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Position Qualifications and Composition Disqualifications Duties Appointing Authority

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Position Qualifications and Composition Disqualifications Duties Appointing Authority

Barangay Appointive Officials

 Legal age  Being a Sangguniang Barangay member, a  Keep custody of all records of the Punong Barangay
Barangay  Qualified voter government employee or a relative of the Sanggunian and the barangay assembly  with the concurrence of the majority of the

Secretary* th
Actual resident of the barangay concerned Punong Barangay within the 4 civil degree meetings Sangguniang Barangay members
of consanguinity or affinity  Prepare and keep the minutes of all  appointment is not subject to attestation by
meetings of the Sanggunian and the the CSC
 Prepare a list of members of the assembly
and have the same posted in conspicuous
places within the barangay
 Assist in the preparation of all necessary
forms for the conduct of barangay
elections, initiatives, referenda or
plebiscites, in coordination with the
 Assist the municipal civil registrar in the
registration of births, deaths and marriages
 Keep an updated record of all inhabitants of
the barangay containing information on
name, address, place and date of birth,
sex, civil status, citizenship, occupation and
such other items of information as may be
prescribed by law or ordinances
 Submit a report on the actual number of
barangay residents as often as may be
required by the Sanggunian
 Serve as secretary of the Lupon
 Other functions as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance
 Legal age  Being a Sangguniang Barangay member, a  Keep custody of barangay funds and Punong Barangay
Barangay  Qualified voter government employee or a relative of the properties  with the concurrence of the majority of the
Treasurer*  Actual resident of the barangay concerned Punong Barangay within the 4th civil degree  Collect and issue official receipts for taxes, Sangguniang Barangay members
 Shall be bonded in accordance with of consanguinity or affinity fees, contributions, monies materials and  appointment is not subject to attestation by
existing laws in an amount to be all other resources accruing to the the CSC
determined by the Sangguniang Barangay barangay treasury and deposit the same in
but not exceeding P10,000.00 with the the account of the barangay in accordance
premiums for which shall be paid by the with the LGC
barangay  Disburse funds in accordance with the
financial procedures provided in the LGC
 Submit to the Punong Barangay a
statement covering the actual and
estimates of income and expenditures for
the preceding and ensuing calendar years,
subject to LGC
 Render a written accounting report of all
barangay funds and property under his
custody at the end of each calendar year,
and ensure that such report shall be made
available to the members of the barangay
assembly and other government agencies
 Certify as to the availability of funds
whenever necessary
 Plan and attend to the rural postal circuit
within his jurisdiction
 Other powers as may be prescribed by law
or ordinance
Qualifications, disqualifications, duties and functions of all other barangay officials, who are appointed by the Punong Barangay, shall be governed by the LGC and other laws or by barangay ordinance
Other appointive
Lupong  Composed of the Punong Barangay as  In barangays where majority of inhabitants Punong Barangay
Tagapamayap chairman and 10 to 20 members are members of indigenous cultural  Within 15 days from start of the term,
 Constituted every 3 years communities, local systems of setting punong barangay issues a notice to
 Any person actually residing or working in disputes through their councils of datus or constitute the lupon and names of its
the barangay elders proposed members.
 Possessing integrity, impartiality,  Exercise administrative supervision over  Appointment done is within 10 days
independence of mind, sense of fairness the conciliation panels after posting period is over
and reputation for probity  Meet regularly once a month to provide a
 Holds office until a new lupon is constituted forum for exchange of ideas among its
on the 3rd year following his appointment members and the public on matters
unless sooner terminated by resignation, relevant to the amicable settlement of
transfer of residence or place of work or disputes and to enable various conciliation
withdrawal of appointment by the punong panel members to share with one another
barangay with the concurrence of majority their observations and experiences in
of all members of the lupon effecting speedy resolution of disputes
 Other powers and perform other duties
 Deemed as persons in authority
 Serves without compensation
 Constituted for each dispute consisting of 3  Elect from among themselves the chairman  Chosen by parties
Pangkat ng members to be chosen by the parties to and secretary  If parties fail to agree on the pangkat
Tagapagkasundo dispute from the list of members of the  Secretary prepares the minutes of the membership, it shall be determined by lots
