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C18-IRB-38-03 Regulatory Frameworks Report (Wacc) !!!!!!

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Incentive Regulation and Benchmarking

Work Stream

Report on Regulatory Frameworks for

European Energy Networks
CEER Report

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
18 January 2019

Council of European Energy Regulators asbl

Cours Saint-Michel 30a, Box F – 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Arrondissement judiciaire de Bruxelles – RPM 0861.035.445
Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks



This document (Ref. C18-IRB-38-03) presents the CEER report on regulatory

frameworks 2018 in European energy networks.
The regulation of natural monopolies as they are found at European electricity and
natural gas networks is necessary to guarantee free competition at the upper and
lower market layers and to avoid a loss of consumers’ welfare. Furthermore, a
regulatory system also sets standards to the regulated network operators and for
possible investors of the networks themselves.
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2018,
the required efficiency developments and analyses the overall determination of
capital costs in EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. A major focus is placed
on the calculation of an adequate rate of return, the determination of the regulatory
asset base (RAB) and the depreciation of assets in the different regulatory
regimes. Other important individual parameters and new incentive mechanisms
presented in this study have to be interpreted in the context of a whole country-
specific regulatory regime. Some contents only reflect an ex ante approach for
2018, while ex post calculations still are to be executed.
This report also serves as a background paper to CEER work on incentives, both
in a quantitative as in a qualitative way.

Target Audience
European Commission, energy suppliers, traders, gas/electricity customers, gas/electricity
industry, consumer representative groups, network operators, Member States, academics
and other interested parties.

Regulatory framework, Investment conditions, networks, rate-of-return regulation, regulatory
asset base, cost of capital, incentive mechanisms, depreciations

If you have any queries relating to this paper please contact:

CEER Secretariat
Tel. +32 (0)2 788 73 30
Email: brussels@ceer.eu

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Related Documents

CEER Documents
• CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries in 2017, Ref. C17-
IRB-30-03, 11 January 2018
• CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries in 2016, Ref. C16-
IRB-29-03, 24 January 2017
• CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries in 2015, Ref. C15-
IRB-28-03, 14 March 2016
• CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European
countries, Ref: C14-IRB-23-03a, 27 April 2015
• CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European
countries, Ref: C13-IRB-17-03, 7 March 2014
• CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European
countries, Ref: C13-EFB-09-03, 4 July 2013

External Documents

• IRG – Regulatory Accounting, Principles of Implementation and Best Practice for

WACC calculation, February 2007
• S. Ross, R. Westerfield, B. Jordan, Essentials of Corporate Finance, Irwin/McGraw-
Hill, 2016

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................6

2 COMPACT DESCRIPTION OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ..................................7

2.1 Austria...........................................................................................................................8
2.2 Belgium .......................................................................................................................13
2.3 Croatia ........................................................................................................................14
2.4 Czech Republic ...........................................................................................................18
2.5 Denmark .....................................................................................................................22
2.6 Estonia ........................................................................................................................26
2.7 Finland ........................................................................................................................31
2.8 France.........................................................................................................................36
2.9 Germany .....................................................................................................................39
2.10 Great Britain ................................................................................................................44
2.11 Greece ........................................................................................................................45
2.12 Hungary ......................................................................................................................50
2.13 Iceland ........................................................................................................................55
2.14 Ireland .........................................................................................................................59
2.15 Italy .............................................................................................................................64
2.16 Latvia ..........................................................................................................................65
2.17 Lithuania .....................................................................................................................66
2.18 Luxembourg ................................................................................................................72
2.19 Netherlands.................................................................................................................77
2.20 Norway........................................................................................................................81
2.21 Poland.........................................................................................................................86
2.22 Portugal ......................................................................................................................91
2.23 Romania .....................................................................................................................96
2.24 Slovenia .................................................................................................................... 101
2.25 Spain......................................................................................................................... 102
2.26 Sweden ..................................................................................................................... 107

3 ECONOMIC THEORY AND THE REGULATORY SYSTEM ............................................ 112

3.1 Regulatory system in place ....................................................................................... 112
3.2 Efficiency Requirements............................................................................................ 113

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

4 CALCULATION OF THE RATE OF RETURN ................................................................. 114

4.1 Methods used of the rate of return ............................................................................ 114
4.2 Year of rate of return estimation and length of regulatory period ............................... 114
4.3 Rate of interest .......................................................................................................... 115
4.3.1 Risk free rate ............................................................................................... 115
4.3.2 Debt premiums ............................................................................................ 116
4.3.3 Market risk premiums .................................................................................. 116
4.3.4 Capital gearing ............................................................................................ 117
4.3.5 Taxes .......................................................................................................... 117
4.3.6 Beta............................................................................................................. 117

5 REGULATORY ASSET BASE ......................................................................................... 119

5.1 Components of the RAB............................................................................................ 119
5.1.1 Tariff calculation .......................................................................................... 119
5.1.2 Fixed assets ................................................................................................ 119
5.1.3 Working capital ............................................................................................ 119
5.1.4 Assets under construction ........................................................................... 120
5.1.5 Contribution from third parties ..................................................................... 120
5.1.6 Leased Assets ............................................................................................. 121
5.1.7 Other RAB components............................................................................... 121
5.2 Determination of initial regulatory asset value ........................................................... 121
5.2.1 Historical costs ............................................................................................ 121
5.2.2 Re-evaluation of assets ............................................................................... 121
5.2.3 Mix of historical and re-evaluated asstes ..................................................... 122
5.3 Difference between the RAB defined on the net book values and the RAB based on
re-evaluated asset base ................................................................................................... 122
5.4 Monetary value of regulated assets on historical cost basis and monetary value of
re-evaluated regulated assets .......................................................................................... 123
5.5 RAB adjustments ...................................................................................................... 123
5.6 RAB conclusions ....................................................................................................... 123

6 DEPRECIATIONS ............................................................................................................ 125

6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 125

7 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 126

ANNEX 1 – LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................. 128

ANNEX 2 – LIST OF QUESTIONS ......................................................................................... 130

ANNEX 3 – COLLECTED & FILLED OUT TABLES………………………………..Separate files

ABOUT CEER……………………………………………………………………………………........135

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

1 Introduction

This report provides a general overview of the regulatory systems of electricity and gas
networks in most individual EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. A major focus is placed
on the calculation of a classic and adequate rate of return, the determination of the regulatory
asset base (RAB) and the depreciation of assets in the different regulatory regimes.

Of course there are still other important factors which have an influence at the work of the
regulated network operators or the decisions of investors, including, for example, the time
required for permitting processes or the overall stability of the implemented regime. However,
these equally important aspects go beyond the scope of this report and are therefore not
covered in this analysis. In respect of this, the reader should be aware that the parameters
presented in this study have to be interpreted in the context of a whole country-specific
regulatory regime.

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) considers that in a system with a
mature regulatory framework, the regulatory review will generally be a package of different
decisions which need to form a coherent whole.

As tariff regulation schemes are highly complex, a direct comparison of certain parameters,
such as capital costs, is difficult and should only be done in the context of the whole
regulatory system.

CEER addressed this challenge by undertaking a survey among CEER members, which
focused on the main elements for determining allowed revenues. This data was then subject
to a basic comparison and a number of conclusions were drawn.

This report includes data submitted by the national energy regulators of Austria, Belgium,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden (26 countries).

The data collection, covering the current regulatory regimes in 2018, took place in the first
half of 2018.

In comparison to the previous reports from 2014 to 2017, no major changes were found in
respect of the most important parameters. But a new chapter (chapter 2 of the current report)
has been added, which gives a brief overview of the regulatory regimes in individual EU
Member States, Iceland and Norway. Chapters 6 and 7 of the previous reports have been
removed due to the relevance of the content. For further details regarding differences or
developments one can consult last year’s report. This annual report focusing on the
regulatory frameworks for European energy networks will be published every year in future.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2 Compact Description of the Regulatory Framework

There is considerable variation in the number, size and structure of electricity and gas
network operators throughout Europe, partly because of how individual European countries
developed in the past. However, network operators are universally regarded as natural
monopolies requiring regulation by national regulatory authorities.

As each country decides for itself on the type and structure of its regulatory system, it is not
useful to compare individual systems directly. Listing the different systems does, however,
make it possible to identify similarities between them. Not one system is completely unique.
Rather, each system makes use of a toolbox of regulatory instruments reflecting the current
state of knowledge in the field. It is often the case that several regulatory systems employ the
same tools or combinations of them. Such tools should be regarded as equivalent and are
used in accordance with their suitability in the national context.

This chapter describes 23 European regulatory systems. The individual sections describe the
regulatory framework without going into great detail. Any questions regarding specific
features should be directed to the individual regulatory authority that provided the

This chapter is intended to provide assistance to both regulatory authorities and potential
investors. It may provide support material in the event of a country's own regulatory system
being changed or if key data from other regulated countries are compared. In addition, it
gives investors a good overview of the prevailing returns and terms for planned investments.

The reports may be read either separately or in full, with the latter providing an extensive
description. Each national report includes a fact sheet listing the key regulations and figures
to make it easier for readers to gain an overview at a glance. The layout of the fact sheet is
based on the subsequent chapters of the rest of the report.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.1 Austria
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
2 21 2 130

Network Electricity: UHV 6.700, HV 11.400, MV 69.000, LV 173.400 km, Gas: transm. & regional
length distrib.: 3.100, high-pressure distrib. 4.100, local low-pressure distrib. 35.600 km
Ownership private and public private and public private and public private and public
Authority E-Control
System Incentive regulation Incentive regulation Incentive regulation
Cost+ regulation
– price cap – price cap – price cap
Period 2017-2020 (4yrs) 2018-2022 (5yrs) Annual 2014-2018 (5yrs)
Base year for
General framework


next period
Transparency Current regulatory Current regulatory
Method decision Non
framework framework
Main elements Efficiency scores
Efficiency scores
for and general Costs of t-2, ex
Efficiency scores, and general
determining productivity offset, ante costs
increase in WACC productivity offset,
the revenue network price index according to
for taking full network price index
cap and expansion network
volume risk and expansion
factors, efficiency development plan
dependent WACC
Gas act 2011 (GWG 2011) Electricity act 2010 (ElWOG 2010)
Type of WACC mixed WACC pre
taxes based on real
cost of equity (share
40%) and nominal nominal WACC pre taxes (equity share 40%, debt share 60%,
cost of debt (share beta transformation: Modigliani-Miller)
60%), beta
Determination rE=(real risk-free
of the rate of rate + levered Beta
Rate of return

return on x MRP)/(1 - tax rE=(nominal risk-free rate + levered Beta x MRP)/(1 - tax rate)
equity rate) +volume risk
Rate of return 8,92 % (real pre tax, 8,16% (nominal pre
on equity set in 2016, incl. tax, set in 2017,
8,16% (nominal pre 8,97% (nominal pre
before taxes volume risk granted for the
tax, set in 2017) tax, set in 2013)
premium of 3,5%) = average efficient
=(1,87%+0,85*5%)/ =(3,27%+0,691*5%)
(-0,19% + DSO)
(1-0,25) /(1-0,25)
0,85*5%)/(1- =(1,87%+0,85*5%)/
0,25)+3,5% (1-0,25)
Use of rate of rE real pre taxes *
return indexed equity
financed RAB + rD * WACC nominal pre taxes * RAB (book values)
book values of debt
financed RAB
Components Intangible and fixed Intangible and fixed
of RAB assets, book values assets, book values
Regulatory asset base

for debt financed and ex-ante

share of assets and Intangible and fixed determination of Intangible and fixed
indexed historic assets, book values investments assets, book values
costs for equity according to the
financed share of network
assets development plan
Regulatory Historic cost appr.
asset value for debt and
Historic cost approach
indexed historic
cost appr. for equity

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

RAB RAB developments Expansion factor for

adjustments during a regulatory investments during
period are taken into a regulatory period
Non Non
account and lead to leads to changes of
changes of the the regulatory cost
regulated cost base base
Method straight line
Depending on asset type: lines 2-3%, transformers 4-5%, substations 4%
Consideration Depreciation of new

investments during
the regulatory
period is a pass
Pass through Pass through Pass through
Depreciation of the
base year is
adjusted with an
productivity offset

E-Control, the Austrian regulatory Authority for the Electricity and Gas Industry, was
established in 2001 prior to liberalizing the electricity market on 1st January 2001 and the gas
market on 1st October 2002. Regulated tariffs for the transmission and distribution of
electricity and gas apply in contrast to generation and supply of energy where a market
operates. On an annual basis, E-Control is obliged to determine the costs and volumes of 2
electricity TSOs, approximately 60 electricity DSOs, and 21 gas DSOs. Furthermore, the
regulator has to approve a tariff methodology as proposed by the two gas TSOs. The
regulatory commission then performs the task of setting the tariffs with the costs and
volumes provided by E-Control. For the relevant legislation of the electricity sector (most
pertinently the electricity act, ElWOG 2010) please refer to https://www.e-
control.at/recht/bundesrecht/strom/gesetze and of the gas sector (mainly the gas act, GWG
2011) to https://www.e-control.at/recht/bundesrecht/gas/gesetze respectively.

Historical Development
While the electricity TSOs are still regulated with an annual cost+ methodology, attempts to
introduce an incentive regulation framework for the electricity DSOs started in 2003. Two
intensive rounds of cost auditing procedures (in 2004 and 2005) delivered an agreement that
a long-term incentive regulation framework with stable and predictive conditions would be
preferable. The first incentive regulation period started in 2006 for electricity DSOs and the
first for the gas DSOs in 2008.
With the introduction of the Electricity Act 2010 and the Gas Act 2011 the scope for legal
appeals were not only extended to the companies under regulatory control, but also to the
Austrian chamber of commerce and the Austrian chamber of labour, two major customer
representatives. These chambers have the same legal rights to challenge the official decision
fixing the previously mentioned costs and volumes that are determined by E-Control. Not
only do the customer representatives have the right to appeal but they are also included in
negotiations with industry representatives and associations over various regulatory
parameters such as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), general productivity
factors (XGen) and the regulatory framework in general.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Current Regulatory Frameworks

Electricity Transmission
The two Austrian electricity TSOs are regulated with an annual cost+ methodology. Those
costs and volumes are audited on an annual basis on the least available costs in t-2
(historical values) to the year where the tariffs are in force. This general framework to rely on
historical values is abrogated for investments according to the ten-year network plan, which
is subject to approval by E-Control. Capital costs are recognised ex-ante in line with
paragraph 38 (4) ElWOG 2010. In order to overcome the t-2 delay, the approved historic
controllable costs are adjusted with a network price index (NPI) and an individual efficiency
offset to current costs. Non-controllable costs consist of ancillary services, secondary control,
network losses, and costs due to network expansion within the 10-year network plan among
others, where no efficiency requirements are applied according to paragraph 59 (6) ElWOG
2010. The individual efficiency factor stems either from CEER’s international E3Grid
Benchmarking procedure (if the TSO participated) or from other sources that are appropriate
(e.g. the efficiency outcome of the distribution grid). Additional elements included into the
cost+ framework permitted the companies to earn a bonus (or suffer a penalty) if ex-ante set
targets on various market relevant duties (e.g. facilitation of competition in reserve markets)
are met (not met). The regulatory account ensures, that the company bears no volume risk at
all. Differences resulting from deviations between planned (t-2) volumes and actual volumes
are considered when setting new tariffs in the following years.

Gas Transmission
In contrast to both the electricity and the gas distribution sectors, E-Control is not obliged to
approve the costs and volumes on an annual basis. E-Control approves a tariff methodology
which is submitted by the TSOs as a proposal. After approval, the regulatory authority sets
costs and volumes according to these principles for the whole duration of a regulatory period
of 4 years. The tariffs are set for this period and do not change within the period.
The current regulatory framework for gas transmission is highly different to the other sectors
as it consists of a forward-looking tariff methodology. The regulatory asset value (RAV) is
split into a debt and an equity financed share and consists of book values for the former
share and current indexed values for the latter. Due to this procedure the debt finance share
of the RAV is remunerated with a nominal rate of debt (2,7%) and the equity financed RAV
with a real rate of equity (5,42% before taxes). As there is by law no regulatory account (to
account for differences in estimated or historical volumes and actual ones) foreseen for the
GAS TSOs, these entities bear the full volume risk in contrast to the 3 other sectors. To
compensate these companies for the volume risk they bear, the real rate of equity is lifted by
350 basis points. Forward-looking costs are adjusted with an efficiency factor, although the
TSOs do not take part within the international CEER Benchmarking Project E2Gas. The
mean efficiency score seems to be plausible in light of non-participating TSOs. Costs for
planned investments are considered ex-ante and aligned with actual investments in the next
regulatory period. A description of the tariff methodology for the period 2017-2020 is
published in English under the following link:

Electricity Distribution
The current 3rd regulatory period for electricity DSOs has been effective since 1st of January
2014 and lasts until 31st of December 2018 (5 years). A detailed description of this incentive
regulation methodology is published in English under the following link: https://www.e-

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The intention of the incentive regulation is to increase the technical efficiency of network
operators by decoupling the firm’s actual costs from a regulatory set cost path over a
predetermined regulatory period. An overall budget based on TOTEX is audited based on
last available cost data since the beginning of a regulatory period. This budget is adjusted via
a network price index (consisting of a consumer price index and a wage index), a general
productivity offset (1.25%) and an individual efficiency factor annually. The individual
efficiency factor is derived from a national relative efficiency estimate (with the benchmarking
models based on TOTEX: modified ordinary least squares, MOLS and data envelopment
analysis, DEA) across a time span of 10 years in which the inefficiencies have to be removed
(this has the effect that only half of the measured inefficiencies are considered within a
regulatory period of 5 years).In order to account for a change in the service provision during
a regulatory period, the previous budget that is based on TOTEX is adjusted with two
cumulative expansion factors beginning with the 1st year of a regulatory period as outline

The first expansion factor is the so-called investment-factor. This focuses on capital
expenditures (CAPEX) and aligns the firms’ actual capital expenditures to the CAPEX of the
budget, although an individual productivity offset for existing capex within the budget
remains. Capital expenditures during a regulatory period are treated as preliminary efficient
until they become part of the initial cost base for an upcoming new regulatory period
whereupon new efficiency estimates are derived. This mechanism leads to a hybrid
regulatory scheme that lies between the sphere of a pure incentive regulation and a
traditional cost+ methodology. The procedure of continuous benchmarking at the beginning
of a regulatory period encourages network operators to invest according to their needs and in
an efficient manner.

The other expansion factor, a so-called operating cost factor focuses on operating
expenditures (OPEX) during a regulatory period for a change in service provision. This
change is measured as an annual deviation in line length of high, medium and low voltage
level as well as metering points to the corresponding values in the base year. The deviations
(increase or decrease of line lengths and metering points) are multiplied with specific
operating cost estimates and increase or decrease the approved budged during the
regulatory period.

A regulatory account further ensures that effects due to the t-2 principle do not translate into
windfall profits or losses to the network operators.
The current 3rd regulatory period ends at the end of year 2018 and the methodology of the 4 th
regulatory period – beginning on 1st of January 2019 – is currently being discussed with
industry and customer representatives. The conclusion of which will be published by the end
of 2018. A quality regulation has not been introduced yet, despite efforts since the first
regulatory period, yet minimum quality standards are set.

Gas Distribution
The current 3rd regulatory period for gas DSOs started on 1st of January 2018 and ends on
31st of December 2022 (5-year period) and includes major changes when compared to the
second regulatory period. The TOTEX inflation adjusted budget constraint with general and
individual productivity offsets was replaced by a similar procedure to OPEX and an
introduction of an efficiency-adjusted WACC for the cost of capital. While depreciation is a
pass-through, based on a t-2 principle, the income of occurred investments is granted. The
return on these investments is adjusted with the company specific efficiency values taken
from a national benchmarking analysis that relies on the two methods: MOLS (modified
ordinary least squares); and DEA (data envelopment analysis) and varies between a

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

bandwidth of +/- 0,5% around the WACC of 4,88% for the average efficient DSO.

The parameters k1 and k2 ensure a setting where the outcome is not cost-neutral and
rewards above-average efficient DSOs. This means that a total of 5 million EUR per year for
above average performance and -2 million EUR per year for below average efficiency.
Investments occurring during the regulatory period are treated as average-efficient until a
new benchmarking analysis is performed at the beginning of the next period. The capital
costs of these investments are considered with a t-2 delay. A mark-up on the WACC is also
applied to encourage investments. Besides the annual treatment of the capital costs, an
operating cost factor is adjusting the budget during the regulatory period for a change in
service provision. This OPEX-factor is similar to the factor for electricity DSOs as mentioned
above with two further incentives for DSOs to acquire new customers and to encourage
development of the grid’s density (providing services to more customers with the existing grid

A regulatory account further ensures that effects due to the t-2 principle do not translate into
windfall profits or losses to the network operators.

Both customer representatives - the Austrian chamber of commerce and the Austrian
chamber of labour – have appealed against the official decisions (the cost determinations
according to the controversial regulatory model) of all gas DSOs and the cases are pending
at the federal administrative court.

A quality regulation is considered inappropriate, as suitable indicators have not been

identified yet. Despite this, minimal quality standards on commercial quality besides norms
for product quality are already in effect.

The description of the 3rd regulatory period for gas DSOs is only available in German and
published under the following link:

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.2 Belgium
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO

+/- 4.200 km km km km
Ownership Public
Authority CREG
System Incentive regulation / revenue cap
Period 4 years, current period : 2016-2019
General framework

Base year for

3rd year in current regulatory period
next period
Transparency Evolution of Regulatory account
Main elements Non-controllable
for and controllable
determining costs, depreciation
the revenue costs, taxes and fair
cap margin
Legal Belgian Law and by CREG approved Tariff
framework Methodology
Type of WACC No use of WACC
of the rate of Sum of a nominal risk-free rate and a risk premium (market risk premium multiplied with a
Rate of return

return on risk factor) multiplied with (1+illiquidity premium) multiplied with a corporate tax factor
Rate of return
on equity 5,76% = (0.90+3.5*0.65)*(1+0.20)*1,513
before taxes
Use of rate of Granted for existing assets to a maximum of 33% of the imputed business assets. Any
return available equity capital in the capital structure in excess of this will be subject to another
equity interest rate
Regulatory asset

Fixed assets, working capital, assets under construction

of RAB
2.3 B€ (2016)

asset value
RAB Investments (+),
adjustments divestments (-),
depreciation (-),
subsidies (-)
Method Straight line

Depending on assets : pipes : 2%, compressors : 3%


Non controllable

For 2018, the National Regulatory Authority was not able to author the descriptive part of this

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.3 Croatia
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 35

2.693 km 19.091 km km km
Ownership Private and local
Public ownership
public ownership
Authority Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency
System Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap
Period 5 years;
current regulatory period 2017-2021
Base year for Base year is 2015 for 2nd regulatory period
next period 2017-2021
Transparency For gas DSO
For gas TSO: information about
http://www.plinacro. regulation and
hr/default.aspx?id=5 prices are published
92 on HERA's web-
General framework

site: www.hera.hr
Main elements OPEX and CAPEX
determining OPEX is projected for regulatory period
the revenue based on 1+CPI-X formula, without ex-post
cap adjustment if realized above, but with profit-
sharing mechanism if realized below
projected level.

Budgeted-planned CAPEX, with an ex-post

adjustment based on real values (only up to
the economically efficient level).

Legal Methodology for the Determination of the

framework Amount of Tariff Items for Gas
Transmission (Official Gazette, No. 48/18);
Methodology for the Determination of the
Amount of Tariff Items for Gas Distribution
(Official Gazette, No. 48/18)
Type of WACC Nominal pre-tax WACC
Determination The rate of return on equity (re) is
of the rate of determined by applying the capital asset
return on pricing model
equity (CAPM), according to the formula:
re = rf + β × (rm - rf)
wherein the following items are:

rf - the risk-free rate of return (%),

Rate of return

rm - the rate of return on the diversified

market portfolio (%),
rm - rf - the market risk premium (%),
β - the coefficient of variability of return on
the operator’s shares in relation to the
average variability of return on the
market portfolio
Rate of return Rate of return on Rate of return on
on equity equity: 5,34% equity: 6,84%
before taxes Risk-free rate of Risk-free rate of
return: 2,75% return: 4,25%
Coefficient β: 0,54 Coefficient β: 0,54
Market risk Market risk
premium: 4,80% premium: 4,80%

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Rate of return on Rate of return on

diversified market diversified market
portfolio: 7,55% portfolio: 9,05%
Share of equity in Share of equity in
total capital: 50% total capital: 50%
Rate of return on Rate of return on
debt: 3,92% debt: 4,88%
Share of debt in (maximum value)
total capital: 50% Share of debt in
Rate of return on total capital: 50%
profit: 18% Rate of return on
Amount of WACC profit: 20%
for the regulatory Amount of WACC
period: 5,22% for the regulatory
period: 6,72%
(maximum value)
Use of rate of The nominal weighted average cost of
return capital before tax (WACC) is used as the
rate of return on regulated assets. As a
measure of avoiding systemic risk, the rate
of return on equity is calculated using the
CAPM model, and the rate of return on
debt capital is determined as the average
weighted interest rate on investment loans
used by the system operator to finance
regulated assets. The shares of debt and
equity capital are defined as target shares
in the amount of 50%, which is theoretically
optimal capital distribution and
approximates the effect of the financial
leverage to a good extent.
Components RAB includes both tangible and intangible
of RAB assets which is in operation and also
planned investments which will be put in
operation for each year of the regulatory
Regulatory asset base

Regulatory RAB is calculated as historical cost of the
asset value assets such as depreciated book value of
the assets.
RAB In the last year of the regulatory period
adjustments revision of allowed revenues is performed.
RAB is revised in way that the revised
value of regulated assets at the end of
each regulatory year t is equal to the
realised value determined on the basis of
balance sheet, in part that HERA considers
Method Linear method
Depreciation 2,86 % for gas pipelines, measuring and

ratio regulating stations and office buildings,

while for other types of assets 5 - 10 %
Consideration Amount of annual depreciation of regulated
assets is added to the allowed revenue.

Regulatory Framework for Tariff Determination for Gas Infrastructure Activities

The methodologies for determining the amount of tariff items for gas infrastructure activities
in the Republic of Croatia are based on the incentive regulation method, i.e. on the revenue
cap method. Thereby, projected allowed revenue shall cover reasonable operating expenses
generated when performing the energy activity and ensure the return on regulated assets.
The revenue cap method applied stipulates the regulatory period as a multiannual period for
which, separately for each regulatory year, the allowed revenues are defined, which consist

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

of eligible operating expenses (hereinafter: OPEX) and the eligible capital expenses
(hereinafter: CAPEX) and the amount of tariff items. The duration of the first regulatory
period was three years (2014 - 2016), and of the second regulatory period (2017 - 2021) and
subsequent regulatory periods is five years.

The allowed OPEX is projected for the regulatory period on the basis of the 1+CPI-X formula
(CPI = projected consumer price index for the regulatory year). In addition to the efficiency
factor X, in the OPEX part, as an important incentive element for the system operator, a
profit-sharing mechanism is also stipulated, which is implemented in such a manner that after
expiry of the regulatory period the base OPEX for the following regulatory period is defined
so that the system operator retains 50% of the realized savings from the base year.

The eligible CAPEX, which includes the amortization cost and the return on regulated assets,
recognizes an equity capital investment into a regulated energy entity, i.e. provides sufficient
funds for the required investments into the construction and reconstruction of the system and
to cover the regulated return on invested capital. The regulated assets consist of tangible
and intangible assets in use, which is a part of a particular gas system, and investments
under an approved system development plan that are taken into account for the regulatory
year in which it shall be in use. Capital expenses, i.e. amortization and return on regulated
assets are not included in direct efficiency improvement mechanisms, but are defined by an
ex-ante approach as part of approving the investment plans and the amount of tariff items,
which reduces the investment risk and provides more investment incentives. Namely, the risk
of not covering the costs of infrastructure projects if they are eligible and economically
efficient is eliminated. Additional incentives in terms of CAPEX may lead to overinvestment
and are therefore not required.

An important incentive element within the applied regulatory method is the regular audit of
the allowed revenues, which is performed in the last year of the regulatory period, and as
part of which the difference is determined between the realised revenue (R) and the audited
allowed revenue (AI) to be distributed to the following regulatory period. Since the applied
revenue cap method guarantees to the system operator the level of revenue in the medium
term, a significant part of the market risk is shifted to the system users. The reduction of
market risk also affects the reduction of the liquidity risk and hence the reduction of the cost
of financing the investment activities.

An additional measure aimed at mitigating the risk of the system operator business is the
option of performing an extraordinary audit of the allowed revenue also during the current
regulatory period at the request of the operator or according to the estimate by the Agency.
The extraordinary audit of allowed revenue is performed due to unexpected changes in the
market that have a significant impact on the conditions of providing the energy activity, which
the system operator could not have foreseen nor prevented, eliminated or avoided. As part of
the extraordinary audit, an audit may be performed of all the elements used in the calculation
of the allowed revenue and in the calculation of the amount of tariff items for the current
regulatory period.

An additional measure in the gas distribution is the possibility of introducing a regulatory

account. This is an optional model of economic regulation, which provides the possibility for
the system operator, in the later years of the regulatory account, for the reimbursement of the
revenue realised in the early years in the amount less than the allowed revenue that would
have resulted from the application of the standard regulation model. Namely, in the case of
significant investments in the existing infrastructure or with entirely new infrastructure, the
standard regulation model is not appropriate, since significant investments, which by being

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

put into use are included in the regulatory asset base, affect the strong growth in the amount
of allowed capital expenses in the first years of the project. At the same time, large
investments in the initial period are often accompanied by low system usage level. The
aforementioned would result in uncompetitive high tariffs for using the system in the same
period, which would represent a negative factor for the decision to invest in the project.
Therefore, the regulatory account is approved in such a manner that the gas system operator
achieves cumulatively the same allowed revenue as without the use of the regulatory
account, but at a different time dynamics. The period for which a regulatory account is
established may not be shorter than two regulatory periods nor longer than the period for
which the operator has concluded a concession contract. Such a mechanism also prevents
the discrimination against new users that use the system in the early years since the tariff
items are unified and without fluctuations throughout the entire period for which the
regulatory account is kept.

The nominal weighted average cost of capital before tax (WACC) is used as the rate of
return on regulated assets. As a measure of avoiding systemic risk, the rate of return on
equity is calculated using the CAPM model, and the rate of return on debt capital is
determined as the average weighted interest rate on investment loans used by the system
operator to finance regulated assets. The shares of debt and equity capital are defined as
target shares in the amount of 50%, which is theoretically optimal capital distribution and
approximates the effect of the financial leverage to a good extent. In this respect, a pre-
defined ratio of debt and equity capital in the WACC calculation significantly reduces the
regulatory risk, while at the same time encourages the system operator to consider the actual
capital structure used. In addition, applying a targeted ratio provides for equal treatment and
approach to WACC calculation for all energy entities in gas infrastructure activities. The
decision on the actual capital structure in regular business and project financing remains with
the system operator, while the target ratio defined by the methodologies for determining the
amount of tariff items for gas infrastructure activities in the Republic of Croatia refers solely to
the WACC calculation.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.4 Czech Republic

Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network 3 regional 4 regional
1 1
operators 66 local 247 local

61 344 km (2016, 241 223 km (2016,

Network length 3 821 km (2016) 5 717 km (2016)
regional DSOs) regional DSOs)

Private and local Private and local

Ownership Private ownership Public ownership
public ownership public ownership
Authority Energy Regulatory Office
Incentive regulation/
System Revenue cap, Incentive regulation / Revenue cap
Price cap
Period Originally set as 3-year (2016-2018), later it was prolonged until 2020
General framework

Base year for

Not decided yet
next period
Transparency Price decisions, Regulatory methodology

Main elements Allowed costs,

for determining Allowed depreciation,
the revenue cap RAB, WACC

Act No. 458/2000 on the Conditions of Act No. 458/2000 on the Conditions of
Business and State Administration in Business and State Administration in
Energy Industries and on Changes to Energy Industries and on Changes to
Legal framework
Certain Laws (the Energy Act), Certain Laws (the Energy Act),
Public notice no. 195/2015 on price control Public notice no. 194/2015 on price control
in gas sector. in electricity sector.
Type of WACC Nominal, pre-tax WACC

Determination of
Sum of nominal risk-free rate and a risk premium (market risk premium multiplied by beta
Rate of return

the rate of return

on equity

Rate of return
on equity before 9.66% = (3.82 + 5.00 * 0.801) / (1 – 0.19) 10.28% = (3.82 + 5.00 * 0.901) / (1 – 0.19)
The whole RAB is multiplied by the WACC. The whole RAB is multiplied by the WACC.
Use of rate of
When setting the nominal pre-tax WACC When setting the nominal pre-tax WACC
the D/E ratio of 38.48/61.52 was used. the D/E ratio of 45.75/54.25 was used.
Components of
Fixed assets, investments in progress, leased assets, no working capital
Regulatory asset

Regulatory The RAB is based on reevaluated values of assets that are recorded in the annual
asset value financial statements.

The adjustment is similar to the net book value calculation (investment - depreciation), the
formula for RAB adjustment is “investment – depreciation x k”; k is revaluation coefficient
which is set annually and which is calculated as the result of dividing the planned value of
the regulatory asset base in year “i-1” by the planned residual value of assets in year i-1;
k = <0;1>

Method Straight line


Electricity transmission Buildings 2%,

Buildings 2%,
system operator calculates Overhead lines and Cables 2.5%,
Depreciation Pipes 2.5%,
the depreciation in Transformers VHV 4%
ratio Pumps,
accordance with national Transformers MV, LV 3.3%
Compressors 5%
accounting standards. Metering devices 6.6%

Consideration 100% of the depreciation is used to determine the allowed revenue.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Electricity and gas distribution and electricity and gas transmission are the so-called natural
monopolies, the operation of which relies on only one network because the rollout of
a parallel infrastructure is not effective in economic terms. To prevent monopolies from
dictating prices uncontrollably, they have to be regulated by the State. A regulatory authority
is usually authorized to do this in the case of regulation.

In the Czech Republic, Act No. 458/2000 (the Energy Act), sets up the Energy Regulatory
Office (ERO) for the purpose of regulation in the energy sector. Under the Energy Act, the
ERO is obliged to set out, in implementing legal regulations, the method of regulation in
energy industries and price control procedures. To this end, public notices no. 194/2015 on
price control in electricity sector and no. 195/2015 on price control in gas sector were
promulgated in August 2015; they came into effect with the beginning of the fourth regulatory
period (RP) in 2016. Furthermore, ERO published document called “Principles of price
regulation for period since 2016 to 2018 in electricity and gas sector and for the market
operator’s activities”, in which it describes the price methodology for the fourth RP in more

The purpose of the methodology for the fourth RP was to determine a reasonable level of
profit for companies during the three-year RP, to ensure adequate quality of the services
provided to customers with effective spending of costs, to support future investments, to
provide for the resources required for network renovation, and to continue to improve
efficiencies from which also customers benefit.

Price Control in the Electricity Industry

The resulting price of electricity supply for all categories of final customers is comprised of
five basic components. The first component is the uncontrolled price of commodity, i.e., the
electrical energy itself [in Czech called “silová elektřina”; still “energy” or “electricity” in
English], which is priced on market principles and in line with the various electricity suppliers’
business strategies. The other components of the price are as follows: regulated activities of
a monopoly nature, which include electricity transport and distribution from the generating
plant over the transmission and distribution systems to the final customer, and also activities
related to ensuring the stability of the electricity system from the technical point of view (the
so-called provision of system services) and from the commercial point of view (primarily the
electricity market operator’s activity in the area of imbalance clearing). The last component of
the resulting price of electricity supply is the contribution to support of electricity from
promoted sources. The above is the approach to electricity supply pricing for all customer
categories with effect as from 1 January 2006 when the Czech electricity market was
completely liberalised.

