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Event Driven Programing 2

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The article discusses different programming models like RPC, SOA, EDA and microservices and how event-driven architectures have evolved. It also discusses event-driven and reactive architectures as well as event streaming architectures.

Distributed object (RPC sync), service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise service bus (ESB), event-driven architecture (EDA), reactive programming, microservices and serverless/FaaS are some of the programming models discussed.

Some benefits of event streaming systems discussed are that they are more scalable, fault tolerant and support evolutionary change. New capabilities can also be continuously added.


Journey to Event Driven – Part 2: Programming Models for

the Event-Driven Architecture
Author:Neil Avery
February 13, 2019

Part 1 of this series discussed why you need to embrace event-first thinking, while this
article builds a rationale for different styles of event-driven architectures and compares
and contrasts scaling, persistence and runtime models. Once settled on the event
streaming approach, I’ll provide a high-level dataflow of how we design systems for
payment processing at scale using this approach.

The paradigm shift to the event streaming architecture often leads to a lightbulb moment of inspiration and clarity.
I will then wrap it up by composing the beginnings of a solution architecture that walks
through the event streaming app, but also attaches event-stream patterns for “running
on rails” in addition to instrumentation, data and control planes. In this way, we don’t
think about solution architecture in just one dimension. Rather, we apply different
event planes to provide orthogonal aspects of system design such as core
functionality, operations and instrumentation.

Event-driven architecture
Event-driven, reactive architecture
Event-driven, streaming architecture
Comparing persistence models
Do I need to use a microservices framework?
Stepping through an example of an event streaming app
1. Core function: Building the event streaming model for item bid activity and analytics
2. Trust: Run it on the rails with instrumentation and throughput monitoring
3. Control: Offline and rolling restart
Being event first
Data evolution
The future of programming

To read the other articles in this series, see:

Journey to Event Driven – Part 1: Why Event-First Thinking Changes Everything 

Journey to Event Driven – Part 3: The Affinity Between Events, Streams and Serverless
Journey to Event Driven – Part 4: Four Pillars of Event Streaming Microservices

Event-driven architecture
Programming models have evolved over the years. Distributed object (RPC sync),
service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise service bus (ESB), event-driven
architecture (EDA), reactive programming to microservices and now FaaS have each
built on the learnings of the previous. We’ve quickly learned through microservices and
SOA with the traditional model that RPC-based systems don’t scale, and managing
state and correctness also doesn’t scale. Without conflating the two, let’s first focus on
scaling event-driven architectures.

Event-driven, reactive architecture

Simple event-driven architectures were introduced many years ago. We first saw them
gain mainstream popularity as part of the ESB phase. The approach of this model is to
send messages (events) to different services that can react and execute logic. It
serves as a conduit to drive distributed logic (event processing), and messaging is a
remote invocation layer. The actor model is a variation on this idea where it is a means
of distributed computation. The event-driven, reactive model was further standardized
and adopted when the Reactive Manifesto was in full swing.

Systems built as Reactive Systems are more flexible, loosely-coupled and

scalable. This makes them easier to develop and amenable to change. They are
significantly more tolerant of failure and when failure does occur they meet it
with elegance rather than disaster. Reactive Systems are highly responsive,
giving users effective interactive feedback.
Reactive Manifesto, 2014

The Reactive Manifesto has influenced many frameworks and platforms, including
Akka (an actor-based library circa 1973), Vert.x (reactive microservices) and Lagom
(an opinionated, reactive microservice framework). Although the principles behind
event-driven frameworks are sound, those behind event sourcing, CQRS and hydrating
application state are separate concerns so we often see them handled explicitly as an
orthogonal concern (e.g., operational processes) or externally (think GitHub for your
applications state).

Scaling mechanism
The Akka scaling mechanism uses a cluster service which pools actors from remote
nodes that join as cluster members. Inactive actors are persisted to disk to minimize
idle resource requirements. The cluster is elastic, provides resilience and provides the
distributed runtime for making the Akka system scale. Scaling actors is achieved by
increasing the number of actors—effectively increasing the event processing capability
of the application, not the data. Persistent actors will store their set of events to a
journal (log). Akka Streams then changed tact as streaming became the core
mechanism to drive processors in a more data-centric manner.

Event-driven, streaming architecture

With the event-driven streaming architecture, the central concept is the event stream,
where a key is used to create a logical grouping of events as a stream. We think of
streams and events much like database tables and rows; they are the basic building
blocks of a data platform. Streams represent the core data model, and stream
processors are the connecting nodes that enable flow creation resulting in a streaming
data topology. Stream processor patterns enable filtering, projections, joins,
aggregations, materialized views and other streaming functionality. Unlike the previous
model, events are front and center.

