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Effects of Music Therapy On Drug Therapy of Adult Psychiatric Outpatients: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study

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published: 07 October 2016

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01518

Effects of Music Therapy on Drug

Therapy of Adult Psychiatric
Outpatients: A Pilot Randomized
Controlled Study
Mario Degli Stefani 1 and Michele Biasutti 2*
Department of Mental Health, 2◦ Servizio Psichiatrico Ulss 16 Padova, Padova, Italy, 2 Department of Philosophy,
Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Objective: Framed in the patients’ engagement perspective, the current study aims to
determine the effects of group music therapy in addition to drug care in comparison
with drug care in addition to other non-expressive group activities in the treatment of
psychiatric outpatients.
Method: Participants (n = 27) with ICD-10 diagnoses of F20 (schizophrenia), F25
(schizoaffective disorders), F31 (bipolar affective disorder), F32 (depressive episode),
and F60 (specific personality disorders) were randomized to receive group music therapy
Edited by:
Guendalina Graffigna, plus standard care (48 weekly sessions of 2 h) or standard care only. The clinical
Catholic University of the Sacred measures included dosages of neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, mood stabilizers, and
Heart, Italy
Reviewed by:
Suzie Xu Wang, Results: The participants who received group music therapy demonstrated greater
Leeds Beckett University, UK improvement in drug dosage with respect to neuroleptics than those who did not
Julia Menichetti,
Catholic University of the Sacred receive group music therapy. Antidepressants had an increment for both groups that
Heart, Italy was significant only for the control group. Benzodiazepines and mood stabilizers did not
Lidia Borghi,
show any significant change in either group.
University of Milan, Italy
*Correspondence: Conclusion: Group music therapy combined with standard drug care was effective for
Michele Biasutti controlling neuroleptic drug dosages in adult psychiatric outpatients who received group
music therapy. We discussed the likely applications of group music therapy in psychiatry
Specialty section: and the possible contribution of music therapy in improving the psychopathological
This article was submitted to condition of adult outpatients. In addition, the implications for the patient-centered
Psychology for Clinical Settings,
a section of the journal
perspective were also discussed.
Frontiers in Psychology
Keywords: music therapy, drug treatments, adult psychiatric outpatients, neuroleptics, antidepressants
Received: 21 January 2016
Accepted: 20 September 2016
Published: 07 October 2016
Degli Stefani M and Biasutti M (2016) It is well known that music is connected to mood and that a certain piece of music can make
Effects of Music Therapy on Drug people feel blessed, sad, lively, or relaxed (Biasutti, 2015a). The effects of music on a person’s
Therapy of Adult Psychiatric
mindset and well-being are evident, and music has been used in various settings and conditions
Outpatients: A Pilot Randomized
Controlled Study.
to control and improve health conditions (Biasutti and Concina, 2013). Music has been studied
Front. Psychol. 7:1518. in several therapeutic settings for managing psychological conditions such as anxiety and stress,
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01518 and there is strong scientific evidence supporting these positive effects. Music therapy treatments

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 1 October 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1518

Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

are categorized as expressive therapies and non-verbal techniques et al., 2007), and for reducing patients’ depression (Erkkilä et al.,
for facilitating, expanding and shaping patients’ expression and 2011).
communication modes (Manarolo, 2005). The improvement of The issue of the reduction of drug use by mental health
these skills provide patients with a comfort zone in which to patients as an effect of the outcomes of music therapy sessions
express themselves while developing confidence and self-efficacy. (which is the subject of the current research) has been regarded
Music therapy treatment may help in shifting from a disease- with less interest by researchers, likely because of the difficulty
centered perspective to a patient-centered perspective in the of accessing such data and the complexity of data retrieval.
psychiatric setting and in determining new dynamics in the Changes in drug treatments are often evaluated secondarily
care relationship. Music therapy may facilitate a patient-centered without being deemed a fundamental aspect of research. Chen
perspective with an approach based on creativity and personal et al. (2014) compared the drug dosages of patients in two groups
empowerment rather than external control of symptoms, as is the (experimental and control) and found similarities in drug intake
case with drug control. between the two groups. However, we argue that drug dosage
A patients’ engagement in healthcare is crucial and is should be considered a fundamental variable of research because
widely recognized as a critical component of a high-quality it has a significant impact on disease management and because
health care system (Mead and Bower, 2000; Coulter and it involves a number of obvious advantages in an individual’s
Ellins, 2007; Coulter, 2012; Graffigna et al., 2015). Several treatment.
health care institutions at the forefront of policies support the The literature also discusses how music therapy techniques
promotion of a patient-centered perspective (Hibbard et al., can become complementary or adjuvant to drug therapy and
2004; Barello et al., 2012). The consumer-centered mental health how music therapy can provide psychological support with the
framework could be used for finding alternative solutions to consequent need to carefully consider the scientific evidence of
complement drug usage in order to improve the symptoms the effectiveness of music therapy. In a meta-analysis of five
of patients and thus improve the participation and effective studies, Maratos et al. (2008) compared the efficacy of music
collaboration of patients in the management of their care therapy to other therapies, such as drug and psychological
(Lawn et al., 2007; Kreyenbuhl et al., 2009; Kukla et al., support, and found that in four of the five studies analyzed, a
2013). greater reduction in symptoms of depression was reported among
There are several advantages for the use of music therapy in randomized patients after music therapy compared to those who
mental health care that can facilitate the shift from a disease- received standard care. Similar results have also been highlighted
centered perspective to a patient-centered perspective. Compared by Erkkilä et al. (2011). Other studies have shown that in various
with drug therapies, music therapy can help to improve patients’ types of patients, the therapeutic value of music can lead to a
symptoms and quality of life in alternative and more holistic reduction of the anxiety state and a consequent decrease of drugs
ways. This approach can lead to patients more effectively for the control of anxiety (Lepage et al., 2001). Lepage et al. (2001)
engaging in their care management, consequently resulting in found that the use of music resulted in decreased use of sedatives
improved health and well-being outcomes, including such effects in interventions involving spinal anesthesia.
as positive recovery attitudes (Loh et al., 2007; Patel et al., 2008; Few studies have examined changes in drug treatment as
Livingston et al., 2013). a result of music therapy interventions. Morgan et al. (2011)
considered variations in drug treatment in patients between
Background the ages of 17 and 55 years with a diagnosis of schizophrenia,
The current study is focused on how a patient-centered schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar affective disorder with a
perspective could be applied in psychiatry using music therapy framework of psychotic symptoms in the acute phase after
as a rehabilitation technique. There are many studies in the participating in music therapy sessions. The patients were divided
literature that have focused on the effects of music therapy in such into two randomized groups: the experimental group, which
settings as psychiatry. Several reviews and meta-analyses have participated in four sessions of individual active music therapy,
shown that music therapy, in combination with drug treatments, and the control group, which participated in four sessions of
has significant effects on the positive and negative symptoms of music listening. Several scales have been proposed for patients
psychosis, depression and the well-being of affected individuals before and after treatment, such as the Brief Psychiatric Rating
(Maratos et al., 2008; Gold et al., 2009; Carr et al., 2013). The Scale and the Calgary Interview Guide for Depression, and the
positive effects of music therapy have also been observed in the average weekly patient dose of drugs, such as antipsychotics,
pathology of schizophrenia (Yang et al., 1998; Talwar et al., 2006). mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines and antidepressants, has been
Jung and Newton (2009) performed a comparative analysis of monitored. There were no significant differences in drug dosage
the existing literature using the Cochrane database to explore the before and after music therapy treatments, whereas significant
effects of 28 alternative therapies for schizophrenia, psychosis, results were found using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. The
and bipolar disorder. They noted that music therapy is one outcomes of this research are likely to be related to the short
of the four most effective interventions in psychiatry. Other duration of music therapy treatment.
research has considered the effectiveness of music therapy on
patients’ quality of life and spirituality (Grocke et al., 2014), Literature Review Summary
among schizophrenic in-patients needing acute care to reduce The background analysis showed the effectiveness of music
negative symptoms and improve interpersonal contact (Ulrich therapy treatments in psychiatry and suggested that music

