

Effect of Shear Wall in Dual Structural System of Tall Buildings:

An Overview

Pradeep Pawar, Sarvesh K Jain

Department of Civil Engineering, MITS Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
E-mail: pradeeppawarmits@gmail.com, sarvkjain@gmail.com

The use of dual structural system having shear wall has become prominent in earthquake
resistant design of tall buildings owing to its excellent performance during past earthquakes.
Use of basement and ground floor for parking and garage purposes has become a common
practice, which requires a structurally sound system to resist the seismic forces induced
during an earthquake or wind forces and in such situations shear wall proves to be a
promising element in resisting the lateral loads. This paper intends to present an overview of
various research works carried out on dual structural system having shear walls.

Keywords: Shear wall, tall buildings, dual structural system, base shear, story drift,
structural cost, lateral loads

INTRODUCTION of the building. However, it may also be

The necessary earthquake resistant curtailed at intermediate height. Shear
capacity in a tall building can be achieved wall is able to resist combination of shear,
by providing adequate stiffness, strength moment and axial load induced by lateral
and ductility and shear wall provides an load and gravity load transferred to it
optimum means of achieving the basic through other structural members. For
criteria of design [1]. Shear wall is an buildings over 30 stories, shear wall has
element which act as a vertical cantilever been an essential element to ensure
used generally in multi storied building to economy and minimize the lateral
resist lateral forces like wind, storm, and deflection [1]. When shear wall is used
earthquake. Those walls are in general along with moment resisting frame in a
continuous element starting from the structure it is called dual structural system
foundation and go up to the highest point and in this system the loads are resisted by

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

both frame and shear wall. Contribution of Failures in Shear Wall

wall in resisting overturning moments, Seismic response of a multi-storeyed
storey shear forces and storey shear building generally depends upon the
depends upon geometric configuration, distribution of mass, stiffness and strength
materials used, orientation and location in horizontal and longitudinal direction of
within the plane of the building [1]. Shear the building. In earthquake resistant
wall may be classified into various types structural design of a building the main
like short or tall wall and slender or squat focus is laid upon providing structural
wall on the basis of aspect ratio; safety against lateral load in order to avoid
reinforced, steel plate, plywood, mid ply total collapse of the building during an
or masonry shear wall on the basis of used earthquake. As per the past experiences
material; deep straight walls, U shaped following are the failures observed in RC
walls or box shaped walls on the basis of shear walls [1]:-
shape. 1. Failures due to plastic hinge formation
which takes place over a region
Action of Shear Wall in Resisting Loads (normally at the base of the wall) due
Use of shear wall provides an efficient to excessive cracking of concrete and
solution to stiffen a structural system of a yielding of steel.
building as it increases the rigidity against 2. Shear failure of the wall due to
lateral load of the building. Shear wall following five different modes:-
increases significantly the stiffness and a. Shear failure from plastic hinge action.
strength of the building in the direction of b. Crushing due to diagonal compression.
its orientation. This results in marked c. Tensile failure of vertical steel.
reduction in lateral sway of the building. d. Crushing of concrete due to vertical
Generally, the shear wall transfers the load compression.
to the next element below it in the load e. Sliding shear failure along horizontal
path. It helps in reducing the side sway of cracks.
above members like roof or floor. It also
prevents the floor and roof framing ANALYTICAL METHODS
members from moving off their supports In view of being critical element for
when they are stiffened enough and also earthquake resistant design of tall
reduces the non structural damages [2]. buildings, large number of studies has
been made for looking into various aspects