Price Control in the Gas Industry

The price of natural gas supply for final customers is comprised of four basic components.
The first component is the charge for commodity, i.e., natural gas itself, which is priced on
market principles and in line with the various gas suppliers’ business strategies. Other three
components are: the price for gas transmission, gas distribution and market operator’s
activities. The prices for these three components are regulated and determined by ERO.

Regulatory Methodology Framework

There is used a revenue cap methodology for setting the allowed revenue in the Czech
Republic. The length of the RP is mostly 5 years.
The ongoing fourth RP was originally set as 3-year (2016 - 2018) but it was prolonged at the
beginning of 2018 until the end of 2020, so the fourth RP will finally last for 5 years.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The basic formula for determining allowed revenue is:

AR = AC + AD + P,
AR is the value of the allowed revenue
AC is the value of the allowed costs
AD is the value of the allowed depreciation
P is the value of the allowed profit.

Allowed Costs
The generally adopted theory of regulation assumes that the costs that enter into the
subsequent RP are determined based on the analysis of values achieved in the preceding
period. This theory is based on the assumption that during the RP the companies reduce
their costs under the pressure for efficiency, thereby achieving higher profits than those set
for them by regulator.
ERO decided to determine the initial level of allowed costs as the arithmetic average of
actual accounting costs for two particular years, specifically years 2012 and 2013, for which
the audited actual values were available. ERO considered such procedure for the fourth RP
to be objective, transparent, fair and acceptable for all market participants.

Setting the cost base – to obtain the input value of costs, rigorous classification of reported
costs for the defined reference years had to be carried out for regulated entities and the
anomalies that were not accepted for this input data were separated from the reported and
eligible justified costs. Costs base were netted for extraordinary costs and at the same time it
was submitted to thorough check. Extraordinary costs are the costs that are not related to the
standard activity performed by the regulated entity and which are not of regular nature (they
are not repeated every year) or the costs that were incurred just once.

The values ascertained in such manner for years 2012 and 2013 were adjusted with
escalation factor to the time value 2015. Arithmetic average of these values thus became
initial value of allowed costs for the fourth RP. Regulation principle of revenue cap is than
consistently applied to these costs throughout the RP. This costs base is annually adjusted
with escalation factor and efficiency factor.

Escalation Factor
The initial cost base is indexed to the following years by escalation factor. Escalation factor
for the fourth RP is composed by the annual business service price index with the weight of
70% and the annual consumer price index with 1% bonus and the weight of 30% published
by the Czech Statistical Office for April of the relevant year.

Efficiency Factor (X Factor)

Efficiency factor makes companies on the energy market behave more efficiently and reduce
costs over the RP. At the beginning of the RP the regulator sets the value of the required
efficiency, which the companies are obliged to observe.
The ERO set this value to 3% for the fourth RP (2016-2018) and it represents the year on
year decrease of the costs by 1.01% (according to the formula: 𝑋=1− ³√0.97=1,01 %).

Allowed Depreciation
The allowed depreciation is determined on the basis of the planned values in individual years
of the RP. The planned values of the depreciation are adjusted in the year “i+2” based on the
actual values using the time value of money.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The profit of the regulated entity is simplified calculated as follows:
RAB is the value of the regulatory asset base
WACC is the rate of return

Regulatory Asset Base

The calculation of the regulatory asset base in the fourth RP uses for its input the planned
values which are corrected (in 2-year lag) based on the actual values.
In order to maintain continuity between the third and the fourth RP the initial level of the
regulatory asset base (RAB0) was set at the planned value of the regulatory asset base for
the year 2015.

In the subsequent years of the RP the initial level of the regulatory asset base is increased
(or decreased) by the differences between the capitalised investments and the depreciation
which is adjusted with the revaluation coefficient utilized in the third RP.

The assets under construction are also included into RAB. These assets are part of RAB
under certain conditions, namely the planned acquisition period of the investments is more
than 2 years (the time of preparation is not included) and the total planned price of individual
investment exceeds 500 mil. CZK.

Rate of Return (WACC)

The WACC parameter (nominal, pre-tax) is used for computing profit in the Czech Republic.
When determining the rate of return as the key parameter for investment conditions (and
decisions) in the regulated environment, the ERO analysed the market environment, risk rate
of individual environments as well as overall economic position of similar – peer – companies
in the Czech Republic and also in the other EU countries. ERO set the values of the WACC
parameter as fixed for the entire RP, except for cases when the income tax rate of legal
entities is changed – considering the relevant specific conditions and indicators for electricity
and gas industries. The rate of return is set as the uniform value for the electricity industry
and the uniform value for the gas industry (i.e. the same rate for the DSO as well as the TSO
in the given industry)

Inflation Rate – Time Value of Money

To adjust the planned values that are included into the parameters of regulation, the
standard cases are covered by inflation rate parameter which is derived from the index of
industrial producers’ prices (PPI).

Inflation rate parameter is defined annually, based on the ratio of rolling averages reported
by the Czech Statistical Office in the table “Industrial Producer Price Index by Section and
Subsection of CZ-CPA in the Czech Republic (ratio of rolling averages)”.

In the specific cases the WACC value is used as the time value of money.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.5 Denmark
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 (Energinet) 3 (2017) 1 (Energinet ) 47 (2017)

Network ~ 165 000 km

861 km (2017) ~ 18 000 km (2016) 6.913 km (2017)
length (2016)
Ownership Independent public
Independent public
enterprise owned
enterprise owned by

by the Danish Private and local

the Danish Ministry Public ownership
Ministry of Climate, public ownership
of Climate, Utilities
Utilities and Energy
and Energy (SOV)
Authority Danish Utility Danish Utility Danish Utility Danish Utility
Regulator (DUR) Regulator (DUR) Regulator (DUR) Regulator (DUR)
System Strict cost plus Revenue Cap Strict cost plus Revenue Cap
Period 4 years, current 5 years, current
Yearly Yearly
period: 2018-2021 period: 2018-2022
Base year for *) Strict cost plus *) Strict cost plus
next period regulation (ex post 4 previous years regulation (ex post 5 previous years
regulation) regulation)
Transparency Efficiency scores, Efficiency scores,
*) Strict cost plus efficiency model *) Strict cost plus efficiency model
regulation (ex post) parameters, WACC, regulation ex post) parameters, WACC,
specific cost data specific cost data
Main elements The reduction in the
for revenue cap is
General framework

determining spread over

the revenue permanent
cap Danish TSO Danish TSO efficiency
regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t requirements
fit to this scheme. fit to this scheme. arising from low
Costs in previous
For further details For further details financial efficiency,
see section see section and single-year
Fixed interest rates;
“Regulation of “Regulation of efficiency
4-year period.
transmission grid (el transmission grid (el requirements
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text imposed
below below on the grid
companies for not
having satisfactory
quality of
Legal The Natural Gas The Natural Gas The Electricity The Electricity
framework Supply Act Supply Act Supply Act Supply Act

The Energinet Act Notice: BEK nr 768 The Energinet Act Notice: BEK nr.
23/06/2016 1594 18/12/2017
Notice: BEK nr.816 Notice: BEK nr 816 and
af 27/06/2016 27/06/2016 1595 18/12/2017
Type of WACC Danish TSO Danish TSO
regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
fit to this scheme. fit to this scheme.
For further details Nominal WACC For further details Nominal WACC
pre-tax pre-tax
Rate of return

see section see section

“Regulation of 4,51 (2017) “Regulation of 3,66 (2018-2022)
transmission grid (el transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
Determination Danish TSO Sum of a nominal Danish TSO Sum of a nominal
of the rate of regulation doesn´t risk-free rate and a regulation doesn´t risk-free rate and a
return on fit to this scheme. risk premium fit to this scheme. risk premium
equity For further details (market risk For further details (market risk
see section premium multiplied see section premium multiplied

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

“Regulation of with a beta risk “Regulation of with a beta risk

transmission grid (el factor) transmission grid (el factor)
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
Rate of return Danish TSO Danish TSO
on equity regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
before taxes fit to this scheme. fit to this scheme.
For further details For further details
see section 9,00 see section 5,63
“Regulation of “Regulation of
transmission grid (el transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
Use of rate of Danish TSO A risk-free interest Danish TSO A risk-free interest
return regulation doesn´t rate calculated as regulation doesn´t rate calculated as
fit to this scheme. an average of the fit to this scheme. an average of the
For further details last three months For further details last three months
see section available daily see section available daily
“Regulation of observations of four “Regulation of observations of ten
transmission grid (el year zero coupon transmission grid (el year zero coupon
and gas)” in the text rates for Danish and gas)” in the text rates for Danish
below government bonds. below government bonds.
Components Danish TSO Danish TSO
of RAB regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
fit to this scheme. Fixed assets, fit to this scheme. Fixed assets,
For further details working capital, For further details working capital and
see section assets under see section assets under
“Regulation of construction and “Regulation of construction
transmission grid (el historical debt transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
Regulatory asset base

Regulatory Danish TSO Danish TSO

asset value regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
fit to this scheme. fit to this scheme.
For further details Historical costs For further details Historical costs
see section included return on see section included return on
“Regulation of capital “Regulation of capital
transmission grid (el transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
RAB Danish TSO Danish TSO
adjustments regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
fit to this scheme. Investments in new fit to this scheme.
For further details assets after the For further details Adjusted for non-
see section base year lead to an see section controllable costs
“Regulation of adjustment of the “Regulation of
transmission grid (el CAPEX. transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below
Method Straight line Straight line Straight line Straight line
Depreciation Depending on Depending on asset Depending on asset Depending on asset
ratio asset type type type type

Consideration Danish TSO Danish TSO

regulation doesn´t regulation doesn´t
fit to this scheme. fit to this scheme.
For further details For further details
see section - see section -
“Regulation of “Regulation of
transmission grid (el transmission grid (el
and gas)” in the text and gas)” in the text
below below

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) is independent of the government. The tasks of DUR are
stipulated in the supply acts for electricity, natural gas and district heating.

Regulation of Electricity Grid Companies

Danish electricity grid companies are natural monopolies. As the distribution of electricity is a
monopolistic activity, the grid companies generally do not have the same incentives for
financial efficiency as enterprises on a free, competitive market. The grid companies are
therefore subject to financial regulation, managed by DUR. The regulation aims at reflecting
the pressure on efficiency faced by enterprises subject to competition on the free market.
The financial regulation primarily consists of two mechanisms: revenue caps and
Revenue caps set a ceiling on the operating revenues of grid companies.

Benchmarking aims at ensuring that consumers do not pay more for the services of the grid
companies than they would have done, if the companies were subject to competition. If the
actual costs of a grid company are too high, efficiency improvement requirements will be
imposed on the company by DUR.

Regulation of Gas Distribution Companies

Grid companies are not subject to competition and therefore DUR regulations aim at
encouraging these companies to be more efficient by lowering the cap on their revenues.

The revenue cap is made up by i) operating costs (decided activity level), ii) operating costs
(imposed by external factors) iii) historic debt locked (remaining from 2004 balance), iv) asset
base and v) costs to promote and realize reductions in energy consumption.

DUR sets efficiency demands on i) operating costs based on a benchmark between the
DSO’s to ensure external pressure to lower costs continuously.

Further DUR sets a cap on i) operating costs based on historic cost levels and DSOs can
achieve efficiency gains by realising operating costs that are lower this level of historic costs
adjusted for efficiency demands. Revenue cap is adjusted to actual level of ii) operating

Before entering a regulation period DUR sets a level of interest rate for the iv) asset base
using a WACC framework and a CAPM methodology. The level of interest is fixed during the
regulation period but the asset base can vary.

Revenue cap is adjusted by iv) actual costs to realize reductions in energy consumption.

Regulation of Transmission Grid (Electricity and Gas)

Energinet is both TSO for electricity and gas in Denmark. The special provisions for
Energinet was established through law on Energinet and executive order on economic
regulation of Energinet.

Energinet is ex-post regulated in accordance with a “non-profit” principle, whereby the

company's tariffs may only cover the necessary costs incurred in efficient operation and an
interest rate to ensure the real value of the company's capital base at 1 January 2005 (strict
cost plus regulation). Energinet’s capital base pr.1. January 2005 was 3.157 million DKK. In
2016 the return of capital was 21 million DKK (0,7 pct.).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The economic regulation of Energinet does not allow explicit efficiency requirements for
Energinet. However, DUR may determine that a specific cost - or the amount thereof - does
not constitute a necessary cost at efficient operation and therefore may not be included (or
only partially included) in Energinet tariffs.

DUR and Energinet have participated in two European benchmark analyses of electricity
TSOs, the latest being from 2013 and in the first European benchmark of Gas TSOs, which
was concluded in 2016. The benchmarks play a role as background for DUR’s economic
regulation and assessment of Energinet.
DUR distributed the results of the benchmark analyses to the Minister of Energy, Utillities
and Climate in his capacity as owner of the Energinet.

In the government's utility strategy (Regeringens forsyningsstrategi) from September 2016

the government presented its comprehensive strategy for a utility strategy to Danish
households and companies. One of the proposals was a new incentive-based financial
regulation of Energinet.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.6 Estonia
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 24 1 34

885 km 2170 km 5348 km 65 700 km
Ownership State owned and
State owned Private investors State owned
private investors
Authority Konkurentsiamet Konkurentsiamet Konkurentsiamet Konkurentsiamet
www.konkurentsiamet.ee www.konkurentsiamet.ee www.konkurentsiamet.ee www.konkurentsiamet.ee
System Rate-of-Return
General framework

Period There is no period There is no period

Base year for
next period
Transparency specific cost data
Main elements
1) Variable costs
2) Operating costs
3) Depreciation of RAB
the revenue
4) Justified return of RAB
Natural Gas Act Electricity Market Act
Type of WACC Pre-tax WACC nominal
Determination 1) Germany 10 years average bonds yield
of the rate of 2) Estonian risk premium
Rate of return

return on 3) McKinsey market risk premium

equity 4) Beta
Rate of return 5,59% (1,47+0,78+
5,73% 5,59%
on equity (0,668*5)) 5,60%
(1,47+0,78+ (1,47+0,78+
before taxes (1,47+0,78+(0,67*5))
(0,696*5)) (0,668*5))
Use of rate of
4,51% 4,58% 4,46% 4,50%
Fixed assets, working capital, leased assets
Regulatory asset base

of RAB
Historical costs
asset value
RAB The fixed assets do not include:
adjustments 1) long-term financial investments;
2) intangible assets, except for software licenses;
3) fixed assets acquired with grant aid (including targeted funding);
4) fixed assets acquired with funds obtained from connection fees;
5) fixed assets which the undertaking does not use for the purpose of providing network
Method For depreciation of fixed assets we use a regulatory capital expenditure method, which
differs from accounting depreciation. In the regulatory capital expenditure accounting a

principle is used in which, from a certain moment in time, fixed assets are divided into two
parts, the old ones and the new investments. All assets acquired before the limit year are
considered old ones and for them an accelerated rate of depreciation is applied.
Depreciation Depending on asset type. For new assets (after year 2003) 2.86%-3.33 from investment
ratio cost and for old assets (before year 2003) 7.14% from residual value.
Consideration Present regulation started at 2003 legal framework .

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The Estonian Competition Authority (ECA) must establish network charges of network
operators. The laws provide uniform price regulation for all network operators regardless of
their size. The Competition Authority has prepared uniform methods for the calculation of
network charges based on the weighted average cost of capital. The Methods shall be
applied similarly and uniformly in analysing the activities and monitoring the prices of all the
undertakings under the Competition Authority’s supervision, in compliance with the principle
of equal treatment and proportionality.

Variable Cost
Variable costs are costs that vary in line with changes in the sales volume, i.e. are directly
dependent on the sales volume. The following variable costs shall be included in network
charges: the costs of outsourced transmission and/or distribution network services and the
costs of electricity purchased for covering network losses.

ECA shall use the following methods to analyse network losses: monitoring of the dynamics
of network losses in time; comparison of statistical indicators with other network operators;
analysis of technical indicators (e.g. length of lines, number of substations, etc); analysis of
the impact of investments on network losses.

The cost of the network electricity losses is the product of the forecast amount of network
loss and the price. The forecast price of the electricity purchased for covering network losses
shall be justified and cost-effective. An analysis of the justification of the price shall be based
on the weighted average price determined on the basis of the price applicable in the Nord
Pool Spot Estonian price region and the size of network losses in the 12 calendar months
preceding the submission of the request, plus justified costs necessary for purchasing
electricity. The weighted average price is calculated on the basis of the one-day forward
hourly price in the electricity market during the aforementioned period and the network
operator’s amount of energy lost in the respective hour. If the amount of electricity purchased
for compensating network losses is below 5,000 MWh a year, the electricity price may be
forecast on the basis of the electricity supply agreement. In such a case, the justification of
the price as well as the conformity of the price with the market price shall be analysed, and
the organisation of a tender shall be expected. In the case of a transmission network
operator, specific income and expenses are taken into account, including: the income and
expenses of the transit flow compensation mechanism between transmission network
operators (ITC), countertrade costs, transmission capacity auction income, etc.

Operating Cost
Operating costs are all the justified costs necessary for the provision of network services
which are not variable costs or capital expenditure. Operating costs are divided into
controlled operating costs and non-controlled operating costs. The following justified costs
are generally considered as operating costs: the costs of maintenance and repairs performed
by the network operator; the costs of outsourced works and services; transport costs;
information technology and communication costs; labour expenses (including taxes); the
state fee payable for the activity licence for providing network services; fees for tolerating
technical networks or structures; other costs which must be listed and justified in the request.

ECA shall use the following methods to analyse operating costs: monitoring of the dynamics
of operating costs in time by quantity and as a special cost in regards to the sales volume;
comparison of statistical indicators with similar network operator; performance of an in-depth
analyses of the components of operating costs (using expert evaluations, if necessary);
analysis of the impact of investments on operating costs. Monitoring the dynamics of costs in

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

time means a change in the operating costs of a network operator across the years; in
general, it must not grow more than the CPI. An in-depth analysis shall include a detailed
distribution of operating costs between different activities. The detailed distribution of
operating costs shall include data across the three calendar years preceding the submission
of the request. The network operator shall justify the incurrence, variation and cost-efficiency
of the costs presented in the in-depth analysis. The dynamics of the special costs of various
cost types may be compared in conducting an in-depth analysis.

Upon comparing the costs of a network operator and the statistical indicators determined on
the basis thereof with the costs of other similar network operators, the special costs under
the operating costs of similar network operators shall be compared (total operating costs per
sales amount). If necessary, ECA may also analyse the cost types and the special costs
thereof of similar network operators (e.g. the labour expenses of network operators per sales

Upon approval and verification of network charges, ECA shall not accept the following cost
items: the cost of doubtful receivables; costs related to ancillary activities; costs arising from
changes in the value of assets (change in the balance of inventories, write-downs of current
assets, etc); penalties and fines for delays imposed on the network operator pursuant to law
(fines for administrative violations, penalty payments, compensation for damages, etc); costs
not related to business activities (sponsorship, gifts, donations etc); other unjustified costs
identified in the process of an economic analysis.

Regulated Assets and Capital Expenditure

Determining the value of regulated assets (the fixed assets necessary for the provision of
network services) is necessary for calculating capital expenditure and justified profitability.
The Competition Authority shall analyse the justification of both made and forecast
investments for the basis for accounting for regulated assets. For the purpose of verifying the
justification of investments:
- transmission system operator shall submit a detailed 5-year investment plan and a
prospective 10-year investment plan. The investment plan shall include the cost and
justification of the investments, the economy and cost-efficiency to be achieved, and the
criteria for improving the security of supply and quality;
- a distribution network operator with more than 100,000 consumers shall submit the same
data as the transmission system operator;
- a distribution network operator with fewer than 100,000 consumers shall submit a detailed
5-year investment plan and a prospective 10-year investment plan upon the Competition
Authority’s request.

The Competition Authority shall not accept the following costs incurred on fixed assets as
regulated assets and capital expenditure: long-term financial investments; fixed assets
acquired using connection charges paid by consumers; fixed assets acquired using non-
refundable aid (e.g. EU external aid programmes); intangible assets (excluding computer
software licences and rights of use pertaining to land related to technical structures); fixed
assets related to ancillary activities; costs arising from changes in the value of assets
(impairment of the value of fixed assets, losses from sales and liquidations of property, plant
and equipment and intangible assets, etc); assets which the network operator is not actually
using for the provision of network services.

Capital expenditure is calculated on the basis of the value of the fixed assets (regulated
assets) necessary for the provision of network services and the capital expenditure rate. The
capital expenditure rate is the reciprocal value of the useful technical life of the asset.

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Individual assets may have different useful lives and therefore different capital expenditure
rates. Upon justifying the useful life of an asset, the Competition Authority shall verify the
- the expected period of use of the asset;
- the expected physical wear and tear of the asset;
- the technical or moral obsolescence of the asset.

The accounting of regulated assets and capital expenditure shall be consistent and shall also
continue in the event of changes in the ownership of the undertaking or the asset.

The calculation of the net assets underlying the network fees is as follows:
1) Starting from the reference year, the network operator’s fixed assets will be divided into
fixed assets acquired before reference year and fixed assets acquired after the reference
2) Depreciation of fixed assets is treated separately for assets acquired before and after the
reference year as a result of which the depreciation of fixed assets is separately calculated;
3) Depreciation on fixed assets is calculated using the straight-line depreciation method;
4) Depreciation rates for fixed assets are not justified if they differ substantially from the
depreciation rates set for similar life, same uses and similar fixed assets, or if the entity does
not calculate the depreciation based on the useful (technical) life of the fixed assets;
5) Depreciation for fixed asset acquired before reference year is calculated based on its
residual value. In this case, deprecation of fixed assets to be included in the net fees is
based on deprecation rate(s) set for assets acquired before reference year;
6) For fixed asset acquired after reference year, depreciation is calculated based on the
acquisition cost. In this case, deprecation of fixed assets to be included in the net fees is
based on deprecation rate(s) set for assets acquired after reference year;
7) If necessary, differentiation of fixed assets can be used, using different depreciation rates
of fixed assets.
The working capital shall be calculated on the bases of 5% of the allowed revenue of the
tariff tear. If necessary, a more detailed working capital analysis may be performed. The
internal turnover of undertakings belonging to a vertically integrated group shall not be
included in working capital accounts. If necessary, an additional working capital analysis
shall be performed.

Justified Profitability
The justified profitability to be included in the price shall be calculated on the basis of the
fixed assets (both tangible and intangible assets) necessary for the provision of network

Justified profitability is determined as the product of the regulated assets and the weighted
average cost of capital ( ).
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is calculated using a capital structure of which
50% is debt capital and 50% equity and the same proportion shall also be taken as the basis
in the case of all other regulated undertakings providing a similar service (i.e. a vital service
provided by a dominating undertaking in the market, e.g. electricity, gas, district heating,
water supply).

The risk-free rate of return is the average interest rate of German 10-year bonds in the
preceding five years, plus Estonia’s state risk premium. If Estonian government bonds exist,
the interest rate of the government bonds may be used as the risk-free rate of return. As
Estonia does not have long-term government bonds that are traded on the secondary
market, it is not possible to give a direct quantitative assessment on Estonia’s state risk. This

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

can only be done indirectly, by comparing Estonia with countries that have issued state
bonds. The Ministry of Finance has recommended that the Competition Authority take into
account the average return on ca 10-year bonds of European countries with a credit rating
similar to the one given to Estonia by rating agencies (S&P/Moody’s/Fitch) and use this to
assess the return on Estonia’s long-term government bonds.

The cost of debt is the sum of the risk-free rate of return (plus Estonia`s state risk premium)
and the debt risk premium of the undertaking. The cost of equity is calculated using the
CAPM (capital assets pricing model) model (Ce = Rf + Rc + ß x Rm). The value of the beta
coefficient is determined on the basis of the relevant indicators of other European and/or US
regulated undertakings. The market risk premium is determined on the basis of the long-term
market risk premium of other European and/or US undertakings.

The Competition Authority calculates WACC annually and publishes it on its website at

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.7 Finland
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 24 1 77

~1 300 km ~2 000 km ~15 000 km ~400 000 km
Ownership State, local public State, local public
State and private
State owned and private and private
ownership ownership
Authority Energy Authority
System Revenue Cap
Period Current regulatory framework is set for 2 regulatory periods (2016-2019 and 2020-2023)
General framework

Base year for

next period No specific base year applied1
Transparency Decisions, Regulatory Data, Efficiency Scores, Quality of networks
Main elements Efficiency-, Quality-,
Efficiency-, Quality-, Efficiency-, Quality-,
for Innovation- and Security of supply-,
Innovation- and Innovation- and
determining Investment Innovation- and
Investment Investment
the revenue incentive, WACC Investment
incentive, WACC incentive, WACC
cap return on RAB incentive, WACC
return on RAB return on RAB
return on RAB
Legal Electricity market Act (588/2013), Natural gas market Act (587/2017) and Act on the
framework supervision of the electricity and natural gas market (590/2013)
Type of WACC Nominal, pre-tax
of the rate of Risk-free rate + beta*Market risk premium + Premium for lack of liquidity (+ additional risk
Rate of return

return on premium for natural gas TSO and DSOs)

Rate of return 9,91% = 9,41% = 7,96% = 8,65% =
on equity (2,18+0,69*5+0,6+ (2,18+0,69*5+0,6+ (2,18+0,72*5+0,6)/ (2,18+0,828*5+0,6)/
before taxes 1,7)/ (1-0,2) 1,3)/ (1-0,2) (1-0,2) (1-0,2)
Use of rate of Reasonable return is calculated by multiplying the adjusted capital invested in network
return operations by the reasonable rate of return. Therefore, company receives reasonable
return on adjusted equity and interest-bearing debt invested in network operations.
Fixed assets, working capital, leased assets
asset base

of RAB
Regulatory Regulatory asset value is calculated from network replacement value by applying network
asset value component-specific average age and lifetime selection.
Book values taken to RAB annually from balance sheet
Method Straight-line depreciation on replacement value of network. Depreciation is inflation

corrected annually with CPI.

1,6% 2,2% 1,8% 2,5%
Consideration Depreciation level based on average adjusted straight line based on the selected
component lifetimes. Imputed straight-line depreciations are always allowed in full as far
as the component is in actual use.

1 For electricity DSOs the average of regulatory data from years 2015 – 2018 is used to determine the efficiency
incentive for the fifth regulatory period (2020 – 2023). DSOs efficiency figure for fifth regulatory period will be
determined by the average of reasonable controllable operational costs (SKOPEX) and the average of realized
controllable operational costs (KOPEX) from years 2015 – 2018. The efficiency frontier determining the
individual DSOs SKOPEX, will be estimated by using regulatory data from years 2012 – 2018. For electricity
TSO and natural gas TSO the efficiency reference level (SKOPEX) is based merely on operators own historical
costs. In the first year of the regulatory period, the average of the previous four-year regulatory period realized
controllable operational costs is used as the benchmark for efficiency costs. In the following years, the
benchmark will be the reasonable controllable costs of the previous year.
2 Calculated: Depreciation/ Replacement value of network.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In Finnish energy section regulatory task is performed by Energy Authority as an
independent regulatory authority. The responsibilities of the TSOs and DSOs are set by
Finnish Electricity Market Act and Natural Gas Market Act. Guidelines for the regulatory
procedures applied by the Energy Authority are provided by the Act on the supervision of the
electricity and natural gas market. The main objectives of regulation are the reasonableness
of pricing and high quality of network services. Therefore, the Energy Authority seeks these
with the entity formed by regulation methods, specific incentives and with practical steering
impacts of the methods on the network operator’s business operations. In addition to the
main targets of regulation, other key targets include equality and network development, as
well as the sustainability, continuity, development, and efficiency of business operations.

Historical Development
Until 2005 Energy Authority’s regulation methodology was ex-post regulation, based on
case-specific assessment. Since 2005 determining reasonableness of the network operation
prices has based on ex-ante set regulation method with pre-defined regulatory periods.
Under this regime, the allowed revenues are set for network operators before the start of the
regulatory period. The current regulatory period is 4 years, but the methods are valid for 2
consecutive regulatory periods since Electricity Market Act changed in 2013.

Determining the Revenue Caps

Energy Authority doesn’t regulate the actual charges and tariffs, as TSOs and DSOs set
them independently. The regulation of electricity grid and natural gas networks services are
based on the assessment of the reasonableness of the pricing in network services as a
whole. The method decisions are published before the start of the upcoming regulatory
period and these method decisions determine how the allowed or target revenues are set for
the period. The supervision of the reasonableness of the pricing is direct to the accumulating
entity comprised by different network service fees. Regulatory methods consider capital
invested in network operations and reasonable rate of return (WACC-%) to it, which
constitute the reasonable return for a network operator. In turn as, a comparison to
reasonable return is considered the realized adjusted profit from network operations which
includes the effect of incentives. The impact of incentives is deducted when calculating
realized adjusted profits. The incentive elements that are applied in regulatory methods
varies between TSOs and DSOs and the set of incentives used are quality incentive,
efficiency incentive, innovation incentive, the security of supply incentive and investment
incentive. Energy Authority monitors that operators´ profits for the regulatory period does not
exceed determined reasonable level. If pricing exceeds the determined reasonable level,
surplus will have to be returned to customers in the next regulatory periods pricing.

Efficiency Benchmarking
Efficiency means that the service required by the customer is provided at the lowest cost
possible. The operation of network operator is cost-effective when the input, or costs, used in
its operations are as small as possible in relation to the output of operations. The pricing of
network operations is not subject to market pressure, in which case the operator has no
incentive to improve the efficiency of its operations. In such a case, without regulation, any
cost ineffectiveness could be compensated with higher prices. The purpose of the efficiency
incentive is therefore to encourage network operator to operate in a cost-effective way and to
achieve a cost level that is achievable.

Energy Authority applies efficiency incentive to electricity TSO, natural gas TSO and
electricity DSOs. Natural gas DSOs are not subject to efficiency incentive.

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In the calculation of efficiency improvement potential, the network operators realized

controllable operational costs (KOPEX) is benchmarked with operator’s reasonable
controllable operative costs (SKOPEX). For electricity TSO and natural gas TSO the
efficiency reference level (SKOPEX) is based merely on operators own historical costs. In
the first year of the regulatory period, the average of the previous four-year regulatory period
realized controllable operational costs is used as the benchmark for efficiency costs. In the
following years, the benchmark will be the reasonable controllable costs of the previous year.

With electricity DSOs the company-specific efficiency target is also observed by comparing
individual DSOs realized controllable operative costs (KOPEX) to DSOs reasonable
controllable operative costs (SKOPEX). DSOs reasonable controllable operational costs at
an output level according to efficient operations are determined by using the efficiency
frontier. The efficiency frontier is estimated from combined cost and output data from all
DSOs. The variables included in the measurement of company-specific efficiency target
consists the input variables (KOPEX and replacement value of network), output variables
(volume of transmitted energy, number of metering points, total length of the electricity
network and regulatory outage costs) and operating environment variable (connections /
metering points -ratio).

In calculation of KOPEX and SKOPEX for the fourth regulatory period (2016 – 2019) was
used the average of regulatory data for 2011 – 2014 and for the fifth regulatory period (2020
– 2023) will be used the average of regulatory data for 2015 – 2018. The efficiency frontier
was estimated for the fourth regulatory period by using regulatory data from 2008 – 2014 as
the initial data for company specific efficiency measurement variables and these were
adjusted with the consumer price index to the 2014 level. The efficiency frontier will be re-
estimated for the fifth regulatory period (2020 – 2023) in 2019 using regulatory data from
2012 – 2018. For electricity DSOs efficiency benchmarking has based on StoNED-method
(Stochastic Non-Smooth Envelopment of Data) since 2012. In 2015 method was developed
further to its current form to regulatory periods 2016-2019 and 2020-2023.

Quality Incentive
Energy Authority uses regulatory outage costs as a quality incentive. Regulatory outage
costs, i.e. the disadvantage caused by outages, are calculated based on the number and
duration of outages, as well as the unit prices of outages which are determined at the
methods. The DSO’s average realised regulatory outage costs for the two previous
regulatory periods, i.e. eight years, are used as the reference level of regulatory outage
costs. The reference level is adjusted with the annual energy transmitted to the customers to
make the reference level of regulatory outage costs comparable with the realised regulatory
costs with respect to the transmitted energy. The impact of the quality incentive is deducted
when calculating realised adjusted profit. The impact of the quality incentive is calculated so
that the realised regulatory outage costs are deducted from the reference level of regulatory
outage costs.

The maximum impact of the quality incentive in the calculation of realised adjusted profit is
made reasonable. The impact of the quality incentive may not be higher than 15% of the
reasonable return in the year in question for electricity DSOs, 3% for electricity TSO and 2%
for the gas TSO. Natural gas DSOs are not subject of quality incentive.

Innovation Incentive
The purpose of the innovation incentive is to encourage the network operators to develop
and use innovative technical and operational solutions in its network operations. The key
objectives of research and development activities are the development and introduction of

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

smart grids and other new technologies and methods of operation. As a result, the network
operator may incur research and development costs before the new technologies are in full
use and utilisable. The Authority encourages the network operators to make active efforts in
research and development by deducting reasonable research and development costs in the
calculation of realised adjusted profit. Acceptable research and development costs must be
recorded in the unbundled profit and loss account as expense as capitalised R&D costs are
not accepted to be included in the calculation of the innovation incentive. Acceptable
research and development costs must be directly related to the creation of new knowledge,
technology, products or methods of operation in network operations for the sector.

The impact of the innovation incentive is deducted when calculating realised adjusted profit.
The impact of the innovation incentive is calculated so that a share corresponding to a
maximum of 1% of the DSO’s total turnover from network operations in the unbundled profit
and loss accounts in the regulatory period are treated as reasonable research and
development costs. The incentive is applied to all network operator’s.

Investment Incentive
The purpose of the investment incentive is to encourage DSOs and TSOs to make
investments cost-effectively and to enable replacement investments. The investment
incentive consists of the incentive impact of unit prices and the straight-line depreciation
calculated from the adjusted replacement value. The incentive impact of unit prices directs
the network operators to invest more effectively than on average and to find more cost-
effective methods of implementation than before. The incentive impact arises from the
difference between investments calculated with unit prices and the cost of realised

Together with the net present value, the incentive impact of the straight-line depreciation
calculated from the network operator’s adjusted replacement value directs the operator to
maintain its network in accordance with the lifetimes it has selected in actual use as part of
the network assets and enables the making of sufficient replacement investments. The
incentive impact arises from the fact that the methods allow for the operator an annual
depreciation level based on average adjusted straight-line depreciation based on the
lifetimes selected by the operator. Imputed straight-line depreciations are always allowed in
full as far as the component is in actual use. Therefore, imputed straight-line depreciation is
calculated for the component even after the end of the lifetime if the component is still in
actual use. The impact of the investment incentive is deducted when calculating realised
adjusted profit and incentive is applied to all DSOs and TSOs.

Security of Supply Incentive

With the new Electricity Market Act, which entered into force in 2013, criteria for security of
supply were set in for a maximum duration of outage for electricity DSOs. In order to
implement the new security of supply obligations, most of the electricity DSO’s need to make
extensive replacement investments and carry out maintenance. For this reason, the security
of supply incentive was introduced into the methods for the fourth and fifth regulatory
periods, for the years 2016-2023.

