A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism
A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism
A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism
James Clerk Maxwel
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The fact that certain bodies, after being rubbed,
appear to attract other bodies^ was known to the
ancients. In modem times, a great variety of other
phenomena have been observed, and have been found
to be related to these phenomena of attraction. They
have been classed under the name of Electric phe-
nomena^ amber, ^^crrpoy, having been the substance
in which they were first described.
Other bodies, particularly the loadstone, and pieces
of iron and steel which have been subjected to certain
processes, have also been long known to exhibit phe-
nomena of action at a distance. These phenomena,
with othm related to them, were found to differ from
the electric phenomena, and have been classed under
tlie name Magnetic phenomena, the loadstone, M^yvtn,
being found in the Thessalian Magnesia.
These two classes of phenomena have since been
found to be related to each other, and the relations
between the yarious phenomena of both classes, so
fer as they are known, constitute the science of Elec-
In the following Treatise I propose to describe the
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most important of these phenomena* to shew how they
may be subjected to measurement^ and to trace the
mathematical connexions of the quantities measured.
Having thus obtained the data for a mathematical
theory of electromagnetism, and having shewn how
this theory may be applied to the calculation of phe-
nomena* I shall endeavour to place in as dear a light
as I can the relations ])ctween the mathematical form
of this theory and that of the tundamental science of
Dynamics* in order that we may be in some degree
.prepared to determine the kind of d^Tiamical pheno-
mena among which we are to look for illustrations or
explanations of the electromagnetic phenomena.
. In describing the phenomena, I sliall select those
which most clearly illustrate the fundamental ideas of
the theory, omitting others* or reserving them till the
reader is more advanced.
The most important aspect of any phenomenon fix>m
a mathematical point of view is that of a measurable
quantity. I shall therefore consider electrical pheno-
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resnlts of magnetic research on navigation, and the
importance of a knowledge of the true direction of
the compass, and of the effect of the iron in a sliip.
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There are seyeral treatises in which electrical and
magnetic phenomena are described in a popular way.
These, howeyer, aie not ^hat is wanted by those who
have been brought face to face with quantities to be
measured* and whose minds do not rest satisfied with
lecture-room experiments.
There is also a considerable mass of mathematical
memoirs which are of great importance in electrical
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they were satisfied with each other's language. I had
also the conviction that this (liscre])aiicy did not arise
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whether potential or force, from the one particle to
the other. Tlie great success whicli these eminent
men have attained in the application of mathematicB
to electrical phenomena gfyes, as is natural, addi-
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irosUUikf &c.
I have confined myself almost entirely to the ma-
thematical treatment of the subject, but I would
recommend the student^ after he has learned, experi-
mentally if possible, what are the phenomena to be
observed, to read carefully Faraday's Experimented
Researches in Electricity, He will there find a strictly
sults "C.
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ziv PE£FAC£.
it is in the nascent states and in the case of Faraday's
Researches this is comparatively easy, as they are
published in a separate form, and may be read con-
secutively. If by anything I have here written I
may assist any student in understantling Faraday's
modes of thought and expression, I shall regard it as
the accomplishment of one of my principal ahns — ^to
Fih. 1, 1873.
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Art. •
1. The expreeeion of a qaantity consists of two factors, the na-
merical value, and the name of the concrete unit 1
potential 15
18. Cyclic regions and geometry of position 16
19. The potential in an acyclic region is single valued 17
20. System of values of the potential in a cyclic region 18
21. Surface-integrals 19
22. Surfaces, tubes, and lines of flow 21
23. Right-hauded and left-haiulod relations iu space 21
24. Transformation of a line-integral into a surface-integral .. 25
25. Effect of IlaiLiiltou's operation y on a vector function . .. 27
26. Nature of the operation y' 29
Art. Page
27. Electrificatit)n l)y friction. P^lcctrification is of two kiiuls, to
which the pamcs of Vitreous and ReainouB, or Positive an J
Ne|;rative, have been given 30
28. Klectrificntion ])y induction 31
20. Electrificution by conduction. Con^iuctors anil insulators .. 32
30. In electrification by friction tho quantity of (lie positive elec-
trification is equal to that of the negative cicctrifiaition .. 33
31. To charge a vessel with a quantity of electricity equal and
opposite to that of an excited body 33
32. To discharge a conductor completely into a metallic vessel .. 34
33. Test of electrification by gold-leaf electroscope 34
34. Electrification, considered as a measurable quantity, may be
called Electricity 35
35. Electricity may be treated aa a physical quantity 36
36. Tlieory of Two fluids 37
37. Theory of One fluid 39
38. ^fcasurcment of the force between electrified bodies .. 10
39. lielation between this force and the quantities of electricity .. 41
40. Variation of the force with the distance 42
41,12. Definition of the electrostatic unit of electricity. — Ifat
dinicnsiuna 42
43. Proof of the law of electric force 4.^
about electricity 45
47. Lines of force ^ ^ ^ ^ „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 42
48. Electric tension 47
49. Electromotive force 47
50. Capacity of a conductor 48
51. Propcrtios of IkkUcs. — Rosisianco 18
Art. Pape
52. Specific Inductive capiicity of a dielectric 50
53. '
Al)soq>tion' of electricity 50
54. Impossibility of an abBolutc charge 51
55. Disniptivc discharge. — Glow 52
5t;. Pniish 54
57. Spark 55
58. Electrical phenomeMa of Tourmaline 56
59. Plan of the treatise, and sketch of its resiUta 57
60. Electric polarization and displacement 59
61. The motion of electricity analogous to that of an incompressible
flmd ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 62
62. Peculiarities of the theory of this treatise 62
(:HAini-:R II.
impossible ^4
Art. Pngo
84. On the superposition of electrified systems 88
85. Energy of on electrified system 88
86. General theory of a system of conductors. CocflBcients of po-
tentiftl » jj u j_; f_. ;_s j_j 5_j j_j jj 89
87. Coefficients of induction. Capacity of a conductor. Dimensions
of these cocfficicntst ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
88. Reciprocal property of the coefticieiits 91
89. A theorem due to Green 92
90. Relative magnitude of the coefficients of potential 92
91. And of iiuluction 93
92. The resultant incclmnical force on a conductor ex])re.ssed in
vanishes ..
^ ._ ^ ^ ^ 100
98. Thomson's theorem of the unique minimum of
^{a*'{'b*-\^c^)(fxdj^rh 103
99. Application of the theorem to the determination of the dis-
tribution of electricity 107
100. Green's theorem and its physical interpretation 108
101. Green's functions 113
102. Method of finding limiting values of electrical coefficients .. 115
114. At a point or line of equilibrium there is a conical i>oiiit or a
line of self-intersection of the equipotential surface 137
1 15. Angles at which an equipotential surface intersects itself .. 138
1 16. The equilibrium of an electrified body cannot be stable .. .. 139
Art. Page
124. Two parallel planes .. ..150
125. Two concentric spherical surfaces 152
12G. Two coaxal cylindric BuifaccB 154
127. Longitu<linal force on a cylinder, the cuds of which are sur-
rouudcd by cylinders at different potentials 155
Art. Pago
142. Difll rcnt methods of treatinp^ spherical harmonics 171
143. On the Jiaf^rams o( 3i>licrical haimunicB. (Fi^^s. V, Vf, VII,
YLU, IX) ..
144. If the i>otciitiul is constant throufyhout any finite portion of
space it is so tltroughout the whole region continuoua with it
156. When two points arc oppositely and unequally electrified, the
surface for which the potential is zero is a sphere 192
158. Distribution of electricity on the surface of the sphere .. 195
1 59. Image of any given distribution of electricity 19G
160. llesultant force between an electrified point and sphere .. 197
164. Application of the ractliod to the problem of Art. 158 .. 202
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Art. I'lmo
finite 206
168. Case of two spheres intersecting orthogonally 207
169. Case of three spheres intersecting orthogonally 210
170. Case of four spheres intersecting orthogonally 211
171. Infinite series of images. Case of two concentric spheres .. 212
172. Any two spheres not intersecting each other 213
173. Calculation of the cuetHcienta of capacity and induction .. .. 216
174. Calculation of the charges of the spheres, and of the force
between them 217
175. Distribution of electricity on two spheres in contact. Proof
sphere 219
176. Thomson's investigtttion of an electrified spherical bowl .. .. 221
177. Distribution on an ellipsoid, and on a circular disk at po-
tential V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .. 221
178. Induction on an uninsulated disk or bowl by an electrified
point in the continuation of the plane or spherical surface .. 222
1 79. The rest of the sphere supposed unifonnly electrified . . . . 223
180. Tlic bowl main ttiiued at puteutiiil r and uuiutiueuceU .. .. 223
181. Induction on the bowl due to a point placed anywhere .. .. 224
182. Cases in which the quantities are functions of x and ;/ only .. 226
183. Conjugate functions 227
184. Conju^^atc functions may be added or subtracted 228
185. Conjugate functions of conjugate functions are themselves
conjugate 229
186. Transformation of Poisson's equation 231
187. Additional theorems on conjugate functions 232
188. Inversion in two dimensions 232
189. Electric images in two dimensions 233
190. Neumann's tnuisfonuation of this case 234
191. Distribution of electricity near the edge of a conductor formed
by two plane surfaces 236
192. Ellipses and hy|)erbolas. (Fig. X) 237
193. TriUisformation of tliis case. (Fig. XI) 238
Alt. Page
194. Application to two cases of the flow of electricity in a con-
ductiiiL,^ sheet 239
195. Api)licatioii to two cases of electrical iiuluction 239
19G. Capacity of ti cuudeuscr consisting of a circular disk between
two infinite planes 210
197. Case of a series of equidistant ])Ianes cut off by a plane at right
angles to them 242
198. Case of a furrowe<l surface 243
199. Case of a sin^^le strai;,^ht groove 243
200. Modification of the results when the groove is circular .. .. 244
201. Application to Sir W. Thomson's guard-ring 245
202. Case of two parallel plates cut off by a perpendicular plane.
(Fig. Xn) 246
203. Case of a grating of parallel wires. (Fig. XIII) 248
204. Case of a single electrified wire transformed into that of the
grating 218
205. The pptiting used as a shield to protect a body from electrical
influence 24ft
206. Method of approximation applied to the case of the grating .. 251
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246. Volta's law of the contact force between tlifTurt!!)! inct.ils nt t\w.
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Ark. Pure
269. Disbii)ation of the ions and loss of polarization 321
271. Ritter's secondary pile compared with the Lcydeu jar 322
272. Constant voltaic elements. — Dauiell's cell 325
. .. 331
278. Dimensions of the quantities involved in Ohm's law p* 332
279. Specific resistance and conductivity in electromnji^netic measure 333
287. Determination of the quantity which flows through any surface 339
289. Relation between any three systems of surfaces of flow .. 340
291. Expression for the components of the flow in terms of sorfaoes
292. Simplification of this expression by a proper choice of para-
293. Unit tub^ of flow used as a complete method of determining
294. Current-sheets and eurreut-functious 3(2
296. Quantity of electricity which flows through a given surface .. 344
— —— — —^ ..-
: » f
307. Higher limit
308. Lower limit for the correction for the ends of the wire .. 358
309. Higher limit 358
31o. Imaf^es in a plane suriace 3GG
rt«/*^fj.1li** 1*11* il * 1* 1
316. Method or invei"sion not appUcal)le in three tlinicusions ..
317. Case of conduction through a stmtuni bounded by i)!irallel
planes 307
318. Infinite series of images. Application to magnetic induction .. 3G8
319. On 8tratine<l conductors. Coethcicnts of conductivity of a
conductor consisting of alternate strata of two different sul)-
320. If neither of the substances has the rotatory property denoted
321. If the substtmces are isotropic the direction of greatest resist-
1 A a1 _ ^A i ^
322. Medium containing parallelepipeds of another medium .. 371
323. The rotatorj- ])roperty cannot be introiluced by means of con-
324. Constniction of an artificial solid ha\nng given coefficients of
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xxviii CONTENTS.
An. Pmre
325. In a strictb' homogeneous medium there can be no internal
326. Theory of a condenser in which the dielectric is not a iwrfect
332. Theory of telegraph cables and comparison of the equations
with tliost; (»f the coiuhiction of heat 381
33-1. Mechanical inu.-3tnition of tlio proi)ertics of a (.liclcctric .. 385
Art. Pago
353. Compariflon of great resigtanoes by the electrometer .. 408
354. By aecuimilatiop in a condenBer 409
855. IMxoot electrostatic method 409
356. ThomBon's method for the resistance of a galvanometer .. .. 410
357. Kanoe's method of determining the resistance of a battery .. 411
358. Comparison of deetromotlTe forces 413
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mental units of Length, Time, and Mass. Thus the units of aiee
and of volume aie defined reepeotively as the squaie and the cube
whose sides aie the unit of length.
Sometimes, however, we find sevenl units of the same kind
fimnded on independent considerations. Thus the gallon, or the
dume of ten pounds of water, is used as s unit of capaeify as well
as the cubic foot. The gallon may be a convenient measure in
some cases, but it is not a systematic one, since its numerical re-
lation to the cubic loot is not a round integral number.
2.] In framing^ a mathematical system we suppose the funda-
mental units of length, time, and mass to be given, and deduce
all the derivative units from these by the simplest attainable de-
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axis. The sidereal day, or the true period of rotation of the earth,
can be ascertained with great exactness by the ordinary observa-
tions of astronomers and the mean solar day can be deduced
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tion in which the mass of a body appears in some but not in ail
of the terms f*
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60 D^RIYBD UmTS. 5
J)enved Units,
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Xn Xq
when x.^ and r^, are both made to approach without limit, then,
if and x^ are always on opposite sides of x^^ the ultimate value of
the numerator will be w/— and that of the denominator will
be zero. If « is a quantity physically continuous, the discontiniuty
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ferentiated at alL
It is poenhle in physical questions to get rid of the ide% of
disoontintiity without sensibly altering the oonditions of the case.
If «^ is a than and j-^ a very Uttle greater than
"feiy little less
^ - '
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tmnoiui. Let tke viIimb of the ynriMm for winch tiie diiooii-
tinuity of the derivatiTW oooan be oonneoted by the equation
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measured by the line drawn tnm the firat poaition to the aeoond,
or we may consider a small area fixed in space, and determine
what quantity of the solid passes across that area during the dis-
In the same way the velocity of a fluid may be investigated
either with respect to the actual velocity of the individual parti-
cles, or with respect to the quantity of the fluid which flows through
any fixed area.
But in these cases we require to know separately the density of
the body as well as the displacement or velocity, in order to apply
the first method, and whenever we attempt to form a molecular
theory we have to use the second method.
In the case of the flow of electricity we do not know anything
of its density or its velocity in the conductor, we only know the
value of what, on the fluid theory, would correspond to the product
of the denaify and the velocity. Hence in all such cases we must
qpply the more general method of meaaorement of the flux acroaa
In electriflal aoienoci eleetromotive force and magnetic force
belong to the fint chMa^ being defined with reference to linee.
When we wiah to indicate thia fimt, we may refer to them aa
On the other hand, electric and magnetic induction, and electric
eorrents, bdong to the second daaa, being defined with reference
toanaa. Whenwewiah to indicate thia feet, we shall refer to them
as Fluxes.
Each of these forces may be considered as producing-, or tending
to produce, its corresponding tlux. Thus, electromotive force pro-
duces electric currents in conductors, and tends to produce them
in dielectrics. It produces electric induction in dielectrics, and pro-
bably in conductors also. In the same sensCj magnetic force pro-
duces magnetic induction.
13.] In some cases the flux is simply proportional to the force
and in the same direction, but in other cases we can only atlirm
thai the direction and magnitude of the flux are functions of the
dirsctaon and magnitude of the foroe.
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The oaie in whioh the oomponenti of the flux aie luMsr fimctioiis
of those of the foioe is disoassed in the ohapter on the Eqnetioiis
of Gondoetiont Art. 296. Theie are in genenl nine coeflloientB
which detennine the lektion between the foroe and the flax. In
certain oases we have reason to beiieTe that six of these coefficients
fym three pairs of eqnal quantities. In sndi cases the relation bo«
tween the iLie of direction of the fince and the normal jJane of the
flcnc is of the same kind as that between a diameter of an ellipeoid
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i6.] LlKS-IirfBaBAL& 13
On Line^inUgnUi,
16.] The opeiation of integration of the resolved part of a vector
quantity along a line is important in physical science genenlly,
and should be clearly understood.
Let #, j^, s be tlie coordinates of a point P on a line whose
length, measured fifom a certain point is s. ^
These coordinates
will be functions of a single variable t.
Let J2 be the value of llie vector quantity at P, and let the
tangent to the curve at P make with the direction of R the angle e,
then i2cosc is the resolved part of R along the fine, and the
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that 18, ia an eiaet diiferential within that region, the ytlm niZ
beoomea z- p,
and is the same for any two forms of the path between A and /*,
provided the one form can he changed into the other by con-
tinuous motion without passing out of this region. *
0» Potentials,
^=-(f)' --(^);
When a potential function exists, surfaces for which the po-
tential is constant are called Equipotential surfaces. The direction
of li at any point of such a surface coincides with the normal to
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S = iX+jr-^kZ; (1)
and by what we have said above, if ^ is the potential,
S=-{'Ji+J^+i-£y (2)
^ = -V4/. (4)
vector 9 the Slope of the scalar Amotion 4', using the word Slope
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16 PRKLIMINABY. [ 1 8.
are fulfilled thioughont a certain region of space, and jet the line^
integral from J to P
may be diflWent for two lines^ each of
which lies wholly within that region. This may be the case if
the region is in the form of a ring, and if the lines fhun A
to P pass through opposite segments of the ring. In this case,
the one path cannot be transformed into the other by continuous
motion without passing out of the region.
"We are here led to considerations belonging- to the Geometry
of Position, a subject which, thougli its importance was j)ointed
out by Leibnitz and illustrated by Gauss, has been little studied.
The most complete treatment of this subject has been given by
J. B. Listing *.
Let there be p points in space, and let I lines of any form be
drawn joining these points so that no two lines intersect each
other, and no point is left isolated. We shall call a figure com-
pcsed of lines in this way a Diagram. Of these lines, are
sufficient to jointhe p points so as to form a connected system.
Every new line completes a loop or closed path, or, as we shall
call it, a Cyde. Tlie number of independent cgrdes in the diagvam
is therefore < ss i9+ 1.
Any doeed path drawn along the lines of the diagram is com-
posed of these independent cycles, each being taken any number of
times and in either direction.
The existence of cycles is called Cydcsis^ and the number of
cydes in a diagram is called its Cydomatic number.
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We shall first ahew that the line-integral taken round any closed
ptUi within the region is zero.
Suppose the e^uipotential snrfiuses drawn. They are all dther
dosed surbces or are bounded entirely by the surftoe of the region,
so that a dosed line within the region, if it cute any of the sup-
ftoes at one part of its path, must cut the same surfiuse in the
opposite direction at some other part of its path, and the corre-
sponding portions of the line-int^^al being equal and opposite,
the total value is zero.
Hence if AQP and AQ'P are two paths from A to F, the line-
integral for AQ'F is the sum of that for .^QP and the closed path
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AQ'PQA. But the line- integral of the closed path is zero^ there-
fore those of the two paths are equal.
Hence if the potential is g^ven at any one point of such a
region, that at any other point is determinate.
Let K
be the oydomatic number of the region, then Bections K
of the region may be made by surfaces which we may call Dia-
phragms, so as to close ^K
ai the channels of communication,
and reduce the region to an acyelio condition withont destroying
its oontinoitjr.
Now let A P be
taken indefinitely near to each other, but
on opposite sides of a diaphragm, and let JT be the line-integral
fiom ^ to P.
Let Jt and P^ be two other points on opposite sides of the same
diaphragm and indefinitely near to each other, and let be the
line-integral from .rf' to P'. Then A''= K.
For if we draw A A' and PP' , nearly coincident, but on opposite
sides of the diaphragm, tlie line-integrals along these lines will be
equal. Suppose each equal to X, then the line-integral of A P^ is
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jjxd^U.=jjj^^d,dgdz. (4)
the triple integration being extended over the whole space within S.
Let us next suppose that X, Z are not continuous within the
closed sur&ce, but that at a certain surface F{Xf y^g) ss 0 ihe
values of X, Y, Z alter abruptly from X, JT, Z on the negative side
of the surface to X\ Y\ Z' on the positive side.
If this discontinuity oceors, say, between 9i and the value
of X| will be
where in tiie ezpnession under the integral sign only the' finite
wdnes of the derivative of Xare to be considered.
In this case therefore the total snxfiMe-integral of R over the
dosed snxfiMM will be expressed by
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•\-jj(r-Y)dzda-{'jj{Z'^Z)dBd^i (7)
or, if m*, n' are the directioipoosniet of the normal to the surfiioe
of diBcontmrnty, and d8' an element of that Bor&ce^
then the surface-integral over every closed surface is zero, and the
distribution of the vector quantity is said to be Solenoidal.
We shall refer to equation (9) as the General solenoidal con-
dition,and to equation (10) as the SupcHicial solenoidal condition.
22.] Let us now consider the case in which at every point
within the suriace S the equation
dX dY dZ ^
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On Periphractic RegiofU,
dl dY dZ ^
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For the same reason, the surface- integral taken over a surface
bounded by a closed curve is the same for such surfaces only bounded
by Uie dosed corve as are reconcileable with the given surface by
oontinuous motion of the surface within the region S.
When we have to deal with a periphractic region, the first thing
to be done is to reduce it to an aperiphractic region liy drawing
lines joining the different bounding snrfiices. Each of these lines,
provided which were not already in continnons
it joins sarfiuKs
dX dY dZ _
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bat at the origin theie quantituB beoome infinite. For ai^ doaed
eorfiuje liot including the origin, the aoifiuse-intagfal ia aero. If
a dofled anifiMse indudee the origin, its snzfiKse-integnd ia 4 vak
If, for any reaaon, we wish to treat the region round ai aa if it
• The combine'I action of the muscles of the arm when we turn the upper side of
the right-hand outwaniU* and at th« aiuiie time thrust the haod forwards, will
impress the right-handed toraw motloii on tlie awmory more flnnly than any edbal
definition. A
oommoD oovkaemr mi^ be need aa a malarial ^jmbol of toe lame
Ptofessor W. H. Miller hae auggested to me that as the tendrita of the irine are
right-handed scn^wg and thoae of the hop Ioft-hnn<}ed, the two svHtallia of rslatioiia IB
qiace might be called those of the vine and the hop rewectiveiy.
The system of the vine, which we adopt, is tiwt of LioiMeiis, aad of eBrew^nakers
in all civilized countriea except .Tapan. De Candolle was the firwt who called the
hopteudril right-handed, and in this be is followed by Lbting, and hy most writers
on the rotatory polarintkm of lioht. Sorears like the hop-teodril are made for the
OoapIingH of mil way-carriages, anrffor the fittings of whcoln on tlie left side of ordinaiy
canriagee» but they are always called left-handMi screws by those who use them.
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Jstdj^ or —
the order of integration being a, y in the first expression, and y, x
in the second.
Tliis relation between the two products dx dy and dy dx may
* ^ dy dz '
^ ^ dz dx* dx dy ' '
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26 PRBLIMINAftT. [24.
The expressions for mdS and ndS are obtained from this by sub-
stituting Xyy^ z m. cyclic order.
The surface-integral which we have to find is
{li-^mri-lrnOiS; (4)
The part of this which depends on X may be written
dX ^dz dcB ^ dz dxy.^dX rdx dy ^^y\\jaA
jj Idl^d^'^Tfid^^^ d^yj^d^'^d^TaH^ '
dx ydX dx
^ dXdy ^ dX dz^
dfi ^dx da dy da dz da^
dx ^dX dx dX dy . dX dz\) ,^ ,
I / ,dX dx dX dx\
As we have made no assumption as to the form of the functions
a and j9, we may assume that a is a function of A', or, in other
words, tliat the curves for which a is constant are those for which
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as-] hamiuob's opibatob v. S7
*X^^, (10)
where the integration ie to be peifonned roand the curve 9, We
may treat in the same way the parts of the surlaoe-integral whioh
depend upon Zand^ m
so that get finally^
//«+«,+«0^«=/(J:|+r|+2^)<i,; (u)
wbflre the fiist integral is ezkended over the eufiwe 4 the
aeoond vomid the bounding curve «*.
25.^ We
have seen that the operation denoted by V is that by
which a vector quantity is deduced from its potential. The same
operation, however, when applied to a vector function, produces
results which enter into the two theorems we have just proved
(III and IV). The extension of this operator to vector displacements,
and most of its further development, is due to Professor Tait f.
dm ^ dy dz
Performing this operation, and remembering the rules for the
• This theorem wu
given hy Pkofeasor Stokes, Smith' » Prite SxamifMtion, 186i»
qaestion 8. It is preyed in Thomson and TkIVs Natural PhiUmpkp, § 190 {j).
t See Proc. R. S. Edin., April 28, 1802. * On Green's and other allied Theorems.*
Tratu. R. 8. Edin., 1869-70. a very filnaU* piper; lad *0b Mmi
lot^pnk' Pnc A. 8, JBdin^ 1870-71.
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^^ *- + J + ^) »
and tlie vector part is
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rvir ss 0. . V
This impliea that Vtr is a icalar, or that the vector
<r is the slope of some scalar fonction ^. These
applications of the operator V are due to Professor
Tait A more complete development of the theory-
^ ^
80 that the value at the centre eioeeds or fails short of the mean
value according as q is positive or negative.
