Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus
Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used
in some medicines.[1] It is most commonly used as a drug, and is a valuable cash crop for
countries such as Cuba, India, China, and the United States. Tobacco is a name for any plant
of the genus Nicotiana of the Solanaceae family (nightshade family) and for the product
manufactured from the leaf and used in cigars and cigarettes, snuff, and pipe and chewing
tobacco. Tobacco plants are also used in plant bioengineering, and some of the 60 species are
grown as ornamentals. The chief commercial species, N. tabacum, is believed native to
tropical America, like most nicotiana plants, but has been so long cultivated that it is no
longer known in the wild. N. rustica, a mild-flavored, fast-burning species, was the tobacco
originally raised in Virginia, but it is now grown chiefly in Turkey, India, and Russia. The
alkaloid nicotine is the most characteristic constituent of tobacco and is responsible for its
addictive nature. The harmful effects of tobacco derive from the thousands of different
compounds generated in the smoke, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (such as
benzpyrene), formaldehyde, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, radioactive polonium-210, tobacco-
specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), phenols, and many others.
Tobacco is cultivated similarly to other agricultural products. Seeds are sown in cold frames
or hotbeds to prevent attacks from insects, and then transplanted into the fields. Tobacco is
an annual crop, which is usually harvested mechanically or by hand. After harvest, tobacco
is stored for curing, which allows for the slow oxidation and degradation of carotenoids.
This allows for the agricultural product to take on properties that are usually attributed to
the "smoothness" of the smoke. Following this, tobacco is packed into its various forms of
consumption, which include smoking, chewing, snuffing, and so on. Most cigarettes
incorporate flue-cured tobacco, which produces a milder, more inhalable smoke. Use of low
pH, inhalable, flue cured tobacco is one of the principal reasons smoking causes lung cancer
and other diseases association with smoke inhalation.
Later voyagers found that the use of tobacco was quite common
in the New World and evidence suggested that it had been for
hundreds of years. It appears that tobacco was being cultivated in
North and South America from Northern Canada to the lower
boders of Brazil; and it was consumed in the form of cigars,
cigarettes, snuff, chewing, and pipe smoking.
Some have thought that varieties with a low nicotine level and
poor balance of chemical constituents would be greatly improved
when produced on the heavier soils of the Piedmont area which
normally has less rainfall as compared to the coastal plains area.
Tests conducted in N.C. over a three-year period (1956-1958)
suggested that a variety, inherently undesirable chemically, is no
improved when produced in different environments although the
levels of specific constituents can be altered in this way.
- Sub Soiling
Flue-cured tobacco is not commonly grown on soils that have a
true hard pan layer; however, a compaction layer is sometimes
developed 10-15 inches at the plow sole, particularly on certain
soil types commonly found in the Coastal Plains. Also, in some
deep sandy soils a hard sandy layer develops between the AP and
A2 layers which tobacco roots do not readily penetrate. A large
majority of the tobacco roots can be found in the top ten to twelve
inches of soil regardless of whether or not there is a noticeable
compaction layer. This restriction of root systems is probably
associated with several factors such as low pH, calcium and
phosphorus below the plow layer, and physical barriers.
Table 1.1 : Effects of Ripping and Nitrogen Rate on Tobacco yield and quality in 23 on-
Farm Tests, in 1981 and 1982 conducted by G. F. peeding.
In the large fields, and especially those with a sandy topsoil, wind
erosion can be a major problem during the spring when there is
little or no soil cover. Damage may come from the loss of soil
from the fields; however, the most serious loss usually is
associated with actual plant damage. The small plants are tender
and are quite subject to sand abrasions or burn. This type damage
may result in slow early growth or in extreme cases the plants
may be killed or wounded for disease causing organisms to enter.
Also, in some cases blowing sand may cover or partially cover
newly transplanted plants, which results in slow growth or death
of the plant. Some temporary protection against wind erosion can
be obtained from cultivation or irrigation immediately prior to the
windy period, but some form of windbreak is the only
dependable insurance against this hazard. A hedgerow of thickly
planted evergreen trees running perpendicular to the prevailing
wind will good wind protection. For additional protection, a strip
of small grain, preferably rye, every four to eight rows of tobacco,
perpendicular to the wind, is quite effective. The small grain can
be destroyed after the danger of damaging winds has passed.
Some growers have found that it is advisable to plant the strips of
small grain wide enough to justify harvesting the grain, but is
more often limited to a band only a few inches wide.
- Drowning
Drowning in tobacco is caused by free water accumulating in the
root zone to the extent that air, or more specifically oxygen, is not
available to the roots. A lack of oxygen in the soil causes the roots
to die; therefore, the plants cannot pick up enough water to keep
the leaves turgid so they wilt and in extreme cases die. The extent
of damage to the roots is dependent upon how high the “ponded”
water comes up on the root system and how long it stays there.
This type of “ponding” of water in the root zone can come from
poor surface drainage causing fields to be flooded, but more
frequently it occurs when large quantities of water enter the soil,
but cannot easily pass through the hardpan layer or into a poorly
drained, impervious clay subsoil.
Also, if the plants are on a large, high ridge, a larger portion of the
roots will be above the openings in the row middles, which means
more of the root will be above the soil which in waterlogged and
therefore, less roots will be killed by ponded water in the soil.
High row ridges may be especially helpful on soils that have poor
internal drainage and are subject to drowning. Roots damaged
when drowning occurs have increased susceptibility to invasion
of root disease-causing organisms; and the excess water favors the
development of water “loving” organisms such as those that
cause Granville Wilt.
