2019 HPVC Asia Pacific Design 09 Thakur College of Engineering Technology, Mumbai
2019 HPVC Asia Pacific Design 09 Thakur College of Engineering Technology, Mumbai
2019 HPVC Asia Pacific Design 09 Thakur College of Engineering Technology, Mumbai
Human Powered Vehicle Challenge
Competition Location: VIT, Vellore
Competition Date: February 1-3, 2019
This required document for all teams is to be incorporated in to your Design Report.
Please Observe Your Due Dates; see the ASME HPVC website and rules for due dates.
Vehicle Description
School name: Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai
Vehicle name: Philip
Vehicle number: 9
Vehicle configuration:
Team Photon
Vehicle number – 09
Team Advisor
Prof. Mahendra Shelar
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Team Members
Kalpesh Maurya (Captain) Ashfaque Khan (Vice Captain)
mauryakalpesh98@gmail.com ashfaquekhan07@gmail.com
The road to success is paved with mistakes but never regret. We as a team have learned from
every decision, action and result that we have made in the last two years, which helped
conceive this year’s vehicle "Philip”. This year we went to the basics and designed a vehicle,
which could hold up to the objectives we had in mind when we first entered this competition.
The design has drawn inspiration from our personal experience of travelling on Indian roads
and being privy to Indian climate.
Philip is an FWD semi-recumbent bike with a short wheelbase and all of these characteristics
were selected after conducting meticulous research and deliberations on even the most trivial
aspects of the vehicle. Philip has a partial fairing instead of a full one.
Therefore, for ease of machinability, structural integrity, economic viability and
recommendation of the judges of the last year’s competition AISI 4130 was selected as the
frame material.
We decided to go with FWD drive train configuration to reduce drive train power loses and
transmission complexity which accompany a long drivetrain.
The vehicle was designed to accommodate the varying physique of our riders, which was
accomplished collecting anthropometric data of all of our riders and verifying it during
developmental testing using a physical wooden model representing our vehicle. The model
was also used to determine optimum positions of the handle, lower bracket. The seat was
designed for rider comfort and dexterity, which was accomplished by providing the upper
body with appropriate supports at various points.
Philip due to the combination of these feature shows immense promise and we firmly believe
all of our hard work will come to fruition in this year's competition.
Table of Contents
1 Design.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Objectives................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Background Research.............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Prior work................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Organizational timeline ........................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Design Specifications .............................................................................................................. 3
1.5.1 Design Constraints .......................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 House of Quality.............................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Concept Development and Evaluation ................................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Vehicle Configuration...................................................................................................... 5
1.6.2 Material Selection ........................................................................................................... 6
1.6.3 Drive Train ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.4 Main Braking Options ..................................................................................................... 7
1.6.5 Seat Material ................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.6 Fairing Configuration....................................................................................................... 8
1.6.7 Fairing material ............................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Vehicle Description ................................................................................................................. 9
1.7.1 Frame .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.7.2 Roll Over Protection System ......................................................................................... 10
1.7.3 Drive train ..................................................................................................................... 10
1.7.4 Seat ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.7.5 Fairing............................................................................................................................ 10
1.7.6 Other Components........................................................................................................ 11
2 Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Roll Over Protection System Analysis ................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Top Load Analysis .......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Side Load Analysis ......................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Structural analysis ................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Body Weight Analysis .................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Seat mounts Analysis .................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Bottom Bracket Analysis ............................................................................................... 15
2.2.4 Bump Impact Analysis ................................................................................................... 16
2.3 Aerodynamic Analysis ........................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Cost Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Other Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 19
2.5.1 Centre of Mass Analysis ................................................................................................ 19
2.5.2 Turning Radius Analysis................................................................................................. 20
3 Testing ........................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Developmental Testing ......................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Anthropometrics and Ergonomics ................................................................................ 21
3.1.2 Drive train configuration testing ................................................................................... 23
3.1.3 Roll over Protection Development Testing ................................................................... 24
3.1.4 Seat Development Test ................................................................................................. 24
4 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Comparison ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 26
4.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 26
1 Design
1.1 Objectives
Team Photon’s Philip has been designed and developed keeping the following goals in mind-
‘To develop an efficient and economically feasible vehicle, which can be used as a viable
transportation alternative to automobiles and at the same time provide all team members
with hands on experience of all applicable engineering principles in real life projects.’