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

of shear wall and comparing it with other in 20 stories and it is more economical
alternative. N. F. El-Leithy et al. studied than rigid frame; (iii) Shear wall frame
various structural systems and tried to interactive system is more conservative for
suggest a structural system for different heights up to 20 stories and is
building heights, suitable for limiting the recommended in the range of 30 to 40
wind drift to acceptable limits considering stories (105 m to 140 m); (iv) Outrigger
the economy of the structural system [3]. system is suitable in the range of 20 to 60
Design considerations were made stories (70 m to 210 m) for which it is the
according to ACI 318-05(American most economical structure; (v) Tubular
Code). ETAB software was used for 3D system is suitable in the range of 30 to 70
modelling and analysis which was also stories (105 m to 245 m) and it is the
verified manually. Comparisons were stiffest system as compared to other
made for various structural systems viz. 1) systems.
rigid frame (consisting of beams and
columns), 2) Shear wall/ central core P.S. Kumbhare, A.C. Saoji carried out a
(consists of vertical stiffening element), 3) comparative study to find the effectiveness
Wall-frame interacting (combination of of reinforced concrete shear wall in
shear walls and rigid frame), 4) Outrigger medium rise buildings [4]. Five different
System (outriggers connected directly to models used for the study were: - 1) Bare
core and exterior column), 5) Tubular frame without shear wall, 2) Dual type
System (rigid diaphragm connected to structural system with one wall on each
exterior and interior tubes). Comparison side, 3) Shear wall at corner, 4) Interior
was made with respect to consumption of shear wall and 5) Shear wall at all sides in
concrete, natural periods of structure, base corner. Beams and columns were
shear values and wind drift. Author modelled as two noded beam elements
suggested increasing the size of the with six degree of freedom at each node.
member in a cost effective way if lateral Equivalent static analysis (or linear static
wind drift in any storey exceeds allowable analysis) was performed on models to
limit. They concluded that (i) rigid frame obtain the values of various parameters
system is suitable up to 20 stories or 70 viz. shear force, bending moment,
metre height; (ii) In the case of building displacement, storey shear and storey drift.
with shear wall/central core, the wind drift The authors found that dual structural
is slightly more than the allowable limits systems have lesser values for the design

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

parameters as compared to bare frame. made on lateral deformation and Von

They concluded that dual structural system mises stress for discrete reinforcement and
having shear wall are very effective in smeared reinforcement, the author
resisting lateral forces induced by observed that the lateral deformation and
earthquake but bare frame system can also von mises were almost matching in the
be used for medium rise buildings in high two cases. Hence, author proposed to use
seismic zones from the economical point discrete reinforcement detailing for the
of view. dynamic analysis.

N Sivakumar et al. discussed the Sangani, G.I Prajapati carried out a

possibilities of modelling reinforcement detailed analysis and design as per
detailing of reinforced concrete shear wall provisions of IS codes for three types of
models in practical use to describe buildings having same plan, geometry and
behaviour of composite reinforced aspect ratio namely 1) Special moment
concrete material [5]. Shear wall was resisting frames (SMRF), 2) Combination
modelled on ANSYS using solid 65 of SMRF and shear wall at the corners and
elements (Eight noded solid elements 3) Combination of SMRF and shear wall
capable of cracking and crushing) in two at the centre of outer frame [6]. The values
ways. 1) Shear wall with discrete of lateral displacement, story drift and
reinforcement property and 2) Shear wall time period were obtained. The authors
with smeared reinforcement property, both also estimated the structural cost of the
subjected to in plane static loading. Solid beams, columns and shear wall (Excluding
65 element capable of predicting failure of slab, Scaffolding, labour, foundation
brittle materials and LINK 8 element costs) and compared the cost of 3
(uniaxial tension-compression element), buildings on the basis of steel used (in
capable of plastic deformation, stress kgs) and concrete used (in cubic metre).
stiffening and large deflection were used They considered seismic zone IV and type
to investigate the stress along the 1 soil (rock or hard soil) for foundation.
reinforcement. Non linear finite element Analysis was carried out in SAP 2000
analysis of models under static loading using various load combination and
was carried out to obtain lateral designed accordingly. The shear wall was
deformation (or deformed shape) and Von modelled by shell element. On the basis of
mises stress. On the basis of comparison the comparison, authors concluded that the

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

Type 1 building is having highest shear wall and shear wall can be curtailed
structural cost and Type 3 is having least at 60% height from the base of the
structural cost. But Type 2 building is building for almost all heights without
having least lateral displacement and much affecting the lateral load resisting
storey drift as compared to others. capacity of the frame.