The event streaming platform is effectively a data platform and therefore behaves
accordingly. Data models need to be developed in relation to use cases. A streaming
application can be thought of as a dataflow system. For example, a stream can be
used to capture patterns such as a user’s clickstream, a set of events against a
transaction, shopping cart behavior, etc. In this case, “events” drive the event stream.

An event streaming application depicting auction-bid functionality

The streaming topology shows a flow of data through an organization, representing

the real-time DNA of your business. A proven approach is to capture domain
knowledge as events using domain-driven design (DDD) and event storming. This
approach works well because the events-centric view forces the use of a ubiquitous
language; the business, technologist, developers and ops all have a common
understanding of the system’s functions.
An event streaming app: streams and stream processors modeling an auction platform bid functionality

Stream processors can also be used to materialize tables from the stream of events to
enable a view of the data (e.g., how much money was in my account at time X). The
term is called turning the database inside out. Stream processors are used for
constructing the flow from other streams in various patterns, either executing and
reacting to logic or splitting, merging and maintaining materialized views, such that
when they are all combined (fan in), they represent a domain model in the form of a
digital nervous system.

Like database transactions, stream processors can also transact against the event log,
support correctness semantics like ordering, exactly once semantics (EoS),
idempotence, temporal reasoning and more. Unlike a traditional database, the platform
scales horizontally to thousands of processors, observe real-time events, replay
streams on demand to perform historical event processing and catch up with the live,
data-in-motion view.
Materialized views scaling against a stream

Streams processors store their fair share of data locally; in combination, they
form a distributed data layer

The stream is like a database table, whereas the event streaming platform is a data
platform. As such, we model the domain with event-first thinking. A common use case
that trips up those who are new to the concept is payment processing. A traditional
OLTP system uses a two-phase commit to move money from a debit account to a
credit account. It is very simple but presents scalability challenges. In the event-driven
world, we’d build a scalable model where the event streams flow between event
processors. By the end of the flow, the payment is transacted.

Event-driven payment processing

Let’s walk through the flow of the above diagram:

1. Payment requests flow from the /payment-inflight topic into the balance in-flight
processor. It maintains a view of the total balance, including those currently being
processed, similar to a read-uncommitted view. It sends the payment request into the
/payment topic, keyed by the “from” account and setting the event type to DEBIT .
2. The payment processing picks up the DEBIT request and validates that the payment can
be processed, updating the user’s balance in the materialized view. It then emits another
event, keyed against the “to” account and setting the event type to CREDIT .
3. The payment processor receives the CREDIT event, updating the user’s balance in the
materialized view, and passes on the payment-complete event.
4. The Balance Conf’d stream processor updates the total confirmed balance similar to the
read-committed value.
5. The two balance processors are different instances of the same stream processor. The
difference is that while one is aggregating the system payment, balance as a total, the in-
flight processor is consuming the payment-complete values. The balance processor tables
can be queried using interactive queries, and the difference is the current amount being
processed by the system.

Scaling mechanism
Scaling is the opportunity to send concurrent streams from thousands of producers to
thousands of consumers. Populating a stream with real data as shown below lets us
understand how the data is distributed in order to support horizontal scaling. To
achieve scaling the underlying event streaming platform will use partitioning
(sharding) to act as buckets for streams to be stored in. The broker sizing is a function
of the total sum of partitions across the number of servers and replicas.

To map a stream of events in a single partition we use an eventKey. The eventKey acts
to identify a set of related events as a stream. Events never occur in isolation. There is
always a context for triggering the event, and the eventKey captures this identifier. An
example might be an IoT device, transaction-id or some other natural key. To
determine which partition is used for storage, the key is mapped into a key space. This
key mapping uses a partition-assignment strategy (the default provider uses a hashing

It is important to note that a partition can only be consumed by a single consumer;

however, a consumer can consume from multiple partitions. Consumers in this
context are anything that requests data; they could be stream processors, Java or
.NET applications or KSQL server nodes.
Horizontal scaling is achieved via partitions. Each partition will hold multiple streams (streams are color coded).

I won’t go into this topic any further, but suffice it to say, key space is of fundamental
importance (as well as having sufficient partitions). While we see partitions becoming
cheaper, the number of partitions (shards) should always be much greater than the
number of stream processors or FaaS functions required to support scaling of
unexpected workloads.