• To build a vehicle, which can be used to comfortably travel sizeable distances with
minimum effort from the rider.
• Develop a design that is suitable for the humid, warm climate of Mumbai and most of
Southern India.
• To strike a balance between speed, weight and maneuverability of the vehicle such
that it becomes a viable option for intra-city transportation.
To accomplish the objective of designing a sustainable and comfortable vehicle the team went
through the basics of bicycle design, sifted through abundant information on all aspects of
the topic, and found Mark Archibald’s Design of Human Powered Vehicles and David Gordon
Wilsons’ Bicycling Science more pertinent to our overall goals. We also used jetrike.com for
guidance regarding ergonomics.
A localized research was carried out by the team members on college campus to understand
the basic consumer demands and requirements from a recumbent cycle since it is not a
mainstream phenomenon here.
A group of members carried out the material study and review of general materials used in
the HPV fabrication process. Our faculty adviser, Mr. Mahendra Shelar, being well versed in
the field of materials provided us with valuable assistance in the process. Dedicated forums
for material science like azom.com were found helpful to review and evaluate the relative
pros and cons of shortlisted materials. Also, the previous material selection decision of our
team and other teams was reviewed to understand the selection criterion.
An observational study was carried out to understand the transportation conditions in the
city, road conditions and preferred choice of mode of transportation of a general commuter
under different scenarios. Also, a note was made of the climatic conditions around the year.
The observations helped the team to set design goals which are explained later.
1.5 Design Specifications
In addition to these constraints, the team found it crucial to set up a few constraints for
ourselves in order to manufacture a vehicle that is capable to fulfill its objectives.
Team Design Constraints
Parameters Rationale
Minimum Vehicle Weight Maintaining minimum weight of the vehicle in order to achieve maximum
speed and proper vehicle stability.
Maintaining minimum To achieve a minimum turning radius of 4m the wheelbase has to be kept
wheelbase of 45 inches as short as possible.
Efficient and reliable To settle upon a drive train which requires less starting torque and also
drivetrain offers a comfortable and effortless ride for different terrain conditions.
To ensure safe and comfortable rider seating and position for a long-
Ergonomic rider positioning
distance travel.
Braking distance within 5m To ensure proper installation and efficient working of breaks, especially
from a speed of 25 km/hr. considering the urban road scenarios.
Manufacture the vehicle To make the vehicle an affordable alternative for the consumer.
within a budget of ₹50,000
To improve low light riding experience and enhance the visibility of vehicle
Provision and isolation of
on roads. The electrical circuits should be isolated from the rider to avoid
electrical peripheral
any accidents.
Figure 1.2: House of Quality
Weight 2 Wheels 3 Wheels
Safety (3) 3 2 3 4 4
Complexity (1) 4 2 3 2 2
Performance (2) 3 3 4 4 4
Weight (2) 4 4 4 2 2
Cost (1) 3 3 3 2 2
Total 36 28 43 40 40
While the delta and tadpole designs provide much better safety, as a two-wheel recumbent
is better in overall comparison of performance, weight, was hence chosen.
Machinability (3) 4 5 2
Cost (3) 3 4 2
Strength to (2) 3 4 5
Weight ratio
Availability (2) 4 5 2
Total 43 49 36
Three materials were shortlisted. The machinability and availability of AISI 4130 was better
than the other two materials. According to the overall scoring criteria of the decision matrix,
AISI 4130 was selected to manufacture Phillip.