- Rotations
Where possible, tobacco should be planted in rotation with other
crops primarily as a means of helping to control tobacco diseases
by denying the causal agent a suitable plant on which it can feed
and multiply for as long a period of time as possible. Certain
crops which are suggested to rotate with tobacco to help with the
management of specific diseases are shown in Table 63 in the
Disease chapter
During the period from about four weeks after transplanting until
topping time the evapotransporation rate is about one inch per
week. During the early and late parts of the growing season the
rate is somewhat lower than for mid-period. Thus, if rainfall is
depended upon to supply the crop needs for water, the ran
should be frequent enough and in sample quantities to prevent
the soil moisture level from becoming sufficiently low to seriously
restrict plant development. On the sandy and sandy loam soils
most commonly used for flue-cured tobacco production, about 1
to 1.5 inches of rain during a week to ten-day period are usually
adequate for maximum tobacco growth.
- Hail
Tobacco leaves are easy to bruise, tear, and break, and since the
leaves are the marketable part of the plant a small hail storm can
be quite damaging to tobacco. In fact, it is not uncommon for a 10
to 15 minute hail storm to completely destroy a crop.
The value of the crop was more than half that of the check plots.
In these tests extra nitrogen when the crop was planted late or cut
off was not profitable.
Table 1.2 : Recovery of Flue-Cured Tobacco After Simulates Hail Destruction 1/ 5 tests
2 weeks 92 88 95
4 weeks 86 80 93
6 weeks 64 56 88
8 weeks 33 28 66
8 weeks + 15 lbs. N 32 27 66
Other simulated hail studies (Table 1.3) using hail adjustment procedures in effect in 1970-71
show reductions in yield and value were grossly overestimated when compared to actual
reductions. Adjustments have been changed to be less liberal; however, the procedures
continue to overestimate actual losses.
The “prehistoric history” of tobacco begins in Central America before the birth of Christ.
The natives some carvings of priests smoking as a part of sunworships. Nicotiana tabacum is a
sub tropical plant in origin, and it’s special taste and aroma have been known in central
America for perhaps two thousand years – certainly for the last fifteen hundred. The first
picture of tobacco smoking is thought to be the old man of Palenque, carved in stone in
Mexico. The temple in which the carving was found dates from about 600 A.D.
spears, and “certain dried leaves” which gave off a distinct fragrance.
Flue-cured tobacco is grown on a wide range of soil types; however, it does best on sandy
loam and loamy sand, with 10 to 14 inches of topsoil above a yellow to red, well-drained
clay subsoil. The more sandy soils generally quality because of the difficulty in maintaining
sufficient moisture and fertilizer nutrients in the soil. The soils with finer texture, such as
clay loams and clays usually produce good yields, but often the nitrogen level is so high the
quality of the leaf is adversely affected.
Some have thought that varieties with a low nicotine level and poor balance of chemical
constituents would be greatly improved when produced on the heavier soils of the
piedmont area which normally has less rainfall as compared to the coastal plains area. Tests
conducted in N.C. over a three-year period (1956-1958) suggested that a variety, inherently
undesirable chemically, is no improved when produced in different environments although
the levels of specific constituents can be altered in this way.
A slight moisture shortage during this period tends to encourage root penetration, which
may help plant growth later. Also, some people believe that slight moisture stresses, early in
the growing season, encourage the production of those constituents that are associated with
aroma, and good smoking qualities of the leaf.
4. What is the function of the rotation of the tobacco plant with other crops?
Flavor style Flue-Cured is topped early (bud stage) and low (16-
20 leaves per plant) to produce a thick, heavy and flavorsome
tobacco. Unlike Flue-Cured, Burley is normally topped later (early
flowering) and higher (20-22 leaves/plant) to produce a thinner,
more fluffy,and more stretchy style that is desirable for Burley
tobacco. Such a style of Burley is very absorbent and is considered
a good “drinker” of the casings that are often applied on Burley
tobaccos during processing.
Like all tobacco plants, Burley leaves ripen from the bottom to the
top of the plant. Compared to Flue-Cured, a Burley leaf is
considered ripe at an earlier stage of senescence and a higher
degree of over-ripeness is tolerable. This wider tolerance for
ripeness allows for the traditional harvesting method called stalk
cutting. Stalks are cut below the bottom-most leaf when the
bottom leaves are full yellow (fully ripe) and the top leaves have
completely filled out, and fully expanded with a leaves of a
Burley crop grown in the tropics have yellow tinge (early
senescence). The bottom the tendency to ripen fast. Under such
situations, it may be advisable to reap the 4-6 bottom leaves,
allowing more time for the top leaves to fill out and ripen before
stalk cutting the remaining leaves. These bottom leaves can either
be stitched or tied to a curing stick for air-curing under shade.
The bottom ends of 5-8 stalk cut plants are then spiked through a
1.5 m long stick. The plants are then left to wilt in the field for a
couple of days. This wilting process will reduce the weight
(moisture) somewhat and minimize breakage when transferring
from the field to the curing barn.
