Engineering PDF
Engineering PDF
Engineering PDF
Integrate Health,
Safety, and Environment
into Engineering Projects
Apply HSE principles during
Victor H. Edwards, P.E.
Myra A. Ray front-end engineering design to assure safe,
Alan English, P.E. operable, and economical facilities.
IHI E&C International Corp.
Ralph Ellis
Jacobs Engineering Group
Jack Chosnek, P.E.
KnowledgeOne LLC
Edward Geaslin
Sandra L. Jones, P.E.
Fire Risk and Safety
Technologies, LLC
arly implementation of health, safety,
and environmental (HSE) principles is
essential to the success of engineering,
procurement, and construction (EPC) proj-
ects, and can prevent negative consequences
such as poor HSE and quality outcomes,
rework, schedule delays, and cost increases.
This article outlines a methodology for
the early integration of HSE during front-end
engineering design (FEED) to facilitate a
seamless transition into subsequent project
phases. Key FEED HSE activities include:
• conduct an HSE analysis
• develop a project HSE management plan
• create a project design basis that
includes HSE elements (1, 2)
50 April 2013 CEP Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
• perform process hazards analyses (3), including an local climate, or proximity to infrastructure.
inherently safer process review (4, 5), layer-of-protection The HSE analysis should identify challenges in the
analysis (LOPA) (6), and safety integrity level (SIL) planning, engineering, construction, commissioning, and
assessments (7) startup of the facility. For example, emission sources
• develop the conceptual design of fire-protection sys- require environmental permits that may affect decisions
tems (8, 9) and safety instrumented systems (SIS) (7) on equipment layout (particularly large equipment such as
• incorporate HSE into equipment layout and facility flares and storage tanks), and these permits may take a year
design decisions (10). or more to obtain. Participation of an experienced HSE
professional in these activities may reduce later facility-
Make HSE second nature siting issues.
The terms HSE and safety are sometimes used inter- Develop a project HSE management plan. A project
changeably. However, it is important to remember that safety HSE management plan defines the HSE principles and
is only one of three equal components of HSE. practices to be applied during the project (Table 2). This
The foundation of health, safety, and environmental plan summarizes how HSE excellence will be achieved
success is a commitment by everyone in the organization to on the entire project, from pre-FEED and FEED to EPC,
their personal and collective HSE outcomes. This represents
both a responsibility and a choice that we make as individu- Table 2. A typical project HSE management plan
als. Positive HSE outcomes become inherent in what we do. includes these elements.
Management must provide leadership by integrating Objectives
the HSE activities into the project schedule, by establishing Scope
forums where the entire team can contribute, and by seek- Project HSE management plan resources
ing open participation. Examples of open forums include
Roles and responsibilities
weekly safety meetings led by project team members, HSE
moments at the beginning of each project meeting, project- Safety meetings
specific process safety seminars, and seminars on new HSE HSE in design
technologies. Environmental and permitting requirements
Everyone in the organization must value and “own” HSE. Selection of work-site subcontractors
Project-level safety training
Plan early for future success
Projects should be built around a corporate HSE man- Site-specific HSE manual
agement system fostered and supported by corporate leader- Project-level incident-management requirements
ship. Hire employees and contractors who have expertise in Project-level measurement and reporting of performance
and a commitment to HSE. Requirements for construction sites
Conduct an HSE analysis. An early HSE analysis allows
Communication of work-site safety expectations
you to identify project-specific HSE challenges and to select
the appropriate risk identification and control methods. Subcontractor participation
Table 1 provides a list of typical topics covered in an HSE Demonstration of work-site management commitment and
analysis. Many factors can affect successful health, safety, leadership
and environmental performance. Focus on what is unique Work-site safety resources
about the project at hand, for instance novel technology, Fitness for duty
Identification of key safety program elements and selection of
safety initiatives
Table 1. An early HSE analysis
evaluates HSE risks in these key areas. Minimum HSE initiatives required
Health Work-site hazard recognition and control
Safety Work-site safety policies, procedures, and safe work practices
Environment Personal protective equipment
Owner Influences (e.g., project financing) Job hazard analysis
Project Execution Strategy (e.g., schedule, contracting basis) Recognition program
Location-Specific Factors (e.g., layout impacts, site location) Inspections
Regulatory Requirements Audits
Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP April 2013 51
commissioning, startup, and turnover. A project construction manager joins the project dur-
The project HSE management plan defines the roles ing FEED to begin anticipating and addressing potential
and responsibilities of key HSE personnel. For example, project challenges during construction. On large projects, a
overall HSE responsibility for the project rests with the construction HSE manager may be based at the construction
project director, but the day-to-day HSE responsibilities are site to oversee the extensive HSE programs during construc-
typically executed by a project HSE manager. Large engi- tion, with support from a construction safety manager and a
neering projects usually have several individuals with risk construction environmental manager.