The write downs of the security of supply incentive compensate for the demolition made
regarding replacement investments, which has been compulsory due to the security of
supply criteria. The write-downs of the security of supply incentive consider justifiable early
replacement investments made in order to meet the security of supply criteria in so far as the
investment incentive does not take them into account. In other words, the write-down of the
security of supply incentive only compensates the potentially lost part of imputed straight-line

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

depreciation which the DSO has not been able to predict when selecting the average lifetime
for the fourth regulatory period.

The impact of the security of supply incentive is calculated by adding together the write-
downs of the NPV residual value resulting from early replacement investments carried out to
improve the security of supply and the reasonable costs of maintenance and contingency
measures. The security of supply incentive is only applied to electricity distribution system

With the minimum requirements of the security of supply in renewed Electricity Market Act in
2013 and the transition to updated regulation methods in 2016 led to large tariff increases by
few large DSOs in Finland in 2016. With the aftermath of an extensive public debate Energy
Authority suggested amendments to the legislation and in year 2017 the Electricity Market
Act was changed in a way that the DSOs are allowed to increase the electricity transmission
and distribution charges up to 15% compared to the charges collected by the 12 months prior
to the increase.

Energy Authority publishes regulatory methods, decisions, expert reports, efficiency targets
and the data used in the efficiency estimation in Authority’s website. Energy Authority also
publishes the annually updated parameters regarding to the calculation of the reasonable
pricing. The Energy Authority has also prepared an excel workbook for electricity DSOs to
assess the reasonable return for the regulatory period 2016 - 2019 and to evaluate the
realized adjusted profit.

Although the current methodology is set out for two regulatory periods, years 2016 to 2023,
Energy Authority strives to develop methodology in accordance with changed market
conditions. For example, Energy Authority has ordered a survey about the international
regulatory methods supporting the demand response.

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.8 France
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
2 26 1 ~160

~38.000 km ~200.000 km ~100.000 km ~1.400.000 km
Ownership Private and public Mainly public
Private and public Mainly indirect
ownership (indirect ownership (direct
ownership public ownership
and local) and indirect)
Authority Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE)
System Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap
Period 4 years, current 4 years, current
4 years, current period: 2017-2021
period: 2017-2021 period: 2016-2020
General framework

Base year for 2nd year in current 3rd year in current

2nd year in current regulatory period
next period regulatory period regulatory period
Transparency Cost data (detailed OPEX and CAPEX), WACC and its underlying parameters, quality of
service scores, regulatory accounts
Main elements
determining Non-controllable and controllable costs, depreciation costs, taxes and fair margin
the revenue
French law (code de l’énergie) and CRE tariff decisions
Typ of WACC Pre-tax, real Pre-tax, nominal N/A*
Determination Sum of a nominal
of the rate of risk-free rate and a
return on risk premium
Sum of a real risk-free rate and a risk
equity (market risk
premium (market risk premium multiplied
Rate of return

premium multiplied N/A*

by a beta risk factor) multiplied with a
by a beta risk
corporate tax factor
factor) multiplied
with a corporate tax
Rate of return 8.1% = 7.5% = 9.7% =
on equity (1.6%+5.0%*0.75) / (1.6%+5.0%*0.66) / (2.7%+5.0%*0.73) / N/A*
before taxes (1-34,43%) (1-34,43%) (1-34,43%)
Use of rate of Multiplied with the whole RAB (except assets that were funded
return through subsidies or grants)
Fixed assets
asset base

of RAB
Regulatory Historical revaluated costs (taking into
Net book value
asset value account inflation and depreciation)
Subsidies and grants are removed from the value of assets before entering the RAB
Method Straight line

Depending on asset type. Ratio between 2% and 4% for network assets (lines, pipes etc)
Integrated directly and with 100% (except assets that were funded through subsidies or
* due to the specificities of electricity distribution in France, assets are not remunerated via a WACC

In France, the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE) is the independent authority
responsible for the regulation of electricity and gas markets. CRE is in charge of setting up
access rules and tariffs for the utilization of electricity and gas grids. It is also responsible for
approving investments of transmission operators.
In electricity, there is a single transmission system operator (TSO), RTE, which operates,
maintains and develops the high and very high voltage network. With more than 100,000 km

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CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

of lines between 63,000 and 400,000 volts, the network managed by RTE is the largest in
Europe. There are 160 electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) in France of various
sizes. Distribution is dominated by Enedis, which operates 95% of the electricity distribution
network, representing 1.3 million km of lines and 35 million customers. 4-6 other DSOs serve
more than 100,000 customers (Gérédis, SRD, SER, GEG, URM and EDF SEI) and the
remaining DSOs are local companies that serve less than 100,000 customers.

In the gas sector, there are two TSOs: GRTgaz and Teréga (formerly TIGF). GRTgaz
operates a pipeline network of approximately 32,000 km which forms a unique balancing
zone since 1 November 2018, with the creation of a single market area in France. Teréga
operates a network of about 5,000 km in south-western France, also representing a single
balancing zone. Since 1 November 2018, there is only 1 market area but still 2 balancing
zones, one for each TSO. On the distribution side, there are 26 natural gas DSOs supplying
about 11.5 million consumers. GRDF is the main one with more than 96% of the volumes,
Régaz-Bordeaux and Réseau GDS each distribute about 1.5% of the market, while the 23
other DSOs represent less 1% of distribution in total.

TSO Certification and DSO Independence

On 26 January 2012, CRE certified all the French TSOs under the ITO model. Revisions
were carried out for RTE and Teréga after changes in their shareholding. RTE’s certification
was renewed by decision of 11 January 2018. Initially certified as ITO, Teréga’s status was
changed in ownership unbundling on July 3, 2014 after a modification of the shareholding of
the TSO.

Regarding DSOs, CRE ensures they are effectively independent of their parent company.
For instance, they must be clearly differentiated between companies engaged in the supply
or production of gas or electricity within the vertically integrated company (Enterprise
Verticallement Intégrée or EVI) to which they belong. This verification is based on the internal
organization and governance rules, the operating autonomy and the implementation of a
compliance officer in charge of independence obligations and compliance with the code of
good conduct.

Electricity Transmission and Distribution Tariffs

In electricity, the current transmission and distribution tariffs for RTE and Enedis, known as
"TURPE 5 HTB" and "TURPE 5 HTA-BT", came into force on 1 August 2017, for a period of
approximately four years (in accordance with the CRE's deliberations of 17 November 2016).
During the elaboration procedure, CRE conducted in-depth analyses of the projected
expenses of French operators, of practices in other European countries and about the
calculation of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of electricity and natural gas
infrastructure in France. Operating expenditures and their comparison with those of other
European network managers were also examined. At the end of the process, CRE largely
kept the previous tariff structure while introducing some improvements regarding incentives
relating to capital expenditures, quality of service and losses.
Regarding distribution, the tariff is equalized, therefore the same for all the DSOs. Charges
are calculated on the basis of an average distribution cost plus a management fee and
determined according to the level of voltage on which consumers are connected. A specific
device to ensure that the network operators have the necessary resources to meet the costs
of research and development as well as deployment of smart grids has been introduced
while encouraging operators to be efficient.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Gas Transmission Tariffs

The tariff for the use of the GRTgaz and Teréga natural gas transmission networks, (known
as the ATRT6) entered into force on 1 April 2017 for a period of approximately four years. It
was adopted after extensive stakeholder consultation and as a result of published studies.
The ATRT6 tariff aims at giving gas TSOs the capacity to meet the challenges of the energy
transition and to take into account the changes in the gas market in the coming years. Its
level is set to include GRTgaz 2020 projects and Teréga Research and Innovation. The
developments related to the ATRT6 tariff are part of a framework for controlling the tariff level
of gas transport in a context of demand decrease.

The trajectory of net operating expenses of GRTgaz and Teréga is defined over the 2017-
2020 period and must correspond to that of efficient operators. From the level chosen for
2017, this trajectory is based on inflation and an annual growth coefficient that incorporates a
productivity objective. Additional productivity gains, beyond the expected trajectory set in the
ATRT6 will be retained by the TSOs. Symmetrically, additional costs will be borne entirely by
the TSOs. In addition, the ATRT6 tariff provides for a rendevouz clause after two years,
which, under certain conditions, will make it possible to re-adjust upwards or downwards the
net operating expenses expected over 2019 and 2020.

In terms of investment, CRE has implemented a specific incentive regime for

interconnections which used to include a fixed premium for the construction of the assets, an
incentive aimed at minimizing costs based on the difference between expected and realized
expenditures, and an incentive based on the actual utilization of the new built infrastructure.
During the ATRT6 tariff, the capital charges for these asset classes will be calculated from
the forecasted values defined by the rate decision. At the end of the period, the effective
value of these fixed assets will be taken into account in the regulated asset base which will
allow, for the following tariff periods, a sharing of gains or a socialization of the additional
costs with the users.

Gas Distribution Tariffs

The fifth tariff for the use of GRDF's natural gas distribution networks, known as the "ATRD5
tariff", entered into force on 1 July 2016 for a period of about four years. The main evolution
compared to the previous tariff relates to encouraging GRDF to improve its efficiency, both
from the point of view of controlling its costs, and the quality of the service provided to the
users of its networks. It also aims at providing GRDF the capacity to adapt to the energy
transition in particular regarding the development of smart metering, the injection of bio-
methane and research and development activities. The ATRD5 tariff schedule is
mechanically adjusted every 1 July by applying an RPI-X formula and including elements of
the regulatory account. CRE has also determined individual tariffs for the other DSOs
following similar rules.

CRE is currently working on a better harmonization of the regulatory frameworks which
applies to TSOs and DSOs, both in electricity and in gas: this project will lead to
developments regarding the tariff settings of the network operators. One of the aims is to
improve the consistency of incentives for each network and their users and to avoid undue
threshold effects that would favour the development of a particular infrastructure whereas
another operator could provide a more efficient solution.
Gas transmission tariffs will be amended in 2019 to comply with the Commission Regulation
2017/460 (TAR NC).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.9 Germany
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
16 ~700 4 ~850

~40.000 km ~500.000 km ~37.000 km ~1.800.000 km
Ownership Mainly private Mainly private
Private and local Private and local
investors, indirect investors, indirect
public ownership public ownership
public ownership public ownership
Authority Bundesnetzagentur Bundesnetzagentur
Bundesnetzagentur and federal state Bundesnetzagentur and federal state
authorities, authorities,
(www.bundesnetzagentur.de) depending from size (www.bundesnetzagentur.de) depending from size
and network area and network area
System Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap
Period 5 years, current period: 2018-2022 5 years, current period: 2014-2018
Base year for
General framework

3rd year in current regulatory period

next period
Transparency Efficiency scores, efficiency model parameters, specific cost data
Main elements Non-controllable
for Non-controllable and controllable
Non-controllable Non-controllable
determining and controllable costs, TOTEX
and controllable and controllable
the revenue costs, TOTEX efficiency
costs, TOTEX costs, TOTEX
cap efficiency benchmark,
efficiency efficiency
benchmark, efficiency bonus,
benchmark, general benchmark, general
efficiency bonus, general inflation and
inflation and inflation and
general inflation and sectoral productivity
sectoral productivity sectoral productivity
sectoral productivity factor, quality
factor, volatile costs factor, volatile costs
factor, volatile costs element, volatile
EnWG, ARegV, GasNEV EnWG, ARegV, StromNEV
Type of WACC No use of WACC
of the rate of Sum of a nominal risk-free rate and a risk premium (market risk premium multiplied with a
Rate of return

return on beta risk factor) multiplied with a corporate tax factor

Rate of return
on equity 6.91% = (2.49+3.8*0.83) * 1.225
before taxes
Use of rate of Granted for existing assets to a maximum of 40% of the imputed necessary business
return assets. Any available equity capital in the capital structure in excess of this will be subject
to another equity interest rate
Fixed assets, working capital, assets under construction
of RAB
Regulatory asset base

Regulatory Net substance preservation for business assets capitalised prior to 1 st 2006, real capital
asset value preservation for business assets as from 1st 2006
RAB By the ordinance Investments in new By the ordinance
adjustments defined investments assets after the defined investments
after the base year, base year lead to an after the base year, The assets of the
e.g. expansions, adjustment of the e.g. expansions, base year are used
lead to an CAPEX. No lead to an as RAB. No general
adjustments of the distinction between adjustments of the adjustments after
non-controllable replacements and non-controllable the base year
costs and therefore enhancements or costs and therefore
of the revenue cap expansions of the revenue cap
Method Straight line

Depreciation Depending on asset type. Ratio between 1.5% and 4%

ratio e.g. lines & cables: ~2%, stations: ~4%
Consideration Part of the examined controllable costs

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The electricity and gas networks are examples of what are known as "natural monopolies",
where effective competition is restricted or does not exist at all. To ensure that network
operators (DSOs = Distribution System Operators, TSOs = Transmission System Operators)
do not make any monopoly profits but still operate their networks as cost effectively as
possible, the electricity and gas network operators are subject to regulation. This task is
performed by the Bundesnetzagentur as the regulatory authority responsible in Germany for
the networks in various sectors, including electricity and gas. The Bundesnetzagentur is
responsible for regulating all operators with more than 100,000 customers or whose network
area covers more than one federal state. All other network operators are regulated by the
regulatory authorities in the federal states. These federal state authorities can, however, also
delegate their regulatory task to the Bundesnetzagentur.

Historical Development
Regulation by the Bundesnetzagentur began in 2005 as cost-plus regulation. An incentive-
based regulatory regime was introduced in 2009 to replace cost-plus regulation. Under this
regime, the revenue that network operators are allowed to earn within a certain period
(regulatory period) is determined using a mathematical formula and fixed for the period. It
therefore makes sense (incentive) for network operators to lower their costs within the
regulatory period (work efficiently) so as to increase their profits within the limits of the
framework (revenue (fixed) minus costs (controllable) equals profit).

Determining the Revenue Caps

The revenue caps for network operators are set for a five-year regulatory period. Each cap is
composed of the permanently non-controllable costs, temporarily non-controllable costs,
controllable costs (applying a distribution factor for reducing inefficiencies), a possible
efficiency bonus (DSOs only), general inflation relative to the base year and a general
sectoral productivity factor, a CAPEX in period top-up to take account of the cost of capital
for investments after the base year (DSOs only), quality element (electricity DSOs only), and
volatile costs. The difference between the allowed revenue and the development of actual
volumes over the year is entered into a regulatory account.

Efficiency Benchmarking
The Bundesnetzagentur carries out its efficiency benchmarking on the basis of the cost
examination (TOTEX) and structural data validation before the start of each new regulatory
period for gas and electricity network operators separately. The efficiency benchmarking
involves assessing the operators' individual costs against the services they provide and
determining each operator's cost efficiency compared to the other operators.
In addition to the (input) cost parameters, structural (or output) parameters are taken into
account to replicate the services provided in each case as well as the regional
characteristics. Possible structural parameters could include the number of connection
points, peak load, the amount of energy delivered or injected, and transformer and
compressor station data. The costs and structural data collected always relate to the base
year, which is always the third year of a regulatory period.

The costs data mainly comprise staff and materials costs, interest on borrowings,
depreciations and other operating costs. Depreciations are prescribed in the regulations and
are based on technical asset lives.

The costs data are supplemented by a calculated return on equity. Anyone investing in a
business enterprise expects a return on the capital employed that is competitive and reflects
the industry-specific risks. This return is usually a result of market forces and depends on the

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

individual sector and the general level of interest rates. If there is an imbalance between the
risk of investment and potential earnings, as a rule there will be no investment. However,
since network operators – by virtue of their natural monopoly – are not fully subject to these
market mechanisms, yet still need to make vital investments in infrastructure, the rate of
return on equity is determined by the regulator.
The return on equity comprises a risk-free rate (determined on the basis of the ten-year
average current yield of fixed-interest securities) and a risk premium. The premium covering
network-specific risks is determined using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and is
derived from the product of an imputed market risk premium and a risk factor (beta factor).

Corporate tax is accounted for through a factor applied to the sum of the risk-free rate and
the risk premium. Trade tax is, by contrast, determined on the basis of the return on equity.

The rate of return on equity is different for new and old assets. The return on equity
comprising the risk-free rate, the risk premium and the corporate tax factor is applicable to
"new assets" that first existed in or after 2006. A rate adjusted to take account of inflation is
applicable to "old assets" that existed before 2006.

The rate of return on equity is granted for existing assets to a maximum of 40% of the
imputed necessary business assets. Any available equity capital in the capital structure in
excess of this will be subject to another equity interest rate. This "equity II interest rate" is
aligned with the standard rates of interest for procured capital and is set as a ten-year
average based on the yields published by the German Bundesbank (federal bank). Existing
borrowed capital is recognised at equal value insofar as any interest on borrowings does not
exceed the customary market interest rate for comparable loans.

The costs known as the permanently non-controllable costs are deducted from this cost pool
(materials costs, staff costs, costs of borrowing, taxes, other costs, write-downs and return
on equity, minus revenue and income with cost-reducing effect). Permanently non-
controllable costs are, for example, upstream network costs, non-wage labour costs and
concession fees. Network operators can fully recoup the permanently non-controllable costs
as revenue.

From the third regulatory period (2018 gas and 2019 electricity) there will be an annual
subtraction of the capital cost for the DSOs. This subtraction takes account of the fall in
capital expenditure for the asset base (total costs of depreciation, the return on equity and
the corporate tax, each of which is imputed, plus the costs of borrowing) over the duration of
the regulatory period.

The CAPEX subtraction is also deducted from the cost pool. The remaining controllable
costs data and the structural data are then taken for the efficiency benchmarking model.

The structural cost parameters for all network operators are used to define groups or
combinations of parameters that reflect the services provided by the network operators. The
optimum size of the parameter groups is also examined and defined. The efficiency scores
for the network operators are determined by applying the data envelopment analysis (DEA)
and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) methods to the defined parameter groups. Since the
efficiency benchmarking is a comparative method, the results for the individual network
operators have a mutual influence on each other. A network operator that provides the same
scope of services as, but has higher costs than, another operator (100% efficiency) will have
an efficiency score lower than 100%. The efficiency scores are then applied to the
controllable costs (total costs minus permanently non-controllable costs minus CAPEX

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

substraction). A network operator with an efficiency score of 80%, for example, will need to
remedy the 20% of inefficiencies over the course of the upcoming regulatory period.

Each of the two methods used (DEA and SFA) offers only a restricted approach to
determining efficiency scores. This is why both methods are applied to determine more than
one efficiency score for each network operator. The network operators' costs are also
adjusted to take account of the networks' different lifetime structures. The DEA and SFA
methods are then applied to determine further efficiency scores using these standardised
costs. Each network operator is then given the highest of the four efficiency scores

If the efficiency score calculated for a network operator using the two methods is lower
than 60%, the score is raised to 60% as the set minimum efficiency level. A maximum
efficiency level of 100% is also set. The results are also examined to identify any network
operators that appear as "outliers" and whose efficiency scores clearly dominate the
efficiency scores of other network operators. These network operators are no longer taken
into account in the benchmarking and are given a fixed score of 100%, without having any
further influence on the efficiency scores of the other network operators. The most efficient
DSOs are eligible for a bonus added to the revenue cap on the basis of a super-efficiency
analysis; this bonus is limited to a maximum value of 5%. This gives operators an incentive
beyond the end of a regulatory period to improve efficiency in the long term even if they have
already achieved an efficiency score of 100%.

General Sectoral Productivity Factor and Price Development

Another component of the revenue caps is the general sectoral productivity factor, which is
always applicable for one regulatory period. This factor is determined using scientific
methods from the divergence between productivity gain in the network industry and
productivity gain in the economy as a whole. The idea behind this factor is to imitate market
forces and thus simulate competitive pressure. It is assumed that where competition exists,
productivity gains will lead to lower costs for companies, and companies will pass on this
competitive advantage to customers in the form of lower prices so as to attract customers
away from competitors. The productivity factor has the effect of reducing revenues.

The revenue caps also take account of the development of consumer prices in relation to the
base year (CPI-X regime). General price increases lead to an increase in the revenue cap.

Quality Regulation
Under a regulatory regime that provides incentives to cut costs, there is a risk that operators
will refrain from undertaking the necessary investments or measures in order to achieve the
required or potential savings. To counter this, the regime includes quality regulation for
electricity distribution networks. This takes the form of a quality element in the formula for
setting the revenue caps. Operators achieving above-average quality in past years will have
an amount added to their cap, while operators with comparatively poor quality levels will
have amounts deducted (bonus/penalty system).

Adjusting the Revenue Caps After the Reference Year

A CAPEX in period top-up for DSOs ensures that the revenue cap can be adjusted in line
with the cost of capital for investments in new assets after the reference year. No distinction
is made here between replacement and enhancement or expansion expenditure. Operators
must apply for the top-up six months in advance.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

TSOs (and, in some cases, DSOs) are able to refinance their necessary expansion and
restructuring investments through investment measures. Proposed expansion and
restructuring investments can be approved provided they are required for the stability of the
system as a whole, incorporation into the national or international interconnected grid, or
expansion of the network to meet energy supply requirements. Investments approved under
the investment measures are factored into the revenue cap as permanently non-controllable

In the event of changes in other permanently non-controllable costs of a network operator in

the course of a regulatory period, the revenue cap and thus the network charge can be
adjusted accordingly.

National Specificities
Electricity (Gas) DSOs with fewer than 30,000 (15.000) customers can choose to participate
in what is known as the "simplified procedure" and are then not subject to efficiency
benchmarking. The efficiency score applicable to these operators is the weighted average of
all adjusted efficiency levels from the national benchmarking exercise in the previous
regulatory period. For companies subject to the simplified procedure, the portion allocated to
permanently non-controllable costs is fixed at a flat rate of 5%.

The data published on the regulatory authorities' websites include revenue caps and annual
adjustments, efficiency scores (together with the relevant cost and output parameters),
efficiency bonus, CAPEX in period top-up and permanently non-controllable costs.

There are currently no further plans to develop the incentive-based regulatory regime in
Germany. Various changes were made to the regime in 2016. The effects of these changes
are to be awaited before any further reforms or changes are made.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.10 Great Britain

For 2018, the National Regulatory Authority was not able to author this subchapter.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.11 Greece
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 3 1 1

Network length 1.466 km 5.603 km 17.340 circuit km 238.300 circuit km

Ownership State ownership State ownership State ownership State ownership
and private and private and private and private
investors3 investors investors investors4
Authority Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE)
System Cost plus Revenue cap Revenue cap Cost Plus
Period 4 years (from
4 years (from 2019
2019 onwards), 4 years, current
onwards), current 1 year
current period: period: 2018-2021
period: 2017-2018
Base year for
General framework

Year t-2 (actual) & year t-1 (estimates)

next period
Transparency Decisions, Regulatory data, Specific cost data
Main elements OPEX (Non- OPEX (Non-
OPEX (Non- OPEX (Non-
for determining controllable and controllable and
controllable and controllable and
allowed controllable costs) controllable costs)
controllable costs) controllable costs)
revenue Depreciation, RAB Depreciation, RAB
Depreciation, Depreciation, RAB
(Assets and (Assets and
RAB (Assets and (Assets and
approved approved
approved approved
investment plans, investment plans,
investment plans, investment plans,
working capital), working capital),
working capital), working capital),
premium premium
Law 4001/2011
Type of WACC Nominal, pre-tax Nominal, pre-tax Real, pre-tax Nominal, pre-tax
of the rate of WACC: a) CAPM & additional country risk premium for cost of equity; and b) cost of
Rate of return

return on debt based on operators’ proposal and actual figures of base year
Rate of return
on equity 9.23% 9.23% 12.6% 8.20%
before taxes
Use of rate of WACC is applied on the value of Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) for each year of the
return Regulatory Period
Components of
Fixed assets, working capital, assets under construction
asset base

Regulatory Historical costs since 2009 (last revaluation
Historical costs
asset value in 2004)
RAB No adjustments, historical values5
Method Straight line

ratio Most assets are depreciated over a period of 25-50 years.
Consideration Depreciation ratio depends on asset type and it is integrated directly into the revenues.

3 Wholly owned subsidiary of DEPA (Greek State: 65%, Hellenic Petroleum: 35%).
4 Wholly owned subsidiary of PPC S.A. (Greek State: 51%, Institutional Investors & general public: 49%).
5 Only for Electricity TSO, since Allowed Revenue is calculated in real terms, an adjustment of RAB is taken place

from one Regulatory Period to another based on CPI.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Electricity and natural gas networks are characterized as “natural monopolies”, in which
effective competition is limited or does not exist at all. In this context, to ensure that Network
Operators do not abuse their dominant position, i.e. provide non-discriminatory access to the
network at tariffs that reflect conditions of healthy competition and to stimulate cost effective
operation of the network, TSOs and DSOs are subject to regulation.

This task is performed by Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE). RAE, among others,
oversees and regulates the electricity and natural gas Network Operators in Greece.
Electricity transmission and distribution in Greece, is conducted by one TSO (ADMIE-IPTO)
and one DSO (HEDNO), respectively. Regarding natural gas, there are one TSO (DESFA)
and three DSOs (EDA Attikis, EDA Thess6, DEDA). There is also a separate electricity DSO
(private owned), operating the network of Athens International Airport. Athens International
Airport’s Electricity Grid Manager is regulated. However, only accounting obligations are
applied, since it has less than 100.000 customers (Directive 72/2009).

Historical Development

Following the Energy Law 4001/2011, the Public Power Corporation (PPC S.A), established
a 100% subsidiary, ADMIE S.A., according to the Independent Transmission operator (ITO)
model. In 2012, RAE certified ADMIE S.A. as the independent power transmission system
operator, while since June 20th, 2017 ADMIE S.A., follows the model of Ownership
HEDNO S.A. (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A.) was formed by the
separation of the Distribution Department from PPC S.A., according to Law4001/2011 and in
compliance with 2009/72/EC EU Directive. HEDNO S.A. is a 100% subsidiary of PPC S.A.,
however, it is fully independent in operation and management, retaining all the independence
requirements that are incorporated within the above mentioned legislative framework.
HEDNO is organised as a distribution operator based on the ISO model; PPC S.A. retains
the ownership of distribution assets. HEDNO is also the designated system & market
Operator of the non-interconnected island electricity systems.

The Hellenic Natural Gas TSO (DESFA S.A.), a 100% subsidiary7 of the public natural gas
company (DEPA) is unbundled from DEPA since 2007, while the three Natural Gas DSOs
(EDA Attikis, EDA Thess and DEDA8) were unbundled from supply activities since 2017.

Tariff Regulation
According to Law9 RAE approves tariff setting methodologies for all non-competitive activities
and sets relevant overarching principles and criteria. Explicit allowed revenue methodologies
are currently in place for electricity transmission (since 2015), gas transmission (since 2012)
and for gas distribution (since 2016). The regulatory model is essentially multi-year, revenue-
cap on OPEX and cost-plus on CAPEX. Allowed revenue for electricity distribution is
currently calculated by relying on the principles underpinning the electricity transmission

6 Operator of the Natural Gas Distribution Network within the geographical areas of Thessaloniki Prefecture and
Thessaly Region.
7 The privatization of 66% of DESFA is in progress (March 2018).
8 Operator of the Natural Gas Distribution Network for the Rest of Greece, apart from Attiki and Thessaloniki –

9 Law 2773/1999 and Law 4001/2011.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

revenue methodology, adapted to single-year regulatory periods and applied broadly as cost-
plus on both OPEX & CAPEX.

Regulatory Decision Process

Given the allowed revenue methodologies in place for the next period, the process starts with
regulatory submissions by Operators, due not later than 7 months before start of next
Regulatory Period. The decision setting allowed revenue for the next period is issued 2
months before its start. Decisions are taken separately for each TSO and DSO in natural gas
and electricity sector.

Main Principles of the Tariff Regulation

The Regulatory Period

Duration of the regulatory period is set as part of the allowed revenue methodology decision.
For electricity and gas TSO, as well as for gas DSOs, a four-year Regulatory Period
applies10. For electricity DSO the regulatory period can be set to 3-5 years, defined also as
part of the allowed revenue methodology decision (to be issued). The base (reference) year
for all operators is year 𝑡 − 2.

Determining Allowed Expenditures

The main building blocks of allowed revenue (OPEX and CAPEX) are determined in
separate processes.

CAPEX streams are derived by approved network development plans (10-year plan for
electricity and gas TSO, 5-year plan for electricity and gas DSOs) that apply for the
regulatory period under review. These can be modified on an annual basis and are approved
separate from allowed revenue decisions. Modifications to approved development plans
during a regulatory period are considered in ex-post treatment of CAPEX.

OPEX streams are determined in the context of the allowed revenue decision. RAE set a
reasonable OPEX allowance for the next period, scrutinising Operators expenditure
proposals, based on past performance and forecasts, considering changes in relevant
drivers, conditions, statutory and regulatory requirements etc.

Regulatory Asset Base – Depreciation

The Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) includes the estimated capital employed for the regulated
network activity for every year of the Regulatory Period, which includes the following:
i. Undepreciated value of fixed assets (+)
ii. Assets under construction (+)
iii. Working capital (+)
iv. Grants and Contributions from Third Parties (-)

Depreciation is calculated for every year of the Regulatory Period, for all assets that are
expected to be in service during that year, excluding assets funded by third parties. Assets
under construction are remunerated only for return on employed capital.
For electricity TSO (ADMIE) and DSO (HEDNO), the historical values of 2009 have been
considered (two revaluations took place before 2009, in 2000 and 2004, and the relevant
surplus has been included in historical values). Since then no revaluation is considered.

10 In the recent past, regulatory periods of three years were implemented, while the current regulatory period for
gas TSO is 2 years (2017-2018).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

For natural gas TSO and DSO historical values are considered).

WACC and WACC Premium

A weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is calculated as a rate of return for capital
employed (RAB). WACC is estimated in real terms (pre-tax) only for electricity TSO (since
2015), while for all the other Operators, a nominal, pre-tax WACC is used. Due to specific
country conditions, an extra premium (Country Risk Premium) is added to CAPM model.

For electricity TSO and for specific projects that are characterized as Projects of Major
Importance in the TYNDP, a premium rate of return can be provided, in addition to WACC.
The percentage of this premium varies between 1% and 2,5% and is decided by RAE.
For gas DSOs, RAE can increase the allowed return (WACC) by 1,5%, according to specific
objectives (defined by RAE), mainly aiming to increase natural gas consumption.

WACC Calculation

𝑊𝐴𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑟𝑒−𝑡𝑎𝑥,𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 = 𝑔 ∗ 𝑟𝑑 + (1 − 𝑔) ∗ 𝑟𝑒 /(𝑡 − 1)

𝑟𝑒,𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡−𝑡𝑎𝑥,𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 = 𝑟𝑓 + 𝛽𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 ∗ 𝑀𝑅𝑃 + 𝐶𝑅𝑃

Parameters electricity natural gas

transmission distribution transmission distribution
Nominal risk-free rate 0.70% 0.70% 0.36% 0.36%
Real risk-free rate
Debt premium 2.30% 2.30% 4.00% 4.00%
Cost of Debt 5.28% 4,60% 4.46% 0
Risk premium 5.00% 5.00% 5.23% 5.23%
Asset beta 0.43 0.38 0.38
Equity beta 0.68 0.56 0.60 0.42
Cost of Equity (pre-tax) 9.00% 8.20% 9.23% 9.23%
Gearing - D/(D+E) 36.30% 32.00% 22.00% 0
Tax rate 29.00% 29.00% 29.00% 29.00%
Nominal pre-tax WACC 7.64% 7.00% 9.22% 9.23%

Treatment of OPEX & CAPEX – Efficiency Incentives

Except for extraordinary allowed revenue revisions, electricity TSO and gas DSOs OPEX
allowance is not subject to ex-post adjustment or settlement, either during or after the
regulatory period. As there is no efficiency sharing mechanism currently in place, the scheme
provides some incentives to these operators to operate more efficiently.

The electricity DSO is provided with similar incentives, although these are further limited to
±3% of OPEX allowance; deviations beyond this threshold are potentially subject to
settlement ex-post.

OPEX allowance of gas TSO is fully adjusted, based on actual figures (cost-plus approach).

CAPEX is treated on a cost-plus basis for both electricity and gas TSOs and DSOs, with
settlements for differences between approved and realised expenditure carried out both on
annual basis and at the end of the regulatory period.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Extraordinary Revisions of Allowed Revenue

Extraordinary revisions of the allowed revenue, can be performed in case of a substantial
change on the legal, economic or actual data that were considered when calculating the
Allowed Revenue has occurred.

Adjusting During a Regulatory Period

Inflation adjustments are made for all network operators during the regulatory period, apart
from the electricity DSO which has a one-year regulatory period.

Key plans to further develop the regulatory regime for electricity networks in Greece include
for electricity DSO an introduction of:
• a multi-year regulatory periods (3-5 years),
• a revenue-cap methodology (probably for OPEX during the first period),
• incentives to reduce network losses (penalty/reward scheme),
• a quality regulation (minimum guaranteed standards complemented with
penalty/reward scheme in the following period).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.12 Hungary
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
2 10 1 6

5874 km 83872 km 4856 km 161800 km
Ownership 1 public, 1 private 2 public, 8 private Public 1 public, 5 private
Authority Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Hungarian Energy and Public Utility
Regulatory Authority Regulatory Authority
(http://www.mekh.hu/home) (http://www.mekh.hu/home)
System Incentive Regulation
General framework

Period 4 years, current period: 2017-2020 4 years, current period: 2017-2020

Base year for
2019 2019
next period
Transparency The methodological guidelines for determining the justified costs, and maintaining the
prices during the regulation period are available on HEA’ website
Main elements
We use a hybrid We use a hybrid We don’t use We don’t use
model model revenue cap revenue cap
the revenue
Act 40 of 2008 on natural gas Act 86 of 2007 on electricity
Type of WACC Real, pre-tax.
of the rate of Sum of the real risk-free rate and risk premium (equity beta multiplied by market risk
Rate of return

return on premium)
Rate of return
on equity 6.14% = (0.188+1.689+4.30*0.72(/(1-0.19) 6.20% = (1.88+4.30*0.73)/(1-0.19)
before taxes
Use of rate of
Has a 47 weight in WACC. Has a 49% weight in WACC.
Tangible assets Fixed assets
of RAB
Regulatory asset base

Regulatory Network assets: depreciated replacement Network assets: depreciated replacement

asset value value; Non-network assets: historical costs. value; Non-network assets: historical costs.
RAB The assets of the The assets of the
The assets of the The assets of the
adjustments base year are base year are
base year are base year are
modified yearly with modified yearly with
modified yearly with modified yearly with
modified CPI and T- modified CPI and T-
CPI and T-1 year’s CPI and T-1 year’s
1 year’s 1 year’s investments
investments minus investments minus
investments which which were
depreciation minus depreciation minus
were approved by approved by the
connection charges connection charges
the Authority Authority
Method Straight line

Depreciation Depending on asset type the useful lifetime Depending on asset type. Ratio between

ratio (years): pipeline 50, compressor station 20, 2.5 and 7% e.g. lines & cables: ~2,5%,
gas delivery station 30 stations: ~3,33%
Consideration Based on expected useful lifetime Based on expected useful lifetime

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The electricity and gas networks are examples of what are known as "natural monopolies",
where effective competition is limited or does not exist at all. To ensure that network
operators (DSOs and TSOs) do not make any monopoly profits but still operate their
networks as cost effectively as possible, the electricity and gas network operators are subject
to regulation.