Comparing persistence models

Persistence with the streaming model is significantly different to other approaches
(actor, reactive, external DB). In non-event-streaming platforms, the persistence model
is part of the framework or is a deliberate intent to interact with an object. For example,
with Akka there is the “actor entity” (using a persistent actor or distributed data). In this
approach, you program an entity, and there is a binding to the underlying persistence
layer, such as the following:

The actor can also emit an event to a view layer thereby enabling CQRS.

The streaming model doesn’t use an entity as a programming model in the same way.
It’s more in line with a data processing approach, where the incoming stream
represents events. The event processor updates the local state accordingly and emits
related events.

For example:

/deposits-topic { card:123 deposit:456 } →

cardProcessor.updateCard(123).deposit(456) →
/card-balance-topic topic event:{ card:123, balance:456}

The entity state is maintained by the event processor using the the incoming stream,
and updates are sent to the output stream. The entity is implicit in the stream, and the
materialized views provide a particular view against the stream, such as min, max, avg
and current value.

With stream processing, the log stores the truth for the entity; it is organized as a
stream. The log (stream) also stores every version of the entity.

Let’s summarize the persistence aspects:

The event captures facts about an entity within the domain.

The event stream is a journal of events, it is the transaction log.
The event stream captures behavior.
Event streams provide a model for scaling horizontally as well as performing local
Materialized views let the processor maintain a local state. Jay Kreps provides an in-depth
view and rationalization on how this works with streaming.
External sources can be materialized using connectors providing yet another streaming
source of data accessible by the same data plane (streams and stream processors).

Because the orientation of the event streaming platform is event data, it brings with it a
wealth of other functionality that I would encourage the interested reader to research
further: Streams can be queried using SQL (KSQL); stream processors can perform
data-local processing (colocated microservices and data) to support throughput and
everything becomes observable by leveraging other streams (metrics, logs). I’m limited
to space so will briefly mention Confluent Schema Registry, data evolution (schema
evolution), change data capture (data virtualization), event collaboration and
coordination primitives, streaming patterns, evolutionary architectures, disposable
architectures and event tracing (correlation IDs).

Do I need to use a microservices

Many people start looking at stream processing through the lens of microservices.
They believe that streaming should accompany their existing microservice framework.
This is not the case; the event streaming platform will replace it. We think of stream
processors, producers and consumers as microservices.

The event streaming platform provides the means of storing data as a stream and
streaming events at scale. In order to facilitate this functionality the underlying
protocol needs to ensure qualities such as offline status, different consumer rates,
high throughput, low latency and elasticity (amongst others). The consumer model is
one which exposes the protocol to the developer; this means the consumer will have
the opportunity to ACK, NACK message receipt and interact with the correctness of
accepting a message payload.
In some cases, it is desirable to hide these protocol concerns. In such cases we
recommend the StreamProcessor approach. The benefit of this approach is that it
intrinsically supports filtering, transformation and also stateful operations against
streams. There is no need for other frameworks to apply their “magic” on top of
Apache Kafka® but instead stay in the pure event-first paradigm. Classic microservice
concerns such as service discovery, load balancing, online-offline or anything else are
solved natively by event streaming platform protocol.

We also hear about backpressure being a concern to control event throughput. I would
question if this is actually a requirement or marketing speak. Brokered systems like
Kafka provide huge buffers (the default in Kafka is two weeks) which negate the need
for explicit flow control for the vast majority of use cases. In the very few that remain
you can easily build backpressure as a control plane detail; it would be developed
using stream processors that analyze throughput patterns of events and apply rate
limiting events to the relevant producers.

You don’t need another microservice framework when you use Kafka; the
streaming protocol natively solves all conventional microservice concerns

Event sourcing is also another mechanism that can use a specific event sourcing
framework or be built into various microservice implementations; think of it like GitHub
for your application runtime state ;). With Kafka you get event storage for free; this is
different. Every producer, consumer and stream processor persists its state into a
Kafka stream.

However, for event-sourcing, things get more complex; the ability to rebuild application
state on demand needs a dedicated framework and process control to ensure point-in-
time or snapshot state is correctly rebuilt. You cannot simply start replaying events
from an offset and expect the downstream aggregates to be deterministically
reproduced as they were previously. There is replaying from the beginning of time and
replaying from a point in time; they are not the same thing.

Imagine if the balance of your bank account was suddenly reset to zero yesterday—
what happened to the previous state? With event sourcing, the previous state is
captured and used as the starting point. This is a fairly large topic, and it is common to
rebuild stream processing state stores from external state or roll out your own using
Kafka Streams. It is a topic that is “trending.” For more information, look at event
sourcing projects like EventStore and dive into this blog post.

