United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
10 11
U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,700,358 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,700,358 B2
FIG. 2.
POP1 P2 P3 P4. P5 P6 P7
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52/60 FIG. 4.
U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet S of 7 US 6,700,358 B2
8O -86 FIG. 5.
96 98 100
N 52 102
cc 196
124 122
U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,700,358 B2
US 6,700,358 B2
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AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR rection devices for each possible inductive load.
CORRECTION SYSTEM Additionally, inductive devices in residences tend to be
activated at random times, for example, under the control of
This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application The present invention provides a System for correcting the
Ser. No. 09/874,690 for AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR power factor of Small power installations, Such as
CORRECTION SYSTEM filed Jun. 5, 2001, now U.S. Pat. residences, apartments, Small businesses, and the like. The
No. 6,462.519. System of the present invention generally includes a plurality
of reactance units or capacitors which are Selectively
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION coupled to a power line and a Sensor unit to determine if the
capacitors connected to the power line have favorably
The present invention relates to electrical power control affected the power factor.
circuitry and, more particularly, to an improved System for In general, the present invention measures an electrical
monitoring and correcting the power factor of a power 15
parameter of the power drawn by a load of a power instal
lation which is capable of indicating a level of reactive
Electrical power is an enormously versatile and conve power drawn by the load and couples a combination of
nient Source of energy. However, there are costs in gener reactance elements to the power line to Substantially com
ating and distributing electrical energy, which tend to pensate for the level of reactive power indicated by the
increase when demand for electrical power increases. For electrical parameter measured. The invention is directed to
this reason, there is always a motivation for increasing the a first embodiment which is based entirely on a level of
efficiency of electrical power transmission and utilization current measured and the effect of compensating reactance
Alternating current electrical power is characterized by a on the measured current level and a Second embodiment
phase relationship between the current and Voltage. Current 25 which is based on a measurement of phase angle of the
lagging the Voltage results from a preponderance of induc power drawn.
tive loads, while current leading the Voltage results from More particularly, the first embodiment of the power
capacitive loads. An in-phase relationship results from resis factor correction System of the present invention continually
tive loads or a balance of inductive and capacitive loads. measures the current level drawn by the installation. When
In-phase current results in “real' or resistive power, while an increase in current is detected, it is assumed that a power
out-of-phase current results in “apparent' or reactive power load has been activated. A capacitor unit is connected to the
from the influence of inductive or capacitive reactance in the power line, and the current measured again. If the current
power circuit. A commonly used measure of the phase level increases, it is determined that capacitor unit has not
relationship between current and Voltage is power factor, favorably affected the power factor, and the capacitor is
which is equal to the cosine of the phase angle therebetween. 35 disconnected. If, on the other hand, connecting the capacitor
Power factor maximizes at a value of unity when the caused the measured current to decrease, additional capaci
relationship is effectively resistive, is positive and less than tance is connected to the power line. The proceSS repeats
one when inductive, and is negative and less than one when until the current again rises, at which point, the most recently
capacitive. connected capacitor is disconnected.
There tend to be more types of inductive loads connected 40 In measuring the current drawn by loads within the power
to power lines than capacitive, Such as electric motors, installation, the present invention averages a number of
transformers, and the like. Power companies often impose current measurements over time and takes no compensation
Surcharges on industrial power customers when their loads action unless a change of a Selected current difference is
drive the power factor below a selected level. To avoid this, measured in less than a Selected interval OV time. This
industrial users often connect power factor correcting 45 approach, thus, reduces Switching transients by making the
capacitors to the power line along with their inductive loads System relatively immune to Small variations in drawn
to compensate and retain the power factor at an economic current. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention
level. bases compensating capacitance increments in multiples of
In residential power installations, the majority of electri a base capacitance which would result in a reactance that
cal energy consumed is in refrigeration, ventilation, air 50 would draw about one ampere of current at the nominal
conditioning, lighting, and, in Some cases, heating. Rela power line frequency and Voltage. The base capacitance is
tively Small amounts of energy are also used for 22 microfarads for a power installation with a line frequency
communications, computers, entertainment devices, and the of 60 hertz and a nominal voltage of 110 volts.