Historical Development
Regulation began in Hungary after the privatisation in 1997, with the first four-year regulatory
period. The regulation is incentive based from the beginning, but there were gradual changes
in each period. The development in electricity and gas sector was parallel, but there were
some differences. In electricity, separate network tariffs exist since 2003. The Capital Asset
Pricing Model was first applied in the 2005-2008 pricing period, while benchmarking in the
2009-2012 pricing period. In the present regulatory period we made a step from price caps to
revenue caps, as the quantity changes of the distributed energy are taken into account.

Determining the Price Caps

The Hungarian incentive regulation is a price-cap-like system. The price caps for network
operators are set at the beginning of the four-year regulatory period. The cap is calculated
from the justified costs (operation & maintenance (O&M), depreciation, capital costs (RAB
multiplied with WACC), network loss) and the transmitted or distributed energy. The justified
costs are determined through a detailed cost review. Concerning the O&M cost, there is an
efficiency benchmarking, the Regulatory Asset Base and the depreciation are calculated
from the depreciated replacement value, and the expected lifetime of the assets.

Efficiency Benchmarking
The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (hereinafter HEA) carries out
its O&M cost-efficiency benchmarking prior to the start of each new regulatory period for gas
and electricity network operators separately. The efficiency benchmarking involves assessing
the operators' individual costs against the services they provide and determining each
operator's cost efficiency compared to the other operators. The benchmarking is related to
the DSO’s part- or sub-operations, such as operation and maintenance, metering and
reading, customer service. We are using partial productivity index.

General Sectoral Productivity Factor and Price Development

The idea behind this factor is to imitate market forces and thus simulate competitive
pressure. It is assumed that where competition exists, productivity gains will lead to lower
costs for companies, and companies will pass on this competitive advantage to customers in
the form of lower prices so as to attract customers away from competitors.

Quality Regulation
Under a regulatory regime that provides incentives to cut costs, there is a risk that operators
will refrain from undertaking the necessary investments or measures in order to achieve the
required or potential savings. To counter this, the regime includes quality regulation for
electricity distribution networks. This takes the form of a quality element in the formula for
maintaining the price caps. Operators achieving above the required quality (SAIDI, SAIFI,
Outage Rate) in past years will have an amount added to price cap, while operators with
comparatively poor quality levels will have amounts deducted (bonus/penalty system). The
TSO is subject to a far softer quality regulation which is only a simple penalty system, and
which has not been activated so far.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Adjusting the Price Caps After the Reference Year

The formula for maintaining the network tariffs during the regulation period consists of the
following cost and revenue elements:
- forecasted CPI – X (O&M), forecasted CPI (depreciation and capital expenditure)
- investments
- forward electricity price changes (network losses)
- the difference between the factual revenue and the forecasted revenue
- quality of service
- other specific costs (only in case of the TSO)

National Specialities
Electricity: Nation-wide uniform distribution tariffs, with an inter-DSO compensation tool.

HEA’s methodological guidelines for determining the justified costs, and maintaining the
prices during the regulation period are available on the website of HEA.

Natural Gas

Historical Development
With regards to natural gas separate system tariffs exist since 2004. Before their
introduction, between 1999 and 2004 regulated tariffs (containing both the costs related to
system usage and commodity costs) consisted of two components (fixed and variable), and
before 1999 a single component tariff (purely volume based) was in effect. Since 2004
system tariffs have been regulated in regulatory cycles ranging between 2 and 6 years. The
current regulatory period began in 2017 and according to the current legislation it is four
years long.

Determining the Tariffs

Tariffs are set for four-year regulatory periods, with annual tariff reviews during the regulatory
period. HEA carries out a cost and asset review before the beginning of each regulatory
period, during which it determines the regulatory asset base, the justified operating costs,
and the level of the WACC to be applied during the next regulatory period. Before the cost
and asset review, HEA issues methodological guidelines detailing the applied methodologies
both for the setting of the initial tariffs, and the annual tariff review during the regulatory
During the cost review, mainly with regards to DSOs, HEA benchmarks the efficiency of
relevant activities among the system operators. In 2015 HEA issued a guideline to DSOs in
order to harmonize their cost accounting practices, and thus help the benchmarking process.
HEA also determines the level of metering losses considered to be justified and the cost of
the lost gas. After determining the justified operating costs and the regulatory asset base,
HEA calculates the level of the costs to be recovered through the tariffs (cost base). Based
on the cost base, the relevant capacities and heating-degree day normalized volumetric data,
HEA determines the applicable tariffs.

A Short Overview of the Benchmarking Process Utilized During the Cost and Asset
Review of DSOs
The aim of benchmarking the relevant costs is to assess the efficiency of the different
operators and to determine the justified level of operating costs. For the benchmarking HEA
used partial productivity indices. HEA divided the activity of DSOs into comparable sub-
activities, allocated the relevant costs to the sub-activities and based on the relevant cost

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

drivers/outputs created per unit indices. These per unit, partial productivity indices form the
basis of the benchmarking process.

The following sub-activities are used in the benchmarking process:

Activities related to the operation of infrastructure:
• Maintenance and operation of pressure regulators (with the exceptions of small sized
pressure regulators placed at end-users) and city gates
• Maintenance and operation of gas lines
• Maintenance and operation of gas meters
• Maintenance and operation of pressure regulators placed at end-users + Costs
related to malfunctions

Activities related to system users

• Meter reading
• Customer relations
• Billing
• Technical review of end-user system plans and testing of end-user systems

Only operating costs are benchmarked. The following categories of costs are not
benchmarked: pass-through costs, costs of an insignificant level, costs reviewed with other
methodologies (e.g.: network losses).
Cost drivers used during the process were determined based on the following criteria:
• the data were available at all DSOs and it was determined with a sufficiently similar
• a strong correlation was found both on the level of individual DSOs and for their
totality between the cost driver and the relevant cost base,
• for activities with no sufficient cost drivers identified, composite cost drivers with a
better fit were created from the combination of the relevant drivers.

In order to account for justified differences between the costs and operating circumstances of
the DSOs, the regulator had the right to modify cost drivers.
By dividing the relevant costs with the relevant cost drivers the regulator created the partial
productivity indices regarding unit costs.
By dividing the sum of the relevant costs of all DSOs with the sum of the relevant cost drivers
of all DSOs the regulator determined the average unit costs.
In case of DSOs with higher than average unit costs, only the average unit cost level is
considered to be justified, the part of the per unit costs above the average level are not
accepted as a part of the justified cost base.
In order to avoid unjustified under recovery of costs due to different accounting and cost
allocation practices between DSOs, an „efficiency reserve” is utilized. The role of this
„efficiency reserve” is to allow the efficiency increase in those cost categories in which a
DSO’s efficiency is more than average to compensate for lack of efficiency in those cost
categories in which a DSO’s efficiency is less than average.

Adjusting the Tariffs During the Regulatory Period

During the regulatory period annual tariff reviews are carried out, in order to keep the tariffs
updated. During the annual tariff review the initial cost base is adjusted, and tariffs are
recalculated based on the adjusted cost base and the updated capacities and heating-
degree day normalized volumetric data. The adjustment takes into consideration the
following factors:

• inflation;

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

• changes of the operating costs caused by legislative changes;

• changes in the regulatory asset base, depreciation and cost of capital;
• investments arising from legislative changes or regulatory obligations;
• changes in the recognised cost of the settlement difference;
• adjustments to be made based on the ex post examination of the system operator’s
profit with regards to its profit limit;
• correction of errors, if any; and
• changes in data expressed in volumes and quantified non-financial parameters.

National Specialities
• Nation-wide uniform transmission tariffs, with an inter-TSO compensation tool.
• Separate distribution tariffs for each DSO. (Before 2011 uniform distribution tariffs
with an inter-DSO compensation mechanism were utilized, however the system led to
legal disputes. Since 2011 separate distribution tariffs are used.)
• Off-peak seasonal consumers.

The methodological guidelines for both the cost and asset review, and the within-period
annual cost review are published on the regulator’s website before the cost and asset review.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.13 Iceland
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
No Gas TSO No Gas DSO 1 6

km km ~3.400 km ~22.000 km
Ownership Private, public and
Indirect public
local public
Authority The National The National
Regulatory Regulatory
Authority (NRA) is a Authority (NRA) is a
team within team within
Orkustofnun Orkustofnun
National Energy National Energy
Authority Authority
(www.os.is) (www.os.is)
System Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap
Period 5 years, current period 2016-2020
Base year for
Average of OPEX 2015 – 2019, base year 2020
General framework

next period
Transparency All data behind the regulation model can be made available upon request
Main elements TOTEX; OPEX (CPI
for adjusted average
determining 2010-2014+non-
(CPI adjusted
the revenue controllable OPEX
average 2010-
cap from previous year)
2014) + CAPEX
+ CAPEX (previous
(previous year CPI
year CPI adjusted
adjusted book
book values) +
values). + Non-
other non-
controllable cost
controllable cost
(less than 2%)
(e.g. network
Efficiency factor = 0
losses). Efficiency
for this period.
factor = 0 for this
The Electricity Act No. 65/2003
Type of WACC Pre-tax
WACC = d*Rd/(1 - t) + e*Re, d=dept ratio, e=equity ratio
WACC for energy intensive TSO (2018) = 6,65%
WACC for general (TSO and DSO) = 7,08%
Rate of return

Re = (rf + (rm - rf)*β + specific risk)/(1 - t)
of the rate of
Sum of real risk-free rate and a risk premium (market risk premium multiplied with a beta
return on
risk factor) plus a specific risk premium multiplied with a corporate tax factor
Rate of return
Energy intensive (TSO) = 10,2% = ((2,73+5,0*0,89)+1,0)/(1-0,2) (for 2018)
on equity
General (TSO and DSO) = 10,7% = ((3,11+5,0*0,89)+1,0)/(1-0,2) (for 2018)
before taxes
Use of rate of The Pre-Tax WACC is the rate of return, it is granted for operating necessary business
return assets.
Fixed operating assets
asset base

of RAB
Book value
asset value
RAB CPI adjusted book CPI adjusted book
adjustments values values
Method Straight line

Depreciation Depending on asset type. Ratio between 2 and 20%

ratio e.g. TSO lines & cables: ~2%, stations: ~2,5%, DSO lines & cables:~3%-4%
Consideration The regulator regularly inspects the RAB and the depreciations

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The National Regulatory Authority (NRA) in Iceland, responsible for regulating natural
monopolies in electricity, is a team of four people within the Icelandic National Energy
Authority, Orkustofnun. Iceland has no gas networks and the majority of space heating is
conducted through direct use of geothermal energy. Iceland has one TSO (Transmission
System Operator) and ~75% of the energy produced is transmitted directly to Energy-
Intensive Industries. The other ~25% of the energy is transmitted to six DSOs (Distribution
System Operators) with no. of customer ranging from ~900 to ~80.000. Two of the DSOs
distribute both in rural and urban areas.

Historical Development
The Electricity Act no. 65/2003 came into force in 2003 and implements Directives 96/92 and
2003/54. The third Energy Package has not yet been implemented into national law.
Regulation by the National Energy Authority officially began in 2005 as a revenue cap
regulation with a team of two people. The Electricity Act was changed in 2011. The changes
in terms of regulation included e.g. a longer regulatory period from three to five years and
rate of return changed from being based on government bonds directly to a weighted
average cost of capital (WACC). After the change of the regulation the team was enlarged
and consists presently of four people.

Determining the Revenue Caps

The revenue caps for network operators are set for a five-year regulatory period. The last
cap was set in 2015 for the period 2016 – 2020 based on data from 2010 – 2014 where the
base year is 2015. The next cap will be set in 2020 for the 2021-2025 period. The cap is
composed of the five year average of the controllable operational cost (OPEX), non-
controllable OPEX and CAPEX.

Determining the Allowed Revenue

The revenue cap is updated every year ex-post and is referred to as allowed revenue. The
allowed revenue is updated by CPI adjusting the controllable OPEX (relative to the base
year) set by the revenue cap. Non-controllable OPEX is based on real values and includes
network losses and TSO tariffs (for DSOs) which the DSOs can fully recoup as revenue.
TSO network losses are not a part of their revenue cap/allowed revenue but the tariff for
network losses is monitored by the NRA. CAPEX includes the RAB times the WACC plus
depreciations for the relevant year. The RAB is based on inflation adjusted book values on
the 1st of January for the relevant year. Depreciations are linear and based on asset type.
The difference between the allowed revenue and the actual revenue form
distribution/transmission is entered into a regulatory account containing accumulated surplus
or deficit balances. All change in tariffs is based on that account. A network operator cannot
have accumulated surplus that is higher than 10% of their last allowed revenue. All
accumulated deficits that are higher than 10% of the last allowed revenue are written off.

Split up Revenue Caps

Both the TSO and two of the six DSOs in Iceland have split up revenue caps and allowed
revenue, and thus two regulatory accounts. The TSO has a revenue cap for transmission to
the DSOs and a revenue cap transmission to Energy-Intensive Industries. Two of the DSOs
have a revenue cap for their urban areas, and a revenue cap for their rural areas.

Efficiency Benchmarking
The NRA at Orkustofnun is legally obliged to carry out an efficiency study of the network
operators before the revenue cap is set every five years. Such a study can only be carried
out through independent specialists and not by the regulator. Other than that, the efficiency

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

legislation is open in terms of methodology and data. After a recommendation from the
specialists the regulator can make a decision on an efficiency factor for the next period.
Before the last cap was set in 2015, independent specialist conducted such an efficiency
study on the TSO and the six DSOs. The TSO was evaluated independently and not
benchmarked against other TSOs. The six DSOs were evaluated as eight companies since
two of them have split up revenue caps. The evaluation for the DSOs was based on a DEA
analysis and the controllable OPEX (input) and structural data. Structural parameter can
include peak load, energy delivered, length of lines and cables, no. of customer etc. The
result was used as a recommendation for an efficiency factor for the NRA and the NRA made
an efficiency score decision based on that recommendation. That decision was however
appealed to an independent appeal committee that revoked the NRAs decision in the case.

Rate of Return
According to the Electricity Act, weighted average cost of capital or WACC is the rate of
return on book values of all assets in the RAB. Both the TSO and two of the DSOs have two
RAB on account of their split of revenue cap. The WACC is the weighted average of the cost
of debt and cost of equity calculated by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Corporate
tax is accounted for through a factor applied to the WACC formula. Inflation is however not
accounted for in the WACC formula since the RAB is adjusted in terms of inflation every
year. All parameters in the WACC model are fixed in a regulation no. 192/2016, except the
risk-free rate. The risk-free rate is a moving average of 10 year inflation-indexed US TIPS
plus 10 year CDS spread for Energy-Intensive Industries and on a 10 year inflation-indexed
Icelandic government bonds for the general user and DSOs. The NRA calculates a new
WACC every year based on the change in the risk-free rate. E.g. in April 2017, the NRA at
Orkustofnun published new WACC for 2018, based on the average of the risk-free rate from
1.1.2007 – 31.12.2016. The WACC 2018 is the rate of return for the RAB when the allowed
revenue for 2018 will be calculated in 2019. The WACC regulation mentioned above has a
revision clause and is revised upon request. The revision and recommendation for the
parameters of the WACC formula is performed by independent group of specialist, the
WACC committee appointed by the NRA.

Quality Regulation
The Icelandic regulatory regime provides incentives to cut costs and to invest. There is still a
risk that operators will refrain from undertaking the necessary investments or measures in
order to achieve the required or potential savings. To counter this, data on quality of the
network is collected and monitored by the NRA. The quality element is not a part of the
revenue cap/allowed revenue formula although it has been considered and was included in
the draft of the Electricity Act.

The DSOs are not legally obligated to report their investment plan to the NRA. The NRA can
however request all such information, especially when it comes to potential change in Tariffs
the DSOs are obligated to provide a forecast for the allowed revenue to account for the effect
on the regulatory account.

The TSO is obligated by law to deliver a three-year exact investment plan and ten-year
network development plan to the NRA. The NRA approves or disapproves the investment
plan. The three-year plan is equivalent to an investment authorisation. This plan includes all
investments of the TSO.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The NRA plans to publish data on the regulatory website which will include revenue caps and
annual adjustments, WACC, etc. All data related to the regulation can be made available
upon request.

There are currently no formal plans to develop the incentive-based regulatory regime in
Iceland. Various changes were last made to the regime in 2011.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.14 Ireland
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 1 1 1


~2,427 km ~11,527km ~6,711 km ~172,000 km

Ownership EirGrid operate the
Gas Network System and ESB
Gas Network Ireland ESB Networks
Ireland Networks own the
Authority Commission for Commission for
Commission for Commission for
Regulation of Regulation of
Regulation of Utilities Regulation of Utilities
Utilities Utilities
System Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap Incentive Regulation / Revenue cap
Period 5 years, current period: 2017 - 2022 5 years, current period: 2016 - 2020
Base year for
Fourth year of current regulatory period Third year of current regulatory period
next period
Transparency Performance reports published annually,
Capex monitoring and reporting, and the NRA
Performance reports (Customer
publishes a tariff information note annually –
Performance and System Performance)
CRU’s recent decision paper on incentives and
are published annually. The CRU is
reporting for electricity system operators is
currently putting in place an innovation
available here:
reporting framework for Gas Networks

Main elements 1 Revenue to cover

1. revenue to cover
for the TSO’s and TAO’s
1.Review of historic 1.Review of historic the DSO’s operational
determining operational costs
and forecast Opex; and forecast Opex; costs during that
the revenue during that
2. Review of historic 2. Review of historic period;
cap period;
and forecast Capex; and forecast Capex; 2. a return on the
2 A return on capital
3. Value of Assets 3. Value of Assets in capital that the DSO
General framework

invested in the TSO’s

in TSO’s RAB; TSO’s RAB; has invested in the
and TAO’s assets;
4. Rate of Return; 4. Rate of Return; distribution system
and and assets; and
3 Revenue to cover
5.Inflation 5.Inflation 3. revenue to cover
depreciation of the
depreciation of those
TSO’s and TAO’s
Legal The Department of Communications,
framework Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE)
is the lead government department (or
ministry) with responsibility for energy
policy. In the natural gas sector, the CRU Legislative Basis for setting charges -
Department determines policy in relation to Under Section 35 of the Electricity Regulation
security of energy supply and the Act 1999 (“the Act”), the CRU approves
functioning of the market. The Department charges for the use of the electricity
is responsible for transposing EU gas transmission/distribution system in Ireland. In
directives into national law and is accordance with Section 35 of the Act, the
responsible for financial oversight and CRU’s Price Review decisions outline the
corporate governance of state-owned revenue that the TSO, TAO DSO will be
energy companies. allowed to recover from customers during a
Price Review Period. Section 36 of the Act
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities states that the TSO/DSO’s statement of
is the independent economic regulator for charges, prepared in accordance with Section
the natural gas, electricity and water 35, must be submitted to the CRU for approval
sectors in Ireland. and will not take effect until approved by the
Under Section 10A of the Gas Act 1976 as CRU
amended (the ‘Act’) the CRU sets the tariffs
and the allowed revenue for the TSO.

The Competition and Consumer Protection

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Commission is the government body

responsible for enforcing Irish and
European competition law in Ireland.
Generally, it looks to the CRU (there is a
Memorandum of Understanding between
the two) for matters relating to the electricity
and natural gas sectors.

Type of WACC WACC for the period 2017 – 2022 is 4.63%

WACC for the period 2016 – 2020 is made up
pre-tax real. The CRU decided that a
of a baseline WACC plus an aiming up
further aiming up allowance was not
Determination The CAPM methodology is used to calculate the cost of equity using the formula:
of the rate of 𝑘𝑒 = 𝑟𝑓 + 𝛽 × (𝑟𝑚 − 𝑟𝑓)
return on where: 𝑘𝑒 is the expected rate of return for the risky asset;
Rate of return

equity 𝑟𝑓 is the rate of return on a ‘risk-free’ asset (the “risk-free rate” or “RFR”); 𝛽 is the ‘beta’
factor, which is correlation of the return on the risk asset with the expected returns on a
diversified portfolio of all investable assets;
and 𝑟𝑚 is the expected rate of return on a market value-weighted portfolio of all assets (the
‘market portfolio’).
The term 𝑟𝑚 − 𝑟𝑓 in the CAPM is referred to as the market risk premium (“MRP”).
Rate of return Cost of equity (pre-tax) – high 7.99%
on equity Cost of equity (pre-tax) 7.22% Low 5.62%
before taxes Point Estimate 6.63 %
Use of rate of The Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) is the
return Applied to capex base to which the rate-of-return is applied
when determining the return on capital
Fixed assets, assets under construction Fixed assets, assets under construction
of RAB
Regulatory asset base

Replacement cost approach: Historic cost indexed to present value using inflation
asset value
RAB assets which have been added to the RAB, but
adjustments have not been energised
within 5 years (except in the case where the
programme of work was scheduled to be
RAB adjusted for RAB adjusted for longer than 5 years or where the SO can
disposals disposals satisfactorily show that the delay is beyond its
control) will be temporarily removed or
“paused” from the RAB (with all return and
depreciation paused) until the point at which
the asset can be energised and utilised)
Method Straight line

Depends on asset category
Consideration Part of the examined controllable costs

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is the independent body responsible for
regulating the natural gas and electricity sectors in Ireland. Part of its responsibilities involves
regulating the level of revenue which the monopoly system operators, can recover from its
customers to cover its costs.

The electricity and gas networks in Ireland are described as “natural monopolies”, as the
nature of it is that it would be inefficient to develop duplicate sets of wires and pipes to
service customers. Given the relatively small size of Ireland it would also be inefficient to
break the current geographical area of the networks into smaller sections managed by
individual DSOs/TSOs, although this is possible in larger jurisdictions/networks.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Gas Network Ireland (GNI) is the gas system operator in Ireland. GNI own and operate the
Transmission Network and Distribution Network. The aim of the CRU’s regulatory review
process is to drive the TSO to constantly seek, year-on-year economic efficiencies to the
benefit of customers. There are almost 680,000 natural gas customers in Ireland.

The transmission business consists of EirGrid, licensed by the CRU as the Transmission
System Operator (TSO) and ESB, acting through its ESB Networks business unit, as the
licensed Transmission Asset Owner (TAO). EirGrid is responsible for the operation and
setting the maintenance and development policies of the transmission system, while ESB
Networks is required to maintain the system and carry out construction work for its
development. ESB Networks Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of ESB, is licensed by the CRU
as Distribution System Operator (DSO) and is responsible for building, maintaining and
operating the distribution system. ESB, acting through its ESB Networks business unit, is the
licensed DSO and owns the distribution system.

Determining the Revenue Cap

The CRU uses a revenue-cap regulatory regime to determine the appropriate level of
revenue required to allow the System Operators (SOs) operate the networks in Ireland. The
CRU sets revenues ex-ante for a regulatory period of five years. There are a number of key
components required to estimate the level of revenue that will be sufficient to finance the
SOs. The building blocks of the regime are as follows:

Operational Expenditure
The overall revenue figure for operational expenditure (OPEX) that is put in place by the
CRU is the result of both rigorous scrutiny of the SO’s proposals and benchmarking. The
CRU applies both a top-down and bottom-up benchmarking approach to OPEX. The
objective of the bottom-up assessment is to develop a base year or stable run rate of
normalised OPEXthat represents the core historic ‘business as usual’ OPEX, (which can
then be revised as to reflect additional items of core OPEX), forecast to be incurred in future
years of the regulatory period. There are two components to the top-down benchmarking
assessment. Firstly, the SOs are benchmarked to comparable utility businesses to determine
how expenditure compares to an efficiency benchmark for the relevant sector. Secondly, the
CRU considers the degree of ongoing efficiency improvement or frontier shift that might be
possible for the SO over the regulatory period.

Capital Expenditure
In reviewing the SO’s capital expenditure (CAPEX) proposals, the CRU analyses the
proposals to determine whether they are appropriate, fully justified, whether they would
deliver benefits to the customer and whether the estimated costs are realistic.

Determining the Appropriate Rate of Return

The CRU sets the rate of return that the SO can earn on the efficiently incurred capital
investments in its Regulated Asset Base (RAB). This is known as the Weighted Average
Cost of Capital or WACC. This is essentially a weighted average of the cost of debt and the
cost of equity. The CRU sets a WACC that is used to derive a fair return on the capital
investments made by the utility while also endeavouring to ensure that the SOs sits
comfortably within an investment grade credit rating. The Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM) is used to assess the cost of equity which is used to aid the determination of an
appropriate WACC.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Uncertain Costs
Uncertain costs are defined as those that could not reasonably be foreseen by the SOs. The
CRU decided that such costs should be dealt with on a case-by case basis. In each case, the
SO would be expected to ensure that changes in OPEX or new CAPEX would take place in
an efficient manner and this would be reflected in the allowance provided – that is, there
would not be an automatic pass-through of such costs.

Pass-through Items
The price control model contains a provision for the pass-through of certain types of costs,
such as business rates, that are deemed to lie outside the business’s control. In some cases
pass through items are subject to incentive mechanisms which shares savings between the
SOs and the network customers, for example, in areas such as rates and safety.

K-factor Adjustments
The CRU regulates the SOs through a form of revenue cap regulation which allows
adjustments relating to one revenue control period to feed through into subsequent periods.
This adjustment mechanism is generally referred to as a k-factor mechanism. The k-factor
methodology is an adjustment used to allow for the fact that while the CRU approves a level
of revenue to allow the SO to cover its costs over a regulatory period, this level depends on
assumptions about what happens over the course of that period but it may not necessarily
reflect events as they occur. The adjustment essentially corrects for these events by applying
a correction to the revenue to be collected in subsequent periods.

The model used by the CRU uses a base allowable revenue which is indexed to take
account of price inflation. The index used should be the best reflection of the increases in
prices faced by the utility, such as wage inflation or materials inflation etc. Also the index
needs to be practical to implement, robust and transparent. In the recent review of allowable
revenues for the SOs the CRU used HICP. The CRU accepts that no one index can precisely
mirror the utility’s input costs. It is also accepted that the majority of the annual revenue
which the utility receives, covers depreciation and return on its asset base, rather than
operating costs.

Valuation of the RAB

The SOs’ RAB is valued using a replacement cost approach. The use of this approach has
continued during the prevailing price control periods. While it is recognised that there are
advantages and disadvantages associated with each methodology, the replacement cost
approach was taken as it is more likely to result in the correct level of network investment.
The CRU notes that there are a number of variations of replacement cost that could be used.
The version used by the CRU uses the acquisition cost, indexed with inflation, as a proxy for
the replacement cost.

Depreciation Method
The CRU used the straight line depreciation methodology in its recent price control decisions
and for the prevailing price control decisions.

Determining the Allowed Revenue

Combining all the component parts, the CRU generates an overall revenue allowance for the
SOs. This revenue feeds through into setting the transmission and distribution tariffs for each
tariff period.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

With regard to the gas Price Control, The CRU recently published its price control decision
for Price Control 4 in August 2017 and aims to begin work for Price Control 5 in 2020,
keeping in mind issues such as, movement towards a decarbonised economy. The CRU is
minded to assess the incentive mechanism in the initial stages of PC5.

With regard to the electricity Price Review, the CRU recently published its decision on
reporting and Incentives under PR4. The CRU introduced what the CRU considers
improvements to the existing incentives and reporting regime through the decisions in that
paper. The aim is to provide the customer with better value for money and improve quality of
services provided to the customer.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.15 Italy

For 2018, the National Regulatory Authority was not able to author this subchapter.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.16 Latvia
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 1 1 11

1 188 km 5 206 km 5 240 km 96 500 km
Ownership Mainly private Mainly private Public ownership Public ownership
Authority The Public Utilities The Public Utilities The Public Utilities The Public Utilities
Commission Commission Commission Commission
System Cost-plus
Period Not exceeding five
1 year 2 years Not determined
Base year for
Tariffs are based on justified historical costs.
next period
General framework

Transparency When submitting new tariff proposal, overview with key indicators and figures is published
on Regulator’s website. As a part of evaluation process public hearing takes place. All
interested stakeholders are welcome with their questions and proposals.
Main elements
determining OPEX + CAPEX (Depreciation + return on capital)
the revenue
Legal Energy Law, Law on Regulators of Public Electricity Market Law, Law on Regulators of
framework Utilities, Methodology for the Calculation of Public Utilities, Methodology for the
the Tariffs on the Natural Gas Transmission Calculation of the Tariffs on the Electricity
System Services, Methodology for the Transmission System Services,
Calculation of the Tariffs on the Natural Gas Methodology for the Calculation of the
Distribution System Service Tariffs on the Electricity Distribution System
Type of
post-tax, nominal
Rate of return

of the rate of Return on equity: Sum of a nominal risk-free rate, market risk premium multiplied with a
return on beta risk factor, and a sector risk premium.
Rate of return
on equity 7,17%11 6,67%12
before taxes (the post-tax rate of return on equity) (the post-tax rate of return on equity)
Use of rate of WACC is applied to the value of RAB to calculate the return on capital, which is a part of
return capital costs in tariff.
Components Fixed assets, intangible investment, and does not include inventories and assets under
Regulatory asset

of RAB construction.
Regulatory Book value as per financial reports (taking into account asset revaluations carried out by

asset value the operator at replacement cost value)

RAB The RAB is adjusted and set when the operator submits the tariff proposal; during the
adjustments period the tariff is in force there is no RAB adjustment taking place.

Method Straight line


Depreciation Depending on asset type. Ratio between 1% and 20%, gas pipelines 1.7-2.5%, electricity
ratio lines 2-5%, electricity transformation substations 2.5-12.5%
Consideration Depreciation is a part of capital costs in the tariff.

11 According methodology post-tax rate of return on equity is calculated. The corresponding pre-tax rate of return
on equity would be 8,44% in gas sector (corporate tax rate used for calculation is 15%).
12 According methodology post-tax rate of return on equity is calculated. The corresponding pre-tax rate of return
on equity would be 7,85% in electricity sector (corporate tax rate used for calculation is 15%).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The unified multi-sector Regulator in Latvia was established on 1 September 2001. In
accordance with the law “On Regulators of Public Utilities” the Regulator is institutionally and
functionally independent, full-fledged, autonomous body governed by public law and
independent in the implementation of its budget approved by law. The Regulator
independently performs functions determined in law and within its competence independently
adopts decisions and issues administrative acts which are binding for specific public utilities
providers and users.

In accordance with the law “On Regulators of Public Utilities”, one of the Regulator’s main
functions is to determine tariffs and the methodology for calculation of tariffs. Tariff
calculation methodologies of the different sectors are developed in accordance with the law
“On Regulators of Public Utilities”, sectoral laws and other normative acts which are in force
in the EU and Latvia. All methodologies are regularly updated and renewed according to
changes in the normative environment.

Corresponding with market opening (electricity 2015, gas 2017), former vertically integrated
energy supply monopolies have been unbundled. To grant equal access to infrastructure for
all stakeholders, transmission system operators (TSOs) and distribution system operators
(DSOs) work in regulated environment. Therefore, tariffs are set by Public Utilities
Commission (PUC).

Even though there are some differences in methodologies applied in tariff calculation
between TSOs and DSOs, and between electricity and gas sectors, the common goal is to
ensure the possibility of receiving continuous, safe and qualitative public utilities whose tariffs
(prices) conform to economically substantiated costs.

In Latvia tariffs are currently set using the cost-plus approach, which means the costs arose
in previous period of operation after careful evaluation and economic justification might be
included as planned costs for next period in the tariff.

The tariff period may vary. For gas TSO methodology defines it as one-year period, for
electricity DSO tariff periods don’t exceed five years, for other energy utilities fixed period is
not applied. Furthermore, PUC annually evaluates tariff fulfilment in previous year, and PUC
has legal rights to request new tariff proposal from system operator. System operator has
similar rights to submit new tariff proposal, if there is legal, technical or economical
background for changes.

Determining the Allowed/ Target Revenues

The allowed revenues are calculated using the building-block approach. The main parts of
the allowed revenues are OPEX and CAPEX. Capital costs consist of depreciation and return
on capital, which is calculated by applying a rate of return (weighted average cost of capital,
determined by the Regulator) to the value of RAB.

The WACC is set yearly and the system operator must use it when calculating the new tariff
proposals that are planned to come into effect in the respective year. The cost of capital is
calculated as nominal post-tax WACC (2018).
From 1 January 2019 the applied WACC would be pre-tax nominal. Changes in WACC
calculation was made in summer 2018 related to the tax reform, where the corporate tax
starting from 2018 is applied only to dividends and costs equated with dividends. The
necessary amendments to the methodologies in energy sector will be adopted by September

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The general RAB definition used in all energy sector tariff calculation methodologies states
that RAB consists of assets or part thereof used for providing the regulated service by the
system operator. In the electricity transmission and distribution sectors, as well as gas
distribution sector exclude inventories from the RAB, instead including the financing costs of
maintaining the necessary inventory levels in the operating expenses and also exclude
assets under construction from RAB. For projects of common interest, the costs of assets
under construction can be included in RAB, if incentive is granted to this project according to
the Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) No 347/2013.

When approving new tariff, overview with key indicators and figures is published on
Regulator’s website.

There are further plans to develop regulatory regime in Latvia. Various changes are planned
in 2019.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.17 Lithuania
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 (AB Amber Grid) 5 1 (LITGRID AB) 6

2.113 km 8.385 km 7,048 km 125,155 km
Ownership State owned, private State owned,
State owned State owned
investors private investors
Authority National Commission for Energy Control and Prices (NCC)
System Price cap Price cap
Period 5 years (2016-2020)
5 years (2014– 5 years (2014–2018 and 5 years (for
5 years (2016-2020)
General framework

2018) for the main DSO) small DSOs, 2015-

Base year for 2019 for the main 2021 and 2020 (for
2019 2021
next period DSO small DSOs)
Transparency Decisions
Main elements
TOTEX, RAB, WACC, technical losses,
determining TOTEX, RAB, WACC, technical losses
efficiency benchmark
the revenue
Legal The Law on Natural Gas of the Republic of The Law on Electricity of the Republic of
framework Lithuania Lithuania
Type of WACC Nominal, pre-tax
of rate of Return on investment is determined as weighted average cost of capital, calculated
return on according to the formula: WACC = 𝑅𝑑 × 𝑊𝐷 + 𝑅𝑒 × × 𝑊𝐸
Rate of return

Rate of return 4,88% = 1,399 x 0,6

Rate of return on
on equity + 8,58 x 1/(1-0,15) x
Rate of return on equity = 11,3% equity = 8,58%
before taxes 0,4
6,79% for small
WACC = 7,09% = 4,43 x 0,7 + 11,3 x 1/(1- WACC = 4,90% =
DSOs calculated in
0,15) x 0,3 1,435 x 0,6 + 8,58 x
2014 for period
1/(1-0,15) x 0,4
Use of rate of
WACC is used to calculate return on investment. WACC is a multiplied with whole RAB
Fixed assets
of RAB
Regulatory Values calculated
asset value using historical (for
Value calculated 5 small DSOs) as
Regulatory asset base

using historical and well as the historical

current (for the main and current (for the
network elements main network
Historical values. Historical values. (lines, cables, elements (lines,
217 mill Euro (2017) 160 mill Euro (2017) transformators) cables,
assets which will transformators)
depreciated until assets which will
2020) cost – depreciated until
363 mill Euro (2018) 2020) cost –
1,059.04 mill Euro
New investments and depreciation New investments and depreciation
Method Straight-line depreciation

3-60 years 4-70 years
Consideration Depreciation ratio depends on asset type. All depreciation of regulated assets is
integrated into revenues.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Natural gas and electricity transmission and distribution are regulated activities under the
Law on Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Law on Electricity of the Republic of Lithuania
and Law on Natural Gas of the Republic of Lithuania. The performance of transmission and
distribution system operators (TSOs and DSOs) is licensed and regulated by NCC, which
approves the requirements for keeping records of regulated activities, approves
methodologies for the setting of state-regulated prices, sets state-regulated prices and price
caps and controls the application of state-regulated prices and rates. Moreover, NCC sets
requirements for reliable transport of energy and quality of services and control compliance
therewith and performs other functions laid down by legal acts.

