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Acute Bacterial Meningitis

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Acute Bacterial

By Larry E. Davis, MD, FAAN

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: While acute bacterial meningitis is becoming less
common in developed countries because of the widespread use of
vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides, and
Haemophilus influenzae, bacterial meningitis still occurs worldwide, with
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peak incidence in young children and the elderly. Bacterial meningitis is

usually lethal unless appropriate antibiotics that cross the blood-brain
barrier are given. Clinical suspicion of bacterial meningitis begins when
patients present with the abrupt onset of fever, headache, and

RECENT FINDINGS:New technologies are being developed for more rapid

identification of the bacterial species causing meningitis. When
appropriate, administration of adjunctive dexamethasone with the
antibiotics often lessens neurologic sequelae in survivors, which may
include aphasia, ataxia, paresis, hearing loss, and cognitive impairment.

SUMMARY: Confirmation of the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis comes

mainly from examination and culture of CSF obtained from a lumbar
puncture. Typically, the CSF shows an elevated neutrophil count, elevated
protein, depressed glucose, positive Gram stain, and growth of the
bacteria on appropriate culture media. Antibiotic sensitivities of the
bacteria determine the appropriate antibiotics, although an educated
CONTINUUM (MINNEAP MINN) guess of the best antibiotics to be given promptly must be made until the
2018;24(5, NEUROINFECTIOUS antibiotic sensitivities return, usually in a few days.

Address correspondence to
Dr Larry E. Davis, New Mexico VA
Health Care System, 1501 San

Pedro Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM cute bacterial meningitis is a severe life-threatening inflammation
87108, Larry.Davis@VA.gov. of the meninges and subarachnoid space caused by bacteria. The
RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: inflammation can also involve the brain cortex and spinal cord
Dr Davis receives publishing owing to their anatomic proximity. The condition requires
royalties from Springer Science+
immediate medical attention and management. Meningeal
Business Media, LLC.
inflammation causes vasospasm and possible thrombosis of cerebral arterioles
UNLABELED USE OF and arteries as well as possible cerebral vein occlusions. A variety of inflammatory
products of bacteria and neutrophils can cross the pial barrier to cause neuronal
Dr Davis reports no disclosure. necrosis or compress cranial nerves. Acute bacterial meningitis occurs
worldwide, develops in individuals of all ages, and causes morbidity and
© 2018 American Academy mortality. In 2013, an estimated 16 million cases of acute bacterial meningitis
of Neurology. occurred.1 This article focuses on the clinical characteristics of acute bacterial

1264 OCTOBER 2018

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meningitis by age group, methods of diagnosis, and the major causative bacteria
and on the management of acute bacterial meningitis in children and adults.


This section addresses the clinical features by age group in which bacterial
meningitis develops (neonates and infants, children, adults, and adults older
than 65 years of age) and their unique characteristics.

Neonates and Infants

In neonates and infants, the symptoms of acute bacterial meningitis may be
nonspecific,2,3 with lethargy, fussiness, sleepiness, jitteriness, anorexia, hypotonia,
apnea, jaundice, diarrhea, and general weakness commonly noted by parents
(CASE 1-1). Temperature instability with fever or hypothermia is common but not
always present. Seizures occur in 15% to 34% of infants.3 Neck stiffness is uncommon.
A bulging anterior fontanelle may develop and is noted by parents as an enlarged
swelling on the top of the head, and hydrocephalus develops in 5% of infants.4
The risk factors for acute bacterial meningitis in neonates and infants are listed in
TABLE 1-1.
Because many maternal immunoglobulins do not cross the placenta
before 32 weeks, very premature infants are at a higher risk for infections.3
Neonates have an immature immune system with impaired phagocytic ability of
neutrophils and monocytes that also contributes to acute bacterial meningitis.

The manifestations of meningitis may develop over hours or up to a day in
children. Classic features include fever, severe headache, lethargy, irritability,

A 4-month-old infant boy was noted by his mother to be fussy and less CASE 1-1
active than usual and was breast-feeding poorly. Soon thereafter, he was
noted to have generalized weakness, so his mother took him to the
pediatrician. The infant’s older sister had reported an earache for several
days. The physician confirmed the symptoms and noted the infant’s
temperature to be slightly elevated but did not detect a stiff neck or
spasticity. He was immediately taken to the emergency department,
where a lumbar puncture was performed. The lumbar puncture showed
a white blood cell count of 350 cells/mm3 with 80% neutrophils, protein
of 280 mg/dL, and glucose of 20 mg/dL (blood glucose was 90 mg/dL).
CSF Gram stain demonstrated gram-positive diplococci. A diagnosis of
acute bacterial meningitis was made, with a suspicion of Streptococcus
pneumoniae. The patient was given IV cefotaxime and dexamethasone
for 14 days and made a full recovery without neurologic sequelae.

This case demonstrates that young infants may not present with typical COMMENT
signs of bacterial meningitis. The change in this infant’s behavior was
recognized by his mother, and she promptly took him to the pediatrician,
who recognized the findings as suspicious for bacterial meningitis. The
patient’s CSF findings were typical for pneumococcal meningitis. He had
not been vaccinated with the pneumococcal meningitis vaccine.


Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


confusion, photophobia, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, and back pain.2 About 20%
of children with acute bacterial meningitis will experience a seizure before
admission to the hospital. Risk factors for acute bacterial meningitis in children
are listed in TABLE 1-2. A medication history should be obtained to exclude recent
antibiotic use that could impede isolation of the bacteria from CSF.
On examination, meningeal irritation usually manifests as neck stiffness,
especially on anterior-posterior flexion of the chin to the chest. The Kernig sign
(painful knee extension after flexing the thigh with the hip and knee at 90-degree
angles) and Brudzinski sign (reactive hip and knee flexion when the neck is
flexed) have limited specificity and sensitivity.10

Risk factors for acute bacterial meningitis in adults and the elderly are listed in
TABLE 1-3. As in children, the classic clinical features of acute bacterial meningitis
in adults are headache, neck stiffness, fever, and altered mental status. A
prospective nationwide study of 1268 adults with community-acquired bacterial
meningitis in the Netherlands found headache in 83%, neck stiffness in 74%,
fever in 74%, and impairment of consciousness in 71%.11 However, some studies
of adults have found all the classic features were present in as little as 41% of
patients.12 Of note, patients receiving analgesics or corticosteroids may not have
neck stiffness. Occasionally, patients may present with focal neurologic deficits,
and a few may have a petechial rash from either meningococcal or pneumococcal
meningitis. Complications of acute bacterial meningitis include seizures (17%),
ischemic stroke (14% to 25%), hydrocephalus (3% to 5%), subdural empyema
(3%), brain abscess (5%), and venous sinus thrombosis (1%).4

Adults Older Than 65 Years of Age

Patients older than 65 years of age may have an atypical presentation. Fever is not
a constant finding, headache and nuchal rigidity may not be present, and

TABLE 1-1 Risk Factors for Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Neonates and Infants

◆ Preterm birth
◆ Low birth weight (<2500 g [5.5 lb])
◆ Chorioamnionitis
◆ Endometritis
◆ Maternal Group B streptococci colonization
◆ Prolonged duration of intrauterine monitoring (>12 hours)
◆ Traumatic delivery
◆ Fetal hypoxia
◆ Galactosemia
◆ Urinary tract abnormalities
◆ Dermal sinus tract of spine
◆ Down syndrome
◆ Congenital heart disease

1266 OCTOBER 2018

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nonspecific confusion is common.5,6 Evaluating a stiff neck can be difficult.
About 35% of healthy geriatric individuals have nuchal rigidity, and one study
reported only 26% of 93 adults with nuchal rigidity who underwent a lumbar
puncture (LP) for suspicion of meningitis actually had meningitis.13 A 2013
Spanish study compared older adults (older than 65 years of age) with younger
adults and found the older adults had fewer cases of meningococci but more
Listeria monocytogenes, experienced more renal and pulmonary complications,
and had a higher mortality rate of 30% versus 12%.14 CSF findings were similar
between the two groups.


Most published adult clinical studies are from patients with community-acquired
acute bacterial meningitis. However, the incidence of community-acquired acute
bacterial meningitis is falling in developed countries in response to wider
administration of Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and
Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccines. However, meningitis that is not strictly
community acquired is being seen in more patients with chronic illnesses and in
patients who have experienced trauma or had neurosurgical procedures. These
patients are categorized as having health care–associated meningitis (also called
nosocomial or hospital-acquired meningitis). These patients often manifest
different clinical features and thus are more difficult to diagnose.7,15–17 Cases
often develop as a complication of craniotomy, recent head trauma, CSF leakage,
or infected intracranial catheters; develop from spread from the site of a distant
infection, such as otitis media, sinusitis, or pneumonia; or occur in patients
with immune system compromise, such as from cancer, transplantation,
or chemotherapy.

Risk Factors for Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Children TABLE 1-2

◆ Poverty, malnutrition
◆ Day care attendance
◆ Asplenia
◆ Primary immunodeficiency
◆ Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
◆ Sickle cell anemia
◆ Cochlear implant
◆ Central nervous system shunt or CSF leak
◆ Recent or current respiratory tract infection
◆ Recent exposure to case of meningococcal or Haemophilus influenzae meningitis
◆ Penetrating head trauma
◆ Dermal sinus of spine
◆ Recent travel to country with endemic meningococcal disease
◆ Lack of immunizations

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid.


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TABLE 1-3 Risk Factors for Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults and the Elderly

Living in groups or retirement homes

Pulmonary disease
◆ Concurrent pneumonia
◆ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
◆ Asthma
◆ Smoking
◆ Melanoma
◆ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
◆ Advanced cancers
◆ Chemotherapy
◆ Metastatic cancers
Chronic sinus or middle ear disease
Diabetes mellitus
Autoimmune disease
◆ Rheumatoid arthritis
◆ Systemic lupus erythematosus
Immune deficiency
◆ Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
◆ Primary immunodeficiency, complement C3 deficiency
◆ Organ transplants
◆ Asplenia
◆ Severe anemia
◆ Alcoholism
Chronic renal disease dialysis, urinary tract infection, or kidney infection, including infected
renal stones
Chronic liver disease, cirrhosis
Positive blood cultures
Shock or hypotension
Recent cranial neurosurgery
Indwelling catheters or central venous lines, especially into CSF spaces

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid.

