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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure

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Valve Group

Farris, Brantford

ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure

Title Purchasing Procedure Rev. Level: 20
Doc. #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.


To ensure that purchased products conform to specified requirements and that all purchasing activities
are planned and documented in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and the ASME


The scope of purchasing comprises control from requisition to receipt of all incoming material intended
for use in the manufacture of the product. The system ensures that only the intended material is used
in Code construction.


Blanket Order: When economically appropriate, repetitively ordered items are purchased on a Blanket
type order – a basic agreement for a stated period of time.

Customer: The purchaser of a product provided by the supplier.

MES: Mandatory Engineering Specification.

PED: Pressure Equipment Directive.

Purchase Order Acknowledgment: The acknowledgment confirms the unqualified acceptance by the
supplier of the terms and conditions of the purchase order and is reviewed by the Buyer to ensure
compliance with terms of the purchase order.

Purchase Order: The purchase order is a contractual agreement between the supplier and the
purchaser. It is a legal document that should clearly and precisely cover the essential elements of the
purchase to be made so that no future misunderstandings may occur. It shall contain terms and
conditions and general instructions.

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

Special Processes: Heat treating, metal plating, welding and NDE.

Subcontractor / Vendor: The organization that provides a product to the supplier.

Supplier: The organization that provides a product to the customer. Farris Engineering is a supplier of
Pressure Relief Valves.

Terms of Purchase: The standard document that defines conditions applicable to all Farris
Engineering-Brantford Purchase Orders.

Exhibit Number Description
QPF-06-A Purchase Order
QPF-06-C MRP – Planned Purchase Report
QPF-06-D Vendor Questionnaire
QPF-06-F Vendor Analysis Report
QPF-06-H Approved Vendor Review Summary
QPF-08-D Receiving Inspection Summary
QPF-06-J Terms of Purchase
QPF-06-K Vendor Initial Approval
QPF-06-M Approved Vendor List

Exhibit Number Description
MS-08, Material Purchasing Standards Farris Engineering Standard
FEB-08-02 Receiving Inspection
ASME Code Sec. VIII, Div. 1 Unfired Pressure Vessels
ASME Code Sec. I Power Boilers

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

6.1 The Sales Department is responsible for:
 Accurately translating the customer specifications and quality requirements into a valve Bill
of Material.

6.2 The Materials Manager is responsible for:

 Ensuring that complete and accurate material and process specifications appear on the
Purchase Order and are in agreement with demand from MRP-Planned Purchase Report.
These include adherence to the Quality Program Standard which is appropriate.
 Preparation of all Purchase Orders.
 Ensuring materials source PED orders are from suppliers listed on the PED Approved
Suppliers list as required.
 Ensuring that all suppliers of product materials and services have a copy of the Terms of
Purchase (QPF-06-J)
 Receiving Inspection of purchased material.
 Generation and distribution of the Purchase Order in accordance with the requirements of
this procedure.

6.3 The Quality Control Manager is responsible for:

 Evaluating vendors, primary suppliers and establishing and maintaining a list of qualified
 Surveillance of subcontractor’s quality program for determining the Quality Program
Standard to apply to Purchase Orders for Special Processes.

7.1 Purchasing Data (QPF-06-A)

A. Purchasing documents shall contain data clearly describing the product ordered, including
where applicable:

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

 Quantity
 Description of item/services (e.g. Part name or description, casting number, bar dimensions,
NDE services, etc.)
 Part Number
 Date required
 Drawing number and revision
 Material specification and material code
 Material Certification and Test Report required (for all pressure retaining materials), or
additional reports as required
 The title, number, and issue date of the Quality System Standard to be applied to the product, if
 Requirements for preservation, packaging and special shipping instructions, when applicable
 Reference to Terms of Purchase (QPF-06-J)
 The right for CWFCC-FE and/or CWFCC-FE customers to:

 Review the vendor's documentation as required by the applicable quality program standard.
 Have access to the vendor's premises or working area so that CWFCC-FE
customers can audit, survey and verify that CWFCC-FE is in controlling
compliance with contract requirements at lower tier vendor levels. Mandatory
hold points in the vendor's Inspection and Test Plan or Checklist for source
inspection, when applicable. References as required by contract.
 Instructions for the submission, retention and disposition of records that constitute the objective
evidence required by the vendor.

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

B. PED Materials Suppliers:

Vendors will be allowed on the PED Approved Vendor List either by having been certified to
the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System from a competent body with a European
address on the issued certificate or having been certified to 4.3 of the European Directive
97/23/EC by a competent body established within the European Community.