In the barn, the sticks of stalk cut plants are evenly spaced out on
tiers with the plants hanging upside down. The leaves gradually
dry out turning from light green to yellow and finally to various
The color of the final cured product ranges from shades of light
tan through reddish to brown colors with a clear absence of a
yellow tinge. It is the extended air-curing process that results in
the oxidation of almost all sugars in the leaf. A well-cured Burley
leaf normally contains less than 1% sugar with no traces of
High winter rainfall results in eroded soils with a thin topsoil and
low nitrogen reserves along hill slopes where aromatic Oriental is
normally grown. The low moisture and low soil fertility with little
fertilizer used put a lot of stress on the growing plants. Such
plants are characterized by small leaves with lengths ranging
from 8-25 cm and width ½- of the length. Midribs and veins are
fine with a stem content of only 5% by weight compared to 25%
for Burley and Flue-Cured. Oriental is used in the whole leaf form
for blending in the primary because of its small size and low
content of thin stems.
Almost all Oriental crops are not topped. Left un-topped, the
plants grow to heights ranging from 60-150 cm with 20-30
harvestable leaves per plant.
Like Flue-Cured and Burley, the leaves ripen from the bottom to
the top of the plant. Hence leaves are picked in successive
primings starting at the bottom of the plant, progressing upwards
as the leaves mature. Oriental is harvested at about 6 weeks after
planting. Three to five leaves are picked at each priming. Leaves
harvested at the same priming are called a “hand” and they
should exhibit the same degree of maturity. At the harvesting rate
of 3-5 leaves per priming, it will take 6-7 primings to complete
harvesting a crop. Like the Flue-Cured crop in the USA, growers
are reducing the number of primings through a crop to reduce
labor hours.
Colors of the final cured leaf can vary from dull lemon at the
bottom through yellow brown to rich dark brown at the top. Very
often a tinge of green is noticeable especially in the upper leaves.
Upstalk leaves, though smaller, are preferred because of their
higher aroma intensity.
A tobacco leaf is ready for picking only when it is ripe. A ripe leaf
is characterized by a pale green to slight yellow color at the
bottom of the plant to nearly full yellow at the top. As leaves
ripen sequentially from the bottom to the top of the plant, it is
normal to start harvesting 2-3 leaves from the bottom of the plant
progressing upwards until the last top-most leaf is picked. In low
labor cost situation, Flue-Cured is primed by hand as is
traditionally done. However, in USA and Canada, where labor
cost is high, mechanical harvesters are used to harvest a 16 leaf-
crop within 3 passes and increasingly in a single pass. While
mechanical harvesting reduces labor hours significantly, it
inevitably does not ensure that all leaves are picked at optimum
1. Yellowing phase
Maintaining a high relative humidity (80%-90%), the temperature
is gradually raised from 30-350C. Ventilation of moist air out of
the barn is controlled until almost all the leaves have yellowed.
Domestic Tobacco Indonesia, with a population of 220 million is one of the largest
producers and consumers of tobacco in the world. Annual
consumption of cigarettes is 195 billion, 90% of which are clove
flavored cigarettes called kretek.
To distinguish among the various native tobaccos produced largely for domestic
consumption, the industry had conveniently classified them into types according to the
place they are produced in (Table 2.1). These types can broadly be classified into 4 groups:
Table 2.2 : Rainfall (mm) for Major Native Tobacco Growing Areas (Monthly
Average 1978/1987)
Table 2.3 shows the tobacco crop season for the seven major types
bought by Company.
The majority of farmers does not raise their own seedlings, but
instead buy them from small-scale commercial seedling
producers. Seedlings are planted out 34–45 days after sowing.
Rajangan is normally planted out in twin rows on a ridge. Plant
spacing is highly variable. It can be as close as 40 cm between
plants in a row with an average distance of 60 cm between rows
for Rajangan Madura. This gives a high population of 42,000
plants/ha. For Rajangan Bondowoso, spacing can be as wide as 80
cm between plants in a row and an average of 100 cm between
rows, giving a low population of only 12,500 plants/ha.
Not surprisingly, Madura has the lowest nicotine among the five
Rajangan types because of the conservative nitrogen fertilization,
high plant population, and moisture stress. These factors, which
are similar to the Oriental crop, give Rajangan Madura a faint
Oriental note, a characteristic which distinguishes it from the
other Rajangan types. Topping height varies from 17-20 leaves per
plant. Almost all Rajangan farmers will top at early flowering (60-
80 days after transplanting) followed by 3-5 rounds of hand
Krosok Native Krosok is the local term for whole leaf. The term “Krosok Native”
refers to whole leaf air- or sun-cured tobaccos to distinguish them
from whole leaf Flue-Cured. About half the annual production
from this group is actually the bottom leaves from Rajangan
types. The fragile bottom leaves are not suitable for cutting and
Harvesting 3-4 leaves each time, a farmer goes through his crop
in 4-5 harvests. After harvesting, the leaves are sorted out based
on maturity. A 30-cm bamboo skewer is threaded obliquely
through the butts of leaves. These skewered leaves are then
wilted for about 3 days by either hanging them on bamboo racks
under plastic shed or
stacking them on top of each other. After wilting, the yellow
leaves are then hung on racks, exposed to direct sun for sun
curing. During the mid day, the skewers are rotated on the racks
to accelerate the drying. The sun-curing process continues for
about a week until all the midribs have completely dried up. The
skewered leaves are unloaded and stacked up for conditioning. In
the right condition (about 13% moisture), the individual leaves
are released from the skewer and graded out for sale.
Referring to Table 1.7, of the ten types listed under the Krosok FC
group, Krosok Lombok FC takes up 67% in this group. A study of
the statistics shows a growing trend in Lombok’s annual
production, while all the other nine types have registered
declining volumes during the same period. Local users shifting to
the significantly better quality of Lombok FC is the primary
reason for the recent upsurge in the Lombok crop. More recently,
overseas buys are also attracted to the Lombok FC quality.
