Sumaiya Nazeen-CV2019
Sumaiya Nazeen-CV2019
Sumaiya Nazeen-CV2019
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-G570
Ph.D. Candidate in EECS Cambridge, MA 02139
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) Email:, Ph: +1 (857) 206-2195
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Website:
[1] Nazeen, S., Yu, Y. W., and Berger, B. Carnelian uncovers hidden functional patterns across diverse study
populations from whole metagenome sequencing reads. (under review at Genome Biology)
[2] Nazeen, S.†, Palmer, N.P.†, Berger, B., and Kohane, I.S. Integrative analysis of genetic datasets reveals a shared
innate immune component in autism spectrum disorder and its co-morbidities. Genome Biology, 17:1(2016) 228
(† Co-first authors)
[3] Moosa, T.M., Nazeen, S. †, Rahman, M.S., and Reaz, R. †, Inferring Strings from Cover Arrays, Discrete
Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 5.02 (2013) 1360005 (Author names in alphabetical order)
[4] Nazeen, S., Rahman, M.S., and Reaz, R. †, Indeterminate String Inference Algorithms, Journal of Discrete
Algorithms, 10 (2012) 23-34
[5] Nazeen, S. and Berger, B. Carnelian: alignment-free functional binning and abundance estimation of
metagenomic reads. ECCB 2018. Applications Track. Athens, Greece (2018)
[6] Moosa, T.M., Nazeen, S., Rahman, M.S., Reaz, R., Linear Time Inference of Strings from Cover Arrays using a
Binary Alphabet. Rahman and Nakano (eds.) WALCOM 2012. LNCS, vol. 7157, pp. 160-172. Springer, Heidelberg
[8] Nazeen, S., Singh, R., Berger, B.A., LAPRAS: An integrative model incorporating heterogeneous datasets to
discover genetic etiology of autism spectrum disorder, ISMB/ECCB, Dublin, Ireland (2015) (one of the 36 posters
selected for oral presentation among ~600 accepted posters)
[9] Nazeen, S., Berger, B.A., Integrative Analysis of Multiple Gene Expression Studies Reveals Genes and Pathways
involved in Alteration of Steroidogenesis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), ECCB, Strasbourg, France (2014)
[1] Nazeen, S. Uncovering hidden functional patterns across diverse study populations from whole metagenome
sequencing reads with Carnelian. ACM-BCB: Workshop on Microbiomics, Metagenomics, and
Metabolomics, September 2019 (forthcoming)
[2] Nazeen, S. Carnelian: enhanced functional profiling for whole genome metagenomics. Frontiers in Microbiota
Interactions Symposium, Harvard Medical School, 2018
[3] Keynote Speech at the Workshop on Women Empowerment through ICT: Higher Studies, Research and
Career, Road to Grad Schools Abroad: Guidelines & Advices, Bangladesh University of Engineering &
Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 2014
• Research Assistant at MIT Computation and Biology Group under supervision of Prof. Bonnie Berger,
September 2013 – Present
• Remote Associate Researcher, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA, January 2013 –
• Teaching Assistant to Prof. Bonnie Berger, 18.418: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, Spring
• Research Assistant (Rotation) at MIT Computation and Biology, Computational Genomics, and
Computational Biology Groups under supervision of Prof. Bonnie Berger, Prof. Manolis Kellis, and Prof.
David K. Gifford, September 2012 – August 2013
• Lecturer at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology, March 2011 – August 2012
• Associate Sub-project Manager, Enhancement of Graduate Studies Facilities for the Department of CSE,
BUET, Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project, AIF Round-II (A project aided by World Bank), 2012
Extracurricular Activities
• 1st Runner Up, EECS GSA Logo Design Competition, MIT (2014)
• Volunteer for MIT GSC Orientation Events (2013)
• Instructor for Special Sunday School at Parkside Elementary School, Atlanta, GA (2013)
• 1st Runner Up, Women's Singles Badminton Tournament, CSE Day'07 organized by Department of CSE,
BUET, 2007
• 1st Runners Up, Science Fair, 27th National Science & ICT Week, Tejgaon - Ramna Thana Zone, Dhaka
Division, 2004
• 2nd Runners Up, Quiz Competition, Josephite Festival organized by St. Joseph High School & College, 2004
References available upon request.