TSOs and DSOs are responsible for stability and reliability of the transmission / distribution
system, as well as provision of system services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania,
operation, maintenance, management and development of interconnectors to other systems.
TSOs and DSOs shall ensure objective and non-discriminatory conditions for the access to
the system for network users.

DSOs provide electricity / natural gas distribution, connection / disconnection of the

customers and guaranteed13 natural gas supply (only gas DSO) services. TSOs provide
electricity / natural gas distribution, transit and balancing services. Moreover, natural gas
TSO also performs LNG terminal funds administrator function.

Main Principles of the Tariff Regulation

Main methodologies, based on which tariffs of natural gas and electricity transmission and
distribution are calculated, i.e. Methodology of Electricity Transmission, Distribution and
Public Supply Services and Public Price Cap Calculation, Methodology of setting state-
regulated prices for natural gas sector and Methodology on Rate of Return on Investments,
have been approved by NCC. Five-year regulatory period is being applied for the natural gas
and electricity transmission and distribution prices regulated by NCC. The allowable income
levels are calculated as the sum of economically based cost consist of CAPEX (cost of
depreciation (using straight line method) and ROI), OPEX (repair and maintenance,
administrative cost, wages, etc.), taxes and technical losses.
WACC of the TSO’s and DSO’s of natural gas and electricity calculated in accordance with
the Methodology on Rate of Return on Investments where cost of debt (the entity's actual
long-term borrowing costs limited by the market average) and equity risk premium (the sum
of the equity risk premium of the country with the developed capital market (the US) and the
additional market risk premium of Lithuania) are evaluated. Equity risk premium calculated
for the entire regulatory period and the cost of debt must be adjusted annually. NCC use
WACC to calculate ROI as well as the discount rate in approving capital investments of
TSOs and DSOs.

Making Adjustments During a Regulation Period

In natural gas sector by the decision of NCC, regulated price caps may be adjusted once a
year subject to the change in the inflation rate, prices of imported (brought in) natural gas,
taxes, amount of natural gas or the requirements of legal acts regulating activities of natural
gas network operators, investments by natural gas undertakings as agreed on with NCC or
deviation by natural gas network operators from the indicators determined in methodologies
for the calculation of price caps approved by the NCC.

13 Guaranteed natural gas supply means the supply of natural gas or guaranteed to customers through the
provision of services of public interest.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In electricity sector, regulated price caps are adjusted each year due to the change of
inflation rate (OPEX), new investments, depreciation and change of WACC (CAPEX),
electricity price (technical losses) as well as the ROI adjustment from previous periods.
Actual ROI in natural gas and electricity sectors is estimated after the first two years of
regulatory period and after the entire regulatory period taking into account the income
earned, cost incurred and effectiveness of regulated activities (ROI may be increased due to
the decisions of regulated companies related to the reorganization or other factors
decreasing OPEX, accordingly 50% or 100% of the proved savings).

Regulatory Decision Process

The process of setting transmission and distribution prices starts by provision of the data for
establishing price caps. NCC evaluates the data provided by TSOs and DSOs, sets or
corrects price caps and approves them by NCC resolutions. Regarding the set price caps
TSOs and DSOs provides for the NCC an application to approve specific transmission and
distribution prices. Having verified and determined that prices are calculated in breach of the
requirements for setting prices laid down in methodologies for the calculation of set price
caps and that they discriminate customers and/or are false, NCC shall give instructions to
natural gas network operators in relation to the calculation of specific prices and tariffs.
Specific prices approved by NCC resolution shall be published by TSO / DSO and NCC no
later than one month before the entry into force of the prices.

Each year TSO provides to the NCC ten-year national development plan (TYNDP) – the
strategic document which covers main investment projects for the following 10 years. Where
TSO does not execute an investment, NCC shall require the TSO to execute the investments
or oblige the TSO to accept a capital increase to finance the necessary investments and
allow independent investors to participate in the capital. NCC approves whether national
TYNDP is consistent with the non-binding TYNDP of ENTSOG and ENTSOE. From 2018
DSO also has an obligation to prepare ten-year network development, renovation, upgrading
and investment plan.

TSOs and DSOs can include into RAB only those investments which are already
implemented14 and approved by NCC. NCC approval of the TYNDP does not mean the
approval of the concrete projects, thus projects have to be approved individually. Investment
project is considered as an investment which exceeds the certain value (3,5 mill Euro for
TSO or 1,5 mill Euro for DSO in electricity sector and 2 mill Euro or 5 % of company’s yearly
investments (but not lower then 0,15 mill Euro) in natural gas sector). Otherwise, investments
are provided in the simplified manner – as a yearly investment plan.

Investment projects are based on technical justification, financial justification and economic
justification (cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and impact on regulated prices). However, there are
some exemptions in the evaluation process. For example, financial justification is not
necessary for most projects which do not increase the transportation of the energy and CBA
is not required for the upgrade of depreciated assets.

Yearly investment plan is composed of the list of investments which value is lower than an
investment project. NCC can oblige a company to exclude particular investments from yearly
plan and present it as an investment project. All investments included into yearly investment

14 An exception is applied to PCI projects as assets under construction of PCIs is also included into RAB.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

plan must be reasoned and have technical justification. Moreover, the report of the previous
yearly investment plan has to be provided and all the changes of the values of each
investment has to be justified compared to the approved plan.

Quality Regulation
NCC sets the minimum levels of the reliability indicators for electricity and natural gas (DSO:
SAIDI, SAIFI; and TSO: MAIFI, AIT) for the regulatory period. These levels are estimated as
the average of actual numbers of previous regulatory period (not worse than set for the last
regulatory period) in electricity sector and as the average of actual numbers of the last 3
years in natural gas sector. Actual ROI of electricity transmission and distribution services
must be reduced by: 1% (for each reliability indicator worse from 5% to 10% than set by
NCC) or 2% (for each reliability indicator worse more than 10% than set by NCC). WACC of
natural gas transmission and distribution services must be increased / reduced by 0,005%
(for each reliability indicator better / worse from 10% to 15% than set by NCC) and 0,010%
(for each reliability indicator better / worse than 15% than set by NCC).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.18 Luxembourg
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 3 1 5

282 km 3 259 km 150 km 10 819 km
Ownership Mainly direct and Mainly direct and Mainly direct and Mainly direct and
indirect public indirect public indirect public indirect public
ownership ownership ownership ownership
Authority Institut
Luxembourgeois de ILR ILR ILR
Régulation (ILR)
System Revenue cap / incentive regulation
Period 4-year period, current period 2017-2020 4-year period, current period 2017-2020
Base year for
General framework

next period
Transparency Public consultation before the tariff methodology can be adopted
Methodology published in official journal and on NRA website
Possibility to contest NRA decisions

Main elements Remuneration on

Remuneration on Remuneration on Remuneration on
for RAB; depreciation,
RAB; depreciation, RAB; depreciation, RAB; depreciation,
determining Controllable OPEX;
Controllable OPEX; Controllable OPEX; Controllable OPEX;
the revenue Non-controllable
Non-controllable Non-controllable Non-controllable
cap OPEX; Ancillary
Legal Loi modifiée du 1er août 2007 relative à Loi modifiée du 1er août 2007 relative à
framework l’organisation du marché du gaz naturel; l’organisation du marché de l’électricité;
E16/13/ILR; E16/14/ILR E16/12/ILR; E16/14/ILR
Type of WACC Nominal pre-tax WACC
of the rate of Sum of cost of debt and cost of equity.
Rate of return

return on For more details see explanations

Rate of return
For natural gas and electricity:
on equity
6,12% = 0,5 * (2,15%+1,45%) + (1 – 0,5) * (2,15% + 0,7946 * 4,80%)/(1 – 30,93%)
before taxes
Use of rate of Granted for self-financed assets in the RAB and for work in progress according with
return respect to the dispositions of E16/12/ILR and E16/13/ILR
Fixed assets containing production costs, work in progress
of RAB
Regulatory asset base

Regulatory For assets since 2010: historical costs

asset value Before: asset financed by own funds (max 50%): historical costs re-evaluated with
published indexes
Remaining part: historical costs
RAB Adjustments not Adjustments not Adjustments not Adjustments not
adjustments foresee in the foresee in the foresee in the foresee in the
method; method; method; method;
After activation, new After activation, new After activation, After activation, new
assets also enter assets also enter new assets also assets also enter
the RAB the RAB enter the RAB the RAB
Method Linear

Depreciation Depending on the asset type. Useful lifetime 25-50 years for technical assets and
ratio constructions, and 3-20 years for IT related fixed assets
Consideration Depreciation is fully included in the allowed revenues

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The Luxembourgish electricity market has about 300 000 consumers and 2016 a total
consumption of 6,5 TWh. The natural gas sector accounts for some 90 000 consumers with a
total consumption of 9,1 TWh in 2016.

The national regulatory authority is the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR). ILR has
the role to supervise the market functioning in both electricity and gas sectors as well as to
ensure the universal service in the interest of all consumers. As part of these tasks, ILR has
the power to determine a tariff calculation methodology and to take decisions in matters for
which the national law explicitly entitles the Institute for. The tariff calculation methodology,
as well as changes to the methodology can only be decided after a public consultation

2017 was the first year for which all network tariffs in electricity were equalized among all
network operators on a national level. This development helps the consumer to better
understand the tariffs and makes it easier for suppliers to form their supply prices. Network
operators on the other hand, will redistribute among themselves the part of the revenues
which are over or underachieved due to the fact that their respective tariffs would be different
without national tariffs.

For natural gas the network tariffs remain to be different for each DSO.

Determining Revenue Caps

The tariff calculation methodology is set for periods of 4 years, with the current period
ranging from 2017 to 2020. In principle, the methodologies for natural gas and for electricity
are alike. Deviations will be explicitly mentioned in this description. The current method is a
revenue cap method.

On a yearly basis the network operators submit their tariff proposal for the following year,
along with the final regulatory accounts for the previous year. The Institute evaluates the
submitted documents and approves the tariffs when no objection remains. The yearly review
of the closed accounts from the previous year, allows to adjust the maximum allowed
revenue according to the real costs observed. Differences are transferred to a regulatory
account, which can be included in the next tariff proposal.

The main categories of costs forming the maximum allowed revenue are, Regulated Asset
Base (RAB) remuneration, depreciation, controllable OPEX, specific pass-through, quality
factor and the regulatory account term.

Investments and Depreciation

The current tariff methodology distinguishes between two categories of investments:
• Small investments, of less than 1 million euros in the electricity sector and less than
500 000 euros in the natural gas sector, are counted among the “lots” (batch
• Individual investment projects contain projects which do not fall under the “lots”
anymore as well as all projects with a cross-border impact regardless of the
investment cost.

For assets in the “Lots” category, the administrative burdens are considerably lower than for
individual investment projects. They have to be classified according to the voltage level (for
natural gas, according to the level of pressure) and pre-defined asset categories. The
operator also has to note whether the costs are considered as replacement of infrastructure

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

or new investments. In addition, the network operator has to submit to the Institute, its
procedures for standard investments. This allows the Institute to verify the efficiency of the
procedure. Costs under this category enter RAB in the year they occurred.

For individual investment projects, the system operator informs the Institute annually about
the progress of each project and informs the Institute about projects for which it foresees the
start of the works before the end of the following year. Documentation to be submitted for
new projects include a justification, an analysis of alternatives and other options for the
project, a cost-benefit analysis, the detailed costs, an analysis on events that could delay the
project or have an influence on the total costs of the project and an operational plan.

The tariff methodology provides the possibility to make adjustments to individual investment
projects during the realisation phase in case unforeseen events, which cannot be influenced
by the network operator. The date of activation as well as the total costs of the project can be
adjusted upon approval by the Institute, provided that the system operator immediately
notifies the Institute of such deviations.

The work in progress, from the start of the project until the planned activation date
communicated in the operational plan, is remunerated by the weighted average cost of
capital (WACC). In case of delays of the project remuneration, the tariff methodology allows
a reduction or the annulation of the remuneration for the years in question.

A project enters the RAB, based on historical costs and is depreciated on a straight-line
basis over the useful lifetime, defined in the tariff method.

Parts of an asset subsidised by public funds or financed by third parties are not included in
the RAB.

Remuneration - WACC
The WACC used for the current regulatory period is a nominal pre-tax remuneration. The
final rate of 6,12% is a combination of the cost of equity and the cost of debt with a weight of
50% each. This gearing represents an efficient capital structure, protecting the interests of
the consumer as well as allowing the system operator to access capital markets at
reasonable costs.

The cost of debt is the sum of a risk-free rate (RFR) and a debt premium (DP). The RFR is
based on a mid-term view of long-term interest rates published by the European Central
Bank for Luxembourg. The DP is based on current spreads on debt issued by firms having
similar activities. The issues had at least an A- rating and 7 to 13 years remaining to maturity.

The cost of equity adds the product of the equity risk premium (ERP) and an equity beta to
the RFR. This sum is discounted with the company tax rate for Luxembourg. The ERP value
is based on a study by Dimson, Staunton and Marsh (2015). The equity beta was determined
by asset betas for comparable companies with the Modigliani-Miller method.

Hence, remuneration is the product of the year end value of RAB and WACC.

Controllable Costs
Controllable costs are set at the beginning of the regulatory period, based on the profit and
loss account of the reference year. These costs are adjusted for price index, network
expansion (length of the network and consumers connected to it) and efficiency. For the
subsequent years, the set costs are carried forward taking into account the previously

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

mentioned adjustment factors. Among controllable costs are mainly salaries, administrative
costs and other operating costs for which no specific pass-through is foreseen.

Specific Pass-through
Costs and revenues eligible under this category are subject to the annual review of the
maximum allowed revenues in the year X+1. During this review, the costs estimated during
the calculation of tariffs, are adjusted for real costs.

The non-controllable costs can be subdivided in operating costs and additional

remunerations (financial incentives).

The first part of these costs contains human resource costs such as training costs, old
commitments concerning supplementary pensions and costs related to the evolution of
salaries in addition to the evolution of the automatic indexation. The next part of non-
controllable costs is for taxes and contributions. Costs eligible under technical operation
include network losses, the use of third party infrastructure, ancillary services, preparatory
studies, revenues from other transmission or distribution services not accounted separately
and revenues form participations of third parties in investment costs. Costs linked to a
cooperation between network operators can be accepted for realising transnational
cooperation projects with the aim to increase market integration as well as costs linked to
common projects of network operators, aiming at enhancing market functioning or increasing
the efficiency of the management of distribution networks. Finally, also research and
development costs can be accepted under the conditions defined in the tariff methodology.

Additional remunerations (financial incentives) can be claimed by the network operator for
specific tasks, which were identified by the regulator of particular interest for the consumer,
the market functioning, or to maintain security of supply. Projects targeted by this measure
are among others, establishing equalised electricity and natural gas network tariffs on a
national level, setting up a remote monitoring system of the electricity network, dissociating
activities of supply and network operation for integrated companies with fewer than 100 000
connected consumers, establishing a central data hub for specific energy information or for
the implementation of network tariffs that improve the consumers’ participation in order to
increase the efficiency of the usage of the electricity network.

The current methodology has a specific component allowing to integrate a quality factor into
the maximum allowed revenue. Since this factor has been introduced for the first time at the
start of the current regulatory period, the aim is to gather reliable data on the quality of
service of the network operators. As a consequence, during this monitoring period no
financial implications are caused by this factor.

For electricity the evolution of the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) is
observed. In case of a deterioration of this index, the network operator in question needs to
analyse the situation and deliver a specific report which explains the reasons for this
development. Such a report will be published.

For natural gas, the quality factor does not apply for the current regulatory period.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Regulatory Account
The annual review of the maximum allowed revenue allows to adjust some of the elements
forming the estimated maximum allowed revenue (MAR) for real costs. Indeed RAB
remuneration, work in progress remuneration, depreciation, quantity factor for controllable
costs and specific pass through items will be adjusted. The reviewed MAR will then be
compared to the revenues from approved tariffs of the concerned year. Differences will be
allocated to the regulatory account and can be used in the following tariff exercises.

Due to the evolutions and developments in the sector, with namely the roll-out of smart
meters de development of e-mobility, more active consumers and a bigger share of
decentralised production, the Institute has launched a study to work out possible directions
for the future tariff structure. Elements of this study will have an impact on the tariff
methodology for the next regulatory period.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.19 Netherlands
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 (GTS) 8 1 (TenneT) 7

12.000 km 124.000 km 21.000 km 318.000 km
Ownership Local public Local public
State owned (public State owned (public
ownership (public by ownership (public
by law) by law)
law) by law)
Authority Authority for
Consumers and ACM ACM ACM
Markets (ACM)
System Incentive regulation Incentive regulation Incentive regulation Incentive regulation
/ Revenue cap / Price cap / Revenue cap / Price cap
General framework

Period 3-5 years (currently 3-5 years (currently 3-5 years (currently 3-5 years (currently
2017-2021) 2017-2021) 2017-2021) 2017-2021)
Base year for
next period
Transparency Method and tariff decisions, Regulatory data, Efficiency scores, Quality of networks
Main elements TOTEX, cpi, cost TOTEX, cpi, cost TOTEX, cpi,
TOTEX, cpi,
for efficiency efficiency yardstick,
determining benchmark, benchmark, productivity change,
productivity change,
the revenue productivity change, productivity change, WACC, RAB,
cap WACC, RAB WACC, RAB quality incentive
Gaswet (Gas Act) Electriciteitswet 1998 (Electricity Act)
Type of WACC Real, pre-tax
Equity risk premium is based on data in individual Eurozone countries over the period
of the rate of
Rate of return

1900-2015 (Dimson, Marsh en Staunton database). An average of both the geometric

return on
and arithmetic average is taken.
Rate of return
6,7% (calculated; based on 5,02% after taxes and 25% tax rate; 6,7% =
on equity
before taxes
Use of rate of Real WACC is currently based on a 50% debt and 50% equity capital structure. Real
return WACC is multiplied with the indexated RAB.
Components Fixed assets and certain intangible assets (such as software) are included, no working
of RAB capital.
Regulatory asset

Indexated historical costs
asset value

RAB Annual indexation Annual indexation Annual indexation

adjustments (with CPI); Also, (with CPI); Also, (with CPI); Also,
adjustment for adjustment for adjustment for Annual indexation
certain specific certain specific certain specific (with CPI)
(expansionary) (replacement) (expansionary)
investments investments investments
Method Straight-line depreciation, corrected for inflation (CPI) each year.

Most assets are depreciated over a period of 35 – 55 years.
Consideration Depreciation is part of the total costs, which are subject to an x-factor over the course of
the regulatory period.

The transmission and distribution system operators (TSOs and DSOs) in electricity and gas
are neutral market facilitators. The Dutch Electricity Act and Gas Act specify what
responsibilities the TSOs and DSOs have. These responsibilities are linked to two domains.
First, TSOs and DSOs are tasked with the transport and distribution of electricity and natural
gas in an efficient, safe, and secure manner. Second, they are responsible for creating and
maintaining connection points with other networks and consumers. TSOs are also

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

responsible for system operations. Furthermore, TSOs and DSOs have a responsibility to
share all relevant information in order for consumers and producers to make efficient
decisions. And finally, they have the task to ensure the safety of the networks.

The electricity grids and gas networks are natural monopolies, where effective competition is
restricted or does not exist at all. They are also legal monopolies. To ensure that network
tariffs reflect what is normal in competitive circumstances and to stimulate operators to
operate their networks as cost effectively as possible, electricity and gas network operators
are subject to regulation. This regulatory task is performed by ACM.

Historical Development
Regulation by (the predecessor of) ACM began in 2002 with an incentive-based regulatory
regime, which is still in place to date. Under this regime, the revenues that network operators
are allowed to earn within a certain period (regulatory period) is determined using a
mathematical formula and fixed for the period. This incentivizes network operators to lower
their costs in order to maintain or increase profits.

Regulatory Decision Process

The process of setting allowed revenues starts with the publication of a method decision
(valid for a period between three to five years) before the start of that regulatory period.
Method decisions are taken separately for GTS (the gas TSO), TenneT (the electricity TSO),
combined for gas DSOs and also combined for electricity DSOs. In these decisions, ACM
determines how the allowed or target revenue is calculated. Soon after this, ACM publishes
the so-called x-factor decisions. In these decisions, the base level of revenue for the
regulatory period and the annual tariff cut (this is the x-factor) are set. Also, for the electricity
DSO a quality incentive is set (the q-factor, see below). X-factor decisions are made for each
TSO and each DSO individually. Finally, during the regulatory period, ACM publishes tariff
decisions annually, also individually for each TSO and DSO. Tariff decisions take the
relevant X-factor decision as starting point and also account for further tariff corrections due
to changes during a regulatory period, court decisions, etc.

Main Principles of the Tariff Regulation

The most important principle is a revenue/price cap based on exogenous efficient cost level.
ACM incentivizes TSOs and DSOs to operate efficiently by setting the revenue of the
operators before the start of the regulatory period (i.e. an ex ante revenue cap or price cap).
The allowed or target revenue is set equal to the expected efficient costs. If a system
operator operates more efficiently than the cap, it may keep the resulting profits. On the other
hand, if it operates less efficiently, it also has to take the resulting losses. Because the
efficient cost level is not only based on the network operator’s own costs, the regulation also
gives incentives for dynamic efficiency. That is, because the efficient cost level is based on
mostly exogenous data, the network operator knows that, in future periods, it is able to profit
from efficient choices today. This gives the system operator an incentive to be efficient in
both the short term and the long term. For each regulatory period, ACM renews the revenue
or price cap to the actual efficient cost level. If cost reductions lead to a lower efficient cost
level, consumers will benefit from these cost reductions in the period following these cost
reductions. In this way, network operators earn a bonus for efficient operation, and
consumers profit from lower cost levels in the long run. Hence, the Dutch incentive regulation
also ensures affordability of energy network services.

In order to ensure the safety and security of the network, TSOs and DSOs have to invest in
their networks and they need capital for that. In the incentive scheme parameters (like the
WACC) are set such that network operators receive an appropriate return on their

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

investment, so that they are able to compensate their investors. This return should match the
return a company would get in a competitive market. However, whether or not a network
operator actually receives this return will depend on the decisions the network operator
makes. The regulation is technology-neutral, i.e. it facilitates efficient investments, regardless
of their nature.

Quality of Transport
By way of a so-called q-factor, ACM gives an incentive to the electricity DSOs to maintain an
optimal quality standard. If a DSO has fewer or shorter outages than the norm, it will gain
extra revenue through a positive q-factor. If it has more or longer outages than the norm, it
will lose a share of his revenues through a negative q-factor. For the gas DSOs there is no q-
factor as no informative indicator for quality has been identified so far. By law, q-factors are
not implemented for TSOs. Quality maintenance for the TSOs and the gas DSOs is therefore
safeguarded by the minimum requirements embedded in the Electricity Act, the Gas Act, and
the technical conditions, which are also set by ACM through separate procedures. Q-factors
are added to x-factors when setting allowed revenues, so they have a cumulative effect.

The Regulatory Period

The law allows for a regulatory period of three to five years. The current period started on 1
January 2017 and runs until 31 December 2021. In the past, often periods of three years
were implemented. Advantage of a shorter period is the flexibility to actualize the method
more frequently and that the gap between ex ante estimates and ex post realisations is
lower. The main advantage of a longer period is more stability and certainty for network
operators and customers. In addition, a longer period creates stronger efficiency incentives,
because the network operators will have a longer period in which they are able to profit from
efficient operations.

X-factor Mechanism
The mechanism of the x-factor works as follows. ACM determines the base revenue on the
basis of the realised costs and the static efficiency measures. Then, using parameters that
estimate future cost trends, ACM determines the level of the revenue at the end of the
period. The annual revenue then gradually evolves from the base level to the level at the end
of the period, i.e. the x-factor is equal to the annual change in revenue. This means that the
x-factor is a price differential, rather than an efficiency target.

Determining the Regulatory Cost Base

The cost of a network operator includes operational costs and capital costs. The operational
costs are determined on the basis of data from the network operators. The capital costs
include the return on investment and depreciation. These are calculated by ACM based on
investment data from network operators.

For all types of investments regulated depreciation periods are set in the regulation. Periods
vary between classes of assets, ranging from 5 to 55 years.

The tariffs include an appropriate return, which is based on a WACC-method (“weighted

average cost of capital”). This WACC gives an allowance for both the cost of debt and the
cost of equity. When setting the WACC, ACM looks at the market return instead of the actual
costs the network operators face. By looking at the market return, it is ensured that the return
is no higher than what would be appropriate in a competitive environment. The WACC (real,
pre-tax) is the same for all networks operators, because the reference group used to set the
WACC is representative for all network operators. For 2016 it was set at 4.3%, for 2021 at
3.0%. The method takes into account embedded debt. This is not necessary for expansion

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

investments, so, for these investments, the WACC is set at 3.6% in 2016 and 3.0% in 2021.
Since a real WACC is used, the regulatory asset base is indexed.

For TSOs the expected costs of regular expansion investments during the regulatory period
are added as additional capital costs. The expected costs are set equal to the average costs
for regular expansion investments of the three most recent years. Operational cost for
expansion investments are estimated at 1% of the investment expense.

European directives stipulate that tariffs should reflect the actual costs incurred, insofar they
correspond to those of an efficient and structurally comparable network operator. Since there
is only one gas TSO and one electricity TSO in the Netherlands, ACM determine the efficient
costs for the TSOs by comparing them with other European TSOs in a cost efficiency
benchmark. When setting the efficient cost level for TSOs, ACM also takes into account the
dynamic efficiency. This is the expected scope for improving cost efficiency resulting from
technological and economic trends. Lower costs because of such dynamic efficiency are
passed on to consumers during the regulatory period in the form of lower tariffs. Effectively,
the result of cost efficiency studies is used when historic actual cost are translated to allowed
revenues for a future period.

For DSOs so-called yardstick competition is used to determine the static efficiency. Two
yardsticks are set, one for electricity DSOs and one for gas DSOs. ACM sets yardsticks
equal to the cost per unit of output, based on the actual cost of the DSOs. Each service that
is billed separately by a DSO adds to the output, where the national tariff code prescribes
what can be billed and what not. For incomparable types of costs (so-called regional
differences) a correction is made on individual basis. For DSOs, the dynamic efficiency is
equal to the geometric mean of the annual difference in the costs/output ratio. This figure is
used to adjust the yardstick. The so determined efficient cost levels constitute the basis for
the cost estimates used to set the allowed revenues for the upcoming period.

Making Adjustments During a Regulation Period

For some cost estimates ACM is obliged to correct estimates annually and correct the
allowed revenue accordingly. There can also be other circumstances that may call for
intermediate corrections: (a) by court ruling, (b) if it turns out that the decision was based on
incomplete or incorrect data, (c) if deviations between estimates and realisations are
disproportional, or (d) if the revenue is based on services that a network operator no longer
provides. For circumstances b-d it is up to ACM to decide if and how corrections will be

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.20 Norway
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network operators N/A 2 1 128

~102500 km – HV

Network length
N/A 740 km ~12 500 km
~204700 km – LV (≤ 1kV)
Ownership Public and private Mainly municipality
N/A State ownership
ownership /local public ownership
Authority N/A NVE NVE NVE
System Under development Incentive regulation / Revenue cap
Period Data is updated every year, important factors
Under development
General framework

(i.e. WACC-model) fixed for five years

Base year for next Annual regulation, based on cost data two
Under development
period years back
Transparency Full transparency - Revenue caps, efficiency
Under development
scores, all data, script for calculation in R
Main elements for Controllable and pass-through cost, TOTEX
determining the N/A Under development efficiency benchmark. Averagely efficient
revenue cap company receives RoR
Legal framework Act on common rules for the internal
Energy Act with underlying regulations,
market for gas with underlying
accounting legislation
Type of WACC Under development Nominal, pre-tax
Rate of return

Determination of the
rate of return on Under development CAPM
Rate of return on (Rf + Infl + βe x MP)/(1 - t) = (2.5 + 2.33 +
Under development
equity before taxes 0.875* 5.00)/(1-0.24) = 12 %15
Use of rate of return WACC is multiplied with RAB
Components of RAB Book values from financial statement adjusted
with 1% working capital premium, assets under
asset base

construction and grants funded assets are

Regulatory asset
Book values from financial statements
RAB adjustments BV + 1% working capital premium
Method Linear depreciations from financial statements

Depreciation ratio Depending on asset type, must be approved by accountant


Consideration Part of examined controllable costs

The present Norwegian Energy Act came into force January 1st 1991. The Act unbundled
the activities of generation and supply, which can operate in competitive markets, from
transmission and distribution of electricity. In order to achieve a competitive and efficient
electricity market, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) regulates
transmission and distribution system operators with a combination of direct regulation and
incentive based economic revenue cap regulation. The goal of the regulation is to promote
efficient transmission and distribution of energy.

In Norway there are 128 electricity distribution system operators (DSOs). Statnett is
transmission system operator (TSO).

15 Rf = Risk free rate, Infl = Inflation, βe = Equity Beta, MP = Market premium, t = tax rate.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The electricity system operators set their tariffs based on the allowed revenue (AR).

𝐴𝑅𝑡 = 𝑅𝐶𝑡 + 𝑃𝑇𝑡 + 𝑇𝐶𝑡 + 𝑅&𝐷𝑡 − 𝐶𝐸𝑁𝑆𝑡 + 𝑇𝐿𝑡

The allowed revenue is the sum of the revenue cap (RC), pass-through costs related to
property tax (PT) and tariff costs to other regulated networks (TC). Approved R&D costs are
also included. To remove the time lag (TL) in the cost of capital recovery, the difference
between actual cost of capital (depreciations and return on assets) in the revenue cap year
and the cost base from two years back is included.
Further, any Costs of Energy Not Supplied (CENS) during the year are deducted from the
allowed revenue. CENS is a measure of the calculated value of lost load for the customers.
The CENS arrangement provides as a quality regulation an incentive for network operators
to maintain their assets properly and to ensure necessary investments in order to avoid
power outages at a socioeconomic efficient level.
The revenue compliance is subject to regulatory control. Excess or deficit revenue for a given
year is calculated as the difference between actual collected revenues and allowed revenues
in a year. Actual collected revenues include tariff revenues from customers, congestion
revenue and revenue from system operations.
NVE decides an excess/deficit revenue balance every year. The decision is made
approximately one year after the RC is set, when the companies have reported their actual
costs in the RC-year. The balance is to be adjusted towards zero over time through tariff
changes. Excess revenues must be reimbursed to the customers, while deficit revenues may
be recovered.
According to the economic regulation of network companies, transactions within a vertically
integrated company and transactions between network company and other companies in the
same group needs to be based on competitive market conditions. Further, the national
regulator may impose a specific method for cost allocation between areas of operation in
vertically integrated companies. NVE audits annually a selection of the companies to reveal
any cross-subsidies

Historical Development
In the first regulatory period from 1993-1996, NVE used a rate-of-return regulation for the
industry. During this period, NVE prepared the implementation of a framework for revenue
cap regulation that would give better incentives for cost efficiency than possible in rate-of-
return regulation. NVE developed systems to collect data from the DSOs, and a revenue cap
model that included the use of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to set general as well as
company specific efficiency targets. In the second regulatory period, 1997-2001, NVE
introduced a revenue cap model with a cost base that was based on the DSO’s own
historical cost. The regulatory rate of return was fixed at 8.3 per cent. The cost base was
adjusted yearly to calculate revenue caps; the cost base was increased by CPI, and reduced
by an efficiency target X. The general efficiency target was 1.5 per cent, and individual
efficiency targets were between 0 and 3 per cent. The revenue caps were also adjusted for
new investments with a factor deducted from growth in distributed electricity. In this period,
the incentives for cost efficiency increased from the first regulatory period. To avoid that
incentives to reduce costs should result in low quality of service, NVE introduced an incentive
mechanism for quality of service in 2001, see Langset (2002)16. Cost of energy not supplied
(CENS) was calculated based on price per MWh for energy that was not delivered due to
outages. An expected value of CENS was added to the revenue caps, and actual value of

Langset, T. (2002), Quality Dependent Revenues - Incentive Regulation of Quality of Supply. Energy &
Environment 13(4): 749-61.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

CENS was deducted from allowed revenue when this was settled.

The regulatory model in the third regulatory period 2002-2006 was similar to the second
period. The cost base was updated and based on data from 1996 to 1999, and minor
changes were introduced in the benchmarking models. The CENS model was expanded to
differ between more customer groups (from 2 to 6), and adapted to implicitly take into
account heterogeneity among DSOs. Similar to the second regulatory period, the decoupling
of the DSOs costs and revenues due to the use of up to 10-year-old data gave strong
incentives for efficiency. At the same time, the time delay between costs and revenues
created weak incentives for investments. It took also time before efficiency improvements
resulted in lower tariffs for end users.

In the fourth regulatory period, 2007-2012, NVE introduced major changes in the model. To
address the weaknesses described above the CPI-X model was abandoned. It was replaced
with a hybrid model where each DSO’s share of the revenue cap was decided by a
combination of the DSO’s own costs (cost plus), whereas the rest was decided by a cost
norm. This cost norm was estimated through benchmarking methods based on the costs of
other comparable DSOs (yardstick competition). The cost base in the model was no longer
fixed for the period, but updated yearly. This contributed to increase incentives for
investments. After two regulatory periods with strong incentives for cost efficiency, the
change was partly motivated to strengthen the incentives for investments. Around 2005,
increasing investments were expected in the industry. A large part of the asset base had
become rather old, and there was need for reinvestments. Reducing the lag of the cost base
increased the incentives to invest. During this period, the incentives for quality were
strengthened through expansion of the CENS arrangement. The incentives for cost efficiency
were still strong, but these incentives were applied differently than in traditional CPI-X
regulation. The cost norms were calibrated so that on industry level, the sum of cost norms
was equal to the sum of cost bases. With this mechanism, the industry as a whole got the
regulatory rate of return, and also DSOs with average efficiency. DSOs that were more
efficient than the average earned a higher return, and opposite for the less efficient. Since
this model was applied yearly, the implication was that the DSOs “competed” about their
share of the total revenue cap. In the model, DSOs that lagged behind the average
performance of DSOs would experience a lower rate of return.

This mechanism incentivised efficiency, and at the same time reduced time lag between
costs and revenues. Another feature of this period was the incorporation of environmental
variables (Z-factors) in the cost norm. This was important in order to increase the credibility
of the model. These Z-factors were included as outputs in the model. In 2007, the DEA-
model had one input (total costs) and nine output variables. Five of these were related to
network structure and four were Z-factors.