R.S. Malik et al. studied the seismic Uttamasha Gupta et al. compared the
response of the framed structure with behaviour of multi-storey buildings 1)
curtailment of shear walls (provided at the having flat slab with drops and 2) having 2
outermost frame panels) and effect of way slabs with beams, in order to study
height on such curtailments [7]. The the effect of shear wall on the performance
author considered 3 buildings having of these two types of building under
regular plan with varying number of seismic forces [8]. Generally, the structure
storeys viz. 10, 20 and 30 storeys. The having flat slabs are more vulnerable to
analysis was done by 3D models in seismic forces because of their more
STAAD for shear wall up to 50% building flexibility in comparison with rigid frame
height to shear wall up to full height, structure having beams, columns and two
increasing the height in steps of 10% of way slabs. Six cases of the multi-storied
total building height respectively. The buildings having shorter and larger plan
analysis was carried out as per IS–1893: geometry with varying storey heights were
2002(Part-I) to compute the storey shear, considered and for all the cases three
lateral displacement and Inter storey drift models viz. 1) Beam column frame, 2)
for various models. They concluded that Beam column frame with two way slabs
the outermost frame with shear wall and 3) Column frame having flat slabs
attracts more storey shear due to with drops were analyzed using STAAD-
earthquake forces because of higher lateral Pro by providing rigidity at various floors.
stiffness and the share is more for medium They compared the response parameters
height buildings of about 20 storeys which such as lateral displacement and storey
gets reduced with decrease in the height of drift for all 3 models and concluded that
frame (10 storey) and slightly more the drift values are more in frame having
reduced with increase in frame height (30 flat slabs with drops in shorter plan while
storey). Storey shear taken by shear wall- drift values are lower in larger plans and
frame also get reduced with curtailment of for all the cases the drift values show

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

maximum value lying somewhere near the ETAB software [10]. The models chosen
middle storey. Also the presence of shear for the studies were 1) bare frame model,
wall in larger plans compensates the 2) shear wall at centre only, 3) shear wall
column reinforcement but not in smaller at centre and outer edge parallel to X
plans. direction, 4) shear wall at centre and outer
edge parallel to Y direction, 5) shear wall
Varsha R. Harne studied the performance at centre and at outer edges parallel to X &
of shear wall at different location in a six- Y direction both. They compared the
storied building [9]. STAAD-Pro was used parameters like storey drift, base shear and
to model and analyse four different displacement by using two different
models 1) structure without shear wall 2) methods of analysis i.e., (i) equivalent
structure with L type shear wall 3) static method and (ii) response spectrum
structure with shear wall along periphery method. On the basis of analysis carried
and 4) structure with cross type shear wall. out by the two methods, authors observed
The author compared the response of that the presence of shear wall
models on the basis of parameters namely significantly affects the seismic response
lateral deflection, shear force and bending behaviour of the frame structure and
moment. It was observed that the model increases its strength and stiffness. They
having L-type shear wall underwent concluded that model 5 is having
minimum lateral deflection as compared to maximum base shear, minimum lateral
others for the most critical load displacement and minimum storey drift as
combination of 1.5 DL+ 1.5 EQX. The compared to rest of the models. They
bending moment was found to be suggested that the best location for the
maximum for fourth model as compared wall is to place it at outer edges parallel to
to other models. Author also observed that both X & Y directions.
deflection at top gets reduced for second
model which also observed to be more P.P Chandurkar, P.S Pajgade carried out
efficient in resisting lateral forces as the seismic analysis of four different
compared to others. models of a ten story reinforced concrete
building assuming each of these models to
Shahzad, Umesh studied a 25 storey be located in zone II, zone III, and zone V
building with five different locations of [11]. The four models were 1) bare framed
shear wall and analyzed the models by structure, 2) dual system with one shear

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

wall on each side, 3) dual system with the decrements of the ductility of bracing
shear wall on corner with L= 4.5 m, and elements which is under axial loads in the
4) dual system with shear wall on corner conceptual design of building and
with L= 2 m. Authors used ETAB concluded that a level of ductility for
software for analyzing each of the four seismic bracing system should be utilized
models. They calculated various for energy absorption and also for
parameters like lateral displacement, providing more level of ductility.
storey drift and estimated the costing of Confinement of concrete should be
single floor for all the four models. On the provided in shear wall in order to get more
basis of comparative study they concluded stable behaviour.
that 1) if the position of shear wall is
changed it will affect the attraction of Misam & Magulkar studied the
forces, so that wall must be in proper performance of soft storey at lower level
position. 2) Horizontal forces resisted by in high rise buildings and also investigated
shear wall increases with increase in the effect of adding shear wall for
dimension of shear wall. 3) Providing reducing soft storey effect on the seismic
shear walls at proper locations response of building [13]. Four different
substantially reduces the displacements models were considered 1) bare frame
caused by earthquake vibration. 4) Shear model without shear wall, 2) shear wall–
walls results into economical and effective frame building with shear wall at exterior
design of high rise buildings. panel along one horizontal direction, 3)
shear wall-frame building with shear wall
O. Esmaili et al. considered a tall building at corners and 4) shear wall-frame
of 56 stories located in high seismic zone building with shear wall at centre.
and studied the structural aspects of the Modelling was done in SAP 2000
building [12]. The author considered software and both linear and non-linear
overall torsion, construction sequence and analysis were carried out to compare the
time dependent defects to assess the parameters like shear force, bending
special aspects of the tower and its seismic moment, stiffness and displacement in two
load bearing system in which shear wall horizontal directions. The authors
system with irregular openings were observed that the shear force and bending
utilized under both lateral and gravity moment was considerably reduced in
loads. The author suggested considering shear wall-frame models as compared to