I propose therefore to call V'^ the concentration of q at the
point P, because it indicates the excess of the value of 4^ at that
point over its mean value nei^hourhood of the point.
in the
If ^ is a scalar function, the method of finding its mean valne is
well known. If it is a vector function, we must find its mean
value hj the rules for integrating vector functions. Hie result
of course is a vector.
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BleHr^leaiUm by Induetkm,
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In Experiment III the electrified TesBel produced electrification
in the second metallic hody throngh the medium of the wire. Let
us suppose the wive renunred, and the electrified piece of glass taken
out of the Tessel without touching it^ and removed to a suflficient
fication will disappear iVom both bodies, shewing that the elec-
trification of the two bodies was equal and opposite.
30.] Experiment V. In Experiment II it wa*? shewn that if
the vessel is that due to the algebraic sum of all the electrifica-
tions^ those being reckoned native which are resinous. We have
thus a practical method of adding the electrical effects of seversl
bodies without altering the eleotrifiGation of each.
81.] EsFKBiMiNT VI. Let a second insulated metallic vessel^
be provided, and let the deetrified piece of glass be put into the
first vessel A, and the eleetrified piece of resin into the second vessel
exactly equal and opposite to that of the piece of glassj and that
of J? may be shewn in the same way to be equal and opposite to that
oi the piece of resin.
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kttf hanging between two bodies charged, one poeitm^, and the
other negatively. If the gold leaf beoomes electrified it will indine
towards the body whose electrification is opposite to its own. By
incieasiDg the electrification of the two bodies and the delicacy of
liie sospension^ an esoeedingly small electrification of the gold leaf
may be detected.
When we come to describe electrometers and mnltipUers we
shall find that there are still more delicate methods of detecting
electrilication and of testing the accuracy of our theorems, but at
present we shall suppose the testing to be made by connecting the
hollow vessel with a gold leaf electroscope.
Tliis method was used by Faraday in his very admirable de-
monstration of the laws of electrical phenomena*.
the parts of the system may be, the electrification of the whole,
as indicated by the gold leaf electroscope, is invariably zero.
The electrification of a body is therefore a physical quantity
d^ble of measorement, and two or more electrifications can be
combined oqpcrimentally with a lesnlt of the same kbd as when
* • On SUtic Electrical Inductive Action.' PkU. Mag., 1848, or £xp. JUs., vol. ii.
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36.] vBXOvm OF XLBOTRicirr. ST
Energy^ which is the product of these factors, may also be con-
sidered as the piodiiet of sereial othflr paixa of fiuitorB, sadi as
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that the total qoantity^ of the two fluids in any body taken to-
gether remains always the flune. By this new law they 'contrive
to saTe appeanmces/ foigetling that there would have been no need
of the law eicept to leooocile the 'two flnida' theory with fiMsts,
and to prevmt it from pradicting non-^oditent phenomena.
greater than the repulsion between units of the same kind, so that
a unit of matter combined with a unit of eleotridiy will eiert a
foroe of attnMstkm on a simikr combination at a distancSj this
however, being exceedingly small compared with the force
between two nnoomUned units.
This residual force is supposed to account for the attraction of
gravitation. Unelectrified bodies are supposed to be charged with
aa many units of eleetrieiiy as they contain of ordinary matter.
When they contain more electricity or less, they are said to be
positively or negatively electrified.
This theory does not, like the Two-Fluid theory, explain too
much. It requires us, however, to suppose the mass of the electric
fluid so small that no attainable positive or negative electriticatioii
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men who ouj^lit to have reasoned better. It has been said that
the doctrine that the particles of matter uncombined with elec-
tricity repel one another, is in direct antagonism with the well-
established fact that every particle of matter attracts every other
If the theory of One Fluid were
particle tliroughoiit the universe.
truewe should have the heavenly bodies repelling one another.
But it is manifest that the heavenly bodies, according to this
theory, if they consisted of matter uncombined with electricity,
would be in the highest state of negative electrification, and would
repel each other. We
have no reason to believe that they are in
such a highly electrified state, or could be maintained in that
state. The earth and all the bodies whose attraction has been
observed are rather in an unelectrified state, that is, they contain
the normal charge oC electricity^ and the only action between them
is tiie residual force lately mentioned. The artificial manner, bow-
ever, in which this residaal fbroe is introdaced is a mndi more
valid objection to the theory.
In the present treatise I propose^ at difl^nt stages of the in-
vestigation, to test the diflferent theories in the light of additional
classes of phemmiena. For my own part, I look &r additional
light on the natore of electriei^ from a stndy of what takes place
in the space intervening between the electrified bodies. Such is the
essential character of the mode of investigation pursued by Faraday
in his Experimental Researches, and as we go on I intend to exhibit
the results, as developed by Faraday, W. Tliomson, &c., in a con-
nected and mathematical form, so that we may |ierceive what
phenomena are explained equally well by all the theories, and what
phenomena indicate the peculiar difficulties of each theory.
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if one of the charges is vitreous and the other resinous, the force
will be attractive, but if both e and / are negative the force is again
We may suppose tbe first body, J, charged with m units of
itreous and n units of resinous electricity, which may be con-
eeived separately placed within the body, as in Experiment V.
Let the second body, B, be charged with is' units of positiye
and n' units of negative electricity.
Then each of the m positive units in A will repel each of the m'
poattire units in B with a certain force, say/, making a total efibot
equal to mmy.
Since the effect of negative electricity is exactly equal and
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the unit of length , and r the nnmerieal value of the distanee ; and
if [jP] is the unit of force, and ^the numerical value of the force,
then the equation becomes
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Iiefc e be tlie ehaige of the body, and F the force acting on the
hodj in a oertain difeotum, then when t ie ^eiy small F ib propor-
tional to tf, or J? — Jle,
EUeific Potential.
45.] If the small body carrying the small charge e be moved
fix)m the given point to an indefinite distance from the electrified
bodies^ it will experience at each point of its course a force He,
where H varies from point to point of the course. Let the whole
work done on the body by these electrical forces be Fe, then F is
the potential at the point of the field from which the body started.
If the charge e could be made equal to unity without disturbing
the electrification of other bodies, we might define the potential at
aoy point as the work done on a body charged with unit of elec-
tricity in moving from that point to an infinite distance.
Equipotential Surfaces.
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Linet of Farce*
EUetm Tenrion.
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QtpaeUjf if a QmduekMr.
60.] K one oondnctor ia insnlated while all the snrromiding oon-
dneton are kept at the sero potential hy being pat in comma-
nioation with the earth, and if the oondactor, when charged with
a qoantitf £ of electricity, has a potential F, the ratio d E to F
is called the Capacity of the condactor. If the conductor ia com-
pletely enclosed within a *condiicting vessel without teaching it,
then the charge on the inner conductor will be equal and op-
posite to the cliarge on the inner surface of the outer conductor,
and will he equal to the capacity of the inner conductor multiplied
by the diHerence of the potentials of the two conductors.
to be observed, but in the case of very long and thin wires, such
as those used in telegraphs, the potential does not become uniform
till after a sensible time, on account of the resistance of the wire
to the passage of electricity through it.
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greatest when the bodies are electrified in the same way. The result
appears anomalous only when we expect the loss to occur by the
passsge of electricity through the air between the bodies.
Certain kinds of glass when cold are marvelonsly perfect in-
sulators, and Sir W. Thomson has preserved charges of electricity
for years in bulbs hermetically sealed. The same glass, however,
becomes a conductor at a temperature below that of boiling water.
Gutta-percha, caoutchouc, vuh anito, paraffin, and resins are good
insulators, the resistance ot gutta-percha at 76* F. being about
6 X 10^^ times that of copper.
Ice, cr}'stal8, and solidified electrolytesj are also insulators,
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respect, he found that when air and other gases were employed as
the insulating medium the capacity of the accumulator remained the
same, but that when shell-lac, sulphur, glass, &c., were substituted
for air, the capacity was inoreaaed in a latio which was diffiurent
Absorption of EleeirieUy,
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• Mm,, voL i. MriM sLIT ii. 'On tiM AtMliito GhMfsoTllafttar/ mid (1M4).
R 2
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Dmtiptvse IHtekar^^.
55.] If the electromotive force acting at any point of a dielectric
is gradually increased, a limit is at length reached at which there
is a sudden electrical discharge through the dielectric, generally
accompanied with light and sound, and with a temporary or per-
manent niptnre of the dielectric.
The intensity of the electromotive force when this takes place
depends on the nature of the dielectric It is greater, for instance,
in dense air than in rare and greater in glass than in air, but
ne Electric Glow.
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The charged particles of air tend to move off in the same general
direction, and thus produce a current of air from the point, con-
sisting of the eharge<l particles, and probably of others carried along
by them. By artificially aiding this current we may increase the
glow, and by checking the formation of the current we may pre-
vent the continuance of the glow.
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considerable all the way between them, as in the case of two balls
whose distance is not great compared with their radii, the discharge,
when it occurs, usually takes the form of a spark, by which nearly
the whole electrification is discharged at once.
In this case, when any part of the dielectric has g'iven way,
the parts on either side of it in the direction of the electric force
are put into a state of greater tension so that they also give way^
and 80 the discharge proceeds right through the dielectric, just as
^en a little rent is made in the edge of a piece of paper a tensioii
applied to the paper in the directign of the edge causes tiie paper to
be torn through, beginning at the rent, but diverging occasionally
wbere there are weak pkces in the paper. The electric spark in
the same my
begins at the point where the eleetrio tension first
oyeroomes the insolation of the dielectric, and pfoceeds from that
point, in an apparently irregular path, so as to take in other weak
points, waxh as particles of dust floatmg in air.
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greater distances is not much less than this. The ordinary preasiue
of the atmosphere is about 1032 grammes per square centimetre.
It is difficult to explain why a thin stratum of air should require
a greater fovoe to produce a disruptive discharge across it than a
tiiioker atratam. Is it possible that the air very near to the sor-
fiuse of dense bodies is condensed, so as to become a better insn-
lator? or does tiie potential of an electrified oondnctor difEer from
that of the air in contaet with it by a quantity having a maximnin
valne jnst before dischaige, so that the observed difference of
potential of the oondnctors is in every case greater than the di£>
ferenoe of potentials on the two sides of the stratum of air by a
constant quantity eqoivalent to the addition of about .005 of an
inch to the thic^ess of the stratum ? See Art. 370.
All these phenomena differ considerably in different gases^ and in
the same gas at diti'ereut densities. Some of the forms of electrical
discharge through rare gases are exceedingly remarkable. In some
cases there is a regular alternation of luminous and dark strata, so
thatif the electricity, for examj)le, is passing along a tube contain-
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•nd tbe other end iiQgstiTelj deetrified. Lefc the mi&oe be de«
piiTed of thie appaient electrifieatioii hj means of a flame or other-
he made still hotter, eleotrifioation of the
wise, then if the erTstal
same kind as before will appear, but if the crystal be cooled the
end which was podtive when the cfystal was heated will become
These deotriflcations are observed at the extremities of the ays-
tallographio ads. Some crystals are terminated by a dz-mded
pyramid at one end and by a three-sided pyramid at the other.
In these the end having the uixHsided pyramid becomes positive
when the crj'stal is heated.
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tricity equal to the charge through the surface from within out-
wards^ and the whole quantity within the suriiAee remains the
The theory of electric polarization will be discussed at greater
length in Chapter V, and a mechanical illustration of it will be
given in Art. 334, but its importance cannot be fully understood
till we arrive at the study of electromagnetic phenomena.
62.] The peculiar featores of the theory as we have now de-
veloped them are
That the energy of electrification resides in the dielectric medinm,
whether that medium be solid, Uqnid, or gaseous, dense or rare,
or even deprived of ordinary g^ross matter, provided it be still
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62.] mSTHOD OF THI8 WORK. 65
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Dittrtbution on a Sur/ace,
A»d = <r.
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e =
where dgdydgis the element of yolnme. The limits of integration
in each case are those of the carve, the sariace, or the portion of
space considered.
It is manifest that A, <r and p are qoantities differing in kind,
each being one dimension in space lower than the preceding, so that
if a he a line, the quantities tf, aX, a^a, and a^p will he all of the
same kind, and if a be the unit of length, and A, a, p oacli the
unit of the different kinds of density, a A, fl^<r, and a^p will each
denote one unit of electricity.
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3D = J-M;
where SD is the dispkoement, 0 the resultant foroe^ and K the
specific inductive capacity of the dielectric. For air, JT s 1.
If the body is a conductor^ the state of oonstmint is conttnnally
giving way, so that a current of conduction is produced and main-
tained as long as the fovoe 8 acts on the medium.
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tiie integiatimi being extended fiom the beginning to the end
(^ihe aio.
If we malm nee of the components of the fbroe we find
where the integration ia performed in any way from the point A
to the point P, whether along the given curve or along any other
line between A and P.
In this case iT is a scalar function of the position of a point in
space, that is, when we know the coordinates of the point, the value
of V is determinate, and this value is independent of the position
and direction of the axes of reference. See Art. 16.
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Oh Potential Functions.
Fa- Vs.
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7a.] POTBHTIAL. 78
if we pat A for the aro AB we shall have for the ftvoe feeolved
in the diieetton of
U COS « = — -r-
72.] A conductor is
a body whieh aUows the electriciiy within
it to move fiom one part of the body to any other when acted on
by electromotive force. When the eleetrieify is in equilibrium
there can be no electromotiye force acting within the eondtictor.
Hence 22 = 0 throughoat the whole space occupied by the con-
ductor. From this it follows that
dx * dy * dz
and therefore for every point of the conductor
r= c,
where C is a constant quantity.
jPotetUial of a Qmduelor,
Since the potential at all pdnts within the sabstanee of the
conductor is C, C is called the Potential of the con-
the quantity
ductor. C may
be defined as the work which must be done by
external agency in order to bring a unit of electricity from an
infinite distance to the conductor, the distribution of electricity
being supposed not to be disturbed by the presence of the unit.
If two conductors have equal potentials, and are connected by
a wire so fine that the electricity on the wire itself may be neg-
lected, the totiil electromotive force along the wire will be zero,
and no eU'otricity will i)ass from the one conductor to the other.
If the potentials of the conductors A and B be and then
the electromotive force along any wire joining A and JB will be
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tions, we must be careful not to let the one or the othor analogy
suggest to us that electricity is either a substance like water, or
a state of t^itation like heat.
Let the electric density at any point (;r, y, z) within an dec-
. trified body be p, then the potential due to the body is
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If the law of the inverse square is true, this will be the case what-
ever be the form of the hollow conductor. Our object at present,
however, is to ascertain from this ikct the fonn of the law of
For this purpose let us sappoee the hollow conductor to be a thin
q»herical shell. Since everything is symmetrical about its centre,
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of electrioity at a di'ittaiioe r.
Let the ladiae of the spherical diell he a, and let the 8iirfiMSfr>
density he 9, Let P be aoy pouit witiiin the shell at .a distance
jp from the centre. Tike the xadins through P as the aids of
spherieal coordinates, and let r be the distance ftom P to an ekment
iffoftheshelL Then the potential at P is
0 =/'(a+i>)-/'(a-/>).
Since a and p are independent*
/'(r)s C, a constant
Henoe /{r)^Cr+C,
and the potential function is
r r
The force at distance r is got by differentiating this expression
with respect to r, and changing the sign, so that
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KR cos c dS.
Since we do not at present consider any dielectric except air, JTs i
We may^ however, avoid introducing at this stage the theoiy of
electric displacement, by c$XLmg BeoBtdS the Lidnetion throngh
the element dS, This qoantity is well known in mathematical
physics, bat tiie name of induction is borrowed from IWaday.
The surface-integ^l of induction is
the integration being extended through the whole space within the
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issue from the surfare, and then it may enter and iflme anj number
of times alternately^ ending by iMoing from it.
d8 ^ r* aeo^dm;
and, since M = «f'', we shall have
RooBtdS = + edv
the positive sig^ being- taken when r issues from the surface, and
the negative where it enters it.
and therefore
jj Reo&tdS ^ 0^
jjBco9€d8^ ^JJ^^"^ =
Hence we conclude that the total induction outwards through a
due to a oentre of force e placed at a point 0 is
closed snrfiice
aero when 0 is without the sur&ce, and 4ite when 0 is within
the surfiice.
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we shall have
4ire = 4» JJJpdsodydgf
and by Artr 75,
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dFf dF " dF I
If we put
iJ* = T- + ,
ay dz
Now let ^ be the Talue of the potential on the negative side
of the surface F =1 its value between the surfaces F a and
F= a-\-h, and its value on tlie positive iside of F— a\h.
Also, let pj ,
p', and p., the values of the density in these three
portions of space. Then, since the density is everywhere finite,
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lengih till it meets the Bozfistoe Fss a-k-A, then the value of F at
the estiemit]r of the nonnal is
.,dF dF dF. ^
dx dx
dz dz
where (7 ia a quantity to be determined.
Next, let ns consider the variation of P and ^ alon^ the
^ , dF^ d^F'
^ = ^ + -S?r'fo+*-^W+*«-
Hence, at the second snxfiMe, where F^a +4, and F becomes F^,
7DL. I. O
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and = (20)
^ d^v
=-4ir/, ^
and 4
= yiZ ; (22)
dV, dV^ ^
where Vj, are the normals to the snrface drawn towards the
and tHe second medium lespectiTely, and
first the potentials
at points on these normals. We may iJso write it
Ji^O0S€2+i^ cose, + 4ir<r s 0; (26)
where li^y are the resultant forces, and e,, the angles which
they make with the normals drawn J'rom the surface on either
dXzs — dV
-^pdx r/y dz. (27)
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dr. dr. .
that is, the force acting on the electrified element adSvx any given
direction is the arithmetic mean of the forces acting on equal
quantities of electricity placed one just inside the surface and the
other just outside the surface close to the actual position of the
element, and therefore the resultant mechanical force on the elec-
triiled is equal to the resultant of the forces which would
act on two portions of electricity, each equal to half that on the
element, and placed one on each side of the surface and infinitely
near to it.
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On lAnet Foree.
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82.] LINES Of lOBGS. 85
We have used the phrase Lines of Force because it has been used
by Faraday and others. In strictness, however, these lines should
be called Lines of Electric Induction.
In the ordinary cases the lines of induction indicate the direction
and mag^tude of the resultant electromotive foroe at every point,
because the force and the induction are in the same direction and
in a constant ratio. Tbm are other cases, however, in which it
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where i> is the normal drawn from the lirst medium to tlie second,
and <r is the true surface-density on the surface of separation ;
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83.] spicifio nmuoTiYB capaoiit. 87
4.0>-Ap) + -f -f
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Energy of
an Electrijkd System,
electricity to A^^ whose potential before the charge is n}\^ and after
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where S ( Fe) means the sam of all the products of the potential of
eaoh element into the cjuantity of electricity in that element when
n = I, and is the initial and ti^ the final value of n.
If we make = 0 and = 1, we find for the work required to
charge an unelectrified system so that the electricity is e and the
Let US suppose the oondnctocs to be all and originally
fireeof duuge, and at potential zero.
Now let Ay be charged with unit of eleotrioiiy, the otiier bodies
being without charge. The effect of this charge on A^ will be to
raise the potential of Ay to j^u, that of A^U^ pj^f and that af A^to
where ftc. are quantities depending on the form and rela-
tive position of the conductors. The quantity p^^ may be called the
Potential Coeflicient of Ay on itself, and j)^ may be called the Po-
tential Coefficient of on and so on.
If the charge upon A^^ is now made E^, then, by the principle of
superposition, we shall have
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Since the potentials are linear functions of the charges, the energy
must be a c^uadratic function of the charges. If we put
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Henoe - ^ '
From this follows the important theorem, due to Green :
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befiirmed. Of thawoiiewillbetiieBiiifiuseofitr>Ai^di^P<'^^
will be p^. If ^ is placed in a hollow exoftTBted in so as to be
octmpletely encloeed by it^ then the potential of will also be p^.
If, howerefj 4. is ontride of A, its potential p^^ will lie between
p^ and aero.
For consider the lines of force issning from the charged eon-
doctor iCp. ^le charge is measared by the excess of the nnmber
of lines which issoe from it over those which tenninate in it.
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94 ST8TB1IS OF OOHDirGTOllS. [92.
Here C= («)
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— *S,S.X.(^^j„^). (9)
Sr(P^im)^l* (10)
and i n I) of the form
MP^9bt)-0. (11)
Differentiating witii respect to^weget t«(«+l) equations of
the form
'^^^\.^(^ '^^-\--.a
*-\^i..s,{E.r,pJj'p, (13)
It appears from Art. 92^ that the resultant force 4> is equal to
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F ir iV^K r^K\
. i
or Fx Fix
The first of these proportions shews that in similar systems the
force is proportional to the square of the electromotive force and
to the indootive capacity of the dielectric^ but is independent of the
actual dimensions of the system.
Hence two conductors placed in a liquid whose inductive capacity
than that <j£mr, and electrified to given potentials, will
is gpreater
attnet each other more than if they had been electrified to the
same potantiab in air. .
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100 OBNBBAL THB0BBM8. [97-
where v and are the normals on either side of the surface, and
Fand / '
are the corresponding" potentials. We shall refer to this
equation as the Superficial Charaet<_^ristie equation.
(6) If F denote the pt)tential at a point whose distance from
any fixed point in a finite electrical system is r, then the product
Fr, when r increases indefinitely, is ultimately equal to the total
charge in the finite system,
97.] Lemttia. Let F be any continuous function of x, and
let u, V, w be functions of subject to the general solenoidal
condition du dv dw ^
dF dF dF..,.
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97-] LEIQCA. 101
Now, since the forces which act on the fluid are derived from
the potentiiil function F, the work which they do is sahject to the
law of consenration of energy, and the work done on the whole
fluid within a certain apace may he fotmd if we know the potential
at the pointa where each line of flow enters the space and where
it iasoes The excen of the second of these potentials over
from it^
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the integration of the first term being extended over the bounding
Bnr&oe» and that of the eeoond thronghont the entire space.
For all spaces within which tf, i;^ « are oontinnons, the second
term vanishes in virtoe of equation (1). If for any sarfiu» within
the space « are disoontinuons but subject to equation (2)^ we
find for the part of Jf depending on this snrfece,
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where Af is the vahie of the integral for the whole space within the
surface F = C, and M^, M.^ are the values of the intci*Tal for the
spaces within the internal surfaces. But we have seen that M,
M^y M^, &c. are each of them zero, so that the integial is zero also
for the peripbractic region between the sarfooes.
Case 2. If bi-^mv-\-nw is sero over any part of the bounding
sorfiwe, that part of the surface can contribute nothing to the value
of Jf, because the quantity under the integral sign is everywhere
zero. Hence M will remain aero if a surface fulfilling this con-
any part of the bounding sorfSMse, provided
dition is sabstitnted for
that the remainder of the sor&oe is all at the same pdtentiaL
98.] We are now prepared to prove a theorem which we owe to
Sir William Thomson *.
As we shall require this theorem in various parts of our subject,
I shall put it in a form capable of the necessary modifications.
Let c be any functions of x, y, z (we may call them the
components of a flux) subject only to the condition
da db dc ^ ^
where p has given values within a certain space. This is the general
characteristic of 0, c.
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+ „(A-5-£.g)+4,.=0. (8)
8wQ^JJJ-^(a^+6*^c^)dxdjfdz, (9)
F= constant,
or la
j^,dF ^ dr \- Kn-jj^
+ nib-{-Hc — Kl-^ + Km^
= (10)
dit do dm ^
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98.] UiriQUB MIKIlfUM OF 106
(4) lii + mv + nw = 0.
(11) a^K-^.
Hence these values of a, b, e make Q a minimum.
But the values of a, 6, c, as expressed in equations (12), are
perfectly general, and include all values of these quantities con-
sistent with the conditions of the theorem. Hence, no other values
€l[a,i,e can make Q a minimum.
Again, Q ia a quantify essentially positive, and therefore Q is
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are finite and continuous except at the surface and at that surface
fulfil the snperfioial characteristie
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and since U'— 0 satisfies the equation it is the only solution, and
but one value of /'
therefore there is possible.
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Ofee»'s Xkeorm,
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and K a, component of a fluxj the expression will give the
or AvM^JJ^vi/rdS-Ji'JJf^itp'Fdg^dM, (7)
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Let us now suppose that the region bounded by the closed surface
S Theorem is a cyclic region of any number of cycles,
in Green's
and that the function T is a many- valued funcUou having any
number of cyclic constanta.
jj<TUd8-^ JJfpUdgtfydz
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Let iS^ be the fint of thaw dii^xagmi, and lefc the line-integial
of the force for a line dmwn in the a<^Ue space from a point
on the pontic aide of this sorfiuse to the contiguous point on
the negative aide he , then is the first cyclic constant.
Let the other diaphragms, and thdr corresponding cyclic con-
stants, be distinguished hy suffixes from 1 to then, since the
r^on is rendered acyclic by these diaphragms^ we may apply to
it the theorem in its orig-inal form.
We thus obtain for the complete expression for the first member
of the equation
first system, and V denoting the potential at any point due to all
these portions, while e^ stands in succession for <?/, ^./, &c., ])ortions
of the second system, and V denotes the potential at any point
doe to the second system.
Hence denotes the product of a quantity of electricity at a
point belonging to the second system into the potential at that
point due to the first system, and 2 ( V/) denotes the sum of all
sodi quantities, or in other words, ^(V^ represents that part of
the energy of the whole electrified system which is due to the
action of tiie second system on the first.