The fifth regulatory period started in 2013. The main model framework from 2007 was
maintained, but several elements in the model were improved. Disincentives for mergers and
acquisitions were removed, and incentives for participation in research, development and
pilot projects were strengthened. The number of outputs in DEA were reduced and the
method for adjusting for Z-factors was revised, see Amundsveen et al (2014)17. Already in
2010, the Z-factors were moved to a second stage regression, but in 2013 the changes were

Amundsveen, Kvile, Kordahl and Langset (2014) "Second Stage Adjustment for Firm Heterogeneity In DEA: A
Novel Approach Used in Regulation of Norwegian Electricity DSOs" in Recent Developments in Data
Envelopment Analyses and its Applications. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of DEA

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

applied in order to meet some of the criticism towards this approach. Also, the model for
calculating the regulatory rate of return (based on a weighted average cost of capital model)
was updated to ensure the DSOs ability to be able to earn a reasonable rate of return on
their assets (Langset and Syvertsen, 2015)18.

Determining the Revenue Caps

NVE regulates the network companies using an incentive-based revenue cap (RC) model.
The RC is set annually, based on a formula of 40 percent cost recovery and 60 percent cost
norm resulting from benchmarking models. There is a two-year lag in the cost data. The
model regards operators of all electricity networks. Statnett is benchmarked together with
other European TSOs, while the other network operators are benchmarked in models based
on data envelopment analysis (DEA). There are separate models for local and regional
distribution. NVE notifies the RC for the coming year in November and the network
companies set the tariffs accordingly. In principle, the only difference between the notified
and the final RC for a year, are the actual prices, inflation and WACC that has to be
estimated in the notification. In addition to this, any errors in the companies’ cost or technical
data discovered after the notification, are corrected in the final RC.
Any changes in the rules and regulations will be subject to a public consultation,
implemented before the RC-year begins. Changes in the methodologies not stated in the
regulation, are mainly subject to a consultation with affected parties but are also publicly
available on NVE’s web site. The RCs are calculated based on expected total costs using
inflation adjusted cost data from two years back. The deviation between the expected total
costs and the actual total costs of all companies in a year is included in the RC calculation
two years later (e.g. the deviation between expected and actual costs for 2017 will be
corrected in the RC for 2019). The total cost deviation is distributed among the companies
using their share of the sectors total regulatory asset base. This mechanism does not apply
to the regulation of Statnett.

Efficiency Benchmarking
NVE implements two different efficiency assessment models for determining the revenue
caps for DSOs in the local and regional distribution grids.
Both models follow the same three stage procedure;
1. DEA – Compares efficiency solving specific tasks
2. Z-factor correction - Adjusts DEA scores from 1st stage for differences in environmental
factors. Efficiency may increase or decrease dependent on target units Z-factors
3. Calibration - Addition to cost norm such that total industry cost base equals cost norm.
Ensures that averagely efficient companies receive a return equal to the NVE-interest.

The inputs in the first and second stage of the calculation are essentially what differ in the
two models. The differences are depicted in the table below.

Langset & Syvertsen (2015) "The WACC Model in the Regulation of the Norweigan Electricity Network
Operators" ICER Chronicle ed

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Local distribution Regional Distribution

Stage 1 - Input Outputs Input Outputs
DEA 1 ) TOTEX = 1) Number of 1 ) TOTEX = 1) Overhead lines,
OPEX customers OPEX weighted value
+ 2) Length of HV + Depreciations * 2) Ground cables,
Depreciations*19 network KM + Return on BV* weighted value
+ Return on BV* 3) Number of + CENS 3) Sea cables, weighted
+ Cost of substations value
Network Losses 4) Substations, weighted
+ CENS value
Stage 2 Z-factors Z-factors
Z-factor Mountain environments** Forest environments**
correction Coastal environments**
Cold environments**
City (share of grid laid as
underground cables)
Forest environments (share of
overhead lines in coniferous forest)

TOTEX is used as input in a single input cost-minimizing DEA assuming constant returns to
scale. Also the weighted values used as outputs in the regional distribution grid captures a lot
of the differences between companies. This is one of the important reasons the second stage
analysis includes more variables in the second stage analysis of the local distribution
compared to the regional distribution. For readers interested in calculation specifics see our
script (in R) for calculation on https://github.com/NVE/IRiR .

General Sectoral Productivity Factor and Price Development

NVE does not implement any productivity factor. As described above, the total revenue cap
for the industry is given. Since the model is updated annually, there are strong incentives for
each DSO to reduce costs. In order to maintain a given level of rate of return a DSO has to
keep up with the development of the “average DSO”. The large number of DSOs limits the
effects of cartelisation.

National Specificities
Some smaller DSOs are exempted from the regular RC-model described above. These
companies are compared to their own historical average cost.

NVE currently has no plans on major model revisions. The method for determining the
WACC will be subject to a public hearing in 2018. The WACC-model is fixed for minimum
five years, and was last revised in 2013.

19 * Including depreciations on grants funded assets.

** Estimated using Principal Component Analysis.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.21 Poland
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network 1 main entity and 55
1 entity 1 entity 182 local DSOs
operators local DSOs

Network length ~11 059 km 20 ~129 509 km 21 ~15 000 km ~815 000 km
Ownership Indirect state-
Public, partly public
State-owned owned, public and State-owned
and private
Authority The President of Energy Regulatory Office (www.ure.gov.pl)
System Mixed (Revenue
cap with elements
Cost of service with
Cost of service with elements of revenue of incentive-based
elements of
cap regulation and
revenue cap
elements of quality
Period Calendar year 12 months Calendar year 2016-2020
Base year for Mainly a year
The basis will be
next period preceding the year
set when
Mainly a year preceding the year of tariff of tariff submission
developing the
submission for approval, for which audited for approval, for
assumptions for the
financial statement is available which audited
next regulatory
financial statement
General framework

is available
The approved tariffs Tariffs,
and guidelines on assumptions on
The approved tariffs and guidelines on
WACC issued by benchmarking
WACC issued by the President of URE
the President of models and WACC
URE guidelines

Main elements RoC + OPEX,

for determining Reasonable depreciation, RoC (determined
Depreciation, local
the revenue operating property taxes, also by quality
taxes, operating
cap expenditures, losses, costs of regulation factors) +
costs, cost of gas
depreciation, local maintaining the OPEX,
losses, pass-
taxes and other system-related depreciation,
through costs and
fees, cost of gas standards property taxes,
return on capital
losses and return on of quality and losses and pass-
capital employed reliability of current through costs
electricity supplies
Legal Energy Law Act and
Energy Law Act and
framework regulations of the Energy Law Act and regulations of the
regulations of the
Minister of Energy; Minister of Energy
Minister of Energy
EU law
Type of WACC Pre-tax nominal Pre-tax nominal
Cequity pre-tax=(Risk-free rate + βequity * equity
of the rate of (Risk-free rate + βequity * equity risk
Rate of return

risk premium)/(1-corporate tax rate)

return on premium)/(1-corporate tax rate)
Rate of return 7,838% = (3,308%+0,724*4,20%)/(1-19%)
on equity 7,013% =(3,256%+0,5388*4,50%)/(1-19%) or
before taxes 7,774%=(3,256%+0,724*4,20%)/(1-19%)22
Use of rate of
In allowed revenue we include: RoC = WACC * RAB

20 High-methane and low-methane natural gas transmission network.

21 For main entity.
22 Remarks on different risk-free rate: The risk free rate changes every 3 months.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Components of
RAB Tangible fixed assets in use and intangible
Regulatory asset base

assets, deducted by assets financed by

subsidy. Remunerated assets include the Fixed assets, assets under construction,
average value of planned net capital intangible assets
expenditures, deducted by an average
planned depreciation.

Set for every tariff Re-evaluated assets
asset value
RAB Adjustments of return of capital included in
adjustments allowed revenue are possible during tariff Annually Annually
Method Straight-line Straight-line
Depreciation For transformers and substations
ratio Economic useful life is set according to economic useful life is 30-40 years.

requirements of accountancy law for For new investments an average

adequate groups of fixed assets. depreciation value of all investments (e.g.
Approximate EUL for compressors equals 5 transformers, substations, IT systems,
years, measuring stations 15 years, meters) equalled 4% is allowed
pipelines and buildings 40 years.

Consideration A component of allowed revenue

Regulatory Framework
The President of URE23 is a central body of governmental administration accountable for
regulation of fuels and energy economy. His competence referred to in art. 23 of the Energy
Law Act of 10 April 1997 embraces inter alia: granting and revoking of licences, approving
tariffs and controlling their application and the promotion of competition as well. The
President of URE regulates activities of energy enterprises with the aim of balancing
interests of these companies and customers.

The legal framework for regulation of transmission and distribution of gaseous fuels and
electricity is constituted by Energy Law Act and regulations of the Minister of the
Economy/Energy on detailed terms for setting and calculation of tariffs and on detailed terms
of operation of the transmission systems.

Network Tariffs – Allowed Revenue Components

Energy enterprises dealing with transmission and distribution (both of gas and electricity) are
obliged to hold a licence and do billing basing on tariffs approved by the President of URE.
According to article 47 of Energy Law Act, tariffs are set by energy enterprises and submitted
for approval by the President of URE, who approves the tariff or refuses to do it, in case he
assesses that the tariff has been set not in line with provisions of articles 44-46 thereof.
Generally gas transmission and distribution tariffs must cover justified costs of conducting
licensed activity (set ex-ante) and a justified return on capital employed. Moreover
customer’s interest protection against unjustified level of prices and charges must be taken
into account.

Allowed or target revenue in case of gas network tariffs consists of planned reasonable
operating expenditures, depreciation, local taxes and other fees, cost of gas losses and
return on capital employed. In WACC calculation for 2017 and 2018 the notional gearing of
25/75 and 30/70 was applied respectively. Before the year 2017 the actual gearing was
applied, derived from the latest audited financial statement of the regulated entity.

23 URE – Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (eng. Energy Regulatory Office).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

For electricity network companies allowed revenue consists of planned reasonable operating
expenditures, depreciation, local taxes and other fees, cost of losses, return on capital
employed and costs of maintaining the system-related standards of quality and reliability of
current electricity supplies. In WACC for electricity a ratio of debt to equity equals 50/50 is

The risk-free rate applied in the calculation of WACC for a specific quarter of the year is
published by the President of URE at the beginning of each quarter and is the same both for
gas and electricity network companies’ tariffs. It corresponds to the average profitability of
the fixed rate 10-year Treasury bonds with the longest maturity, listed on Treasury BondSpot
Poland over 18 months preceding the a.m. quarter. Although the President of URE does not
publish the explicit value of WACC, all data necessary to its calculation is published.

Guidelines on WACC calculation for gas network companies are included in the document:
The methodology for a calculation of cost of capital employed by gas network companies for
years 2016-2018, published on URE’s website24.

The main component of RAB for gas assets is made up by tangible fixed assets in use and
intangible assets25, revealed in the latest audited financial statement of gas network
company, deducted by assets financed by subsidy. Remunerated assets include the average
value (from tariff period and previous period) of planned capital expenditures from network
development plans accepted by the President of URE, deducted by planned connection fees
and corrected in some cases by a coefficient indicating the average underperformance of
planned capital expenditures in previous years. Moreover an average planned depreciation
for tariff year and previous year is subtracted.

Guidelines on WACC calculation for electricity network companies are included in the
document: The methodology for a calculation of cost of capital employed by electricity
network companies for years 2016-2020 published on URE’s website26.

RAB is based on re-evaluate assets. The re-valuation of the RAB was made for
31 December 2008. In the subsequent years the RAB was adjusted mostly due to
investments, deprecation and connection fees.

A compliance of a proposed tariff with the specific provisions of law is verified under the
administrative procedure which finishes with the decision of the President of URE (approving
a tariff or refusing to approve it). In proceedings for tariff approval the President of URE
carries out a detailed analysis of costs, which constitute the basis for calculation of
transmission and distribution charges, making sure that there are no cross-subsidies
between licensed and unlicensed activities, and between different types of licensed activities.
Justified costs used for calculation are set according to articles 44 and 45 of Energy Law Act
and rules of cost recording stipulated in accountancy act. The base of verification of these
costs is audited financial statement from previous year, referred to in article 44 paragraph 2
of Energy Law Act. Moreover energy enterprises are also obliged to deliver quarterly reports
on their activity (including inter alia amounts of gas sold, revenue, costs and investment
expenditures) according to URE’s template.

24 http://bip.ure.gov.pl/bip/taryfy-i-inne-decyzje/zalozenia-dla-kalkulacj/2189,Zalozenia-dla-kalkulacji-i-redakcji-
25 net value, i.e. deducted by depreciation.
26 http://bip.ure.gov.pl/bip/taryfy-i-inne-decyzje/zalozenia-dla-kalkulac/2299,Zalozenia-do-kalkulacji-taryf-OSD-na-


Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The tariff decision of the President of URE together with the tariff itself (the document
containing transmission charges and conditions of its application) are published in the
Bulletin of URE, available on URE’s website, within 14 days from the approval date. Energy
enterprises apply tariffs not earlier than after 14 days and not later than the 45th day from the
publication date.

If a concerned energy enterprise is not satisfied with the President of URE decision
approving or denying approval of the tariff, it can appeal against it within 14-day period to the
Court of Competition and Consumer Protection. The most frequent reason for appeal was
different assessment of the justified costs adopted for tariff calculation by supplier in
comparison to the President of URE’s assessment.

Gas TSO Tariff

There is one gas TSO in Poland - OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. It operates its own transmission
network and the network owned by SGT EuRoPol GAZ S.A. (Yamal pipeline) under the ISO

The tariff methodology is embraced by European and domestic law, supplemented by

guidelines issued by the President of URE. Actually the postage stamp cost allocation
methodology is applied. There is no distinction between domestic and cross-border
transmission tariff, i.e. the same tariff applies both for domestic and cross-border network

In case of gas storage facilities and LNG facilities connected to the transmission system an
80% and 100% discount is applied respectively. The transmission tariff is calculated and
approved for a yearly period – calendar year.

Gas DSOs Tariffs

As of 31 December 2017 on the territory of Poland operated only one DSO undergoing to
legal and functional unbundling requirements – Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o. o.27,
which main shareholders was PGNiG S.A. This company carries out its business activity
involving the distribution of gaseous fuels using low, medium and high pressure distribution
networks for customers located in the area of the whole Country. Besides, in Poland
operated 55 local DSOs which were not obliged to unbundle their distribution and trading
activities. Very often the share of gas suppling revenues for these companies make up a
margin of total revenues. The methodology of justified costs setting and return on capital
employed calculation are much the same as for TSO tariff but instead of entry/exit tariffs
group tariffs approach is applied. In case of companies conducting integrated activity
(distribution and supply of gas) the tariff incudes prices of gas for households, because the
obligation to apply regulated prices of gas will remain in force until 31 December 2023.

Electricity Grid Operators Regulation

There is one TSO in Poland - a stated-owned company PSE S.A. It runs its business activity
under a licence for electricity transmission granted by the President of URE and valid until 31
December 2030.
Distribution system operators (DSOs) operating within vertically integrated companies and
serving more than 100,000 customers connected to their grids, are obliged to be

27 Polish Gas Company Ltd.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

independent in terms of legal form, organizational structure and decision-making (Article 9d

of the Energy Law Act).
There are 182 DSOs appointed by the President of URE, including 5 entities legally
separated from former integrated distribution companies and 177 DSOs not obliged to be
legally unbundled. Almost all DSOs not obliged to be legally unbundled perform their
functions in systems not connected directly to the transmission grid, but to the distribution
networks of the five legally unbundled operators.

Tariffs for Electricity Grid Operators

TSO tariff is set as an one-year tariff and approved by President of URE although the works
on long-term (multiannual) regulation of TSO were carried out. Cost of service and revenue
cap methods are used in tariff setting. WACC determining method was adopted for years
2016-2020 (both for TSO and DSOs).
Regulatory period for 5 biggest DSOs is 5 years (the current one 2016-2020). Nevertheless
the tariffs are approved annually by President of URE. Mixed type of regulation: revenue cap
with elements of incentive-based regulation and quality regulation is in use. Models for OPEX
and grid losses were established for above mentioned regulatory period. The X-coefficients
were included in charges for the first year of regulatory period and were set for the next
years. A quality charge (for maintaining power system standards) is also included in tariffs of
TSO and DSOs.
For DSOs elements of quality regulation were introduced for regulatory period 2016-2020.
The regulation assumes the use of a quality factor Qt which influences the RoC. Qt factor
depends on DSO’s performance in the field of supply quality, measured inter alia by SAIDI
and SAIFI indicators.

Electricity TSO and DSOs Network Development Plans

CAPEX which influence the RoC and depreciation are agreed by entities with President of
URE in the network development plans.
The energy enterprises involved in the transmission or distribution of electricity prepares
network development plans for their area of operation in terms of satisfying current and
future demand for electricity, for a period not shorter than 3 years, excluding TSO preparing
the plan for a 10-year period and DSOs for at least 5 years. The plans are updated every 3
The network development plan should ensure a long-term maximizing of capital expenditures
efficiency and costs incurred by energy enterprises, so that in particular years the capital
expenditures and costs would not cause excessive increase in prices and charges for the
supply of electricity, while ensuring continuity, reliability and quality of supply.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.22 Portugal
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network 1 (REN) 11 1 (REN) 1 (EDP)28


Network 1 375 km 18 245 km 8 863 km 82 558 km

Ownership Private ownership Private ownership Private ownership Private ownership
Authority Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE)
System Price-cap (OPEX)
Price-cap (OPEX) Price-cap (OPEX) Price-cap and rate
and standard
and rate of return and rate of return of return (HV/MV)
costs/rate of return
Period 3 years (current period june 2016-july 2017
3 years (current period 2018-2020)
to june 2018- july 2019)
General framework

Base year for last real year last real year last real year last real year
next period
Transparency Tariff code, Tariff board and Tariff documents
Main elements Non-controllable
Non-controllable Non-controllable Non-controllable
for and controllable
and controllable and controllable and controllable
determining costs, RAB, WACC,
costs, RAB, WACC, costs, RAB, WACC, costs, RAB, WACC,
the revenue efficiency
efficiency efficiency efficiency
cap benchmark,
benchmark, benchmark, benchmark,
inflation, mechanism inflation, incentives, inflation, incentives,
mechanism for
for mitigating general economic general economic
attenuation of tariff
volatility of demand interest costs interest costs
Legal Decree-Law No. 231/2012 of 26 October Decree-Law No. 215-B/2012 of 8 October
Type of WACC Nominal, pre-tax
The WACC (Pre-tax) is indexed to the Portuguese 10-year bond benchmark and
depends, in each year, on its evolution, with a cap and a floor.
Tax rate = 29.5% Tax rate = 31.5%
Determination Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM);
Rate of return

of the rate of
return on The Market Risk Premium=Risk Premium for Mature Market+Country Risk spread
equity Risk Premium for Mature Market = Spread between S&P500 and USA 10 years treasury
bond yields since 1961.
Country Risk spread = Spread between Portuguese 10 years bond yields and 10 years
bond yields of Germany, Finland, Austria, Netherlands and France.
Rate of return 7.6% 8.2% 7.9% 8.5%
on equity Initial values for the regulatory period Initial values for the regulatory period
before taxes (July 2016) (January 2018)
Use of rate of WACC is currently based on 50% debt and WACC is currently based on 55% debt and
return 50% equity applied to RAB 45% equity applied to RAB
Components Fixed assets deducted from third parties contributions
asset base

of RAB
Regulatory 659 million euros for 1 626 million euros 2 101 million euros
3 002 million euros
asset value 2016 (mix of for 2016 (mix of for 2016 (mix of
for 2016 (historical
historical and re- historical and re- historical costs and
evaluated costs) evaluated costs) standard costs)

28 Due to the volume of information, the table only includes data about the regulated distribution network operator
of Mainland Portugal.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

RAB Each year the RAB Each year the RAB Each year the RAB Each year the RAB
adjustments allowed for year t is allowed for year t is allowed for year t is allowed for year t is
adjusted in order to adjusted in order to adjusted in order to adjusted in order to
consider new consider new consider new consider new
investments, write- investments, write- investments, write- investments, write-
offs and offs and offs and offs and
depreciation depreciation depreciation depreciation
Method Straight line depreciation.

Depreciation 5-45 years 5-45 years 15-30 years 5-40 years

Consideration Part of CAPEX

In Portugal, the regulation of the electricity sector is focused on the transmission, distribution,
last resort supplier and energy purchase and sale activities. In the Autonomous Regions of
the Azores and Madeira, in addition to those activities, the regulation also focuses on the
energy acquisition and global system management activity. 29
In addition to those activities in the natural gas sector (Mainland Portugal only), the
regulation also focuses on the global system management activity, underground storage
activity and reception, storage and regasification of LNG activity. More recently, a new
regulated activity has been created, the supplier switching activity. ERSE is responsible for
regulation, which encompasses monitoring of markets and infrastructures and annual tariff

Historical Development
The regulation of the electricity sector began in 1999, having undergone a major change in
2007, with the liberalisation of the markets. At that time, the figure of the "last resort supplier"
was autonomised, which until then was under the purview of the distribution network
operator. In the natural gas sector, regulation began in gas year 2007-2008 for the high
pressure activities and in gas year 2008-2009 for the remaining activities.
In both sectors, regulation of regulated activities has been based mostly on incentive
regulation (price-cap and revenue-cap) for OPEX and on the application of the rate of return
to investments in CAPEX. However, TOTEX approach has been applied in some activities
and standard investment cost in others. There are also other incentives, such as incentives
for quality of service, losses reduction and smart grids, as outlined below. However,
throughout the regulatory periods there has been a need to change to other methodologies.

The main aspects of the type of regulation followed by ERSE are: (i) the application of
reference costs in the electricity transmission activity from the 2009-2011 regulation period;
(ii) the modification in 2012 of the price cap methodology applied to TOTEX in the distribution
activity to a price cap methodology applied to OPEX and rate of return to CAPEX and (iii) the
application of the price-cap methodology to TOTEX in the low voltage distribution activity in
the regulatory period 2018-202030. In the Autonomous Regions, the definition of reference
costs for fossil fuels consumed in electricity generation in the energy acquisition and the
global system management activity should also be highlighted, as well as the application of
an incentive regulation to the three activities of the Autonomous Regions from the 2009-2011
regulatory period. 31

29 The electricity generation activity in the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira is regulated and is not
liberalised because these regions benefit from a derogation from the application of Directive 2003/54 / EC.
30 Totex approach was applied into distribution activity between 1999 and 2011.
31 In the activity of Energy Acquisition and Global System Management, incentive regulation only started in 2012.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In natural gas, at the beginning of the regulatory period 2016-2017 to 2018-2019, a

mechanism was introduced in the transmission and distribution activity that seeks to mitigate
the effects associated with the volatility of demand in the amount of allowed revenues to be
recovered by tariffs. In the same period, for the reception, storage and regasification of LNG
activity and subterranean storage activity, a mechanism was applied to mitigate tariff
adjustments, recognizing the positive externalities this activity brings to all the Natural Gas
National System. In the global system management activity, regulation changed from an
accepted cost model to an incentive regulation model (revenue cap).

Regulatory Process
ERSE is responsible for preparing and approving the Tariff Code, which establishes the
methodology to be used for calculating tariffs, as well as the ways to regulate the allowed
revenues. The approval of the Tariff Code is preceded by a public consultation and an
opinion from ERSE's Tariff Board. ERSE’s tariff-setting process, including its time frame, is
also defined in the code.
The allowed revenues of each regulated activities are recovered through specific tariffs, each
with its own tariff structure and characterized by a given set of billing variables.
The methodologies and parameters for the tariff calculation are evaluated and fixed at the
beginning of each regulation period to be applied during that period, which has a duration of
3 years.

Determining Allowed Revenues

The allowed revenues are calculated based on the information sent annually by the regulated
companies, real audited data and estimated data. This information includes financial data,
operating costs and depreciation, investments and subsidies and technical data, such as
quantities. At the beginning of each regulatory period the companies send their cost
forecasts for the entire new regulation period.
The cost bases considered in the price-cap and revenue-cap methodologies result from
critical analysis of the companies’ operating costs (net of additional income), controllable and
non-controllable costs and investment costs. It should be noted that there are other costs
that are accepted outside the cost bases, therefore not subject to efficiency: this is the case
of concession rents and actuarial gains and losses.
The definition of efficiency targets, with the objective of reducing controllable costs, is based
on international and national benchmarking studies through the application of parametric and
non-parametric methods. Specifically, the Corrected Ordinary Least Squares (COLS) and
Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) methodologies are used in the parametric models and the
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology is used in the non-parametric models.

Regarding investments, in addition to the analysis of the values sent by the companies each
year, ERSE also takes into account the Development and Investment Plan prepared every
two years by each sector’s transmission and distribution network operators in HV/MV. In
these cases, ERSE must also carry out a public consultation and, in accordance with the
result, issue its opinion for subsequent approval by the Government.
In addition to the definition of the accepted costs, incentives are also defined. For the
electricity distribution activity, these consist of incentives for quality of service, losses
reduction and for investments in smart grids. For the electricity transmission activity, there is
an incentive to efficient investment in the transmission network, through the use of reference
prices in the valuation of the new equipment to be integrated in the network, and an incentive
to increase the availability of the elements of the transmission network. In the current
regulatory period, the incentive for the maintenance of end-of-life equipment was replaced by
incentives to economic rationalization of costs.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Asset Base Remuneration

The remuneration of the asset base is calculated using a pre-tax nominal weighted average
cost of capital (WACC). The methodology used for setting the cost of equity is the Capital
Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the cost of debt is set using a default spread model, where
a spread (debt premium) is added to the risk-free rate.
Due to the remaining of some uncertainty and financial volatility environment, the rate of
return is updated ex-post each year in order to reflect the evolution of financial market
The WACC (Pre-tax) to be applied in the regulatory period, is indexed to the Portuguese 10-
year bond benchmark and depends, each year, on its evolution, with a cap and a floor.
The floor is 4.75% for Electricity TSO and 5.00% for Electricity DSO. The cap is 9.75% for
Electricity TSO and 10.00% for Electricity DSO.
The floor is 5.40% for Gas TSO and 5.70% for Gas DSO. The cap is 9.00% for Gas TSO and
9.30% for Gas DSO.
For the electricity regulatory period 2018-2020, a 0.75pp (percentage points) premium is
added to the electricity TSO WACC, for investments after 2009, when their cost is
considered efficient, using a methodology where real and standard costs for those
investments are compared.

ROE parameters Portugal

Gas/Electricity Gas Electricity
Risk free rate (nominal) 1,73% 1,73% 1,00% 1,00%
Tax rate 29,50% 29,50% 31,50% 31,50%
Equity risk premium 6,09% 6,09% 7,66% 7,66%
Equity beta 0,59 0,66 0,58 0,63
Cost of equity (Before taxes) 7,57% 8,17% 7,94% 8,50%

Allowed Revenue Adjustments

The allowed revenues from each activity are adjusted after two years based on real, audited
values. For price-cap and revenue-cap methodologies, the adjustments made result from
changes in the level of cost drivers. In energy purchase and sale activities, given their more
volatile nature, the adjustments are made after one year based on estimated values. Costs
accepted outside the cost base are also recalculated on the basis of actual values. For the
natural gas sector, all activities undergo adjustments at the end of 1 year (estimated
adjustment) and at the end of 2 years (actual adjustment).
Investments and amortizations considered in the rate of return methodology are updated, in
a first stage, based on estimated values, and after two years based on actual and audited
The values of the actual adjustments are deducted from the estimated adjustments in the
activities where this calculation is made. The values of the adjustments are incorporated into
the allowed revenues of the year with the appropriate financial update.

National Specificities
In the electricity sector, there are regulated activities in Mainland Portugal and the
Autonomous Regions, while in the natural gas sector they operate only in Mainland Portugal.
In addition to the electricity distribution network operator in HV/MV and LV, there are ten LV
distribution network operators that operate locally.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In Portugal, the concession of low voltage electricity distribution activity is awarded by

municipalities, which entered into concession contracts with the national distribution network
operator in exchange for a rent. In the natural gas sector, the distribution activity is licensed
by different geographic areas, but is subject to the same regulatory methodologies. As
mentioned, in the natural gas sector, at the high pressure level, mechanisms have been
created to mitigate extreme volatility of demand, when it occurs.
The allowed revenue for transmission and distribution network operators in what regards the
overall management of the system, the purchase and sale of electricity from and to the
commercial agent and the purchase and sale of the access to the transmission network
includes costs arising essentially from legal decisions, the so-called General Economic
Interest Costs (CIEGs).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.23 Romania
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network 8 (concesionaries)
Market structure

operators 1 36 1 43
Network length 325532 km
13.350 km ~50.000 km 8835 km (+165825 - final
Ownership Mainly private
Private and public Private and public Mainly public
investors, indirect
ownership ownership ownership
public ownership
Authority ANRE (National Regulatory Authority for Energy)
System Incentive Regulation
Revenue cap Price cap Revenue cap Price cap/
Period Generally 5 years 5 years, current 5 years, current
current period 2013-2018(DSO)- 6 years, period: period:
current period July2012-Sept.2019(TSO)- July 2014 - January 2014 -
7 years, June 2019 December2018
Base year for
last year of current regulatory period 5th year in current regulatory period
next period
Transparency Tariffs methodologies, approved
General framework

revenues and tariffs, general rules for Efficiency scores, efficiency parameters,
efficiency, art. 29 and 30 requirements of specific cost data model
Reg (EU) 460/2017
Main elements Non-controllable
for determining (pass-through)
(pass-through) and
the and controllable
controllable costs, Non-controllable Non-controllable
revenue/price costs, efficiency
efficiency factor, and controllable and controllable
cap factor,
general inflation OPEX, variable OPEX, variable
general inflation
rentability of RAB costs, RAB costs, RAB
rentability of RAB
(RABxROR) depreciation, depreciation,
depreciation, rentability of RAB rentability of RAB
technological (RABxWACC) (RABxWACC)
working capital
working capital
Legal framework Energy and Gas Law 123/2012 Energy and Gas Energy and Gas
ANRE Order 42/2013 for distribution Law 123/2012 Law 123/2012,
activity and Order 32/2014 for ANRE Order no. ANRE Ord. no.
transmission activity 53/2013 72/2013
Type of WACC Nominal WACC post-tax determined
using CAPM method;
Real, Pre-TAX
WACC is used in determination of rate of
Determination of 1 + WACC
the rate of return ───────── - 1
on equity 1 + pi
RoR = ───────────
Sum of risk-free rate and a market risk
Rate of return

(1 - T)
premium multiplied with beta
pi – average inflation rate for regulated
T – corporate income tax for regulated
Rate of return on 7.72% =
8.43% =
equity before ((1+9.41%)/(1+2,7 7.2%=5.05% 7.17% = 5.02%
taxes 4%) - 1)/(1- +5.0%* 0.43 +5.0%* 0.43
%) - 1)/(1-16,00%)
Use of rate of Granted for initial RAB (privatization Granted for initial RAB (privatization value),
return value), existing assets and new assets existing assets and new assets. RRR is
- RAB value at the beginning of multiplied with whole RAB. Debt and equity
each regulatory period percentages are 40/60%.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

(Remaining value of initial

privatization RAB and the other
existing assets) is multiplied with
RoR an included in the regulated
- Beginning with the 2nd year of
the regulatory period, each year
new entries, are multiplied with
RoR and included in the
regulated revenue
Components of Historical costs multiplied with index costs.
RAB Fixed assets, working capital Investments in new assets after the base
year lead to an adjustment of the CAPEX.
Regulatory asset The RAB value consists in historical The assets of the base year used as initial
value assets value and value of the new RAB. For each year of the regulatory
investments. The value of the new period, the RAB value increases with the
investments included in RAB is investment in new assets and decreases
Regulatory asset base

considered to be the accounting value. with depreciation and the value of the asset
For each year of the regulatory period, that exits before complete depreciation.
the RAB value increases with the For RAB existing in 1 ian. 2005 or the
investment in new assets and decreases privatisation date, it was a fair value of the
with depreciation and the value of the assets, updated with inflation. For the rest
asset that exits before complete of the assets, based on historical costs
depreciation. updated with inflation.
RAB Investments in Investments in new
adjustments new assets after assets after the
the base year and base year and
assets that exit assets that exit RAB adjusted with RAB adjusted with
before complete before complete CPI. CPI.
depreciation lead depreciation lead to
to an adjustment an adjustment of the
of the CAPEX. CAPEX.
Method Straight line
Depreciation Depending on asset type Buildings: 50
ratio years; Depending on asset type.
Ratio between 2% and 16.6% e.g.
Pipes and technical inst: 40 years; lines & cables: 2.5-10%
Other: between 5 and 20 years; stations: 2%

Land: no depreciation
Consideration Part of regulated revenue
The depreciation calculated for the
previous year asset entries is directly
and 100% integrated into the Part of revenue requirement Depreciation
regulated revenues. Afterwards, is included directly and 100% in revenue,
when the tariff adjustments are made, before the linearization.
the depreciation already included in
the regulated revenues is adjusted
with inflation rate and X factor

Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) is the regulatory authority responsible in
Romania for approving methodologies and tariffs for electricity and gas networks.

For electricity, ANRE is responsible for regulating the Romanian TSO (which is only one), 8
operators holding the concession of the distribution service (ODC) and other distribution
operators (OD).

For gas, ANRE is responsible for regulating the Romanian TSO (which is only one) and 36
operators holding the concession of the distribution service (DSO).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Historical Development
An incentive-based regulatory regime was introduced in 2005 for TSO (for setting
transmission tariffs) and ODC. The Methodology for setting transmission tariffs uses revenue
cap regulatory system. ANRE uses a price cap Methodology (tariffs basket cap) for setting
distribution tariffs applied by ODC.

For OD (other distribution operators then concessionaires), is in force a cost plus

Methodology. For setting regulated gas tariffs, since 2005, ANRE uses a price cap
Methodology for distribution and revenue cap Methodology for transmission.

Determining the Revenue/Price Caps

Electricity: The revenue/price caps for electricity network operators TSO and ODC are set for
a five-year regulatory period. The current regulatory period is July 2014-june 2019 for
transmission and January 2014-December 2018 for distribution.
Each revenue cap is composed of the non-controllable operating and maintenance costs,
controllable operating and maintenance costs (applying an efficiency factor for reducing
inefficiencies), costs of electricity losses, costs of RAB depreciation, rentability of RAB

There are efficiency requirements for controllable OPEX and for costs of electricity losses.

WACC set on the reference year for the next regulatory period and can be updated during
the regulatory period in order to reflect the evolution of the financial market conditions.
Following assets are eliminated from evaluating RAB:

• Grants, received fees from new customer connection;

• Assets which are conserved, still under construction;
• Inefficient investments and other that don’t follow the prudence criteria provided by

Gas: The revenue cap for TSO and price caps for DSOs are usually set for a five-year
regulatory period. As an exception, the current regulatory period is 7 years for transmission,
from July 2012-September 2019 and 6 years for distribution, from January 2013-December

Each revenue/price cap is composed of the controllable (applying an efficiency factor for
reducing inefficiencies) and non-controllable (pass-through) costs, technological
consumption costs, costs of RAB depreciation, rentability of RAB (RABxRoR) and general

Efficiency Requirements

The level of controllable operating and maintenance costs (controllable OPEX) for the first
year of the regulatory period is set by ANRE based on an efficiency benchmarking. An
efficiency requirement (X-factor) is applied on controllable OPEX, during the regulatory
period. An X-factor equal to 2% is applied annually to the controllable OPEX for
transmission, in the current regulatory period. For distribution (ODC) X-factor is 1,5-1,75 %
for the regulatory period 2014-2018.

