Guillermo V People (Full Text-Highlighted)
Guillermo V People (Full Text-Highlighted)
Guillermo V People (Full Text-Highlighted)
A: About three times as far as I can defense are enumerated under Article aggression by the victim is
remember.40 [Emphasis supplied] 11(1) of the Revised Penal Code: present, plus any one of the two
essential requisites.42
The petitioner justifies the stabbing as ART. 11. Justifying circumstances. -
an act of self-defense. The following do not incur any In the present case, we find it beyond
criminal liability: dispute that the victim Winnie started
the fight that ended in his death; he
struck the petitioner on the head
when the latter intervened to pacify aggression confronting the accused, evidence shows that indeed the
the quarrel between Winnie and the means employed to repel this petitioner suffered the following
Arnaldo. In short, the victim was the attack, the surrounding circumstances injuries:
unlawful aggressor while the of the attack such as its place and
petitioner was in the lawful act of occasion, the weapons used, and the 1. Contusion Hematoma 2 x 3 left
pacifying the quarreling parties; thus, physical condition of the parties - parital area just above the left ear.
the latter has in his favor the element which, when viewed as material
of unlawful aggression by the considerations, must show rational 2. Linear abrasion 3 - 4 cm left hand
victim. equivalence between the attack and medial side.
the defense.43 In People v.
We consider it also established that 3. Linear abrasion 2 - 3 cm left head
Escarlos,44 this Court held that the
the petitioner did not provoke the ulnar side.46
means employed by a person invoking
fight that ensued; he was a third self-defense must be reasonably The weapons that caused these
party to the quarrel between the commensurate to the nature and the
injuries were a beer bottle and, quite
original protagonists - Winnie and extent of the attack sought to be
possibly, fingernails as the victim and
Arnaldo - and did not at all initiate any averted. In Sienes v. People,45 we the appellant grappled with each
provocation to ignite the quarrel. considered the nature and number of other.47 In contrast, the victim
Thus, the petitioner also has the wounds inflicted on the victim as
suffered three stab wounds: at the
element of lack of sufficient important indicia material to a plea for
neck, at the abdomen and in the
provocation in his favor. self-defense. chest. The weapon used was a
The third element - the Batangas knife that admittedly
In the present case, the attack on the
reasonableness of the means to repel belonged to the petitioner. Thus, the
petitioner came as he intervened in a
the aggression - is the critical element physical evidence in the case stands.
quarrel between the victim and
that the lower courts found lacking in another party. As we concluded
The petitioner claims self-defense on
the petitioner's case. Generally, above, we deem it established that
the position that Winnie, after hitting
reasonableness is a function of the the victim was the unlawful aggressor him on the head three times with an
nature or severity of the attack or who attacked the petitioner. Physical empty bottle, grabbed another bottle,
broke it against the wall, and thrust it area above the left ear. Unless the aimed at vital parts of the body, thus
towards him. It was at this point that three (3) beer bottle blows that the pointing against a conclusion that the
the petitioner used his knife to inflict petitioner alleged all landed on the petitioner was simply warding off
Winnie's fatal wounds. Clearly, the same site - a situation that could have broken beer bottle thrusts and used
petitioner wants to impress upon us incapacitated the petitioner - the more his knife as a means commensurate to
that his response to Winnie's attack plausible conclusion from the physical the thrusts he avoided. To be precise,
was reasonable; he used a knife to evidence is that the petitioner the petitioner inflicted on the
repel an attacker armed with a broken received only one blow, not three as victim: one stab wound at the
beer bottle. he claimed. Contrary to what the chest, 6-8 cms. deep, at the 5th rib
petitioner wishes to imply, he could clavicular area, or in plainer terms, in
Several reasons militate against our not have been a defender reeling from the area of the victim's
acceptance of the petitioner's version successive head blows inflicted by the heart; another was at the neck, 5
and interpretation of events. victim. cms. deep, just above the
breastbone; and a last one was in
First, there is intrinsic disproportion Third, the victim, Vicente, and Eddie, the abdominal area, 3-5 cms.
between a Batangas knife and a were already drunk when they arrived deep. The depth of these wounds
broken beer bottle. Although this at the restaurant before the fatal shows the force exerted in the
disproportion is not conclusive and fight. This state of intoxication, while petitioner's thrusts while the locations
may yield a contrary conclusion not critically material to the stabbing are indicative that the thrusts were all
depending on the circumstances, we that transpired, is still material for meant to kill, not merely to disable
mention this disproportionality purposes of defining its surrounding the victim and thereby avoid his
because we do not believe that the circumstances, particularly the fact drunken thrusts.