engineering, environmental engineering and permitting, and Create a project design basis that includes HSE ele-
fire-protection engineering backgrounds who report to the ments. In addition to performing a project HSE analysis and
project HSE manager and who work together on both FEED preparing a project HSE management plan, it is important
and detailed engineering design to achieve overall HSE to incorporate HSE principles into the project design basis.
excellence. Additionally, a process safety engineer should be Table 3 lists typical elements of the fire-protection portion
involved in plot plan development and in 3D model reviews. of the project design basis. Developing the project design
Personnel in other project disciplines, such as process, basis early in the project provides a clear definition of the
piping, mechanical, process control, and civil/structural/ design criteria that will be applied on the project and allows
architectural engineering, also have key roles in assuring consistent engineering practices to be employed across the
HSE success throughout the project. They interface with the project lifecycle.
HSE team members to ensure that HSE best practices from Other early HSE activities during FEED (Table 4). A
their disciplines are followed as well. key early-FEED activity is conducting a preliminary pro-
cess hazard analysis (PHA) to identify hazards and enable
Table 3. The project design basis should address their early elimination or control. The preliminary PHA is
these considerations related to fire protection. normally carried out soon after the process flow diagrams
Fire protection scope
Table 4. Other typical FEED-phase activities.
General design considerations
Minimize risk to personnel Create and maintain a strong commitment to HSE by all team
Appropriate design criteria
Clarify roles and responsibilities of team members
Fire-protection-water supply and distribution
Establish the sequence and timing/duration for HSE in design
activities, including analysis of any prerequisites to each review
Practice HSE in design throughout the project
Fire-protection-water pumps and jockey pumps
Conduct a preliminary process hazards analysis (PHA) using a
Fire-protection-water pump control
suitable methodology, such as what-if analysis
Fixed fire-protection systems
Undertake a consequence analysis
Fixed water-spray deluge systems
Conduct a P&ID design review prior to the FEED PHA
Foam systems
Conduct a FEED PHA using the P&IDs and a more-structured
Fire-protection-water monitors
methodology, such as HAZOP
Fire hydrants
Conduct a layer-of-protection analysis (LOPA) and a preliminary
Portable equipment
safety integrity level (SIL) assessment
Passive fire-protection systems
Hold a plot-plan review, and assess the outcomes of the
Fireproofing consequence analysis
Drainage and containment Perform a hazardous area classification review
Hazard detection and alarm Ensure early interaction between the risk-assessment and
Fire detection fire-protection members on the team
Combustible gas detection Identify and manage change during the design process in a way
Toxic gas detection that ensures changes made during design development do not
impair safety and/or operability
Carbon dioxide detection
Other fire-detection devices Create a facility design that minimizes exposure of the
construction and operating/maintenance workforces to
occupational health and safety hazards
Surface protection
Ensure that the facility design meets all regulatory requirements
Insulation and has minimum adverse impacts on the environment
52 April 2013 CEP Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
(PFDs) have been issued and reviewed. Participation of a Because the plant design remains preliminary during FEED,
process safety specialist in the PFD reviews is beneficial. the assigned SIL values must be reassessed during detailed
This is a good time to introduce inherently safer design engineering. During FEED, assigning SIL values based
(ISD) principles. For large projects, it may be appropriate to on a layer-of-protection analysis (LOPA) is preferred over
conduct a separate screening-level ISD review (4). quantitative risk assessment (QRA). This is because LOPA
The creation of a hazards register immediately after is much quicker than QRA but still achieves a semi-quantita-
completing the preliminary PHA ensures that all of the iden- tive evaluation of the risks of specific scenarios. Also, QRAs
tified hazards (as well as any new ones that surface later) are are usually conducted by an individual, whereas LOPAs are
tracked throughout the evolution of the design and are suit- conducted by a team of experienced professionals who bring
ably resolved. Hazards that are not captured in this register their diverse expertise to risk evaluation and risk reduction.
could be missed in subsequent hazard analyses. Failure to The following sections discuss in more detail several
capture hazards could also result in a design that includes aspects of HSE in design.
unresolved hazards.