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

bare frame model. When shear walls were with an increase in stability minimum
used at corners, displacement and story thickness to prevent buckling of shear wall
drift was considerably reduced. The author is decreased.
concluded that the large opening in the
lowest floor which was reducing the Venkatesh S.V, H. Sharada Bai considered
stiffness as compared to the stiffness at the two different system for a 10 storey
storey above, shear wall is a help to building viz. 1) basic moment resisting
eliminate seismic failure of soft story in framed structure and 2) framed structure
high rise building and use of shear wall provided with two different types of shear
also provide efficiency in retrofitting of wall (internal and external) to study the
structures on the consideration of level of effect of shear wall and its orientation
operation and safety with minimum through various parameters like maximum
requirements. joint displacement, support reaction,
column forces, beam forces principle
Venkata Sairam Kumar N et al. carried stresses and shear stress [15]. They
out a study to observe the effect of change conducted linear static analysis to obtain
in height and length of the shear wall, above parameters. They observed that the
keeping the thickness as constant [14]. structure having shear wall with square
The building had same plan and varied column gives better performance than the
height and assumed to be located in rectangular column having different
various seismic locations for varying orientations under lateral loads and
heights of the building. The authors concluded that (i) thickness of shear wall
carried out the analysis using Resist does not have much effect on decreasing
software for a building under lateral of shear stresses and (ii) interior shear wall
loading and considered both wind and is more effective when compared to
earthquake load for analysis. The author external shear walls.
observed that the length of the shear wall
increases linearly with the increase in Kaustubh Dasgupta considered a structural
height of the building. The graph for base wall of a 5 storey building having
shear was observed to vary linearly and symmetrical plan and studied the effect if
for base moment it is in power equation the walls are provided with (i) linear
pattern, as the base area increases the tapered and (ii) curvilinear taper below
stability of the building also increases and ground level and carried out elastic finite

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

element analysis using SAP 2000 [16]. irregularly in low rise building frames
Author investigated each one for two [18]. The authors considered 38 models of
different cases of soil contact i.e., full buildings having different irregular
contact and partial contact of footing. arrangement of shear walls and carried out
After complete analysis, author compared both Eigen value and static analysis
parameters like deflection and shear stress against the lateral forces. The values of
contours and concluded that the deformations obtained were divided into 3
curvilinear tapered walls give better shear separate components i.e., flexural
distribution as the stress is reduced with deformations, shear deformation and rigid
increase in the height of the taper. They body rotation and on the basis of this
suggested changing the height of taper in along with lateral shears carried by the
order to change the location of damage walls, values of lateral stiffness-flexure,
which is the D-region or disturbed region shear and rotational rigidities were
(end regions of wall which get irregular determined and compared. The results
stress distribution and flow of forces) in obtained by simple practical methods with
shear wall. the values obtained through above analysis
considering exact stiffness matrices. They
M.S. Medhekar, Sudhir K. Jain carried observed that the shear and flexural
out an extensive study of the codes of rigidities can be evaluated by simple
other countries on design and detailing of practical equation as their values are not
RC shear wall and presented an example much affected by the different
of design and detailing of shear wall for a arrangement of shear wall and are constant
two storey building [17]. On the basis of throughout the height of the building.
the study, authors recommended various Further the shear wall arrangement pattern
provisions for shear strength requirements, impacts the rotational deformations to a
flexural strength, boundary elements and greater extent. It was concluded that the
reinforcement around openings which values of lateral displacement, member
were not incorporated at that time by forces, fundamental period of vibration
Indian standards. and modal participation function can be
evaluated approximately using lateral
K. Yoshimura, K. Kikuchi studied the stiffness of the walls obtained from simple
convenient methods for evaluation of practical methods.
lateral stiffness of RC shear wall arranged