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the whole eyetem whieh ie doe to the action of the hist eystem on
the aecond.
of electricity from the given point, then the equality between these
two ^nee of Jf m$j be obtained as foUowa, without Green'a
If we also write R" for the force due to the second system, and
la', n for its direction-cosines,
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lOI.] osbbn's fuitgtiov. 113
Green's Function,
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= (4)
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I02.] MINIlinM 7AL1TB OF Q. 116
taken within the sorfiMse. Then for all external points the potential
of the snperfioial distribation is equal and opposite to that of P.
^e snpeijSeml distribation is tiienlbre eeiUfoBarie*, and its aetim
on all external points is the same as that of a onit of negative
electricity placed at F.
taken over the whole region, has a unique minimum when V satisfies
the equation d^^^ ^
dm dm dji dy dz dz
throughout the region, as well as the original conditions.
We have already shewn that a function V exists which fiilfils the
conditions (1) and (3), and that it is determinate in value. We
have next to shew that of aU functions fulfilling the suifiuse-oon-
ditions it makes Q a minimum.
Let be the fbnetion which satisfies (1) and (8), and let
r= To+IT (4)
be a function which satisfies (1).
It follows fipom this that at the soifiuses B^^ B^^ ftc. ZTas 0.
The value of Q becomes
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Let m
oonfine our attention to the last of these thsw groups
of terms, merely observing that the other gnmps are essentially
positive. By Qxeen's theorem
the first integral of the second member being extended over the
snrfiMW of the region and the second throughout the enelosed space.
But on the surfiMses Si, S^, ko, U ss 0, ao that these oontribute
nothing to the sur&oe-integral.
Again, on the surface Sq, = 0, so that this surfiK» contributes
nothing to the integral. Henoe the sur&oe-int^gral is lero.
The quantity within braokets in the Tolume-integnl also dis-
appears by equation (3), so that the Tolume-integral is also zero.
Henoe Q is reduced to
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make Fj = l, and Fg, V^ykc. each equal to zero, and then take
any function F which shall have the value 1 at S^j and the value 0
at the other surfaces.
From this trial value of V calculate Q by direct integration,
and let the value thus found be Q'. We know that is not less
than the absolute minimum value Q, which in this case is i
Henoe is not greater than 2 Q[, (1 1)
If we happen to have cfaoeen the right valoe of the fonction
then fu ^ ^ ^
fonction we have dioeen diffina
dightly from the trae fonn, then, since Q is a mmW^mj wiU
0tiU he a dose approximation to the trae valne.
da dt de
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80 that we condnde that the tme valne of q^, the capacity of tiie
internal oondnctor^ lies between these Taloes.
This method of finding superior and inferior limits to the values
of these coefficients was suggested by a memoir On the Theory
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i{s4v<r; (2)
and let us call this snpeifioial distribotion the electrified snrfiwe 4
then we can prove the following theorem relating to the action of
this electrified surfiuse.
If any eqnipotential sorfiuse belonging to a given electrified
density <r
s r— , where J2 is the resultant force, due to the original
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da dy dz
and on the inside the dermtira of rvaaish, so that the saperfioial
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This foioe always acts along the normal and outwards, whether
R be positive or negative, and may be considered as equal to a
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rod, the action between the particles is always along the line joining
themj but we account for this action by means of a system of
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would* if these surfiMset were esch rigid^ act on the outer nufiuse
with a vesidtaiit equal to that of the electrical finroee on the outer
will act on the two surfaces in the same way as tlie pressures on
the other side of the surfaces, and will therefore account for the
action between and E.^, so far as it depends on the internal force
in the space between 5, and S.^.
duction through So, and no ftee electricify within the space con-
sidered, the induction throug^li the opposite surface dS^ will be
equal and opposite, considered with reference to the space within
the closed surface.
There will therefore be a quantity of electricity
= 0.
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Let xa next conoder the leniltuit force due to the aetkn of the
deotrified flystemson theie imaU electrified sniftoee.
The potential within the waahoB 8g ie eonetant and eqnal to
and without the tor&oe ^
it is oonetant and equal to C^, In the
shell between these sur&oes it is oontinnoiis from to C,.
Heiioe the resultant force is zero except within the shell.
The electrified surface of the shell itself will be acted on by forces
which are the arithmetical means of the forces just within and just
without the surface, that is, in this case, since the resultant force
outside is zero, the force acting on the superficial electrification is
one-half of the resultant force just within the surface.
Hence, if XdSdv be the total moving force resolved parallel
to X, due to the electrical action on both the electrified suriaces of
the element dSdv,
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on the suriaces ^S^ and S^^ and by what we have proved this will be
the same as the action on the whole volume of the figure due to a
system of foices whose potential is —ip.
But we have already ahewn that these electrical forces are
equivalent to a tension p applied at all points of the surfaces Si
and So. Hence the effect of this tension is to pull the figure in
the direction in which jj increases. The ligure therefore canuot be
in equilibrium unless some other forces act on it.
Now we know that if a hydrostatic pressure p is applied at every
point of the surface of any closed figure, the effect is equal to
that of a syst-em of forces acting on the whole volume of the figure
and having a potential p. In this case the figure is pushed in
the direction in which diminishes.
We can now arrange matters so that the figure shall be in
At every point of the two equipotential surfaces iSj and let
a tension =zphe applied^ and at every point of the sur&oe of no
induction ^ let a prenwre s j» be applied. These forces will keep
the figure in equilibrium.
For the tension p may be considered as a pressure p combined
with a tension 2 p. We have then a hydrostatic pressure^ acting
at eveiy point of the suzfoce, and a tension 2 p acting on and 8^
The effect <^ the tension 2p at eveiy pomt of Bi and ^ is double
of that which we have just calculated^ that is, it is equal to that
of forces whose potential is —ji acting on the whole volume of the
figure. p acting on the whole snrfiuse
13ie effect of the pressure
is by hydrostatics equal and opposite to that of this system of
forces, Mid will keep the figure in equilibrium.
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We have seen that the internal sU usscs in solid bodies can be
ascertained with precision, though the theories which acftunt for
by means of molecular forces may still be doubtful.
these stresses
In the same way we may estimate these internal electrical forces
before we are able to account for tiiem.
In order, however, that it may we had no
not appear as if
explanation of these internal forces, we
shew that on the
ordinary theory they must exist in a shell bounded by two equipo-
tential s-urfaces, and that the attractions and repulsions of the elec-
tricity on the surfaces of the shell are sufHcient to account for them.
Let the first surface he electrified so that the suriaee-density is
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128 SLSOTUO ATTRACnOir. [io8
If we now
conceive the shell divided into two segments by a
surface of no induction, the two parts will experience electrical
forces the resultants of which will tend to separate the partB with
a force equivalent to the resultant force due to a pressure p acting
on every part of the surface of no indttction which divides them.
This illustration is to be taken merely aa an explanation of what
is meant by the tension and pressore, not as a physical theory to
accoant for them.
108.] We have next to consider whether these internal forces
are capable of accounting for the observed electrical forces in eveiy
case, as well as in the case where a closed eqmpotential snrfiuse can
he drawn sanonnding one of the electrified systems.
The theory of internal forces has been investigated by
writerson the theory of elasticity. At present we shall require only
to investigate the eflbet of an oblique tension or pressure on an
element^f surface.
Let p be llie value of a tension referred to unit of a surface to
which it is normal, and let there be no tension or pressure in any
direction normal to p. Let the direction-cosines of /> be w, «.
Let dz be an element of surface normal to the axis of .r^ and let
the eileot of the internal force be to urge the parts on the positive
side of this element with u force whose components are
dy dz in the direction of 9,
Pw^dtfdz tf> ^
Pm^dz t.
From every point of the boundary of the element <iRprdk let lines
be drawn parallel to the direction of the tension j9, fonning a prism
whose axis is in the line of tensiouj and let this prism be cut by a
plane normal to ite axis.
The area of this section will be Idydx, and the whole tennon
upon it will be pldj/dx^ and rince there is no action on the sides
of the prism, which are normal to p^ the force on the base dydz
must be equivalent to the force pldydx acting* in the direction
(/, w, »). Hence the component in the direction of
Pam^y dz = pi^ dy dz\ or .
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= y^fn'+yriw", (2)
we find = (2 ^ — I)/',
= ^Imp^ (5)
p^ s %hp,
fur the action of the combined tension and pressures.
where A', i , if are the components oi' 11, the resultant electromotive
The expressions for the component internal forces on surfaces
normal to ^ and z may be written down from symmetry.
side. On the second face dlyde, for which x has the value jp-f<2s,
the tension p„ has the valoe
and this tension tends to draw the element in the podtiye direction.
If we next consider the two faces dzjdx with respect to the
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Similarly for the faces dofd^, we find that a force — pggdxdy acts
on the iirst iace> and
Bntby Art 77
Hence ^ = pX.
Similarly n - (^0)
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no.] fabaday's thbobt. 181
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along the lines of force exists in the fluid. The state of stress
which we have been studying is perfectly consistent with the
mobUity and equilibrium cf the fluid, for we have seen thatj if
any portion of the fluid is devoid of electric charge, it experi-
ences no resultant force from the stresses on its suriace, however
intense these may be. It is only when a portion of the fluid
becomes chaiged, that its equilibrium is disturbed by the stresses
on its Burfiuse> and we know that in this case it actually tends to
move. Hence the supposed state of stress is not inconsistent with
the equilibrium of a fluid dielectric.
The quantity Q, which was investigated in Thomson's theorem,
Art. 98, may be interpreted as the energy in the medium due to
the distribution of stress. It appears from that theorem that the
distribution of stress which satisfies the r»rdinary conditions also
makes Q an absolute minimum. Now when the energy is a
minimum for any configuration, that configuration is one of equi-
librium, and the equililirium is stable. Hence the dicleetric,
when subjected to the inductive action of electrified bodies, will
of itself take up a state of stress distributed in the way we have
It must be carefully borne in mind that we have made only one
step in the theory of the action of the medium. We have supposed
it to be in a state of stress, but we have not in any way accounted
for this stress, or explained how it is maintained. This step^
however, seems to me to be an important one, as it 6]q»]ains, by
the action of the consecutive parts of tilie medium^ phenomena whii^
were formerly supposed to be explicable only by direct action at
a distance.
111.] I have not been able to make the next step, namely, to
aocom^t by mechanical considerations for these stresses in the
/dielectric I therefore leave the tiieoiy at this point, merely
stating what are the other parts of the phenomenon of induction
in dielectrics.
I. Electric Displacement. When induction takes place in a
dielectric a phenomenon takes place which is equivalent to a
displaoement of electricity in the direction of the induction. For
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134 £L£CTftlC ATT&ACTXON. [ill.
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closed equipotential suHaees, eaeh outade the one before it, and at
all pointo of any one of these sni&Qee the electrical force will be
directed ontwarde. Bat we haTS piored, in Art 76, that the sorfiMse-
integral of the electrical force taken oyer any closed Borlaoe gives
the total electrification within that soi&ee midtiplied by 4 «. Now,
in this case the force is eyerywhere ontwaids, so that the snrfiuse-
integral is necessarily positive, and therefore there is podtive elec-
trification within the snrfiu^^ and^ since we may take the sarfiuse as
near to P as we please, there is positive electrification at the point P.
In the same way we may prove that if tti a mimmnm at P,
then P is negatively electrified.
Next, let P he a point of equilibrium in a rcja^on devoid of elec-
trification, and let us descril)e a wry small closed surface round
P, then, as we have seen, the potential nt this surface cannot be
everywhere greater or everywhere less than at P. It mu^st there-
fore he greater at some parts of the surface and less at others.
These portions of the surface are bounded by lines in whirh the
potential is equal to that at P. Along lines drawn from P to
points at which the potential is less than that at P the electrical
force is from P, and along lines drawn to points f)f greater po-
tential the force is towards P. Hence the point P is a point of
stable equilibrium for some difiplacements, and of unstable equili-
brium for other displacements.
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114.] VHBIB NUMBBB. 137
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dr^ ^ r dr ^ d$^
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the potential is higher than that of the body and others where it is
EanuJUiK^s Theorem,
116.1 ^ electrified body placed in a field of electric force' cannot
be in stable equilibrium.
First, let us suppose the electricity of the moveable body (//), and
also that of the system of surrounding bodies {B), to be fixed in
those bodies.
Let V be the potential at any point of the moveable body due to
the action of the surrounding- bodies {B), and let e be the electricity
on a small portion of the moveable body A surrounding this point.
Then the potential energy of // with respect to will be B
if s
when the summation is to be extended to every electrified portion
of A.
* * Saminary of the Properties of certain Strenm Lina,' Phil. Mag., Oct. 18M.
See also, Thomson and Tait'g Natural PhUomphif, § 780; and Rankine ami Stokes,
in th« Pnte, R. 8., 1867. p. 468 ; alio W. B. Smith, Pne, A. S. JBdm,, im-lO, p. 79.
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Since Lai)lace's equation is butisfied by each of these terms it is
its former position, and for this displacement therefore the equi-
librium will be stable. If, on the other band, this quantity is
negative, the force will tend to increase and the equilibrium will
be unstable.
Now a sphere whose centre is the origin and whose
radius is and so small that when the point fixed in the body
lies within this sphere no part of the moveable body A can coincide
mth any part of the external system B, Then, since within the
sphere y'Jf s 0, the surface-integnd
// dr
taken over the surface of the sphere.
jJiyilizeo by VoOOgle
negative, it will tend to move from its original position, and its
and the force tending to bring A back towards its original position
wiUbe rfif
tions off, hence when the electricity is free to move the instability
in these directions will be increased.
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These spheres intersect in the circle which cuts the plane of the
paper in D and 7/, so that B is the centre of this circle and its
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eneigy, power, ftc., were oonfonnded with each other, thongh some
of the eehoolmeD endeaTomed to intjrodQoe a greater preeinon into
their language.
The and popularization of correct dynamical ideas
since the time of Galileo and Newton has effected an immense
change in the language and ideas of common life, but it is only
withhi recent times, and in consequence of the increasing imr
portance of machinery, that the ideas of force> energy, and power
haYe become aoonrately distinguished firom each other. Very few,
however, even of scientific men, are careful to observe these dis-
tinctions ; hence we often hear of the force of a cannon-ball wlion
either its energy or its momentum is meant, and of the force ol" un
electrificnl body when the quantity of its electrification is meant.
Now electri(?ity in a body is measured, according
the quantity of
to Faraday's ideas, by the number of lines of force, or rather of
induction, which proceed from it. These lines of force mu^t all
terminate somewhere, either on bodies in the neighbourhood, or on
the walls and roof of the room, or on the earth, or on the lieavenly
bodies, and wherever they terminate there is a quantity of elec-
tricity exactly equal and opposite to thaton the part of the body
from which they proceeded. By examining the diagrams this will
be seen to be the case. There is therefore no contradiction between
Faraday's views and the mathematical results of the old theory,
butj ou the contrary, the idea of lines of force throws great light
on these results, and seems to afford the means of rising by a con-
tinuous process from the somewhat rii^^id conceptions of the old
theoxy to noti(ms which may be capable of greater expansion, so
as to provide room for the increase of our knowledge by further
body with a charge The potential at a distance r is T as —
hence, if we make r=: -y ^ytQ shall find ;-, the radius of the sphere
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7W Parallel Planet.
Yor all ]>()ints ht'tween the planes, the resultant electrical force
is normal to the plaues, and its magnitude is
= A^B
density where
4iro- == i2 •
On the other surface, where the potential is B^ the surfaoe-
density <r' will be equal and opposite to o-, and
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" 8 77 Sit
_,f8 U-B)^.
unit of area.
Tlie fourth expression g-ives the energy in terms of the charge.
The fifth shews that the electrical encrt>y is cipial to the work
which would be done by Ihe electric force if the two surfaces were
to be bronnpht together, moving parallel to themselves, with their
electric charges constant.
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152 SIliPLS CASES. [125.
The coefficient
^8= 1
^ represents the charge due to a differ-
ence of potentials equal to unity. This coefficient is called the
CSapacity of the eoi&oe 8, doe to its position lelAtiTely to the
opposite vur&ce.
Let QB now sappoee that the medium between the two surfaces
IB no longer air bat some other dieleetrie sabstanoe whose specifio
indnotiTe eupudty is K, then the charge due to a giTon diflbrence
of potentials will be K
times as great as when the dielectric is air,
Sir c*
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y. Aa—Bb A'-JB J
_ 1 A-B _ 1 B-A
= Be.
Hence the whole ehaige on the inner epheie is
F= 2iTaT.
16ira (*-«)•
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having the same axis with the first, be Let their potentials
be A and 7? respectively. Then, since tlie potential F is in this
case a I'u notion of r, the distance from the axis^ Laplace's equation
whence V =. C^+C^logr.
Since A when r s a, and V when r =
If <Tj,
are the surface-densities on the inner and oater
4irgx = A-^B
a log-
4«"«j —
= B^A
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Fig. 6.
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cylinders, and near the ends of the inner cylinder, there will be
distributions of electricity which we are not yet able to calculate,
but the distribution near the origin will not be altered by the
motion of the inner cylinder provided neither of its ends comes
near the origin, and the distributions at the ends of the inner
cylinder willmove with it, so that the only effect of the motion
will he to increase or diminish the length of those ports of the
inner cylinder where the distribution is similar to that on an in-
finite cylinder.
Hence the whole energy of the system will be, so &r as it depends
\a{l^-x)i,C-Af-\-^^{l-x){fi-B)' + quantities
independent of x ;
and the resultant force parallel to the axis of the cylinders will bo
X= = 4«(C-4«-i/S(<7-^.
If the cylinders A and B are of equal section, o = iS^ A&d
X = a{B^A) ((7-4U-|-^)).
It appears, therefore, that there is a constant force acting on
the inner cylinder tending to draw it into that one of the outer
cylinders firom which its potential differs most.
If (7 be numerically huge and A-^B comparatively small, then
tiie force is approximately X = o (J?— J) C ;
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128.] We
have already shewn that the potential due to a
quantity of electricity e, condensed at a point whose coordinates
are (a, c), is
wliere r is the distaiiee from tlie point (</, c) to the point (a?, ^, r)»
At the point {a, It, c) the j^tential and all its derivatives become
infinite, hut at eveiy other point they are finite and contiDUOUS,
and the second derivatives of F satisfy Laplace's equation.
Hence, the value of as given by equation (1), may be the
actual value of the potential in the space outside a closed surface
surroundincir the point (a, b, c), but we cannot, except for purely
mathematical purposes, suppose this form of the function to hold
up to and at the point («, 6, c) itself. For the resultant force close
to the point would be infinite, a condition which would necessitate
a discharge through the dielectric siirronnding the point, and
besides this would require an infinite expenditure of work to
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The operation d d d d ^.
~~ (8)
dAj r
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r=-M'-^^/{x,y,z). (9)
r, = j/o^' (10)
dAi dh^ r
r,m\i_M,XL,, (U)
in which there are 9 cosines of angles between two axes, and i—29
cosines of angles between the axes and the radius vector. As each
axis is introduced by one of the i processes of differentiation, the
symbol of that axis must occur ouee and only once among the
suffixes of these cosines.
Hence in every h;uch product of cosiues all the indices occur
once, and none is repeated.
The number of difft'rent products of s cosines with double suffixes^
«. • o • (15)
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Let the sum of all terms of this kind be written in the ab-
breviated form 2 (K*^^
If we wish to express that a i)articular symbol J occurs among
the \'s only, or amontic the n's only, we write it as a sullix to the X
expresses that the whole system of terms may be divided into two
portions, in one of which the symhoiy ocean among the direetion-
cosines of the xadins vector, and in the other among the cosines
of the angles between the axes.
Let ns now assume that up to a certain value of t
+^^S(X*-«V)+&o. (17)
L yi. .- jd by Google
^•0 = 2»
\T I
A *
and from this we obtain, by equation (22), for the general value of
the coefficient 2i-2s
moment, Mf.
131.] The theory of sidierical harmonics was first o-ivcii by
Laplace in the third lx)ok of his Mtranique Cdeaic. The harmonics
themselves are therefore often called Laplace's Coeilicicnts.
They have generally been expressed in terms of the ordinary
and 0, and contain 2 i + 1 arbitrary con-
spherical coordinates B
stants. Gauss appears* to have had the idea of the harmonic
being determined by the position of its poles, but I have not met
with any development of this idea.
In numerical investigations I have often been perplexed on ac-
count of tiie apjiarent want of definiteness of the idea of a Laplace's
Coefficient or spherical harmonic. By conceiving it as derived by
the successive differentiation of ^ with respect to % axes, and as
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Sjfmmetrical Si/stem.
When all the poles are concentrated at the pole of the sphere,
the harmonic becomes a zonal harmonic for which <r = 0. As the
zonal harmonic is of great importance we shall reserve for it the
symbol Q|.
We may obtain its value either from the trigonometrical ex-
pression (27), or more directly by differentiation, thus
( |2i-2a , . )
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In this expansion the coefficient of fx^ is unity^ and all the other
terms involve v. Hence at the pole, where fiz= 1 and 1^ = 0, Qi= 1.
It is shewn in treat isos t»ii Laplace's Coeflicients that is the
coefRcient of /i' in the expansion of (1 — -f
" (3«)
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0' oi-> 1
i l2»-2»
~- ~~7^ — ,
. )
degree /.
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The function //^ satisfies the condition of being finite and con-
tinuous at finite distances from tlie origin, but does not satisfy the
condition of vanishing at an infinite distance.
But if we determine a closed surfoce from the equation
^=J3;, (46)
and make 1I^ the potential function within tiie closed surface and
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, dV dH ^
-= _--s-.4vo';
dr dr
or 5= 4»(7;
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FadS^^F^dE, (50)
the value of the potential energy will be for a point of the first d^ree
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where the diflforentiations of V are taken witii respect to the axes
of the harmonic and the valae of the differential coe£Seient is
that at the centre of the sphere.
136.] Let us now suppose T is a
that solid harmonic of positive
degrae / of the form w
r=^r,. (63)
jjr,r,d8=jj~^^^^r—^* (64)
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OJi = « {( - ' )•
Differentiating this 1 times in succession with respect to the new
axes, so as to obtain any given combination of the axes in pairsi,
This quantity differs from zero only when the two harmonics are
of the same degree, and even in this case, when the distribution of
the axes of the one system bears a certain reUtion to the distribution
of the axes of the other, this integral vanishes. In this case, the
two harmonics are said to be conjugate to each other.
Ou (Joujujfote Harmonics.
the next /'—I pairs tesseral, and the last pair sect<»rial, is a j)ar-
« o ; (58)
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F^ ^ro+ii,ri+i5c.+4r<, (62)
L yi. .- jd by Google
For suppose F
expanded in terms of spherical harmonics, and let
Sjlj he any term of this expansion. Then^ if the degree of JJ is
diflferent from that of I(, or if, the degree being the same, is ^
eonjogate to the result of the surfiMse-integration is zero. Hence
the result of the sur&ce-integration is to select the coefficient of the
harmonic of the same type as J^.
The most remarkable example of the actual development of a
function in a series of spherical harmonics is the calculation by
Gauss of the harmonics of the first fonr degrees in the expansion
of the magnetic potential of the earthy as deduced from observaiaons
in various parts of the world.
He has determined the twenty-four coefficients of the three
conjugate harmonics uf the first deg-ree, the five of the second,
seven of the third, and nine of the fourth, all of tlie symmetrical
system. The raetliod of calculation is given in his General Thtori/
of Terrtstrial MaijnciiHm.
141.] When the harmonic 1\ Ijclonf^s to the symmetrical system
we may determine the surliu c-intcfi^ral of its square extended over
the sphere by the following method.
The value of i^ is, by equations (34) and (36),
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except when s 0, in which case we have, bj equation (60),
jjm = (67)
This value is i<lentieal with that g'iven by Thomson and Tait, and is
to find t points on the sphere which are its poles. Hie actual
calculation of the position of these poles would in general involve
the solution of a system of 2> equations of the degree t. The
conception of the general harmonic, with its poles phused in any
manner on the sphere, is useful rather in fixing our ideas than in
making calculations. For the latter purpose it is more convenient
to consider the harmonic as the sum of 2»+ 1 conjugate harmonies
of selected types, and the ordinary symmetrical system, in which
polar coordinates are used, is the most convenient. In this system
the first the zonal harmonic Q,, in which all the axes
type is
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at equal intervals — round the equator, is tKe type 2 (r, if one of tbe
degree whose axes are inclined 120' in the plane of the paper, and
the sum is the harmonic of the second type in which o- = 1, the axis
being" perpendicular to the paper.
In Fig-. VII the harmonic is also of the third degree, hut the
axes of the zonal harmonics of which it is tlie sum are inclined
90", and the result is not of any tyjx? of the symmetrical system.
One is a great circle, but the other two which are
of the nodal lines
intersected by it are not circles.
Fig. VIII represents the diiierence of two zonal harmonics of
the fourth degree whose axes are at right angles. The result is a
tesseral harmonic for which = I, <t s 2.
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jjVdS=^4.-na^y\, (09)
where the integral is taken oyer the surfiuse of the sphere, d8 bemg
an element of that sur&ee, and is the yalue of V at the centre
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Let any point be taken on the general harmonic J^, and let a
small circle be described with this point for centre and radius 0,
and let n points be taken at equal distances round tliis circle, then
if Qi is the value of the zonal harmonic for an angle and if Yl is
tiie value of at the centre of the circle, then the mean of the
n values of round the circle is equal to Q« Yl provided « is greater
than i.