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 2 October 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1518

Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

therapy may provide a means of improving mental health among therapy activities, whereas the CTR group experienced other non-
psychiatric patients (Yang et al., 1998; Talwar et al., 2006; Maratos expressive group activities (psycho-educational group activities
et al., 2008; Gold et al., 2009; Jung and Newton, 2009; Carr et al., on well-being).
2013). However, its effects on drug therapy have not been deeply We assessed 132 participants for eligibility. Of this group, 23
explored, and no significant reduction in the drug treatment were deleted because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Of
of patients following music therapy treatments has been shown the remaining 109 participants (132 – 23 = 109), 16 participants
(Morgan et al., 2011). The results of the research by Morgan were assigned to the music therapy activities. Of the remaining
et al. (2011) were likely influenced by the limited number of 93 subjects (109 – 16 = 93), a group of 16 participants was
music therapy sessions (only four). Few studies have correlated randomly extracted for the control group. The process of random
the effects of music therapy with drug dosage in the treatment of assignment was performed by an independent collaborator who
psychiatric patients by considering these variables fundamental was not responsible for determining the eligibility of the patients.
in the formulation of the experimental hypotheses. The need The random assignment was determined with a random number
for better methodological control and conditions with a specific generator with the use of sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed
focus on the music therapy approach has also been noted. envelopes (SNOSE). A flow chart of the referral process is
presented in Figure 1.
Aim of the Study and Research Question The participants had been admitted to the MHC in a day-
The current research aimed to fill the gaps of previous care community. Their medical records had been established for
research by examining how prolonged group music therapy at least 6 years. They were not in an acute or subacute state,
may affect drug assumption in adult psychiatric outpatients and they had no hospitalisations in the previous 6 months. The
in a controlled trial. The research methodology adopted a participants of the two groups had similar characteristics with
quantitative approach using an experimental design that included regard to age, gender, prognostic factors, and psychiatric disease.
an experimental group (MT) and a control group (CTR). The age of the 14 psychiatric outpatients of the MT group ranged
The MT group participated in group music therapy sessions, from 29 to 57 years (average age of 43 years), and the group
whereas the CTR group experienced other non-expressive group was composed of seven males and seven females. The age of the
activities (psycho-educational group activities on well-being). 13 psychiatric outpatients of the CTR group ranged from 27 to
The research resulted in an analysis of drug dosages for 55 years (average age of 41 years), and the group was composed
all of the patients by consulting their medical records. The of five males and eight females. A group comparison using the
pharmacological treatments were classified according to the χ2 test showed no significant differences between the MT group
following four primary categories: neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, and the CTR group with regard to age, gender, and psychiatric
mood stabilizers, and antidepressant medications. The following disease.
research question was considered: does participation in group The psychiatric participants were diagnosed with psychosis,
music therapy sessions affect drug dosage in adult outpatients bipolar disorder, and/or borderline personality disorder, and
with serious psychiatric problems? all displayed psychotic features. The patients involved in the
study were considered serious with regard to psychosis. The
participants were independent and autonomous. The majority
MATERIALS AND METHODS of them lived with their family of origin. Of the participants,
63% were men, and 22% were married and living with their
Participants spouse, whereas only one was living in a community apartment.
The sample consisted of 27 psychiatric outpatients ranging in age Regarding socio-cultural status, 14% had a university degree, and
from 27 to 57 years (average age, 42 years) who were followed 37% had a high school diploma, and only 37% had a job.
at an outpatient Mental Health Centre (MHC) in the northeast
region of Italy. Participants were recruited by considering Music Therapy Activities
all the patients under the care of the MHC. The inclusion The music therapy activities were conducted in group sessions
criteria required that the participants’ primary diagnoses of 2 h each on a weekly basis throughout 1 year for a total of
were F20 (schizophrenia), F25 (schizoaffective disorders), F31 48 sessions. The music therapy activities were based on active
(bipolar affective disorder), F32 (depressive episode), and techniques in which the participants were asked to play and
F60 (specific personality disorders) according to the ICD- improvise. Improvisation was based on the processes outlined
10 classification. These inclusion criteria were determined by Biasutti and Frezza (2009) and Biasutti (2015b). The purpose
by the need to focus the research on psychiatric disease. of the group music therapy activities was to constitute a stable
Other types of diseases were not considered, such as drinking human therapeutic frame capable of supporting the relevant
problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance misuse manifestations of suffering expressed by the outpatients. “The
disorder. Additionally, the outpatients were required to have therapeutic process is based on the mutual construction of
pharmacological treatments in the following four primary drug meaning of emerging thoughts, images, emotional content,
categories: neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, mood stabilizers, and and expressive qualities that often originate from the musical
antidepressant medication. Fourteen participants were assigned experience and are then conceptualized and further processed
to the MT group, and 13 were randomly assigned to the CTR in the verbal domain” (Erkkilä et al., 2011, p. 134). The setting
group. Only the MT group participated in the group music consisted of chairs arranged in a circle with the instruments

