Quiz - Westing Game
Quiz - Westing Game
Quiz - Westing Game
Question Answer
The Westing Game East and has no towers, but it has 5 empty
What direction does Sunset Towers floors
The Westing Game The 62-year old delivery boy and the
Who was Otis Amber? private investigator
The Westing Game She could sell the car, take out a bank
What does J. J. Ford think she will do if loan and pay him back in cash. He paid
Sam Wexler is alive? for her education.
The Westing Game She had wide hips and she limped
What did Sydelle Pulaski look like?
The Westing Game What did the Sam Westing Found Dead
headline in the morning newspaper say
the morning after Turtle found Mr.
The Westing Game Clean living, hard work and fair play
To what did Mr. Wexler contribute for his
The Westing Game What did the writing If I am found dead in bed
say on the envelop Turtle saw beside Mr.
Wexler’s bed?
The Westing Game The lawyer who meets with the 16 people
Who was E. J. Plum?
The Westing Game • Madame Sun Lin Hoo and Jake Wexler
Who are the pairs • Turtle, the witch and Flora, the
• Chris the birdwatcher and Dr. Deere the
• Alexander McSouthers, doorman and J.
J. Ford
• Grace Wexler and Grace Shin Hoo
• Berthe Erica Crow, Good Salvation Soup
Kitchen and Otis Amber, deliverer
• Theo Theodorakis, brother and Doug
Hoo, first in all-state high-school mile run
• Sydelle Pulaski, secretary to the
president and Angela Walker none
The Westing Game Listen to see if they can figure out what
Since each pair had a different set of clues the others have
clues, what are Sydelle Pulaski and
Anglea Wexler going to do?
The Westing Game At the end of the year so no one can see
When will the the will be filed with the what it says
The Westing Game They tell time. Each stripe burns exactly
How are the candles special? one half hour. Twelve stripes, six hours
The Westing Game
Question Answer
The Westing Game She had thin lips, copper colored hair and
What does Judge Ford remember about no mole.
Mrs. Westing?
The Westing Game Blond with full lips and a mole in the
What does Sandy remember about Mrs. corner of her mouth
The Westing Game Angela Wexler looks like his daughter and
What terrible drama does Sandy think Theo looks like his father, who was in love
Westing might be trying to replay? with Violet Westing.
The Westing Game A notice that all heir must meet at the
After following Otis all over, what does Westing house Saturday night.
Otis give Doug Hoo?
The Westing Game Both Grace and Angela look like Violet
Wexler connection to Westing? Westing
The Westing Game The heir that hurt him the most which was
Which heir did Sam Weston want the person who caused his daughter’s
punished? death
The Westing Game He finds Crow and Otis feeding the poor in
What does Theo find when he is spying the Good Salvation Soup Kitchen
on Otis Amber?
The Westing Game Crow because she is tall and thin and
Who does Judge Ford think Mrs. Westing about 60
is now?
The Westing Game One by one the pairs will call out to give
What will happen at the 2nd meeting at one answer. They will be recorded by the
the Westing house? lawyer, Mr. Plum
The Westing Game Wrong all of the answers are wrong and
What answer does Ed Plum pull out of no one has a partner any more. They are
the locked desk drawer? all on their own.
The Westing Game They all got a piece of the Sunset Towers;
What did the heirs inherit? Crow got $30,000. The checks that were
forfeited by the partners.
The Westing Game He sold his paper shoe inserts, Little Foot-
What did James Hoo do with his money? Eze, with Madame Hoo?