« is greater than t
If and if the value of the hannonic at
each point of the circle be multiplied by sin «^ or cos «^ where
% is less than and the arithmetical mean of these prodoctii be
.i,, then if is the valne of ^/') for the angle $^ the coefficient
of sin #^ or COS «^ in the expansion of Y^ will be
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u=£,^+£,r^^+&c+£.r,^. (71)
^i=-aM„ (72)
* ...-(y4-l)^y«-W+i)OTi. (75)
Since F is very small compared uatb unity, we have first a set
of equations of the form (72), with the additional equation
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If we consider the three surfaces whose parameters arc Aj, A.^, A.j,
^ = A,2^'-
If <ls^ is the length of the intercept of the curve of intersection of
A, and Ag cat off between the surfaces Aj and A^ -|- dk^^ then
'4. A
• Thfa inTMtigatioa ia ohiaAy borrowed from a very iatemting work«—XepoM «Mr
Fouctiont Imam dm Iinm§otndan tt§ et Im Bmfim IttUktnm, Bur O. Lub4.
Paiia. 1857.
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^- A ^8 (6)
It is and
easy to see that are the semi-axes of the central
section of which is conjugate to the diameter passing through
the given point, and that Do is parallel to ds,,, and to dtJ^^
If we also substitute for the three parameters Xj, A3 their
A,= 0 when a = 0,
rfAi" -s/d«-AiVc«-A,«
dp c
A,= h when i9 s 0, (7)
6 when y s 0
then = (8)
» «. ^'^^
— dV da _ dV c
^^£^dffay. (10)
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Similarly the surface-integrals for the other two pairs of forces
will be
sm V
If we put b = l-c, and /t^ 4.^2 j^ay call I' and k' the two
complementaiy moduli of the confocal system, and we ^d
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^ =/*
^0 -/r-f^?—
v/ — - COS- 1 A*
ParHetUar SoUtHoiu.
150.] If /' is a linear function of a, or the equation is
/3, y,
in the space beyond the soifMe a^, we shall have obtained the
complete solution of this partioular case.
The xeeiiltant force at any point of either sheet ie
= li-l? c
«r .
— a, U., 2/3
to the perpendicnlar from the centre on the tangent plane, and the
whole quantity on the infinite sheet will be. infinite.
Limiting Form.
(1) When 3 = 0 the gurface is the part of the plane of mm
between the two bmnohee of the hyperbola whoee equation Is
written above, (24).
(2) When )9 = F{^) the surface ig the part of the plane of
The mipmridt.
For any given elUpeoid y is eonstant. If two eHipsoids, and y,*
be maintained at potentials and then, for any point y in the
space between them, we have
71—72 -Ps
where />3 is the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent plane,
and P3 is the product of the semi-axes.
Tlie whole ehaige of eleotrioitj <m eitfaer surfiMse is
eg=^^^=-«i, (28)
a finite quantify.
«r s - - ^
, (80)
FaHiciUar Catet,
161.] If i 18 dimiiuBbed till it l>eoome8 nltimtttaly vaco, the
igrstem otwaaSaoM beoomee tnnsfoimed m
the foUowing maimer :
The and one of the imagmaiy axes of each of the
real axis
hjperboloids of two aheete ai«i indefinitely diminished, a^ the
saiftoe ultimately colneides witii two planes intersecting in the
axis of s.
Hie quantity a heoomes identieal with 0, and the equation of the
system of meridional planes to which the first system is rednoed is
~" ^^^^
(sino)* (cosa)^
i^ = logtant (33)
J 8m0 * 2
whence we find
+ jr^
« (36)
where caeey is the equatorial ndicu, and ctany ia the pokr radina.
If y as 0, the figure is a areolar diak of radina e, and
• (39)
This is a system of meridional planes m whieh fi is the longitnde.
If the equatorial radius is very small compared U> the polar radius,
as in a wire with rouided ends,
C^Undrie 9wfacei,
(cosAo)'* (sm^o)''
" = ^^^^
Confocal Paraboloids.
A 1 (A + c) — i (c — cos h a,
= 2 (c— 6} am 4 - sin - cos h - >
z ~ 2 (tf
— 5) COS i ^2 COS ^2 sin 4 ^2
The surfaces for which ^ is constant are planes through the axis,
/3 being the angle which gueh a phme makea with a fixed plane
through the ads.
The snzfiweB for whioh a is constant aie conlbcal paraboAoids.
When asO the pamboloid ia reduoed to a stnught line terminating
at the origin.
Wemay also find the valnes of a, j9> y in terms of r, 0, and ^,
the spherical polar cocndinates referred to the ibcas as origin, and
the axis of the parabolas as axis of the sphere,
a = log(r* cos 4 6),
^ = ^1 (54)
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192 SLBCTBIC I1IAGE& [156. .
•^ + -^=0. (2)
The two points A and B are inTcree points with respect to thia
sphere, that iB^to say, they lie in the same xadins, and the ndins is
L yi. .- jd by Google
It = 4v<r,.
— <f yT
JiC along AC, and
tf* 1
—tfyj^^ along CP.
The resultant force measured along CP, the normal to the surface
in the direction towaide the side on which A is placed, is
where AD, Ad are the segments of any line throngh A catting the
sphere, and their prodnct is to be talwn positive in all cases.
158.] From this it follows, hy ConlomVs theorem, Art. 80,
that the surfiuse-densiiy at P is
^ AD.AA 1 ...
The dendty of electricity at any point of the w^bm vaiies
inyersely as the cube of its distance from the point A.
The effect of this superficial distribution, together with that of
the point J, is to produce on the same side of the surface as the
point A a potential equivalent to that due to e at J, and its image
— e-j at and on the other side of the snr&ce the potential is
concentrated at A,
Its action on any point on the same aide of the ear&ce ¥rith A ia
concentrated at B the ima^e of J.
Tlie whole (juantity of electricity on the sphere is e(iual to the
first of these quantities if y£ is within the sphere^ and to the second
if A is without the sphere.
These propositions were established by Sir W. Thomson in his
original geometrical investigations with reference to the distribution
of electricity on qpherical conductoxsj to which the atudent ought
to refer.
159.] If a sj^tem in which the distribution of electricity ie
known is placed in the neighbourhood of a conducting sphere of
xadiuB a, which is maintained at potential zero by connexion with
the earth, then the electrificationa due to the aevenl parte of the
i^Btem will be snperpoaed.
Let Ai, A^, ftc. be the electrized points of the lyatem, /i,/^,
their diataneea from the centre of the sphere, e^, e^, fte. their
charges, then the images B^y J*,, ftc of these pointe will be in the
. a« a*
^ same radii as the points themselves, and at distances -7- > -7- &c.
J\ J%
The on the outside of the sphere due to the superficial
electrification will be the same as that which would be })roduced by
the system of images j^o, &c. This system is therefore called
the electrical image oftlic system .-A,, &c.
<r = 7'
The effect of this at all points outside the sphere will be eqoal to
^= ra-^,^-tf,-^-&0^ (9)
/l J%
from which either the charge ^ or the potential V may be cal-
culated when the other is given.
When the deotrified system is within tiie spherical snrfaoe the
induced charge on the surface is equal and of opposite sign to the
inducing charge, as we have before proved it to be for every closed
surface, with respect to points witliin it.
due to the influence of the electrifled point and the charge of the
sphere, is
Henoe the force between the point and the sphere is always an
attraction in the following cases
(1) When the sphere is unin.siilated.
than e J) ^, —^«
At the point of equilibrium the equilibrium is unstable, the force
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7(f^ '/{/+')*
the electrification will be negative next the electrified point and
positive on the opposite side. There will bfe a cironlar line of division
between the positivelj and the negatively electrified parts of the
surfiuie, and this line' will be a line of equilibrium.
the cquipotential surface which cuts the sphere in the line of equi-
librium is a sphere whose centre is the electrified point and whose
radios is a*.
The lines of foree and equipotential snifiusee belonging to a case
of this kind are g^ven in Figure IV at the end of this volome.
one acting aloug AP and the other along PB. Hence the resultant
of these fofoes is a direction parallel to AB and equal to
e AB
AP* AP' '
Heuoe B, the resultant force messnxed from the surfiKse towards the
space in which A lies, is
B =s- (15)
and the density at the point P is
On Bketrieal InvermoM*
OA.OAT s iP s Oi^.O^.
Henoe the triangles OAB, OffA' are similar^
and AB : A'ff i.OA.OB':: OA.OB R\ :
B ~ /•
If in the original system a certain snrfirise is that of a conductor,
the image of the iirst under the influence of an clectrifiini })oint with
a charge —PR placed at the centre of inversion, the conductor
being in connexion with the earth.
163.] The following geometrical theorems are useful in studying
cases of inversion.
Every sphere becomes, when inverted, another sphere, unless
it passes through the centre of inversion^ in which case it becomes
a plane.
If the distances of the centres of the spheres from the centre of
inversion are a and a', and if their radii are a and a', and if we
define the pmrer of the sphere with respect to the centre of in-
veision to be the product of the segments cut off by the sphere
from a line through the centre of inversion, tlien the power of the
first sphere is a'— a^, and that of the second is 4^^— a'^. We
have in this case
• ~ o "a^-a"" * (^^^
or tiie ratio of the distances of the centres of the first and second
spheres is equd to tiie ratio of their radii, and to the ratio of the
power of the sphere of inyersion to the power of the first sphere,
or of the power of the second sphere to the power of the sphere
of inverBion.
The centre of either sphere corresponds to the inTerae point of
the other with reipeet to the centre of inversion.
In the case in whieh the inverse sariaoes are a plane and a
sphere, the perpendicularfrom the centre of invermon on the plane
is to the radius of inversion as this radius is to the diameter of
the sphere, and the sphere has its centre on this perpendicular and
passes throufrh the centre of inversion.
Every eircl(> is inverted into another eircle unless it passes
through the centre of inversion, in which case it becomes a straight
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^=/:=-^-. (20)
inverse point of the first sphere, C will be the inverse point, and B
the centre of the second.
Now let /
of electricily be communicated to the
a quantify
second sphere, and let be nninfluenced by external forces. It
Its action at any point outside the Rj)here will l>c the same as
that of a charge / jilaced at K the centre of the sphere.
At the spherical surlaoe and within it the potential is
P' = J. (2*)
a constant quantity.
Now let us invert this system. The centre Ji' becomes in the
^7 ' -'7 ' ~'r (24)
longing to the first sphere, we find the same valne as in Art. 158,
mterBCCtion AOB s n
let P
be an electrifietl point, and let
image of P in OB, P., for the image of Q, in OA, for that of Jf,
in OB, P, for that of in OA, and Q, for that of P3 in OB.
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For the alternate images P,, P^, P3 are ranged round the circle
at anguhir intervals eqnal to 2A0B, and the in^rmediate images
Qt» Qi^ Q:\ intervals of the same majni-nitiide. Hence, if
2AOB is a subtnultii»le of 2 7r, there will be a finite number of
imacres, and none of these will fall within the angle AOIi. If,
an electrified point.
of two spherical segments meeting at a re-entering angle - ,
To find the negative images draw i>P, JJQ, &c., making angles
> —n , &c. with the line of centres. The intersections of these
lines with the line of centres \y\\] give the positions of the negative
images, and the charge of each will be represented by its distance
from D.
The surface-density at any \wmt of either sphere is the sum
of the surface-ilensities due to the system of images. For instance,
the surface-density at any point S of the sphere whose centre is
A, is
1 7)7? Df
(3) These two surfaces wnth a third, which may be either plane
or spherical, cutting both orthogonally.
(4) These three surfiMses with a fourth eutting the first two
orthogonally and the third at an angle ^ . Of these four surfiices
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—7, while every sphere of the first set is orthogonal to every sphere
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208 BLBCmiC IMAOSS. [l68.
a' z=
^flU^' ^-^qa?' "-^i:?' ^"W^'
L yi .^ jcl by Googl
electricity equal to unity, the potential will heoome ssero over the
P will be
nrfaoe, and tlie
density at
^ \
such that AC CB : :: a* :
^= s^^hP
Inverting this system the charges become
~ a b'
~ b
1 afi
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+ a
v^^V4V«*+^" /i T]^ 1
In the same way we may find the system o^images which are
electrically equivalent to four spherical surfiM^s at potential nnity
interseetiug at right angles.
If the radios of tiie fourth sphere is ft, and if we make the diaige
at the centre of this sphere = ft, then the charge at the intereeetion
of the line of centres of any two spheres, say a and fi, with their
plane of intersection, is 1
The charg^e at the intcrsn tion of the plane of any three centres
ABC with the perpendicular from D is
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VI T i
„2 + ^2 + y2
170.] Lot tlie four gpheres be A,B,CfDy and let the electrified point
be 0. Draw four spheres Ai, 7?,, C^, 7>, , of which any one, A^y
passes through 0 and cuts three of the splieres, in this case J?,
C, and at right angles. Draw six spheres (alf), (ac), (ad), (be),
(bd), (cd), of which each passes through 0 and through the circle
of intersection of two of the original spheres.
The three spheres B^, C^, will intersect in another point besides
0. Let this point be called A', and let B", C, and 1/ be the
intersections of Cj, J^j, A^ Ai, B^, and of A^, B^^ (\ re-
spectively. Any two of these spheres, A^, B^, will intersect one of
the six (od?) in a point {a'b*). There will be six such points.
Any one of the spheres, A^ , will intersect three of the six [ab),
o> ^» V) ^>and multiplying the resnlt for each point by the distanoe
of the point firom 0, where
L yi. .- jd by Google
212 ELBCTBIC mAQBS. [171,
of;= /vt'"--'^,
F; = Pe-*w,
Of these images all the P's are positive, and all the Q's negative,
all the P^s and Q's belong to the first sphero, and all the P*s and
Q^'s to the second.
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The images withm the fint sphere foim a oonveigiDg series^ the
nm of which is
charge ou ^ as —P ,
charge on j5 = —P -jg-
172.] In order to pass from this case to that of any two spheres
not intersecting each
other, we begin by
^ the two Com-
mon inverse points 0,
(/ throngh which all
circles pass that are
orthogonal to both
spheres. T1ien> invert-
ing the system with
respect to eitiber of
thesepoints^the spheres
become concentric, as Fig. 15.
in the first case.
Let ^— o » Wy u—a = 0,
Tlien all the successive images of P will lie on the arc OAPBC/,
The position of the imxige of in ^ is where
That of Qo in is Pi where
•(CoO = »(Pi')e«-2«r;
• (P,') = «— 2««, = 2^— »+a#«r.
To find the eliarg-e of any image P, we observe that in the
inverted figure its charge is
then « as 2 » !f
— 1
eosA«— oos« ^ oosin— oos« »
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172.] TWO 8PBBB18 NOT UfTEBBBOTIirG. 215
f ^
A/C08^tt— 0089
Stnoe the charge of etch knage is pzopovtioiial to its pammeter,
£ and is to he taken positlTeljr or negati^dy according as it is of
the form P or Q, we find
\/c08 A (w 4- 2* w) — COS O
P \/ ('<
)S — COS r
V oos i • 2 « v) ^ COS o
I'V'oosilff— OOSV
-/cos/i (2/3— w-f 2*t3-) — C08P
We have now obtained the positions and charges of the two
infinite series of images. We have next to determine the total
charge on the sphere A
by finding the sum of all the images Irithin
it which are of the form Q or P". We may write this
PV00SAt(— C0S9 ^..1
—#1 - >
VcosA(»— 2#ix)T-coe»
• iBtlMMapniriocwiwaintriiiMiDlMrtlia*
2oo«A«»»^ + e~*» 2ginAu = e*— «"*,
and the other functiona of u are derived from theie by the aame definitiom th* m
correapomling trigonometriaU fiinotioiW.
Tilt! method of applying dipolar ooordiiuites to this case waR given by ThomHon in
LiouvUU'i Jottmal for 1S47. 8m11i0iiiMa'a reprint oiSUetrkol Papen» | 211, 212.
In the text I have made aie «f the feveatigation of Ptof. Betti, Nmv9 (Xmml9,
vol. XX, for the analytical method, but I have retiined the idea of elatetal iuafM
oaed hj Thoouon in hia original inveatigation, FhU, Mag., 1863.
216 BLBCTBIO IMAQB8. [173.
mm A > A ^
8m4.a =
- 1 8inil.Bs t *
0 sm>i03+««)
To calenlate these quantities in terms of a and the radii of the
i^heresi and of e the distance between their centres^ we make use
of the following quantities
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ob aH^
— &c.
. ^ .
and respectively,
whence P^^Pv^-Pa^ = i
^Pab^a-^ Phb^bt
and PaatPabi ftud/^ are the coefficients of potential.
The totid energy of the system is, by Art 86,
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. .
= oniacoaAB
— I- 9
d^ ecmkamkfi
de itaniw
dv I
dk oosiaoo84/8,
"dc siniw
whence we find
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form — ^
, where i is positive ibr the sphere A and negative
t<at the sphere B, Tlie chaxge of each image, when the potential
of the spheres is unity, is nmnerically equal to its distance from the
point of contact^ and is always negatiTe.
There will also be a series of positive images whose distances
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220 ELBOTJUC nuoia [175.
expressed, for
Trad ^ nb
When the spherea are equal the charge of eadi tax potential onity
ia '
R V"*__L_
-^-i 2#(2#-l)*
= a log, 2 = 1.0986 a.
^. = y 2i,.i ^ appronmstely
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177.] 8PHBRI0AL BOWL. 221
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222 £L£CTRIC IMAOSS. [178.
1_ /CQ^^
27i'' QF' A/ d^'-CP^*
CQt CP, and QP being the straight lines joining the points, C,
and P.
It is remarkable that this expression is independent of the radius
of the spherical surface of which the bowl is a part. It is therefore
applicable without alteration to the case of a plane disk.
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and the point P will have for its image. We have now to
determine the density a' at P^ when the bowl A" is maintained at
potential F\ such that q s= F^Ji, and is not influenced by any
external force.
The density a at the point P of the original bowl is then
image of EF. Bisect the arc F'CE' in I/, so that F'iy=iyE\ and
draw jyQ,!) to meet the sphere in D. JD is the point required.
Alao thiongh 0, the centre of the sphere, and Q draw JlOQir
meeting the sphere in Hand //'. Then if P be any point in the
P on the side which is sepazated i&om
bowl, the surfiBce-density at
Q by the completed spherical aar&oej induced by a quantity q of
electricity at will be
2%^ HE\Pq'
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of area whose base is the linear element di and height unity, then
the equation of Poi^n may be written
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nOBLKMB IS TWO dhuksioks. 227
Definition of Conjugate
da dfi da dfi
^ + s = ^0,
aud (I)
= ^= R
^ '
184.] Theorem I. J/' x' and are conjiujate funciiom with reaped
to X and y, and [f x" and y" are also cotijufjate/nncfknus with
respect to x and' //, iheii the functions x \-x" and ^' -VJl"
6e conjugate J'unctiom with respect to x atid y.
For *^ = *:
and ^=
dx dy
ax dif
djf d»'
and —=
--^ *
Wore l(g:±^_-'^(///');
dy dx
or a? and y+y" are conjugate with respect to x andy.
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For — ="
dx d^ dx"^
df daf
dy dy dx dy
- '
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dif dm ds^ dx
and tibese sre the oonditioiis ihst and y dioiild be eoigiigaAe
fimofcions of • and jr.
This may alio be ahewn from the origmal definition of coiqagate
ftmctaonB. For tf^'/^/' is a fonction of d<+ 'Z^ /, and
d^+y^y ii a fimction of + Ijr. ReooB, tT+V^jT
ifla Ibnetion of V'— Ijr.
In the aune way we may ahew that if y and jr^ ate oonjugate
frinctions of 9 and then 4r and jr aie ooi^ngate fonctiona of if
This theorem may be interpreted graphically as follows
Let x', y be taken as rectangular coordinates, and let the cnrves
corresponding to values of x* and of taken in regular arithmetical
seriesbe drawn on paper. A double system of curves will thus be
drawn cutting the paper into little squares. Let the paper be «lso
ruled with horizontal and vertical lines at equal intervals, and let
these lines be marked with the corresponding values of and if
Next, let another piece of paper be taken in which x and y are
made rectangular coordinates and a double system of curves x\ y
is drawn, each curve being marked with the corresponding value
oiaf or y'. This 83'stem of curvilinear coordinates will correspond,
point for point, to the rectilinear system of coordinates d^, on the
first piece of paper.
Hence^ ifwe take any number of points on the cnnre on the
first paper, and note the valaes of af and if at these points, and
mark the corresponding points on the second paper, we shall find
a nnmber of points on the transformed corre d\ Ifwe do the
same for all the cnrves y ,
^' on the first paper, we shall obtain on
the second paper a doable series of cnrves gi\ if' of a diflbrent form,
bat having the same property of catting the paper into little
i86.] 281
dm" dsf drn'^'^H'
d^r dw fihf^ d^r dx'd/ d^Fd/
"^da^ ^ "d/d/ de dx^ d^^ dx
dVd^af dVd^/
dii de^ '^dgd^ '
dVd^af dVd^y
d^df '^dg'd?'
Adding the last two equations, and remembering the conditions
of conjugate functions (1), we find
d^ )
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282 [187-
187.] Theorem IY. If ao^ and y^, and ako and y^t ^
jM^aie /»neiiomi of » and jr, ^itfn, if
_ d^
EzAMPUB I. Invertiait,
E h^-AA'f
= ^ = 2E(\ogd-\ogAF),
= 2£ (log OP'-logii'P'-log»). (9)
a closed curve, such that no part of the electrified system except the
half-unit at the origin lies within this curve.
Then all the curves (a) between this curve and the origin will be
closed curves surrounding the origin, and all the curves (/3) will
meet in the origin, and will cut the curves (a) orthogonally.
The coordinates of any point within the curve (a„) will be determ-
ined by the values of a and at that point, and if the ]w\nt travels
round one of the curves a in the positive direction, the value of
will increase by 2ir for each complete circuit.
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Tliis expression for the potential heoomes aero when asoo, and is
finite and contmuous within the cnrre Oq except at the point jSj,
at which point the first term becomes infinite, and in its immediate
neig^hbourhood is ultimately equal to 2J^log/, where / is the
distance from that point.
We have therefore obtained the means of deducing the solution
of Green's problem for a charge at any point within a closed curve
when the solution for a charge at any other point is known.
The charge induced upon an element of the curve between the
points and fi + d^hj a charge £ placed at the point Oi^is
2« l-atf<i-*i>coa09-/8J+s»(t-'»)
due to the maintenance of the portion of the closed curve
at the potential F, is n V, where n is the charge induced on by
unit of electrification at aj/Sj. Hence, if V is the potential at a
point on the closed curve defined as a function of ^, and 4> the
potential at the point a, /3, within the closed corve^ there being no
within the oorve,
_ 1 (1— «*t«i-««»))r<ij8
^ 2ir Jo 1 — 2 e(«i-«i) ooe + '
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Now let Toa make p = np' and 6 s n6^, then, since p' and ^ are
oonjogate to p and 6, the eqaations
and E s= v^ae^f^
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When the ang^le is a salient one a is less than tt, and the surface-
density varies according' to some inverse power of the distance
from the edg^e, so that at the edge itself the density becomes
infinite^ although the whole charpfe reckoned from the edge to any
finite distance from it is always finite.
Thus, when a = 0 the edge is infinitely sharp, like the edge of a
When as —
the edge is like that of a regnlar hexagonal prism,
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238 COlfJUOATE FUNCTIOlfa [193
The |x)ints for which xj/ is constant lie in the hyperbola whose
axes are 2 cob >/r and 2 sin ^.
198.] Let as next consider «^ and j< as functions of 0 and jf, where
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lo^ ie^ + \/ 1) . (1 1)
^o+dj^ (12)
had been uniformly distributed over it with the same density that
it has at a distance from the boundary, and it is equal to the
* = ij, IT
« = iS?'i.2?. (14)
5'=5+^xilog.2. (15)
had been added to the plate, the density being assumed to be ewy*
where the same as it is at a distance from the boondaiy.
\ d<^ _ \ e^
An (b{ ^ Avb J
= ^3U + 4* » + (19)
= _!!_^ . (20)
Ve* + 1
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242 ooKJUOATB FUiroTXOKS. [197.
At fli tim€s the breadth of the rtrip on the positive ttde, the
alternately —
+ V and V. In this case we must take the distance
between the plates equal to B.
197.] (2) The second case wo shall consider is that of an infinite
series of planes parallel to xz at distances B = ird, and all cut off by
the plane of yz, so that they extend only on the negative side of this
plane. If we make 0 the jwtential functiou, we may regard these
planes as conductors at potential zero.
Let us consider the curves for which <f>
is constant.
"Wlien y = nv6, that is, in the prolongation of each of the planes,
we have 4 log 4 (tf* + (21)
^ ^ ^ (^^hg, 2), (28)
When <f>
is large this l>ecomes i<?~-*, so that the curve approaches
to the form of a straight line parallel to the axis of ^ at a distance
a from a6 on the positive side.
If we suppose a plane for which = a, kept at a constant
potential while the system of parallel planes is kept at a different
potential, then, since 64^ = a 6 log; 2, the surface-density of
the electricity induced on the plane is equal to that which would
have been induced on it by a plane parallel to itself at a potential
equal to that of the series of planes, but at a distance greater
than that of the edges of the planes by b log, 2.
