Chagas Disease
Chagas Disease
Chagas Disease
Copyright © 2015 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Abstract. Autochthonous transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in the United States is rarely reported. Here, we describe
five newly identified patients with autochthonously acquired infections from a small pilot study of positive blood donors
in southeast Texas. Case-patients 1–4 were possibly infected near their residences, which were all in the same region
~100 miles west of Houston. Case-patient 5 was a young male with considerable exposure from routine outdoor and
camping activities associated with a youth civic organization. Only one of the five autochthonous case-patients received
anti-parasitic treatment. Our findings suggest an unrecognized risk of human vector-borne transmission in southeast
Texas. Education of physicians and public health officials is crucial for identifying the true disease burden and source of
infection in Texas.
were not performed, as the primary focus of this investigation tricity company working at night, and 3) a lifelong history of
was to determine possible sources of infection. deer and bird hunting in tree and box stands. Hunting hygiene
Additional testing performed at the U.S. Centers for Disease practices included “always” skinning the animal immediately
Control and Prevention-Division of Parasitic Diseases and post-mortem and “sometimes” wearing gloves during skinning.
Malaria (CDC) included Chagatest recombinant v3.0 ELISA In 2000, he started regularly spending time at one particular
(Wiener, Rosario, Argentina), and trypomastigote excreted deer lease in Lavaca County, a rural county 113 miles west of
or secreted antigen immunoblot (TESA IB). Additional test- Houston. In June 2013, three Triatoma gerstaeckeri bugs were
ing performed at our Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) collected from this deer lease. All three bugs were positive for
laboratory included immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA), T. cruzi by polymerase chain reaction. Blood meal analysis
immunochromatographic assay (Chagas Stat-Pak, Chembio, showed that all three bugs had human blood meals. Addition-
Medford, NY), and dual path platform immunochroma- ally, cow and raccoon blood were detected in one of the bugs.
tographic confirmation assay (DPP Chagas Confirmation We postulate lodging at this deer lease was the source of
Assay, Chembio, Medford, NY). transmission for Case-patient 1; however, we cannot rule out
Of the 17 donors that took part, we could not rule out his nightly occupational exposures and rural birth residence as
evidence of autochthonously acquired infection in five donors. potential sources.
These five donors did not have a significant history of travel Case-patient 2. A 69-year-old Hispanic male with a 4-year
to an endemic country, did not have a mother born in an history of Alzheimer’s disease, a 3-year history of hyperten-
endemic country, and were born in the United States. For the sion, and depression donated blood in May 2007. The Ortho
purposes of this study, daytrips and vacations to Mexico last- T. cruzi ELISA screening test values were consistently positive
ing a week or less for tourist purposes in a non-rural area, (4.17, 4.36, and 4.00). The RIPA confirmation was positive.
were not considered an important risk for transmission. Dura- Upon receipt of test results, he sought care from his primary
tion of exposure in an endemic country associated with risk care physician who referred him to a cardiologist. Treatment
for infection is not known; however, trips < 2 weeks are not was deferred, caused by concern of minimal benefit for the
considered significant according to multiple published stud- patient. As a result of his profound bradycardia (HR < 40 bpm)
ies.12,15–18 Additionally, spending the night in a rural area is a pacemaker was placed in 2011.
considered higher risk for transmission than daytrips when In May 2013, he was consented by his power of attorney and
traveling in an endemic country. Finally, Mexico has a low enrolled into our study. A blood sample collected in the same
T. cruzi seroprevalence, further supporting short travel to this month was positive on all subsequent diagnostic tests. On elec-
country as an unlikely source of infection.13 We present these trocardiogram, we found atrial pacing with right bundle branch
five donors’ infection risk factor assessments, travel histories, block and isolated left anterior fascicular block consistent
medical histories, and T. cruzi testing information. with Chagas cardiac disease. An echocardiogram was normal.
Case-patient 2 was born in Nueces County, a rural county
CASE-PATIENT REPORTS 211 miles southwest of Houston, where he lived for 29 years.