like. Watt-hour meters typically used in residential and small The present invention maximizes the Speed of arriving at
business installations do not distinguish between real power 55 a compensating combination of capacitors by providing a Set
and apparent power. Thus, the customer is charged for both, of capacitors with values varying in powers of two multi
even though apparent power is not actually "consumed for plied by the base capacitance. The Set of capacitors include:
any purpose useful for the customer. 1, 2, 4, 8 . . . 128 times the base capacitance. By this means,
While there are power factor correcting Systems available the power factor correction quickly arrives at an initial
for large industrial power users, there have been no practical 60 correction by doubling the value of compensating capaci
or economical devices for correcting power factors of resi tance until the measured current level increases. In binary
dential and Small busineSS customers. Generally, industrial terms, this initial correction represents a “most significant
power factor correcting Systems are associated with the digit'. The proceSS continues, by incrementing rather than
equipment for which they are intended to compensate and doubling, until an optimum combination is determined,
are activated in coordination with Such equipment. In the 65 which also fills in the “less significant digits”.
past, it has not been considered practical or economical for A typical installation of the present invention includes a
owners of residential property to install power factor cor Set of eight compensating capacitors with values ranging in
US 6,700,358 B2
3 4
powers of two from 1 to 128 times the base capacitance of Therefore, Specific structural and functional details dis
22 microfarads. The compensating capacitors are connected closed herein are not to be interpreted as limiting, but merely
through latching Switches acroSS the power line. The latch as a basis for the claims and as a representative basis for
ing Switches are interfaced to an eight-bit output port of a teaching one skilled in the art to variously employ the
controller, Such as a microprocessor or microcontroller. By present invention in Virtually any appropriately detailed
this means, the controller can connect any one of 256
combinations of the capacitors across the power line or Referring to the drawings in more detail, the reference
disconnect any or all of the capacitors from the power line numeral 1 generally designates an apparatus and 2 a method
by writing an appropriate binary word to the output port in for automatically correcting the power factor of a power
which the bit content of the binary word corresponds to the installation 3 (FIG. 2) drawing a variable level of reactive
combination of capacitors to be connected or disconnected. power at random times from a power line 4. In general, the
In the Second, phase based, embodiment of the present present invention measures an electrical parameter of the
invention, both current and Voltage and the phase relation power drawn by a load 5 (FIG. 2) of a power installation 3
ship therebetween are continually measured. The amount of which is capable of indicating a level of reactive power
compensating capacitance value to reduce the phase angle to 15 drawn by the load and couples a combination of reactance
near Zero is calculated. Then a combination of capacitors elements 6 to the power line 4 to Substantially compensate
which roughly equals the compensating capacitance value is for the level of reactive power indicated by the electrical
coupled to the power line to compensate for the Sensed parameter measured.
inductive loads. The second embodiment of the present Referring to FIG. 1, the power factor correction apparatus
invention employs the same Set of capacitors and, in general, 1 includes current Sensing circuitry 10 with output processed
the same apparatus as the first embodiment. Thus, the Second by current Scaling circuitry 11 for input to a current analog
embodiment uses a set of capacitors whose capacitance to digital converter (ADC) 12. The current Sensing circuitry
values are multiples of a base capacitance which would 10 may be, for example, a conventional type of clamp-on
result in a reactance that would draw one ampere of current current Sensor which electromagnetically couples to a Set of
at the nominal line frequency and Voltage. The Set of 25 AC power conductors for measuring current flow there
capacitorS also vary in value in powers of two multiplied by through. The current Scaling circuitry 11 may be a Voltage or
current divider network which reduces the measured level to
the base capacitance.
Other objects and advantages of this invention will a convenient range for input to the current ADC 12. The
become apparent from the following description taken in output of the current ADC 12 is a digital word having a
relation to the accompanying drawings wherein are Set forth, binary value which is proportional to the measured level of
current flowing in the power line 4.
by way of illustration and example, certain embodiments of The illustrated apparatus 1 may also include Voltage
this invention.
