Mercedes Clk350 Can Ids
Mercedes Clk350 Can Ids
Mercedes Clk350 Can Ids
Buttons above Nav Door - Lock right 000 6 03 0 02 00 40 A8 Don't know if Byte 0 and Byte 1 are needed
Door - Unlock 6 03 0 02 00 20 55
Door - Lock left 6 03 0 02 00 40 AA
Tach 002 7 00 00 XX yy zz x xx XXyyzz = value. 03803E == idles
Headlights on 00C 8 64 FF 21 4B 31 00 0A 0F
Right window Position Position 019 3 0 yy yy yy = All window position appears to be:
Left front window position Position 018 3 0 yy yy b1=B3, b2=AC all the way down to
Right rear window position position 09C 2 yy yy b1=90, b2=2C all the way up
Left rear window position position 09A 2 yy yy
Power windows rt front - up 044 4 00 00 00 40 must continually send code to all windows to
rt front - down 00 20 continue movement
rt front - auto up 00 10
rt front - auto down 00 80
rt rear - up 40 00
rt rear - down 20 00
left front - up 00 04
left front - down 00 02
left front - auto up 00 08
left front - auto down 00 01
left rear - up 04 00 08 also works
left rear - down 02 00 01 also works