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Keysight Technologies: Signal Generator Selection Guide

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Keysight Technologies

Signal Generator Selection Guide


Keysight Technologies, Inc. offers the widest selection of Modulation capabilities vary from general-purpose AM,
signal generators from baseband to 67 GHz, with fre- FM and digital I/Q to standard-specific formats such as
quency extensions to 1.1 THz. From basic to advanced GSM, W-CDMA, HSPA, LTE, LTE-Advanced, GPS, and
functionality, each signal generator delivers benchmark WLAN. Keysight provides signal generators in multiple
performance in its class to address the requirements in form factors, including benchtop and modular PXI.
design and manufacture of radio transceivers and their
components; and applications ranging from low-frequency This selection guide provides an overview and side-by-side
navigation signals, through cellular mobile radio, to mil- comparisons to help you determine which signal generator
limeter wave radar, and satellite systems. Each offers is right for you. It is intended to supplement online selec-
synthesized frequency accuracy and stability, excellent tion tools available at www.keysight.com/find/sg.
calibrated level accuracy, and remote programmability.

Frequency coverage for Keysight signal generators

9 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 3 GHz 6 GHz 10 GHz 40 GHz 44 GHz 70 GHz
Microwave signal generators
UXG agile
PSG MW vector
PSG MW analog
MXG MW analog
EXG MW analog
RF signal generators
PSG RF analog

MXG RF vector
MXG RF analog
EXG RF vector
EXG RF analog
N9310A RF analog
Baseband products
Baseband generator and channel emulator1 Up to 160 MHz
Digital interface module Up to 400 MHz (serial mode); up to 200 MHz (parallel mode)
PXI RF vector

PXI local oscillator
1.  Additional high-performance baseband arbitrary waveform generators with up to 5 GHz analog bandwidth can be found at:
3 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Product Categories

Benchtop and modular PXI signal generators

Key Specifications Comparison .................................... 4
Benchtop signal generators are well-suited for R&D or Application and Software Comparison ....................... 6
design verification, where analysis and troubleshooting Signal Studio Software ................................................. 7
benefit from interactive analysis. Benchtop models range Benchtop
from RF to microwave with a broad range of capabilities so PSG signal generators............................................. 8
you can select which generator best suites your needs. X-Series signal generators.................................... 10
RF analog signal generator................................... 13
Modular PXI signal generators are ideal for applications Baseband generator and interface module......... 14
that require multi-channel measurement capabilities, fast Modular
measurement speed, and a small footprint. They also of- PXI signal generators............................................. 15
fer scalability and flexibility to configure solutions with a Migrating from Legacy Signal Generators ................ 17
shared processor, chassis and other modular instruments.
The PXI vector signal generator can be used with the same
software applications as bench top signal generators,
providing measurement consistency and compatibility
throughout the product development cycle. Baseband generator and channel emulator
Baseband generators (BBG) output complex I/Q signals
Vector signal generators such as QPSK, and can have several modes of operation:
Vector signal generators or digital signal generators have
a built-in I/Q modulator to upconvert complex modulation –– Waveform playback mode to play repetitive signals for
formats such as QPSK and 1024QAM. When combined component testing
with an IQ baseband generator, virtually any signal can be –– Real-time mode to transmit non-repeating/dynamic
emulated and transmitted within the information signals for receiver test
bandwidth supported by the system. –– Digital IQ input or output mode to stimulate FPGAs,
DACs or ADCs

Analog signal generators Channel emulators are used to simulate the medium
Analog signal generators supply sinusoidal continuous through which RF waves propagate. They can replicate
wave (CW) signals with optional capability to add AM, FM, multi-path and multi-channel fading for SISO or MIMO
ΦM and pulse modulation. The maximum frequency range transceivers typically used to test the sensitivity, through-
for analog signal generators spans from RF to microwave. put or function of devices under test.
Most generators feature step/list sweep modes for
passive device characterization or calibration. Signal creation software
Signal creation software products enable the generation
Agile signal generators of a wide range of application-specific test signals using
Agile signal generators are optimized for speed to quickly vector signal generators. They can easily create signals
change frequency, amplitude, and phase of the signal. to evaluate the performance of radio designs and the
They also have the unique capability to be phase coherent components that comprise them under various parametric
at all frequencies, all of the time. This attribute, along with and functional test conditions at baseband, RF and micro-
extensive pulse modulation and wideband chirp capabili- wave frequencies. Keysight’s Signal Studio software runs
ties, is ideal for electronic warfare (EW) and radar applica- on a PC and embedded software runs directly on the
tions. signal generator.
4 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Key Specifications Comparison— Agile and Vector Signal Generators