1.6.3 Drive Train
To make a short wheelbase possible the bottom bracket had to be shifted in front of the front
wheel. The criteria for choosing this option was maintenance, cost and a minimum chance of
Complexity (3) 3 4
Weight (2) 4 3
Maintenance (2) 3 3
Cost (1) 4 3
Total 35 33
Cost (3) 4 3 4 4 3
Weight (2) 3 4 4 4 3
Performance (3) 2 5 3 3 4
Maintenance (2) 4 4 4 4 2
Total 32 40 37 37 31
Criteria Weight Carbon fibre Fibre Glass Aluminum sheet
Weight (3) 4 3 2
Strength (3) 4 3 3
Availability (2) 2 4 4
Cost (2) 2 4 4
Total 32 34 31
Aerodynamics (3) 2 4 5
Weight (2) 5 4 3
Visibility (2) 5 4 3
Total 38 39 33
Criteria Weight Carbon Fibre Fibre glass
Cost (2) 3 4 5
Availability (2) 3 4 4
Manufacturability (1) 2 2 3
Total 23 27 36
Due to low cost and the ease in manufacturing, Lexan polycarbonate was finalized as the
material for the fairing.
1.7.1 Frame
The final frame is designed for two-wheeled, FWD, Semi-Recumbent HPV with a short
wheelbase. The whole structure was made using square tubes of AISI 4130 Steel. While
designing the frame, detailed research was conducted to select the frame geometry.
Anthropometric data of the riders was collected and the optimum values were selected using
developmental testing. Square tube of the mentioned material are used to construct the
frame, the reason being the ease of manufacturability pertaining with square tubes. An Initial
2-D layout was prepared on SolidWorks (Refer appendix 2.1) then it was analyzed and
discussed within the team and modified accordingly. (Refer appendix 2.2 & 2.3)
1.7.2 Roll Over Protection System
The rollover protection system plays an important role in the human-powered vehicle, which
protects the riders' body during an accident. The main objectives of an RPS are:
• To prevent any contact between the rider’s body and the ground.
• To reduce the impact jerk when rollover occurs.
• To reduce abrasion in case of skidding.
Thus, RPS is a very important component of an HPV in terms of safety. RPS is generally
integrated with the frame of the HPV to provide it with proper support. The RPS was designed
according to the constraints set by ASME HPVC. To make the RPS safer and reliable we
prepared several designs and the best one was selected after numerous tests and analysis.
Circular tubes of AISI 4130 were used to construct the roll-bar, the reason being the better
impact load sustainability of the circular tubes. (Refer appendix 2.4)
Thus, using 54T chainring and 7 speed cassette offers the rider to have a choice from various
gear ratio and rider can manipulate the gear ratio according to the train power usage and
other factor. (Refer appendix 2.5 & 2.6)
1.7.4 Seat
Practicality of an HPV hinges on rider comfort, in lieu of this the seat was designed such that
it would provide adequate support to all the regions of the upper body of the rider without
compromising rider dexterity. To achieve this, a suitable profile was given at appropriate
angles to support the lumbar, lumbar to shoulder region and head of the rider. The widths of
these supporting sections were set such that sufficient support would be provided while
maintaining decent maneuverability. As fibre glass is light weight and has adequte strength,
it will be used for seat fabrication. (Refer appendix 2.7)
1.7.5 Fairing
The fairing was designed with the primary objective of countering the resistive effect of
aerodynamic drag to the vehicle motion. The other considerations while designing fairing
were to provide an effective solution for comfortable ride in monsoon weather conditions
which is a concern in the team’s city of Mumbai and, the other concern was to design a fairing
which would act as a safety component, in the eventuality of head on collision, by absorbing
the impact forces. Hence, to accomplish the aforementioned objectives a partial fairing
configuration was designed for the vehicle in adherence with the aerodynamic principles.
Partial fairing configuration was selected and developed to strike a balance in between
aerodynamic capability, minimum fairing weight and the cost. Partial fairing design developed
would help to minimize the ingress/egress time which was a desirable feature for day to day
transportation. Lexan Polycarbonate was selected as the fairing material after considering
various factors like availability, cost and ease of processing.
In our HPV, we have used a 20 inches front wheel and 26 inches rear wheel. The 26 inches
rear wheel was used so that the ground clearance and center of gravity can be maintained at
the optimum level. The 20 inches front wheel was used to reduce rolling resistance, hill strike
and to improve visibility.
We will also use a speedometer, indicators, rear view mirrors, headlight, tail light, reflectors,
bell, etc. to improve the overall experience and safety.
