Basketball U Notes
Basketball U Notes
Basketball U Notes
o Attitiude – yours toward the team; within the team; team to you
o Belief – centered on trust
Trust takes time, consistency of message, and proof (do you do what you say)
o Character/Chemistry
No characters, want character
Players like/respect/trust other players
Players like/respect/trust coaches
Coaches like/respect/trust other coaches
Coaches like/respect/trust players
Challenge the game w respect
o Always trends in the game; what is the next trend???
o Grow- read, listen, look
How climb ladder – big eyes, big ears, small mouth
Who wins??? Doubt or fear? Or belief & knowledge
o Belief and knowledge- might not always win the game
Preparation trumps pressure
R u a team of get or give??
o Giving teams win, Get teams lose
o Give for the betterment of the team
Do you give in and give up or get in and get up
Bonus: in game evaluation v. emotion – 90% of a coach must be evaluation
Success Ingredients
o Be there before you get there
o Show up/shut up/keep up
o Big eyes, big ears, small mouth
o Better master the “bilities”
o Doesn’t stop once you get there – always must be working to get better and improve
The better the player the more they will demand of you as a coach
Young players get on the floor for invisible stats: charges, dive on floor, loose balls
Broken records are reached through unbroken habits
Coaching done in offices: leadership takes place in the locker room
Your jerk on your team is the best recruiter
Scouting – knowledge is quickness
Cant win w/ “my turn” shots
Cant win w/ “shooting turnovers”
Do you have don’t knows or don’t cares??? Cant have don’t cares
When the shit hits the fan, what do you do? Do you clean up the shit or turn off the fan?
Coaching U Live 2012
o put out fires
o put gas in the tank
o refocus the lens
Everything that we need to know to get better as coaches is out there; you have to go and find it
Don’t get bored with the process
Championship teams get past mad/sad/hard
Thought: have a silent coaches practice
o Best teams will hear voices talking and sneakers squeaking
Budget your bitches
o System
o Culture
o Players
o Preparation
Best player and coach must have relationship
Success doesn’t have business hours; they have production hours
Best teams EXECUTE their plays, they don’t just know them
o Can you get to your 3 option?
Demand the same from them in February as you do in October
Talent v. talented: want talented
o They have extra dimension
o Still play hard down 20
o On us to bring in these players
Dreaded s’s
o Shots
o Stats
o Starter
o Salary
Best coaches
o Know what they want to do – sustained thought
o Believe in what they do
o Can sell it – create a buy in within the team
o Demand it every day w/out being demeaning
o Teach it – to understand and execute
o Evaluate – constantly tweaking
o Improve it
On us as coaches to get our best players shots in spots where they are successful
They want players who want to play FOR the Celtics, not just play ON the Celtics
o This signifies a sacrifice
UBUNTU – African Theory
o People are people because of other people
Jim Rohm
o Failure is a few simple errors in judgement repeated every day
o Little things – stat these, show how they add up to a big deal
o Success is a few simple disciplines done every day
Coaching U Live 2012
Understand game – do your players know what this means??
Indecision is the thief of opportunity
o Never pass up a basketball opportunity, never know where it may lead
If not me, then who?? If them, why?? Figure this out
o Hard to break in, but there are people who have done it
See the action, don’t force the action
To be the best you must hold to higher standards and accountability
3 E’s
o Energy and effort from everyone
o This gives you a chance to succeed
o The answer is no
o We will win if we are clutter free
o Do things right, don’t just get them done
o No emotional hijacking
Make/miss league ; not just about getting shots, but making shots
Do YOUR JOB completely
Emphasis is not enough – must enforce the emphasis by correction or substitution
o If you expect something, you must inspect it
o Correct it or accept it – cant be complacent if you want something changed
o Jon Gruden – why do coaches say “ going back to the basics” , we should have never stopped
Preparation is a competitive advantage, not a drudgery
o Knowdlege off the floor is quickness on the floor
Coach in bullets, not paragraphs
Everybody, Every Play, Every Day
Just because an injured player comes back doesn’t mean you are right again
Once someone can do what you do better or one more thing, you become expendable
If there is ever a breach of your culture you must confront it
o Culture is your existence
o Jersey doesn’t define the team, it is the willingness to sacrifice that defines a team
Coaching U Live 2012
Speaker 2: Jon Gordon
Who makes a difference in people’s lives: coach impacts more people in a year than most people do
in an entire lifetime
Always striving to get better
o Past does not determine future success
o Humble & hungry – get better every day
o The best always want to get better
Coaches improve and then we improve our team
o How get better
Ask a lot of questions
Be a sponge – learn from everyone you meet
Take action – “not afraid to die on a treadmill” outwork everyone else
o To be the best you must outwork your talent
Create a great culture( must focus on the root of the tree, not just the fruit)
o Culture drives behavior, behavior drives habits
o Culture beats strategy all day long
o What do we stand for? What are our standards of behavior?