He then lived for 2 years in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana;
Case-patient 1. A 59-year-old Caucasian male with a 26-year 35 years in Harris County, TX; and moved to his current resi-
history of controlled hypertension and diabetes took part in a dence in 2004 in Fayette County, TX, a rural county 95 miles
routine blood donation in April 2007. The Ortho T. cruzi northwest of Houston. His mother was born in Webb County,
ELISA screening test values were consistently positive (1.98, TX, a Texas–Mexico border town. His maternal grandmother
1.70, and 1.64). The RIPA confirmation was positive. Upon was born in an endemic country. He reported never having
receiving the deferral letter from the blood bank with his test- seen vector species at any of his residences. Travel history
ing results, the patient sought medical care from an infectious included 1) a 1-week trip to Monterrey, Mexico in 1962; 2)
disease doctor. Treatment was deferred out of his physician’s a one-night trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico; 3) a 4-day trip
concern about false positive testing results. Results from a to Mexico City, Mexico in 1984; and 4) a 1-week trip to
routine electrocardiogram performed in 2011 were normal. Guadalajara, Mexico in 1997. None of these trips were in a
In May 2013, he consented to participate in our research rural area, nor did he report staying the night in a rural area.
study. A blood sample collected in the same month yielded No occupational exposures were reported. Recreational
positive results on all tests except CDC’s Weiner ELISA and exposures included a 13-year history of gardening, a 12-year
Stat-Pak. The blood sample tested negative on two separate history of daily walking in his property’s pastureland, and a
Weiner ELISA test runs. An electrocardiogram found a first 10-year history of tent, camper, and lean-to camping in Texas
degree atrioventricular block and left anterior fascicular block and Florida. Case-patient 2 was most likely exposed at his
consistent with minor Chagas cardiomyopathy.1 An echocardio- current residence with a high composite risk locally6; how-
gram in June 2013 was normal. ever, we cannot rule out his travel and camping exposure,
Case-patient 1 was born in Matagorda County, 80 miles and his 2-year residential history in Louisiana. It is possible
south of Houston, TX, where he resided for 29 years. He had that his infection came from his maternal grandmother (two
since lived in a rural part of Ft. Bend County, 45 miles south- series of congenital infection), but unlikely given the low risk
west of Houston, TX. His mother was born in Austin County, of congenital transmission, estimated at 1–5%.13 His transmis-
33 miles west of Houston, TX. His maternal grandmother was sion risk from camping is thought to be low as a result of the
born in a non-endemic country. He reported never seeing use of lodging structures (no tarps or open exposure sleeping),
vector species at his house. Per request, his wife was tested and staying in designated campgrounds close to a main road
and was negative for T. cruzi infection. Occupational expo- (not in thick forested areas).
sures included 1) a 23-year history of farming in open fields Case-patient 3. A 47-year-old healthy Caucasian female
and at night, 2) a 4-year history of maintenance for an elec- donated blood in September 2007. The Ortho T. cruzi ELISA
screening test values were consistently positive (3.43, 3.11, tious disease researcher from an academic institution. His
and 3.25). The RIPA confirmation was positive. Upon receipt electrocardiogram was normal. He received treatment with
of her test results, she consulted an infectious disease doctor benznidazole in 2011. Yearly follow-ups have been normal.
who performed a cardiac evaluation. Her doctor recom- In August 2013, he was enrolled into our research study. A
mended deferral of treatment because of her healthy status blood sample from the same month was positive on all diag-
and lack of related clinical findings. In May 2013, she was nostic tests. As expected, his electrocardiogram was normal.
enrolled in our current research study. A blood sample col- Case-patient 5 was born and resided in the same suburb in
lected in the same month was positive on all diagnostic tests; Harris County, TX despite moving once. His mother was born
however, the first run on Weiner ELISA was negative and the and had lived in the same county for the duration of her life.
subsequent second run was positive. An electrocardiogram His mother did not report any symptoms consistent with car-
was normal. diac disease. To our knowledge, his mother has never been
Case-patient 3 was born in Lavaca County, a rural county tested for T. cruzi infection. His maternal grandmother was
113 miles west of Houston (the same county as Case-patient born in a non-endemic country. Occupational history included
1’s deer lease). Residence history included 2 years in Louisiana 1 week in 2003 performing landscaping for a charity organiza-
and the remainder of the time at her current residence in a tion in Cameron County, a Texas–Mexico border town. Dur-
suburban area of Ft. Bend County, 29 miles west of Houston. ing this trip, he slept in a gym in good condition. He reported
Her mother was born in the United States. Her maternal that other travel companions on this trip tested negative for
grandmother was born in a non-endemic country. She did not T. cruzi infection; however, specific testing information was
have any occupational exposures and never saw vectors not available. Case-patient 5 reported never seeing the vector
around her residence. Her only recreational exposure was around his residence. Recreational exposure included a
gardening in a 500 square foot non-wooded backyard; however, 15-year history in a civic youth organization, which involved
as a result of it being an unsuitable habitat for the vector, we monthly camping and outdoor activities in Texas and Missouri.
considered it a low risk exposure. She was most likely exposed While camping he slept in tents, lean-tos, and “rarely” with-
in her birth county or during her 2 years living in Louisiana. out shelter. He recalled waking up 5 years ago with a
Case-patient 4. A 72-year-old Caucasian male with history “chagoma”-like lesion that he considered a spider bite at the
of a triple bypass without blood transfusion in 1998 and time and did not treat. As a result of the lack of evidence for
15-year history of controlled hypertension donated blood in congenital transmission, we considered regular camping and
December 2010. The Ortho T. cruzi ELISA screening test outdoor activities the highest probabilities of transmission
values were consistently positive (5.71, 5.73, and 6.30). The exposures for Case-patient 5.