2 Analysis
RPS was analyzed by applying a load of 2670 N directly above the rider’s
Methodology head directed downward at an angle of 12ᵒ from vertical representing an
accident involving an inverted vehicle.
Figure 2.1: Top Load (Maximum Elastic Deformation) Figure 2.2: Top Load (Load Path)
A load of 1330 N was applied at shoulder height simulating a side roll over
situation representing an accident involving a vehicle fallen on its side.
Harness Attachment points
Figure 2.3: Side Load (Maximum Elastic Deformation) Figure 2.4: Side Load (Load Path)
This test was performed in Ansys by applying a load of 800N(80kg) the weight of our
heaviest rider on the main frame member on which seat is placed.
The load was distributed in following configuration which is based on the distribution on
rider weight in a recumbent position:
Figure 2.5: Body Weight Analysis
The vehicle can withstand the weight of heaviest member with a high factor of safety
without going under permanent deformation or fracture.
The forces acting on the seat are assumed to be uniformly distributed over its
entire area. The maximum weight of the rider is 80 kg. The maximum pedaling
force is assumed to be half the rider’s weight, that is 392.4 N. the pedaling force
exerted by the rider will act on the bottom bracket at an angle of 45o to the
Methodology horizontal, measured in clockwise direction. This will cause a reaction, which will
be exerted on the seat at an angle of 225o from the horizontal, measured in
anticlockwise direction. It is assumed that 75% of the net force acing on the seat
acts on the bottom of the seat and 25% on the backrest. The load is symmetrically
distributed on the mounts.
1. Case 1
The maximum weight of the rider is 80 kg, therefore a force of 784.8 N will act vertically downwards
under normal riding conditions, taking the value of acceleration due to gravity as 9.81 m/s2. The
resultant force will be the vector addition of the rider’s weight and reaction of pedaling force. Its
value is computed and found to be 1097.9 N. It is assumed that 75% of this force acts on the bottom
of the seat and 25% on the backrest. Therefore, 823.4 N acts on the bottom mounts and 274.4 N on
the rear mounts. Since there are 2 bottom mounts and 2 rear mounts. The force acting on each
bottom mount and each rear mount is 411.7 N and 137.2 N, respectively.
2. Case 2
It is assumed that during a bump, the rider exerts a vertically downwards acting 3G force on the
seat, which is 2354.4 N. The resultant of the pedaling reaction force and 3G force is calculated to be
2646.4 N. Forces acting on the bottom portion of the seat and backrest are 1984.8 N and 661.6 N.
Therefore, each bottom mount and each rear mount is subjected to a force of 992.4 N and 330.8 N,
The analysis of the bottom bracket was conducted by using a simulated pedaling
force on ANSYS.
The load applied on the bottom bracket is the maximum possible load that is exerted on the pedal
by our heaviest rider. The heaviest rider weighs 80 kg (800 N) and the corresponding stress and
elastic deformation was analyed.
Methodology The analysis of the bump impact was conducted by using a simulated load.
The load applied was the maximum possible load that can be imparted on the vehicle by our
heaviest rider. The heaviest rider of our teams weighs 80kg (800N) and all the static load conditions
were analyzed using that value or its multiple as required by the possible scenario i.e.
Figure 2.8: Bump Analysis while traversing bump (x2)
Figure 2.9: Bump Analysis while traversing bump and lurching of rider (x5)
It was ensured that the structural integrity of the frame is maintained for all the mentioned
scenarios. All these forces were applied on the member under the seat.
2.3 Aerodynamic Analysis
Various research paper and books were referred to build up a basic model layout according
to our vehicle requirement. According to the research, CAD model of the fairing was
developed. Simulated analysis i.e. computational fluid dynamics was performed on the
model to analyze the aerodynamic behavior of vehicle. Front flow analysis was done using
CFD in Ansys CFX; front flow analysis is used to determine aerodynamic behavior of the
vehicle while it is in motion. The geometry was enclosed according to a suitable dimension
and further it was appropriately meshed. The inlet for air flow was given on one face of the
enclosure while the other face was given as wall condition. The CFD was simulated at
atmospheric temperature (25 degrees Celsius) and at 1 atmospheric pressure
Although the co efficient of drag was bit more than the expected value but it is within range
to strike a balance between the fairing condition, vehicle design, weight and other factors.