Sensing circuitry 14, Voltage Scaling circuitry 15, and a
The drawings constitute a part of this specification, voltage analog to digital converter (ADC) 16. The Voltage
include exemplary embodiments of the present invention, 35 Sensing circuitry 14 preferably is connected directly acroSS
and illustrate various objects and features thereof. the power line 4 and includes Scaling circuitry 15, Such as a
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Voltage divider network, which Scales the Voltage Sensed to
a desired level for processing by the voltage ADC 16. The
FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the principal com manner of connections of the current Sensing circuitry 10
ponents of an automatic power factor correction System 40 and the Voltage Sensing circuitry 14 form a basis for mea
which embodies the present invention. Suring the phase of power flowing in the power line 4. The
FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a capacitor bank of current Sensing circuitry 10 is electromagnetically coupled
the automatic power factor correction System. to the power line 4 and, thus, its readings track the value of
FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating proceSS Steps of a current flowing in the power line 4. On the other hand, the
main current based routine of the automatic power factor 45 Voltage Sensor 14 is conductively connected to the power
correction System. line 4 and is, thus, affected by the Voltage acroSS the power
FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating proceSS Steps of a line. The voltage sensing elements 14, 15 and 16 need not be
routine of the present invention for measuring current drawn present in the first embodiment of the apparatus 1. The
by an electrical power installation. clamp-on type current Sensor 10, Since it is inductive in
FIG. 5 is a flow diagram illustrating process Steps of an
50 nature, adds a Small phase shift of its own, which may
introduce Some error in a phase determination. However,
incremental current based routine for correcting power fac Such shift is constant and may be masked by measurement
tor according to the present invention. Scaling Steps, as will be detailed below. Alternatively, other
FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating an alternative types of current Sensing elements not requiring inductive
embodiment of the automatic power correction System of the 55 coupling could also be employed, Such as a Hall effect based
present invention which is based on direct phase measure current Sensor. The current Sensor 10 and Voltage Sensor 14
ment of power drawn by an electrical power installation. also preferably incorporate half wave rectifiers.
FIG. 7 is a flow diagram illustrating steps of a routine for The current ADC 12 and, if present, the voltage ADC 16
phase measurement within the alternative phase based are interfaced to ports of a controller 20, which may be a
embodiment of the present invention. 60 microprocessor, a microcontroller, or the like. The illustrated
controller 20 includes flash programmable ROM (read-only
INVENTION memory) 22 which stores programs and fixed data and RAM
(read/write memory) 24 which stores temporary data. The
AS required, detailed embodiments of the present inven controller 20 may be implemented by any of a number of
tion are disclosed herein; however, it is to be understood that 65 known type S of embedded microp rocessors,
the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the microcontrollers, and the like. The controller 20 may, for
invention, which may be embodied in various forms. example, be one of the PIC16F87X series of microcontrol
US 6,700,358 B2
S 6
lers manufactured by Microchip Technology, Inc. Referring to FIG. 3, at step 48, all variables are initialized
(www.microchip.com). The controller 20 includes a parallel and, at Step 50, previously measured high and low current
port 26 which is interfaced through a set of drivers 28 and levels (H and L) are Scaled as desired. For example, in Step
solid state relays or latching Switches 30 to a plurality of 50, the previous low and high levels may be set to a define
capacitors 32 of a capacitor bank 6. a minimum increment to be considered. At Step 52, the
FIG. 2 illustrates details of the capacitor bank 6 and the current ADC 12 is sampled, as will be detailed in reference
manner of interfacing the capacitors 32 of the bank 6 to the to FIG. 4. A resulting average current value, ADC, is
port 26 of the controller 20. The port 26 is illustrated as compared to the previous low (L) at test 54. If ADC is less
having eight bits 36 labeled P0 through P7. Each bit 36 is than the Scaled previous low, the previous low L is Set to the
connected through a latching Switch 30 to a specific capaci current average at Step 55, ADC, and the process loops back
tor 32. The capacitors 32 are shown as having values (1xC) to repeat steps 50, 52, and 54. If the average ADC exceeds
through (128xC), varying in powers of two or doubling. The the previous high H at test 56, a settling delay interval is
value “C” is selected as the value of capacitance which will observed at step 58 and the current ADC 12 is sampled again
form a capacitive reactance which will draw approximately at Step 60. If any capacitors 32 are currently activated, as
one ampere of current at the nominal line frequency and line 15 determined by test 62, Such capacitors 32 are Switched out
voltage of the power line 4. The value of “C” is 22 at 64, by writing a null word (00000000) to the port 26, and
microfarads for a line frequency of 60 hertz and a nominal the capacitorS 32 are Successively Switched back into par
AC line voltage of 110 volts. Alternatively, the value of “C” allel with the power line 4 in a find minimum current step 66
could be determined to draw Some other value of current, (FIG. 5) until the measured current increases.