1268 OCTOBER 2018

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Patients may have an acute or subacute onset of symptoms. Most patients KEY POINTS
present with a headache, neck stiffness, and fever, but impairment of
● Acute bacterial meningitis
consciousness is slightly less common. The CSF typically shows a white blood cell is a severe life-threatening
count of more than 1000 cells/mm3, low glucose level (often below 30 mg/dL), inflammation of the
and elevated protein (above 100 mg/dL) (TABLE 1-418,19). The CSF Gram stain meninges and subarachnoid
is positive in about 75% of cases (TABLE 1-4). CSF cultures have grown a wide space caused by bacteria.
The meningeal inflammation
variety of bacteria that include the common S. pneumoniae, but may include
can cause vasospasm and
Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella even thrombosis of cerebral
pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other species. Bacterial cultures should arterioles, arteries, and
be held for up to 5 to 10 days to detect slow-growing organisms. draining veins.
Treatment requires broad antibiotic coverage. One recommendation consists
● Acute bacterial meningitis
of vancomycin in combination with cefepime, ceftazidime, or meropenem.16 causes up to 16 million
Care must be used in administration of adjunctive corticosteroids as one study infections worldwide
reported inadequate antibiotic therapy in 13%, and dexamethasone may then each year.
result in worsening of the meningitis since CSF bacteria are not killed.15
● In infants, the symptoms
of meningitis may be
DIAGNOSIS OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS nonspecific, with lethargy,
When meningitis is suspected based on the clinical characteristics, the key to fussiness, sleepiness,
diagnosis and establishing the etiology is examination and culture of CSF. For most jitteriness, anorexia,
hypotonia, apnea, jaundice,
patients, CSF is obtained via an LP needle placed in the lumbar spine. The lumbar
diarrhea, and general
subarachnoid space is chosen because the adult spinal cord parenchyma usually ends weakness.
about T12 or L1 and only nerve roots are present in the lumbar CSF. In infants,
the spinal cord parenchyma may descend to L2. Several risks are involved in placing ● Because many maternal
a needle into the subarachnoid space. If the patient has a bleeding tendency or is immunoglobulins do not
cross the placenta before
anticoagulated, a risk of causing a localized subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) or 32 weeks, very premature
epidural hematoma exists, particularly if the LP needle hits a radicular vein within infants are at a higher risk for
the subarachnoid space. Thus, individuals with a markedly elevated international infections than other
normalized ratio (INR) can be at risk of SAH. Likewise, if the patient has children.
thrombocytopenia with a blood platelet level below 20,000/mm3 to 50,000/mm3, the ● In older children, classic
subarachnoid bleeding risk may be increased.20 The American Association of Blood meningitis features include
Banks guidelines place the threshold for risk at about 50,000/mm3,21 but the British fever, severe headache,
Committee for Standards sets its guidelines at 20,000/mm3.22 If time permits, lethargy, irritability,
confusion, photophobia,
some patients can receive a fresh platelet transfusion before the LP. Rare causes
nausea, vomiting, stiff neck,
of bleeding include an aneurysm or angioma in the lumbar subarachnoid space. and back pain.
In individuals with an infection of the skin of the lower back, it is possible to
introduce the skin bacteria into the CSF via the LP needle. ● In adults, community-
Finally, a risk of brain herniation exists following removal of CSF from the acquired bacterial
meningitis may present with
lumbar space in patients with elevated intracranial pressure. Acute bacterial headache, neck stiffness,
meningitis causes meningeal inflammation and, consequently, elevated CSF fever, and impairment of
pressure that is reflected in the opening pressure. Opening CSF pressures higher consciousness. However,
than 200 mm CSF are typical, but opening pressure may be higher than 300 mm patients may not have all
these clinical features.
CSF. In their classic review of acute bacterial meningitis, Dodge and Swartz23
found the average CSF pressure to be 307 mm CSF. Typically, CSF pressure ● Adults older than 65 years
continues to elevate for the first 24 to 36 hours before subsiding. of age can have an atypical
The presumed pathophysiology of brain herniation is that removal of CSF for presentation of meningitis.
Fever is not a constant
studies and the subsequent lumbar CSF leakage from the dural opening after
finding, headache and
removal of the LP needle lowers the CSF pressure in the lumbar space compared nuchal rigidity may not be
to the supratentorial space. This may lead to a downward shifting of one present, and nonspecific
temporal lobe through the midline tentorial opening, causing a herniation confusion is common.
syndrome. The temporal lobe pushing the upper brainstem downward with the


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TABLE 1-4 Typical Cerebrospinal Fluid Characteristics in Acute Bacterial Meningitis

CSF Parameter Typical Findings Notes

CSF opening pressure 200–500 mm CSF Pressure may be lower if patient is an infant/small
child or very dehydrated or if bacteria species is

CSF appearance Cloudy depending on concentration of white

blood cells, bacteria, and protein

White blood cell Usually 1000–3000 white blood cells/mm3 White blood cell count can be lower if patient is
count immunosuppressed or taking steroids or if bacteria
species is atypical. However, only rarely are white
blood cell levels less than 100 white blood cells/mm3.

White blood cell Predominately neutrophils

differential (polymorphonuclear leukocytes), usually

Glucose Usually <40 mg/dL, often below 25 mg/dL Normal CSF glucose is about two-thirds serum level
concentration but may be falsely low if the patient recently received
IV glucose or has a very high blood glucose level.
Many CSF glucose concentrations in bacterial
meningitis are less than 25 mg/dL.

Protein Elevated above normal value for age, often

concentration >100 mg/dL

Gram stain Average positive >75% but depends on Concentrations of bacteria in the CSF in patients with
concentration of bacteria in CSF acute bacterial meningitis range from 103 to 108
colony-forming units (CFU)/mL.18 A positive Gram
stain and visualizing bacteria on a Gram stain are
related to the concentration of bacteria in CSF and
are seen 97% of the time with >105 CFU, 60% with 103 to
105 CFU, and only 25% with <103 CFU. When the Gram
stain is positive, the specificity is higher than 97%.19

Culture positive <75% but depends on bacteria concentration Some strains of bacteria grow poorly on standard
and whether patient previously received culture media, and anaerobic bacteria may not grow
antibiotics at all. Most bacteria in CSF are sterilized when
appropriate antibiotics are given 4 or more hours
before lumbar puncture. However, Neisseria
meningitidis can be sterilized in as little as 30 to
60 minutes. False-positive interpretations can occur
from cell debris on the smear or contamination of
bacteria from the laboratory.

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid.

