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Arkansans for Common Sense Term Limits ("the Committee "), for
asserts that the Proposed Amendment's ballot title is neither fair nor
November 6, 2018 general elect ion under the popular name "The
attached as Exhibit A.
actions provides: Evidence upon issue s of fact will be taken by a
master 's findings, the parti es shall file briefs as in other cases. ''
Count I
Defects in the Popular Name & Ballot Title
Term Limit s Amendment, " will lead voters to believe the Proposed
they are voting only to amend term Ii1nits, rather than to change our
omits at least three essential facts that would give voters serious
earl ier in the ballot title, to the "re peal " of "Section 2(c) of
and "four -year terms as a member of the Senate. " Later the
include all two (2) and four (4) year terms." Voters will
naturally und erstand the "two and four year terms" to mean
Count II
Insufficient Signatures
approved the popular name and ba llot title for the Proposed
certification signatur es and petition parts not to be coun ted for any
initiative to perform certain acts including, but not limited to, (1)
canvassers within 30 days before the date the paid canvasser begin s
sponsor :
person ;
protectorate ;
(4) A signed sta tement that the person has read and
petition; and
(Emphasis added.)
canvassers listed an out of state domi cile address rather than the
should not have been included in final count for certification . SeeArk.
Secretar y of State's Office sho uld not have been included in the final
count for certification. These petition parts are listed is Exhibit F, and
signature cards for four canvassers upon filing the pe tition wit h the
canvassers shou ld not have been includ ed in the final count for
Specifically, the signature cards for these paid canvassers were not
and should not have been included in the final count for certification
signed signature card for the canvasser as required under Ark. Code
subn1it proper signature cards for one of its paid canvassers. See Ark.
paid canvassers states that the signature card is for "An Act to
Limits Amendment. " The signature card for this paid canvassers
in the final count for certification . See Ark. Code Ann . § 7-9-601(b)(5).
The petition parts for the paid canvasser listed on Exhibit I include
over 300 valid signatures. These signatures should not have been
can vasser collects any signatures 1 the sponsor must obtain from the
information and beliet the sponsor did not obtain properl y executed
beliet the spon sor did not properl y obtain background checks for all
paid canvassers. To the extent true, the sponsor falsely certified that
Police for such paid canvassers. The petition s of any paid canvassers
and the signatures contained therein should not have been counted
of the legal vote rs may propose any law by initiative petition. The
total number of votes cast for the office of Governor in the last
not include any petition s or signatures ithat are invalid for any
petition parts are not to be counted by the Secretary of State for any
the initial coun t of signa tur es, if one (1) or more of the
following is true:
initiated act; or
(7) The petiti on part has a mat erial defect th at, on its
(Exhibit N)
(a) petition parts where the notary seal was missing (Exhibit J)
(b) petitions where the notary date is a date earlier than the
the petition with one name crossed out , (Exhibit L); and
(e) petitions where someone other than the voter has written
the required canvasser affidavit stating, that each of the foregoing
persons signed his or her own name to this sheet of the petition in my
presence. "
should not have been included in the final count of signatures for
and impartial , and to prepare a ballot title that ''informs the voters
with such clarity that they can cast their ballots with a fair
504, 509, 758 S.W.2d 398, 400 (1988).The sponsor was also required to
election ballot. For Issue No. 3, as set out above, none of these
the Nov ember 6, 2018 general-elect ion ballot , and any ballots cast on
genera l-election ballot; (3) order that any ballots cast on the Proposed
and (4) award them all other relief to which they are entitled.
i.=.-.:;;_s l!!~
Eliza e Robben Murray (79244)
Ellen Owens Smith (96205)
Joshua C. Ashley (2012051)
Allison C. Pearson (2017122)
Certification of Sufficiency
I, Mark Martin, Secretary of State of the State of Arkansas , do hereby certify that the petition
submitted for the proposed initiated measure popularly known as
As approved in Attorney General Opinion No. 2016-105, bas met the signature requirements set
forth in Article 5, Section 1 of the Arkansas Constitution, in order to place the proposed
constitutional amendment on the Arkansas General Election ballot of November 6, 2018.
Mark Martin
Secretary of State
To the Honorab le Secretary of State of the Slate of Arkansas : We, the undersigned registered voters of the Slate of Arkausas, respectfully propose the following amendme nt to tho
Cons titution of the State, and by this, our petition, order that the same be subm itted to the peop le of said state, to the end that the same may be adopted, enacted, or rejected by the vote of the
registered votcn of said state at the regular general election to be held on the 6th day ofNovember, 2018, and each of us for himsel f oc herse lf says: I have per sonally signed thi s petition ;
___ Valid of _ _ _
Jam a registered voter of tbe Slate of Arkan5as , and my printed name , dat e of birt h, residence, city or town of residenc e, county of residence, and da le of ~lgnio g thu petition a rc
of signing thill petition correctly printed after my s igna ture . The Popular Name is ARKANSAS TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT, and the ballot title is attache d or affixed hereto. By ___ Date _ __ _
Voters Registered la _ __ __ ___________ Co unty
.1.· .I. L JU
... ,. .. 0 1 ~ , ,.
vv u - - ,v
Ar kans, s
Secret ary o State
8 allotTl1 1• 1. Th• Arkaau• Colllllitullon givu Arluinu1 ciliu.os cbe power lo (a) l11ltlllteltgilbtion by petition oU¼ oflhe leeal
A proposed Rmelldmrolto 111e Arlt.BluWConsli1ution conc'a11iu& lctm Umitsfur mcmbe« of the ArlcansuOal<ral A""'mbly; to prnvl(lc vol• rt or coa.dilutional a111endmea11by petllloa of 10'Y• of lei-I votcn, o~ (b) order lb rercnadaat sg,,ln1t n y gene.rat acl
I.hatDOpcr,on may be elec't(;dto rno<o than tl\1ce(3) two-year lenn.J., a membeJor the 6=• of Rq,TC!Clltatlves, 10more than two (2) or any item or ADapp1'0prution biQ or ~euore pa.s,od t;,y tire Ge.oral A.uc>ll\b ly by petition of 6% or ltgal vetua. A
four-YQrknns as• 1110111b<f of tho Scnalo.or to 1111yt01mtha~ ifi..vcd, would=• tho member loCO<ccod a lo(l( often (10) ye.,,.or proposed mea.,UT<O man be aubmltud al a rezular elecllon; refereadam petition& may be tt .ferred at spo<lal eluti on, on
service in the GeoetaJAssembly; to rcpcsl Sectloo 2(o) of AmcndOICDl73 ilw cslabllihcd • ycars-of•scrvi<elimit on members nf lbc pdilion oflS¾ nr the registered vocen. Any mcamre JUbmlttcd to tire peopk b11eo ma l.w wben approved by a mAjority of
Oenoral As,cmbly or sixtcc:n(16) )CIUJ; to provide lhat the ten-yea, wvicc limit sb1lt inehid&aUtwo (2) and four ('Oyear tfflm, Hl0<>g the votes cart oo the •tt.
partill t,,ou sonoedas• result of a speoial election to fill a vacancy; to apply the lintits to tcmu and ,crvice in the
with fllll years of 1111-Y
Gffleral Assembly on and at\or Jmwa,y I, 1993; to provide lhot this auendmenl shall not wt short o, inVlllidace• tcnn to whioh a mcmbc< 2. Only rcgirt,.-.d voten may 1lgn. All aigaata.-.. 11.11111
be II, tlie 1lgaer'1 own haadwritlne aad I• the prutace oft~c peraon
of tho ~I As.cmblywa, elected prlor lo the effective date ofthi.i amendment, to provide that noiwilbsQlnding!be Ocncralru.,embly"s
clrcul■tio& the petition , The petition 1bould contain only lbe ligutu.-.. ofvoten ....;dine ra • alngk cnnty •
con.,titutionalaulhorityto proposeamendmonu to lhe Constitution,the GcnoralA.u,emblyshall not b;ivc!be outhorityto propose ao
amcndme,,t to the Ccins1iMion..,,.,diog tcnn limlta for the HOllSoo! RcpRseotativ°"or Senate, andto continu<> rcscrving that power to
3. Printed aame, date of birth, rtsldtnu, dty or town ofraidenco , and dat e of 1icalng musl be &ivonuan ■id to
the people uncl<rAllio le S, Section ~ u amendedby AmClldmcnl7; oru1lo Jeclmo that if aoy provision of this amendmentshould bo hold
invalid, tho tomainJ!cr,lmlt$1an11 . vetlflution. If a petition sil ner needs a.ssbta11u with thu lnfonnado11 due to dluhility , another penoa may prioc tile
.niner•, lnform otlot\ ud that penon 1b1H sign and print lbeir aame iJ, th• •margin of the pelili0D,
SRC'TION I. TurmLim'IL,,
/a)No pq;s<m maytieetcclodro, 4. Do not attub 11Cld.iti.on1I
3b..,b to tlrb petit""1 ua.leS&they ccataln the fuh bq guago of the petltloa . Tho lli(aaturo section
Cll Morelhm1
thn;cQ) twp-ypnr tcnnsa1A owub£r
of theArtansasHouseof Rcorescnwivcs
~ oftbo petition must he form •tt •d •• prcocrlbed b7 thc S«retary of Stale.
{2}Morethantwol2}fQUM'.'Cat cf theArbrunSeoa<e·
a, a member
tCffll$ or
!)) Anymmwhichi!smd WOl!ld mood a,IOIII mn jnthe
of tenCIID o..,eni1Assembly 5. Punnan t to uction 5-55-601 (b) of the Ar bn1u Code, e■dl of the following activiliu ooaJtll ules "petition fraud, " whkh
{h} In calculating
th¢tm-mrlimit · is a Cius A misdemeanor and iJ poal5h1ble b y a line of 011 to $1,000 ud foipri5o11me11tfor up lo ope year.
mTwo-veer How,cterm,end bYO::YWand four-yearS<t!PA>tcnns shalJbeincluded· and
IDA paniaJtcnnsenrodasa mutt ofa•~ clcclionunderArticles § 6 sl11 1900 !helimitvnlm
llllllll,(J!'Jlt A penno commllt tbe offearc of petition fraud ;
thatterm.Islongerihooonc(Uvc•rindutOiioo OnlvfullYWJ of2 partialterm Mallbecouot.ed
Cc)Mcmbmserviceinlb• C',,;ru;n1t
AascmhlY on and•fll:•
J1nwuy 1 1993,man be included in calculllinga11owabtc
tcnn., and (1) Ir the pt non kno,.ingly: (A) Sifa.s a name ,oth er Iban or her name to • petition; (B) Sitn• bis or her ume more than
undq thisAmmdmcnt. one (1) lim o lo a pdilioa; or (C) Sica1 • pc,tition wb.crt 'he or Jhc i!1•ol lep ily onlltltd to ilcDthe pctiUop;
SECrION 2. Temnomy •PQllc•til!!l. (2) lft•• person acti11&•• a caoV1W1cr, aot ary,1 pouor .. ddlncd under§ 7+10,1 , or .-gent of aspoMO I': (A) Sigma Q8me
~;Jing thoUmiJs
inS.ECII.Ql'UOO.IbisAmcnd,o,nr,hallnotcul shortoripyaHdato
• tcnnforwhich • nJCml;,qof otlrer than bl, or her o;,,n to• pclltlon, (B) Prnill • name, address, or birth date oth er tb•o bb or ber own to• petition
:the •a otSenate WHc'9<;,ted
priQ1 .edateof (heAmendment
.tufhe.cffi;div ualu, the signor niqulre;< a.ssistaau due to disability and tire pon on corqplie,, with§ 7-.ll-183;(C) Sotlclf• or obtw •
s lpatve to a pc,tltiM knowln c that the penioa •lc nln& is 1101qualif...t to 1iga 1'e petition; (D) Knowingly pay•• ponoa
any form of <ompenntioa in ucbange for ■i&nin& 1 petitioD u • petitioner ; (E) Acupts or pay• money or 1Dythlnc of va,lue
for obtaining 1iJAalvrn ua a petition whea Ille ptNOD 1ciuig at• <aloVuaer, •poa.,or, or age11Iof a 1po11~orloioWJthat I.he
penoa atlin&: 11 a ca,,va .. er '• name or addrus ii not Included on Ibo spo11$0r'a list filed with the Seo.rotary of Slate under§
7-9-60); or (F) Kliowlngly milrepreseat, the parpo,,e and ,(feet or the pelition or the nJcaaurc•ITtdod for tire porpoH or
cau,iug a pcraon to lien • petlli1>11;
(3) I f the person ••tint II a e>1llvuserlwowiudy nu.kes a false statement on• petition verification-form, (or)
SECTION~ -Ameud,oent (~) It the per!ion acting•• a apoosor file>-1 petition ora part of• petition wUh the offidal charted with vcrifyiae tbe
~ding theQencrll.l A$Scmblv'Saath0Ji1yto11wo.wPQICm!mcots underArti•lo f 9 § 22 of thoCon,1ituti
to !he<,<>nstitulion on the 1ignan,rcs kaowiog tbll tbe pclitioo or part of the petition oonWn.s one (l) or more (111,cor fraudul ent 1ignafu"" •nw,,,
Oenerul A,scm~IY dgq GothlYli aufhorilY ap 1mr,ndmq:,t
to propQ,$C to theConstitotioo 19amcod Q[ RPtalterm limitsfortheHouse of eac~ false or frallduleat sjg·aat•r• ii clearly Jtriclce,, by the •ronsor bdorc filing.
The•mm to prC!pOlje
Representative, o.!Jil'!!ll1P anammdmcot to1heCroslilllli!lllto amend
or repe:,1«mu thn!!S..f9r~!M~of
w Senate
.R.SA>rnsentolives M.rcsrocd
totheQCOJdc wskrArticle5 SectionI oftheConstitution. u ammdtd bvAmr.odmcnt 7. Th e AUomey Gcaeral I• by law ~ulred to certify Ibo 1uJrl<loncy of(he popular a.ameand ballot till• ofa ll baitialiveor
reforeadum petiliont. Tbb ccrtifi<ation does not be(U .. rlly il1dioate tllo •pprovs l or dinppro val of th• <ooteab thel'<of.
, ,
Please see this most curr ent list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas
constitution re lating to term limi ts.
Popular Name
Upon submission of its list of paid canvassers to the Secreta,y of State, the sponsor shall certify to the Secretary of State that each
paid canvasser in its employ has passed a criminal background search in accordance with this sectio n.
I certify that each paid canvasser on this Listhas passed a criminal background check by the Arkansas State Police as required by
Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601.
Michael Amo
Popu lar Name
Upon s ubmission of its list of paid ca11Vassersto the Secreta ry of Stat e, the sponsor shall ce rtify to the Secretary o/Swte that eac h paitl
canvasser in its employ has passed a cr im inal background sea rch in accordance with this sec tion .
I cert ify that each paid canvass er on this list has passed a criminal background check by the Arkan sas State Police as required by
Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601.
Michael Arno
Please see this most current list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution
relating to term limits,
(ii ) If additi onal paid can vassers agree to solicit signatures 0 11 behalf of a spo nsor ajier the compl eie list is pr ovided, the
sponsor shall provide an updated list of all paid canvass ers ' names and current residential addresses to the Secretary of
To verify that there are 110 criminal offe nses on record. a sponsor shall obtain. at its cost. from the Departm ent of Arkansas
Slate Police, a currenr sta te and fed eral criminal record search on every paid can vasse r 10 be registered with the Secretary
a/ State.
(2) The criminal record .tearch shall be obtained within thirty (30) days pri or fo the registration of the paid can vasser.
Upa11submissi on of its list of paid can vassers to the Secretary of Stale, the sponsor shall cert(fy to the Secretary of State
that each paid canvasse r in its employ has passed a criminal background search in acco rdance with this sectio11.
I certify that each paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal background check by the Arkansas State Police as
required by ArkansasCode § 7-9-60I.
Michae l Am o
Date of Nam e
First Submitt ed
First Name Last Name to SOS Reside nta il Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, MI 48228
Sterling EisenJohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 I 00 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 6390 l
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis , Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis , MO 63114
Chase Wilkin s 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd . #437, Los Angele s, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles , CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg , VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 23221 Haynes St., Farmington Hills , MI48336
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 Allen Ave. , Radford , VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 I 0555 Spice Lane , Apt. 306, Houston , TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sach s 9/7/2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive , Ful ton , MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Annada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/20 17 1891 Sand Pme Ct. #124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Exhibit C4
Pleasesee this mostcurrentlist.Thjsis a listof paidcanvassersto circulatethe petitionamendingtheArkansasconstitution
relatingto termlimits.
Popular Name
(ii) if additional paid canvassers agree to solicit signatures on behalf of a sponsor after the complete list is provided , the
sponsor shall provide an updated list of all paid canvassers· names and current residential addresses to the Secretary of Stare.
To verify that there are 110 criminal offe-11seson record, a sponsor shall obtain, at its cost.fro m the Department of Arkansas
State Police, a current state and federal criminal record search on every paid canvasser to be registered with the Secretary of
(2) The criminal record search shall be obtained within thirty (30) days prior to the registration of the paid canvasser.
Upon submission of its list of paid canvassers to the Secretary of Slate, the sponsor shall certify 10 1/ieSecretary of State that
each paid canvasser in its employ has passed a criminal bqckgrou11dsearch in accordance with this section .
I certifythateachpaidcanvasseron th.islist has passeda criminalbackground
checkby the ArkansasStatePoliceas requiredby
ArkansasCode§ 7-9-601.
Michael Amo
Date of Na me
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/20 17 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroi t, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacque line Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/20 17 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/20 17 2700 S. Lewis, Linle Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/20 17 3325 Marshall Ave.. St. Louis, MO 631 14
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Linle Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
JosephLawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Linle Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate III 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 2322 1 Haynes St., Farmington Hills, MI48336
Krisdon Phillip s 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 I0555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jenni fer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlo tte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/20 17 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
An tonio Leaks 9/13/20 17 10700 Richsm ith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72 113
Please see this most current list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution
relati'ng to term limits.
Popular Name
Please see this most current list. This is a list of paid canvasse rs to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating
lo tenn limits .
Popular Name
Popular Name
Upon submis sion of its list of paid canvassers to the Secretary of State. the spo nsor shall certify to the Secretary of State that
eac h paid canvasser i11its employ has pass ed a criminal backgrou nd search in accordance with this section .
I certify that each paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal background check by the Arkansas State Police as required
by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601 .
Michael Arno
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detro it, MI 48228
Sterling Eisenlo hr 8/30/20 )7 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, MI 48854
Jacque line Co llie r 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 JOOBig Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 6390 1
To ny Dav is 8/30/20 17 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owe ns 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/20 17 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Ca rl E. Wilkins 8/29/20 17 370 I Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate III 9/ l/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Ade lina Dedvukaj 9/ l /20 17 2322 1 Haynes St., Farm ington Hill s, M I48336
Krisdon Phill ips 9/ 1/20 17 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 2414 I
Anne tte Lord 9/6/20 17 10555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/201 7 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
ShaWl Sachs 9/7/201 7 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtn ey McDu ffie 9/ 12/201 7 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Go rda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/ 13/20 17 10700 Richsm ith Lane #115, Maumelle. AK 72 113
Steven Page 9/25/20 17 5420 Elder Co urt, North Little Roc k, AR 722 17
Audrey Silberma n 9/25/20 17 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassand ra Lusk 9/25/20 17 590 1 JFK Bl vd., #60 4, N. Little Roc k, A R 72 116
Waco A llen Day 9/25/20 17 1832 Country Road 2726 , Cad do MiUs, TX 75 135
Davi d Day 9/25/20 17 1832 Cou ntry Road 2726, Caddo M ills, TX 75 135
Minnelli Jone s 9/28/20 17 302 E. Rooseve lt Rd ., Little Rock , AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/20 17 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 72 114
Jessica Graham 9/28/20 17 9816 Regent Circ le, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Litt le Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avonda le Ave. , Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendo lyn Allen 9/29/20 17 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703 , Little Rock, AR 72206
Pleasesee this most currentlist.This is a list of paid canvassersto circulatethe petitionamendingthe Arkansasconstitution
relatingto term limits.
Popular Name
(ii) If additional paid canvassers agree to solicit signatures on behalf of a sponso r after the compl ete list is provided. the sponsor
shall provide an updated list of all paid canvasse rs ' names and current residential addresses to the Secretary of State.
To verify that there are no criminal offenses 0 11 record, a sponsor shall obtain. at its cost.from the Deportment of Arkansas State
Police. a curre nt state and federal criminal record searc h on eve,y paid canvasser to be registered with the Secretary of State.
(2) The criminal record search shall be obtained within thirty (30) days prior to the registration of the paid canvasser.
Upon submission of its list of paid canvassers to the Secretary of State. the sponsor shall certify to the Secretary of State that each
oaid ca11vasserin its emolo v has passed a criminal background search in accorda 11ce with this section.
I certifythat each paid canvasseron th.islist has passed a criminalbackgroundcheck by the ArkansasState Policeas requiredby
ArkansasCode~ 7-9-601.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentai J Add res
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, MI 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
JosephLawrence Stone 8/2 9/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate l1l 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 23221 Haynes St., Fannington Hills , MI48336
Kri sdo n Phillips 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 l 0555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 7240 I
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulto~ MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road , Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #1 15, Maumelle. AK 721 13
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 590 1 JFK Blvd. , #60 4, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Minne lli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock , AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2 017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock , AR 721 14
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock , AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/20 17 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/20 17 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nicholas Duene z 10/2/20 17 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn, Ml 48216
Please see this mostcurrent list. This is a Iist of paid canvassers to circulatethe petition amendingthe Arkansas constitution
relatingto term limits.
Popular Name
(ii) If additional paid can vass ers agree to solicit signatur es on behalf of a spanso r aft er the compl ete list is p rovided, the
span so r s hall provide an updat ed lis t of all paid canvassers· nam es and current reside111 iaf addresses to 1he Secretary of State.
To verify that there are 110 criminal ojfe 11ses on record. a sponso r s hall obtai11. at its cos om the Departm ent of A,*an sas
Stal e Police. a curr ent state arrdfede ral c riminal record search on every paid Can vasser to be registered with the Secretary of
(2) The criminal reco rd sea rc h s hall be obtained within thirty (30) days prior to the regist ration of the paid canvasse r.
Upon s ubmiss ion of its lis t of paid canva ssers to the S ecretary of State, the sponsor shall certify to the Secretary of State that
each paid ca11vasser i11its employ has passed a c riminal backf!round search in accordan ce with this sec tipn.
1certify that each paid canvasser on th.islist has passed a criminalbackgroundcheck by the ArkansasState Police as requiredby
Arkansas Code§ 7-9-60 1.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30 /2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, MI 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30 /2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Well s 8/30 /2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30 /20 17 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30 /2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30 /2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29 /2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/20 17 370 I Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate III 9/1/2 017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2 017 23221 Haynes SL. Farmington Hills, Ml48336
Kri sdon Phillips 9/1/2 017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 I 0555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 7240 I
Shaun Sachs 9/7 /2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jennifer Norwo od 9/12 /2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Go rda , FL 3395 0
Antonio Leak s 9/ 13/2017 10700 Rich smitb Lane # 115, Maumelle . AK 72113
Steven Page 9/2 5/20 17 5420 Elder Court , North Little Rock , AR 7221 7
Audrey Silberman 9/2 5/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr,, Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassandra Lu sk 9/25/20 17 5901 JFK Blvd. , #604 , N. Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25 /20 17 1832 Country Road 2 726 , Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Dav id Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Mi.nnelli Jone s 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd ., Litt le Rock , AR 72206
Kiva Elmor e 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Litt le Rock , AR 72 114
Je ss ica Graham 9/28/201 7 9816 Regent Circle , Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggin s 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cov e, Little Rock , AR 72209
Chri stopher Baxter 9/29/2 017 1470 Av ondale Ave. , Jacksonville , fL 3220 5
Gwendo lyn Allen 9/29/20 17 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 12206
Nicholas Duenez 10/2/20 17 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn , Ml 48216
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale , AR 72103
Please see this most current List. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulatethe petitionamending tbe Arkansas constitution
relating to term limits.
Popular Name
(ii) If addition al paid canvassers agree to solicit signatures on behalf of a spon sor after the complete list is pro vided, the
spo nso r shall provide an updated list of all paid can vassers' names and current residential addresses to the Secretary of State.
To verify that there are no criminal offe nses on record, a sponso r shall ob tain, at its cost, fr om the Departm ent of Arkansas
State Police, a current state and fe deral criminal record search on every paid canvasser to be registered with the Secretary of
(2) The crim inal record search shall be obtain ed within thirty (30) days prior to the registration of the paid can vasser.
Upon submission of its list of pa id canvassers to the Secretary of State, the spo nsor shall certify to the Secretary of State that
each paid can vasser in its employ has passed a criminal background search in accordan ce with this section.
T certify that each paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal backgroundcheck by the Arkansas State Police as requiredby
Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601.
Michae l Arno
First Name Last Name Dat e of Name First Resident ail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, MI 482 28
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacquelin e Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff: MO 63901
Robert Well s 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd.. Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Litt le Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owen s 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd . #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd . #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate III 9/ 1/20 17 635 Houchins Road , Christiansburg , VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 23221 Haynes St. , Farmington Hills , Ml48336
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 23 1 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 2414 I
Annette Lord 9/6/20 17 I 0555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston , TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/20 17 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/ 2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Annada Road , Port Char lotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumelle . AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Eld er Court , North Little Rock , AR 72217
Aud rey Silbennan 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 590 1 JFK B lvd. , #604, N . Little Ro ck, AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills , TX 75135
David Day 9/25/20 17 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Minnelli Jone s 9/28/20 17 302 E . Roosevelt Rd. , Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/2 8/2017 622 E. 19th St.t, Apt. 55, N. Little Rock , AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circl e, Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scogg ins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , Little Rock , AR 72209
Christopher Bax ter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave. , Jacksonville , FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Roc k, AR 72206
Nicholas Duenez 10/2/20 17 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn, M I 48 2 16
Verna Watkin s 10/3/20 17 26 13 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jackson ville, AR 72076
Lak eisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff , AR 71601
Brent Wat son 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd. , Lot 86, Mab elvale, AR 72 103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 41 0 N. C herry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Mall oy 10/4/20 17 70 I Scott St. #8 02 , Little Rock, AR 7220 l
James Howe ll 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbroo k 10/4/2017 10 I 7 North Place, Bento n, AR 72019
Please see this most currentlist. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution
relating to term limits.
Popular Name
Upon submis sion of its list of pa id can vassers to the Secretary of Stare. the spon sor shall certify to the Secretary of State that
each paid ca nvasser in its employ has passed a criminal background search in accordance with this section.
I certifythat each paid canvasser on tbis list has passed a criminal backgroundcheck by the Arkansas State Police as requi red
by Arkansas Code § 7-9-60 I.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2 017 6842 Grandmo nt Ave. Detroit , MT 48228
Sterling Eisen lohr 8/30/20 17 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Co llier 8/30/2017 I 00 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff. MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/20 17 I 00 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 6390 I
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/20 17 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/2 9/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/20 17 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA '24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 2322 1 Haynes St. , FanningtonHills , Ml48336
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 10555 Spice Lane, Apt. 306, Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7 /2017 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jennifer No rwood 9/ 12/201 7 14394 Armada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Antonio Leak s 9/ 13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumell e. AK 72 113
Steven Page 9/25 /2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock , AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/20 17 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/20 17 590 1 JFK Blvd ., #604 , N . Little Rock, AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/20 17 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mill s, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Minnelli Jone s 9/28/20 17 302 E. Roos evelt Rd. , Little Rock , AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/20 17 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Littl e Rock , AR 721 14
Jessi ca Graham 9/28/20 17 9816 Regent Circle. Little Rock. AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/20 17 1470 Avondale Ave .. Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/20 17 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703 , Litt le Rock, AR 72206
Nicholas Duenez 10/ 2/2017 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn , MI 48216
Verna Watkins 10/3/20 17 2613 E . Cosfe lt Rd., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/ 3/20 17 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 7 1601
Brent Watson 10/3/20 17 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale , AR 72103
Ri ta Radak 10/ 4/20 17 410 N. Cheny St., Beebe , AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/20 17 701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 7220 I
Jame s Howell 10/4/20 17 410 N. Cheny St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/20 17 1017North Place , Benton, AR 720 19
Amber Hillman 10/6/20 17 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/20 17 I03 Victory Cir., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Pleaseseethis mos!currentlist Thisisa listof paidcanvasse~10 circulatethe petitionamendingtheArkansas
constitution relating to tenn limits_
Popular Name
of its list of paid ca11vanersto the Secretary a/S tate. the sponsor shall ~ertljj to the Secr<taryofSlate
that each paid canvasser in ifs employ hns passed a cn'mi11albac.kgrountJ search in accordance with this section.
I certifythateachpaid canvasseron thislist haspasserla criminalbackgtound
checkby theArkansasStatePoliceas
r"quiredby i\rl<ansasCode§ 7-9,601.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
FirstName last Name to SOS Resldentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit. Ml 48228
Steiling Eisenlo hr 8/30/2017 5448CW1ucc Rd., Mason, Ml 488S4
Jacqueline ColHer 8/30/2017 100Big Eddy Rd., PopularBluff,MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100Big Eddy Rd., PopularBluff,MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock,AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/3012017 3325 Mar..hallAve., St. Louis, MO 63 I 14
Chase Wilkins 8/ 30/2017 370 I Bow<!TSSt., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/2912017 5132 York Blvd. #437. Los Angeles.CA 90050
JosephLawrence Stone- 8/29/2017 5132York Blvd. #437. Los Angeles,CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 8owtlt1>St.. Little Rock, AR 72.204
Eddie Dean Shumate Lil 9/1/20) 7 635 HouchinsRoad,Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelfoa Dedv-ukaj 9/1/2017 23221 Haynes St., Farmington Hills, Ml48336
Krisdon Ph_Hlips 9/1/2017 231 AllenAvc.. Radford,VA2414!
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 10555Spice Lane, Apt 306, Houstou, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lano,Jonesboro,AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 5804Cedar Run Drive,Fulton,MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gortla, FL-33950
Antonio Lrus 9/13/2017 l0700 Richsm!th Lane #115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/2512017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silbennan 9/2512017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/2512017 S901 JFK Blvd., #604, N. Little Rock, AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/20 17 t83 2 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9/2512017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
)(jva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apr. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rocck,AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee-Cove. Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little! Rock. AR 72206
Nicholas Duenez 10/2/2017 4459 Bingham St .. Dearborn, Ml 48216
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd•. Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/312017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/20 17 11500 Chicot Rd., Lo! 86, Mabel vale. AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/20 17 410 N. Cherry SL, Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/20 17 701 Scott St, 11802,Little Rock. AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cheny St., 8eebe,AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabel ville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale, AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72)20
Maria Neely 10/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry \0/ 1012017 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale, AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. 111014, Little Rock, AR 72202
Please see this most current Hsi. This is n list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution
relating to term limil5.
Popular Name
Uponsi,/Jmissionof its list of paid can,•assersto tM Secretaryof Staie, the sponsor.rho/I cut/jjl to tht Secretary oj .\'1a1,
that each paid canvasserin its , mploy ha, pass,d a criminal backgro,,ndsearch in accordance with this sectiofl
I certify that each paid canvasser on this lis1has passed• criminal background check by 1hcArkansas Stt1tcPoliu as required
by Arbnsa s Code~ 7-9-601.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name Last Name to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit. Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacque.line Collier 8/30/20 17 lOOBig eddy Rd., PopularBluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100Big Eddy Rd., PopularBluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/20 17 2700 S. r, ewis. Linlc Rock.AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 MarshallAve., St. l,ouis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 BowersSt., Little Rock,AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/-2017 5132 YorkBlvd. 11437,Los Angeles, CA 90050
J9$Cph t,.,wrcncc Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles,CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 370 I BowersSt., Little Rock,AR 7220'1
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 HouchinsRoad.Christiansburg,VA24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 23221 Haynes St., Fam1ington Hills, Ml483)6
Krisdon Phillips 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annene Lord 9/6/2017 I0555 Spice Lane, ApL 306. Houston, TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 /vli~i Lane.Jonesboro,AR 7240J
Sbaun Sachs 9nt20l7 5804 Cedar Run Drive, Fulton,MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Annada Road, Port Chllrlolle, FL 33953
Courtney McDullie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court 11124Punta Gorda. FL 33950
Antonio Le.ales 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #11S, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Linle Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/201.7 745 Treetop Ridge Dr.. Valley Park,MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/2512017 5901 JFK Blvd., ~04. N. Ltttle Rock, AR 72.116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills. TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 721 14
Jessica Gr.1ham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove. Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave .. Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9129/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Lillie Rock. AR 72206
Nichol~ Duenez 10/212017 4459 Bingham St., Dearl>om,Ml 48216
Verna Watkins I0/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfclt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 1013/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluf1; AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/20 17 11500Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale. AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/412017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. 11802,Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell l0/4/2017 410 N, Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Cunis Westbrook 10/4/20 17 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 1016/2017 9204 Mabclville Cut Off Rd., Mablevalc, AR 72 103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/20 17 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/ 10/20 17 130 W. Loo Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/20 17 5312 Lowden Rd., Lillie Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough l0/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry IOIi0/20 17 712 1 Holly Lane, Mablevale. AR 7210.3
Issac Newby I0/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/1212017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Plcasa sec tl1is most curront lisL This is a lisi of paid canvassers to cirr.ulat<:tl1cpetition amending the Arlcansuconstitution
PopuJat Name
fromArka(lsasCode§ 7-9-601
(C)(V ProvNJ,a compl ett lut of all paid canvassers· names and curr~nt residential addresses to th, Secretary of State .
(i1) Jfaddlllanal paid canva.JSersagree 10solicit signatures on belw/f of o sponsor after the complete list is provided . the
spons or shall provide on updated li&1of o/1 paid ca nvassers ' nomu and current N!.Sidentia/oddresu .s to the Secretory nf
To venj'y Ihat 1hereare no crim,'naloffenses on re.cord, a ,fponsorshall oblaint at hs cos11 from. Jhe De{Xlnmentof
ArkansasSmtt Po/ire~a ctJrremslareandfederal crl" minol re.cordSiarch on el•ery paid cnn1JUsser robe registered \\rj1h
the Stcrelar ;y of Slate.
(1) 11,ecn ·minal record sean:h shall be obtained within thirty (JO) days prior 10 /he regi.<trorlunof the paid canva.JSer.
Upon s,,bmission of/rs list ofp<1id convassers lo the S..cretary of Store, the sponsor shall cer,ijj, lo the Secretnr; • a/Stare
lhnl eot:h paid canvasser tn il$ employ Jwspassed a criminal hack,gro11nd
search in accordance wllh ihis ;seclion.
I c01tify thot each paid canvasser on I.hislist bus passed a criminal background check by the Arl\a.nsas Sta«: Police as
requfred by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-60I.
Michael Amo
Date of Name
First Submitted
First Name last Name IOSOS Aesidentail Add res
Josoph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit. MI 4822!!
Storling Eiscnlohr 8/3012017 5448Cunucc Rd,, Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/3012017 100 Big EddyRd,. PopularBlufT,MO63901
Robert Wells 8/3012017 100Big Eddy Rd., PopularBluff,MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis,Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325MarshallAve.,St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 370I BowersSt,. Little Rock.AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5IJ2 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles,CA 90050
Joseph Lawn.'n<r Slone 8/29/2017 5132York Blvd. //437, Los Angeles,CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/20.17 310 I Bow~i;St., Lillie Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/l /2017 635 HouchinsRoad,.Christiansburg,VA 2407)
Adelina Dcdvukaj 911/2017 23221 Haynes SL, Farmington Hills, Ml48336
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/20 17 231 AllenAve., Radford,VA24141
Annette Lord 9/6/20 17 10555Spicel.anc, Apt. 306. Houston,TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 916/20 17 2206 Mitzi Lane. Jonesboro.AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 917/2017 5804Cedar Run Drive, Fulton, MO 65251
Jcnrtifcr Norwood 9112/2017 I4394 Annada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pinc Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/ 13/2017 10700 Richsmilh Lane #115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court. North Little Rock. AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9rl.5/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604. N. Little Rock, AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75l35
David Day 9/25/20 17 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo MiUs,TX 75135
Miilnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle. Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire- Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock. AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nicholas Duenez 10/2/20 17 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn, Ml 48216
Verna Walkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfclt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pinc Bluff. AR 71601
Brent Watson 1013/2017 I l 500 Chicot Rd., lot 86, Mahelvale, AR 72 103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St . Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 70 I Scott SL #802, Little Rock, AR 7220 I
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry SL, Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 IO17 North Pluce, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 1016/2017 9204 Mabolville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale. AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72 120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/20 17 5312 Lowden Rd., little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/ 10/2017 7121 Holly Lane. Mablevale, AR 72103
Issac Newby L0/ 10/2017 31t E. 8th SL #1014, little Rock, AR 72202
La.Juan Can.non-Joy IOIIU2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalcn Morris 10/19/2017 98 l 5 Clovcrhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwan 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209 EXHIBIT C-15
Please sec this mo~tcurrent list. This is• list ofpoid canvossorsto circulatethe petition-amendingthe i\rkaruiu constltuuon
n:laling to tenn limits.
Popular Name
FromArkansasCode§ 7-9-601
(C)(i) Providea mmple1eIi.stof all paid oanvas.s,rs· names and current ruili,ntial addresses10 the Secretaryof Sl.attc
(ii)If additionalpaid canvas,trs agree 10 salidt sigm11ureson beh/1/fI/[a sporuor,;lier 1h, completelist i.sprovided. 11/e
sponsorJha/1provide an updatedIi.stof all paid CMvasser.> • namesand current residl!lltialaddussu 10 1heS«retary of
To verifytha.tthere are no criminal ojfe/lSeson recl>/'d.o spa/lSorshall oblain. at ilJ •ost, from the Departmentof Arkansas
State Police, a cµrrem state andfederal criminalruord search on every paid cx,nvasser10 be regfsi,red with the Secretary
of State.
(1) The ,·rtmfnalrecord seorcJ,shall be obtained within thirty (30) days prior to the registrationof the paid runvassu
Upon submissionofi/J Ii.stof paid oo'1vassers10 the Secretaryof State, the sponsorshall certify to tJ,eSecretaryof SI.ate 1/,01
each paid tanvasser.inits employ has passeda criminal backgroundsearch in accordanu l\'iththi.<s.c/1011.
I certify that cacb paid canvas~r on this list has pa_,sed• criminal backgTOwid
check by I.beArkansasSllltc Police a,; required
by Arl<ansas Code§ 7-9-60!.
Michael Arno
Date of Name
Flm Submitted
first Name Last Name to SOS Resldentall Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/3012017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/3012017 5448 Curtuce Rd,, Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Conter 8/30/2017 I00 Big Eddy Rd~ PopularBlu.(l',MO 6390I
Robert Wells 8/3012017 I00 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 6390 I
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S, Lewis, Lillie Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 MarshallAve.,St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/3012017 3701 BowersSt, Lillie Rock, AR.72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd.1/437. Los Angelcs,CA 90050
JosephLawic.ncc Stone 8/2912017 5132 York Bl'ld. #437, Los Angck--s,CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bower,;SL,Li1tleRock,AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 HouchinsRoad,Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dcdvukaj 911/2017 2322 l Haynes St, Farmington Hills, Ml48336
Krisdon Phillips 91112017 231 AllenAve.. Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 10555SpiceLane, Apl. 306, llouston,TX 77072
Dorothy Lord 9/612017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 917/2017 5804Cedar Run Drive. Fulton,MO 65251
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Annada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9112/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court 11124Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/ 13/2017 10700 Rich.smithLane #115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/2512017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., 11604,N. Little Rock. AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2011 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 7513S
Minnclli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
K.iva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. l91h St., Apt. 55, N. little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle. Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9128/2017 9 Rlmee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jackson'lillc, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/2912017 1800 S . Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nicholas Dut'll~'Z 1012/2017 4459 Bingham St., Dearborn, Ml 48216
Verna Watkins I0/312017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd.. Jacksonville. AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 101312017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 7160 I
Brent Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvalc, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/412017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St.1/802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/412017 410 N. CheTT)ISt.., Beebe. AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 I017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabclvillc Cut OITRd., Mablevale, AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 l03 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10110/20 17 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry lO/ l012017 712l Holly Lane, Mablevale, AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/1012017 311 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock. AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd.• Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/ 19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock. AR 72205
Glen Schwa.r1. 1()/1912017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
Please sec this most cum:nl lisL This is a list of paid canvasser.;to cin:ula1cthe petition amending the Arkansas constiMion
relatingto tcnn limits.
Popular Name
FromArkansasCode§ 7-9-601
(C)lll Provide a comp/ei, //Jt of all paid canvassers· nam"' and current m ,demial!.J10 the Sccrttary of S101t.
{ii)If additionalpaid canwusers agr,e 10,oticit s1gnon,,,.s on behalf of a spon,or ojler the comp/erel1J1is provided, the
sponsor Jha/1provide an updattd list of all pard canvassers' names and current residentialaddreJJesto the Secrttary of
To verify that there are no criminal ~fT•nses an record, a sp,;nsorshall obtain, at ifs cos~from the Departmentof
Arkansas State Police. a current ,!late and JUeral criminal m:otd .reatdt on ever,-paid canvasser to be r,gisi,red .,,,11
I~, S<cretar)' ofS1a1e
(2/ Tirecriminalrecord ,earch shall be ablained wilhin 1hirt)'(111)days pN·o, lo the regisrm1ion aftlte paid cam-ass,r
UponsubmlJJionqfits //JI of paid canwuseN to th• SecretlU}'o/ Stote, th• <ponsorshall c, r1ifyto the S, c,Eta,y ofStali
lhal each patd ca1Tvasser,n il5 employ has pasled a criminal backgroundsear'chin accordanc~with thi's.rtt.tJon,
I ccl'lifythat each paid canva.sser
on this lfsrhas passro a criminal backgioW>d
check by 1hcArkansas Suue Police as
requ1mlby Arkansas
Code§ 7-Q-601.
Date of Name
First Name L.tstName to SOS Reiidentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit. Ml 48228
Sterling EiS(.-nlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 JOOBig EddyRd., PopularBluff,MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100Big EddyRd., PopularBluff,MO 6390I
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, LittleRock,AR 72204
Kard Owens 8/30/2017 3325MarshallAve.. SLLouis. MO63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 BowersS1., LiuJe Rock, AR 72204
ria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 YorkBlvd. #437, Los Angeles,CA 90050
Joscph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 YorkBlvd,#437, Los A(tgeles , CA 90050
Carl E. Wilk.ins 8/29/20) 7 370J Bowen;St , Little Rock,AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 1/2017 635 Houchin~ Ro~d.Christiansburg,VA 2-4073
Add lna Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 AllenAve., Radford.VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 90 I Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mil2iLane, Jonesboro,AR 7240I
Shaun Sactis 9/7fl017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Annada Road, Pon Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand PincCowt # 124 Punta Gorda, F'L33950
Antonio [ ,eaks 9/ 13/20 17 10700 Richsmith Lane #I I 5, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/2 5/20) 7 5420 EldtrtCowt, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silbc:rman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Or., Valley Park, MO 63088
CasSandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JPK Blvd., #604, N. Little Rock.,AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9n5fl0 17 1832Country Road 2726, Caddo Mill s, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnclli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 6;!i E. 19th St .. Apt, 55. N. Little Rock.,AR 72114
Jessica Gr-dham 9/28/20) 7 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
131airc Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonvi11 e, FL Ji205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/20 17 I09 Shawnee Place. Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/312017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Poncr 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 7160l
Brent Walo;on 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd .• Lot 86. Mabelvale. AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry SJ., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St.11802,Little Rock, AR 72201
James llowcU 10/4/2017 410 N. Cheny St, Beebe, AR 72012
Cuni s Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber llillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabclville Cut OfTRd., Mablevale, AR 72\03
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 I03 Victory Cir., Jack:sonvtlle,AR 72076
Angela Robt.-rson 10/ 10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood. AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10110/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabclvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotcubcrry 10110/2017 7121 !lolly Lane.Mableva)e, AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock. AR 72202
Laluan CannonaJoy 10112/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway. AR 72034
Jalet1 Moms 10/ 19/2017 9815 C lovc.'fhillRoad, Little Rock AR 72205
Glen Schwan 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock. AR 72209
John Eric Jones 121412017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
s most current lisl. This i:sa list of paid canvassers to circulate I.bepetition amending the Arkansas constitution relating to term limits
Please see th_i
Popular Name
by Man,,as Code97-9-oO
I certofytluit~'achpaid convasseron this list has passed• criminal backgroundcbeek by the Arl<ansasStaie Polic• as required I
Michael Amo
Date of Name
FirstName LastName to SOS ResidentailAddres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Gmndmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 813012017 5448CurtuccRd,,Mason,Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 I00 BigEddyRd.. PopularBluff,MO6390l
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 I00 BigEddyRd~ J> opularBluff,MO 6390\
Tony Davis 8/30/20 17 2700 S. Lewis,Little Rock. AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 MarshallAve.,St. .Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkill$ 8/30120 17 370\ BowersSL,Little Rock,AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132York Blvd. 11437,LosAngeles,CA 90050
Joseph Lawrcnc,Stone 8/29/2017 5132 YorkBlvd. #437, LosAngeles,CA 90050
Carl E. Wllkins 8/29/20 17 3701 BowersSt., LiuleRock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 1/20 17 635 HouchinsRoad, Christiansburg,VA 24073
Adelt11a Dedvuknj 9/ 1/20 17 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 911/20 17 231 AllenAve., Radford,VA24141
Annette Lord 916/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., LitUe Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 MitziLane,Jonl-.sboro , AR72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennife r Norwood 9/ 1212017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pinc Court 11124 Punta Gorda. FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/ 1312017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9125/2017 5420 EldcrCowt . North Little Rock, AR 722'17
Audrey Silberman 9/2512017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk. 9125/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., 1/604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Waoo Allen Day 9125/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9125/2017 1832Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills. TX 75135
Minnclli Jones 9128/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd.. Little Rock. AR 72206
K.iva Elmore 9128/2017 622 E. I !JibStreet, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Gtaham 9/2812017 98 16 Regent Circle, little Rock..AR 72204
Blaire Scoggin.~ 9128/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave•• Jacksonville, PL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9(29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703. Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Vema Walkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd,, Jacksonvt1le, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter J0/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent WaL~ on 10/3/2017 11500Chicot Rd.., Lot 86. Mabelvale, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 70 I Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 7220 I
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St,, Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10f4f20l7 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 720I 9
Amber Hillman 101612017 9204 Mabd ville Cut OfTRd., Mablev-dle, AR 72103
Carolyn Brau.11 W/612017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Robenmn 10/1012017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10l20l7 5312 Lowden Rd.. Little Rocle,AR 72206
Melissa Damiugh 10/10/2017 1 t 500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevalc, All 72103
Issac Newby l0/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #I O14, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon✓oy 10/ 1212017 S70 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 70 17, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Mom s 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverli_illRoad, Llttlc Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwan: 10/19(2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr.. Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville. AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pino Rd.. Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015S. Louisiana St. Apt A, Little Rock, AR 72206 EXHIBIT C-18
Trent WhiLfock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/ 12/2 0 17 2 !098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Scricka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/2017 956 Dutton Min Rd., Cedar Ridge, AR 72027
Pteasesec this is" ll.Uof paid canvlliSCl'S
to c1rcul1tt tbt petition arncnding the Arlu1nsastotUtituunn rcl1uing,o tcnn limit.s
Popular Name
Plc-ascsec this most cum:nl lrsl. This is a list of paid canvassers 10 clrculaie tho petition amonding lhc Arkansas consti1ution relating to tenn limits.
Popular Name
Please seo llus most cum:nt list This is • list ofp•id C"11V"-.<S~l'S
lo circulate the petition amending lht Arkansas constitution relollng to tcnn limil5.
Popular Nome
Pleasesee this mosl currenllist..Ton:ii a list of pilidcanvasseMto c1rcuI11t~
the petition amendingthe Arkansasconstitutionrelatingto ltfD'llimits.,
Please see this most current lisL This is a list of paid canvassers 10 circ ulate the pet ition amending the Arkansas cons 1Jru1i
on relating to term limits .
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook I0/4/20 17 IO17 North Place, Ben ton , AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabe lville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/20 17 I 03 Victory Cir. , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/ 10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave ., Sherwood. AR 72 120
Maria Neely L0/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd ., Little Rock, AR 72206
Meli ssa Darrough 10/ 10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd. , Lot 60 , Mabelvale , AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry I0/ 10/2017 712 I Holly Lane, Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby I0/ 10/2017 311 E . 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy I0/ 12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd ., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/ 19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock , AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr .. Little Rock. AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellville , AR 72687
Micha el R. Jackson 12/ 12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd. , Hot Springs, AR 7 I9 I 3
Robert Redmond 12/ 12/2017 350 Lamplight er Dt. , Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/ 12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72200
Trent Whitlock 12/ 12/20 I7 21098 Jones. Rd. , Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/ 12/20 17 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/ 12/20 17 1900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/20 I 7 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Ceda r Ridge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/ 13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/ 13/2017 6115 West Markham , # 1, Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/20 17 1316 Sou theastern Ave ., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/ 14/2017 1012 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/ 14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood , AR 72 120
William s Rebecca 2/ 14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/20 18 7 Flourite Cove. Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/20 18 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron , AR 72122
Pleasesec this mosl c WTcntlist. This is a list of paid canvass= to circulate the petition amending the Arkans~s constitution relating to lt-'TT!l
Popular Name
Popular Name
I certify that each paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal background cht.'Ckby the Arkansas State Police as required by Arkansas Code § 7-9-601 .
Michael Amo
Date of Name First
First Name LastName Submitted to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisen!ohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, MI 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock . AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave,. St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 370 I Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles. CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave .. Radford , VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd. , Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 W. Sunset Ave ., Springda le, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Annada Road, Port Char lotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court#l24 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/ 13/2017 l 0700 Richsrnith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72 113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/2S/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, N. Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Cou.ntry Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E . Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmo re 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , Little Rock , AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter I 0/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine BlufT. AR 71601
Bren t Watson I 0/3/2017 I 1500 Chicot Rd., Loi 86, Mabel vale, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 7220 1
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St.. Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton , AR 72019
Amber HilJman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabel ville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson I 0/l0/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/20 17 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabel vale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale, AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/20 17 311 E. 8th St. # IO14, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway. AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC3046, Yellville, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2 017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/ 12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/ 12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock. AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Cedar Ridge , AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/ 13/2017 611.S West Markham, # 1, Little Rick. AR 72205
Eva Flowerda y 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israe l 12/13/2017 1316 Southeas tern Ave., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/2 018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood , AR 72120
Williams Rebecca 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment l 0 Little Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Please sec this most c~nt list This is a Iisl of paid canvas sers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating to lenn limits.
Popular Name
I certify that each paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal background check by •the Arkansas Sratc Police as required by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-60 L
Michael Amo
Date of Name First
First Name Last Name Submitted to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, MI 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason , Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collie r 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff , MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff: MO 6390 1
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis , Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkin s 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles . CA 90050
Carl E. Wilk.ins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 1/20 17 635 Houchins Road , Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/20 17 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 Allen Ave ., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 90 l Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale , AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court ttl 24 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio 1..,eaks 9/ 13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/20 17 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills. TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th St., Apt. 55, N. Little Rock, AR 72 114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Linle Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendoly n Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/20 17 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/20 17 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S.. Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/2017 ll 500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabel vale, AR 72 !03
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 4 10 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock , AR 72201
James Howell l0/4/2017 4 10 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 10 17 North Place, Benton, AR 720 19
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabel ville Cut Off Rd ., Mab levaJe, AR 721 03
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville. AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/ 10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR.72 120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., L ittle Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/2017 I 1500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72I03
Nicole Rotenberry 10/ 10/20 17 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/ 10/2017 311 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/ 12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Moni s I0/ 19/2017 98 15 Clove rrull Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellv ille, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/ 12/2017 350 L amplighter Dr .. Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/ 12/2017 2015 S. Lou:isiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlo ck 12/ 12/2017 21098 Jone s. Rd ._, Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/ 12/2017 2 1098 Jone s. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/ 12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Cedar Ridge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1, Little Rick, AR.72205
Eva Flowe rday 12/ 13/20 17 12817 David O'Dodd Rd ., Little Rock , AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy. , Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/ 14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood, AR 72120
William s Rebecca 2/ 14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apt.IO Little Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/ 14/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron , AR 72122
Tra vis Walton 3/ 15/20 I 8 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakk im Anav Israel 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 1012 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
True Alisaodre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conroy, AR 72034
Please see this most current lisL This is a l ist of paid canvasser.; to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating to terrn limits .
Popular Name
Michael Amo
Dat e of Name First
First Name Last Name Submitted to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit , MI 48228
Sterling Eisenlobr 8/30/20 17 5448 Curtuce Rd. , Mason, Ml 48854
Jacquelin e Co llier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd ., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Pop ular Bluff , MO 63901
Touy Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock , AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave .. St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wi lkins 8/30/2017 370 l Bowers St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Gloria Av ina 8/29/2017 5.132 York B.lvd. #437, Los Angeles , CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/20 17 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles , CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkin s 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Roc k, AR 72204
Edd ie Dean Shumate ll1 9/ 1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jack sonville , AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 Allen Ave. , Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
Doroth y Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane , Jone sboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/20 17 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/ 12/2017 14394 Armada Road , Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12 /2017 1891 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassan dra Lusk 9/25 /2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, Nort h Little Rock , AR 721 l 6
Waco Alle n Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
David Day 9/25 /2017 1832 Coun try Road 2726. Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd ., Little Rock. AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. I 9th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock , AR 721 14
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle. Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , Little Rock , AR 72209
Chris topher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacks onville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29 /2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703, Little Rock , AR 72206
Nick Duenez I 0/2/2017 109 Shawnee Pla ce, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd ., Jac ksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S .• Pine Bluff. AR 71601
Brent Watson I0 /3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd. , Lot 86, Mabel vale, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy l 0/4/2017 70 I Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 7220 l
Jame s Howell 10/4/20 17 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place , Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelvi lie Cut Off Rd., Mab leva le, AR 72 103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir .. Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/1072017 130 W . Lee Ave., Sherwood , AR 72 120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd , Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/20 17 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale , AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/ 10/2017 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale , AR 72 103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 31 l E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon -Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/ 19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock., AR 72205
Glen Sc.hwarz 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefie ld Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton , AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/ 12/2 017 21098 Jones. Rd ., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/ 12/20 17 1900 W. 29t h Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/20 17 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Cedar Ridge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/ 13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4 , North Little Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 611 S West Markham, If.I, Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/20 17 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock , AR 722 10
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/ 14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown, AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/20 18 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood, AR 72120
William s Rebecca 2/ 14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartme nt 10 Little Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/ 14/2018 7 Flou.rite Cove , Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/ 15/20 18 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72 114 Anav Israel 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Dri ve, Conroy , AR 72034
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 3415 Town & Country Country Ave., Little Rock , AR 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock , AR, 72206
Pleasesee this most current list. This is 11list of paid canvassersto circul~te1hepetitionamendingtho Arkansasconstitutionrelatingto term limits.
Popular Name
Issac Newby 10/ 10/2017 311 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/ 12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd .. Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road , Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwan 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/ 12/20 17 2662 Mountain Pine Rd .• Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/ 12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr .• Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/ 12/20 17 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock , AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 2 I 098 Jones. Rel, Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whillock \2/12/20 17 2 I 098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Scricka Ragland 12/12/2017 I 900 W. 29th Little Rock , AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd. , Cedar Ridge , AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.114, North Little Rock. AR 72116
Lori Sills [2/ 13/2017 6115 West Markham. # 1. Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/ 13/2017 128 l 7 David O'Dodd Rd.. Litt le Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israe l 12/ 13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave. , Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/ l 4/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown, AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14 /2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood. AR 72120
Williams Rebecca 2/14/2018 I 600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14 /2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/ 2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 317/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron, AR 72122
Travi s Walton 3/ 15/20 18 800 Locust St., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Unio n1own Hwy. , Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy .. Uniontown. AR 70955
True Alisand re 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive , Conroy , AR 72034
Kenneth Co11lter 3/20/2018 3415 Town & Country Country Ave., Little Rock. AR 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St. , Little Rock, AR. 72206
Jacqueline Webst er 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #80 3, Sherwood. AR 72120
Phylli s Thompson 3/28 /2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/ 28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave. , Little Rock, AR 72204
Shir ley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St.. Little Rock, AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock. AR 72209
!'lease sec this most currcn l list. This 1sa !isl of paid canvassers to circulate lhc petit ion aincndiog the Arkansas constit u tion relating lo 1cnn limi1s.
Popular Namo
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #IO 14, Little Rook, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Clovc rhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefi eld Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046. Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/ )2/2017 2662 Mountain Pinc Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr .. Benton , AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/ 12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana SL Apt. A, Little Rock. AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragla nd 12/ 12/2017 t900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Cedar Ridge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/ 13/2017 6115 West Markham, # 1, Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/ 13/2017 '12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock , AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown. AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/2018 73 Deer Meadows CL, Sherwood, AR 72120
Williams Rebecca 2/ 14/ 2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment IO Little Rock. AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/ 14/ 2018 7 Flourire Cove, Little Rock, AR 722 I 2
Randy Morrison 3/2/201 S 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron , AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/15/ 201 S 800 Locust St., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20 12018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/ 2018 9 Sherwood Drive. Conroy , AR 72034
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/ 2018 3415 Town & Country Country Ave. , Little Rock, AR 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/2012018 3 19 N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR , 72206
Jacqueline Webster 3/281201 S 88 !5 Woodbine #803, Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3/28/ 2018 1623 Grant St. , Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/ 2018 3700 Maryland Ave., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple SL, Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/ 2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S, ~attery St., Little Rock., AR 72202
Please see thi~ most current Hsi.This is a fi;t of paid circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating to term llmfts.
Popular ame
Upon submwion of its list of paid canvasstrs to the Secr,iary of State, the sponsor shall c,r1,Jy 10 the Secreta,y of Slate 1ha1each paid canw,ss,r /11Its employ has pa.rseda cntr11nal,ound s~arrh m ae.cordante w11h1htsseclIOA
I ccnuy tha1each paid canvasseron this 1is1bas passed• criminalbatkgiound check by the Arlw\sas S!atePoticeas required by ArkansasCode J 7-9-601
Michael Amo
Date of Name First Submitted
First Name last Name to SOS R.esidentailAddres
Joseph Ahnosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason , Ml 48854
Jacquelin e Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popu lar Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8130/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 370 1 Bower s St,, Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437 , Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #43 7, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 370 1 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Edd ie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 Houch ins Road. Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/ 1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jackson ville, AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave ., Radford , VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/ 2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2 017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale , AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Ammla Road, Port Charlotte, FL 3395 3
Courtney McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court Iii 24 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsm ith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Pago 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 722 17
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/2 5/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Da.y 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 272 6, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Lin·le Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street,Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle , Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock., AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/ 29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave .• Jacksonvill e, FL 32205
Gwendo lyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, JacksonviUe, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfolt Rd., Jacksonvill e, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd .. Lot 86 1 Mabelvale, AR 7210 3
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410N . Cherry St. Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. /1802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Bowell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/20 17 I017 No rth Place , Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman I 0/6/2017 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd., Mableval e, AR 72 103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/20 17 I03 Victory Cir., Jack sonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson I 0/10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd,, Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough I 0/ 10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/201 7 712 1 Holly Laoe, Mab lcvale , AR 72 103
Issac Newby 10/ 10/2017 3 11 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/ 12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd .. Apt, 70 17, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 981'5 Cloverhill Road. Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/412017 533 MC 3046. Yellville. AR 72687
Michael R. Jac,kson 12112/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd.• Hot Springs. AR 7191 3
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 3SOLamplighter Dr., Benton_ AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/1212017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd .• Harrisburg , AR 72432
Erio Whitlock 12/12/20.17 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg. AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Linle Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/1212017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Cedar Ridge. AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2 017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/ 1312017 6115 West Markham, # I, Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd. , Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13(2017 I 316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown. AR 70955
Joh nson Terri 2/14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct.. Sherwood , AR 72120
William s Rebecca 2/1412018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment IO Li tile Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock. AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 2.4603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/ 1512018 800 Locust SL, North Little Rock, AR 72 I 14
Chakkim Anav lsrael 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem R.d., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Truo Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive. Co nroy, AR 72034
Kenoeth Coulter 3/20/2018 34 I 5 Town & Country Country Ave., Little Rock, AR 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 3 I9 N. 22nd St.. Little Rock, AR , 72206
Ja cqueLi11c Webster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803. Sherwood. AR 72 120
Phyllis Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirl ey Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St .. Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St., Little Rock, AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/ 5/2018 3301 West 10th SL, Little Rock, AR 72204
Please see this most current lisL Jnis is a list of paid canvassers to circulat<.<
the putitioo amending the Arkansas constitution relatinl: to term limits.
Popular Name
LaJ11an Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway . AR 72034
Jalcn Morri s 10/l 9/2017 98 15 Cloverhill Road , Little Rock , AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/ 2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr. , Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4 /2017 533 MC 3046. Yetlville, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/ 12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Roben Redm ond 12/12/2017 350 Lamp lighter Dr., Bento n, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 20 15 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitl oc k 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harri sburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlo ck 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/ 12/2017 I 900 W. 29th Little Rock. AR 72 706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd ., Cedar Ridge , AR 72027
Calvin Davi s 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, Nonh Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/ 13/2017 6115 We st Markham , #1. LitUe Rick, AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/2017 nH17 David O'Oodd Rd., Little Rock . AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 S9utheastem Ave. , Jack so.nviJlc, AR72076
Ashley Ewald 12/ 14/2017 l 0121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniont own, AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/ 14/2018 73 Deer Meadow s Ct ., Sherwood , AR 72120
William s RebecC'd 2/ 14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment IO Little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14 /2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock , AR 72212
Randy Morri so n 3/2/ 2018 3200 Bankhead Drive. Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/ 2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron , AR 72122
Travis Walto n 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israe l 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Ashley Ewa ld 3/20 /2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniont own. AR 70955
Lee Evan s 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown, AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conroy , AR 72034
Kenneth Co11lter 3/20/2018 34 l 5 Town & Country Country Ave. , Little Roc k, AR 72205
Catherine Danc iu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St.. Little Rock , AR, 72206
Ja~queli11c Web ster 3/28/2 018 88 I 5 Woodbine #-803. Sherwood, AR 72120
Phyll is Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Linle Rock, AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3128/2018 3700 Maryland Ave ., Littl e Rock, AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Roc k. AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr .. l ittle Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamilt on 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St.., Little Rock, AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr. . Apt. A . Little Rock AR 72204
Please see this most current list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating to term limit
Popular Name
Michael Amo
Date of Name First
First Name Last Name Submitted to SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason , MI 48854
Jacqueline Collier 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/20 l 7 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkin s 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate lrl 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 9/1/20[7 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24 141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd ., Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Pwita Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane # 115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court. North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726. Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville , FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez I 0/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter I 0/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff , AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/20 17 11500 Chicot Rd ., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Rita Radak I 0/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 l O17 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabel ville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale, AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir. , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Angela Roberson I 0/ 10/2017 130 W . Lee Ave ., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd ., Lot 60 , Mabelvale , AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane , Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/ 10/2017 311 E. 8th St. # 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan C annon -Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd .• Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/ 19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R . Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs , AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr ., Benton , AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A. Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/ 12/2017 21098 Jones . R<i, Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd ., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W , 29th Little Rock , AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/ 12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd ., Cedar Ridge. AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hick ory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori. Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , # 1, Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd .• Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave .• Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy. , Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/ 14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood, AR 72120
William s Rebecca 2/14/2018 1600 S . Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/ 14/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison J /2/ 2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/ 2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron , AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/ 15/2018 800 Locust St. , North Little Rock , AR 721 14
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/ 19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd ., Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20 /2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy. , Uniontown, AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive , Conway , AR 72034
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 3415 Town & Country Country Ave., Little Rock, AR 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock , AR, 72206
Jacqueline Webster 3/28/2018 881 S Woodbine #803, Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyll is Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St. , Little Rock . AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28 /2018 3700 Maryland Ave., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28 /20] 8 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr .. Little Rock , AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 13 16 S . Battery St., Little Rock , AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Jacquelin e Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A, Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/ 12/2018 916 S. Maple St ., Little Rock. AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12 /2018 921 S. Maple , Little Rock , AR 72204
Please se~ this most cum:m list. This 1s a Iisl of paid canvassers lo c1rc1lla1e the petition amending 1he Arkansas constiluhon relating to 1crm limits
Popular Name
((')(1) P,-o"idc a ca111 d Cllrronl res1d1m1wl addres.,es rn 11,e SecrelalJ' ofS 1tJ1
ple1e I/SI Qjall paid cmwassers · names a11 e.
(/1) If addir/01111/
paid canvas.sers a1p·te ro so/1c11,fig1ra111
res rm behalf nj,i Sp(ill,f/J
r after rhe comp/ere lisr is pt·cwded, 1he sponsor shall prowde a1111 pdored
Ii.trof all paid 1:mrva.sser,r ' 110111
es and c11
rren1re.1idcn1/al addres.,es ,o the Secre101J1ofS rate..
7o verify rha1rhere are 11 0 crtminal offenses 011record. a sponsor shall obtain.01 ifs co.~,. fro m the (Nparr111en I of Arka11
sas Srmc Poliee,a cur rent state
cmdfedera l criminal record na rch 011eI•ery paid canwme r 10 be regwered w,rh the Secte1ary of S1ate
( Z) The C'rimmal l'ecord search shall be ob/ained w11hm IMr1y (30) days prior 10 ,1,
,,reg,straJion of /hi, µ aid cu;wasser.
Upo11wbmu sion of 1/S list ofpo ,J crm vassers to !he Secretary q/ S1a1c,!he sponsor shall cerl[(y10 //,~ Secretary of S1a,ethat each paid co11va.1se
r /1111.f
emp loy !ta~·passed o crif/lmal backgrouml search i11ar:cordtmce wilh 1h,ssecuon.