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199-] A OSOOTXD 8USFAC1. 248
a^B^^. IT
^=*log^. (26)
«^=T»<«.—Tf —w —
l + e
Alt A AvATaT^' ^
1+e «
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Let us assume F=<f>^ the function given in Art. 193, and determine
the value of p from this equation. We know that the first two
terms disappear, and therefore
1 1 d<p /•A\
small except near the boundaries of the plates, so that the new
distribution may be approximately represented by what actually
exists, name^ a certain aaperfieial distribution near the edges of
the plates.
If therefeie we integrate
pdat'd/ between the limits /sO and
y = ^6, and from ^0' = — oo to « ss +00, we shall find the whole
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201.] -THioBT or thoxson's OUABD^mrO. 245
The chaige on the disk doe to unit potential of the kige disk,
a = —w -® , = 0.22 B nearly.
IfBiM amall oompaied with either A or B this eiqpression will
give a sufficiently good approadmation to the chaige on the disk
dne to unity of difference of potential. The ratio of ^ to J2
may have any value, hot the radii of the large disk and of tiie
conjugate function.
One of tliese may be applied to the case of an electrified plate
of finite size placed parallel to an infinite plane snr&ce connected
with the earth.
Since »i = A^ and jr| ss ^ ^,
and also tt^stA^eotyfr and = A^ma^,
are coiyugato functions of ^ and ^, the functions formed by adding
s^ to a^ and jf| to y, will be also conjugate. Hence, if
m ss A <l>+A^eoBy^f
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202*] TWO EQUAL DISKS. 247
If these are ^
and <pg, the quantity of electricity is
will have a negative value <pi
and a positive value ^ at the edge
of the plane, where x — — A, <f>
= 0.
a , -5-1+**
= log {j^ + 1 +log(^ + 1 + &c.)}
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248 oov#iTOATB ruvcnom. [203.
The total chaige is CV^ aad the attadaoa towaids the iniinite
j^ane ia
The equipotflotial Uhm aod ImeB of fince are given in Fig. Xli.
If we now make
rs=e •» tfs , (4)
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rs-XlogU-80*oos— a
2X'log0« +0, (5)
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and elunmate A and from the equations (6), (7), (8)^ (9), (10),
we find
*»''.(*»+*•+ ^')='U» +4'^- ''ir'
When the wires aie infinitely thin^ a beoomes infinite^ and the
tems in which it is the denominator disappear, so that the ease
is reduced to that of two parallel planes without a grating in-
If the grating is in metallie eommunioation with one of the
planes, say the first, and the right-hand side of the equation
for o-j becomes Vi—V^- Hence the density a-j induced on the first
plane when the grating is interposed is to that which would have
been induced on it if the grating were removed, the second plane
being maintained at the same potential, as 1 to 1 + ^
We should have found the same value for the efiect of the grating
in diminishing the electrical influence of the first surface on the
second, if we had supposed the grating connected with the second
surface. Tliis is evident since and b.^ enter into the expression
in the same way. It is also a direct result of the theorem of
Art, 88.
The induction of the one electrified plane on the other through
the grating is the same as if the grating were removed, and the
distance between the planes increased from ^^^^^ to
If the two planes are kept at potential zero, and the grating
electrified to a given pot<.'ntial, the quantity of electricity on the
grating will be to that which would be induced on a plane of equal
area placed in the same position as
2 ^ 63 is to 2 ^1 (^1+^.
Method of Approximation.
206.] Since the wires are cylindrical^ and since the distribution
of electricity on each is qnaunetrical with respect to the diameter
parallel to jf, the proper expansion of the potential is of the form
C^logr+SCif^cosf^, (14)
where r is the distanoe firom the axis of one of the wires, and B the
angle between r and $, and, since the wire is a conductor, when
r is made equal to the radios V must be oonstant, and therefore
the coefficient of each of the multiple cosines of 6 must vanish.
For the sake of conciseness let us assume new coordinates ^, i^, &c.
such that
af=2?r«, oij = 2iry, ap = 2irr, flj8 = 2ird, &c. (15)
Then if we make
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262 ooHjuGATB rcnfGTiova.
n=±2«03i+A). (20)
% bemg en mtflgw.
The leoond eeriee will ooneietof an infinite eeriee of imagee Ibr
whieh the ooefficiente A^^ J^^A^^^b^ wn equal and opporite to the
nme qnantitiee in the gfatiog itaelf» while d^t i^, te. aie eqnal
and of tiie nme eign. Tlieaxesof theae images are in pfauseswboee
eqnatiooeaieof the fivm
i,«2A±2fi03i + )3^. (21)
m being an integer.
The potential dne to any finite aeriea of endi imagee will depend
on whether the number of imagee ia odd or even. Henee tibe
potential dne to an infinite eeriee is indeterminate, bvt if we add to
it the fbnetum Jli| + the oonditbna of tiie problem wiU be aoflBei^
to deteemine tiie eleofaaeal diatribation.
4w<ri(*j + o-y)+4ir<r,(«+y),
r,-r= 4»*ri(tt+y)+4ira,(«,+o-y). (28)
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206.] XBTHOD OF appbozhcation. 268
\1— « • 1— e /
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On Electrostatic Instruments.
Bleeirieal MaeJUnsi,
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BLB0TR0PH0BU8. 266
of glass, and the rubbers of wool or fur. The mbber is then elec-
trified positively and the prime conductor negatively.
plate with the metal back of the ebonite plate when the two platei
are in contact.
The ebonite plate is electrified nesratively by rubbing^ it with
wool or cat's skin. The metal plate is then brought near the
ebonite by means of the insulating handle. No direct discharge
piMes between the ebonite and the metal plate, bat the potential
of the metal pbte is rendered negative by induction, 00 that when
it oomee within a certain dittance of the metal pin a spark passes,
The carrier will next enter the inductor C, which we shall suppose
charged negatively. While within C it is put in connexion with
tiie a positive charge^ which it carries off
earth and thus acquires
and communieates to the receiver D, and so on.
In this way, if the potentiala of the inductors remain always
constant, the receivers B and D receive snooessive charges, which
are the same for eveiy revolution of the carrier, and thus eveiy
revolution produces an equal increment of eleetiiciliy in the re-
* Specifioatton of Ffttent, Jan. 27, 1860, Ko. 206.
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changed from F to F— U,
If the o4iher carrier has at the same time carried a charge ^QF
from C to D, it will change the potential of A and 0 from U to
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Now we have shewn that
whenever this occurs there is
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- JtW '
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coulomb's torsion balancs. 263
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one of which was fix«'d while the other was held in equilibrium by
two forces, the electrical action between the Pjtheres, and the
torsional elasticity of a glass fibre or metal wire. See Art. 38.
Tlie balance of torsion consists of a horizontal arm of gum-lac,
suspended by a fine wire or and carrying at one end a
gla<;8 fibre,
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phen is doe partly to the direct Mtion of the fixed spheie, but
partly alio to the electrification^ if snj, of the sides of the case.
If the case is made of glass it is impossible to determine the
than by Tery diffiealt mea-
eleetrification of its sorfSuse otherwise
amonents at every point. Tf, however^ either the case is made
of metal, or if a metaliie case which almost completely encloses the
apparatus is placed as a screen between the spheres and the glass
case, the electrification of the inside of the metal screen will depend
entirely on that of the spheres, and the electrification of the g-lass
and the moment of this force xonnd a Tertical axis through the
centre will be
moment of the attraction between B and this image about the azia
of suspension is
a — sm
b a.
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and 0|j the distonoes of lihe flpheres from the centre, we may neglect
the Bcoond and third terms of tiie fiustor in the denominator. The
whole moment tending to tnm the torrion-arm may then be written
EE, . sin ^
^- } = Jf
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separated from the rest to form the attracted disk, and the outer
ring forming the remainder of the disk is fixed. In this way the
force is measured only on that part of the disk where it is most
r^gnbur, and the want of muformity of the electrification near the
Fig; 18.
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ai8.] thohsok's abbolutb xlectbometsb. 269
^=i,^(i^^4-i^'^)^ and V^
218.] Since there is always some uncertainty in determining the
micrometer reading corresponding to D s 0, and since any error
sD i)+«r —
a^B^^^, or o- 0.220685 (JT-fi).
- If the mrbce of the guard-ring ! not exactly in the plane of the lurfaoe <if
the suspended disk, let lu suppose that the distanoo between the fixed disk and
the guanl-ring ia not D but J)-¥z — iy, then it appears from the invcHtigation in
Art, 226 that there will be an additiooal charge of electricity near the edge of
fba cUUc oo aeoount of its height z above the general aorftoe of the goard-ring.
The whole cbarge in this case is therefore
^ ^jJt'-^R'^ R^-R* a ^R±R.^ iw{R + R)\
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Mid in the «s|Nr«nioii fbr the attcMtfon W9 nmit milMtitote ht A, Hut araft of the
diak, th« oomotod qnaatity
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the ])lane of the tops of the eminences. See Arts. 197, 198.
liy means of the auxiliary electritication, tostod by the auxiliary
electrometer, a proper interv^al between the disks is secured.
The auxiliary electrometer may be of a simpler construction, in
which there is no provision for the determination of the force
of attraction in absolute measure, since all that is wanted is to
secure a constant elect rific4ition. Such an electrometer may be
called a gauge electrometer.
This method of using an auxiliary electrification besides the elec-
trification to be measured is called the Heterostatic method of
electrometry, in opposition to the Idiostatic method in which the
whole effect is produced by the electrificati<m to be measured.
In several forms of the attracted disk electrometer, the attracted
disk is placed at one end of an arm which is supported by being
attached to a platinum wire passing through its centre of gravity
and kept stretched by means of a spring. The other end of the
arm carries the hair which is brought to a sighted position by
altering the distance between the disks, and so adjusting the force
of the electric attraction to a constant value. Li these electro-
meters this force is not in general determined in absolute measure,
but is known to be eonstanti provided the torsional elasticity of
the platinum wire does not change.
The whole apparatus is placed in a Leyden jar, of which the inner
snrfiuse iicharged and connected witii the attracted disk and
guard-ring. The other disk is worked by a micrometer screw and
is connected first with the earth and then with the condnctor whose
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Q s iA^A-^^B'^i'^kC^e-^BCp'^CAq'^ABr,
and e is the moment of the force tending to increase $t
=— a + i B'a~BCa+ CAa ;
or 0 = a{A-B) (C-\U^B)).
In the present form of Thomson's Quadrant Electrometer the
oondneton A and are in the form of
a cjlindricsl box completely divided
into fonr quadrants, separately insn-
latedj bnt joined by wires so that two
opposite qnadrants are oonnected with
A and the two others with B,
Hie conductor C is suspended so as
to be capable of tnming about a
Torticsl ads, and may consist of two
opposite flat quadnrntsl arcs supported
Fig. 19.
by their radii at their extremities.
In the position of equilibrium these quadrants should be partly
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within A and partly within li, and the supporting radii should
be near the middle of the quadrants of the hollow base, so that
the divisions of the box and the extremities and supports of C
may be as far from each other as possible.
Tbe oondoctor C is kept pennanently at a hi^h potential by
being connected with the inner coating of the Ley den jar which
forms the eaee of the instrument. B and A are connected, the first
with the earth, and the other with the body whose potential is to be
If the potential of this body is zero, and if the instrament be
in adjustment, there onght to be no force tending to make C move,
bnt if the potential of il is of the same sign as that of C, then
C will tend to move from A to 3 with a nearly uniform force, and
the anspennon apparatus will be twisted till an equal force ia
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will l>e at the potential of the air at the place. If the electrode
wire is at the same potential it will not be affected by the contact,
but if the electrode is at a different potential it by contact
with the sphere be made nearer to that of the air than it waa
before. By a succession of such operations, the sphere beings
alternately discharged and made to touch the electrode, the poten-
tial of the electrode of the electrometer will continually approach
that of the air at the given point.
222.] To measure the potential of a conductor without touching
it» we may meaaoie of the air at
tiie potential point in the mj
neighbourhood of the conductor, and calculate that of the conductor
from the remit. If there be a hoUow nearly unrounded by the
conductor, then the potential at any point of the air in this hollow
willbe Tciy nearly that of the conductor.
In this way it has been aaoertained by Sir W. lliomaon that if
two hollow conductors, one of copper and the other of zinc, aie
in metallic contact^ then the potential of the air in the hollow
anrrounded by zinc ia poaitiTe with reference to that of the air
in the hollow anrrounded by copper. j
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connected with the other place, and catch the drops or filings
in an insulated vessel. Each drop as it falls is charged with a
certain amount of electricity, and it is completely discharged into
the vessel. The charge of the vessel therefore is continually ac-
cumulating, and after a sufficient number of drops have fallen, the
charge of the vessel may be tested by the roughest methods. The
sign of the charge is positive if the potential of the nozzle is positive
relatively to that of the suxroonding air.
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We have first to shew that the charge on the small body when
in contact with the condactor is proportional to the sor&ce-
densily which existed at the point of contact before the small body
was placed there.
We shall suppose that all the dimensions of the small body, and
especially its dimension in the direction of the normal at the point
of contact, are small compared with either of the radii of carvatnre
of the conductor at the point of contact. Hence the variation of
the resultant force due to the conductor supposed rigidly electrified
within the space occupied by the small body may be neglected,
and we may treat the surface of the conductor near the small body
as a plane surface.
Now the charge whieli the small Vxxly will take by contact with
a plane surface will lie |)ro[)orti<>nal to the resultant force normal
to the surface, that is, to the surface-density. We shall ascei'tain
the amount of the charye for particular forms of the hody.
We have next to shew that when the small body is removed no
spark will pass between it and the conductor, so tliat it will carry
its charge with it. This is evident, because when the bodies are
in contact their potentials are the same, and therefore the density
on the parts nearest to the point of contact is extremely small.
When the small body is removed to a veiy short distance from
the conductor, which we shall suppose to be electrified positively,
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4 a* ^ 3 a 6 o" ^
3ir/3«<r(l +i^+&c.),
or, when B is very small compared with a, the charge on the
hemisphere B is e<pial to three times that due to a surface-density or
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Henoe, for ^aes of r eonsiderahly less than a, the equation ef
the zero eqoipotential sor&oe is
or «o = — a c
Henoe this equipotentkl snzfiuse near the aads is nearly flat
Outside the disk, where r is greater than a, «» is aero when m ia
zero, so that the plane of 0^ is part of the equipotential suifiuse.
To find where these two parts of the sozfiioe meet;, let ns find at
Hence, when
-=- = 0, r^ssa-^-
dg • 2va
ThB eqoipotential sniftoe Tss 0 is therefi>re composed of a disk-
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226.] AOCmiVLATOBB. 281
like figure of ndios r^, and neftrlj uiulbrm iihielniiwii g^, and of tbe
part of the infinite plane of ^ ivbich lies bejond this figoze.
The eorfiuM-integpral over the whole didc gives -the chaige of
eleetridtj on it. It may be founds as in the theorjr of a eifealar
curent in Part lY, to be
Q = 4iraac{log-— -2)+w<rro«.
The ehavge on an eqnal area the plane sinfiMse is tvr^i benoe
the charge on tbe disk exceeds that on an equal area of tbe pUne
in tbe ratio of . i « * 8irr ,
to nnily,
where z is the thickness and r tbe radius of the disk^ z being sap-
posed small compared with r.
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with that of another aoeomnlator, for whioh this problem has been
As tiie problem is a very difficult one, it is best to begin with aa
accumulator constructed <^ a form for which the solution is known.
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\ 8A SA J + aK
where JS is the radius of the disk, R that of the hole in the guard-
ring, A the distance between A and C, and a a qnantity which
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Now let the vessel B6 he put in connexion with the earth. The
charge on the disk A
no longer be uniformly distributed, but it
will remain the same in quantity, and if wc now discharge A we
shall obtain a quantity of electricity, the value of which we know
in tenns of F, the original dilTeienoe of potentials and the measur-
able quantities i2, £^ and A.
I shall first shew how to test the equalilgr of the capacity of two
guard-ring accumulators.
Let A be the disk^ B the guard-ring with the rest of the con-
ducting vessel attached to it, and C the large disk of one of these
accumulators, and let .i', and (T' be the corresponding parts of
the other.
If either of these accumulators is of the more simple kind, having
only two conductors, we have only to suppress B
or jB', and to
suppose A to be the inner and C the outer conducting sur&CC. C
in this case being understood to surround A,
Let the following connexions be made.
Let B be kept always connected with C\ and vnih C, that is, F
let each guard-ring be connected with the large disk of the other
(1) Let be connected with B and C and with /, the electrode
ot a Le) den jar, and let A! be connected with B and C and with
the earth.
(2) Let A, B, and C be insulated from •/.
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a29.] spioivio nrDucnvx oapaoitt. 287
a + af — »
The combination of three cylinders, described in Art. 127, has
been employed by Sir W. Thomson as an accumulator whose capa-
city may Ije increased or diminished by measurable (|uantities.
The experiments of MM. Gibson and Barclay with this ap-
paratus are described in the Proceedings of the lioijal Sociel^^, Feb. 2,
1871, and Phil. Trans., 1871, p. 573. They found the specific in-
ductive capacity of paraiiin to be 1.975, that of air being unity.
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On Steady OurrenU,
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236.] BUSOTBOLTHia 2dl
been flowing.
For the experiments whidi established this princ^le, see the
jeventh and eighth series of Faraday's EgperimiUal Setearekets
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Anion, and that wUch appears at the cathode is called the Cation.
Of these terms, which were, I believe, invented by Earaday with
the help of Br. Whewell, the first threej namely, electrode, eleo*
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XAONXnO AonoK. 298
Let the ends of the broken oiicait be A and and let be the
anode and B
the cathode. Let an insulated ball be made to toneh
A and alternately, it will cany from A\diB%. certain measareble
quantity of electricity at each journey. This quantity may be
measured by an electrometer, or it may be calculated by mnl-
tiplying the electromotiye force of tiie dieait by the eledarostatie
capacity of the ball. Electricity is thus carried from J to ^ on the
insulated ball by a process which may be called Convection. At
the same time electrolysis goes on in the voltameter and in the
and the amount of electrolysis in each cell may
cells of the battery,
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to point to the north would, whea the onrrant flows^ tend to point
towaidg the man's light hand.
The nature and laws of this electromagnetic action will be dis-
eosaedwhen we come to the fourth part of this treatise. What
we are coneemed with at present is the fact that the electric
current has a magnetic action which is exerted outside the current,
and by which its existence can be ascertained and its intensily
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Ohm*$ Law,
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296 ooNDircmoH akd bbsibtakcb, [242.
and so many eonductors ha^e been tested that our assurance of the
truth of Ohm's Law is now very high. In the sixth chapter we
shall trace its applications and consequences.
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298 coKDVcnoK A2n> bbsistaitoil [245,
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Art. 222.
If we now take two hollow yessela of different metals^ say copper
and zinc, and put them in metallic contact with each other, and
then test the potential of the air inside each vessel, the potential
of the air inside the zinc vessel will he positive as compared with
tiiat inside tlie copper vessel. Tlie difference of potentials depends
on the nature of the smfiuse of the insides of the vessels, beings
greatest when the zinc is bright and when the copper is coated
wiiih oxide.
It appears from this that when two different metals are in
contact there is in general an electromotive force aetbg from the
one to the oliher, so as to make the potential of the one exceed
that of the other by a certain quantity. This is Volta's theory of
Contact Electridfy.
If we take a certain metal, say copper^ as the standard^ iihen
if the potential of iron in contact witii copper at the zero'potential
is /, and that of zinc in contact with copper at zero is then
the potential of zinc in contact with iron at zero will Lc Z—I.
It appears from this result, which is true of any three metals,
that the differences of potential of any two metals at the same
temperature in contact is etjual to the difference of their potentials
when in contact with a third metal, so that if a circuit be formed
of any number of metals at the same temperature there will be
electrical equilil)rium as soon as they have acquired their proper
potentials, and there will be no current kept up in the circuit.
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2^7.] If, however, the Gizcuit consist of two metals and an cleo-
troljte, the electrolyte, acoording to Volta's theory, tends to reduce
the potentials of the metals in contact with it to equality, so that
the electromotive force at the metallic junction no longer balanced,
as the filings conturae to poor into it. At the same time the zinc
cylinder wifh the copper fonnel in it becomes charged more and
more positively.
If now the zinc cylinder were connected with the receiver by a
wire, there would be a positive current in the wire from the cylinder
to the receiver. The stream of copper filings, each filing charged
negatively by induction, constitutes a negative current from the
ftinnel to the receiver, or, in other words, a positive current from
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249-] PELTIEB'8 PHBirOMBMOH. 801
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It follows firom this equation that the three Peltier eibcte are not
independent, but that one of them can be deduced from the other
two. For instance, if we suppose c to be a stendaid metal, and
if we write P« s 711^ and Pf, =s JUi^t then
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251.] THfiBMOfiLfiCTiUC PHANOMSNA. 303
hot portion to a cold one> or the reverse, and this would have made
a cnnent possible in an unequally heated oiienit of one metal.
Hence, hy the same ressoning as in the case of Peltier's phe-
nomenon, we find that if ihe passage of a cuirent through a
conductor of one metal produces any thermal eflfoot which is re-
versed when the current is reverrad, this can only take pbMse when
the current flows from places of high to phMses of low tempemture,
or the revcTBe, and if the heat geneiated in a conductor of one
metal in flowing from a pUuse where tiie temperature is sr to a
pUice where it is jf, is H, then
be 8^*
If ar^ y, s be the temperatures at three points of a homogeneous
circuit, we must have
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a current sets from copper to iron through the hot junction, and
th<' electromotive force continues to increase till the hot junction
has reached a temperature T, which, according to Thomson, is
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806 00NTAC3T PORCH. [254-
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257'] THBORT OP CLAUSIUa. 809^
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and to pass a current througb it for some time, and then, die-'
engaging the electrodes from the voltaic battery, and connecting
them with a galvanometer, to obeerve whether a reverse current,
due to polarization of the electrodes, passes through the galvano-
meter. Such a current, being due to accumulation of different
substances on the two electrodes, is a proof that the substance has
been electro lytically det^omposed by the original current from the
battery. This method can often be applied where it is difficult,
unless the molecules can pass from one part to another no elec-
trolytic conduction can take place, so that the substance must
be in a liquid state, either by fusion or by solution, in order to be
a conductor.
Bat if we go on, and assume that the moleonlea of the ions
within the electrolyte are actually chaiged with certain definite
quantities of electricity, positive and negative, so that the eleo-
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positive for the cation and negative for the anion. This definite
quantity of electricity we shall call the molecular charge. If it
were known it would l)e the most natural unit of electricity.
Hitherto we have only increased the precision of our ideas by
exercising our imagination in tracing the electritication of molecules
and the discharge of that electrification.
The liberation of the ions and the passage of positive electricity
from the anode and into the cathode are simultaneous facts. The
ions, when liberated, are not charged with ehctricity, liciice, when
they are in combination, they have the molecular charges as above
The elect rifieatiou of a molecule, however, though easily spoken
of, is not so easily conceived.
We know that if two metals are brought into contact at any
• 8m aolt to Ark. ff.
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pmnt, the rest of their surfaoes will be electrified, and if the metals
are in the foim of two plates separated by a narrow interval of air,
the charge on each plate may become of considerable magnitude.
Something like thb may be euppoeed to occur when the two
components of an electrolyte are in combination. Each pair of
molecules may be supposed to touch at one point, and to have the
vest of their sor&oe chugged wiib electricity due to the electro-
motive force of eontaot
But to explain the phenomenon, we ooglit to shew why the
ohaige thus produced on each molecole is of » fixed amomitk and
why, when a molecule of chlorine is combmed with a mdecnle of
mno, the molecular charges are the eame as when a molecule of
chlorine is combined witii a molecule of copper, although the eleo-
tromotive force between chlorine and zinc is much greater than
that between chlorine and copper. If the charging of the mdeeoles
is the effect of the electromotive force of contact, why should
electromotive forces of different intensities produce exactly equal
charges ?
Suppose, however, that we leap over this difficulty by simply
asserting the fiict of the constant value of the molecular charge,
and that we call this constant moleculai- charge, for convenience in
description, one ?nolecule of elect ricif i/.
This phrase, gross as it is, and out of harmony with the rest of
this treatise, will enable us at least to state clearly what is known
about electrolysis, and to appreciate the outstanding difficulties.
These charges are connected with the molecules only when they
are combined as anion and cation in the electrolyte.
When tiie molecules are dectrolyBcd, they part with their charges,
to the eleotrodflfl(, and appear as undectrified bodies when set free
from combination.
If the same molecule^ is capable of acting as a cation in one
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lessthan that due to the chemical process within the cell, and that
the remainder of the heat is developed in the conneetiDg wire^ or,*
when there is an electromagnetic engine in the drcoit, part of tha
heat may be aooonnted for by the mechanical work of the engine.
For instance, if the eledxodes of the voltaic cell are Aek con-
nected by a short thick and afterwards by a long thin wire^
the heat developed in the cdl for each grain of sine dissolved is
greater in the first case than the second, but the heat developed
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in the wire is ^jfreater in the second case than in the first. The
sum of the heat developed in the cell and in the wire for each grain
of zinc dissolved is the same in l>oth cases. This has been esta-
blished liy Joule hy direct experiment.
