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[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

Impact Factor: 1.852

Design and Construction of a Model Sedimentaion Tank Using Existing Slow Sand
Filter For NDA Treatment Plant
A Saminu*1, UTsoho2, G Harunaand3, L Sagir4
Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna

The treatment of water for human consumption involves various processes in which raw water passes
through. This processes includes; screening, flocculation/coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination.
Sedimentation is a process between flocculation/coagulation tank and filtration tank. The design of sedimentation
tank is necessary to receive effluent of the flocculation/coagulation tank and achieve efficient settling of particles
under gravity and then discharge to the slow sand filter as effluent for further treatment. To achieve this grate
settling efficiency, a rectangular sedimentation tank withthe following dimensions; depth 3.58m, width 5.76m and
23.0m long, is designed and constructed with a baffle across the inlet perforated with holes, this provides calm area
at the settling zone for efficient settling of particles. The base of the tank is sloped towards the inlet zone for
collection and disposal of sludge gate valve. While at the outlet zone, a baffle is provided to prevent any particle
which did not settle from going out.

Water to be supplied for public use must be Suspended material may be particles such as clay or silts
portable i.e. satisfactory for drinking purposes from the originally present in the source water. More commonly,
stand point of its chemical, physical and biological suspended materials or floc is created from material in
characteristics. Drinking water should preferably be the water and the chemical used in coagulation or in the
obtained from source free from pollution. The raw water treatment processes, such as lime softening.
normally available from surface water source is how ever Sedimentation is the removal of suspended
not directly suitable for drinking purpose. The objective solids through the setting of particles moving through a
of water treatment plant is to continuously provide a tank at a slow rate. There are a number of forms of
portable supply of water. It should also improve the sedimentation. In water treatment plants, treating source
athletic acceptability of the water and remove any toxic water a high proportion of suspended solids of coarse
or health-hazardous material. Other function is to remove grade level e.g. clay and coarse silt) a grit chamber may
or deactivate a diseases-producing organism. be used to remove the largest particles through simple
All surface water and ground water require treatment sedimentation. In this process, water is passed through a
prior to consumption to ensure they do not represent a tank at a slow rate and suspended solids fall out of
health risk to the user. Health risk to consumers from suspension. In small supplies simple sedimentation may
poor quality can be due to microbiological, chemical, also be used, while functioning in a simple fashion to grit
physical or radioactive contamination. chambers, although with a smaller rate of water through
Some of the common treatment process used in the flow. Simple sedimentation will not remove fine-grained
past includes plain sedimentation, slow and filtration, particles because the flow remains too high and the
rapid sand filtration with coagulation-flocculation units retention time is insufficient. A further common fault
as essential pretreatment units. Pressure filters and with simple sedimenters is that design flow rates are
diatomaceous filters have been used, under certain rarely achieved in practice and a certain element ‘short-
circumstances, as pretreatment units for the conventional circuiting’ can occur unless construction, operation and
filters. maintenance is done in a careful manner.
As a result of the drawbacks in simple
Definition of Sedimentation sedimentation, it is common to find that the
Sedimentation or classification is the processes sedimentation process is enhanced through the addition
of letting suspended material settle by gravity. of chemicals.
http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852

Sedimentation Process Description

Sedimentation which is also called clarification
is the removal of settleable solids by gravity. The process
takes place in a rectangular, square or round tank called
sedimentation or setting basin or tank.
In the conventional water treatment process
sedimentation is typically used as a step between
flocculation and filtration. Sedimentation is also use to
remove the large amount of chemical precipitate form
during lime-soda ash softening process.
Basins designed for efficient sedimentation
allow the water to flow very slowly, with a minimum to
turbulence at the entry and exit point and with as little
short-circuiting of flow as possible. Sludge, the residue
of solids and water, accumulates at the bottom of the
basin and must then be pumped out of the basin for
disposal or reuse.