Lupon pangkat proceedings and submit a copy drawn by the Lupon chairman
duly attested to by the chairman to the
lupon secretary and to the proper city or
municipal court, issues and serves notices
to parties concerned, and issues certified
true copies of any public record in his
Appointive Officials for Municipalities, Cities and Provinces
 Citizen of the Philippines  Attend meetings of the sanggunian and Vice governor/mayor
Secretary to the  Resident of the LGU concerned keep a journal of its proceedings
Sanggunian*  Good moral character  Keep seal of the LGU and affix it with his
 Holder of a college degree preferably in signature to all ordinances, resolutions and
law, commerce or public administration other official acts of the sanggunian and
from a recognized college or university present the same to the presiding officer for
 First grade civil service eligible his signatur
 Forward to the governor or mayor, and
Panglungsod/Bayan/Panlalawigan for
approval copies of ordinances enacted by
the Sanggunian and duly certified by the
presiding officer
 Record in a book all ordinances and
resolutions with date of passage and
publication thereof
 Translate into local dialect all ordinances
and resolutions immediately after their
approval and cause publication of the same
together with the original version according
to LGC
 Custodian of local archives and library
 Citizen of the Philippines  Advise the local chief executive, the Secretary of Finance from a list of 3 qualified
Treasurer*  Resident of the LGU concerned sanggunian and other local government nominees submitted by mayor or governor
 Good moral character and national officials concerned regarding
 Holder of a college degree preferably in disposition of local government funds
law, commerce or public administration  Take custody of and exercise proper
from a recognized college or university management of funds of LGU
 First grade civil service eligible  Take charge of the disbursement of all local
 Experience in treasury or accounting government funds and other funds
service for at least 5 years for entrusted to him by law or competent
provincial/city treasurer, and 3 years for authority
municipal treasurer  Inspect private commercial and industrial
establishments within the jurisdiction of
LGU in relation to the implementation of tax
 For provincial treasurer, exercise technical
supervision over all treasury offices of
component cities and municipalities
 Citizen of the Philippines  Assist the treasurer and perform such Secretary of Finance from a list of 3 qualified
Assistant  Resident of the LGU concerned duties as the treasurer may assign him nominees submitted by mayor or governor
Treasurer**  Good moral character  Authority to administer oaths concerning
 Holder of a college degree preferably in notices and notifications to those
law, commerce or public administration delinquent in the payment of the real
from a recognized college or university property tax and concerning official matters
 First grade civil service eligible relating to the accounts of the treasurer or
 Experience in treasury or accounting arising in the offices of the treasurer and
service for at least 5 years for the assessor.
provincial/city treasurer, and 3 years for
municipal treasurer
 Citizen of the Philippines  Appraisal, assessment and valuation of real Mayor/Governor
Assessor*  Resident of the LGU concerned properties within the territory of the LGU  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character  Conduct frequent physical surveys to verify Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in and determine whether all real properties
civil, mechanical, engineering, commerce within the province are properly listed in the
or other related course from a recognized assessment rolls
college or university  Preparation, installation and maintenance
 First grade civil service eligible of a system of tax mapping
 Experience in real property assessment  Preparation of a schedule of the fair market
work or in any related field for at least 5 values of the different classes of real
years for city/provincial assessor, and 3 properties within territory of LGU
years for municipal assessor  For assessor of component city or
municipality, attend all sessions of the local
board of assessment appeals whenever his
assessment is subject of the appeal
 For provincial assessor, exercise technical
supervision and visitorial functions over all
city and municipal assessors
 Citizen of the Philippines  Assist assessor and perform such duties as Mayor/Governor
Assistant  Resident of the LGU concerned the assessor may assign to him  Subject to confirmation by the
Assessor**  Good moral character  Authority to administer oaths on all Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in declarations of real property for purposes of
civil, mechanical, engineering, commerce assessment
or other related course from a recognized
college or university
 First grade civil service eligible
 Experience in real property assessment
work or in any related field for at least 3
years for city/provincial assessor, and 1
year for municipal assessor