Although 3% of the production is currently exported, this figure is
likely to increase as cigarette manufacturers in neighboring
ASEAN countries will be increasing the usage of Lombok FC in
anticipation of enjoying preferential ASEAN duties when the
ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) becomes a reality in 2008.
Farmers with crop size averaging 1.5 hectare each are taught to
raise their own seedlings. Sowing is normally done in mid March
and the seedlings are planted out about 60 days later in mid May.
Compared to Rajangan seedlings, which are planted out about 45
days after sowing, Lombok FC seedlings are older and bigger at
the time of planting out. Clipping and hardening of seedlings are
done to ensure strong seedlings with large root systems are
planted out.
Other Under this group are various specialist tobaccos like air-cured
cigar tobaccos (Vorsten-landen, Besnota, TBN and Deli) and
Dark Fire-Cured (Boyolali). The average annual production of 16
million kg or 9% of the nation’s total is mainly for the export
Morphology The structure of a tobacco is divided into some parts. Those are
stem, leaves, flowers, capsules, and seeds.
The stems are usually round covered with glandular hairs with a
tendency to produce branches near the base known as "Suckers".
The plants of rustica are more robust and densely growing than
that of tabaccum. If there are few leaves, the plant has an open
appearance, but if they are numerous, the plants have a bushy
Leaves The size of leaves may vary from 15 cm to 100 cm or even more in
length. They may be narrow, long and drawn out like a whip,
elliptical or broadly ovate with a marked variation even in the
same plant.
Flowers The tobacco has a terminal receme panicle which may be compact
to very lax with a short or long peduncle. The inflorescence in
main axis always flowers first and the side branches thereafter in
order from top towards bottom.
Capsules The capsules vary in size, shape and nature of apex, blunt or
conical. The shape may be elliptical, ovoid or conical.
Burley Tobacco : Within the classification of Light Air-Cured, Burley tobacco is by far the
most significant in terms of use. Originally, Burley was produced as a dark heavy type of
tobacco. Records suggest that current varieties of Burley are derived from the White Burley
mutant obtained in Ohio, USA in 1864. Although dark heavy Burley is still being produced
and used in pipe tobacco blends, it is diminishing in world trade. On the other hand, the
Light Air-Cured Burley is of growing importance because of the growing popularity of US
blended cigarettes, in which it forms a key component.
Oriental Tobacco : As with all commercial tobacco varieties, Oriental tobacco varieties
belong to the species N. tabacum. Literature suggests that current day varieties evolved
from tobacco varieties brought in from the Americas about 300 years ago. The so-called
Turkish cigarettes containing 100% Oriental tobacco were once popular in Oriental tobacco
producing countries like Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, and Yugoslavia.
Domestic Tobacco : Indonesia, with a population of 220 million is one of the largest
producers and consumers of tobacco in the world. Annual consumption of cigarettes is 195
billion, 90% of which are clove flavored cigarettes called kretek.
Quiz 2
Chapter III
Cultivation Of In modern tobacco farming, Nicotiana seeds are scattered onto the
Tobacco surface of the soil, as their germination is activated by light, then
covered in cold frames. In the Colony of Virginia, seedbeds were
fertilized with wood ash or animal manure (frequently
powdered horsemanure). Coyote Tobacco (N. attenuata) of the
western U.S. requires burned wood to germinate.[1] Seedbeds were
then covered with branches to protect the young plants from frost
damage. These plants were left to grow until around April. Today,
in the United States, unlike other countries, Nicotiana is often
fertilized with the mineral apatite to partially starve the plant
for nitrogen, which changes the taste of the tobacco.
Sowing Tobacco seeds are scattered onto the surface of the soil, as
their germination is activated by light. In colonial Virginia,
seedbeds were fertilized with wood ash or
animal manure (frequently powdered horse manure). Seedbeds
were then covered with branches to protect the young plants
from frost damage, and the plants were left alone until around
After the plants have reached a certain height, they are transplanted
Transplanting into fields. This was originally done by making a relatively large
hole in the tilled earth with a tobacco peg, then placing the small
plant in the hole. Various mechanical tobacco planters were
invented throughout the late 19th and early 20th century to
automate this process, making a hole, fertilizing it, and guiding a
plant into the hole with one motion.
Some farmers still use "tobacco harvesters." They are not very
efficient yet highly cost effective for harvesting premium and rare
strains of tobacco. The harvester trailers for in-demand crops are
now pulled by gasoline fueled tractors. "Croppers" or "primers"
pull the leaves off in handfuls and pass these to the "stringer" or
"looper," which bundles the leaves to a four-sided pole with twine.