,kgruund check by the Ark11
I ccni l), 1ha1each paid canvass~ron this Iisl has pass•d a ~riminal bao.: d by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-60 I.
nsas Scare Police as re1111ire
Mi chael A mo
F11stName LastName Date of Name First Subm itted 105OS Resfoentail l\odre<
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave . Detroit. Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd ., Mason, Ml 48854
Jacqueline Colller 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd,. Popular Bluff, MO 6390 1
Robert Wells 8/30/20 17 100 Big Eddy Rd .. Popular Bluff , MO 6390 1
Tony Davis 8/30/20 17 2700 S . Lewis, Lirtle Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/20 17 3325 Marsha ll AVe,, St Louis, MO 631 14
Chase Wilkins 8/30/20 17 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/20 17 5132 Yo rk Blvd . #437 , Los Angeles , CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd #437 , Los Angeles , CA 90050
Carl E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 370 1 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Deal'\ Shumate lll 9/ 1/2017 635 Houchi ns Road, Christiansbu rg, VA 24073
Ade lina Dedvukaj 911/20 17 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Krisdon Phillfps 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave ., Radford , VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Parl<Blvd .. Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/20 17 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9nl 2017 4540 W Sunset Ave ., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 A rmada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court#124 Punta Gorda . FL 33950
Anton io Leaks 9/ 13/2017 10700 Richsml th Lane #115 , Maumelle . AK 721 13
Steven Page 9/25/20 1-7 5420 Elder Court , North Lifll.e Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9/ 25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park , MO 63 088
Cassandra Lusk 9125/20 17 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72 116
Waco Allen Day 9125/2017 1832 Co untry Road 2726 , Caddo MIiis, TX 75135
David Day 9/25/2017 1832 Co untry Road 2726 , Caddo MIiis , TX 75135
Minnellf Jones 9128/2017 302 E, Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
622 E, 19t~ Street, Apt 55, North Little Rock, AR
Elmore 9/2812017 72 114
Jessica Graham 912812017 98 16 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9128/20 17 9 Renee Cove , Uttle Rock , AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29120 17 1470 Avonda le Ave ., Jacksonv1lle , FL 32205
Allen 9/29/ 2017 1800 S, Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock , AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville., AR 72076
Verna Watki ns 10/3/ 2017 26 13 E. Cosfelt Rd ,, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/ 20 17 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine .Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/ 2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 12 103
Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St,, Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 1014/ 2017 701 Scott St. #802 , Llttle Rock , AR 72201
James Howell 10/412017 410 N, Cherry St . Beebe. AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 101412017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 1016/2017 9204 Mabelv llle Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Ca rolyn Braun 1016/201 7 103 Vi cto~ Cir., Jacksonv ille , AR 720 76
Ange la Roberson 10/ 10/ 2017 130 W . Lee Ave , Sherwood, AR 72 120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/201 7 53 12 Lowden Rd ,, litt le Rock AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500Chicot Rd ., Lot 60, Mabelvale,AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane. Mablevafe . AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon✓oy 10/12/20 17 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway. AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverh ill Road , Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefie ld Dr.. Little Rock, AR 72209
John Enc Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellv ille, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lampl(ghter Dr .. Benton, AR 72015
Eulish 1a
Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louis iana St. Apt. A , Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 724'32
Enc Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd ., Harnsburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W 29th little Rock , AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd ., Cedar R1dge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/ 2017 4917 Hickory Rd·.#4, North Little Roe/I. AR 72116
Lorr Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1, Little Rtck . AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/2017 12817 Davld O'Oodd Rd .. Uttle Rock , AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave .. Jacksonville. AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontowo Hwy.. Uniontown, AR 70955
Johnson Tern 2/14/ 2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct. , Sherwood , AR 72120
Rebecca 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St Apartme nt 10 Little Rock. AR 72204
MIiier Shaw 2/1'4/2018 7 Flourite Cove . Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 312/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive. Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valent ine 317/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane. Paron. AR 72122
T ravis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock. AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
True Alisandre 3120/2018 9 Sherwood Drive , Conway, AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave ., Little Rock. AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock , AR , 72206
Jacque line Webster 3128/2018 88 15 Woodbine #803 , Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thomps on 3/28/20 18 1623 Grant St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3128/2018 3700 Maryland Ave , Litt le Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3128/2018 900 s. Maple SL, Litt le Rock, AR 72204
Tashan. Oneal 3/2812018 9810 Capella Dr., litt le Rock. AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S . Battery SL, Little Reek, AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th SI., Uttle Rock. AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr.. Apt . A, Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 916 S , Maple St. , Little Rock, AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40 , Hot Springs , AR 72015
Plea1csec this most current list. This is a list of (laidcanvassersto circulate the petition amending the Arkansas constitution relating m lenn linrn;;.
Pc,pulor Name
McDu ffie 9112/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Anton io Leaks 9/ 1312017 10700 Richsmith Lane #1 15, Maumelle . AK 72 113
Steven Page 9/2512017 5420 Elder Court . North li ttle Rock , AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9125/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr,. Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/20 17 5901 JFK Blvd .. #604 . North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9/ 2512017 1832 Cou ntry Road 2726 , Caddo MIiis , TX 75135
David Day 9/ 25/2017 1832 Count ry Road 2726 . Caddo Mflls . TX 75135
M1nnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd ,, Little Rock , AR 72206
622 E. 19th Street, Apt, 55. North Little Rock . AR
Elmore 912812017 72114
Jess ica Gra ham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle. Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scogg ins 9/ 28/2017 9 Renee Cove . Little Rock , AR 72209
Chr istopher 'Baxte r 9/29/201 7 1470 Avondale Ave ., Jacksonville , FL 32205
Allen 9/2912017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt , 703 , Little Rock , AR 72206
Nick Duenez 1012/2017 109 St,awnee Place . Jaci<sonville, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/ 3/2017 2613 E . Cosfelt Rd ., Jacksonv ille. AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/312017 2506 Belair Dr. S,. Pine Bluff. AR 71601
Brent Watso n 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86. Mabe lvale , AR 72103
Rita Radak 1014/2017 4 10 N. Cnerry St ., Beebe , AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/20 17 701 Scott St. #802 . Little Rock. AR 7220 1
James Howell 1014/2017 410 N. Cherry St. , Beebe . AR 72012
Curt is Westb rook 1014/2017 1017 North Place , Benton , AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelv ille Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Caro lyn Braun 10/612017 103 Victory Cir ., Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Ange la Robe rson 10/10/2017 130 w_
Lee Ave ., Sherwood , AR 72-<\ 20
Maria Neely 10/1012017 5312 Lowden Rd ., Little Rock . AR 72206
Mel issa Darroug h 10/1012017 11500 Chicot Rd ., Loi 60 , Mabelvale , AR 72103
EXH;►a.lIT" C-34
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/20 17 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10110/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock , AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon -Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017 , Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/1912017 9815 Cloverhill Road , Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
John Eric Jones. 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
Michae l R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Ptne Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/ 12/2017 350 Lampl ighter Dr.. Benton, AR 72015
Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S . Louisiana St. Apt. A , Uttle Rock , AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/ 12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd .. Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/201i 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd ., Cedar Ridge, AR 72027
Ca lvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4 , North Little Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West MarKha.m. #1. little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock. AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave. , Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terr i 2/14/20\8 73 Deer Meadows Ct .. Sherwood , AR 72120
W Iiiiams
Rebecca 1600 s. Elm St . Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204
2/14/ 2018
Mille r Shaw 2/14/ 2018
7 Flourite Cove. Little 'Rock. AR 722 12
Randy Morrison 3/2/20183200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock. AR 72206
Barry Valentine 317/201824603 Lesia La.~e Lane, Paron . AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/ 15/2018
800 Locust St., North Little Rock . AR 72114
Chakk1m Anav ,Israel 3/19/2018870 S, Salem Rd ,, Apt. 7017 , Conway. AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3120/201810121 Uniontown HWy., Un iontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3120/201810121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70956
True Allsandre 3120/20189 Sherwood Drive. Conway, AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave ., Little Rock, AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/2012018 72205
Catherine Danc1u 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR , 72206
Jacqueline Webste r 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3/2812018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Nfna Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave ., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shlrley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Uttle Rock. AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/2812018 9810 Capella Or., Little Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St. . Little Rock. AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St . UtUe Rock. AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr.. Apt. A. Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 916 $ . Mapfe St., Little Rock. AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple . Litt le Rock. AR 72204
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40. Hot Springs , AR 72015
Ingrid W llins 5/3012018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock, AR 72209
Ph:asesee H1ismosl current list. TlllSis a list of paid e11nvassers
to circulate the petition am~nding the Arkansas constituuon relntingto 1ennlimits.
I certify that c~ch paid canvasser on this list has 11asseda crunin~Ibackground check by the Arkansas State Polioe as r~11uircd
by Arkansas Code § 7-9-60I.
Michael Amo
First Nonie LostName Date of Name First Submit t ed to SOS Residentall Add res
Joseph Almosawy 8/3012017 6842 Grandmon t Ave . Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling Ei sen1onr 8/30/20 17 5448 Curtuce Rd , Mason , Ml 48854
Jacqueline Colller 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd,, Popular Bluff. MO 63901
Robert Wells 8130/2017 100 B[g Eddy Rd., Popular Blllff , MO 63901
Tony Davis 813012017 2700 S. Lewis, Llttle Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/3012017 3325 Marshall Ave ., St. louTs, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8130/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/201'7 5132 York Blvd, #437, Los Angeles , CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437 , Los Angeles, CA 90050
Carl E. WIikins 8129/2017 3701 Bowers St .. Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road. Christiansburg . VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonville , AR 72076
Krisdon Phillips 91112017231 Allen Ave ., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Roell. AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 916/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro . AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/712017 4540 w. Sunset AVe.. Springdale . AR 72762
Jenn ifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road. Port Charlotte , FL 33953
McDuffie 9112/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Anton ro leaks 9113/2017 10700 Rkhsmith Lane #115 , Maume lle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court , North Llttle Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman 9125/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park. MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd.. #604. North Little Rock. AR 72116
Waco Alle n Day 9/2512017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75 135
David Day 9/2512017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9128/2017 302 E. Rooseve lt Rd., Little RoCK, AR 72206
622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR
Elmore 9/2812017 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle , Little Rock, AR 72204
Blai re Scoggins 9128/20 17 .9 Renee Cove. Little Roell, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avonda le Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S . Broadway. Apt . 703. Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez: 10/2/20 17 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonvllle . AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd ., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/312017 2506 Belalr Dr S ., Pine Bluff , AR 71601
Brent Walson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd ., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Rita Radak. 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 1014/2017 701 Scott St . #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/412017 1017 North Place , Benton , AR 72019
Amber HIiiman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelvi lle Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 V1ctory Cir ., Jacksonv ille , AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/1012017 130 W . Lee Ave .. Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock , AR 72206
Melissa Oarrougti 10110/2017 11500 Ctiicot Rd ., Lot 60. Mabelvale, AR72103
Nico le Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 liolly Lane , Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10110/2017 311 E..8th St. #10 14, Lillie Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon.-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S, Salem Rd .. Apt , 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10119/2017 9815 Cloverhl ll Road , Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/ 19/2017 67 S. Wakefiel d Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , YellVille, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mounta in P ine Rd., Hot Springs , AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton , AR 72015
Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A. Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd" Harri sburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitrock 12/12/2017 ;?1098 Jones . Rd ., Harrisburg . AR 72432
Serlcka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitche l 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd .. Cedar Rldge , AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/1312017 6115 West Markham , #1, Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Fiowerday 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Oodd Rd., Little Rock , AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/1312017 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/1412017 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/1412018 73 Deer Meadows Ct. , Sherwood , AR 72120
W illiams
Rebecca 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock , AR 72212
Randy Morrison 312/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron , AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St. , North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd. , Apt. 7017, Conway , AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3120/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy .• Uniontown . AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/,!018 10121 Un1ontown Hwy ., Uniontown . AR 70955
True Allsandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drfve. Conway , AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave .. Little Rock , AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/2.0/2018 72205
Catherine Danclu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St .. Little Rook, AR. 72206
Jacqueline Webster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803 , Sherwood. AR 72120
Phylns Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St .. Little Rock . AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/201 8 3700 Maryland Ave ., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28/20 18 900 S. Map le St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/20 18 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
Louaun-a Hamilton 414/2018 1316 S Battery St. , Little Rock , AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 41512018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/ 2018 8904 Tanya Dr. , Apt. A, L1ttle Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/20 18 916 S. Maple St . Little Rock , AR 72204
L_aJuana Brimley 4/12/20 18 921 s.Maple , Little Rock, AR 72204
Melody Estes 512312018 240 Matthews Dr, #c40 , Hot Springs, AR 72015
Ingrid Wilkens 5130/2018 4319 Pine Cone, Little Rock. AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5131/20-18 21 Rem ington Dr , Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas Kowalsk i 5/31/2018 21 Rem ington Dr.. Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne Piggee 5/31/2018 201 S. Valmar St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Please sec rhis mosrcurtent lisl. This is a list or paid canvassers to circulate the perilion amending the Ark11n
sasconstltutit,n relating to t~n11limit s.
Populur Name
I c~n ,fy that each pnid convnsser 011this list has possed n criminal b"ckground check by the Arkansas State Police as required by Arkan~s Code§ 7-9-601.
Michael Arno
Fi(it Name Last Name Date of Name Flnt Submit ted to SOS Res1deota il Addres
Joseph Almosawy 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave . Detroit , Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/3012017 5448 Curtuce Rd ., Mason , Ml 48854
Jacqueline Colfler 8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff , MO 63901
Robert Wells 8130/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd ., Popular Bluff , MO 6390 1
Tony Dev is 8/3012017 2700 S. Lew is , Little Rock , AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marsha ll Ave ., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Willl ins 8130/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/2912017 5 132 York Blvd . #437 , Los Ange les, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5 132 York Blvd . #437 , Los Angeles , CA 90050
Carl E. W Iikins 8/2912017 370 1 Bowe rs SL, Little Rock , AR 72204
Eddl e Dean Shumate Ill 9/ 112017 635 Houchins Road, Christ iansburg , VA 24073
Ade lina Dedvuka j 9/112017 109 Shawnee Place . J acksonville , AR 72076
K.risdon Phillips 911/2017 231 Allen Ave ., Radfo rd, VA 24141
Annelle Lord 916/2017 90 1 Fair Park Blvd .. Little Rock , AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/612017 2206 Mltzr Lane, Jonesboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 W . Sunset Ave .. Spr ingda le . AR 72762
Jennifer NOIWOOd 9/ 12/2017 14394 Armada Road , Port Cha rlotte . FL 33953
McDuffie 9/ 12/2017 1891 Sand Ptne Court#124 Punta Gorda , Fl 33950
Anton io Leaks 9/ 1312017 1.0700 R1chsmilh Lane #115 , Maumelle . AK 72113
Steven Page 912512017 5420 Elder Court, North Llttle Rock, AR 722 17
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk 9/25 /201 7 5901 JFK Blvd ., #604 , North Little Rock , AR 72 116
Waco Allen Day 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills. TX 75135
David Oay 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Minnelli Jones 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock , AR 72206
Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street. Apt. 55 , North Little Rock , AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle , Little Rock . AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/2812017 9 Renee Cove . Little Rock . AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave .. Jacksonville , FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703. Li\tle Rock. AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place , Jacksonv i lle. AR 72076
Verna Watk ins 10/ 3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd ., Jacksonvi lle. AR 72076
Lake isha Porte r 10/ 3/2017 2506 Belair Dr S., Pine Bluff , AR 7 1601
Brent Watson 10/ 3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86 , Mabe lvale , AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/412017 4 10 N Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/20 17 701 Scott Sf. #802 , LiWe Rock , AR 7220 1
James Howell 10/4/20 17 4 10 N. Cherry St. , Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place . Benton , AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabe lvilie Cut Off Rd., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville , AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/ 10/20 17 130 W . Lee Ave ., Sherwood , AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/ 10/20 17 5312 lowden Rd .. L~tle Rock , AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/20 17 11500 Ch icot Rd .. Lot 60 , Mabe lvale, AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane . Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10 110/2017 31 1 E 8th St. #10 14, little Rock. AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt . 7017 , Conway , AR 72034
Jafen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cfoverhill Road. Litue Rock . AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/1912017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Lillie Rock, AR 72209
John Ertc Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/1212017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs , AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 360 Lamplighter Dr .. Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A , Little RQck, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/12/2017 1900W . 29th Little Rock. AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Min Rd., Ced ar Rldge, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hl ckory Rd.#4, North Little Rock. AR 72116
Lori Sills 12.113/2017 6115 West Marktiam. #1 . Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock , AR 72210
Jonatl Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave , Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy .. Uniontown . AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct .. Sherwood, AR 72120
Rellecca 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock , AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Litlle Rock, AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake lane , Paron, AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/1512018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/1912018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017 , Conway , AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 1012 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Lee Evans 3120/2018 1012 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive. Conw ay. AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave .. Lillie- Rock , AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3120/2018 319 N. 22nd St. , Little Rock, AR , 72206
Jacqueline Webster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3/28/2018 1623Grant St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave ., Liltle Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counls 3/28/2018 900 S . Maple St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Onea l 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr .. Little Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamil ton 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St. , Li111eRock, AR 72202
Brenda Ridd le 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr .. Apt . A, Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/20 18 916 S. Maple St., Lrtlle Rock , AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12/2018 921 s. Map le, Little Rock. AR 72204
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40 , Hot Springs, AR 72015
Ingrid Wilkens 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock , AR 72209
Co rdero Barlla 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar . 72210
Nicholas Kowalsk i 5/3112018 21 Remington Dr.• Little Rock Ar. 7221 O
Roseanne Piggee 5/31/2018 201 S Valmar St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Joshua Daro 6/1/2018 11 Bogey Ln., l ittle Rock , AR 72210
Trev Ash 61112018 21 Remington Dr .• Lrttle Rock Ar . 7221 O
Richard Salway 6/1/2018 617 S. Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201
Jerrme WIi iour 611/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Shalimar W Iiiour 6/1/ 2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar . 72210
Picas"sec this mostcurrent lisl. This is a list of paid cunvasscrslo circulalethe petitionamending Ila: Ark:111,11s
constitution relatingto lenn limits.
Popular Name
Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55. North Little Rock . AR 72114
Jesska Graham 9/2812017 9816 Regent Circle. Litlle Rock, AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove . little Rock. AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave ., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendo lyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt . 703, Little Rock , AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place Jacksonville , AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfe ll Rd., Jacksonville. AR 7 2076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Bela ir Dr, S.. Pfne .Bluff. AR 71601
Bren t Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Cnicot Rd., lo t 86. MabelVale, AR 72103
Rita Rada!< 10/4/2017 410 N . Cherry St.. Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. .#802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe. AR 72012
Curt is Westbrook 10/412017 1017 Nor\h Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/612017 9204 Mabelvill e Cut Off Rd ., Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory err., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W . Lee Ave ., Sherwood , AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500 Chico! Rd., Lot 60, Mabelva le, AR 72 103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane , Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, L1ltle Rock . AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/1212017 '870 S. Salem Rd .. Apt. 7017. Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road , Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Or., Lntle Rock , AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R. Jack son 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd ., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Roben Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamp lighter Dr,, Benton, AR 72015
EuHshia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S . Louisiana St. Apt A, Little Rock , AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/1212017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock , AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 1211212017 956 Dutton Min Rd .. Cedar Ridge , AR 72027
CalVin Davis 12113120174917 Hickory Rd,#4, North Lilt/a Rock, AR 72116
LorJ Sllls 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1, Little Rick. AR 72205
Eva Flowerday 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd .. Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Jsrael 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave .. Jacksonville. AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/1412017 1012 1 Un iontown Hwy ., Uniontown . AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/20 18 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sheiwood, AR 72120
Rebecca 2/1412018 1600 S , Elm St. Apartmen t 10 L~Ue Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock , AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/71201•8 24603 Lesia lake Lane, Paron , AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S, Salem Rd ., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy ., Uniontown, AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/20 18 10121 Uniontown Hwy, Uniontown , AR 70955
True Alfsandre 3/2012018 9 Sherwood Ortve , Conway , AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave,, Little Rock , AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N, 22nd St., Uttle Rock, AR , 72206
Jacque line Websler 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803 , Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave .• LittJe Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St,, Little Rock . AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 414/2018 1316 S. Battery St., little Rock, AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St ., Little Rock, AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt . A , Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 916 S, Maple St., little Rock , AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple , Little Rock, AR 72204
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40 , Ho! Springs , AR 72015
Ingrid Wilkens 5/3012018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5/31/20 18 21 Remington Or,, Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas Kowalsk i 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr ., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Rosea nne Pl ggee 5/31/2018 201 S, Va lmar St.. Little Rock , AR 72204
Joshua Daro 611/2018 11 Bogey Ln ., llttle Rock , AR 72210
Trev Ash 6/1/2018 21 Reming ton Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Richard Salway 611/2018 617 S. Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201
Jerlme Willour 611/2018 21 Remlngton Dr., Little Rock AR 72210
Shalimar Willour 6/1/2018 21 Remlngton Dr., little Rock AR. 72210
Andrew Glassgow 6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd,, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Robert Glassgow 614/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd-,. North Little RocK, AR 72114
Tonyers Boyd 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Martin Clanton 6/412018 1851 S, Salem Rd ., Conway, AR 72032
Pleasesee ,!his most currcnf 11st
. 'I his is a list of poid canvassersto circuhue the petition amendingthe Arkansusconstitution r~lntingto renn limits .
Popular Nam<:
Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street , Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle , Little Rock , AR 72204
Blaire Scoggins 9/2812017 9 Renee Cove . little Rock . AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave .. Jacksonv flfe. FL 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/2912017 1800 S. Broadway , Apt. 703 . Little Rock. AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville . AR 72076
Verna Watkins 1013/2017 2613 E Cosfelt Rd . Jacksonvllle . AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S .. Pine Bluff , AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/412017 410 N. Cherry St. , Beebe , AR '72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802 , Llttle Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 4 10 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton , AR 72019
Amber Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd ,, Mablevale , AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir,. Jacksonville , AR 72076
Angela Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W. Lea Ave ., Sherwood , AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/1012017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock , AR 72206
Melissa Oarrou_gh 10/10/2017 11500 Ct11 col Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale. AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/1012017 7 121 Hoity Lane , Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/10/2017 3.11 E. 8th SI. #1014 , Little Rock , AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870S , Salem Rd . Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/1912017 9815 Cloverhl ll Road. Little Rock . AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefie ld Dr., Little Roci<, AR 72209
Joh n Eric Jones 12/412017 533 MC 3046 , Yellville , AR 72687
MichaelR Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mo\Jntain Pfne Rd., Hot Springs , AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/1212017 350 Lamplighler Dr., Benton . AR 72015
Eulish la Johnson 12I1mo11 2015 S. Loufsrana St. Apt. A . Lillie Rook, AR 72206
Trent Wh itlock 12/1212017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harr isburg, AR 72432
Eric WhitlOCk 12/ 12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432
Sericka Raglan(! 12/12/2017 1900 W . 29th L1tlle Rock . AR 72706
Danie l Mitchel 12/ 12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd ., Cedar Ridge , AR 72027
Cafv1n Davis 12/1312017 4917 Hickory Rd .#4. North Little Rock , AR 721 16
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1 , Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva Ftowerday 12/1312017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock . AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/1312017 1316 Southeastern Ave .. Jackso nville, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/1412018 73 Deer Meadows Ct .. Sheiwood , AR 72120
Will iams
Rebecca 2/14 12018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rook, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2114/2018 7 Flourite Cove , Lillie Rock , AR 72212
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Lillie Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valen tine 3n/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane. Paron , AR 72122
Travis Wal ton 3/15/2018 800 Locusl St., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Chakk lm Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017 , Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 3/20 /2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
True Al1sandre 3120/2018 9 Sherwood Drive. Conway, AR 72034
3415 Town & Country Country Ave, , Little Rock, AR
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 3 19 N. 22nd St., Uttte Roclt. AR, 72206
Jacqueline Webster 3/2812018 8815 Woodbine #803 , Sheiwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thompso n 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina. Hampton 3/28)2018 3700 Maryland Ave .. Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/2812018 900 S. Maple St , Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St., Little Rock. AR 72202
Brenda Ridd le 4/5/2018 330 1 West 10th St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/ 5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt A , Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/1212018 916 S. Maple St., Little Roclt , AR 72204
laJ Uana Brimley 4/1212018 921 S. Maple , Lit11eRock , AR 72204
Me lody Estes 5/2312018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40 , Hot Springs , AR 72015
lng rld Wilkens 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5/3112018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nfcholas Kowalski 5/3112018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne Piggee 5/31/2018 201 S. Valmar St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Joshua Daro 6/112018 11 Bogey Ln., Little Rock . AR 72210
Trev Ash 6/1/2018 21 Remington Dr.. Little Rock Ar. 72210
Richard Salway 6/112018 617 S. Broadway Little Rock , AR 72201
Jerime WIiiour 6/1./2018 21 Remlngton Dr , Little Rock AR. 7221 O
Shalimar W illour 6/112018 21 Remington Dr., Uttle Rock AR. 72210
Andrew Glassgow 6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd , North Lltt/e Rock , AR 72114
Robert Glassgow 6/4/2018 110 N Pershing Blvd , North Little Rock , AR 72114
Tonyers Boyd 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Martln Clanton 6/412018 1851 S. Salem Rd .. Conway , AR 72032
Chase Harns 6/5/2018 11 Bogey lane Uttle Rock AR 72210
Kevin Charpentier 6/5/2018 110 E Pershing North Little Rock AR 72114
Diann Gentry 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd LitUe Rook AR 72211
Nicholas Turpin 6/5/2018 , 1 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
Russell Baggetl 615/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd LitUe Rook AR 72211
WIiiiam Burns 615/2018 400 W . 29th St North Little Rock , AR 72114
Anthony Cooper 6/5/2018 2510 w. Martin Conway AR 72034
Vincent Neukam 6/512018 1818 N. Hwy 9 , Morrilton , AR 72210
John Adams 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton . AR 72210
Boe Prill 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Cynthia Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock. AR 72211
Ralph Walke r 6/5/2018 1103 S. Viclory #A L~tle Rock. AR 72202
Dallio Latimer 6/5/20 18 21 Remington Dr Little Rock. AR 72210
Michael Becker 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Arthur Ladd 6/5/2018 6100 Mitche ll Dr Little Rock, AR 72209
(C)(i) Provide 11complete /isl of all p11idcanvassers· names and c11rre111
residenlial addresses 10the Secre/a1y of S1a1e. j
(ii) I/ addi11onalpaid canvassers agree 10solici1slgna111reson behalf of a sponsor after 1hecamp/ere/isl is provided, the sponsor shall provide an updated J
sr!?f!!!!paid cam•as!ers· names and currenJ_
J!j__ residmllal addresses ro rheSecre1a,y0JS/u1e. :
To verify Iha/ /here are no cr,111/nal
offenses on record, a sponsor shall obtain.ul 1/Scosl,ji-0111 sru/e und i
/he Deµarlmenlof Arkansas Sla/e Police.a c11l'l'e111
fedeml criminal record search on eve1ypaiti canvasser lo he regislered wilh lit• Secre1c11y of Slat".
(]) The criminal record search shall be oblalned wilhm //urty (30) days prior lo the reg/Slro//onoflhe paid canvasser.
j Upon submission ofils !ISiof paid ca11vassersto 1/,2Secretu,y of State, the sponsor shall ceriify 10the Secretary of State 1/101each paid rnnvasser m 1/s -
'Ploy has pa'fsed a cnmina/ backgro11ndsearch m accordance wit~ this secuon.
_k by the ArkansasState Policeas required by Arkansas~~e § 7-9-601.
Jr ccnify 1ha1each paid canvass~~on 1his list has passc~ a crn:mal ba~kg~oundc~1cc
Michael Arno I
/First N__a!"e
·_· _____ !!!st~~ - o-;ie of N~m~ F~tSubmiited ! OSOS Residentail Addres •
Jose_p _b__ _ __ ~l m_osa\'I):'_ _8/30/2017 6842 GrandmontAve. Detroit,Ml 48228
Sterling Eisenlohr 8130/20175448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
-@.~ine _-=---=- Collier -- - _ ~3012017 100 Big _Ed~y_Rd ., Popula·r ~u~ . M0_~901
Robert 1weii~- - - ~130/2__Q17 100 Big Eddy_Rd., PopuI~r ~luff. ~-0 63901
Tgny ,Davis 8/30120172700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara 10wens 8/30/2017 3325 MarstialiAve.': St.T oufs, MO 63114 .
Chase !Wilkins 8/3012017 3701Bowers- S[ LittieRock, AR72204-
•Gloria l/lvin a· · · 8/29120175132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence ls tone - 8/29/201715132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles,CA90050
'Carl E. ]WIikins - 8129/20173701 Bowers St., Litlle Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate- lll Jl1/2Q.1Z6~5 Hou<:!'ln.!_R9a9 ,_ChrisQ~_nJbUr!l,__~24073
IAdelina - Dedvukaj · 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville,AR 72076
1Msd£11 phillll?S - 9/1/2017'231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/612017901 Fair Park Blvd., Lillle Rock, AR 72204
p~o!hl . f1ord . . 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane.Jon esboro, AR 72401
' Shaun _ _ _ Sachs 917/2Q.:!74~0 W. S!:!n~et ~vLl_erl'!~a le,_AR 727_62 _
•J~n ifer ' Nor.vood 9112/201714394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
t;:ourtney ~Duffie 9i1V2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 7
!"Nicole _______ Rolenbe~ _ __ __ _10/10/~017 ?121 Holjy Lane, ~ ablevai~, AR 72!~ _-_- __
I§~~ _ ___ fll~WE~ - __ 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
~a,,J_uan ~a!lnon-J_2y 10/12/2~ 17 870 S. S_alem Rd., Apt. 701~ Conw_ay-!.AR 720~4
J alen -
Glen - -
- -- 10/19/2017 i9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
10/19/2017ij7 s. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR72209
John Eric J ;ione~ --=_·. 12/4/20 17 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR72687 -
~ icha~R. IJ~~son 12/12/20 ~7 2662 ~fountain P~neRd., Hot §p_r!!!g~AR 71913
Robert ,Redmond 12/12/20 17 ,350 LampliQhler Qr., Benion , AR 7,?015 __ _
EUlishia i Johnson 12/ 12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
,Trent ,Whitlock 12/1212017!21098 Jones. Rd.~Harrisburg:AR 72432 -
Eric Whillock 12/12/2017 2_1098 Jone~. R~ ..,_Harri_!burg , AR 72~32 _
Sericka 1Ragland
1211212017 , 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 1211"i1~017 J56 Out~ . Mtn ~ .•-Ced~i Ridge, AR j ~027-
Calvin Davis 12/13I?<?._
17t4917 Hickory Rd.#4 , North Lil_!leRock, AR 72116_
11on 'silis 12113/2017 6115 West Markham , #1 , Little Rick, AR 72205
IJonah - -
11srael r 12/1312017 12817-David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock, AR72210
12113/2017 11316 Southeastern Ave : Jacksonville , AR 72076-
fAshley - - ~Id 12/14/20'!_71,012 1 Unt?nt~wn H~ ..:J:!.nionto~R..29 955 ··-
Johnson Terri 2/14/2018 '!73 Deer Meadows Ct , Sherwood . AR 72120
Williams Rebecca 2/ 14/2018 , 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock, AR 72204 '
Miller Shaw -- - 2/1j /2018 7 Flou~te Cove, Lit~!l RoEk ,.!,R_ 72212 ·-- I
R~ndy Morrison 3/2@.Q~ ~2~0 Ban_khead Drive,_!,i~Rock , AR 722.Q~
Barry J ~~entine - 317/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72122
Travis [Wal!.9n 3/15/2018 8-00 Locust St., North Little Rock , AR7211 4
Chal<klm Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 s-:-s·alem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR7203 4
- 3/2012018 1 0121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
j As~ ey
Lee l~a~
- 3/2 0/2018 101i1 Uniontown Hwy:- uniontown ,A R-70955.
.True IAlisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway, AR72034-
. Kenneth ICoulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine lDa.!!clu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR, 72206
~cq~~ 1
Webster 3(.18120188815- Woodb ine #803 , Sherwood, AR7 2120
Phyilis Thompson 3/28/2018 i 1623 Grant St,, Little- Rock,AR 72204 - - -
Nina ~H~~..!9 .Il 3/28/2018 13700 Maryland Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204
1giirt ey Counts 3~8 /20181 900~ . ~pie St.,J:.ittl~ Rock, ~13._ 72204
lTashan Onea i 3/28/201 ~ 9810 Capella Dr,, Ltttle Rock, AR 72209
~ uauna H amliton - 4/4/201 8 1316 S. Battery St .. Li ttle- Rock,·AFffi2oi
IBrenda Ridd le 4/5/2018 3301 West 101ii s ( Little Rock, A-R 72204
Jacque line Webb 4L?/2.Q1~ 8904 I_?_!:1y
a Dr.. Apt. A. litt le Rock AR 72204
/ Ivan Allen 4/1212018 916 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
-Lajuana Brimley 4/1212018 §211CMa[Jle, Little -Rock, AR 72204 --- --
Melody- Esies 5/ 23/201~)240 Matthe~s Dr, #c4Q, ~t ~rin~ ~~720.J..5 _
Ingrid _ ~- _ Wilk ens 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barb a 5/31/2018 21 Remington o~:LittleRockAr:-'722io- - - ---
Nich-olas Kowalski -- - 5/31/2018 21Remin1iiono r.: L1iiie Rock Ar . 722 10 --
Roseanne 'i3Iggee 5/ 311201!! 201 ~ . ValmarSt, Li~ll~R~~ ~ R 72~ ---
Joshua- - ·Daro _61!~018 11 ~~ Ln., Lit~~<?_C~ A~ ~ 2 1-Q _
Trev - - Ash 6/112018 21 R!. mington ~. Little Ro_£k _AQJ~ O _
Richard Salw~y 611/2018 617 S. Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201
Jerime W illour 6/ 112018 21 Remington Dr .. Little Rocr AR.-72210
Shalimar ~W illour 61112018 21 Remington Dr.. Little Rock AR . 7 2210 -I
Andrew IGlassgow 6/4/20 18 110 N. P~rshing Blvd,., - Nqr!_h
- Lffi~ _Rock, AR7~1_ 14
Robert f Gl~ssgow 6/4/2018 110 N. P~rshing Blvd .. NErth Litl!e Rock_,_ AR_72114 _
Tonyers l Boyd 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 7221O
Martin IClanton 6/4/2018 1851 §_ , Salem Rd., 9:>nw~ ,_ARI,~0~ 2-=- -
Chase Jj-i arris 6/~12.91.1!111Bog~y Lan.!_Li~le Rock AR 7,?210 -- _
. T<f.!:1.~e!!.!:!ti
er 6/ 51201_~~110 E Pershing North Little Rock AR 72114
[Diann 1§ en_!.~ __ 6!?..12_DTup~01 S. Shackelford Rd _!:!ttl~ Ro2_kAR 72211 -
Nicholas _ _ .J~pi n_ 6/512_Q18 111 B~gey_ Lane L!!_
tle R~ck AR 72210
i~uss ell _-_ ~g.9~tt ?·
6/5/2018 1401 Shackelford Rd Little Rock A~ 72211
W Iiiiam Burns 6/512018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
~ttion;- ___ · c~~ - ---- . - §/5/2018 25.!0V•l:M artin Con_wai!- ·R 7~934 - --- -
rv 1ncen1
~----·- ~
Neukam __ _
o~ --
- --
6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9 , Morrilton, AR 72210
- 6/5/2 018181 8N . Hwy 9~-Morrl lton, AR 72210
6/512018 21 Remington Dr Littl e Rock, AR 72210
6/ 512018 10800 Ka-nis Rd. U ttle Rock, AR 72211
. Ralp~ _,.. Wa l~ _ _ - ~_{?q_18_
11Q.3 ~ . Vi~~ry f A_L}ttl~ R~ck, Aff 723_02
'oai lio Lati~ei:. 6/512018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 722 10
Meli nda
6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock. AR 72210
~~_9binson 6/6/2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235
Helena _ :!hesing 6/6/~ -~ 21f3~1!:lington Dr -'=!
ttle_Bock , ~R72210 _
Michael Harris 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205 __ _
\MafCaY!_a __
_ _ Amadei 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
F~ch ~ ---- _ -1~e~!e _ 6/6/20 lfil!Q l0 Brecke!'f!dge Little Rock, AR 72205 _ _ __
ea_n__ ~S!_ussi~ _ _ __ _§/ 6/2018 11010 Breck~ridge (,!!tl~R~k. ~R Z22Q5
Jeffrey_ _______ T!!!:e!~. __ 6~~~ ~emingtt2n Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Brltt~ny ,9arland 6/~l?OlB~ Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
David Rennich 6 /6/2018 1150 US 65 NConway, AR 71Q~2 -
Linda Curtis 6/6/2018 10800 kanis Rd. litt le Rock, AR 72211
Shwanda ,9ark 6/6/2018 h01 0 Breckenridge litt le Rock,AR 72205
. . - - -- ~, -
Please see this most current list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate the petition amending_the Arkn11 - -
sas cons111111 -
ion relating to tcnn
-~ limits.
Popular Name ...
l -1
,From Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601 r-
(C)( 1
) Provide o compfele li,t tJjci/1pmd ca11vossers · 11
a me1 und c11rre11 /al addressesto the Secreto1v of Stare
(ii) Ifadditionalpaid amvassers agree to solicit signa111res on h~/la/fof a sponsor qfle;.!he m mplete 11;, 1s provided, the sponsor shall p;·o•1de an updated_
Its/ of allp md £<!!wossers''!!!mes(!!td curre/11re--<1de
ntml oddresse~q _11t e_§ecrela!)•o[Slate.
To ,,tl'l/y thnt there ore 110 criminaloffenses011 record, a sponsor sholl obtain, or Ifs cost,Ji·om the Deportmenl of Arlilmsa.•Sime Pn/1ce, a c11
r,·1m1state and
fede ral crimlf!_o_l recordsearch_on eve1ypaid cq,,vo_~•erto be_regl.f(Cred 11111}! the~ ecret_a
1y ofS1ate.
(2) The criminal record search .iltall he nb1a/ned Within lhirry (30) days prior to the reg/.rtro//011qf thepnid ca11va.uer
Upon s11
bmlss1on q( Its Its/ o] paid canl'(Jsserslo !he Secre/a,, , of State. 1he sponsor shall cerl{(ylo the Secrel{IFJ'oj'Slale tho/ each paid canvasser m its
I backgrut/'!_
<£s_eurch in UCl:J!~du!>Ce
_~•i!jl this s~ction_
I certif)• that each 11aidcanv~sse.r on this list has passed a crimmal background check by the Arkansas State Pohce -a~ required by Arkansas Codi! § 7-9-60 I.
. Imel
M1c Amo
Fl~t Name last Name Date of Name FirstSubmittedto sos ResldentallAddres
Joseph AlmosawY 8/3012017 6842 Grandmont Ave . Detroit, Ml 48228
Ster lina Eisenlohr 8/3012017 5448 Curtuce Rd .. Mason . Ml 48854
Jacqueline Colller 8/3012017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 6390 1
Robert Wells 8/30/2017 100 BIA Eddy Rd.. Popular Bluff, MO 6390 1
Tonv Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis , Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave ., St. Louis , MO 63114
Chase Wilk ins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Lttlle Rock. AR 72204
Gloria Av ina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437 , Los Angeles , CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437 , Los Angeles , CA 90050
Cart E. W ilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers SI., Lit11eRock, AR 7220 4
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 Houch ins Road , Christiansburg , VA 24073
Adelina Dedvuka j 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Krisdo n Phillips 9/ 1/2017 231 Allen Ave ., Radford , VA 24141
Annelle lord 9/6/2017 901 Fai r Park Blvd .. Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 M itzi Lane , Jonesboro , AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9n120 17 4540 W. Sunset Ave ., Springdale, AR 72762
Jennife( Norwood 9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtney McDuffie 9/12/2017 1891 San d Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Anton io Leaks 9/1312017 10700 Richsm ith Lane # 115, Maumelle . AK 72113
Steven Page 9/2512017 5420 Elder Court , North Lillie Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberma n 9/2512017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park , MO 63088
Cassand ra Lusk 9/2512017 590 1 JFK Blvd., #604 , North Little Rock, AR 721 16
Waco Allen Day 9/2512017 1832 Cou ntry Road 2726 , Caddo Mills, TX 75 135
David Day 9/2512017 1832 Cou ntrv Road 2726 , Caddo Mills, TX 75 135
Minnell i Jones 9/2812017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Lillie Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/2812017 622 E, 19th Street , Apt. 55, North Little Rock , AR 72114
Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Bla ire SCOQQ l ns 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9/2912017 1470 Avondale Ave _, Jacksonville , f'L 32205
Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/2017 1800 s_
Broadway , Apt 703, lltlle Rock . AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Verna Walkins 1013/2017 2613 E_ Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville. AR 72076
Lake isha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent Watson 101312017 11500 Ch icot Rd ., Loi 86 , Mabelvale , AR 72103
Rita Radak 1014/2017 410 N. Cherry SI., Beebe . AR 72012
Shawri Malloy 1014/2017 701 Scoll St. #802 , Lillie Rock, AR 7220 1
James Howell 1014/2017 4 10 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curt is Westbroo k 1014/2017 1017 North Place , Benton, AR 72019
Amber Hillman 101612017 9204 Mabelv ille Cut Off Rd., Mableva le , AR 72 103
Carolyn Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Anae la Robe rson 10110/2017 130 W . Lee Ave ., Sherwood , AR 72120
Maria Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd .. l ittle Rock , AR 72206
Melissa Darrouah 10/ 10/ 2017 11500 Chicot Rd ., Lot60, Mabelvale , AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/ 10/ 2017 7121 Holly Lane , Mableva le. AR 72103
Issac Newby 10/ 10/2017 31 1 E._ 8th St. #1014 , Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJua n Cannon -Jov 10/12/2017 870 s_Sa lem Rd_, Apt 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road , Little Rock , AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellville , AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mounta in Pine Rd ., Hot Sprinas, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamoliohter Dr. , Benton, AR 72015
Eullshla Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 s_ Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock , AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones _Rd. 1 HarrisburQ, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd " Harrisbura, AR 72432
Sericka Raciland 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29 th Little Rock , AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Min Rd., Ced ar Ridae , AR 72027
CaMn Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickorv Rd.#4 , North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , # 1, Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva Flowerdav 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd ., Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave ., Jacksonv111e, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Un iontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct. , Sherwood, AR 72120
Wil liams Rebecca 2/14/20 18 1600 s. Elm St. Apartm e nt 10 Little Rock, AR 72204
Miller Shaw 2/ 14/2018 7 FlouriteCove , Little Rock , AR 72212
R.andv Morrison 3/2/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
Barry Valentine 3/7/2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane , Paron . AR 72122
Travis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St.. North Little Rock. AR 72114
Chakk im Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt . 7017 : Conway , AR 72034
Ash ley Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
Lee Evans 3/20/2018 10121 Un iontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
True_ Alisandre 312012018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway , AR 72034
Kenneth Coulter 3120/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3120/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR. 72206
Jacquel ihe Webster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803 , Sherwood , AR 72120
Phyllis Thomason 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Nina Hamoton 312812018 3700 Marvtand Ave .. Little Rock . AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3128/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 312812018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
Louauna Hamitton 4/412018 1316 S. Batterv St., Little Rock. AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 415/2018 3301 West 10th St., Litt le Rock, AR 72204
Jacauelin e Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanva Dr., Apt. A , Little Roc k AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 916 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/1212018 921 S . Maple , Little Rock, AR 72204
Melodv Estes 5/23/ 2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40, Hot Sennas , AR 72015
lnarid Wilkens 5130/2018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock , AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5131/2018 21 Remington Or., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas Kowalski 5/31/2018 21 Remington Or., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne Piaoee 5131/2018 201 S. Valmar St. , Little Rock, AR 72204
Joshua Daro 6/112018 11 Bogey Ln., Little Rock, AR 72210
Trev Ash 6/1/2018 21 Rem ington Or., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Richard Salwav 611/2018 617 S . Broadway Little Rock , AR 72201
Jerime Willour 6/1/ 2018 21 Reminaton Or., Little Rock AR. 72210
Shalimar Willour 6/ 1/2018 21 Reminaton Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Andrew Glassaow 6/4/2018 110 N. Per'ShinQ Blvd ., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Robert Glassaow 6/4/2018 110 N. Pershlna Blvd ., North Little Rock , AR 72114
Tonvers Bovd 6/4/20 18 21 Reminaton Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Martin Clanton 6/4/2018 1851 S. Salem Rd .. Conwav , AR 72032
Chase Harris 615/2018 11 Booev La ne Little Rock AR 72210
Kevin Charp entier 6/5/2018 110 E Persh ina North Little Rock AR 721 14
Diann Gentry 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Litlle Rock AR 72211
Nicholas Turoin 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
Russell Baoaett 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
W illiam Burns 6/5/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
Anthonv Coocer 6/5/2018 2510 W . Martin Conwav AR 72034
Vincent Neukam 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwv 9. Morri lton, AR 72210
John Adams 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
Boe Prill 6/5/2018 21 Reminaton Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Cynthia Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kani s Rd. Little Rock , AR 72211
Ralph Walker 6/5/2018 1103 S, Victory #A Little Rock, AR 72202
Dallio Lalimer 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Michae l Becker 615/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 722 10
Arthur Ladd 6/5/2018 6100 Mitchell Dr Little Rock , AR 72209
Melinda Seltev 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenrldEe Little Rock,AR 72205
Gary Robinson 6/6/2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235
Helena Thesing 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Michael Harris 6/6/2018 1010Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
Marcavla Amadei 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
Fletcher Negele 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrid.e.eLittle Rock,AR72205
Jean Stussie 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenridReLittle Rock AR72205
Jeffrey Turpin 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rotk AR.72210
Brittanv Garland ,6/6/2018 21.Remin~onDr Little Rock,AR72210
David Rennich 6/6/2018 150 US65 N Conway, AR 72032
Linda Curtis 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd.Little Rock, AR72211
Shwanda Clark 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrid.e.eLittle Rock, AR 72205
Ruben Velasouez 6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd . Little Rock, AR 7221 1
Robert Mccorkindale 6/7/2018 604 N. Tvler St Little Rock, AR 72205
Ethan Zietz 617/2018 2315 N Gooseberry Ln Fayetteville, AR 72704
Catheri ne Sabatino 617/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
iPlea"seseethismost-currem1isl, This is a list of paidcanv3ssers10tirculatethe~cti1ion3mcndingthe Arkansasconstitt~ionre11\d
ig tOtcnnlimits .
Nan~e · - · - . - . - . T-. - . -. - - · . --
---- ---r
F!t>m Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601
es and currenrre.ridentialaddresses lo /he Secre1ary ofS1a1e.
(C)(i) Providea comple1e /isl of all paid canvassers· 11am
nvassersagree lo so/u:ilslgnah1rcs1mbehalfof a ,11m11sm
(ii) If udditlonalpaid ~·a · qfter the complete //st is provided.the sponsorshall provide an updated
/1slof all paid canvassers' names and t urre11tresidentialaddressestu the Seuetary of Stale.
Ta ~e
,·ify 1h01there are 110l'Timmal offenses-;;n record, a sponsor shallob1ai11,at ;t;·;os,, f rom 1heDepanmem of Staie Police, a c11rre 111
s1are and
fe deral criminal record sewch on every,paid <:a11V11sscr to be regWered with the SecretalJ!of State.
(2) The crfmfnal record sear.:hshall be ablamed within thirty (30) days prior lo the regtslration of th• IJ(Jrd
~-- - . .. .. - - - - . -
Upon suhmissmh o/11slist of puid ~anw,ssers tlJthe Secretwy of Sime, /he spunsorshall cerlify IO rhe Secre1oryof S101e 1h01each paid canvasser in ifs
oy hu.~passed a crimin<Jj
_bacl<grmmd_.ieqrch in occo1'!!a_11c'!..
will1this sev111111.
I certify that each paid canvasser on this list has pa~scda criminal background check by the Arkansas State Policeas required by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601.
Michael Amo
First Name LastName Date of Name First Submittedto SOS Residentail Addres
Joseph Almosawv 8130/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave Detroit , Ml 48228
Sterl ing Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd ., Mason . Ml 48854
Jac0ueline Collier 8/30/20 17 100 Big Eddy Rd ., Popular Bluff , MO 63901
Robert Wells 8/30/20 17 100 Big Eddy Rd ., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tonv Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis , Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave ., St. Louis, MO 63 114
Chase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd . #437 , Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence Stone 812912017 5132 York Blvd . #437 , Los Angeles, CA 90050
Cart E. Wilkins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill 911/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg , VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville , AR 72076
Kr fsdon Phill ips 91112017 231 Allen Ave ., Radford , VA 24141
Annette Lord 91612017 901 Fair Park Blvd. , Little Rock, AR 72204
Doro thy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane , Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 917/2017 4540 W . Sunset Ave ., Sprimidale, AR 72762
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 1439 4 Armada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
Courtnev McDuffie 911212017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda , FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9113/2017 10700 Richsm ith Lane #115 , Maumelle . AK 72113
Steven Page 912512017 5420 Elder Court , North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrev Silberman 9125/2017 745 Treetop RidQe Dr ., Valley Park , MO 63 088
Cassandra Lusk 9/2512017 5901 JFK Blvd. , #604 , North Little Rock , AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9125/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mi lls, TX 75135
David Dav 9125/2017 1832 Countrv Road 2726 , Caddo Mi lls, TX 75135
Minnelll Jones 9128/2017 302 E. RooseVell Rd ., Utile Rock , AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9128/2017 622 E. 19th Street, Apt 55, North Little Roc k, AR 72114
Jessica Graham 912812017 98 16 Re0ent Circle, Little Rod<, AR 72204
Blaire Scoooins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove , Little Roc k, AR 72209
Christopher Baxter 9129/2017 1470 AVonda le Ave ., Jacksonville , FL 32205
Gwendolvn Allen 9129/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703 , Little Rod<, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 101212017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/312017 2613 E. Cosrelt Rd ., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair 01. S., Pine Bluff , AR 71601
Brent Watson 10/312017 11500 Ch icot Rd ., Lot 86, Mabelvale . AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/412017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Shawn Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Soott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
Curtis Westbrook 101412017 1017 North Place , Benton , AR 72019
Amber H Iiiman 101612017 9204 Mabelv llle Cut Off Rd ., Mab levale, AR 72103
Carolyn Braun 1016/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jaci<sonvllle, AR 72076
An0ela Roberson 10110/2017 130 W . Lee Ave. , Sherwood , AR 72120
Mar ia Neely 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd ., Little Rock , AR 72206
Melissa DarrOUQh 1011012017 11500 Chicot Rd ., Lot 60 , Mabelvale , AR 72103
Nicole Rotenberry 10/1012017 7121 Holly Lane, Mableva le, AR 72103
Issac Newbv 1011012017 3 11 E. 8th St. #1014 , Litt le Rock , AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S Salem Rd , Apt. 7017 . Conway , AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road , littl e Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 10/19/20 17 67 S. Wakefield Dr., little Rock , AR 72209
Joh n Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yellvnle, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd .. Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/1212017 350 Lamplighter Dr.. Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/1212017 2015 S. Louis iana St. Apt. A. Little Rock . AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/1212017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Eric Whitlock 12/1212017 21098 Jones . Rd .. Harrisburg . AR 72432
Sericka Ragland 12/ 12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel Mitchel 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd .. Cedar Ridae, AR 72027
Calvin Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd .#4, North litt le Rock , AR 72116
Lori Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1, Little Ric~. AR 72205
Eva Flowerdav 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave ., Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Ashley Ewald 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/14/2018 73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood , AR 72120
WIiiiams Rebecca 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Roel<, AR 72204
MIiier Shaw 2/14/2018 7 Flour ite Cove , Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy Morrison 31212018"3200 Bankhead Drive, Llttle Rock, AR 72206
Barrv Valentine 3171201824603 Les ia Lake Lane, Paron . AR 72122
Trav is Wal ton 311512018800 Locus t St. , North Little Rock, AR 721 14
Chakkim Anav Israel 3119/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Ashley Ewald 31201201810121 Un iontown Hwy .. Uniontown , AR 70955
lee Evans 3/2012018 10121 Uniontown Hwv .. Uniontown, AR 70955
True Al1sandre 3120/2018 9 Sherwood Drive , Conway , AR 72034
Kennet h Coulter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock. AR , 72206
Jacoue line Webste r 3/28/20 18 8815 Woodbine #803 , Sherwood . AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3128/2018 1623 Grant St , Little Rock, AR 72204
Nina Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Mary land Ave ., Little Rock , AR 72204
Shirley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., little Rock, AR 72204
Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr .. Little Rock, AR 72209
Louauna Hamilton 4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St.. Little Rock, AR 72202
Brenda Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 1Olh St.. litt le Rock. AR 72204
Jacaueli ne Webb 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A, little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 9 16 S. Maple St., Llttle Rock, AR 72204
LaJuana Brimley 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple , Little Rock, AR 72204
Melody Estes 5/ 23/2018 240 Matthews Dr. #c40, Hot Springs , AR 72015
Ingr id Wi lkens 5/ 3012018 4319 Pine Cone , Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5/31/2018 21 RemlnQton Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas Kowalski 5/ 31/2018 21 Remingto n Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne Piaaee 5/31/2018 201 S. Valma r St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Joshua Daro 6/1/2018 11 Boqey Ln., Lillie Rock, AR 72210
Trev Ash. 6/1/2018 21 Remingto n Dr., Little Rock Ar. 7221 O
Richard Salway 6/1/2018 617 S. Broadway llttle Rock, AR 7220 1
Jerime Willour 6/ 1/2018 21 Remington Dr.. Little Rock AR. 72210
Shal imar Wi llour 6/1/2018 21 Remington Dr.. Little Rock AR. 72210
Andrew Glassaow 6/4/2018 1 10 N. Pershing Blvd .. North Little Rock . AR 72114
Robert GlassQOW 6/4/2018 110 N. Pe rshing Blvd .. North Little Rock . AR 72114
Tonyers Boyd 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Martin Clanton 6/4/2018 1851 S. Salem Rd .• Conway , AR 72032
Chase Harris 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 7221 O
Kevin Charpentier 6/5/2018 110 E Pershing North Little Rock AR 72114
Diann Gentrv 6/ 5/2018 1401 S. Shacke lford Rd Llttle Rock AR 72211
Nicholas Turp in 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 7221 O
Russell Baaaett 615/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 7221 1
W illiam Bufl)s 6/ 5/2018 400 W 29tl1 St North Little Rock , AR 7211 4
Anthony Cooper 6/5/2018 2510 W Mart in Conway AR 72034
Vincent Neukam 6/512018 1818 N. Hwy 9 . Morrilton, AR 72210
John Adams 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwv9 , Morrilton. AR 72210
Boe Prill 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Cynth ia Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kan is Rd. Llttle Rock , AR 72211
Ralph Walke r 6/5/2018 1103 S . Victory #A li ttle Rock, AR 72202
Dallio Latimer 6/5/2018 21 Reminaton Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Michael Becker 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Arthur Ladd 6/5/2018 6100 Mitchell Dr Little Rock . AR 72209
Melinda Selle.v 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrid£e Litt le Rock,AR 72205
Garv Robinson 6/6/2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235
Helena Thesing 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr Littl e Rock, AR 72210
Michael Harris 6/6/2018 1.010 llreckenr idge Little Rock AR 72205
Marcayla Amadei 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock AR 72205
Fletcher Nel!ele 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
Jean 5tussie 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenridRe Little Rock,AR 72205
Jeffrey T1.1
rpin 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little.Rock AR. 72210
Brittanv Garland 6/6/2018 21 Reminl!ton Dr little Rock,AR 72210
David Rennich 6/6/2018 150 US65 N Conway, AR 72032
Linda Curtis 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Litt le Rock, AR 72211
5hwanda Clark 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrldl!e Little Rock, AR 72205
Ruben VelasQuez 6nt2018 10800 Kanis Rd . Little Rock , AR 72211
Robert Mccorkindale 6n1201a 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock , AR 72205
Ethan Zietz 6n/2 0 18 2315 N Gooseberry Ln Fayetteville , AR 72704
Catherine Sabatino 6n/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Litt le Rock, AR 72206
Dav id Davis 6/8/201 8 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 722 10
Shaun Sachs 6/8/2018 108 E. Church St Warren AR 71671
John Gilliland 6/8/2018 604 N . Tvler St Little Rock, AR 72205
Tonyette Hooks 6/8/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Gregory Lee 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
Larry Bradshaw 6/8/2018 3609 Mobe rly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
Mild red Almeida 6/8/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Carol Nolan 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln , Bentonv ille, AR 72712
W illiam Youna 6/8/2018 200 S. Shackelford Little Rock, AR 72211
Richard Riscol 6/8/2018 200 TP Whi te Ave Jacksonville , AR 72076
Pleases~~ this mo,t cum:nl lisLThis is a list of paid canvassers 10circula1
·-- -- .. - , - - r . e- the petii ion amcndin~ the Arkansascons1i1u1ion relating-10 term limits
- .
. -
- -
From Arkansas Code§ 7-~601
(C)(I) Provkit: o complete Ii.itof all paid canvassers · names and current restden!tal addresse~tr, tireSecreto,)'of State. --
paid canvassers agree to soltc11signmures on behalfof o sponsor of/er the comp/er~ fl.rt ,.iprovided,/he sponsor sltaf/ provide ll1111pdared
(ii) If addi/101101
li!I of off pol<!._
resrdemialaddressesto the Secretary of Sta'!:_ _
To verify that rhere ore 11
0 criminal offenses on record, a spo11so1· shall obtain, at irs cost,fro m the Deporlmenr of Arkansas SrarePolice.a currenl slate and
.f!deral crlmmal record search 0_!: every fX!_i~canvasser10be r~g1s1e1:edwith the Secrermy a/State.
(2) The cn111111af
record search shall be ob1a111ed
wilhin lhirty (JO) days prior 10 1heregisrrot,011of t/le paid canvasser.
Upon submiss/011 o] irs listof paid canvassers to the Secreta,y of State. !hesponsor shalt certify 10 !he Sec1·e101y
of S1(1/e that each paid cunvuss;;. 1111/s
'!f!lpfoy has passed a_criminqjb(!E/cgf"O'J!_1d2eorchm.!!£C0rdg_nc~ lh_th1~ ~~cl/on. ~
I certify that eachpaid ca11vasseron this list has passed a criminal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasState Police us required by i\rkansRSCode§ 7-9-601.
Jvl_i.chael .¼no _ - I - J - - -
First Name . _ _ _ __ last Name . Date of Name First Submitted to SOS tResldentail Addres ____ _
h ___ _ .. ~mos awy _ _ ·- __ _ 8/30/2017 684_?§ra ndmontAve. Detr~it, ~ l-~8228
~,:ll!!S.___ __ Eisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 CurtuceRd., Mason, Ml 48854
J a~ld!!ll ne _
l~~e _rt
•~oilier --
1·Wilkin~ _
l 8/3Q{201l~ 00Big EddyRd".;-Popul!lr.~uff, MO639_Q_!__ -
8/3Qi2Q171_2.(2lli.[Eddt _R-1_, P~p-~~! ~~ff . MO 53g_o
8/~/20 J.71270~. -~wi~ Litt~ R_2ck, AR 72204
8/30/2017 3325 MarshallAve., St. Louis, MO 63114
_ 8/3otffi17 JJfo_!l3owej ft.i
11~ Roc~:-A_R 72~4 _
seph Lawrence
rl E.
di~ De~
inette ... ____
Shumale Ill
! Phillips
8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
ti2m§.1F 5___!32 York Blv_{ #43-,:-Tos "Fnril_ef,_CA 90050
8/29/2017 3701 BowersSt., Little Rock, AR 72204
9/1/201 7 635 Houchins "r~oad,Chrlstiansb~ . VA 24073
9/1/2017 109 ShawneePlace,Jacksonville, AR 72076 ---
9/1/2017J231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141 -
9/6/20171901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR- 72204
Anton.!£_ -
Waco Allen
_ --
!Page -··
jSil ber1!_1~
asyk __
- j
9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #115~
9/25/2017~745 Treeto.e_BJdg_
Maumelle: AK-72113
9/25/2017'5420Elder Court,-North Lii ile Rock, AR 72217
e Dr., Valletf ark,MO 63088
__ 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
9/25/2017 1832 Count ryyoad 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
9/25/2017 1832 CountryRoad 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
tMfnnelli - [Jones - 9/28/20 171302 E.Roosevelt Rd.,L ltlle Rock, AR 72206 1
Kiva - --- lElmore -- - - - -_ 9/28/2017 622 ETs th StreeC~.efs~Northlitt le Rock,AR 721141
IJessica _ _
1Ch_.! igqe h~f - --
9/28/2017 ~816 Re_9.entCircle, Little_Rock, AR 72204
9/28/2017 9 ReneeCove, Little Rock, AR 72209
912 9/2017 1470AvondaleAve., Jacksonville, FL 32205-
' Gwendolyn Allen 9/29/20171800S. Broad~ ~Apt. 703, Little Rock,AR72206 _
Nick Quen~ z_ 10/2/2017 109 ShawneePlace, Jaci<sonville,AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha ,Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent _ . .YVa!~n 10/3/2 017 11500Chicot.Rd., Lot86,Mabelva le, AR 72'103
~ 1
Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. qherri St.:.,..~ebe ,A R- 72Q2~ -
·shawn __ -__ Malloy 1014/2017701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
Jam es _Hpwel! 101412017410 N, Cherry ~t. Beebe..,AR ifo 12
Curtis- Westbrook 1014120171017North Place, Benton. AR 72019
Amber - Hillman- - 10/6/2017 9204 M·abelville Cul Off. Rd., Mablevale, AR 72103
:c.i rolyJI ___ _ •Braun- 10/612017 i 03_Vic!ory CJr.. J(!Ck~~ville, AR 7207§
An..9~~ Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W. Lee Ave.. Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria ' Neely - - 10/10120175312 LowdenRd.: li ttle Rock, AR i2206
Melissa Darrough 10/ 10/2017 11500ChicotR d., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR ·72103
Nicole ~o~_!lberry ~oi101~_s11tb_~1 ~ Cane, Mable~El_. Af3J 2J03- ____
Issac ~ Wbt 10/10/201f t311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan Cannon-Joy ~ 870 s--:SalemR_c_!
10/1?__/201 ..-~(JI 7_Q17, Conw~ , ~.8E~
:1aien ' Morris 10/19/201719815 Cloverhill~oad, L_!!~ Ro~ ~ R 722_05
,~ C-42
John Eric
, Mlch~el R.
iu lishi a
-Tr ent - - ---
I Redmond
101@2017 167 S. WakefieldD r., Little Rock, AR 7 2209
12/4/201 7 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
12/12/2017 2662 Mountain P!ll__e ~ d.,~Hot Spri_n
12/12/2017•350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
12/12/2017 12015 s. Louisiana St Apt. Mi ttie Rock, AR7 2206
1~71~20 :!.?_J10~8 -!_o~es 0 _!3d
:Ji arrisbu~ Af~_7_
gs, AB 71913
Eric - -- - - .Y-Jhitlock_ __ _ _ i2/12/2017 21098 Jones , Rd., Harrisburg. AR 72432
L~ric~ ~ a9land ____ _ 1 2i12i20 17 1900W . 29th Little Rock, AR7270 6
- ___ -r.:.-:-
_ '~~~-1-
Mitchel ~ 2/2017 956 Dutton Mtn Rd.. C edar Ridge, AR_7_2-02
12/13/2017'4917 Hickory Rd.#4,-Nort-h Little Rock, AR 72116
- - T 2/13/2017 16115 West Markham~
12/13!2017[ 12817 Q_a_yld
12/1~/201711316 S~ h~aste'E._
Q'Dodd Rd-',!~ tl! ~ck , A~ 73_21E_
Ave., J~~ nvill':.! AR 7~076
_ 7_
e Rick, AR 72205 -
' Ashley __
- Ewald 12/14/20~7 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
,_{ohnson_ Terrl- 2l! 412O18 i3 D~er Meadows Ct., fhe~ooj_ , AR 72120
~l!!i ~f'l'!S _J Re~ecca_ _?/14 .!_2
918..!.1§0_QS. Elm~~ A_e_artment 10 Little Rock, AR 72204
. Miller 1Shaw 2/14/201817 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Walto n
1 _3/2!_20183200.Bl,!nkhead D.!_iv e , Lit~ Rock, AR 72206
317/2018124603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72 122
3/15/2018 ~ 00- l ocusl St., r~i'orth Little Rock, AR 72114
IChakkim Anav Israel 3/19/2018 870 s. Sale-m Rl, Apt, 7017, Conway,_A~ -7_~34
~/20/2Q:I~ 1_i)1_2 _1 Unionto..ynHwy.. Uniontown, AR 7<!955
f wald
3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
~.{20/2018i 9·s~~r.yood Drive , Con!®' , AR 72034
Kenneth : coulter 312012018 T122os
'Oanci u
~---l- _
I 3/20/2018,1 9 N. 22nd St.~Little Rock, AR:-72206 -
3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood, AR 72120
3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR 72:cc20 :_:
3/28/201813700 Maryland Ave .,L tttle Rock, AR 72204 -
~~k!ey - - - -- ~:~ __ -I_ - _ 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204 _ -
Tashan •Oneal 1 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Or., Little Rock, AR 72209
-___ -1~~~ ;: on ____ -i- - _ 414/2018] 1316 S . Battery St., Ltttle Rock, AR 72202_____
4/5/2018 '3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Jacqueli ne - -- -::__.Webb - - _ - 4/5/2018 i 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A , Little Rock AR 72204
Ivan Allen ___ _ 4/12/2018 916 S, Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
:LaJuaM - - - -1!3rim1~ 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204
Melopy __ -
=--=- I _'Ys_! es-
- _ _ _ _ 5/23/2018 240 Matthews Or. #c40 , Hot Sprln9s, AR 72015 _
5/30/2018 43 19 Pine Cone , Little Rock, AR 72209
_H!!l!!n~ ) hesing 6/6/2018~1 Reming ton Dr
Little Rock. AR 72210
Michael Harris 6/6/2018 1010 Bre_£kenr
idge Littli, ~ock, A__ll
Ir . --
Ma~cayla -
Amadei 6/6/~_18 1910 Bi:._ec~e~~
i~Jt!:i. tt~ Rock, AR 72205
'Fletcher__ -~ie~e 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
_J_ean . _ Stussre 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
!t_ _ _ T..!!!.e!_n
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ .§'6/20~ 21 Remin ton Dr., L!!_t_!e_f!£ck
AR, 72210
,~rltta ny __ Garland _ _ 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock,AR 72210_
- ---- - -
6/6/20 18 ;so us 65 N Conway, AR 72032__
-- -- ------
Linda __ ____
- -
Curtis __ 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd_:.!:_ittle
Roe~ AR 72211
Limits Clark 6l6/2018 1010 ~~c~~r]gg~ Little Rock,AR 12205
-- - - - --- -+- - ---
Ruben ____ Velasquez _ • 6J.7J2218_!~ KanJ~Rd_:Little Rg_sk, AR_J~211
Robert_ _ _ _ •McCorkindalE!_ 6/7 /20)~ 604 N. T~lef St Uf!I!!Rock,AR 7220_5 _
Ethan ,Zietz 6(1/2018 2315 N Gopse~erry l,_nF2yetteville, A_l32 2704
t-: -
Catherine Sabatino Ef_7J.20182809 Pines Mall Or. Pine Bluff, ~ 1 an!~ I_l601
David !Davis_ 6/8/2018 , 21 Remington Or Little Rock,~ 71210_
,Shaun sachs 6/8/2018 1108 E. Church St Warren AR 71671
fohn- 1
,Gilliland 6}8/2018 ,§_04N. Tylc;r ~t Littl~ R_o~, AR 72205
·ronyette Hooks 6/8/201 ~ 500 W. 29th Nort h Utt le Rock,AR72114
~reg2rx _ Lee 6/8/ 201813609 Mober ly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
i lai:._ry____ _ Bradshaw - -~8ii_p1sf~~9 Mobe~ L~ ~e~on~ille, Arll7i2
Ml£!~-- -
!Nolin -+ _ ____
?/!![2018 121 R~mlnBt<!_nDr Little Ro5~, AR 72210
yS/2018f3609 Moberly ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
6/8/2018 \200 s. Shackelford Little Rock, AR 72211
;wil !l.a~ -- }Young _ ---- _ _
Rich_a_r~ - _ 1
Riscol _ YB/3018 1200 TP ~ -hite Ave l!~ S£_n':!.'.le~
AR 72076
_pani!'I _ Dahl 6/11/2018 1200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Christop~r _ _ _ 6/11/201!!J4601 W. Rozell St. Ro~ers, AR 72756 _
~~;~ -- _ ___ 6/11&_Q~8 J~ V!_.29th Nofth Little Rock, AR 72114 _
.. - _
.§~;f~Ol_!!r9 ::~11
_ 6/11/2018 1200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Or. Pi: Bluff,frk:n~s
~le r N_l!!!'e _
t--- l_-
(C){i)Provide a complete list af all poid canvas.ers ' names and current res1dent,al addresses Jo !he Secretary a/Sia /,:,
(11)ff addi//onal paid ca11va
ssers Ofi!.ree
ta saHcilsig11
uh1resan behalf af a sponsor after the compleJelist is provided. the sponsor shall provide an updated·
list of all pa}!! '}_O ers · names 011d2 urrenl resl(/~nllal addresses!O1he_!,:~cre
flVGss 1my of Staf! . __ _
, a current stale (I/Id l
1'overify !hat there are no criminal offenses on r~card. u sponsor shall ubrum. al ils cust.from !he Deµar1mert1af Arkansas State Pa!,1:e
federal_g_:iminal ~rd search an eve'ZJ!'!.idcanvaS§erto be rei 1:f.!!!edw11/r1he,Sec1!1ary•q(Sla/e.