Model the consequences of potential hazardous events HSE in design — risk engineering (Table 5)
and perform a consequence analysis. The consequence Incorporate the results of the consequence analysis and
analysis allows the identified hazards to be ranked by level of evaluation of potentially hazardous scenarios into the facility
risk, and provides a guide to risk-management actions, such siting study, that is, in the arrangement of units in the plot
as the optimal layout of process units and equipment during plan, and in the placement of equipment within the units.
early plot-plan development. The cases to be modeled will be For example, locate occupied buildings a safe distance
based on the scenarios developed in the preliminary PHA. from potentially hazardous units, and design them to with-
The scheduling of key HSE tasks and milestones is an stand any potential residual explosion overpressures. Where
integral part of the overall project schedule. Sequencing is there is a risk of a vapor cloud explosion, increase the equip-
very important. For example, the PFDs should be developed ment spacing to reduce congestion, since congestion and
and reviewed for potential design shortcomings prior to the confinement increase the severity of vapor cloud explosions.
preliminary PHA. The consequence analysis should reveal locations where
Similarly, if the piping and instrumentation diagrams flammable vapors might exceed 50% of the lower flamma-
(P&IDs) have not been reviewed prior to the FEED PHA, bility limit (LFL). This information can be used to draw the
the focus of the review meetings can shift to resolution of hazardous area classification boundaries. If, for instance, the
design issues instead of the safety and operability of the consequence analysis identifies credible scenarios involving
design. More importantly, overemphasis on fixing design the release of flammable vapors, the boundaries of the classi-
problems may cause hazards to be overlooked. fied areas might need to be expanded.
A preliminary safety integrity level (SIL) assessment During the detailed design phase, conduct the detailed
provides a more-accurate basis for estimating the cost and PHA (usually a HAZOP) after the P&IDs are issued for
complexity of the safety instrumented system (SIS) for the design. Participation of a process safety professional in the
facility, and enables the SIS design to be developed early.
Table 6. Environmental tasks during FEED.
Table 5. Additional tasks during FEED Create a project environmental management plan
related to risk engineering.
Identify potential waste streams and design to eliminate or
Conduct a facility siting study minimize them
Update and maintain the plot plan based on the results of Identify permit requirements and support permitting efforts
consequence analysis and facility siting findings
Assess baseline noise levels and model anticipated noise
Conduct a detailed PHA, often a hazard and operability sources
(HAZOP) review, after the P&IDs have been reviewed, updated,
Create a plan to minimize adverse impacts on the environment
and issued for design
during construction and commissioning
Update the LOPA and SIL assessments and issue for
Ensure that construction teams are skilled in the sensitive
treatment of the environment
Maintain the hazard register to track all identified hazards until
Design to minimize adverse impacts on the environment during
they have been successfully eliminated, controlled, or mitigated
operation and maintenance
Identify and manage change on the project by tracking
Ensure that the facility design meets all regulatory requirements
and reviewing all changes; consider whether any previous
reviews require updating if key inputs change during project Pay attention to the federal, state, and local environmental
development protocols and permitting requirements
Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP April 2013 53
P&ID review is recommended. Next, update and complete HSE in design — fire protection (Table 7)
the LOPA and SIL assessment, and then finalize the design Fire protection usually accounts for only a small fraction
for the safety instrumented system. of the total cost of a major process plant — perhaps about
The hazard register is an evergreen document that tracks 1.5% of the total installed cost of the project. A key perfor-
identified hazards until they have been successfully elimi- mance requirement of fire-protection systems is to provide
nated, controlled, or mitigated. a prompt, reliable, and adequate response to fire scenarios
Change management becomes formalized after the such that the risk of escalation beyond the capabilities of
detailed PHA is complete. After that, all changes to the the plant is reduced to an acceptable level (8, 9). Further-
P&IDs and other key documents must be reviewed for indi- more, fire protection should provide protection for people
vidual and/or cumulative potential HSE impacts. and plant assets while minimizing the potential for business
HSE in design — environmental (Table 6)
Protecting the environment through HSE in design is HSE in design — occupational
more than simply regulatory compliance. For example, safety and health (Table 8)
potential waste streams should be identified early in the The 3D model used for layout and piping design is
project (preferably no later than pre-FEED) and the process an excellent tool for considering the human factors of the
modified to eliminate or minimize them. design — i.e., the accessibility and operability of equipment
Measure baseline noise levels before site activities begin. and valves, the locations of unimpeded emergency egress
During FEED, conduct a noise study to estimate noise levels routes, etc. Review the model to ensure that valves and field
in the facility under planned operating conditions. The instruments are located for convenient access and that there
results can be used to identify equipment that requires noise are no dead-end piping locations.