These poles are hung until the harvester is full. The poles are then
placed in a much larger wagon to be pulled by modern farm
tractors to their destination. For rare tobaccos they are often cured
on the farm. Traditionally, the slaves who cropped and pulled had
a particularly tough time with the first pull of the large, dirty, base
leaves. The leaves slapped their faces and dark tobacco sap, which
Some farmers still use "tobacco harvesters." They are not very
efficient yet highly cost effective for harvesting premium and rare
strains of tobacco. The harvester trailers for in-demand crops are
- NPK fertilizer was spread evenly over the surface of the beds
Basic fertilization and then buried as deep as 5 cm at the hoe way
and sterilization - Petrofur spread evenly atasa seedbed surface and buried as
beds (7 HBS) deep as 5 cm by hoeing. Petrofur Application can be done
simultaneously with the application of NPK fertilizer by mixing
first and Petrofur NPK fertilizer
- Application command at a dose of 3 ml / liter or 45 ml / tanks
(1 tank for 3 beds). Sprinkle 10 beds hype before and after
application of command
- Close beds with plastic cover. Give ballast (stone / wood) on
the edge of the plastic cover when not to fly in the wind. Make
- Sprinkling
Treatment 1. 0-10 HSS: 3 times a day 8 yells / beds
2. 11-20 HSS: 2 times a day 12 blown / beds
3. 21-30 HSS: 2 days 16 blown / beds
4. > 30 HSS beds are not watered
5. Watering view weather conditions
- Hardening
1. 0-10 HSS: plastic cover is closed
2. 11 -20 HSS: plastic cover is opened from 11:00 am to
3. > 21 HSS: plastic cover open from dawn to dusk
4. At night or rainy conditions plastic cover is closed
- Population Seed
1. Clean grass and weeds growing in the beds (14 HSS)
2. Calculate the seedling population with target of 50 seeds /
squarefeet (16 HSS) after weeds cleared.
3. Perform thinning seedlings when the population more than
50 seeds / seedlings squarefeet or move to a rare meeting.
- Supplementary Fertilizer
1. The type of fertilizer used is KNO3. Dosage and
supplementary fertilizer application as follows:
Time (HSS) Dose (gr/bedengan)
Next Fertilizer I 20 125
Next Fertilizer II 28 125
- Clipping
At age 25 HSS clipping seedlings should order uniforms.
How clippings as follows:
1. Prepare peraltan for clipping (grass shears, baskets and a
solution of liquid soap)
2. Clean scissors scissors by dipping into a solution of soap.
Furthermore scissors dyeing should be done every 10
3. Scissors leaves - leaves of seedlings were closed leaf - leaf
and collect pieces of leaves - the leaves into the basket.
Remove pieces of leaves - the leaves are collected far from
Treatment - Sprinkling
0-10 HSS: 3 times a day 4 gembor / beds
11-20 HSS: 2 times a day 6 gembor / beds
21-30 HSS: 2 days 8 yells / beds
> 30 HSS beds are not watered
Watering view weather conditions
- Hardening
Follow the instructions of conventional breeding systems
- Population Seeds
Follow the instructions of conventional breeding systems
- Supplementary fertilizers
Follow the instructions of conventional breeding systems
The type of fertilizer used is KNO3. Dosage and
supplementary fertilizer application as follows:
Time Dose (gr/
(HSS) bedengan)
Next Fertilizer I 20 62.5
Next Fertilizer II 28 62.5
- Clipping
Follow the instructions of conventional breeding systems
- Unplug Seeds
Follow the instructions of conventional breeding systems
Land Preparation
Sorting Criteria Land - Not a former plant family as tomatoes or peppers solanaceae.
- Close to sources of water (rivers, lakes, swamps, etc.)
- Close to shelter farmers and labor resources.
- Not have a history of disease or viral pests.
Planting and - Select a standard and uniform seedlings with criteria 45-50 days
Embroidery old, healthy, big and tough stems, uniform height ± 12 cm,
yellowish-green leaf color, good rooting.
- Planting the wet cropping system is to irrigate (LEB) of land by
the water is absorbed evenly throughout the land. Leb done the
day before planting in the afternoon.
- If the water in the soil is limited, use a dry system that is
planting the planting hole with water to wet (1 liter / holes)
- Planting seedlings carefully, lest the trunk depressed. Make
Fertilization and - Fertilization is done by immersing the roots fertilizer drill using
Dangir a hoe or flat
- The type and dose of fertilizer: (N: 110.5 kg / ha, P2O5: 100 kg /
ha, and K2O: 142.5 kg / ha)
1. ZA (21:00:00): 400 kg / ha
2. SP36 (00:36:00): 250 kg / ha
3. ZK (00:00:50): 200 kg / ha
4. KNO3 (13:00:45): 50 kg / ha
Stress periods and - Aim to stimulate root development and improve outcomes by
Watering not irrigating crops started finished planting up to 25 days later.
- Watering I do after a stressful period, high water I (35 HST)
- Watering III performed immediately after topping, and the
plants are not watered again until the harvest is complete
Harvest and
Choped and Drying - Chopping process done at night so that when the sun rises all
the chopped and eler is complete and can be directly dried
- Rajaangan width is 1.5 mm
- Use burlap overlaid as a base and a temporary container that
has been shredded tobacco just before dieler
- Tobacco soon dieler evenly over widik. 1 widik enough for 2
pounds of tobacco chopped eler baaah
- Drying rack above tobacco made from bamboo
- The Chopping, where eler and drying must be clean.
- Drying tobacco that has been shredded for at least 2 days (until
dry) place that is free of shade
- Bale
Box size: 90 x 60 x 60 cm
Rules of dried tobacco leaf position so neat and undamaged
Tobacco leaves should not be too pressed (pressed). Weight
per bale of about 40-50 kg
Wrap the supplied cotton warehouse
Temporary storage, tembaku bales placed on a pedestal
wood / pallets and covered with a tarpaulin that was not
moist snuff
Send bales finished as soon as possible into the barn buying
Non Tobacco Related - Ensure that the tobacco produced has no material other than
Material tobacco, including plastic, grass, other plants, feathers, animal
or other parts of the animals, rocks, dust, metal. All of the above
NTRM unwanted contained in tobacco, especially plastics.