Stream processor stateful operations like join, enrich, window, aggregate, etc., are
stored at the partition level, which means they can be resized according to throughput
and carry on processing patterns without missing any events. A single stream
processor instance might be operating against five partitions before it is shut down,
and then five are started to replace it. Those five instances will load the relevant
partition state from Kafka changelog topics and continue stream processing.

All of the trust and resilience is based upon the event streaming platform’s correctness
and guarantees of working with the commit log.

The final point on this topic is one which is often overlooked, and that is the language
ecosystem. There are a myriad of clients (producer and consumer) in languages from
Java, Scala, Python, Node, .NET, Python and Golang. They all use the native streaming
protocol which means elastic scaling, commit log correctness and all other guarantees
are supported. In terms of stream processing support there is Kafka Streams in Java,
Scala, Goka (a Golang implementation) and also a less complete derivative in nodejs.

Stepping through an example of an event

streaming app
Let’s combine all of the preceding concepts into a solution architecture. I‘m going to
present a single use case that captures the essence of everything discussed thus far—
namely, how I compose a business function of streams and stream processors.

This approach addresses:

1. Core function: Building an event streaming model for item bid activity and placement
2. Trust: Run it on rails with instrumentation and throughput monitoring
3. Control: Offline and rolling restart

1. Core function: Building the event streaming model for

item bid activity and analytics

A user bidding app, which is part of the auction platform

Let’s step through the above event streaming application:

1. This FaaS function will enrich, filter, geo-encode and validate the item before it is accepted
into the items stream. FaaS is a good fit because it is at the edge, and there won’t be
competing events, i.e., the same user won’t submit the same item within milliseconds of
each other. Once submitted, we enter the world of streaming. A stream processor instance
is running a queryable KTable of items that can be used to query against available items.
2. Our next flow is the bidding against certain items. At this point, the client has queried the
available items and is submitting bids to the /auctions/bids topic via a FaaS, which
enriches the event to a geo-IP grid or provides address validation. The stream processor
joins this stream with the items, creating an audit of bidding history stored on the
/auctions/bids/history topic.
3. To determine when an item has expired (sold, unsold, reserve not met), each stream
processor runs a future against its locally held item table (materialized view) so that upon
completion, the original item is updated to break the join between steps 1 and 2 (i.e., join
where item.status != complete ).
4. The change of item condition emits an new event to /auction/items-complete that
executes the item-complete processor. It looks at the bidding history where a series of
FaaS events are triggered.

The FaaS analytic function group in the top right of the diagram receives the entire
history of related events, generates bid offer spread analytics and notifies the users of
how the auction played out. The notification FaaS function simply emails the bidding
users in response to the initial set of success or failure events. In other words, you
either purchased this item or you were outbid.

This functionality can be extended in many ways. We can leverage the live bidding
stream for ad placement to attract bidders to similar items as the bidding time comes
to a close, or set their expectations about the historically successful price range of
similar items.
2. Trust: Run it on rails with Instrumentation and throughput
It’s always important to understand if the event streaming application is performing, if
it is meeting throughput requirements and provides sufficient insight about how it is
meeting business SLAs. More importantly, many newcomers to event-first design get
extremely concerned about knowing that an asynchronous application is actually
performing, failing or just working as expected; they don’t trust it. This is because
event streaming apps need to be “run on rails.” You not only monitor the happy path
but also track all other aspects like error handling with dead letter queues, business
metrics and flow metrics.

Instrumentation plane tracking application-wide metrics

Business metrics are collected by stream processors to aggregate the data patterns
and mapping them onto end-to-end business flows; these flows are identified by the
source and elapsed milliseconds. Outliers are identified by tracking end-to-end
latencies and drilling down to flow level metrics.

Flow metrics are the tracking individual components (microservices) where outliers
and other analytics can be identified.

Dead letter queues are just queues that are used where data quality or corrupt
messages are detected. In cases where event formats evolve, the dead letter queue
might be used in back testing to understand compatibility issues.

3. Control: Offline and rolling restart

Restarting stream processing microservices


Streaming apps tend to run continuously. It is critical that events are not missed, and
that any stateful operations are resumed without compromising the output stream.
Event streaming platforms support the ability to allow consumers to be turned off
while the producer still generates messages; they are stored in the log. Upon resuming
processing responsibility, the consumer’s process will pick up from where it left off.
Stateful operations will also be resumed using the event sourcing model, and state will
be pushed into the changelog streams.

The appealing aspect of the event streaming platform is that not only are all streams
replicated across multiple locations on the backend broker infrastructure but also that
all paths of failure and accuracy are catered for. Offline resilience means that
replacement containers can be spun up in a new location with a new application
version, and they will simply resume processing.

