Contoh CV Keren Desain Google
Contoh CV Keren Desain Google
Contoh CV Keren Desain Google
2002 - 2008 SDN 227 Larompong (Kab. Luwu)
2008 - 2011 SMPN 1 Larompong (Kab. Luwu) Other Picture
2011 - 2014 SMAN 01 Unggulan Kamanre (Kab. Luwu)
2014 - Now Teknik Industri Universitas Hasanuddin
Andi Wira Pratama
Industrial Engineer
Born: 16 October 1996, Palopo, Indonesia
Sex: Male
Non Formal Education Relationship Status: Single
Basic Character and Study Skill (BASIC), 2014 I am sure that fortune and wealth have all been
arranged by the Almighty God, so I have never
Studi Al - Qur’an Intensif (SAINS), 2014 felt frustrated and discouraged if a company does
Journalistic Training SMFT - UH, 2016 not accept me. But, only one thing that I can
give to companies that want to accept me to
Production Operational design in the agro industry Training, 2019 join as a part of them is the best maximum effort
Certificate of Competence, cluster Of Designing The Operational that I can do for mutual welfare
Production in the Agro Industry Sector, 2019 I believe together we will become strong and grow
Organization Experience
Founder of Marruki Community, 2014
Chairman of IPMIL RAYA UNHAS INFOKOM division, 2015
Chairman of IKA SMAKAM Large deliberation Commite, 2016
Secretary of HMTI FT - UH Anniversary Commite, 2016
Editor of Chief Channel SMFT - UH, 2017
Media and publication division of CONSTRAIN competitions HMTI FT - UH, 2017
Chairman of PP IPMIL INFOKOM division, 2019
Work Experience
Practical Work in PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. Sorowako. ICP Division, 2017
Office productivity software
- Microsoft Word - Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Project
- Microsoft Powerpoint
Design software
- Corel Draw
- Adobe Ilustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
Spoken Languages
- Bahasa
- English Languages