Experiment 4 The DC Compound Generator: Muhammad Al-Ariff Bin Selamat (112215), Muhammad Azfar Amin Bin Ahmad Mokhtar
Experiment 4 The DC Compound Generator: Muhammad Al-Ariff Bin Selamat (112215), Muhammad Azfar Amin Bin Ahmad Mokhtar
Experiment 4 The DC Compound Generator: Muhammad Al-Ariff Bin Selamat (112215), Muhammad Azfar Amin Bin Ahmad Mokhtar
Abstract- This experiment is carried out to -To learn how to connect both the compound and
understand many application of generator in the differential-compound generators.
different type.The dc compound generator have field
windings that connected in series and parallel to the -To obtain the armature voltage vs armature current
armature. This two windings plays an important roles load curves for both generators.
in determine the characteristics of the compound
generator itself. It has two types, differential
compound and cumulative compound generator and
can be connected in long-shunt connection or short- B. Procedure of Experiment.
shunt connection. Differential dc compound
generator has constant voltage as the load increased. 1- The circuit was connected using Power Supply,
AC Voltmeter and Synchronous Motor/Generator
Index Terms - DC motor, Compound Generator.
as shown in Figure 9-1. The rheostat control knob
was set to its proper position for normal excitation.
I.INTRODUCTION The circuit was connected by using DC
Motor/Generator, DC Voltmeter/Ammeter and
The compound generator has a field winding in Variable Resistance as shown in figure 9-2.
parallel with the generator armature (the same as
a shunt-wound generator) and a field winding in
series with the generator armature (the same as a
series-wound generator).The two windings of the
compounded generator are made such that their
magnetic fields will either aid or oppose one
another. If the two fields are wound so that their
flux fields oppose one another, the generator is said
to be differentially-compounded. If the two fields
of a compound generator are wound so that their
magnetic fields aid one another, the generator is Figure 9-1
said to be cumulatively-compounded. In this
experiment, the properties of compound dc
generators under no-load and full-load conditions,
the connection of the compound and differential-
compound generator were studied.
A. Objective of Experiment
6-The connections were changed to series field a) The magnetic field strength, which in turn
only, so that the armature current flows through it reduces the armature voltage etc.
in the opposite direction. The drawing was b) The armature voltage drop (IR drop) from
completed as shown in figure 9-3. no-load to full-load.
c) The running speed of the driving motor
may change with load. (This particularly
true of internal combustion engines and
induction motors).
DC Motor/Generator 8211
= 300 V dc
-Table 9-2
> Procedure step 10 We can say that the objectives are verified. We
have studied the properties of compound dc
b) The compound generator: generators under no-load and full-load conditions.
From this experiment also, we learn how to connect
>Procedure step 7
both the compound and the differential-compound
generators. For compound generator when load
current increases, the armature voltage decreases
4. Over what voltage range is the armature current just as in the shunt-wound generator. This causes
nearly constant (±15 %) in the differential- the voltage applied to the shunt-field winding to
compound generator? decrease, which results in a decrease in the
magnetic field. This same increase in load current,
>30 V dc to 210 V dc. since it flows through the series winding, causes an
increase in the magnetic field produced by that
winding. The increase in the magnetic field
5. Calculate the regulation from no-load to full-load strength of the series winding will compensate for
(0.5 A dc). the decrease in shunt field strength. Therefore,
the overall strength of the combined magnetic
> VR= [(Vnl – Vfl) / Vfl)] X 100% fields remains almost unchanged, so the output
voltage will remain constant.
= (240-190)/190 X 100%
6. Compare the regulation of a compound generator
with the regulation of the self-excited generator and 1. http://www.micromotcontrols.com/h
the separately-excited generator. tmls/Motor%20characteristics.html
2. http://www.toolingu.com/definition-
> The regulation of a compound generator is better 550230-46723-compound-generator.html
compare to the regulation of the self-excited and 3. Laboratory manual, LAB 4, EEK 360.
the separately-excited generator. This is because of 4. ELECTRICAL MACHINES, DRIVES,
the field winding of dc compound generator is AND POWER SYSTEMS (SIXTH
EDITION), Theodore Wildi.
more than those two.
5. http://rushi-
6. https://malaysia.answers.yahoo.com/questi
7. Explain briefly why the voltage does not drop
with increasing load for the compound generator
(from no-load to full-load).