Lynx Fall Short of Class 2A Title: Xavier Back On Top
Lynx Fall Short of Class 2A Title: Xavier Back On Top
Lynx Fall Short of Class 2A Title: Xavier Back On Top
Senior Open on Saturday at MES — It’s a bit ironic play. It’s got to be five guys
Gardner Golf Course. that Matt Campbell’s communicating as one to be
Dickerman carded a 68 in football reputation successful.”
the second round to open up a began by building good of- What separated Iowa State
3-shot lead over the field going fensive lines, but that’s the from Iowa in the Cyclones’
into the final round today at area that has progressed 13-3 loss in Iowa City last
Ellis Golf Course. the slowest as he enters his year, more than anything,
The only other player under fourth year as Iowa State’s was the offensive line play.
par after two rounds is Todd coach. ISU’s O-line was stymied in
Hingtgen, at 3-under. “I do know there’s no what was its season-opener,
shortcut to building an of- and immediately moved
Spence in the lead fensive line,” Campbell said pieces around after that
of Iowa City Amateur at his team’s Media Day on game. The Cyclones went on
Thursday. “If you look at to average 30.9 points over
IOWA CITY — Recent Iowa our first offensive lines, Year their final nine games.
City West grad Kyle Spence 1 and Year 2, we were trying Now, for the first time
carded a 73 Saturday at Fink- to bridge it together, piece it entering a season in Camp-
bine Golf Course, but main- together.” bell’s four years here, the
tained his lead in the Iowa Matthew Putney/Freelance
Iowa State lost two im- offensive line is viewed as an
City Men’s Amateur. pact players to the NFL Iowa State offensive linemen Julian Good-Jones (left) and Bryce Meeker asset.
Spence sits at 5-under after last spring in running back poses for a photo during football media day Thursday in Ames. Both are “We’re finally to the point
two rounds. David Montgomery and from Cedar Rapids and enter the 2019 season with 58 starts between them where there are some guys
© 2019 The Gazette
One shot back is Ned Cart- receiver Hakeem Butler. on the Cyclone offensive line. who have played together,”
er, a former Kirkwood and The program may make up Campbell said. “There is
Mount Mercy golfer, and Chad for that in something less “At Iowa State it’s not a learned skill. It’s a craft. veteran-ness, cohesiveness.”
McCarty, who has won the flashy, which is consistency snap your fingers and have a You’ve got to work in the Not only are four senior
event eight times. and perhaps more from its great offensive line,” Camp- weight room, work at how
The Gazette offensive line. bell said. “Offensive play is you eat, work at how you ;; HLAS, PAGE 2B
4B The Gazette ● Sunday, August 4, 2019
Alburnett pitcher Sam Hulk reacts as Mason City Newman wins the Class 1A
championship game Saturday at Principal Park in Des Moines.
finals and finished with 22 home for the first run when players, but the depth is what
total strikeouts in his two the throw skipped by the first makes this a championship
appearances. baseman. team. Everybody contributes.”
He retired the last nine Bastian helped his own Cliff Jette/The Gazette
batters and 14 of the last 15. cause with an RBI single to l Comments: (319) 368-8679; North Linn’s Jake Hilmer heads to first base after getting a hit against Van Meter
“Once I got in a rhythm, I left and Nate Skala followed in the Class 2A championship game at Principal Park in Des Moines.