Types of Sedimentation Basin

Sedimentation basins may be of different shapes
which includes; rectangular, circular and square.
Figure 1: Circular and square Basin
Rectangular Basins
Rectangular basins are commonly found in large
scale water treatment plants. Rectangular tanks are
Although drinking water should be palatable it
popular as they tend to have.
must be potable, i.e. free from disease or toxic substances
• High tolerance to shock over load
“Disease producing organism (pathogens) will be
• Predictable performance transmitted by water contaminated by feaces”. (Bichi,
• Cost effective due to lower construction cost 1997).The first large municipal water filtration system
• Minimal short circuitry. was built in Poujhkeepsie in New York, United States in
Circular and Square Basins 1871, more sophisticated surface water treatment plants
• Circular basins are frequently referred to as were constructed immediately before world war 1, using
clarifiers’. These basins share some of the chlorination to control out breaks of typhoid fever.
performance advantages of rectangular basins, Today municipal water treatment plants use a
but are generally more prone to short circuit and variety of processes which includes screening, pre-
particle removal problems. For square tanks the chlorination and sedimentation. Coagulation can remove
design engineer must be certain that some type sediments, turbidity, colour and organic matter, softening
of sludge removal equipment for the corners is reduces hardness” (Lehr et al 1980) clarification,
installed. filtration. Filtration, oxidation, as well as sedimentation
are all used to remove very fine particles and manganese.
Lehr (1980) reported that post-chlorination is probably
the final treatment process in most plants. He also
observed that fluoride may be added to some supplies to
protect children from tooth decay.
By 1939, the techniques of clarification and
filtration grew, mechanically sludge sedimentation tanks
were in general use. The micro-strainer, for the removal
of plankton from the impounded water was developed by
Boucher, and was introduced by Glenfreld and Kennedy
in 1945. Coagulation of water with sulphate of chemical
began experimentally in 1827 but was adapted
practically only in 1881 to treat Bolton’s water supply.
The first permanent use of chlorination originated under

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852

the direction of Sir Alexander Houston at Lineoln in Basin inlets should be designed to minimize
1905. high flow velocities near the bottom of the tank. If high
The aim of this project is to design and construct a model flow velocities are allowed to enter the sludge zone, the
sedimentation tank using existing slow sand filter that sludge could be swept up and out of the tank.
will meet the water requirement for NDA permanent site. Sludge is removed for further treatment from
the sludge zone by scrapes or vacuum devices which
Methodology move along the bottom.
Materials and Methods Outlet Zone
The material used in the construction of the The basin outlet zone or launder should provide
model Rectangular sedimentation tank is a polymer a smooth transition from the sedimentation zone to the
product called Perspex; they are produced from synthetic outlet from the tank. This area of the tank also controls
materials obtained from petroleum products. The Perspex the depth of water in the basin weirs set at the end of the
comes in sizes denoted by their thickness. For the tank control the overflow rate and prevent the solids
purpose of this work, 3mm thick sheets were used. from rising to the weirs and leaving the tank before they
To constructthe rectangular sedimentation tank the settle out. The tank needs enough weir length to control
following steps were observed: the overflow sale, which should not exceed 20,000
• Water resistance adhesives had to be used and gallons per day per foot of weir.
the UHU ‘All Plast’ glue became a handy
material for sticking the various sections Analysis and Design
together. Design Criteria for Sedimentation Tank
• Cutting of the dimensional sections were carried A well designed tank should have an efficiency
out using a special cutting blade known as of 30 to 50%, some design criteria for sedimentation
plastic blade, the principle of which is by tanks are:
chipping off sections of the area under cut. Period of detention 2 to 8 hours, length to width
• Perforations were made using an electric ratio of flow through channel 3:1 to 5:1 depth of basin 10
drilling machine so as to provide holes of equal to 25ft (15ft average), width of flow through channel not
sizes in an array to achieve a sieve like pattern. over 40ft (30ft most common 10ft). Flow through
• The pipe pits were made by first making a velocity not to exceed 1.5ft/min (most common velocity,
sequence of drilling holes around the diameter 10ft/min) surface loading or overflow velocity, gal per
size of the pipe size already marked on the day, per ft of surface area-between 500 and 200 for most
required surface and knocking it off later. The settling basins.
component of the sedimentation tank are also Sources: (Susumu Kawamura 1985).
described below:
Sedimentation Tank Specification
Components of Sedimentation Tank Sedimentation tank can be made of non-reactive
Inlet Zone surfaces such as concrete or plastic of various sizes
The inlet or influent should provide a smooth depending on the water demand of the treatment plant.
transition from the flocculation zone and should In the design of our Rectangular Sedimentation
distribute flow uniformly across the inlet to the tank. The tank,the following specifications were used;
normal design includes baffles that gently spread the Depth 3-5m
flow across the total inlet to the tank and prevent short- Width: 3-24m
circuiting in the tank. The baffle could include a wall Length: 4 x width
across the inlet, perfected with holes across the width of Detention time 4-8hrs
the tank. Flow through velocity: <0.00254m3/sec.
Settling Zone Overflow rate: <3,800L/day-ft2
The settling zone is the largest portion of the • Influent battle perforated with holes to reduce
sedimentation basin. This zone provides the calm area inflow momentum
necessary for the suspended particles to settle. • Slope of bottom at sludge zone towards the gate
Sludge Zone value > 1%
The settling zone, located at the bottom of the SOURCE: Camp T.R (1946).
tank, provides a storage area of the sludge before it
removed for additional treatment or disposal.

