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Goat Under Coconut

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A.D. Samarajeewa
Agronomist - Coconut
Livestock keeping in coconut lands not Research Institute of
only gives an additional income for the Sri Lanka
coconut growers but also reduces the
cost of production by providing manure One of the major limitations for
and free weeding in coconut lands. development of livestock is the poor
Sixty five to seventy percent of the quality of available natural grasses
cost of production of coconut is used under coconut and scarcity of feeds
for weeding and manuring. It has been during dry periods. In this respect
found that farm animals can reduce small ruminants such as Goats and
the cost of weeding by 6 0 % and Sheep are ideal for both small and
application of animal manure can large coconut holdings. Advantages of
reduce the cost of manuring by 4 0 % . rearing small ruminants for small
Cattle and Buffalo keeping under holders are less risk, easy to handle,
coconut have been the traditional and insurance when crop fails. For
systems, but due to the high cost of large coconut holders, small ruminants
production, lack of free grazing area are preferred to large ruminants, as
they require less management
attention and low labour.

Goat and Sheep are mainly kept for

meat in Sri Lanka in addition to milk
and manure. There is a ready market
for meat, but market for goat milk is
not well established, although the price
of goat milk in urban areas is 6-10
times higher than cow milk. The
farmers show low emphasis for milk
production due to lack of organized
and shortage of feeds in dry periods, marketing facilities Goat milk is
traditional farmers tend to move out of especially recommended for babies
the industry. These conditions are and those who have digestive
prominent in large coconut holdings. In problems because of higher proportion
addition to these reasons, finding of small fat globules in goat's milk.
labour for livestock keeping has been
a major issue in large holders. Goats and Sheep have number of
Nevertheless, value of farm animals in biological and behavioral
coconut lands for secondary benefits characteristics that makes them
(benefits other than milk or meat) is preferable to large ruminants in
well understood. coconut lands. Goats are especially
preferred due to their adaptability to
wide range of feed sources and for not

losing weight in adverse conditions as unique grazing behavior when
other ruminants. Goats can remain for compared to cattle and goats. They
several days without drinking water graze at very closer to the ground level
and have relatively high degree of than cattle and also on grasses around
resistance to number of parasitic dung and urine patches, which cattle
diseases. Grazing behavior goat is often avoid. This results in uniform
remarkably different from other farm weeding in coconut lands. Another
animals and hence some researchers unique feature of sheep is that they d o
term them as "mixed fanning not damage coconut seedlings. Sheep
opportunists" to avoid the confusion of breeds such as Bikanary and Red
classifying them either as browsers or Madras are recommended for lands in
grazers. One of the unique the coconut triangle. However,
characteristics of goats is their ability unavailability of enough breeding
to digest coarse feeds, various browse stocks is a major constraint for rearing
are plants and weeds that are sheep under coconut.
otherwise would not be used.
Compared to sheep and cattle, goats Goats and sheep have higher
have greater tolerance to greater reproductive rates than cattle. Two
bitterness. Thus they consume shrubs kidding can be expected every year if
and tree leaves, which are normally conditions are favorable. According to
rejected by other animals. Therefore, the studies carried out in coconut
goats can survive and flourish in much growing areas, rate of kidding w a s
wider conditions than other ruminants. reported as three kidding in two years
In addition, goats produce more meat in the same study triplet births have
and milk per unit of feeds than other also occurred apart from the c o m m o n
ruminants. However, in case of twins. However, keeping small
weeding in coconut lands, goats are ruminant for meat purpose is not
not the best weeders comparing to popular in most of the coconut growing
sheep and cattle because of their areas where majority of the population
feeding habit. The other disadvantage is Buddhists.
of goats, like cattle and buffaloes are
that they damage coconut seedlings, Management systems
but proper management could mitigate
this. Goat management systems under
coconut can be categorized as
tethering or extensive grazing and
intensive stall- feeding. In case of
extensive grazing under coconut,
natural herbage is the major source of
feed. Annual dry matter production of
natural grasses under coconut is 900-
1000 kg per ha with crude protein
content approx. 8%. Assuming that
daily dry matter intake is 3 % of the
body weight (25kg) the equivalent
carrying capacity is 3-4 animals per
ha. But in case of goats, extensive
grazing with improved pasture (Setaria
Sheep are considered as good sphacelata) with supplementation of
weeders in coconut lands due to their Gliricidia; the carrying capacity could
be increased to 15 -20 animals per ha. of enhancing microbiological activity,
It has been reported that 15- 20 heads improvement of water holding
of sheep per hectare can be kept with capacity, cation exchange capacity
B. milliformis under coconut. With (CEC) and other physical properties of
improved pasture, sheep can graze the soil. This is more beneficial in
together with cattle as sheep graze on lateritic and sandy soils. Goat manure
cattle grazed grasslands. Mixed contains relatively higher content of
pasturing with sheep and cattle not nutrients than other organic manure.
only increase dry matter production of Researches have shown that Goat
grasses, but also help in reducing manure supplemented with inorganic
w e e d growth and worm infections of fertilizers increased coconut yield
farm animals. (nuts/palm/year) by 35 % than palms
treated solely with inorganic fertilizer.
For intensive stall-feeding cultivated
grasses, tree fodder or their by Coconut Research Institute
products can be used. Guinea grass recommends 25 kg of goat dung (for
{Panicum maximum) is the preferred sandy and lateritic soils) supplemented
fodder grass but caution must be taken with 800 g of Muriate of Potash, for a
to fertilize cultivated grasses as they palm per annum. Dung production of a
compete for nutrients in the soil with mature anima! is approximately 700-
coconut. Guinea grasses if not 800g per day on fresh basis resulting
properly managed can become a weed 250- 300 kg per annum. Therefore, 13-
in the coconut lands. An adequate 16 heads of goats can provide the
intake of dry matter can also be entire manure requirement for 1 ha.
ensured by adding tree leaves in the land of coconut.
diet. Gliricidia, a promising tree fodder
in coconut lands can be used as a Goat and sheep being small ruminants
feed supplement for goats. Gliricidia better adapted to wide range of
could be planted as a fodder bank in a conditions with multifarious uses, are
separate area in the land or could be ideal for coconut lands especially in
planted along the fence. O n an the intermediate and dry zones. Due to
average 5-6 kg of leaf matter/ plant (on less attention needed and ability to
fresh basis) could be obtained withstand fluctuating feed availability,
annually. Apart from that Erithrina, Ipil- they are superior to other farm animals
ipl, Bahunia, Thespesia, Artucapus such as cattle and buffaloes. Therefore
etc. are examples of widely used tree the possibilities of reducing cost of
fodder for feeding goats. production of the coconut while
ensuring a better land utilization and
Goat a n d sheep manure as a source increased productivity, especially in
o f o r g a n i c fertilizer i n c o c o n u t l a n d s large coconut holdings, through
integrated animal production are
Organic fertilizer, while providing substantial.
nutrients has a secondary role by way

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