 Citizen of the Philippines  Accounting and internal audit services of Mayor/Governor
Accountant*  Resident of the LGU concerned the LGU concerned  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character  Prepare and submit financial statements to Sanggunian
 Certified public accountant the governor/mayor and to the Sanggunian  IN THE APPOINTMENT OF
 Experience in the treasury or accounting  Apprise the Sangunian and other LGU ACCOUNTANT, THE CODE
service for at least 5 years for officials on financial conditions and REQUIRES THAT PREFERENCE IS
provincial/city accountant and 3 years for operations of LGU GIVEN TO THE INCUMBEN CHIEF
municipal accountant  Prepare statements of cash advances, ACCOUNTANT OF THE
liquidation, salaries, allowances, TREASURER’S OFFICE
reimbursements and remittances of LGU
 Prepare statements of journal vouchers
and liquidation
 Certify availability of budgetary allotment to
which expenditures and obligations may be
properly charge
 Prepare journals and analysis of obligations
and maintain and keep all records and
reports related

 Citizen of the Philippines  Prepare forms, orders and circulars Mayor/Governor

Budget Officer*  Resident of the LGU concerned embodying instructions on budgetary and  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character appropriation matters for signature of Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in governor/mayor
accounting, economics, public  Assist in the mayor/governor in the
administration, or any related course from a preparation of budget and during budget
recognized college or university hearing
 First grade civil service eligible  Submit periodic budgetary reports to DBM
 Experience in government budgeting or in  Assist Sanggunian in reviewing the
any related field for at least 5 years for approved budgets of component LGUs
provincial/city officer, and at least 3 years
for municipal officer
 Citizen of the Philippines  Supervision and control of the secretariat of Mayor/Governor
Planning and  Resident of the LGU concerned the Local Development Council  Subject to confirmation by the
Development  Good moral character  Formulate integrated economic, social, Sanggunian
Coordinator*  Holder of a college degree preferably in physical and other development plans and
urban planning, development studies, policies for consideration of local
economics, public administration or any government development council
related course from a recognized college or  Prepare comprehensive plans and other
university development planning documents for
 First grade civil service eligible consideration of local development council
 Experience in development planning or in  Monitor and evaluate implementation of
any related field for at least 5 years for development programs, projects and
provincial/city officer, and at least 3 years activities
for municipal officer  Analyze the income and expenditure
patterns and formulate and recommend
fiscal plans and policies for consideration of
finance committee
 Promote people participation in
development planning
 Citizen of the Philippines  Initiate, review and recommend changes in Mayor/Governor
Engineer*  Resident of the LGU concerned policies and objectives, procedures,  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character practices in infrastructure development and Sanggunian
 Licensed civil engineer public works
 Experience in practice of profession for at  Advise governor or mayor on infrastructure,
least 5 years for provincial/city engineer public works and other engineering matters
and 3 years for municipal engineer  Administer, coordinate, supervise and
control of construction, maintenance,
improvement and repair of roads, bridges
and other engineering and public works
 Provide engineering services to LGU
 For provincial engineer, exercise technical
supervision over all engineering offices of
component cities and municipalities
 Citizen of the Philippines  Take charge of office on health services, Mayor/Governor
Health Officer*  Resident of the LGU concerned supervise the personnel and staff,  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character formulate program implementation Sanggunian
 Licensed medical practitioner  Formulate measures for consideration of
 Experience for at least 5 years for the Sanggunian and provide technical
provincial/city officer, and 3 years for assistance and support to governor/mayor
municipal officer  Conduct sanitary inspections of all
business establishments selling food items
or accommodations in accordance with the
Sanitation Code
 For provincial health officer, exercises
general supervision over health officers of
component cities and municipalities
 Citizen of the Philippines  Responsible for civil registration program in Mayor/Governor
Civil Registrar*  Resident of the LGU concerned the LGU concerned, pursuant to Civil  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character Registry law, the Civil Code and other Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree from a pertinent laws
recognized college or university  Coordinate with the NSO in conducting
 First grade civil service eligible educational campaigns for vital registration