- Relate to the post-harvest process must dipastika that farmers
do not use rope or plastic in harvesting, in the bond before the
chopped leaves, and in other crops prosespasca.
- Use rope or other plastic components must gdiganti with
materials that are natural and unnatural like jute rope, or a rope
from the trunk. It can be adapted to local conditions local.
Category NTRM
1A 1B 2A 2B 3 4
Experience the
Synthetic Organic Organic
"Control Metal Synthetic
"Controllable" "Processed" "Natural"
- Styrofoam - Feather - Paper - Grass - Nail - Stone
- Nilon - Coocon - Cottonn - Wood - Boly - Gravel
- Rubber - Insect - Gunny - Gunny - Knive - Sand
- Plastic
- Leather
- Cigarette Stug
After the plants have reached a certain height, they are transplanted into fields. This was
originally done by making a relatively large hole in the tilled earth with a tobacco peg, then
placing the small plant in the hole. Various mechanical tobacco planters were invented
throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries to automate this process, making a hole,
fertilizing it, and guiding a plant into the hole with one motion. The cultivation of
tobacco usually takes place annually. The tobacco is germinated in cold frames or hotbeds
and then transplanted to the field until it matures. It is grown in warm climates with rich,
well-drained soil. About 4.2 million hectares of tobacco were under cultivation worldwide in
2000, yielding over 7 million tonnes of tobacco.
Sowing : Tobacco seeds are scattered onto the surface of the soil, as their germination is
activated by light. In colonial Virginia, seedbeds were fertilized with wood ash or
animal manure (frequently powdered horse manure). Seedbeds were then covered with
branches to protect the young plants from frost damage, and the plants were left alone until
around April.
Transplanting : After the plants have reached a certain height, they are transplanted into
fields. This was originally done by making a relatively large hole in the tilled earth with a
tobacco peg, then placing the small plant in the hole. Various mechanical tobacco planters
were invented throughout the late 19th and early 20th century to automate this process,
making a hole, fertilizing it, and guiding a plant into the hole with one motion.
Harvest : Tobacco can be harvested in several ways. In the oldest method, the entire plant is
harvested at once by cutting off the stalk at the ground with a sickle. In the nineteenth
century, bright tobacco began to be harvested by pulling individual leaves off the stalk as
they ripened. As the plants grow, they usually require topping and suckering. "Topping" is
the removal of the tobacco flowers while "suckering" is the pruning out of leaves that are
otherwise unproductive. Both procedures ensure that as much of the plant's energy as
possible focuses on producing the large leaves that are harvested and sold. "Cropping,"
"Pulling," and "Priming" are terms for removing mature leaves from tobacco plants. Leaves
are cropped as they ripen, from the bottom to the top of the stalk. The first crop of leaves
located near the base of the tobacco stalk are called "sand lugs" in more rural southern
tobacco states. They are called "sand lugs" because these leaves are close to the ground and
get splashed with sand and clay when heavy rains hit the soil. Sand lugs weigh the most,
and are most difficult to work with. Their weight is due to their large size and the added
weight of soil; slaves lugged each stack to the "stringer" or "looper," typically a female slave,
who bundled each stack of leaves. Eventually workers carried the tobacco and placed it on
sleds or trailers.
1. What Is a sowing?
2. What is a transplanting?
Tobacco Flea Beetle Several species of fleas beetle attack flue-cured tobacco, but the
[Epitrix hirtipennis tobacco flea beetle is by far the most important. Adults are about
(Melsh)] 1/16 inch long with yellowfish-brown winge marked with a
darker area across them (they often appear nearly black). The
rows of fine punctures on the wing covers are quite distinct. They
overwinter in trash around fields and around old stalks in the
field. In the early spring they migrate to plant beds or others
suitable feeding sites. They attack seedlings and lay their eggs in
shaded areas on damp soil. The small white larvae which have
brownish heads remain in the soil for four or five weeks. They
tunnel into the stems and roots of plants and may cause them to
become unthrifty and in some cases die. Adults cause the major
damage by chewing small round holes in the leaves, giving them
a “shothole” appearance.
Source :
Vegetable weevil Adult weevils are about ¼ inch log and have a prominents snout.
(Listroderes costirostris They are dull greyish-brown with a light, V-shaped mark on the
obliquus Klug) back. Egg laying begins in the fall on turnips or collarda and
continues into the sparing on tobacco. Full-grown larvae are about
one-half inch long and are dirty green in color with dark mottled
heads. Both larvae and adults feed on leaves and stem of young
tobacco. The leaf damage is characterized by large reggededge
holes. The damage is usually confined to plant beds, but
occasionally appears on transplants in the field during cool
Cutworm Cutworms Are the larvae of stout, dull-colored moths that fly at
night. The eggs are laid in grass or weeds which means cutworm
infestations in tobacco are usually heavier when weeds or small
grain cover crops are turned just prior to transplanting the
tobacco. Cutworms cut plants off at about ground level and let
them wilt before feeding. They feed at night or on a cloudy day,
and may be found under clods or just under the soil surface
during the day.
Hornworms Hornworms are the best known and over the years have been the
most destructive insect pest of tobacco. The tobacco hornworm or
Stink Bugs These two species of stink bugs feed on a wide variety of wild and
cultivated plants, but are seldom of much importance on tobacco.
Both nymphs and adults insert their beak-like mouth parts into
plant tissues, particularly midveins of leaves, and feed on plant
juices. Leaves attacked often wilt badly and may develop a brown
area as a result of scalding while wilted.