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852

Cost Information
In terms of cost, the size of the tank determines d = depth, m
how expensive it is. Tanks should be kept short, so that V = volume, m3
depths and costs can be kept down. In some cases, a A = surface weir, m2
double row of tanks (back to back), may be convenient to d = (475.2/132.43)
reduce the tank length. d = 3.58m
For tanks with mechanical and electrical Width and Length
equipment’s, a large number of tanks also implies an Volume of a rectangular solid is calculated as
increase in capital costs and also increased running cost. follows:
The shape of rectangular tanks should be determined on V = Lwd
the ground of cost unless contrary to overall plant Where:
efficiency. V = volume
L = length
Design of Sedimentation Tank w = width
Overview of Calculations d = depth
The following will be determined, flow rate, For our tank, the length has been defined as
dimension and volume of the sedimentation tank. The follows
calculations are as follows: L = 4w
1. Determine the flow rate Combining these two formulas, we set the
2. Calculate the required surface area following formula used to calculate the width of our
3. Calculate the required volume tank.
4. Calculate the tank depth W = √v/4d
5. Calculate the tank width and length W = √475.2
6. Flow through velocity. 4(3.58)
Flow Rate W = 5.76m
The flow rate is being obtain as the effluent rate
of the coagulation/flocculation tank which is 0.033m3/s Therefore the length is calculated as:
Surface Area
In order to design the most efficient L = 4(5.76)
sedimentation tank, we will base this surface area on
overflow rate of 2000L/day-ft2, therefore the surface area = 23.0m
is calculated using he following formula; Flow through Velocity
A = QC/O.R First, the cross sectional area of the tank is
Where: calculated
A = surface area (m2) Ax = w.d
QC = flow rate, L/day Ax = (5.76x3.58)
O.R = overflow rate, L/day-ft2 Ax = 20.62m2
A = (2,851,200/2,000) Then the flow through velocity of the tank is
= 1425.6ft2 calculated.
= 132.43 m2 V = QC/ Ax
Volume V = (0.033/20.62)
The volume is calculated by multiplying flow V = 0.0016m/s
by detention time. The velocity is less than 0.00254m/s, so it is
Take t = 4hrs accountable
V = Qt The schematic drawing of the designed and constructed
Where: V = Volume rectangular sedimentation tank is shown below:
Q = Flow rate
T = Detention time
V = 0.033x4x60x60
= 475.2 m3
The tank depth is calculated as follows,
D = V/A
http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852

Figure 2: Designed and constructed rectangular sedimentation

Conclusion [2] Cornwell, D.A, M.M Bishop, RG Gould and C.

For effective settlement of suspended particles, Vendermyden (1987) Hand book of practices:
the sedimentation tank for NDA permanent site treatment Water treatment plant waste management.
plant should have the following dimensions; depth [3] Camp, T.R (1946), Sedimentation and
3.58m, width 5.76m and 23.0m long. Designing of settling tanks, Trans. ASCE, vol.
The tank will have a surface area of 132m2 and 111.
a volume of 475m3. The flow through velocity will be [4] Degremont, (1978), Water treatment handbook.
0.0016m/s. 5th edition Hallsteed press, New York.
[5] Degremont Water treatment Hand book.
References [6] Dick, R.L and KW Young (1972), “Analysis of
[1] Culp. GL et al (1974): “New concept in water Thickening Performance of final settling
purification”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Tanks”.
London. [7] Lehr (1980) Domestic Water Supply, First
Edition Arnold Publishers LTD, London.

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Saminu, 2(7): July, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852

[8] Manual of instruction for water treatment plant

operators, 1975 Albany, NY: New York State
Department of Health.
[9] Metcalf and Eddy (2005) Water and Waste
Engineering John Wiley and sons. New Delhi
Morrill, A.B (1932), “Sedimentation Basin
Research and Design”Journal American Water
works Association”. Vol. 24.

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

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