The ratio of tlie heat generated in the cell to that generated
in the wire is that of the resistance of the cell to that of the wire,
80 that if the w^re were made of sufficient resistance nearly the
whole of the heat would be generated in the wire, and if it were
made of sufficient conducting power nearly the whole of the heat
would be generated in the cell.
Let the wire be made so as to have great resiBtance, tbffli the
heat generated in it is equal in dynamioai measure to the product
of the qnantily of deetiicity which is transmitted, moltiplied by
the eleetiomotiTe forae under whioh it is made to pasB through
the wire.
268.] Now during the time in which an eleotrooheniioal equi-
valent of the suhstaaoe in the cell undergoee the dhemioal proccea
which gives rise to the cunrent, one unit of deotiioity passes
through the wire. Henoe, the heat developed by the passage
of one unit of electricity is in this ease measured by tiie eleelxo-
motive force. But this heat is that whieh one deoixoehemioal
equivalent of the substance generates, whether in the cell or in the
wire^ while undergoing the given chemical process.
Henoe the following important theorem, first proved by Thomson
{PkU, Mag. Deo. 1851):—
'The electromotive force of an electrochemical apparatus is in
aljsohite measure equal to the mechanical equivalent of the chemical
action on one electrochemical equivalent of the substance.'
The thermal equivalents of many chemical actions have been
determined by Andrews, Iless, Favre and Silbcrmann, &c., and from
these their mechanical equivalents can be deduced by multiplication
by th ' mechanical equivalent of heat.
This theorem not only enables us to calculate from purely thermal
data the electromotive force of different voltaic arrangements, and
the electromotive force required to effect electrolysis in different
cases, but affords the means of actually measuring chemical affinity.
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motive force, such as that of" one DanielPs cell, be made to act
oil the circuit, the electromotive force will produce a current of
exceedingly short duration, for after a very short time the elec-
tromotive force arising iVom the polarization of the cell will balance
that of the Danicll's cell.
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and not throughout the substance of the electrolirte, and the foim
in which it exists may be called electrolytic polarization.
After studying the secondary pile in connexion with the Leyden
jar, the student should again com])are the voltaic battery with
some form of the electrical machine, such as that described in
Art. 211.
Mr. Varley has lately * found that the capacity of one square
inch is from 175 to 542 microfarads and upwards for platinum
plates in dilute sulphuric acid, and that the capacity increases with
the electromotive force^ being about 175 for 0.02 of a Daniell's
cell, and 542 for 1.6 Daniell's cells.
But the oomparison between the Leyden jar and the secondary
pile VMJ be carried still farther, as in the following experiment,
due to Bufff. It is only whea the glass of the jar is cold that
it is capable of letaining a chaige. At a temperature below 100°C
the glass becomee a oondoctor. If a test-tube containing mercnrjr
is placed in a yessel of merouy, and if a pair of electrodes are
connected, one with the inner and the other with the outer portion
of mercniy, the anangement oonstitntee a Lejden jar which will
hold a diaige at orduiaiy temperatares. If the eleetrodes are con-
nected with those of a voltsic batteiy, no cnrrant will pass as long
as the glass is cold, hat if the appamtos is gradnaUj heated a
current will begin to pass, and will increase rapidly in intenstly aa
the temperature lises^ though the glass renuuns apparently as hard
as ever.
Tliis current is manifestly electrolytic, for if the electrodes are
disconnected from the battery, and connected with a galvanometer,
a considerable reverse current passes, due to polarization of the
surfaces of the glass.
If, while the battery is in action the apparatus is cooled, the
current is stopped by the cold glass as before, but the polarization
of the surfaces remains. The mercury may be removed, the surfaces
may be washed with nitric acid and with water, and fresh mercury
introduced. If the apparatus is then heated, the current of polar-
ization appears as soon as the glass is sufficiently warm to conduct it.
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and to rotate them slowly, so that the air may act on the parts
exposed to it in turn.
To ensure that the liquid in contact with the copper shall be
saturated with sulphate of copper, crystals of this substance must
be placed in the liquid dose to the cop{>er, so that when the solution
is nwde weak by the depodtion of tlie copper, more of the etystala
may be dissdved.
We have seen that it is necessary that the liquid next the copper
should be saturated with sulphate of copper. It is still more
necessary that the liquid in which the zinc is immersed should be
free from sulphate of copper. If any of this salt makes its way
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on the zinc. The zinc, copper, and fluid then fona a little circuit
in which npid electrolytic action goes on, and the zinc is eaton
awaj by an actimi which oontribntes nothing to the nsefiil effiact
of the batteiy.
To pievent this, the sine is immened either in dilate snlphnric
add or in a solntion of eolphate of zinc, and to prevent the solntion
of enlphate of copper from mixing with this liqmd, the two liqnidi
are separated hy a division consisting of bhidder or porons earthen-
ware^ which allows electrolysis to take place through it, but
eflfeetnallj prevents mixture of the flnids by visible onrrents.
In some batteries sawdust is used to prevent currents. The
experiments of Ghaham^ however, shew that the process of dififusion
goes on nearly as rapidly when two liquids are separated by a
division of this kind as when they are in direct contact^ provided
there are no visible currents^ and it is probable that if a septum
is employed which diminishes the diffusion, it will increase in
exactly the same ratio tlie resistance of the element, because elec-
trolytic conduction is a process the mathematical laws of which
have the same form as those of diffusion, and whatever interferes
with one must interfere equally with the other. The only ditler-
ence is that diffusion is always going on, while the current flows
only when the battery is in action.
In all forms of Danieirs battery the final result is that the
sulphate of copper finds its way to the zinc and spoils the battery.
Fig. 21.
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placed with one eztEemity midway between the zinc and copper,
and the other in a vessel ontside the cell> so that the liqud is
very slowly drawn off near the middle of its depth. To snpply
its place, water, or a weak solution of sulphate of zinc, is added
above when required. In this way the greater part of the sulphate
of copper rising through the liquid by diffusion is drawn off by the
siphon before it reaches the zinc, and the zinc is snnounded by
liquid nearly free from sulphate of copper, and having a very slow
downward motion in the cell, which still further retards the upward
motion of the sulphate of copper. During the action of the battery
copper is deposited on the copper plate, and SO^ travels slowly
through tlie li(juid to the zinc with which it combines, forming
sulphate of zinc. Tlius the licjuid at the bottom becomes less dense
by the deposition of the copper, and the liquid at the tep becomes
more dense by the addition of the zinc. To prevent this action
from changing the order of density of the strata, and so producing
instability and visible currents in the vessel, care must be taken to
keep the tube well supplied with crystals of sulphate of copper,
and to feed the cell above with a solution of sulphate of zinc suffi-
ciently dilute to be lighter than any other stratum of the liquid
in the cell.
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Ohw^i Law.
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J)W ^ = dy*
and f^ = ^-
dx dy
dx dy
Also ^=:-^^
dy~ dm*
and — =" -^^-
dy dx
^_ dx
Qtx-^gii' and / are coxyugate with respect to x andy.
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GliArmC METHOD. 229
of a + 26 and fi
— h, and so on. The function belonging to this
curve will be a -f- ^ + 6.
In this way, when the series of curves (a) and the serios (/3j are
drawn, the series {a + li) may be constructed. These three series of
may bo drawn.
The combination of conjugate functions bv addition in this way
enables us to draw fi«^ures of many interesting cases with very
little trouble when we know how to draw the simpler cases of
which they are compounded. We have, however, a far more
powerfiil method of transformation of solutions, depending on the
following theorem.
For —= d^'d£^^
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d^ dm Wdm*
and ibflse aie the eonditioos tliat ti' and ^' sboald be eoiyiigate
fimoiioni <^ # and jr.
Hue may also be ahewn from tbe original definition of coiyngate
fimctiona. For ^/— ly it a function of V— 1 ff, and
ia a fimetion of « + v^~ijr. Henoe, tf^-^JT^f
ia a ibnction of m-^'J—ly*
In fhe nme way we may ahew tliat if ^ and y aie eo^jngate
fitnctiona of a and y« then « and y are eonjogate ftanetiona of ^
Una iheoiem may be interprated graphically as foUowa :
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l86.] THXOBUIS. 281
- aai"^ Vda^ ^ ^
da^ d/ da dx d/^ dx
d»F_d^Fdy d'^r dx' du' d^-rdfi
dg^ ito''*
^ " daf dy dy dy ^ dy - dy
or the quantity of eleetrictfy in ooneeponding portions of two
systeina is the same if the coordinates of one sjrstem are conjugate
fbiietioBs of those of the other.
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232 OONJUOAfB rnNCTION& [187
dy d^
EzAMFUl I. Iiwenion.
p = logi^/?+p, tfstan-if,
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/ ^2 /a |5r/
a* /*
r r*~ a*'
ff^ r2 ,^2 r* a*
7 a« ~ '
p. a*
ExAiCFLi H. MUeirie Imagei tn 2kw Dimennont.
= ^ = 2^(lo-/>_log./P),
= 2E (log OP'-log^'P'-logw). (9)
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234 oovjUQATi Fuvcnom
aad tiie poteatnl «i tiie point tf) !•
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190.] NSUICAini's TBAirarOBMATIOH. 285
This expression for the potential becomes zero when a=ao, and is
at which point the first t^rm becomes infinite, and in its immediate
neighbourhood is ultimately ^ual to 2i?log/, where / is the
distance from that point.
We have therefore obtained the means of deducings the solntion
of Green's problem for a charge at any point within a closed curve
when the solution for a charge at any other point is known.
The charge induced upon an element of the curve Of, between the
points /3 and fi+dfihj ^ charge £ placed at the point is
2« I— 2eti-o)ooe08-/8,)+e«t«»-^^'
From this expression we may find the potential at any point
a, /3, within the closed curve, when the value of the potential at
every point of the closed curve is given as a function of j3, and
there is no electrification within the closed curve.
For, by Theorem II of Chap. Ill, the part of the potential at
a, due to the maintenance of the portion of the closed curve
at the potential F, is « F, where n is the charge induced on by
unit of electrification at aj/9j. Hence, if F is the potential at a
point on the closed curve defined as a function of fi, and <t> the
potential at the point a, /3, within the oloeed onrve, there being no
eleotofioBiMMi within the ciir?e,
^~2vJo l-2e(i-«^00B(/5-ftj + «>(i— ^
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236 covjCGATB Fuycnosa. [i9i«
Now let us make p = np and $ = n6^, then, since p' and 6^ are
oonjogate to p and tf, the equations
Ts C^4wtr^a^f^ miner
and E^v^a^i^
express a jK)r.sil»le distribution of electricity and of potential.
If we writ*' r for r will Ije the distance from the axis, and
$ the angle, and we shall have
£ ss ,
• (2»-o) = », or « = 27^'
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192.] Klffjpgga AND HYP£&fiOLAS. 237
Whea the angle is a eaHent one a is less than tt, and the surface-
deaaty Taries aooording to some inverse power of the distance
from the edge, so that at the edge itself the density becomes
infinite^ although the whole charge reckoned from the edge to any
In this case the points for which ^ is constant lie in the ellipse
whose axes are and
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1 95 -J OF AN £L£CT£1FI£D PLAT£. 239
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had been uniformly distributed over it with the same density that
it has at a distance from the boundary, and it is equal to the
quantity of electricity having the same uniform snrfiMe-density,
but extending to a breadth equal to 51og«2 beyond tibe actual
boundary of the plate.
This imaginary uniform distribution is indicated by the dotted
straight lines in Fig. XI. The yeriacal lines represent lines of
force, and the horizontal lines equipotential surfiuses, on the hypo-
thesis that the density is uniform over both planes, produced to
infinity in all directions.
196.] Electrical condensers are sometimes formed of a plate
placed midway between two parallel plates extending considembly
beyond the intermediate one on all sides. If the radius of curvature
of the boundary of the intermediate plate is great compared with
the distance between the plates, we may treat the boundary as
approximately u and calculate the capacity of the
strai<,^ht line,
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had been added to the plate, the density being assumed to be every-
where the same as it is at a distance ham the boundary.
= ^^ll + t* » + !• »-&»J. (19)
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242 coKJUQATB FUKonons. [197.
When <^ is large this becomes be~^^, so that the curve approaches
to the form of a straight line parallel to the axis of y at a distance
a from ab on the positive side.
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199*] ^ QBOOYID SUBFACS. 248
*=*log^. (26)
= (28)
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244 oovjuoATB ruHonoH& [200.
= ^''^
small except near the boundaries of the plates, so that the new
distribution may be approximately represented by what actually
exists, namely a certain superficial distribution near the edges of
the plates.
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201. j THBO&T 09 THOHSON's OUA&D-lUlirO. 246
d4^ dy^
_ 1 ^ 1 ^2 ,
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The charge on the disk due to unit potential of the large disk,
a' _o.22Jn«riy.
If B is small comimred with either A ox H this expression wnll
gfive a sufficiently good approximation to the cliargo on the disk
due to unity of diHerence of potential. The ratio of .4 to ^
may have any value, but the radii of the large disk and of the
guard-ring must exceed K by several multiples of A,
202.] HelmholtK, in bis memoir on disoontinnoiis fluid motion*,
has pointed oat the application of sevend ibrmulae in which the
coordinates are expressed as functions of the poiential and its
conjugate function.
One of these may be applied to the case of an electrified plate
m = A^+Aei* cfM^,
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202.] TWO SQUAL DISKS. 247
then X and y will be conjugate with respect to ^ and and <^ and
y^f will be conjugate with respect to x and y.
(p will have a negative value (p^ and a positive value at the edge
of the plane, where x = —A, (P
= 0.
a _ -4— l+lw.
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248 covuGATB nr^cnojm [203.
Tke eqnipotential linM and imM of finee aie givea in Kg. XIL
IT wu now make
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oonstent foioe — a
in the direolaoin of ^
by supposing that the suriaoe of the wire coincides with the eqni-
potential sui&oe which cnts the plane of jf s at a distance e from the
axil of jp. To find the potentiid of the grating we therefore put
« s tf, and jr 0, whence
r«-2Alog28in^+a (8)
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and eliminate A and X' from the equations (6), (7), (8)^ (9), (10),
we find
When the wires are infinitely thin, a beeomes infinite, and iJie
4,+«, + 2*ji'.
If the two planes are kept at potential zero, and the grating
electrified to a given potential, the quantity of electricity on the
giating will be to that which would be induced on a plane of equal
placed in the same position as
2^ is to 2 ^1 ^s+a (^+^*
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Method of Approximation.
206.] Since the wires are cylindrical, and since the distribution
of electricity on each is symmetrical with respect to the diameter
parallel to y, the proper expansion of the potential is of the form
Ts C^\ogr-i-2C^f*coBi0, (14)
where r is the distance fiom the axis of one of the wires, and 0 the
angle between r and and, since the wire is a conductor, when
r is made equal to the ladios F must be constant, and therefore
the coefficient of each of the multiple cosines of 0 must vanish.
For the sake of conciseness let us assume new coordinates (, ti, &o.
such that
af=2vjP, aij = 2 7ry, ap = 2'nr, a/3 = 2ird, &c. (15)
Then if we make
r=A,F+A^'^ + A,'^+&^. (17)
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252 OOHJUOATB f mrcnona.
9«±««Wi+«, (20)
« bemg an mtcger.
The aeoond eeriea will oondat of an infinite aoiee of imagea fiir
whifih the ooeffieieoti 4»> In. aie eqoal and oppoote to the
8Mne qoanCitiea in tiie gnting itMlf, iHule 4i» ^it Aeo. aie eqiud
and of tiie aame dgn. The axea of then images an in phnesnfaoae
efaatione aie of the fimn
i|sa/S|±2«(A-i-/y, (21)
» being an intiger.
The potential due to any finite eeriea of sndi images win depend
on whether the nnmber of images k odd or even. Henoe the
potential doe to an 'w flfl i t aeries is iftdftfrp**'**^! but if we add to
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On Electrostatic InatrutnenU,
EUeirieal Maekinet.
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plate with the metal back of the ebonite plate when the two plates
are in contact.
The ebonite phite is electrified negatively by rubbing it with
wool or cat's skin. The metal plate is then broaght near the
ebonite by means of the insolating handle. No direct discharge
passes between the ebonite and the metal plate, bat the potential
of the metal plate is lendered negative by inductiony so that when
it comes within a certain distanee of the metal pin a spark passes,
and if thfi metal plate be now a distance it is found
carried to
to hsYe a positive charge ^ich may be communicsted to a con-
ductor. The metal at the bade oC the ebonite plate is found to
have a negatiTe charge equal and opposite to the charge of the metal
In nsiBg the instrument to charge a condenser or accumulator
one of the plates is laid on a conductor in communication with
tiie earth, and the other is first laid on it, then removed and applied
to the deotrode of the condenser, then laid on the fixed plate and
tiie process repeated. If the ebonite plate is fixed the condenser will
he charged podtively. If the metal plate is fixed the condenser wSi
be chaiged negatively.
The woik done by tiie hand in sepaimting the plates is slwajs
greater tlm the work done by the electrical attraction daring ^
approach of the plates, so that the operation of charging* the con-
denser involves the expenditure of work. Phrt of this work is
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The carrier will next enter the inductor C, whidi we shall suppose
diaiged natively. While within (7 it is put in connexion with
the earth and thus acquires a positive charge, which it carries oif
VOL. I. 8
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S 9
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the electrical action that they &11 outside of the leoeiyer or emt
strike the inductor.
In this instrument the energy of the electrification ie drawn
from that of the fidling drops.
212.] Several oilier deotrical machines have heen oonstmetel
in which the principle of eleotrie induetson is employed. Of these
the most remarkable is that of Holta, in which the carrier U a glass
plate varnished with gnm-ko and the inductors are pieces of
pasteboard. Sparks are prevented firom passing between the parts
of the apparatus by means of two glass pktes^ one on each side
of the revolving carrier plate. This machine found to be very
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" A'W *
and if .^ris greater than aF' its numerical valae will be greater
than that of F'. Hence there is some point before P reacheB the
middle of A
where ite potential ii — F\
come At this point let it
in contact with the negative receiTer-epring of. There will be no
apark since the two bodies are at the same potentiaL Let P move
on to the middle of A% still in contact with the spring, and therefore
at the same potential with Jt. Daring this motion it eommnnicateB
a native charge to Jt, At the middle of it leaves the spring
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coulomb's tobsiok ealancb. 263
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fastened above to the vertical axis of an arm wliich can Ix* moved
round a horizontal graduated circle, so as to twist the upper end
of the wire about its own kob any number of degrees.
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spWe is doe portij to the direct actiofi of the fixed sphere^ bat
partly also to the electrifiofttionj if any, of the sides of the case.
If the case is made of glass it is impossible to deteimine the
electrifioatioii of its snrfiKse otherwise than by very difficult mea-
sorements st every point. If, however, either the case is made
of metal, or if a metallic case which almost completely encloses the
apparatos is placed as a screen between the spheres and the glass
case, the electrification of the inside of the metal screen will depend
entirely on that of the spheres, and the electrification of the glass
case will have no influence on the spheres. In this way we may
avoid any indefiniteness due to the action of the case.
To illustrate this hy an example in which we can calculate all
and ilie moment of this force roand a vertical taoB through the
oentze will be
BEi aOi sin $
moment of the attraction between £ and this image about the axis
of suspension is
a — sin B
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ftod a^, the dierfcanoes of the spberes from the centre, we may neglect
the seoond and third temiB of the factor in the denominator. The
whole moment tending to tun the toraion-enn msj then be wntten
distances from each other and from the sides or opening of the
Conlomh's form of apparatus, however, is not well adapted for
measurements of this kind, owin<^ t<» tlie smallness of the force
between spheres at the proper distances when the ditlerenee of po-
tentials is small. A
more convenient form is that of the Attracted
Disk Electrometer. The first elect ronieters on this principle were
constructed by Sir W. Snow Harris*. They have since been
brought to great perfection, both in theoiy and oonetmction, by
SirW. Thomson f.
When two disks at different potentials are bronght face to fiuse
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separated from the rest to form the attracted disk, and the outer
ring forming the remainder of the disk is fixed. In this way the
force is measured only on that part of the disk where it is most
regular, and the want of uniformity of the electrification near the
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268 SLECfHOBfAnO IlTBTBiniKm [217.
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ft 1 8.] Thomson's abbolutk slbctroiisteb. 269
or r
If the suspended disk is circular, of radius J2, and if the radius of
the aperture of the guaid-ring is then ^
A^k-nifi^^K^)*, and r=4J>,y^^.
218.] Since there is always some uncertainty in determining the
micrometer reading corresponding to i> = 0, and since any error
* Let us denote the mdiuH of the suspended dink by i?, and that of the aperture
of the guard-ring by K, then the broiuiih of the annular interral befcweeii tbo
disk and the ring will be B»Jt-~R.
If the distance between the Huspended disk and the large fixe<l dUk is D, and
the difference uf potentials between these diaks is F, then, by tho iareitigwtioii in
Art. 201, tho quantity of electricity on the laspended disk wfll bt
-If tiM sarikce of the guarJ-ring is not exactly in the piano of the surface of
the suspended disk, let us suppose that the distaneo IwiWMii the fixed disk and
the guard-ring Ih not D but I) + z - />', then it appears from the investigation in
Art. 225 that there will be an additiooai charge of electricity near the edge of
the diKk on account of its height z above the gonoral nifflMW of tiw gnantidng.
The whole charge in this cam is therefore
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270 ELBcnoCTATic nannfEsm [aiS.
Mill in the exprcHttion for the ftttnctiou we moat subatitute for A, tha area of the
diak, tlM eemotad qtuuitity
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the plane of the tops of the eminences. See Arts. 197, 198.
By means of the auxiliary electrification, tested by the auxiliary
electrometer, a proper interval between the disks is secured.
The auxiliary electrometer may be of a simpler construction, in
which there is no provision for the determination of the force
of attraction in absolute measure, since all that is wanted is to
secure a constant electrification. Such an electrometer may be
called a gauge electrometer.
This method of usinj^ an auxiliary electrification besides the elec-
trification to be measured is called the Heterostatic method of
electrometry, in opposition to the Idiostatic method in which the
whole effect is produced by the electrification to be measured.
In several forms of the attracted disk el<H trometer, the attracted
disk is placed at one end of an arm which is supported by being
attached to a platinum wive passing through its centre of gravity
and kept stretched by means of a spring. The other end of the
arm carries the hair which is brought to a sighted position by
altering the distance between the disks, and so adjusting the force
of the electric attraction to a constant value. In these electro-
meters this force is not in general determined in absolute measure,
but is known to be constant, provided the torsional ehutieity of
the platinum wire does not change.
The whole i^pacatus is placed in a Leyden jar, of which the inner
sur&ce is charged and connected with the attracted disk and
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within A aad pvtljr witiiin i?, and tiie mpportiBg ndii ahiMld
be new the middle of of the hollow hmt^ ao tint
tiie qudnnts
the dirifloiM of the hoz and the eztremttaee and sapporti of C
may be ae fiv from eadi other aa poanble.
The eondnetor kept pennanentlj at a high potential bj
C ia
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the earth, then ^ =
/ a,
whence V-^- V = 0,
or the potential of the air at the point where the centre of the
sphere was placed is equal but of opposite sign to the potential of
the sphere after being connected to earth, then inauhted, and
brought into a room.
This method has been employed by M. Debnann of Grenanaeh in
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no longer zero but positive, but, since the charg-c of the small body
is positive,the positive electrification dose to the small body will
be than at other neighbouring points of the surface. Now
the passag-e of a spark depends in general on the mag-nitude of the
resDltaot force, and this on the surfiMse-density. Hence, since we
soppose that the conductor is not so highly electrified as to be
discharging electricity from the other parts of its snrfoce, it will
not discharge a spark to the small body from a part of its sorfiioe
which we have shewn to have a smaller snrfiMse-density.
224.] We shall now consider vsrions forms of the small body.
Suppose it to be a small hemisphere applied to the conductor so
as to touch it at the centre of its flat side.
Let the conductor be a large sphere, and let us modify the form
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225.] PROOF PLA^E. 279
4 a* ^ 3 a 60* '
4 w o* <r,
and therefore the charge on j9 is
3ir/3««r(l +i^+&c.),
or, B is very small compared with a, the charge on the
hemisphere B is equal to three times that dae to a surface-density cr
225."' The most convenient form for the proof plane is that of
a circular disk. We shall therefore shew how the charge on a
circular disk laid on an electrified surface is to be measured.
For this purpose we shall construct a value of the potential
function so that one of the equipotcntial surfaces resembles a circular
flattened protuberance whose general form is somewhat like that of
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m s 2ir— 2ir-a
Henoe^ for values of r consideiably less than a, the equation ef
the xeto eqoipotential soifiaoe ia
or Zq =r
Henooj ^riien
dF ^ a^c
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2260 AOCUMULATOBfi. 281
Uke figure of zadiiu r^, and nearly umfonn thiclme«8 s^, and of the
part of the infinite plane of ay which lies beyond this figure.
The sai&oe-integral over the whole dialc gim the charge of
on it. It may be.fi>nnd^ as in the theoiy of a ciieolar
eoiient in Ptot IV, to be
Q = 4»a<r'c{log—
1 + 8 - log - to umtyj
where z is the thickness and r the radius of the diskj z being sup-
posed small compared with r.
the jar is made. The original Leyden phial was a glass vessel
oonlaimng water which was separated by the glass from the hand
which held it.
The outer surface of any insulated conductor may be considered
as one of the surfaces t& an accumulator, the other being the earth
or the walls of the room in which it is placed, and the interveung
air being the dielectric medium.