mitigation. Designing for constructability and construction safety
Plan the construction phase to minimize adverse during engineering can provide significant benefits during
environmental impacts during construction. For example, the construction phase.
enact measures to prevent soil erosion and contamination of
stormwater runoff. Closing thoughts
Similarly, train the construction personnel on sensitive Major process-facility projects may ultimately involve
treatment of the environment. For example, provide guid- hundreds or thousands of people in engineering, procure-
ance on the proper disposal of waste engine oil and contami- ment, and construction, as well as the subsequent commis-
nated soil. sioning and startup. Early planning and application of HSE
Process equipment must meet environmental require- principles during engineering are essential to minimize risks
ments, and many months may pass between permit applica- to personnel and the environment throughout the lifecycle of
tion and approval. So, apply for environmental permits early. a process plant. Early application also provides an opportu-
nity to incorporate inherently safer design principles.
Table 7. Typical FEED-phase activities for fire protection.
Each engineering discipline and project function can
Develop a fire-protection philosophy (e.g., water-spray deluge contribute significantly to the overall safety of a facility by
systems vs. fireproofing)
applying the best practices of that discipline. Best HSE
Incorporate the fire-protection strategy in the project design practices involve all members of the project team in coop-
basis consistent with owner standards and applicable codes erative efforts to achieve project HSE success. CEP
Identify areas that may be exposed to fire, to indicate where
fireproofing will be required
Table 8. Occupational safety and
Identify locations and design/performance criteria for fixed
health activities during FEED.
fire-protection systems, such as water-spray deluge systems,
monitors, and hydrants Minimize exposure to occupational health and safety hazards
through a thorough assessment of how materials and process
Estimate fire-protection-water demand
components are moved around the site and within individual
Develop the fire-protection-water distribution-system design, units
including water supply source(s), fire-protection-water system
Review the plot plan, 3D model, and equipment arrangement
piping, and other accessories
Develop the fire/gas detection and alarm system design basis,
Consider human factors (ergonomics) in facility design
and determine locations of the devices
Design for constructability and construction safety
Specify miscellaneous fire-protection and safety equipment,
such as extinguishers, hose reels, and safety showers Develop the commissioning and startup sequence
54 April 2013 CEP Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Literature Cited
1. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Risk Based 6. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Layer of Protection
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York, NY (2007). Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, NY (2001).
2. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Engineer- 7. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Safe and
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Chemical Engineers, New York, NY (2012). Chemical Engineers, New York, NY (2007).
3. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Hazard 8. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Fire
Evaluation Procedures,” 3rd ed., American Institute of Chemical Protection in Chemical, Petrochemical, and Hydrocarbon
Engineers, New York, NY (2008). Processing Facilities,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
4. Edwards, V. H., and J. Chosnek, “Make Your Existing Plant New York, NY (2003).
Inherently Safer,” Chem. Eng. Progress, 108 (1), pp. 48–52 9. DiNenno, P. J., ed., “SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection
(Jan. 2012). Engineering,” 3rd ed., Society of Fire Protection Engineers and
5. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Inherently Safer Chemical National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA (2002).
Processes: A Life Cycle Approach,” 2nd ed., American Institute of 10. Center for Chemical Process Safety, “Guidelines for Facility
Chemical Engineers, New York, NY (2009). Siting and Layout,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
New York, NY (2003).
ViCTor H. EdwardS, Phd, P.E., is Director of Process Safety for IHI E&C chemical refining, LNG regasification, minerals processing, and materials
International Corp. (1080 Eldridge Pkwy., Houston, TX 77077; Phone: (832) handling. He initially worked as a mechanical engineer, and has gained
379-7742; Email: Responsible for health, safety, experience in projects such as engineering, procurement, and construc-
and environment in design, he has worked for IHI and its predecessor tion of greenfield facilities, co-located additions to existing facilities, area
companies for 29 years, and has experience in process research and turnarounds, and pre-FEED and FEED activities. He received a BE from the
engineering, process safety management, and chemical, biochemical, Univ. of West Australia in 1990.