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Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

FIGURE 1 | Flow chart of the referral process.

(e.g., djembe, darbuka, cymbals, wood blocks, rattles, bongos, and drug dosage for each patient. The data collection transpired
maracas) placed in the center. over a sufficiently long period of time to appreciate the
The music therapy team, led by a music therapist, included general course of drug therapy. Pre- and post-music therapy
a psychiatrist-psicotherapist, and a nurse. In addition to these periods were distinguished. The pre-music therapy period
professionals, a volunteer psychologist and a music therapist was when the patients did not attend the music therapy
trainee attended the sessions. The large number of operators sessions. This period was useful for collecting baseline data
was necessary for the validity of the setting and is a constitutive on drug dosage. The post-music therapy period was after the
feature of group music therapy activities (Manarolo, 2006). All end of the music therapy sessions. The patients participated
of the members of the music therapy team participated in the in an ongoing music therapy activity for a year, which is
group sessions and were involved in the musical productions. considered the minimum duration for detecting significant
At the end of each session, a reflective discussion was scheduled results of music therapy (Gold et al., 2009). Before starting
in which the participants had the opportunity to express the and at the end of the activities, the dosages of the drugs
feelings they experienced during the group music therapy session. taken by the patients on a daily basis were noted, and
Moreover, there was a monthly meeting of the music therapy the total quantity of drugs consumed in a month was
team for sharing and discussing the progress of the sessions. The calculated. Medications were controlled by psychiatrists, who
14 participants in the MT group were divided into two groups determined whether doses should be increased or decreased.
of eight and six participants who had separate group sessions Medications were controlled every 2 weeks, and this control
to ensure a lower dispersion and greater attention by the music was independent of the music therapy sessions offered.
therapy team. The two groups were conducted by the same The psychiatrists who controlled the drug dosage of the
music therapy team using the same music therapy methodology. participants were blind to the research procedures and to
These groups were designed for a maximum of 10 participants the participants’ allocation, and they had no role in the
(Manarolo, 2006). research.
With regard to drugs, the participants were administered a
Procedure variety of drugs summarized into 35 types, which are placed in the
The data were collected and the patients’ medical records over following four broad categories: neuroleptics, benzodiazepines,
a 1-year period were analyzed to extrapolate the historical mood stabilizers, and antidepressants. To obtain standardization

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 4 October 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1518

Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

of the data, the dosage was reported in Mg and was later Drug Treatment
converted into a percentage by dividing the daily dose into the Neuroleptics
maximum dosage per day. The mean daily dose for the long- Changes in the monthly dosage of neuroleptics for the MT group
acting depot drugs, which were taken every 2/4 weeks, was and the CTR group in the month before the commencement of
also calculated. Additionally, the adult outpatients participated music therapy and after the group music therapy intervention are
in monthly individual monitoring visits in which their clinical shown in Figure 2. The two groups had different trends over time
picture was verified. The data from these visits were used to with regard to the doses of neuroleptics: the MT group decreased,
triangulate the results. whereas the CTR group increased. Paired t-tests showed that
This study was conducted in accordance with the these changes were significant in both groups: the MT group with
recommendations of the British Psychological Society with t = 2.28, df = 13, p < 0.040, and the CRT group with t = −2.32,
informed consent from all subjects. All subjects gave informed df = 12, p < 0.039.
consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. For
medical record consultations, the director of the MHC obtained Benzodiazepines
the proper authorisation. Changes in the monthly dosage of benzodiazepines for the
MT group and the CTR group in the month before the
commencement of group music therapy and after the music
RESULTS therapy intervention are shown in Figure 2. There was no
significant difference (paired t-test, p > 0.05) between the MT
Methods for Data Analysis group and the CTR group. The benzodiazepines exhibited a
The data collected included the changes over time of drug similar trend in both groups, and the drug dosage appeared to
treatments for the four types of drugs during pre- and post- be stable over time.
conditions. For data analysis, the statistical program SPSS 22
was used. The descriptive statistics were computed, and the Mood stabilizers
Kolmogorov–Smirnov normality test was conducted to verify Changes in the monthly dosage of mood stabilizers for the
whether the distributions of the considered pharmacological MT group and the CTR group in the month before the
groups were normal. The results showed that all of the commencement of music therapy and after the group music
categories met the criteria of normality, with the exception therapy intervention are shown in Figure 2. The non-parametric
of mood stabilizers at p < 0.05. For this category, the non- Friedman test was computed for the mood stabilizers, which
parametric Friedman Test was performed, which allowed us showed no significant differences in drug dosage over the two
to separately isolate the time effect within the groups. To periods for the MT and CTR groups.
calculate the other drug categories, a paired t-test was used
to compare the MT and CTR groups in the pre- and post- Antidepressants
conditions. In addition, a group comparison of the drug dosages Changes in the monthly dosage of antidepressants for the
at baseline was performed, and no group differences were MT group and the CTR group in the month before the
found. commencement of music therapy and after the group music

FIGURE 2 | Changes from baseline (PRE) to post-intervention (POST) in the dosage of the four drug categories for the MT group (n = 14) and the CTR
group (n = 13).

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 5 October 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1518

Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

therapy intervention are shown in Figure 2. The drug dosage Regarding benzodiazepines, no significant differences were
displayed a similar trend in both groups, but the CTR group found for the MT and CTR groups. This observation likely
increased more than the MT group. This difference is evident depends on the characteristics of the drug. Benzodiazepines are
in the paired t-tests, which showed a significant change only used as muscle relaxants and are effective for treating symptoms
for CRT group with t = −2.56, df = 12, p < 0.025, whereas such as anxiety and agitation. They are used for anxiety
the MT group reported no significant difference (paired t-test, disorders and depression as well as psychotic disorders, such as
p > 0.05). schizophrenia. The literature emphasizes that treatment using
benzodiazepines should be cyclical; the dose cannot be increased
for a period of time, and the drug is typically administered
DISCUSSION continuously for a relatively short period (Dell’osso and Lader,
The present study evaluated the effects of a music therapy The increase in antidepressant therapy corresponds to the
intervention on drug dosages in adult psychiatric outpatients. reduction of secondary neuroleptic therapy and to the greater
Doses of neuroleptics decreased significantly in the MT group stability of the basis of the psychotic framework. This is a fact that
and increased significantly in the CTR group. Doses of might suggest a maturing capacity of introspection and insight in
antidepressants did not change significantly in the MT group patients who are able to address greater awareness of the disease
but increased significantly in the CTR group. In contrast, and related depressive experiences. This hypothesis could also be
benzodiazepines and mood stabilizers did not demonstrate related to the induction of more anxious aspects and to the use of
significant changes in either group. The adult outpatients benzodiazepines.
participated in monthly individual monitoring visits in which With regard to mood stabilizers, the data did not respond
their clinical picture was verified. The data from these to the normality criteria and were subjected to non-parametric
visits showed an improvement or no worsening of their tests that showed no significant differences for the MT and
clinical picture during the group music therapy activities, CTR groups. It is useful to remember that the changes
confirming the results of the diminished drug dosage of in dosages for this type of drug are usually less “pointed”
neuroleptics. Neuroleptics are an essential drug therapy for than the other categories evaluated because the mechanism
psychiatric patients who display symptoms of psychosis, and of action requires a long time to achieve a therapeutic
a significant difference between the MT and the CTR groups effect.
emerged. The dosage in the MT group tended to decrease These results provide evidence that music therapy can stabilize
significantly, whereas the dosage in the CTR group increased or reduce the daily amount of drugs administered to psychiatric
significantly. The results provide evidence that a group music patients. This observation contrasts with the outcome of Morgan
therapy treatment in combination with standard care, including et al. (2011), who did not find significant differences between
pharmacological treatment, can affect the dose of neuroleptics groups for mood stabilizers.
(reducing or stabilizing their consumption) and can enhance The other aspects that may have contributed to the positive
the improvement of the clinical picture. The data in the results of this study include the number of sessions, the music
present study are in contrast to the findings by Morgan therapy technique and the reflective discussion at the end
et al. (2011), who reported no significant differences in the of the session. The subjects attended 48 sessions within a
dosage of neuroleptics between the experimental and control year lasting 2 h each, which is a suitable number according
groups. These differences likely relate to the different number to the literature that suggests that 16 to 51 sessions are
of music therapy sessions in the study by Morgan et al. adequate to obtain a positive result (Gold et al., 2009).
(2011) compared to the present research. A more extensive The music therapy technique was an active approach (i.e.,
explanation is due to the nature of neuroleptics that are the patients were asked to actively participate in the music
used in the treatment of schizophrenia and in diseases such performance) and has been considered the most significant
as bipolar disorder, depressive episodes with psychotic onset, means for treating severely ill psychiatric patients (Manarolo,
and personality disorders. These drugs act to reduce positive 2005). These methods are considered effective because patients
symptoms, such as hallucinations, deliria, aggressiveness, and have the opportunity to express feelings that they would
excitement, and have less direct effects on negative symptoms, not be able to explain in any other way. Another factor is
such as ideational impoverishment, autism, depression, and the reflective discussion employed at the end of the music
withdrawal into oneself. Active music therapy plays an important therapy sessions, which allows patients to think about the
role in reducing the symptoms of psychosis, such as auditory content that emerged during the sessions and share their
hallucinations, deliria and psychomotor agitation, schizophrenia, thoughts with the group (Bruscia, 1998; Erkkilä et al., 2011).
and schizoaffective disorders, in patients suffering major The discussion is a crucial aspect in which the effects of
depressive disorders. Research has analyzed patients with the sound-musical element allow the patient to express or
diagnoses similar to those who participated in this study. It verbalize latent content of which the patient is unaware.
could be argued that group music therapy may have induced This phase, which is considered critical and therapeutic, is
the attenuation of positive symptoms as well as negative ones, supported by the psychiatrist and the entire music therapy
favoring the likelihood of reduction in the daily dose of the team who act as a container for the patient’s emotional
drug. reactions.

