Recent Dissertations On Kaolin Based Geopolymer Materials (Ramasamy-2015)
Recent Dissertations On Kaolin Based Geopolymer Materials (Ramasamy-2015)
Recent Dissertations On Kaolin Based Geopolymer Materials (Ramasamy-2015)
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84 Sh. Ramasamy, K.Hussin, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, C.M.R. Ghazal, A.V.Sandu, M. Binhussain et al.
Focus had been on the solid to liquid ratio (S/L ra- Secondary kaolins that are fine had been used as
tio) and the alkaline activator ratio (Na2SiO3-to-NaOH gloss materials due to their smaller particle size.
ratio) which have major impact on mechanical prop- Whereas platy kaolin particles, provides excellent
erties of geoplymers [10-16]. These crucial param- coating opacity and printability [26]. Kaolin is also
eters strike the workability of geopolymer slurry. soft, non-abrasive, poor heat and electric conduc-
Previous work on fly ash geopolymer suggests that tor.
formulation ratio of raw source materials to alkaline Particular applications of kaolin require very dis-
activator by mass must be approximately 3 for tinct specifications such as particle color, size, vis-
geopolymerization process to occur [17]. cosity, and brightness whereas other uses requires
Geopolymer is a new family of cementitious none. These properties are important in paper coat-
materials that is way more environmental friendly ing industry, while in cement technology where the
due to its less emission of CO2 and energy con- chemical composition is most crucial requirement.
sumption [1,18-20]. Geopolymer materials are gen- Kaolinite consists of silica tetrahedral sheets
erally low density due to the existences of micro stacked alternately with alumina octahedral sheets
sized and nano sized pores within the final prod- and has the theoretical formula (OH)8Si4Al4O10 and
ucts. Advantages of geopolymers as compared to the theoretical composition 46.54% SiO2, 39.5%
ordinary portland cement (OPC) are high early Al2O3, 13.96% H2O [27]. However usages of kaolin
strength, low permeability, less shrinkage, excel- in terms of its suitability for ceramic based sub-
lent durability, good fire and acid resistance. Com- strates, coating applications, cement and concrete
mercial establishment and industrial application of industry is lacking.
geopolymer materials are still underrated due to lack Countable works have been done in the past,
of scientific literature availability [21].Thus, it can using calcined kaolin as coating materials for fire
be said that geopolymers are produced from the resistant applications [28-31]. These previous works
reaction of solid aluminosilicate precursors with al- explained and concluded that kaolin based
kaline solution at room or elevated temperature. geopolymer can withstand fire at high temperature,
This predecessors may be of one type of min- provided chemical compositions in the reaction sys-
eral source or a combination of clays (usually ka- tem are altered accordingly.
olin, either raw or calcined kaolin), pozzolanics and Kaolin composes of kaolinite as its core mineral
various industrial by-products, such as slag and fly component with handful of secondary minerals, in-
ash. Among these aluminosilicate sources, cluding anatase, quartz, dickite, halloysite and
metakaolin or calcined kaolin has higher reactivity nacrite. In strong alkaline environments, dissolution
and relatively purer composition as compared to rate and behaviour of quartz and kaolin differs as
other materials [1,17].Frequently used aluminosili- quartz has lower reactivity that kaolin. Structural
cate sources are of kaolinite, fly ash, callcined ka- characteristic of dehydrated halloysite, dickite, and
olin, and chemically synthesized kaolin. nacrite differ while having similar chemical compo-
Geopolymers are synthesized by polycondensation sition as kaolinite. Kaolinite has a sheet structure
below 100 l C at ambient pressure in an alkaline while halloysite has a tubular structure. In terms of
solution. In terms of past literatures, effects of cal- hydroxyl groups, kaolinite has two out of the three
cined kaolin at high temperatures (800-900 l C) to- hydroxyl groups contribute to the bond while, bond-
wards properties of post obtained geopolymer have ing between layers of dickite involves the collabora-
not been elaborately discussed [22]. The nature and tion of all inner-surface hydroxyl groups. It has been
changes in geopolymer paste and the hardened fi- studied that various hydroxyl groups result in vary-
nal product are not fully explored, thus providing room ing dehydroxylation behavior, which may impact the
for future works to meet the raising need of current reactivity of kaolin. Thus, it can be concluded that
various application as replacement of the typical these secondary minerals present in kaolin will af-
cement binders. Not much attention was received fect the reaction process and final properties of
by initial researchers that studied on how mineral geopolymer. Initial research on how secondary min-
composition and nature of kaolin and metakaolin erals content in kaolin affects the geopolymers
effects the behaviour of paste and properties of hard- should be investigated due to the various types and
ened products [1, 23-25]. quantity of mineral composition in kaolin. This is
Kaolin, most versatile white mineral that pos- important especially for the possible applications of
sess outstanding properties such as chemically geopolymers in future, which will involve huge amount
unreactive over a wide range of pH and good cover- of kaolin from multiple types of clay deposits. High
ing powder when used as a pigment or extender. bonding strength, low permeability and excellent
Recent dissertations on kaolin based geopolymer materials 85
Fig. 1. Compressive strength of the different geopolymers versus ageing for the various curing temperature
for 72 hours. b
Ub YdUTgY d
X Ub ]Y ccY_V b_] 8%<% 5iY % @%@US_]d UB %8Z kdkY TD%6 SX b d&
7_ c d
b eS%6eYT%Ad Ub %42(2013)105, (c) 2013 Elsevier.
