The Magic Glove12
The Magic Glove12
The Magic Glove12
Recommended for:
• Children 3 to 12 years old, (a fearful 14 year-old could also be responsive)
with language adjusted to the developmental age of the child.
• Use on hands, arms legs, but can be used on any body area, as a blankey,
patch, hat, sock, stocking etc.
• Explain to the child that you will be teaching “The Magic Glove” a way to
bring comfort into your hand, arm “so that you will know what is happening but
not be bothered by the procedure” You can add “It can help you change how
your arm feels.” It’s important to avoid saying, “you won’t feel any pain.” as
they may feel some sensation, yet it wont distress the child.
• Tell parents that you are teaching the child a strategy to help his/her use
his/her brain to minimize any pain or fear.
• Ask the patient to put the hand/arm into yours to relax. You might say,
“Relax into my hand.” Take the full weight of the arm holding the hand in
yours and ensuring that the child has let it go.
• Take Magic Glove out of your pocket and begin putting it on the child’s hand,
with your other hand. Start with the child’s finger then stroking it on using
the palm of your other hand with gentle, slightly firm, warm strokes up to the
wrist or cubital area. Be sure to demarcate the end of the glove with each
stroke as you address each finger as you put on the Glove. Do this stroking 5
to 8 times
• At the top of the last stroke, gently squeeze the top of the arm. Indicate
that the Magic Glove is in place .You might say, “Now that you have your
Magic Glove on, you’ll notice that you won’t be as bothered as you used to be.
That’s good”
•Now that the Magic Glove is in place, let’s do the procedure and you’ll notice
the difference. Here if needed, you or the parent can add other distractions,
bubble blowing, blowing out or traveling to a favourite place. Refer to the
Magic Glove as the procedure is being performed. “Notice how that glove
protects you.”
• Remove the Magic Glove when the procedure is complete. Do so by stroking
in the reverse direction as you take the glove off. Ensure that full sensation
has returned to the hand. You may also have the patient rub hands together as
if washing them. This will normalize sensation and stay with the process until
the child says it’s the same again.