Benchtop Modular
Model number N5193A E8267D N5182B N5172B M9381A
Performance ***** ***** **** *** ****
Frequency range (min. to max.) 10 MHz to 40 GHz 100 kHz to 44 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 1 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency switching (list mode) 370 ns 9 ms 800 µs 800 µs < 10 to 240 µs
Sweep mode Normal, list, fast CW Step, list, ramp Step, list Step, list Step, list
Output power (minimum) -130 dBm –130 dBm –144 dBm –144 dBm –130 dBm
Output power +10 dBm +22 dBm (at 20 +24 dBm +21 dBm +19 dBm
(maximum; at 1 GHz) GHz)
Level accuracy (at 1 GHz) ±1.5 dB ± 0.8 dB (at 20 ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 0.4 dB
SSB phase noise –144 dBc/Hz –143 dBc/Hz –146 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz
(at 1 GHz; 20 kHz offset) (at 10 kHz offset) (at 10 kHz offset)
Harmonics (at 1 GHz) –50 dBc –55 dBc –35 dBc –35 dBc –34 dBc
Non-harmonics (at 1 GHz) –70 dBc –88 dBc –96 dBc –72 dBc –70 dBc nominal
AM rate DC to 10 MHz DC to 100 kHz DC to 50 kHz DC to 50 kHz 6.2 MHz
FM deviation (maximum) 5% of carrier frequency 1 to 128 MHz 1 to 16 MHz 2.5 to 40 MHz 1.24 MHz
or 600 MHz, whichever
is less
PM phase deviation 5% of (carrier fre- 1 to 800 rad 0.5 to 8 rad 1.25 to 20 rad 10 rads
(maximum in normal mode) quency)/(modulation
frequency) or 600 MHz/
(modulation frequency)
or 12π, whichever is less
Narrow pulse width 10 ns 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns
EVM (LTE) N/A 0.8% 0.2% 0.2% 0.32%; 0.25% @
900 MHz
ACPR (3GPP W-CDMA TM1 64 DPCH) N/A –64 dBc –73 dBc –73 dBc –70 dBc
(16QAM, 10 GHz)
Internal baseband generator RF BW N/A 80 MHz 160 MHz 120 MHz 160 MHz
External I/Q modulator RF BW N/A Up to 2 GHz Up to 200 MHz Up to 200 MHz N/A
Waveform playback memory N/A 64 Msa 1024 Msa 512 Msa 1024 MSa
Baseband generator mode N/A Waveform Waveform Waveform Waveform play-
playback playback playback back
and real-time IQ and real-time and real-time
Phase coherent frequency switching Standard N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wide chirp capability 10% of carrier fre- N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pulse descriptor word capability Standard N/A N/A N/A N/A
5 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Key Specifications Comparison—Analog Signal Generators