For the level of electricity losses recognized in tariffs, ANRE imposed targets at the
beginning of the regulatory period, that have a declining trend during the regulatory period.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

For the electricity price recognized for acquiring the energy required to cover electricity
losses, ANRE imposed a formula that considers average electricity prices recorded on
electricity market.

The investment plan for the entire regulatory period is verified in terms of necessity,
opportunity, efficiency, cost of investments. The structure of the plan is also verified and the
plan is approved ex-ante by ANRE. The estimated benefits that justify efficiency of every
investment in electricity network is evaluated ex-ante and also ex-post by network operator
and reported to ANRE. ANRE removes from RAB the investments that prove ex-post to be
inefficient because the expected benefits are not confirmed.

The level of controllable and pass-through costs for the first year of the regulatory period is
set by ANRE based on the analysis performed on the cost submitted by TSO and DSOs. An
efficiency factor (X-factor) is applied on controllable OPEX, during the regulatory period. For
distribution (DSO) X-factor is set not less of 1,5 % for each year of the period 2013-2017. As
an exception, in 2018 X-factor for distribution activity was set to zero. For transmission (TSO)
the efficiency was set to 3,5% starting from 2014 until 2019, applied on controllable OPEX.

Price Development
The revenue/ tariffs basket caps take account of the development of consumer prices in
relation to the base year (CPI-X regime). General price increases lead to an increase in the
revenue cap.

Regulated tariffs for gas are yearly adjusted within each regulatory period and
considered/reflected in the regulated prices.

Quality Regulation
ANRE sets quality indicators for service quality and reliability for electricity and gas.

For electricity distribution, there are also set minimum levels of individual indicators like
number and duration of interruptions in power supply. The distribution operator must pay
compensations to the users of the grid when the minimum levels imposed are exceeded.
Compensations payed by the operator are not justified costs to be recognized in regulated

Adjustments After the Reference Year

Each year ANRE calculates revenue corrections due to inflation, investment, non-controllable
(pass-through) operating and maintenance costs, changes in energy volumes and losses
(quantity and price of losses). The value of the revenue correction is included in the revenue
used to determinate tariffs for the next year both electricity and gas.

For electricity if the accomplished value of annual investments is less than 80% of the
predicted value taken into consideration, an annual revenue adjustment is made. In this way
ANRE ensures that unused revenues are recovered as quickly as possible. These annual
adjustments are considered at the end of the regulatory period for the final corrections.

For gas ANRE calculate revenue and tariffs corrections due to inflation, investment, pass-
through costs, changes in volumes and technological consumption.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The data published on ANRE website include the tariffs and an informative note with details
on the analysis used for calculating the revenue caps and annual adjustments.

For gas, ANRE publishes on website the tariffs for each operator (TSO and DSO’s).

ANRE is in the process of reviewing the methodology for distribution tariffs. The intention is
to specify more instruments to verify the level of maintenance done by operators (works
done), to use different values for WACC to stimulate some categories of investments. We
analyse the possibility to limit the operators’ profits at a reasonable level.

Forward, we intend to detail the method for applying the provides related to a quality element
in the formula for setting the revenue/ tariffs basket caps (develop the quality regulation).
For gas DSOs, ANRE intends to change from price cap to revenue cap, with effect in the
next regulatory period (2019-2023).

For transmission we shall start this year the periodic consultation in order to comply with
art.26 requirements of Reg. (EU) 2017/460.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.24 Slovenia

For 2018, the National Regulatory Authority was not able to author this subchapter.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.25 Spain
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
Network 1 large TSO 5 large DSO (>90%
operators (ENAGAS), 1 small 19 DSO that are system revenues)
TSO and 12 part of 6 groups and 327 small DSO

transport co. <100.000 clients

13,749 km 71,359 km 64,714 km 786,958 km
Ownership Private: 5 large
DSO are part of

Private, except for Private, except for integrated utilities, 4

Private: utilities and
5% stake of the 20% stake of the of them listed in the
investment funds
State in ENAGAS. State in REE stock exchange, 1
owned by
investment fund.
Authority Ministry for the ecological transition sets revenues (CNMC is proposing and consultation
System Revenue Cap / Incentive Regulation
Period 6 years, next 2021-2026 6 years, next 2020-2025
Base year for
For regulatory period (n; n+5), review is made with n-1 available data, so n-2 data.
next period
Transparency Revenues and elements to determine them are published by the Ministry for the
General framework

ecological transition in the Official State Gazette. CNMC publishes its proposals and
reports in its website.
Main elements Investment Investment
for reference values, The allowed reference values,
determining OPEX reference revenue of the OPEX reference
reference values,
the revenue values, RAB, rate of preceding year, values, Other
OPEX reference
cap return, regulatory changes in the regulated tasks
values, RAB, rate of
lifetime of assets, number of clients, reference values,
return, regulatory
Revenues for changes in the RAB, rate of return,
lifetime of assets,
continuity of supply volume of gas regulatory lifetime of
and extension of distributed assets, number of
asset’s useful life clients, Incentives
Legal Law 34/1998 of the Hydrocarbons sector, Law 24/2013 of the Electricity sector, R.D.
framework Law 18/2014 of 15 October 1047/2013, R.D. 1048/2013.
Type of WACC For the current regulatory period, WACC was not used
Determination Electricity transmission and distribution: for the current regulatory period, the rate of return
of the rate of was set as the average yield of the Spanish 10-year Bond of April, May and June 2013
return (4,503%) plus a spread of 200 b.p. resulting 6,503%. For subsequent regulatory periods
(year n; year n+5), the Rate of Return will be fixed as the average yield of the 10- year -
Rate of return

Spanish Bond from (May year n-3; April year n-1) plus a spread. Gas transmission: The
current rate of return is set at 5.09% for the first regulatory period (the average yield on
10-year Bonds in the 24 months before the entry into force of the legislation, plus a
spread of 50 b.p.). An additional remuneration term (“Remuneration for the continuity of
supply”) increases the implicit return on gas transmission assets. Gas distribution: a rate
of return of 10-year Bond plus a spread of 150 b.p. was set in 2002 and from then on, a
parametric remuneration formula applies.
Use of rate of Rate of return is applied (nominal pre-tax) on RAB in Gas TSO, Electricity TSO and
return Electricity DSO. A rate of return was set for gas distribution in 2002 and from then on, a
parametric remuneration formula applies.
Fixed assets (No working capital; No assets under construction)
Regulatory asset base

of RAB
Regulatory Electricity: depending on commissioning year: Replacement cost / Average between
asset value audited costs and Investment reference values. For TSO singular assets: Audited costs.
Gas transmission: average between audited costs and investment reference values.
Audited costs for singular assets. Gas distribution: RAB based on the inflated gross
investment value of assets in 2000, since then, the parametric remuneration formula
RAB RAB defined in
Assets built year n- Assets built year n- Assets built year n-
adjustments 2002 and then
1 are added year n 2 are added year n 2 are added year n
parametric formula

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

ciations Method Straight Line


Depreciation Generally 2,5% (Lines, Cables, Substations, Transformers, transmission pipelines). For
ratio gas distribution assets, a 5% depreciation ratio was set in 2002, since then, the
parametric remuneration formula applies.
Consideration 100% of Depreciation is integrated into the revenues

Electricity DSO and TSO

With the electrical reform in 2013, the regulatory framework to set Electricity DSO and TSO
revenues has changed. The current and 1st regulatory period under the new regime lasts
until 31/19/2019. Regulatory period length is 6 years, being the next one 2020 – 2025.
Electricity DSO and TSO receive revenues for investments (CAPEX), operation and
maintenance (OPEX) and other regulatory tasks (only DSO). In addition to this, they also
have incentives that can result in increased or decreased revenues, depending on their
All regulatory parameters (reference values, rate of return) are fixed for each 6-year
regulatory period, and can only be reviewed for subsequent regulatory periods. They are not
updated by price indexes nor efficiency factors within the regulatory period. RAB is updated
every year, by adding new investments and subtracting depreciation.

Revenues for Investments (CAPEX)

Regulatory Asset Base (RAB)

For assets built until 31st December 2014 by DSO, RAB was set at replacement cost, by
multiplying the existing physical assets by the investment reference values for each asset
type, with an efficiency factor, and subtracting the grants and assets built or financed by third
parties. This value was then adjusted to take into account only the proportion of investments
that were pending to recover taking into account the remaining regulatory asset life as at 31 st
December 2014. This value was calculated for all RAB as at 31st December 2014 in
aggregated terms, taking into account the proportion of investments pending to recover in the
statutory accounts of each DSO.

For TSO, RAB was set taking into account the assets built before 1998 in aggregated terms,
with an “implicit value” method. For assets built from 1998 to 31st December 2014, RAB was
set at replacement cost like with DSO, but asset by asset, taking into account the remaining
regulatory asset life of each asset, as that information was available for TSO.

For assets built from 1st January 2015 onwards, RAB is calculated as the average between
audited costs and investment reference values. Therefore, if a DSO/TSO is able to build an
asset at a cost below its reference value, it retains half of the difference in the RAB as a
reward. On the other hand, if the asset is built at a cost above the reference value, only half
the difference will be taken into account in the RAB, being the DSO/TSO therefore penalized.
For singular TSO assets only, such as international interconnectors or submarine cables
connecting islands or to the mainland, just audited costs are taking into account, due to lack
of reference values.

There are specific investment reference values for the TSO assets in the isolated energy
systems of the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Assets commissioned in year n start receiving revenues in year n+2. To take this into
account, RAB is increased by (1 + Rate of Return) ^1,5 years. Assets under construction and
working capital are not included in the RAB. When assets end their regulatory life, they are
taken out of the RAB, and stop receiving revenues for investment.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

RAB is recovered by a straight line depreciation value. Regulatory Asset Life is set at 40
years for most assets (lines, cables, substations, transformers).

Rate of Return
In addition to this, Net RAB pending to recover is multiplied by the Rate of Return. The Rate
of Return was fixed for the current regulatory period as the average yield of the Spanish 10-
year Bond of April, May and June 2013 (4,503%) plus a spread of 200 b.p., resulting 6,503%.
WACC was not used. For subsequent regulatory periods (year n; year n+5), the Rate of
Return will be fixed as the average yield of the 10-year - Spanish Bond from (May year n-3;
April year n-1) plus a spread. Once fixed, the Rate of Return can´t be updated within the 6
years regulatory period. The Rate of Return can´t change more than 50 b.p. a year.
Therefore, changes between one regulatory period and the next one has to be made in the
number of years necessary.

Revenues for Operation and Maintenance (OPEX)

DSO/TSO receive an allowance for operation and maintenance (OPEX) that is calculated by
multiplying the number of physical assets of each type by the OPEX reference values.
Therefore, DSO/TSO have an incentive to operate and maintain the grid below the OPEX
reference values set for each regulatory period.

For TSO singular assets only, singular OPEX values may apply. There are also specific
OPEX reference values for the TSO assets in the isolated energy systems of the Canary and
Balearic Islands.

Assets which regulatory life has expired receive increased OPEX reference values to
incentivise they are kept under operation. The increasing factor ranges from 15% to 30%
depending on the number of added years of operation of the asset (5 to 15). After 15 years,
the increasing factor keeps rising until it reaches 100%, which tops up

Revenues for Other Regulated Tasks (DSO only)

DSO receive the following revenues to perform other regulated tasks: (1) Metering, (2) Help
clients contract electricity, revenues to support invoicing and to reduce non-payments by
clients, (3) Attend telephone calls from clients, (4) Grid planning and (5) Revenues to cover
overhead costs.

Each type of revenues for other regulated tasks is calculated as a reference value multiplied
by the number of clients. There are different reference values for the first 1.000 clients, the
first 10.000 clients and the first 1.000.000 clients.

DSOs are incentivised to perform these tasks at lower costs than those established as
reference values per client, as they retain the difference.

DSO have incentives to reduce grid losses (-2%; +1%), to improve quality of supply (-3%;
+2%) and to detect fraud (0%; +1,5%). TSO have an Incentive to maximise grid availability (-
3.5%; +2.5%). Within the ranges stablished for each incentive, DSO/TSO can increase their
revenues if they outperform, but are penalized if they underperform.

Gas Transmission and Distribution

Six-year regulatory periods are established to determine the remuneration for the regulated
activities (current regulatory period ends as of 31st December 2020).

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The new framework establishes that the remuneration parameters are fixed for every
regulatory period although some of them (including the unit reference values for market gains
in distribution, unit operating and maintenance costs, unit standard values for investments,
etc.) can be adjusted under special circumstances at the start of the fourth year for the
remaining three years of the period, in the event that there are significant variances in the
revenue and cost items. The rate of return and the efficiency factor cannot be adjusted
during the regulatory period. The new framework also states that any automatic revision
procedure covering remuneration values and parameters based on price indexes is

Gas Transmission
The remuneration formula for the primary transmission network takes into account two
components: (i) remuneration of availability (RD) and (ii) remuneration of continuity of supply
(RCS). The remuneration of availability includes the operating and maintenance costs,
depreciation and financial remuneration calculated by applying the rate of return determined
for each regulatory period to the annual net value of the investment. The calculation of each
of these items is described below:

Regulatory Asset Base (RAB)

For facilities commissioned before 2002, the assets value after the revaluation of 1996
(Royal Decree-Law 7/1996), less grants received to finance these assets is considered. For
new facilities brought into service since 2002, the standard value of each investment set by
the regulator is used, while those investments that entail expansion are measured at actual
cost. Transport facilities brought into service since 2008 are valued at the average of the
standard value and actual cost (audited).

RAB is recovered by a straight line depreciation value. Regulatory life is set at 40 years for
all pipelines and 30 years for other transmission assets.

Rate of Return
A rate of return applies on the net value of transportation assets. The current rate of return is
set at 5.09% for the first regulatory period (the average yield on 10-year government Bonds
in the 24 months before the entry into force of the legislation, plus a spread of 50 b.p.).

Revenues for Operation and Maintenance (OPEX)

Assets are remunerated based on their technical characteristics by using unit operating and
maintenance costs determined by the regulator.

Remuneration for Continuity of Supply

It is a remuneration assigned to the following activities: transmission, regasification and
underground storage, that is then distributed to all facilities of each activity, while they are in
operation, according to their standard replacement investment value. The global
remuneration is calculated on a yearly basis, based on the prior-year remuneration,
multiplied by an efficiency factor (0.97 for the first regulatory period) and the changes in total
national demand for gas, excluding supplies through satellite plants, with the following
maximum and minimum demand limits: 410 TWh and 190 TWh. Therefore, it can be
considered that the financial remuneration for transportation facilities is made of two terms:
an explicit financial return (5.09% on the net value) and an implicit financial return obtained
from the remuneration for continuity of supply.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Once the regulatory useful life of the facilities has ended, and in those cases in which the
asset continues in operation, the fixed remuneration is calculated as operating and
maintenance costs increased by a coefficient determined by the number of years by which a
facility exceeds its regulatory useful life.

Gas Distribution
The current remuneration has its origins in 2002, when it was established according to the
real investments and operating costs of the Spanish distribution companies at 2000. The
initial annual remuneration base was calculated for 2000 taking into account the following
remuneration blocks:
• Financial remuneration: a rate of 6.77% (equivalent to a 10-year Spanish bond + 150 b.p.
at that time) was applied to the inflated gross investment value of regulatory asset base at
2000. The RAB was obtained assuming the gross investment value of assets of 1996
updated to 2000 since this was the last balance sheet revaluation available.
• Amortisation: based on the gross asset investment costs in 2000 divided by the useful
economic life of assets (20 years).
• Annual operating costs based on the accounting data from the industry players.

In a second step, 2000 values were brought forward to 2002. This update was made taking
into account the inflation through a price index for the period 2000-2002 and the average
national demand growth over the period 2000-2002 and adjusted with an efficiency factor of
0.7103. The remuneration of incremental distribution activities from 2002 to 2014 was based
on the yearly updating of initial revenues set for 2002 according to a parametric formula that
remunerated the increase (or lost) on new points of supply (at pressures equal to or below 4
bar) and delivery of higher (or lower) volumes of gas (both at pressures equal to or below 4
bar and over 4 bar).

The regulatory review carried out by Law 18/2014 is based on performing a new evaluation
of agents’ remuneration bases while reducing the overall remuneration by 110 million €. This
remuneration is updated on a yearly basis by a parametric remuneration formula. The
parametric formula calculates annual allowed revenue as the sum of the allowed revenue of
the preceding year, and additional revenue earned (or lost) during the current year from new
points of supply acquired (or lost) and delivery of higher (or lower) volumes of gas (that
distinguishes for supplies at pressures equal to or below 4 bars, between consumers with an
annual consumption of less than 50 MWh and consumers with a higher consumption, so as
to guarantee the adequacy of system revenue at all consumption levels). In order to
incentivise network expansion to non-gasified zones and bring remuneration into line with
actual costs incurred by companies, different unit values are used during 5 years depending
on whether or not customers are in recently-gasified municipalities.

Additional regulated income (such as regulated inspections, activation rights, regulated

services lines, supply renewal revenues, meter rents, etc) is received by DSO.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

2.26 Sweden
Gas TSO Gas DSO Electricity TSO Electricity DSO
1 6 2 184 (163+21)

Network length 601 km 3 546 km ~15 000 km 550 085 km

Ownership State owned (SVK) State, municipality,
Foreign Municipality and
and private (Baltic private, and foreign
ownership foreign ownership
Cable) ownership
Authority Swedish energy markets inspectorate, Ei
System Revenue cap
Period 4 Year (Current 2015-2018) 4 Year (Current 2016-2019)
Base year for
3rd year in current regulatory period
next period
Transparency All information on the decisions are public on the NRAs webpage, efficiency scores,
calculations of the revenue caps and of the WACC to mention a few.
General framework

Main elements TOTEX (divided

TOTEX (divided
for determining into CAPEX, Non-
into CAPEX, Non- TOTEX (divided into TOTEX (divided into
the revenue controllable OPEX
controllable CAPEX, Non- CAPEX, Non-
cap and Controllable
OPEX and controllable OPEX controllable OPEX
Controllable and Controllable and Controllable
Incentives for good
OPEX). General OPEX). General OPEX)
quality of supply.
efficiency target efficiency target of Incentives for good
General efficiency
of reducing 1 reducing 1 percent quality of supply
target of reducing 1
percent of of controllable Efficiency
percent of
controllable OPEX annually benchmark.
controllable OPEX
OPEX annually
Naturgaslagen (Gas Act) Ellagen (Electricity Act)
Type of WACC Real WACC pre- tax
of the rate of
CAPM: 𝑟𝑒 = 𝑟𝑓 + 𝛽 ∗ (𝑟𝑚 − 𝑟𝑓 ) + 𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚
Rate of return

return on
Rate of return
For gas in %: 11,93 = (4 + 0,76 * 5 + 1,5) / (1-0,22)
on equity
For electricity in %: 10,39 = (4,01 + 0,72 * 5 + 0,5) / (1-0,22)
before taxes
Use of rate of The debt share is derived from market values of European comparison companies that
return are publicly traded (52% debt 48 % equity for electricity and 47 % debt, 53 % equity for
Components of Meters, lines, stations, storage, and
Meters, lines (grid), and network stations
asset base

RAB regasification assets

Regulatory 2015 SEK ~6,6 2015 SEK ~6,5 2015 SEK ~57 2015 SEK ~400
asset value Billion Billion Billion Billion
Adjusted for inflation, adjustments for new investments and disposals
Method Real linear (Straight line) depreciation
Depreciation Meters: 10 years Meters: 10 years

ratio Meters: 25 years Meters: 12 years Lines and Network Lines and Network
Lines: 65 years Lines: 50 years stations: 40 years stations: 40 years
Stations:40 years Stations: 20 years (+ up to 25 % extra if (+ up to 25 % extra
(storage:50 years) Regasification the asset is if the asset is
assets: 25 years functional after full functional after full
depreciation) depreciation)
Consideration The depreciation is fully integrated into the revenue cap

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The electricity and gas networks are examples of natural monopolies, as it would be both
economically and environmentally unreasonable to have competing infrastructures available
for each customer. This means that the network operators (DSOs and TSOs) have limited or
no competition. To be the only seller in a price-inelastic market entails possibility for the
operator to increase prices and thereby increase profits. To ensure that the network
operators do not make unreasonable high profits, a regulation needs to be in place. The
Swedish energy markets inspectorate, Ei, is the national regulatory authority, NRA,
responsible for designing the regulation in a way that minimizes the welfare losses from
monopoly power. The main objective with the regulation is to ensure that the network
operators do not make monopoly profits while retaining efficient operations of the grid with a
good quality of supply. In this way high quality and fair prices will be ensured for the

Ei regulates both the gas and the electricity sector and the size of the regulated operators
span from around 100 connections for the smallest operators, to over 800 000 customers for
the largest operators.

On the electricity market there are currently 184 DSOs and two TSOs in Sweden. The
Swedish TSOs are, Affärsverket Svenska kraftnät (SVK), owned by the government. With a
few exceptions, the SVK owns and operates all parts of the transmission system. Baltic
Cable (BC) owns one line of transmission connecting the electricity grid between Sweden
and Germany. All other entities that operate power systems in Sweden are defined as DSOs.
The 184 DSOs are of varying size and ownership structure (state, municipal, private and
other), and they each have a so-called concession (permission) for the distribution of
electricity, either for a defined geographical area (in total 163 local DSOs,) or for a specific
line (in total 21 regional DSOs). The concession means a privilege, but also with several
obligations, which are governed by laws and a regulation. Ei monitors that the network
operators are in compliance with the existing rules. Ei’s role as the NRA is for example to
ensure that customers have access to a power distribution system, to provide incentives for
cost efficient operation with acceptable reliability and with objective, reasonable and non-
discriminatory tariffs.
The gas market is relatively small in Sweden and consists of one TSO, Swedegas, one
regasification facility (RAB value in SEK ~104 million at 2015), one storage facility (RAB
value in SEK ~460 Million at 2015) and 6 DSOs. With no distribution system in the northern
parts of Sweden.

Historical Development
The Swedish electricity market was deregulated in 1996, since then, generation and trading
of electricity are exposed to competition. The network operations in their capacity as natural
monopolies are subject to regulation. Since the deregulation multiple regulation methods
have been implemented. One example is that in 2003, a performance-based tariff regulation
was introduces where fictive reference networks were used. Until 2012 Sweden used an ex
post regulation, were each year was treated as a regulatory period. From 2012 an ex ante
revenue cap regulation has been used. In the regulation the regulator shall decide on each
network operators’ revenue caps after a proposal from each company. The revenue cap shall
cover reasonable operational costs and a reasonable return on the assets used in the
distribution and transmission.
A trend in Sweden amongst the DSOs are that the operators seem to merge into fewer and
larger companies. At the end of the 1950s, there were more than 1500 companies and in the
early 1980s the number had dropped to 380 companies. Today there are under 200 network
operators under Ei´s regulation.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Determining the Revenue Caps

The regulatory model of Sweden is structured on the different cost items. First the division
between capital cost, CAPEX, and operating cost, OPEX. Then latter cost is in turn divided in
controllable and non-controllable cost. The controllable cost is reduced year by year by an
efficiency target (see further on efficiency benchmarking). This requirement on higher
productivity is not applied for the non-controllable cost. For capital cost the assessment of
the regulatory asset base is the first and important part. The regulatory asset base is valued
by the principle of replacement value. The norm for rate of return is decided by the method of
WACC. The revenue cap is based on data reported from the network operators on historical
costs, estimated non-controllable costs, and estimated investments and disposals for the
regulatory period. The different posts are adjusted for inflation to have the same price level.
At the end of the regulatory period, the operators replace the estimated cost with data on
actual non-controllable costs, investments, and disposals. Investments and disposals are
reported for every 6-month period. Any deviations from the revenue cap will be added to the
cap in the next period. For the electricity network operators, the quality is set as a norm for
the period in form of a mean value for historic data on interruption (SAIDI and SAIFI). The
outcome of quality after the regulatory period is compared to the historically norm and the
return on capital is adjusted in relation to the change of quality.

According to Section 5,1§ of Electricity Act the revenues will be fixed in advance for each
regulatory period consisting of four calendar years, unless there are special reasons to use
another period of time (4§). In the decision of the revenue cap the data and methodology
used in the determining the revenue cap should be described (3§).

The Electricity Act states that the cap should cover the reasonable costs of conducting grid
activities during the supervisory period and provide a reasonable return on capital (equity)
needed to carry out the activity (6§). Regarding the design of the tariffs the legislation says
that: “Grid tariffs should be objective and non-discriminatory” (Section 4, 1§ law 2009:892).
Otherwise the network operators are free to design their tariffs as they please.

Quality Regulation
Under a regulatory regime that provides incentives to cut costs, there is a risk that operators
will refrain from undertaking the necessary investments or measures to achieve the required
or potential savings. To counter this on the electricity market, quality norms are integrated in
the cap so if norm values for delivery (outages) are exceeded (lowered) during the regulatory
period, some reductions (rewards) in the next revenue cap will be the decided. The purpose
is to give incentives for future improvement in quality. Operators achieving above-average
quality in past years will have an amount added to their cap, while operators with
comparatively poor-quality levels will have amounts deducted. The adjustments are limited to
±5 % of the revenue cap but no greater than the operators return on the asset base. Beyond
this the network operators will need to economically compensate customers for outages
longer than 12 hours. Outages longer than 24 hours are illegal and when they happen the
operators must come up with a plan for it not to happen in the future.

Every DSO should, on a yearly basis, submit data to Ei on a customer level. For the reliability
incentive scheme, data about outages between 3 minutes and 12 hours are used (both
longer and shorter outages are also reported). Outages above 12 hours are excluded to not
punish DSOs twice.

No quality regulation has been implemented for the gas network operators in Sweden.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Efficiency Benchmarking
The gas network operators have a general efficiency requirement to annually reduce 1
percent of their controllable OPEX. The reason for a general requirement rather than firm-
specific efficiency targets are due to the small number of operators. In a benchmarking
analysis based on only a few operators the results are likely to underestimate the
technological level, making the operators look more efficient than they are. We also see a lot
of heterogeneity amongst the Swedish gas network operators making it difficult to compare
them to each other. The same target is set for the electricity TSO, SVK, also due to a lack of
comparable operators.

For the electricity DSOs an efficiency benchmarking model is used to estimate firm-specific
potential for efficiency improvements. The benchmarking involves assessing the operators'
individual costs against the services they provide and determining each operator's cost
efficiency compared to the other operators. In the benchmarking process the NRA uses a
DEA model to compare the inputs (controllable OPEX and CAPEX), to the outputs (number
of customers, delivered electricity high and low voltage, the highest effect against overhead
grid, and number of network stations) for the DSOs. By the choice of variables some
structural differences are accounted for to some extent, for example number of network
stations work as a proxy for customer density.

The calculations are based on the average of 4 years historical data. The efficiency
requirement is based on the controllable OPEX. The maximal improvement potential has
been set to 30 percent with a realization time of 8 years (two regulatory periods) and the
DSOs get to keep 50 percent of their realised improvements. This results in a maximal
requirement (lowering of the revenue cap) of 7,5 percent of a DSOs controllable OPEX. To
also incentivise the relative efficient operators to improve a minimum level have been set to 1
percent annually of the controllable OPEX.

Determining the Regulatory Asset Base and Reasonable Return

The regulatory asset bases in Sweden are based on norm-values, in a way to estimate the
replacement value for all assets. In a second stage the asset base is adjusted for age. In
Sweden a linear depreciation method is used to estimate depreciation costs. The
depreciation times are currently set between 10 and 40 years (with possibilities for up to 10
years of extra compensation if the assets are functional). For the regulatory period 2020 –
2023, new depreciation times will be used, reaching from 10 to 50 years (+ up to 25 % extra
if the assets are functional after being fully depreciated) divided over more categories.

To determinate the return for the network operators, a weighted average cost of capital,
WACC, method is used. The WACC gives allowance for the cost of debt and the cost of
equity. To calculate an efficient debt ratio, European network operators that are publicly
traded are observed, since they should have incentives to minimize their costs in order to
maximize shareholders utility (close to 50 Percent debt and 50 percent equity). The debt part
of the WACC is based on the risk-free rate of return and a credit risk-premium based on the
ratings for the publicly traded comparison networks. To determinate the cost of equity the
capital asset pricing model, CAPM, is used. The same European comparison network
operators as earlier are used for estimating the beta value, while the market risk-premium
and the risk-free rate of return are based on Swedish market data. Except from this, the
network operators also receive an extra risk-premium due to differences in risk structure than
the European comparison network operators.

How to determinate a reasonable rate of return for network operators has been widely
discussed in Sweden and the network operators have multiple times appealed Ei's decisions

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

and argued for a higher rate of return. For the regulation period 2016-2019 Ei decided on a
real WACC of 4,53 % for the electricity network operators. This was later changed by the
court to 5,85 %. For the gas network operators Ei decided on a real WACC on 6,26 % for the
regulation period 2015-2018. This was also appealed and later changed by the court to 6,91
%. For the electricity regulation period 2020-2023, the government have decided on new
legislation on how to determine a reasonable rate of return and added more differentiated
depreciation time for network assets, this will give clearer guidance for the decisions.

Information, guides to reporting, and how to calculate the revenue cap among with Ei’s
calculations and decisions are published on the webpage of the NRA.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

3 Economic Theory and the Regulatory System

In the past, cost-based regulation approaches (rate-of-return regulation or cost-plus

regulation) were widely used for tariff regulation purposes. The rate-of-return model
guarantees the regulated company a certain pre-defined rate of return on its regulatory asset
base. Another approach is cost-plus regulation, in which a pre-defined profit margin is added
to the costs of the company. Obviously, the regulated company has no incentive to minimise
its costs under a cost-based regulation framework, because it can increase its profits by
simply expanding the asset or cost base. Under cost-plus regulation a company may have an
incentive to signal incorrect costs to the regulator or to even opt for wasting resources in
order to increase the cost base (“gold-plating”).

As a response to the major drawbacks of the cost-based regulation, incentive-based

approaches to tariff regulation were first developed in Great Britain (GB) and are currently
applied in many countries.

Incentive-based regulation can be characterised by the use of financial rewards and

penalties to induce the regulated company to achieve the desired goals (generally in form of
an efficient cost base) whereby the company is allowed some discretion in how to achieve
them. Rewards and penalties replace a ‘command and control’ form of regulation and
provide incentives to the company to achieve the goals by allowing it to share the ‘extra
profit’ in case it over-fulfils the targets set by the regulator, in general aiming cost control – so
that grid users later could benefit from them in a quantitative way through lower tariffs in the

3.1 Regulatory System in Place

As described before, most of the European countries use incentive-based regulation in form
of a revenue cap. The tables in the Annex 3 accompanying this report, which contain the
answers of the asked questionnaires, underline the usage of this regulatory instrument. In
general, most countries use a mixture of a cap regulation (revenue or price) and a
guaranteed rate of return. A revenue cap regulation can thereby be seen as an indirect price
cap regulation, where the revenue is the result of price multiplied with the quantity. Today a
cost plus regulation is an exception and only used in a few countries anymore.

Electricity transmission is regulated by incentive methods in 19 of 25 countries. Revenue

caps are set by 15 National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). From the beginning of the new
regulatory period 2016-2019, Belgium introduced for the transmission of Electricity a
considerable number and amount of extra incentives to increase efficiencies, foster market
integration and security of supply and support the related research activities. The TSO has
strongly taken those into account.

In electricity distribution 21 NRAs apply incentive regulation. Price caps are used by 7 NRAs,
13 NRAs say that they use revenue caps.

Also gas transmission is regulated by incentive methods in 20 countries. A limitation by caps

is used at 19 countries, sometimes even with a mixture of price and revenue caps. At 7
countries a rate of return is implemented.

In gas distribution incentive based methods are applied by 22 countries. in 4 countries a

mixture of incentive and cost-based methods is applied and 8 NRAs use a cost-based

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

3.2 Efficiency Requirements

Efficiency requirements force the network operators to reduce costs and to work more
efficiently. One way of implementing these requirements could be to reduce the allowed cost
year by year. The tables in the Annex 3 show whether the NRAs set efficiency requirements
(‘X-factors’) on OPEX and CAPEX.

The survey revealed that a majority of the regulators in electricity and gas alike require the
cost saving mainly on the OPEX side. On the CAPEX side, nearly 20% of respondents have
efficiency requirements applied. This result is independent of the energy (gas/electricity) and
the market layer (TSO/DSO). In some cases, an efficiency requirement is applied to TOTEX
One country (Belgium) uses different efficiency requirements depending on its regional

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

4 Calculation of the Rate of Return

Even in a regulated, monopolistic market, companies – in this case network operators – must
be allowed to make a return on investment, just as in a competitive market. Returns secure
companies' financing, since operators will only continue to operate networks, and investors
invest in them, if they make adequate returns. Only then will equity and debt capital
continued to be provided.

The fact that a return on investment is necessary for a network to be operated, raises the
question of how the rate of such a return is calculated to create appropriate incentives.

4.1 Methods Used of the Rate of Return

There are different possible methods to calculate the rate of return. Mostly a WACC factor
(Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is used.
In general, WACC can be expressed in a simplified manner by the following formula:

𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡
WACC= (𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦+𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡) ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 + (𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦+𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡)
∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡

Weighting factors

NRAs can distinguish between nominal or real and before and after taxation as well as a
“Vanilla” WACC.

In conclusion, for electricity network regulation, the most popular approach is to use nominal
WACC before taxation (as can be seen in the attached tables of Annex 3 accompanying this
report). The otherwise most commonly used method for calculation of the rate of return is the
real weighted average cost of capital before taxation, which is used from 25% of the NRAs.
In the gas sector, the nominal WACC before taxation approach is popular as well, however
the real weighted average cost of capital before taxation is also frequently used (WACC
nominal 50%, WACC real 30%). In addition to that it is remarkable that 4 NRAs do not use
WACC in the regulation of electricity and gas TSOs, and Germany and Spain also do not use
WACC in the regulation of electricity and gas DSOs.

4.2 Year of Rate of Return Estimation and Length of Regulatory Period

To get information about the length of regulatory periods and the different tariff years in the
individual regulatory systems, a time series from 2007 to 2018 was considered. In general,
the majority of NRAs evaluate (or adjust) the rate of return parameters in the year before the
regulatory period starts. The year before the regulatory period starts is used as ‘photo’ or
base year in which the rate of return parameters are evaluated or adjusted for TSOs as well
as for DSOs. Most NRAs make no distinction between gas and electricity. There are only a
few Member States who evaluate or adjust the parameters 2 or 3 years before start of the
regulatory period. The typical regulatory period is between 3 and 5 years independent of
TSO or DSO and electricity or gas sector. Just a few Member States use a yearly regulatory
period or a period which is longer than 5 years. One country (Estonia) uses an undefined
regulatory period, so the operator can submit data at any time.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

4.3 Rate of Interest

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is a factor applied to an asset volume to
calculate a rate of return. However, as a company's capital generally consists of both equity
and debt capital, rates of interest for both of these must be calculated when determining a
suitable return.

4.3.1 Risk-free Rate

The risk-free rate is the expected return on an asset, which bears in theory no risk at all, i.e.
whose expected returns are certain32. In other words, the risk-free rate is the minimum return
an investor should expect for any investment, as any amount of risk would not be tolerated
unless the expected rate of return was greater than the risk-free rate.