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

S. Greeshma, K.P. Jaya carried out a wall, 2) having braces and 3) having a
detailed study of various reinforcement combination of shear wall and braces for
detailing generally adopted for the shear 10, 15, 20 storey building. Dynamic
wall and slab connection [19]. The analysis was carried out using STAAD-
objective was to find an optimum Pro to obtain and compare the
connection detailing between shear wall fundamental time period, lateral
and slab. Author considered a six storey displacement, lateral stiffness and storey
RCC building having shear wall located in shear. Authors concluded that change in
seismic Zone III and founded on medium location of the lateral load resisting
soil. They carried out three-dimensional element does not affect the fundamental
non linear finite element analysis of the time period. Shear wall and braces
shear wall-slab connection in ANSYS improved the seismic response of the dual
software considering three different structural system and the combination of
seismic loading of El Centro, Northridge braces at the outer bay and shear wall at
& Loma Prieta type. Three types of the middle bay was the most effective
connection 1) 90 degree bent at the arrangement for greater lateral load
connection 2) 45 degree cross resistance.
reinforcement and 3) hook bars type of
connection were used and time history Prasad Ramesh investigated the
analysis was carried out respectively. The performance of shear wall on sloping
authors evaluated the shear force, bending ground and effect of positions of shear
moments and axial forces around the wall walls [21]. For this author modelled four
slab interface for different load different models of G+7 storied building
combinations and concluded that the Shear having two shear walls on the sloping side
wall- diaphragm connection with hook is and two on the other side of the building.
more efficient under the action of lateral The four models were:- 1) Bare frame
loads as compared to other two. structural system, 2) Dual structural
system having all the shear wall towards
S.K. Madan et al. studied the response of the shorter column of the building at
the combination of the braces and shear corners, 3) Dual structural system having
wall in dual structural system [20]. They all shear wall towards longer columns, 4)
carried out a detailed analysis and design Dual structural system having shear wall
of three structural systems 1) having shear symmetrically arranged in plan. Author

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

modelled slab and shear wall using shell  Shear walls can be used in resisting
element in SAP 2000 software and carried both lateral loads and gravity loads in
out Response spectrum analysis to obtain tall buildings as well as in medium rise
displacement, storey drift, and maximum buildings.
forces in four interior columns of a panel  Dual structural system with shear wall
and observed that the location of shear is more economical and efficient in
wall on sloping ground is an important resisting lateral loads as compared to
aspect in resisting earthquake forces. bare frame structures for tall buildings.
Further they found that short columns are  It is important to provide a shear wall
the most critical member on sloping at an appropriate position, where
ground. Author recommended locating the centre of rigidity and mass either
shear wall towards the shorter column coincide or remain closer.
side.  Seismic response of a structure can be
enhanced if shear walls are provided at
CONCLUSION centre or at corner along the outer
The review of literature reveals that a edges.
considerable amount of analytical research  Providing shear wall in buildings
work has been carried out to explore the having soft stories may help to
usability and effectiveness of different eliminate seismic failure of such
types of shear wall in resisting lateral buildings.
loads. Interest of the researchers lied in  Shear walls may be used in retrofitting
studying response, economy, perfect of structures.
location of shear wall, measures to  Thickness of shear wall doesn’t have
enhance reinforcement detailing and
much influence on decreasing of shear
curtailment of height of shear wall for stresses as compared to the length of
different types of structural system (or the wall.
buildings) with varying storey heights
 L type shear wall is more efficient in
through various parameters like natural
resisting lateral loads.
period, base shear, strength of shear wall,
 Interior shear walls are more efficient
storey drift, lateral displacement,
than the exterior shear walls in
structural cost etc. Following conclusions
resisting lateral loads.
can be drawn from the review of the

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Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 2

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to get better shear distribution. International Journal of Structural
 Shear wall-diaphragm connection with and Civil Engineering Research.
hook is more efficient in resisting 2014; 3(1).
lateral loads. 6. Sangani Sanikumar B, G. I. Prajapati.

 Arrangement pattern of shear wall in a Structural Economics of Earthquake

building impacts the rotational resistant design of RC building with

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