C. Material Test Reports for PED Materials:

When a supplier is ISO approved, material test reports must be signed by QC personnel
and not by manufacturing personnel (EN 10204-1991 3.1.B or EN 10204-2004 3.1).
When a supplier is not ISO approved, material test reports must be accompanied by a
certificate issued by a competent third party (EN 10204-1991 3.1.A, 3.1.C or EN 10204-
2004 3.2).

7.2 Purchase Requisition (QPF-06-B)

7.2.1 Non-Inventory Items

The department requiring the items initiates a request with applicable information via email.
This request is then approved by the Materials Manager or his designee and a Purchase
Order is generated.

7.2.2 Inventory Items

Materials requisitioning results when a Planned Purchase Report (QPF-06-C) from the ERP
system is forwarded to the Purchasing Department for review.

The Purchasing Department may transfer the order information from the Planned Purchase
Report to a Purchase Inquiry (Request for Quote (QPF-06-G)) and submit this to the
appropriate vendor. The vendor determines material price and delivery, then forwards this
information back to the Purchasing Department.

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

7.3 Purchase Order: Commercial

Upon receipt of the Purchase Requisition, the Purchasing Department generates the
Purchase Order. The Materials Manager or his designee shall approve Purchase Orders
prior to release.

The Purchase Order may also be signed by the Buyer/Planner or the Facility Manager.

The Purchase Order is faxed or emailed to the vendor.

Changes to the Purchase Order shall be subject to the same degree of control and
authorization and shall be processed in the same manner as the original Purchase Order.

7.4 Receiving

When the goods are received, the Receiver reviews shipping documents against the
shipment; i.e., number of pieces, damaged goods, etc.

The Receiver reviews the packing slip against the purchase order information in the ERP
System, performs receiving activities in accordance with FEB-08-02, "Receiving Inspection".

The Receiver forwards supporting documents to the Inspection Department when


7.5 Inspection

Inspection Department inspects the goods in accordance with FEB-08-02. If acceptable a

green sticker is applied and released for storage. If not acceptable follow FEB-13-01.

7.6 Vendor Approval

7.6.1 Approved Vendors List

A current list of approved vendors and sub-contractors is maintained by the Quality

Department is available on the local intranet, form QPF- 06-M. This Approved Vendors
List is reviewed and updated periodically by the Quality Control Manager. Any revision to
this list must be reviewed and approved by both Purchasing and Quality Control prior to
posting on the local intranet .

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

7.6.2 Vendor Information (QPF-06-K)

Files on Approved Vendors that shall be maintained will include:

a) The basis for approval

b) The product range for approval by Vendor
c) Receiving Inspection Summary
d) Record of quality problems and solutions

The Materials Manager places orders for pressure retaining materials, all special processes
and subcontract machining from companies listed on the Approved Vendors List. (QPF-06-

Vendors that have been on our Vendors List for many years can be qualified for future work
through past performance (Grandfather Approval).

7.6.3 Vendor Selection

Vendors shall be selected on the basis of their ability to meet subcontract/purchase order
requirements including quality requirements.

7.6.4 Basis of Approval

Vendors will be selected and approved dependent on the type of product and/or service and
may be approved on one or more of the following basis:

a) Receipt, review and approval of their Quality System Manual.

b) Receipt, review and approval of the Vendor Questionnaire (QPF-06-D).
c) Receipt and successful testing of product or material samples.
d) Receipt, inspection and acceptance of a trial order.
e) An on-site audit of their Quality System*.
f) Registration of their Quality System with a recognized third party to ISO 9001 or
other recognized quality standard.
g) A history of demonstrated capability and performance.
h) Published experience of other users.
i) Acceptance by CWFCC-FE Customers.

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

* Supplier classification and frequency of audits is based upon three categories, (categories A,
B and C) as described below.

Category A Supplier: Deemed to be a critical supplier and is audited a minimum of once every
three years.

Category B Supplier: Suppliers with a good quality and delivery status; required to complete a
Quality System survey once every three years.

Category C Supplier: Deemed to be a noncritical supplier and are not required to have a
system audit or survey.