 Experience in civil registry work for at least  Assisting in the preparation of demographic
5 years for city/provincial civil registrar and and other statistics for the local government
for 3 years for municipal registrar  Receive applications for issuance of
marriage licenses and supporting
certificates and publication thereof for the
prescribed period have been complied with,
issue the license upon payment of the
authorized fee of the treasurer
 Transmit to the Office of Civil Registrar
General duplicate copies of registered
documents required by law
 File, keep and preserve in a secure place
the books required by law
 Citizen of the Philippines  Develop plans and strategies and upon Mayor/Governor
Administrator*  Resident of the LGU concerned approval, implement them which have to do  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character with the management and administration- Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in related programs and programs which the  One of the three local government
law, public administration or any other governor/mayor is empowered to appointive officials (legal officer,
related course from a recognized college or implement and which the Sanggunian is information officer) whose term is
university empowered to provide coterminous with the appointing
 First grade civil service eligible  Assist in the coordination of work of all authority
 Experience in management and officials of the LGU under the supervision,
administration work for at least 5 years for direction, and control of the governor/mayor
provincial/city administrator and at least 3  Convene chiefs of offices and other officials
years for municipal administrator of the LGU
 Frontline of the delivery of administrative
support services, particularly those related
to the situations during and in the aftermath
of man-made and natural disasters and
 Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise
the governor/mayor on all other matters
relative to the management and
administration of LGU
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Legal Officer*  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to confirmation by the
 Good moral character  Provide legal assistance and support to Sanggunian
 Member of the Philippine Bar governor/mayor in carrying out the delivery  One of the three local government
 Practiced his profession for at least 5 years of basic services appointive officials (administrator,
for provincial/city legal officer and at least 3  Represent the LGU in all civil actions and information officer) whose term is
years for municipal legal officer special proceedings wherein the LGU or coterminous with the appointing
any official thereof, in his official capacity, is authority
a party: Provided that in actions where a  Primarily confidential officer
component city/municipality is a party
adverse to the provincial government or to
another component city/municipality, a
special legal officers may be employed to
represent the adverse party
 Draft ordinances, contracts, bonds, leases
and other instruments, when required by
governor/mayor, and provide comments
and recommendations on instruments
already drawn
 Render opinion in writing on any question
of law when requested by governor/mayor
 Investigate or cause to be investigated any
local official/employee for administrative
neglect or misconduct in office and
recommend action to the
 Investigate or cause to be investigated any
person, firm or corporation holding any
franchise or exercising any public privilege
for failure to comply with any term of
franchise, and recommend action to
 Initiate and prosecute in the interest of LGU
concerned any civil action on any bond,
lease or other contract upon any breach or
violation thereof, when directed by
 Review and submit recommendations on
ordinances approved and orders issued by
component units
 Frontline of protecting human rights and
prosecuting any violations thereof
particularly those which occur during and in
the aftermath of man-made or natural
disaster (Human Rights Lawyer)
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for approval of Mayor/Governor
Agriculturist  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
* for provincial  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
** for city and  Holder of a college degree in agriculture or mayor/governor
municipal any related course from a recognized  Ensure delivery of basic services and
college or university provisions for adequate facilities as
 First grade civil service eligible provided under Section 17 of LGC
 Practiced profession in agriculture or  Recommend to Sanggunian and advise
acquired experience in a related field for at governor/mayor on all other matters related
least 5 years for provincial and city to agriculture and aquaculture
agriculturist, and at least 3 years for  Provide maximum assistance and access
municipal agriculturist to resources in the production, processing,
and marketing of agricultural and
aquacultural and marine products for
farmers, fishermen and local entrepreneurs
 Assist mayor/governor in establishment of
demonstration farms or aquaculture or
marine products and delivery of extension