to mix thermally treated kaolin with alkaline solu- other study. For this work, 8 M NaOH solution was
tion at a S/L ratio of 0.40-1.20 for couple of minutes prepared in volumetric flask and left to cool down at
to produce homogeneous slurry.Next, slurry was room temperature. Na2SiO3 solution with Na2SiO3/
poured into a steel mold (50 mm x50 mm x50 mm), NaOH ratio ranged from 0.16 to 0.36 was mixed
compacted according to ASTM C109 and sealed in with NaOH solution to prepare alkali activator solu-
films to prevent moisture loss. These samples were tion 24 hours before use. The S/L ratio used to mix
heated undisturbed in an oven for 3 hours at 80 l C. the kaolin and activation alkaline solution was from
the solid geopolymers samples were then crushed the range of 0.60 to 1.20. Mechanical stirrer was
using mortar and pestle, sive through sive mesh used to stir the mixture for couple of mins. Well
b _TeSYWWU_ _i ]Ub YS _gTUbgY dXTUcY bUT p mixed slurry was poured into 50 x 50 x 50 mm steel
315 m particle size. Geopolymer paste was ob- molds and compacted for about one half depth of
tained by adding powder with 22% of water. The mold and tampered in each cube compartment at
geopolymer paste was used for various testing. each layer as shown in ASTM C109. Next, samples
Instron machine series 5569 Mechanical Tester was were left undisturbed in oven for 80 l C to be cured.
used to measure the compressive strength accord- Samples were sealed with plastic films during cur-
ing to ASTM C 109/C 109M-08. Minimun three speci- ing period [35].
mens were tested to evaluate compressive strength
upon 7 days [33]. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
c) Role of water in Kaolin based geopolymers were
also investigated by a previous researcher. Sodium As per recent study on kaolin, mechanical activa-
hydroxide were mixed with sodium silicate and dis- tion of kaolin which is done by milling process influ-
tilled water to prepare liquid activator, 24 hours prior ences the mechanical properties of kaolin based
to use. The modulus of sodium silicate used was geopolymers. The results of compressive strength
3.33, Na2O=9.98%, SiO2=27.10%). A constant S/L of raw kaolin and milled (mechanically activated)
ratio was used throughout when calcined kaolin was kaolin based geopolymers analysed after 72 hours
mixed with alkaline activator, in order to study the of various curing temperatures are presented in Fig.
effect of residual water on activity of calcined prod- 1.
ucts. The obtained geopolymeric slurry was casted Based on observation, in all cases mechanically
into cylinder plastic moulds to prepare specimens activated kaolin based geopolymers exhibits (MG)
_Vo),t .% ,]]%I b Y
_ecSeb YWS_ TY dY
_ cceSX higher compressive strengths, comparatively to the
as in sealed bag, in air, in room temperature, hu- raw kaolin based geopolymers (G). For curing time
midity controlled room and elevated temperature _V.)X_eb c YSb U cU_Vd U] Ubd ebUe d _( l 7
were used in this work [34]. enhances the mechanical properties of the milled
d) Influences of alkaline activator and S/L ratio on kaolin based geopolymers (MG100) and unmilled ka-
kaolin based geopolymers were investigated in an- olin based geopolymers (G100) after 28 days of age-
Recent dissertations on kaolin based geopolymer materials 87
Fig. 3. Compressive strength development of different calcined kaolin based geopolymer. reprinted with
permission from Z. Zuhua, Y. Xiao, Z. Huajun, and C. Yu // Appl. Clay. Sci. 43
) 0)(/ m) /9cUf Y
88 Sh. Ramasamy, K.Hussin, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, C.M.R. Ghazal, A.V.Sandu, M. Binhussain et al.
