Practical - 5 PDF
Practical - 5 PDF
Practical - 5 PDF
1) Find the product_no and description of non moving products i.e. product
not being sold.
2) Find the customer name, address1, address2, city and pincode for the
client who has placed order no ‘O1901’.
3) Find out if the product ‘Mouse’ has been ordered by any client and print
the client_no, name to whom it was sold.
sales_order_details where product_no in (select product_no from
product_master_2 where description ='mouse')));
1) Print the description and total qty sold for each product.
3) Find out the sum total of all the billed orders for the month of January.
select so.order_no,so.order_date,sum(sod.Qty_ordered *
sod.product_rate) 'Order Billed' from sales_order_2
so,sales_order_details sod where sod.order_no=so.order_no and
month(Order_date)=1 group by so.order_no;
2) Find the product_no and description of constantly sold i.e. rapidly moving
4) List the product number and order number from customers who have
ordered less than 4 units of 'Mouse'.