energy, environmental, and mineral processing technologies. As an alliance
engineering contractor, he received three DuPont awards for safety and JaCk CHoSnEk, Phd, P.E., is a consultant in process safety management and
environmental engineering excellence and two DuPont awards for health, knowledge management with KnowledgeOne, LLC (P.O. Box 451629, Hous-
safety, and environmental excellence. In 1998, Norway-based engineering ton, TX 77245; Phone: (281) 529-6085; Email:; Website:
and construction firm Kvaerner named him employee of the year. Previously, and has more than 35 years of experience in the
he worked as an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Cornell petrochemical industry. As a consultant for companies in the chemical, oil
Univ., program manager at the National Science Foundation, research fellow and gas, waste management, and mining industries, he has developed and
at Merck, alternate energy researcher at United Energy Resources, visiting implemented process safety management systems, facilitated PHAs, writ-
professor of environmental engineering at Rice Univ., and senior process ten operating procedures, conducted incident investigations and process
engineer at Fluor. He has more than 60 publications and one patent, and safety audits, and developed commercial software for PHA facilitation and
has chaired numerous conferences and technical sessions. Edwards earned management of change (MOC). Before becoming a consultant, he worked
his BA from Rice Univ. and his PhD from the Univ. of California at Berkeley, for Celanese Corp. for 25 years. He is Chair of the Process Safety Workshops
both in chemical engineering. A registered professional engineer in Texas, program of the South Texas Section of AIChE, and has chaired and co-
he is an AIChE Fellow, and a member of ACS, AAAS, NFPA, NSPE, and the chaired numerous process safety sessions at technical conferences. He
New York Academy of Sciences. holds three patents related to chemical production. He has a BS and an MS
from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and a PhD from the Univ.
Myra a. ray is a project manager with IHI (Email: She of Missouri at Rolla, all in chemical engineering, and an MBA from Texas
has worked for the MW Kellogg Co., Fluor Daniel, Inc., and Worley Parsons, A&M – Corpus Christi. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas.
in addition to owning and operating a successful real estate investment and
development business. She graduated from Texas A&M Univ. with a BS in Edward gEaSlin is a fire protection consultant at Fluor (Email: edward.
chemical engineering in 1988, and prior to graduation, worked for Arco Oil He has over 35 years of consulting experience, with
and Gas doing production research. responsibility for the design, installation, supervision, and testing of fire
protection systems for the oil and gas industry. Prior to becoming a consul-
alan EngliSH, P.E., is the Vice President of Process and HSE at IHI (Email: tant, he worked for Factory Mutual Engineering and Brown and Root as a and has over 38 years of project and process fire protection engineer. His assignments have included wharfs and docks
engineering and management experience in the oil, gas, and petro- for unloading crude oil, offshore platforms, nuclear power generation facili-
chemical industries. He has been involved in the development of new ties, refineries, single-point moorings, underground storage of crude oil,
technology for synthesis gas production and purification plants, and LNG storage and loading facilities, gas-to-liquid facilities, mineral mining,
has experience in design, construction, and startup of methanol, MTBE, and coal-to-gasoline plants. Geaslin received a BS in industrial engineering
cogeneration, and gas processing facilities. He also has extensive experi- from Lamar Univ. in 1970.
ence in developing international FEED and FEL packages for multiple
product lines and locations. His management experience includes Sandra l. JonES, P.E., is a fire protection engineer with Fire Risk & Safety
business development, project management, engineering management, Technologies, LLC (18333 Egret Bay Blvd., Suite 270, Houston, TX 77058;
and supervision of process, HSE, engineering, and quality personnel. He Email:; Website: and has more
graduated with honors from the Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, than 23 years of experience providing consulting and engineering services
with a BSc in chemical engineering. for the chemical and oil and gas industries. She has served as an adjunct
professor and chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Fire
ralPH ElliS is a senior project manager with Jacobs Engineering Group, and Protection Engineering and Safety Technology Dept. of the Univ. of Houston
previously led several major projects at IHI (Email: Downtown. She holds a BS in fire protection engineering (with honors) from
He has spent the last 22 years working in Australia and in the U.S. on a the Univ. of Maryland, and served as president of the Houston Chapter of
variety of technologies, including petrochemical refining and hydrocarbons, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions to HSE leadership by David Wirges of IHI E&C International Corp. (IHI).
Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP April 2013 55