1270 OCTOBER 2018

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associated basilar arteries fixed to the hemispheres produces hemorrhages, KEY POINTS
necrosis, and infarctions of the upper brainstem and sometimes a third nerve
● More patients are
palsy. Occasionally, the acute bacterial meningitis swells part of the cerebellum, developing health
which encroaches on the fourth ventricle, obstructing the downward flow of CSF care–associated bacterial
into the spinal canal. meningitis. This meningitis
The risk of brain herniation is not precisely defined, as brain herniation is well differs from community-
acquired bacterial
recognized to develop in some cases of acute bacterial meningitis even when
meningitis in that it typically
no LP was performed. Thus, the actual added risk of herniation following an LP develops in patients with
in bacterial meningitis is unclear, but some series found the increased risk to chronic illnesses or
be up to 5%.24,25 Limited autopsies and comparison of CT scans before and after following trauma or
neurosurgical procedures.
LP suggest that contributing factors are increased intracranial pressure from
preexisting diffuse cerebral edema, asymmetric cerebral hemisphere swelling or ● When meningitis is
masses, or swelling in the posterior fossa.25 Clinical risk factors from fatal cases suspected, the key to
suggest that markedly decreased mental status to coma or semicoma, recent diagnosis and establishing
generalized seizures, dilated or fixed pupils, papilledema, decorticate or the etiology is examination
and culture of CSF.
decerebrate posturing, marked respiratory abnormalities, and focal neurologic
signs are significant factors.25 When herniation occurs following the LP, it usually ● In lumbar puncture, if a
occurs within 5 hours. Emergency management of the herniation syndrome is patient has a severe
difficult, but use of hyperosmolar agents and ventricular drainage are thought to bleeding tendency or is
anticoagulated, a risk of
be the most helpful.25,26 Head CT is commonly used before an LP to evaluate
causing a spinal hematoma
increased risks of brain herniation (TABLE 1-5) by detecting a shift of brain exists if the lumbar puncture
compartments, which could increase if the LP is performed. needle hits a radicular vein
within the lumbar
subarachnoid space.
Lumbar Puncture Technique
When meningitis is suspected, an LP needle with a stylet that enables the ● A small risk of brain
straightforward ability to enter the lumbar subarachnoid space is needed to herniation exists following
obtain an accurate opening CSF pressure and to gather sufficient CSF for removal of CSF from the
analysis. Most commercial CSF kits come with a 21-gauge LP sharp needle to lumbar space. This usually
develops from downward
accomplish this. Smaller-gauge LP needles may bend more easily when passing shifting of one temporal
through the paraspinal muscles to enter the subarachnoid space of a restless and lobe through the midline
confused patient and may make obtaining an accurate CSF opening pressure tentorial opening, producing
more difficult. Although smaller-gauge LP needles do have a lower incidence of a herniation syndrome.
post-LP headaches, this concern is less relevant in the patient with headache
from meningitis. Very difficult LPs may need to be performed under
fluoroscopy.27 It is recommended to obtain sufficient CSF for all the CSF tests
needed. After the LP needle is withdrawn, up to several hundred mL of CSF will
flow out of the opening even when the CSF pressure is normal.28 Obtaining a
closing pressure is seldom indicated.

Standard Cerebrospinal Fluid Test Analysis

CSF analysis should be done as quickly as possible for diagnostic information,
because white blood cells begin to deteriorate in the CSF after 30 minutes and
high white blood cell counts can metabolize CSF glucose, lowering the level. As a
general rule, tube 1 has the highest risk of red blood cells from a traumatic LP and
contamination of non-CSF bacteria. TABLE 1-4 shows the typical CSF
characteristics in acute bacterial meningitis.18

Identification of the Etiologic Bacteria

Around the world today, the standard method for identifying etiologic bacteria
in CSF is to streak the CSF onto sheep’s blood and chocolate agar plates and


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incubate the plates in 3% to 5% carbon dioxide or to inoculate the CSF into

enriched broth media. Growth of the bacteria usually requires 24 to 72 hours in
an incubator. The bacteria are then Gram stained and subcultured in special
antibiotic media to determine the antibiotic sensitivities. Bacteria that are
obligate intracellular organisms and present in low concentrations in the CSF,
such as L. monocytogenes, often take up to 5 days to grow.
Several alternative diagnostic tests are available to diagnose bacteria.29 Specific
methods to detect bacterial antigens have been developed, such as latex
agglutination and coagglutination. These tests work best when examining
infected sites, such as CSF, where the bacteria are actively proliferating and
shedding polysaccharide. These tests are less sensitive for the detection of
bacteria in blood or urine but are rapid and simple to perform and do not require
special equipment. Reviews of the technology often comment that when the
Gram stain is positive, standard CSF cultures are usually satisfactory, but results
are not as rapid as these tests.
Newer technologies, such as multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and
new diagnostic platforms that incorporate proteomics and genetic sequencing
might help provide a quicker and more accurate diagnosis. PCR tests are widely
used in Europe for the diagnosis of the most common strains of bacterial

TABLE 1-5 Risk Factors for Cerebral Herniation Following Lumbar Puncture for
Bacterial Meningitisa

Clinical Risk Factors

◆ Stupor or coma
◆ Dilated or fixed pupils
◆ Fixed deviation of eyes or absent oculocephalic reflex
◆ Papilledema
◆ Recent seizures
◆ Decorticate or decerebrate posturing
◆ Hemiparesis
◆ Hypertension with bradycardia
CT Factors for Increased Risk of Future Brain Herniation
◆ Lateral shift of cerebral midline structures indicating unequal supratentorial intracranial
◆ Loss of suprachiasmatic and basilar cisterns indicating the supratentorial pressure is greater
than infratentorial; the lateral ventricles may be either large or small
◆ Obliteration or shift of the fourth ventricle indicating increased posterior fossa pressure
◆ Obliteration of the superior cerebellar and quadrigeminal plate cisterns with sparing of the
ambient cisterns indicating upward cerebellar transtentorial herniation
◆ Masses in the cerebral hemisphere or cerebellum
◆ Infarction or occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus or draining veins

CT = computed tomography.
Modified with permission from Joffe AR, J Intensive Care Med.25 © 2007 The Author.

1272 OCTOBER 2018

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meningitis. However, PCR requires the laboratory to have a wide variety of PCR KEY POINTS
primers. Thus, the common causes of acute bacterial meningitis are easy to test
● New CSF diagnostic tests
for, but assays to detect the uncommon bacterial strains are often unavailable. are being developed to
New technology may change the speed and accuracy of diagnosing the improve on the standard
etiology of acute bacterial meningitis. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization method of culturing CSF on
time-of-flight mass spectrometry is now being used to quickly identify the agar plates.
specific bacteria in blood cultures.30 It likely will be adapted for CSF diagnosis.
● Streptococcus pneumoniae
The initial technology is expensive, but it can be used for identification of all is the most common cause
types of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses, and fungi. of community-acquired
Advances in PCR assays and DNA sequencing are allowing accurate and rapid acute bacterial meningitis in
diagnoses of a wide variety of infectious diseases.31 Since both can detect specific the United States.

bacterial RNA or DNA, it may be possible for future developments to detect the ● The case fatality rate of
common RNA mutations seen in bacterial drug resistance. pneumococcal meningitis is
Another promising new technology is a self-contained pouch into which fresh 10% to 20% in developed
CSF is introduced. Using PCR technology, the test panel can identify six common countries but much higher
(30% to 40%) in developing
bacterial pathogens, plus several common viruses and Cryptococcus neoformans.32 countries.
Limitations include the need for standard CSF cultures as not all bacteria are
included and the lack of antibiotic sensitivities.