(}) The c,•iminal record search shall be obtained wuhin 1l11r
(y (30) days pnor 10 the reg,.,1ra1t
a11oft/re paid canvusser, I
I Upon submission af rts /isl af po1d canvassers tu the Secrelary of Stale. the sponsor shall cerlify la the SecretarJ1a/Slate /hat each paid canvasserm /Is -1
•~11 haspa!sed E,E iminal back&_ro1!_nq_~prch
1/!!._0)'___ 1~
._ _ _ . . _ _ __ _
_l lh~ ea~h p~id ':'.nvas~~
M iohacl A rno
,Fi~ ~ame _ _ [Last~ me t oate of Name f l,..t SUbmittedto SOS Resid!n!aJIA~ •_ _ _
l this list has p~scd a crimin~ backgrou~d check by the Arkansas_Sm1e Poli~c as required by Arkansas Cod~ 7-9-60I _
~s eph_,
'.§l~E!_nlo hr
~1~12q17 ~842 ~ randmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
8/3.Q/2.Q175448 Curtuce Rd., 11,1ason , Ml 48854_ .
~ acgueline ~.2.flier ~ 30/2017 100 ~!9 E~~y_Rd., Popul~ Bluff, MQ.6~ Q1
8E bert . ~ ells 8/30/2017 1~0 B~ Eddy R<h Pop~ar Blu_ff. MO 63901
Tony ! Davis 8/30/2_9172?_ 0_Q_§. Lewis, Little f3pck.AR 7220.4
Kara ~--~ Owens 8130/20173325 Marshall Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114
Chase Wilkins 8/3_2!?0_17 ~?.Q}Bower~S.!:_, ~itt.!!_Rock:-AR72204
Gloria Avlna 8/29/201715132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
(Jo sep_h Lawre!}ce "sion e _:_ _ __ 8~/ 2017 j~132 York Blvd. #43~ Los An_g!!les, q__A 900~0
.Carl E. Wilkins 8/2912017,3701 Bowers SI., Little Rock, AR 72204
-Eddie Dean - · Shumate Ill - 9i1/2017 635 Houchins Road,Ch ristiansburg,-VA 24073
i ~ Bna·--- J>~dvukaj 9/1120171 09 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville,AR 72076 -
JKrisdon JJlil lies 9/ 1/20 17 231 A[en Ave., Radford, VA 24141 --
Annette Lord 9/612017 901 FairPark Blvd., LittleRo ck, AR72 204
~o)hY_~- ___ _j_ Lord_ _ -· - -- 91612017 ·22osMitzi Lane, JO ries borci, AR724'o1
1Shaun - - J§ ach~ _ -- ---- 9/7/2017 4540W . Sunset Ave::-s e~d ale,AR72762 _-
Jennifer !Norwood 9/12/2017 14394Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Courtnl!ly - - -- ,McDuffie - 9/12/2/ff7 1891 SandPine Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9/'13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #115, Maumelle. AK7 2113
Stevef! - Page 9/25/2017,5420 Elder Cour[ North Little R-ock, AR n21i
Audrey___ ----t ~~ rman _
2 9/25120 171745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley F>ar lt MO 63088
Cassandra ~ 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, Nert~ Little ~ ck, ~R? 2116 -1
Waco Allen -- - - Day - . -- 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David - - - - ~ 9/25/2017·1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135 -j
Minne_lli _ ---- _ _ 1Jon~ -- 9/28/2017 302 E.Roosevelt Rd..· Ltttle Rock, AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/2017 622 E.1 9th Street, Apt. 55, North Littie Rock, AR 72114
-- --=-=--=--' Grah__a_rn_- •- -- - 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, little R ock, AR72204
~~~ - ___ Scog_gins __________ . _9/28/2017 9 Re~e _Cove, Little RE£.k -'-~R} 2209
Chris~_!t_er 'Baxt er 9/29120171470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
;Gwef!doly__r, --- Alien- . - 9/29l20JI I 1800 S. Broadwa~ Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
~!£!<_ - __ Duenez __ __ _ 10/2/20!ZJ_109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna -- - - W atkins - 10/3/2017J2613 E. Cosfelt Rd.. Jacksonville, AR 72076
~k~ isha _ Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Brent ~~ atson --10/3/201711500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale,AR 72103
~ - -- Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Sha~ -- __ M~f~y- - ~- 10/4/2017 161 sCO uSt. #8021LittleRoCk,A R 72201- ---
James --~ Howell 1014/2017 410 N.C herry St., Beebe, AR 72012 - - - - .
~u rtis - Wes_!praq_k 10/412017 1017 North Place.Ben ton , AR 7201_ 9 ___ -- --I
Jalen Morris 10/19/201 719815 Cloverhlll Road, Lillie Rock, AR 72205
·Glen Schw~rz 10119q o17j 67_s. W~ k~~l d Dr., Little R~ k,_AR 72~ 9
_John s ric Jones 12/4/ 2017 533 MC 3046, Yellvl lle , AR 72687
Michael R.
1.Robert ,I Jac kson
12/ 12/2(ff 7 2662 Moun1aTnPl neR d. , Hot Springs, AR 71913
12/ 12/2Q._17 3~0 Lamplighter Dr., B~nton , Af'372 015 - - - _
Eulishia Johnson 12/ 12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
- hillock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg , AR 72432--- -
Eric hitlock 12/ 12/2017 ?1098 Jo~ s. Rd., Harri~~!9 , AR 72432
Sericka ~ and - 12/ 12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
Daniel - - c~ - 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Min R d .. Cedar Ridge~AR 72027
Calvin - 12/13/2 017 4917 Hi ckory'Rc!_: #4 , N~ h L@e Rock, AR- 7211_ 6
- -+ ~i~l~ s -~ - - -
Eva -- ti ower~ ~ - -
12/ 13/2017 16115 Wesl Markham, #1 , Lill ie Rick, AR 72205
12/ 13/2017 112817 David O'Dodd Rd ,, Little Rock, AR 72210
Jonah Israel 12/ 13/20 1711316 Southeastern Ave ., Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
-- -- - - -- __-- jEw~ --=- 12/ 14/201 7'""w12 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
,Ashley -
Johns~ !~ rl 2/ 1~ 3 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood , AR 72120
Wi lliams Rebecca - - - - _ 2/14/2018 ~ 600 s.Elm St.~ artment 10 Little Rock.AR 72204
~w-- Miller -
2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock. AR 722 12
3/2/2018 3200 Bankh ead Drive, Little Rock~ A R 72206 -
~~ dJ ·va le nlin~ -- - 3/71~~ 4603 Lesia Lakel an-e , Pa ron, AR 72122 - _j
1Travis- Wallen I 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72114
j c_!lakkim Anav l israe1 t - - 3/1~/2 01t 870 S.~al em Rd~ _?9 17, C.9nway,~AR 72034 _j
[Ashley Ewald 3/20/gQ2B !9.1~ (Lnion~o_w_!l_ H~ :,Q n_iontown, AR 70~55
Lee , Evans 3_f?Q/~Q1_§.10_121 ~ ni~ to~ HWX.~__!li wn; ~ R 709~5
! True , Alisa-nd re
Co ulter
- 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive. Conway , AR 72034
3120/2018 72205 -- - -
j Kenneth
l'.~ llis
-t:; -·
Hamp ton
3/ 20i 2018 .319 N. 22nd St., Little Rock , AR . 72206
3/28/2018 · 8815 Woodbine #80 3, Sherwood , AR 72120
3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR72204 ·
3W2018 13700 Maryland A ve,, Littie Ro ck, AR 72204
- 3 /2 8/2018 1900 S. Maple St., Little Rock~ R 72204 -
~Shirl ey ~oun l s
Tashan l
Onea l 3 /28/2 018 98 10C apell a 6r., Little Rock . AR·122 09
houauna jti?mjii
on 4/4/2018 [13 !_~S. -Battery St .. Liit le fi!?_ck, A_R_?2~ ~
Brenda ·Ridd le
4/5/ 2018 !E 01 West 10 th St.. Little Rock. AR 72204 7
[Ja~ i eiin e_ - •. /Webb _4/5/~ 1~]!1~04 ! ! nya Dr.. Apt. A ,l@ e ~~ck AR 72204
Ivan Alien 12@!_ 8 ,916 ~ - Maple S!,_,Little 13?..£!<
4_!_ , A!3.J 2~ I
!:--~Juana-- IBrim ley 4/ 12/ 2018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204 j
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 1240 Matthews Dr. #c40, Ho t Springs, AR 72015
Ingrid 'wl iki ns _-_ 5/30/30 18i4 319 Pine Con~ L ittle _Rock, AR 72J 09_
' Cordero
Ni cholas
- ~Ko walsk i _-
5/3 1/2018 2 1 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar . 72210
5/3-1/20{ 8 2 1 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
· Roseanne 1:i_
g_g~ - 5/31/ 2018 20r s. Valmar St., LJttleR ock, AR 72204
Joshua ___ _ Daro · s ii i20 18 11 Bog~ Ln , Little Rock. AR 722 10 -
rrev' Ast, -- - 6/1/2018 21 Remin~on Dr., Little Roc kAr.72 210
Richard Salwa y 6/ 1/2018 617 S. Broadway Lillie Rock , AR 72201
i Jerime !~l!_our --i5/1/2018 2810S 28~ PlaceR-;jc1 ~-; s, AR 72758__ __ _
l shalimar - -- Willour 6/ 1/20 18 2810 S 28th Place Rodgers, AR 72758
[AndrE!W -, Glasgo~ __ 60/2 0 18 ! 110 N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, Af{ ~2 114
IRobert _Glasgow __ 6/4/20~8 110 N. PershinlJ Blvd., North Li~ R~ck.~ R 72114
Tonyers Boyd 6/4120 18 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR 72210
Clanto n
H arris
Char ~ ntier
Turp in
~ 41_g_ 1
o1s 18~ S. S_alem_Rc["C _on~ !Y , AR 720 32-
615/201a\ }i Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 722 10 _
~pl~O~~ 11Q_sF'~~hinV':l ort_b_ Little_~ ck-~ R 72!_14 _
6/5/20 18 140 1 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 7221 1
- 61 512018 11 Bogey Lane Little Roc kAR722 10 -- - -
_Russe.!!___ _ ~ gett - 6151201 8 1401 S. Shackelfo rci"RcTCTttteRoc k. AR 722 11
.~ illial1]__ Burns _ __ 6/ 5/20 18 (400 w .-29th St North Little Rock, AR 72 114 -
Anthony __ __§~ir __ _ _ _ _ 6f 5/20 1!l 2~10 W ~ artl n Conw~y AR 7_2_0~ - _ __
Vincent Neukam 615/2018 j1818 N. Hwt_9 , Morrillon. AR 72210 __
John-- Adams 615/20 18 1818 N. Hwy 9 . Morrilton. AR 72210
Boe - ---- Prill-- - 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
0f!. thia _ -~ Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock , AR 72211
B~P..b Y'f~ ke_! 6/5i2ofs 1103 S. Victory #A Liiii e-Roc k. AR 72202
Dali la Latimer 6/5/20 18 21 Remington-Dr Little Rock, AR 72216
Mj_chael Be cker 6/5/20 18 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR7 2210
Art !}~ h~ { 6/512018 610Q__ MitC:fiell D.£.Littl~_f~~ k, AR 72209__
elin~ ~l ey l' ~ ~/ ±Pl 8 !01.Q~reckenri~e Litt!~ Roc~~ R 7~ps
___ ___
Helena _______
- j Robl nson
,Thesing _ _
i-! -- 6/Y'!-Q18 HSBarrow_Hill R_d.:fo~est Ci!y, AR 72~5
6/6/2018 21 Rem ington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
J,:1ichael ___ J):!arris _ _ _ _ __ r 6/6/2018 1010 Brecke;:;-ridge- L~tle Rock,AR 72205 -
,Marcayla _ _
'Amadei _____
, Negele
_j tus ~ie_ _
Tur i_!,_ __
r __
6/6/2018 1010 a7e"c £ e~~~L itt l; B_ock,jR 722.Q.5
6l6@ll,~ lO!Q Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
6!'.§/201~ lOl~!eck _e!)r lds_eLittle Rock, AR 72295
_ W~(~O~Sl 2_1~emin__gto _n Dr., Little RockAR.:.7~10
! Brittan'( _ _G.!_r
la!'~ __ _ 6L6/2_01~2~e _mington D,:_LJ!!le R_pck, ~~ 7221Q
1Qaviq_____ _ __ ~Rennich _ -2/~/ 2018 ,!Sq__LJS6~ N Conway, AR 7~032 _
i nda __ ____ Curtis -~--- 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
~hwan~ _ __ _ Clark __ ~ /6f10!_8j ;o]_o
Br;kenri~g~ Litt!_~)i_~~R 72205
Ruben Velasquez 1 6/7[20 ! Bi l O~OOKanis Rd; _Lit!!,eR!)ck, A!!.]2211 .
Robert . M_ECork_!ndale 6/7/2018 '604 N. Tyler St Little Rock,AR 72205
Ethan 1Ziett 6/7/2018,12315 N Gooseb~~ry~~ _tevllle,~~_72704
Catherine Sabatino 6/7/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff; Arkansas 71601
David ~vis 6j8/2018 21 R_emin_gtonDr Little Rock,AR 72~!0
Shaun .Sachs 6/8i'±Ol8 ,215 W. s1rch St Russellville, AR 72~2
John TGittlland 6/8/291 ~ ~ N_:_ T_yler St Utt_!!!Roc~,..AR 72_205
j TonyetJ ~ ~- -- _1 Hooks 6/8/2018 1SQOw. _2~th North Little Roe~, AR 72114
Gregory ___ _ ILee ~8/2018 3629 Mo~erly Lil, Be~ onv!!!._e_0R 727U
_ - j B~ds h:i""'! _ 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln1 Bentonville, AR 72712
·- -- !Al meida _ __ _ 6/8/20~ 21 Remi'\gton Dr Little Rock,AR 72210
'Carol - }N olan ~ 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
r~l lfam i Young ___ . 6/8/2018 200 S. Shackelford Little Rock,AR 72211
R~h a! d_
~i!L -
( hris~o_phe _r_
_ __
D ~hl ___
~a~ ---
J__ -=--- __
~-- _ 6/_l!/20l_l!_2qQTP .Yh_!!eAve Jacksonville, AR 720'!._6
Sub(!rban Lane Benton'!!!!_e7271
6/11/2018 ~ 601 W. RozellSt.Rogffi,AR 72756 _
Wilson _
,Andrade - 6/il/20~ 12809 Pin~Mall ~- ~-;:;e~~sasTI60 1 __
Brenda !O' Donnell -Daniels __ §/__12/2/}18
[1Ql0 Breckeni:!_
dge Little Rock,AR 7220S
Holden - -- · H;rr is - ~ 6/12/2018 21 Remington Dr little Rock, AR 72210
Adolphus lc oleman 29~h
6/1 2/'!'°18 500 ':!!_. North Uttle Rock,AR ~~i_ __
Scott !Lamm 6/12/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 _____ I
Chris __ _ _ mf Richele 6/12/201_~ 107S_S.:.Shiloh D.£..F<!'(ettevllle
, _A___!I
7~791 ___
!Jose-;- .,2chet 6/13/2018 2501 S. Service Rd West Memphis, AR 72301
1Pa~ avoren 6/l3/20 18~ ' oosw Suburban La-ne Bentonville72712 - - -
I~renda _'NIii our 6/13/2018 2810 S 28th Place Rodgers,AR 72758 _
~ kyl!3r King _ ~[ 13/201~ 1_!_3?0 BassPro Pa~way Utt)!! Rock0R 72205
Breu -~ ~ssel_ _ _ _ __ _ 6/13/2018 11320 BassPro Parkwayytt le Rock, AR 72205
[ K~vin___ _!lq~ ___ _if.1 3/201~ 200 SW Su_!?urban Lan(! Ben~onvi!Je7?-7}-l:.._
·stanley !!~g ~/13{ 3Q±_820Q.SWSuburban Lane Bentonville_127.12
y_ _ _ _ -- ~ Loi:9 _ 6/lNl9l8 lQ.6Anderson Brookla!l e,_~ 724!?_ --
rDavid .Thom son 6/ 14/2~8 2322 !"· f_ium_i:ni_!ljpj~ tn£.a:r:~~ ~ !_!le, AR 72703__ _
p ;;,;;,e __ ~ ~SE Q_ _ _ _ __ 6/14/201 8 2~22 ~- Hummins_~i~ ln £!i'._e~evill~~ "GIOl _
~v~ -- i Palmer __ ___ 6/14/ 2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72_71_2__ _
_ ___ - t :1£fla_ni_el _ 6/ 14/2018 1000 South Futral! Dr. E!l'._etteville,AR 72701 _
~na ld _ ·•Lomax _6[ 14/20 18 _!22Q.3 0~ Futr~ Dr. Fayetteville,.~ 7£Ql
S_kylar Kline 6/14/20 18~10800 KanisRd. Littl e Rock,AR 72211 ___ _
l ~icki~ '.Sleve!ls 6/14/2018 10524 W. Markham _ St Utt le Rock.AR 7220S _ _
~c_h~ c-
Q! nise_
_ __
-- ~---=-
_-=- -- . _ _
6/1S/~Ol~ 116~ Willow B_e!cb_P~r~R~~o !!t} R.1.~4-L
6jl?f. 2018 500 W. 29t~ N_?r_!!l Little Rock,AR _ll_g~
6/lS/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
~Ant hony ____ I ~c_!3h~!! 6/15/2018 600 Hardin Rd lit tle Rock,AR 722U
ID,2ryl - 10berg 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
_Detz,a Mc_Claln 6/15.(2018 2CJO SW S_uburba-;:; L2,.
ne Benton;~ 72712
Na_~y _ _p Efflemler 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~Rebe~ _ _ _ _C~le 6/15/1!)18 2CJO~WSuburban La;e i3;nt~1 ; 72712
LJacob iTowe 6/1S/2018 1200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvllle 72712
tAnthony .JMS~he ~ _ _ 6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, 72211 __ AR _
Elija~-- -; ~~r~~ -- _ _ ____ 6/18/20 18 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211 ___
iChar~e~ _ _ __ .Chave~ _ _ _ _ _ 6/18/2018 3005 S 74th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903 _
Kiersten __ __ Drat~~ _ 6/18/2018 ,500 w. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114 _
Modr is ______ __ ' Seskis ____ _ 6/18/20 18 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
!v1_atth_ew ___ Seskis ___ -L _---- _
6/18/2018 1500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
-l- ' ___
t~!:j _<:_
e~!!!~ o~~ nl list. Thi~!S~ list of paid ! rculat:: the petitionamendTgJ_he A:ka~: : ns~ tion re_l
!!lin~ t~ term li!!!~ls.
,_~opular_tlam~ _ _ _ __
___ - --- ----
nsa~ Code§ 7-9~ 01 . _
I _
_ _
I(C)(() Pm v,de a complete list of all paid canvassers· names and current resident/a/ addresses101heSecretOIJ'of State.
es on hehalj of a sponsorq/ler the complete list ,s provided, the sponsor shallprovide an updated
(ii) tf additionalpaid canvassers agrnto solicit stgnat11r
/,sf of o/1paid canvassers' names and current res1denllol addresses ro rhe Secrefm)'of Stole.
ITo verify that there are ;;o;;;11,,;;~ffe;;;_r-011record, o spo~sor ;;;all obtain, ur tis cosl,jro m the Deportmen/ ofArkansos Stale Police.a c·urren1"";1u1e a11
l record search on every Po!!!E!'!_vasse
r II!_
be r!gistered with!_he S':_creta']' of Stat_e. _ __ _ _ .. _ __ _
(2) Tire criminal record search shall be obtained w11
h m rl,11·1y(311)days prior to the reg1strotio11of the paid canvasser.
t"":":"- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- ~ -- -
Upon submission of its //st of paid canvassers 1,>the Secretory of S1a1e, the spo11sor shall cerlify to /he Secretary of Swte tho/ each paid canvasser m rls
employ hos pq_sseda criminal backgraund ~eorch m (JCcardo nce wi1h this section
I ccn ify that each paid canvasser on 1lus list has rasscd a criminal background check by the Arkansas State Police as requ,red by Arkansas Code § 7-9-60 I.
Michael Arno - • I
1Hrst Name- --- Last N~e Date of Name First Submitted to SOS Residentail Addres
'Joseph .~ mosawt - - - - 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit. Ml 48228
· Sterling ' Eisenlohr 8/30/2()1715448 Curtu ce- Rd., Mason, Ml 48854 - -
jJa5Xl~ line :Collier 8/30/20m1 00 Bfg Eddy Rd.,-Popular Bluff, M0 63901
Robert ,Wells t
8/30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Tony Davis ~ ~ /201ti 2700 S. Lewis, Lj!\l_ e Rock; AR7220 4-
Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave .. St. Louis, MO 63114
Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St, Little Rock.A R 72204 --
Gloria .Avina- 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd~ #43f Los AngeleS:-CA 90050
·l_oseph Lawrence Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 900 50-
Carl E. 'WIikins 8/29/2017'370 1 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204 --
EddieD ean 1Shuma_!!: ..!!.!._ 9/1/2017 635 Houchi ns Road, Christiansburg, VA 240 73
Adelina - - IDedvukaL 9/ 1/2017 109 Shawnee Pl ace, Jacksonvill e, A R 72076
Krisdo n
r 9/1/2017 231Al len Ave.,Ffadford , VA 24141
9/6/2017 901 F air Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
Dorothy _____ /Lord - 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR72401
1Shaun ________
I Courtney
_ !i£>_ry.-
] 9j7°fi5174540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale,-AR 72762
9/ 12/2017 14394 A rmada Road, Port Charlotte,·Fl 33953
9/12/2017 189 1 Sand Pine Court # 124 Punla Gorda:-i=t 339-50
911312011 10100 Ri chsmittlla ne #115, Maumelle.AK12113-
,Steven___ - - - P~ - - 9/25/2017 54 20 Elder Court, North Li ttle Rock, AR 722 17-
!~!!d ~ey__ - _- - ,Silberman - 9125/2017 745 Treetop Rid~ □r-:va11ex Park, ·Mo63088
'Cassandra - -- Lusk ---- 9@ _ / 2017,5901 JFK Blvd.:.,_ #6~ ._N~~ Little ~ ~k. f.R~1 16
co Ai en !Day _ 9/25/2017 1832 Cou~ry Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day
I Minnelii - .
912El?017 1832 Count!}'_Road 1 72~. Caddo Mills, !?<.2?135
9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
9/28/2017 622 E, 19th Street,_~ t. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Qessica - ~IT! 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Lijtle Rock, AR 72204
·Blai! e _ __ _ SC£99~ 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Christopher 1Baxter 9/29/2017~1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville~FL-32205
Gwendolyn - 'Allen - J~ 9/2Q!I I 1800 ~ Broadway, Apt. 703, Li~le ~ock , AR 722Q6
Nick - Tou enez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna :::_ !Walkins -~- 10/3/2017 2613E . Cosfelt Rd.~Jacksonville, AR 72076
Lakeisha -• ~ _ 1013/2017 2506Belair Dr. S~ Pine Bluff. AR 71601 - --
'Efrent -- IWatson 1013/2017 11500 Chicot Rd.,Lot 86, Mabelva·Je, AR7 2103
Rita-- -- 'Rada!< --- 1q_l4~Q 17 4 1_9N.°gh~rry _St., ~eb~ : AR 7 201? ___ - -
1s~~- -! ~allo y 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/201 7 410 N:-cti er ry St.~-Beebe, AR 72012 --
-~!!i s lwestbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber 1Hlllman - 1_Q/6~(?__ 1_?+;f9_
4 0°ab~lvi lle f ut Off Rd., M~blevale, AB_72 1OJ
9 a_L
olyn I Braun 10/6/2017I1e3 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
An~a _ ➔[o~~on __ 1Ql~Q!2 0 17 130_W. L~ -~ ~ " Sher.v~ od, AR72 1?q__
Maria ·---- N~ Jy _ 10/10/2017!5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206 _
Melissa _ ___ Q_arroJ!9L 191:!Q/2Q.!? l111 q_O_Chicot Rd., ~o.!__6Q,_Mal?_elvale,_A_B 72103
Nico~ ____ [Roten~erry 10/10/20 17 7121 Holl't Lane, Mablevale, AR 72103
Issac _____ 1~ ewby _ 10/10/20171311 E. 8th St. #10 14, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan /Can'!2n-_.)
_2Y ___ 10/12/2017l8 70 S Salem Rd., Apt. 7017. Conway, AR 72034
(J~len_ 1Morris 10/19/201719815 Cloverhlll Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
Glen Schwarz 1~ 91201.Zj'Si s-:-w_a~ e~kfor , L~~ ~ock , AR 72~9 . _
John Eric
·Michael R.
.§ eric~a
Trent ~
12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
12/1_l/2Q17 2662 Mountain Pin_e
12/ 12__!?01~3_50_!:_a
-"-Hot Springs._AB7191~_
.~nto~ . AR 7~015 _
12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt A, Little Rock, AR 72206
f2112/201w 7 21098 Jones. R·d..-Harriitiur~ j. R 72432 __
12/12/2017 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg. AR 72432
12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
[Walke r
~d~ _
6/5/201~11103 ~- Vi ctory #A ui~e R-op_k , A.!372202
6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
~i5/~018 16109_Mitchell Dr Little· Rock , AR 72209
6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock ,. AR 7_~205
IG;y Robinson 6/6/20181115 8arr-;;w Hill R!J, c~.
For_£est AR 7~~3_S
[H~len~_ Thesing 6~/2018 21 Rem ington D_rLllt~ Rock , AR 722_10_
Michael Harris 6/6/2011! !Q_!O _Br~ck_ei:rld$~little Rock,AR 72205
lMarcay~ Amadei 6/6/2018 1010 Sreckenrid~ little Rock,AR 72205
IFletch!:._ _ ~g -~le 6/6/2018 i--!010 Breckenridg_elittle Rock, AR 72205
,Jean Swssie _6f6/?Q!~ I !010 Breckenridg_eLittle RockJ-R 72205
Tl!!pi!!,_ 6/6/2018; 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
Brittany_ __ .,Garland _ 6/Ghgij21 RemingtonDr Little_R~ck, AR72210-
David Rennich §/6&01,~ _150 _US6S N Conway,AR 7203~
1_ ------
. --l~rtis ~-- t il~L22~10800_~n is Rd. Little Rock, AR 7_2~1
Shwanda -- ~k __ _§/6/2Q_18 1010 8£_eck_1,mig__g'!_~t11e~~ AR 72205
~---- .. _ y elasquez 6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
Robert Mccorkindale 6/7/201_8604 N. Ty~r tt _Uttie R(?~~. ~R 7220S_
- -- - -
·- -=- lzietz
- -
si1 r
6/7/2018 12315 N Gooseberry Ln F'ayetteville, AR 72704
/2018 ~Q_9 _l'ine~-Mall Q;::-Pine-Biu-F[Arka~~s7160! ,
_-I 6/ 8/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Roe~ AR 72210
6/8/20 18 215 W. Birch St Russellville,AR 72802
6/8/20ill8 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock, AR 7220S
.• IHOOks , ( 6/8/2018 500 w:-29th North Litt!; Rock,AR 72114-
Gr~g~ry I 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly L12, Bentonv1lle, AR 72712 __
~~ry Bradshaw 6/8/2018 3609 Moberlt.._Ln 1 Bentonville, AR 72712 __ _
I 6/8/2018 21 RemJng~n Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 • __
6L8/201813609 Moberl'i Lt:,B~nt~nville, AR 7~2_1_2___
/'0 u~jl
an __
-·-p _ _
6/8/2018 200 S.Shackelford Little Rock, AR 72211
_ 6/J!/2018! 2QOTP~ite Ave Jacksonville,AR 7207_6_ __
2.00SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
4601 W. RozellSt. Rogers,AR 72756
500 W. 29th North li ttle Rock, AR 72114
__ ~
---= l
---- _
__ -+l _ ---=
6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd little Rock,AR 72211
6/18/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
/ _18 2018 3005
__._/ -574th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903 • · --- -
~Kiersten l ora!5ell -- -
1 _ _§'_18/20_18S@_vt~~! h ~~~Li ..!tLeii~ck: !'.lfl
72!14 .
•Mod ris Seskis 6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Matthew Seskis 6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
~ hrist?pher _ Lamont I
l. 6/19iio1s 200
SW Suburban L; ne Benton;,lle 72TI2
IM_a_gn,us_ _ Ql~o~ I 6/19/2018 406 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 716~ _
to~her_ __ Seals - - ---,--- - - - 6/19/2018 140SCillo.;ayAveSh e-rwoo~AR72120 - -
~ sh_onda - i<!Ofo-rth ___ _ 6/19[201~ 405 CallowayA::f!!She!w_s>~d,
!'lease sec ihis most current list. This is a list of paid canvassers to circulate lhc petition amendingthe Arkansasconstitutionrelatingro term limits.
- ·- - I • • - -
P~pular Nai:iye
. -- -- --
(C)(t) Provide a complete list of all paid canvassers' names ond currenrr~s,denlialaddresses lo the Secretary of Stat~.
1(il) If additionalpaid canvassers agree 10 solicit s1gna11ires 011behalf of a sponsor after the complete list ~s provided, the sponsor sho/1provide an updated
/isl of all paid canvassers' names 011d currenrre.,1denria/addre.<sesm 1heSecre1my of Sime.
To verify /hat 1her;-;;·e no criminaloffenses on 7-ecard, a .,ponsarsha//ohmin, 0 1 ii.~cost, f,-01111heDepartmenl of ArkansasStale Police, a current stale and-
_criminalrecord se!!_rchon eV!_ry
J!E!dcanvaSS'!}:_!E be 1''!8istered:_••ilh
the ~ecret'?_J)
!_~[State_._ ____ _ _ _ _
(2) The cn mmal record search shall be obtainedwithm thfrty (JO) days prior to !he registration of the paid canvasser.
Upon s1rbi11/ssion
of its list a/paid canvassersto the Secretary of State, the sponsor shall w·1ify to !he Secret(Jlya/S tate //mt each fJOldcanva.<serin its
'!~1,pJ!!. pays~<j
.vJ!.11s mtj_seardr m uccordwrce w,tf:_tjus
a criminal 1!._ac~gro_, secuon.
I certify rhateach paid canvasseron this lisr has passed a criminal backgroundcheck hy rhe ArkansasStare Police as requiredby ArkansasCode § 7-9-60 I.
!Michael Amo- , _
First Name ;LastName _ Dat e of Name.f! rst Submitte d t o SOS Resldentall Add res
J oseph- - Alm~sa~ ___ . 8/30/2017,6842 GrandmontA ve Detroit,-Mt 48228 - ·
Sterling - Eisenlohr ~i30n_Q17@4~fCurtuce Rd., ~ason, Ml ~~8f4 - -~:__- _
I~acg_ue ~ne_ lcoWer - - 8/30/2017! 100 Bfg ~ dy Rd., Popular Bl~ff,.,_MO 63901
Ro~e[!_ Wells 8/~Q/2Q17 10.Q _Big Eddy_Rd . P9pular ~l~ff.~O 63901
Tony ' oavis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72204
Kara !Owens 8130/20173325 Marshall Ave.. St.L ouis, M0631 14
Chase 1Wilkins 8130/2017370i Bowers St., Little Rock~AR- 72204
Gloria ~Avina 8/291201?' 5132 York eivd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
Joseph Lawrence ,:3ton~. 8/29/2017[5132 York B~vd.#437, Los Ange!es,.f A 9~~~
Carl E. - Wilkins 8/29/201713701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
i Ed_dle Dean Shumate Ill 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073
LAj_eli~ ,f>edvukaj 911/2017109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
% isd9_n P~IP s 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave.,-Radford, VA 24141 - -
Annette ,Lord 9/6/20f7 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock-:-Aff 72204
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzil ani° Jonesboro, AR 72401
Shaun Sachs 9/7/2017 4540 w. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762
_ ,,:Mo~rwouofot
·,ed-- 9112i2017If4394 ArmadaRo ad,-Port Charlotte,FL 33953
_ 9/1 2120171891SandPineC ourt # 124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio --____ _j Leaks _ _ _ -9/13/20!ZJ10?00Ri chsmilh Lane# lli, Maumelle AK 72113
Steven _______ Pa~ ___ 9/2512017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock,AR 72217
1Audr~ ______ J.i lberman _ _ ___ _ _-- 9/25/?Q.1?.745 I ree'9p Ridge Qr:-:Vaile~Park, M0- 630§(
Cassandra Lusk 9125/20175901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
·w aco Allen -- --- -Da y --- __ 9~~ 201.?1832 Co_1:1ntry Road 272~~addo Mills,]~1~135
David - ~ __ ~12~/?.Q.1
t 183~~Quntry Road2726, CaddoMills,TX75~~ -~
Minnelli !Jones 9128120171302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206 1
Kiva ' Elmore 9/28/2017)622 E. 19th St~et. Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114 I
~Jessica Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
[Blaire /S~o9.9ins 9/2812017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock,AR- 72209
Christopher Baxter L 912912017 11470 Avondale Ave.• Jacksonville, FL 32205
[~ e-ndolyn
.~ er_i
-- 7 Watson_
1--_ 1
9/291201711800- S.B roadway,Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
j 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
?;2613 E. C9~fe..!_t Rd,. }ack_s~_vil~. _A~?._20.?6_
10/3/201712506 Betalr Dr. S., Pine Bluff. AR 71601
10/3/201711500 Chicoi R d.: Lot 86. Mabelvate, AR 72 103
' Rtta - __ l Rada_k __ _ _ 1014/2017 410 N. Cher.!}'_§t .. Beebe. AR 72012
~W..0._ _ _ __ - ,~~l~y 10_{41?Q1JJ7Q1 ~cott St. #802,li ttfe Rock, AR 722~1
James ~ H?~~L - 10/4/2Q..
1_?' 410 N. C~'!}' ~!·, Bee~e. AR 72012 _
-.~rtis _=._ -- Westbrook 10/4/2017, 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
AmbeI_ Hillman 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale, AR 72103
9~~~ _ 1-,
Bra__uri_ !_0/6~017{1§~ Victo_ry C_i_r.
, J~ck~_!'.liieJ.~2 20I_6
An_~ _ .Roberson 1011012017 !130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
Maria fNeel
y- - 10/10/2017I53f2 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa Qarro_ug h • _ _ 1~~10@~Z 11.fillo(2i icot Rd .• ~ot·so~~ a_b~~ le,._ AR 7_?10 3
Nicole _Rotenberry 10/12[2017171 21 Holly Li'3ne, Mablev~~, ~R_7?..!_03_
Iss ac Newby 10110/2017'311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuan _Cannon-Joy 1011212017j870S. Sale~- Rd.. Apt.7017, Co_n~y. A_R _?.3 034
1Jalen Morris 10/19/201719815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
' Glen 1fcFwarz 10/19/2017[~7 S. ~akefi~d c::>r .,__Lit
tie Ro~k. AR Z,22q°9
,John Enc ,Jones 12/4/20}7 533 ~c ~04.§.i_ Yellvillyf:3_ 7.?_~~7-
1 12/12/20172662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
MlchaelR. Jackson
[R_pbert JRedmond 12112f.fo17350Lamplighteror::-Benton, AR72015
Eulishia 1~ohnson
·12112120172015 S.Louisiana St. Apt. A, LittleR ock, AR7 2206
Trent ' IWhltlock 12/12/201721098 Jones. Rd., Harrisb_l!l'9, AR 72432 _ _ __
Whrtlock 12/12/201~21098 Jone~ f:3.d .,_H~rris~~g~R ?2432 _ _ __
~ cka --=- faQlanei ~ 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
0Daniel ----- _ J~tchel __ fa/12/2017 956 DuttonMin Ref, CedarRidge, AR 72027 - -
Calvin ·Davis 12/13/2017 4917 Hick~d.#4, North Little Rock, AR 721-16
- - - -- -• -----
Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham, #1. Lltlle Rick, AR 72205
---- - --- - - 12/13/2017 12ii116avfcfo·0odd Rd.. Little Rock AR72210 -
Eva Flowerday
Jonah Tsr a~ - - - -- - - 12113120'17 1316 Southeastern AVe .:JacksOnvfile,AR 72076
!f'.sJlley E~ 12/14/2017 10121 Uniontown Hwy•.-Uniont own, AR-70955
Terri 2/14/2018 73Deer MeadowsCt., Sherwooci:'AR72fao
J 2/14/2018 1600$. Elrn St. Apartment 10 Little Roc~AR 72204-
2/14/20181.(Flo urile Cove, Liitle-Rock~AR 72212 -
Randy _ Mor~on 3/2/201813200 Bankhead Drive, LittleRock,AR72206
Bi!!,_ry Valentine 3/7/201824603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron,AR 72122
Travis wal ton - l 1
3/15i2018 800 Locust St.. NortHittle Rock, AR72114
Israel 3/19/2Q.]8 8!_0_S. Salem Rd., Apt.70i'f Co_nw~y. _? FR 2~34
~hl,E!Y !Ewald_ 3/20/2018 10121 UniontownHwy., Uniontown,AR 70955
.!:~ !Evans 3/20/2018 10 121 UniontownHwy., Uniontown, AR70955
Tru~ IAlisandre 3/20/2018 9 SherwoodDrive, Conwax, AR 72034 -
3/20/2018 72205 - - - -- -
Kenneth liulter
Catherine . anciu 3/20/2018 3f9 N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR, 72206
~acgue_l in~_ ebster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood,AR 72120
Phyllis --~ ~ !ho m~son _ 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Llttle Rock, AR 72204
Nina -- Hampt_on - __ _ _ 3/28/2018l3700 MarylandAve., Little_Rock. AR 72204 _
!§bi~~- - j9>_llf!!~ - 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Llttle Rock, AR 72209
,Louauna - - _-J
amiiton _] - ~~--- 4/4/2018 1316 S. BatterySt., Little Rock, AR 72202
/Rlddle I
- ·:-----
4/5/201813301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204 __ _
4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A, Little Rock AR 72204 _
~'} _ ____ )Allen _ ~- __ 4/12/2018 916 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204 - ~
.LaJuana Brimley 4/1212018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204
' Mel~ __ __ ~~~~ §/~@~ 240 ~tt b e~~ r ~9 : Ho!Sprin9~~R 72015~ - _:_1
n~ _ _ _ _ _ ~Wilkins 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barba _ 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr,1 Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas 5/31/2018!21 RemingtonDr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
5/31/201~ 201 S. Valma, SL, Little Rock, AR 72204
- ~1/201~ 11~£9__6."'L n~. Little R~ck,J R 72210 -
Trev Ash 6/1/2Q18 21 RemingtonDr., Litt11,Ro_ckAr. 7~~0
,!Ri9)_~d _ _ - tSalway 6/1/2018 617 S. BroadwayLittle Rock, AR 72201
1Jerime ___ _:tJ i!!ou_r 6/1/2018 2810528th Plac~~~!l~J. AR7275 !__ .:
IShalimar-------~ Willour 6/1/2018 2810S28th PlaceRodgers, AR 72758
------ - ,Qla!gow - 6/412018111~ N.P ershing Blvd.. North LiUle_Rock, AR 72_114
6/4/2018 110 N. PershingBlvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Robert __ __ _] Glasg-OW _
!_ori~ers _ ~- B~~ 6/4/2018121 Remingt o-n Dr ., Little Rock AR~2 210
Martin Clanton 6/4/2018 1851S. Salem Rd., Conway. AR 72032
!chase - ------ - -; Harr~ - - 6.£51~~ 118091,yL~~_el:)ttl~Rock AR_72210_
K~!1 -charpe_!!t ier 61~12Q18 110 E !'e!sl!ing North Uttle Rock AR 72114
1 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
!?~ -1~el}!ry__
Nicholas _TU.!e'_!1 -- -- - -- 6/5/2018 11 BogeyLane Little Rock AR 72i10
~Russell- --- -B~g_ett 6/5/201ii 1401 S. ShackelfordRd Little RockAR72211
~i .lJ!.?.m
_ _ __ ·-, Burns ___ __ 6/5/2018j400 W. 29th St North little- Rock, AR- 72114
,Anth_c,ny , Cooper_ _ __ 6/5/201~[2~10 W. Martin CC?nway AR72031 ___=- -_
Vincen__\ Neukam 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
~9hn ,Adams 6/5/20181818N . H~Morrilton,AR72210 _
Boe Prill 6/J!.?_01821 Re~g tonpr '-,!!ti~ l3~ck.AR 72210 _
Cynthia Ford 6/5/2018 10800Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
.. 'walker • 6/5/2Q18 1103~ - Vlctory #A L~tle Rock, AR 72202 ---,
Dallf2 .Latimer 6/5/2018 21 Reming!onDr Little Roc~A R 72210
Michael Becker _§_/5/2018~1 R~i~~~ Dr _l;- it_Qe
B ock, AR 72210
1rthur Ladd
Selley -J 6/5/2(2_1§610.Q_Mitqi_ellDf Little Ro~k. AR 72209
6/6/2018_1010Breckenr idg~Little Rock,AR72205_
,Ga!y Robinson 6/6/2018!115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest Ci_ty;AR 722)5 ----- '
Helena Thesing 6/6/2018 21 Reming ton Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
Michael Harris 6/6/201~ 1010 Breckenridge litt li Rock, AR
72205- ·· - - ~_
Marcayla Amade i 6/6/~018 l0lQ B,:_eck~nr id_g~lJ~e~ ock,~13._ 722~ _ _
•Fletcher -- ~~le - --
6/6/2018 }01,QJ?~ke_n!_idge..!,ltt~Rocly~2205 _
Jean ~ss ie-- 6J..6
0]8 / 10!_0BreckenridJe_Uttle Rock, AR 7220i
'Jeffrey - ._ 1Turpin - 6/6B0!8 Jl ~e!!}!!28l.~nDr., Little Rock AR. 72210 ~
@i!~ny __ Garland__ 6j6/~~18 2.LR_e_!!li!!S!OnDr Little Ro_c_t AR 72210
David _1 ~enni£h 6/6[?!}18 !_SQ.US§S_N _(:onw~y. Af3_72932 .
~~~ ---r-
~~~Ol~!,~00 Kanis Rd. Gttle Roc~c~~ 72__~1 __
~ -- - --- 6/6/201~8 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 722D5
6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. little Rock, AR 72211
lt -
D~rothy _
_ -~--- · -~-'-'
-.~-s-o_n ___ -_
5i/13/2018~ _06 Anders~n Bro~kland, AR 724!?
6@2018 . 2322 N. Humm!_ngbirdLn Fi!yett ~vllle, t,R n1q_3
_ _
_:_T~lm..!r -
--1· _ 6L½'2018 23_22 N. Hummln_(:bird Ln Fayett~ v~le, AR 72703
6/14/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonv ille 72712
6/1yi618 j 1ooosouth Futrall_~r. F~eville, AR n~ i:._
~ l
6j14/2018 , 1.900S£l(!lh_£ut_:a!!..Q:_.
~ ye~tevi!!~, ~R ~7 _01
6/14/2018 ,10800 Kanis Rd. Litt le Rock, AR72211
c1Q.e _ 6/14/2018 110s24 w. Markham St l itt le Rock, AR 72205
John -- 6/15/20 18j ~_l§.90Wil low B~ach_ParkRd_2C£_t'!,_i\R
Rachelle 6/ 15/2018 ~500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Denise_ _ __ _ I
6M/20!_~ SQ_O _W ,._
22th NC?!!.h_
t~~oc k~_l
6/1S/2018 600 HardonRd Little Rock, AR 72211
21! 4
f~nt!l_o"!Y. __ _
Daryl 6/15/2,QlS l 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 727~1'-"
2___ _
Deb!_!. __ _ 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
!Nancy Toff lemier 6/15/2018 , 200 sW Suburbanlane ~tonville 72712 - - - - - --
IR~_becc! 1~1e - 6/15/2018
.?.00SW Suburban Lane Bentonv ille 72712 __
Jacob Towe 6/15/2018 ! 106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956 ____ _
---- McGhee _ 6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211__
~'i!h ~u~ _ 6/18/2018 .!_0SQ0
K~nls Rd. Little R_£>Ck,_~R
_?,Yg _
Chavez 6/18/2018 3005 S 74th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903
~::;:~n IDrattell
es_l5!s ___
6/18/2018 , 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
!¥18/~Q.!8 ?,(l_Q
W:.29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
~ i:
_!,r istopher
-- -
,_Qlson __
6/18/2018 500 W. 29th Nort h Utt le Rock, AR 72114
6/19/20iS ,106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956
§/ 19/20181406 N Bia~~\ Pine Bluff AR 71602 ..
r; - -- -- -------- -
~<;!lns(£ph~ -- - CS~ls j - 6/l.'}{2(!_
.18l405 ~alloway A'!_eSherwood,_AR7_2120
Tashonda _ __ _ Goforth -j 6/1~/~18_ _40~ C~lo~a_y Av~ ~he~ <:Jd 1 A'!._
, Rick'l_ _ . Q.a
p_ _ _ 6/~0{2018 11 !!Oeey Lan~i tt le RockAR 72210
Leigh Raper 6/20/2018 143 Shannon Dr Little Rock, AR _7220?
~ rry i Bag~tt 6/20/2018 500 W, 29th North little Rock, AR72114
B~mardo Vel~quez 6/20/2018 13200 BankheadDrive, Lillie Rock,AR 72206
'Pleases.:e 1his mostcurrc,11list, This is e list of paid canvassersto circulu1ethe petition amending the Arkansasconstilution relating lo tennlimits.
-: -- - : - -- - - I -- ~ - - --
Mich-;I Armi - 7 -- I - ··- - -
f l~t Na.!!'! - ]L a~t Name- Date of Name first Submitted to SOS Resldentai l Addres
J_£S~Rh - Almosawy - 8/3 0/2.0fi 6842Grandmont Ave. Detroit, Ml 48228
Sterling__ IEis~nlohr -8/30/2017 5448 CurtuceRd.~son , Ml 48854
Jacqueline Collier _B/39}20171100 Big~ d1_B~ opu~r Blu!!, MQ 639()_!_
!E obe;r- 1Wells 8/3~~01?. 1_Q.O~~9E<!.~_B~Po pul~_B~ff. ~O 63~01
TE>ny ' Davis _l!_/3
0/2017? 700 S. Lewis, Little R~ck'--AR I ;!20'!__ _
Kara l owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. Lours, MO 63114
i ____
Chase Wilkins -- 8/ 30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock,- AR 72204
Gloria F vina - 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #f37 ~ os Angeles, CA 90050
·Joseph Lawr~nce _ ~ t~ne _ _ _ - - · ·· 8/29/20f? l~.!.32York:Blvd. #437, ~o~_!.n11 .e1~. CA 900~0: -
i~ I E. _____ ,Wilkin~ _ _ _~/29/2017, 3701 Bowers S_t_, Llttl~ Rockl AR 7~~ _
Eddie D~n _ _ __ _ih u_l!lateIll __ _ 9/1f?017163J ~(!_U C~~o ad, Christiansburg,_yl', 2i0n
('.~~lina _____ Dedv~ ___ __ _ __ ~11(<!017 109 §~~:1e e Pl~ce. :!_ acksonvlll~. AR 72QI~
tKrisdon Phillif:>S 911120 17 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 916_/2
_017 9_01 Fair Park Blvd., Little Roc_k, A_R72204
Dorothy !Lord -- -- -- 916/20172206 Mitzi Lane, ]o'nesboro,AR 72401
lf ourtn~i_ _ -
~ a£h_s _
~cDuffie - -
- 9n/2017 4540 W. Sunset Ave., Serin~ale , AR 72762
9/12/2017 14394 Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine°Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(~nton[Q__ - ,Leaks - - 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #115, Maume lle. AK 721 13
~ even 1Pa9.e 9/25120175420 Elder Court, North L-ittle ·Rock. AR 72217 -
~udr~y_ __ _ __ Silbennc!_ I)._ 9/25120f 7 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088-
~ co ~I Eln___
<David _______
-_-_-_- ~
' Lusk
!D_ay_ _
- -4-
_ __ _
- 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, NorthLittie'Rock, AR 72116
9/25/2017 ·1a5i Country Road2 726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
9/25/2017 1832Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135-
!Minnelli ________ Jl2n es__ 9/28/2017 302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR7 2206-
,!3~r _e ___ ---
- - · _ Sco9.9i~s -
I 9/28/2017 622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
9/28/2017 9816 Reg eni Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
-9/28/2017 9R enee Cove, Li ttle Rock, AR 72209
___-~-= .
Christopher Baxter 9/29/2017 1470 Avon dale Ave., Jacksonville~FL32205-
,Gwel).dolyn -
- --=--
-- 9/29/ 2~ ~ ·1~00 S. ~ ad~_y! Apf. 703: Little ~~£.k, A_
10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville,AR 72076
R 72206 _
- Porter
1B_ a~~k --
!!,'lalloy_ _
t- 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
1Q.i4/?_017 410 ~~ c ·h~ ry S!:,_Beebe·,-AR 72012 --
101412017701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
• ~014~01? 410N . Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012 ~ -~-
10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton,AR 72019
10/6120179204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd.. MablevaTe -:-AR 72103
Carolyn ,Braun _-10/6/2Q1? 1~ V!£t~ry_c f]a ci<s9I1ville , ~R ?207§
A(!g_ela Roberso0 10/10/20171130 W Lee Ave., Sherwood,AR 72120
Maria 1•Neely 10110120 ·17 5312 Lowden Rd.. LiltleRock, AR72206
Melissa ,Darrough 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60. Mabelvale~R 72103
LNicole JRot~!!_berry j 10/10/2017 7121 HoOyLane, Mablevale, AR 72103
ilssao ._Newbt ---~- _ 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014,.Little Rock, AR 72202
i Lajuii n Cannon-Joy 10/12/20~ 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
Jalen Morris 10/1W2017!9815 Cloverhill Road, Little-Rock, AR 72205
•Glen 0
Schwarz. 10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
ohn Eric Jones 12/4/ 2017j 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
'Mfchael R. Jackson 12/121_?01 _?_?
~2 Mountain-Pine~ -- Hot senng_s,AR 71913
!Robert Redmond '.2!12/201! 3~~ a_!!lpli9hter D~! Benton, AR 7201§_
1-Eulish~ Johnson 12/ 12/201712015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
Trent Whitlock 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisbu.£11 , AR 72432
Eric ~ Whitlock t 12/1212Q_172_!0~8Jon!s~ Rd., Harrisburg, AR 7243_~ --
Sericka- Ragland ~ 12/12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
•Daniel Mitchel - 12/_12/?Q!_Ii ~~~_Qutton Min Rd., Cedar Ridge, AR72Q27
Calvin Davis t- _ 12/13/2017 14917 H1ckoryRd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116 ---j
Lori - - --- Isms - ·- - .!_2_{
1~/2017 1611E ~est__Mark~~m . #1, Little ~ ick, AR_72~5 ___ _
·-- FIOW!!!day
ra~I __
_ 1I _ _ 1~1 3_{20
~7 ~1ZDavidO 'DoddRd ,, LittleR0 Ek,~J3_?2~
17 131§ S.£_uthea~
ter~ A_ve~,J a~ksonville, AR 72076__
12/14/ 20_1711Q121 Uniontown ~~ .. l,:Jni ontown, AR 7Q.9§_5
_ _j
Johnson Terri 2/ 14/2018!73 Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwood, AR 72120
1 0
Kenneth Tgoulte r 3/20/2018 72205 - .. -- · - - -
t Danc1u
g ebster
_ h~son
- - --
3/20/2018 319N.- 22nd St., Little Rock,AR. 72206 -
3i 28i2018 J8815Wo odbineiia6~ShelWOOd , AR72120
3/28/2018' 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR 72204
- l
NLna Hampt~n _ ---~ ~i28/2018 370Q_ _MaryTandAve , Lfol~ Rock AR 72204
fr asiian
J r~da - .:_
IC~ unts _
] Oneal
- nili_
~i dd!e
3/28/2018 900 S. M~le St., Little Rock, AR 72204
3/28/2018 9810Capel la Dr, Little-Rock, AR 72209
4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St., little Rock, AR 72202
4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
_ 4/5/20~ ~90~_!anya__!) _G,Apt. A. Little Rock AfV.220 4_ _
j1 -
Ivan lien 4/12/2018 916 S. Maple St., little Rock, AR 72204
LaJuana - "Brif!!ley - - 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204 i
'.Mel~y Estes 5/23/201Bl240Ma tthews Dr. #c40_-Hot Springs. AR 72015 ..,
·1~ri d Wilkins - 5/3 0/2018 4319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR-72209
' Cordero j Barba 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Ro-ck-Ar. 72210
Nicholas ,Kowalski 5l:ff/201 8 2f Remington Dr.• Little Rock Ar.72 210--
Rose_!nne -- _Plg_~e -_ _ ~12 of 0 ± 9.fS , '{_al~a_r st:, uttieRoc ~AR ~26£_ _
J~s!t_u~ Daro ____ 6/1/?Q.!~ 1! Bo9et L_n., L_ittl~f3~1~B 7.±_210_
: Trev Ash 6/1/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Richard Salway 6/1/2018 617 S. Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201
J erime ________
Shalimar -
!',nd!_~ - -
Willour ---
•Willour -
- ) '31asg9 ; -
-- -
- 6/ 1/201828 10S28thPlaceRodgeri.A R72758-
6/1/20182810S28thP laceRodgers,AR72758 ---- - -- --
-- 6i4~0~81!._Q.1'if ershi~ _B~d ...._ North- LittleRock ,AR72114 _ I
[~ ob~rt _ ' Q!a_s9ow _ __ ____ 6~4/2018 ~!Q_('! . Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114 -1
ony~s - ~~ _ _ _ 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr.,___ Little Rock AR_,22~0 _
Martin . _ ,fl anton _ _ 6/4/20~ 1~1 S. Sa~m Rd._S.E_ nway, ~ 72.Q_~~ _ ___ J
Chase -----f Harris -- - 6/5/2018 11 BogeyLane Little RockAR 72210
~K~vjn - Ch a~ @e!__ _ - 6£?12--9!~1f oE -P~h in.9 .}i ort_!lgi~ RockA R.Z.2114 - -
l!;iiann ___ ---- ~~ - _ ~/§_{2018140_! S. Shackelford_!3dLittle Rock AR 72211
_ -lTurein__ _
6/5~(?_181~ o~ane Little Ro~~A~2210 _
6/~!)18 14_91S. Shackelford RJ Llttle_Rock !>,R72211 -1
fwllli am
~ ony_
-=-- Burns
~ jc oo-~
6/ 5/2018 400 W 29th St North li ttle Rodi , AR 72114
6/5/2Q18 2510 W . Martin Conway AF( 72Q_
6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
,M_!!!!!1~ .Se!l_ey
_ -- - ~/6/2 0181!Q!Q Brec_kenri<18_~ .Li~t~e R_?_fk,_[1!!_~205
_ ,
~ry ] Robinson 6/6/2018 115 Barr ow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235 _
j Hel~a [Thesing 6/6/2018 21 Remi ng1on Dr Littl e Rock, AR 72210 _ 1
(M!!=h~I Harris _ 6/~{{018 101QBrec~nrldge little R~ck, ~R_72205___ _
1A;;;adei 6/6/2018 1010 Brecken~g}? Little Rock, AR 72205 ~-
t ----
!letc her _. Negel!!_ 6/6/2018 , 1010 Bre5!<_e~e Little ~ock_,~ 72205 _
Stussie ___ ~/~[2018 11010~reck enr!q_geUtt!e ~qck, AR 722~ _
J::f{~y- r:_u~ein
_ ~/~/ 2018 21 Remin~n Dr., Llt_!le Rock AR-"72210
i/6/2018 21_Remi~gton Dr L~t ~ ~oc~, ~R 72210
avid 6/6/2018 1150 US65 N Conway, AR 72032
6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. litt le Rock,AR 72211
6/~ T lOMBrec kenridge Little Ro~k, AR 72205
Ruben Velasquez r 6/7/2018 10800 Kan1s Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
jRobe'!_ Mccorkindale - 6/7/2018 604
N~ Tvier Stl itt le Ro~k, AR 72205
.~a n_ Zietz 6/7/_211
18 23~ NG_qg; _~~r 'l ~F.ave ttev ille,AR 72~q4- _
9lt_he!i,ne j Sabatinq_ 6/7/20 18 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
,David Davis 6/8/201_!1~1Remi;g to~ ~; ~!!{i; Rock, AR 12i10 • -
Shaun i sa~hs 6/8/2018 215 W. Birch St Russellville,AR 72802
·>- --
John Gilliland 6/8i3018 _i60~ N. ~yle r st l iti leR2ck, AR 72~~ --
"!!Jnvett~ Hooks - __ 6/8/2018 1_~ W: 29th North Littl~ Roe!<,AR 72~4 _
_ort_ •lee ____ §(8/~18 ~ 6Q.9Moberly Ln1 Be~n~llle <-~~2_7_!2
_ -- j!ra t!s_ha~ 6/8{3018 j 3609 ~o berly Ln, Be_citonv ille, AR 72712 _ _
Mildred !Almeida 6/~{2018 )& Remington Dr Little_~k_,_ AR 7221Q.._ _ _
Carol Nolan 6/8/2018 , 3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
IWllliam_ .v2u!!.!l 6/8/2018 200 s. Shackelford Littl e Ro~ , AR 72~1~ ::....:::----
I~i£!!.ard Risco! 6/8/2018 200 TPWhite Ave Jacksonville, AR 72076 __I
Daniel ; Dahl 6/1 V2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 _J
~~istopher !Jordan J { ll/2018 4~01 ~.Roz~II~ :. Ro~ rs, AR 72?_5~·
J>!.mien - -- 7.;;,son 6/11/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 --;
Sa~ra -- 'M ill er ___ 6/11_/20182 00 SW Suburban l ane Bentonville 72712 _
----- Andrade ___ ._ ---1 __ _ 6/11/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
..a~nda _ O'Donnell -Daniels 6/12/ 2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
-Ha~~ ---
---· - ---- 6/12/2018 21 Remington Or Little Rock, AR 72210
6/1 2/20 18 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
.ss~----- _____ _!:_a_'!' m - -- 6/12/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
IChris __ _ __ l Rlchele ______ _ ___ -6/12/2018 1oiss.shi iohD;:-~e tt evllle, AR 72701
Jose· LRochet 6/13/20 18 2501 S. Servic~d ~~t Memph is, AR 72301
f aul Jo~9 ren _ _ ___ _ __ 6/13/20~ 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Brenda j Willo~r __ _§l_l3/201_~ ~810 ~ 28!_hPLac~_Rocijers, AR 7!.75!!_
Skylar King _ __ __ 6/13/2 018111320 Bass Pro Parkway Little Rocle,AR 7220S
_Br~ t ,Wessel ._ _ _ ~W2018
'Q~2~ Bass Pro- Par~w~yJ,itt ~- R;;-cJsA~i20S
i Kevin IHoag 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bento nvill e 72712
[scanley I Hoig - _ 6/13/ 2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~ thy fLord §/13/2018 106_Anderson ~ook land,~ R 72417
,l?_ilvid ThOfl!PS_()n
_ 6/14/2018 23~ H~mml~jlbJ.r ,q_L~ Fay~!_evl!l e,_AR 722?L
·Janine _ IT~om~O!' __ ..!iL!4/2.Ql8 2322 N. Hummin11b_ird ~¥
Li:.~ay~~t~vil~ 71?0~
'~ayet _____ _ _ Pal~ . __ _ 6/14/2018 200 SWSuburban Lane Bentonville 72712
IAllitta , McOan~I 6/ 14,ii'o18 1000-South Futral! Dr. Fayett eville, AR 72701
~ oni!.!_~
--- __ __ ,LO!!)~ __ _ __ 6/1 ~n .Q18 !_()_QO
S~th Fu~I Or:..faye~ville , AR 72701
?~V!!!:___ _ __ _ I Kli_ne___ . 6/14/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
Vickif __ ,Steve!' ~-_ 6/14,ii'o18 10524 W. Ma~kha;;,·st Litt l~ock ,AR 72205
_!Ehn___ _Osb~o~____ _ ~l!~~J& 11690 Willow ~ea<:_hPark Rd S~tt_, AR 7_?.!._4_2
Rachelle !:Y~ . _ _ _ _ 6/15/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Denise IRodrigues 6/15P01~~09 _w ~ 29t!' N~rth LlttleRO£k,~R 72114
-- -- - __IMcGhee · 6/15/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
Jarv i . __
_a _ _
,Rebecca __
j M~0Jn
l Tofflemier
7- ~.!_S/20181Q9 S'!J Sub~~an lane ~ntonv llle 7271"}
~t_'.ig0_l ~ ?OOSW Suburban ~~e Be_ntpnvi!l_e72712__
_ 6/~H018 1_2~_5W?~b~rb~La ,:,_ e B~n~v _!!le ?P!.L_ _
6{l5/2018 200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712 _
rJacob JTowe 6/15/2018 106 N PlazaCt Van Buren AR 72956
Anthon - - 1McGhee 6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock,AR 72211
l~l!jah IG~e--;rero __ _~ ?/2018 10800 Ka~isBd-1,!ttle Rc;,s_k
,. ~R 72211 __
,Charles ,Chavez _ _ __ _§/18/2018~ 3005 S ?4_!!::StJ ort Smith, A_!i_~903_
rKiersten Dratte ll 6/18/2018 ?.00
W. ~th North Lit_t~oc k, AR 721~
~Mod_ris Seskis . 6/18/2018 S00 W. 29th North litt le Rock, AR 72114
M31_!thew Seskis ~ 18/2 0! 8 ~ow. 2_9-!h North li~e Bgs_~ 7~1_!4
Christopher Lamont 6/1~2018 106 N PlazaCt Van Buren ARJ29S6__ _
---- -- --
Mago us
, Olson I 6/19/20 18~ 06 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 71602
Christo_e!le:_ Seals 6/ 19/2018. 405 Calloway Ave Sheiv,ood, ~ ggo
Tashonda ~ofort~ ~-- 6/19/2018 405 calloway Ave Sherwood, AR 7~~ Q.
Larry _ _ .. ___
la a_ggett
r·~-- ~/20/2 0~8 1) Bogey_Lane~ t~ RocJ< AR 72_2~0
6{20/2018 143 Shannon D~~!t le Ro£k, AR 72207
6/20/2018 l soo w.29th North li tt le Rock, AR 72114
Bernardo _______ Velasquez I~ §j 20j20i8 ~~~q_ Ban kheaq D!ive, _Little R~,0.,}.R 7220§
~ ron ___ Pargo I 6/20/~0~ i 1127 s_ entral Ave Hot Springs, ~R 71 ~q1 __
i~'~" m "~ ': "" ~"''' "'"""[' .~ A•,ow <OM
'~ ony tDavis 8/30120172700 S. Lewis. Little Rock. AR 72204
Kara Owens 8/30/2017 3325 Marshaf Ave.: St.Louis, MO 63114
Chase - Wi lkins L 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock. AR 72204- -
GI ·
Avina J 8/29/2017 5 132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA soo
,Jo;~ Lawrence
Carl E.
