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Preheating Requirements in


Presented by :
Mayo A. Malagkit
Sr. Project Inspector- Mechanical
Khursaniyah Gas Plant/ KPIS/PID/ID
Flow of Presentation
 Background
 Fundamentals of preheating
 Why Preheat?
 When should Preheat be used?
 How is Preheat applied
 Application to Saudi Aramco requirements
 Summary
 When hydrogen diffusing from a solidified weld meets
a hard microstructure under a tensile stress, a crack is

 Hydrogen cracking normally occurs in the heat affected

zone where microstructure is to be found, occasionally
it can occur in weld metal.

 A hydrogen crack requires a hard microstructure which

is created by a hardenable material subject to fast
cooling from 800°C to 500°C. Cooling can be slowed
down by:
a) Applying preheat,
b) Maintaining a high interpass temperature,
c) Increasing welding power and reducing travel
Back to Flow of Presentation
A HAZ hydrogen crack, initiated at the weld toe
Most cracks are initiated from stress concentrations *
This is a very searching gas that can be liberated by oil, grease, rust, ect. and water
under the right conditions.

The greatest risk comes from hydrogen generated within the arc from damp or
contaminated welding consumables, mainly fluxes or electrode coatings.

Contamination on the parent metal can also be a risk unless the heat from the
welding arc can drive it away. Moisture from condensation on the parent metal will
normally be driven off by the heat from arc before it can get into the weld pool.

Hydrogen in the atmosphere is unlikely to penetrate the arc envelope unless welding
is carried out in very damp and humid conditions.

A hydrogen crack can take anything from few hours to 24 hours to occur. After 24
hours cracking is still possible but less likely, although there have been some
reported cases of cracking at 72 hours. It is therefore good practice to allow at least
48 hours before carrying out any NDE.

Hydrogen will eventually disperse from the parent metal, within a few days at room
temperature or a few hours if held at around 200°C

Hydrogen cracking is only possible at room temperature, this is why it is also referred
to as cold cracking.
Fundamentals of Preheating
 Preheating involves heating the base metal, either in its
entirety or just the region surrounding the joint, to a specific
desired temperature, called the preheat temperature, prior
to welding.
 Heating may be continued during the welding process, but
frequently the heat from welding is sufficient to maintain the
desired temperature without a continuation of the external
heat source.
 The interpass temperature, defined as the base metal
temperature at the time when welding is to be performed
between the first and last welding passes, cannot be
permitted to fall below the preheat temperature.
Why Preheat?
There are four primary reasons to utilize preheat:
 It slows the cooling rate in the weld metal and base metal,
producing a more ductile metallurgical structure with greater
resistance to cracking;
 The slower cooling rate provides an opportunity for hydrogen
that may be present to diffuse out harmlessly, reducing the
potential for cracking;
 It reduces the shrinkage stresses in the weld and adjacent base
metal during cooling and improve the distribution of residual
stresses and;
 It raises some steels above the temperature at which brittle
fracture would occur in fabrication.
Additionally, preheat can be used to help ensure specific
mechanical properties, such as weld metal notch toughness test.
H2 HAZ Cracks Transverse Weld
in Alloy steels* Cracks in HSLA Steels*
Low ductility weld metal

Longitudinal contractional strain

When should Preheat be used?
In determining whether or not to preheat, the
following should be considered:
 Code requirements,
 Section thickness,
 Base metal chemistry,
 Restraint,
 Ambient temperature,
 Filler metal hydrogen content and previous
cracking problems.
If a welding code must be followed, then the code
generally will specify the minimum preheat
temperature for a given base metal, welding
process and section thickness.
Improperly stored at 76ºF
and 90% humidity
Weight Percent Moisture

Improperly stored at 76ºF

2.0 and 60% humidity

Properly stored at
250ºF in holding oven

50 100 150 200

Exposure Time - Hours

Effect of Storage Condition on Moisture in SMAW Electrodes (After Interrante)