Benchtop Modular
oscillator source
Model number E8257D N5183B N5173B E8663D N5181B N5171B N9310A M9302A M9380A
Performance ***** **** **** **** **** *** ** ** **
Frequency 100 kHz to 9 kHz to 9 kHz to 100 kHz to 9 kHz to 9 kHz to 9 kHz to 3 GHz to 1 MHz to
range 70 GHz 40 GHz 40 GHz 9 GHz 6 GHz 6 GHz 3 GHz 10 GHz 6 GHz
(min. to max.)
Frequency 9 ms 600 µs 600 µs 9 ms 800 µs 800 µs 10 ms 500 µs 5 ms
(list mode)
Sweep mode list, step, list, step list, step list, step, list, step list, step list, step N/A N/A
ramp ramp
Output power –135 dBm –130 dBm –130 dBm –135 dBm –144 dBm –144 dBm –127 dBm N/A –130 dBm
Output power +26 dBm +20 dBm +20 dBm +23 dBm +24 dBm +21 dBm +13 dBm +16 dBm +19 dBm
(at 1 GHz) (at 20 GHz) (at 20 GHz) (at 20 GHz)
Level accuracy ± 0.8 dB ± 0.7 dB ± 0.7 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 1.0 dB ± 2 dB ± 0.4 dB
(at 20 GHz) (at 10 GHz) (at 10 GHz)
SSB phase noise –126 dBc/Hz –124 dBc/Hz –101 dBc/Hz –143 dBc/Hz –146 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz –95 dBc/Hz –115 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz
(1 GHz, (at 10 GHz, (at 10 GHz) (at 10 GHz) (at 10 kHz (10 GHz,
20 kHz offset) 10 kHz offset) 10 kHz
offset) offset)
Harmonics –55 dBc –55 dBc –55 dBc –55 dBc –35 dBc –35 dBc –30 dBc –20 dBc –29 dBc
(at 1 GHz) (at 10 GHz) (at 10 GHz)
Non-harmonics –88 dBc –100 dBc –72 dBc –88 dBc –96 dBc –72 dBc –50 dBc –70 dBc –70 dBc
(at 1 GHz)
AM rate DC to DC to DC to DC to DC to DC to 20 Hz to N/A N/A
100 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz 20 kHz
FM deviation 1 to 1 to 2.5 to 1 to 1 to 2.5 to 100 kHz N/A N/A
(maximum) 128 MHz 128 MHz 320 MHz 16 MHz 16 MHz 40 MHz
PM phase 1 to 0.5 to 1.25 to 1 to 0.5 to 1.25 to 10 rad N/A N/A
deviation 1280 rad 64 rad 160 rad 160 rad 8 rad 20 rad
(maximum, in
normal mode)
Narrow pulse 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns 100 µs N/A N/A
6 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Applications, Core Capabilities, and Software Comparison

Benchtop Modular Benchtop

Applications and signal UXG PSG MXG and PXI RF PSG MW MXG and MXG and PSG RF N9310 PXB
creation software MW EXG RF EXG MW EXG RF RF
Agile Vector Analog Baseband
Instrument embedded capabilities
USB power meter ● ● ●
Step/list sweep ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ramp sweep ● ● ●
AM, FM, PM, pulse ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
LF function generator ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Real-time custom modulation
● ●
Phase noise impairments ●
Multitone, NPR ● ●
Noise (AWGN) ● ● ●
Pulse Train ● ● ● ●
SystemVue, MATLAB ● ● ● ● ●
Real-time fading ●
Signal Studio software
Cellular communications
LTE & LTE-Advanced FDD/TDD, ● ● ● ●
W-CDMA/HSPA+, cdma2000®,
Wireless networking
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac/ah, ● ● ● ●
Mobile WiMAX™, Bluetooth®
Fixed WiMAX ● ● ●
Audio/video broadcast
DVB-T/H/T2/S/S2, DVB-C ● ● ● ●
(J.83 Annex A/C), J.83 Annex B
T-DMB, DAB/DAB+/DMB-audio, ● ● ●
FM stereo with RDS/RBDS
Detection, positioning, tracking, navigation
Pulse building ● ●
Multitone distortion, NPR ● ● ●
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, ● ● ● ●
Beidou, SBAS, QZSS
Wideband waveform center software
Wireless HD, WiGig, 802.11ad ●
7 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Signal Studio Software

