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Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 24

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Full Marks : 80
Pass Marks : 24


Full Marks : 100

Pass Marks : 30

Time : 3 hours
( For Both Categories of Candidates )

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


(i) The question paper consists of 32 questions divided into

six Sections A, B, C, D, E and F.

(ii) Question Nos. 1 to 30 (Section—A to Section—E) are to

be answered by all the Candidates.

(iii) Question Nos. 31 and 32 of Section—F are to be answered

by Candidates without Practicals/Internal Assessment

/3 [ P.T.O.
( 2 )

(iv) In Question Nos. 1 to 8 of Section—A and Question

No. 31 sub nos. (a) to (d), there are four answers marked
(A), (B), (C), (D). Only one of these answers is correct. The
letter indicating the correct answer should be written in
capital in the answer book.

(v) In question on construction, the drawing should be neat

and exactly as per the given measurements.

(vi) Questions which are meant for Visually Handicapped

(Blind) Students, should be answered by them only.

(vii) Use of Calculator/Mobile Phone is not permitted.

( Marks : 10 )

( Question Nos. 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each )

1. A composite number should have at least

(A) one factor

(B) two factors

(C) three factors

(D) four factors

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 3 )

2 + 7x 2
2. The degree of the polynomial - x 3 is

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

1 1 3
3. The common difference of the AP 0, , , , L is
4 2 4
(A) 0

4. Which of the following is not a quadratic equation?

(A) x+ =3
(B) 3x + -8=0
(C) x 2 = 25

(D) (x + 1)(x + 3) = 0

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 4 )

5. If 3 tan q = 1, for 0° < q < 90°, then the value of q is

(A) 90°

(B) 60°

(C) 45°

(D) 30°

6. The point (- 4, 3) lies in

(A) first quadrant

(B) second quadrant

(C) third quadrant

(D) fourth quadrant

7. The surface area of a sphere of radius r units is

(A) pr 2 square units

(B) 1 2
pr square units

(C) 4pr 2 square units

(D) 3pr 2 square units

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 5 )

8. In DABC, if XY ||BC and AX = 4 cm, XB = 6 cm, AY = 3 cm,

then YC is equal to

(A) 6 cm

(B) 4 × 5 cm

(C) 3 cm

(D) 1 × 5 cm

9. Fill in the blanks :

(a) The tangent at any point of a circle is —— to the radius

through the point of contact.

(b) The line joining mid-points of two sides of a triangle is

—— to the third side.

10. Define cumulative frequency curve.

( Marks : 12 )

( Question Nos. 11 to 16 carry 2 marks each )

11. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x 2 - 9x + 20.

12. Find the value of P for which the quadratic equation

3x 2 - 10x - P = 0 has real roots.

Which term of the AP 4, 0, - 4, L is - 392 ?

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 6 )

13. Prove that

cos (90° - q) × sin (90° - q)
= sin2 q
tan (90° - q)

14. If A = 60°, B = 30°, prove that

cos (A - B ) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B


Prove that
(1 + tan2 q) (1 + sin q) (1 - sin q) = 1

15. The lengths of the sides of a DABC are AB = 9 cm, BC = 40 cm

and AC = 41 cm. Show that the DABC is a right-angled


If PT is a tangent to a circle with centre O and OP = 17 cm,

OT = 8 cm, find the length of the tangent PT .

16. In the adjoining figure, AO : OC = BO : OD = 1 : 3 and AB = 6 cm,

find CD.


X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 7 )

[ For Visually Handicapped (Blind) Students only,

in lieu of Question No. 16 above ]

16. (a) Define a right-angled triangle. 1

(b) If the pairs of corresponding sides of two triangles are

——, the triangles are equiangular. (Fill in the blank) 1

( Marks : 18 )

( Question Nos. 17 to 22 carry 3 marks each )

17. Using Euclid’s division algorithm, find the HCF of 4830 and

18. The third term of an AP is 18 and the seventh term is 30. Find
its 17th term.
The age of father is equal to the square of the age of his son. The
sum of the ages of the father and five times the age of the son is
66 years. Find their ages.

19. Find a point on the y-axis which is equidistant from the points
(5, 4) and (- 2, 3).

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 8 )

20. If x = a cos 3 q and y = b sin 3 q, then prove that

2/3 2/3
æxö æy ö
ç ÷ +ç ÷ =1
èa ø èb ø
Prove that
sin q sin q
+ = 2 cosec q
1 + cos q 1 - cos q
21. A chord of a circle of radius 10 cm makes a right angle at the
centre of the circle. Find the area of the minor segment so
formed. (Use p = 22)
From an equilateral triangle of side 24 cm, a circle of radius
7 cm is cut off. Find the area of the remaining portion of the
triangle. (Use 3 = 1 × 732)

22. A bag contains 6 black, 7 red and 2 white balls. A ball is drawn
from the bag at random. Find the probability that the ball
drawn is—
(a) red;
(b) black or white;
(c) not black.

( Marks : 16 )

( Question Nos. 23 to 26 carry 4 marks each )

23. The width of a rectangle is two-third of its length and the

length exceeds the width by 7 cm. Find the perimeter of the

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 9 )

24. Prove that, the points A (3, 4), B (- 4, 3), C (5, 0) lie on the circle
with centre O (0, 0), the origin.


Show that, the points A (0, 3), B (- 2, 6), C (4, - 3) are collinear.

25. From the top of a vertical tower 96 m high, the angles of

depression of two cars on a road at the same level as the base
of the tower and on the same side of it are q and f, where
3 1
tan q = and tan f = . Find the distance between the two
4 3


The height of a tower is half the height of the flagstaff at its top.
The angle of elevation of the top of the tower as seen from a
distance of 10 m from its foot is 30°. Find the angle of elevation
of the top of the flagstaff from the same point.