Low Hydrogen Electrodes
Drying :
Prior to use all electrodes shall
be dried at260 – 430 C for two
hours minimum . The drying step
may be deleted if the electrodes
are supplied in the dried condition
in a hermetically sealed metal
This minimum value must be attained regardless
of the restraint or variation in base metal
chemistry, however, the minimum value may be
increased if necessary. When there are no
codes governing the welding, one must
determine whether preheat is required, and if so,
what preheat temperature will be appropriate.
However, as the chemistry, diffusible hydrogen
level of the weld metal, restraint or section
thickness increases, the need for preheat also
The heat sink caused by the parent metal thickness and the number of
available paths the heat can take to escape, also influence cooling
rate. (however once the heat sink reaches a certain size further
increases have a negligible effect on cooling rate). This is why when
determining preheat the term combined thickness is used, for a butt
weld it is twice the thickness of the parent material and for a fillet
weld three times the thickness.

The hardening of a carbon manganese steel/low alloy steel is

influenced primarily by carbon content and to a lesser extent other
constituents such as manganese, chrome, silicone etc.

Very low sulfur(<0.015%) will increase hardening and special

precautions are required when determining the minimum preheat
level. Additions of niobium also require special consideration.

For welds subject to high restraint more preheat is advisable (suggest,

Increase CE by 0.3 or go down one hydrogen scale)
How is Preheat Applied?
Preheat may be applied:
 in a furnace,
 using heating torches,
 electrical strip heaters,
 induction,
 radiant heaters
Electrical strip heaters
Induction machine
Saudi Aramco Requirements
According to SAES- W-011:
12.1 Preheat shall be in accordance with the ASME B31.3 and this Standard .
For materials not covered by the Code or this Standard, the preheat and post weld heat
treatment shall be as specified in the approved welding procedure.
12.2 The minimum preheat shall not be less than the greater of the following:
a) 10°C
b) The required or recommended preheat listed in ASME B31.3
c) For field fabrication or repair of carbon steel materials ( all ASME P-No. 1 materials, including
API grades up to and includingX60), the preheat listed in Standard Drawing W- AE-
For normal applications, simplified requirements are listed in Tables 3A and 3B for the SMAW
d) For steels with specified minimum yield strengths above 60 ksi, (including API grades
X65 or greater) or for materials not listed as an ASME P-number, the preheat shall be
determined by CSD and shall be as specified in the approved welding procedure.

Commentary Note:
The listed preheats are minimum requirements. The actual preheat temperature selected
and used by the fabricator must be sufficient to prevent cracking and to achieve the required
hardness (if specified).
Saudi Aramco Requirements

12.3 If a weld joint is wet or has surface moisture or condensation, it shall

be dried by heating for a distance of 100mm from the weld joint and
shall be warm to the hand before welding.
12.4 Temperature-indicating crayons, thermocouples, or contact
pyrometers shall be used to measure preheat and interpass
temperatures. Temperature-indicating crayons shall not be used for any
weld joint that is to be coated or that will have a heat shrink sleeve
installed on it.
12.5 The preheat temperature shall be stablished over a minimum distance
of 75mm on each side of the weld.
12.6 If the wall thickness exceeds 25mm and preheating is to be done from
the same side as the welding, then the heat source shall be removed
for 1 minute to allow for temperature equalization prior to measuring
the temperature.
12 Preheat
 12.4 Temperature indicating crayons,
thermocouples, or contact pyrometers
shall be used…

Temperature indicating crayon

Table 3A - Preheat Temperatures for Vertical-Up SMAW Butt Welds
(Notes 1, 2)
(SI Units)
Carbon Equivalent (Note 3)

Wall 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.48 0.50 Pipe Wall

Thickness Thickness
Range (4) Range (4)
< 9.5 mm 10°C 10°C 10°C 10°C 10°C 10°C < 9.5 mm
9.6 - 12.7 10°C 10°C 10°C 38°C 66°C 10°C 9.6 - 12.7
12.8 - 15.9 10°C 10°C 52°C 79°C 93°C 10°C 12.8 - 15.9
16.0 - 19.0 10°C 24°C 93°C 107°C 121°C 10°C 16.0 - 19.0
19.1 - 22.2 24°C 66°C 107°C 121°C 135°C 10°C 19.1 - 22.2
22.3 - 25.4 66°C 93°C 135°C 149°C 163°C 10°C 22.3 - 25.4
25.5 - 31.8 93°C 121°C 149°C 163°C 177°C 79°C 25.5 - 31.8
31.9 - 38.1 121°C 135°C 163°C 177°C 191°C 93°C 31.9 - 38.1
38.2 - 44.5 135°C 149°C 177°C 191°C 191°C 93°C 38.2 - 44.5
44.6 - 50.8 149°C 163°C 191°C 204°C 204°C 135°C 44.6 - 50.8
Table 3B - Preheat Temperatures for Vertical-Up SMAW Butt Welds
(Notes 1, 2)
(Conventional Units)
Carbon Equivalent (Note 3)

