Essential Components of Primary Eye Care: Editorial
Essential Components of Primary Eye Care: Editorial
Essential Components of Primary Eye Care: Editorial
Affects any age or DIAGNOSE AND REFER General Physicians
Occurs everywhere
• Eye injuries point, with primary health care, which mary health care. The success of these pro-
• Corneal ulcer goes to the heart of community. It is grammes, within primary eye care, has
• Glaucoma, acute attack and cases with important to understand that primary been seen in many countries.4 Activities
one blind eye health care is the mother system into which largely rely on community involvement, as
• Ophthalmia neonatorum primary eye care, or basic eye care, is in case finding and mass referral. The
• Eye infections surgical eye team can play its role cost
• Pterygium* effectively, provided the community pre-
• Refractive errors and reading diffi- parations are completed well in advance of
culties actual surgery.
• Conditions with visual acuity less than The activities start with a short training
0.05(<3/60)** course for community health workers in
(* Highly prevalent in Thailand) the recognition of cataract, followed by
(** Implies possible cases with dis- door-to-door visits. Multi-stage screening
orders of the posterior segment of is part of primary eye care in case finding,
the eye, which may need referral). and encouraging patients to present for
surgery. At the same time, information
Almost similar conditions were identified
on eye care should be made available
in Myanmar, then Burma, which also
Cultural evening on health care in India throughout the community by all known
began primary eye care in 1981. Hence, all
Photo: Anup, New Stylo, Chaitanyapur means. Possible community activities are
the above are essential elements in the
summarised in Table 2.
clinical services of primary eye care in this
integrated. Careful situational analysis is,
part of the world. The same is also true for
therefore, absolutely necessary for effec- References
primary eye care in Vietnam, Laos and
tive primary health care in the targeted 1 Strategies for the Prevention of Blindness in
Cambodia, and even in China. National Programmes: A Primary Health Care
community, with special attention to its
Other regions of the world have their Approach, WHO/Geneva, 1984: 12.
essential elements.
own particular needs. For example, where 2 Ruderman A P. General Economic Considera-
The matrix given in Table 1 shows how tions. In: Reinke W A ed. Health Planning,
onchocerciasis is highly prevalent, special
integration can proceed on the premise that Qualitative Aspects and Quantitative Tech-
action is needed in the primary eye care niques. Baltimore: Wavery Press Inc., 1978:
health care is established.
context. 114–6.
3 See 1 above at 26.
Cataract Programmes and 4 Srisuphan V. Mass Cataract Intervention in the
Integration Matrix Primary Eye Care Context of Primary Health Care. Proceedings of
Primary eye care should not be planned WHO Inter-country Workshop on Prevention
A cataract programme can be a good
of Blindness, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1995: 84–92.
separately from primary health care. That example of primary eye care working
is, primary eye care is regarded as an entry effectively within the framework of pri- ✩ ✩ ✩