The capacity of an aoenmnlator is measored by the quantity of
eleotrietty with which the inner snrfiMse most be ehaiged to make
the diffinence between the potentials of the snrftces nnity.
Since evsiy electrical potential is the sum of a nnmber of parts
found bj dividing each electrical element byfrom aits distance
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with that of another accomulator, for which this problem has bem
As the problem is a cry difficult one^ it is best to begin with an
accnmdator constructed <^ a form for which the eolation is known.
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GnardTing Jeeumulaior,
B6 iM M qrUmdrical Tessel of condnctiDg material of wbidi the
outer im&oe of the vpjper fiMse is aocoiatelj plane. This upper
Boriaoe consiste of two parts^
a disk J, and a broad rin^
BB soRonnding the disk*
separated from it hjr a Teij*
small intenral all rounds just
suiBScient to prevent sparks
passing^. The upper surface
of the disk is aecuratclv in
the same plane with that of
Fig. 20.
the guard-ring". The disk is
supported by pillars of insulating material GG. C is a metal disk,
the under surface of which is accurately plane and parallel to BB.
The disk C is considerably larger than A. Its distance from A
is adjusted and measured by means of a micrometer screw^ which
is not given in the figure.
This accumulator is used as a measuring instrument as follows :—
Suppose C and the disk A and vessel Bb
to be at potential zero,
both at potential F. Then there will be no electrification on the
back of the disk because the vessel is nearly closed and is all at the
same potential. There will be very little electrification on the
edges of the disk because BB is at the same potential with the
disk. On the face of the disk the electrification will be nearly
nniform, and therefore the whole charge on the disk will be almost
exactly represented by ite area multiplied by the suifiKse-densify on
a planSj as given at Art. 124.
In fikct^ we kam from the investigation at Art 201 that tlie
charge on the disk is
( SA 9A A-^a
where J{ is the radios of the disk, R that of tiie hole in the guard-
ring, A the distance between A and C, and a a qnantity which
cannot exceed
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Now let the vessel Bb be put in connexion with the earth. The
charge on the disk A will no longer be uniformly distributed, but it
let each guard-ring be connected with the large disk of the other
(1) Let A be connected with B and 6" and with /, the electrode
of a Leyden jar, and let £ be connected with and C and with
the earth.
(2) Let A, B^ and C be insulated from /.
(3) Let A be insulated from B
and C\ and A! from and C. B
(4) Let B and Q' be connected with and C and with the
(6) Let A be connected with Jl,
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£95 nmsiMfrATic mmnam. [229.
(4) OsCs^ ^ I I
i< I
(6) 0»Cs^ I
^'ss ^ ^sCsO.
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1871, and P/iil. Trans., 1871, p. 573. Tliey found the specific in-
ductive capacity of paraffin to be 1.975, that of air being unity.
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P A U T U.
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0% Steady OurretUi.
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duotiiig ftand, and if the wire connected with the copper is pnt
in contact with an inimlatod conductor Ay and the wire connected
with the ssinc ie pnt in contact with £, another inimlated oondnctor
of the same metal as A, then it may be shewn by means of a ddieate
electrometer that the potential otA exceeds that of by a certain
quantity. This difibienoe of potentials is called the EleetromotLve
Force of the Darnell's Cell.
If A and B aie now disconnected firom the cell and pnt in
oommnnication by means of a wire, a transient eoixent passes
through the wire from A U> B, and the potentials of A and B
become equal. A and B
may then be charged again by the cell,
and the process repeated as long as the cell But if
will work.
A and B be oonnected by means of the wire and at the same
time connected with the battery as before, then the cell will main-
tain a constant current throngh C, and also a constant difference
of potentials between A and B. This difference will not, as we
shall see, be equal to the whole electromotive force of the cell, for
part of this force ii» Bpent iu muiutaining the current through the
cell itself.
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the same in each of the DanielJ's cells throughout the circuit, what-
ever the size of the plates of the cell, and if any of the cells be of a
different construction, the amount of chemical action in it bears
a constant proportion to the action in For
the Daniell's cell.
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Let the ends of the bxoken oSxcoit be A and 3, and let J be ih»
anode and B the catbode. Let an inscdated ball be made to toneb
A and alternately, it will cany from AtoBa. certain measvinble
quantity of eleetriciiy at each journey. Tbii quantity may be
measured by an electrometer, or it may be calculated by mul-
tiplying tbe electromotive force of tiie circuit by the eieetnwtatio
capacity of the ball. Electricity is thus carried firom J to on the
insulated ball by a process which may be called Convection. At
the same time electrolysis goes on in the voltameter and in the
cells of the battery, and the amount of electrolysis in each cell may
be compared with the amount of electricity carried across by the
insulated ball. The quantity of a substance which is electrolysed
by one is called an Electrochemical equivalent
unit of electricity
of that substance.
Tliis experiment would ])e an extremely tedious and troublesome
one if conducted in this way with
a ball of ordinary magnitude
and a manageable battiMy, for an enormous number of journeys
would have to be made before an appreciable quantit}^ of the electro-
lyte was decomposed. The experiment must therefore be considered
as a mere illustration, the actual measurements of electrochemical
equivalents being conducted in a different way. But the experi-
ment may be considered as an illustration of the process of elec-
trolysis itself, for if we regard electrolytic conduction as a species
of convection in which an electrochemical equivalent of the anion
travels with negative electricity in the direction of the anode, while
an equivalent of the cation travels with positive electricity in
the direction of the cathode, the whole amount of transfer of eleo-
trieity being one nnit, we shall have an idea of the process c/t
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to point to the north would, when the current flows^ tend to point
towards the man's right hand.
The nature and laws of this electr«:>magnetic aetion will be dis-
cussedwhen we come to the fourth part of this treatise, Wliat
we are concerned vnth at present is the fact that the electric
current has a magnetic action which is exerted outside the current,
and by which its existence can be aaootained and its intensity
measnied without breaking ihe eheuit or introdneiiig anything into
the CDirent itself.
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296 coNDuerioN and RSBISTAKCE.
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298 oovDUcnoH avd rbsistajtcb. [245.
hollow vessel, that the outside of the vessel shall at first shew no
aigns of electrificatioiL bat shall afterwards become olectrifitd. It
was for some phenomenon of this kind that Faraday sought in
vain under the name of an ab^lute charge of electricity.
Heat may be hidden in the interior of a body ao as to have no
external action; bat it ia impoeaible to isolate a quantify of eleo-
tricity 80 aa to prevent it from being constantiiy in indoctive
lektion with an eqoal qaantity of eleotridty of the oppoaite kind.
There ia nothing therefore among electric phenomena which
coneeponda to the capadly of a body for heat. Thia follows at
once from the doctrine which ia aBierted in thia treatiae^ that
deotricify obeys tiiie same condition of continaifj aa an incom-
pressible fluid. It ia therefore impossible to give » bodily charge
of dectricity to any sabstanee by forcing an additional quantify of
dectricity into it. See Arts. 61,111, 329| 334.
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247.] If, however, the oiroiiit consist of two metals and an eleo-
trolyte, the electrofyte, aixsoiding to Volta's theoiy, tends to rednoe
the potentials of the metala in omitaet witii it to eqoaliiy, so that
the electromotive force at the metaDic jnnction is no longer halanoedj
and a oontinnons current is kept np. The energy of this corrent
is siqyplied by the chemical action which takes place between the
electrolyteand the metals.
The electric effect may, howe?er, be produced without
chemical action if by any other means we can prodooe an equili-
zation of the potentials of two metals in contact Thus, in an
esperiment due to Sir W. Thomson*, a copper fonnel is placed in
contact with a vertical zinc qrlinder, so that when copper filings
are allowed to pass through the fbnnel, they sepaiate fh>m each
other and from the flmnel near the middle of the zinc cylinder,
and then fall into an insulated receiver placed below. The receiver
is then found to be charged n^atively, and the charge increases
as tlie filings conliuue to pour into it. At the same time the zinc
cylinder with the copper funnel in it becomes charged more and
more positively.
If now the zinc cylinder were connected with the receiver by a
wire, there would be a positive current in tlie wire from the cylinder
t^ the receiver. The stream of copper filings, each filing charged
negatively by induction, constitutes a negative current from the
funnel to the receiver, or, in other words, a positive current from
the receiver to the copper funnel. Hie positive current, therefore,
passes through the air (by the filings) from zinc to copper, and
through the metallic junction from copper to zinc, just as in the
ordinary voltaio arrangement, b\it in this case the force which keeps
up the current is not chemical action but gravity, which caiues the
filings to fall, in spite of the electrical attraction between the
positively charged funnel and the negatively cbaiged filings.
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249.] peltibr's pebvominok. 301
whence S^RC-^JU,
It appears from this equation that the external electromotive
force rcHiuiied to drive the current through the compound conductor
is less than that due to its resistance alone by the electromotive
force /n. Hence JU represents the electromotive contact force
at the junction acting in the positive direction.
This application, due to Sir W. Thomson *, of the dynamical
theory of heat to the determination of a local electromotive force
is of great scientific importance^ since the ordinary method of
connecting two points of the compound oonductor with the elec-
trodes of a galvanometer or electroscope by wires would be uselc^^s,
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302 CONTACT FO&CS. [250
when the current flows from a to b, then for a circuit of two metals
at the same temperature we must have
n„,.+n^^ = 0,
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304 ODVTACT FOECl. [252
a current sets from copper to iron through the hot junction, and
the electromotive force continues to increase till the hot junction
has reached a temperature T, which, according to ThomMn^ is
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806 CONTAOP fOBCS. [254-
£^ = ih-^ [^--4
express the relation of the neutral tempefatures, the value of the
Peltier effeot» and the electzomotive force of a thermoeleotrie oironit.
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EUdrol^ftie Condueium,
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the ions an nerer aet free in fintia qoMttitj, and it is this liberation
of .the iona which reqniiea a finite electromotiTe Ibroe. At the
olacUud wthe iona aoenmnlate, far the snooessiye portions of the
uma, ao tiiqr aime aft the eieetiodM^ mafiad of finding nMdecnka of
tho oppoaite Ion nadj to oomhiBa with ttam, am fiMoed into eona-
pnnj with molaeolaa of their own kind, with which thcj cannot
oombine. The dectromotive finoe leqnind to pfodnee thia effisot
ia of finite nagnitode, and fimna an oppoaing electromotife foraa
whidi piodncaa a xemacd ciinent when other dectranotiYa finwaa
aie xemoved. When this nifoiaod eloctroinoti ye fiM<ee» owipg to
the aoeomnktion of the iona at the eleetiode, ia ohoerfed, the
electrodea are «ud to be Polarized.
258.] One of the beat methoda of determining whether a bodj
ia or ia not an electrolyte ia to place it between pbtinam elaetrodea
and to paaa a enrrent tibfoagli k fisr aome tfane, and then, dia-'
engaging the electrodes from the Toltaic battery, and connecting
them with a <;;tilvanometer, to observe whether a reverse current,
due to polarization of the electrodes, passes throu^'li the ^Mlvano-
meter. Such a cuiTtnt, Uing- due to accumulation of ditieront
substances on the two electrodes, is a proof that the substance has
been electnjlytically decomposed by the original current from the
l)attcry. Tliis method can often be applied where it is ditiicult,
unless the molecules can pass from one part to another no eleo-
trolytic conduction can take phwe, so that the substance must
be in a liquid state^ either hy fusion or by solution, in order to be
a conductor.
But if we go on, and assume that the molecules of the ions
within the electrolyte are aetoally ohaiged with oertain definite
qnantitiea of electricity, poeitive and negstiTey so that the elec-
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positive for the oation and negative for the anion. This definite
quantity of electricity we shall call the molecular ohaige. If it
were known it would be the most natural unit of electricity.
Hitherto we have only increased the precision of our ideas by
ezeioising our imagination in tracing the electrification of molecules
and the discharge of that electrification.
The liberation of the and the passage of positive eleetricify
horn the anode and into the cathode are simultaneous facts. The
ions,when liberated, are not charged with electricity, hence, when
they are in combination, they have the molecular charges as above
The electrification of a molecule, however, though easily spoken
of, is not so easily conceived.
We know that if two metals arc brought into contact at any
* See note to Art. 6.
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312 SL1CTA0LT8I& [260.
point, the rest of their sor&oes will be electrified, and if the metals
are in the finrn of two platei lepnnitod by n narrow internal of air^
tho chuge on each plate may beeome of eoneideiable magnitude.
Somediiii^ like this maj be ufymd to oceor when the two
eomponenti of an dectndyte are in combinaHon. Each pair of
molecales may be snppoeed to toaeh at one point, and to have the
rart of their aoifiwe duuged wilh deetricit^ doe to the eleetro-
motiTe finee of contact.
Bnt to e]q^lain the phmomenoB, ^
ought to ihew why the
duBge thna prodnoed on each moleeole ia of s fixed amonnti and
why, when a moleeole of dilorine ia combined with a radeenle of
zinc, the mohwolar chaiges are the ame as when a moleonle of
ddorine ia combined with a moleeole of copper^ akhoagh the eleo-
tranotiYe force between chlorine and sine is much greater than
that between chlorine and copper. If the chaiging of the molecoleB
ia the effisct of the deetramoti¥e fime of contact, why shonld
deetromotiTe foroea of different intenaitiea prodooe enctly equal
charges ?
Snppoeey however, that we leap over thia diffienlty by simply
asserting the fiust of the constant of the mokcolar duurge,
and that we call this constant molecular charge, for convenience in
description, one molecule of electricity.
This phrase, gross as it is, and out of harmony with the rest of
this treatise, will enable us at least to state clearly what is knowu
about electrolysis, and to appreciate the outstanding diOleulties.
Every electrol}'te must be considered as a l>inary compound of
its anion and its cation. The anion or the cation or both may be
toinp<»und bodies, so that a molecule of the anion or the cation
miy be lorraed by a number of molecules (if simple lx>dies. A
molecule of the anion and a mole<Mile of the cation combined to-
gether form one molecule of the electrolyte.
In order to act as an anion in an electrolyte, the molecule which
80 acts must be charged with what we have called one molecule
f»f negative electricity, and in order to act as a cation the molecule
must Ije charged with one molecule of positive electricity.
These charges are connected with the molecules only when they
are combined as anion and cation in the electrolyte.
^yhen the molecules are electrolyaed, they part with their chaiges.
to the electrodes, and appear as nndectrified bodies when set free
from combination.
If the same molecule is capable of acting as a cation in one
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less than that due to the chemical process within the cell, and that
the remainder of the heat is developed in the connecting wire, or,*
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w<i02 l^t ^nBtfitiJ im i&e ecu.
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lioth the sectjiularv jiile and the Leydeii jar are capable of being
cliar^'ed with a ctrtaiii amount of electricity, and of being after-
wards discharg-ed. During- tlie dischar^^e a (juantity of electricity
nearly equal to the charge pa-yes in the opposite direction. The
ditference l)ot\veen the charge and the discharge arises j>artly fr(»ni
dissi[)ation, a process which in the case of small char<^'-es is very
slow, but which, when the charge exceeds a certain limit, l)eeumes
exceedingly rapid. Another j)art of the dilierence between the charge
and the discharge arises from the fact that after the electrodes
have been connected for a time sufficient to produce an apparently
complete discharge^ so that the current has completely disappeared,
if we separate the electrodes for a time, and afterwards iX)nnect
them, we obtain a second discharge in the same direction as the
original discharge. This is called the residual discharge^ and is a
phenomenon of the Leyden jar as well as of the secondary pile.
The secondary pile may therefore be compared in several respects
to a Leyden jar. Tla re are^ howcTer, certain important differences.
The charge of a Leyden jar is very exactly proportional to the
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and not throngfaoot the saMmoe of the eledxoljte, and the form
in which it cxistB maj be called electEoljtic pohuncation.
After Btadyingr th6 eeoondaiy pile in connexion witii the Lejdem
jar» the student ahonld again compare the voltaic batteiy with
some form of the electrical madiinei aneh aa that deieribed in
Art. 211.
Mr.yarle7 has lately* found that the opacity of one eqinaxe
inch is from 175 to 542 microfiuads and upwards for platinum
plates in dilute salphnric add, and that the capacity increases with
the electromotiTe force^ being about 175 for 0.02 of a BsnieH's
cell, and 542 for 1.6 Darnell's cells.
But the comparison between the Leyden jar and the secondary
pile may be carried still farther, as in the following' experiment,
due to Bulff. It is only when the glass of the jar is cold that
it is capable of retaining* a charge. At a temperature below lOO'^C
the gflass becomes a conductor. If a test-tube containing mercury
is i)lai't'd in a vessel of mercury, and if a pair of electrodes are
connected, one with the inner and the other with the outer portion
of mercury, the arrangement constitutes a Leyden jar which will
hold a charge at ordinary temperatures. If the electrodes are con-
nected with those of a voltaic battery, no current will pass as long
as the glass is cold, but if the aj)paratus is gradually heated a
current will begin to pass, and will increase rapidly in intensity as
the tempezatuxe rises, though the glass remains apparently as hard
as ever.
This current is manifestly electrolytic, for if the electrodes are
disconnected from the battery^ and connected with a galvanometer,
a considerable reverse cnnent passes, due to polarisatibn of the
surfiices of the glass.
If, while the battery is in action the apparatus is cooled, the
cnnent is stopped by ihio cold glass as before, but the pdariistion
of the surfaces remains. The mercury may be lemoTed, the suifoces
may be washed with nitric add and with water, and fresh meroury
introduced. then heated, the current of polar-
If the apparatus is
isation appears as soon as the glass is suffidentiy warm to conduct it.
We may though apparently a
therefore regard glass at 100"C,
solid body, as an and there is considerable reason
to believe that in most instances in which a didectric has a
slight degree of conductivity the conduction is eleotrolytiD. Iha
• • Proc R. 8., Jftu. 12, 1871.
t AmuOm dtr Okmie wul Phamacief bd. xo. 2117 (1854).
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To ensure that the liquid in contact with the copper shall be
saturated with sulphate of copper, crystals of this substance must
be placed in the li(|uid close to the oapper, so that when the solution
is made weak by the deposition of the copper, more of the crystals
may be dissolved.
We have seen that it is necessary that <he liquid next the copper
should be saturated with sulphate of copper. It is still more
neeessaiy that the liquid in which the zinc is immersed should be
free from sulphate of copper. If any of this salt makes its way
to the surface of the sine it is reduced, and copper is deposited
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272.] Thomson's fokh op daniell's cell. 827
OIL the lino. The sine, copper, and fluid then form a little ebonit
in which rapid eleetrolytic action goes on, and the zinc ie eaten
away by an action which contribntei nothhig to the nseM effiMst
of the battery.
To prevent this, the zinc is immersed either in dilute snlphoric
acid or in a solution of sulphate of zinc, and to prevent the solution
of sulphate of copper from mixing with this liquid, the two liquids
are separated by a divij^ion consisting- of bladder or porous earthen-
ware, which allows electrolysis to take place through it, but
effectually prevents mixture of the fluids by visible currents.
ence is that diffusion is always gfoing on, while the current flows
only when the battery is in action.
In all forms of Daniell's battery the final result is that the
sulphate of copper finds its way to the zinc and spoils the battery.
To retard this result indefinitely, SirW. Thomson* has constructed
Daniell's battery in the following fonn.
above when required. In this way the greater part of the sulphate
of copper rising through the liquid by difinsion is drawn off by the
siphon before it reaches the sine, and tiie sId0 is snnoonded by
liqnid neeily fiee from sulphate of copper, and having a very slow
downward motion in the cell, which still further retards the npwaid
motion of the sulphate of copper. During the action of the batteiy
copper is deposited on the copper plate, and SO4 traveb sloidy
through the liqnid to the sine with which it combines, forming
solphate of zinc Thus the liquid at the bottom becomes less dense
by the deposition of the copper, and the liquid at the top becomes
more dense by the addition of the sine. To prevent this action
from changing the order of density of the strata, and so producing
instability and visible currents in the vessel, care must be taken to
keep the tube well supplied with crystals of sulphate of copper,
and to feed the cell above with a solution of sulphate of zinc suffi-
ciently dilute to be lighter than any other stratum of the liquid
in the cell.
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is arrang-cd so that the current must always pass in the same manner
between two portions of its surface which are called its electrodes.
For instance, a mass of metal of any form the surface of which is
entirely covered with insulating material except at two places, at
which the exposed surface of the conductor is in metallic contact
with electrodes fonned of a perfectly condnctiiig material, may be
treated as a linear conductor. For if the cnrrent be made to enter
at one of these electrodes and escape at the other the lines of flow
will be determinate, and the relation between electromotive force,
enxrent and leeiBtance will be expressed by Ohm's Law, for the
current in every part of the mass will be a linear function of JS*
But if there be more possible electrodes than two, the condnctor
may haye more than one independent conent throngh it, and these
may not be ooi\)ngate to each other. See Ait 282.
Okm*s Law.
274.] Let E
be the electromotiTe force in a linear conductor
from the electrode ^
to the electrode A^. (See Art 69.) Let
C be the strength of the electric current along the conductor, that
is to say, let C units of electricity pass across every section in
the direction A.y in unit of time, and let U be the resistance of
the cuuductor, then the expression of Ohm's Law is
B= cn, (1)
275.] Let Ai, be the electrodes of the first conductor and let
the second conductor be ph^ed with one of its electrodes in contact
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with A.,, so that the second conductor hag for its electrodes A^, A^,
The electrodeB of the third conductor may he denoted bjr 4t
and A^.
Let the elect rn motive force along each of thflBe conductors be
denoted by J^m* ^ other conductors.
Let the resistance of the conductors be
-Rbi J^m*
Then, since the condnetors are arran<?ed in series so that the same
current C flows through each, we have by Ohm's Law,
^12 = C'^i2» ^23 — ^^^» — ^^M'
If ^ is the resultant electromotive foroe, and R the resultant
Tesistance of the system^ we must have by Ohm's Law,
E^CM.. (3)
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potentialB at A and Etae the same for all the oondnoton, they have
the mme diiftranoe, which we may call B, We then have
but C=
= M|
» + A|
Or, //{ff reciprocnl of the resUtunce of a multiple conductor U the sum
of the reciprocals of the component conductors.
If we call the reciprocal of the resistance of a comluctor the
conducti\'ity of the conductor, tlien we may say that the con-
ductivifi/ of a multiple conductor is the sum of the conductivities <^
ike component conductors.
C. = C|, (8)
When we know the resistance of a uniform wire we can determine
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the electromotive foroe^ or that is, the velocity with which the
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dimenaionof [r-'].
The nomerieal magnitade of theae ooeffi(»enta dependa only on
the unit of time, which ia the same in different countries.
The specific resistance per unit of weight is of the dimensions
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834 UBMAM MSMTmC CUBBm& [280.
+(^„2;,+&e.+A;,z;.). (6)
The symbol A'^ does not occur in this equation. Let us therefore
give it the value
= -(A-,, + a;, + &c. + iT,,) ; (7)
that is, let K^^ be a quantity equal and opposite to the sum of
all the conductivities of the conductors which meet iu A^. We
may then write the condition of continuity for the point A^,
= Jl^,J?,,+&c.+A,,^,,-Q,. (8)
and by 7>j„^, the minor of A"^,, we find for the value of P^—P^y
In the same ivay the eieess of the potential of any other pointy
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{D^^+JD^-D^-DJ, (12)
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284.] OBKKRATIOir OF HBAT. 387
We shall loppofle, however, that the value <^ the onnent k not
that given by Ohm*8 Law, bat X^, where
e„=-^»x+ii«+&c.+j^, (21)
therefoxe 0 s Tn+T^+kc-^T^, (22)
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7» -» and X
respectively at B and C7, the triangle ABC
will be normal to OR.
The area of this triangle ABC will be
and by (fiminishing r this area may be diminished without limit.
Tlie quantity of electricity which leaves the tetrahedron ABCO
by the triangle ABC must be equal to that which enters it through
the three triangles OBC^ OCA, and 0A£.
mm ^
The axea of the triangle OBC is i — , and the component of
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Tlie quantities which enter through the triaugles OCA and OAB
respectively are « ^ »
, .
tr*-7, and ^r*—*
If y is the component of the velocity in the direction OH, then
the quantity which leaves the tetrahedron through is ABG
Since this is eqnal to the quantity which enters through the three
other triangles^
y = lu-^mv-^nv, (1)
Ifwepat =
and make W such tliat
u=iVTi r = wT, and iiJ = »T;
then y = r(/^ 4- »^ + (2)
z %
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dk dk dk ^
If this equation is true for all values of A, all the snrfiMies of Hie
family will be surfaces of How.