Simplify signal creation General purpose

–– Jitter injection
Whether you are working on a single radio format or inte- –– Multitone, NPR
grating multiple formats into a single device, easy access –– Waveform download utility
to the right test signals streamlines validation and helps –– Power amplifier test
ensure interoperability. Accelerate your work with Keysight –– Custom modulation
Signal Studio software, a flexible suite of signal-creation
tools that reduces the time you spend on signal simulation. Cellular communications
Its performance-optimized reference signals, validated by –– LTE & LTE-Advanced FDD/TDD
Keysight, enhance the characterization and verification of –– W-CDMA/HSPA+, cdma2000, 1xEV-DO, GSM/EDGE/
your devices. Evo, TD-SCDMA
–– Test case manager
Configure Signal Studio to match your requirements:
Wireless connectivity
–– Choose basic or advanced levels of capability with –– WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac/ad/ah
scalable option structure –– DFS
–– Select the license type that fits your specific use case –– Mobile WiMax, Fixed WiMax
and budget, including fixed, transportable, and 5- or –– Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy
50-pack waveforms –– Wi-SUN 802.15.4g
–– Connect to a wide range of Keysight instruments
Audio/video broadcasting
Leverage and customize built-in signals with flexible signal –– DVB-T/H/T2/C/S/S2
generation, additive impairments, graphs, convenient con- –– ATSC, ATSC-M/H, J.83B (DOCSIS)
nectivity and automation, and embedded and online docu- –– ISDB-T/TSB/TB/Tmm
mentation. Control your vector signal generator directly –– DTMB(CTTB), CMMB
from the software GUI and/or instrument front panel. –– DAB/DAB+/DMB/T-DMB
–– AM, FM, FM Stereo RDS/RBDS
Connect your vector source to Signal Studio—and simplify
signal creation. Detection, positioning, tracking, and navigation
–– Pulse building
–– GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, SBAS, QZSS, radar

Free Trial License www.keysight.com/find/SignalStudio

Free 30-day trials of Signal Studio software are

available to evaluate the user interface and generate
signals. Redeem a trial license online at
8 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

PSG Signal Generators

The PSG is the industry's most trusted microwave signal generator, with thousands of units deployed in hundreds of
programs around the world. With metrology-grade performance and evolving capabilities across RF and microwave
frequencies, it continues to enable new designs that stay ahead of emerging threats.

PSG microwave signal generator PSG microwave signal generator

E8267D vector E8257D analog
–– Test advanced receivers with realistic wideband radar, –– Meet test system needs across a wide range: 20, 31.8,
EW, and SATCOM waveforms up to 44 GHz 40, 50, and 67 GHz models available (add frequency
–– Flexible, integrated 80 MHz AWG, real-time and base- extender modules to cover up to 1.1 THz)
band generator to simulate cellular, wireless, GPS and –– Test high-power devices and overcome test system
custom communications losses with options capable of generating more than
–– Exercise advanced EW, radar, and satellite systems 1 W (+30 dBm) of output power
with Signal Studio, a vector PSG, and a wideband –– Address the demanding needs of Doppler radar, ADC,
AWG such as the Keysight M8190A for up to 2 GHz and receiver-blocking tests with extremely low phase
bandwidth noise: -91 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset and
–– Test phased-array systems and direction-finding –126 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset (10 GHz)
receivers with multiple phase-coherent signals –– Test your DUT with the highest quality signals—the
generated by linking up to 16 vector PSGs PSG combines metrology-grade frequency and level
accuracy with excellent distortion and spurious char-

www.keysight.com/find/E8267D www.keysight.com/find/E8257D

Key specifications E8267D MW vector E8257D MW analog

Frequency range (min. to max.) 100 kHz to 44 GHz 100 kHz to 70 GHz
Frequency switching 9 ms 9 ms
Output power (at 20 GHz) +22 dBm +26 dBm
Level accuracy ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB
SSB phase noise (10 GHz; 10 kHz offset) –126 dBc/Hz –126 dBc/Hz
Harmonics –55 dBc –55 dBc
EVM (QPSK) 0.8% N/A
ACPR (16 QAM) –64 dBc N/A
Internal baseband generator RF BW 80 MHz N/A
9 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

PSG Signal Generator (continued)

Millimeter Wave Accessories for the

PSG Signal Generator
Millimeter wave sources are essential instruments
for developing almost all millimeter-wave systems.
Easily extend the frequency range of your E8257D or
E8267D PSG signal generators with these multiplier
modules from select partners.

