Section A (Demographic Profile) : Difficulties 5 4 3 2 1
Section A (Demographic Profile) : Difficulties 5 4 3 2 1
Section A (Demographic Profile) : Difficulties 5 4 3 2 1
Dear respondents,
We are currently conducting a survey on the challenges and Coping Strategies BSMT 2 Students
in John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation – Bacolod. We are requesting you to please answer this
questionnaire and to read carefully and check (/) the appropriate column for each statement as
promptly as possible. All information gathered shall be used purely for research purpose and
shall be treated with confidentiality.
Thank you!
Difficulties 5 4 3 2 1
1. The topic discussed in major subjects are strange to me.
2. I have difficulty understanding terminologies related to maritime field.
9. Pre Bac graduates are not helpful enough to support those who are Non
Pre Bac Graduates
My instructors does not explain thoroughly the lessons to help students
understand and learn.
Others, Please specify:
Coping Strategies 5 4 3 2 1
1. I study books in the library to help me learn the topics I find difficult
2. I seek the help of peers who are graduates of Pre- Bac.
2. What suggestion can you give to help the incoming Non Pre-Baccalaureate graduates with
their difficulty in taking the maritime course?