~ __-:_ ~tone _
8/29/201715132 York Blvd. #43i i. o-s Angeles,-CA 90050
8/29/2017' 3701 Bowers si., Little Rock, AR72204 -
Eddie Dean - __ - - '!shumat~ III 9/1/2017r6~5 Houchins_Ro~d. Chrls!ians~ ._VA ~407~-
~ eifria - Dedvukaj_ _ 9/1/2017~ 09 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon ___ 1Phillips
'Ann-ette - ____ _ ~ ref -~ -=..-_c_ 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd.. Little Rock, AR 72204
9/6/2017'2200 Mi1ZiLane,Jo nesboro.AR 7240'1 --
f-Dorott}y _ _ _ Lord _,1
Shaun Sachs 9'7/201714540 W. Sunset Ave., Springdale, AR 72762 ____,
Jennifer __ _ _ __ Norwood _ 9/12/2017 14394 A rmada Road, PortCharlotte, FL 33953
Courtney . . ___ 1McDuffie____
9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, F-L 33950
6[1toril2_ _ J!:eaks 9/13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #115, Maumelle. AK 72113
Steven Page 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, NorthL itile Rock. AR 72217 -
IAu-dr~ - ~1!.berman -· ---- --- M5/20177 45_T~ eiop~i~_!D r.,'v alleyPark_,_ M06308_8 __
.Cassandra Lu~k _ _ _ _ _J/25!?0f! 5901J FK Blvd., #604, N<? Rock, AR .?211§..._ 1
_rth L,_it!le
!Waco Allen _ D~ _ __ 9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
_l?avid Day 9/25/2017' 1832 Country Roa~ 2726, _f.add_oMills, TX 75135
MinneIii ,J_pr:ies 9/28/2017l 302 E. Roosevelt Rd.. Little Rock, AR 72206
Elmore 9/28/2017!622 E. 19th Street; Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 7211 4
.Graham 9/28/201ll 9816 Regent circle, LittleRock, AR72204 -
Blaire Scogiins 9128/20179 Renee Cove, little Rock, AR-72209
£.hristopher =-=-
jBaxter - 9/29/20-17 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonvilie.-FL 32205
_§_ weQ_dolyn Allen 9/29/2017 IaooS. Broadway, Aet.-TIJ\ ..Litue R~ck, AR 72206
Walkins -
·~a~~n - -_-
- -_-
10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
10/312017 2613 E. Cosfel1Rd., Jacksonville, AR-72O7
10/3/201712506 Belair Dr. -S., Pine Bluff:-AR 71601
john Eric
(Michael R.
i j
10l19/2017j9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
10119/2017,67 S. Wakefield Dr , Little Rock, AR 7220L
12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
12112/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd,, Hot Springs, AR71913
12/1__212017 ~~0 ~a~plig_hterDr.; Be-riton)Jn2O15 -
[Eu)i!hia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
ericka --=--
-- :-
Raglarid ~ -
t __ 12/121201721098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
12/12/2017 2_!0~8Jones: Rd:.!.. H~rriSb_!J_!.9
12/12/2017 1900W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
, AR_?2432 _
Ham ton
Oneal - --
Riddle _
-- _ _ _______
_ _
3/28/2018' 3700 MarylandAve., Little Rock, AR 7220~
3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
3/28/2018 9810 CapellaDr., Little Rock, A,R-72209
4/4/201~ !3}6 ?· Batt~ry-~tcel=!!!L e Rock, AR 72202
_ _ . ~~/201 ~ 3~0~~t_!_0t!!_ St., Little Rock, ~R 7~~ _
_ 1
J_<'!_~in~ ___ Webb __ _ _ _ __415!~181~904 ~n_ya Dr., Apt. A, Lillie Rock AR 72~04 __ _ I
1va_n_ _ __ _ _ J Allen __ _ 4~~018 \916 S. Maple St., Little_RO£~ .,_AR l. 2~04__ _
Juana _ Brimley ' '!{_12/2018921 S. ~~. !, ittl~ ~_oci:<,_~R _Z2~Q1__ _____ -1
_ _ _ 1-~t~ _ _ 5/_?3/201!1 24.Q_Matt~e~~ Dr. #c4Q_,Hot_§_e~_g~.AR 71_01~ I
~ !9_ri~ _ _ -l ~il~s 5/3(1,'201~4319Pi~~-~~ne.~~~'3E_ck.~?~Q9 _
ordero _Barba 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr.. Little Rock Ar. 72210
~holas: -= _ _ -l ~owals~~ 5/31/201_~_/f ~em_ingtonDr.. Little Roc.kAr. 72210 -
_o~~<!_Q_n(! __ pig~~ 5J?1I2q!_!! 201 S. Valmar St., Little Rock, AR 72291 _ _ _ i
oshua l Daro 6/1/2018 11 Bogey Ln., Little Rock, AR 72210
~ rev -- - - -- --, Ash - 6/112018 H Rerningtonbr ~ Littie-FfockAr.722 10
•Richard-- --- ..TI
~ --- ~1qQl_8_~17 S. Broa~ay Little RC?_c k, ~ ~01
§ me_ _ ____ 'Will~r 6/1~22182810.?._28th PlaceRodjers,AR72758
Shalimar Willour 6/1120182810S28th PlaceRodgers,AR72758
!Andrew~_ _ 1Gla_!!~ow f 6/4/2Q1 8 1~0~. Pers_!lingBliid .._Nort_!:! Lil!le R?.£k,f',R_7~1
_1~ .
Robert __ _ ___ 1Glasgo~ _ ~ _41201811Q.N. Pers~~ Blvd., N~ Litt!~ Rock, AR _7_2114_
__ · Bo d _ 6J4/2018 21 Remirigto.!:.._Qs_ Little Roc! A~ . 73._~ 1-Q_
~artin_ __ -f·£1.<'l.!lton ~/4!2q_181851 S. Salem RJ... f_~n~ AR 7203±_ _
!chase Harris 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane LitUeRock AR 72210
1Kevii1_ _- _ ~ <'11:pentl er 6/~?01~ 110_EPershlng No® .!:!UteRock AR 72114
foian n .§_en'!}' s. Shack~lford '3d Little Rock AR 72211
-Nicholas !I ;!!E!n 6/~_201!311 Boiiey Lane ~Jttle Rock AR 72210 _
R~J!,ell ' Ba_g__g~tl 6/5/2018_1401 S, S~ackelford_Rd_L(ttle,!3.s>ck AR 72211
,WJ!li am ,Burns 6/5/2018 400 W . 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
~nthony Cooper 615/2018:!510W . Martin ConwayAR72034 -
_Vincent __ __ Neukam -~~/2Q.1~ 18~N . t-:f~. Morrilton, A~ 72210
1John Adams 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
' Boe -.-Prill _6/5/2018 21 Reming~nDruttle Ro~AR 72210 --
lgyiit_tiia Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
Ralph !Wa lker 6/5/2018 1103 S, Victory #A little Rock, AR72202
Dallio Latimer 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR72210 - -
I Michael
_ 6/5/2~1~ 2i__R° e Rock~ A~?2210
en:1in9t~n gr_Li!!!_
6/5{201~ 610_0 MitcheJ!Dr Littl_e ~oc;_[(_,_A__l3_7~~09
Melinda _Sel~ 6/6/2018 1010BreckenridgeLittle Rock,AR72205
Gary. Robinson LI 6/6/20-is ri is s;;rrowHIII .Rd~F~r~est City, AR 72235
~ ~ -- __ _ _ ThesJng_ _ _ _ _ _ ~- Utlie
!i/!i[2_918j 21- Ref!)ing_tpnDr Roe~. ~R 72210
M~~~ _ __, Harris ~6/2018 _!910Brec~enridj!e0ti. e Rock,AR 72292
-~~~- Amadei 1- 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
Fl_!!tc~r ~-- - N~ 6/6/20~ lO_lQBr~ ke[!!"iEse ~ittle ~o,,!!,...~E.12225
Jean ~tuss~ §/6/2018 10_!0 B~ckenridg~Ut~e Rock,£1~72205 ___ _
~ rE,y .Turpin §/6/2()18 ~-1 RE,_min~nOr., LittlE!.!!o~~~- 72210 __
IBrittany _G~li!.!_1~ 6/6/2018 21 Remington Or Little Rock,AR 72210
. ~vld _ _ Rennich 6/6/2018 150 US65 N Conway, AR 72032
: Linda_ Curtis ~i!i/2018 10~ -Kanis Rd. Little R££_k,_ ~ ~22~1
Ve!?~!! !!Z
1 6l6/2018 101() Brec~~nridg~Little Rock, AR 722Q5
6/7 /2()18 10800 K!f1iS Rd. Lit!!e Rock✓ ~~ 72211
l Robert Mccorkindale 6/7 /201~804 N. Tyler St Little Rock,AR 72205
Ethan -- ~~ _- 6{7/J.018 2315 N Goosebec_ry_0 F~y~te vllle, AR 72704 _
l §. t h~rln_!! .Sabatin_o_ i '#7/2018 2809_Pin~sM~ Or. Pin~ Bluff, Arkansas71601
David _ Davis §'~20~8 2!._Rem.!!_l_g!o'!_Or Little Rock,AR7~21_9 _ __ _
r~h~ -- _ Sachs __ ~/~/"l_0!_8 215 W. Bi rch St Russellville, AR 721!92
1John ___ .. s;~mand 6/8/2018 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock,AR 72205
Tonyett~ _ _:-_ Hooks
.....- 6/8/2018 ~ 00 W. 29th
Gregory ___ ~ ------- ____ 6/8/2018 13609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
Larry Bradshaw 6/8/20l s1"3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
I MIidred
C~ ol _
➔ 1 Aimelda •
N_£1an ~ ___
_2@/20 18 21Rem.!_n£(or: _D_rli ~~ R2~~72210
6/8/2018 3609 Moberly~tonville, AR 72712
___ _
IChristopher , :Seals 6/19/2018 1405 CallowayAve Sherwood, AR 72120
Tashonda ,Goforth 6119/2Q.181405 ~allo,,;ay A~e- Sh;rwoo d0R 72i~O
,.Ricky Daro _ _§/20/2~18 11 BogeyLanel:i tt le Rock AR 72~1Q_
Leigh _ Raper __ 6L~0/2018•43 Shannon Dr Little Rock, AR 7~207 __ _
,Lar_cy __ ____ !l~~tt 6/20/2018 ,500 w_29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Bernardo , Yela~uez _ 6/20/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
,Byron_ Pargo _____ 6/20/2018 1127 Central Ave Hot $~gs , AR 71901 __ _
Bonnie __ . Moore 6/21/2018 3405 Longcoy st Little Rock , AR 72204
_by _ Piatt -6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fc,ri"Smilh,AR7 2917 --
PeggL __ _ j Nichols 6/21/2018 1900 Resevoir -Rd Apt 3 Lill ie-Rock, AR72227- -
~-;,"itd -=-
----- Hahn
J _$chryver
6/22/2018 1908 Oakwood Ln Cen terton . AR 727 19
- 6/ 22/2018 ~1 Remington Dr Little RO£~- AR7 221(?_- ~ -
I . -----
From Ar kansas Code§ 7-9-601
Eddie Dean
I Shumate Ill
9/1/2017 635 Hou_chiil s _Road, Chrlstiansburg, VA 24q:1
911/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
~ a_y
~~~l2]7 I~901 JFKBivd,, #60_4, No_rt~L_!!t le ~~ck, AR 7211~
9125/20171832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
~/25/20_171832Co uni&' RoadE~- Caddo Mills, TX 7513E -:
Min netti Jones 9/28/20171302 E..Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
' Kiva Elmore 9/2812017622 E..19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
,Jessica j ~ raham [. 9/28/2017 9816 Resent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blafre Scqg.9ins _ I __ _ 9128/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
Gwend~!Y!!_ _
9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville,FL 32205
9/29/2017 1800 S. Broadway~Apt. 703, Little Roc.k, AR 72206
10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonvllle, AR 72076
tlake isha !Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr.
S., PineBluff, AR71 601 ·--· -- '
Jsrent --i ~atson 1013/201711500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
Rita Radak 10/4/2917 410 N.: CherrySt., Be!be , A~ 72012_ -
l • - -
Mallot 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802, Utile Rock, AR 72201
James IH~"".ell 1qt4j2017410_N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 7201_ ?
Curtis !Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
Amber - -- --- jHiiimari -~ 10/6/2017 ° 9204 Mabelville CutOORd., Mablevale, AR 72103
~C_a~oly.!1 _----- Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville,AR 72076
Ang~~ . --,- Robers~ · --- -- 10/10/201 ]7 130W . LeeAve. , Sherwood, AR72120
Maria . __ ~ !_ie~ll. __ -~~- 10/10/2017 5312LowdenRd. , LittleRock , AR72206
Melissa _ ,_l2arrou.9L _ _ __ 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale,AR 72103
!Nicole__ ~5>_!!lnberry _ ___ 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane, Mablevale. AR 72103
Issac Ne~'i _ _ _ _ 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
J:.a}',!an ___ . -~~nqri -{ o:i- 1011212.911~7QS. Salem Rd., AP.!.:. 7017. £ onway, AR 720~
- ------- ------ ------------- ----- ------ ------ ------- - -- - ----
1Joh11E-ric -
-r 10/19/2017 9815 CloverhillRoad,Llttle Rock, AR 72205
10/19/2017 67 s.·wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
12/4/2017 53J MC 3046, Yeliv111e : AR-72687 - -
Michael R. 'Jackson - - 12112/20 17 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913 j
!Robert -- -_ _ Redm_9nd - - -----~- - 12/12~ -¼1350Lamplightir-DsB enton, AR 720~ - _ -- _
Eric - -- --
,Jo~s9n __
_12~12/2Q1U.Q1i S~~ ~I. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72~ §__ -_,
12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
12112/201721098 Jones. Rd.. Harrisburg,AR 72432
Serici<a- - Ragland 12/121201711900W .29 th LittleRock., AR72706
Daniel- ·Mitchel 12112/201795~ DuttonMin R~.. Cei ar~~~ AR 72027
- Davis 12/13/201714917Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Lori ,Sills 12/13/2017J6115 West Markham,#1, Little Rick, AR 72205
Eva lflow erday' 12/13/2017 12817Da vid ODodd Rd., i..iit1e Rock, AR 72210
Jonah J ~rael 1,2113!201? , fa1.§_Sout_hea
_s_tern Ave.. Ja_cksonville, AR 72Q?6
Ashley l Ewald 12J.14l2017L1_9121 iontown 1::1~·
_Ur,_ ~Uniontown, AR 709!>5
Johnson _ j!eyi _ 2/141201 1 73 Deer MeadowsCt., Sherwood, AR 72120
Williams 'Rebecca 2114120 18 1600 s. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock, AR 72204 I
Shaw JMliiei- -= 2114/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
!Randy Morrison 3/ 2/2018 3200- Bankhead Drive, LittleRock, AR72206 _J
Barry !va lentine- 3/712018•24603 Lesia Lake Lane, Paron, AR 72122
Travis Wa~on --- 3/151201~ 00 Locu~t-~!·, Nort~ Li!tle Rock, AR 7211j I
iChakkim Anav Israel ___ 3/19/20181870 S. Salem Rd.~J. 7017, Conway. AR 72034 _
Ashley Ewald _ _ _ __ 3120120 18 10121 UniontownHwy~, Uniontown,AR_70955 ____
Lee- - Evans 31201201810121 UniontownHwy., Uniontown,AR 70955 _
1'r ue -- - -- :A)iiandre 3120/20189 SherwoodDrive, Con~ AR 72034 1
!Kenneth --- .Coulter 3/20lf0 18 72205 ·- --- -- - -
Catherine ' Danciu 312012018 319 N. 22nd St., LittleRoci<~AR, 72206 - - - -
~lin e -_ - --_ } Nebster - -3/28120188815 Woodbine #803,-Sherwood,AR 72120
i"t1iiili:)' .
- -
Ha.mpton- I- -·
--·-=--- __ . -3128i'20 181623 GrantSt'.; Little Rock,AF(72204 --
]/2812018 3700 ~a~and Ave~ L~!l__e Rock, .A,_R
7220 4
1ciunt_s - 312812018900 S. Maple St., Little Roci<,AR 72204
[L-9~~n~ =-----=- Oneal
Hamilton _ _
3@8129189810 ~~£ella- Dr'-'U ttle R_9_ckJ R- 722_09
414120181316 S. BatterySt.. Little Rock, AR 72202
Brenda l!Riddle 4/5/2018 3301West 10th St., Little Roci<,AR 72204
I jacqueline ,'£'{_~b - ·--- --- - 415i20188904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A.LittleRock AR 72204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2018 916 S. Maple St.:-LittleRock, AR 72204 ·-
LaJuana -, Sri~ I- - 4/1212018921 S. Maple, Little Roci<,AR 72204
Melody fE~ . ~ ~O~~tthewsDr . #£40, Hot ~r~ AR 72015
si] 3i 20_!_
Ingrid ___ _ ,Wilkins 5130120184319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero ;-Barba 5131/20182·1 RemingtonDr., Little Roci<Ar. 72210
Nicholas Kowalski si311201821 RemingtonDr., LittleRockAr .7 2210
Roseanne 1Piggee 5i3112618!261 S. Valmar St., Little Rock, AR72204
J2 s_hu_a 'Daro 6/112018·1·1 Bogeyl. n., LlttleRock: ARm10 •
Trev Ash .6/1/2018121 R-emin,9ton Dr~ Little~~ Ar. 722!0
Ric_l!a[!!_ S~l~y 6l1J?Q_1~ 617 S. BroadwayLitt~ Roci<, AR ?2201_
Jerime Willour 1· 6/1l2018j281Q~ 28th Pl~e Rod.Si '.1 ~72 758_
Sha~ _ar Wfilo_ur _ __ ~/1/2018 28].0 s 28th PlaceRod_gers, AR72758 _
Andrew _ __ __ ~~~w 6/412018110 N. PershingBlvd., North Little Roci<,AR 72114
Robert ____ Q!_a~,9-9w 614/2018110 N. Pershing Blvd,, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Tonyers __ !3~.£__ 61412018 ! 21 RemingtonDr., Lillie Rock AR. 72210
Martin ___ g_yirrt_on 614/20181851. S. Salem Rd., Conway, AR 72032
Chase Harris ~!?{301~ 11_BClj;ley Lane Littl~ Rock~~ 72210
Kevin '.fh~~(ltl er 61512018110 E Pershing North Little Rock AR 72114
'"6ia'nn 1Ge~ry_ 6/5/2018 1401 s. ShackelfordRdLiti le RockAR 72211
'0 Nicholas 1r _urpin 6/srlOia 111 BogeyLane Little RockAR 72210- -
li/i ncent
!John -
-i 'urns
~ -·
r 6/5120181401 S. ShackelfordRd Little Rock-AR72211
6/512018,400 w.29th St North- Little Rock, AR72114
~/5120 _18, 2510 W~artin Conway AR 72034 ___
6/5120181818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
- 6/S/26fa"1s18N : 1-1wy9,Morrillon,AR72210 -
'soe - --) Prill __ ~--~- 6/5/2018 ~1 Remlngto n-Dr lltt le~o~tsAR7 p1 0- _---:
fY!!!hia ~ -- -- _ 6/51201~ 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211 _
l '3_e_l
_ !Walker 6/5120181103 s. Victory#A Llttle Rock. AR 72202
lDallio - -ji aifm~_ _ - - - 6151201821 Reminto n Dr Llttle Rock, AR 72210 -
IMic~~I Becker ~5120HJl2)_RemlngtonDr uiiie Rock, AR,721_1 0
Arthur [Ladd 615/2018.6100 ~_itchellDr Li!tle Rock, AR,72209
I Melinda - !Selley _ _ _ _ _ __ _§/6/2018 11010~r~c_k enri~ge0 tle Rock,AR722Q_S _
]i 15 Bam)w-Hi~ Rd. Forr~Ci_ty, ~R ~2_3,?__
6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
-- --
~eg ele
j 6/6/2018 10 10 Breckenridge uttieRock:,0.R 72205
6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
6/6/2018 'ioio Brecken-;jdg~Little R~k, AR 72205
Jean Stussie 5/6/2018 l l010 Breckenridg~_Lltt le Rock,AR 72205 __ _
Jeffrey _ _ __ _ 'r uq:iin__ _ ~6/2018 ~~1 Remington Dr., Little RockAR. 72~1Q __
Britta_!1y [Garia~ --_ §/5/20l _!!l21 Remington Dr Uttle Ro_c:_k
, AR ~210 __
David 'Rennich 6/6/2018 150 US65 N Conw~y<AR 72032 _ _ __
Linda Lcunis - 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little RockLAR72211 __
~ wand_!____ _ (la rk 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
R!Jben__ _ _ _ Velasg~ _ 6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
Robert _ ___ _ ___ T M£_C_9rk inda~_ 6/7/2018 604 N. Tyler St litt le· Rock,AR7 2205 .
Ethan ~ ~ etz 6/7£2918,2315 N GO(?seberryLn_Faye t t_eville,AR 72704
6/7 /~!8 ~ ~_F' ines Mall Dr:.PinJ Bluff, Ar~n~s 71601_
David Davis ..§/_8il~~ jfl RsminJ!tpnDr Littl£ Rock, AR 72219
Shaun Sachs 6/8/2 ~ 215 W. Birch St Russellville,AR 72802
i oh~ JG~liland §{8/20~ 604 N" T~r S_t Litt!! Roel\,_AR 72205
ette Hooks 6/8/2018 !500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
§re1 orv
Brad~~':" _
J_ __ _
6L~l20i°?.{699 M~ erly Ln, Bentonville, AR ]1~2_
§L~/2018 3609 Mo~erly Ln, Bentonville. ARJ'27g__
tylil '!!.e_9 Alm~d~ 6~0~ ,_?~em i!)gton Dr Little ~ock, AR ~~ _ _
~rE! j Nolan 6/8/2018 l 3609Mobertv Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712 -
Will iam Vo~_g__ 6/8/2018 200 S.Shackelford li tt le Rock,AR 72211
Richard 1Riscol _ ~/201~ ~00-TP Whit~ A~~~! sonville, AR -729!_6-~
Jordan r 6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
6/11/i01 8 4601 W. Roz;ii St. Rogers, AR 7275_6__ ---
Damien Johnson 6/11/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114-
San~ra Miller 6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Wilson [Andrade 6/11/2018 2809 PinesMall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Brenda IO'Do_nnell-Da
n ,els - L 6/12/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 7220S
Hol~en _ Harris 6/ 12/2018 21 Re-mingto~Dr Little Rock,-Afl722 10 -- ---
lf!£1p~~__--- k£ 1~man §f_12f2018 500 Y!_ Rock,
. 29thJ'!orth LJ!!le A-R 72114
~ ott Lamm 6/12/2018 200 SW Suburban l ane Bentonville 72712 ___ _
)Chris - ---- Rlchele ____ _ 6/12/2018 1075 S.Shiloh Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701
aul _ ______
~ o~~et_
_ .. Davoren
______ 6/13/2018 £501 S0 Ser11iceRd West Memphis, A~ ?2301 _
6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~ ,enda __
Sk tar
_ ___ _ j~il lour
_ King___
-! __ ____ _ 6/13~2018_?8}_0 sl_8._E!)
Place Rodgers,AR_7275~
6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
Brett (Wes~el _ __ _ 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd Little Rock,AR 72211
Kev~n __ ----- - •Hoag_ - 6/ii i2018 200
SWSubur ban Lane Bentonville 7:!712
_ _ __ __ _ Hoag. __ _ ____ 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Dor~~ - ___ ~ ~ ---- _____ _ 6/13/2018 106 Anderson Brookland, AR 72417
_.Q!!~- ____ , _Thompson___ _ ___ _6/14/201~ 23]~ Hu~ ~n!lbird Ln F~ye_tteville,AR 7270~
Janine Thompso~ ___ 6/14/2018 2322 N. Hummingbird Ln Fayetteville, AR_72703
..Q.a~L- ____ Palmer 6/14/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~llit ~ __ _ - y c~ n_!eL _ _ 6/14/2018 1000 South Futral! Dr. Fayette!'.!!!£,AR 72701 __ _
[ Ron_ ald Lomax 6/14/2018 1000 South Futral! Or. Fayetteville, AR 72701
Skylar _Kline 6/14/2018 10914 Kanis Rd little Rock, AR 72211_ __
_ylckle Stevens 6/14/2018 10524 W. Markham St Little R_Q_ck, AR ~?OS
John Dsbron 6/15/2018 11690 Willow Beach Park Rd Scott, AR 72142
Rachelle __ Lyons __ 6/15/2018 5<Xtw.
29thN ort h Little Rock~AR 72114 --
Denise Rodrig!!,e~ _ 6/15/ 2018 500 W. 29th North li ttle Rock,AR 72114
tAntho ny - ~cGh~e 6/15/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR n.m--
~ ,p berg_ 6/15/2018 200 SW Sub~rban Lane Bentonville 72712
Debra ,McClain 6/lS/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
N~ cy__ _ _ Tofflef!!l_er_ 6iis1201s 200 SW Suburban Lane siintonvllle 72712
Rebecca ______
Jacob __
1;l:h~n~ ~--=-
_ __
6/15/20 18 200 Sub~rban lane Bentonville 72712
Git5/2018 106 N PlazaCt Van Bu;en AR 72956
6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Ro~)scAR72211
6/18/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
,Qi a_i1
es _ _ Chavez 6/18/2018 3005 S74th St, Fort Smith , AR 72903
,Ki~ten _____ J~ttell ~ . 6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114 '
lfbrisroeli,i' _
'fa' mo~t
_6/~/20 18 ~00 1~!:._
_f'!or~ Llt_!leRock, AR 72114
6/18/20 18 500 W. 29!h North Little Roe~.AR 7?114
6/19/ 2011!_106 N PlazaCt Va_!1.!3ur_enAR 72956
~ a~s _ _ Olso~ ___ ___ _ _ __ 6/19/2018 406 N BlakeSt Pine Bluff AR 71602
.9'ristophe: 'Seals 6/1~/2018J405 Calloway A~e Sherwood, AR 7_21~0
Tashonda Goforth 6/19/2018 405 Calloway~ve Sherwt!_o _d, ~R 72_120
Ricky .o~rp 6/20/2018 L11 Bogey Lane Utt le RockAR 72210
tlei_ih__ _ R.p~ -- y20/2018 J43 Shannon Dr Little Roc_k, A~ 72207 _ _ _ __
~ _ B~ ----- -- 6(20/2.Q~S(soo w. 29tf: North Little Rock,~R 72114_ ____ _ _I
, Bernardo
~~~qu~ -
_ _____
6/20/201813200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
- - ~6LW J2~] _f22_Cent~alAJ._~Hoi Spri~gs, A,!3.2_1_
_ 6/21/20_!,S JA:405Longcoy st Little Rock, AR 72204___
_ _ j
Platt 6/21/20_1!!_]8205
Meadow Dr Fort Smith, AR 72917
Peggy Nic.!)p~- __ 6/21/201811900 Resevoir Rd Apt 3 Little Rock, AR 72227
Dustin_ Hahn 6/22/2018 908 Oakwood Ln Centerton, AR 72719
ponald Schryver 6/22/2018 21 Remln_gton_Dr Li!t_le~o~ . AR 7221Q___
t~;~;~;: "'"'"
"'""""'"' p.,,?j"~=.•" ''"''"' ,,,;"''"'" "'"~""-'-
1- --=--
From Arkansas Cede§ 7 :9-601
-- --- -
• ---
. -----
1certify !hat each paid canvasseron this list has passeda criminal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasState Police as requiredby ArkansasCode§ 7-9-60 I .
, __ __ _
_FiNt Na"'.'e ~!.. N~..L N;me First Submitted to SOS Resldentall Addres
·Josei>h Almosawy - - 8130/2017 684-2 Grandmont Ave. Detroit.-MI 48ii8 - -
-Ste£ilng ,.E!senlohr 8/30/201715448 Curtuce Rd.. Mason, Ml 48854
l~£~"!! Collier &30/2017 100 Big Eddy Rd-~Popular Bluff. M063901 --
LRobert. ~weiis 8130/2017: ~00 B~ ·Eddy Rd.! Poe_ularB!uff ~MO63901 -
rrg_ny iD~v
&_ 8/30/2017 [ 2700 S. Lewis , Little Rock. AR 72204
Kara .Owens 8/30/2017] 3325 Marshall Ave .. St, Lou[s,- Mcf 63114
fctia se lwiikin
s 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St.. Little Rock. AR 7 2204
[Q.loria- ~i na _ 8/2912017 5132 York Blvd:·#437 , Los-Al2,l!eles,CA 90050-
~ s~l! Lawr~n£E! Stone 8j2~S) _17 ~13_2 York Blvcf:~:ft Los- ~il es , CA 90~50
Carl E. Wilkins- 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rook, AR 72204
Eddie Dean °Shumate Ill
t~dvuk af
20171{35 _!:lJ~hins Road, C~nsttan~burg.__
9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
VA 2407.f
Jalen ---:Morrfs 10/19/201719815 Cloverh ill Road: Lffile.Rock, AR72205
j Glen _ - S chwarz 10/19/2017fl7 S, Wake field Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
I John Eric 1
Jo~~s- 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
rMichael R. Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
[Robert · Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR iio'Ts ·- - -
1Eulishia ,Johnson 12/ 1~2017 .?~5 s._ ':9ui~iana· $t :.... B2~,
Apt. A~~it_!.i~ f,R ·12~06
rr rent l Whillock 12/ 12/2017121098 Jones. Rd., Harrisbur_g,AR 72432
Eric j Wh itlock 1~ 1?@17 12~98 J~~_s- Rd., H!irr fsb_1!_%f',B_ 7]432
l Sencka
~g _land
12/12/2017 1900 w. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
12/ 12i2017 ' 956 OuttonMtn Rd~. Cedar
-- a( --- + + ... _
Ridge, AR72027
(Brenda -- Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St, Little Rock, AR 72204
Jacque_line -- Webb 4~5/29_!~~~ T.mya Dr; :. ~PL ~ ._Little R~k .A R 72204
Ivan ,Allen 4/ 12/20~~ 916 S . ~ae_l!!.§_I ..J:!!_~e Ro~ AR 72204
I Estes
~ -- ---
4/12/20 18 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204
5123/2018 240 Matthews Or.#c40, Hot Springs. AR 72015
, Ingrid
' Cordero
Wil kin s
1 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone, ii ttle Rock~ AR7 2209
}i3.]! 2018t 21 Remingto_!lOr., Little R~ck Ar. 72210 _
I Trev 'iFs
h 6/1/ 201~121 Remington Or., Little RO(?<Ar. 722~Q .,
. _.[ §.?Jw~~ 6/ 1/2018 617 S. Broadway Little Rook, AR 72201
Jerime i
1llour 6/1/2018 2810 S 28th Place Rod~ers,AR 72758
1?h~li~ar _ 't'fillou !:_ _ 6/1/2018 2810 S 28th PlaceRodgers,AR 72758
_Andrew ____ Glas~ _ 6/ 4/2018 110 N. Pershing-Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Robert Glasgow 6i4/2018 110 N.-P.ershingB lvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
,I ?nY~ !... - ~-~ Boyd __ _ 6/4/2018 21 Remington Dr,, Little Rock AR . 72210-
Martin -~ !Clanton __ 6/4/2018 1851 S. Salem Rd~:-conw~ AR-720:32
Chase ~ is 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
_Kevin- - --=-j ~h~~ntier 6.(~~-0_2!1f 1Q~_i'ers_bingNorth Lil!l~ .Roc_kA~ 7? U.~
tDiann j Gentry 6/5/2018 1401 S . Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
~ich2 las __ Tu_!p j n_ 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Litti e Rock AR 72210__ _
Russell _ _ _ j Bagget~ 6/5/ 2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
______ JBurns _ 615/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
____ ·cooe~r _ 6}5/2018 2~10 VJ.. :..Martin Conwai AR 72034
__ _ l_t,l
~Uk.fil!I 6/5/2018 1818 N. ~9, Morrilton, AR 72210 _
Adams ~~@1~ 1.1~!~_1'!•_1::!.. wy 9,_~_orrilt~~.~R 72210
Boe -- Prm 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
hl_a . lj:o rd 6/5/20 18 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
;Raleh itJa lk!!r 6/ 5/2018 1103 S. \fict ory#A Little Rock , AR 72202 - -
·oa1110 Latimer 615/2018 21 Remington or ·L~tle Rock: AR72210
Michael ,Becker 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Lillie Rock: AR 722°10
Arthur Ladd 6/5/2018 6100 Mitchell Dr Little ~ock! AR 72209
Melinda l~~l~ y 6/§/~ 018 1010 Breckenridge l~ttle ~Ofk, AR 722QS _
_ __
____ _
• _l f!~ in~o_!!_
--- I_- _ _
__ W6~0_!~~5 ~a!r~ Hill Rc:!_.Fprre~, [,R 22235
§/.6/2018 21 R~min9ton _Dr U ttl~ Rock, AR 72210
7 Harris 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
Marcayl~ ~Amadel 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little R-;,~k:AR 72205
Fletcher 'Negele 6/6hoi8 1010-Breckenridge Little Rock,AR 72205
[Jean - 1st~ssie 6/y201s )101q Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
!ef fre~ -- Turpin 6/§/20~8 .21 Remington Dr,, Little ~c~'!R. 72210
i:i~ _ Garl~d - _ ~l§/~0__!? 21_,~~ins_con .P~
Lil!(e R~k, _A~ z~ 10 _ _
fDavid Rennich _ 6/6/2018 i 150 US 65 N Conway3 AR 72032 __
:Linda- --~ 19!rt ls _ 6/6/2018 °ijQiOO Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211 __
Jela~ q-~e!_ __ _
- -=-=--_ 6/6/2018~ BreckenridgeLittle RocklAR 72205 _ --~
6/7/2018 ,10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
;R~ert ,Mccorkinda le ___ 6/7/2018 604 N. Tyl_
er St Little Rock,AR 72205 ____ _
&!~ an ~Zietz - - - - - __ _ 6/7/2018 2315 N Goosebeny Ln Fay~teville, AR 72704
Catherine J abati.rl_
~ ____ 6/7/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
[ David Davis --__ __ -3{8 /2018 21_~e~ngton Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 __:__
G~~ry -
=-· _ _
'Gillil;n d--
:f~- ~ _
Bradshaw -1
6/8/20 18 215 W . Birch St Russellville, AR 72802
6/8/.?!)18 604 !'I·TyJ.erJ.t _Ll!tle, AR 72~05_
§/8/20!8 500 w. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
6/8/2018 3609 Moberly t n, Bentonville, AR 72712
!3609_Mpberly _l::l,
6[!!L2C!J..§. Ben~pnvil~. AR 7~!.2
Mildred !flm!! i~ 6(8/2018 J ~_lRemin&ton Dr Little_R_o
_c_k, AR 7_221~
ea·ro l -- - Nolan - l- ~n,~entonville, A~ 7~!2
6}8/ _2018136Q9_1'_v!oberly
____ -i y;;-ung -
-=! 6/8/2018 1200 S. Shackelford Little Rock,AR 72211
6/8/2018 1200 TP W hite Ave Jacksonville, AR 72076
Daniel - Dahl \: 6/11/2018 1200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~ls~o ph;,:- Jordan 6/llJfo!.8 •4601 W . Ro.ze.!.!_i-°..f!<2.~rs
, AR 7~7_?6__
Damien _ .Johnson 6/11/2018 ~qf)W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 721-14
'si!, dra _- _ - 'MIiier 6/11/~018 ' 2Q0SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Wilson _ __ Andrade_ 6/11/2018 ·2809 Pines Ma~ Dr. Pine B.!_uff 1 A_,:_ka
nsas 71601
1 1
Brenda O'Donnell-Danie.!_
~ _ __w1 2{201~.:_ AR!~205
1010 Brecke.nr_idgeLltt l! _R<?, ___ _
!Holden - ··---
Adolphu~ __
,Harris _
_ _ _
6/12/2018 2)Remlngton Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
r~Q _W..:...29th North Uttle Rock,_~21li_ __
i Chris- - -
l~ hel_ e __
- -_ -
6/12/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
_ 6@. 2018 101i s. Shiloh pr _F~ et;;vllle, AR 727.!)1-
6/1}/~018_ 250ll2e~ce Rd_lije_st_M_E:mphis,
l _
PJJI ___ - ~~oren _ 6ffi/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane_Bentonville 72712 . __
Brenda __ __, WJ_llour 6/13/2018 2810 S 28th Place Rodgers, AR 72758
!Skylar- _ ___ ,_i~i!1$ 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd Litt le Rock, AR 72211 -
I Brett .Wessel 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd little Rock, AR 722Jl
!_~ Hoag 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
.Stanley I Hoa_g 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Dprothy , Lord 6/13/2018~ Ande rso~ Brookla~d. AR 72417 -
David Th~mpson_ 66,'!/2018 t;;;2 N. Hu_m!Tling_!Jird;iue: Ai
Janine ThOr:!!PS_!>!'
_ ~/14/2 (,118;21_21_N
.:_Hum mi~gblrd Ln fa'l!!!.t~ll_e~ R_.?2703_
; Davey Palmer 6/14/2018 ;200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 7cc2:.c 71:.:2
t!)!. tta McDaniel ____ 6/14/2018 , 1000 South Futrall Dr. Fayetteville, AR 72701
Kline _
--=--=-=-=- _ __
6/14/201v~h Futral! Dr. fayetteville,J- R 72701
~14f.?0!~ +1091~~ nis_~d_ytt_!eRo~,_A_R 12
~n.._ _
1Stev~.! -- _6/14/2018 .Jl0524 W. Markham St Little Rock,AR 72205
J_g_h~ '2!bron _ _§/15/2018 11690 Willow Beac!!_Park Rd Scott, AR 721~
~~elle ____ _J_ LY.o~s 6/15/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
_l:)enise _ _ ___ IRodri~es 6/15/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
Anthony __ _ ~ McGhee ___ _ ___ __ 6/15/2018 1600 Hardin Rdllttle Rock,-AR 1i211
- --
~I~ -----· - - ;~;!n-- -· - -- --- 6h5/ 2018j 200 SW Suburban
6/1Sl2~~ 20.Q_SW Sul?u~an
Lane Benton~ 72712
Lan~ ~e~nvllle 7~12
.Christophe! _ .~~I!,_ 6/19/2018 40S Calloway Ave Sherwood,AA 72120
-~- 6/19/20g! 40S Calloway AveSh~ _od,_AR 73_120
6/20/2D_1811 l!g~ey La~e ~l!t! e Rock_~ 72~19
Lelsh :"Ri°per 6/20/201;43 Shannon Dr little Rock, AR 72207
Larry !Baggett 6/20/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
argo _
6/20/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock, AR 72_2_0~6 __
6/20/ _2Ql~r!_12I Central Ave Hot Spnngs , AR 719~ __I ..;
___ _
- ---
f~~~~~ ..-- -
6/21/2018 3405 Long co~ Little Rock . AR 72204 _
6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith , AR 72917
6/2 1/201811900 Resevo ir Rd ~I 3 Little Rock, AR .72227 . "".
__ 1~hr~ _r_ _
6/22/201 s1908 Oakwood Ln Centerton . AR 72719
6/22/2})1~ 1 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 _
__-~/ 22/~ !fil 7Q6 Carter Col_!_rt
Siloam Spr in~. AR 7£?.§1
Pleasesee this most current list. This is 8 list of paid canvasse~ t~ circ-;;-ia
te th~peti!_ion !h~A-;i!_a;,sas
_Bf!!ettdi~g c~~i!li!i_ire1. 1ti_il_g
to ~ ~1__limits
, ____ -- --- -----I - ----- - -
Pop_!Jlar __ __ _ __ __ _ __
'i:__ 1----a.--
I(~)(iJ_Provlde a co111ple1e
/isl of all paid can~ssers · namesand C//l'renlres1de11tialaddressesto the Secr_elw}' of Slate. __ _ ______ _
(ii) If additionalpaid canvassers agree to sollcil slgnawres on behalf of a sponsor afler the comp/et• list Isp rovided, the sponsor shall provide an IIJXlal
/isl of all patd canvassers· names and current residenlia/ addresses 101heSecre/OJ)'of Stale.
id -verify /hat thcr-;are no crim1i1alo,Di!,~ses
on record, ~p;;nsor shall ohlain, al i1scost, from the Deportment of Arktmsos State Police.11current stale and
federal criminalrecord :,·earch011evei)• paid t·unvusserto be reg,.irered wflh the Secrelaryof State.
on of the paid convo.1.1er
(2) The criminal record search sholl be obtainedwllhm thmy (Jll) days µn or 10the reg1stro11 ·
~of S1a1e,lite sponsor shall cu rljj , to /he Secre1a,y of S/(l/et11dteach p(utiZ:anMsser In //,l
Up~nsubmissionof Its /isl of po,d canvassers lo the Secre1a1J
l~ nµlo,i>
has fJ{lsseda ~rlminal backgroundSl!_orclt
in accordancell'tth 1f11s
fl certify that eoch paid canvasser on this list has passed a criminal background check by the ArkansasState Police as required by ArkansasCode § 7-9-6-0I.
. --- - ____,
/lrst Name - rl.ast Name Date of Name First Submitted to SOS Residentail Add res
,Joseph - - ,A[r!io~a~ _ -- - - - - - 8/30/2017 6842 Grandmont Ave. Detroit, M1482i8
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/201i5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
' Jacqueline -Collier 8/30/2017, 100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO63901- -
iRobert 'Wells 8/30/20171100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
Irony !
Davis 8/3012017
~ 700 s : Lewis, Little Rock, AR 72fcf4
' Kara /Q_w~ns - 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave., St. i.ouis, MO 63114
·c11ase Wilkins 8/30/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
IGloj a - - , Avina 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Angeles, CA 90050
_Joseph Lawrence -- ! Stone _ 8/29/20_!7_513~ 'fork _§lvd.#437, Lo~Angeles, g~-~0050
Carl E-. - - - - Mins 8/29/2017 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Ejdie Dean - --;s humate Ill 9/1/2017~ 35 Houchins Road·, Christiansbu-rg, VA2407f
r Adelina jQ~d vukaj - 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
IKrisdon -- !Phillips , - 9/f/2017 2.31Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141 . - - -
1 Ann_!tte __ ts ord ~ - _ _ ~~/20__'!7901 Fi!i ~PaJk Bl'!_d
.. Little Ro~k. AR 72204 _ I
Dorothy Lord 9/6/2017 2.206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401 7
'S haun - - Sachs - ---- - 9/7/2017 4540W. SunsetAve .~Springdale,AR -72762- ~
Jennifer ! Norwood - - -- - 9/1 2/2017 14394 Armada Road. Port Charlotte. FL 33953-
I McDuffie
~ 9.e _
- -
_ __
I _:_ _ -
9112_!2 7 .!,_~1S~n_{Pine Coury#J,24 Punta ~rda. FL339~~- _
9/13/2017 10700 Richsmlth Lane #115, Maumelle. AK 72113
9125/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
~~®' ____ - Silberman t____:.__ 9/25/2~17 ?45 T~eto_eRid!l_eDr., ValleY.Par~~_Q_~39M__
Cassandra -1 usk - _-_ j _ _ 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Waco Allen Day 9125/20171832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day ~ 25/2017 1~32Country Road 2726. C_addo Mills;-~ 751~5
Minnelli Jones 9/2812017302 E. Roosevelt Rd., Little Rock. AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/28/20171622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
9/28/2017J ~816 Regent ~ir~~ Little Rock, AR_72204 -
Jessica Graham
Blaire scogJJins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
1Baxter -9/29/2017 1470Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendolyn -- ~ lien 9/2~2017 ..1800 S. Broad~ay, A£>!·703, Little R~k . AR 722_96
Nick ,Duenez 10/2/201~ 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville. AR 72076
~Verna ~ tkinS - -- - - _- 10131~Q1726f~ E. C~feltBd ._~Jackso~vil~ ~R 7_fo76
ILakeish.3_ 1Porter 1 1013/20172506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
~ren t
- -
- - Watson
' Mallqy_ _ _
10/312017 11500ChicotRd., Lot 86, Mabelvale--:,.,R 72103
1014/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR.72012 ·-
101412017701 Scott St. #802, Lillie Rock, AR 72201
James Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe,AR 72012
Curtis ----- --- Westbrook -- 10/4/2017 1017North-Place, Benton, AR 72019 - --
Amber - - Hillman ---- 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd., Mablevale,AA 72103
,caro)Y-n - -__ iraun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
-~~I!_ _ Ro~erson ---- 10/10/2017 130 V\CLee Ave., Sheiwood, AR72120-
-~a!i~ -- --- _ Neely ·1 011012017 5312 Lowden Rc(U ttle Roci<:" AR 72206 - - ~
Melissa ~ 1 Da_r19u9.h 1011012017 11500 Chicot Rd,, Lot 60.-Maiielvale-:-,.,R72103-
NicoJe 1
Rotenberry 10/10/2017 7121 Holly Lane: Mablevale, AR 72103 - - -
Issac ' Newby _ _ _ _ 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th SC# 1014, Little Rock, AR 72202 -
LaJuan ' Cannon-Joy 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt 7017, Conway, AR 72034 l
1~alen Morris 1 10119/2017' 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR-72205
,Glen Schwarz 1Q£19/2017j6r ~W~kefiel<1Dr.. LittleB.§ck, AR73~q_!f_
l~hn Er~ _ Jones 12/4/2017' 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
Michael R. Jackson - 12/ 12/2017 2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
_f3~bert _________ Redmond -- 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr.. Benton, AR 72015 - -
t~~h~ _ _ ___ Johnson ____ 12/12~017 20_!_ 52:__LouisianaSt. Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206 --,
IrenJ_ .YY~it~ ck 1__
2112120172 1Q118 Jone2_._Rd.. Harris~ur_a, AR 724~,? _ _
I Eric W!!ill~k - 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72..;. 43::;.;
~i c_~~ _R_!~ n_ d_ 12112/20171900 W. 29th little Rock, AR 72706
~nil!! Mitchel 12/12/2017 95f b utto n Mln R<i'.,Cedar Rklge:-AR 72027
Calvin Toavrs 1311~/2017 4~_!?-Hickory_Rci.#4, No-rth~ iltle R~~. AR 7f 116
Lori Sills ·• 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham, #1, Lillie Rick, AR 72205
Eva ji~w_erd<!Y \ 211~12 "§1~1-~ 817_David o·5~~ Rfli ttl~-REck, AR1jj 10
1~ ah _ _ ilsrael 12/13/201711316 SoutheasternAve., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashlet £.wald 6/25/201.8110121 Unioniaw'n Hwy:-U nioniown, AR 70955
Johnson Terri 2/ 1412018!73- Deer MeadowsCt.,Sherwood~R 72120
Williams ~Rebecca 2/ 14/2018 _1600 S. El~ St. Apartment 10 hittle Rock, AR 72204
Shaw Miller 2/14/201817 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
~an<1y ,M~rrison 312/20183200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
~ _ .1,°{ale_nti~~-
I~ .
Barry . ~71?_21~~46_93Lesi_a _Lake_La_n~, faron, AR 721?_2
Travis jWalton 3/15/2018 800 Locust Si., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakki mA nav __ ~srael ___ _ _ _ 3/1912018 870 S. SalemRd--;, 7017,-Conway, AR 72034
fs~I~ _ -- _jEwa)d _:y~0/~018~10121_Uni_:>ntown Hwy., Uniontown. AR_~q_ 955
Lee Evans 6/251201810121 Uniontown Hwy . Uniontown,AR 70955
True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway, AR-72034
Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018172205 •
Catherine jDanciu- 1 3/2012018 319 N. 22nd St , Little Rock. AR, 72206 - --
J~~e}ne ---~ Webster 3/28/?Q.~~ ~8_~5 '{1/ood~ine#803 , Sherwood, AR 72120
Phyllis _ __ fi' homps~n ~?8..@ _18 162~ Grant St., lJ!~Roe~, AR 72204 __
Shiri ey
__ __ j !:!_amp_i~n
!Oneal ---t
-r ------ _1!28120~ /3700 ~aryl~nd Av~ ,.J:!!!l~ ock. AR 72?.Q
3/2812018 900_~aple
E 812~ 98_1_Q_~~
St., Little_~ock, AR 72204__ _
ella 12.!.:,_
Lit!!_eR~ k, AR 7220L_
•-~~~? Hamilton 4/4/201811~16 S. Batte!)' S~"-Little f3.~, AR 122q2_
I Brenda )Riddle 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
,~<lc_g !!!lin.!._ l'!'.Y~b _ 4/5/201818904 Tanya Dr., Ap!, A, Little Roe~ AR 72204
Ivan !Allen 4/12t_?p18_ 916 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204
;~aJ!!a_!la Brimley 4/12/20181921 S. Maple, liltle Rock. AR 72204
IMelody Estes· 5/23/2018\240 Matthews Dr. #c40, Hot Springs, AR 72015
: ln9.!!,d ,~J.lkins ~~0{_~018_ 1~31~ Pine Con~ Llttl~~~~. AR t~Q..9
,cord_!!ro Barba 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
•Nicholas -~ walski 5@1/201~ 21 Remin9ton Q!_., Littl~k Ar, l_?_~O
~R~e ___ __.Pig!i~ _ 5/31/2018,201 S. Valmar St., Little Rock, AR 72204
.~ sh!!a -- ..Q!_l'
O 6/ 1/2018 1f BogeyLn .. Little Rock, AFflff 10
ITrev Ash 6/ 1/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
rd Salway 6/1/2018 617 S. Broadwat Little Rock, AR 72201
[Jerime :.§fi our 6/1/2018,Wq__!i2!!b PlaceRod11ers, AR72758
lShalimar 1w~1~ 6/ 1/2018' 2810s 28th PlaceRodgers,AR72758
[Andrew Gla~w - - 6/4i2018 110 N. PershingB lvd., North Little Rock, AR f2114
(R.£~ rt- Glasgow I- 6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing-Blvd~.North i..itieRoc k, AR7211 4 -
~~s i ~oyd . -. 6/4/2018 f1 ReminQ.!£nDr., LittleR ockA R.72210- -
1Martin _J_Cla~ton _ 6/4/201811851 S. Salem Rd., Conwa;-, AR 72032
Chase ___ Harris 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
Nicholas ___
l ch ~ nt~
_ _j.,Gen.!_ry _ _ __
_ITu p.i!!__
_ . _ ___
- _
_ 6/5/20181110EJ>~_,:s~ng- North!,Jt!leRo ~k~ R1 21~
6/5/2018' 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
6/5/2018 1l_~.9ey Lane Little Rock AR 72210 ___ _
Russell - __ -- ~~t _t _ 615/2018 1401 S. ShackelfordRd Little Rock AR 72211
wiiiiam Burns 6/5/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
jAnthony___ ~ ~ !yo_2p~ -- - - - - - - 615/20182510 W . Martin ConwayAR 72034
Vincent 1Neukam 61512018 1818 N. Hwy 9~-Morrilto·n, AR 72210
John . ____ ,Adams - 615/2018 1818 N.Hwy 9, Morrilton:~AR 72210-
~- '.P_r!II_ -- 6/512018 21 RemingtonDr little Rock, AR 72210
.f~nlhia - Ford 6i5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd~ Little Rock, AR 72211-
Ralph _1-W.-.?~k~[ __ 6/512018 1103 S.Victory #ALittle Rock, AR 72202
Dallio Latimer 615/2018 21 RemingtonDrLittle Rock. AR 72210
Ladd 1----
___ 6/5/2018 21 Reminglon Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
6/5/2018!6100 Mitchell Dr Little Rock, AR 72209
--, I
ll~~"L- Robinson
--- 6/~/2018 [115 Barrow H_i ~R
ll Rd. Forrest City, 7223S _ _-_ _ ·i
,Helena Thesing 6/6/2018 21 Remln9!_on Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 _ _ _
JMi~hael i Harris · . 6/6/.2_01811010 Breckenri~Li~ le Rock,~~ __ _ _,
,MJrcayl~ 1~adei 6/6}20_18 1010 Breckenridge_Little R_oc l<,_
AR 72205
Fletcher ,'Negele 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little ~eek, AR 7~Cl5__
•Jean [Stussie 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
!Jeffrey Ture!n §/6J.22_ ~ ~~ -k A~,_72210_
18 2_1 Remington Dr., _Litt1_
j Brfil al''L
' Linda-
Shwjnd ~ ____ _
6{6/2018 21 Remington Dr _L_ittle Rock, AR7211Q__
6/6/2018 150 us 65 N Conway, AR 72032
6/6/2018 )10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock~AR 72211 -
6/6/ipi8 l 101o·Brecke_n~e Li!!_leRo-~; AR 72205
L!l_!!ben tv~sq_uez _ 6nfto;s :10800 _ 1<!_1!is
_Rd. l ittle Rock,AR 7~11 ___ __
· Robert ~cCor~irJ.dale _ 6/7/201B L604 NJ yler St Little Rock, AR 7220S _
' Ethan Zietz _ _2l7/201B L231S N Gooseberry ~!:'~Y!_!t evllle, Al~_7E04 _
ICath~rlne --
IDavid -
- - .. 6/Z/20Ck""'
"""MallD<.a;,. '"" •A•k•,~,7'!0 .>_
6/8/2018 21 Remington Or Little Rock, AR 72210
P.2.~ ---·-
Shaun Sachs
------ - -
6/8/2018 215 W. Birch St Russellville,AR72802
:John - ____ ~ llllland __ _ ________ 6/8/2018 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock, A_R_72_2_0_5 ___ ~
Tonyette _______ Hooks __ -- - -- - 6/8/2018 1500 w. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 _
~~r'i__ _______ L~ _ 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
Larry_ ____ Bradshaw __ 6/8/~ ~ Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
MIidred Almeida 6/B/2018 121 Remin.s_tonDr Little Rock, AR 72210
carol Nolan 6/8/2018)3 609 Mobe7l'z'..!:!1
_,~enton'!llle ~~BJP 1-2
J"illiil_r!1 Yg~ng_ 6/8/2Ql~ I 20_0~- S~ackelford_Little Rock, AR72211
1 Rich!rd RiscoI 6.L!!/}Ql_B
,200 TP White A:-e_Jacksonville, AR 72076
Daniel ,Pahl 6/~1£~9~ ' 200_SW S~ burban l_!n!__Bent?nv llle 727_g
LC~ls_toe!!er Jordan 6£lli _~l_8 ~§()_1W. Rozell~ R£!ler s0 AR 7275£_
I Damien ii.2.h_!ison 6/ 11/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Sandra LMiller 6/11/29_!~ 2_90S'!J Suburban Lan~ B!:!)tonville_n~g
j~ilson Andrade 6/1_!/2018 2,809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine ~uff , Arka~~ ~Z! 6Dl
J!r e~L - _____ 'O'Donnell-Daniels ___ _ 6/12/2018 ' 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
Holden •Harris 6/12/2018 . 21 Remington Dr Litt le Rock,AR 72210
~e_hus - fCoie~ an 6/12/2018 500 w. 29th N;rth -LittleRock : Ai12i 1<1
~~o~ !Lamm 6/12/20 1~ 1200 SW Suburban lane Bent~n~lle 72-712
!Chris - ~!!_ e . _ 6/12/2018 1075 S. Shiloh Or F}!Yettevllle, AR 72701 ...
[Jo;:- - IRochet ____ 6/13/2018 2501 S. Service Rd West Memphis, AR 72301
!Paul -------=J Da"v~~ - 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Brenda Y.,il1£.
ur 6/13/2018 12810 S 28t h Place ROd$!r1 AR 72758 _
~kylar _ __ /Kin_& 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd Little Rock, AR72211
' Brett __ _ ~Wessel _ 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd l ittle Roc~AR 72211
Kevin _____ !_l~L_ 6/13/20 18 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~n~ ___ H~ 6/13/20 18,200 SW Suburban La~e Bentonville 72712
iDor~thy Lord 6/13/2018 J06 And!rs~ ~!f oo~an~ 1 ~R 72~17_:_:~~~- -·--
l~~~e j;~~~~:~
6/14/2018 2322 N. Hum_mingblrd _l,n Fa_y!tteville, AR 727~
2322 N. Hummingblr~ ~ Fay~t~evill~, A~
6/14/20 18~1_
:oavey Palmer 6/14/2018 200 SW Suburban l ane Bentonville 72712
,Allltta McDaniel 6/14/2018 1000 South Futral! Dr. Fayetteville, AR 72701
h on aid Lomax 6/14/2~8 l OOO Sou1hFutral! Dr. F~y~1_ t_ev
i lle, AR 72701
~ky la_r Kline 6/14/2018 10914 Kanis Rd li tt le Rock, AR 72211
[Yickie ts~vens 6/i4/2018 10524 w. Ma~kh~~St Little Rock, AR 72205
-_ -_-
_-1~:~~n ~
_ 6/1-5/2 018 116~ '!JJl~o'w~~~ P~rk_Rd s':;:oll,AR
_ 6/15/2018~1 W. 29th North Litt le Rock, AR 72114 _
6/lS/2018 1500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
6/15/201 8i6 00 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
re, _ _t
lpa~ I -
~:~~~- --
)Oberg _ _ _ , 6/15/2018 '200 SWSuburban Lane Benton~712
6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lan_e Bentonville 7271~
6/15/2018 2005W Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~-7 --
[Christopher __-_--_ - -- Seals - - __ 1 - -- - 6/19/iOlB 405 Calloway)WeShe;;;~od~AR 7212~- -~
'Tashonda Goforth -1 6/19/2018 405 CallowayAve Sherwood, AR72120
Ricky _ __ _ __ Daro _ _ __ ~- 6/20/2018 11 BogeyLane little RockAR72~~ _
leig)' ____ -~ _ ~er ___ I _ __ 6/20/2018 43 Shannon Dr little Rock,AR72207 _
.Larry_ _ Jl.a,&e.~lt 6/20/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR72114
6/~20183200Ban khead Drive, Ltttle Rock7'. R 72206
Bem_a ~ Velasquez
J~ Pargo 6/20/2018 1127 Central Ave Hot Springs, AR 71901
Bonnie J,lo ore 6/21/2018 3405 Longcoy st little Rock: AR 72204 -
Libby Piatt 6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith~AR 72917
P~ggy NJchols 6/21/2018'1900 Resevoir Rd Apt 3 Little Rock, AR72227
Dustin _H~~n 6/22/2018 908 Oakwood ln Centerton , AR 72719
'Donald______ - ~_hf"Y"..!r • 6/2..?/201§
1 ~t Re~in~IO_!IDr li'!!e Rock.,_ AR7?~ 10 .
,~ic ha~I__ _ __ - ~~~ _ 6/~2018 17_96C_!.rterCourt ~lo~ Springs. AR 72761 ---,
l?~l ~ey __ _ Brown __ ---__ _ _ 6£25/20181~10 S 28th P~ace R~d81!rs~R]l758 __ _
!_effrey___ _ _ Cun~~n 6/25/2018J9300 Treasure HIii Rd little Rock. AR 72227
~-~ _-
tr ii =._-_ -- --
_-=-. - --
I ---
__ _
~ /25/2018 l 1Ql§_? , Shiloh Dr F~~tteville . ~~ 72701
6/25/20!8 12304 W . ~k~i2!_f ayetteville ,AR 72703
Kathleen -
Reith --r 6/25/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith , AR 72904
Galla~ _ _
_ondre_ -1- --
--, -- --- -- - 6/25/2018,2896 N. Qua il Creek Fayetteville, A
2001 Michelle Circle Conway, AR 72032
6/25/2018 200 SWSuburban lane Bentonville 72712
- 7-27_0_3 -- ---
___ _
l-n -- _- _ -i eoBusnht
ractEr _-_-_
_ ti _ 6/25/2018,200SW Suburban Lane Bentonvllle 72712 ----
_6/2_Sf~18 1JQ9SWSuburban Lane~ente>!'ville_?2~_2 __
- --- -- ---- - - -
--- - -_-- - -- -r - - - - - - -- -
' Pleasesee this mos1current list. This is a list of paid canvassersto circulatethe ptltitiot1amendingthe Arkansasconstitution relatingto termlimits.
t. -- - -
I II ---
l -
r ro.'!!_Ark
an•~C~7•9·60 1 __
(C)(tJ Providea complete /1s1of all paid ctmvassers' names and c11rren1
_ -·
_ __
addresses to !heSecre/a,y of S1a1e
--=--~ --1
(ii) If add//1(/nalpo1d ca,,viissers agree 10solicit signa111res011 behalf of a sµ7msorafter the cdmple1elist is provided, the sponsor shall prowde an 11pdmed
lt~rof a!J..paidca_nvassers · names and.5"!.ren/!eslden/,c!.'.f!ddressesro !he SecrermJ' of S1a1e. .. I
To verify that there are no criminal offenses 011,-ecord.a sponsor shall oblai11 . at irs cosr.jrom rhe Depart111e111
of Arkansas Srate Police. o current ,irateand 1
·al crimmal '!c ord ~e_a rch q,~evel')•J!Oidcq,~aSS!!!:_
robe regEt'!_redwirl!rheS~crera,~•of Sff11e. _ _
(2) The crlmmul record search shall be obrainedw,rhm thlt-/y(30) days prior ro rhe 1·eg1srrarlon
ofrhe pmd canvasser.
Upon subm1ss1on of ,rs /isl of paid canvassers ro riteSecrera,yof S1are,ritesponsor shall cerrifylo 1heSecretary of Srale /Italeach paid canvasser m /rs I
has J)OSseda cr1J11inal bockg!_o1111
h in_a£rordance wuh rhis sec/ion. j
I ccnify tha1each paidcanvasseron this list has passeda criminal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasStaie Police as requiredby ArkansasCoe.le§ 7-9-60I.
--- -
'FirstNa_m~ _ L~stName Joate of Name First Sub;;;itted to SOS Resldentail Addres
Joseph _ ~m_osawy - - ~ 8/30/2017 6842 GrandmontAve. Detroit , Ml 48228
Sterling ,Eisenlohr s13oi20115448Curtuce RcT, r-iason: Ml- 48854 -
Ja~uei ln~ :· _,CoJl!,er 8/3012017100 Big Eddy Rd., Popular Bluff, MO 63901
- - •Wells
- 8/30~p17 100 B~__§d~Rd.,.__l:9.eular B!u.ff_._
8130120172700 S. Lewis. Little Rock, AR 72204
§.ha_(Jfl Tsa£!!_s 9,i i2617 4540W . SunsetAve., Springdate,AR 72762-
Jennifer Norwood 9/12/2017 14394Armada Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
:~ourtne)'_ 'tMc~ffie - 9112/20171891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Antonio Leaks 9113/201710700Richsmith Lane #115, Maumelle. AK721 13
Stev en 1Pa9e 9125120175420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey IS11berman 9125,12017 745 fr eetop-Rid_geOr.! Vall~y Park, MC? 630_!18
Cassandra !Lusk 9125120175901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
-~--- Allen IDay 9125120171832 CountryRoad 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
David Day 9125120171832 Country Road 2726,-Caddo Mills,-TX 75135
Minnelll I Jones 9128/2017302 E~RooseveltRd., Little Rock, Aif 72206
Kiva IElmore 9i2812017622 E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, NorthLitiie Rocit,AR-72114
~s sica
Blaire !
9128/2017 9816- Regent circie, LitiTeRock, AR72204
9128/2017 9 Renee-Cove, Cfit1eRock, AR 722~
9129/20171470 AvondaleAve:. Jacksonville, FL32205
Gwei;~ !yn_
Allen -
9129120171800·s~Broad~!'¥• Apt 703. Li_!Qe
109 ShawneePlace, Jacksonville, AR 72076
./,Ff '122g6 l
_yern~ ,Watkins 10/3120172613 E. Cosfelt Rd., JacksorwITie, AR72076-
- __
__ Port~r __
- _- Ridak _-:
Howell _ _
__ _
___ _
10/3/2017 2506 Belairbr. S., Pine Bluff, A"inTEi01 .
10/31201711500Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103
10/412017410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
10/412017701 Scott St. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
014!2017410 N._g~ s C Beebe, AR72p12 -
.!__ 7
Cu rtis - __ _ Westbrook _ --l 101412017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019 J
- ~--
1016/20179204 Mabelvllle Cut OffRd~. Mablevale. AR 72103 -
C:a,:_oly_!l 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir .. Jacksonville,AR 72076 -
_Ang~!!- - - 10/1012017130 W. Lee Ave~. Sherwood~AR 72120
- I
1Maria 1011012017 5312 Lowden Rd ..LtttteRock. AR 7 2206
•Melissa Darrough 10/10/2017 11500Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
·Nico-le-- Rotenb_eny I 10/10120177121 Holiy Lane, Mableval~ AR 72103
Issac Newby l 10/1012017311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little-Rock, AR 72202
[j;a~~ Cannon-Joy 10/12/20178_70 S. Sal~m Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034-
Jalen ,-Morris
10/19/~01719~ ! 5 ~~verhil! Road , '=!!_ tl~~o~.~R _7~205
10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock , AR 72209
John Eric ~Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046 , Yeiiville, AR 72687
Michael R. · Jackson 1j/1 2/2_Q 17 1l2662 Mountain Pine Rd-:;-Hot Sprin~ AR 71913
·Robert ;·Re_dmond 12/12/20 17 350 Lamp lighter Dr., Benton , AR 72015
1_~!2J,?O.lI, [20 i 5 § . Louisiana§! , Apt . A,Little Rock, ~_72~0§
_ g,1~~017 121098 Jones.J3d,, Harr~sburg, A_R _721_32
1~12/2_Q17J 21098_Jones. Rq,, H_?rri~ ~r!l ,_AR [~ 432
!sericka Ra~~d 12/1212017; 1900 W . 29th Little Rock , AR 72706
1Dan i~! ' Mitchel _ }~121 2!))7 1956 Du,ttin M~- ~d·... c~~'. f! ldge-:-AR '72027
Calvin -I Davis__ _ 12/13/2017 [49 17 Hickory Rd.#4 , North Little Rock , AR 72116
l t,_olj_
_ Sills 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , #1 , Little Rick , AR 72205
IEva - 1f.Js>!'eid_,i 12/1312017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd ., Little Rock , AR 72210
IJona h -~ Israel 12/1312017 1316 Southeastern Ave. ,J acksonville ' AR 72076
!As~y_ -- Ewald 6/2512018 10121- Uniont own Hwy ' Unfontown, AR 7 0955- --
!Johnson Tu,rri 2/1412018 73 Deer-Meadows Cl , Sherwood , AR 72120
LWilliams Rebecca 2/141201~ 1600 f' Etm St. Ae~rtment10 ] !!.le R_ock, AR 72204
Shaw Miller 2/14 /2018 7 Flourite Cove , Little Rock , AR 72212
_Randy 1· Morrfson 3/V201-B 3200 BankheadDr ive~Little Rock, AR 72206
! BaI,ry_ 'y'a~ntine 3/71 2018 24603 Lesia Laket.a ne ,Pa; on , AR72122 - ~
Travis Walton 3115/201 8 800 LocustSt. ~ North Little Rock , AR 72114
. cti ik kim Anav l_!rael _ 3119/2018 ~70 S S!'lem Re[" AP! · 1917-: Conwa ~ AR 72031_
~~hley Ewald 3/20/2Q_1810~1 Uniontown Hwy-'-'Uniontown, AR 70!l55
t lee
Alisa ndre
6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown , AR 70955
-3/20/2018 9 Sherwoo d Drive, Conway , AR 72034 ·
Kenneth Coul ter 3/20/2018 72205
Catherine Danciu 3/2012018 319 N. 22nd St., Lill ie Rock , AR , 72206
Jacqueline efebster 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803 ,S herwood-:-AR 72120
__Phyllis 1T.t2_ompson 31 28/2018 1623 Grant St. , Litiie Rock , AR 72204
Nina I~mpton 3/2~/2018 3700 Maryland Ave. , Litil! Ro~k.._~13 [ 2204
Shirley Counts 3/28/2018 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock , AR 72204
;'f ashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr.. Little Rock , AR72209
1:_o~u~ I Hami lion - ~(4~Q18 1316 S~ at~!}' ~ . Little Rock, AR_~2 02 _
1Brenda -~ die - 4/5/2018 330 1 West 10th St., Little Rock , AR 72204
line _:=_
_ \Neb b--
Allen__ _
4/ 5/2018 89o(r"anya_§ ~. A__pt . A , Little Rocit~R7220 4
4/ 12/2018 916 s . Maple St. , Little Rock , AR 72204
-..- -4/12/2018 j 921 S~Maple~ Little Rock, AR 72 204 ..-
LaJuana _Brimley
Melody Estes 5/23/2018 246 Matthews Dr, #c40 .-Hot Springs , AR72015
In rid . TWilkini - ·-- - -5/30/2 01 8 14319 Pine Cone , Llttie Reick, AR 72209 -- - ~
C ordero Barba ~ 5/31/201 §_j21Remington0r., Little Rock Ar. 72210 _
·NiC~I~ - -- To walski - _5/31/201 aj 21 fiemi ngton DL, Little R_ot!< Ar. 72210 _ 1
~ --- --. -l6~ r~ee__ - -
5/31/2018 1201 S. Valmar St., Little Rock , AR 72204
b 1. B!?g_~ti,. n ..,_
_hi.ltle Rock , AR 72210 __ _
Jrev'- Ash ] _ 6/ 112011 8 21 Remin9ton Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
jRichi!r_d ~ :S a1;jaY._
-~ __ --:-_ _ _ 61112018 6 :!_7§_ . Bi oadwayJ. it!le Rock, AR 72?0!
ear - . - IV'{!_llo!:Jr -
l '!":{;llou r
1- _§/_1/2018 2~1__0 5 ~8!h Pia~ Re>
6/ 1/2018 2810S 28th PlaceRodgers, AR 72758
Andre .;;- - !G lasgow _fil 412Q.1~L110 N. f_e_rshif1g -Blvd·.. North Littt~~Rock, AR 72 114
Robert /Glasgow 6/4/2018 1110 N. Persh ing Blvd., North Little Rock , AR 72114
i::o~y ers ' 8.9yd · 6/4/2018 '21Rem ington Dr.~Li ttle Rock AR . 72210
- ;i.. - - - - - -
Martin ~l anton 6/4/20~ 11§_51 S._Salem~ " Conway ,~ 72~ _?_
Chase Harris _§/5/201~ 1~09!i_ L~ne l:!!~I~13.ock _AR 722 10____ _
Kevin - - Ch~~ntier 6/5/2 018 110 E Persh ing North Little Rock AR 72114
Diann jQ~ntry 6/5/201 ~11401 ~ hackelfo rd Rd Little R~~ AR 72211
Nicholas ],!!!el!!__ 6/5/201 M°11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
Russell ' ~g _gett 6/5/2018 1401 s. ShackeliorifR d LittleRockAR 7221 1
rW illla ri Burns 6ffi/ 2018 400W ~f9 lh S tNorth Little Rock. AR 72114
~Anmony ic oo P,er 6/5/201 B 25 10 W , Martin Conway AR 72034 - -
f Neuki° m
6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton , AR- 72210
6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9 , Morrilto n, AR7 2210
e ' Prill 6l5t201a 2 i Remington Drlitti e...Rock , AR12210
,.9'.f!!.h i!I ! Ford
-1 Walke £_ __
6/ 5/2018 10800 Kan is Rci:-Utt le Rock ~AR 72211
- ~ 5726j~ 163 ~Vj c10_,y #ALl ttleRoc k-;-).i:f 72202 __
!Dallio 1,,!timer 6/5/2018 121 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
~Michael - --· · Becker ~ 5/2018 121 Remin_g_io n-Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 --
Melinda 1 Ladd -
6/ 5/2018 16100 Mitchell Dr Littie Rock , AR 72209 _
6/6 /20 18, 1010 Breckenri~ge little Roe~ AR 72205
,Gary ______ --- ➔ Robinson _ __§/6/20!81ns~ r2w H_!l_l_!ld.