Such as one-half ampere, a quarter of an ampere, or the like, Referring to FIG. 4, the sample ADC routine 52/60 is
depending on the degree of correction resolution desired. In shown. A current value proportional to current drawn
such a case, it would still be desirable to vary the values of through the power line 4 by the loads 5 is sampled a selected
capacitors 32 in the capacitor bank 6 by multiples of 2 for
convenient binary Switching control of the capacitors 32. number of times at step 70. The number of times current is
By use of Such a set of capacitors 32, the compensation sampled depends on the speed of the controller 20 and the
resolution of the apparatuS 1 is one ampere of correction. 25 overall processing requirements of the proceSS 44. From the
The Set of capacitors 32 in the illustrated capacitor bank 6, Set of Samples generated in Step 70, a highest peak H and a
and activated in the matter illustrated in FIG. 2, can provide lowest peak L are Selected at Step 72. The peaks refer to the
any capacitance value from Zero to 255 times “C”, in Sinusoidal peaks of the waveform of the current on the
increments of “C”. The controller 20 simply writes a binary power line 4. Also, an average of the Set of Samples is
word to the port 26 in which the binary content of the word calculated at step 74 and stored as “ ADC. The routine 52/60
corresponds to the capacitors 32 it has been determined returns at step 76 to the calling process 44 with variables H,
require coupling to the power line 4. The drivers 28 provide L., and ADC. Hereafter, all process steps labeled “sample
isolation and driving current to operate the Solid State relays ADC' will function in the manner detailed with reference to
30, such as triacs, SCR's, or the like. The relays or switches steps 52/60.
30, or the drivers 28, preferably have latching capability so 35 FIG. 5 illustrates the routine 66 for actually correcting the
that the most recent state of activation written to the port 26 power factor of the power line 4 under the influence of
is maintained until changed by a new word from the con current drawn by appliances 5. Variables for the routine 66
troller 20. The apparatus 1 may be set up to use either a are initialized at step 80, followed by an initial current
positive logic, in which a logic one activates the Switches 30, minimizing loop 82. A test at 84 determines if every one of
or a negative logic, in which a logic Zero activates the 40 the capacitors 32 has been tried. It is unlikely that all of the
Switches 30. capacitors 32, with values as shown in FIG. 2, will be cycled
Each set of a capacitor 32 and its latching Switch 30 is through. The highest value capacitor 32 in the bank 6 has a
connected across the power line 4. In a physical embodiment value of 128 times 22 microfarads and, as Such, represents
of the capacitor bank 6 shown, the sets of capacitors 32 with a correction of 128 amperes of reactive current. The great
latching Switches 30 can be connected in parallel and Simply 45 majority of residential power installations do not exceed 100
plugged into a convenient outlet of the power installation 3, amperes of Service. If the loop count has not been exceeded
preferably in close proximity to a distribution box (not at 84, a settling delay is observed at step 86, followed by a
shown) of the installation 3. FIG. 2 shows appliances 5 “sample ADC'step 88, as previously detailed with reference
which are connected by respective appliance Switches 38 to to steps 52 and 60. At test 90, it is determined if the
the power line 4. 50 measured current has decreased. If So, the capacitance is
FIG. 3 illustrates a main routine of a current level based doubled at step 92, and the loop 82 repeated. It should be
embodiment 44 of the power factor correction method 2 of noted that on the first occurrence of loop 82, the lowest value
the present invention. The current method 44 is a Successive (1 times C) is connected across the power line 4 at Step 92.
approximation approach to compensating for reactive power If the current does not decrease at test 90, that is, if it
drawn by the loads 5 of the power installation 3. Generally, 55 increases, a test at 96 determines if only the first capacitor
current is measured and compared to a previously measured increment (1 times C) has been tried. If So, the capacitance
current level. If the difference is significant, capacitors 32 value (1xC) is disconnected at step 98, the current ADC 12
are activated until the current increases. At that point, the is sampled at step 100, and the routine 66 returns at step 102
method 44 reverts to the capacitance level just prior to the to the calling process 44. If any capacitor 32 other than
level which caused an increase in current drawn. The 60 (1xC) has been connected, that value is halved at step 106
method 44 is based on the fact that a certain amount of to revert to the previous level of capacitance before the
capacitance connected acroSS the power line 4 compensates current increased at test 90 and the value of C1 (equal to the
for the inductive power drawn by the loads 5 and, thus, value of capacitance before halving) is saved, and a final
reduces the total current drawn. When the optimum capaci current minimizing loop 108 is entered.