• To reduce the overall cost of the HPV by selecting good source for
Objectives component purchase and cutting cost on unnecessary components.
• To compare with team’s budget constraints.
A list of required components was made. The cost data for various
components were gathered. An excel sheet was made to compare
Methodology component’s cost from various sources. Good quality and budget friendly
sources were chosen. Finally using these cost values, the estimation was
Cost analysis is done to predict an approximate budget for designing and fabrication of an
HPV. In cost analysis the cost of components, outsourced work, safety equipment, etc. are
used to estimate the budget excluding student labor cost. The cost analysis for our design is
presented as follows. (For detailed bill of materials refer to Appendix 2.15)
Fairing ₹10500/-
Brakes ₹1694/-
Wheels ₹2400/-
Seat ₹4500/-
Safety ₹6974/-
Miscellaneous ₹1540/-
Total ₹45087/-
Table 2.1: Cost Analysis for one vehicle (Excl usive of student labour cost)
The estimated budget was found to be ₹45087/- which is within the team’s
Results budget constraint. The final expense may vary as the fabrication is under
process which would be presented during the design presentation.
The anallysis was done on SolidWorks by modelling the full assembly with
Methodology corresponding constraints, material conditions and a block of 80 Kg was
added at the rider’s seating position to simulate static loading condition.
Team’s primary moto while designing was to ensure comfortable yet efficient riding
experience. Hence, it was critical to ensure the design had optimum dynamic stability which
in turn is influenced by the center of mass of vehicle. So, the following analysis was carried
out to determine the position of center of mass of the vehicle and ensuring that it was an
appropriate level adhering to predetermined dynamic stability.
To ensure the turning radius of the vehicle was compliant with the pre-planned design
standards and ASME HPVC’s rules, the following mathematical analysis was carried out of the
design, wherein the instantaneous position of the vehicle along a curved path was used to
formulate trigonometric relations in between design specifications and turning radius which
are elaborated below.
Figure 2.13.1: Vehicle turning radius geometry
sinα = W/R
i.e., R = W/sinα
R = 1.1684/sin30
R = 2.3368 m.
3 Testing
To carry out the test a wooden set up was built to simulate the vehicle
To construct the mock-up two hinges were used, one connecting the backrest to the back of
the saddle, to vary the backrest angle and one at the front of the saddle to vary the distance
of the BB. The BB was moved along the length of the inclined plank, which was attached to
the front of seat saddle, and clamped by using two U-clamps. The anthropometric data of all
the riders was measured and noted. The shortest and the tallest riders were made to sit on
the saddle and the BB position which was optimum for both was selected for the final design.
Three values of the backrest angle were tested- 40o, 45o and 55o. Out of these 45⁰ was found
to strike the ideal balance between comfort and visibility.
1 31 10.5 32.73
2 32 11 33.83
3 33 11.5 34.95
4 34 12 36
When the BB to hip-joint distance was increased beyond 34.96 inches the shortest rider was
unable to pedal a complete circle. Hence, the third iteration was found to be optimum for
both the shortest and the tallest rider.
To design the frame, the seat was placed at a vertical distance equal to the ground clearance.
Then the bottom bracket was located with respect to the hip joint. From the bottom bracket
point a circle of radius 7 inches was drawn, which would represent the motion of the pedal
with clearance. The front wheel was then located on the ground such that it would not
intersect with the circle. The rest of the frame was drawn after the seat, bb and front wheel’s
positions were fixed.
A model of the front part of the vehicle was made to scale and various
permutations of the drivetrain components were tried until the most
Methodology suitable placement for them was determined. Then the pedals were
rotated at a high speed to check for chain slippage and the front wheel
was turned to both extremes to check for interference and obstructions.
A pulley with 10mm groove was found unsuitable for the drivetrain and was hence replaced
by one with 12 mm groove. After the drive train passed all these tests and necessary
modifications were made the drive train was found to be highly efficient and better than an
RWD drivetrain.