1. Audit schedules and frequency are reviewed yearly and categorization of suppliers may be
changed during this timeframe.
2. The categorization, scheduling, auditing, reporting and follow up of raw material suppliers
used by both the Brantford and Brecksville facilities will be the responsibility of the
Brecksville Quality Department.
3. Review and acceptance of audits and audit findings for suppliers used in Brantford will be
the responsibility of the Brantford facilities Materials Manager and Quality Control Manager.
4. New specialty and machining subcontractors will be selected on their ability to perform the
work requirements including Quality System and Quality Assurance requirements. The FEB
Production Manager ensures that the latest drawing and current engineering specifications
are supplied to potential vendors.
5. New foundries for pressure retaining materials are required to submit a sample casting,
which must be approved by Farris Engineering Brantford (FEB) prior to any production run.
Only after this approval can the foundry proceed with the production run.
6. The Quality Control Manager will evaluate the prospective vendors of pressure retaining
material and special processes for the technical and quality capabilities of the prospective
vendor’s facility and personnel, along with the implementation of their quality program.
7. When a new vendor is selected through the sourcing procedures and pricing is approved,
members of QC and Purchasing or Production may visit the vendor facility to review its
quality system, including record keeping and their equipment/ability to perform the work per
CWFCC-FE requirements (Engineering Specifications).
8. Once the vendor is placed on the Approved Vendors List, their quality program and records
are reviewed annually by the Quality Control, Purchasing and Production Departments to
ensure that their assessment controls are effective.
9. A Vendor Review Report is produced based on the current revision of the Approved
Vendors List. Along with the Approved Vendor Review Summary - Routing (QPF-06-H), the
Vendor Review Summary Report is distributed to the necessary departments for review,

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

comments, changes and approvals. Using the information obtained from the Vendor
Review Summary Report, the Approved Vendors List is then updated.

7.6.5 Source Inspection

When CWFCC-FE verifies purchased products at the subcontractors' premises, verification

arrangements and methods of product release will be specified in the purchase documents.

7.6.6 Customer Verification of Subcontractor Product

The customer or his representative, or an authorized inspection agency will have the right to
verify that subcontracted products at the supplier's premises and/or at CWFCC-FE
premises conform to specified requirements. Such verification will not be used by CWFCC-
FE as evidence of effective control of quality by the subcontractor. Customer verification
does not absolve CWFCC-FE of acceptable product responsibilities or subsequent
rejection by customer.

All documents required by the customer’s order are available for review by the customer’s
inspector, or an authorized agency.

7.6.7 Subcontractor / Vendor Performance Tracking

All Subcontractors/Vendors of quality related products on the Approved Vendors List shall
receive ongoing assessment in regards to nonconformances such as:

 Out of tolerance or dimension product or materials.

 Cracked or porous product.
 Materials not meeting specifications on Purchase Order.

The nonconforming material covered by these forms will be tracked by the Quality

7.6.8 Vendor Analysis Report (QPF-06-F)

A "Vendor Analysis Report" is generated quarterly through the ERP system consisting

a) Purchase Order Receiving Information

b) Quality Quotient Information

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

7.6.9 Process Used

1) Matching the "Due Date" from the Purchase Order and the "Receipt Date" from the
Receiving Report, a summary of On-Time Delivery is produced and is expressed as an
"On-Time Percentage."
2) Comparing the sum of all castings used against the sum of defective castings
returned to a supplier within a specified period, a percentage is produced
indicating the supplier quality rating.
3) Performance deemed to be adequate requires an 85% on-time Delivery and 97%
Quality factor as calculated on the Quarterly Performance Report.

A supplier with an adequate rating for both of the ratings is so advised and no further
action is taken.

A supplier with a less than adequate rating for both or either of the ratings is advised in
writing that their performance is below what is expected. As a result their performance
will be monitored with increased scrutiny in the coming months. Failure to demonstrate
an adequate level of improvement will be deemed cause for a formal evaluation of said
suppliers' ability to meet the needs of CWFCC-FE and they will be considered for
removal from the Approved Venders List.

Vendors to be analyzed are those vendors supplying inventory items and who receive
from CWFCC-FE, Brantford Facility 12 or more purchase orders per year.

Vendor analysis shall start six months after a vendor is fully approved and a stable
supply has been established.

7.7 Removal of Subcontractors from the Approved Vendors List

Subcontractors may be removed from the Approved Vendors List by the Quality Control
Manager or by the Materials Manager when any of the following occur:

 Poor "Supplier Performance Ratings" for BOTH or EITHER of the ratings as reported in
section 7.6.9 above.

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ISO/PED/ASME Sec VIII/I QC Manual Procedure
Title Purchasing Procedure Doc #: FEB-06-01 Rev. Level: 20 Rev. Date: 9/11/2015
This document is electronically controlled and stored on a network drive. Printed versions are uncontrolled and for
reference purposes only unless otherwise indicated.

 Vendor failing to respond to requests for corrective action.

 Major ethical violations.

The vendor may only be reinstated by joint concurrence between the Quality Control
Manager and Materials Manager after successful completion of one or more of the items
listed in 7.6.4D


Purchase Orders and Requisitions are maintained by the Purchasing Department until
completed. Archived records and can be retrieved from the ERP computer system.

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