Forres~City, AR7~235
1- - -
J_!!~i ng_
Harris i ------ _ 6/6/2018 2] _Re~i ~g_!9nDr Little Rock, AR 72210
6/6/2018 1010_Breckenrid~e Little Rock, ~R 7 E~
MarcayJa ,Amadel 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenridgeLittle Rock, AR72205
Fletcher __ N_eg_e l~ 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrid_ge Little Rock, AR 72205
Jean :?~_s
~e 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenridgeLittJe Ro~, A~220S
ffrey _ Tu_!:pin 6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
)lrit ~ Garland 6f6/~~~ 2~~1:1 i::gton _Dr Little Rgct _AR 72210
D~v!2..__ 'R~£1!li~h. 6/6/2018 lSO US 6S N Conway, AR 72032
Lins!!__ Cu_r!JL 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR72211
Shw~~ -a __ Clar_k , 6/6/ 2018 1010 Breckenrid~e_Little Rock, AR 7220S
,Ruben V~l!s_gu ~ _ 6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR72211
Robert M«:f~~~e _ 6/7 /2.9_18~ N. Tyl~ St Little Ro~k, AR 72~ _
Ethan ,Zi~ ---- ___ 6[!./20_18 2315 N Goose~er"( ~ _a_y~t ~e__v
~t~J.!:e -sabatlno _ ______ ?17£20_1828Q_9 Pines 111
a11Or. Pine Blu__!f,~rk~SJS71601._
David 1
,DaviJ 6/8/20;8 21 ~e_ min&!9n Dr U~~e _R_2E~~ R~22~,9
Shaun_ ----~ [Sachs 6/8/2_91821_5~ --~ ch.St Ru! S~llvJll~R 7~89~
John Gilliland 6/8/2018 604 N. Tyler St Littl e Rock,AR72205
Tonyette - ·tHooks- 6/8/}018 soc"w . 29t h -North Littl;ii' ock, AR72114
•~:~qry ~: dshaw -t :~:~~~~:! ~~: ~~~:;:~ ~ ::~:~
Mildred Almeida 6/8/ 2018 21 Remington Dr litt le Rock, AR 72210
Carol Nolan 6/8/20J8 } 6Q9 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR z.?712
William ----
_ _ __
1 5.:_
6/8/~0 l ~f,_Q{) _Shackelf£.rd Li! tle Rocke.AR 722!._l
6/ 8/ 201hl00 TP White Ave Jacksonville, AR 72076 _
_l_ _ __ _ _ Dahl __ __ _ 6/ll/2018 j.290 SW_2_l! bu~~ Lane Bentonville 72712_
Christophi,,:_ _ __ _- ~ rdan 6/11/2018~ 01 W. Rozell St. Rogers, AR 72756 ---~
Qamien _ --- ~ so_n___ _ J_ 6/ 11/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Sandra __ ,Miller ____ L. 6/1 1/2018 200SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
(Wilso_n __ _ Andrade 6/11/20182809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
1~en da - J o-Donnell-Daniels !. __ _ 6/12/ 2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
Holden ,Harris 6/12/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
~oJphus ___ ----- ~ man __ · 6/12/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
Scott !Lamm 6/12/ 2018. 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Chris_----- - I Rlchele 6/ 12/ 20tsl 1075 S.Shiloh Dr Fa ettevi lle, AR 72701
Jose. -- -- IRochet 6/13/ 20~50 - l -S.Service RdWest Memphis, AR72301-=--=----
Paul _ Davoren --~ _ ~/!~ (~ 18liq o_sw Suburba!" Lane Benton~ tle Z,_2 712 __ _
Brenda j wil~~- 6/13/201812810 S 28th Place Rodgers, AR 72758
~kylar _____ ' King 6/13/2018 10914 Kanis Rd Little.Rock, AR 72211-·
Brett -l w ;sstl _ --- _ _ -~ 13/ 2018 109~ Kanis_R~ _!itt le_Roct _AR 7221~_
K~vin - Hoa11 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban LaneBentonville 72712
S~'2!!' Y_ 'Hoa$ 6/13/2018 ~00 SW Su~rban LaneJ3_en ton~~~ 72~
~Qgrothy J~o_i:d_ 6/13/2018 106 Anderson Brookland, AR 72417
' David IThompson 6.L.!4,,'
201._82322 N. lj_um_mi nllbird gi -~ yett~l@e: AR72703
~!_ fThompson 6/14/20 18 2~p N. Hu_mn:iinBbir:9 _Ln Fa~ ~ ill~~R ~27Q3 ____ _
avey Palmer 6{14/20 18 209 S'!/ ~_l!burban La_ne 7J7Q_ _
~ litta
I McDani!!_
6/14/20 18 1000 So~th Futral! Di:: ~l:'.ett_eville,_AR 72701
6/14/2018 1000~outh Futra!L_Ds Jfil\! eville, AR 72701
6/1_4/20181091 -!_Kanis Rd Littl!'~oc k,~ 7g~ _l______
_ ___,;
Vickie _ _ S_!
e_ye~s_ 6/14/2018 10S24W. Markham St Little Rock, AR72205
John Osbron Rd
6l15/ 2018 11690 w iii;;B each Park Scott.-AR 72142
w~che~ _
~n_!honv___ I
McGhee --
__ -- ---
6/1§/~18 SCJ9 _w . 29_!b North Little Rock,AR72114
6/l S/ 2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR72114
6/1Si201_8 6QO_ ~;.:din R~-L[t_tte Rock, AR1_22_1_1 -
--·- _ --
.£'a_trick Peoeles_ _Y.2_5/2018' 232__4 W , Skyl~r [2_r_£a~ _tt~yil(~ AR 72]03
Brandon Reith 6/25/20182412 N. 57th Fort Smith, AR 72904
~~w_____ --- ~ - -
Gi°iS/2018 2001Micheile Circle Conway,AR 72032
Chanelle Nieto §{2_5/291~ ~~ -SW Suburba";, LaneB~ntonvllle72712 -
__ _ --- ~ - 6l25/2Q_18 1l.00F"_ Su!)~rbant,.ane~ent~vllle 7Y,12
Zubi n _ _ _ Contr~c~or §/2_SJ]0]~' 2Q.Q..51J,S~burba~LaneJ~ntonville 7271~
Edward _ _ Ha_yn~ 6/26/201813209S.31stSt FortSmith,AR 72901
_M_ic_he_lle _ _9Jnniga n-Palmer 6/26/201819300 Treasure Hill Rd Liltle R~ck,A-R- 72227
- --=--
, Please see this most currcM lisLThis is a list of paid ,anvasscrs to circulate thc;__pet
ition nmendingthe Arkansas c-0nstitutionrelating t;; ·term limits.
- - ' . : -, -' - - --- ! - - - -- --
PEPular Name '
1:- -- - - - l _ i
From Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601 I- !i
(C){i) Provide a co111p/e
le /ISiof all potd ca111
•assers · namesand current residentialaddresses to the Secretary a/S tate.
If addttionaTµiiii:I
canvassers agree to so/ict/ slgnotureson behalf of a SfJOIISOrafter /he comple/e/isr IS provided, the sponsor sh~lprowde an updated
/isl of all paid <:.O!!:'!!§!~_r.§
• na!!!f:_£
anf! current resi/iemiuladdresseslq lfte_SeCJ'!!at)!_()f.Sf!!{e
ITo ver/fy th~-there~no l'r~i nal offenses
011 record, a fl
spm,.,nr .,hall obtain, at its cost. from the Deparlmenlof Arkonsas Slate Pal~e. a current~~atea"::_
I cenify that each paid canvasser on this list haspassed a criminal background check by the Arkan sas Stat~ Police as required by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-601. '
:~ic ha1:_IAm _o ,. - ·- -, .. _ · - 1· - ~~- -_
II:!~~• _ - ~Name !?_ateofNam~!!!tSUbf!l _itt~dtoSOS _ 1R~i~entai1Addre ~_ _ _ _ _.
,~os~ _ .._AJ!!:!OS~ _ _ _ __ __ . ~_Ql201l. ?_842_9!andmont Ave. ~lroit, M_I ~22~ __ _
St~r~g_ _ E_isenlohr __ _ __ _ _ 8/3_9/201715448 (2u~ce ~_s! ., Maso~. Ml 4§.§54
1..aEiueline _ -~ -~ '~' - -~/30l2_0_:17m10_QB!9_Eddy Fd .. popuJar 13Iuff , ~-0 63901
Robert ____ -i'!'Y.e_
lJ~ §130/2017 100 Big Edd}' Rd.. Pop_ularBJuff, ~Q 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis. Little Rock. AR 72204
Ifara ~:- _ Ow..!'.ns 8/30/201713325 Marshall Ave.. St. Louis, M0 63114
Chase I Wil~!ns_ 8/3012(!17.3701 Bowers St., little ~~. AR n 204
Gloria [',vina 8/29/2017!5132 York 13Ivd . #437, Los Angeles.SA 90Q50
Joseph Lawrence Stone .8/2912.017513~ York Blv~. #437, L5>sAn9.~es, CA 9q050
Carl E. Wilkins 8129120 17 3701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean iShumate_lll 9/1/2017 635 Houchins Road. Christiansburg,VA 24073
Adelina Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Piace, Jacksonville,AR 72076
IKrisdon rPhJttips. ·1 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., R-adford, VA 24141
,Annette ~
,1-orS!,_ 9/6/201 7 901 Fair ParkBl vd.. LittleRock~R 72204
~Qorothy Lord ~------ 9/6/2017 2206 Miizi Lane.Jonesboro, AR 72401 -
Shaun ' sachs -- - - • 2!]1 2C?1r 45~QW . Sunse~Ave.,.§eri~dale;A.!:{72!.§?
Jennifer Norwood 9112/2017 14394 Annada Road, Port Charlotte. FL 33953
__ '~fuiff~ 9112/2017 1891·sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda,FL3 3950
Antonio Leaks 9t13/20W 10700Richsmiih Lane #115, Maumelle. Ai<-ni13
Steven Pa9.e 9/251201715420 Elder Court. Northli ttle.Rock, AR722 17
Audrey Silberman 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr.~Valley Park, M663088-
Cassandra j.Cusk - - 9i25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd., #604, North LittleRock, AR72116
Waco Allen ~Y.._ 9/25/2017 1832Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Qa~ _ . - Day -- 9/25120171832 Counlry.Road°2"726.Caddo Mills, TX75135
Mj nnelll Jones 9~8/2017 ~O?E. Ro_?sev~iiRd., UttleRock,AR 72206 - - 1
Klva _ _ ,Elmo1e 9/28/2017 622'E. 19th Street, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Jessica -Graham 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaire ·- ~co_ggins 9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove. Little Rock. AR 72209
q1ri~ o.£.ber Baxter 9/29/2017 1470A vondale Ave.. JacksonvilleY L 32205
Gwend_olyn -Allen 9/29/2017 1800 s . Broadwai, Apt.703, Little Rock, AR72206 -
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville.AR 72076 ~
!Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2~1~- ~ C?sfelt ~d-" Jacksonville, AR 7207~
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 2506 Belair Dr. S.. Pine Bluff. AR 71601
Brent . Watson 10/ 3/2017 11500 Chlcot Rd.. Lot86 , Mabelvale.AR 72103 r
I Rita _Rad?_k ---- 1 014/2017410N. Cherry St.. Beebe. AR 72012- -- -
Shawn M~ll~y __ __ 1Ot4i2017 701 Scott St. #802. Little Rock, AR 72201
l{~rnes Howell _ _ __ __ 10/4/2017 410 N~ Cherry St.~ Beebe-:-AR720ii ---- I
ICurtis - Westbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
[Amber ~Hillman- ----- 10/6120179204 M8be1vme CutOffRd.. Mabievale, AR 72103
f arolyn -Braui, - --- - 10/6/2017 103 Victory Ci r .. Jacksonvifie, AR 72076
l~n_aela B2 berson · 1011oi2017 130 w~Lee Ave., Sherwood. AR72120
hMari_ a__ _ _ ~ly _ 10/ 10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Uttie Rock, AR 72206
Meliss~ _ _ _. Da~,:.ou9.h 10/10/2017 ·11 sooChicot Rd., Lot 60,-Mabelvale, AR 72103
I Nicole _ RoJenbe_!!Y _ 1_Q/1Q ~2017 ?121 Holly Lane.~ablevale , AR 72103 ~-
' Issa~ __ _ ,N_!WE.Y 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
1LaJuan J2:a..!1
'!0n-~~y 10/12/2017 870 S. Salem Rd.. Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
1-Lalen - Morris 10/1912 .Q17 9815 Cloverhill Road. Little Rock. AR 72205
IGl_!!n Schwarz 10/19/2017167 S. Wakefield br.,Little Ro~~••AR 72209
John Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
,Michael R. _Jackson 127121 2911 [2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Spri!!9!.._AR7f913
,Robert - ·Redmond 12/12/2017 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia Johnson 12/12/2017 2015 S. Louisiana St.Apt. A. Little Rock, AR72 206
Trent Whitlock ____ . 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432 •
Eric Whitlock _ -~--- _.=___1_2l_l2-'?_0l7 21098 Jon~ . R.d"- lj~risburg, AR i243 ·2 ~~
Sericka -· ~a.9'31nd _ 12/12/2017 1900 W. 29th Little Rock. AR 72706
Danie l Mitchel - 121i212017 956 Dutton Mtn Rcf:-Cedar Ridge, AR 72027 - ·
.Calvin Davis ··- _ _ _ 1?/13/2017 '!9_17 HJc~ Rd.~, Nor!._h Little Rock, AR 72~
_L9ri_ Sills 12/ 13/2017 6115 West Markham, #1, Little Rick, AR 72205 ~
Eva Flowerday -f2/1312017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd _-Ciitie.Rock, AR 72210 - _
Jonah ___ _ Israel 12/1312017 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville, AR 72076
Ashley --· " Ewald 6/25~018 . 1·0121 Uniontown Hwy.,-Unlontow;,- AR 70955
Johnson -- Terri - 2/1412018 730eer -Meadows Ct.Sherwood, AR72120-
Williams - - Rebec ca - _ 211412018 16_QO s_._§1m·s1~£i! rt~ent 10 L!lli~R9~r,-AR_72_?04
jSh~ - ~Miller - 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Randy - -Morrison ·-3/2/2018 3200 BankheadDr ive, Li ttle Rock, AR 72206
Bafrv---- -- vaie ntine - 3/7i2018 24603 °Lesi a lake Lane, Paron, AR72122
Travis Walton 3/15/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3i1§i2018 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway,-AR 72034
~hleL - ~ 3@JE_01~10121 Un_iont~y.,n ~.. Uniont<iwn, AR 709~
Lee Evans 6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
,True Alisandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway, AR 72034 -
,-Kenneth Coulter 3/20/2018 72205 - - - -
Catheri ne IDanciu 3/20/2018 319 N, 22nd St., Little Rock, AR , 72206
1Ja~el ine IWebster 3/2812018 8815 Woodbine #80f Sherwood, AR 72120
Phyllis Thompson 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., LittieRock , AR 72204
3/28/2018 37oOMarylandAve'tLittleRock
. AR 12204
!Shirley _
Louauna __ _
- :Ha-'!lilto_!!
~~~/20\8 ,900 S~ae le ~i.',Little R~~ .X R7?_~04 - - -
3/28/201sf 9810 Capella Dr., Ltttle Rock, AR 72209
4/412018li{16 s. Batte - s CC ittte- Rock~ AR 12202 -
Brenda Riddle _ 4/5/2018,3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204 _ I
! Jacqueifiie - - - -- IWebb- 4/5/201~18904 Tany~ Dr.:, Apt A, Little Rock AR 72204 .J
lvan Allen _4/1212018 916 S. Maple St., Little Rock, AR 72204 _ __ --1
1LaJuana-=---- -___ 1-
B-ri-m-,e-y= =~- 4/12/2018 921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204 =--ccc-c- - -I
.M_!!l~y_______ ~ s!!3s __ _ ______ 5/23~0.'!.!! 240 M_atthews Dr. #c40, Hot_~ings.~R 72015 _ I
Ingrid Wilkins ____ 5/30/201814319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero Barba 5/31/2018121 Remington Dr .. Little Rock Ar. 72210
Nicholas ----- KOwalski- -- - 5/31/2018121 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne -- --- Piggee_ --~ .=_ 513}/2018 1201 _ s. Valmar St., Little Rock,_~R 72_?04--=-
Joshu_a ___ Daro - _ 6/1/2018 11 B~g_eyJ, ~.. Lttlfe Rock, AR 722 lQ_
Trev ----; Ash-- 1
_ . _ ~/1/2018 [21 RemJngton pr.,
Little Rock Ar. J221Q_ _
Richard -· :Sa1wa~ 6/1/2018 617 S . Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201
Jerime ~ our 6/1/2018 2810s 28thPlace ~dge rs,AR72758
Robert --=--_--
' Willour -
6/ 1/2018 2810S 28th PlaceRodgers, AR 72758
. 6/4/2018t 110~ Pershfn_~ ~yd., !':!ort':..!:lttle Rock, AR 721
6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
.f! j
_ _ -~, B
- oyd 6/4/2018 21 Remlngton Dr., Little Rock AR. 72210
(Clanto n
! Ha-rris-·
_ 6!412018 1851-_f Salem Rl ~~O_!'l!"a~~~o~
6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72..:: 2..:.
~-=- -
Kevin · _ :cha.!J~~tie!_ ____ 6/5/2018 110 E Pershing· North Littie- Rock AR 72114 -·~
·Diann __ IGe_ntry __ 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Roel<AR 72211
'Nicholas T].!rpin 6/5/2018 11 -Bogey
Liine Little· Rock AR 72210 - - - i
,~ussell_ 1~ gett 6l5i2018 1401S. Shacke.lfordR<l'Little Rock AR72i11 --i
V'til![am ~~ 6/5i201s 400 W~29th s iN orthLit. tle Rock, AFf 121 1..f - _J
Anthony ____ Coof)er 6/512018 2510- W. Martin Conway AR 72034
Vincent Neukam 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy9 , Morrilton, AR 7 2210
John Adams 6/5/2018 18 18N. Hwy 9, MorrITfon,AR 72210
Boe IP riii _ 6/5/2018 ,21 R~min.s_fu n Drlil tle Rock, AR. 72210
.f yn~hia Ford 6/5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Lillie Rock, AR 72211
R~!I . !W alker - -6/5/2018' 1103 S. Victory #A- Lillie Rock, AR 72202
_Qalli2._ J !catimer - 6/5/2018 21 Remington Drlittle Rock ,.AR 72210
~hael Becker 67 512018 21 Remington br uiueRock, AR12i10 --
'Gary _ _ _
--- Ladd
... - ~ binson
- -
-- 6/5/201!i 6100 M!~h~ II Drlittle Rock, A~..J22Q~
6/6/20!!! !010 Breckenrld~_e Little Ro£k1 ~ 72205
6/6/2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd, Fo!rest City, AR_7 ~ 2i 5
Helena ,_
Thesl~L 6/6/2018 21 Reming -ton Dr Litt le Roc k , AR 72210
Michael H_arr~ 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
·-~~rc_ayla ,A!(!adei 6/6/2018 ,-1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205 _____ _
Fletcher ~eg_e~I! _ ?~f?.(?lfl .} 910_!,reckenrldge t,l_~t
le Roe~,~ 7l_202_ __
~~ Stussie __ 6/6/2018 l OJOBreckenrldge _Litt le Roe~ AR 72205
!_!1fr~ __!.:JrpJ!i 6/6/2018 121 Remington Or., little Rock AR. 72210
, Brit_ta_ny .~la_!' _<!_ 6/6/2018 21 Remington Or little Rock, AR 72210
IDa_x(q ~~nich 6/6/2018 ji so us65 N Conway, AR 72032
--,-- Curtis 6/6/20 18,108()_9
_Kani~ d. Littl_!!~O_Ek,_
A~ ~.?-1 1
!Shwanda Clark 6/6/2018 11010 Breckenridse Litt le Rock, AR 72205
I -- - - - - • - - •
5/7/2_91811080Q Kanis 'ld· Little Ro_ck,AR_7
6/7/2018 )604 N. T~ St l ittle Rock, AR 72205
6/15/291~ F l~~ ~!!lpw Beach Park Rd Scott, AR 72142
6/15/2018 1500 W. 29th North Uttle Rock, AR 72114
_!/15/l018 isqo W. 29th North Li« le Rock: AR 72!_!4_
6/15/2018 ,600 Hardin Rd Littl e Rock, AR 722_1!____
____ 1oberg 6/15/2018 J200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712
Debra McClain 6/15/2018 1200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712
1 · - --j Toffle,,:;ier
N~ncy 6/15/2018 200 SW Subu~ban lane Bentonville 72712
' ~~_!.C_c_a
_ __ _ _coyle 6/1S/2018 200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712
..!.<!~- 1Towe 6/lS/2018 ,106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956 _
Anthony IMcG!!!le 6/l8/2018 l 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
rEIIJah [Guerrero 6/1~0800 Kani_s_
Rd. little Ro~k, AR 72_2_11
__ _
lch ave-z -
fp r~te !!_
-1 --- 6/ 18/2018 [ 3005 S 74th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903 _ __
6/18/2018!200~. ~th No_l}h_!!t_t!eRo~_k,fR 72!14
6/ 18/2018 '.500 W , 29th Nqrth_~ ttle R_ock
500 W , 2_9~N'?._rt~
~/!8/? _018..._
, ~ 7211!_
Ut_t!!_~pck,AR 72!,!_4
_ _ __ _
- -t---
Lal)10n_t -=_-L -- 6/;9J201~ ;06 N ~la.!!. Ct_Ve_n~r_en ~ ?~~~
Ma~s __ i
Olson ~/_19(?018 406 N Blake St fi n~ Bll!_tfAR 71602
,Ch[iSt<:>_P_!l!!r - [seal;
L 6/ 19/201 ~1405 C-allo~~Y Ave Sherwood, AR2_~ 20 _
_a__ ·G~orth 6/19/20181405 CallowayAve Sherwood,AR72120
f~cky ! Daro 6/20/20181_11 BogeyLaneLittle Ro_ckA~ 7221Q -
ILeigh _Raper 6/~9/20~~ ShanrJ£_n Dr @le Rock_, AR72207 _
Larry Baggett :soe>w, 29th North Little R~ck,~R 72114_ --· _
~Y! On
6/20/2018•3200 Bankhead Drive. Little Rock, AR 72206
6/2O/ioi"s]11 2_7 CenlralA ve Rot $_ering!, AR rnio1 --
~~ fy1oore .§/21/2~340J. ~coy st Little Rock, AR .?.~~~ _
_Libby Piatt 6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith, AR 72917
_MY__ _ -~ -~I~ _ 6/21/2018 1900Re-sevoir Rd Apt 3 Little Rock, AR 72227
_Q!!~ ____ _ Hahn 6/22/2018 908 Oakwood Ln Centerton,,..:. A..:..
=-- --- _J
: Donald
!Mi~hael --
~l ey - ~
Jeffrey ____
--- --
- rGibson_:__
, Brown_
- t
- --
6/22/2018 21 Remington Dr Llttle Rock, AR 72210
_ 6/22/2018706Carter CO}! _;fSilo~m§rings ..,AR 7276-1
6/25/2018 2810S28th PlaceRodg_ers , AR727~8 ___ _
6/25/2018 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
!arian· _ __=-_=-l Latimer-:: 6/25/2018 1075 S. Shiloh Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701
. ~~~~r Fayetteville, AR 72703
i.~nd~~ - --
,!athleen _
- -_ R~th_
-:---=-- _6/2S/201~123Q41/1/_
6/25/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith, AR 72904
·.. 6/iS/iO~ 2896 ·N.·aua ttC reek Fay*viife. AR-i2ro3 - .
Drew AILsandre _ 6/2S/_20;s_f2001_¥~helle ~!rcle Conway. AR 72032
Chanelle Nieto 6f.?S{2_Dl8200 SW SuburbanLaneBentonvill_e 72712
Stacy Bush 6/25/2018 200 SWSuburbanLaneB_entonville72_712
Zubln Contractor 6/2S/2018200 SW SuburbanLane Bentonville 72712
Edward ,H~ynes 6i26/2O183209S. 31st St Fort Smith:-AR 72901-
Michelle Cunnlsan-Palmer 6i26/2018°9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
,Jeffr_ey Carter 1i/2y201s j21 R~r_ri1n.9ton _Dr Llt~e-Rock, AR72210
.tryce_ Galla,She_i:: ~/27/2018j?.Q.O ~W §uburban Lane Benlo!!v~e_72_71~
Nichol~ ,Meh,igln 6fl?J2018J.200 SW Suburban_~~e _Bentonville 72712
Debra . ~U_IJ)_hy 6/27/20181200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Christie 1Patton ~ 27/20~8j ~200 Bankhe~ Drive, ~~l~ck, AR 72206_
Jo~~s l~n~ar _ 6/27/2018110800KanisRd. Little Rock,AR 72211
Darrius ,Racy 6/27/20ii11iao1Hoily Fort S;;ith.-AR72908 --
Pl,e a~ sec. this most current lisL This is a list of paid canvassers lo .:irculutc th<:petition amending the Arkansas constitution re_l_
ali'!,S10 lenn limits.
Poi:mlar Name - T
f rnRM
IJalen Morris 10/1912017 9815 Cloverh ill Road . Little Rock. AR 72205 -
!Gien ~Schwarz
10/19/20 17 167 S. Wakefield Dr .. li lUe Rock.A R 72209--
John Eric Jones 12/4/20 17 1533 MC 3046 , Yellville. AR 72687
IMichae l R. Jackson 12/12/2_917 j.?§:6~Moun~ain Pin!! Rd., H_o~ SpringJ. ~ R 71913
Robert ,Red!!)Ond 12/12/20 17 350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
Eulishia - !Johnso(! 1~12/20] _~ ~~5 S. Louis~ a St. ~p t. A, Little Ro~k, AR 72206
Trent W hitlock --1 12f'\1J?Q17 21_99~Jones. f3d., ~arrisbu!Jl , A~ 7243~ _
Eric __ [Whitloc~ I
1~[12/2_D17~1_09~ nl!_~-f3d., l::!. a_rris~u.%f.~ 7243~ __
Sericka [Ragland 12/12/2017 1900 W . 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
- - Mitche l
Daniel I 1 2112/20 17 956 Du tton Miii Rd ., Cedar Ridge, AR 7 2027
Calvi_n __
-Lq_ri--- Davis 12!13i~17 4i1? t:t_i_
ckory3..9 .!4, -t:lorthlitii'!:Bock ...:AR 7]116
_ !Sills - 12/13/2017 6115 West Markham , # 1, Little Rick , AR 72205
Eva _j_fi ~ e~d _ay_ 12/13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock , AR 72210
Jonah Israe l 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave ., Jacksonvi lle, AR 72076
li\sh~L • Ewald 6/25/2018 10121Uni ontown Hwy ~Uniontown, AR-70955 -
.~~n 'r ei_ri 2/14/201 8 73 Deer Meadows Ci ., Sherwood, AR 72120-
WIiiiams _Rebe£Ca_ 2/1412018 1600 S. Elm St Apartment 10 Little Rock , AR 72204 ,
'siiaw '-':1
Jll~r 2/ 14/201 8 7Flourite Cove, i.ttITe-Roc k.-AR 72212 - --
Ran(!y Morrison 3/ 2/2018 3200Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
B_ariy Valentine 3171201 8 24603 Lesia Lake Lane . Paron , AR 721~ -
Trav is :Wa1j_ on 3115/2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock . AR 72114
Chakkim Anav Israe l 3/19/2018 870s. Salem Rd .. Api:-70'17,Co nway.-AR -72034
Ashley Ewaid -3/20/201 8 110121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown . AR 70955 ___
Lee · Evans ~/25~2018 -~012 1 Uniont£i" wn Hwy., Un~ntown_, AR 709~5 - ➔
ITrue l Alis andre 3/20/20 18 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway , AR 72034
Kenneth j Coulter 3/20/2018 72205 - - -
Cather ine Danci u 3/20/2018 319 N. 22nd St .. Little Rock , AR, 72206
Jacq-ueline 1 W ebster 3/28/2 01 8 8815Woodbine #803, Sherwoo d, AR 72120
l h_ylli
_L T.'lQ:iiie_
·_ 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR -7220 4
Nina ' Hampton __ ,_ __ _ - [ 128/lQ18_j ~7_Q.0 M~i a~ d_Ave ~ uii1e~ock, ~~ 723E_4
ffel~ ---- ___ counts 3128/20 ~ 900 S. Maple St., Little Rock , AR 72204
Tashan ______ 1Oneal _ - --=--- 3/28/2018 198 ~0 Cap ~lla Dr., Little ~ ock).. R 72209
~u auna ______ !Hamilton _ _ 4/~20 .!_8_ 1316 S. Batt~'}' S.!:.,_~i ttle Rock, A_R72202
Brenda Ridd le _ ~5}2018 ,3301 West 1_9l_ h St., Llttt~ Rock , AR 722Q1
~.9u_~ll n~ - - __ ! Webb 4/5/20 18 8904 Tanya Dr., Apt. A, Little Rock AR 72204
~v_an _ __ Alie!!_ ___ _ 4112/201 8 9i°6-S. Maple St. , Little Rock, AR 7220 4
LaJu~ Bri!]'l~Y_ _ __ _ - 4/12/2018 921 S:l.ia ple, Little Rock , AR 72204
M~EY- Estes _ 5 /23/2018 240 Matthews .Dr. lkAO, Hot §firings, AR 72015
Ingrid __ ~i~ins_ 5/ 30/ 2018 43 19 Pine Cone. Lilli e Rock , AR 72209
Cordero l arba 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar . 72210
Nicholas Kowalski ~__31/~g _18_21 B_eminQIOn~ r'.!.Little Rock Ar ._?~210_
l~oseanne __ _ Pig_gee ?131__/2018 ~..Q1 S. '{ almar St., ~it.!_l
e Ro~k. AR ?~204
IJoshua i_Q_aro 6/ 1/2018 11 Bogey Ln., Little Rock, AR 72210
-- 6/ 1/201 8 2 1-RemingtonDr ., Little Rock Ar.722 10
; T~hard
Robel!_ ___
7 wITiour
- - !Gla s~ _
_ _ .Gl<1sgp~
_ __ __
-- -- -
- 6/1/20 18 617 -S. Broadway Llti le Rock, AR 72201
_6/ 1/_2_Q)
8 l 2ii10s_28thPlaceRodg_ir"s,A
~/!_1201~ 28_!0S28thPlaf_e~<:l~e
6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock , AR 72114
6/ 4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvci, North.Littleff ock AR 72114 j
Tonyers _ !Boyd 6/4/2018 2 1 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR 72210
M arti~ IClanton ___ 614/2018 1851 S. Salem Rd., Conwa~ R 72032
~~ _ IHarris 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 722 10
Kevin -=...
__:_ &!l. arpentier r - - 6i 5/2018 110 E- P-ershing North Little Rock AR 72114
Diann 1G~_r:!t'}' t 6/5/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
6/ 5/2018 11 ~o gey LaneI 1tt~ R~c~ AR 722 1() - ---
,Ba_gg_~tt 615/2018 1401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
(William j Burns 6/5/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock . AR 72114
,Anthony _,.coo p~ r 615/ 2018 2510 W . Martin Conway AR 72034 -
IYiris en! N~ukam _ 61512018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton. AR 72210
~Joh n Adams 6!§_/2Q18 1~ 18 N. Hwy_9, M£ rrilt~~ AR 7~_1Q..._
Boe (Prill - 6/5/20 18 2 1 Remington Dr Little Rock . AR 72210
~¥ nt_hia ford 6/ 5/20 18 10800 Kanis· Rd.1.ittieR ock . ARnffi
L.Balph Walker 6/5/20 18 1103 S. Victory #A Little Rock , AR 72202
1Dallio !Lati mer 6/512018 2 1 Remfngton Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Micha el Be cker -615120182 f Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Arthu r tLadd 6/5[20! 8 6100 Mitche ll Dr Little Rock , AR 72209
Melinda Selley 6/6/2018 1010 BreckenridgeLittle Rock,AR 72205
'Gary Robin~on 6/6f20)8 I'!15 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72~5
,Hele_na Thesing_ 6/6/2018 2 1 R~min.9_ton Dr L~tle Roc k, AR ?l210
~ ich_!!el _J ~ rr is 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge little Rock,AR 72205
- --r--
6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Littl e R~ck, AR 72205
;Flet~~r __ __JNeg~I~_ 6/6hois fi o10 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
__ ---,! St~s ie ___ _ 6isi291sj1010 Br!. ckenrldge Llttl_eRock,AR 72~05 .
Turpin 6/6/2018 [21 Remington Or., Little RockAR. 72210
___ __§arlan_!l
_ _6/~/ _2018!21 R_e~g _ton Dr l,!_ttle_Rock,AR 7221~ ___ _
I Rennicj) 6/6/2018 150 u~6J__l':IConw~B 7203~ __
Linda !Curtis 6/6/2qt8 (108QO~_an_i_SRd. Little__
Rock, AR 72211____ _
_fS_!!wanda --~~ WJark §16/20!_8j ! O!O ~eckenrldge llt ~e R_pck, AR] 220.L_
[Ruben _ IVelasguez ~li~!§ ~ .Q?q<l Kanis Rd. Little Roc_k,AR 72211
O~rt _ , M<;Co_rk
inE.!Je _ 6/7 /~018 1604_N_:__
Tyler St Li~ le Ro_ck,
A~72205 _
Li:than Ziet~ 6/7/2018 2315 N Gooseberry Ln Fayetteville , AR 72704
j ~the rine Sabatino 6/7/2018 2809 Pines Mall D!:.Pine__ Bluff, Arkansas 71601
~David Davis 6/8/2018 21 Remington or Little Rock, AR 72210
Shaun Sachs 6/8/2018 215 W._Blrch St Russellville, AR 72802
!John !§llll~nd 6/8 L2fJ_1
_8 604 N:..T'l)er ~t Lit!fe Rock,AR 72~5
T<?_!l'{'.ette Hooks 6/8/20 18 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
;~regory Le_e_ 6i ~201~ t6(!9 Moberly_Ln: B!ito;viife';iR727f 2
Larry_ i BraE~~~w_ 6/8/20 18 3609 Moberl~ Ln, Bentonvill e.AJU 2712
~d Almeida 6/8/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
___ !Nolan
f,fi/2018 3609 ·Moberly Ln, Benton-; 1i~ AR 7i-TI2
i William ~-- Young 6/8/2018 ~00 S.:.~hackelford .!,!!tie Rock, AR 7J _21!_
i Rlchard - 1R~col J 6/8/2018 200 TP Wh ite Ave Jacksonville, AR 72076
Daniel ' Dahl l 6/11(20 ! 8 200 SW Sub~rb<!"- -ine Bent~~ville 727!:2
!:___ -_-_-_-- Gordan 6/11/~ -~~ 4~91 W. Roz~I St. Rogers,AR 72756
~a~~ -_____ l 'Ip~ns~n ~- - 6/11/?918 500 w, 29th N~h _Ll!tle Ro~k,AR 72114
~~dra ____ rMil ler 6/ll/_£Ql8 200 SW Suburt:?~n Lan~ ~~~nville 72712
'Wils_o_n____ I Andrade - 6/11/2018 2809 Pines Ma il Or. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
~ r_en2-_a
_ _ ___ ro'Donnell-Daniels __ _ _§/12(?.Ql~ lglOB recke r:!_(
~~~ Ro~,~ 72205
[Holden _____
~ dolphus __ =w~ _______
_ Harris _ _ ____ _ 6/12/2018 ~ 1 Remington Or little Rock, AR 72210
6/~?fl Oj ~!-~!lO·w. 29th North uui_i
Rcick,_f,R 1i1i_i'
~~~~; ~
6/12/2018 J200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
-- -=-=
e_ ! _ Roche~ _-
11075 $. Shiloh Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701
l 25Q_lS:.Service Rd West ~fl!e!!!S,AR 72301
1Paul Davoren _ 6/13/2018 ] 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvill e 72712
la renda ____ l w111our _6/13/2018 [ 2810 S 28th Place Rodgers,AR 72758
)Skylar - King 6/13/2018 l5120 W . Markham St Little Rock,AR 72205
l ~ '!'.in __
,Hoag [
6/ 13/2018ml20 W , Markham St Little Rock,AR 72205
_ 6_fill~ _l~ sgQ_w. Markham St Little Rock,AR 72205
~Stanl~ _ ---i H;-ag I 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvi lle 72712
Janine ___
~~~: mpson _ _
Thompson __
-=f- _- _ ___ _ _
6/13/2018 106 Ande rson Brookla nd, AR 72417
- 6/14/2018 232£ N.-H-; m~gb i~d LnFayettevme, AR 72703
6/14/2018 2322 N. Humm ingbird Ln Fa~ttev ill e, AR 72703
J?__~ Palmer __ _ 6/14/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~ lt ~ ----- IMcD~ 6/14/2018 1000 South Futral! Or. Fayetteville, AR 72701
Ronald ____ ~~ 6/14/2018 1000 South _Futral! Or. ~ tteville, AR 72701
~~t lir: -___ __ ____/!< line _ 6/14/2018 5120 W. Ma rkham St Little Rock, AR 72205
~ ck1e __ Stevens 6/14/2018 10524 W. Markham St little Rock, AR 7220S
il ohn Osbron 6/15/2018 11690 Willow Beach Park RdScott, AR 72142
jRi!chelle -~-- -_ 1l yo_~ --=-- 6/_15/2fl18 .?02w. 29th North Uttle Rock, AR 72114 -------;
Denise ,Rodrigues §/ lS/ ~018 ?00 W. 29t_b_!:!_~r
th little Rock,AR 72114
j~!)thony fM cGh_e!._ 6[1?/201!3 ~00 ~<!i n Rd Uttle_!l_ock,_~ 72211
~ r'l!._ - /Oberg_ 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
tfle_~ McCl_!lin 209
6/15/21]_1__8 SW S_1,1burt?an L~ne Bentonvill~ 727}2
INancv _ ___ /·Tofflemier 6/1Sj2018 200 SW Sub~an _La~e Bentonvil le 72712
L~ebec~ Coyle 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvil le 72712
6f1S/201!3 _106 N P[azaCt Van Buren AR72956
:~!~~ny j.R£~e
e 6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock,AR 72211
lijah Guerrero §/18/_~Q!B ~1!_00Kanis R_!!.Little RO}_!', AR 72211
Charles ' Chavez 6/18/20 1_830Q5 5_!4th_~, fo ~t Si:!!lth, AR 72903
1<!£r~_;en Oractell 6/18/2Q!8 500 "'f..:29t ~ rth Lit tle Rock, AR 721) 4
Matthew Js~;k
6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
6/18/2018 500 W. 29t h Nort h little Rock, AR 72114
_6/19/2018 1106 NPiazaCt~;;ren AR 72956- --
,Magnus _ _ Olssm_ 6/ 19/201!3.J
406 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 71602__ __
IChr:i_St(?eh~ fseals 6/19/20181405 Calloway_AveSherwood~R 72120 - - - - .---:
Tashonda ·lGgforth- ?l~,'?01? 14_0SCa[lpway AveSherw_ood, ~R7_2120 _ ""1
- Daro ¥~/?018 I_!Bo~ J.ane 1:[ t:,~e RockAR72210_ _ _:
Le~ Raper 6/2,9./2018
Dr li tt_!_e
f!gck,~R7_2207 _
!Larry_ J~B~tt 6/20/2018IS00W. 29th North little Rock,AR72114
6/20i201a 3200 Bankhead Drive-:1.illle Rock~ AR72206
__ ____
P_!!'gO ~l.29/~l! t!g.1 _~en~~~eHo t_~~'!.~, AR?.)~01 -
~~ - - j~<?~e - 6/~2_918~5 _L~~!l..CO't st_little R_o~k. AB7220~_
1Libb __ __ Piatt _____ 6/21/20.!!!j8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith, AR 72917
Pegy_ ~I£1},c,ls 6,'iif~1~~oci}3 es~ qir_FdA£_t_3 Little_-f3~ ~-Af3.72227
Dustin Hahn 6/22/2018!908 Oakwood Ln Centerton, AR 72719
Donald Schryver 6/22ho18l21- Remington Dr Little Rock: AR 72210
[!_ iG~ _ 6/22/2018 ~ 706 Carter Court Siloam Springs~R_72761
:shejley Brown 6/25/2018 2810S 28th Place Rodg~ AR72758 _ _ _
~ f.lL_ey k~ ni~~ - - 6/25/2018 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
Brian Latim~ __ 6/2S/2018 1075 S. Shiloh Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701
Patrick _j P~£ples 6/25/2018 2304 W. Skyler Dr Fayetteville, AR 72703
Brandon i ~th 6/25/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith. AR 72904
liiathleen Gallant 6/_2si291s 2896 N. Quail C!eek Fayettevllle,j..'3 "TJ-70] _~-
j A~ ndre 6/25j2018 20~1 Michelle Circle_Conwa~.AR 72032 _ _
f0i nelle Nieto 6~2_?/~Ql_!!200SWSuburban ~a~eJ!en( onvil~..??21? __
Stacy Bush 6/25/2018 200 SWSuburbanLaneBentonville72712 ____ _
Zubin. , Contractor 6/25/2018 200 SWSuburban Lane Bentonville 72712 ___ _ _ ~
dward - . H_ay~- 6/26/2018 3209S.31stSt FortSmith,AR72901 !
~ ichelle_ -- ____ J~u!1nlgan-Palmer _ 6/26/2018 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
,Jeffrey Carter 6/27/2018 21 Remi~~on Dr Little Rock. AR 72210_
.Brye.!_ Galla~er 6/27/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
(Nichol~~ Melugin 6/27/20181200SWSubu rban Lane Bentonviiie- 72712
fDebra .. MJ!.l]>hY 6/27/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 _
~fi~~e_ --]
~ Patton
6/27/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
6/27/2018 !9800 Kani_s Rd_. tle Ro_ck, ~ 13211
_li_~ _
[~~rrlus !Racy 6/ 27/20187801Holly FortSmith, AR72908
" ~~ ,;,ioo""""''"' ,~ M•"'M oo~,;,m;oo.,.,;,,, m """ lm,;o
~: om-hkansas Cod! p-9-601 '
- . -L
t I -I
(<:)(i) Provide a complete /ISiof all paid canvassers' names and Clll'l'entrestdeottal addresses to the Secretmy af State. ___ I
(11jifadditionalpa,d canvassersagree to salic117'g~a,;;,·eson behalfof a spo,isor after the cn,11ple1e list i.fprovided, /he sponsor shall provldea1111 pdated I
1list of!! // po1dcanvassers_'
nomes a'!!!_
~ th'!._
ate. _ _ _ _ _
To verify that there are 110 anminal offenses 011record, a sponsor shall ob/am, at us cos 1, jr o 111the Depar111,e111of Arka11sas State Police, 11current state and :
federal cr,minal l'~CJI'!! wasser lo be registeredmt!, the Sec1·eta
search on eve')~/Jll!_d__cm !:}'_o/Stt11e.
(1) The cnmmal recordsearch shall be oblamed w11hmthirty (30) days prior /0 the regislmtion of the paid canvasser,
I_ ------ - - - -- , - - -- --- - - - . -j
· Upon s11
o11of tis Its/ of pard canvassers to the Secremry of State, the .vpon.vorshall certify tn the Secretary, of Stare 1/mteach putd camosser in /Is
Iemploy hos f!<1$Sed
a cnminol b'!!_k$_
'!!!'".!!search in accordance_wllh rhis se::nan. __ _
I certify that each paid ~anvasseron this list has passed a criminal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasSlatePolice as required by ArkansasCode § 7-9-60I .
Michael Amo
/i rst N!!_me I' last Name Oate·of Name First~ bmltt; d to- SOS J ~ldenta il Addres
_:!_o~~h Almosawy - -·- - -- - ~iJQ/2017 92~ S Un1ver~ityAve, Ltt_!leRoc_k, AR 72204-
i S_!!!rlifl_il
_ IEisenlohr 8/30/2017 5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason , Ml 48654
Jacq11el ine _ - _ '
f; Collier - -- 8(.30/2017100 Big .Eddy Rd.~Popu lar Bluff, MO 63901
I~ -~--- _·g;~~:
fChase _____ -j
I - 8/30/2017 10 0 Big EddyRd :~Popular Bluff , MO63901
8/30/ 2017 12700 S.Lewis, Little Roc(AR72204
§/30[2_91 3325. f0arsh~! Ave :! St. Louis_JIIO ~ 114 _
8/30/20171 701 Bowers St., Little Rook, AR 72204
Gloria _ _ ____ ~ vina __ [ 8129/201? 6132 Y~rk Blvd , #437 , Los Ang~les ~i5A 90.Q.5
- ~
die (?.eaii
J Stone
. Wilkins
, Dedvuk~
__ _
jjf _-_
-- --- - --
_ 8/29/20 ~? 5132 York Blvd . #437 , Los An9.eles, CA 90050
6/29/2017 3701 Bowers St. , Little Rock, AR 72204
_ 9/1/201tm 7is~[ Ho~chins ~o~d. Chr~iansbur!;l, VA _24073
9/1/20 !.ZJ 09 Shawnee Place, Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
9/1/2017 231-AllenAve., RadfordiVA.24141
- -9ffl/201~ 901 Fair Park Blvd .. Little Rock , AR 72204
Dorothy .!cord 9/612017 2206 Mitzi Lane , Jonesboro ~AR7240-1 _,
Shaun Sachs _-:_ 9/7/~17 4540 W .S unset Ave ., ~ri~da l~. AR 72762
1JE!nnif~r_ Norwood 9112/2017 114394 Armada Road , Port Charlotte , FL 33953
,Courtney +-McDuffie - 9112/2017 1891Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda , FL -33950
Antonio .1.~aks ·- 9/ 13/2017 10700 Richsmith Lane #115 , Maumelle . AK 72113
"§teve!1~ _ P<!.9.El_ - 9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court , North Little Rock, AR 72217
Audrey Silberman ~5~017 745 _:r:~etoe Ridg~ r-~Valley _PJrk.,_MO§_3086
,Cassandra - Tu:~
----_- - 9/25/2017 5901 JFK Blvd ., #604 , North Little Rock , AR 72116
lwaco .Alien _Day . - . - - - - 9/25/2017 1832Cou ntry Road 2726, .CaddoMiils:,=iusfas
foavid__ ,_ :Day --- -- - - 9/25l201 2J1832 Country Road 2726 , Caddo Mills , TX 75135
i ~essi£e.._
jg!rr, ore
t _
9/28/20 17 1302 E Roosevelt Rd ., Litt le Rock , AR 72206
9/28/201l ?22 E. 19th Street , ~e!,~.Ji~~i!t
~!28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
~~~£017 9 Re:1ee Cove , Little Rock, AR 72209
le REck0 AR 72114
I g~ristoehe_!: _ !3~~er · 9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Ave .. Jacksonville, FL 32205
_Gw_!!ndol~ Allen 9°i29!~.1! 1§.QO§ .,_B!oadway, Ap~703 , LillleRock~R ?~2~ j
1Nic)L i5uenez 10/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Verna Watkins 10/3/2017 2613 E. Cosfell Rd ., Jacksonville . AR 72076
Lakeisha Porter 10/3/2017 12506 Belair Dr, S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
I Brent· !Watson 101312017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86 , Mabelva le~AR 72103
iRlta 1Radak 1014/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 7 2012
:Shawn. l Mall~y T6i412iff7 701 Scott St. #802 , Little Rock, AR 72201
r:iames Howell 10/412017 410N , Cherry St., Beebe , AR 72012
,cu rtis •~estbrook 10/4/2017 1017 North Place , Benton, AR 720fa
caroiyn jHillman
10/612017 9204 Mabelville Cut Off Rd., Mableva le, AR 72103
10/6/2017 103 Victory CTr.,Jacksonv ille, AR 72076
Ange la JRoberson 10/1012017 130W. Lee Ave ,, Sherwood , AR 72120
- ~El_eJy - - 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock , AR 72206
Melis~a .r ~rrough _ _ 10/10/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60 , Mabelvale, AR 72103
.!'!ico~ __ ,_Botenberry_ 10/1012017 7 121 Holly Lane , Mablevale , AR 72103
Issac -- ~~_b~ 1_0/10/ 2017 311 E. ~th ~L#101__~l:!!t~Rock, A~ 7~02 __
l.aJ_l§n :cannpn-Joy 19112122_17 !870 ~ _§!l~f!l Rj_, Ae!.:.7017. Conw~y._AR72034 .
Jelen Morris 10/19/2017 9815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
tGlen ~£,hwarz 10/19/2017 67S. Wakefield o"r,', Little Rock, AR 72209
rJohn Eric Jones 12/4/2017 533 MC3046 , Yellville, AR 72687
I.Michael R:. Ja;kson 12/12/2017;2562 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017<350Lampiighter Dr., Benton, AR720 15 -
l ~ulishia Johnson 12/12/2017!2015 S. Louisiana St.Apt. A, Little Rock, AR 72206
12/12/2017L21098 Jones. Rd., Har'risburg,AR 72432- -
Trent Whitlock
Erlc Whillock -_ _ 12/12/2017 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
Sericka Rag_land_ 12/12/201711900 W, 29th Little Rock, AR 72706 (
D aniel Mitchel j - 1 2l12i2°017!956 DutionM tn Rd., CedarR i<!g~ AR 72027 __ -
Calvin Davis I 12/13/2017 4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North Little Rock, AR 72116
~i - ~ill s _ 12/13/2017;5 115 West Markham, #1, Little Rfck, AR 72205 _ _ I
ay -1-·-______~~~f~~
1~:;~ 2~~~
rd 7
!i __
:6~hley JE..wa!~
_J _6/25/2018~ 0121 Unionto wn Hwy~i ontown, AR 70955
Johnson ITerri 2/14/2018173 Deer MeadowsCt., Sherwood, AR 72_1_20 -'------ I
Williams - - l Rebecca - 2/1 4/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10-Little Rock. AR 72204- I
--y -- - - -- - --~Molllrer
- 2/14/2018 17 Flourit e Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212 -
I I 3 12120183200 Ba nkhead Dri~e. LittleRock~R 72206
Barry__ Valen!i~e 3l7i 2018 24603 Lesia Lake Lane,P aron, A-R-72122.
Travis 'Walton I 3/1512018 800 Locust St.. North Little Rock.A R 72114
Chakkim Anav Israel 3/1912018 l!.70~.. S_alem Rd., Apt~7017, C~i]!V~~ AB 72034
!f;sii_!!l~ - Ewald 3/20/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
,Lee •Evan~ 6/2512018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
True AHsandre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway.AR7 2034-- --
IKenneth Coulter 3/2012018 72205- - -· ·-- •
C:i!th~rine Danciu 3/20/2018 319-N. 22nd St., Little Rock, AR, 72206
"'Ih~m pso n
3i28/2018 8815 Woodbine#803 , Sherwood, AR 72120
3/28/201811623 Grant St., Little Rock, AR7 2204
Nina ·Hamf)ton 3~ ~j 2018j~9 0 Ma~l a_!ldAve., Li~le Rock.A R 722 04
Shirley - Couni s 3/28/2018 900 S, Maple St., Lttlle Rock, AR 72204
ftt amilton__
_.1!3iddle _
- -t
3/28/2018 9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock. AR 72209 -
_i! i/20~ 8 1316 s:_ Battel}'._S~. LittleRock:·AR1i 2q_
4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock, AR 72204
2_ l
Jac~ueilne ___ ·webb - -~ -- -- 4M01 8,8904~ 5, .";Ai)).A,Lilli e Rock AR 72204- - -
Ivan -! Allen ' _________ 4/12/201~91 6S . MapleSt.,LitlleRock,AR72204 1
LaTuana - ]ri!!)f~y_ _ _ _ 4/12/2018 921 S, Maete, Little Rock, AR 72204 _ -- .
Melody -~ Estes 5/23/2018 240 MatthewsDr. #c40, Hot Springs, AR 72015
Cordero '
_j Wilkins -
5/30/201814319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209 -
5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr.. Little R-ock Ar. 72210
Nicholas ji{ o~als\ L_ 5/31/201~121 Remin9tonDr., LittJ~ REckAr. 72~10_ -
Roseanne JPiggee 5/31/201!!] 201 S Valmar St , Little Rock, AR 72204
Richard -
' Daro
6/1/2 018~11!Bogey°"L
0~ ?_1__
n.. Little Rock~R -72210 :....:..._
~ton Di:,, Little_R~ck Ar. r2~10
6/1/2018 617 S. BroadwayLittle Rock, AR 72201
___ -1
! h Pl~~~ Rcxl~s, AR72758 - ~ - - - ~
t -
Jerime- - ;Willour 60 /20!§ _ 21110
s 28!
Shalimar Wi_llo_u_r _ _ _ 6/1/2018 2810S28thPlaceRodgers,AR72758 I
Andrew __. ~~o_y., 6/4/2018 110_N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72i°14- _
Robe_r!, _ ' Gl~ow 6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
_To__nyers - ..:::".BQ yd- - 6/4/2018 21Remington Dr., Little RockAR.72210-- -
Martin _jg ~nton -- - 6/41201~ 1~51.~. Sai~ Rd ,. Con"iiY~_Af{7203f - . -
Cha-se - THarris - - 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
Kevin - Charpentler 615/2018110 EPershing North Little Rock AR 72114 ·
;Diann ____ - ~ ntry 6/5/20181401 S. ShackelfordRd Uttie- RockAR72211
Nicho~ __ __ _ ~ Turpin _ 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR f221 0 -
Russell__ 6i5/2018 1401 s : shackelford Rd Little Rock AR72211
jWilliam _ B_!J~ __ 6/5/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
f- ntt,ony
is oe
l Ford
- -1
I 6/5/201~ 2_51.Q W . Martin Conway AR_?2034
615/2018 1818 N. f:!wy9, Morrilton, AR 7 2210
~/5/?Q.!8J S½ N, H~ 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
~.§/2!)18 21 RemingtonDr LittleRock, AR 722 10
6/5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
[Ralph l Walke{: 6ffi/2018f f103 S. Victory#A Little Rock, AR 72202 _
IDallio ,~ti mer _ , 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 __ _
Mic':1!_eJ 1
Be~ker 6f 5i_201~ 21_B~min_gton_ Dr_!.itt~_R~ ck, A_f!..
•Arthur Ladd _?/~/2018 J6100 Mitchell Dr Little Rock. AR 7_~~ 99
Melinda 'Selley 6/6/3018 / 010 Breckenr idge Uttle_Rpc .1_AR 72~
G_~ry- )Robinson 6/?/.5Ql8 , 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forre~tQ!y. AR 72235
:~~:~ 6/6/201s i 21 Rem ington Dr Little Rock. AR 72210
M_!!:_tll.el 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenrld~ U_;tle~~. A~.?EQ5 -
~ar~ _yla 6L6/2Q~ 1010 Breckenrldse Little Rock,AR_72_ ~05
Fletcher egele 6~2018__ 1010 B_i:ec kenridge Little Rock, AR 72205
Jean '!~~e_ 6/~(20_~ 1010_B__r:~E!<~r i9g__e
_Little Roe~, AR 72205
- - ~ pp ___
_ __ ___Garland
6/6/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little RockAR. 72210
r_e-;:it~ ny_ 6/6/2018 ,21 Remi;;'gton Dr Little -Rock, AR 72210 -
David ------1--- IRennich __ Gi6@) l fill 50 US-65 _N f _o-;,;ay ~AR_7~032 - _----
[Linda Curtis - 6/6/2018 jJ 0800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
- ~ -- _ 6/6/20lfil1010 Brecken1~s~~ttle RO£k , AR 72205
--- - - ---
__ 6/7/20l_fill0800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
Robert McCorkindale 6/7/2 018!604 N.-Tyler St Uttle Rock,AR 72205_- - _ _ --
1E_th~ !1
- Zi~tz Y} /2018~31~ !" ~oseberry Ln Fayetteville, AR_?P9._4__ _
~t~eri ne ,Sabatino 6/7/201~- 1~280 9 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601 __ _
David Davis 6/8/201_8~ 1 Remlng_tonDr Little Rock, AR 72210 _
Shaun ,Sachs 6/8/2om215 W. Birch St Russellville,AR 72802 ____ _
r--. -
~~n l GilliLanj §L_8/2Q~8 l604 N. Tyler St Litt le Rock,AR 72205
,!.0!1Ye~te_ _ i H09!5 6/8/2018~ 00 W. 29th North Uttle Rock,AR 72114
Greg_o"{ Lee 6/8/2018 3609 Mob_e !' y Ln,. Bento11v~ AR 72?g
1La.:ry r-B--;;-
dshaw §~/2018 3609 M!?_ berly .!:_n, ~en_t_~II~, AR 7]] _12
,Mildr~q_ !Almeida 6/8/2018 ~_Remington D{Ut\le Roc_k,_AR 722!9_
1Carol Nolan 6/8/20 18 3609 Mober ly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712
WIiiiam Young 6/8L20~ _2ofs:..Sh-ackelforp_Little R94 ;-AR7 £21_1-
!Ri£lar d
D~ I
!~ dan__ ___
L 6/8/2Q_l.8__29!)_TP lf.:'hjte Ave_Jacksonville, AR 72276
6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
_ __ 6/11/2018 4601 W. Rozell St. Rogers,AR 72756_
Damien _ Johnso!!_ _ _., 6/11/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114
Sandra _ _ Jll ~r- _ - - 6/11/2018 200 ntu
SW Suburban Lane-Bento-;,vllle
0fi lso,:i ndrade 6/11/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Holden _ ___
- - --
, Harris_ _
- 6/12/2018 1010-Bre7kenridgi°Littie Rock,
6/12/2018 21 Remington Dr little Rock, AR 72210
AR 72205
- f odr i~~es_
~Obe.[g- -
0 ~!h North L~ttleR!?_ck, AR ~114
6/15/2018 600 Hardin Rd little Rock,AR 72211
6/1S/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
- --- 11
=- 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~ 1-~/2018~200 SW Sub~rban Lane B~v!!!_e .E?.l~
6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
lja"Zob-= To~e 6/15/2018 106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR72956
Al)! h~ !)Y McGhee _ ___ 6/18/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
Elii-!._h Guerrero 6/18/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
-{ Chavez
6/ 18/2018 3005 S 74th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903
6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North _Litt!!, R-;;-
_i ,A!!._7211
6/18/2018 f500 W ._29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
M2.g_n~_ _ _ Olson 6/19/2018!406 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 71602
•_~hris!o~ _ Seals _ _ 6/19/2018 1405 Callo~ay Ave Sherwood, AR.72120
,Tashonda ,Goforth 6/19/2018 405 Calloway Ave Sherwood, AR 72120
Ricky Daro 6/20/2018 111~ey Lane Little RockAR 72210
Leigh Raper 6/20/2018 143 Shannon Dr Little Rock,AR 72207
Larry ~_!Sj!l!tt 6/20/20181SOOW. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
Bernardo Velasq~ez 6/20i201S,3200Bankhead0rlve :T ittle Rock , AR 72206 -
Byr<in ~~go 6/20/2018, 1127 Centr al Ave Hot S~s . AR 71901 __
~ nie Moore 6/21/201?) 3405 Long coy st little Rock, AR 72204 _ __
.!,Ibby___ Piatt ~/2l:f2~1~ Ll!_29?Me§ldow Dr Fo_rt §mi th , ~R 72917
P~y Nichols 6/21/2018 11900 Resevoir Rd Aet 3 Little Rock, AR 72227
Dustin ___ Hahn 6i2ii2ois i908 Oakwood Ln -Centerton, AR 72719 --
! Do~ald
Michae_l __
Wfr(!Y _ _
- ---t
r 6/22/2018121 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR72210
_§/22/20~ 110 6 Carte~ Court Siloa_mSpring~ AR- 72761
6/25/201812810S 28th PlaceRodgers,AR 72758
_ 6/W20~ L9300 T.f.e!lsure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
~'!_ _ _ ____ Lat~'!'er 6/2S/2018f 1075 S, Shiloh Dr Fayetteville , AR 72701
jPa_!riq ___ _ /Peoi>_I~~ - 6/25/201s l2304 W .-Skyler Dr Fayettevill e';-AR 72703
Brandon I Reith 6/25/201812412 N. 57th Fort Smith, AR 72904 -
_Kathlee,;-_ _ _ Gallant 6~5/}01!! ~2896_N. g_tJailCreekFay e~y!!)i, f.~ 7?703
Drew Ii---Alisandre 6/25/2018@01 Michelle Circle Conway, AR 72032
+ 6/~5&01~,?0Q SWSuburban Lane Bentonville 71_7!2 _
I --+-
St~y __ -- _ 1Bush 6/2S/20181200 SWSuburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Zubin - l contractor I 6/25/20181200 SWSuburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Edward -- - - -1Haynes
-+ - -
--- 6/26/201B5 2ois~1st St FortS;,i th, AR 72901 - - -
Mic~lle _ --=-=----= J ~!1n~,an-Palmer .Ji/26/2~ 9300 Treasu ~~ f-!!11 Rd Llttle_Rock, A_R 72227
--~- l£ arter
' §j 27j_2018 ?2~mi~ton _qr Little Rock, AR 72~.Q _
6/27/2018~200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
- 1~~;~~
__2/27/2 _Ql~ 200 ~w. S_u~~~b~~.\§ln e Ben~nville 7271 ?__ __ 7
l~~~las _
ie _ __ Patton
6/27/20_~ 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
6/27/20~3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206
[30 18)1_gsoo
~njs Rd.:.l._!!.~_f!ocly A!!7~11
__ . _
Frorn ArkansasCod!~ .7:~6 01__ i
(C)(i) Provide a complete list of oil paid canvassers· names and current residentialaddressesto !he Secretaryof State.
) If odd111
· (11 onal paid canva--;;-,,
7s agree ta soli~,t slg11au,
res on behalfof o spo11sorofl;r the complete list Isprovided. the sponsor ,iha/1provide an updated
_ • _ _ _ _ list9f a// µq,d_conva~!•!·s · ll!!!" es.<!!1d..£w7:ent
r~ide nuol (!s!s to the Seci'!!_
To verify that there are no cnminol offenseson record.a sponsor shall obtain, at tis cos/, fi'om !he Departmen/ of Arkansas S1a1ePolice,a currem s/o/e and
federal crimmal recordseo,I h 0 11~y puid p!l_ n>asser_!!J_be registel!ld'!',!ththe SecretaiJ•o.(_Stare
(1) The cnmmal record searclrslro/1be obtained 11
lrin thirty (30) daysprior 10 the regis1rn1ion of 1he pmd canvasser.
Uponsubmission of its list of paid canvassers to !he Secretaiy of.~tate, th-,sponsor shall certify 10the Secre1a1y alS tote !hot each paid canvasserin II.~
employ lrospassed a crimilu1Ibackg!_ 'O.!!!_td ! a~r da11ce"'!I!!.!.~;.,
5!.orch 1, seclmn. _ _ _
I certify that each paid canvasser on U1islist has passed a criminal background check by rhe Arkansas State Police as required by ArkansasCode§ 7-9-60 I .
Michael Arno
First· Nam; - Last Name Date of Name First Submitted to SOS l Resldentail Addres
Jo~ ~ Almosawy - _ - __ _ - 8/3012017
19255Unlversiti°Ave-:-Gtue Rock~AR 72204 _
Sterling Eisenlohr 8/30/2017j5448 Curtuce Rd., Mason, Ml 48854
~~cql!e!Lne gollLer:. -_______ ·__ _ 8/30/2017 1.QQ~ Bigtd~ _Rd., Popular Bluff, MQ_ _6l~O~
I - -
Tf3o~nby~r:t !Wells _ _ __ - ~ 0/2017110_0 Big Edd)'B.!,_ ~ular BJuff. _M_Q6~~9!.
