Client Initial Assessment Worksheet: How Did You Here About Us or Who Referred You?
Client Initial Assessment Worksheet: How Did You Here About Us or Who Referred You?
Client Initial Assessment Worksheet: How Did You Here About Us or Who Referred You?
Emergency Contact:
Name: _______________________________ Number: ___________________________
Please rate the activity level of your profession or what you during the day (excluding exercise):
Sedentary Moderately Active Active Very Active
A. Body Weight (lbs.): ___________ A. Cardio Endurance: 3 Min. Step Test (bpm) ________
B. Body Fat %: ___________ B. Upper Body Strength: Push Ups (#) _________
Normal Athlete
C. Abdominal Strength: 1 Min. Sit ups (#) _________
C. Chest: ___________ D. Waist: ___________
D. Lower Body Strength: Squat Test (#) _________
E. Hips: ___________
E. Flexibility Sit & Reach (inches) __________
F. Arms: L__________R__________
ame: __________________
G. Thighs: L__________ R__________
11. Do you drink beer/alcohol? Y/ N If Yes, How many per week? _________
13. Have you had any surgeries pertaining to gastro bypass or lap band? If so,
please list dates of surgery. ____________________________________
14. Do you have any medical conditions or problems than cause pain not
previously mentioned? If yes, explain.
I hereby acknowledge that the following was explained to me and/or agree to the following:
1. Acknowledges that DandM FITNESS GT is not a physician and is not trained in any way to
provide medical diagnosis, medical treatment, psychotherapy, or any other type of medical
2. Acknowledges that fitness training is another tool for teaching individuals about themselves,
but that DandM FITNESS GT does not guarantee neither good nor bad will occur nor
guarantees the coaching advice given by DandM FITNESS GT will produce neither good nor
bad results.
4. I agree that this is the full agreement between DandM FITNESS GT and myself and that
DandM FITNESS GT, nor anyone else has not verbally contradicted any of the terms of this
release and that I have entered this agreement free and voluntarily without force or coercion.
PUBLICITY RELEASE: I grant DandM FITNESS GT the right to photograph and/or videotape me
and/or my child/ward and to use my and/or my child’s/ward’s name, face, likeness, voice and appearance in
connection with exhibitions, publicity, advertising, and promotional materials for the Activities without
reservation or limitation.
______________________________ _______________________________________
Name (Print) Email
______________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
I have discussed the foregoing restrictions and limitations with my patient and,
with these specific restrictions, he or she has my permission to participate in a
fitness assessment and pursue an exercise program under your guidance.
Truly yours,