The risk-free rate can be described as either “nominal” or “real”. The nominal interest rate is
the amount, in money terms, of interest payable. The real risk-free rate excludes inflation and
reflects the pure time value of money to an investor.
The relationship between nominal and real risk-free rates and inflation can be expressed as

(1 + nominal risk-free rate) = (1 + real risk-free rate) x (1 + inflation)

In practice, it is not possible to find an investment that is free of all risks. However, freely
traded investment-grade government bonds can generally be regarded as having close to
zero default risk and zero liquidity risk. Evaluating Risk-free Rates

There are only marginal differences in the individual regulatory systems concerning
evaluating the risk-free rate. Most NRAs evaluate risk-free rate on the basis of government
bonds interest rates. The risk-free rates are usually evaluated on the basis of the own
national government bond interest rates. Some regulators however use the interest rates
based on the government bonds of selected foreign countries (AA or higher rated) or OECD

In most cases, they use the same methodology for all network operators, but in some
countries there are differences in approaches between both electricity and gas sector, and
between transmission and distribution. The main reason for such differences is that the risk-
free rates have not been evaluated at the same time.

The most frequently used bonds have maturities of 10 years, but also 5-year bonds appear.
In addition, it is remarkable that Germany uses maturities of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30 years. The
most Member States use historical averages, but in relation to the years of historical analysis
there is no uniform usage. The majority of NRAs apply 1, 5 or 10 years of historical analysis
independent of electricity or gas sector and TSO or DSO regulation. Values of Nominal and Real Risk-free Rates

There are different values of nominal and real risk-free rates used by regulators. In order to
compare the value of risk-free rates, the Member States were also asked if the risk-free rate
is used nominal or real.

32 IRG – Regulatory Accounting, Principles of Implementation and Best Practice for WACC calculation, February
2007, www.erg.eu.int/doc/publications/erg_07_05_pib_s_on_wacc.pdf.
33 S. Ross, R. Westerfield, B. Jordan, Essentials of Corporate Finance, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 248.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The conclusions could be drawn that most of the NRAs use nominal risk-free rates (only a
few Member States use real risk-free rates) and the typical value of nominal risk-free rate is
between 1.0 and 4.0%. Nevertheless, the values of the risk-free rates also depend on the
year of assessment.

4.3.2 Debt Premiums

In corporate debt finance, the debt risk premium is the expected rate of return above a
(determined) risk-free interest rate. The risk premium is determined as the margin between
the risk-free rate and the corporate bond rate. It expresses the incentive for an investor to
invest in the corporation instead of investing in e.g. secure government bonds. Evaluating Debt Premiums

In the attached tables the approach towards debt premiums (where applied), their value, the
applicable year and a short description of the evaluation are shown. The evaluation of the
values of debt premiums differs from NRA to NRA. They are usually estimated on the basis
of market analysis provided by external experts and internal comparative analysis conducted
by the NRAs, but some of them also use country ratings. The values rather reflect the
borrowing conditions for network operators which are seen as companies with good ratings.

The values of debt premiums used by the regulators are in most cases between 0.40 and
2.00%. Portugal uses a debt premium of 2.5%. Greece has a debt premium for electricity
network operators of 2.3% and of 4% for gas network operators. The values of debt premium
differ marginally from electricity to gas regulation and TSOs to DSOs. Only a few Member
States do not use debt premiums in their regulatory system. Real Cost of Debt in Tariff Calculation

The tables in the Annex 3 show the value of real cost of debt. In order to make the cost of
debt applied by the NRAs more comparable, the debt premium was (in most cases) added to
the real risk-free rates. The survey shows that for the majority of the analysed countries, the
real cost of debt is in range between 1.5 and 4.0%. Only a few Member States use real cost
of debt with less than 1% or even higher than 6%. Concerning the year of evaluating real
cost of debt the most NRAs apply years between 2015 and 2018. Just a few countries use
years before 2013.

4.3.3 Market Risk Premiums

Market risk premium could be defined as the excess return that the overall stock market
provides over an investment at the risk-free rate. Thus, determined by comparing the returns
on equity and the returns on risk-free investments. This excess return compensates investors
for taking on the relatively higher risk of the equity market. The size of the premium will vary
as the risk, in the stock market as a whole, changes; high-risk investments are compensated
with a higher premium. Evaluating Market Risk Premiums

The surveyed countries should give information about the value of the market risk premium,
the year of evaluation and the NRAs approach for evaluating it. The value of market risk
premium is often in range of 4 and 5% independent of electricity or gas sector and TSO or
DSO regulation. Only a few NRAs use market risk premiums with a value of 3 or 6%, in
addition to that it is remarkable that Romania uses the highest value for the gas market
(6.42% for DSOs and TSOs) and Portugal uses the highest value for the electricity market
(7.66% for DSOs – including a country risk spread). Concerning the year of evaluation of the
market risk premium the most Member States apply years between 2015 and 2017.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

As in the case of debt premiums, the values of market risk premiums are also based on a
market analysis. The NRAs also use the reports prepared by expert group Dimson, Marsh,
Staunton and the analysis provided by Damodaran.

4.3.4 Capital Gearing

The gearing could be defined as the proportion of assets that were funded from borrowing
funds. It is necessary for calculating the WACC, when the weighting factors have to be
Like in subchapter 4.1 shown the formula 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦+𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 defines the gearing. Evaluating the Gearing Ratio

The implemented survey includes the values of the gearing the year of evaluation and a
short description of the evaluation by the NRAs. Most of the Member States use a gearing
between 40 and 60%. Mainly the same value is used for all sectors independent of TSOs or
DSOs. Only a few countries make use of different values, and if they do so the value
changes only minimally. Concerning the year of evaluation of the gearing the most Member
States apply years between 2015 and 2017. The majority of NRAs base the gearing ratio on
experts’ reports or market analysis.

4.3.5 Taxes
The tax value could be defined as the rate of income tax paid by the network operators. Evaluating the Tax Value

The attached tables show the value of the tax rates used by the NRAs. In detail they show
the taxes values, the year of evaluation and a short description of evaluation.

The NRAs filled in the value of the corporate tax or the corporate income tax (depending on
the name which is used) which apply to the network companies. The value of corporate tax
depends on the national tax system. Most of the Member States use a corporate tax value
between 10 and 30%, only a few NRAs are situated below or over this value. Mainly the
same value is used for all sectors independent of TSOs or DSOs. Only a few countries make
use of different values, and if they do so the value changes only minimally. Concerning the
year of evaluation of the gearing ratio the most Member States apply years between 2015
and 2017. In the most regulatory systems the tax value is defined by law.

4.3.6 Beta
An asset beta could be described as a quantitative measure of the volatility of a given stock,
mutual fund, or portfolio, relative to the overall market.

The asset beta therefore reflects the business risk in the specific market where the company
operates. A beta of 1 corresponds to the expectations of the market as a whole, a beta
above 1 is more volatile than the overall market, while a beta below 1 is less volatile.

The beta of a company is calculated after subtracting its debt obligations, thus measuring the
non-diversifiable risk.

Asset (unlevered) beta removes the effects of leverage on the capital structure of a firm,
since the use of debt can result in tax rate adjustments that benefit a company. Removing
the debt component allows an investor to compare the base level of risk between various

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

An equity beta could be defined as an indication of the systematic risk attached to the returns
on ordinary stocks. Equity beta accounts for the combined effects of market and financial
risks that the stockholders of a company have to face. It equates to the asset beta for an
ungeared firm, or is adjusted upwards to reflect the extra riskiness of stocks in a geared firm.

The dependence between the asset and equity beta is usually presented by the following
eß = aß*[1+(1-t)*(D/E)], where
eß = equity beta
aß = asset beta
t = tax rate
D = Debt
E = Equity
D/E – gearing ratio

Sometimes in the calculation of the equity beta the influence of taxes is not taken into
account. In this case the formula for calculation equity beta is as follows:

eß = aß*[1+D/E] Evaluating the Asset and Equity Beta

The survey includes the NRAs approach for evaluation of asset and equity beta.

The majority of NRAs evaluate beta values by using both external and internal market
analyses. The most frequently applied approach in the calculation of equity beta is to use the
formula which includes tax. Some regulators use a formula which does not include tax and
Belgium, Great Britain and Hungary use direct equity beta without a calculation of asset beta.

Due to the different gearing ratios, the comparison of equity betas could be misleading. In
order to make the values comparable the asset beta were calculated. The calculation was
based on the value of equity betas and gearing ratios used by the regulators. The formulas
presented above were used in this calculation. Betas in the Regulation

The attached tables show asset beta aß = eß/[1+(1-t)*(D/E)] and/or aß = eß/(1+D/E) used in
tariff calculation for the electricity and gas TSOs and DSOs.

The values of asset beta calculated with [aß = eß/[1+(1-t)*(D/E)] are in the electricity sector
are typically in the range between 0.3 and 0.5. An exception is Sweden concerning the
regulation of electricity TSOs, the value of asset beta is higher than 0.7. In the gas sector the
values of asset beta are also between 0.3 and 0.5.

The values of asset betas calculated with [aß = eß/[1+D/E]] are generally lower. The values
for electricity and gas sector are between 0.28 and 0.4. An exception is Sweden concerning
the regulation of electricity TSOs, the value of asset beta with this formula is higher than the
value calculated with the formula above.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

5 Regulatory Asset Base

The Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) serves as a fundamental parameter in utility regulation in
order to determine the allowed profit. The structure of individual components included into
the RAB and their valuation differ significantly among EU Member States and even among
the regulated sectors. The RAB value is usually also linked with depreciation, depending on
an individual NRA’s approach.

In general, the RAB provides for remuneration of both historic and new investment. The RAB
should be formed by the assets necessary for the provision of the regulated service in their
residual (depreciated) value. The RAB can be comprised of several components such as
fixed assets, working capital or construction in progress. Other elements such as capital
contributions of customers, government (e.g. subsidies) and third parties, the contrary, are
usually excluded.

The RAB may be valued according to different methods (e.g. historical costs, indexed
historical costs or actual re-purchasing costs), which will have an influence on the
determination of the CAPEX. A RAB based on indexed historical costs would therefore
require the use of a 'real' instead of a 'nominal' WACC. As a result, it is important to
understand the relation between RAB definition and the WACC structure.

5.1 Components of the RAB

The following chapter analyses the approach taken by NRAs towards fixed assets, working
capital, assets under construction, contribution from third parties and leased assets with
respect to their inclusion/exclusion to the RAB.

5.1.1 Tariff Calculation

In general, the role of the RAB is very important at the tariff calculation. Most of the Member
States use the RAB as one component (multiplied with the WACC) for calculating the
allowed revenue. With a determined revenue, the therefore needed tariffs can also be

Concerning the question, whether 100% of RAB is used in tariff calculation all surveyed
NRAs answered with yes for electricity TSOs. At the other sectors (electricity DSO, gas DSO,
gas TSO) most of the Member States use 100% of RAB in tariff calculation. Only Poland (at
electricity DSO, gas DSO, gas TSO) and Portugal (at electricity DSO, gas DSO) don´t use
100% of RAB at the tariff regulation of the other sectors.

5.1.2 Fixed Assets

Fixed assets, also known as a ‘non-current asset’ is a term used in accounting for assets and
property which cannot easily be converted into cash. Fixed assets normally include items
such as lines and pipes, land and buildings, motor vehicles, furniture, office equipment,
computers, fixtures and fittings, and plant and machinery.

According to the survey data submitted by 23 (gas) resp. 24 (electricity) countries; all NRAs
count the fixed assets into the RAB. In Poland, gas network assets are included in the RAB
at net present value.

5.1.3 Working Capital

Working capital represents operating liquidity available to company. Working capital is
considered as a part of operating capital. Net working capital is calculated as current assets
minus current liabilities:
Working Capital = Current Assets

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Net Working Capital = Current Assets − Current Liabilities

The survey resulted that approximately 1/3 of the NRAs calculate working capital into the
RAB, therefore the greater part of countries do not take working capital into the RAB. It
should be noted that in electricity as well as in gas DSO regulation not in whole Belgium
working capital is taken into the RAB. For the Flemish region, they calculate working capital
into the RAB, whereas in the Walloon and Brussels regions they do not take working capital
into the RAB. In Finland, accounts receivables and inventories are allowed into the RAB in
book values, however excluding cash equivalents or other receivables. In Estonia, the level
of working capital is determined as 5% of the three years average sales revenue and in
Norway as 1% of the book value. In Germany, only working capital, which is necessary for
the operations is included and in Luxembourg the working capital is approved if duly justified.

5.1.4 Assets Under Construction

Assets under construction are a special form of tangible assets. They are usually displayed
as a separate balance sheet item and therefore require a separate account determination in
their asset classes.

Cost includes all expenditures incurred for construction projects, capitalized borrowing costs
incurred on a specific borrowing for the construction of fixed assets incurred before it has
reached the working condition for its intended use, and other related expenses. A fixed asset
under construction is transferred to fixed assets once it has reached the working condition for
its intended use.

Ordinary depreciation is not allowed for assets under construction in most countries. Even if
from the accounting point of view these assets are not included in the fixed assets, the
NRAs, from a regulatory perspective, do sometimes include such cost in the RAB for
remuneration, as shown in the survey.

About half of the NRAs responded that electricity transmission and distribution assets under
construction are included in the RAB.

In gas transmission and distribution less NRAs responded that assets under construction are
included into the RAB. Some countries have certain conditions for assets under construction
to be included in the RAB, e.g. for certain categories of investments, as a transition before
phase-out or a length of construction of more than two years. In Luxembourg, also financing
costs of assets under construction may be considered under working capital.

5.1.5 Contribution From Third Parties

Contributions from third parties such as connection fees, contributions from public
institutions, EU funding under cohesion/structural funds, or EU grants under Decision No
1364/2006/EC, which lays down guidelines for trans-European energy networks, are often
deducted by the NRAs from the RAB (‘ringfencing’).

This approach is based on the reasoning that to the extent the asset (partly or in total) was
not financed by the regulated entity, it must not be included in the RAB and remunerated.

The survey shows that the vast majority of the NRAs are deducting such contributions from
the RAB in electricity and gas sector as well as for TSO or DSO regulation. Only Great
Britain and Italy take contributions from the third parties into the RAB in their whole

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

5.1.6 Leased Assets

According to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)34, finance lease assets must
be shown on the balance sheet of the lessee, with the amounts due on the lease also shown
on the balance sheet as liabilities. This is intended to prevent the use of lease finance to
keep the lease liabilities off-balance sheet.

According to a number of national accounting standards, however, it is possible to consider

these assets as the OPEX and keep them off-balance sheet.

The attached tables show that around 40% of the surveyed NRAs include leased assets into
the RAB. For DSO regulation Belgium includes leased assets only for Flemish Region and
not for Walloon or Brussels Region. The most countries which not include leased assets
considered them as OPEX. Some countries have certain conditions for leased assets to be
included in the RAB, e.g. for certain types of lease or do not always base them on IFRS.

5.1.7 Other RAB Components

5.2 Determination of Initial Regulatory Asset Value

The value of the RAB on which the companies earn a return in accordance with the
regulatory cost of capital (i.e. the weighted average cost of capital where applicable) is
crucial for the calculation of the regulatory revenue.

The value of the assets included into the RAB could be expressed either in historical costs or
re-evaluated values. Whilst the historical cost approach values the RAB with reference to the
cost that were actually incurred by the company to build or acquire the network, the re-
evaluated values represent the costs that would hypothetically be incurred at the time of re-
evaluation of the assets.

5.2.1 Historical Costs

The method of valuation of the RAB in historical costs is applied in regulatory regimes where
the assets of regulated companies were not re-evaluated or in the regimes where NRAs
keep a regulatory database of the historical values of the assets. As the historical costs do
not reflect decrease in the real value of the assets caused by the inflation, some NRAs make
use of the indexed historical cost method.

In electricity and transmission regulation most of the surveyed NRAs (72%) do base RAB
exclusively on historical value of assets. In regulation of gas and electricity DSOs the
surveyed value is only a little bit lower: 65% of all countries base RAB exclusively on
historical value of asset.

5.2.2 Re-evaluation of Assets

The re-evaluation of fixed assets is a technique that may be required to accurately describe
the true value of the capital goods a business owns. The purpose of a re-evaluation is to
bring into the books the fair market value of fixed assets. This may be helpful in order to
decide on selling one of its assets or inserting part of the company into a new company. Re-
evaluation of assets was conducted in many countries following the unbundling of vertically
integrated companies where separate network companies were established.

International Financial Reporting Standards

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Other reasons for re-evaluation mentioned in the survey were; very high inflation rates and
the consolidation processes of regulated companies. In some regulatory regimes, a re-
evaluation of distribution assets is conducted annually according to the IFRS accounting
standards. Even though the most frequently applied method was depreciated replacement
costs, for the sake of comparison it is crucial to know, when the last re-evaluation was
performed. This is the major difference among countries surveyed. In principle, the re-
evaluation can be done in two ways: only once or on a frequent basis.

One of the main advantages of the annual re-evaluation is that a NRA works with the real
asset values and does not need to deal with the significant increase of RAB of market

The surveyed countries answered the question whether the RAB is exclusively based on re-
evaluated assets and if yes, how they influence the level of RAB. Overall, it should be noted
that only a few Member States (25%) base the RAB on re-evaluated assets. Some of them
index RAB annually by using different index e.g. retail price index or construction industry
index or they evaluate assets on the basis of historical costs.

In electricity transmission, the RAB is exclusively based on the re-evaluated assets in 5

countries: the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Italy, Poland and Sweden.
At gas transmission and distribution the situation is nearly the same. The Czech Republic,
France, Great Britain (only in gas transmission), Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Sweden base the
RAB exclusively on the re-evaluated assets.

5.2.3 Mix of Historical and Re-evaluated Assets

7 NRAs apply a mix of historical values and re-evaluated assets:

In Germany, for the cost determination the equity-financed share of old assets is indexed at
replacement values. The debt-financed share of old assets is valued at historical values.
New assets are always valued at historical values.

In Luxembourg, assets are valued at historical costs. Old assets (capitalised before 1
January 2010) may, as an option, be evaluated as follows: A fraction of old assets is valued
at historical costs (up to the debt ratio, 50% of all old assets) and at indexed historical costs
(up to the equity ratio, 50%).

In Hungary in case of natural gas TSOs and DSOs, the self-owned fixed assets were re-
evaluated, except the other technical machines, equipment, tools which were accepted at
book value. Since one of the two natural gas TSOs was established in 2015, its assets
weren’t re-evaluated at all, but were accepted at book value.

5.3 Difference Between the RAB Defined on the Net Book Values and the RAB
Based on Re-evaluated Asset Base
The Member States were asked for the difference (in %) between the RAB defined on net
book values according to national GAAP (or IFRS) and the RAB based on re-evaluated asset
base. The purpose of this question was to find out if there is any difference between net book
value and RAB. The reason for this is that regulated companies may have re-evaluated the
assets but the NRA, for regulation purposes, could approve only part of those assets.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

The survey shows that in electricity as well as in gas sector nearly 75% of the countries there
is no difference between net book value and RAB. If there is a difference between net book
value and RAB, the percentages are very various from about 30% to over 120%. It is
remarkable that Hungary mostly has the highest percentage (RAB to NBV).

5.4 Monetary Value of Regulated Assets on Historical Cost Basis and

Monetary Value of Re-evaluated Regulated Assets
The survey includes the question of monetary value of regulated assets on historical cost
basis and monetary value of re-evaluated regulated assets (in both cases aggregated for all
companies). Nearly half of the surveyed NRAs are unable to make a statement concerning
this and some of them are not allowed because of confidential information. The monetary
values of regulated assets and re-evaluated regulated assets are very different and vary from
country to country. It cannot be said, that the height of the values is depending on a special

5.5 RAB Adjustments

The RAB is ordinarily adjusted annually within the regulatory period when the value of the
new investments is taken into consideration and the value of the depreciation is deducted.

According to survey responses, over half of the NRAs adjust RAB during the regulatory
period and the annual recalculation of the net book value (new investment depreciation) is
the most common approach. Concerning the question whether the adjustment affects net
book values by accounting for new investments and/or depreciation, most Member States
confirm this. Usually the book value is calculated by adding investments and subtracting

The survey also enquired whether NRAs adjusted the RAB within the regulatory period to
correspond the real values of the RAB by some kind of progression index.

In Great Britain, the RAB indexed for inflation using RPI (Government retail price index of
inflation including interest costs) is applied. In Ireland, the Irish Harmonised Index of
Consumer Prices is used. This applies to the current 5-year period, which started 1 January
2016. Previously, the Irish Consumer Price Index was used as the index. In Italy, the gross
fixed investment deflator measured by the National Institute of Statistics is used.

5.6 RAB Conclusions

From a balance sheet perspective, fixed assets are the most significant items in the energy
industry. Also, according to the responses of the energy regulators, fixed assets were
unanimously indicated as a component of the RAB. More than half of the regulators
additionally include working capital in the RAB, albeit with specific rules for its determination
and inclusion.

Less than half of the regulators in the gas and electricity distribution sector and in gas
transmission include the investment in progress in the RAB. For electricity transmission, on
the other hand, the ratio is inversed and investment in progress is included in the RAB. The
contribution by third parties is deducted from the RAB by all NRAs with only two exceptions
(Great Britain and Italy).

From the responses one can conclude that the most common way of calculating the RAB
components is the historical costs method, followed by the re-evaluated assets method, with
the mixture of these two methods applied only rarely.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

In all countries surveyed, other adjustments were not mentioned.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

6 Depreciations

Depreciation decreases the asset value through use and the shortening of theoretical asset
life and should also allow a firm to cover replacement investment costs during the economic
life of an asset. Concerning the duration of depreciation, the economic lifetime of the asset
should be taken into account in a forward looking, long-run approach.

The two most common approaches towards depreciation are the ‘straight line’ and
‘accelerated’ depreciation: The straight-line depreciation method spreads the cost evenly
over the life of an asset. On the other hand, a method of accelerated depreciation such as
the double declining balance (DDB) allows the company to deduct a much higher share in
the first years after purchase.

6.1 Overview
Once the NRA has decided on a depreciation method (straight line or accelerated
depreciation), then this method is applied for both gas and electricity system operators in this
country. As mentioned before almost all NRAs use the straight line approach towards
depreciations. Only Estonia uses the accelerated approach in electricity sector and gas

For both electricity and gas regulation, most NRAs have the same depreciation rate for
typical TSO and DSO network assets, it differs only marginal.

One question in the questionnaire was: “Which values of depreciation are allowed into the
regulation?” The NRAs predominantly use the same value of depreciation for the TSOs and
DSOs. There are at most minor differences between the two. The NRAs use different
depreciation values, with the majority using historical values in different variations.

For the most part the linear method is applied for the depreciation of the regulated assets.
The lifetime of a typical network asset ranges from 30 to 50 years and the majority of the
NRAs use the individual depreciation rate for each type of asset. However, in some
regulatory frameworks the average rate for all companies and all assets is applied.

As with RAB valuation, the depreciation of assets could be based on historic values, re-
evaluated values or on a mixture of these two methods. The vast majority of regulators
allowed depreciation of tangible and intangible assets valued on the same basis as the RAB
in their regulation, hence clear correlation between these values can be observed.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

7 Conclusions

This CEER report analysed different regulatory systems of electricity and gas networks in
most individual EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. It provides a general overview of
the regulatory practices in place, the calculation of a classic and adequate rate of return, the
determination of the regulatory asset base (RAB) and the depreciation of assets in the
different regulatory systems. All these components give an impression of the conditions for
possible investments in electricity and gas networks in Europe.

It is not the intention of this report to paint a complete picture of the existing regulatory
framework. For example, the costs of OPEX and their treatment within the regulatory
systems are not considered in this report. Furthermore, other important factors which are
difficult to measure (such as the stability of the regulatory framework or regulatory
processes) are not addressed in this report, although they play a key role in the decisions of

When interpreting the figures which are used as the background for the report´s content and
which are presented in Annex 3 accompanying this report, the regulatory framework must be
considered as a whole, as singling out selected parameters would distort the picture.
Nevertheless, this report provides detailed information about the regulatory framework and
indirect about the investment conditions in each country, offering helpful insights.

The report shows that different countries have different characteristics in their respective
regulatory systems, which have to be considered. Despite differences in the regulatory
system and the specific situation in each country, no regulatory regime can be seen as a
stand-alone system with exclusive regulatory instruments. Many parallels between the
regulatory regimes can be identified (As seen in the new chapter 2).

For the method of asset valuation, the WACC is the preferred method. Whereas the real
WACC was used for the profitability calculation of the re-evaluated assets, the nominal
WACC is used for the assets in historical values.

A separate chapter is devoted to the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB). The RAB can be
comprised of several components including fixed assets, working capital or constructions in
progress. There are thus different variations among the NRAs. According to the survey data,
almost all NRAs include the fixed assets in the RAB. In contrast, with respect to the working
capital, more than half of the NRAs do not include working capital in the RAB, or use a
derived notion of that working, depending on whether the electricity or gas system operator is
considered. The “construction in progress” component gives the same result as working
capital. Less than half of the NRAs surveyed allow assets under construction in the RAB.

The RAB value is usually linked with depreciation, depending on the NRAs. In gas and
electricity regulation, straight line depreciation is applied by most NRAs. The NRAs use
different depreciation values, with the majority using the historical values in different
variations. The lifetime of the typical network asset ranges from 30 to 50 years and the
majority of the NRAs use the individual depreciation ratio for each type of asset.
For a deeper analysis of investment conditions, it would be useful to take a closer look at
other fundamental parameters such as costs per unit, share of CAPEX, total expenditures
(TOTEX) or the consideration of total costs [€].

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Furthermore, the current developments of the energy networks in Europe should be analysed
in the future. The switch from conventional to renewable energy sources, a growing
cooperation between (and inside) European energy networks and the integration of smart
elements into the networks can be seen as the next huge challenges for the network
operators on the one hand, but on the other as well for the regulating national authorities.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Annex 1 – Lists of Abbreviations

General Abbreviations
Term Definition
b.p. Basic Point
CEER Council of European Energy Regulators
CAPEX Capital expenditure
CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model
DDB Double declining balance
DEA Data Envelopment Analysis
DSO Distribution System Operator
GAAP General Accepted Accounting Principles
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
NRA National Regulatory Authority
NBV Net Book Values
OPEX Operational expenditure
RAB Regulated asset base
RAV Regulatory asset value
SFA Stochastic Frontier Analysis
TOTEX Total expenditures
TSO Transmission System Operator
WACC Weighted average cost of capital

Country Abbreviations
Abbreviation Country
AT Austria
BE Belgium
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
EE Estonia
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
GB Great Britain
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IE Ireland

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Abbreviation Country
IT Italy
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
RO Romania
SE Sweden
SI Slovenia

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Annex 2 – List of Questions

If information can not be provided, please fill
Country: the cell "N/A"
National Regulatory Authority:
Name of the respondent:

Please do not add any addtional rows and columns! If you want to add something, please fill row "Other comments" QUESTIONS / REMARKS

electricity natural gas electricity natural gas

Parameters Trans- Distri- Trans- Distri-
Transmission Distribution Transmission Distribution
mission bution mission bution
Nominal risk-free rate
Real risk-free rate
Debt premium
Cost of Debt
Risk premium

WACC parameters
Asset beta
Equity beta
Cost of Equity
Gearing - D/(D+E)
Tax rate
Nominal pre-tax WACC
Nominal post-tax WACC
Nominal "vanilla" WACC
Real pre-tax WACC
Real post-tax WACC
Real "vanilla" WACC
If it is possible, provide the formulas (e.g. in active
cells or as a description)
In case of different methodology than WACC,
provide the most important information
Additional information and comments electricity natural gas

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Transmission Distribution Transmission Distribution

Year of evaluation of "cost of capital" parameters

Regulatory period (if parameters are set for period)

Tariff year (if parameters are set for one year)

Inflation (which can be comparable to the risk-free

rate in order to calculate both nominal and real rate)

How risk-free rate is evaluated?

Evaluation of
How debt premium is evaluated?
How equity risk premium is evaluated?
How beta is evaluated?
How gearing ratio is evaluated?
How tax ratio is evaluated?

Which "cost of capital" is used in tariff calculation?

How "cost of capital" parameters are actualised?

Were "cost of capital" parameters actualised as a

reaction on the financial crisis?

Are some kind of premiums on "cost of capital" for

anything (e.g. new investments, quality of supply)?

How Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) is evaluated?

Evaluation of RAB
(e.g. net book value, replacement cost, re-evaluated
value, etc.)
Are fixed assets taken into RAB?

Are assets under construction taken into RAB?

Is working capital taken into RAB?
Was RAB re-evaluated?

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

If yes, when and which methodology

Is 100% of RAB used in tariff calculation?

If no, please quote the renumerated share of RAB

and inform, when 100% of RAB will be renumerated.

Are some kind of premiums on RAB for anything

(e.g. new investments, quality of supply)?

How is the depreciation calculated?

What is the depreciation ratio for typical network
Can be above information published by other
If not, please indicate which information cannot be

Other comments

Which values of the depreciation are allowed into the

regulation? (depreciation of the tangible and
intangible assets based on historical values, re-
evaluated or mixture of values - please describe
briefly your approach and the decision taken by NRA
Is an X-factor/ efficiency requirement applied on the
OPEX (if yes please describe your approach)?
Does the NRA have competences to approve
investment plans of companies?
Does the NRA differentiate between replacement
investments and new investments?
If the previous answer was 'yes' please describe your
Does the regulation contain additional investment
incentives / remuneration?
How are investments included in the regulation
(regulatory formula).(please describe your approach)

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Do you account for a time-lag (t-x problem - tariff

calculation might for example be based on book
values, which causes a certain time-lag (e.g. two
If the answer to the previous question is 'yes', which
mechanism do you apply and how does it work? (e.g.
planned values with recalculation after a certain
If possible, please provide the monetary value of
regulated assets (aggregated for all companies) on
historical cost basis.
If possible, please provide the monetary value of re-
evaluated regulated assets (aggregated for all
If the RAB is adjusted during the regulatory period
please indicate how often.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

Additional questionnaire
electricity natural gas
transmission distribution transmission distribution
WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
Is allowed profit calculated by the formula RAB * WACC?
(if not please describe your approach)
Is the WACC differentiated by type of RAB (for the same activity), ie, taking into account how the
RAB is valued or taking into account the nature of the RAB (ex.: new investments)?
Is the municipal tax taken into account in the WACC?
(If yes, please describe briefly in what way)
How is the municipal tax evaluated?
Is the tax shield taken into account in the WACC?
(If yes, please describe briefly in what way)
Components of the RAB (Regulatory Asset Base)
Are fixed assets taken into RAB?
Are contributions from the third parties taken into account for the calculation of the RAB?
(non-interest bearing liabilities taken, tangible and intangible assets in the amount, which is subsidized by the European cohesion
and structural funds)
If the answer to the previous question is 'yes' please describe the approach (how the inclusion in
RAB affects depreciation costs and costs of capital, etc.)
Is working capital taken into RAB?
(if yes please indicate how is this capital calculated or which percentage of fixed asset is included)
Are assets under construction taken into RAB?
(if yes please describe briefly how does this mechanism work)
Are leased assets included into the RAB? (according to the IFRS)
If the answer to the previous question is 'no' - are leased assets considered as OPEX?
Are there any other components that are included into the RAB (e.g. special positions of the balance
Determination of the initial value of RAB for regulatory period.

Is the RAB exclusively based on historical value of assets?

Is the RAB exclusively based on re-evaluated assets?
If previous answer was 'yes' please describe in detail how the re-evaluation of assets influenced the
level of RAB. (how is the RAB linked to the re-evaluated assets and the reasons for this decision)
Is the RAB based on a mixture of historical and re-evaluated assets?
If previous answer was 'yes' please describe in detail how the level of RAB was set up. (how is the
RAB linked to the re-evaluated and historical assets and the reasons for this decision)

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

What's the difference (in %) between the RAB defined on net book values according to national
GAAP (or IFRS) and the RAB based on re-evaluated asset base? (Please use net book values as the basis
for your calculation).
(The purpose of this question was to find out if there is the difference between net book value and the RAB. There could be
included example of the calculation (net book value = 100 €, RAB 50 €, answer is 50%). The reason is that the regulated
companies has done re-evaluation of the assets but the NRA for the regulatory purposes could approved only part of the assets.)
If RAB was set up on the basis of re-evaluated assets please indicate:
Which methodology was applied?
(e.g. replacement costs, depreciated optimal replacement costs, economic value, deprival value, optimal deprival value,
impairment test - the description of the methods is in the table "methods")
If Regulated Asset Base (RAB) is evaluated according to market value or replacement cost, which
sources are used? (e.g. cost catalogue)
When was the re-evaluation done (year)?
Was the re-evaluation done for all companies in the same manner and at the same time?
Adjustment of the RAB within the regulatory period.
Is the RAB adjusted during the regulatory period?
Does the adjustment affect net book values by accounting for new investments and/or depreciation?
Please explain your approach.
Is the RAB adjusted within regulatory period by any kind of escalation index?
(if yes please indicate by which index and since when is this method applied)
Is there any kind of other adjustment addressed which is not mentioned here? (If 'yes' please describe the
Investment conditions
What regulatory system is in place?
(Cost-plus/ Rate-of-Return aRegulation, Incentive-based Regulation [Price-Cap/ Revenue-Cap, Mixture …])
Does the NRA evaluate investment plans of the companies?
If the previous answer was 'yes' please describe in detail this approach.
Is there any incentive scheme for efficient investments decision?
Is an X-factor/ efficiency requirement applied on the CAPEX?
Is there any incentive scheme for the efficient use of the CAPEX (ex: to extend the
economic/technological asset life or to reduce the energy losses?)
Is there any incentive scheme for the efficient CAPEX acquisition (for ex., considering standard
Does the RAB include budget costs/ additional costs for planned new investments?
(If 'no' how long is the time-lag and is there an adjustment for new investments during the regulatory period?)
Are there any kind of premiums on OPEX for anything (e.g. quality of supply, bonus systems etc.).
Does this have any consequences for the interest rate?
(if yes please explain in more detail)
*The non-interest bearing liabilities comprise provisions, customer advance payments and down payments received, non-interest-bearing trade payables, contributions to
construction costs received, including compensation payments of network recipients for grid connection costs entered on the liabilities side, and other liabilities to the extent the
funds have been made available to the operator of the supply grids without interest.

Ref: C18-IRB-38-03
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

About CEER

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) is the voice of Europe's national energy
regulators. CEER’s members and observers comprise 37 national energy regulatory
authorities (NRAs) from across Europe.

CEER is legally established as a not-for-profit association under Belgian law, with a small
Secretariat based in Brussels to assist the organisation.

CEER supports its NRA members/observers in their responsibilities, sharing experience and
developing regulatory capacity and best practices. It does so by facilitating expert working
group meetings, hosting workshops and events, supporting the development and publication
of regulatory papers, and through an in-house Training Academy. Through CEER, European
NRAs cooperate and develop common position papers, advice and forward-thinking
recommendations to improve the electricity and gas markets for the benefit of consumers
and businesses.

In terms of policy, CEER actively promotes an investment friendly, harmonised regulatory

environment and the consistent application of existing EU legislation. A key objective of
CEER is to facilitate the creation of a single, competitive, efficient and sustainable Internal
Energy Market in Europe that works in the consumer interest.

Specifically, CEER deals with a range of energy regulatory issues including wholesale and
retail markets; consumer issues; distribution networks; smart grids; flexibility; sustainability;
and international cooperation.

CEER wishes to thank in particular the following regulatory experts for their work in preparing
this report: Sina Wildenhain (BNetzA), Tim Harlinghausen (BNetzA), Michiel Odijk (ACM).

More information at www.ceer.eu.


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