RIPA confirmation was positive. Upon receipt of his test
results, he sought care from his primary care physician. His DISCUSSION
doctor told him that his test results were “likely a false posi-
tive” caused by his lack of Hispanic ethnicity and deferred This report adds an additional five autochthonous Chagas
further work-up and treatment. disease cases in the United States to the literature. All case-
In May 2013, he was enrolled into our research study. A patients had lived in rural counties and/or had high levels of
blood sample from the same month was positive on all diag- outdoor exposure, possibly leading to autochthonous infec-
nostic tests. An electrocardiogram found sinus rhythm with tion. Figure 1 displays the geographic areas of importance,
first degree atrioventricular block with inferior-posterior Table 1 summarizes the exposure risk for disease transmis-
myocardial infarction. These changes could be caused by sion, and Table 2 summarizes the testing results for our five
Chagas heart disease or this patient’s ischemic heart disease. case-patients. Despite our small sample size, our findings sug-
An echocardiogram 1 month later was normal. gest supporting evidence of an ongoing domestic cycle occur-
Case-patient 4 was born in Bell County, a rural county ring in southeast Texas resulting in locally acquired cases.9
154 miles northwest of Houston, where he resided for 18 years. The United States is considered a non-endemic country for
He then spent 2 years on Navy bases in California, Nevada, transmission, with rare reports of locally acquired human
Oklahoma, and Florida. He had since lived in a suburban part cases occurring.12 Since active blood donor screening began
of Ft. Bend County, 36 miles southwest of Houston. His in 2007; we have begun to learn more about the burden and
mother was born in the Czech Republic. His maternal grand- source of infection in this country. The US CDC recently
mother was born in a non-endemic country. Travel history reported rare cases of domestically acquired infection from a
included one daytrip to Cancun during a cruise. Neither occu- large nationwide follow-up study of infected blood donors.12
pational exposure nor seeing vector around his residence was In contrast, our pilot study of 17 RIPA-positive blood donors
reported. Recreational exposure included a life-long history of in the Houston area found 35% (6 of 17) with evidence of
hunting; however, his outdoor and vector exposures were mini- locally acquired infection.14 Five of those six with evidence of
mal with this activity. He only hunted birds, never skinned ani- autochthonous infection are reported here. One person was
mals, never used hunting stands, and never stayed the night at not described in this case series caused by the inability to rule
hunting locations (camping, deer leases, etc.). Case-patient 4 was out the source of infection from their urban Mexican birth city,
most likely infected from a residential source, either from his despite a report of seeing the vector around their Houston
rural hometown or from his moderately rural suburban home. residence and poor living conditions.
Case-patient 5. A 21-year-old healthy Caucasian male Our case reports showed non-traditional exposures. The
donated blood in 2011. The Ortho T. cruzi ELISA screening primary exposure in endemic countries where the vector spe-
test and RIPA confirmation were positive. Upon receiving his cies are adapted to peridomestic settings is Triatoma-infested
test results from the blood center, he saw his primary care homes with substandard housing structures.1 With higher
physician, an infectious disease doctor and a consulting infec- standards of living in the United States, it is not surprising
Figure 1. County of birth, county of current residence, and county of additional locations of importance by case-patient report numbers.
that vector exposure is more likely occurring by increased respective mothers. All potential sources of infection should
outdoor exposure. Camping and hunting are two outdoor be considered when evaluating T. cruzi-infected patients in
exposure activities shown by our case reports as probable the United States. Additionally, children born to mothers
sources of infection. These two exposure activities have also who are diagnosed with Chagas disease should be evaluated.