Major Bacteria Causing Acute Bacterial Meningitis

This section discusses the most common bacteria causing acute bacterial

STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE. S. pneumoniae, a gram-positive bacterium, is the

most common cause of community-acquired acute bacterial meningitis in the
United States (58%) and Germany based on epidemiologic studies published in
the early 2000s.33 In children, this has resulted from the dramatic fall in H.
influenzae and N. meningitidis infections following the introduction of childhood
H. influenzae and meningococcal vaccines. The highest incidence of S. pneumoniae
meningitis is in young children and older adults. In adults, major risk factors
include sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, or immunosuppression.31 The current
distribution of cases of community-acquired acute bacterial meningitis has not
been published in recent years. However, the widespread administration of
pneumococcal vaccines first to children and now to older adults is likely changing
this epidemiology. Recent studies show that the incidence of pneumococcal
meningitis in young children and the elderly is falling.4
Initial antibiotic treatment usually is with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime with
vancomycin plus early adjunctive corticosteroids.4 Recommended doses of the
major antibiotics are listed in TABLE 1-6.7,34
The case fatality rate of pneumococcal meningitis is 10% to 20% in developed
countries but much higher (30% to 40%) in developing countries.35 Up to 30% of
survivors living in developed countries have permanent neurologic sequelae,
including hearing loss, focal neurologic deficits, and neuropsychological
The pathogenesis of pneumococcal meningitis is becoming better understood.
The pneumococci possess pili that attach to the nasopharynx and likely allow
transfer across the epithelial cell via an endosome. The presence of a polysaccharide
capsule interferes with phagocytosis. The lack of serum pneumococcal antibodies
increases the risk of meningitis. Entry into the subarachnoid space may entail
bacterial attachment to cerebral endothelial cells followed by entry past the


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blood-brain barrier. In the CSF, the bacteria trigger a cascade of proinflammatory

cytokines and chemokines that trigger invasion of neutrophils.35 The CSF
neutrophils poorly engulf and destroy all species of invading bacteria, in part
because of low levels of CSF complement that are needed for neutrophils to engulf
bacteria.36,37 As such, in the preantibiotic era, more than 95% of individuals with
acute bacterial meningitis died. An alternative route of CSF entry is direct
subarachnoid space invasion from pneumococcal sinus and middle ear infections.
The routine use of conjugated pneumococcal vaccines began in 2000 in the
United States, other developed countries, and some African countries. These
vaccines contain polysaccharides plus differing proteins and induce T-cell–
dependent immunization and the development of memory B cells that produce
long-lasting immunization protection and reduce carriage rates. The new
13-valent polysaccharide conjugate vaccine demonstrated 75% effectiveness for
invasive pneumococcal disease.38 The Centers for Disease Control and

TABLE 1-6 Recommended Dosages of Antimicrobial Agents for Acute Bacterial

Meningitis for Patients With Normal Renal and Hepatic Functiona

Antimicrobial Agent Dosing for Infants and Childrenb Dosing for Adultsb
Amikacinc,d 20–30 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 15 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours)

Ampicillin 300–400 mg/kg/d (divided every 6 hours) 12 g/d (divided every 4 hours)

Cefepime 150 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 6 g/d (divided every 8 hours)

Cefotaxime 200 mg/kg/d (divided every 6–8 hours) 8–12 g/d (divided every 4–6 hours)
(maximum dosage 12 g/d)

Ceftazidime 150 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 6 g/d (divided every 8 hours)
(maximum dosage 6 g/d)

Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/d (divided every 12 hours) 4 g/d (divided every 12 hours)
(maximum dosage 4 g/d)

Ciprofloxacin 30 mg/kg/d (divided every 8–12 hours) 1200 mg/d (divided every 8 hours)

Gentamicinc,d 5–7.5 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 5 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours)

Linezolid Age <12 years 30 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 1200 mg/d (divided every 12 hours)
(maximum single dosage 600 mg)e
Age ≥12 years 20 mg/kg/d (divided every 12 hours)
(maximum single dosage 600 mg)e


1274 OCTOBER 2018

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Prevention evaluated the 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine for its ability to
prevent invasive pneumococcal pneumonia. They found the reduction for
children younger than 5 years of age to be 78% and the reduction for adults older
than 64 years of age to be 65%.39 It is increasingly recognized that the widespread
use of the pneumococcal vaccine not only protects the recipient but also offers
a benefit to nonimmunized individuals through the bystander effect.

NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS. N. meningitidis, a gram-negative bacterium, continues

to be a major cause of sporadic and epidemic meningitis despite the availability
of effective vaccines. In sub-Saharan African meningococcal outbreaks of
serotype A, attack rates can reach more than 1000 cases per 100,000 population
each year.40 The meningococcus can cause severe septic meningococcemia,
meningitis, or septic arthritis. It is a commensal organism and pathogen only
for humans.