 Coordinate with government agencies and
NGOs which promote agricultural
productivity through appropriate technology
compatible with environmental integrity
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for approval of Mayor/Governor
Social Welfare and  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
Development  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
Officer  Holder of a college degree preferably in governor/mayor
* for provincial and sociology or any other related course from  Ensure compliance with Section 17 of LGC
city a recognized college or university on delivery of basic services
** for municipal  First grade civil service eligible  Identify basic needs of the needy,
 Practice of social work for at least 5 years disadvantaged and the impoverished
for provincial/city welfare officer and 3  Provide relief and appropriate crisis
years for municipal welfare officer intervention for victims of abuse and
 Assist the governor/mayor in implementing
barangay level program for the total
development and protection of children up
to 6 years old
 Facilitate implementation of welfare
programs for disabled, elderly and victims
of drug addiction, rehabilitation of prisoners
and parolees, prevention of juvenile
 Recommend to Sanggunian and advise
governor/mayor on all other matters related
to social welfare and development services
which will improve the livelihood and living
conditions of inhabitants
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Environment and  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
Natural Resources  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance support to the Sanggunian
Officer**  Holder of a college degree preferably in governor/mayor
environment, forestry, agriculture or any  Develop plans and strategies
related course from a recognized college or  Establish, maintain, protect and preserve
university communal forests, watershed, tree parks,
 First grade civil service eligible mangroves, greenbelts and similar forest
 Experience in environmental and natural projects and commercial forest
resources management, conservation and  Manage and maintain seed banks and
utilization for at least 5 years for produce seedlings for forests and tree
provincial/city officer, and 3 for municipal parks
officer  Promote the small-scale mining and
utilization of mineral resources, particularly
mining of gold
 Coordinate with government agencies and
 Recommend to Sanggunian and advise the
governor/mayor on all other matters relative
to the protection, conservation, maximum
utilization, application of appropriate
technology and other matters related to
environment and natural resources
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Architect**  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
 Good moral character  Provide technical assistance to Sanggunian
 Duly licensed architect governor/mayor
 Experience for at least 5 years for  Develop plans and strategies
provincial/city architect, and 3 for municipal  Prepare and recommend for consideration
architect of the Sanggunian the architectural plan
and design for the LGU including the
renewal of slums and blighted areas, land
reclamation activities, the greening of land
and appropriate planning of marine and
foreshore areas
 Review and recommend for appropriate
action the architectural plans and design
submitted by governmental and
nongovernmental entities, especially those
for undeveloped, underdeveloped and
poorly designed areas
 Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise
the governor/mayor on all matters relative
to architectural planning and design as it
relates to the total socioeconomic
development of LGU
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Information  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
Officer**  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance to Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in mayor/governor  Coterminous with appointing authority
journalism, mass communication or any  Develop strategies/plans which concern
related course from a recognized college or public information and research data
university  Provide relevant, adequate and timely
 First grade civil service eligible information to LGU and its residents
 Experience in writing articles and research  Furnish information and data on LGUs to
papers or in writing for print, television or government agencies as may be required
broadcast media for at least 3 years for by law or ordinance; and NGOs to be
provincial/city officer and 1 year for furnished to said agencies and
municipal officer organizations
 Maintain effective liaison with various
sectors of the community on matters and
issues that affect the livelihood and quality
of life of inhabitants and encourage support
for programs of the government
 Recommend to Sanggunian and advise the
governor/mayor on matters relative to
public information and research data as it
relates to the total socioeconomic
development of LGU
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Cooperatives  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
Officer**  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree preferably in the mayor/governor in carrying out
business administration with special measures to ensure delivery of basic
training in cooperatives or any related services and provision of facilities through
course from a recognized college or the development of cooperatives
university  Assist in the organization of cooperatives
 First grade civil service eligible  Provide technical and other forms of
 Experience in cooperatives organization assistance to existing cooperatives to
and management for at least 5 years for enhance their viability as an economic
provincial/city officer, and 3 years for enterprise and social organization
municipal officer  Assist cooperatives in establishing linkages
with government agencies and NGOs
 Recommend to Sanggunian and advise the
mayor on matters relative to cooperatives
development and viability-enhancement
which will improve the livelihood and quality
of life of the inhabitants;
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Population Officer**  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
 Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
 Holder of a college degree with specialized governor/mayor
training in population development from a  Develop plans/strategies and implement
recognized college or university them which have to do with integration of
 First grade civil service eligible population development principles and
 Experience in implementation of programs methods and projects
on population development or responsible  Assist the governor/mayor in
parenthood for at least 5 years for implementation of Constitutional provisions
provincial/city officer, and 3 years for relative to population development and
municipal officer promotion of responsible parenthood
 Establish and maintain an updated data
bank for program operations, development
planning and an educational program to
ensure the people’s participation in and
understanding of population development
 Implement training programs responsive to
the cultural heritage of inhabitants
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
Veterinarian**  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
 Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
 Licensed doctor of veterinary medicine governor/mayor
 Practiced for profession for at least 3 years  Develop plans and strategies on those with
for provincial or city veterinarian, and 1 veterinary-related activities
year for municipal veterinarian  Advise governor/mayor on matters
pertaining to slaughter of animals for
human consumption and regulation of
 Regulate keeping of domestic animals
 Regulate and inspect poultry, milk and
dairy products for public consumption
 Enforce all laws and regulations for
prevention of cruelty to animals
 Measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all
forms of animal diseases
 Recommend to Sanggunian and advise
governor/mayor on matters relative to
veterinary services which will increase the
number and improve the quality of
livestock, poultry and other domestic
animals used for work or human
 Citizen of the Philippines  Formulate measures for consideration of Mayor/Governor
General Services  Resident of the LGU concerned Sanggunian  Subject to approval of the
Officer  Good moral character  Provide technical assistance and support to Sanggunian
* for provincial and  Holder of a college degree preferably in governor/mayor
city public administration, business  Develop and implement plans and
** for municipal administration and management from a strategies which have to do with general
recognized college or university services supportive of the welfare of
 First grade civil service eligible inhabitants
 Experience in general services, including  Take custody and be accountable for all
management of supply, property, solid properties owned by LGU and those
waste disposal and general sanitation for at granted to it in form of donation, reparation,
least 5 years for provincial/city officer and 3 assistance and counterpart of joint projects
years for municipal officer  Assign building or land space to local
 Perform archival and record management
of records of offices
*mandatory; **optional

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