o If you have a strong culture the wrong people wont get on the bus
Lead with optimism – pessimists don’t change the world, optimists do
o Infuse your team with belief – transfer beliefs to our team
o Win in the mind first, then on the court
o Optimism can give you a competitive advantage
Know the story of your players
o Are they have to or want to
o Complaints or opportunities
o Help stay positive through negativity
Your certainty must be greater than all the negativity around you
Optimism doesn’t happen by osmosos – must feed the positive dog
Complaining is like vomiting – afterward YOU feel better but everyone around you feels sick
No complaints unless you come w a solution
Faith instead of fear: faith is a positive future, fear is negative
Emotions are contagious – can project your positive energy onto others
Great teammates encourage one another
“Attack this day with an enthusiasm unkown to mankind”
Where there is a void in communication, negativity will fill it
Communication builds trust; trust generates commitment; commitment fosters teamwork,
teamwork delivers results
Show them that we care
o Transactional coach v. transformational coach
Tough love – love tough (must know that you care about them)
Coaching U Live 2012
Rules without relationship lead to rebellion
Know why you coach
o Must know this – won’t get burned out if filled with your purpose every day
o When you lose your why you lose your way
o Purpose must be greater than your challenges – inspire you when you have bad days
o Your why and purpose will take you where you need to go
o What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
Helps decide how you want to live today
Plant yourself where you are to be a success
Who will miss you and why will they miss you???
Great coach is one who wins on the court and off the court as well
Coaching U Live 2012
Speaker 3: Tates Locke
All of us have plans, but there will always be bumps in the road
Don’t bite off more than you can chew; know all about what you are getting in to when you take a new
Time is like a coin, it is how you spend it that counts
Toughest decision you make is who to hire when you get a job
Must get along with the AD and the president
o Own personal happiness – what is it?
o Chance to win
Every day there are 2 players who hate your guts, the object is to find out their problem before it affects
you and the team
Coaching U Live 2012
Speaker 4: Lawrence Frank and Flip Saunders
Coaching U Live 2012
Lawrence Frank: Interview Thoughts
Do your due diligence before you step in door for the interview
o Background of the owner/ AD
Core values
o Previous hires/ why have or haven’t they worked
o Who key decision makers
o Who has influence on the decision makers
o Evaluate personnel
Why should they select you
o How can you separate and be different
o What is your niche(offense/defense/player development)
o Buzzword in NBA is player development: how can you get them better
o Creating a winning culture and environment
o Can they see themselves working with you every day
Areas you need to know
o Background
o Basketball philosophy
o Staff
o Relationship w AD
o Organization and structure
o Player development
o Style of play
o Media and off court
Background ( u need to know their concerns about you before the interview and find ways to address
o Which coaches do you admire? Why?
o Who is the best Head coach you have ever worked for? Why?
o Who is the best assistant you have worked with/for? Why?
o Where are your strengths as a coach?
o What are your weaknesses? How are you working to improve these?
o Who has had most impact on your professional DNA?
Philosophy – give this a lot of thought
o What is the best way to connect with players and earn their respect
o What leadership and motivational skills do you use
o How do you address role and stats to players?
How do you adjust if it changes
He meets individually with each player
Whole team must also know all roles
Posts it on each players locker
o What is your process to hold players accountable
o What coaches and systems in league impress you?
o If you get this job, what is your plan? Short and long term
What are your goals, short and long term
o How do you balance teams with veterans and youth
Coaching U Live 2012
o If you were the AD, how would you build team?
o What would you like to team and organization to look like?
o What will be your role as the head coach
o Do you believe in the offensive coordinator/defensive coordinator model
o What principles are you non-negotiable on?
o How do you handle difficult players
o What is ur discipline philosophy
o How do you deal with adversity? Everyone has same problems – whats causing theirs
o Offensively it is hard for you to play a PG that cant………………..? SG that cant…………………..?SF that
cant……………………? PF that cant………………………? C that cant…………………….?
o Evaluate the current personnel, what is your plan to improve each?
o Who are some of the best assistants
o What are the most important qualities in a good assistant coach?
These are his
Motivated to learn, high character, teacher, passionate, critical thinking, open-
minded, organized thoughts, ability to adjust, ability to present material to
team, believe in what we do and own it, patience, ability to confront
Can get fence sitters to work
Build trust
Team player, time management, listener
Problem solver
o Do you have any names in mind
o Do you believe in OC/DC model
o How do you delegate
o What did you learn in your past jobs
o What are your roles and responsibilities for your coaches
o Balance between youth and experience on your staff
o What is your balance between former players and non players
o How many do you need
o Would you keep anyone from previous staff
o How do you promote chemistry within the staff
o How do you get feedback, take feedback, utilize feedback
o What is your process of hiring
o How do you offset your weaknesses
o What do you need in support staff
Coaching U Live 2012
Kevin Eastman
Basketball athleticism
o Balance
o Change direction/ acceleration & deceleration
Best players are in the best shape
To improve = brick by brick approach
o Precision and care to how the program is laid out
o How you do anything is how you do everything
Barefoot exercises – believes these are crucial to any training program
o Feet are the foundation of our athleticism
o Incorporate ball into all drills
o Make time for things that are important
o Progression
Hold knee above hip for 30-45 seconds – do palm touches to floor and then lunges
Balance on 1 leg and throw passes (passes should not be good, force to adjust)
Throw passes – stop catch and then touch floor with the ball
Bend with your back parallel to the floor and then go 3x around your legs with ball
6 movements that are crucial in basketball
o Sprint
o Backpedal
o Slide
o Pivot
o Jump/ land
o Lunge
10 min warm up – go through the movement patterns you use in the game
o Skip with the ball overhead and reach to belly buttion
o Skip and swing the ball side to side over your head
o Skip w ball at your chin and twist ball
o Slide to ½ court and back with the same 3 actions of the ball
o Ball above head do forward/ backward jumps to ft line and then jog to ½ court
o Left to right jumps to the ft line and then slide to ½ ct
o In stance – red light green light
Go 50% on green light, break down on red light
Go forward/backward
Right left
o 180 degree front pivot w rip of ball shoulder to shoulder
Left foot pivot
Right foot pivot
o Same pivot with rip ball below knee
o Ball over head jump – 1/ 2/ 3/ 5/ 10
o Ball below chin
o Ball at waist
o Ball at knees
o Ball at ankles
Coaching U Live 2012
o Lunge position
Tough ball in front
Sway ball side to side overhead
Twist w ball
Switch legs
o Lateral lunge
Same actions as in lunge position
Flexibility/Mobility – Yoga Hoops
o Plank position
Lunge and reach
o Crouch position – put fingers on ground and lift as high as you can
o Wide feet – shift right – shift left – walk hands into a cobra stretch
Injury Prevention
o Not really prevention – injury reduction
o Purpose – everything you do must have a purpose to it
What is the purpose???
Am I making the player better overall or just better at this drill??
o Drill s- modify for weaker players, challenge the stronger
o 4 ways reduce ACL injuries
Mobility in ankles and hips – cant move the knee without the ankle and hip
Strengthen hamstring and glutes
Hip raise w 1 foot on chair
Ball reach – body parallel to ground w 1 foot on floor
Safe landing – quiet and on balance
Hop and hold on 1 foot
Work front to back and side to side
Footwork planting and cutting
Hockey stop
Perceived relevance
o Players can connect the dots to what they’re doing and know how it makes them better
o Relies on building trust with the players
Core Work
o Core is everything above your knees and below your armpits
o Address the core standing on 2 feet, this is how you play
o Exercises
In stance with crossed arms – coach pushes on knee both sides, then hips, then
In stance crossed arms – coach tries to twist body with 1 hand in front and 1 hand
Plank position – push on sides/ top
Plank position lunge w ball
Plank position lunge w ball overhead
Coaching U Live 2012
Mental Toughness – what is it?
o Ability to play in the present
Focus on the next play –Whats Important Now
Focus on what you can control
Focus on the process
o What u can control
Who’s on the floor
Timeout in scrimmage
o Tell your players 4 things in the huddle
o Before they inbound the ball, hand each player an index card and tell them to write down the 4
things that were said in the huddle
Coaching U Live 2012
Brendan Suhr: NBA Defense