Fig. 4. Compressive strength development of geopolymers under different curing conditions such as air
cured (AC), cured in high humidity (SC), in sealed bags (BC), immerged in room temperature (RWC) and
immerged at elevated temperature (EWC). reprinted with permission from Z. Zuhua, Y. Xiao, Z. Huajun, and
C. Yu // Appl. Clay. Sci. 43
) 0)(/ m) /9cUf Y
when Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio is kept constant at 0.24 The compressive strength of geopolymers un-
[33]. der different curing conditions are represented in Fig.
Fig. 3 shows the relationship between calcina- 4. Those geopolymers that were immerged in water
tion temperature and the compressive strength of (SC and EWC) accelerates the geopolymerisation
different calcined kaolin based geopolymers. It is during the first 24 hours. At early stage, compres-
observed that compressive strength significantly sive strength of AC and BC geopolymers has in-
increases to a maximum at 900 l C and drops dras- creased largely when cured at 20 l C but after 7 days
tically at 1000 l C. curing AC ones even reach 59 MPa with a little be-
The compressive strength of generated yond that of 80 l C. Due to low temperature and ex-
geopolymers are dramatically different upon ageing cess water, geopolymers immerged in room tem-
for those cured in air (AC) and those cured in high perature (RWC) showed lower compressive strength
humidity(SC). This is because the content of re- than that under the other four conditions. Excess
sidual excess water in calcined kaolin differs. By water around the hydrolysis species, retards the
thermogravimetry (TG) test (curve not shown), the polycondensation process. Also, when cured in
mass fall at 700 l C, 800 l C, and 900 lC was 0.9%, water, reagent tend to leach out from surfaces of
1.9%, and 2.3% compared to that at 600 l C, re- geopolymers, which contributes to the slow com-
spectively. Thus, proving that change in mass is pressive strength development [34].
due to evaporation of structure water. With that, it When a set of samples were cured in an oven at
can be assumed that activity of raw kaolin source 80 l C, many visible cracks on these geopolymer
material is affected by the residual water content. surfaces (Fig. 5), which is due to dry shrinkage.
Excess water in source material that exist in form Similar observation was obtained by another re-
of hydroxyl is known to hinder workability of kaolin searcher on metakaolinite besed geopolymers [38].
R cUTWU_ _i ]Ub c%=ds
_bcdbeSdebUg d Ub Thus, it can be assumed that crack-free geopolymer
to be lost completely even at temperature higher requires sufficient humidity during curing [34].
dX 0, l 7N-O %G d Uc dc _cX_gcd Xd ]c cV c The effects of Na2SiO3/ NaOH ratio on mechani-
at 1000 l C by 2.7% compared to 600 l C, meaning cal properties of kaolin based geopolymers were
the activity should have increased. Tho residual water investigated. Figure 6 shows the compressive
reduces at 1000 l C (Fig. 3), compressive strength strength of kaolin geopolymers with various Na2SiO3/
is observed to have decreased rapidly. This may be NaOH ratios such as 0.16 (Mix 5), 0.20 (Mix 6),
because at elevated temperature, more stable 0.24 (Mix 3), 0.28 (Mix 7), 0.32 (Mix 8), and 0.36
phases such as as mullite and cristobalite are (Mix 9) at constant S/L ratio of 1.00. Sinusoidal fluc-
formed [37]. Hither to, making residual water very tuated curve was obtained after 180 days. The com-
important and crucial but not the only factor indicat- pressive strength results fluctuated from day 1 to
ing the activity of calcined kaolin. day 3 due to the various reaction rate and formation
Recent dissertations on kaolin based geopolymer materials 89
Fig. 6. Compressive strength of geopolymer samples with various Na2SiO3/NaOH ratios (at constant S/L
ratio of 1.00). reprinted with permission from C.Y. Heah, H. Kamarudin, A.M. Mustafa Al Bakri, M. Bnhussain,
M. Luqman, I. Khairul Nizar, C.M. Ruzaidi, Y.M. Liew // Construc. Build. Mater. 35 ) () 0()%m ) ()
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