1 Davis 8/30/2017l2700 S. Lewis. Little Rock, AR 72204
a_ - - - Owe!1S- . 8/30]201713325 Marsha ll fv~. ,...SL-Lou!s, MO 631 ~i
Chase ;w ilkins 8/30120173701 Bowers St., Utile Rock, AR 72204
[Gtoria - - - - - ;Aviiia- 8/2912017,5132 York Blvd. #437,Los Angeles: cA 90050
Jose~ Lawrence ___ Stone _ 8/29120175132 York Blvd. #437. Los Angeles. CA 90050
Cart E. Wilkins 8/29/201713701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204
Eddie Dean Shumate Ill · ·s117~1]735 H2uchins R2_ad,Chrfstiansbur~.VA 24073
~deli(!a _ Dedvukaj 9/1/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
Krisdon - Phil lips 9/1/2017 231 Allen Ave., Radford, VA 24141
Annette Lord 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR- 72204
_Qorothy ---- l ord 9/6/2017 2206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro :·AR 72401-
Shaun ~achs - 9/7/2017 4540 W SunsetAve., Springdale./'.R7 2762
Jennifer Norwood 1 9J~}i~Q1I 1~01 S ~iv~~i tyF v~ Lillie Rock, AR 7~q_Q5 _
·1 c~u.!:(n
_~y- McDuffie t 9/12/2017[1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, Fl 33950
I -
~13/2Q17 10700 Richi mith L~ e # 115-:-~a~m~lfe-AK.7fj 13
9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
6 1J_9
_r~ ~_il~rm.!_'!._ 9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge-Dr., Valley Park, -MO 63088
Cassandra Lusk .. 9/25/201715901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
~ac.9_All~n [D_i!'f.
- 9/25/201711832 Country Road 2726. Caddo Mills, TX 75135 .
Qay id
n~lll ----
__Jon_!l s _ j
.J ---
9/~5/20]1 _18~2_Co~~try RoaE 2726~ Caj do M} l~ :]X_75135
_J/28E 017 ~ E. Roosevelt 13;! .,l~e Rock, AR 7~206
Klva Elmore .J 9/28/2017 62~ . 19Qi_~ t(eet, Apt. 55..!.North ~~ - R~ck, AR72 114'
ScoggiQS -
I 9/28/2017 9816 Regent Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204
9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, littleReick, AR72f69 ---
_Q!lrisi.2.f)h~ Baxter -1 9/2912017 1470 Avondale Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32205
t~wendolyn Allen I 9129/2017 1800 S. Broadway, Apt. 703, Little Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 10/2/2017 109 ShawneePlace, Jacksonville, AFf h 676
lverna -;- Watkins 1 10/3/2017 2613 E. Coslelt Rd., Jacksonville, AR 72076
.Lakeisha l oryer I 10/3120172506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff.A R 71601 ·
IBrent !Watson 10/3/2017 11500 Chicot Rd., Lot 86,·Mabelvale, AR 72103
!Rita Radak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Shawn I Malloy 10/4/2017 701 Scott St. #802 , little Rock, AR 72201-
1James ; Howell 10/4/2017 410 N. Cher:_ry g, Beebe, AR 72012 __
Curtis ·westbrook 10/412017 1017 North Place, Benton, AR 72019
@ ber Hillman · 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelvllle Cut Off Rd., Mablevale, AR 7210"3
·Carolyn I Braun 10/6/2017 103 Victory Cir., Jacksonville, AR 72076
0 ngela !Rqbers2..!l _ 10/1012017130 W. Lee Ave., Sherwood, AR 72120
1~ari~ N~elL _ 10/10/2017 5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206
Melissa _ . _ ___ _ ,Pa!!:_Qu gh_ 10110/201711500 Chicot Rd., Lot 60, Mabelvale, AR 72103
1Ni~le 1Rotenberry_ .i ____ f 011Ql?017 7'._
121_Holly L_
ane, Mable_vate; AR 72103
·Issac Newb'i_ 10/10/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
[Lad!,J an lcannon-J oy 1oi12i2017 870 S. Salem Rd., Apt. 7017, Conway, AR 72034
- !Morris -·
10/19/2017 9815 Clovemill Road, Little Rock AR-72205
10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Or., Little ·Rock, AR 72209
' John Eric ..Jones- -- 1 2/41261°715-33 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687
-Michael f3
.- l ~ ck~
Q~- 1~Q?_~2017 I2662 Mountain Pine Rd., Hot Spi i!!9S_,_ ~~_l9!_3
Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 1350 Lamplighter Dr.. Benton, AR z2015 _
Euli shia Johnson 12/12/2017 12015 S. Louisiana St. Apt . A , Little Rock , AR 72206
Trent Whitlock _, 1?! 12f?017 i210~8 i one~. Rd., H_arr isb~rg, AR 724~2 -
Eric Whitlock 12/12/2017 ,21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, A R 72432
Sericka ,Rall!_and i 2,fa i201 1 1900 W , ·29th Little R·ock,A R 72706--
Daniel j ~tc ~ I 121121201.z 9~ _6u~to,:i_t v1tnRd.. Ced~r '31~9~._AR 7202 ?_ _
,Calvin !Davis 1~/13/2_91 7 I~ 1?_Hj_ckory Rd.#4 , ~,g,:th_ ~~I!~ Roc_k_J.R _?~ 116
'Lori f-::
Sills _ 12/13/ 201?16115 West Markham, #1, Little Rick, AR 72205
a_ IFlowerday_ 12/13/ 2017m 2817 Davi d O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock, AR i 22 i o
~onah_ _ Israel _12113/2.Q!_Z~3~ ~outhea~tern Ave., _Jacks9nvil~,A R_72076 _ ::_
A~ _ Ewald 6/25/20 18 1012 1 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown. AR 70955
IJohnson Terri 2/14/2018 173 Deer Meadows Cl., Sherwood , AR 72120
· Rebecca I m ~- Apartment 10 Li!~e- Ro~~~ 72~Q5
~l) lams _ 2/14/20~ ~.Q~L
I Shaw ___
- - 2/14/2018 17 Flourite Cove. Little Rock, AR 72212
1Morrison 3/ 2/2018 3200 Bankhead D-rive: Little Rock , AR 72206
I R~ _
-i Vale-'}!in_
e 3/7/2 018 °24603 Lesia Lake Lane,P aron , AR 72122
3/15/2018 1800 Locust St.. North Little Rock, AR 72 114
(2_hakkim Al!!V _lsr~I 3/19/2018" 870 s: Salem Rd,, Api . 7017, Conway. AR 72034
l Ashley
3/20/f018 10121 Uniontown Hwy.. Uniontow n, AR 70955
6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown. AR 70955
~12~2p~~~-Sherwood Dri~~-Conway. AR 7iQ_34_
f- 3/20/20 18 72205
Catherine Danclu 3/20/2018 3f9N~ 2nd St.. Little Rock, AR .7 2206
~ acql!_eline Webste r 3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #80~S herwood, AR 72120
lP hylliL , Thompson 3/28/2018 ' 1623 Grant St , Little Rock, AR 72204
1 Nina Hampton 3/28/2018 3700 Maryland Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204
!Shirley Counts 3/28/20 1a1900 s. Maple St ' littl eRo ck'. AR 72204
~::~;a · j~
·Tasha n- Oneal 3~ _F10-ie 981CJ_ 9 _eelia- Dr.. L~tle Rock, AR 72209
4/4/2018 1316 S. Batter,. St., Little Rock, AR 72202
4is12o fif13J°01 Wes t 10th St., Little R ock, AR 72204
,} ac~el ine 4/ 5/201 a [69Mr anya Dr .. Apt. A. Little Rock AR i 2204
Ivan Allen 4/12/2 018t 916 S. Maple St., Little Reick, AR 72204
•-LaJuana ____ Brimley __ - 4/ 12/2018 92 f s . Maple.Li ttleR ock, AR 7 2204 - -
~Melody _ __ _ _ ~ stes - _!i/2~ ?0 18 240 M-atttiews Dr.# c4(?_. _Hot Spri~ A_B7201_?
Ln_grid ____ j.~ ilkin~ _______ _ 5/30/ 2018 14319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero IBarba _-_ ~ ~1/2 ~w 18'2 1 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar . 72210 -
~ ho las _ _ ___ ~ g~ alski -_ -- -- 5~ 1/?01~ 21 Remi,n _ilt oi:i 12£.
, _lit~ Rock A r. 72210_ _
_Roseanne Piggee 5/31/2018 201 S, Valmar St., Little Rock , AR 72204
fiua~- - - !Daro- - 6j 1~ 018 j 11 Bo_gey \n ., Little Ro_ck,_~~ ] ?210 - _
[Trev - IAsh 6/1/2018 121 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
1Ric~ard j ~aIYJ1:I.Y_ _ _6/ 1/2018 :617 S. Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201 __
IJ~rim_1c_ j Willour 6/ 1/20 18 28105 28th Place Rodgers,AR 72758
1Shalimar ,Wi llour 6/ 1/20 18 '2810 S28th Place Rodgers, AR 72758
And rew
! Gla~w
~ ~20 _!8' 110 N. Pershing_'?~~-"-North Little R~ck_,__ ~ R 7_2114
Robert - -- - - - ~ as~ - 6/4/20 18 110 N. Pershing Blvd ., North Ltttle Rock, AR 72114 _ ,
I Io !!Y_!!r~
~rtin _
-~Boy~ __
_ __ Clanton __ ___
6/4/2018 ,21 Remington Dr., Little Rock AR. 722 10
6/4/2018 _1851 S, Salem Rd., Conway, AR 72032 __ _ __ --'
t Chase Harris 6/5/20 18 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
I Kevin __ ~~ tier _ - 6/512018'1 10E Persh ing North Little RockA R 72114
Diann - - Gentry 6/ 5/20 18 1401 S. Shacke lford Rd Little Rock AR 7221 1
Nicholas _ _ _____ - _J!!! pl.n_ 6/5/20 18 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
;-Russell _ Bag~ _ - 6/ 5/20181 401 S. Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 722-11
-~ llia'}l- - Burns - 6/5/20 1~J oo W .-29th St_North Little ~o~k. AR 72 11_ 4 --
1~n tho_!1t_ -_JCogp~ r 6/~/2_Q 1~,25.1q W Martin Conw~y AR 72_9~_
' \/_incen t • Neu_!(lll_TI 6/5/20 18 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 722 10
1Jo_tln_ ;Adam~ 6/5/2 018 1818 N. Hwy9 , Morrilton .A R 722 10
Boe Prill 6/ 5/20 18 j21 ~e ming_!o i Dr ~ tie _Rock. AR7 2210
~ Yn!hi a ,f:Qrc!_ 6/ 5/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
; R~ ph _ ' Walk ~ 6/ 5/20 18 1103 S. Victory #A Li ttle Rock, AR 72202
Dallio .'=-8
Jlm~ r 6/5/ 201~ .21 Rem\n11 ton _Dr Lillie Rock, A~_?2210_
_Michl! ~
Arthur _
l §~ ~er
6/ 5/2018 121 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
6/ 5/2018 6100 Mitchell Dr Little Rock, AR 72209
Melinda S~ eL_ 6/.§/2018 1_010 B.f! ~ ~nrid_ge little Rock, AR7220S
1Ga ry Robinson 6/6/ 2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235
fHeiena ITl)!sini _ _§1§(?.Q!S~~m ington D~Little Rock,_AR 72210
Michael Harris _ _6/6f201811_0_10 Breckenrid_s_e Litt le Rock,AR 72205
' ~cayla Amadei 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridg~ttle Rock, AR 7220S_ - - - .,
:Fletcher - Negele 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenr idge Little Roe~ AR 72205 --1
Jean ,Stussie 6/6/2018 1010 Brecken ridge Little Rock, AR 72205
.!_effrey___ _ _ ITu_rpin _Or.,l i_t_!Le~c~ ~~ 7?11_9.
_ 6/_!j~~OlB2_!£.emLn!!_!on
6/6/2018 21 Remington Or Little Rock, AR 72210
~rltt~y -i §ar~and
------- Rennich 6/6/2018 i ·so us
65 N Conway, AR 72032-· -·
ll'!_da__ _ _ J u.rt~~
-- 6/6/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
- ~~wa_nja_ Clark 1_ 6/6/2';Ji.8 ~OlQ B!~cke~ge -Little Rock, AR J2'205
Ruben v~s9_1;!ez_ 6/7J.2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,_Af!__722!!_
Mccorkinda le 6/7/2018 604 N. Ty ler St Litt le Rock, AR 72205
---Zietz ---
6/7/2018 2315 N Gooseberry Ln Fayetteville, A.R 727!?_1:
Catherine Sabatino 6/ 7/2018 2809 Pines Mall Or. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601 __ _
1oavld LD~ -- 61/I018 ~l Remingto_!:! _Or Litt le R_2_c.k!±\R
S_h!~ :Sachs 6/8/2018 215 w. Birch ~t_l!_U_!Se!!ville, AR 72802 _
~ iiii1a_nd
- 6/8/2018 604 N. Tyler St lit t le Rock, AR 72205
6/8/20 18 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
- Ji<?£lkS
Gr~2 _r'( - Lee __ 6/8/2018 3609 Mober[y Ln,Benton ville, AR 72712
Larry ~ ~adsha__w 6/8/2018 3609 Moberly Ln, Bento~ville, A!<7J.7~2
Mildr~d Almeida I 6/8/~018 .8_1_Remingt!?.'!_Dr Lit!le R_~c~, AR 7221<?..___ _
i Carol Nolan 6/8/2018~609 Moberly Ln, Bentonville, AR 72712 ____ ____.
IWj llam Young 1- 6/8/2018 200 S. Shackelfo rd Little Rock, AR72211
~ _i_0~i:_d j Risco! _ 6/8/2018 200 TP White Ave Jacksonville, AR 72076
~Daniel Dahl - 6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonv ille 72712
.Christopher ·tior dan --::-= _ 6/11/2018 4601 W. Rozell St. Rogers, AR 72756
l oamien--
'san dra
- -,
- -~
~~i:_ade _
-- __ ___ _ 6/11/2018 50£_~._29th North L!!_t_!_e Rock, ~R 7P~
6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712
6/11/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Brene!_a ---10'Donnell-Dan iels 6i 12i2oi8 1oio
BreckenricfgeJ:!_tt le Roel(, AR 72i05 . -
,tio lden _ ;.!"t2
rr~ 6/12/2018 21 Re!!J!.~_gton Or Little Rock,AR 72210 _ _ _
_Adolphus Coleman 6/ 12/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,...
AR 72U4 _
:scott ; Lamm 6/ 12/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
Chris Rlchele 6/1 2/2018~- 075 ~- Shiloh Or Fayette~le:AR7270l - -
ose· ,Rosh_et 6/13/2018 2501 S. Service Rd West Memphis, AR 72301
Paul p~oi:_en
6/13/2018 _200 SW S~burban lane Bentonville 72712
fBr_enqa jWillo_ur 6/13/201~ Place Rodgers, AR72258 _
2810 S_2__?1!1
~ (ll_L
- 6/13/2018
·6/13/201 8
6/13/2018 [5120
5120 W. Markham St Little Rock, AR 72205
5120 W.
Markham St-Little Rock,- AR 72205
Markham St Little- Rock.AR 72205
6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban la-;;-eBent<i"nvttle
Qorothy Lord ~/13/~0!~ AR ~41 .?_ _
J-06 Anderso ~ Bro<?_kla!)d,_ _ _
~~<!._ Thon_;p_son 6/14/2018 ~~2 r:!.:_
n Fayettevi!I~ ~R 72703 ____ _
Janine _!!hom_ps_on 6/14/2018 2322 N. Hummlng~n Fayetteville, AR 72703 _
_DJvey lalmer 6/14/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvllle 72712
F~x -I 6/14/2018~1000 South Futra l! Dr. Fay}!lteville, AR 72701
__ 6/14/20 18 1000 South Futra l! Or. ~ayetteville, AR 72701
S_kylar :Kline I 6/ 14/2018 5120 W . Markham St Little Rock, AR 72205
_ _6f1~2_9
}l!.10~2~ w -:-~rkha _~t little Rock, AR 72~Q5_
6/15/2018 11690 W Iiiow Beach Park Rd Scott, AR 72142 --=-=---i
_Bachell!... 1Lyons 6/15/2018 500 W.
29th North LittleRock, AR 72ll4 --
Denise ,~ril!!.eS - 6/1?/201~ l_OOW . ?9th North Little Roe~,~ 721~4
~~_ntt)E~y McGhee 6/15/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
~(?!!)'I 6/15/20i8 200 SW Suburban La-;,e Be-;;io-;;-ville72712
1.Q~b_ra 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonvllle 72:cc
l ccc
2__ _
Nancy 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
_ ~~;::mie: _
Rebecca - 6/1 5/2018 2005W
Suburban Lane Bentonvil le 72712
Jacob Towe 6/15/2018 106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956
Anthony McGhee 6/18/2018 600
Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 722.ll
Elijah GuerreJ~ - 6/18/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211
Charles Chavez 6/18/20 18 ~00~
-h St, F_~rt S~lt__hjJ 7~903 _:-
Ee rst~
LModr is
Chris~ph !!:..__ __ _
_ Seskis_
--v_-_- __!it'1B/20.!_8500 W. 2_9thN_g~hLittle ~ock,_AR 721__14
6/18/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 7211~
6/18/2018 500 W . 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
6/19/2018 106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956
Magnus Olson 6/19/2018 406 -N-Bialie St Pine Bluff AR 71602
;hr!_stoph~r . Seals 6/ 19/2018 405
Calloway AveSherwood, AR 72120
Tashonda __ ~_pf(?rth 6}19/20 18 4Q5 Calloway Ave S~erwood.,_AR_If_lIO
Ricky [t:?_a__ro 6/20/2018 11 Bogey__LaneLittle Rock AR 72210
igh_ -
__ l~e.e_r: 6.£?0/20_!8l~3_5~annon Dr Little Rock, _Al3__?PQZ..___ _
j Velasq~ez
,- 6/20/2018 500W. 29th North Little Rock,AR7-"2 -"'
ll c...
6/20/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206 - -
~yron ,Pargo
1 6/20/2018 1127 Central Ave Hot Springs, AR 71901
_nie_ _Moore 6/21/2018 3405Longcoy sf Liitie Rock, AR 72204
Libby Pia!t 6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith, AR 72917
P!BJ!y _ Nichols 6/21/2018 1900 Resevolr Rd Apt :3°Llttle Rock, A'i~72227
Dustin Hahn 6@ /20i 8 908 Oakwood Ln c ·entertonTRi2m
Donald Schryver 6/22/ 2018 21 Remin_gtonOr Little Rock, AR 72210
Mic!!!lel Gibson §/?Y~ l8 706 Carter Court_§i~a!!_l_§_e~ngs, AR 72761
SheJ l ~.'t Brown 6/25/2018 2810S28th Place Rodgers,AR72758
Jeffr~'i Cunni_g_an 6/25/2018 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
,-Brian Latimer 6/25/~ 18 1c°" Z,5_S_Shiloh Dr FaX!_11!ville, AR ?2701
Patrick ~oele ~ 6/25l 20!f 23Q4W._Skyler Dr (:!lyett!_~l~B_ 72703 __
Brandon ___ Reith 6/25/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith, AR 72904
Kathleen _____ Gallant_ _ 6/25/2018 2896 N. Quail Creek Fayetteville, AR 72703
Drew Alisandre _§L_25/2018 2001_~ ichelle Ci~!._ Co~,AR 7?_93~
~ ha~tte ---- _ Nieto_ _ -_ --_-_- - - 6/25/2018 200SWSuburban LaneBentonville72712
IStaC 'l_ _ __ Bush _ _ 6/25/2018 200SWSuburban LaneBentonville72712
lzubin ___ _ _ __ _ Contractor 6/25/20Ts; 200SWSub -u~n Lane Bentonville 72712 - -
!¥,--ward_ _ _ H_i11'ne~ 6/26/2018!3209S. 31st St FortSmith, AR72901
Michelle _ _ _ _ _ .9!!1nig2_n-Palmer 6/26/201819300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
!!¥ffrey _ _ _ Carte!_ _ Y27/] ~ 21 !3~m~t on Dr Li!_tleRock: ~R 72210
I B_l}'c
~ __ _ C3JJ.!a~~
~ 6/27/2018'200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
~~2, la~ ______ Mel~gin ~ 6/2.JJ2_9_!
8·200 sw -su t:iur!!_an Lane- §en~nvill~ 72712
D!_!bra Mur~hy 6/27/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
- IA~duj_ ar
r 6/27/20).8~2..QO Bankhe!!d Drive. Litt!!l Rock, AR 7~6
6/27/2018 10800KanisRd. Little R_oc_!( ,~ 72211
Oarrius fRacy r 6/27/?Ol_!l,7l!_OlHolly Fort Sm_ith ,_AR7220.!_ _
Jeffre~ Blair 6/29/201819300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock, AR 72227
Tek;ya __ laoy~i'!S __6l29/20~sj3200 Ba~khead Drive, Little RoE!< , AR_72206
Carmine ~ ~a
_ndro 6/29/2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204
Nicholas Leos 6/ 29l20! ~ 925 S Universi!i'._ Ave, Li!~e Roe~ A~1?~04
Libra_!!? 1Garcia 6/29/2018 925 S University Ave. Little Rock, AR 72204
Raul - R~driguez 6/29/2018 3121 Bankhead Little Rock, AR 72206
-, Le -~-- §/2~/2Q1~3121_Bank~ead - !:!ltle Rock,_AFf72206__ _
T~ ng_
Jason 'R_l£hards 6(29/2018925_S Univ~rsi!Y_Av~LJttle_13~ck , AR 722Q.~
t atri~k
-- ---
a.'l!.s J. 5/29/2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204
6/~/20is,i_o10 Brec0 -ridg'"eLittl~ ~.ock, ~~
6/29/2ots14339Warden Rd North Little Rock,AR72116
~ert ~y lor 6/ 29/20ial 3925McCainParkDr, North Little Rock, AR72116
__ li£2,!}'_
[ 6/29/2018(3925McCainParkDr, No-rth Little Rock,AR72116
6/29Ji018 ! 9~?-McCainParkDr, North L!!!le· Rod:,AR1i116
6/29/2018 3925McCain ParkOr, North Little Rock, AR72116
~~ /2018 39_~.?__ M_cf a~ ~a~Q!: 1 North Little Rock,AR72116 _ • .
Jeffr~y__ -~ __
- u-rell
6/29/2018 3925McCainParkDr, North Little Rock,AR72116
6/29/2018 3925 McC -; inPa rkDr , North Little Rock,AR7211
6/29/201813925McCainParkOr, North Little Rock, AR72116 -~ ~-
6 1I
Jllnie l
-=-tCh;.;dl~Roberts 7/2/2018 9400 Hollaman Cir Lijtle Rock, AR 72-::,:20
7/2/20181925 S University_Av ~ it!le Rock, AR 72204
7/ 2/2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204
l·~ryl e
;,r::., 7/2/2018,10800 Kanis Rd. Liltle Rock, AR 72211
7/2/2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock, AR 72211
7/2{201814801 w ._gom_me~ial pr . No!lh_Little ~eek, AR 7_2116 -
amending the Arkansas consriturion rclatin~ 10,; nn Umi~.
n~ I c-;;rre!!tlist,..!'his i~ a list of paid canvassers 10circulnt_ethe pe1iU011
f P!eases_ec:__1his
P~la r Name I
f - -=--= - --- - - - f ' =-- .~ --
- -- --- -1- - --
jFrom Arkansas Code.! 7-9-601
(C)(,) Providea complete list of all paid canvassers · names and current reside/Ilia/oddre,,ses /<I the Secre101y o/S la/e.
{ii) If addit10nalpaid ,·am•assers agree /o-solicits 1gna/ 11res on b;half of a sponwr after the complete list 1s provided. the sponsor shall provide rm uputJt•d
list of all paid canvassers · names and curre111 residentialaddresses to the SecretOIJ'of Stat~.
no a
'ioverifi.1//rot //;ere are criminal offenses on record, sponsor sho/1obtain, al its cos/,Ji-om the Deparlmenrof Arkan.msState Polrce.o c11rre111 stareand I
fe deral c_r1111ina
l rl?£Ordsear0_ on eve,y__ paid cam•as!_e
r_Jo ~_regJster!!._
d with th~Secretary oLS!E_II !_. __ _ _ _ _
(21 The cnmmal record search shall be obtained w11hm1hirry (30) days pnor to the reg,stroltan of the paid canvasser !
Upon subm1ss1on of its list of paid canvassers10 the Secretaty a/S tate, the sponsor shall certify 10 the Secreta,y of State th-;,teach paid cunvosser in its
1employ ha., J!E~ep_
a q"IFIJ!. '!1!d~4!£!1
nOIbll£'!E!:.o In a_CC-OJ.!!!Jf!Ee
~,,_ltj, th!§!_ectjE11
. _
ll certify thar each paid cnnvass~ron this lisr has passed a criminal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasSlate Police ns required by Arkansas Code§ 7-9-60 I.
hael Amo
t Name
Josepn - - ---
Date or Name Flm Submitted to SOS Resldenta ll Addres - l
_ 8/3_9~2017'925 S UniversityAv~._Li_t.!!.e
Rock. AR 72204
Sterling__ __ _ _ __ Eisenlohr 8/30120175448 Curtuce Rd., Mason. Ml 48854 -I
~ aiue lln_!l .9ollier - - ---- - - 8/ 30/2011 100Big EddyRd., Popula-r Bluff,MO 63901
' Rob~ _ ,Wells 8/3012017 100 Big EddyRd.. Popular Bluif MO 63901
Tony Davis 8/30/2017 2700 S. Lewis, Little Rock, AR72204 --
Kara -- Qwens -- - 8/30/2017 3325 Marshall Ave.. sTi ouis, M063114
Chase _ Jvilk!!)_~ 8/30120173701 Bowers St., li ttle Rock, AR 72204
Gloria Avina 8/29 /2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, LosA ngeles,CA 90050
Josepfl Lawrence __ ,Stone 8/29/2017 5132 York Blvd. #437, Los Ang-eles~CA 90050
Carl E. ' Wilkins 8/29120173701 Bowers St., Little Rock, AR 72204-
~~ q!e-Dtian · Shu~ at~l!_I 9/1/2017 635 HouchinsRoad~ Christiansburg, VA 24073 -I
•Adelina_ .Qedvukaj_ 9t1I2017 109- ShawneePlace, jacks onville, AR 72076
~~~~,o _n_ "Phillips_ 9/1/201i 23{ Affen A ve., Radford.V A 24141 -
Annette Lord 1 9/6/2017 901 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204
,_Q~ rOthy _ Lord I 9/6/2017 2206 MltziL.ani Jonesboro, AR 724Ci"1·· -
,Shaun - ,.Sach s 9/7/fQ17 4540W .Sunset Ave., Sl?ring~ale, ~ R 727_62
.Jennifer - Norwood _J 9/1?12017301_S Universi!YAve li!tle Roc_k, AR 7.2005 __ _
9/12/2017 1891 Sand Pine Court #124 Punta Gorda, FL 33950
C~rtne~ _ ~~ uffi~
Antonlo__ ~- Leaks 9/131201f~.Q 70QF§"hsm@1Cane #11?•\1 a~mell~_:!'\~7~11f
Steven .~9i
9/25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Little Rock, AR 72217
9/25/201?_7~5 Treeto.e_Ri~e Qr., Valleyf_a'!s MO ~Q88
Cassandra Lusk 9/25120175901 JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 72116
Waco Allen D~y 9/25/2017 1832CountryRoad 2726, Caddo Mills , TX 75f 35 I
fPavi d - Day 9/25/201711832CountryRoad 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135 •
~em Jones 9i28/20171302 E. RooseveltRd. , Little Rock AR 72206
Kiva Elmore 9/?812017622 E. 19thStr~et,Apt.55_.__ North L_i!tleR_ock, AR 72114
J coggins___
I 9_{28I2017j_9816
_ R~~nt Circle, Little R~ck, A~ ~2204
9/28/2017 9 Renee Cove, Little Rock, AR 72209
_Christopher Baxter 9/2912017 1470AvondaleAve., Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gwendq~'l_ ,Allen t 9/2~2017 18_QQ. s . Broad~, A_p _t.7 Q3, Lifu.e _Rock, AR 72206
Nick Duenez 1012/2017109 ShawneePlace, Jacksonville, AR 72076
' wat kins
fI 10/3/2017 2613E. Cosfelt Rd., Jacksonville,AR72076
10/3/2017 2506 Belair ar:-s
..Pine Bluff, AR 71601
10/3/2017 11500Chicot Rd., Lot 86, Mabelvale,AR 72103
ruta - 'TRadak 10/4/2017 410 N. Cherry St.. Beebe, AR 72012
,~hawn - - 'Ma lloy - -- 1014/2017701 Scott SL #802, Little Rock, AR 72201
Ja_mes Howell 10/412017410 N. Cherry St., Beebe, AR 72012
Qurtls Westbrook - - - - f0/4/201711017 NorthPl8ce,· BeOtQ O,AR 72019
fAmber IHillman -- - 10/6/2017 9204 Mabelville Cut OffRd .,M abievale, AR 72103
Ci!,!_OIYn, - !Braun - --- 10/612017153°VictoryCTr°:,Jacksonville, AR 72076
I Angela
Maria - -
-, Neely =--=-
_ -·,011012011130-W lee-Ave., Sherwood,AR 72120
10/10/2017 531 2 Lowden.Rd., Little Rock.A R 72206
Melissa i-Qarr_o.!:!_
gh_ _ 10/10'?01ij .! 1~0 C~iCO!Rd._,__~ot 60, Mabe,lvale,AR 72.l_03 _ -J
~-=_ - ~Rqt~nber~ 10110@0177121___ Hol_ly~ane, M~bl~vale,AR 72103 _
Issac ' ~ewby 10110/2017 311 E. 8th St. #1014, Little Rock, AR 72202
LaJuaii- 'Cannon-Joy 10/ 12/2017 870 S.Salem Rd.,_~pt . ~017, Con~!iy,__AR_72034 _
f John Eric -
' Schwarz
hI _ 1Q/19/2017,98~5 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205
10/19/2017 67 S. Wakefield Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
12/4/2017 533 MC 3046,Vellville, AR 72687
11Jj21201~ 26~-~ P]ne Rd., Hot §i_erings. AR 71913
Robert .Redmond 12/12/2017/350 Lamplighter Dr., Benton, AR 72015
~E~ lshia Johnson 12l1?12 _9j71201}_~~Loui~~na St: Apt. A_,~ittle Rock" AR 72206
I- !?l12/2()_:1__7 121098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432
12/12/2-017 t?1098 Jones. Rd., Harrisburg,AR72432 _ -
I -1-~-
a_ -__
l<;~v~ _ __
· t~ land__
_ __ 1_2/_1_2/_201711900 W. 29th Little Rock, AR 72706
.!.~1_?/2012.]956 Dutton Mtn Rd., Ceg~r_Bjdg~[',f3 72027
_ 12/13/2017[4917 Hicko!Y~North Little Rock, AR 72116
IE~ ---
-- -! Sills
. ·n,fowerda)'
- l'rsraef
I· 12/13/2017,6115 West Markham. #1. Little Rick. AR 72205
J12817 _Qavid O'D_9diRd.' Little !30~~. AR ~??j0
Z.f 1316 Southea~ternAve.. J_a~kS2f!Ville , ~ _?~076
Ashley -, Ewald 6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown. AR 70955
Johnson --, Turri 2/14/2018173 Deer MeadowsCt., Sherwood.-AR 72120-
Williams 1Rebe_fca .i. 2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Ai,artment 10_Littl~ Rock, AR 72204
Shaw Miller 2/14/2018 7 Flourite Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
F{~dy ~orri~on 3/2/2018'3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock. AR 72206
B~rry Valentine 3/7/2018,24603
Lesiat.ake Lane, Paro0:-AR 72122
Tra~is Walton 3/15/2018 800 LocusiSt .. North Little Rock, AR 72114
Chakkim Anav dsrael 3/19/201~¥ 7~ S. Sal~m Rd: Apt. 701i Conw~_._ AR Z,20Ji
A~hJ~_-- 1'
gwald 3/201201810121 Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown,AR 70955
Lee Evans 6~_512 _0f~ l10121'i.JnioniciwnH~ ...:.
• U~iontown 6f:l
_'. 70955
True r lisaj1dre 3/20/2018 9 Sherwood Drive, Conway, AR 72034
!Kenneth ulter 3/20/2018/72205 _ - - __ - -
_-euer ·· enb
lw Fsiu
e-r 3/291~018?~9 N. 22nd St., Li!tle Rock, AR,]2206 _
=.: 11 1 3/28120188815 Woodbine#803, Sherwood, AR 72120
rPh}:'!lis [Thompson 3/281201~1623 Grant St., Little Rock AR 72204
Nina 1HamJ)ton 3/28/2_018 :ftgo_Marylan~-~ve ., Littl~ Ro~0B } 2204
!Shirie~ !Counts 3/2812018900 S. Ma~ St., Little Rock, AR 72204
- - -i· Oneal ~
3/?~120!_8 ~~!0 Ca_eella _12sUtt)! _Ro_ck, AR 722~
4/4/2018 1316 S. Battery St.. Little Rock, AR 72202
___ _ Jet ~-
lien -
!~~ ~~:~
' 1
4/1212018916 S. Maple St.. Lillie Rock~ AR 72204
Ji~~~04 -
Lajuana rimley __ _ __ 4/1212018921 S. Maple, Little Rock, AR 72204 --- ·
Melody stes 5123/2018240 MatthewsDr. #c40, Hot Springs, AR 72015
l~gri~ _ -- ~ lkins 5/30/2018 4319 Pine Cone. Little Rock, AR 72209
Cordero IBarba 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr.,Uttle Rock Ar. 72210
NJchola~ __ lKowalsk1 5/31/2018 21 Remington Dr., Little Rock Ar. 72210
Roseanne ~ee 5/31/20181201 S. Valmar St., °LittleRock, AR 7220~
Joshua - - -- --! Daro - - - - -·- 611i201a111Bogeyin ~ LittieRock, ARi2210 .
LTrev - - ]Ash. ------- 6/1/2018121 RemingtonDr.7.ittle Rock Ar°. 72210
IRichard --- - ·1
s a1Way- -- - -~ al
6/1/201 6'17 s'.Broadway Little-Rock,AR 72201
[Jerime Willour _ 6/1/2~ ~~OJi 28th Pl~Rodge ~ AR72758 _ _ _ ___ _
[Andrew ___
~bert ____
._ ~
_ -
_ ?Will()ur
_, ~ asg<lw
_.Q l~~w
- 6/1/2018 2810S28th PlaceRodgers,AR72758
6/4/2018 110 N, Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
6/4/2018 110 N. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock, AR 72114
lf£ n~rs __ __ Boyd _ _ 6/4/2018 ff Remingtonbi:-,little Rock AR. 72210 - ·
I Martin__ -- ,Clanton - 6/ 4/2018° 1851 s. Salem Rd::-Conwai,"AR 72032 - -
C:hase __ __ Hiir_Ii~_ _ 615/2018 11 Bogey Lane Little Rock AR 72210
1Kevin lf h!!~n.!i_~ _ - - ---- 615/2018 110EPershing North LittleRock AR 72114
Diann - - ' Gentiy - 6/5/2018 14015 .Shackelfo.rd Rd Little R·ock AR 72211
1Nlc_!lolas _.I urpin 6/5/20_1_
~ 11 Bo9~L~n ~Li ttle !3~~A~ 72~5Q___ - ·~
~s~)! _ ·Ba9.9_!!tl s.
6/5/2018 1401 Shackelford Rd Little Rock AR 72211
l'-Yil~m ._Burn.~_ 6/5/2018 400 W. 29th St North Little Rock, AR 72114
,A!l!h.~Y- •Cooper ·w.
6/5/2018 2510 Martin ConwayAR72034-
Vincent Neu~~ 6/5/2018 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton, AR 72210
11_ Aqam~ 6/~/20181 1818 N. Hwy 9, Morrilton,A_R,1_2210 __
Boe trill 6~~/201~21 RemingtonDr Littl~ Rock, A~ 7~19
Cynthia Ford 6/~2018 1 !0~_Q0Kanis Rd. Lit~e R~ . ~R 722! 1
R~lph jWalker 6/5/2Q.18j 11.93_ ~ ~ittle Rock~l3 72202
s .,Yict()__ry
~J _
6/6/2018 115 Barrow Hill Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235
6/6/2018 121 Rem ington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
6/~{2018,.1010 Bres;kenri_!ge
_~ittlt R9si<,AR ~2~5
6/6/2018¥ 010 BreckenridM! Little Rock, AR 72205
Breckenrld~e Little Rock,AR 72205
Jean Stussle ___ 6/6/2018 11010 Breckenrid~ Little Rock, AR 72205_____ _
Jeff®' -~ r~ -- - J__ __ 6/6/2018 21 Re~ton Dr., Little Rock AR.72210 ____ _
Brittany .~ar land 6/6/2018 !21 Remin~n Dr Little Rock, AR 72210
David Rennich 7 6/2018h 5o US65 N Conway, AR 72032 - 7
___ __
_ Curtis
S lark
__ ve lasquez _
- 6/6/2018 ~10800 Ka-;;is RelLitt le Rock, AR72lli
6/6/20}8 110.!QBreck~"Ii~ e Litt le Rock, AR ~205
6/7/2018 10800 Kanis Rd. Little Rock,AR 72211
Robert ___ ____ - ~~ki~~ale 6/J /201'! j~O~~rj ~ ttle Roe~,AR 722QS -_ - : __
Ethan _ _ . ?ietz ~( 7£?0~ 315~ Go~ berry Ln£ayfllt'Vil~ AR 72704 __
Catherl ne
____ ~ aba~lno_
6f7/2Jl~ ,3~0J Pints _Mall Or. Pin~ Bluff,_Ar~ _ns_!S7~601__
§/~ /_2Q_!,!!
~ 1 R_!mingt~ Or Little Roe~ AR 72210
Tonyett e
'!GIiiiiand .
6/8/2018 215 W . Birch ~t Russellville,AR 72802
6/8/2018 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock,AR 72205
6/8/2018 500 W, 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
~R 72703
~ av~y- 6/14/2018 209 ~W S!!,bur~an Lane Be~n~le ]} 712_
Alll tta McQaniel ~/14/20~1 1000 South Futra!,IOr,£aJ!; t(e..'!'.!!I~
. I\R 72701
tf .o~ ld
ILomax ~ 6/14/2018 1000 South Futrall Dr. f:2'ietteville, AR 72701 _
6/14/20 18 5120 W. Markham St Little Rock,AR 72205 __ ~
Kline ' __
lVickie -- - ~ Steve_ns 6/14/20 18 10524 W. Mark ham St Little Rock,AR 72205 _ __,
John Osbron 6/15/2018 ll690 Willow Beach Park Rd Scott, AR72142 1
~~he lle --~ Lyo~s --: - --- - 6~ 201stsoo W ~29t~rth Little Rock,AR 72114 -- - -- -
_l)J!nise_ ___ Rod! igues _ 6/15/2;18 500 W. 29th North Little Rock,AR 72114 ____ l
_J Mc§!i~
' Oberg
_ 6/1SL2018 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock,AR 72211
6/15/201 8 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
__ 6/~201 _~I222_sw ~ b_!!!ban ~ ne Bentonvill~ 72712-
_ _
f Debra •McClain
Nancy _ __ J off_!E!,!!1Ie_!:
_ _ --_ ~- 6/15/2018 ~ 00 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 _ _
IR~becca if£Xl e 6/15/20 18 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
__ - - t:~ee -t·---
1Elijah -1§.Llerrero
_ §f~l29} 8 _106N_Plazaf:tvan Buren_A~6
6/l!!/2018 §.._00
~ardin R_gLittle Ro~ AR 72~1.!
6/1_8/ 2018 10800 Kanis R_d.Little ~ock, AR 72211
__ _
._Cb~ rles ______ _ ,Chavez 6/18/2018 3005 S 74th St, fort Smrth, AR 72903
_n _ _ __ - l P..:ari"e~ 6/18/2018 S00 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
LModr ~_ ___ 1Seskis 6/18/ 2018 500 W, 29t h No rth Little Rock.AR 72114
' Matthew - - · ;{ ejkis · 6/18/2gl8 !50Q_\\'. 29th North _l;!t!le ~~ k, ~R 7_1114_
f hristopher I Lam2nt 6/1~/2018 lQ§ N Pl2za Ct_y2 n B~ A~Z29_5_§_ _
~ag_n_us Olson 6/19/2018 _406 N Blake St Pine Siu,!_! AR 71692__ _
Christopher Seals 6/l9/20l8 i 405 Calloway Ave Sher~ood, AR 72120
Tashonda Goforth 6/ l9{20 l8 J405 CallQway Av'°eSher,; oq~, AR 72110-
Ricky Daro ~/20/~Ql8 +1l Bogey ~ne li~t le Rock AR72210
lei 1,h l R~e!;r 6/~0/?P~43 Shannon_Or Littl_!! _Rock, AR 72207
l~rry -t,8agg~t __ 6/20/2018 ;500 w. 29th Nort h Little Rock, AR 72114
Bernardo ~--~- V_elas~e_z 6/20/2018 ,3200 Bankhead Drive , Little Rock , AR 72206
Byron ~Pa__o:g
o 6/20/201 8: 112f _c e~ral Ave !jo t Se!!~ s . A~J_:190 (
Bon_!li!_ __ ___ _ Moore 6/2 1/2018_3405 Longcoy st Little Rock , AR 72204 _
L~b~ _ __ _ ___ ,?~!t __ 6/2 1/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Smith , AR 72917
Peggy______ _ Ni£/1_9_1J
_ _ 6/2}/Z018 , 190OR esevo ir ~pt 3Ut tl e Rock,AR 72227 -
,__ Hahn- -- -
Schryyer _
6/n/2018 908 Oakwood Ln Centerton , AR 72719
~/22/20ts i 2 1Re m ing~o_n ~ -~it!!e ~ck ~~B..??_? _10 -
rMJchael l~ibson • 6/2 2/2018 706 Carter Court Siloam Sprin~ AR 72761
(Shelley Brown 6/25/201~ 5 28th Place Ro~, AR 72758 __ _ _ __
,Jeffr~Y s; unni_&a_n 6/25/2018 , 9300 Treas ure Hill Rd Little Rock , AR 72227
1 Brian , Latimer 6/25/2018 1075 S. Shi loh Dr Fayett evill e."A R 7270 1 -
Patrick Peoples 6/25/2018 2304 W . Skyler Dr Fayettev ille, AR 72703
Brandon Reit h 6/25/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith, AR 72904
6/25/20 i 8 2896 N. Qua il Cr eek Fayette ville , AR 72703
Allsandre 6/25/2018 1..20£1 Michelle C ircle Conway. AR 72032
~-·-Nieto 6/~5/2q;~ 200 S~? .ub~n
~ ne !e nto n~2712
6/25/2 018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
., Bush
-+-- 6/25/ 20181ioiisw "su-b~rban Li""neBe~t;;;:.ville 72712
Edward _ ~ nes _ 6/ 26/ 2018 3209 S. 31st St Fort Smith, AR 72901
· Michelle _&_un'l igan-Pa!!"ner 6/26/2018 t930 0 Tr easu re Hill Rd LTtile Rock , AR 72227
1 6/27/20 18 21 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210
Jettr~ :carter
fBrye~ -- ....,~a lla_g_
her 6/27/20 18. 200 sw· Sub urba n LaneBent onvi lle 72i 12-
Nicholas . Melug!!l _ 6/27/20 18!200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
.Debra________ .M_urehy 6/27/2018 , 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonv ille 72712 I
j Chris~ _ _ _,Patton 6G7/~0 18 _3200 Bankhead i;_lr~ve , l:!!_tle _Rock . A_R_7~206 - _ ~
J£_S_lil~ -? ndu~r 6/27/201 8, 10800 Kanis Rd. Utt le Rock, AR 72211 I
Darrius ~ ~cy _ 6/27/2018 l7&J1Holl y Fort Smith, AR72908- - 7
J_effr~'l · B@ir 6/ 29i2ci1s 1930O Treas ureHiifRcl L ittle Rock, AR 7 222 7 - ---1
~ o-e _ _ __ :!? Ykins 6/29/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock , AR 72206 . --j
Carmine j Alessandro 6/29/2018 925 S Un iversity Ave , Little Rock , AR 72204
Nicholas iLeos 6/29/2018 925 S Un iversity Ave , Little Rock, AR 7?204 j
,Librada .~arcia 6/29/~!.~ ~5 S l!_ni~rsi!}' Ave. Little Ro~rv, R 72~04
IRaul Rodriguez -1 6} 29/2018 312 1 (!ankh~a~ Litll~ B ock , AR 722q_6 _ _ I
.~o tt
L §!W~ l!, ~121 ~ankhead !-i t!!_e Rock ,_~~ 7220§_ _
6/29/2018 925 S Un ivers i!}' A_ve..,__
Little Roc:_k , AR 7~204
6/29/20 18] 925 S University Ave, Little Rock ._AR 72204
Patrick J:tarr i~ 6/29/2018 I 1010 Breckenridge Littl e Rock,AR 72205
Chris l ~alv£._ 6j~9fl q~~ 4339 W~ rden RE. No'!h ~~~R~ck~~ 7J.!_1~
Robert [Taylor - ~----- -·-- 6/29/20 18M~S McCain Park Or, North litt le Rock,AR 72116 _
Kenn~ . l~p;-ai~~ 6/29/2018 13925 McCain Park Or, North litt le Rock,AR 72116
0..!)_q !Lozano 6/29/20 18 3925 McCain Park Dr;_North Littl~~ ck, A~ 72116
Joshua 6/29/.l':}18 1925 McCain P~ k Dr, ~.E_r
(!JJJt~e Rock_,_ AR 72),!_6
Y22_G_ql~ j !!l 25 McCain Park Or, North Little Ro':._k,
6/2..9./2Ql ~ 3925_M_£Ca
AR 72~
in Park Dr, N~rth l itt le R~ k, AR 72116
6/3._9/]0~81~25 Mc~ain Park D!,. N'2_Cth L!!t le Rock,!,~ 72ll6
6/29/2018 3925 McCain Park Or, North Little Rock, AR 72ll6 _
-7 I
I I -
Code!7 -9-60!._~ l
~om Ar2nsas - --- - - - -
(Qf!l Prov,de a comp/ere Imo[ all pal:f ca!!i!:'~a!!!_es and Cl/[!!111 resldemin! addr!JSttSlo J!!!SecrefE_,yofSla/e . _ _ _
l If additional paid cmll'assers agree 10 sol,c/1signn111reson behn/f of a spousar after 1heco111pl e1e 1/sri.t provided, 1hesponsor sho/1provide an 11pdar,dlisr of
!To ,;c°rlfy
lhlJ/ lhtre ur, 11
0 t·r/111
/nol offemts 011 record. /J J{JQIISOI' shall ob1ui11. o/Arkt
al /IS cos/, jr ()III ,h-,,Dep/Jr///le/1/ msn•s,a,e Police. a Cl/ 1'/'QII/ swre a11d •
(! demi c1'i_!(1int1J.!'e_f21·t!,_sear '' ·Y pmd ca11msser rn b• reglsm·,d "'!//, IlleSecrermy of Stat_e.__ ..
(2) The crrm1110/
record sem-ch sho/1 be obtumed w11h111
//oiro• (30) days p,•ior 10!he regwra11011of r/repaid cw11·a•
Upon s11b1111sJ1011
of 115/rst of paid canvassers to the Secrerary of State. the sponsor shall certify lo 1heSecrera,y of S1u1erho/ each paid canvasser in i1semploy
has passed n c:riminal background search 11!accordance with rhis sec/roil.
,-certify thatea~patd
MichJel Amo
canv~ er on this list haspassed n cnmmal backgroundcheck by the ArkansasStatePollcc11srequiredby Ar kansa s Code~ 7-9-601.
Dorothy !Lord 9/6/201712206 Mitzi Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401 10216 IsaacOrMidwestCity, OK 73130
[Shaun" lsachs l 9/7/2017 4540 w. Sunset.Ave., Springdale, AR 72762 5804CedarRunDrFulton, MO65251
rCourtney iMcDuffie 9/12/2017 33950 14394ArmadaRd PortCharlotte , Fl 33953
9!!_2j201I ?.Q1
r__ S l'niv~ f y_.f v~ Lit~e RockL~R 7~905
9/12/2017 41.9 E Cleburne West Helena AR 72390
1.4394ArmadaRd PortCharlotte , fl 33953
- l t,_eak
Alie!}_ ~t_
fCassandra 1 Lusk
!Steve~ _ 1PaM_ ___
s -
9l..!_3}2017107~0 Richsmith La~e #11~ Maumelle. AK 7J113j 72113
9/25/201711~32 Country l30<!_~
9i25/2_Q 17 7~2Q_4_ _ _
-~r26, Cadd_C?
_ _ _
Mills, Tl( 75135 ,
9/25/2017 1832 Country Road 2726.1.Caddo MIiis, TX 75135
9/25/2017 72116 - .. ·-
__ _
~25/2017 5420 Elder Court, North Li!lle Rock, AR 7B17
9/25/2017 745 Treetop Ridge Dr., Valley Park, MO 63088
l i2116
172204 __ _ _ __
~ 20 Eld~ o~ NE_rthLillie Rock, AR 72217
Jessica- - :Graham
~ lls~ _
Maria ~. N-_e- e-ly- . 1Qf.1Q/~!1.§~12_LEwd~ Rd,, LittteRock, AR 72~~6 r5312 Lo~ 1
1de!1~d ~ ~ittle Rock, ~RE2Q§ - I
Issac /Newby_ .!Q/10/201~ 31~.E- 8th St. #1014, LitUe Rock,_AR 72202 ~ 311 E. 8th SI. #1014 . litUe ~ock, ARJ 2202
An9! la (Roberson 10/10/2017 130 W . Lee Ave , Sheiwood, AR 72120 130 W . Lee Ave ., Sheiwood, AR 72120
,Nlcol4!._ ,faot~nberry - - - 10/10/2017 7121 HollyL ane, Mableva~, AR?_ 2103 _ 7121 Holly ~an~. ~~b~vale , AR72103 =-;
LaJu!n ___ 19nnon-Joy _ 1Q!.1?!~.!I. 8?0 ~~alem Rd., Apt. 701?, Con~~'i· AR 72034 720_34
IJalen__ !M_O!.f L 10/19fl017 9815 Cloverhill Road, ll ttle Rock, AR 72205 !!81~ Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 722_0§ I
Glen ·sc~ ~ 10/~/2017 .6:?_ S. Wa~efield Dr.. Little Ro£11,~ ..I..
22Q9 _ ~,?
.§,_Wakefi~?. Dr., (,!!~~f3_?ck,_AR 722_0
,~ohn Eric __1 ,,!_ones _ 12/4/2017153~ M~ 3046, Yellvllle, AR 72~7 ,533 MC 3046, YellVille. AR 72687 ,I
[~Cha_el ~ J~ckson 12/ 121
.£917~?~~~untain Pine Rd., Hot Sprin~ . AR_7_191~ 719! 3
Eulishla Johnson _E/ 1~~017 , 72206 ?2206
(Daniel Mitchel ~ 12/12/2017 1956 Dutton Min Rd.: Cedar- Ridge. AR- 72027 956 Dul!?!!_Min Rd.. Cedar f3id~~. AR 7~22._ _j
rserlek~ _ --4 ~agland 12/12/2017H900 w. 29th Little Rock,-AR7270 6 - 1900 w. 29th LilUe Rock, AR 72706 i
'Robert Redmond 12/12/2017 35OLampllghter Dr.. Benton, AR 72015 _ 350L<!_mpJTuih.!.E!£Qr ,, Be!)tO[!. '.'.'-Ri~0 1~ ___ j
frre~ t -- - Whitlock- 12112/2017 21098.Jon es. _!3d. , Harrlsburjl , ~R 72432 21098 Jones . Rd., Harrisburg, AR 72432 -i
' Eric __ Whitlock I 12112_/2017j 21_Q98Jo_nes. Rd.• Harrisburg, A~ 72432_ _ _ ]1098 Jone~ Rd'-'-Harcisburg~R_J2432
I Calvin Davis 1 12/13/2017!4917 Hickory Rd.#4, North little Rock, AR 72116 4917HickoryN LittleRock,AR,72116
Eva ,£IQ~e.rd~1 ~ 12/13/2 01] 1281.L_~'!'fd O'Doddl§:_L_ifili_ R~ ~.AR t2 210 _, 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., little Rook, AR 72210.
Jonah Israel 12/13/2017 1316 Southeastern Ave .. Jacksonville . AR 72076 f 72076
Lori ISi!!§_ 12ii 312017 6jJ"5 West M-arkham, #1 , Little Rick, AR 72205 6115 West-~1ark'iiam, • } . ll lt~R ..!£k,-AR 72205
~Sh~w Miller 2/14/2018 17 Flourite Cove, Little Rock._AR 72212 ___ 7 Flourite Cove, li ttle Rock. AR 72212
Williams 1Retiecca 2/14/2018!72204 72204
,Johnson :Terri 2/14/2018 173 Deer Meadows Q,S herwood, AR 72120 73Deer Meadows Ct., Sherwoo d, AR72120
Randy Morrison 3/2/2018 11320_()6ankheadDrive, Little Roc~A!f7]!06 [19215Ge!_tesbu~D•Y,ton_QH 45417 - - · .-=--
Bai:!)' _ - --~!entine 3171201824603 lesia lake lane , Paron, AR 72122 24603 Lesia lake l ane, Paron, AR 72 122
Travis Walton 3115i2018 800 Locust St., North Little Rock. AR 72114 !800 Locust St.. North Little Rock. AR 72114
Chakklm Anav ,Israel ~ 19t:?018 87Q s-:-salem_3 d ., A~ iO_! 7. f_onway, AR 72034 870s Sale-;;, Rd#7017Con-;;yAr n034
-- - --
True Alisandre - 3/20/2018 9 S~rwood Driy_ e.,_C~way , AR 720~4 lgShe~vo~DrConway,AR72034
l Kenneth
~Ken~lh _
ig oult~
3/20/2018 AR 72205
3/20/2018 1609CHB Ave li111eRock, AR 72205
AR 72205
1: 609 CHB Ave Lillie Rock, AR 72205
_g_a_!h erine_ .Qanciu 3i20/2018 319.N. 22nd SI.. little Rock, AR. 72206 319- N. 22nd St.,little Rock, AR. Y2206-
Ashley _Ewald lf20ls018 1~ Unlont~wn Hwy., Unlontow~R 709~ 10121 Unio_nto~ Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955
Shirle}' Counts 3/28/201~ 90_0 S_.~ apJ~ St., li ttle Rock, AR 72204 900 S. Maple St., Lillie R~k. AR 72204_ ...,
·Nina - ~ Haf!!Ji!on 3/28£?018 3_IO0Maryland A:!e., ll!l!_e Roe~ AR 7_?204 tr3700 Ma,yland Ave.:.~Lillie Ro.£1S_ AR 72204
Phyllis -
- Thompson
.IBl dd!e--
1 __
3128/2018 9810 Caf)ella Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
3i28/20 18 1623-Gra.nt St.. litUe Rock. AR7220 4
3/28/2018 8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood, AR 72120
4_&~q1~ _!~1_§_ lit~ _13_ock
S. f!att~~ _St.,_,_ '--AR 72?0]
4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St .. little Rook, AR 72204
9810 Capella Dr., Little Rock, AR 72209
11623 Grant St., lit tle Rock, AR 72204
8815 Woodbine #803, Sherwood. AR 72 120
_j 1316 [ B°iitery St., Little RocF, AR 72202
i3301 West 10th St .. little Rock, AR 72204
Jacqueline Webb 4/_5/2018890~ Tanta_~r., Apt. A, Little ~ock Af3.]220 4 +890~ Tanya Dr., Apt. A, Little f§' ck AR72204-'
j~an ~lien __ 4/12/2018 916 S. M~Je St., Little Rock. AR 72204 __ _J 916 S. Maple _St., Little Rock, AR 72204 _,
llaJuana !Brimley 4{ 12/~0 18 ~M~Jlle, ~lttle R_ock. AR 72204 j 921 S. Maple, Little Roe~. AR 7220_4
. _ ;Es\es _
, Est~~
5/23/2018 703 Pearl St, Benton, AR 72015
5/23/2018 24 0 Matthews Dr. #o40, Hot Springs, AR 72015
___ _1703 Pearl St. Benton, AR 72015 _
240MatthewsDr# C40HotSprings , Ar 71901
11n51rid WIikins 5/30i2018 4319 Pine Cone, Little Rock, AR 72209 14319 Pine Cone~ittie Rock, AR 72209
I Cord!lr~ 1Berb~ 5@11~01821~~m!!l_lltonDr.. little Rock Ar.) [ 210 408N College#l OlCoh,mbia~MO 65201
Cordero 1Barba 5/31120 181400 Commerce Dr. Truman, AR 72206 408N College#101Columbia , MO65202
i·Nichol~s ! Kowalski 5/3112018121 Remington Dr ., Liit1eRock Ar. 72210 1705Unlver,lcyVIiiageE Lansing. Ml 48823
Nicholas i ~owaiskl sZ311~18 263~_91d£armlng~ Rd Fayetteville, AR 72704 1705Un111efl)lvVlllag~E ~nsin~J _48!!Q_
Roseanne !Piggee 5111~18 2_Q_1 ~ Valmar St., li ttle Rock, AR 72204 7 201 s. Valmar St., Little R~k , AR 72204 _I
Trev _ _ ~Ash _____ 6/112018 21 Remingtor_if?r.,_l [\tle_f3ock Ar. _7~?1Q. 1 18605E2036thRdDadeville,M06563S
Joshua ,Daro 6/1/2018 11 Bogey Ln., Little Rock. AR 72210 3998CR203Fulton,MO65251
! Richar£1_
J.§_alway _ -
6/1/201~ .6175 Bro_!ldwayll ttle Rock, AR 72201 _
!1500 J_o~nHar9in_pr. Jaekson11lll~AR 72076
C_Ru rtCypr~ss.TX77433
lowCovecourtCypress , TX77433 __
Tonye!~ -
I 611/2018 2810 S28th Place.Rodgers, AR727S8
~/1/2018 2_?1
_ 6~018
0 S28th Place_Rod~ers, AR72758
21 Reming!_on J)S ll(!le Rock AR.:]glQ_
8903NEAllon RdKansas
8903NEAfton RdKansas
City, MO64155
Oty, M064155
StreetSaint Louis, MO63140
1~artin _ _ Clanton 6/4/2018 1851 S. _5alemRd., Con~y . AR 72032 _ 1851SS'alem Rd#1 Conway. AR72032
_ 1 GlaSQ£W _
II ___
6!~?_018 _1_6~1Ho_g<!_n
6/~B0_! 8~72114 _
~n~ _Conwa~.- ~ _.?20~2 1851SSalemRd#lConwav,AR72032
116 EmeraldWavGr•n~eCityIL62040
Robert Glasgow 6/4/2018 172114 116Emerald WayGran11e CityIL62040
t Robert ___- Glasgow
jJohn -
- Adams i
~ 4/?_918116Eme/aldWay Granite Otv IL 62040
6/5/2018 11818 N. Hwy 9. Morrilton, AR 72210
j, 5t201~ 500W.1_9th l'!_~h Little Rock, AR 72114
ale, MD21237
d~•. MD 21237
hJohn - Adams .!i/5/~018l 816 E qak :3!. Conway__._ A'3 _ _ __ _ _ _ 19629BaronPlP.o,e dale, MO21237
Russell - - Bag9.ett 6/512018! 1401 S. Shackelford Rd LitUe Rock AR 72211 _t_!!l Steeplerun Lawrcnccv,11 ~ 00~3
: ~u~~ _ B~ggeJ_t_ 6/5/201l!j6100 Mitchell Dr Little Ro<:_k ~Af3.7~209 l l111 Ste•p~!unl• _"!r_encevme~ 30Qi.3
!Russe~ _ ~a9 _9_ett 6/5/2018 j 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 _1111Steepl~unL•~ •nceville GA3Q.043
,Michae_!_ _ ~c ker 6/5/2018 •21 Remington Dr little Rock, AR 72210 408NCollegeAve#10 1Columbla,M065201
y.Jilliam Burns 6/5120181400 W , 2911]St North LitUe Rock, AR 72114 820N w1c~ ~•m Rd#57 "'1elbourne, FL329~- _
WIiiiam Burns 6/51201821Remi ngton Dr little Rock~AR 72210 - _ 820N WickhamRd#57Melbourne, FL32936- - _
Ch(!fp_!!ntier I
_ ,__
J- 6/5/2_Q1_8 ! 10 E Pe~shi!:9 N2rth_litt le ~ck AR 72114
6/512018 2510 W . Martfn Conway AR 72034
615/201811 0800 KanisRd . littlaRock~R 72211 -
6837HancockAveStLou ls,M063139
_ 1.510w MartinStConway, AR7203'!_
217EDanburyChandlel , AZ85022
Diann •Gentry-- 1- 6/512018 1401S . Shackelford Rd little Rock AR 72211- 405f: 4th StFairfield, NE68938
Diann Genl£Y ~ 615/2018 405 E4th SI Fairfield,NE68938 405E4th StFairfield , NE68938
Chase _ . : H~_i:r~~
-_ _ 6/5/2018 11 Bogey Lane li ttle Rock AR 72210 414SOarrowbyor Raymore, MO64083
Chase j Harris 6/512018 1010 Breckenridge litUe Rock, AR 72205 414s Darrowbyo, Raymo re, MO6'1083
Chase , Harrls 6/512018 14018 . Shackelford Rd litt le Rock AR 72211 414s DarrowbyDrRaymo re, MO64083
Arthlff ~,Ladd - - 6/5/2018 ;6100 Mitchell Dr l ittle Rock.-AR 72209 1231WestHwv287#2 we,anacn,e.T•7S16S
DaJ81 1 Latimer 6/5/2018 121 Remington Dr LtttlE:Rock . A_R -72210 208SouthMadisonAvenue , BayCity, Ml 48708
Vincent Neukam ~ 6/5/2018'1818 N. Hwy-9, Morrilton, AR 72210 26 Sylvan OakWay Nottingham, MO 21236
':::'.!ncent , Neu ~m __ 6/~2018 500 W.l91h_ North ~oc .k, AR 72114 26Sylvan OakWay Nottingham. MO 21237
Vincent Neukam 6/5/2018 816 E Oak St Conway , AR 26 SylvanOakWay Nottingham,MO 21236
Boe inn - 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72~ - 408 N College Ave #101 Columbia,MO 65201
INf ctiolas Turpin 6/5/2018 11 Bo11ey Lane Little - Rock AR- 7221-0 - 115 Wig Wam R~, HorseCave,KY42749
Nigiol_a~ ·Tur.Pin 6/5/2018 106 Whirlwind Dr Bryant AR 72022 llS Wig Wam Rd, Horse Cave, KY42749
Nichol as _Jurpln 615/2018 1010 Breckenr1dge ·u111eRock , AR 72205 l!S Wig warn Rd. Horse Ca~ KY427'!2
I Raiph - - W_a.lkp __ 61511018
S, Victo!Y #A _Littl~Roc~ c AR 722_02 1_10_~ S ._ylctory #A Utile Rock,J.R_7220~ --
Marcayla Amade l 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Little Rock, AR 72205 §9 Grandview ~ e,2.P~~d, ME 04106
Mi!rci!'{ia __ Amade , _ §./_§/20184601 1f!c)lozell S!, Ro~ , ~R 72756 69 GrandviewAve, SPonland, ME 04106
Shwanda !Clark .§[6/1_018 1010 Breckenri'!ge Lit~ !?,f_
k, AR 72205 5025 Union Circle OklahomaCity, OK73135
~ hwanda } :lark 6/~/201c~ 500 W, 29th ~~ ~<?.£", AR 7}?,14 5025 Union Circle Ol<Jahoma City, OK 73135
Shwa.!1da _.f_lark_ ___ 6/6/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206 5025 Union Circle OklahomaCity, OK 73135
,Linda Curtis 6/6/2018 1075 S. Shiloh Dr Fayetteville , AR 72701 150 South Shore Rd Bast rop, TK 78603
~Llnda Cu!ti ~ _ _ 3/ 6/2018 lOS~nls Rd. Ut tl ;fock , AR 72211 150South ShoreRd Samop, Tl<78603
l ~~Jii nv Garland 6/§fl.018 21 Reml~ton Dr Little ~ k. AR 72210 293 Chris~an Fellowship Road, Benton, KV42025
B.~rttany Garlanc t 6L6/2018 j) 06~h i!lw~ Dr Br~n!_!'R 72022 293 Christi an Fellowship Road,Benton, KY42025
, Michael
l!!Sh_!r _
IHar ris
,Harr ~
"!~ge le
1-_ 6/6/2018 \1010 BreckenrJdj!! Littl,!' Rock, AR 72205
6/6/2018 121 Remlngto~ttle
6/6/201! 1010 Breckenrld g~ Litt le Rock, AR 72205 _
505 SW USHW'{42 # 261 Blue Springs, Mo 64014
605 SW us Hwy 42 # 26). Slue Spring',, Mo 64015
720 Old Albe FarmRd Noklmls, FL34275
720 Old Albe FarmRd Nokimis, FL 34276
etcher ,N~ ~ 6/6/2918 1500 W, ~ti, N..9.i:thLi!t_l_e
Rock, AR 721_14
~David ,Rennich 6/6/2018 150 US 65 N Conway, AR 72032 180 l ake Club Dr 39. 15 Brao,on, MO 65616
~~~ Robinso~- 6/6£2018 115 Bar!!l_WHIii Rd. Forrest City, AR 72235 9832 E La Palma Gold C,inyon, AZ85U8
;M~ind .2...-_ _ -2!!!~- 6j6/~01!!._101Q_!!!e_ck~nridgeLittle Rock, AR 7229§ 3609 OgemaAve Flint, Ml 48507
~ - - ~•Y __ 6/6/2018 1920Junction City Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730 3609 OgemaAve flint , Ml 48507
~eE~a __ 1Selley__ _ - - 6/6/2018 1106 N Pia; CtVan Bu~enAR 72ill _- 3609 OgemaAve Flint, Ml 48507
Me!i n~ __ .?elley___ 6/6/2018 2007 E Service Rd West Mem~ AR 72301 3609 Ogema Ave Flint, Ml 48507
}!a l}__ IS\ussie _-:-- - - 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenr~ge Litt~ Rock, A~ 72205 8408 EnglerAve St John, MO 63114
Jean Stuss,e §f~U0gl_l~.!ii_l aza_ft ~n ~r!_n ~R 7£956 8408 Engler Ave St John, MO 63114
Jean l ~~s i~ _ §./6/]SJ18 2007 E Service~ _West Memphis '-AR 72301 8408 Engler Ave St John, MO 63114
Helen31 Thesing 6/6/2018 121 Remington Dr Little Rock , AR 72210 109 Keit h Ct Winter Springs, Fl 32708
Jeffr~'i_ __ ~Tu!f?
