Jurru MLT Exam
Jurru MLT Exam
Jurru MLT Exam
Sub : Issue of Goodstanding Certificate
Ref APMC/FMR/92893
: My Registration No. .......................
Lubna Sultana
I under signed Dr. ...................................................................................................................
Saleha Salama Sadi
S/o. / D/o. ..........................................................................................................................has registered
with AMC / HMC / TSMC under Registration No...........................................on 09/07/2015
The copy of said certificate is enclosed herewith for perusal. I request to kindly issue me a Goodstanding
Certificate which is required for my use in abroad. The necessary fee of Rs. 5,000/- is paid herewith.
Please accept the same and issue me the Goodstanding Certificate as early as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Lubna Sultana
(Dr. ..............................................)
Enclosures :
2. D.D. for Rs. 5,000/- drawn in favour of "Telangana State Medical Council, Hyderabad"
from Andhra Bank only.
3. In case of Tatkal Additional Fee Rs. 2,000/- if submitted before 1-00 p.m.
D.D. No. Dt. Rs.
1) 2) 3)