tance level is exceeded, the phase angle becomes capacitive, 65 At each round of the loop 108, a test is conducted at 112
which causes the current level to increase. The process 44, to determine if the current value of capacitance is less than
thus, reverts to the optimum capacitance level. the value of capacitance resulting from loop 82. If So, a
US 6,700,358 B2
7 8
Settling delay 114 is waited out, a Sampling of the current Sensors 14 and 10, to go to Zero, then Samples both Voltage
ADC 12 at step 116, and a current decrease step at 118 are and current at step 172 by way of the ADC's 16 and 12. At
executed. If the measured current decreases at test 118, the tests 174, 176, and 178, the process 150 determines if the
capacitance value is incremented by a value of “C” at Step Voltage and current croSS Zero Simultaneously at test 174, the
120. If the current level does not decrease at test 118, the voltage crosses Zero volts first at test 176, or the current
value of capacitance is decremented at Step 122, current crosses zero amperes first at test 178. If the voltage and
level is sampled at step 124, and the routine 66 returns at 126 current croSS Zero Substantially simultaneously, within a
to the calling process 44. If the loop 108 repeats until the test Selected window of time, the phase relationship of the power
at 112 returns an “untrue', the routine 66 also returns at 126, line 4 is determined to be resistive at step 180, and the
Since the maximum value of compensating capacitance has process returns at step 182 to give “no” answers to tests 154
been attempted through loop 108 without increasing the and 160.
measured current. If the Voltage crosses Zero first, as determined by the test
FIG. 6 illustrates an alternative phase based embodiment 176, the phase relationship is determined to be inductive at
130 of the power factor correction method of the present Step 186, and a phase timer is started. During a phase timing
invention. The process 130 is capable of measuring a 15
loop 188, the current is sampled repeatedly at step 190, via
varying level of phase shift in the power line 4 caused by the current ADC 12, until the test 192 determines that the
randomly activated appliances 5 of a power installation 3, current has crossed Zero. At that point, the phase timer value
determine a combination of capacitorS 32 to compensate for is obtained and scaled to a phase factor at step 194. The
the reactive phase relationship of the power, and cause the phase factor indicates whether the phase correction needed
combination to be coupled to the power line 4 to return the is an inductive correction or a capacitive correction. The
phase relationship of the power line 4 to a Substantially phase factor is also proportional to the value of correction
resistive, or at least minimized, phase angle. needed, as scaled at step 196. Thereafter, the routine 150
The proceSS 130 generally measures phase by detecting returns at step 198 to the process 130.
the Sequence of and measuring the time interval, if any, In a similar manner, if test 178 determines that the current
between the Zero crossing points of the Voltage and current crossed Zero first, it is determined that the phase relationship
waveforms. This is a well known technique for measuring 25 is capacitive at Step 200, and the phase timer is started. A
phase, and various configurations of circuitry for Such Zero phase timer loop 202 repeatedly Samples the Voltage at Step
crossing detectors (not shown) would occur to skilled in the 204, via the voltage ADC 16, until test 206 indicates that the
appropriate art. Such Zero crossing detector circuitry could voltage has crossed Zero. At step 208, the final timer value
be used within the apparatus 1 in combination with the is Scaled to a phase factor at Step 210 which, in turn, is Scaled
current and voltage sensing circuitry 10–16 (FIG. 1). to a corrective capacitance value at step 196. The routine 150
However, the process 130 can also be practiced with the then returns at 198 to the process 130.