Millimeter-wave source modules from

OML, Inc.
PSG RF signal generator
E8663D analog The E8257DSxx-Series of external, frequency banded
millimeter-wave source modules provide synthesized
The E8663D PSG RF analog signal generator provides the frequency performance, millimeter-wave test signals
industry’s lowest phase noise in a commercially-available for waveguide bands from 50 to 500 GHz.
signal generator. With optional analog modulation (AM,
FM, ØM, and pulse) capability, superior level accuracy, and
high output power, the E8663D is the right choice for de-
manding applications such as radar system development,
satellite communications evaluation, or when a very low
noise local oscillator or reference signal is needed. Built on
the outstanding legacy of the 8663A, the E8663D delivers
improved performance and is fully code-compatible with
its predecessor for seamless upgrades to existing test sys-
tems. Enhanced narrow pulse modulation and high output
Signal generator frequency extension
power are optionally available.
modules from VDI, Inc.
The E8257DVxx-Series of signal generator frequency
extension modules provide high power, synthesized
www.keysight.com/find/E8663D frequency performance millimeter-wave test signals
for waveguide bands from 50 GHz to 1.1 THz.

Key specifications
Frequency range (min. to max.) 100 kHz to 9 GHz
Frequency switching 9 ms
Output power +23 dBm
Level accuracy ± 0.6 dB
SSB phase noise (1 GHz; 10 kHz offset) –143 dBc/Hz
Harmonics –55 dBc
10 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

X-Series Signal Generators

Crafted to create signals capable of testing your very best devices and designs, the X-Series signal generators offer
industry-leading performance and low cost of ownership. A proven, scalable platform combined with cost-effective
calibration and internal diagnostics allows you to buy the capabilities you need today and easily upgrade to meet future

UXG agile signal generator –– Using direct digital synthesis (DDS) and a Keysight-
proprietary digital-to-analog converter (DAC), the
UXG can update frequency, amplitude, and phase set-
The UXG agile signal generator creates realistic, multi- tings in as little as 180 ns, with built-in phase repeat-
emitter threat simulations for EW test. Off the shelf, the ability
UXG is a powerful building block as a dependable LO or –– It is the first source to directly accept pulse descrip-
a scalable threat simulator. By blurring the lines between tor words (PDWs), reducing test programming time
analog and vector technologies, the UXG lowers the by quickly generating long pulse trains while allowing
barrier between new intelligence and up-to-date signal individual pulse control
scenarios. –– The UXG can simulate advanced radar signals, gen-
erating pulses as narrow as 10 ns with 3 ns rise/fall
times and an 90 dB on/off ratio and chirps as wide as
Key specifications N5193B UXG 10 to 25 percent of the carrier frequency
–– An optional attenuator provides 80 dB of agile ampli-
Frequency range (min. to max.) 10 MHz to 20 GHz or 40 GHz
tude changes and 120 dB of overall amplitude range
Frequency switching speed 370 ns to mimic antenna scan patterns
Frequency/amplitude/phase 180 ns
update speed
Output power –130 to +10 dBm www.keysight.com/find/N5193A
Harmonics –50 dBc
Non-harmonics –70 dBc
Phase noise –126 dBc at 10 GHz,
10 kHz offset
Minimum pulse width 10 ns
11 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

X-Series Signal Generators (continued)

MXG microwave signal generator EXG microwave signal generator

N5183B analog N5173B analog
The MXG is the pure and precise alternative to the analog The EXG is the cost-effective choice when you need to
PSG, with advantages in size and speed. It delivers the balance budget and performance. In just two rack units,
performance you need to perform module- and system- it provides the essential signals that address parametric
level testing—fast—in only two rack units. testing of broadband filters, amplifiers, receivers, and
–– Meet test system needs up to 13, 20, 31.8, or 40 GHz
–– Address demanding tests of radar modules and sys- –– Perform basic LO upconversion or CW blocking with
tems with best-in-class phase noise of ≤ 124 dBc/Hz low cost coverage to 13, 20, 31.8, or 40 GHz
(10 kHz offset) with –75 dBc spurious (at 10 GHz) –– Characterize broadband microwave components such
–– Save space and maintain test rigor with near-PSG as filters and amplifiers with the best combination of
performance levels in just two rack units output power (+20 dBm at 20 GHz), low harmonics
–– Accelerate your calibration process with best-in-class (≤ 55 dBc), and full step attenuation)
switching speed of less than 600 μs –– Use as a high-stability system reference with standard
high-performance OCXO at an aging rate of less than
± 5 x 10-10 parts per day
–– Shrink your test stand with optional integrated multi-
function generator and USB power sensor interface

