Installation Manual and Basic Linux/Unix Commands With Examples
Installation Manual and Basic Linux/Unix Commands With Examples
Installation Manual and Basic Linux/Unix Commands With Examples
Lecturer Name : Prof. Madya Dr. Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany
Group Member :
1. Ahmad Syafiq B Jusoh @ Mohd 050565
2. Muhammad Iskandar B A.Rasid 050821
Installation of Linux Operating System (Ubuntu) in a PC.
Gone are the days when setting up and using Linux was a cumbersome experience, and
what better way to see than trying Ubuntu -- one of the most popular and easiest-to-use
distributions available. Ubuntu has tempted many Windows users to make the switch to
open-source, free-to use-software.
One of the easiest methods to test Ubuntu is to install it on Oracle VM Virtual. You get all the
benefits of having Ubuntu installed but none of the hassles attributed to the process,
because it's all happening in a safe virtual environment.
1. Oracle VM Virtual
2. Ubuntu
Let's get to it then and install Ubuntu on Oracle VM Virtual by following the next steps:
Once the download is complete, open setup file and follow the steps below:
Step 2) You should fill in the blanks. Name the file ,select type is linux and version of it is
Ubuntu (32 bits),if can’t you should try on Ubuntu (64 bits). And click on Next button.
Step 3)Now Allocate Ram Size To your Virtual OS. I recommended keeping 1024mb (1 GB)
ram to run Ubuntu better. And click on next.
Step 4) Now To run OS in virtual box we have to create virtual hard disk, click on create a
virtual hard drive now and click on create button.The virtual hard disk is where the OS
installation files and data/applications you create/install in this Ubuntu machine will reside.
Step 5) Select VHD(Virtual Hard Disk) and click on Next button.
Step 6) Click on dynamic allocated and click on next. This means that the size of the disk
will increase dynamically as per requirement.
Step 7) Select Start:
Step 8) After that, it will come out like this and click on Start button again. There is a file
location that can you search where is your file located.
1) If you want to see the list of files on your UNIX or Linux system, use the 'ls' command.
It shows the files /directories in your current directory
The 'cat' command is used to display text files. It can also be used for copying, combining
and creating new text files. Let's see how it works.
To create a new file, use the command
1. cat > filename
2. Add content
3. Press 'ctrl + d' to return to command prompt
‘cat filename’
The 'rm' command removes files from the system without confirmation.
To remove a file use syntax -
rm filename
mv filename new_file_location
mv filename newfilename
6) Directory Manipulation
Creating Directories
Directories can be created on a Linux operating system using the following command
mkdir directoryname
This command will create a subdirectory in your present working directory, which is usually
your "Home Directory".
7) Removing Directories
rmdir directoryname
The 'mv' (move) command (covered earlier) can also be used for renaming
directories. Use the below-given format:
mv directoryname newdirectoryname
We want its content to be arranged in three columns. The syntax for the
same would be:
pr-x Filename
The ‘-x’ option with the ‘pr’ command divides the data into x columns.
Assigning a header
The syntax is:
pr –h ‘Header’ Filename
pr –n Filename
This command denotes all the lines in the file with numbers. These are
some ‘pr’ command options that you can use to modify the file format.
These are some pf the ‘pr’ command options that you can use to modify
the file format.
15) Installing Software
You can use the apt commands to install or remove a package. Lets
update all the installed packages in our system using command –
Sudo apt-get update
The easy and popular way to install programs on Ubuntu is by using the
Software center as most of the software packages are available on it
and it is far more secure than the files downloaded from the internet.
16) Sending E-mails
For sending mails through a terminal, you will need to install packages
The command syntax is-
Sudo apt –get install packagename
Once done, you can then use the following syntax for sending an email.
mail –s ‘subject’ –c ‘cc-address’ –b ‘bcc-address’ ‘to-address’
Press Cntrl+D you are finished writing the mail. The mail will be sent to
the mentioned address.
You can format and print a file directly from the terminal.The
formatting you do on the files does not affect the file
In Unix/Linux, software is installed in the form of packages. A
package contains the program itself. Any dependent
component needs to be downloaded separately.
You can also send e-mails from terminal using ‘mail’
17) Cheat Sheet