current and Voltage Sensing circuitry 10–16 alone. The processes 44 and 130, along with Supporting routines
The phase based power factor correction process 130 52, 66, and 150 are continuing processes which continually
begins Similar to the proceSS 44 with initialization of Vari measure either current flow or current flow and phase
ables at Step 134, Scaling previously determined H and L 35 relationship of the power line 4 and couple combinations of
current measurements at Step 136, and Sampling the current the capacitors 32 to the power line 4 to compensate for any
ADC 12 at step 138. The step 138 is substantially similar to detected non-resistive power factor detected, within the
the sample ADC step 52 described in relation to the process resolution of the hardware and software employed. The
44. Tests 140 and 142 are similar to tests 54 and 56 of the processes 44 and 130 are Self-starting and require no entry
proceSS 44 and determine if the currently measured current 40 of initial Settings if the apparatuS 1 is powered down or
is significantly different in level from previously measured otherwise interrupted. The apparatus 1 does not require a
current levels. If the currently measured current level is leSS backup battery, but may derive its operating power from the
than the previous low peak L at test 140, the L value is power line 4 using a power Supply (not shown). The Solid
replaced with the new ADC current value at step 141, and state relayS/latches 30 are preferably configured that if
steps 136 and 138 are repeated. If the ADC value is not 45 operating power thereto is interrupted, the relayS 30 open,
greater than the previously measured high peak H at test Such that the correcting capacitorS 32 are only coupled when
142, the steps 136 and 138 are repeated. In the illustrated power Supplied to the remainder of the apparatuS 1 is
proceSS 130, unless a Selected change in measured current capable of operating the apparatuS 1. Thus, the apparatuS 1
level is detected by the tests 140 and 142, the process 130 is essentially fail-safe.
does not make an attempt to correct power the factor. 50 It is to be understood that while certain forms of the
If the test 142 is true, after a settling delay at step 144, the present invention have been illustrated and described herein,
current ADC 12 is sampled at 146, and a “find phase' routine it is not to be limited to the Specific forms or arrangement of
150 is entered, as will be detailed with reference to FIG. 7. parts described and shown.
If the find phase routine 150 determines the phase to be What is claimed and desired to secure by Letters Patent is:
capacitive, as determined by test 154, the process 130 55 1. A power factor correction apparatus for power factor
calculates the combination of capacitorS 32 to minimize the correcting an electrical installation including a power line
measured phase angle at step 156, and at step 158 turns off having coupled thereto a load drawing AC electrical power
capacitors as needed to correct the phase. In practice, Steps including a potentially variable level of reactive power, Said
156 and 158 may be needed if an appliance 5 is turned off, apparatus comprising:
leaving the power installation 3 over-corrected by the 60 (a) power Sensor circuitry coupled to said power line and
capacitor bank 6. If the routine 150 determines the phase to operative to detect an electrical parameter of electrical
be inductive, as shown by test 160, at step 162 the process power drawn by Said load which indicates a phase
130 calculates the combination of capacitors 32 required to relationship of Voltage and current of Said power;
correct the phase, and at Step 164 turns on the combination (b) a plurality of reactance elements;
of capacitors 32 determined from step 162. 65 (c) Switching circuitry controllable to couple said reac
Referring to FIG. 7, the find phase routine 150 waits at tance elements to Said power line individually or in
step 170 for the voltage and current, as measured by the Selected combinations, and
US 6,700,358 B2
9 10
(d) a controller interfaced to said power Sensor circuitry values varying in powers of two from a minimum
and Said Switching circuitry and operative, in response capacitance value to a maximum capacitance value.
to a level of Said phase relationship indicated by Said 9. A method as set forth in claim 7 wherein said coupling
electrical parameter, to cause Said Switching circuitry to Step includes the Step of:
couple an appropriate combination of Said reactance 5 (a) coupling one or more of a set of capacitors to said
elements to Said power line to thereby minimize Said power line, each capacitor having a capacitance value
phase relationship indicated by Said electrical param which is a multiple of a base capacitance value, and
2. An apparatus as Set forth in claim 1 wherein: Said base capacitance value being that capacitance
value which results in a reactance which draws Sub
(a) said power Sensor detects respective Zero crossing Stantially one ampere at a Selected nominal line fre
points of Said Voltage and current of Said power; and quency and a Selected nominal line Voltage of Said
(b) said controller detects a sequence of Said respective power line.