www.keysight.com/find/N5183B www.keysight.com/find/N5173B

Key specifications N5183B MXG microwave analog N5173B EXG microwave analog
Frequency range (min. to max.) 9 Hz to 40 GHz 9 Hz to 40 GHz
Frequency switching 600 us 600 us
Output power (20 GHz) +20 dBm + 20 dBm
Level accuracy (10 GHz) ± 0.7 dB ± 0.7 dB
SSB phase noise (10 GHz) –124 dBc/Hz –101 dBc/Hz
Harmonics (10 GHz) –55 dBc –55 dBc
12 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

X-Series Signal Generators (continued)

MXG RF signal generators EXG RF signal generators

N5182B vector and N5181B analog N5172B vector and N5171B analog
To help you reach better performance, the MXG X-Series To help you achieve faster throughput and greater uptime,
vector and analog signal generators are fine-tuned to be the cost-effective EXG X-Series signal generators are
your “golden transmitter” in R&D. Whether you’re pushing optimized for manufacturing test. With analog and vector
for a linear RF chain or an optimized link budget, the MXG models, the EXG provides the signals you’ll need for basic
delivers what you need: phase noise, ACPR, channel cod- parameter testing of components and functional verifica-
ing, and much more. Reveal the true performance of your tion of receivers. Get “just enough” test at the right price
devices and test your designs within and beyond their with the EXG.
limits with the MXG.
–– Maximize test margins on the production line with
–– Test radar receiver sensitivity or characterize ADC industry-leading ACPR
with industry-leading phase noise –– Maximize throughput with < 800 µs simultaneous
–– Characterize nonlinear PA behavior with industry- switching of frequency, power and waveform type
leading ACPR and output power –– Enable rapid, accurate tests using Signal Studio’s
–– Test 802.11ac with < 0.4% EVM, or characterize multi- predefined, standards-based waveforms
carrier PAs with < ± 0.2 dB flatness across 160 MHz –– Shrink your test stand with two rack-unit height and
bandwidth integrated multi-function generator and USB power
–– Go beyond standard application requirements with sensor interface
sophisticated real-time and waveform-based Signal
Studio software

www.keysight.com/find/N5182B www.keysight.com/find/N5172B
www.keysight.com/find/N5181B www.keysight.com/find/N5171B

Key specifications MXG RF vector MXG RF analog EXG RF vector EXG RF analog
N5182B N5181B N5172B N5171B
Frequency range (min. to max.) 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Frequency switching 800 µs 800 µs 800 µs 800 µs
Output power +24 dBm +24 dBm +21 dBm +21 dBm
Level accuracy ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB ± 0.6 dB
SSB phase noise (1 GHz; 20 kHz offset) –146 dBc/Hz –146 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz
Harmonics –35 dBc –35 dBc –35 dBc –35 dBc
EVM (LTE) 0.2% N/A 0.2% N/A
ACPR (3GPP W-CDMA TM1 64 DPCH) –73 dBc N/A –73 dBc N/A
Internal baseband generator RF BW 160 MHz N/A 120 MHz N/A
13 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

RF Analog Signal Generator

RF signal generator
N9310A analog
The N9310A is a general-purpose RF signal generator –– Optimized for low-cost consumer electronics
covering a frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. Ideal for manufacturing test, education, and service and repair
manufacturing, education, and service maintenance, it –– Optional I/Q modulator 40 MHz bandwidth
delivers affordable, reliable performance. If your applica- (ext. I/Q inputs only)
tion only requires a simple continuous wave (CW) source, –– USB interface, with flash memory support
the N9310A RF signal generator provides just enough
functionality at the lowest price.

