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Using Python and Sockets: System Power Supply Programming

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System Power Supply Programming

Using Python and Sockets
Python programming is growing in popularity as it is easy to learn and available
free of charge from www.python.org. Python can be used with sockets to send Advantages of Python
for test engineering
SCPI commands to a system power supply connected to the LAN. This article
• Free, open source
will describe four functions used to send SCPI commands and receive data from
• Easy to learn
a system power supply. To get started programing you will need to download a
• Extensive libraries
free version of Python and the free environment Microsoft Visual Studio Code. If
• Integrates well with other
you are not familiar with Python, it supports a legacy 2.x version plus the newest languages
version 3.x. The general rule of thumb is to use the latest version (3.7) unless
you have a large installed base of 2.x code.

Program Structure
The code is structured to emphasize programming the system power supply.
Four functions were created to make it easy to explain the power supplies
commands (SCPI) without having to understand Python or sockets. For example,
outPut(‘*RST’) sends the SCPI command *RST to the power supply. Future
white papers will be more focused on the power supply SCPI commands. This
white paper will provide a little background on Python, sockets and the four
functions used to send the SCPI commands.

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Four functions used to communicate with Power Supply

Open Socket: openSocket(IPaddr,port) – Create a connection to IP address & port

Close Socket: closeSockets() – Closes the socket connection

Output: outPut(cmd1) – Sends SCPI commands as a string

Enter: enTer() – receives instrument data as a string

Figure 1. Four functions were created to send the SCPI commands and receive the
measurement data from the power supply.

If you are new to Python, you can find many useful tutorials and code snippets
to explain every Python concept. One of the core benefits of Python is that it is easy
to learn. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Python is whitespace sensitive
and uses indentation for flow control. Using the development environment Visual Studio
Code helps with creating the proper indenting. Figure 2. provides an example of using
white space (indenting) for flow control. Typically, variables are not declared or provided
a data type and can be re-used. Although, a global declaration is available to share
variables and their values between all functions.

def outPut(cmd1): # Send SCPI command via sockets

cmd1 = cmd1 + ‘\n’

Figure 2. Python uses indenting for flow control.

Socket connections provide a way to communicate with an instrument connected via
LAN. System power supplies often use the LAN interface as they are frequently located
remotely in a test system. If you are interested in further exploring sockets, our power
supplies use internet domain, streaming sockets. Software must use the same type
of socket along with an IP address and port to connect. Sockets have built-in error
trapping which is helpful for debugging. In addition, the code example, Figure 3 is
using the socket-timeout feature to trap any errors that occur in communicating with
the instrument.

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Open Socket Function
An IP address and port number are passed to the open socket routine. The Python
code is shown in Figure 3. A global connection allows the other functions to be able to
access it. Error and exceptions are handled in Python with a try-except statement. The
first try-except routine defines the socket type, internet/streaming and sets the timeout.
Our second try-except routine specifies the address for our socket connection. If the
instrument is offline or has been assigned a new address an “Error connecting
to socket on instrument: timed out” will occur. The error string is assigned
to e using the as command. The %s acts as a placeholder for a string inside a print
command. The placeholder is replaced by what follows % which in our case is the
variable e.

def openSocket(IPaddr,port): # Create a connection via sockets

global skt

skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
skt.settimeout(8) # 8 second timeout
except socket.error as e:
print(‘Error creating socket: %s’ % e)

skt.connect((IPaddr, port))
except socket.gaierror as e:
print(‘Address-related error connecting to instrument: %s’ % e)
except socket.error as e:
print(‘Error connecting to socket on instrument: %s’ % e)

Figure 3. Python function to open a socket to an instrument.

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Output and Enter Functions
The output and enter functions are straightforward. The power supply receives the SCPI
commands as strings followed by a “newline.” Python uses “/n” to send the code
for a newline. The output function passes a SCPI command along with the new line to
the instrument.

def outPut(cmd1): # Send SCPI command via sockets

cmd1 = cmd1 + ‘\n’

def enTer(): # Receive instrument data via sockets

return dataStr.strip()

Figure 4. Output and Enter functions pass ASCII data to and from the instrument.

The enter function receives ASCII data from the instrument. Spaces and escape codes
are stripped from the string. Print(enTer()) will display the string received from the
instrument. The routine can return numerical data or messages.

Close Socket Function

The closeSockets() function is a one-line function skt.close(). It was created
to keep symmetry with the openSocket()routine. Closing the sockets releases the
resources associated with the connection.

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Python along with sockets provides a simple way to send SCPI commands and receive
data from a system power supply. Using the four functions openSocket(), outPut(),
enTer(), and closeSockets() makes it easy to view the SCPI commands being
sent to the instrument. We hope that you use the attached sample program and modify
it for your application. The sample program sets the power supplies voltage
then measures the voltage and current. Keep in mind that our call centers do not have
the staffing to support sockets or Python but can help you with questions about our
power supplies.

# An example program to configure channel 1 of a modular DC power

# supply. The program follows the flow: open resources, reset,
# configure, main body, release resources. The hardware used is an N6700C
# and an N6762A

import socket, sys, time

def outPut(cmd1): # Send SCPI command via sockets

cmd1 = cmd1 + ‘\n’

def enTer(): # Receive instrument data via sockets

return dataStr.strip()

def openSocket(IPaddr,port): # Create a connection via sockets

global skt

skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
skt.settimeout(8) # 8 second timeout
except socket.error as e:
print(‘Error creating socket: %s’ % e)
skt.connect((IPaddr, port))
except socket.gaierror as e:
print(‘Address-related error connecting to instrument: %s’ % e)
except socket.error as e:
print(‘Error connecting to socket on instrument: %s’ % e)

def closeSockets(): # Close socket connection

# main function
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
# Assign resources

Sample program

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# Reset & configure mainframe / instrument
outPut(‘DISP:VIEW METER1’) # Single channel meter
print(‘mainframe configured’)
# Configure output channel 1
outPut(‘OUTP OFF, (@1)’) # Output off
outPut(‘VOLT 0, (@1)’) # Set voltage to 0
outPut(‘VOLT:PROT:LEV 6, (@1)’) # Set voltage limit 6 V
outPut(‘CURR 1, (@1)’) # Set CC limit 1 A
print(‘channel 1 configured’)
# Main body - Output voltages from 0 to 5 V with 1 V increments,
# measure the corresponding voltage and current.
outPut(‘OUTP ON, (@1)’) # Turn output on
for i in range(0, 6, 1): # Step voltage from 0 to 5 V
outPut(‘VOLT ‘ + str(i) + ‘, (@1)’) # Set output voltage
time.sleep(5) # Allow output to settle 5 s
outPut(‘MEAS:VOLT? (@1)’) # Measure voltage
respnse = enTer() # Retrieve data
print(respnse + ‘ V ‘, end=’’) # Print voltage
outPut(‘MEAS:CURR? (@1)’) # Measure current
respnse = enTer() # Retrieve data
print(respnse, ‘A’) # Print current
outPut(‘OUTP OFF, (@1)’) # Turn output off
print(‘loop complete’)
# Close socket - release resources
# End

Sample program continued

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This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2019, Published in USA, April 8, 2019, 5992-3827EN

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