Zero crossing points and measures a time interval 10. A method as set forth in claim 7 and including the
therebetween to thereby determine Said phase relation Steps of
ship. 15
(a) providing a controller including a digital port formed
3. An apparatus as Set forth in claim 1 wherein Said by a specific plurality of port terminals and Switching
reactance elements include:
(a) a plurality of capacitors. circuitry including latching elements which couple
each of Said capacitors to specific ones of Said port
4. An apparatus as Set forth in claim 1 wherein Said terminals, and
reactance elements include:
(a) a set of capacitors of capacitance values varying in (b) said controller effecting coupling of Said appropriate
powers of two from a minimum capacitance value to a combination of Said capacitors to Said power line by
maximum capacitance value. Writing to Said port a multiple bit binary word having
5. An apparatus as Set forth in claim 1 wherein Said a bit content corresponding to Said appropriate combi
reactance elements include: 25 nation of Said capacitors.
(a) a plurality of capacitors, each capacitor having a 11. A method for power factor correcting an electrical
power installation including a power line having coupled
capacitance value which is a multiple of a base capaci thereto a load drawing AC electrical power including a
tance value; and potentially variable level of reactive power, Said method
(b) said base capacitance value is that capacitance value comprising the Steps of:
which results in a reactance which draws Substantially (a) measuring a phase value Substantially proportional to
one ampere at a nominal line frequency and line an electrical phase angle between Voltage and current
Voltage of Said power line. of Said electrical power drawn by said load by the Steps
6. An apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein: of:
(a) said controller includes a digital port formed by a 35 (1) detecting a sequence of respective Zero crossing
Specific plurality of port terminals, points of Said Voltage and current;
(b) said Switching circuitry includes latching elements (2) measuring a time interval between said Zero cross
which couple each of Said reactance elements to Spe ing points, and
cific ones of Said port terminals, and (3) Scaling said time interval to said phase angle;
(c) said controller causes Selected ones of Said reactance 40 (b) automatically calculating a compensating reactance
elements to be coupled to Said power line by writing to value to minimize Said electrical phase angle of Said
Said port a multiple bit binary word having a bit content electrical power;
corresponding to Said Selected ones of Said reactance (c) providing a plurality of capacitors;
7. A method for power factor correcting an electrical 45
(d) providing a controller including a digital port formed
power installation including a power line having coupled by a specific plurality of port terminals and Switching
thereto a load drawing AC electrical power including a circuitry including latching elements which couple Said
potentially variable level of reactive power, Said method capacitors to specific ones of Said port terminals, and
comprising the Steps of: (e) said controller automatically controlling coupling to
(a) measuring a phase value Substantially proportional to 50 Said power line a combination of capacitors to result in
an electrical phase angle between Voltage and current a reactance value Substantially comparable to Said
of Said electrical power drawn by Said load by detecting compensating reactance value by writing to Said port a
a Sequence of respective Zero crossing points of Said multiple bit binary word having a bit content corre
Voltage and current, measuring a time interval between sponding to Said appropriate combination of Said
Said Zero crossing points, and Scaling Said time interval 55
to Said phase angle; 12. A method as set forth in claim 11 wherein said
(b) automatically calculating a compensating reactance coupling Step includes the Step of
value to minimize Said electrical phase angle of Said (a) coupling one or more of a set of capacitors to said
electrical power; and power line, Said Set of capacitors having capacitance
(c) automatically controlling coupling to said power line 60 values varying in powers of two from a minimum
a combination of capacitors to result in a reactance capacitance value to a maximum capacitance value.
value Substantially comparable to Said compensating 13. A method as set forth in claim 11 wherein said
reactance value. coupling Step includes the Step of
8. A method as set forth in claim 7 wherein said coupling (a) coupling one or more of a set of capacitors to said
Step includes the Step of 65 power line, each capacitor having a capacitance value
(a) coupling one or more of a set of capacitors to said which is a multiple of a base capacitance value, and
power line, Said Set of capacitors having capacitance Said base capacitance value being that capacitance
US 6,700,358 B2
11 12
value which results in a reactance which draws a which is a multiple of a base capacitance value, and
Selected unit of current at a Selected nominal line Said base capacitance value being that capacitance
frequency and a Selected nominal line Voltage of Said value which results in a reactance which draws Sub
power line. Stantially one ampere at a Selected nominal line fre
14. A method as set forth in claim 11 wherein said quency and a Selected nominal line Voltage of Said
coupling Step includes the Step of power line.
(a) coupling one or more of a set of capacitors to said
power line, each capacitor having a capacitance value