Key specifications
Frequency range (min. to max.) 9 kHz to 3 GHz
Frequency switching 10 ms
Output power +13 dBm
Level accuracy ± 1.0 dB
SSB phase noise (1 GHz; 20 kHz offset) –95 dBc/Hz
Harmonics –30 dBc
14 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Baseband Generator and Interface Module

PXB baseband generator and channel Digital signal interface module

emulator N5106A N5102A
The PXB lets you customize test cases and validate de- The N5102A digital signal interface module provides fast
signs under real-world conditions with the broadest range and flexible digital inputs and outputs for the MXG and
of test parameters. Create fully-parameterized signals EXG X-Series vector signal generators, E8267D PSG vec-
for established and evolving standards with Keysight tor signal generator and N5106A PXB baseband generator
Signal Studio. In addition, the PXB lets you model the and channel emulator. In output mode, you can deliver
signal-propagation environment with fully-parameterized, realistic, complex-modulated signals such as LTE, HSPA,
real-time channel emulation (fading). With the largest W-CDMA, GPS, WLAN, digital video, custom pulses, and
playback memory available, you can run longer test se- many others directly to your digital devices and subsys-
quences to better approximate real-world signals. You can tems. In the input mode, the interface module ports your
also capture signals up to 512 Msa from your own device digital input to the signal generator's baseband system,
for post processing. providing a quick and easy way of upconverting to cali-
brated analog IF, RF, or µW frequencies.
With less instrumentation to manage, the PXB simpli-
fies test setup. You need only one box for multi-format In both operating modes, the interface module adapts to
baseband generation, real-time fading and signal capture. your device with the logic type, data format, clock fea-
With it, you can construct over 20 configurations to meet tures, and signaling you require. With its 3-meter exten-
your test needs. These configurations, along with external sion cable and a selection of connector types, the inter-
instrument connections, can be redefined in seconds using face module connects easily to your device, in most cases
the PXB user interface. eliminating the need for custom fixtures.

–– Up to 160 MHz modulation and signal capture band- –– Up to 400 MHz in serial mode, 200 MHz in parallel
width mode
–– 512 Msa playback and signal capture memory per –– Provision for internal, external, or device clocking
channel –– Independent data input and output rates; adjustable
–– Up to six BBGs and 16 faders for interference, diversity clock phase and skew
and MIMO test

www.keysight.com/find/N5106A www.keysight.com/find/N5102A
15 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

PXI Signal Generators

PXIe vector signal generator PXIe CW source

M9381A M9380A
Optimized for RF device design validation and manufac- With high output power and accurate amplitude control,
turing test environments, the M9381A PXI VSG delivers the M9380A PXIe CW source is a compact, cost-effective
a combination of speed, performance, and multi-channel analog source, ideal for LO substitution, interference injec-
capability. Built on a flexible, scalable modular platform, tion, and wireless component test. With fast PXI architec-
the M9381A PXI VSG is the low-risk way to manage ture and multiple drivers and programmatic interfaces, the
change and be ready for tomorrow—today. M9380A is designed for high-speed automated test.

–– Fast amplitude and frequency switching to reduce test www.keysight.com/find/M9380A

–– Scalable platform fits up to 4 channels in one chassis,
and 8 channels in multi-chassis configuration
Keysight Quality and Support in PXI
–– Channels time synchronized to within 1 ns and phase
coherent to within 1 degree Keep measurement quality while reducing your cost
–– Up to 160 MHz RF bandwidth of ownership with Keysight’s unique RF modular
–– Easily integrate into test environments with IVI-COM, calibration and fast core exchange strategy. Keysight
IVI-C, LabVIEW, and MATLAB drivers PXI signal generators are factory calibrated, shipped
with ISO-9002, NIST traceable Cal certificate, and
www.keysight.com/find/M9381A include a 3-year warranty.


