Biodiesel: Background and Information What Is Biodiesel?
Biodiesel: Background and Information What Is Biodiesel?
Biodiesel: Background and Information What Is Biodiesel?
What is Biodiesel?
Biodiesel, short from for “biological oil”, is one of the alternative fuels that is produced from
renewable resources. Specifically, it is a mono alkyl ester produced from vegetable oil, canola
oil, soybean oil or animal fats. Waste animal fats and used frying oils (known as “yellow
grease”) are also potential feedstocks. Just like petroleum-derived diesel, biodiesel operates in
diesel compression engines, including those used in vehicles and stationary electrical generator
units. It can be used in a 100 per cent pure fuel formulation or as a blended component with
petroleum derived diesel. The most common blend is called B20, which is 20 per cent biodiesel
and 80 per cent petroleum diesel. Essentially, no engine modifications are required, and
biodiesel maintains the payload capacity and range of petroleum-derived diesel.
The most common way that biodiesel is produced is through a process known as
transesterification. The reaction begins when an alcohol, such as methanol, is catalyzed, usually
by sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This mixture is then added to oil that is derived from oil seeds or
animal fats. The process is relatively simple and does not produce any waste products. It is
important to note that this is a required process in the use of biodiesel, and raw oils should not be
used as substitutes.
For a detailed explanation of the biodiesel production process please refer to:
Biodiesel is an easy alternative fuel to use because it can be used in most diesel equipment, in
fact adding biodiesel increases the lubricity of the fuel, which can increase the life of the engine
and its components.
Because biodiesel can be produced domestically from renewable sources, such as canola or other
oil seed crops or crop-residue, it is virtually CO2 neutral. Its use does not contribute to global
Because biodiesel is non-toxic and readily biodegradable, accidental spills or leakage from
storage tanks pose less of a risk to ground water and the environment in general when compared
to petroleum derived fuels. Biodiesel is also safer to handle because it has a higher flash point,
meaning that it requires a higher temperature to ignite.
The Engine Manufacturers Association approves of the use of the B5 blend of biodiesel
Manufacturers should be consulted if higher blends are to be used. See below for examples of
successful use with higher blends of biodiesel. Pure biodiesel (B100) has been approved as an
alternative fuel in the U.S., and in Canada, the government approves of any biodiesel meeting the
standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Biodiesel has been in use in the United States and Europe for several years, but is only recently
gaining popularity in Canada. In 2004, approximately 3.5 million litres of biodiesel were used in
Canada. The federal government has set a target of 500 million litres by 2010. Many firms in
the U.S. are now producing commercial quantities of biodiesel, and in 2004, approximately 25
million gallons (94.6 million litres) of biodiesel were produced.
For more information biodiesel producers and marketers please refer to:
Canadian examples of biodiesel use include the Toronto Hydro fleet, non-emergency vehicles in
the City of Calgary’s fire department, and the transit systems in Brampton, Saskatoon, Montreal
and Tofino.
Major users of biodiesel in the United States include the Federal and State governments, public
transit authorities, large commercial fleet operators and underground mine operators. A few
examples include the U.S. Military, which uses B20 biodiesel fuel at different stations and bases
across the States, the Maysville and Blackriver mines, which use B35 biodiesel in all their
underground equipment, and most Clark County School District Buses run on B20 biodiesel.
For more information on current international applications for biodiesel and other background
information, please see: