Leadership in An Interdependent World
Leadership in An Interdependent World
Leadership in An Interdependent World
Future Vision
Closer collaboration in
an interdependent world
Now firmly established, the highly acclaimed Future Vision
programme is delivering better outcomes across all sectors.
Based on our experience of delivering learning • remain resilient and adaptable under considerable
programmes to the most senior leaders across the pressure
public and private sectors, Future Vision will provide • lead transformational change.
participants with the skills to:
The programme is designed to create learning in four
• understand and work within a systemic perspective
domains, helping leaders develop the specific capabilities
• diagnose complex situations and work with others associated with systems leadership:
to design interventions
• Personal development
• work through models of collaborative and distributed
leadership • Relational capability
The skills development aspect
of the programme focuses on building Personal Systemic
capabilities in each of the four development thinking
domains. Some examples under each
heading are shown opposite. Personal resilience Reading the system
keeping your head when diagnosing and intervening in
everyone else is losing theirs. complex situations.
Adapting your style Working with big data
working effectively across collecting information, pattern
different contexts. detection and decoding
weak signals.
Relational Socio/political
agility understanding
Negotiating through Narrative for influence
difference using story to
finding your way galvanise action.
through conflict. Understanding groups
Understanding others and group dynamics
drivers, motivations being effective
and triggers. ‘from any chair’.
What past participants have said about the programme
You tap into knowledge that you wouldn’t I found Future Vision to be a profoundly
otherwise come across. transformational experience, and there is no
doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t have made
I’m amazed at how much we cover in just the the jump to leading the organisation that I
first 24 hours – and really excited about what now lead today without it.
we can do in a week, a month, or a year.
I’ve found that it’s a great forum to unburden
It’s really opened my eyes to the bigger myself in. I’m surrounded by leaders facing
picture, and the emerging world we’re very similar sets of problems to me – but as
working in. I walked away from Harvard and none of them work in my sector, it’s a very
MIT thinking ‘I have seen the future’! non-competitive atmosphere where you can
be totally frank in a way that you can’t
Without a doubt the best training or always be with your immediate colleague.
mentoring programme I have ever done.
In addition to the core dates above. There are two other optional extra learning experiences hosted by
participants for their colleagues, which have proved popular in previous years:
• Date TBC – Immersion sessions at BT’s cutting edge technology labs at the global innovation and
development centre Adastral Park
• Date TBC – A full day of Public Narrative Training, a leadership practice developed by Professor
Marshall Ganz that helps us develop powerful stories to motivate others to join us in action.
Without a doubt the best training or
mentoring programme I have ever done.