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Delta Fitness: Achilles Rupture 1

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Delta fitness

Achilles rupture 1
By: ExorLive Content Publisher

These exercises are an example of exercises that can be performed after achilles rupture. Consult with your
physiotherapist or doctor to make sure you comply with your restrictions during training. The exercises should be
performed daily, preferably up to 2-3 times. Some pain can be expected during and up to 30 minutes after exercise.
When pain persists longer than 30 minutes it is recommended to execute with lower intensity the next time.
1. Toe lift 1
Stand on the floor, feet about hip-width apart. Raise your
heels and push up until you are on your toes. Return to
the start position and repeat. The exercise is performed
with or without support.
Reps: 20 , Sets: 3

2. Ankle plantar flexsion
You can either lie or sit down. Stretch your ankle as much
as possible. Try to hold the position for a few seconds.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 3

3. Back of thigh and calf 6
Sit with one knee on the mat And the other leg straight
forward. Keep your back straight and put your hands over
your knee. Slowly lower your upper body forward until
you feel the back of your thigh stretch. Hold for 30
seconds and change legs.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3

ExorLive.com 8/9/2019 @ 3:10 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Achilles rupture 1
By: ExorLive Content Publisher

4. Three point crutch walk 1
Place both crutches approx. a step in front of you and
place your weight on your arms. Position your injured leg
between the crutches to create a good support surface.
Move your healthy leg in to your injured leg.

5. Walking up stairs, with crutches
Walk right up to the edge of the step. Put the healthy leg
on the next step in front of you. Add weight into the
healthy leg and push, as you lift the injured leg up onto
the next step. Crutches should follow the injured leg.

6. Walking down stairs, with crutches
Walk up to the edge of the steps. Put down the crutches
on the next step below. Let the injured leg follow the
crutches down, and then the healthy leg follows. Add
weight onto the crutches to relieve pressure.

ExorLive.com 8/9/2019 @ 3:10 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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