[ For Visually Handicapped (Blind) Students only,

in lieu of Question No. 25 above ]

25. (a) Prove that

1 + tan2 q
= tan2 q 2
cosec q

(b) cosec 2 q - cot2 q = ——. (Fill in the blank) 1

(c) If sin q = cos q, then q = 45° (State whether True or False) 1

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 10 )

26. Using ruler and compass only, construct a circle of radius

4 cm and also construct two tangents from a point A at a
distance 6 cm away from the centre of the circle. (Only traces
of construction are required.)

[ For Visually Handicapped (Blind) Students only,

in lieu of Question No. 26 above ]

26. (a) Define a semicircle. 1

(b) The perimeter of a circle is referred to as the

(circumference/area) of a circle. (Choose the correct
answer) 1

(c) A diameter of a circle is a chord which passes through the

centre of the circle. (State whether True or False) 1

(d) The lengths of the two tangents drawn from an external

point to a circle are ——. (Fill in the blank) 1

( Marks : 24 )

( Question Nos. 27 to 30 carry 6 marks each )

27. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically :

2x + y = 7
2y - x = 4
Shade the region bounded by these two lines and X -axis. (Plot at
least three points for each graph).

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 11 )

[ For Visually Handicapped (Blind) Students only,

in lieu of Question No. 27 above ]

27. Solve the following system of linear equations :

2x + 3y = 12
x - y =1

28. Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is
equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides. 4
Using the above result, do the following :
The areas of two similar triangles ABC and PQR are 25 cm2 and
49 cm2 respectively. If QR = 9 × 8 cm, find BC. 2

[ For Visually Handicapped (Blind) Students only,

in lieu of Question No. 28 above ]

28. (a) Define similar triangles. 2

(b) If the base and altitude of a triangle are 12 cm and 7 cm

respectively, find its area. 2

(c) In a right-angled triangle, the square of the —— is equal

to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
(Fill in the blank) 1

(d) The sum of all the angles of a triangle is two right angles.
(State whether True or False) 1

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 12 )

29. A box with lid is made of 2 cm thick wood. The external

dimensions of the box are 25 cm ´ 18 cm ´ 15 cm respectively.
Find the inner volume of the box and the volume of wood used
in it. 6
A vessel in the form of a hemispherical bowl is full of water. The
contents are emptied into a cylinder. The internal radii of the
bowl and cylinder are 6 cm and 4 cm respectively. Find the
height of water level in the cylinder.

30. Find the mean weight of the following data : 6

Weight (in kg) 25–31 31–37 37–43 43–49 49–55 55–61

No. of students 10 6 8 12 5 9

The daily wages of 160 workers in a building project are given
below :

Wages (in R) 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 60–70 70–80

No. of workers 12 20 30 38 24 16 12 8

Find the median wage of the workers.

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 13 )

( Marks : 20 )

[ For Candidates without

Practicals/Internal Assessment only ]

31. Answer the following (any eight) : 1×8=8

(a) Which of the following are twin primes?

(A) 9, 11
(B) 11, 13
(C) 13, 15
(D) 15, 17

(b) Which of the following is a binomial?

(A) 2x
(B) 3x + 2x
(C) 3x + 2
(D) 3x 2 + 2x + 1

(c) In a pair of linear equations a 1x + b1y + c 1 = 0 and

a b c
a 2 x + b2y + c 2 = 0, if 1 = 1 = 1 , then the equations will
a 2 b2 c 2
(A) intersecting lines
(B) parallel lines
(C) coincident lines
(D) None of the above

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 14 )

(d) The solutions of the quadratic equation 2x 2 - 9x = 0 are

(A) 0, -

(B) 0,

(C) 0, -

(D) 0,

(e) Those sequences whose general term can be expressed as

a formula, are called ——. (Fill in the blank)

(f) Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose side is

10 cm.

(g) The point of intersection of the axes has coordinates (0, 0)

and is known as the ——. (Fill in the blank)

(h) Prove that cos q × cos (90° - q) - sin (90° - q) × sin q = 0

(i) If you look downwards at an object, the angle formed

between the horizontal and your line of sight is called the
angle of elevation. (State whether True or False)

(j) A —— may be regarded as a collection of points in a plane

at a fixed distance from a fixed point. (Fill in the blank)

X/14/M/3 [ Contd.
( 15 )

(k) Find the area of a square whose side is 5 m.

(l) Find the volume of a cube whose edge is 4 m.

(m) Define mode.

(n) A coin is tossed twice. List all the possible outcomes using
H for head and T for tail.

32. Answer any six from the following : 2×6=12

(a) Find the HCF of 196 and 364 by prime factorization


(b) Find a quadratic polynomial whose sum and product of

11 1
the zeroes respectively are - and .
6 2

(c) Solve x 2 + 5x + 6 = 0 by factorization method.

(d) Write the first two terms of the sequence whose nth term
2n - 3
(tn ) is given by tn = .

(e) The perimeters of two similar triangles are 24 cm and

18 cm. If one side of the first triangle is 8 cm, what is the
corresponding side of the other?

X/14/M/3 [ P.T.O.
( 16 )

(f) Find the distance between the points (4, 7) and (- 4, - 7).

(g) If q = 30°, prove that sin 2q = 2 sin q cos q.

(h) In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of the circle and AB is

a tangent to the circle at C. If PQ || AB , find the value of x.



(i) Find the volume of a hemisphere of radius 21 cm.

(Use p = 22)

(j) A library has 3000 books of fiction and 4000 books of

non-fiction. What is the probability that a book selected at
random is (i) a fiction and (ii) a non-fiction?


14K—49050/3 X/14/M

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