Antimicrobial Agent Dosing for Infants and Childrenb Dosing for Adultsb
Meropenem 120 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 6 g/d (divided every 8 hours)
(maximum dosage 6 g/d)

Moxifloxacin Data not established 400 mg/d (divided every 24 hours)

Nafcillin 200 mg/kg/d (divided every 6 hours) 9–12 g/d (divided every 4 hours)

Oxacillin 200 mg/kg/d (divided every 6 hours) 9–12 g/d (divided every 4 hours)

Penicillin G 200,000–400,000 U/kg/d (divided every 4–6 hours) 24 million U/d (divided every 4 hours)
(maximum dosage 24 million U/d)

Rifampin 10–20 mg/kg/d (divided every 12–24 hours) 600–900 mg/d (divided every 12 hours)
(maximum dosage 600 mg/d)

Tobramycinc,d 7.5 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours) 5 mg/kg/d (divided every 8 hours)

Trimethoprim- 15–20 mg/kg/d (divided every 6 hours) 10–20 mg/kg/d (divided every 6–12 hours)

Vancomycing 60 mg/kg/d (divided every 6 hours) 30–45 mg/kg/d (divided every 8–12 hours)

Modified with permission from Tunkel AR, et al, Clin Infect Dis.7 © 2017 The Authors.
Total daily dose (dosing interval in hours).
Need to monitor peak and trough serum concentrations.
Aminoglycosides should be based off ideal body weight in obesity.
Not to exceed the adult dose.
Dosing is based on trimethoprim component.
Maintain serum trough concentrations of 15–20 mcg/mL in adult patients who receive intermittent bolus administration.


Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


N. meningitidis is carried in the nasopharynx and transmitted by direct contact

with nasal or oral secretions or through inhalation of large droplet nuclei. The
bacteria possess pili that allow attachment and passage through the nasopharynx
epithelium. In the blood, bacterial capsules help minimize phagocytic engulfment
by macrophages. Individuals with congenital deficiencies of immunoglobulins,
such as agammaglobulinemia or complement deficiencies, are at increased risk of
meningitis.40 Antibiotic treatment is with amoxicillin or ampicillin.4
Current meningococcal conjugated vaccines contain serotypes A, C, Y, and
W-135 capsule polysaccharides, and a new separate serotype B vaccine has been
developed. The vaccines are highly effective in children41 but have not been
widely administered in developing countries. To prevent transmission from a
patient with meningococcal meningitis to close contacts, chemoprophylaxis with
rifampin or ciprofloxacin is effective to eliminate colonization of the
nasopharynx (TABLE 1-7).

LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES. L. monocytogenes is a gram-positive, facultatively

anaerobic, non–spore-forming motile bacillus that causes about 9% of acute
bacterial meningitis cases worldwide.42,43 It is an intracellular pathogen capable
of spreading directly from cell to cell without exposure to CSF. Central nervous
system (CNS) infection has the highest incidence in infants, the elderly, and
individuals with a malignancy or who are immunocompromised or
posttransplantation. Outbreaks can develop from eating contaminated salami,
raw vegetables, seafood, unpasteurized milk, or homemade cheese (especially
goat cheese), even if stored in a refrigerator (CASE 1-2).42 Patients with
meningitis caused by L. monocytogenes may have a delayed presentation with
fewer classic signs of meningitis, more confusion, and a milder stiff neck and
thus may delay seeking care.42 The CSF may have a lower white blood cell count

TABLE 1-7 Prophylactic Antibiotic Treatment for Close Contacts of Patients With
Meningococcal Meningitisa

Antibiotic Dose Duration

Rifampicin Child <1 month of age: 5 mg/kg 2 times a day orally 2 Days
Child ≥3 months to 12 years of age: 10 mg/kg 2 times a day orally
Child 12 years: 600 mg 2 times a day orally
Nonpregnant adult: 600 mg 2 times a day orally

Ciprofloxacin Adult >18 years: 500 mg orally Once

Pregnant: do not use

Ceftriaxone Child <15 years: 125 mg IM Once

Adult ≥16 years: 250 mg IM
Pregnant: 250 mg IM

Data from van de Beek, et al, Clin Microbiol Infect.4

1276 OCTOBER 2018

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(fewer than 500 cells/mm3), lower protein elevations, and a glucose level closer
to normal.42 Because of L monocytogenes’ low bacterial concentration in CSF, the
Gram stain is negative more than half the time. When identified, L monocytogenes
may look more like a coccus than a bacillus. Antibiotic treatment should include
ampicillin or amoxicillin as the organism may be resistant to a third-generation
cephalosporin; treatment should be administered for 14 to 21 days.42
Aminoglycosides may also be added if CSF cultures demonstrate cephalosporin
resistance. The mortality rate is up to 30% but may be elevated because of
preexisting comorbidities.

HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE. H. influenzae is a gram-negative encapsulated

bacterium that is spread via the respiratory route to an individual who
subsequently develops a bacteremia that then invades the meninges. Although H.
influenzae has several serotypes, the type B serotype represents more than 90%
of the meningitis cases. Before the widespread administration of H. influenzae type
B conjugate vaccines, H. influenzae meningitis accounted for 48% of all cases of
bacterial meningitis.44 Most cases occurred in infants and small children, with a
2% to 4% carriage rate in the oropharynx of all children under 5 years of age.45

A 30-year-old woman presented with a fever, bad headache, and CASE 1-2
vomiting. History revealed that she loved fresh soft goat cheese; 2 weeks
before the onset of symptoms, she had purchased some at a rural
roadside stand. The local merchant told her he had obtained the cheese
from a farm that pasteurized the goat milk.
On examination, her temperature was 39°C (102.2°F). She was lethargic
but could give a reasonable history, had a stiff neck, and was nauseated.
Head CT was normal. Lumbar puncture showed an opening pressure of
260 mm CSF, 500 white blood cells/mm3 (predominance of neutrophils),
glucose of 26 mg/dL, protein of 95 mg/dL, and negative Gram stain. CSF
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for herpes simplex virus and
enteroviruses were negative. She was hospitalized and treated with
ampicillin and ceftriaxone. Four days later, her CSF grew Listeria
monocytogenes. She made a full recovery.

This patient likely consumed goat cheese contaminated with L. COMMENT

monocytogenes. Goats can become chronically infected, and many
farmers may not realize that simple brief boiling is not the same as
pasteurization. Milk is an excellent medium for microbial growth, and
pasteurization of milk requires heating milk to 72°C (161.6°F) for about
15 seconds. Pasteurization inactivates major milk-borne pathogens,
including L. monocytogenes, Salmonella species, Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Q fever, brucellosis, diphtheria, and tuberculosis.
Since Listeria is an intracellular pathogen, CSF titers may be as low as 103 to
104 per mm3, which may not be in sufficient concentration to produce a
positive CSF Gram stain and may require a prolonged culture time.


Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


H. influenzae meningitis now accounts for less than 7% of cases in developed

countries but remains an important cause of childhood meningitis in
developing countries that do not administer the vaccine. Clinical features of
H. influenzae meningitis do not differ from other forms of acute bacterial
meningitis, and treatment is usually with ampicillin or amoxicillin or
occasionally chloramphenicol.4

STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. S. aureus is a gram-positive bacterium that accounts

for about 5% of meningitis but has a mortality rate of about 30%.46 It is usually
classified as a major hospital-associated cause of meningitis. Published series
show S. aureus may be either methicillin sensitive (50%) or methicillin resistant
(50%), with resistant bacteria increasing in frequency.12–14 S. aureus meningitis
occurs due to two major pathogenic mechanisms: as a postoperative complication
or via hematogenous spread.

CASE 1-3 A 45-year-old man fell off his motorcycle while riding without a helmet.
He was knocked unconscious for several minutes, and his friends called
an ambulance. In the emergency department, he was confused and had a
bloody nose and pain in the right leg. X-rays showed a compound
depressed skull fracture and a nondisplaced fracture of the right femur.
Brain MRI showed a subarachnoid bleed, depressed skull fracture, and
blood in the right frontal and maxillary sinuses. The patient was
hospitalized and transferred to a regional hospital the following day. At
the local hospital, his mental status had returned to normal and his vital
signs remained normal. At the regional hospital, a neurosurgeon removed
the depressed skull fragments. Ceftriaxone was administered. On the
third hospital day, his temperature was elevated to 38.4°C (101.1°F) and he
became confused, with worsening headache. Several hours later, the
confusion worsened. Repeat brain MRI was unchanged.
A lumbar puncture was performed and was notable for an opening
pressure of 300 mm CSF. CSF showed 300 red blood cells/mm3; white
blood cells were 450 cells/mm3 with 90% neutrophils, glucose level was
20 mg/dL, and protein level was 300 mg/dL. CSF Gram stain showed
numerous gram-positive cocci. He was diagnosed with acute bacterial
meningitis secondary to bacterial entry associated with a skull fracture.
He was started on nafcillin for possible Staphylococcus aureus and
vancomycin for methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Bacterial cultures
grew MRSA. He survived but had neurologic sequelae.

COMMENT Compound depressed cranial fractures are depressed fractures with an

overlying scalp laceration in continuity with the fracture site; they are
usually treated with debridement and surgical elevation. In the United
States, the incidence of subsequent staphylococcal infection after head
trauma is around 3%, and many such infections are MRSA.12,13 Currently, no
standardized antibiotic regimen is recommended, but vancomycin
and nafcillin are commonly given.

1278 OCTOBER 2018

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In postoperative S. aureus meningitis, bacteria are introduced following KEY POINTS
neurosurgical procedures, CSF leaks, shunt devices, head trauma (CASE 1-3), or
● Neisseria meningitidis is a
brain masses, or spread from adjacent infections. The postoperative form major cause of meningitis in
accounts for more than 75% of S. aureus meningitis. sub-Saharan Africa.
In hematogenous S. aureus meningitis, spread to the CNS occurs from foci of
infections outside the CNS, such as from endocarditis, skin or soft tissue infections, ● Listeria monocytogenes
causes about 9% of acute
pneumonia, peritonitis, or urinary tract infections. People with hematogenous
bacterial meningitis cases
acquisition often have an underlying disease, such as cardiovascular disease, worldwide, with the highest
diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, cirrhosis, malignancy, human immunodeficiency incidence in infants, the
virus (HIV), or primary immune deficiencies; use IV drugs; or are elderly, and individuals with
immunosuppressed from chemotherapy. These patients usually present acutely a malignancy or who are
immunocompromised or
with fever and altered mental status. About half also have headache. Focal posttransplantation.
neurologic signs depend on the location of the entering infection. Patients have an
elevated CSF white blood cell count and protein but may not have a dramatically ● Staphylococcus aureus
low glucose level. Positive CSF Gram stains are present in 30% to 50% of patients. accounts for about 5% of
meningitis but has a
Blood cultures are commonly positive in patients in the hematogenous group. mortality rate of about 30%.
Antibiotic treatment generally includes a combination of vancomycin, It is classified as a major
nafcillin, and linezolid for 18 to 21 days.4 For infection acquired following a cause of health care–
neurosurgical procedure, correction of the initial source (eg, shunt infection, associated bacterial
skull fracture) should be addressed. Overall mortality is 30% to 50%.
● Bacterial meningitis
Bacterial meningitis caused by anaerobic bacteria is uncommon and most often bacteria is uncommon but
develops in infants whose mothers had amnionitis or other delivery problems and appears to mainly develop in
infants whose mothers had
in children and adults with otitis media, sinusitis, pulmonary infections, or CNS amnionitis or other delivery
shunt infections or who have had recent neurosurgery.47,48 The most common problems and in children
bacteria are Bacteroides species, Fusobacterium species, Clostridium species, and adults with otitis media,
Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces, Veillonella, and Propionibacterium species. Usually sinusitis, pulmonary
infections, CNS shunt
the CSF in patients with meningitis does not grow both anaerobic and aerobic infections or who have had
organisms, which makes it different than brain abscesses. In general, these recent neurosurgery.
patients present with similar clinical features and CSF findings to individuals
with aerobic acute bacterial meningitis. However, the Gram stain may show
organisms, while the CSF aerobic culture may be negative. Recommended
antibiotics include metronidazole, chloramphenicol, and meropenem.48


Since not all bacteria are sensitive to every antibiotic and administration of too
many types of antibiotics could lead to unnecessary adverse reactions and
antibiotic resistance, the clinician must consider several factors before selecting
the antibiotics to administer. Patient-related factors to consider include age,
duration of symptoms, vaccination status, health status (ie, conditions that could
predispose to types of meningitis, such as earache, chronic gastrointestinal or
respiratory diseases, or recent head trauma), allergies to certain antibiotics, and
recent travel status. The clinician should also determine whether other members
of the patient’s family, friends, or community are experiencing meningitis or
illnesses that could predispose to meningitis. Conversations with infectious
disease colleagues, hospital bacterial laboratories, state committees that handle
infectious diseases, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be
helpful. If CSF and blood values are available, they may suggest an acute bacterial
meningitis or a meningitis that could be fungal, viral, cancerous, or autoimmune.


Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


If the factors considered suggest a pure community-acquired bacterial

meningitis, a third- or fourth-generation cephalosporin plus vancomycin and
adjunctive dexamethasone is often prescribed. If the patient is immunosuppressed
and in those with a history of alcohol abuse or aged 65 years or older, a third- or
fourth-generation cephalosporin plus vancomycin and ampicillin may be
prescribed, with careful consideration of the safety of administering
dexamethasone. If the patient is postsurgical, vancomycin plus nafcillin, and
linezolid and possibly a cephalosporin may be considered. If the acute meningitis
could be very atypical due to foreign travel, a specific infectious disease
consultation is indicated.


Despite improved speed of diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic treatment, acute
bacterial meningitis still has a complication rate of up to 20%. Dexamethasone is
widely given in an attempt to reduce the mortality and morbidity of acute
bacterial meningitis. For maximum benefit, dexamethasone must be given early
(minutes before or immediately after antibiotics are given) in the meningitis
course and must be in high dose, and the administered antibiotics must cross the
blood-brain barrier and kill the meningitis bacteria. Administration of
corticosteroids when the presumed infectious etiology is incorrect and the
antibiotics do not kill the organism may lead to a worse outcome.
In 2015, Brouwer and colleagues49 reviewed 25 studies with 4121 participants in
a Cochrane Review. In high-income countries, the use of corticosteroids was
associated with a nonsignificant reduction in mortality but significantly lower
rates of severe hearing loss, any hearing loss, and other neurologic sequelae.
However, nine studies from low-income countries reported that the use of
corticosteroids was associated with no significant benefit.


The incidence of neurologic sequelae of acute bacterial meningitis is substantial
and varies considerably between developed and developing countries. The type
and prevalence of neurologic sequelae vary by age and offending bacterium.6,50
The most commonly reported sequelae are hearing loss, cognitive impairment,
and epilepsy.
Acute bacterial meningitis caused by S. pneumoniae has the highest case fatality
rate, ranging from 20% to 37% in developed countries to 50% in developing
countries.50 Pneumococcal meningitis has a higher incidence of neurologic
sequelae than acute bacterial meningitis due to most other pathogens. Focal
neurologic deficits are usually caused by cerebrovascular events but occasionally
develop from subdural empyemas, cerebral abscesses, CNS bleeding, or severe
meningeal inflammation with penetration of toxic inflammatory molecules
across the pial barrier, resulting in neuronal necrosis. In children, focal deficits
may include aphasia, ataxia, or paresis in up to 10% of survivors. In adults, about
12% experience a cerebral infarction at admission and another 12% develop
infarction following admission. If more than one cerebral infarction is noted, a
cardioembolic source should be considered, as endocarditis can be a coexisting
condition. Cognitive impairment is common, especially in children. One Dutch
study found 22% of children underachieved in school following acute bacterial
meningitis.51 While some children's cognitive function ultimately improves,
others continue to have difficulty in school. Another Dutch study found 32% of

1280 OCTOBER 2018

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adult survivors had deficits in intelligence, memory, and executive functioning.52 KEY POINTS
Seizures can appear before admission and continue during hospitalization and
● Despite rapid diagnosis
after discharge. Anticonvulsants are indicated but often can be discontinued and appropriate antibiotic
2 to 3 years after illness, as many seizure disorders resolve over time after treatment, acute bacterial
meningitis. meningitis still has a
Hearing loss is usually sensorineural, with a reported incidence of 14% for mild complication rate of up
to 20%.
hearing loss (more than 25 dB) and 5% for severe hearing loss (more than 75 dB).8,50
The hearing loss usually develops in the first few days of the meningitis and is ● For maximum benefit,
usually caused by bacteria and inflammatory toxins traversing the cochlear adjunctive dexamethasone
aqueduct from the meninges to reach the cochlea.50 Hearing loss spontaneously must be given early in the
improves in 24%, but in some the loss is permanent.50 Hearing loss is particularly meningitis course when
administering antibiotics
common in pneumococcal meningitis, but the incidence and severity can be and must be in high dose,
reduced by adjunctive dexamethasone.49 Thus, a hearing evaluation should be and the administered
performed in all childhood survivors of acute bacterial meningitis. antibiotics must cross the
blood-brain barrier and kill
the meningitis bacteria.

CONCLUSION ● The incidence of

Acute bacterial meningitis occurs worldwide and in all age groups, producing a neurologic sequelae of
severe life-threatening illness if not promptly diagnosed and treated with acute bacterial meningitis is
substantial. The most
appropriate antibiotics that cross the blood-brain barrier. Acute bacterial
commonly reported
meningitis is usually acquired in a community setting but may be acquired sequelae are hearing loss,
following invasive procedures or head trauma (called health care–associated cognitive impairment, and
meningitis or nosocomial meningitis). epilepsy.
In individuals suspected of meningitis, often with new onset of fever,
headache, and meningismus, the diagnosis is usually made by an LP and CSF
examination. The CSF typically shows a neutrophilic pleocytosis, low glucose
level, and elevated CSF protein, and gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria are
seen on centrifuged CSF stained with the Gram stain. The diagnosis is confirmed
by culture of the CSF or use of newer technology.
Based on the clinical history and CSF Gram stain, immediate decisions are
made to give one or more antibiotics that cross the blood-brain barrier. When
appropriate, early adjunctive administration of dexamethasone has a small
beneficial effect in improving outcome and reducing sequelae in survivors.
Patients are usually placed in the intensive care unit of a hospital, where they are
monitored carefully for 14 days of antibiotics. Although many patients have a
good outcome, some patients (depending on the offending bacteria) may die and
others may experience sequelae, commonly hearing loss, cognitive impairment,
or seizures.


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