As well as land slugs, there are also many marine slugs and even
one freshwater slug genus (Acochlidium), but the common
name "slug" is most frequently applied to air-breathing land slugs,
while the marine forms are usually known as sea slugs. Land
gastropods with a shell that is not quite vestigial, but is too small
to retract into (like many in the family Urocyclidae), are known
as semislugs.
Thrips Thrips (Order Thysanoptera) are tiny, slender insects with fringed
wings (thus the scientific name, from the Greek thysanos (fringe)
+ pteron (wing)[citation needed]). Other common names for thrips
include thunderflies, thunderbugs, storm flies, thunderblights,
and corn lice. Thrips species feed on a large variety of sources,
both plant and animal, by puncturing them and sucking up the
contents. A large number of thrips species are considered pests,
because they feed on plants with commercial value. Some species
of thrips feed on other insects or mites and are considered
beneficial, while some feed on fungal spores or pollen. So far
around 5,000 species have been described. Thrips are generally
tiny (1 mm long or less) and are not good flyers, although they
can be carried long distances by the wind. In the right conditions,
many species can exponentially increase in population size and
form large swarms, making them an irritation to humans.
Cultural Control There are several production practices which can be used to
reduce insect problems. These practices work to reduce the overall
level of an insect pest in a wide area, make individual fields less
attractive to insect pests or help the plant tolerate insect attack
with less loss. Most of these practices are also important in good
crop management as well.
4. Early topping and good sucker control may reduce some insect
problems. Clean plants are less attractive to egg laying budworm
and hornworm moths and offer less high quality food to reduce a
new generation of these pests. Aphids colonies tend to thrive
longer on suckers than on maturing leaves. Their damage to the
sucker is not important but they are still producing honeydew
7. All good production practices which get the crop off to a good
start, keep it growning and get it out of the field in a reasonable
time will help the crop tolerate or avoid pest problems.
Beneficial Insect
Campoletis Stilt Bug Apanteles
Azodrin 11 6-10 8
Bactur, Dipel, Thuricide** 1 1 1
Dylox, Proxol 2 3 2
Guthion 10 5 7
Lannate, Nudrin 3 4 3
Malathion 8 6-10 6
Orthene 4 6-10 4
Parathion 9 - -
Penncap-M 6 6-10 -
Sevin 5 2 5
Supracide 7 6-10 -
*lower numbers indicate less mortality in toxicity tests.
**Bactospeine was not tested but should be similar to these products.
Using Soil-Incorporated It’s easy to make mistakes in the use of soil incorporated
Insecticides pesticides. Many such materials are available and practically
every one controls a slightly different group of pests. Too often
farmers use a particular material expecting control it is not
designed to give, or on the other hand, pay extra for types of
control they may not need. Before buying and using a soil-
incorporated material, be sure you know what it is designed to do
and what it isn’t. Table 4.2 list soil-incorporated insecticides and
the pests for which they are recommended.
No one insecticide is best for all tobacco pests or even for a single
pest under all conditions. If it is desided to use an insecticide in a
field, choose the one which best fits the conditions and needs
when the pest problem occurs. After determining the pest to be
controlled, choose an insecticide which works well against the
pest. If two or more insect are doing damage to a field, the best
choice would be an insecticide providing good control of all
insects. The effectiveness of insecticide sprays against four major
leaf-feeding insect is shown in Table 4.3.
Insect Pest
Horn- Flea
Insecticide Bud-Worm Aphids
Worm Beetles
Azodrin *** *** ***
Bactur ** ***
Dipel, Sok-BT ** ***
Guthion *** *** **
*** *** ** *
Malathion **
Orthene *** *** *** ***
Penncap-M *** *** ** ***
Sevin * *** **
Supracide *** *** **
Thiodan * ***
Thuricide ** ***
***Best control
**Good Control
- Sore Shin
Sore Shin which is caused by a soil-inhabiting fungus
(Rhizoctonia-solani) is widespread throughout the flue-cured
producing area, but the field damage is usually limited to less
than I percent of the plants in affected fields.
- Fusarium Wilt
Fusarium Wilt is caused by a fungus (Fusarium oxysporum, f.
Sp. Nicotianae). This disease has been found throughout the
flue-cured area of the U.S., but is not considered of major
importance except in the eastern and border belts of north
carolina. Just why the disease causes damage only in restricted
areas is not clearly understood, especially since the casual
organism is widespread in the soil.
Brown spot lesions first appear on the lower and older leaves.
First indications of infection are small water-soaked circular
areas which enlarge gradually, as the spots enlarge. The
centers die and become brown, leaving a sharp line of
demarcation between diseased and healthy tissue. There is
usually a haloof yellow tissue surround the brown lesion. The
spots, rangingup to one inch or more in diameter with
concentric marking, may fuse and render the entire leaf ragged
and worthless.
- Hollow Stalk
Hollow Stalk is caused by a bacterium (Erwinia aroideae). This
diseases has probably occured in tobacco fields since coclonial
days, but it usually affects only scattered plants and seldom
causes much loss. Humidity is the most important factor
affecting development of this diseases. It develop most rapidly
during damp, cloudy weather.
- Frenching
Frenching was first reported in 1688 and is usually classified as
a physiological desease because several workers have showns
the disease is not infectious; however more recently plants
have developed franching symptoms when subjected to toxins
in the soil developed by a certain bacterium (Bacillus cereus).