~ _..!l§ll018 21 Rem~tpn Dr., _l,'ttle Rock AR. 7221_0 ,293 Christian Fellowship Road, Benton, KV42025
Jeffrey ]:urpln ~ 72022
6/6/2018 106 Wi!)flwind _Qr!l__ry.2_nl 293 Christian Fellowship Road, Benton, KV42026
Robert _,McCorkmda_!!, 6/7/2018 604 N. Tyler St Lltt~Rock, AR 72205 1604 N. Tyler St Little Rock, AR 72205
l~!th ~ ine_ _ 1Sabatlno f 6/7/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff , Arkansas 71601 719 West Carroll Avenue, Glendora,CA91740
~ Velasquez
f Ve~a~qu~£
, Velasque_z
::-:t- 6/7)2018 10800 Ki,nl~ .c!.J.ltt~_ick , AR 7~2li
_6{!_/~018 1125 E Grande Ave_HorSerings Ntl_Park,~'i]~
~7/"JE.18 ~OOW.2~ t ~North _l:!ttle R~k. AR 7211~ _
- --
1600W Mulholland Ct Tucson.AZ8S746
1600 W Mulholland Ct Tucson, Al 85746
1600 W Mulholland Ct Tucson, AZ 85746
IEtha~ lzietz l- 61]}2018 2315 N Gooseberry Ln Fayettev ille, AR 72704 U25 N GooseberryLn Fayetlville, AR 72704
IMii~~ --- ..._
A_!!!,elda __ __ 6/8/2018 21Rem!!!S_ton_DrlittleRock , AR72210 i 130 N Center Sr Winier Park, fl 3l789
!Lar ry_ __ 1Bradshaw 6/8f20}8 ~ M£berlv Ln, B~ nville, AR 72712 1040 Boulder Or Charlot t~, NC28205
[ David ! Davis 6/8/2018 21 Remington Or little Rock, AR 72210 726 Mynlewoud Ln Melbourne. FL32940
~Vi!l _ _ -~ ____§/ 8/2018 2007 ~ Servk e Rd West Mem.e!>_! s, AR~2301 __ 726 Myrtlewood ln Melbourne, FL32940
IDavid 1
Davis 6/8/20 18 1406 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 71602 726 Myrt lewood Ln Melbourne, Fl 32940
Tony; tte ==J
Hool<s - -=- -_ 6/8/2018 j 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock, AR 72205
si~io~rsoow . 29th N~r thU tii;"Rock, -AR 72114 -
604 N Tyler Little Rock,AR72205
905 EHIii St OklahomaCity, OK
Gr;g -;;-ry
\ Gregory
_ fu_ e__
I lee
_ +- 5/8/2018 ' 905 E Hill St Oklahoma City, 0~
6/8/2018 , 3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonvil le, AR 72712__
6/8/2018 4601 W. Rozell St. Rogers, AR 72756
905 EHill Stoklahoioa City, OK
1716 Katrina Cir Anchor;,ge, AK99508
1716 Katrina Cir Anchora_ge, AK 99508
tf a_!5l!._ ~jN~ n - _ l 6/![201~ 3609 Moberly ~ •~;;;~~ Ille, AR 727g_ 603 Senior Dr Clar~sdale, MO 64430
[ arol Nolan 6/8/20 18 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 603 Senior Dr Clarksdale,MO 64430
Richard__ Risco!_ _ 6[8/2_018 200 TP W i)l! e /we Jacksonville, A~ 72076 1201 S. NevadaColoradoSprings, CO80903
Shaun Sachs 6/8/2018 215 W. BorchSt Russellville, AR 72802 5804 Cedar RonOr Fulton, MO 65251
!Shaun ' ] Sachs 6/8/2018 2301 Towson Ave Fort Smith , AR 72901 5804 Cedar RunOr Fulton, MO 65251
'W illiam \Young - 6/8/2018 icios.
Shackelford Little Ro~k
. AR 72211 3449 Wyoming KansasCity, MO 64111
!Wilson -- - \Andr~de 6/11/2018 2809
Pines-Mall i,;::-PiMB!uff , Arkansas 71601 , 253 SArrowhead Ave. #3 SanBernadine CA92408
10-!_n~I- -- ~I --- - 6/.! i L2018 2 00 SW Suburban _!. ane_Bento,:i~ille_727~2 - 4706 Monroe St Riverside, CA92S04
lDamien • Johnson 6/11/201~ 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 721~ 4033 Penn,ylvanla St Louis,MO 63118
f ~rl!I0_p_!le
~ andra
_!' __
Mi ller
-j. 6/1! f 2.Ql8 4601W . ~e11St , Roger..,AR72756 _
6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712
6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712
3920 .eland St #F7 San Olego, Ca92105
3920 Leland St #f7 SanDiego,Ca92106
23SORochester Court Troy, Ml 48083
IA;i;;lphus -=-:: ~ ma;;- -- - _ 6/ ~2/2018 500 Vf_. 29'fu North L ittl ~R oc!, AR 72ll 4 1915 Norton KansasCity, MO 64109
1Holden Harris I 6/12/2018 21 Remington Or Litt le Rock, AR 722.10 1712 N Arapaho CTIndependence,MO 64058
I Holden ~a !!_IS 6/12/2018 11 Bo.l!_eV Lane Litt le Rock AR 72210 1712 N ArapahoCTlnd•p•ndence, MO 64059
_scott -
:-- Lamm GJ! ~/201~ 200 SW S-uburba') Lan,!_B!,Oton~ ~ ZQU 2559 5 High Denver, CO80210
Scott Lamm 6/12/2018 3005 5 74th St, Fort Smith , AR 72903 2559 SHigh Denver, CO80210
.Bre"°;;d-; ; O'Q_onnell-Daniel 6/ 12/2018 1010 Breckenrldg ;- Uttle Rock, AR 72205 8801 Priest RiverDr Roundrocl(,TX 78681
I1f!; ris - • Richel~ - §/12/2018 11075 S. Shll2h Or Fa1ettevllle, AR 72701 __ _ 2910 E Monit oo Valley Ct Springfield, MO 65804
tiul ____ _pavoren __ 5/.~J2 Ql,_
8 2_9Q~~ S~b.U~b!!:'._~e Bentonvll ~ 72712 9 Thistle RdBurlington, MA 01803
,K~vln H_£
all 6/13/ 2018' 5120 W. Mark ham St Little Rocle,AR 7~205 21350 E43rd St 5 Broken Arrow, 0~ 740H
Kevin , Hoag 6/13/201~3131 Cloverleaf Van Buren AR 72956 -- 21350 E 43rd SIS Broken Arrow, OK74014
itan!e y Hoag 6/13/.201~200l_W S~b~rba~ Line _Bentonvllle 72712 UBOOE4SthSt S Broken Arrow. OK74014
-S_kyla_r___ King - 6/13/ 2018 5120 W . Markham St little Rock, AR 72205 28949115th Canton, MO 63435
,Skylar j~lng 6[1~2018 !109!4 Ka'}IS~ 1,!ttle Rock, AR 72211 28949 llStfJ Canton, MO 6343S
Dorothy lo rd _ 6/13/~0 _181106 Anderson Brookland, AR 72417 10l16 fsaac Dr Midwest Oty, OK73130
,_Dor:g~y ILord - 6/13/20 18 2517 Duncan #3 Jon esboro, AR 72401 10216 Isaac Dr Midwest City.OK73130
.Jose ' Rochet __ _ _ ~/ 2018 2501 S. Service Rd West Memphis , AR 72301 3814 NE5th St Ocala, FL34470
Br!!!_ ___
. Wessel
Wesse l__
6/13/2018 3814 NE 5th St Ocala. FL34470
6/13/2018 15120 W. Markham5t Little Rock, AR72205
_ 6/.!3/2018 l100Brecke nrld~ Dr. ~lttl!!_R_o~_,__ ~12~5 __ _
3814 NE5th St Ocala, FL34470
12132 Old 79 New London,MO 63459
lll32 Ola 79 New London,MO 63460
Brenda ~~ur 6fll/£Q_ 18f2810 S 28tb_!:!ace ~ers, AR 72758 ,21698 HickoryRd Wheatland, MO 65779
IS!'{I~ _ _ - ~
- 6/14/20 18t5120 W . Markham St li ttle Rock, AR 72205
6/14/2018 11Q10 Breckenr idge Littl ~o ck, AR 72201
6/14/~(! 110QQ_5_outh Futra l! Dr. Fayetteville , AR72701
3540 Eagle Crest Dr Palmyra, MO 63461
3540 EagteCrest Dr Palmyra, MO 63461
102J6 Isaac Dr Midwest Cfty,OK73130
Allltta McDaniel 6/11/20!8 l OQQ5_oulhFu!rall_Dr~yettevllle , Af!.1.2?_01 10316 Koch Dr Midwest Oty, OK 73130
O~vey Palm!t_l" .§L!~~ 1~li oo SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 1381 N Joyce Ave Rialto, CA92376
Davey Palmer 6/14/2018 , 1381 N Joyct Ave Rialto, CA92376 1381 N Joyce Ave Rfallo, CA92376
Vlckle fStevens 6/14/2018 f10524 W. Markham St Little Rock, AR 72205 2640 Shadynook Way Oklahoma City, OK73141
' Thompson
e-· p:n -_
.:cLC _
-1~ 6/
6/ 14/2018 2322 N. Hummingbird Ln Fayettevi lle, AR72703
l o/2Q18 li3i2N. H!;!fl}
mi~~Ln Fayeuevll iej,R 727q_
6/15(2018 1200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonv ille 72712
99 Mira AdelanteS an Clemente, CA92673
99 Mira Adelante San Clemente, CA92673
5605 Moat CTOrlando, FL32810
IR_;ic~ell~ _I_Lyons 6/15/2018 ' 500W. 29th Norcti LlttleRoc k, AR72ll4 4 l2 Marie St Vale, SD57788
~o~ ~
= l-
~ achelle 6/15/2018 7~5Q.'!{]7 !b, A~tY.h~rlgae _C0_80033 -
Debra ~ 9.a,n 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 727U 2085 Pima Dr lake Havasu City, AZ86403
~n th_o-n_y :. _ -~h~ e 6/15/2018 600H~ Little Roc( A R 72211 _ 2129 Ga/nett Gary, IN464047
!Daryl ~ berg 6/15/2018 200SW Suburban Lane Bentonvil le 72712 _ 12020 Charter House St Louis, MO 63146
John _ __ Osbron __ _ 6/15/2018 11690Wlllo-w Beach Park Rd Scott, AR 72142 _ 1018 NE9th Ave Ga,nesville, fl
!_De'!i}e , Rodri_gues -r 6/_!5/~Q!8 500~ .:..~th £;!orth_Little Rock, A'l 71_114 1448 Balsam St #0 Lakewood, CO80214
Oenlse Rodrigues 7 6/15/2018 t448 Balsam St ijQ Lakewood , CO 80214 1448 Balsam St #D Lakewood , CO ~214
Na;;;y_ _ Tof!le.!.!.!!_e L
i:._ _ 5j15j2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 51008 Main Springfield, MO OS810
Jacob 1Towe o/ 15/20~ lQ.6 N Plaza Ct Van Buren A.!!_ 729S6 103 S HollySt 8~ 692 Kellyville,OK74039
Ch~e ~ _ Chavez 6/18/2018 3005 S 74th St, Fort Smith, AR 72903 •13391 Elizabeth Cf Thornton, CO80241
Klersten __ ~ Drat_te ll - _ 6/18/2018500 w.
29th North Little Rock, AA72114 23221 Haynes St Farmington Ml 48336
,~ h •Gu_!frero 6/18 2018 10800 Kanis Rd, Llttle Rock, AR72211 10879Salida St Commorce City, CO80022_
~th~~ _ - ~§hee _ 6/18/2018 600 J:lar<!J~_<_l
lil_!leRock,AA7221t _ 217.9Garnett Gary, IN464047
Modris_ ~~ili._ §{18/2.Qg 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 ·r15201 E 41st St S Independence, MO 64055
Modr is !Seskis 6/18/2018 72.15 Birch St Russellville AR 72802 15201 E41st St S lndepend•nce, MO 64056
~att~w -- ~~~ ~/1J!/2Q18 IlS ~- Birch St R!J;~ellvi~E!_
c~ 7~802 _1 9908 E 35th SIS Independence, MO 64055
I Matthew Seskis 6/18/2018 500 W- 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 , 9908 E 35th St S lndeptndeo ce, MO 64055
Matthew _ /~~kl~ _ 6/18/2018 jSOOW. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 9908 E 35th St S Independence, MO 64055
Tashond a :Goforth L 6/19/2018 ,405 Calloway Ave Sherwood, AR 72120 405 CallowayAve Sherwood, AR72120
C}!r:i~e!:'er -=--iG _Tont -_ ----=..1_
~ 6/ 19/2018 106N Plaza-Cs.._
Van ~n AR?}~6 - - 10402 Neal Or Dltlmer , MO 63023
Magnus Olson 6/19/2018 406 N Blake St Pine Bluff AR 71602 2164Comwev Clovis, CA93611
-g~s 10lson- - 6/ 19/2018 Ac,;ss
3408 Rdjon;sb;-o72401-
AR 2164 Comwey Clovis,CA93611
~Chrlstoph~r ,Seals 6i19 / 2018 405
Callo..;ay Ave She~ood, AR 72120 405 Calloway Ave Sherwood, AR72120
~rry _ _ 1~~e.t t_ _ _ 6/20/2018 500 W.:_?9_th North llt tle.Rock, t,~72 114 1283S E 2nd St Tulsa, OK 74104
;Ricky [Daro __ _ 6/20/2018 l~oID Lane Little Roq< AR 72210 _ 3998 CR203 Fulton, MO 65251
_Byron _ Pa.!.G5> ___ 6/20/2018 1127 Centra l Ave Hot SprinlJS, AR 71901 1127Capeharbor CTFayettville,NC283i4
l~igh ~Raper 6/20/2018 ,43 Shannon Dr_Litt le ~i:,ck.AR 7~!07 _ !43 Shannon Dr little Rock, AR 72207
__ ~ el~~e.!_ _
r.-- 6/20/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR 72206
§i20/ 20!i ?190!_ -=----=---
_ _ __
6/21/2018 3405 Longcoy st Little Rock. AR 72204
61115 Chateau Way Tucson.AZ8S746
6Ul S Chaleav Way Tucson, AZ85747
:3405 Longcoy STl ittle Roci<,AR 72204
[P;llllY 6/ 21/20 18 1900 Resevoir Rd Apt 3 little Rock ,AR72 227 1900 Resovior Rd #3 Little Roe~, AR 72227
1Libby Platt 6/21/2018 8205 Meadow Dr Fort Sm ith, AR 72917 8205 Meadow Or ft Smith, ARn917
IMicha;I - - 1Glbs_£n 6"/2i12018 -7qf ~!rt~ Cou -rt_Sllo~m Spri119s.-AR 72761 706 C...rterCt Siloam Springs, AR72761
Dustin ' Hann 6/22/2018 908 Oakwood Ln Centerton , AR 72719 908 Oakwood Ln Centerton, AR 72719
ID~n ald - scti"r'l"er -- 6/22/2018 21Rerri lngto n Dr little - Rock. AR 12fio __
_ 633 S Main St Siou~Falls.SO57104
'1or ~ -- Allsandre 6@/2Ql8 2001 Michelle Circle Conwa}'. ,_AR 72032 -- 2001 Michelle Circle Conway,AR 72032
j_hell~y _ _, Brow~ _ __ 6/25/2018 2~0 g81h _f'lace Rod~. AR 727S8_ 1909 NE59th Terrace Kansas c,1y, MO 64118
[~tacy Bush §L~/?:_ 018 2QQ~ Ju!J urban Lane Bentonville 72712 9368 w 49t~ St Merriam, KS66203
~ ubin Co~ractor 6/25/2§:fs1200 SW Subu rba n Lane Bentonville 72712 6343 Hodge, Or Prarre Village,KS60208
,Jeffrey _ ICunni~n _ §L_~/2~i ~ 9~0 Trea~l!_l'e Hill Rd Llttle Rock ._A~7 _ 57n E EvaMAve Oenvor, CO80222
!Lee Evans 6/25/2018 1012~niq_t)_lo~wr_. Un iontow n, AR 70955
_Ashle_y __ IEwald __ 6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown Hwy ~, Un iontown. _AR 70955
Kathleen Gallant 6/25/2018 2896 N_Quail Cree k Fayetteville , AR 72703 2896 N Quail Ck Fayettv1lle,Ar 72703
!Brian Latimer _§ 25/2018 1075 S , Shiloh 0!:_F~yetteville , A.B_72701 2324 Fullerton Oetroil, Ml 48238
lle_ Nieto 6/25/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 727 1_2 Bll8 SkyllnkOr ~En la ke, C'!Jll587
jPatijck Peop les 6/25/2Q l8 2304 W. Skyler Dr Fayet_t_eville, _AR 72703 2304 W. Sky ler Dr Fayetteville , AR 72703
Brandon iRJ~t~ 6/2S/2018 2412 N. 57th Fort Smith , AR 72904 2412 N 57th lo Ft Smith. AR72904
M~!• __ ~n~g•_!l•~m_!! i_ _Ji/26/2Q_!fil 930~asureJ:!!!!_ Rd Little Ro~ . AR_72227 1806 N Rockwell Ave Bethany, OK73008
Edward ___ (!1~n~ 1-
=--_- 6/26/201~ !3209 S. 31st St ~rl ~'!)ith! ~R 72901 3209S31't St fort Smith,AR72901
,Josias _ _ ,Anduj ar I 6/27/~ 10800 KanisRd.:J:i!tleRock;AR 72211 _ 87647th AveVero Beach.fl 32966
Jeffrey ,carter 6/27/20 18~21 Remington Dr Little RQck. AR 72210 _ 3022Vittor St Lou<S,MO63104
Bryce Gallagher 6/27/2018 ,200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 897Moon BridgeWinder,GA 30680
Nicholas --- ~~l_ugi_n. 1 6/27/20181200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 1930HuntlntonHIiiBuford,Ga 30519
Debra ~hy
f- i 6/27/2018 200 SW Lane Bentonv ille 72712 _l a~oLolttr,:eOr#3 Branson. MO65616
Christie Patton 6/27/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive, Ljttle Rock, Alf722(2§ 8701PikesPeak RdYukon,OK73099
,Qlr istje_ P~ 6/28/2018 SQQ W . 291!)_
North ~ittle Rpck, A~ 72114 8701PikesPeokRdYukon,OK73100
Oarrlus Racy 6/27/2018 (7801 Holly fort Smith, A!!_7290~ _ _ • 7801HollyFortSmith,AR72908
I Carmlne-----,.
~ott ---;
6/29/20 18 925 S Universi ty Ave , Little Rock:, AR 72204
6/29/201819°25 S Univers ity Ave , Llttle Rock , AR 72204
12818EColoradoBlvd, Pmdena CA91107
'3 201 RennerDrApt rn council Bluff IA 51501
!Jeffrey Blair 6/29/2018 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Little Rock , AR 72227 7121HookerSt #4 Westminster,CO80030
~ey - .,s_fii; - - .. 6/29/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock ~AR. 72114 7121HookerSt#4 Westminster,C080030\
t,:'"~£ya ~y klns _ 6/29/2018 3200 Bankhead Drive.Little Rock, AR 72206 2616NW160THTerr Edmond, OK73013
,_Jef frey
lI 6mf'J:Q18 39~5 McCain ParkDr, North Little Rock, AR 721__!6
6/29/2018 39~5 McC~in ParkDr, North Llt~e Rock,AR72116
6/29/2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock. AR 72204
13142ChrissyWay Laktslde,CA91040
8610GardenaRdSantee,tA 92071
9000 WPacificAve W Covina,CA.91790
ung il~ _
6l22/~0}! l 392~ McCain ParkDr;No':!11Llttl;-R~ck, ARJ2116
Nichol~ - l l~s 6/]J/2018 925) Uni!'e r~ ty Av·e~ Littl e Roci AR 7220 {: 75431/2MelroseAve Rosemead, CA91770
I Nlcholasa !Leos 6/29/2018 312 1 Bankhead Little Rock , AR 72206 75431/2MelroseAveRosemead , CA91n1
·aym;;;d ILo~•!'~ . _ ~ 6/29/2018 3925 McCain Park Dr, North Little Rock,AR 72116 9333MlllergroveDr SontaFeSprings,CA. 90670
ason ~ ichards - 6/29[2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock , AR 72204 !4400EFremontAve 5-106Englewood,0080112
aul ·- J Rodrig~z-Peln [. 6/29/2018 31B ~ankhea d Little .~ock, Af3 [2 2~6 7520W1non~t:.__WestJ>lnls1er, CO~
Chris JSalvo 6/'lS/2018 4339 Warden Rd North Little Rock, AR 72116
~ enneth l sprague 6/29/201 8 3925 McCal;;'°P~rk.Dr,North Llttl; R~ck,AR7 2l16 US R1gRips RdOakland,ME.04963
l~~~!:_h - ~~g~ 6/2~018 3201 Bankhead Dr. Litt le Rock, AR72206 ____ 118RlgR,psRd Oakland,ME.04964
Robert l Taylor 6/29/2018 3925 McCain Park Dr, North Little Rock, AR 72116 4035E McDowellRdPhoenix,AZ. 8S008
R~e!l, _ jfaY~ ___ __ 6/ 29/2018 3201 BankheadOr. LittleRoc k, AR72206
- -- 4035E McOowellRdPhoenix,AZ. 85008
Ian _T~ eL_ __ 6/29/2018 3925.!!1_cCaln Park Dr, ~rth Lf!tle 1!~_1 AR 72116 2700Youngfiel d5t Lakewod,C08021S
,la_n_ _,Torrey 6/29/2018 3201 BankheadDr. Little Rock, AR 72206 Z700Youngf1eld St Lakewod,CO80216
.!l_etonla -- Brashle~ _ - - 7/2 2018 2301 T owson Ave Fort Sm ith , AR 72901 1805NW144thTerrEdmond,OK73013
Timothy 1 s~h ier _ 7j2j2018 2301 Towson Ave Fort-Sm ith; AR .~~01 _ 1805NW144th TerrEdmond,OJ< 73013
Russell Ceeb_us 7/2/2018 9400 Hollaman Cir Little Rock, AR 72209 9420Holl~manCr Little Rock,AR77709
_O.uane~ f!iea_c!!e_ 7/2/2018 925 S University Ave. Little Rock.AR 72204 114NW17thOklahomaCity,OK73103
Daryle _lj)llX - 7/2/2018 10800 Kanis -Rd. Little Roell, AR 72211 • P.O.Sox18983 Clevelandt1eig~ts , OH. 44118
Daniel Roberts 7/2/2018 9400 Hollaman Cir Li ttle Rock, AR72209 2160532ndPl S BrokenArrow,OK 74014
:Nir _ . --- jsh~t-- -- _ 7j 2/201 8 9~ ~ ~~erslty Ave, Little '3ock, ~R 72204 222PegourrockStBridgeport.CT.06604
Rafael Sm,th 7/2/2018 60.Q_ Hard_i_n~Ltt~ Rock , AR 7~ 3351/2514th StQuincy,IL 62-30 1
IRafael__ __ )Smith 7/ 2/20 18 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock , AR 72211 335i/2 s 14thStQuincy,IL 62301
Gi;n - -1• wiff1ams- 7/2/2018 72116 4915PacttlcCoast Hwy LongBeach,CA90804
R2bert_ ~nderson I 7/3/2018 925 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204 lts304 ECarnell Whittler CA90603
Sabrina ~U_!!o_n ___J_ _. 7/3/2018 72116 - - r211SSIUeAve Jacksonv1 lle, FL. 32209
!Calvin 1Davlstt 7/3/201 8 49 17 HickoryRd ,#4,North Llttle, Rock . AR-72116 4917HlckoryN lit1le noclc,AR, 72116
!½_~ - 1Garrard 7/3_/2018 3121 Bankhead Lit!le Rock, AR 72206 2611CountyHwy96 AptlOS Carey,OH.4l316
l~ rt -- ~ yt~ _ _ 7/3/2018 617S. Broadway Little Rock: AR 7220 1 4131/2 N CorySt Findley,OH.45840
Justin l shan_!lon _ 7/3/2018 617 S. Broadway Lill ie Rock, AR 72201 12832UOthPl SEKent,WA.98031
David i '!'<fhlte
_ J__ _7!}/2..Q!~~ ~YnJversft;, Ave, Lit_!!~ Rock , AR ~2204 _ 630BennettSt Findley,OH.45840
,Po~ Name .
~ _-:-
- - - ,-
Please see 1h1smostcurrent list This is a list of patd canvassersto circulate the pehtion ame11
- -
the Arkansas constitutionrelatrngto term limils
-- --- -- -- -- . . . - . -- - - -
~!~"0•ka~s Code~7-9:_601
((")(,) />m1•1J
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/J>lefefut uf a!f.J><
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ltw(1al add,esfe., fo JJie&C'
!,: IOr)' u/Stmt!
(,IJ If a,l</lmmalpaid .:'QIH'-lJU~f.\ agrt:I!m r<lllrfl j/glltJIUI"<-" cmhtftdl/ of a J'J>lJm
'or a{i11rtfit ~onipleu IW 1<1nvw,/,t:t/ lw of all paid rom•o_1:
11/te J'J}i.Nll 'or shall µn11•1Je01111pt!au..•,I ..,t'r.;. • urmu1,, om/
rurrcm 1,:,fiJe11110/ ..!t'fc.1· m tht! &ert!1a,i, 1>fS1a111>c .
9n/20I 7 4540 W, Sunselfve ., Spring~le , AR 72762 ,
~12/20 17 -.1891 Sand Pine COl;)l1 !/.1.
24 Punta GO.!!a
_, FL ~950 _ 14394ArmadaRdPortCh . arlotte,_FL33953
'counney McDuffie - 9/1_2/2017~q_Mcgal)_D!:_J~nes E5>ro.,_~R 72j0 I _ 14394ArmadaRdPortCharlotte,FL33953
/Jennifer. r orwood 9/12/2017 J0J. S Univc_!!>i ty Ave L_111lc Rock'-"R fl00~ _ 14394ArmadaRdPortCharlotte, Fl33953
r __ ~<!<Wood_ ~1]12J)IJ jS.:JlQMega_n D_I . Jonesboro, AR 72401 14394ArmadaRdPortCharlotte,FL33953
Je11111fe1 Norwood 9/12/2017 419 E Clebumc West Hdena AR 72390 14394ArmadaRdPon Charlotte,FL3_3953
Anion,o !Leaks - 9/13/2017 10700llicbsm,1h La~ #115,- Maumelle AR 72113 110700 RichsmlthLane_#.!J..?. Maumelle _A~ 7~ l
Waco Allen Day 9/2512_0 I 7 I 832 Country ~~d ~26, Caddo_Mill~. TX 75135 I 832 COUI!!!)' Road 272~ addo Mills, TX 75 I36
DLusa,yk I 9/25/2017 1832Country Road 2726, Caddo Mills, TX 75135
9/25120I 7 590 I JFK Blvd., #604, North Little Rock, AR 7£.!J 6
I832 Country Road 2726, Caddo Mill~.TX 75135
5901 JFK Blvd. #~,J'l\lrth Liulc_Rock, ~R 721I 6
J>teven ___
~ud rc~
•~e __ _
_ ~f_'.a,ge
t- 9/25/20 I 7 115I5 W DavidO' Dodd Apl 7 Ltt1le Rock, AR 72204 11515 W DavidO' DoddApt 7 LittI~ Rock, AR 7220
- 9/25/2017 5420 Elder C;;f\_North.!:cit1\e- Roci:;-AR7l_217
_9~512017 74? I re~ _Ri~e Dr., Valle)'.~r~O §308~ _ {745 Tr~_i_op
- ~ 5420 Elder Court.North Uni;-Rocic;
Ridge Dr., \'.Olleti'._ar~M
All 72217 --,
_O ~3_()88
_ _
Kiva _ _ _iElmore - 9/28!201_7!622 E. 191\1 S1ree1, Apt. 55, North Little Rock, AR 7211t622 E. 19thStreet, Apl, 55, North Li11\eRock, AR 72
Minnelll - ~ ,es-
-=- _ 9~8Q_()17*9816R~gentCirc_l.',i__L1llle
_ ?12__!!~017
Rock, AR 72204
302 E. Roose~ \t Rd., Lillie R~ t ~R_l~~
9/28/2017 3618 W Roosevelt Rd Little Rock, AR 72204
~ 8 I6 Regen!f1rcle, [.,illleRo£_k , AR 72204
1302 E. Roose_veltRd , LIiiieRock, A~ 7220~
302 E. Roosevelt Rd, Lmle Rock, AR 72206
f~hr~o_p!!_e~ ~ter
Nick/Nicholas Duenez
I 9/28/2017 9 Reneec-;;vc:-i.ii1i;:
9129/2017 18~ Broadway .!...
Rock, AR72i09 - -
Ap1. 703, Litt!_eRock, AR 72206
9/29/2017 1470 Avondale Av<::,J_l!cksonville,
_ _ I0/2/2017 109 Shawnee Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076
FL 32205
'>Renee Co~e. Littl
eRock, AR 722()9
, Apt, 7_0~L.ii°H~
1}'!70 AvondaleAve., Ja<:kS<,!l
2690BonllaSt LemonGro11e,
Rock, A_B_722
_ville. FL J2~05_
Nick/Nicholas- ~~z _ ~/20 17 9~5 §_Univemly Ave._Ltttle Rock, AR 72294 2690BonltaStlemonGro11e. CA9194S
Nick/Nicholas Duenc1. _ ...!.Q!.?_/20
17 4459 BinghamSi. D~arborn Ml 48126 2690BonitaSt LemonGrove,CA91945
Lakei;i,a -- Porter 10/3/201712506 Belair Dr. S., Pine Bluff, AR 71601 !2506 Belair Dr. S.• Pine Bluff, AR 71601
. 10/3/2012 2613 E, Ce;>sfel~ Rd.. J}cks5>nv . ~f3.
il~c; 72076 _ _ 2613 E. Cosfell Rc!,,jacksonvllle, AR_72076__ ~
Bren1 Watson I0/3/20 17J.!l ~_Ehi.;OI Rd., LOI86, Mabel~le, AR 721Q3 _ -1 11500Ch1co1Rd1 Lot 86, Mabelvale, AR 72103_
James ____ I lowell 10/4/20171410 N. Cherry St . Boche, AR 72012 410 N Cherry S1, ~eebe, AR 72012
Shawn Mal_loy 10/4/20171701 S~1. #802, Little Rock, AR 72201 701 Scott SL #802, Lulle Rock, AR 72201
Rila _jladak __ \0/4/201ZJ410 N Cherry St , Beebe, AR 72012 -- _4JO N._qerry SI., Beebe, 6~ 7~2 __
Cums 1Westbrook 10/4/~0I7!}0 17 Nonli_.!'lacc,~cn~n. AR 72019 1017North Place, Benton, AR 72019
.fa~ly~ - - !Braun J0.{_6£t017_!0] ~ic lOfY.Cir.,, Jack52.nville , AR 72076 _ 1103 Victory-Cir , Jacksonville, AR 72076 -
Amller -, Uillman 10/6/2017;9204 Mabe\villeCut Off Rd,, Mablevale, AR 72103 19204 Mabelvi\leCut Off Rd, Mab\eva\e,AR 72103
Melissa Darrou_g!!_ 10/10/2017 I 1500_Chic~d .,_~l _6Q, ~~lva~ , AR 72103 I 1500Chicoi Rd..1"ot 60, MnJ,_c;]va\e , t,R_72103
Maria - ~N~y-- I0/10/20lj5312 Lowden Rd., Little Rock, AR 72206 5312 LowdenRd.. Little Rock,AR 72206 J
Issac Newby -r 10/10/2012.3i"[ F. 8th ~#10 14, Little R~_k, AR 7~ 02 JI 1_E_,_
~!)l St, #1014, l.1ttleRock, AR 72202 I
Angel!!_ Rotx:r:son I 10/10/2017 IJOW LeeAve ., Sherwood. AR72120 130W LeeAve.Sherwood , AR72120 '
Nicole Rot'ofl_ber
ry IO(.l(!nO..!i]7t2_1_ .~~y ~an~. Mo~leval~:-'l.R22J03 __ __ 17121 llollv Lane, Mable~ le. AR 72!03
LaJuan _ Ca_!!!lon
-Joy • 10/12/2017>~70 S. Sale"!.Rd.1 Apt. 7017,Sonway , AR 72034 87Q~- Salem Rd., Apt 70171 Conway,!?>!{ 7~34
J':!_en Morris 10/ 19/2017 0815 Cloverhill Road, Little Rock, AR 72205 9815 Clovcrh,lfRond, I.lute Rock. AR 72205
~ - __ S£!!.~~z 10/19/29_1_7167 S ~kefi~ e>r:. ~ittle Rock,AR 72209 _ 67 S. Wakefield Or.,J.i11lcRock. AR 72209
}ohn ;ii~- li on~ 12/4/2017 533 MC 3046, Yellville, AR 72687 533 M£ JQ!!_6 ,. Ycllvills A&7~87
Michael R, Jackson 12/12/2017 2662 Mount;in Pine Rd., Hot Sprmgs, AR 71913 _Efj 62 Mountain Pine Rd., \lot Springs,AR 71913 I
'EulishL Johnion -~- . 121121201 2oJ.s
·~- 1,o0!iana_St Apt A: t .inl~ Rock, AR 72206 @ 15 s 1:2ulsia~ St. Apr A.J,itt~Roc~ .-A-R 72206 I
Daniel_ _ _\Mi~chcl 12/12/2017 956 Dutton Min Rd., Cedar Ridg_e , AR 72027 956 OUttQ!) ~tt~ , S:e_!!a~
Rfdgs_~R 72027 1
J ericka --~ R~gland !21.1212017 !_900W 22_thLittle Rock._A~ 72?9.6 1 900 W. 29U.!.Little Rock. AR 7'?,_7 _06 I
Robert_ Re~1ond, _ 12/12/2~17 350 ~~I ner D!_:.Benton, All 72015 350 La1'!PlighterOr.. Benton, AR 72015 -·1
Trent Whitlock _J__ 12/12/2017 21098 Jones, Rd , Harrisbur_& , AR 72432 21098 Jones. Rd., Harrisbur.l\,AR 72432 _ 7
Erie - _.,. Wh;-lli)ck 12/12/2017 21098 Jones, Rd., Harrisburg. AR 72432 121098 Jones. Rd,, Harrisburg. AR 72432 7
lCalvin ,Dav~ - 12/13/_2_()_
1] 4917 H_l£_ke>_ry ~d0 #_'!,__NQ_nhJ:,ittl~Aock,AR 72116 4917 Hlc~oryN llt_tleRe>_ck, A~0 7~
Eva _ tt owe!"1a y_ 12/ 13/2017 12817 David O'Dodd Rd., Little Rock,AR 72210 12817 David O'Dodd Rq.• Little~ j<.!',J 7E__IO
IJonah _ Jsra~ _ 12/IJ12017 I 316 Southeastern Ave., Jackso1w1l le, AR 72076 , 1316 Southeastern Ave., Jacksonville.AR 72076
1Sllls 12113/201761 15 West M~n, #I , Little Rick, AR 72205 11\1\5 West Markham,#!, 1:J!!leR.!. cI. if.72205
w Miller 2/ l4/2018J7 flounte .f ove, Linle RockLAR 72212 7 Flourite Cove. L1ttleRock./\R 72212
fRebecca Y.,illianis '2/14/2018 1600 S. Elm St. Apartment 10 Little Rock, AR 72204 1_ 1_§00S- Ehn SL ~pnn1ne111 10_Li!!!_cR_2<:k,
AR 72204
1·-rerri Johnson 2/141l018/7315 Dee! M~dows Ct, Sherw~. ~R ..llJ10 112! ~ Qee~eade>_wsS'!,, S!!:!wo~,_A~ 72120
[Randy Morrison J/2/201813200 Bankhead Dnve, Little Rock, AR 72206 11921SGettesburgDaytonOH 45417
Barry l~BLentins ]l?/2018 24603 l.e~~l.a}:e Lane, P3r01),,AR 72122 24603 Lesia Lake Lanc~Puron.AR zi122
6-ra,j Walton 3/1512018800 Locust St., North Little Rock. /\R 72114 800_Loe~~. Nor!h Li.!_ll<:_ ~k. AR 72114
jChak'0!! Anav Israel• 3/19/2018 870 S. Salem Rd., A~l 7L<;:
.o~y_._AR 720~ 870 S Salem Rd#7017ConwayAr 72034
Tn,e Al1sandre 3/20/2.Q. 18 9 Sht;,!:VOod _Drive,C~l".!!Y,~ 72034 J _iherwoodprConway,AR72034
IKenne~ iCoul~r 3/20/2018 34 I 5 Town & Coumry Country Ave , Little Rock, AR 713415 Town & Country ~ou_ntry Av~.• Little Rock. AR
I Kenneth Couitcr - 3/20/2018 1609 Cl!8 Ave Lilli~ Rork, AR 72205 1609 CHB Ave Little Rock. AR 72205
Cathenne !Dancru - 3/20/2018 3 19 N.22nd St.. Little Rock, AR. 72206 - - 319 -N. 2211ds'i.:1:ittle Rock, AR. 72206
Ash ley- iE~ld 3~ /2018 10121 u-;into,~1 _Hwy,, Uni~_Ql~'_Vn , AR7025~ 101i1 u,~onlOWr\Hwy:u n,ootown, AR 70955
:~~____ Cou,~s _ J/28f?OI~ 9QOS. Map!c St, 0 _1.ittl~ Rock, AR 72204 . 900 S. M~ I;;-si -;-t.ittle Roc-k~R.]2204 - --
Nmn H~!)lpton 3/28/201S 3700 M~rylan~Ave.,J:.ittle Rock. AR 72204 3700 MarylandAVe., Little Rock, AR 72204
.Tashan Oneal 3/28/2018 9810 fa~c lla Or. Litlle Rock, AR 72209 .. _ 9810 Capella Dr . Lillie Rock, AR 72209
~~Uis _ rfo mp_son 3/28/2018 1623 Grant St., Little Rock. AR 72204 1623 Gran!Sl.:.,Little Roc1_!._!V22 04 _
Ja_Eguel.!_llc }Webster 3/2812018 88 I 5 Woodb,n; #803,-Sh~rwood,A R 72120 881 S W29(lb1ne#803, S~erw~~ AR 7?! ~O
l.ouauna !j!m~ 414.iwiS 1316 S Banery S1., Lillie Rock,AR 72202- 1316 S Ranery St., I.It_!!!:Rock,~_R_I2~(l2
Brenda Riddle _ __ 4/5/2018 3301 West 10th St., Little Rock~AR 72204 13301 West 10th St.. Little Rock, AR 72204
Ll!,.~ elii1~ - !Webb
11 ~1 ,Allen
j 4/5/2018 8904 Tanya Qr, Apt_t\. Little Rock ~ R 72204
4/_12(29\8 9 16 S _Maple S1,, Little Rock, AR 72204
89041 'auya Dr,. Apt A, Little RockAR 72204
~16 ~ Maete ·st ., Little ~~k~ AR_.?2204 - _
;-- - -·Estes
Ingrid - -• w,tk,~s
jconi;ro Burba
I 4/1212018921 S Maple, l.ittli;:_
5/23/2018 703 Pearl St Benton, AR 72015
5123/2018240 Matthews Or. /(~40
~0/20 18 4319 P,ne C~~~e RI!~- AR 72209_
Rock_,AR 72204
Richard Sat.way 6/112018617 S OroadwayLiule Rock, AR 72201 ____ 7410HollowCoveCourtCypress,TX77433
Jerime_ Willour 6/l/2qj_8 28105 28th Place Rodg!rS,AR72758 8903NEAftonRdKansas City, MO64155
Shahmar ~illour 6/l /20 18 2810 S 28th Place Rodgers,AR72758 8903NEAftonRdKansasCltv,MO64155
Tonyers .~ _l'.d___ _ _ ~~0 18121 Remington Or., Little Rock_~ . 712_!2 80295choolwayStreetSaintLouis,M063140
'Marti11 !'Clanton I ~4/20 11!_1 ~~ I S Salem Rd., Conwal, AR 72032_ 1851SSalernRd#1 Conway,A R 72032
_ Clanton
-j Olasgow
_ ~!gow
_ __
~/20 1f:1601 Ho~~Co _n~ , AR 72032
116EmeraldWayGraniteCity IL62040
962.9BaronPIRosedale , MD2l237 __
William ' Bums 6/5/20 18121 'R~ming1011 D~ Lillie ~uck, AR 72210 I820_N Wlckh;m Rd #57 Merbo;;;n~ FL32936
IK~vin l9~n1ier 6~ /20 I ~I'IO E P~r,;hingNort h Lillie R~ck AR 72114 6837HancockAve St Louis,MO 63139 7
~n_l_hOn)• _ _&~pe r.. 615/20:ff:
8 lliO W . MJuti11Conw.iy A~ 72034 2510W Martin SI Conway,AR72034
LCynthia [Ford 6/5/20! 8 10800 Ka11isRd. Linle Rock. AR 722 11 117£ DanburyChandler, AZ85022
!Diann f
Genuy _ _ ~ 5120~ I 4g! S Shuckelf ord Rd l.itlle R~ck AR 72211 405 E4th St Fairfield, NE68938
l!)i~nn _ _QC!!!_l)I__
_ _ ~ ~ !! ,405 E41hSt Fairfield, NE68938 ,405E41hSt Fairfield, NE68938
!Chase _ ~' - _ 6/5120.!_!11~se tl anc LitJ!c Rock A~ 72210 414 S DarrowbyDr Raymore,MO 64083
[Chase ' Harris I 6/512018 1010 Breckenridge Lillie Rock, AR 7220 5 414 S Darrowby Dr Raymore,MO 64083
Chase _ Ha~ris j1 _ 615/2018 1401 S Shackelf.;rd Rd Little Rock All 72211 414 S DarrowbyDr Raymore, MO 64083
IArthur Ladd 6/512018 6100 Mllchell Dr Litt le Rock, AR 7n 09 1231West Hwy 287#2 Waxahachie .Tx75165
t·oalho j Latimcr .J. 6/512018)21 R~minglonDr Lntle Rock, AR 7E I~ 208South MadrsonAvenue, BayCity, Ml 48708
Vincent Neuka_!n 615120 18; I 8 I~ 1'!.
, t~wy9, Morr..!!_lo_i:i
,_AR 72210 _ _ _ 26 SylvanOak Way Nottlngh~m,MD 21236
Vincent Neukom 6/5/20181500 W ,1'.?lh ~ onh !d_aj • ~ock~ R 72114 26 SylvanOak Way Nottingham,MD 21237
!V incent )i eukain 615120 I 8 8 16 E OakSl Conway, I\R _ __ _ _ 26 SylvanOak Way Nottingham, MO 21236
!Boe _ lf£1!_! _ 615/fOI 8 2 1 Remingto_!lQ_rLillie Rock, AR 722 IO 408N CollegeAve #101 Columbia, MO 6S201
Nicholas ,Tu,pin + _~/512018 l I Bog_ey ~l~ L[!!_le Roe__!<AR 72210 tl5 WigWam Rd, HorseCave,KY42749
Ni clwla~ - - TT
~rpin--- -- 6/5/20 18 500 W , 29th Nonh Lin le Rock, J\R 72 114 115Wig Wam Rd,HorseCave, KV42749
1N 1cholas Turp i.£1 61512018 106 WhirlwinJ Dr Bryant J\R 720 22 115Wig Wari1Rd,Ho1seCave,KV42749
Nicholas __ I._urpi!!_ 6/~/2018 1010 Breckenri(!~ Liui ~ Roe~ AR 72205 115WigWam Rd,HorseC~ve,KY42749
,l!alph 1YJ~l~q 615/2018 s.
I 103 V ictory #A Little Rock, AR 72202 II IOJS - Victory}A Lillie Rock, AR7 220i
M~ cayla Amadeo 6/6/20 18 1010 Br~~"i ; ri<!aeLJ!!l_~ock_, ~ R 72205 - _ •~ ~!!lndvlew Ave,S Po!!!•~ . ~E ~ 106__ _
~arca'l[ a__ _ ;Amadel _ _ 6/~/20 18 460.! Vj_,~le ll ~Rog ~ AR 7~756 I69GrandvlewAve. SPortland,MEOH06
.2! wanda • Clark 6/6/20~ 101_0 Bres_l:~nrid~lttle Roe~, AR 72205 5025UnionCircle OklahomaCity,OK73135
Shwanda 'Clark 6/6/20181 00 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 5025UnionCircle Ol<lahomaC;ry, OK7313S
~ wanda da rk 6/6/2.Q!8 3200 8a~ead Drive, Litt le Roch_AI! 7EQ.6 5025un,on Cirde OklahomaCity , OK73135
0:l da CurtlS 6/6/2018 1075 S, Shlloh Dffayettev ille, AR 72701 __ 1S0 South ShoreRd Bastrop, TX 78603
Linda Curtis ___ 6~/6/2~8 10800 K_!!lis_Rd. Lit~e Rock, A~ 72211 150SouthShoreRd Bastrop, TX 78603
; Brittany Garland __§/ §/2018 21 Remington Dr J,ittle R(!ck1 AR ?22_1Q 293ChristianFellowship Rood, Benton, KV42025
Br ittany __ ,G_!r !!~ ___ 6/6/2018 106 Whirlwind Dr Bryant AR 72022 293Christion ~ellowshlpRood. Benton, KY42025
M ichael Harris 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Litt.le Rock, AR 72205 605sw us Hwy 42 ~ 261 BlueSpri ngs, Mo 64014
Michael Harris - ~§/~018 21 Re'!'i~n D!J.ltt l~~~ck, A~~ 605SWUSHwy 42 # 2618lue Spri ngs, Mo 64015
Fletcher - ~le 6/6/20~ !Q,10Breckenrid~tt.!!_~ck ~~ 72205 720Old Albe FarmRd Nokimis, FL34275
etc her _ .ri_egele 6/6/2018 500 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 720Old Albe FarmRd Nokimis, FL34276
David Rennlch 6/6/2018 150 US6S_N Co~ a~ _R 72032 _ 180Lake Club Dr 39-15Branson,MO 65616
~ry 1!,_o
blnson 6/6/2018 115 !!!! row Hill Rd. F9rrest Clty,_AR 72235 9832e LaPalmaGold Canyon, AZ85118
1Melinda Selley 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenr~g!' Little Roel\,AR 72205 _ __ 3609O~emaAve Flint, Ml 48507
_Melinda Selley _6/6/2018 1850 John Harden Dr Jacksonville, AR 72076 _ 3609OgernaAve Flint, Ml 48S07
!Me linda :Selley _ __ ___ 6/6/20 18 1920Junction_Q_tyRd, El Dorado, AR 71730 ___ 3609OgemaAve Flint. Ml 48507
~;- - ,S~ ey 6/6/2018 106 N Plaza Ct Van Buren AR 72956 3609OgemaAve Flint, Ml 48507
Mel inda ,Seill!_
Y. _ 6/6/2018 2007 EService Rd West Mempl}ls, AR72301 3609OgemaMe Flint, Ml 48S07
IJ~ [5!_.
ussle 6/6/2018 1010 Breckenridge Litt le Rock, AR 72205 8408Engler Av• StJohn, MO 63114
Je~ _ IStussle 6/ijj 2018 1920J~ nctlon Q...tV
Rgl D2!_3do , ~R 71730 ____ 8408Engler Ave StJohn, M063114
Jea_n_ l st~ sle 6/6/201~ lqG N PlazaCt Van Burl!_nAR 72956 8408Engler AveSt John.MO 63114
Jean Stussle ¥6/2018 _2007 EService R~ West Memp~s, AR 7230 1 6408Engler Ave StJohn,MO 63114
elena ; heslng 6/6/2018 21 Remi ngton Dr Lillie Rock, AR 72210 109Keith Ct Winier Springs,Fl 32708
eff~ - Turp!_r!_ 6/5/2018 21 Remington Dr., litt le Rock AR
72210 :293ChristianFellowshipRoad,Benton, KY42025
. ef~
~ _ _Turpin 6/~/ 2018!106 Wh,rlwlnp D,!..
B-~t AB ?_20
22 293Christian Fellowship Road,Benton, KY42026
I Robert ,M~ <>rl:ind!!!e _ _ -~l_7/2Q18 l ~~..! i , Tyl~rJ~lttle Rock, AR 72205 604 N. Tyler St Little Rock,AR 72205
·catherl ne ,Sabatino ___ 6/7/2018 2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601 719West Carroll Avenue, Glendora, CA91740
- - _[Ve1as..9.~2
- -- 6/7/20 iih oaoo Kanis Rd. Little Rock, AR 72211 _ _ 1600W MulhollandCl Tucson,AZ85746
~~b~n _ __jy_elas.9uez _ 5.11
/~ 18 )!,@ _E§ rande ~ve Hot ?Prl~~t l Park,A~ 71901 1600W MulhollandCt Tucson,AZ85746
Ruben _ J v~sq ue~ _ 6/7/2018 900 MLKJr Or W. Memphis, AR 1600W MulhollandCtTucson,AZ85746
~~en V_!I~~ ~ _ _ ~ /7 / 2018j 500 W. 2.2!_ h N~h Little Ro~ ,. ~ 114 1600W MulhollandCt Tucson, AZ85746
_Et!'an___ IzI~2 _ 6/7{201?_2315 N Gooseberry_Le n Fayettev~. AR 72704 2325 N Gooseberryln Fayettville, AR72704
rMildred 'Al meida 6/8/2018 121 Remington Dr Little Rock, AR 72210 130N Center St Winter Park, Fl 32789
~ ry _ _!r~c!_s~~ w &/8/ 201!}}~ ~ erly Lf2,_B!._ntonvI1!e,~ R 72712 H)40 BouIdor Or Charlotte, NC28205
, La£
~ Bradsh~w 6/8/2 0 18 1700 NW 113th Pensacola, Fl 3250S 1040BoulderDr Charlotte, NC28205
Davlq__ Davis &/~/2018 jJ1 Reml~ t.9n Dr~ le ~O_!:~ , AR__?~210_ __ _ 726Myrtlewood Ln Melboutne, Fl 32940
i o~vi>
6/8/2018 j 2007 ~•~ ice Rd_West Memphis, AR 72301
018_ 4~ N Bia~ St P.!.!)_
--2f 8/ "2;_ e.Bluff ~ 71602
726Myrtlewood ln Melbourne, Fl32940
726Myrtlewood LnMelbourne, FL32940
tJohn - ~ GIiiiian<!_ 6/8/2018 ~ N. -ry)er StUttle Rock, AR 72205 604N Tyler Little Rock, AR 72205
Tonyette f Hooks &/8/ 2018 soo w. 29th North Lit tle Rock, AR 72114 90S E HIii St OklahomaCity, OK
l r~_y~e Hooks 6/8/20 18 1905 EHill St Oklahoma City, OK 905e HIii St OklahomaOty, OK
[_<;r~~ Lee 6/8/2018'3609 Moberly Ln, Bentonvil le, AR 72712 1716KatrinaCir Anchorage,AK99508
j, 01~1
-J- ~
_ &j~/20t8 l46o 1 W, Roxell St. Rogers,AR 72756-
2@/Jg l~ 360~ Moberly Lf1,s~:itonville, AR 7~7g_
! 200 SW Suburban L~ne 8~nto'!_V ille 727g
6/8/201B 200 TP White Ave Jack1onvllle, AR 72076
6/M 20~ W. B~ch ~t R~ ~se11J1e: AR ~ 802
1716K11trlna Cir Anchorage, Ak 99508
603Senior Dr Clarksdale, MO 64430
603Senior Or Clarksdale, MO 64430
1201s. Nevada ColoradoSprings,CO80903
5804Cedar RunDr ful1on, MO 55251
Sha'!!.1.__ ~ hs 6/8/2018 !2301 Towson Ave Fort Smith, AR72901 5804 Cedar RunOr Fulton, MO 65251
William __tyo~ _ ~/ 8/20 18 2oo"s~k~f~ Little Rock, AR7221_1 _ _ 3449 Wyoming KansasCity,MO64111
Wilson _! ~ndra_de 6/11/2018 ,2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601 253 s ArrowheadAve. #3 san Ber,,adino CA92408
Daniel -I Q.ah! ~/.1}h_oijj~<&swj~~~an L~ne__!e~to~~ill~ 72712 - 4 706 Monroe St Riverside, CA92504
Daniel _,pa~I 6/11/2018 4601 W. Rozell St. Rogers, AR72756 4706 Monroe St Riverside,CA92504
Dam~ _ !Johnson 6/11/2018 500 w.29 th North Little Rock, AR72114- 4033 PennsylvaniaSt Louis, MO 63118
Chrlst5:>J)her J ordan - ~/.11/2018 4601 W. Roz~ St. Ro~rs, AR72756 3920 Leland St #F7 San Diego,ca 92106
~hristoeher Jorq<!_n 6/11/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 3920 Leland St #F7 San Olego,Ca 92106
Sandra 'Miller ~l!/2018 'iooJw Su_!?urb~ ~e Bintonvillf!_72712 2350 RochesterCourt Troy, Ml 48083
us_ '.eo1ernan T _ 6/12/2018 sooW. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114 191S NortonKamas City, MO 64109
Holden _j Harrls j[1_2/2oi s[2iRiml~IQ_n Dr Little Rock, AR72210 1711 N ArapahoCT Independence, MO 64058
Holde0_ ___ ,~rri~ _ _ 6/~/29_!8 111 Bogey '=!~ .Little Rock AR 722!_()__ __ 1712 NArapaho CTIndependence, MO 64059
2_cott_ _ Lam1T1__ _ _ 6/12/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 2559 S HighDenver, CO80210
Sc~tt !,amm I 6 /1~/2011! 25S~ S.Hll!!i~t- c:i~~ve~coso2i6=_ - - 2559 S HighDenver, CO80210
Scott Lamm _6/12/2018 3005 S 74th St, Fol'! Sm~_h,~R 72~3 _ 25S9 S HighDenver, CO80210
LBr,!!n~ O'Donnell-Danie 6/12/~~8 10.!9 8re~rldge ~lttle Rock, AR ~205 8801 PriestRiverOr Roundrock, TX78681
Chris fRkhe le -- - - 6/f2/2018J 1075 S. Shiloh ~ •yetteville, A!!] 270 ~ 2910 EMonltoo ValleyCtSpringfield, MO 65804
P~ --- _ ~ avo-;;,;- ·- - ~3/2()_ 18 1~ SW Su_E_!!rbi!.11 ~ne~~onvill~ 72?__~_ 9 Thistle RdBurlington, MA01803
,K~vln _ Ho!3g _ _6[13/?Ql_!ljl5120 w. Markham St Little Rock, A_R _72~05 21350 E 43rd St 5 Brol(en Arrow,OK74014
f Kevin Hoag _ 6/13/2018 6100 Mitchell Or Lltde Rock_,AR 72209 _ 21350 E43rd St S Broken Arrow, OK74014
K~n IHo~ _ _ __ 6/13/2018 3131 Cloverleaf Van Buren AR 72956 213S0E43rd St s Bro~enArrow, OK74014
1Stanley_ _ IHo~ 6/13/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 21800 E4SthSt S BrokenArrow, OK74014
1stan~y _ ,H.3 6/13/201861<lQMltc~ IOrL 1!_tl e ~~ AR72209 - 21800 E4SthSt S BrokenArrow, OK74014
!Stanley IHoag 6/13/2018 3131 Cloverleaf Van Buren AR 72956 21800 E45thSt 5 BrokenArrow, OK74014
f Sk>Ll~r_ __ •Kln_s __ 6/13/2018 5120 W. Markham St Little Rock, AR 72205 28949 115th Canton, MO 63435
•S~r ' Klng __ - 6/13/20 18 10914-l(anis Rd Litt le Rock~R 72211 ___ -- 28949 115th Canton, MO 63435
~E_r~ y_ 1Lo7ci__ 6/13/2018 106 Anderson Brookland, AR 72417 10216Isaac Or Midwest Crty,OK73130
j Dorothy Lord 6/13/2018 2517 Duncan #3 Jonesboro , AR 724D1 10216 Isaac Or Midwest City,OK73130
Jose' Rochet 6/13/2018 2501 S. Service Rd West Memphis, AR 72301 3814 NE5th Si Ocala,FL34470
Jose' Rochel 6/13/2018 '3814 NE5th St Ocala, FL34470 3814 NESth St Ocala, FL34470
Brett Wessel -6/13/2018 -!5120 W. Markham 5t__Uttle Rock, Af!-12205 12132O.ld79 New London, MO63459
Brett .Wesse l ____ 6/13(2018 [10914 Karns Rd Little Roel<,AR72211 __ _ 12132Old79 New Lonoon, MO63459
Brett Wesse l 6/13/2018 !100 Breckenridge Dr. Uttle Rock, AR 72205 12132 Old79 New London, MO63460
Brenda Willour 6/13/2018 !2810 S 28th Place Rodgers.-AR72758- 21698 HickoryRdWheatland, MO 6Sn9
~vl!r -= KliD.!__ _ _ __ _§[1 4/2018 5120 w. Markha ~ S! _Lltt_l~~!:t A~ 722Q? 3S40 EagleCrest Or Palmyra, MO 63461
Skylar Kline W14/20 18 ~o Breckenrid.s,elittle Rock. AR 72205 3540 EagleCrest Dr Palmyra. MO 63461
Ronald Lomax 6/14/2018 1000 South Futrall Dr. Fayetteville, AR72701 10216 Isaac Or MidwestCrty, OK73130
~!lit!!_ --
McDa~lel -
L 6/14/2018 2301 Towson Ave Fort Smith, AR 72901
~ 4/201 ~ 1000 South F~trallDr. Fa~tt~lle,~ 7~701
6/14/20lli [2301 Towson Ave Fort Smith, AR72901
10216 Isaac Or Midwest Crty, OK73130
10316 KochOr MidwestOty. OK73130
10316KochDr Midwe,t Oty, OK73130
•Davey _Palmer 6/1~0.!Bfioo SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 1381 N Joyce AveRialto, CA92376
!Davey ,Palmer 6/14/2018 1381 N Joyce AveRialto, CA92376 1381 N Joyce AveRialto,CA92376
,Yl_ck le _ - ~ns ___ _ 6/14/2018j10524 W Markham St little Rock, AR 72205 2640 ShadynookWay Oklahoma Oty, OK73141
~ lckle __ ~v ens _ fil4/20 1aj230 1 Towson Ave Fort Smith, AR 72901 2640 ShadynookWay Oklahoma City.OK73141
~i <!____ Thom~on 6/14/2018 2~ N. Hummlng~d Ln ~ettevllle, AR 72703 99 MiraAdelan1•San Clemente, CA92673
~!n~ - ~m pson _ . __§f1 4 /'!:.018 2322 N. Hummingbird Ln Fayetteville, A~7270J 99 MiraAdelanteSan Clemente, CA92673
Rebecca •Coyle 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 5605 Moat CTOrlando.FL32810
!Rebe~ ~ 6/15/2018 110 Huntsville Or Eureka Springs, AR 72632 _ 560S Moat CTOrlando, Fl 32810
Rachelle _--" Lyons --~ - - 6/1 5/201 8 , 500 W.29th North Liitle Ro~k,AR-7il 14- - - 412 MarieSt Vale. SO 57788
IRach!'le _ _J lyo ns _ 6l15/2018 !200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 71Z_12 _
I Rachelle
, Debra
I Lyons
6/15/20.!_8 7050 W 37th Ave Wheatrldge CO 80033
6/15/201! 20Q._5 W Su_b_urba11LaJ:iej!e!!(onvi~ 72712
7050 W 37~ AveWheatridge CO 80033
7050 W 37th Ave Wheatr ldge CO 8003 3
2085 Pima Dr LakeHavasuCity, AZ 86403
l~hony_ _ /McGhee _ 6/15/2018 1600 Hardin Rd little Rock, AR 72211 2129 Garnett Garv,IN464047
l_Qaryl I~~ _ 6/15/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 __ 1Z020Charter HouseSt Louis, MO63146
,John Osbron 6[15/20t8 )11690~w ~h Park Rd Scott,,M_7]l42 101B NE9th AveGainesville, FL
Denise Ro~g~~ I- _6f15f20)8 j500 w, 291h ~ -rt~ UJt!e Rock,_AR72114 1448 BalsamSt #0 Lakewood,CO8021~
[Denis;- - Rod~itues 6/1~/2918p448 ~Isam St no Lakew~od, CO ~0~4 1448 Balsam St ~D Lakewood, CO 80214
1Nancy - - T~ _ 6/15/2018 (~00 S~bur~n Lane B~1_2.nville 72712 51008Main Springfield, MO 05810
~~ , Toi~ _ §/15/2018 106 N Plaza Ct..'::',an Buren AR 7295§__ __ 103 S HollySt Bx 692 Kellyville
, OK74039
Charles !Chavez ~I 6fgl{2018 3005 S ?4th St, Fprt Smith, AR72903 , 13391 ElizabethCTThornton, CO80241
ji,; rste~ Drmell .11 - 6/18/2018 500 w. 29th No/th Little Rock, AR72114 23221HaynesSt FarmingtonMl 48336
~ rattell _ _ 6/18 / 2018 10800 Kanis R_ij_. Ll!tle Rock, AR 72211 23221HaynesSt FarmingtonMl 48336
~I)_ 10879SalidaSt CommerceOtv, CO80022
_y -· __ McGhee_
lsesk ls
r _ 5/18/2018 !£.8~
~18/20 18 600H!f~
6jl8/2018 soo
llttle Rock1 AR 72211 •
Rc!!ittle_Rock, A_R 7221.!
_w. 29th North Little.Rock, AR 72114
2129Gamm Gary, IN 464047
15201 E St S Independence, MO 6405S
M~d;ls lseskls , 6/18/2018 7215 Birch St Russellville AR72802 11s201 £ 41st St s Independence, MO64056
:~atth!W - rs-;ski~ L 6/18/2018 215 w. BirchSt -Ru~ell~llle, AR7 2802- - h908 E 35th St S Independence, MO 64055
§LlWOlB @o_W,2~th !'.)~rth Little Ro£k, AR 721~
, Matthew
l seskis
_ [Se~s _
l _
6/18/2018~00 W. 29th North Little Rock, AR 72114
6.(12f2018j 405 Calloway Av!!Jherwo~. AR_El~
9908 E35th St S Independence, MO64055
9908 E35th St S Independence, MO 64055
405 Calloway AveSherwood, AR72120
IChristopher !Lamont -- 6/19/io1s yo 6 N Plaz-a-Ct Van Buren AR72956 - - -- 10402Neal OrDittmer, MO63023
~ rlstopher ,Lamont 6/19/ ~1 8 110 Hunt!vlll~ aj prlngs, AR72632 10402NealDrDit tmer, MO63023
t' _agnl.J!._-= @ison 6/ 19/201 8J.4~ N Blake~ Pin~~~ _ 2164Comwey Clovis, CA93611
!_Magnus 101s.1on 1 6/19/2Q_~ 3'!08 /llc~essR~) onesbor.2_AR72~ 2164Comwey Clovis, CA93611
L~ry _
-I ,
6/19/20~: ,405 CallowayAve Sherwood, AR72120
6/20/2018 500 W. 29th North Lit~c~ AR 72_!!4
405 Calloway Ave Sherwood,A.R72.120
,183S E2~d St Tulsa, OK74104
~yron _
~~gh ~
t 5/20/ 201~ 11 Bogey Lane Llltle Rock AR72210
6J'.20l~l~ 1127 Central A~ot_§)nngs . AR 7190 1
6/20/ 2018 143 Shannon Or Little Rock,AR 72207
3998CR203 Fult on, MO65251
1127 ~pehar bo, CT_Fay~vi\\e, NC28314
143 Shannon Dr Little Rock,AR72207
J~E in O~ni el Coulee _- 6fl0/~01~ so1 S, KellyA':'.!:J!r
lstow. OK740l (L fB01i Kell~ '2_~Brl~t~ v, OK74010
Bernard£_ IVelasq!-le~ 6/20/2018 13200 l:lankhead On ve, Little Rock. AR 72206 6111 scnateau Way Tucson,A2 857~6
r Velas.9,_Uez
6/20/~1s fi 125 E Grn!)dCAve I lotJ!)_nngs
6/21/201 N, 405 Longcoy st Lmlc Rock. AR 72204
Park,AR7 I 90 I 6111 S Chateau WayTucson, AZ85747
13405 Long_coy STlittle Rock, AR72204
P~~ \'....___ N~h ols _6/2_1_~18 I !IOOR~ev~ir Rd Apt 3 Lml~ Ro.£!.,!\_R]_22_~7 1900ResovlorRd #3 LittleRoel<,AR72227
Lib~ ____ 1Pi~tl 6/2!_12018 8205 Meado~ort Smith, AR 729L7 8205 MeadowDrFtSmith. AR72917
! Michael
D~; tin--
1~hn -
6/22/2018 706 Carter Court Siloam Spnngs. AR 7276 l
- 6/22/2018 908-◊ak,~oodLn Contcn on, AR 727j9
6/22/2018 21 Remington Dr Little Rock. AR 722 10
706 Carter Ct SiloamSprings,AR72761
908 Oakwood ln Cente,ton, AR72719
633 S MainSt SiouxFalls, SD57104
l 0r_E?w f~ti_s~
r 6/2~ 2018 2001 MichclleC ircleCon~y. AR_72Q32 __ _ 200 I Miehelle Circle Conway. AR 72032
Shelley_ j 8r_2wn 6/25/2018 ~810 S 28th Pl~~_e_ll~~ AR_727~~ 1909 NES9th Terrace KansasCity,MO64118
~t~cy _ ~ us~ _ _ _ _ 6/25/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane Bentonville 72712 9368W 49th St Merriam, KS66203
Zubln •Contractor 6/25/2018 200 SW Suburban Lane__E!_entonville 72712 6343HodgesDrPralle VIiiage, KS60208
J!'.ffr_ey_ _ Cunnlgan 6/2S/2Q!8 9300 Treasure Hill Rd Linle Rock, AR 72227_ 5777E EvansAveDenver.CO80222
Lee E_vans 6/25/2018 10121 Uniontown_lj_~.\jn iontown. AR 7()955 10121 Umomow_!lH;vy., Uniontown. A_R 70955 _
Ashley _ 1Ewald 6/25/2018 1012I Uniontown Hwy., Uniontown, AR 70955 1IOI2 i Uniontown ll wy.,_U111omown. AR 7()QSS
1Karitahnleen - -! GL a1-1_mnetr
a 6/25/2018 2896-N Quail C~e k Fayc11cvillc~ R 7£703 2896N QuailCkFayenvllle.A.r72703
r8 3 11 ~/25/2018 1075 S Shiloh Dr Fayetteville. AR 72701 2324Fullerton Deiroil,Ml48238
~ hanelle _ Nieto 1 - 6/25/2018 200 SW Suburban lane Bentonville 72712 23118S~ Qr.CanyonLake, Ca 92J87
~~j~ - - Peoples_ -
IPat rick
IB;andon =- _ ~h
Peo les t L ~/ 2~/ ~c,:is _2]04 w. S9 lerDr f'oycttev..!!lc. ~ R 72703
_ 6/25/2018 903 W 12th S~et tev~
6/25/2018 •2412 N . 57th Fort Smith_,_
R 72701
AR 72904
2304 W_Skyler D!_fnyettevillc. AR 72703
12304 W ~kylcr ~FD)l! lle~e,_!,R 727(Q_ _
2411 N 57th ln Ft Smith. AR72904
Joesph I Durell 6/29/2018 )3925 Mcc,;in Park Dr 1 No~h Little Rock, AR72116 13142 ChrissyWayLakeside,CA91040
Jose_E_t!__ , Durell 6/29/2018 1707 Interstate 30 Utt le Rock, 72202 13142ChrissyWay Lakeside,CA91040
1Jeff,:__eL ~ ureU - 6/29/2018 '.3925 McCain Pa;k Dr, North Litt le Rock,-AR72116 8610 GardenaRd Santee, CA92071
Librada Garcia 6/29ii018 i925 S Univcrs,tr Ave, Little-Rock, AR 72204-- 9000 W PacificAveW Covina, CA.91790
'iJoshu a Garrad 6/i9/2018 ims McCain P arkOr, North llt~~o~. AR72116 327 OSborn A.v e Findlay,OH45840
,Joshua Gartad 6/29/~0.!_81_3101Bankhead Or. l itt le Rock, AR72206 327 Osborn Ave Findlay,OH45840
~OJ_!iua ___ Garrad 6/29/20 18 !3925 McCain Park Dr, Nort h little Roe~, AR72 116 327 Osborn AveFindlay,OH45840
:1ra ,Graham §/ 29/2 Q~i[J9~~ ~cC.,ln Pa_rk Dr, North ~inle Rock,_AR 72116 10400ArrowSte #Wl7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA.91730
[~at rick j Harr,s 6/29/2018 1010 Breckenridge litt le Rock,AR 72205 2020GlassRdCedar Rapids IA.52402
Trung __ )Le 6/29/2018 3121 Aankhcad 1:inlc Roe~. AR72206- 8843 HaveteurWaySan Diego,CA92123
~lchola~ -=-=i leos _ _J/.2!1_/~l_.!! 925_S lJmve~ _ve, ~ ttl~ R~cll-_!IR_7220'!_ 75431/2 Melrose A.veRosemead,CA91170
Nlcholasa 1le os 6/29/2018 312 1 Bankhead Little Rock, AR 72206 75431/2Melrose AveRose.mead.CA91771
~m an~ , ~ •no -- 6/29/2018 13925 McCain Park Or, North Little Rock, AR72116 9333 Mlllergrove DrSanta FeSpr,ngs, CA.90670
Jason Richards ~/29f~~ •9iS S Umver~i~ve, Little Roe's AR 72204- 14400E FremontA.veS-106Englewood,CO801l 2
Raul - - Rodriguez-Pelt z 6/29/2018 3121 Aankheod l.inle Rook, AR 72206 7510Winona Ct Westmi,:uster, _c:: o 80030
ICh~i~ - ~~ lvo - 6/2 9L2018 4339 Warde n Rd North Litt le Roc'5,AR 72116 P.OBox 42038Los Angeles, CA90042
~ e~e~ h 1serague 6/29/2018 3925 McCain Patk Or, North Little Rock, AR72116 118 RlgRipsRd Oakland.ME. 04963
l"'~!'n eth _ JSp_.!~ue - §'.29/~ 1~ 3jo1 Bankhead Qr. little.Rock, AR_?2206 _ 118 RlgR\psRd Oakland,ME. 04964
!Rober!_ _Tay)c:,r 6/29/201 8 3925 McCain Park Dr, North Uttle Roell,AR72116 4035 E McDowellRdPho• nl~.AZ.8S008
•Roben traylor 6/29/ 20 18 3201 Bankhead Dr. Little-Rock, AR72206 - 4035 EMcDowellRdPhoenix, Al.. 85008
Ian ·Torrey 6/29/20 18 3925 McCain Park Dr, North Llttle Rock, AR72116 2700YoungfieldSt Lakewod,CO80215
la~ -- - T~e y_ I 6/ 29/2oia~201 Bankhead-Or. LittleRock, AR72206 2700YoungfieldSt Lakewod, CO80216
Retonia ~s~er 7/2/2.Ql8!2'.1.0
i..:r~so n Avef!!_rt_~ th, AR 72901 1805 NW 144th Terr Edmond, OK 73013
Timothy __ eras ~r 7/2/2018 1230) Towson Ave FortSm itJt, All 72901 1805 NW 144th Terr Edmond, OK.73013
Russ!!!__ _, Ceph~ 7/yigl..§~9400Holla,n_a.E.Cir Lit1le Rock,..1!~_7~09 9420 Hollaman CrLitt le Rock, AR 77709
•Q~ IChea~le 7/2/2018 9l5 S University A~ . L,tt~~oc_!:, AR 72204 114 NW 17th Oklahoma City, OK,73103
1Da_!)I_I!.___ !fE><k
. 7/2/20 18 I0800 Kanis Rd Little Rock, AR 72211 P.O. Box 18983Clevel-.ndHeoghts, OH.44118
Dani~ -- _ Robe~ 7/2/20 18 9400 Holl~man Ci r !,_!l~ R_ock. i\R 72209 21605 32nd Pl S BrokenArrow, OK 74014
---- Shat
- -
7/2/2018 925 S Univcrsi1y Ave, Lillie Rock, AR 72204 222 Pegourrock St Bridgeport, Cl . 06604
Rafael Smith 7/2/2018 600 Bardin Kd Lmle Rock.A R 72211 335 1/2 S 14th SIQ;Jincy, IL. 62301
- --r.