3.1.3 Roll over Protection Development Testing
The RPS was design with the approach that it should fully and continuously enclose the rider
body and it should also prevent contact between rider’s body and ground.
To carry out this test a polystyrene cut out was used to check whether the
dimensions satisfied the objectives.
According to the tallest rider’s anthropometric data a basic CAD model was designed.
According to CAD model a polystyrene cut-out was made and a rider was placed in it. This cut-
out was used to check if RPS obstructed the steering movement or not. Different combination
of position and angle were analyzed using this cut-out. After gathering all the required data,
different variations in RPS geometry were made to determine the best geometry that will
have a better stress distribution and less deformation.
After many tests with different combination of position and angle of RPS, it
was found that RPS should be mounted on stay to get better
maneuverability and body coverage. The developmental testing also gave
the optimum clearance data that would prevent the contact between the
rider body and ground in case of an accident involving a rollover.
3.1.4 Seat Development Test
Seat plays a great role in rider’s comfort in an HPV. Riding experience greatly varies according
to the seat design. Hence, an ergonomic seat has to be designed to support the posture of
the rider. Seat also plays an important role in the weight distribution of the rider throughout
the frame. Considering these features, developmental testing was carried out to design an
aesthetically pleasing and comfortable seat.
• The seat should support the whole upper body of the rider
• It should be able to distribute the rider’s weight evenly on the
• It should contribute minimum weight to the overall weight of the
• It should be durable and should be able to withstand the forces
applied by the rider’s back while pedaling.
• To ensure highest level of rider satisfaction, a comfortable riding
experience has to be provided which can be achieved by an
ergonomic seat.
Different iterations of seat angles were performed using plywood setup to get the
optimum seating angle according to the frame.
Research on seat ergonomics was done and a basic layout was formed. After getting a basic
layout and an optimum seat angle, dimensions of different sections of the seat were
determined according to the mean anthropometric data of the riders. For the prototype, an
MS sheet was bent at required angles using a mechanical press brake machine.
4 Conclusion
4.1 Comparison
4.2 Evaluation
The construction phase of the Philip has not been completed at the time of report
submission. Hence, many of the goals set by the team and PDS could not be fully evaluated.
Objectives, as laid out by ASME, pertaining to design and analysis were accomplished. Also,
the other critical analyses were carried out to ensure unhindered construction of the vehicle
and the team feels confident in manufacturing the proposed design and carrying out physical
testing of structural components and performance analysis are planned to be carried out after
the completion of vehicle fabrication. All the results and findings for the same will be
presented during the Design Presentation.
4.3 Recommendations
Team Photon has not completed the construction phase yet and is compiling lessons in the
ongoing process.
The team has three recommendations as of now to enhance the current design.
1. To review and test other FWD drive train models to further improve the efficiency.
2. To research and design an enhanced fairing which could accomplish team goals up to
a greater extent.
3. To incorporate electrical peripherals in the current design to improve the riding
convenience. Hence, making the vehicle an appealing option for day to day
1. TCET Team Photon, “2017 ASME HPVC Asia Pacific Design Report,” 2017.
2. TCET Team Photon, “2018 ASME HPVC Asia Pacific Design Report,” 2018.
3. Mark Archibald, “Design of Human-Powered Vehicles,” ASME Press, 2016.
4. David Gordon Wilson, “Bicycling Science,” The MIT Press, 2004.
5. http://jetrike.com/ergonomics.html
6. https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=6742
7. Apurv Keshav Kedia, “Design of Fairing for Human Powered Vehicles considering
Aerodynamics & Aesthetics,” Department of Industrial Design, NIT Rourkela, May
8. http://exploratorium.edu/cycling/aerodynamics1.html
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
2.3 Frame 2.4 RPS
2.7 Seat
2.9 Side Load Stress Results
2.12 Body Weight 3G Analysis
2.14 Bottom bracket stress Analysis
Part Cost per part Quantity Total
Drive Train
Steering mechanism
Cushioning - - ₹500
Side view mirrors ₹390 2 ₹780
Electrical Peripherals
Total ₹45087