Wall 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.48 0.50 Pipe Wall

Thickness Thickness
Range (4) Range (4)
< 0.375 inch 50°F 50°F 50°F 50°F 50°F 50°F < 0.375 inch
0.376 - 0.500 50°F 50°F 50°F 100°F 150°F 50°F 0.376 - 0.500
0.501 - 0.625 50°F 50°F 125°F 175°F 200°F 50°F 0.501 - 0.625
0.626 - 0.750 50°F 75°F 200°F 225°F 250°F 50°F 0.626 - 0.750
0.751 - 0.875 75°F 150°F 225°F 250°F 275°F 50°F 0.751 - 0.875
0.876 - 1.000 150°F 200°F 275°F 300°F 325°F 50°F 0.876 - 1.000
1.001 - 1.250 200°F 250°F 300°F 325°F 350°F 175°F 1.001 - 1.250
1.251 - 1.500 250°F 275°F 325°F 350°F 375°F 200°F 1.251 - 1.500
1.501 - 1.750 275°F 300°F 350°F 375°F 375°F 200°F 1.501 - 1.750
1.756 - 2.000 300°F 325°F 375°F 400°F 400°F 275°F 1.756 - 2.000
Pre Heat Temperature for Vertical Up SMAW Butt Welds
BI No. – 10-3192-0002 Preheat Temperature Unit (SI unit)
Reference: SAES-W-011 Applicable Carbon Equivalent-0.42

Recommended Minimum Pre heat Temperature for Individual

Wall Thickness Range Joints
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 10ºC
≤ 9.5mm
Pipe to Flanges 10ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 24ºC
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 10ºC
9.6 ~12.7
Pipe to Flanges 24ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 66ºC
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 24ºC
12.8 ~ 15.9
Pipe to Flanges 66ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 93ºC
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 66ºC
16.0 ~ 19.0
Pipe to Flanges 93ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 121ºC
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 93ºC
19.1 ~ 22.2
Pipe to Flanges 121ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 135ºC
Pipe to Pipe 10ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 121ºC
22.3 ~ 25.4
Pipe to Flanges 135ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 149ºC
Pipe to Pipe 121ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 135ºC
25.5 ~ 31.8
Pipe to Flanges 149ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 163ºC
Pipe to Pipe 135ºC
Pipe to Fittings (other than Flange) 149ºC
31.9 ~ 38.1
Pipe to Flanges 163ºC
Fitting to Fitting (including Flanges) 177ºC
Above table assumes a minimum heat input of 1.2KJ /mm (30 KJ /inch) and is valid only for:
a)All positions except vertical down
b)E6010 or 7010 root pass and E8018-C3/c3 fill and cap electrode, 3.2mm minimum diameter.
c)C S materials up through Gr. X60 (split tee longitudinal welds, other hot taps installation welds are
exempt from these requirements)
 Preheat can minimize cracking and /or ensure specific mechanical
properties such as notch toughness.
 Preheat must be used whenever applicable codes so specify; when
no codes apply to a given situation, the welding engineer must
determine whether or not preheat is needed, and what temperature
will be required for a given base metal and section thickness.
 Anne XI of AWS D1.1-2002 provides guidelines for alternative
method fo determining proper amounts of preheat: the HAZ
hardness control method, or the hydrogen control method.
 Preheat may be applied in a furnace, or by using preheating
torches, electrical strip heaters, or induction or radiant heaters.
Carbon steels do not require precise temperature accuracy, but
maximum and minimum preheat temperatures must be followed
closely for quenched and tempered steels.
Thank You!!

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