289.] Let there be another family of surfaces, whose parameter
is A'j then, if these are also surfaces of iiow^ we shall have
dk' dk' dk' ^
It -y- -H 1;
+ W -J- B 0.
dx dz
dk' dk'
= 0;
dk" dk dk"
da: dz
290.] Now
consider the four sai&oes whose parameters are A,
and A'+dA'. These four snrfiuses endose a qoadrilatersl
tnhoj which we may oaU the tube dA.dA'. Since tins tube is
boonded by surfiuses across which there is no flow, we may cell
it a Tabs of Flow. If we take any two sections across the tube,
the quantify which enters the tnbe at one section must be equal
to the quantify which leaves it at the other, and since this quantily
is therefore the same for erery section of the tnbe, let us call it
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293*] TUBIS OF FLOW. 841
«x.*v=a5(|f-£^). (18)
rdK d\"
X i^du
d\ dW
fffflfH^ a ss
'dy dz dz
dy ^
— /dk'dK' d\d\\
n 1
t, = Z(__-__), (16)
\dm dy dm* -
JJudydz=JJdKdK\ (16)
0» Limei (jfFhw,
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*hui •nrfb^ w il h* «xpnMM«i w tiie aMi^ «f
•iww ^.h*^ *arrieii oniiy -if nKrwac
A <ttra^ -rn of a «i*md'io*.or con'ainrti between two «»-
li^y^f jy** »nrfa/'>rfl of flow of oni? fvatem. ^ay tLat ':t a', 'j? called
Bquaium if * Omtmmljf*
205.] If we dliferentiate the three equations (15) with respect to
0, j^, t respectively, remembering that JD is a function of A and A',
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one plaoe and mjpj^mt in Hkt oiher, bvk it miut tmvet aloiig » eon-
tiniioiis path^ so tbafc if a closed
diawni inolndiiig tiM
mirfiM»e l>e
one plaoe and ezdading the other, a material anbstanee In paaaingf
from the one plaoe to the other mnat go throngh the dosed mstSmot*
The most general form of the equation in hydrodjrnamics is
d{pu) d{pv) d(pw) .dp .-g.
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844 coHDucnoF nr thiei bimxhsiohs. [296.
/A— =///(£
in the case of any closed surface, the limits of the triple inte<>ration
being those included by the surface. This is the expression for
the total c'fHux from the closed surface. Since in all cases of steady
corrents this must be zero whatever the limits of the intcigtatioii,
the qoantity under the int^ral sign must vanirii, and we obtain
in this way the equation of oontinaity (17).
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r=-l^, djf
^ = -f;
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9^q,X-\-r,Y^p,Z, (3)
w = p.. A' 4- q^ y -f Z; I
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rsXv+rtF+^w; (8)
= r,X2+rgrHr3Z2+(;,^+jjr^+(^,+^^Z+(i>,+jrJJ:r. (10)
is Qot ill general the same as that which reduces it to the form
and jp s + 1, q
then we have
Conditum of Stability.
4J2|i2i-(P,+ «a)S'
must all be positive.
There are similar conditions for the coefficients of conductivity.
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dm dv dw ^
is a solution of the equation.
In the case in which the coefficients T are zero, the coefficieDts A
and B become identical with J2 and 8, When T eiiete this Is not
the case.
In the case therefore of electricity flowing out from a centre in an
infinite homogeneous, but not isotropic^ medium, the cquipotential
are ellipsoids, for each of which p is constant. The axes of
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3O30 '
8KSW 878TKH. 849
i^+t+il=J'l.. (22)
rj fj ^l^^i^S
that by which Hamilton and Tait treat a linear and vector function
of a vector. We shall not, however, expressly introduce Quateraion
The coefficients T^, T.^, may be regarded as the rectangular
components of a vector T, the absolute magnitude and direction
of which are fixed in the body, and independent of the direction of
the «fi8 of reference.The same is true of ^, ^, t^, which are the
components of another vector L
The vectors T and I do not in general coincide in direction.
Let us now take the axis of so as to coincide with the vector
T, and transform the eqoations of resistance accordingly. They
will then hayc the form
Y S^u+Ji^v-^S^w-i-TuA (23)
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d , dF dV dF. d f dF dF dF.
+^^^)-^ ^('^^^ ^^^^7 ^^^^^
d . dF dF dF. , ^
da db dc
aud let a = dF
dF dF
dF dF dF
dF dF dF ,
(24) will theiefinie, as shewn in Art. 98> have one and only ime
In this case W represents the menhaninal equivalent of the heat
generated by the eorrent in the system in unit of tune, and we hftve
to prove that there is one way, and one only, of maldng this heat
ft mininram, and that the distribution of enrrents {abc) in that case
is that which arises from the solution of the charaoteristic equation
of the potential F.
The (^uaulity IF may be written in terms of equations (25) and (26),
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305.] SXTIN810K OF THOMSON'S THflO&EM. 351
.2 nr'i
///(• =
Since T- + J- + J- = 0, (29)
AT ay oi;
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But since the current must pass &om places of high to places of
low potential^ it csnnot flow in a dosed curve.
Since there are no electrodes within the snr&oe the current
csnnot begin or end within the closed sui&oe, and since the
potential at all points of the snrfiu» is the same^ there can be
no current along lines psssing from one point of the suiftoe to
Hence there are no currents within the sui&ce, end therefore
there can be no difoence of potential^ as such a difforence would
produce currents, and therefore the potential within the closed
surfiuie is everywhere the same as at the surfiuse.
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are known the currents in the third case will be zero, so thftt by
(6) the potential everywhere within the surface ivill be zero, or
there k no excess of }\ over F^, or the reverse. Henoe there is
806.] The conductor here oonndered has its sur&ce divided into
three portions. Over one of these portions the potential is main-
tained at a constant value. Over a second portion the potential has
a constiint value different from the first. Tlie whole of the remainder
of the surface is impi'rvious to electricity. We may suppose the
conditions of the first by applying
aud second portions to be fulfilled
to the conductor two electrodes of perfectly conducting material,
and that of the remainder of the surCace by coating it with per-
fectly non-conducting material.
Under these circumstances the current in every part of the
conductor is simply proportional to the difierence between the
potentials of the electrodes. Calling this difference the electro-
motive ioTCf, the total current from the one electrode to the other
is the product of the electromotive force by the conductivity of the
conductor as a whole, and the resistance of the conductor is the
reciprocal of the conductivity.
It is only when a conductor is approximately in the oircumstanoes
above defined that it can be said to have a definite resistance, or
conductivity as a whole. A resistance coil, oonsisting of a thin
wire terminating in larg^ masses of oagipet, approximately satisfies
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To find the resistance of the whole artificial condnotor, we have
only to integ^te with letpeet to F, and we find
The resistance R of the conductor in its natural state is greater
than the value thus obtained, unless all the surfaces we have chosen
are the natural cquipotential surfaces. Also, since the true value
of li is the absohiti' maximum of the vahios of which can thus
he obtained, a small deviation of the clioson surfaces from the true
equipotential surfaces will produce an error of It which is com-
paratively small.
This method of determining a lower limit of the value of the
resistance is evidently perfectly general, and mijr be applied to
oondoctors of any form, even when the qpeeifie renatanoey varies
in any manner within the conductor.
The most familiar example is the ordinary method of determining
the rr ^i'^t.ince of a straight wire of variable section. In this case
the surfiMses chosen are planes peipendicular to the axis of the
wire^ the strata have parallel £Eioes, and the resistance of a stratum
of sectioa 8 and thieknets d$ is
^i^.-/^?. (S)
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The true length of the element of the tabe ia dxaeeB, and its
trae section is
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which may be less, but cannot be greater^ than the true con-
ductivity of the conductor..
The first term of this expression, ~2» ^ which we should
have fimnd by the fbnner metiiod aa the enpeiior limit of the eon-
dnotiTity. Henoe the trae eondootivity is leas tiiaa the fiiat tena
bnt greater than the whole aeriea. The wapmin valne of the
resistance ia the redpiocal of this, or
If, besides anppoaing the flow to be gnided by the amfiMsea <f> and
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S59 KJBsmiJiCB ASD coyiiccm iTT. £3oA.
H' ri':<-, if the length of the win? from a given point to the
eicetivxie ih />, and its specific resistance p, the resistance from that
point to any point of the electrode not near the junction ia
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2«*r=^» (20)
or P=?fa»a«. (21)
C^R^^P, (22)
whence, by (20) and (21),
P' 8
this correction being greater than the true value. The true oor-
, or between 0.785 and 0.849.
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V »
and if Ug, i^, Wg and Mg,p^, w, are the components of coirsnts in the
two medi% nA.i, m, n the direction-coeines of the normal to the
sorfiuse of separation,
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vihare X, ¥, Z the derivatiTeB of F with lespeet to w,ytg
Let OS take the oaae of the nizftee whidi sepamtee a mediiun
having tiieee ooeffieieiite of oondnotion from an isotropio medinm
having » coefficient of condnetion eqnal to r.
Let X', 7', he the values of X, J*, ^ in the iaotropic mediiun^
then we have at the eoiftce
r= r, (4)
i^/+t<fli+i/« as (9)
or r{lX-{-7nY-irnZ-\- iittr)
cients p and q are zero, and the coefficients r are all equals so that
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- - A- 1^ A) + 1) =
(i i ^) (' 0.
^ V(ai+i)
_ {k, - k.^ i
A, * 4. {k^ i -h a +l))B^
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3".] 8PHEBICAL SHBIiL. 868
In this way we oaa find thA oondition8 wbich eabh term of the
harmmiie espMuion of tbe potential most ntisfy for any number of
stmta boonded by eonoentrie spherical snrfiMiee.
812.] Let us suppose the radius of the first spherical soifiuse
Then we can find A^, the corresponding coefficient for the inner
sphere by equation (6), and from this deduce J,, B^, and Of
these jl?3 represents the effect on the potential in the outer medium
due to the introduction of the heterogeneous spheres.
Let us now suppose =
i^, so that the case is that of a hollow
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thai ^asi^i^(2t+l)<(7^,
^= (2 f + 1) (*i (t + 1)+ M ^^8>
The case of a solid sphere may l)e deduced &om this by making
Hj = 0, or it may be worked ont independently.
313.] The most important term in the hannonie eipansion is
that in which t s 1, for which
k. —k
r^\A+^'/-^lJ4oo,0. (16)
terms enter into the result, which we shall not now consider.
In consequence of these terms certain systems of arrangement of
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tile spheres cause the resistance of the compound medium to be
ditTerent in Uiirerent directions.
n= (1)
\ dp ~ dv
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• See Kirchhoff, Fogg. Awih. Ixiv. 497, and Izvii. 344 ; Qainok«, Pogg. xcyU. 882;
Mid Smith, Proe. R. 8. Sdm., 1869-70, p. 79.
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868 ooHDUcnov nr HmBOOBHions midu. [318.
+ ^+ ^+iScc, (9)
^2 + ATj '^2~T'
If we make _ k^—k^ ^_
w+ o_
+/''(l-/)(p/'')"-'^• ('5)
Diyilizea by CjOOgle
If the plate is a very much better conductor than the rest of the
medium, p is very nearly equal to 1 . If the plate is a nearly perfect
insulator, p is nearly equal to — 1 , and if the plate differs little in
conducting power from the rest of the medium, /> is » small quantity
positive or negative.
The theory of this case was first stated by Green in his ' Theory
of Magnetic Induction* (Ettay, p. 65). His result, however, is
oonect only when p is nearly equal to 1 The quantity g which
he uses is connected with ^ by the eqaations
2/) _ k^-k^ o-J^
If we put ps ' * solution of the problem of
On SkaHfied QmSueion.
319.] Let a conductor be composed of alternate strata of thick-
ness c and (f of two substances whose coefficients of conductivity
are different. Required the coefhcients of resistance and conduc-
tivity of the compound conductor.
Let the plane of the strata be normal to Z. Let every symbol
relating to the strata of the second kind be accented, and let
Diyilizea by CjOOgle
870 ooNDUcnoN in hitbboobneous media. [320.
(4+^0 («+<0
_ gr^ + gV/ hh'{p.-p,[){q,-q;)
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^ {lM(l+^2)(l+^s)}>--K^2-f
* (1+/&2)(1+^*3)(>^*1'' + ^
_ (1 -f 4-
h >^3) ^+ (^1 -1^
h-^K K -»-
K K-^KK^* ^
fi b 2
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If r B 00, that iS| if the parallelepipeds aie perfect oondocior%
or « = (/-J -f
A'a - j A + (y>3 + A'u /y ) r+ + Kc a) Z.
In the same way we may find the values of v and i^. The
eoefficients of conductivity as altered by the effect of the channel
will be
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324-] 00MP06ITS OONDUOIOB. 873
N 1 1 0 0+x+r.
Let these four points be oonneoted by six oonductors,
of which the conductivities are respectively
A, B, C, P, «, n.
The electromotiYe forces along these condnotors will be
r+j^, j?+x, jT+r, j-jgr, ^-x, x— x,
and the curfonts
A{Y^Z), B{z^x\ c(x+i). P(r-^), q{z-X), R{x-r),
Of these currents, those which convey electricity in the positive
direction of « are those along LM, LN, OM and ON, and the
quantity conveyed is
u ^ (^+(?+«+J8)X+(<7-J8)r +(-8-®^.
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where K is the *
specific inductive capacity,'
Tlie * equation of continuity' of electric currents becomes
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326.] THiOBT or A comomraut. 376
whence p = Ce ; (4)
This result shews that under the action of any external electric
forces on a homogeneous medium, the interior of which is originally
charged in any manner with electricity, the internal charges will
die away at a rate which does not depend on the external forces,
so that at length there will be no charge of electricity within
the medium, after which no external forces can either produce or
maintain a charge in any internal portion of the medium, pro-
vided the relation between electxomotiye foroej electric polarization
and conduction remains the same. When disruptive disohaige
occurs these relations cease to be tme^ and internal chaige maj
be produced.
On CondueHtm tAnm^A a Condeiuer,
force wiU be
If the electrification is supposed to be produced by an electro-
motive force £ acting in a circuit of which the condenser forms
part, and if
^ repiesents the current in that circuit, then
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876 cx>HDircfino9 IN DnBLiOTBics. [327.
('-'"*>•"*(-"*>• '"•
CL = £,
— e'cR- (12)
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Xi=4uVi. (2)
By the definition of the total current^
•. = A+f. (3)
wiiJi similar eqnataons for the other strata, in eadi of which the
qoantities have the suffix helonging to that stratom.
To determine the sarfiMse-density on any stratum^ we have an
equation of the form = _y; ^
By diflferentiating (4) with respect to #, and equaiang the result
to (5), we obtain
^ / 1 1 d^-^
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From the form of the equation it is evident that the order of
the different strata is inditferent, so that if there arc several strata
of the same sul)stanee we may suppose them united into one
without altering the phenomena.
329.] Let ns now sn])pose that at first /J, &c. are all zero,
and that an eleetromotive force E is suddenly made to act, and let
Xi=s4ir^iC. (14)
4ir(*,tf,+it,fl,+&c.)C, (15)
= —
47r(Xiai+itja, + &c.)
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fia,+r,«,+&o. (18)
BO that = (19)
or 0 « + fi- (22)
Xi=rX'* 1 , (23)
where X' is the initial value after the discharge.
Hence,- at any time
Diyilizea by CjOOglc
= -f S.[a.a.M.(i-^)l. (31)
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aaoe and let a onmnt be paoecd along ihia aeriea from left to
Let us fint suppose the plates ^i* -^2* inenlatecl and
I''ig. 25.
Similarly Qi-Qi=C^^^,
and so on.
But by Ohm's Law we have
If we suppose the values of C the same for each plate, and those
of P the same for each wire, we shall have a series of equations of
the form
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Hence =— ^ • (2)
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If the piston is now fixed and the stopcock opened, n.crcury will
flow from B to C till the level in the two tubes is again at B^^ and
Cq. Tliere will then be a dilicn nce of pressure = a on the two
sides of the piston J\ If the stopcock is then closed and the piston
P left free to move, it will a^in come to equilibrium at a {xjint P^,
half way between P^ and Pq. This corresponds to the residual
charge which is observed when a charged dielectric is first dis-
charged and then left to itself. It gradually recovers part of its
charge, and if this is a<^in discharged a third charge is formed, the
successive charges diminishing in quantity. In the case of the
illustrative experiment each charge is half of the pieceding, and the
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c c a
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that it always lemains the same for the same temperatare, so that
the oondnctor may be nsed as a standard of resistance, with which
that of other conductors can be c<»npared^ and the comparison of
two resistances is an operation which admits of extreme accuracy.
When the unit of electrical resistance has been fixed on, material
copies of this unit, in the form of ' Resistance Coils/ are prepared
for the use of electricians, so that in every part of the world
electrical resistances may be expressed tn terms of the same unit.
These unit resistance coils are at present the only examples of
material electric standards which can be preserved, copied, and used
for the purpose of measurement. Measures of electrical capacity,
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Fig. 28.
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The other electrode of the box is a long brass plate^ such that
by inserting brass plugs between it and the electrodes of the coils
it may be connected to the first electrode through any given set of
coils. The eonduotiTify of the box is then the sum of the con-
ductivities of the coils.
In the figure, in which the resistances of the coils are 1, 2, 4, &c.,
and the plugs are inserted at 2 and 8, the conductivity of the
box is i + i = ^1 imd the resistance uf the box is therefore -f
or 1.6.
Tliis metliod of combining resistance coils for the measurement
of fractional resit-tancos was introduced by Sir W. Thomson under
the name of the method of multiple arcs. See Art. 276.
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On Ue Comparuan €f Beiiitaneei.
846.] If ^ 18 the electromotive foioe of a batteiy, and Jl the
Teeistance of the hatteiy and its connexions, indudii^ the galvan-
ometer used in measuring the corrent, and if the strength of the
current is / when the hattery connexions are closed, and 7^,
when ndditioual resistances fj, are introduced into the circuit,
tbeu, by Ohm's Law,
E=IR = I,{lUr,) = l,(R + r^).
Eliminating the elcctromotiv*' force of tlic battery, and 7?
the resistance of the battery and its connexions, we get Ohm's
^ U-^i) h
that any methods in which these are assumed to be even for a short
time constant are not to be depended on.
Fig. 80.
i^iyui^ud by Google
/i = ^-j-, /a = ^-2r' JJ
where 2> = (.i + o) (j5+/3) + r (^+a+5+i8).
The deflexion of the galvanometer needle is therefore
«= ^/*(i^ f^)-»U-ho)},
i^iyui^ud by Google
•i(^+/3)-»(J' + a)=:^fi'.
If h and h', instead of being' both apparently zero, had been only
observed to be equal, then^ unleflS we alflo ooold assert that E= E*,
the right-hand side of the equation might not be zero. In fact,
the method would be a mere modification of that already described.
The merit of tiie method consists in the fact that the thin^
observed is the absence of any deflexion, or in other words, the
method is a Null method, one in which the non-existence of a foxee
is assertedfrom an observation in which the force, if it had been
differentfrom zero by more than a certain small amount, would
have ])rodnced an observable effect.
Null methods are of great value whevs they can be employed, but
they can only be employed where we can cause two equal and
opposite quantities of the same kind to enter into the experiment
In the case before us both 6 and 6' are quantities too small to be
observed, and therefore any change in the value of E will not aii'cct
i^iyui^ud by Google
whence {B-A) = J)
-g, a - jy
^ y.
If m and u, A and B, a and /3 are approximately equal, then
We then find o m
A = -2 a+r
i£ +
r- = - —r
if I* = 0 and a « -tA,
— 2 8-5'
A = 3« A *
i^iyui^ud by Google
measured by a galvanometer.
_ ~jfr"5lSH?^^o Under certain circumstances this current
' becomes zero. The conductors B^' and OA
then said to bo conjiKjafe to each other,
which implies a certain relation between tlie resistances of the
other four conductors, and this relation is made use of in measuring
If the current in OA is zero, the potential at 0 must be equal
to that at A. Now when we know the potentials at B and C we
can determine those at 0 and A by the rule given at Art. 274,
provided there is no current in OA^
/3 + y
— , if
i^iyui^ud by Google
343.] whbatstonb'b bridob. 399
^+ y-^ = 0,
T] Z—X = 0,
Hence, if we put
—y ^4-y + a —a
we ftnd ^ ~B
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349-] wbbatstoke's bridge, 401
c ^^^^
yoL. I. Dd
and if a =i = ii7.
350.] We
have already explained the general theory of Wheat-
stone's Bridge, we shall now consider some of its applications.
350.] USB OF wheatstonb's bridge. 40d
Tvro other coils, 6 and c, are prepared which are eqnal or nearly
equal to each other, and the four coils are placed with their deetrodes'
in mercniy cups so that the current <^ the battery is divided
between two branches, one consisting of and y and the other
of 6 and e. The coils 6 and e are connected by a wire PM, as
unifofin in its resistance as possible, and ibmished witii a seala
of equal parts.
The galvanometer wire connects the junction of /3 and y with
a point Q of the wire /Vi", uud the point of contact at Q is made
to vary till on closing first the battery circuit and then the
galvanometer cireuit, no dellexiou of the galvanometer needle is
The coils /3 and y are then made to change places, and a new
position is found for Q. If this new position is the same as the
old one, then we know that the excliange of /3 and y has produced
no change in the proportions of the resistances, and therefore y
ia rightly adjusted. If Q has to be moved, the direction and
amount of the change will indicate the nature and amount of the
alteration of the length of the wire of y, which will make its
resistance equal to that of ^.
If the resistances of the coils b and e, each including part of the
wire PB up to its aero reading, are equal to that of 6 and c
divisions of the wire respectively, then, if » is the scale reading
of Q in the first case, and y that in the second,
b-x y
T^y ^
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35.i0 Thomson's method fob small RBSisTANCBa 405
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Fig. as.
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where X8, PQ, &c. stand for the resistances in these condoctors.
From this we get
xs _ A^+pq^
XY " A^-^(\-^PR'
Now let the electrode of the galvanometer be connected to 8\
and let resistance be transferred from C io A (by carrying resistance
coils from one side to the other) till cleetric equilibrium of the
g'alvanometer wire can be obtainetl by ])laeing Q at some point
of the wire, say Q.^. Let the values of C and A be now and Ag,
and let
^+ + = + Q + Pi2 = R.
Tlien we have^ as before,
Wbenoe g = 4j=4 + «L^.
In the same way, placing the apparatus on the second conductor
at TT* and again transferring resistance, we get, when the electrode
XT" R '
and when it is in
XT A, + PQ,
Whence ^^6^Z^M.K
We can now deduce the ratio of the resistances SS' and 2" J, for
i^iyui^ud by Google
* —W
Hence Q^Its'^.
and Q=Qor«*,
where is the charge at first when ^ ss 0.
Similarly i?=J5o*'**
where Eq is the original reading of the electrometer^ and E the
same after a time /. From this we find
Fig. 36.
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>UNC£'S M£TUOD. 411
ovm resistance.
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If the deflexion of tbe galTanometer remaiiis mialtered, we know
tliAt OB 18 conjugate to CA^ whence ey = ao, and a, the Teostaiioe
of the battery, is obtained in terms of known resistances e, y, a.
When the condition s aa is fiilfilled, then the corrent throngh
the galvanometer is
i^iyui^ud by Google
^ ^ a + y^
the veeistance of the hattefy is
a = ey
and the electromotive foroe of the battery is
The method of Art. 356 for finding the resistance of the galva-
nometer differe fipom this only in making and breaking contact
between O and A instead of between 0 and and by eschangiDg
o and /9 we obtain for this ease
$ y («+/3)(^-hy)
Fig. 88.
olution of
iTonwII I. AuMlgMuated Zinc HSO,+ 4ftq. Cu S(l, Copper -1.079
II. Cu 80, (.'oj»i)er -0.978
111. HS0«+12a<i. CuNO, Copper -1.00
Bmim I. HNO, CWbon -1.964
n. p. g. 1.88 OMfaoa slJ88
HSO«-i- 4m. HNO, Fla*iBam«l.»5«
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416 RBSISTANCB. [360.
i^iyui^ud by GoogI
361.] OF METALS. 417
and •=—72 r
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420 [365
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of ihe renstanoe deduced from the ciinent will give a g^reater value
if a oeitain time is allowed to elapse than if taken immediately after
applying the hattery.
Thus, with Hooper's insnlating material the apparent resistance
at the end of ten minntes was four tamesj and at the end of
nineteen hoars twenty-three times that observed at the end of
one minate. When the direction of the electromotive force is
reversed, the resistance falls as low or lower than at first and then
gra<3ually rises.
Tlicse phenomena seem to l)e due to a condition of the c^utta-
percha, which, for want of u better name, we may call polarization,
and which we may compare on the one hand with that of a series
of Leyden jars charged by cascade^ and, on the other, with jElitter s
secondary pih', Art. 271.
number of Leyden jars of great capacity are connected in
If a
series by means of conductors of great resistance (such as wet
that after applying the battery for half an huur_, and then con-
necting the wire with the external electrode, a reverse current t^ikes
]>1aoe, which goes on for some time, and gradually reduces the
bybtem to its original state.
These i)henomena are of the same kind with those indicated
by the M-esidual discharge' of the Leyden jar, except that the
amount of the polarization is much greater in gutta-percha^ &c
than in glass.
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368.] . OF DIELECTRICS. 423
Red Sea 267 x 10" to .362 x 10"
Malta-Alexandria 1.23x10"
Persian Gulf 1.80x10"
Second Atlantic 3.42 x 10^'
Hooper's Persian Gulf Core... 7 4. 7 x 10^'
Gutta-percha at 24''C 3.53 x 10^*
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424 BISISTANCB. [369.
200°C 227000
250* 13900
SOO** 1480
350" 1035
400' 736
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t^'i Mjj^^'*'1- t'c^incily. Vol /.
FIG. 1 .
Art. U8.
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C^af^Miur^gl&sSUctnciiy. Vol/.
Fro. n.
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Art. 120.
Fro. IV
Art. 121.
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Jffxjr»altk lUciTtaiy. Vol/.
Art. 143.
J . S » J .
Art 143.
Art. 143.
i ^ S 9»z .
riG. iX .
Art. 14^.
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Fiu. XI.
Alt. 193.
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Ari. 202.
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