Charles Darwin University Prospectus
Charles Darwin University Prospectus
Charles Darwin University Prospectus
Charles Darwin University
Australian Gateway to Asia Seoul
5400km Asia’s gateway to Australia
5064km The Northern Territory is the gateway from
Asia to some of Australia’s most spectacular
natural attractions and Outback adventures.
The World Heritage-Listed Kakadu National
Park and Arnhem Land, with its rich
Indigenous culture, are to the east of Darwin.
Uluru, or Ayers Rock, and Kata Tjuta, or
Hanoi Hong Kong The Olgas, are in the south and draw tens
4650km 4250km of thousands of tourists each year. To the
north and east are some of the finest fishing
grounds and sailing waters in the world.
Bangkok 3150km
Kota Kinabalu
Medan 2557km
Kuala Lumpur
3650km Kuching
Makassar Dili
2700km Port Moresby
1475km 700km
1733km DAR WIN
Tennant Creek
Alice Springs
Australia’s university
on the edge of Southeast Asia 5
Faculty structure 7
Research 10
University life 14
Welcome to Charles
Darwin University,
CDU is a dual-sector university, which means Some 21,000 students study with CDU
we offer a full spectrum of education and and almost two-thirds of these are enrolled
training opportunities in Higher Education in VET programs. The 600 international
and in Vocational Education and Training students who are enrolled with CDU are
(VET). The diversity of our study programs studying in both VET and Higher Education
and delivery methods is rare among programs. We also deliver training into more
Australia’s universities. than 170 sites in remote locations across
the Territory.
We offer Higher Education Bachelors and
Masters degrees, and advanced research
Doctorates. More than 50% of our Higher
Education students undertake their studies 3
on line from their home bases across
Australia and overseas.
Menzies School of Health Research
Vocational Education and Training Agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture Training and assessment
CDU currently holds the title of Training Arts, music and media design Transport and storage
Provider of the Year for outstanding Automotive Tourism and hospitality
achievements in all aspects of delivering Building and construction Welding, fabrication, fitting
VET. Our VET portfolio illustrates our and machining.
responsiveness to the education and
training needs of industry, business and Commercial cookery, bakery and butchery Our students can move seamlessly from
government. We offer awards at Certificate Community and children’s services, VET to Higher Education studies, which
I, II, III, and IV levels, as well as Diplomas health and education is one of the many advantages of studying
and short courses in a wide range of areas: Computing at a dual sector university.
Electrical and refrigeration /
Language, literacy and numeracy
Occupational health and safety
CDU is a research-intensive university. Top 5 in Australian research
Our research activity, which is commonly The research excellence at CDU is recognised
undertaken through partnerships and in a new international ranking of universities.
alliances with other universities and The Spain-based SCImago Institutions 2009
researchers nationally and internationally, World Report published the first index of
reflects the culturally and biologically institutions that are active in research,
diverse Northern Territory. Our research and ranked CDU in the top five Australian
expertise is grouped under: universities. SCImago employed various
Tropical knowledge measures to create the index, including
the number of times a university’s
Desert knowledge
scholarly papers are quoted in the work
Indigenous knowledge of other researchers.
Southeast Asian studies.
Our annual research income is $26 million
and almost 40% of our academic staff
Innovative Research Universities
hold PhDs.
CDU is one of seven members of
Australia’s Innovative Research Universities
network, through which the members
direct their expert knowledge, capabilities
and resources to enhance the outcomes
of higher education. CDU sits along side
Flinders, Griffith, James Cook, La Trobe,
Murdoch and Newcastle universities
in the network.
CDU’s research strengths are in:
Natural and cultural resource management
Human health and well-being
Teaching, learning and living
Community, development and identity.
1. The Northern Territory is home Active partnerships and strong alliances are Marine science: The Australian National
to some of Australia’s most prized central to our success. They ensure that the University, the Australian Institute of Marine
natural attractions, including the knowledge we generate helps to build the Science, the NT Government and CDU are
Macdonnell Ranges.
communities of our region, and delivers value members of an innovative partnership that
2. About one-third of the Northern Territory to business, industry and government. delivers cooperative research, academic and
population is Indigenous. training activities, and expanded research
Our international partnerships also create
3. CDU delivers education and training infrastructure, to ensure sustainable and
opportunities for student and staff exchange,
across the Northern Territory, including community-friendly development of tropical
into the vibrant desert country of and the internationalisation of our curriculum
marine resources.
Central Australia. and learning environment.
Navitas Ltd is a global education provider
Innovative Research Universities:
and industry leader in pre-university and
CDU is a member of the network of
alternative pathway programs for people
seven Australian universities committed
within Australia and overseas. CDU and
to conducting research of national and
Navitas Ltd are developing a program of
international standing.
education and training activities for people
Flinders University: The University’s medical in the Northern Territory and the region.
2 program partnership with Flinders University
ACL provides high quality English language
in South Australia is about to deliver medical
training, settlement and related services. The
training wholly within the Northern Territory
centre caters for international and domestic
for the first time. The first generation of
students, and migrants and refugees settling
doctors to be trained in the Territory will
in Australia. The ACL English Centre is located
begin the program at CDU in 2011. The Centre
on the Casuarina campus.
for Remote Health, based in Central Australia,
is also a joint venture with Flinders University. Northern Territory Government:
The Territory relies on a robust and
responsive university to help drive its
economic and social development. The
Northern Territory Government and CDU
3 Partnership is a formal agreement that
Images courtesy Tourism NT.
is unique for an Australian university
and supports education, research, policy
development and program delivery.
Charles Darwin University
Australian Gateway to Asia
Cover Image
Artist: Alma Webou
Title: Pinkalarta 2007
Medium: Screenprint
Image size: 40 x 49 cm, edition of 40
Collaborator and Printer: Bobbie Ruben
Publishers: Northern Editions at CDU and
Short Street Gallery