Rolling restart

Maintenance and operational requirements mean that the applications will inevitably
be redeployed and updated. In a 24×7 environment, we leverage the event streaming
platform’s consumer group protocol. This protocol ensures that members
(consumers) who join and leave the group are tracked and that partitions within a
stream will be redirected or rebalanced amongst the consumers as the population

As mentioned previously, stateful operations are also persisted as streams at the

partition or event-key level. Flexing consumers up and down, or cycling through a set
of consumers on a controlled fashion like a Kubernetes operator means that rolling
restart and elastic scaling are supported natively. As in the offline scenarios, the new
consumer processors simply event source the related state and carry on processing.

It’s a wrap
Being event first
Being event first or event driven is about recognizing the value of events. It’s about
going back to first principles, challenging every preconceived idea of how to build
distributed systems. Being event first means we change our methodology to an
interplay between modeling real world events as DDD, modeling events to capture
those use cases and implementing the dataflow of those events for individual use
cases. We also develop our monitoring and instrumentation as part of the
implementation in a different event plane.

All of these elements compound upon each other with the repeated notion that the
event captures a fact, a series of related events is a stream and that a stream tells a
story. This is how we think about system design and architecture.

Streams capture events; a series of events capture behavior; they tell a story

Microservice frameworks are also replaced by using the event streaming platform.
For years we have been consumed by various microservice frameworks and trappings
of the event-command pattern. The event streaming platform solves many first-class
concerns like event routing, service discovery, event sourcing, persistence and
elasticity. You, as the developer, choose how to run your stream processing
microservices. The streams of data flowing into and out of your microservice as well
as the internal state are persisted into Kafka.

You don’t need yet another microservice framework when you use Kafka as an
event streaming platform

Data evolution
Another benefit of the event streaming systems is that we can continuously extend the
functionality. We can add new processors to extract different sets of intelligence
stored within the event streaming patterns. This might be backtesting ad placement,
driving and calibrating machine learning, identifying user behavior by geography or
even tracking and identifying malicious users (HammerSnipe/auction stealing).

By storing only the events and never the commands, we have a wealth of capability
that not only allows the system to be refined, extended and proven but also supports
evolutionary change. As the domain or requirements change over time the platform
can support the evolution of the events where new fields are added, stream
processors might be updated or scaled and the architecture might change the event
stream, which brings us nicely to the future state where we see streaming in the cloud.

The future of programming

Evolutionary architectures represent the next generation of thinking about cloud. The
ability to compose data-driven, reactive architectures that leverage FaaS and elastic
stream processing while pushing down infrastructure concerns is the journey we are

There are many facets to this journey, but this story is one which will take time to
unfurl and become clear. We have seen many architecture revolutions in the past (e.g.,
big data and NoSQL), but it’s only when the principles of being event first are correctly
applied to the data platform do the qualities of evolvability become attainable. Only
then does it become possible for data and logic to change independently without
compromising the future runtime.

We have now baked into our ideology that events are the future. Making this a reality is
fun, but we are on a journey, one which will unfold as we continue to discover renewed
value of going back to first principles of distributed computing.
Interested in more?
Stay tuned for more posts on this topic, including the next in the series which focuses
on serverless: Part 3: The Affinity Between Events, Streams and Serverless, and part 4,
where I start building a solution architecture for the payment system from the ground
up and map it onto the event streaming platform and the Kafka architecture. I’ll provide
a deep dive on patterns for payment processing, instrumentation and flow control as
well. I also discuss the future of serverless and streaming with Tim Berglund in
episode 18 of the Streaming Audio podcast.

To learn more about event-driven systems, design and concepts, I highly recommend
Martin Kleppmann’s Designing Data-Intensive Applications and Ben Stopford’s book
Designing Event-Driven Systems.

If you’d like to know more, you can download the Confluent Platform, the leading
distribution of Apache Kafka.

Other articles in this series

Journey to Event Driven – Part 1: Why Event First Thinking Changes Everything
Journey to Event Driven – Part 3: The Affinity Between Events, Streams and Serverless
Journey to Event Driven – Part 4: Four Pillars of Event Streaming Microservices

As a technologist in the Office of the CTO at Confluent, Neil Avery is an industry expert in
the world of streaming, distributed systems and the next generation of technology.
Various aspects of the function include working with prominent customers, working
with product to drive innovation into the Kafka ecosystem and thought-lead about the
next frontier of innovation. He has over 25 years of expertise of working on distributed
computing, messaging and stream processing. He has built or redesigned commercial
messaging platforms. You can also follow him on Twitter.

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