Figure 4. 20 : Wildfire
- Tobacco Mosaic
Tobacco Mosaic is caused by a virus and has been recognized
since the early 1900’s in flue-cured tobacco. This virus is sap
transnissible and is easy to spread from one plant to another. It
can be spread by any agent which bruises an infected plant
and later rubs or touches a leaf of a healthy plant. Certain
commercial crops such as tomatoes and peppers as well as
certain weeds are susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus.
- Ring Spot
Ring spot caused by a virus that is widespread throughhout
the flue-cured producing area, although it seldom causes
severe loss. It is sporadic in appearance. Some field may have
- Etch
Etch caused by a virus and is found throughout the flue-cured
tobacco producing area of the U.S. but seldom causes serious
damage to the tobacco crop.
Physiological Difficulties - Weather Fleck (Physiological Leaf Spot, Ozone injure, or Air
Pollution Damage)
A. Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is a cultural practice that must be considered in
planning any disease management program. Crop rotation
affers many advantages, some of which are agronomic, and is
a practice that has been used by farmers since the beginning of
agricultural history. Although there may be valid reasons why
growers have difficulty in planning and prasticing rotation, the
benefits that can be derived in disease control are sufficiently
great to merit careful planning and consideration. Crop
rotation consists of:
- Length of Rotation
Because the principle of crop rotation in relation to diseases
control involves the denial of a suitable plant on which the
pest can feed, the longer the rotation the more beneficial the
effect that will be obtained. Thus, a four year rotation (three
alternate crops between tobacco) is more effective than a
two or three year rotation. Similarly, a three year rotation is
superior to a two year rotation. Nevertheles, a two year
rotation (one alternate crop between crops of tobacco)
provides significant disease reduction and is far superior to
continuously, growers are feeding populations of pests and
2) Spacing
Tobacco plants which are spaced too close together often
suffer disease losses greater than those that are planted
wider a part in the row. This is especially true involving
above-ground disease such as brown spot and blue mold.
Close spacing provides a dense canopy so that moisture is
retained on lower leaves which favors infection and
development. Wider spacing provides for more sunlight,
for bettes aeration, and for better drying conditions for the
foliage on the bottom part of the plant. Tobacco mosaic will
also be less if plants area properly spaced.
3) Balanced Fertilization
Disease causal agents are generally favored by imbalaced
fertilizer application. Some pests, such as root-knot
nematodes, are favored by deficiencies such as of
potassium. On the other hand, other causal agents such as
blank shank fungus are favored by excessive fertilazation
D. Resistant Varieties
Varietal resistance provides a fulcrum for tobacco disease
control. This is evidenced by the fact that no fields are planted
to a variety that was not developed to be resistant to one
disease or another. The resistant variety is a necessary part of
control programs for both black shank and granville wilt, and
a very important aspect of programs designed to control root-
knot, mosaic, brown spot, and black root rot.
F. General
Good insect control may also reduce disease problems. For
example, there has been a close correlation of wireworm
Chapter 2
1. What is the genus name of tobacco?
2. What are 4 type tobacco?
Burley Tobacco, Oriental Tobacco, Virginia Tobacco, and Domestic Tobacco.
3. How to control the rate of drying without artificial heating?
a. The density of tobacco in the barn by adjusting the number of stalks/stick and the spacing
of the sticks on a tier;
b. The top and side ventilators where available.
4. What is another name of virginia tobacco?
Flue-cured tobacco
5. What are the kinds of domestic tobacco?
Krosok FC, Krosok Native, and Rajangan.
Chapter 3
1. What Is a sowing?
Tobacco seeds are scattered onto the surface of the soil, as their germination is activated by
light. In colonial Virginia, seedbeds were fertilized with wood ash or
animal manure (frequently powdered horse manure). Seedbeds were then covered with
branches to protect the young plants from frost damage, and the plants were left alone until
around April.
2. What is a transplanting?
After the plants have reached a certain height, they are transplanted into fields. This was
originally done by making a relatively large hole in the tilled earth with a tobacco peg, then
placing the small plant in the hole. Various mechanical tobacco planters were invented
throughout the late 19th and early 20th century to automate this process, making a hole,
fertilizing it, and guiding a plant into the hole with one motion.
3. What is a tobacco cultivation?
In modern tobacco farming, Nicotiana seeds are scattered onto the surface of the soil, as
their germination is activated by light, then covered in cold frames. In the Colony of
Virginia, seedbeds were fertilized with wood ash or animal manure (frequently
powdered horsemanure). Coyote Tobacco (N. attenuata) of the western U.S. requires burned
Chapter 4
1. What are the kinds of pest in tobacco?
Tobacco Flea Beetle [Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsh)], Midge (Hydrobaenum spp.) and Crane Fly
[Neolemnophila ultima(Alch.)], Vegetable weevil (Listroderes costirostris obliquus Klug),
Cutworm, Budworms, Wireworms, Aphid, Hornworms, Japanese Beetle, Stink Bugs,
Grasshopper, Slugs, and Thrips.
2. What are the kind of diseases in tobacco?
Nematode, Fungus, Bacterial, Virus, Physiological difficulties.
3. What are the kind of bacterial in diseases tobacco?
Hollow Stalk, Frenching, Wildfire, Angular Leaf Spot or Blackfire.
4. What are the kind of Virus in diseases tobacco?
Tobacco mosaic, ring spot, and etch.
5. What are the kind of Fungus in diseases tobacco?
Soil borne fungus, Sore Shin, Fusarium Wilt, and Air Borne Fungus.