circumstances of the case dictate a that a broken beer bottle might not
contrary conclusion. have been a potent weapon in the Fifth, in appreciating the facts, the
hands of a drunk wielder. RTC and the CA were one in the
Second, physical evidence shows that conclusion to disbelieve the
the petitioner suffered only one Fourth, and as the CA aptly observed petitioner's allegation of complete
contusion hematoma at the parietal as well, the knife wounds were all
self-defense, as reflected in the CA's solely on is own testimony to buttress are to be given the highest respect;
further cogent observations that: his defense. the trial court enjoys the unique
advantage of being able to observe, at
(b) If, indeed the deceased picked up (d) The Municipal Trial Court close range, the conduct and
another bottle of beer, hit the same conducted a preliminary investigation deportment of witnesses as they
against the wall, resulting in the of the "Criminal Complaint" filed testify. These factual findings, when
breakage of the bottle, and with it, hit against the Appellant, Arnaldo, and adopted and confirmed by the CA, are
the Appellant anew, it behooved the Joemar. However, the Appellant did final and conclusive and need not be
Appellant to have rushed posthaste to not submit any "Counter-Affidavit" reviewed on the appeal to us. We are
the police station and report the claiming that he was impelled to stab not a trier of facts; as a rule, we do
stabbing, with the request that a Winnie three (3) successive times on not weigh anew the evidence already
policeman be dispatched to the locus mortal parts of his body and killing passed on by the trial court and
criminis and confirm the presence of [sic] him because Winnie picked up a affirmed by the CA.49 Only after a
broken pieces of beer bottle in the bottle, hit the same against a wall and showing that the courts below
restaurant. The Appellant did not. He hit the Appellant anew with the ignored, overlooked, misinterpreted,
and his companions, Arnaldo and broken bottle.48 [Underscoring in the or misconstrued cogent facts and
Joemar, fled from the scene, via the original] circumstances of substance that would
back door, and escaped on board a alter the outcome of the case, are we
motorcycle. We see no reason to disturb these justified in undertaking a factual
findings as they are based on existing review. No such exceptional grounds
(c) Neither Arnaldo, Joemar, or evidence, and the conclusions drawn obtain in this case.
Babylou corroborated the claim of the therefrom are patently reasonable.
Appellant that, after the Appellant We have time and again held that the In sum, we rule that there was no
boxed Winnie, who lost his hold of the findings of facts of the trial court, its rational equivalence between the
bottle of beer, he picked up another assessment of the credibility of means of the attack and the
bottle and struck the bottle of beer witnesses and the probative weight of means of defense sufficient to
against the wall and hit the Appellant their testimonies, and the conclusions characterize the latter as
with the bottle. The appellant relied based on the these factual findings reasonable.
The Proper Penalty "reasonable means," the mayor has to be reduced by one
petitioner is, therefore, entitled to degree without taking into account the
The imposable penalty for homicide the privileged mitigating attendant modifying circumstances.
under Article 249 of the Revised Penal circumstance of incomplete self- The penalty lower by one degree
Code is reclusion temporal in its full defense. Consequently, the penalty is prision correccional whose range is
range.50 Article 69 of the Code for homicide may be lowered by one from 6 months and 1 day to 6 years.
however provides that: or two degrees, at the discretion of The trial court is given the widest
the court. discretion to fix the minimum of the
ART. 69. Penalty to be imposed when indeterminate penalty provided that
the crime committed is not wholly The penalty which the RTC imposed such penalty is within the range
excusable. - A penalty lower by one or and which the CA affirmed lowered of prision correccional.
two degrees than that prescribed by the penalty of reclusion temporal by
law shall be imposed if the deed is not one degree, which yields the penalty The CA affirmed the indeterminate
wholly excusable by reason of the lack of prision mayor. From this penalty, penalty of six (6) years prision
of some of the conditions required to the maximum of the indeterminate correccional, as minimum, to ten (10)
justify the same or to exempt from penalty is determined by taking into years of prision mayor, as maximum,
criminal liability in the several cases account the attendant modifying as imposed by the RTC on petitioner.
mentioned in Articles 11 and 12, circumstances, applying Article 64 of We affirm this to be the legally correct
provided that the majority of such the Revised Penal Code.51 Since no and proper penalty to be imposed
conditions be present. The courts shall aggravating nor mitigating upon petitioner.
impose the penalty in the period circumstance intervened, the
which may be deemed proper, in view maximum of the indeterminate We also affirm the P50,000.00 death
of the number and nature of the penalty shall be prision mayor in its indemnity awarded to Winnie's heirs,
conditions of exemption present or medium period whose range is from 8 in accordance with prevailing
lacking. years and 1 day to 10 years. jurisprudence.52
Since the petitioner's plea of self- To determine the minimum of the We add that moral damages should be
defense lacks only the element of indeterminate penalty, prision awarded as they are mandatory in
murder and homicide cases without
need of allegation and proof other
than the death of the victim.53 The
award of P50,000.00 as moral
damages is, therefore, in order.