Key specifications M9381A PXIe vector M9380A PXIe CW source

Frequency range (min. to max.) 1 MHz to 6 GHz 1 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency switching < 10 to 240 µs 5 ms
Output power (at 1 GHz) +19 dBm +19 dBm
Level accuracy ± 0.4 to 1 dB ± 0.4 to 1 dB
SSB phase noise (1 GHz; 20 kHz offset) –122 dBc/Hz –122 dBc/Hz
Harmonics < –34 dBc < –29 dBc
EVM (LTE) 0.32% N/A
ACPR (3GPP W-CDMA TM1 64 DPCH) –70 dBc N/A
Internal baseband generator RF BW 160 MHz N/A
16 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

PXI Signal Generators (continued)

PXI local oscillator Waveform Creator

M9302A The M9099 Waveform Creator is a software application
The M9302A PXI local oscillator (LO) is optimized for fast focused on easy development of complex baseband and
settling time to allow for fast frequency down conversion vector signals used in the validation and test of digital
in aerospace and defense applications, such as radar and communications products. Built around a “drag and drop”
wideband signal capture, and in wireless communications graphical user interface, Waveform Creator allows quick
applications. The M9302A is a two-slot 3U PXI VCO- development of multi-format, multi-track waveforms with
based 3 GHz to 10 GHz LO. The fast switching time and waveform segments displaced in frequency and time. Its
low phase noise of this LO make it an ideal component modularity supports multiple waveform types and VSG/
of a microwave vector signal analyzer. When integrated AWG instruments to be plugged in, supporting expansion
in the Keysight M9392A PXI vector signal analyzer, then to include both current and future waveform types and
combined with 89600 VSA software, the M9302A provides instruments.
a complete signal analyzer solution enabling analysis of
communications, radar and avionics signals to 26.5 GHz in Waveform Creator options:
a modular open-system standard. - Digital modulation
- DOCSIS 3.1
–– ± 0.5 ppm frequency temperature stability (0 to 50 °C) - SystemVue
–– 0.1 Hz tuning resolution - File-based write
–– PXI 2-slot 3U

Key specifications
Frequency range (min. to max.) 3 to 10 GHz
Frequency switching 1 ms
Output power +16 dBm
Level accuracy ± 2 dB
SSB phase noise (10 GHz; 10 kHz offset) –115 dBc/Hz
Harmonics –20 dBc
17 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

Migrating from Legacy Signal Generators

Carefully planned instrument migration and modernization can maximize your test-system efficiency, performance, and
readiness, while minimizing risk and potential disruptions, keeping you at the leading edge in the competitive marketplace.
The Keysight PSG and X-Series signal generators are designed as evolutionary replacements to their in-class predeces-
sors. Take advantage of their performance, flexibility, speed, and modern connectivity in replacing legacy Keysight signal

PSG MW vector PSG MW analog PSG RF analog MXG RF vector MXG RF analog EXG RF vector EXG RF analog
E8267D E8257D E8663D N5182B N5181B N5172B N5171B
100 kHz to 44 GHz 100 kHz to 70 GHz
N5183B/N5173B 100 kHz to 9 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz 9 kHz to 6 GHz
9 kHz to 40 GHz

8780A 8340A/B N5183A 8662A/B E4438C E4428C N5182A N5181A

E2500B 8341A/B 8643A
8672A 8644B ESG-DP Series ESG-AP Series ESG-D Series ESG-A Series
83620A/B 8763A/B/C/D 8645A E4434B E4423B E4430B E4400B
83622A/B 8664A E4435B E4424B E4431B E4420B
83623B/L 8340A/B 8665A/B E4436B E4425B E4432B E4421B
83624A/B 8341A/B E4437B E4426B E4433B E4422B
83640B/L 83620A/B 8672A 8647A
83650B/L 83622A/B 8763A/B/C/D 8648A/B/C/D
83711A/B 83624A/B 8662A/B 8656B
83712A/B 83630B/L 8643A 8657A/B/D/J
83731A/B 83640B/L 8644B
83732A/B 8645A
83751A/B 83711A/B 8664A
83752A/B 83712A/B 8665A/B

Migrate to the X-Series RF signal generators


Migrate to microwave signal generators


Convert test systems to modular solutions

18 | Keysight | Signal Generator Selection Guide

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© Keysight Technologies, 2013 - 2015
Published in USA, February 25, 2015

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