[Raia~ _ _ _Smith_ 7/2/20 18 600 Hardin Rd Little Rock. AR 72211 335 1/2 S 14th St Quincy. IL 62301
___ Willia ~
' Sabtina •
Ander ~
_ .. J.!1Uf~O
I- i71/2018 4(01 W. Commercial Dr North Lillie Rock, AR 72116
7/¥_201~ 925 S Univ.£'_s tty Ave, Lillie Rock, AR 72204
4915 Pacific Coast Hwy Long Beach, CA90804
15304 E Carnell Whitt ler CA90603
7/3/2018 480 1 W, Commercial Dr North Little Rock, AR 72116 2125 Blue Ave Jacksonville, Fl. 32209
l Davos
- 7f3/2 018 491711~kory R<!,114.
7/3/2018 3121 Bankhead Liule Rock, AR 72206
-Nonli L1uie
Name of Petition:
Petition Sponsor:
Person Designatedas Contact to Receive Informationfrom Secretaryof State:
1 tJ;lt1~&~',-1
/)Wir,.. 1 f/fJ!t") ; 59ft4~~~J.1 tJ,ta.
This petition submitted to the Arkansas Secretary of State on the &:, day
I have provided a copy of t he most recent edition of the Secretary of State's initiatives and refe fenda
handbook t o each paid canvasser before the paid canvasser solicited signatures on this petit ion .
I have explained the requ ire ments under Arkansas law for obtain ing signatures on an init iative or
refe rendum petition to each paid canvasser before the paid canvasser solicited signat ures on th is
peti ti on.
I certify that the unders igned sponsor obta in a criminal backgroun d check for each paid canvasser in
compliance with § 7-9-601 within 30 days before the date the paid canvasser began collecting signatures
on this peti t ion .
I am also subm itti ng a final total paid canvasser list and a signature card for each paid canvasser on th is
total paid canvasser list in compliance wit h § 7-9-601 .
Z b, :Jd/P
FI r.-~ ~.,
JULO6 20,a
A r l-.o,-
Secreta n,-f VI. ..,-• .,\t
Signature Count Aff idavit
I cert ify t hat a tota l of --,.....-9Petit ion Parts containing 1.3qi5 90s ignatures are being filed.
SponsorSignatur~ ?/: ~
State of Arkansas
County of P ,1lo.
Subscribed and sworn before me this dayof -:r=-fy
20 I 7$
OF FI C I A L S EAL • .Q1239GS , s
FIL E.::
JULOI 20\&
Arkansas Term Limits Amendment July 6, 2018
I, Thomas Steele, Arkansas Term limits Sponsor, certify that the Paid Canvassers
listed below :
1. Were provided a copy of the most recent edition of the Secretary of State's
Initiatives and Referenda handbook prio r to the Canvasser gathering signatures;
2. That the requirements under Arkansas law were explained to each canvasser
prior to Canvasser gathering signatures;
3. That each Canvasser passed a criminal background check within 30 days before
first gathering signatures.
Thomas E. Steele
O~ ?O\S
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Faulkner 66399 5 7 Avina, Gloria
Lee 69854 I I Avina, Gloria
Lincoln 69923 I 2 Avina, Gloria
Logan 70044 I I Avina, Gloria
Lonoke 70272 3 5 Avina, Gloria
Lonoke 70273 2 2 Avina, Gloria
Pope 71959 2 3 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77126 8 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77127 6 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77128 9 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77129 6 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77130 8 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77131 6 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77220 2 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77221 3 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77222 6 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77223 6 9 Avina. Gloria
Pulaski 77224 5 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77225 3 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77226 4 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77227 5 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77228 9 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77229 6 9 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77230 4 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77231 7 10 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77441 4 5 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77442 4 6 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77443 4 6 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77444 3 6 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77445 2 7 Avina, Gloria
Pulaski 77446 4 7 Avina, Gloria
Boone 63050 0 I Dedvukaj, Adelina
Bradley 63091 I I Dedvukaj, Adelina
Chicot 63255 0 1 Dedvukai, Adelina
Chicot 63256 I I Dedvukaj, Adelina
Clark 63366 4 4 Dedvukai, Adelina
Clark 63367 3 5 Dedvukai. Adelina
Clay 63419 2 2 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Cleburne 63628 4 6 Dedvukai, Adelina
Cleveland 63685 7 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Columbia 63733 3 4 Dedvukai, Adelina
Conway 63871 0 1 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Conway 63889 1 3 Dedvukai, Adelina
Craighead 64032 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Craighead 64243 3 5 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Crai.e,head 64244 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Craighead 64245 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Craighead 64246 6 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Craighead 64247 7 10 Dedvukaj , Ade lina
Craighead 64248 7 10 Dedvukai , Ade lina
Craigh ead 64249 4 7 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Crawford 64565 0 I Dedvukai , Adelina
Craw ford 64604 3 3 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Dallas 66194 2 4 Dedvukai , Ade lina
Desha 66239 5 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Desha 66240 5 5 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Drew 66307 0 I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Drew 66311 I I Dedvukai , Adelina
Faulkner 66319 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66320 0 I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66326 2 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66330 3 5 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66331 5 5 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66332 3 4 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkner 66333 I 3 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Faulkne r 66408 I 5 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Faulkner 66409 4 10 Dedv ukaj , Adelina
Franklin 67475 l I Dedvukaj, Adelina
Garland 67737 5 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 67738 7 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 67739 10 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Garland 68089 3 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 68090 5 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Garland 68091 5 7 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 68092 6 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Garland 68093 7 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 68094 7 10 Dedvu kaj, Adelina
Garland 68172 6 9 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Garland 68173 2 5 Dedvukai , Adelina
Grant 68356 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Granl 68357 4 7 Dedvukai , Adelina
Gran t 68358 6 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Green 68473 0 3 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Green 68474 I 3 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Hempstead 68522 2 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Hempstead 68523 I 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Hot Spring 68791 0 I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Hot Spring 68792 I 1 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Hot Spring 68793 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Hol Spring 68794 6 7 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Independence 68922 4 6 Oedvukai , Adelina
Izard 68955 I 2 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Jack so n 69003 2 2 Dedvukai , Adel ina
Jackson 69007 3 3 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jefferson 69291 I 4 Dedvukaj , Adel ina
Jefferson 69336 I I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jeffer son 69599 6 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Jefferson 69602 4 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jefferson 69603 8 9 Dedvukai , Adelina
Jefferson 69684 5 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jeffers on 69685 7 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Jefferson 69686 5 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jefferson 69687 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jefferson 69688 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Jefferson 69689 8 10 Oedvukaj, Adelina
Johnson 69778 2 4 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lawrence 69814 l I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lawrence 69815 I I Dedvukai , Adelina
Lawrence 69817 5 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lee 69852 2 2 Dedvukai , Adelina
Lincoln 69924 I I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lincoln 69931 5 9 Dedvukai , Adelina
Logan 70032 1 I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lonoke 70101 8 8 Dedvukai , Adelina
Lonoke 70308 7 9 Oedvukaj, Adelina
Lonoke 70383 4 6 Dedvukai , Adelina
Lonoke 70532 4 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Lonoke 70533 7 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Lonoke 70652 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Lonoke 70653 5 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Marion 70899 I I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Mississippi 70960 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Miller 71012 I I Dedvukai , Adelina
Monroe 71056 2 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Montgomery 71096 I 3 Dedvukai, Adelina
Ouachita 71251 I 1 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Ouachita 71253 0 I Dedvukaj, Adelina
Ouachita 71254 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Perry 71364 I 1 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Perry 71365 0 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Phillip s 71465 I l Dedvukaj , Ad elina
Phillip s 71466 5 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pike 71498 I 2 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pike 71499 I 2 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Poinsett 71568 4 5 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Prairi e 71639 I 2 Dedvukai , Adel ina
Polk 71755 0 I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Polk 71756 3 3 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser N ame
Pope 72007 6 7 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72120 9 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72121 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72122 6 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72123 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72124 6 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72235 5 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72236 8 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72522 8 10 Dedvukaj, Ade lina
Pulaski 72523 9 10 Dedvukaj, Ade lina
Pulaski 72524 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72537 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72538 6 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72539 10 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72597 7 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72598 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72599 8 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72637 2 4 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72659 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72660 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72779 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72780 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72781 10 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72782 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72783 6 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 72784 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 72785 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 73393 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 73394 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 73395 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 73402 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 73875 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 73947 3 5 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 74121 9 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 74122 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 74123 5 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 74633 7 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 74675 6 8 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 74678 4 8 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 75125 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 75126 3 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 75127 6 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 75128 4 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 75129 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76436 8 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76437 7 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 76460 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76461 5 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76469 0 2 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76477 7 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76478 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76479 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76575 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76578 8 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76596 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76622 4 7 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76693 6 8 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76711 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76712 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adel ina
Pulaski 76713 7 JO Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76714 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76715 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76716 7 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76717 3 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76718 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76719 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76720 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76721 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76722 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76723 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76724 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76725 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76726 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76727 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76728 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76729 10 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76730 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76731 7 JO Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76732 3 IO Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76733 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76734 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76735 5 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76736 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76737 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76738 7 .IO Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76752 6 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76753 7 10 Dedvukaj. Adelina
Pulaski 76759 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76760 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76777 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 76778 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 76779 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Valid To tal
Co unty Petition Part Signatures Signatures Ca nvasser Name
Pu laski 76780 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 76781 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77096 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77097 3 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77098 4 9 Dedvukai , Ade lina
Pulaski 77103 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77104 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77105 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77106 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77107 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77108 10 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 77151 9 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77152 9 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 77153 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77154 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77175 5 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77176 8 10 Dedvukaj., Adelina
Pulaski 77177 3 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77178 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77186 6 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 77187 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77188 5 10 Dedvukai. Adelina
Pulaski 77189 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77190 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77191 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77192 5 10 Dedvukai. Adel ina
Pulaski 77193 2 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77194 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77377 6 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77378 2 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77379 4 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77380 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77381 6 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77382 3 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77383 4 9 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77384 7 9 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77385 8 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77386 4 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77387 5 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77388 9 9 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 77389 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77390 6 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Pulaski 77391 9 10 Dedvukaj , Adel ina
Pulaski 77392 5 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77393 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Pulaski 77394 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 77395 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77450 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77459 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77475 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77508 5 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Pulaski 77509 5 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Pulaski 77510 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Randolph 77697 2 2 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77787 10 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77788 6 9 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77789 7 9 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77790 8 10 Dedvukaj, Ade lina
Saline 77791 6 8 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77792 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77793 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77794 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77795 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77796 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77797 4 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77809 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77810 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77811 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77812 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77813 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77814 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77815 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77817 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77818 10 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77872 4 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77873 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77875 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77876 10 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77877 7 10 Dedvukaj, Ade lina
Saline 77878 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77880 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77881 8 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77882 7 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77883 4 6 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77884 7 7 Dedvukai, Ade lina
Saline 77885 8 10 Dedvukaj, Ade lina
Saline 77886 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77887 7 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77888 6 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77889 8 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Saline 77890 9 10 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Saline 77893 9 10 Dedvukai, Adelina
Valid Tota l
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Saline 77894 8 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Saline 77895 8 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Saline 77896 9 10 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Saline 77897 9 10 Dedvukai , Adelina
Saline 77969 2 6 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Saline 77976 7 9 Dedvukai , Adelina
Saline 78049 5 7 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Saline 78253 7 8 Dedvukai , Adelina
Saline 78360 10 10 Dedvukaj, Adel ina
Sebastian 79266 3 6 Dedvukai , Adelina
Sebastian 79350 3 5 Dedvukai , Adelina
Sebastian 79355 I I Oedvukai , Adelina
Sharp 79570 2 3 Oedvukai , Adelina
St Francis 79633 3 4 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Stone 79689 I I Dedvukai , Adelina
Union 79710 6 8 Dedvukaj , Adelina
Van Buren 79924 3 3 Dedvukai , Adelina
Yan Buren 79925 I I Dedvukaj , Adelina
Washington 80144 6 8 Ded vukai , Adelina
Garland 81749 6 10 Dedvu kaj, Adelina
Crittenden 64749 I 2 Dedvukai , Adelina
Crittenden 64751 4 6 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Crittenden 64752 4 6 Dedvukai , Adelina
Cross 64802 3 5 Dedvukaj, Adelina
Arkansas 62788 2 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Ashley 62833 2 2 Duenez, Nicho las
Bradley 63093 0 6 Duenez , Nicholas
Clark 63335 0 L Duenez, Nicholas
Cleburne 63579 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Cleburne 63595 2 3 Duenez , Nicho las
C leburne 63602 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Cleburne 63603 2 3 Duenez , Nicho las
Conway 63850 2 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Craig head 63951 2 J Duenez , Nicholas
Craighead 64182 6 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Craig head 64183 8 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Craig head 64184 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Craighead 64185 6 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Craig head 64186 4 10 Du enez, Nicho las
Craighead 64187 8 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Craighead 64192 5 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Crawford 64455 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Cross 64766 0 I Duenez , Nicholas
Benton 64902 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Benton 64903 9 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Benton 64904 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Sig natu res Signatures Canvasser Name
Benton 64905 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Benton 64906 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Benton 66157 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Benton 66158 0 I Duenez, Nicholas
Benton 66159 l I Duenez, Nicholas
Drew 66300 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Faulkner 66389 10 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Faulkner 66390 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Faulkner 66391 2 3 Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 66392 7 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 66404 3 6 Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 66965 2 4 Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 66988 2 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 67008 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Faulkner 67212 1 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Hempstead 68521 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Hot Spring 68676 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Hot Soring 68677 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Hot Spring 68678 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Hot Spring 68808 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Hot Spring 68809 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69303 2 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69326 0 1 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69327 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69332 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69552 8 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69553 7 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69554 6 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69555 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69556 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69557 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69558 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69559 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69560 9 10 Duenez. Nichola s
Jefferson 69561 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69562 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69571 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69572 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69573 7 10 Duenez , N icholas
Jefferson 69574 8 10 Duenez, N icholas
Jefferson 69575 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Jefferson 69576 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69609 0 I Duenez , Nicholas
Jefferson 69610 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Johnson 69768 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Lee 69853 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Lincoln 69892 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Little River 69970 0 I Duenez, Nicholas
Logan 70012 5 7 Duenez, Nicholas
Logan 70043 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70387 0 3 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70388 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70407 4 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70455 2 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70460 2 3 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70487 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70489 7 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70490 5 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Lonoke 70511 0 I Duenez, Nicholas
Madison 70725 1 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Marion 70898 I I Duenez , Nicholas
Miller 71010 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Nevada 71123 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Newton 71157 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Ouachita 71193 I 2 Duenez, Nicholas
Phillips 71382 I 1. Duenez, Nicholas
Phillips 71463 1 I Duenez, Nicholas
Pike 71490 0 2 Duenez, Nicholas
Pike 71500 I I Duenez, Nicholas
Prairie 71634 2 2 Duenez, Nicholas
Pope 71956 2 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72125 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72128 7 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72237 4 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72519 8 10 Duenez. Nicholas
Pulaski 72520 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72609 6 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72610 5 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72611 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72612 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72620 2 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72622 4 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72623 4 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72624 I 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72664 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72665 3 JO Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72750 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72751 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72752 9 10 Duene.z, Nicholas
Pulaski 72753 9 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72754 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72786 10 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasse r N ame
Pulaski 72787 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 72788 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 72789 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 72790 6 10 Duenez , Nicho las
Pulaski 72791 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pu laski 72792 9 10 Duen ez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72933 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 72965 4 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 72966 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 72968 s 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 73064 I 2 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 73176 4 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 73181 4 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 73217 s 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 73218 6 6 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 73397 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 73665 4 5 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 73948 4 5 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74084 8 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74085 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 74086 8 9 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 74087 7 9 Duenez, Nic holas
Pulaski 74088 8 9 Duene .z, N icholas
Pulaski 74104 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74124 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74274 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74507 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74508 4 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74509 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74510 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74511 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 74512 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 74513 5 9 Duenez, Nicho las
Pulaski 74514 7 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pul aski 74671 5 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pula ski 75058 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pula ski 75059 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 75071 3 3 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulas ki 75111 4 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 75114 8 9 Duenez , Nicho las
Pulaski 75115 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 75801 2 6 Duenez, Nicho las
Pulaski 75874 0 I Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76032 0 2 Duenez , Nic holas
Pulaski 76080 0 2 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76089 2 6 Duene z. Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petitio n Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 76807 4 5 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76820 3 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76821 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76822 7 8 Duen ez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76823 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76824 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76825 3 4 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76827 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76828 9 10 Duen ez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76829 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76830 9 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76831 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76832 5 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76833 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76834 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76835 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76836 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76837 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76838 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76839 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76840 8 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76841 8 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76842 6 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76843 6 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76844 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76845 6 9 Duenez. Nicholas
Pulaski 76846 5 9 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76847 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76848 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76850 3 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76851 7 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pula ski 76852 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 76853 6 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76854 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76855 9 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 76856 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76857 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76858 4 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76859 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76860 10 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76861 6 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76886 0 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76978 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76982 7 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 76984 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 76985 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 76986 2 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77119 8 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77120 6 9 Duene z, Nichola s
Pulaski 77121 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77206 7 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77245 5 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77246 6 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77247 8 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pul aski 77248 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77249 7 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77250 6 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Pulaski 77251 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77252 5 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 77253 7 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Pulaski 77254 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77255 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77256 8 10 Duenez , Nich o las
Pulaski 77257 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77258 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77259 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pul aski 77260 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77261 8 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Pulask i 77262 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77263 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77264 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77265 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77266 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77267 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77358 5 10 Duenez , Nich o las
Pul aski 77359 8 10 Duenez , Ni cholas
Pulaski 77360 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77361 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pula ski 77362 7 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Pulaski 77363 6 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pula ski 77364 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77365 6 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pul aski 77366 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77367 6 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77368 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77369 7 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Pulaski 77370 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77371 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77372 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pul aski 77373 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77374 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77375 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 77396 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulas ki 77397 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77398 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaskj 77399 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77400 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77413 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77414 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77415 4 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77416 3 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77417 8 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77418 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77419 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77433 I 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77447 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77448 6 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77449 6 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77451 4 6 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 77452 6 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77453 3 7 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77454 5 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77455 6 7 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77456 6 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77457 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77458 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77511 7 9 Duene z, Nicholas
Jefferson 77520 7 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 77525 4 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77526 5 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Pulaski 77527 4 9 Duene z, Nicholas
Pulaski 77528 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77529 4 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77530 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77531 3 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Pulaski 77532 7 9 Duenez , Nic holas
Saline 77898 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77982 7 9 Duene z, Nichola s
Saline 77983 6 7 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77984 4 6 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77985 I I Duenez , Nichola s
Saline 77986 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77988 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77989 9 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 77990 5 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Saline 78167 7 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 78273 8 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Saline 78557 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Saline 78558 6 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Saline 78798 6 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Saline 78858 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Saline 78982 4 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Saline 78983 4 6 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 78984 4 8 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 78985 2 2 Duene z, Nicholas
Saline 78986 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 78987 8 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Saline 78990 10 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Scott 79063 2 2 Duene z, Nicholas
Searcy 79085 I I Duene z, Nicholas
Sebastian 79465 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Sebastian 79466 4 6 Duenez, Nicholas
Sebastian 79467 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Sebastian 79468 3 4 Duenez, Nicholas
Sebastian 79469 10 10 Duene z. Nicholas
Sebastian 79470 I 1 Duenez , Nicholas
Sebastian 79471 2 4 Duenez , Nicholas
Sebastian 79472 0 3 Duene z, Nicholas
Van Buren 79804 I I Duene z, Nichola s
Washington 80129 8 8 Duene z, Nicholas
White 81267 0 2 Duenez, Nicholas
Whit e 81275 I I Duenez , Nicho las
Franklin 67476 1 I Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 67668 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 67679 6 8 Duenez , Nic holas
Garland 67740 7 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Garland 68002 4 5 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68003 5 7 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68095 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68096 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68097 7 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68098 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68099 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68100 5 10 Duene z, Nicholas
Garland 68101 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68102 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68103 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68104 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68105 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68106 6 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Garland 68107 7 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68108 6 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68109 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68110 8 10 Duenez , Nichola s
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Garland 68111 6 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68112 8 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68113 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68114 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68115 8 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68116 6 10 Duenez, Nicho las
Garland 68117 5 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68118 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68119 7 10 Duenez, Nicho las
Garland 68120 5 10 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68121 6 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68122 9 10 Duenez, Nicho las
Garland 68123 6 9 Duenez , Nicho las
Garland 68124 6 9 Duenez , Nic holas
Garland 68125 2 3 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68126 7 9 Duenez, Nicho las
Garland 68127 5 8 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68130 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68132 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68133 6 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68138 6 JO Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68139 4 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68140 5 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68141 4 9 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68142 7 9 Duenez , Nicholas
Garland 68143 6 7 Duenez, Nicholas
Garland 68180 10 10 Duenez , Nicholas
Granl 68227 2 2 Duenez , Nicholas
Grant 68282 3 5 Duenez, Nicholas
Arkansas 62789 0 I McDuffie , Courtney
Arkansas 62790 I 3 McDuffie , CourLney
Ashley 62834 2 2 McDuffie , Courtney
Bradley 63095 2 2 McDuffie , Courtney
Chicot 63260 2 2 McDuffie , Courtney
Chicot 63261 0 I McDuffie , Courtney
Chicot 63262 I I McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63392 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63393 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63394 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63395 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63396 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63397 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63398 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63399 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63400 JO 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Clay 63401 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Valid Total
Co unty Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Clay 63402 9 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Clay 63403 8 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63404 5 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Clay 63405 9 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63406 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Clay 63407 9 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Clay 63408 9 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Clay 63409 I 2 McDuffie , Courtney
Cleveland 63684 7 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Cleveland 63686 3 3 McDuffie , Courtney
Drew 66309 2 2 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68479 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68480 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Green 68481 7 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68482 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Green 68483 10 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68484 0 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68485 7 10 McDuffie , Cour tney
Green 68486 7 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Green 68487 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Green 68488 7 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68489 7 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68490 8 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Green 68491 9 9 McDuffi e, Courtney
Green 68492 6 9 McDuffi e, Courtney
Green 68493 7 9 McDuffi e, Courtney
Green 68494 4 7 McDuffi e, Courtney
Green 68495 4 4 McDuffie , Courtney
Green 68496 0 2 McDuffi e, Courtney
Jefferson 69264 5 7 McDuffie , Courtney
Jeff erson 69577 6 8 McDuffie, Cour tney
Jefferson 69578 6 8 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69579 8 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69580 5 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69581 8 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69582 6 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69583 6 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69584 6 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69585 6 9 M cDuffie, Co urtney
Jefferson 69586 8 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69587 8 8 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69588 7 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69589 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Jeff erson 69590 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69591 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jeffer so n 69592 5 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Jefferson 69593 8 JO McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69594 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69595 6 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69596 7 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69597 2 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69598 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Jefferson 69600 3 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Jefferson 69601 8 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69930 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69932 7 7 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69933 9 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69934 5 6 McDuffie, Court-ney
Lincoln 69935 I 1 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69937 8 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69938 10 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69939 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69940 8 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69941 10 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69942 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69943 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69944 7 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69945 8 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69946 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69947 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69948 7 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69949 9 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69950 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lincoln 69951 10 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Lincoln 69952 10 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Lonoke 70062 0 1 McDuffie , Courtney
Monroe 71058 0 I McDuffie , Courtney
Phillips 71434 0 1 McDuffie , Courtney
Phillips 71467 2 3 McDuffie , Courtney
Pulaski 73866 I I McDuffie , Courtney
Pulaski 76459 6 9 McDuffie , Courtney
St Francis 79580 I I McDuffie , Courtn ey
Craighead 64207 I 2 McDuffie, Courtney
Craighead 64236 3 3 McDuffie , Courtney
Craighead 64237 0 3 McDuffie , Courtney
Craighead 64238 6 8 McDuffie, Courtney
Craighead 64239 8 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Craighead 64240 7 9 McDuffie, Courtney
Cra ighead 64263 6 9 McDuffie , Courtney
Craighead 64264 8 10 McDuffie , Courtney
Craighead 64265 9 10 McDuffie, Courtney
Crittenden 64753 0 1 McDuffie , Courtney
Valid Total
C.onnty Petition Part Signatures Signatures CanvasserName
Arkansas 62765 8 8 Norwood, Jennifer
Ashley 62824 6 7 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Bradley 63078 4 4 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Chicot 63222 4 4 Norwood, Jennifer
Clay 63411 2 3 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Clay 63412 9 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Clay 63413 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Clay 63414 10 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Clay 63415 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Clay 63416 9 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Clay 63417 7 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Clay 63418 9 10 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Cleve land 63668 8 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Cleve land 63669 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Cleve land 63670 8 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Cleveland 63671 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Cleveland 63672 8 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Cleve land 63673 I 2 Norwood , Jennifer
Craighead 63940 0 2 Norwood, Jennifer
Craighead 64140 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Craighead 64141 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Cra ighead 64171 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Cra ighead 64172 5 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Craighead 64173 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Craig head 64174 9 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Craighead 64175 7 10 Norwood. Jennifer
Craighead 64176 5 6 Norwood , Jennifer
Craighead 64177 9 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Cra ighead 64178 8 7 Norwood, Jennifer
Craig head 64179 8 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Craighead 64180 7 9 Norwood. Jennifer
Craig head 64188 8 8 Norwood , Jennifer
Craighead 64191 3 3 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Dallas 66179 3 5 Norwood, Jennifer
Desha 66223 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Desha 66224 9 10 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Desha 66225 7 9 Norwoo d, Jenn ifer
Desha 66226 3 3 Norwoo d, Jennifer
Drew 66284 6 9 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Drew 66285 I 2 Norwood , Jen nifer
Faulkner 67449 I I Norwood , Jennifer
Garla nd 68018 I 4 No rwood, Jennifer
Grant 68346 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Gra nt 68347 9 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Green 68500 5 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68501 7 10 N orwood , Jennifer
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Green 68502 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68503 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68504 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68505 7 10 No rwood , Jennifer
Green 68506 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68507 9 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Green 68508 9 10 Norwood, Jennife r
Green 68509 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68510 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
G reen 68511 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68512 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68513 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68514 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Green 68515 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Green 68516 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Greene 68517 6 10 No rwood , Jennife r
Jackson 69004 6 9 No rwood , Jennifer
Jeffer son 69338 9 10 Norwoo d, Jenni fer
Jeffer son 69339 9 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeffers on 69340 8 10 No rwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69341 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69342 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69343 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69344 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69345 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69346 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69347 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69348 7 10 No rwood , Jennife r
Jefferson 69349 8 10 Norwood, Jennife r
Jefferson 69350 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69351 5 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeffers on 69352 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69353 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69354 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69355 5 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeffe rson 69356 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69357 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69358 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69359 8 10 Norwoo d, Jennifer
Jefferson 69360 8 10 No rwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69361 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeff erson 69362 10 10 No rwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69363 5 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69364 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69365 6 10 Norwood , Jennife r
Jefferson 69366 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Jefferson 69367 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69368 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69369 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69370 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69371 3 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69372 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69373 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69374 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69375 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69376 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69377 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69378 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69379 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69380 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69381 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69382 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69383 10 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69384 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69385 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69386 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69387 6 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69388 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeffer son 69389 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69390 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69391 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69392 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69393 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69394 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69395 9 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69396 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeffer son 69397 10 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69398 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69399 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69400 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69401 9 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69402 6 10 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Jeff erson 69403 9 10 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Jefferson 69404 9 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69405 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69406 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69407 8 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69408 5 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Jeff erson 69409 3 9 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Jefferson 69410 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69411 5 9 Norwood , Jenn ifer
Jefferson 69412 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Valid To tal
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Jefferson 69413 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69414 8 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69415 6 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69416 8 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69417 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69418 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jeff erson 69419 7 8 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69420 6 8 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69421 6 8 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69422 4 7 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69423 6 6 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69549 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jeffer so n 69550 9 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69551 7 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69670 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69671 8 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69672 4 10 Norwood, Jennife r
Jefferson 69673 5 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69674 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jeffer so n 69675 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69676 4 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jefferson 69677 8 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Jeffe rson 69678 5 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69679 6 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Jefferson 69680 8 10 Norwood , Jennife r
Jefferson 69681 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Lincoln 69904 8 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Lincoln 69905 9 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Lincoln 69907 6 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Lincoln 69908 7 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Lincoln 69909 7 10 Norwood , Jennifer
Lincoln 69910 8 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Lincoln 69911 9 9 Norwood, Jennifer
Lincoln 69912 6 6 Norwood , Jennifer
Lincoln 69929 5 10 Norwood, Jennifer
Lonoke 70664 3 3 Norwood, Jennifer
Missi ss ippi 70966 5 8 Norwood , Jennifer
Ouachita 71217 I I Norwood, Jennifer
Phillips 71456 0 2 Norwood , Jennifer
Poinsett 71570 2 3 Norwood, Jennifer
Pulaski 74008 7 8 Norwood, Jennifer
Pulaski 74009 8 9 Norwood , Jennifer
Pulaski 74010 I 8 Norwood , Jennifer
Randolph 77698 2 2 Norwood, Jennifer
Saline 77956 4 4 Norwood , Jennifer
St Francis 79636 I 2 Norwood , Jennifer
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Union 79752 2 2 Norwood, Jenn ifer
Bradley 63079 3 3 Sachs , Shaun
Bradley 63085 4 5 Sachs, Shaun
Bradley 63086 9 10 Sachs , Shaun
Bradley 63087 8 10 Sachs.Sha un
Bradley 63088 6 9 Sachs, Shaun
Clark 63347 1 I Sachs, Shaun
Cleburne 63575 0 1 Sachs, Shaun
Cleveland 63667 4 4 Sachs.Shaun
Columbia 63723 I I Sachs , Shaun
Crawfo rd 64429 8 10 Sachs, Shaun
Crawfo rd 64430 7 9 Sachs, Shaun
Crawford 64438 7 8 Sachs , Shaun
Crawford 64442 6 7 Sachs.Sha un
Crawfo rd 64472 3 3 Sachs, Shaun
Crawfo rd 64473 7 8 Sachs , Shaun
Crawford 64474 2 2 Sachs, Shaun
Crawford 64475 3 5 Sachs, Shaun
Crawfo rd 64579 10 10 Sachs.Shaun
Crawford 64603 2 4 Sachs, Shaun
Crittenden 64720 2 2 Sachs, Shaun
Benton 65020 2 2 Sachs.Shaun
Bento n 65021 2 5 Sachs, Sha un
Dalla s 66184 0 I Sachs, Shaun
Dallas 66187 I I Sachs, Shaun
Drew 66298 2 2 Sachs , Sha un
Fau lkner 67171 3 4 Sachs, Shaun
Frankl in 67505 6 8 Sachs , Shaun
Hot Spring 68770 I I Sachs, Shaun
Hot Sp ring 68771 I I Sachs,Shaun
Independence 68909 0 I Sachs , Shaun
Jackson 68999 I I Sachs,Shaun
Jefferson 69512 2 3 Sachs, Shaun
Johnson 69725 5 5 Sachs. Shaun
Lincoln 69903 0 I Sachs, Shau n
Logan 70014 I I Sachs , Shaun
Logan 70033 3 3 Sachs, Shaun
Perrv 71349 2 3 Sachs, Shau n
Polk 71747 0 I Sachs, Sha un
Pope 71783 5 9 Sachs, Shau n
Pope 71784 7 9 Sachs, Shaun
Pope 71785 9 10 Sachs, Shaun
Pope 71786 7 10 Sachs , Shau n
Pope 71904 8 9 Sachs, Shaun
Pope 71909 10 10 Sachs , Shaun
Pope 71910 9 10 Sachs , Shaun
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 76184 3 3 Sachs , Shaun
Pulaski 76185 I 2 Sachs,Shaun
Pulaski 76186 2 3 Sachs, Shaun
Pulaski 76658 6 9 Sachs, Shaun
Pulaski 76659 7 10 Sachs, Shau n
Pulaski 76660 2 6 Sachs,Shaun
Pope 77592 7 7 Sachs, Shaun
Pope 77595 9 9 Sachs, Shau n
Pope 77627 9 10 Sachs , Shaun
Saline 78895 0 I Sachs ,S haun
Saline 78896 I 2 Sachs,Shaun
Scott 79071 I I Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79131 4 4 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79132 4 5 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79139 8 8 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79154 10 10 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79155 9 10 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79271 6 10 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79272 10 10 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79273 10 10 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79274 9 10 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79275 8 10 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79277 2 2 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79308 7 9 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79309 0 2 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79310 I 3 Sachs,S haun
Sebastian 79311 3 4 Sachs, Shaun
Sebastian 79312 7 9 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79337 6 10 Sachs , Shaun
Sebastian 79338 6 7 Sachs, Shaun
Union 79763 I I Sachs, Shaun
Washington 81017 I I Sachs, Shaun
Washin_gton 81018 6 8 Sachs , Shaun
Washin_gton 81019 I I Sachs , Shaun
Washington 81020 8 8 Sachs , Shaun
Yell 81664 7 7 Sachs, Shaun
Yell 81691 5 6 Sachs, Shaun
6223 85~6
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Boone 62955 2 2 Lyons, Rachelle
Boone 62957 0 l Tofflemier , Nancy
Boon e 630[2 0 l Tofflemier, Nancy
Crawford 64462 I I Tofflemier , Nancy
Benton 65165 9 10 Tof tlemier , Nancy
Benton 65253 7 9 Toftl emier , Nancy
Bent on 65405 9 10 Toftle mie r, Nancy
Benton 65406 5 10 Toffiemier , Nancy
Benton 65571 7 9 Mc Lain , Debra
Benton 65660 8 9 Toftlem ier , Nancy
Benton 66021 10 10 Coyle , Rebecca
Benton 66022 8 10 Coyle, Rebecca
Benton 66032 1 I Coyle, Rebecca
Benton 66049 9 10 Coyle , Rebecca
Benton 66050 10 10 Coyle , Rebecca
Benton 66051 9 10 Coyle, Rebecca
Benton 66052 6 9 Coy le, Rebecca
Faulkner 66473 6 6 Osbro n, John
Faulkner 67177 2 3 Lyons , Rachelle
Garland 67637 4 5 Osb ron, John
Garland 68026 4 4 Tofflemier, Nancy
Garland 68036 2 2 Lyons, Rachelle
Grant 68340 2 2 Lyons. Rache lle
Independence 68907 I I Tofflemier, Nancy
Jeffe rson 69137 4 4 Osbron. John
Logan 70013 2 2 Toftlemier , Nancy
Madison 70694 2 2 Mc Lain, Debra
Pike 7[513 l I Osbron, John
Pula ski 72068 8 10 Osbron , John
Pulaski 72069 8 10 Osbron , John
Pulask i 72070 7 10 Osbron, John
Pula ski 72689 7 9 Osbron, John
Pulaski 75924 8 9 Lyo ns, Rachelle
Pulaski 76250 7 10 Osbron , John
Pulaski 76251 7 10 Osbron. John
Pulaski 76252 8 10 Osbron, John
Pulaski 76253 7 10 Osbron, John
Pulaski 76254 9 10 Osbron , John
Pula ski 76443 I I Toffl emier , Nanc y
Pulaski 77066 8 10 Lyons, Rachell e
Pulaski 77067 8 10 Lyons, Rachell e
Pope 77580 I 2 Osbron , John
Saline 78505 6 7 Osbron, John
Saline 78953 4 5 Lyons , Rachelle
Washington 80212 3 7 Tofflemier, Nancy
Washington 80264 4 5 Tofflemier, Nancy
Valid Tota l
County Petition Part Signatures Signature s Ca nvasser Name
80279 7 9 Toffiemier. Nanc
80280 9 9 Toffiemier, Nanc
80598 7 10 McLain, Debra
80658 4 5 Tofflemier, Nancy
80666 5 5 Toftlemier, Nanc
81086 7 10 Coyle, Rebecca
Coyle, Rebecca
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Faulkner 67110 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Jefferson 69107 6 8 Graham, Jessica
Lonoke 70356 5 6 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72464 8 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72465 9 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72466 6 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72561 0 7 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72826 10 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72827 7 10 Graham. Jessica
Pulaski 72828 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72829 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72830 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72831 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72832 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72833 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72834 9 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72835 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72836 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 72837 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73036 7 7 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73769 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73770 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73771 I 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73772 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73824 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 73825 9 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74080 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74081 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74144 8 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74154 6 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74157 5 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74186 7 9 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74219 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74220 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74221 10 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74222 9 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74223 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74224 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74225 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74226 8 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74227 6 10 Graham. Jessica
Pulaski 74544 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74545 10 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74887 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74888 7 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74889 4 10 Graham, Jessica
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 74890 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74891 6 10 Graham, Jessica
Pulaski 74892 6 10 Graham. Jessica
Pulaski 74893 8 10 Graham. Jessica
Pulaski 75253 7 9 Graham, Jessica
Hot Spring 68718 1 1 Piggee, Roseanne
Pulaski 72092 J 9 Piggee, Roseanne
Pulaski 72975 4 7 Pig2ee, Roseanne
Faulkner 66806 6 9 Radak, Rita
Faulkner 66951 5 5 Radak, Rita
Faulkner 66953 2 5 Radak, Rita
Faulkner 67143 5 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70093 6 9 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70102 4 8 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70160 8 9 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70369 4 5 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70462 0 5 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70471 5 7 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70472 6 7 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70534 9 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70535 8 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70536 0 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70537 8 LO Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70547 8 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70548 6 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70549 9 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70601 5 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70602 7 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70605 6 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70619 5 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70620 9 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70621 7 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70648 6 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70649 8 10 Radak, Rita
Lonoke 70650 9 10 Radak, Rita
Prairie 71588 3 4 Radak, Rita
Prairie 71590 4 5 Radak, Rita
Prairie 71591 7 8 Radak, Rita
Prairie 71594 3 5 Radak, Rita
Pulaski 73946 J 5 Radak, Rita
Pulaski 74120 9 9 Radak, Rita
Pulaski 74520 4 7 Radak, Rita
Pulaski 74960 5 7 Radak, Rita
Green 68449 I I Rotenberry, Nicole
Phillips 71376 0 I Rotenberry, Nicole
Pulaski 72594 7 9 Rotenberry, Nicole
Valid Total
CollDty Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 73075 I I Rotenber , Nicole
Pulaski 74036 2 3 Rotenber , Nicole
Pulaski 75033 6 10 Rotenberry, Nicole
Pulaski 75034 9 10 Rotenberry, Nico le
Pulaski 75035 6 10 Rotenber , Nicole
Pulaski 75036 6 10 Rotenber , Nicole
Pulaski 75037 6 10 Rotenberry, Nicole
Pulaski 75038 5 Rotenber , Nicole
Pulaski 75040 Rote e , N'c le
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signat ures Signatures Canvasser Name
Arkansas 62763 3 4 Alisandre, Tru e
Ashley 62818 I I Alisandre , True
Baxter 62888 0 I Alisandre , True
Boone 62961 I I Alisandre , True
Bradley 63073 5 6 Alisandre , True
Carroll 63158 I I Alisandre , True
Clark 63331 l I Alisandre , True
Cleburne 63567 8 9 Alisandre, True
Cleveland 63659 I I Alisandre , True
Conway 63793 2 8 Alisandre , True
Conway 63794 7 10 Alisandre , True
Conway 63836 2 2 Alisandre, True
Conway 63837 2 2 Alisandre , Tru e
Craighead 64092 I I Alisandre , Tru e
Craighead 64093 I I Alisandre , True
Craighead 64094 0 I Alisandre , True
Crawford 64558 I 2 A lisandre , True
Crawford 64559 I I Alisandre , True
Crittenden 64689 I I Alisandre , True
Cross 64780 I 2 Alisandre , True
Cross 64783 5 5 Alisandre , True
Cross 64794 I I Alisandre , True
Benton 65801 I 2 Alisandre , True
Drew 66296 I I Alisandr e, Tru e
Faulkner 66485 4 7 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66516 5 8 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66607 9 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66608 6 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 6661l 6 9 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66627 8 9 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66644 9 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66645 7 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66646 7 10 A!isandre , True
Faulkner 66647 7 10 A!isandre , True
Faulkner 66722 8 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66727 10 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66728 9 JO Alisandre, True
Faulkner 66729 7 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66730 10 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66731 10 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66732 9 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66788 8 9 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66811 8 9 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 66885 7 10 A!isandre , True
Faulkner 66886 9 10 Alisandre, True
Faulkner 66887 9 10 Alisandre , True
Valid Tota l
County Petition Part Signatu res Signatures Canvasser Name
Faulkner 66912 7 8 Alisandre, True
FauJkner 66937 6 7 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67046 6 10 Alisandre , Tme
Faulkner 67089 4 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67090 7 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67091 8 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67092 7 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67093 7 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67094 6 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67095 8 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67096 5 10 Alisandre , True
Faulkner 67213 1 2 A lisand re, True
Faulkner 67231 7 8 Alisandre, True
Faulkner 67323 0 3 Al isandre , True
Faulkner 67324 10 10 Al isandre, True
Faulkner 67325 6 9 Al isandre , True
Faulkner 67386 7 9 Alisan dre , True
Faulkner 67387 8 10 Alisand re, True
Faulkner 67388 8 10 Al isandre , True
Fulton 67550 I 2 Al isandre, Tru e
Ga rland 67589 8 10 Alisandre, True
Grant 68317 3 6 Alisandr e, True
Hot Spring 68734 2 2 Alisandre , True
Izard 68929 I I Al isan dre , Tr ue
Jeffer so n 69443 2 5 Al isandre , Tru e
Johnson 69748 3 3 Alisandre , True
Lincoln 69898 0 I Alisan dre , Tru e
Logan 70007 l 1 Alisandre , True
Lonoke 70112 7 8 A lisandre , True
Madis on 70703 2 3 Alisandre, True
Marion 70886 2 2 Alisandre , True
Monr oe 71045 I I Ali sand re, True
Montgom ery 71088 I 2 Alisand re, True
Nevada 71116 I I Alisandr e, True
Newton 71142 0 1 Ali sandre , True
Ouachita 71233 1 I Alisandre, True
Ouachita 71234 0 1 Ali sandre , True
Perry 71272 8 10 Al isan dre , True
Perry 71314 7 10 Alisand re, Tru e
Perry 71315 5 10 Alisandre, True
Perry 71335 I 2 Ali sandre , True
Pike 71517 1 l Ali sandre , True
Poinsett 71580 I I Alisandre , Tr ue
Prairi e 71632 0 I Ali sand re, True
Polk 71739 2 5 Al isandr e, True
Pulaski 72172 7 10 Ali sandre , True
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 72324 8 10 Alisandre , True
Pulaski 72334 7 10 Alisandre, True
Pu laski 72397 7 10 Alisandre , True
Pu laski 72682 7 9 Alisandre , True
Pulaski 72691 5 10 Alisandre , Tru e
Pulaski 72940 8 9 Alisandre, Tru e
Pulaski 74313 4 7 Alisandre, True
Pulaski 74869 7 8 Alisandre, Tru e
Pulaski 75152 0 2 Alisandre , Tru e
Pulaski 75153 4 4 Alisandre , True
Pulaski 75337 7 8 Alisand re, True
Pulaski 75803 4 8 Alisandre , Tr ue
Pulaski 76001 7 9 Alisandre , True
Pope 77582 5 6 Alisand re, True
Pope 77598 I I Alisandre, True
Saline 78519 4 6 Alisandre , True
Saline 78521 5 6 Alisandre , True
Saline 78970 0 I Alisandre , True
Searcy 79104 I I Alisandre , True
Sebastian 79264 4 4 Alisandre , True
Sebastian 79385 I I Alisandre , True
Sharp 79560 0 I Alisandre , True
Stone 79683 0 I Alisandre, True
Van Buren 79847 6 9 Alisandre , True
Van Buren 79870 2 3 Alisandre , True
Washington 80263 5 6 Alisandre , True
Washington 80281 8 10 Alisandre , True
White 81624 3 6 Al isandre , True
Woodruff 81645 0 2 Alisandre , True
Yell 81708 4 4 Al isand re, True
Arkansas 62721 0 I Burn s, William
Arkansas 62764 0 I Burns, William
Chicot 63252 0 I Burns, William
Clark 63280 0 I Bums , William
Clark 63361 I I Bums , William
Cleburne 63462 I I Bums , William
Cleburne 63623 I I Burns, William
Conway 63818 I I Bums , William
Craighead 63912 1 I Bums , William
Craighead 64209 I I Bums , William
Craighead 64210 1 I Burns , William
Benton 65987 0 I Bums , William
Dallas 66185 0 I Bums , William
Faulkner 66361 2 3 Burns , William
Faulkner 67295 I 2 Burns , William
Franklin 67520 1 I Bums, William
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Garland 67934 I I Burns, William
I-lotSpring 68803 0 I Burns , William
Jefferson 69132 2 3 Burns, William
Lee 69851 I I Bums , William
Lonoke 70183 6 6 Burns, William
Lonoke 70316 7 8 Bums , William
Lonoke 70317 I I Bums , William
Lonoke 70573 2 4 Burns, William
Phillips 71385 1 I Burns , William
Prairie 71609 0 2 Burns, William
Pope 71948 I I Bums , William
Pulaski 72050 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72051 6 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72052 8 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72053 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72054 5 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72055 6 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72056 4 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72057 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72074 7 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 72181 8 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72305 4 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72306 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72307 8 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72308 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 72360 7 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 72905 7 8 Burns, William
Pulaski 72993 6 8 Burns, William
Pulaski 74351 5 6 Burns, William
Pulaski 74448 2 5 Burns, William
Pulaski 74453 2 4 Burns, William
Pulaski 75491 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 75654 9 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 75972 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 75973 8 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 75974 6 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 75975 5 8 Burns, William
Pulaski 75976 5 8 Burns, William
Pulaski 75977 6 7 Burns, William
Pulaski 75978 6 7 Bums, William
Pulaski 75979 4 6 Burns, William
Pulaski 75980 6 6 Burns, William
Pulaski 75981 3 5 Bums, William
Pulaski 75982 2 3 Burns, William
Pulaski 76083 6 6 Burns, William
Pulaski 76084 2 4 Burns, William
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Pulaski 76085 4 5 Burns, William
Pulaski 76087 4 7 Burns, William
Pulaski 76094 3 7 Burns, William
Pulaski 76579 6 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 76580 5 9 Burns, William
Pulaski 76594 4 5 Burns, William
Pulaski 76597 4 6 Burns. William
Pulaski 76599 3 6 Burns, William
Pulaski 76615 4 7 Burns, William
Pulaski 76686 5 8 Burns, William
Pulaski 77201 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 77202 5 10 Burns. William
Pulaski 77203 7 10 Burns, William
Pulaski 77427 5 5 Burns, William
Pulaski 77428 4 6 Bums, William
Pulaski 77429 2 4 Bums, William
Randolph 77689 2 2 Bums, William
Randolph 77690 1 I Burns, William
Saline 77768 4 6 Bums , William
Saline 78584 3 5 Burns, William
Saline 78939 2 3 Burns, William
Saline 78940 1 3 Burns, William
Union 79761 I I Burns, William
White 81635 I 2 Burns, William
Garland 68079 0 l Bums, William
Miller 71002 0 I Bums, William
Nevada 71119 I I Burns, William
Ouachita 71225 I I Burns, William
Ouachita 71228 1 I Burns. William
Perry 71344 I I Bums, William
Crawford 64405 2 2 Davoren, Paul
Crawford 64491 2 2 Davoren, Paul
Benton 65677 3 4 Davoren, Paul
Benton 65784 I 2 Davoren. Paul
Benton 65785 I I Davoren, Paul
Benton 66045 I I Davoren, Paul
Madison 70685 I I Davoren, Paul
Madison 70839 2 2 Davoren, Paul
Pope 77545 I I Davoren, Paul
Washington 80169 8 10 Davoren, Paul
Washington 80170 7 10 Davoren. Paul
Washington 80186 9 9 Davoren, Paul
Washington 80255 2 2 Davoren, Paul
WashingLon 80278 6 9 Davoren, Paul
Washington 80361 8 10 Davoren, Paul
Washington 80732 4 5 Davoren, Paul
VaJid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Washington 80752 4 4 Davoren , Paul
Washington 80753 4 7 Davoren , Paul
Washington 80754 10 10 Davoren , Paul
Washington 80755 9 10 Davoren , Pau I
Washington 80756 7 10 Davoren , Paul
Washington 80757 9 9 Davoren , Paul
Carroll 63180 I I Hoag, Kevin
Carroll 63209 I 1 Hoag, Kevin
Columbia 63722 I I Hoag, Kevin
Craighead 64154 I I Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64459 7 8 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64460 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64461 8 8 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64596 5 7 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64597 7 9 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64598 5 7 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64599 6 8 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64600 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64601 8 9 Hoag, Kevin
Crawford 64602 9 9 Hoag, Kevin
Cross 64793 I I Hoag, Kevin
Benton 64876 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 64877 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 64878 I I Hoag, Kevin
Benton 64879 3 4 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 64880 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65004 6 10 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65015 0 10 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65016 I I Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65017 0 I Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65936 3 3 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65937 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65938 7 9 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65939 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65941 8 10 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65942 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65943 5 6 Hoag, Kevin
Benton 65962 4 5 Hoag, Kevin
Faulkner 67215 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Franklin 67516 0 I Hoag, Kevin
Franklin 67527 I I Hoag, Kevin
Franklin 67536 I 1 Hoag, Kevin
Franklin 67538 I 1 Hoag, Kevin
Garland 68167 0 I Hoag, Kevin
Pope 77561 I I Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79278 I I Hoag, Kevin
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Sebastian 79279 4 6 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79301 7 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79302 5 8 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79303 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79304 3 6 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79313 7 8 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79314 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79315 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79316 I I Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79317 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79318 7 8 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79319 8 10 Hoag , Kevin
Sebastian 79320 6 7 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79321 6 7 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79322 8 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79421 4 8 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79422 7 7 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79423 7 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79424 9 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79425 6 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79426 5 5 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79427 7 10 Hoag , Kevin
Sebastian 79428 4 7 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79429 7 9 Hoag, Kevin
Sebastian 79430 9 10 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 80950 8 10 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 80951 8 10 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 80952 0 10 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81009 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81010 7 7 Hoag , Kevin
Washington 81011 3 3 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81029 2 5 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81030 3 4 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81031 2 2 Hoag, Kevin
Washington 81035 7 7 HoaJ?.
, Kevin
Washington 81036 5 5 Hoag, Kevin
Baxter 62893 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62894 8 10 Lamont , Chris
Baxter 62895 I 2 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62897 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62898 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62905 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62915 7 10 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62916 2 2 Lamont, Chris
Baxter 62917 3 3 Lamont , Chris
Baxter 62919 4 6 Lamont, Chris
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Baxter 62920 4 5 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63139 I I Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63148 6 6 Lamont, Ch ris
Carroll 63150 8 9 Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63151 8 9 Lamont. Chris
Carroll 63152 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63153 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63154 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63155 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63156 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63157 7 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63162 10 10 Lamont , Ch ris
Carroll 63163 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Ca rroll 63164 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63165 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63166 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63185 3 3 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63192 3 4 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63193 2 4 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63194 7 9 Lamont, Chris
Carroll 63195 2 2 Lamont , Chris
Carroll 63196 1 2 Lamont , Chris
Clay 63389 5 5 Lamont, Chris
Crawford 64387 I I Lamont , Chris
Crawford 64445 2 2 Lamont, Chris
Cross 64791 2 2 Lamont , Chris
Benton 65654 3 4 Lamont, Chris
Benton 65803 1 2 Lamont, Chris
Benton 65804 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Benton 65964 5 5 Lamont, Chris
Benton 65965 2 2 Lamont , Chris
Izard 68947 3 3 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70695 I 2 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70730 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70731 I I Lamont, Chris
Madison 70732 8 8 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70733 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70734 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70735 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70736 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70737 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70738 2 3 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70766 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70767 6 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70768 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70769 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Madison 70770 6 7 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70771 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70772 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70773 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70774 10 10 Lamont, Ch ris
Madison 70775 8 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70776 7 8 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70777 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70778 9 9 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70779 5 9 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70780 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70781 8 10 Lamont. Chris
Madi son 70788 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70789 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70790 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70791 7 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70793 6 6 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70794 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70795 4 6 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70796 6 7 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70797 8 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70801 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70803 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70804 9 9 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70805 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70806 3 8 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70807 7 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70808 8 9 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70809 JO 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70810 10 10 Lamonl, Chris
Madison 70811 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70812 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70813 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70814 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70815 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70816 7 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70818 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70819 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70820 8 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70821 1 2 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70822 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70823 8 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70824 8 9 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70825 9 9 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70826 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70827 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Valid Total
County Petitio n Part Signatures Signatures Canvasse r Name
Madison 70828 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madis on 70829 10 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70830 6 10 Lamont , Chris
Madi son 70831 7 10 Lamont , Chris
Madis on 70832 8 10 Lamont , Chris
Madison 70833 10 10 Lamont , Chris
Madis on 70834 9 10 Lamont, Chris
Madison 70835 9 10 Lamont , Chris
Marion 70889 4 6 Lamont, Chris
Marion 70893 9 10 Lamont , Chris
70894 I Lamont , Chris
79398 2 2 Lamont , Chris
80697 7 10 Lamont , Chris
80862 6 7 Lamont , Chris
80911 1 Lamont, Ch ris
81077 8 Lamont , Chris
Valid Tota l
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures Canvasser Name
Arkansas 62704 I I Baggen. RusselI
Arkansas 62720 I I BaggelL.RusselI
Ashley 61792 I I Baggell, Russell
Bax1er 62844 0 2 Baggetl, Russell
Baxter 61845 I 2 Baggett. RusselI
Boone 63011 I I Baggett, Russell
Clark 63268 0 1 Ba_ggelt , Russell
Cleburne 63453 4 4 Ba2f!,c1t
, Russell
Cleburne 63456 2 j Bagl?,c
lt, Russell
Cleburne 63469 7 9 Baggen, Russell
Cleburne 63509 3 3 Baegeu. Russell
Cleburne 63599 9 9 Baggen. Russell
Conway 63753 I I Baggett. Russell
Conwav 63784 I 4 Baggetl Russell
Cra"fo rd 6-1482 I I Baagett. Russell
Cross 64758 I I Bal!.l!.etl,
Benton 65590 1 I Baggetl, Russell
B~nton 65602 3 3 Ba11.eet1, Russell
Benton 65679 3 3 Bal!.l!.ett
, Russell
Faulkner 66327 2 2 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66328 3 4 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66444 3 3 Baggett, Russell
Faullmer 66466 ~ 5 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66478 5 6 Baggctl, Russell
Faulkner 66495 7 7 Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66497 5 7 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66-198 5 7 Baggctl, Russell
Faulkner 66515 7 s Baggetl. Russdl
Faulkner 66595 9 IO Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66624 5 9 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66625 8 9 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66648 IO IO Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66649 8 10 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66650 6 10 Baggett, RusselI
Faulkner 66651 8 IO Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66652 9 10 Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66653 9 10 Baggen. Russell
Faulkner 66654 8 10 Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66659 9 9 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66667 4 4 Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66668 2 3 Baggen, Russell
Faulkner 66677 1 I Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66678 1 I Bagget1.Russell
Faulkner 66872 7 10 Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 66873 4 10 Baj\gett, Russell
Faulkner 66874 7 IO Bal!.gett.Russell
Faulkner 66875 6 IO Baagett. Russell
Faulkner 66876 6 IO Baggett, Russell
Faulkner 67031 4 IO Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67032 9 IO Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67057 8 IO Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67058 6 IO Bael!.ert. Russell
Faulkner 67059 9 IO Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67060 8 10 Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67219 7 9 Baegen, Russell
Faulkner 67280 7 IO Baggett. Russell
Faulkner 67281 4 IO Baggell, Russell
Faulkner 67282 7 10 Baggelt. Rus,;ell
Fnulkner 67283 6 10 Ba_gge tt. Russell
Grant 68214 I I Baggett. Russell
Lee 69837 0 I Baggen, Russell
Lincoln 69881 0 2 Baggett. Russell
Lntle River 69953 I I Baggett. Russell
Lntle River 69954 I I Baggett, Russell
Lonoke 70304 5 5 Ba£!!ett. Russell
Perrv 71308 I 2 Baggett, Russell
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures CanvasserName
Prairie 71654 0 I Baggen, Russell
Pope 7 1837 I I Baggcn, Russell
Pulaski 72095 8 9 8ai,Qet1,Russell
Pulaski 7291I 7 8 Baggen. Russell
Pulaski 72981 8 8 Baggeu, Russell
Pulaski 73899 :? :? Baggen. Russell
Pulaski 73904 2 4 Baggeu. Russell
Pulaski 73998 10 10 Baggett. Russell
Pulaski 74428 5 5 Baageu. Russell
Pulaski 74976 9 IO Baggett. Russell
Pulaski 74977 8 10 Baggett. Russell
Pulaski 75653 8 10 Bae.£ett.Russell
Pulaski 76590 5 7 Baggen, Russell
Pulaski 76698 5 6 Baggen. Russell
Saline 77816 0 I Baggett. Russell
Stone 79650 0 2 Baggett, Russell
Van Buren 79858 2 3 Bae.gen, Russell
Van Buren 79859 I 3 Baggett. Russell
Van Buren 79926 3 4 Ba 0 eu , Russell
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures
Baxter 62873 10 10
Conway 63818 1 1
Faulkner 66794 8 10
Garland 67934 I 1
Jefferson 69083 6 9
Jefferson 69255 5 9
Jefferson 69256 4 8
Lonoke 70374 4 6
Ouachita 71225 1 1
Pulaski 73325 8 9
Pulaski 74256 10 10
Pulaski 74857 3 10
Pulaski 75367 6 8
Randolph 77689 2 2
Randolph 77690 I I
Saline 78191 8 10
78 IOS
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures
Baxter 62864 9 9
C hicot 63239 I I
Craighead 63915 9 10
Craighead 64009 5 5
Cra ighead 64164 7 10
Crawfo rd 64549 I I
Crawford 64552 3 4
Benton 65151 7 10
Benton 65196 7 10
Benton 65263 6 9
Benton 65336 7 10
Bent on 65357 9 10
Benton 65397 9 10
Benton 65524 9 10
Benton 65662 7 9
Benton 65678 4 4
Benton 65698 7 8
Benton 65704 8 10
Benton 65743 9 9
Benton 65757 8 10
Benton 66132 10 10
Fau lkner 67331 I I
Franklin 67518 l l
Garl and 67979 6 10
Ga rland 68131 I l
Grant 68336 l I
Green 68476 I 2
Hot Spr ing 68771 I I
Jackso n 68998 0 l
Jeffe rson 69012 5 10
Lee 69828 5 5
Lonoke 70220 I I
Madi so n 70771 9 10
Madison 70850 I I
M iss issi ppi 70908 9 9
Ouachita 71224 I I
Phillip s 71375 I I
Phillip s 71380 3 4
Phillip s 71437 8 10
Valid To tal
County Petition Part Signatures Signature s
Phillips 71440 8 IO
Pope 71824 10 10
Pulaski 72040 5 10
Pulaski 72174 6 10
Pulaski 72384 8 10
Pulaski 72404 l l
Pulaski 72683 6 7
Pulaski 72695 7 9
Pulaski 73684 3 5
Pulaski 73911 7 8
Pulaski 74280 5 9
Pulaski 74292 6 9
Pulaski 74293 4 9
Pulaski 74295 6 9
Pulaski 74348 4 7
Pulaski 74362 10 10
Pulaski 74372 7 10
Pulaski 74702 10 10
Pulaski 74819 6 10
Pulaski 75379 0
Pulaski 75542 6 9
Pulaski 75730 I 10
Pulaski 76157 8 10
Pulaski 76302 6 8
Pulaski 76679 8 10
Pulaski 76972 4 10
Pulaski 77012 10 10
Saline 78195 8 10
Saline 78197 9 10
Saline 78260 9 9
Saline 78286 8 9
Saline 78383 9 10
Saline 78556 8 9
Saline 78575 3 9
Saline 78753 8 10
Sebastian 79398 2 2
Washington 79944 I I
Washington 802I I 8
Washington 80254 0 I
Valid Total
County Petition Part Signatures Signatures
Washington 80279 7 9
Washington 80864 5 5
White 81305 I 3
440 577
Valid Tota l
County Petition Part Signatures Signatu res
Clark 63330 1 1
Craighead 63952 3 3
Crittenden 64730 5 10
Benton 65308 9 10
Benton 65450 4 5
Faulkner 67052 9 10
Little River 69962 1 1
Lonoke 70248 1 1
Lonoke 70367 4 6
Nevada 71110 0 1
Pulaski 75466 6 7
Pulaski 75467 5 5
Saline 78494 8 9
Washin!lton 80428 9 10
Washington 80429 9 10
Washington 80722 9 10
83 99
Voter Date Erro r
Voter Date Error
Benton 65391 9 10 Ln 7 I
Benton 65395 8 10 Ln 10 I
Henton 65400 9 10 Ln 6 I
Benton 65410 8 10 Ln 2 I
Benton 65444 8 9 Ln 1.3 2
Benton 65453 7 7 Ln 2-3 2
Benton 65491 I 2 Ln I I
Benton 65520 10 10 Ln 6 I
Benton 65521 10 10 Ln 2 I
Benton 65554 8 9 Ln I I
Benton 65559 7 8 Ln 4 I
Benton 65658 8 9 Ln 9 I
Benton 657 13 10 10 Ln 8 I
Benton 65736 10 10 Ln I I
Benton 65744 7 9 Ln 8 l
Benton 65759 9 10 Ln 6 I
Benton 65761 7 10 Ln I I
Benton 65778 10 10 Ln 10 I
Benton 65783 8 9 Ln 9 I
Benton 65797 9 10 Ln 3 l
Voter Date Error
Vo ter Date Error
Voter Date Error
Vote r Dat e Error
Voter Date Error
Voter Date Error
Voter Date Error