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 6 October 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1518

Degli Stefani and Biasutti Music Therapy on Drug Therapy in Psychiatry

CONCLUSION AND RESEARCH main points: (1) the potential role of music therapy in providing
PERSPECTIVES care that is more holistic and aligned with a patient-centered
perspective; and (2) the potential virtuous cycle of symptom
The results of this research have demonstrated the long- reduction through music therapy.
term effectiveness of group music therapy activities with adult Considering point one, the positive benefits of music therapy
outpatients with serious psychiatric issues. In this research, in improving symptoms and reducing drug usage in light of
the most relevant analyzed drugs were neuroleptics and the introduction of alternative treatments should be considered.
antidepressants. These drugs are more potent than other drugs, These treatments can better sustain the quality of life of
both in terms of their effects and their side effects. The remaining patients and add to their resources for improving symptoms.
two types of drugs, mood stabilizers and benzodiazepines, have Furthermore, the findings of the current research provided
different characteristics and are not indicative of psychotic evidence of the importance of reducing drug usage through
pathology. Psychotic drugs are crucial in the treatment course alternative methods, such as music therapy, in mental health
of a psychiatric condition; however, they have several side effects care. This is an example of how to promote partnerships
that reduce the patient’s quality of life physically, such as tremors, with patients as well as patient engagement in their care
fatigue, and drowsiness, and socially, such as flattened emotional management (Lawn et al., 2007; Kreyenbuhl et al., 2009). In
and social spheres, decreased motivation in participating in daily addition, the contribution of music therapy in providing a
activities, and a sense of isolation. Group music therapy was more holistic and broader approach to mental health care
effective in controlling psychotic symptoms and successfully and consequently ensuring that mental health care supports
reducing the dosage of neuroleptics, thus indicating greater a consumer-centered perspective could be discussed (Lawn
stability in the patient’s clinical picture, which was a significant et al., 2007; Kukla et al., 2013; Livingston et al., 2013). In
achievement. The music therapy intervention has the advantage this framework, mental disorders are considered not only as
of no side effects and may be beneficial to improving patients’ something isolated to treat but also as an expression of the
quality of life (Grocke et al., 2014) by reducing the drug dosage. individuality of the person (Loh et al., 2007; Patel et al.,
The data presented in this study are encouraging considering 2008). Moreover, a bio-psychosocial approach could be adopted,
that the patients’ characteristics are similar to the clinical picture which proposes that symptoms should be treated considering
of severe psychiatric issues. For these patients, continuity in the biological, psychological, and cultural backgrounds of each
attendance at music therapy sessions is already a significant patient.
indicator of success because there was a sharp drop-out in Regarding point two, the potential virtuous cycle of symptom
participation for other activities proposed by the MHC of the reduction through music therapy could be highlighted. In this
current research. This research should be considered a pilot study case, the reduction of drug use induces an improvement in
with a limited number of patients. Several limitations could be patient engagement with an influence on the general well-being
discussed, such as the low sample size and the measurement of of the person. This cycle could induce a deeper engagement
the psychophysical conditions of the outpatients. The data are of patients in their care management and therefore exert
significant and provide ideas for the continuation of research; an influence on such aspects as positive recovery attitudes,
however, the data should be validated with a larger group of higher levels of hope, and fewer symptoms of emotional
subjects before generalization. In addition, a set of tools could discomfort (Loh et al., 2007; Kreyenbuhl et al., 2009; Kukla
be associated to measure the enhancement of the psychophysical et al., 2013; Livingston et al., 2013). In this framework,
conditions of the outpatients. The data could be verified in music therapy in addition to drug treatment can help in
additional research with regard to whether these activities might shifting from a disease-centered perspective to a patient-
induce persistent and meaningful effects in combination with centered perspective in the psychiatric setting to establish new
drug treatments and how music therapy might limit drug usage. dynamics in the care relationship (Degli Stefani and Xodo,
Other aspects that could be explored in future trials include a 2015).
better understanding of the relationship between the patient and
the therapeutic process in relation to individual diseases and the
different contexts in which the patient is placed. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Implications for the Patient-Centered MDS: Supervised the clinical setting, implemented the music
Perspective therapy activities, and collected the data. MB: Revised critically
The results of the current research could also be discussed in the the literature, analyzed the data, discussed the results, and wrote
framework of the patient-centered perspective considering two the whole paper.

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