been previously described in United States domestically Interestingly, Case-patient 3 did not have significant outdoor
acquired case reports.12 Inadequate temporary lodging and/or exposure. Her only probable source of infection was being
increased exposure to the vector during these activities may born in a rural county, as her current suburban residence was
be important contributing factors for transmission associated not conducive to the vector’s habitat. Because she was in the
with these outdoor activities.19 Exposure to infectious blood indeterminate form of chronic infection, it is likely that she
while skinning a dead animal without gloves is another possible could have been exposed at any point in her life. Of note,
important transmission route.19 Case-patient 3 did have three pregnancies resulting in four
Congenital transmission is a possible source of infection in daughters. One child was tested for T. cruzi infection after
the United States, given the number of Latin American immi- discovering her mother’s disease status. The one child was
grant women in this country. None of the five case-patients negative, but no other children have been tested. These chil-
reported here were children of mothers who had immigrated dren are all of childbearing potential with two grandchildren
to the United States from Latin America. However, without having been born. Previous studies of Latin American immi-
testing the mothers as well we cannot rule out possible con- grant women in Houston, TX assessing seroprevalence of
genital transmission completely because their mothers may maternal infection during pregnancy found low rates; however,
have acquired Chagas disease from autochthonous transmis- they remained consistent over a 10-year time point.20,21 Screen-
sion, blood transfusion before 2007, or congenitally from their ing women of childbearing potential from rural counties in
Table 1
Exposure risk for multiple transmission sources for all five case-patient reports
Birthplace Area surrounding current residence Congenital Occupational Recreational-camping Recreational-hunting
Case-Patient 1 ++ + 0 ++ 0 +++
Case-Patient 2 ++ +++ 0 0 + 0
Case-Patient 3 +++ + 0 0 0 0
Case-Patient 4 +++ ++ 0 0 0 +
Case-Patient 5 0 0 + + +++ 0
High risk: +++
Moderate risk: ++
Low risk: +
No risk: 0
Table 2
Serologic diagnostic tests performed at Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Parasitic Division Baylor College of Medicine
Ortho T. cruzi ELISA RIPA Weiner ELISA Tesa IB IFA Stat-Pak DPP
Case-Patient 1 + + −/–* + + − +
Case-Patient 2 + + + + + + +
Case-Patient 3 + + −/+* + + + +
Case-Patient 4 + + + + + + +
Case-Patient 5 + + + + + + +
*Two tests were performed as the first test was negative.
southeast Texas might be beneficial for prevention of con- progressive, it is imperative that persons at high risk be
genital transmission. screened for T. cruzi infection. Additional studies are needed
These case-patient reports have evident limitations. Given to better understand the risk of autochthonous transmission
the manner of disease diagnosis, we were unable to know the in southeast Texas.
exact origin or duration of infection. The site of potential
acquisition of infection was based on self-reported histories Received April 16, 2014. Accepted for publication October 10, 2014.
that were potentially inaccurate. The likely sites where infec- Published online November 4, 2014.
tion occurred were hypothesized based on interviews assessing
Acknowledgments: We thank Nathaniel Wolf for his edito-
specific exposure variables. As most of these case-patients rial contributions.
had advanced age, there is a chance of recall bias. It is possible
Financial support: This study was generously funded by an intra-
that we missed important exposures; however, the question- mural pilot grant from Baylor College of Medicine’s Cardiovascular
naire was developed based on expert opinion and previously Research Institute.
used questionnaires in a similar population. In addition to
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this article are those of
the questionnaire, exposure investigations included visiting the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers
residences, performing environmental assessments, and test- for Disease Control and Prevention.
ing of available Triatoma insects. The environmental assess- Authors’ addresses: Melissa N. Garcia, Rodion Gorchakov, Peter J.
ments included analyzing the housing structure for possible Hotez, and Kristy O. Murray, Baylor College of Medicine, National
vector infestation, determining location of possible vector School of Tropical Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Section of
nests near residence, and assessing rural influence on sup- Tropical Medicine, Houston, TX, E-mails:, rodion@
porting vector habitats. Given the thorough nature of the,, and David Aguilar, Baylor
College of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Section of Cardiology,
investigations, we feel confident that all data presented in Houston, TX, E-mail: Susan N. Rossmann, Gulf
these case-patient reports are accurate. Coast Regional Blood Center, Houston, TX, E-mail: srossmann@
Of additional interest is the finding that for two of the Susan P. Montgomery and Hilda Rivera, Centers for
patients reported here, their primary care physician assumed Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Parasitic Diseases and
Malaria Parasitic Disease, Atlanta, GA, E-mails: and
that positive serology for T. cruzi infections represented Laila Woc-Colburn, Baylor College of Medicine,
“false positives.” Such findings are consistent with previous National School of Tropical Medicine, Department of Medicine, Section
CDC observations of low awareness about Chagas disease of Infectious Diseases, Houston, TX, E-mail:
among practicing physicians in the United States.22 It is
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